ForecastRevision - UBL 2.1 PRD4 - 20130514-1250z


Profile short name ForecastRevision
Domain UBL 2.1 PRD4 deliverables
Title UBL 2.1 PRD4
Document reference
Description This is an untouched Forecast Revision profile from UBL 2.1 PRD4 comprised of a single document type.

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Rendering: 20130514-1250z

Legends: Summary Legend: Name (Module line Object) TYPE Description
Table Legend: ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name)
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination)
Line number links: alternate between summary view and table view


This summary of elements only includes those members of the common library that are referenced directly or indirectly by ForecastRevision.


AcceptanceTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1789 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The acceptance of goods in this shipment stage.
AccountFormatCode (CommonLibrary 849 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the format of this financial account.
AccountID (CommonLibrary 522 CreditAccount) BBIE An identifier for this credit account.




(558 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) A customer contact for accounting.
(1905 SupplierParty) ASBIE (Contact) A contact at this supplier party for accounting.




(57 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The accounting cost centre used by the buyer to account for this allowance or charge, expressed as text.
(1011 InvoiceLine) BBIE The buyer's accounting cost centre for this invoice line, expressed as text.




(56 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The accounting cost centre used by the buyer to account for this allowance or charge, expressed as a code.
(1010 InvoiceLine) BBIE The buyer's accounting cost centre for this invoice line, expressed as a code.
AccountTypeCode (CommonLibrary 848 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the type of this financial account.
ActionCode (CommonLibrary 2149 TransactionConditions) BBIE A code signifying a type of action relating to sales or payment conditions.




(11) ABIE A class to define a name/value pair for a property of an inventory planning activity.
(1699 SalesItem) ASBIE A class to describe the activity (for example "sales", "movement", ...) related to the item.
ActualArrivalTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1804 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The actual arrival at a specific location during a transportation service.
ActualDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 595 Delivery) BBIE The actual date of delivery.
ActualDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 596 Delivery) BBIE The actual time of delivery.
ActualDepartureTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1802 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The actual departure from a specific location during a transportation service.
ActualDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 637 Despatch) BBIE The actual despatch (pickup) date.
ActualDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 638 Despatch) BBIE The actual despatch (pickup) time.
ActualPackage (CommonLibrary 2257 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Package) A package contained in this transport handling unit.
ActualPickupDate (CommonLibrary 1451 Pickup) BBIE The actual pickup date.
ActualPickupTime (CommonLibrary 1452 Pickup) BBIE The actual pickup time.
ActualPickupTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1785 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The pickup of goods in this shipment stage.
ActualWaypointTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1803 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The location of an actual waypoint during a transportation service.






(555 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the customer's account, assigned by a third party.
(1901 SupplierParty) BBIE An additional identifier for this supplier party.
AdditionalDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 120 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to an additional document.




(960 HazardousItem) BBIE Text providing further information about the hazardous substance.
(1039 Item) BBIE Further details regarding this item (e.g., the URL of a relevant web page).
AdditionalItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1048 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) An additional identifier for this item.




(1056 Item) ASBIE (ItemProperty) An additional property of this item.
(1087 ItemInstance) ASBIE (ItemProperty) An additional property of this item instance.
(1204 LotIdentification) ASBIE (ItemProperty) An additional property of the lot.
AdditionalStreetName (CommonLibrary 22 Address) BBIE An additional street name used to further clarify the address.
AdditionalTemperature (CommonLibrary 979 HazardousItem) ASBIE (Temperature) Another temperature relevant to the handling of this hazardous item.




(14) ABIE A class to define common information related to an address.
ApplicableAddress(2146 TradingTerms) ApplicableTerritoryAddress(1095 ItemLocationQuantity) DeliveryAddress(601 Delivery) DespatchAddress(643 Despatch) JurisdictionRegionAddress(517 CorporateRegistrationScheme) JurisdictionRegionAddress(1923 TaxScheme) LocationAddress(629 DependentPriceReference) OriginAddress(935 GoodsItem) OriginAddress(1059 Item) OriginAddress(1748 Shipment) PostalAddress(1322 Party) RegistrationAddress(1345 PartyLegalEntity) RegistrationAddress(1357 PartyTaxScheme) ResidenceAddress(1443 Person) ReturnAddress(1747 Shipment)
(130 Branch) ASBIE The address of this branch or division.
(863 FinancialInstitution) ASBIE The address of this financial institution.
(1189 Location) ASBIE The address of this location.
AddressFormatCode (CommonLibrary 17 Address) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the format of this address.




(42) ABIE A class to define an unstructured address line.
(39 Address) ASBIE An unstructured address line.
AddressTypeCode (CommonLibrary 16 Address) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the type of this address.
AdjustmentReasonCode (CommonLibrary 893 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE A code signifying the reason for the adjustment specified in this forecast revision line.






(1328 Party) ASBIE (Party) A party who acts as an agent for this party.
(1465 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) The party who acts as an agent or fiduciary for the principal and who holds this power of attorney on behalf of the principal.


AircraftID (CommonLibrary 45 AirTransport) BBIE An identifer for a specific aircraft.
AirFlowPercent (CommonLibrary 2165 TransportEquipment) BBIE The percent of the airflow within this piece of transport equipment.




(44) ABIE A class to identify a specific aircraft used for transportation.
(2281 TransportMeans) ASBIE An aircraft used for transport.


AliasName (CommonLibrary 847 FinancialAccount) BBIE An alias for the name of this financial account, to be used in place of the actual account name for security reasons.




(46) ABIE A class to describe information about a charge or discount as applied to a price component.
ExtraAllowanceCharge(383 Consignment) FreightAllowanceCharge(382 Consignment) FreightAllowanceCharge(931 GoodsItem) FreightAllowanceCharge(1793 ShipmentStage) FreightAllowanceCharge(1752 Shipment) FreightAllowanceCharge(2205 TransportEquipment) ServiceAllowanceCharge(2204 TransportEquipment)
(125 BillingReferenceLine) ASBIE An allowance or charge applicable to the transaction line.
(622 DeliveryTerms) ASBIE An allowance or charge covered by these delivery terms.
(1024 InvoiceLine) ASBIE An allowance or charge associated with this invoice line.
(1100 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE An allowance or charge associated with this item location quantity.
(1477 Price) ASBIE An allowance or charge associated with this price.
AllowanceChargeReason (CommonLibrary 50 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The reason for this allowance or charge.
AllowanceChargeReasonCode (CommonLibrary 49 AllowanceCharge) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the reason for this allowance or charge.
AlternativeConditionPrice (CommonLibrary 1489 PricingReference) ASBIE (Price) The price expressed in terms other than the actual price, e.g., the list price v. the contracted price, or the price in bags v. the price in kilos, or the list price in bags v. the contracted price in kilos.
AlternativeDeliveryLocation (CommonLibrary 603 Delivery) ASBIE (Location) An alternative delivery location.
AltitudeMeasure (CommonLibrary 1200 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The altitude of the location.






(54 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The monetary amount of this allowance or charge to be applied.
(124 BillingReferenceLine) BBIE The monetary amount of the transