Copyright 2013 by OASIS and Certain of its Members. All Rights Reserved.
Test Assertion: | BP1901 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=warning, false=failed |
Prescription: | permitted |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1904 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | permitted |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1905 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=warning, false=passed |
Prescription: | permitted |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1015 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1306 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1307 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1019 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1018 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1020 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1021 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1600 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1881 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1202 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1007 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1208 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1033 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1032 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1035 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1040a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1040b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1040c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1041 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1142a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | ( /wsil:testLog/wsil:descriptionFiles/wsil:descriptionFile/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/ wsdl:port[fn:local-name-from-QName(fn:resolve-QName(xsd:string(@binding), . )) = $myOpBinding/../@name ]/wsa:EndpointReference ) then (some $portEpr in /wsil:testLog/wsil:descriptionFiles/wsil:descriptionFile/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/ wsdl:port[fn:local-name-from-QName(fn:resolve-QName(xsd:string(@binding), . )) = $myOpBinding/../@name ]/wsa:EndpointReference satisfies ( $target/soap11:Header/wsa:To ) ) else fn:true() ) and ( if ( $myOpBinding/wsdl:output ) then ($target/soap11:Header/wsa:MessageID) else fn:true() ) and (: correct wsa:Action value :) (some $opmsg in /wsil:testLog/wsil:descriptionFiles/wsil:descriptionFile/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType/ wsdl:operation[ $myOpBinding/@name = @name ]/wsdl:input satisfies ($target/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = ( if ($opmsg/@wsam:Action) then $opmsg/@wsam:Action else fn:concat($opmsg/../../../@targetNamespace, if (not(fn:ends-with($opmsg/../../../@targetNamespace,'/'))) then '/' else '', $opmsg/../../@name, '/', if($opmsg/@name) then $opmsg/@name else fn:concat($opmsg/../@name, 'Request' ) ) ) ) ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1142b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1142c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1143a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1143b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1143c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1043a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Response | |
Predicate: | ( ($related-Response/soap11:Header/wsa:Action) and (not($related-Response/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault) or (not($target/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo) and $related-Response/soap11:Header/wsa:Action ne '')) ) then ( every $refP in $target/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:ReferenceParameters/* satisfies some $header in $related-Response/soap11:Header/*[@wsa:IsReferenceParameter='1'or @wsa:IsReferenceParameter = 'true'] satisfies fn:resolve-QName(fn:name($refP), $refP) = fn:resolve-QName(fn:name($header), $header) ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1043b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Response | |
Predicate: | ( ($related-Response/soap11:Header/wsa:Action) and ($related-Response/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault) ) then ( every $refP in $target/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:ReferenceParameters/* satisfies some $header in $related-Response/soap11:Header/*[@wsa:IsReferenceParameter='1'or @wsa:IsReferenceParameter = 'true'] satisfies fn:resolve-QName(fn:name($refP), $refP) = fn:resolve-QName(fn:name($header), $header) ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1153a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1153b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | ( /wsil:testLog/wsil:descriptionFiles/wsil:descriptionFile/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/wsdl:port[ fn:local-name-from-QName(fn:resolve-QName(xsd:string(@binding), . )) = $myOpBinding/../@name and not(wsa:EndpointReference)] ) then ( not (/wsil:testLog/wsil:messageLog/wsil:message[(@type = 'response' and @conversation = $target/../../@conversation) or (.//soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:RelatesTo = $target/soap11:Header/wsa:MessageID)] /wsil:messageContents/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault ) ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1125a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1125b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1126a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1126b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1144 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1146 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myRequestMsg | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1152a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myRequestMsg | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1152b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myRequestMsg | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1152c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1002 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1001 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP1002 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1006 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1100 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1101 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2703 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2704 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2101 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2803 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2103 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2202 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2098 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2105 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2018 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2700 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2034 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2201 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2104 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2101 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2123 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2416 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2417 |
Description: | targetNamespace
attribute on the
element, or to a namespace defined in the
attribute on an
element within the
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | targetNamespace
attribute on the
element, or a namespace defined in the
attribute on an
element within the
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2106 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2107 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2108b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2108a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2110 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1204 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2124 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2125 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2111 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2119 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2013 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1211aOLD |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2112 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | permitted |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2012 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1212a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1212b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1213a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1213b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1214a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1214b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2113 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2114 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2115 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1012a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1012b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2208 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2010 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2014 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2116 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2402 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2403 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 BP2402 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2404 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 BP2402 BP2403 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2017 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2404 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2406 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2705 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2709 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | permitted |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2120b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: imagesig | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2120a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: imagesig | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2711 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | preferred |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1011a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1011b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1111a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1111b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2019 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2406 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2020 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2117 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2017 BP2406 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2118 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myportype | |
Predicate: | (some $bop in $target/wsdl:operation satisfies $bop/@name = $operation/@name)) and (count(wsdl:operation) = count($myportype/wsdl:operation)) and not(wsdl:operation[@name = preceding-sibling::wsdl:operation/@name ]) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2021 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Prerequisite: | BP2703 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2022 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2032 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1005 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
co-Target: myOpBindings | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1008a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1008b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | wsdl:operation [fn:string-join((@name, 'Response' ),'' ) = fn:local-name-from-QName(node-name($target/soap11:Body/*[1]))] |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1755a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1755b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1010 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1009a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1009b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1009c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1009d |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1116a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | BP1006 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1116b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Prerequisite: | BP1006 |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2122 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: metadata | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1090a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: relatedRequest | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1090b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: relatedRequest | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP2801 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpDefinition | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP3002 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP3001 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP3003 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1211a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1211b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: myOpBinding | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1205 |
Description: | soap11:encodingStyle
attributes on any of the elements whose namespace name is "".
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1013 |
Description: | soap11:mustUnderstand attribute MUST only use the lexical forms
"0" and "1".
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | soap11:mustUnderstand attribute has a value other than 1 or 0.
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1126 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1260 |
Description: | soap11:Fault element MUST NOT have element children other than
faultcode , faultstring , faultactor and detail .
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | faultcode , faultstring ,
faultactor , or detail .
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1261 |
Description: | soap11:Fault element MUST be unqualified.
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1262 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1263 |
Description: | soap11:Envelope following the
soap11:Body element.
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | soap11:Body element is followed by a sibling element
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1264 |
Description: | |
Target: | |
Predicate: | |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1149a |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | ( ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo and not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = '')) or ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo and not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = '')) ) then ( not ($target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault) or fn:ends-with($target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode, 'OnlyAnonymousAddressSupported') ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1149b |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | ( ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo and not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = '')) or ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo and not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = '')) ) then ( $target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1149c |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | ( not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo) or $related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address='' or $related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address='' ) then ( not ($target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault) or fn:ends-with($target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode, 'OnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupported') ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=warning |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion: | BP1149d |
Description: | |
Target: | |
co-Target: related-Request | |
Predicate: | ( not ($related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo) or $related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address='' or $related-Request/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address='' ) then ( $target/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault ) else fn:true() ) |
Reporting: | true=passed, false=failed |
Prescription: | mandatory |
Error Message: | |
Diagnostic Data: |
Test Assertion Part | What it means: |
Test Assertion ID: | [markup: testAssertion/@id] (required) A unique ID for the current test assertion. |
Description: | [markup: testAssertion/description ] (optional) A plain text description of the current test assertion. At minimum expressing the TA predicate. |
Comments: | [markup: testAssertion/comments ] (optional) A plain text comment about the TA script and how well it covers the profile requirement. Explanation material for users, and developers (what could be improved, etc.). |
Target: | [markup: testAssertion/target ] (required) The artifacts to be tested, defined by an XPath expression that returns a list of XML nodes from the log file in input. For every artifact (node) selected by the Target expression, there will be a report entry for this TA in the test report, with a result of either:
See the "reporting" item for the meaning of these results. |
Cotarget: | [markup: testAssertion/cotarget ] (optional) Artifact that is related to the target, and that needs be accessed for the testing. Identified by an XPath expression that may refer to the related target node using the variable '$target'. For example, the target can be a SOAP message and the cotarget the WSDL file that describes this SOAP message. A cotarget must have a @name attribute that identifies it. The value of this attribute can be used as a variable (when prepending '$' to it) by subsequently defined cotargets, prerequisite and predicate. |
Prerequisite: | [markup: testAssertion/@preReq ] (optional) [markup: testAssertion/prerequisite ] (optional) The pre-condition for evaluating this Test Assertion on this target. If the prerequisite evaluates to "false" then the target does not qualify for this Test Assertion (the test report is "notRelevant") The first part (preReq attribute) is an enumeration of Test Assertion IDs. Each one of the prerequisite TAs must either use the same target (e.g. SOAP Envelope, or WSDL binding, etc.) as this TA, or a target that is of a more general type than the main TA target. The target must "pass" each one of these prerequisite TAs in order to qualify for this TA. (e.g. the target of TA t1 can be a WSDL binding while the target of a TA t2 prerequisite of t1, can be the entire WSDL file). The second part ("prerequisite" element) is an XPath (boolean) expression of the same nature as the predicate. If present, it must evaluate to "true" for the target to qualify. If it fails, the result for the current TA in the report will be "notRelevant". Otherwise, the target can be further evaluated by the predicate of the main TA. The expression may refer to the target explicitly using the variable name "$target", or to any cotarget using its name as variable name ($[name]). |
Predicate: | [markup: testAssertion/predicate] required element] A logical expression that evaluates whether this target is fulfilling the profile requirement addressed by this test Assertion. By default: - A result of true means the requirement is fulfilled (reported as a "passed" in the test report).- A result of false means the requirement is violated (reported as a "failed" in the test report). However, in some cases and for testability reasons, the predicate may be designed as a partial indicator e.g. only indicates some cases of fulfillment, or some cases of violation. As a result, when "true" indicates fulfillment it may be that "false" is unconclusive, or conversely "false" will indicate violation, but "true" is unconclusive. In such cases, the "Reporting" element specifies the meaning of the predicate result w/r to the profile requirement. The predicate expression implicitly refers to the target (whic is its "XPath context") although it may explicitly refer to it using the variable name "$target". It may refer to any cotarget using its name as variable name ($[name]). |
Prescription: | [markup: testAssertion/prescription/@level ] (required) Conveys the level of prescription associated with the profile requirement. At least three values may be used:
Reporting: | [markup: testAssertion/reporting ] (optional) For each possible outcome of the predicate (true or false), specifies how it must be interpreted w/r to the profile feature. Two attributes are used that both must be present, when this element is present:
NOTES: the predicate of the TA may be worded in a negative way so that @false='passed' although that is not recommended. The result of a test should not be related to the prescription level, e.g. a "preferred" or "permitted" level should not imply that @false='warning'. Other test results that are automatically generated and not controlled by the "reporting" element are: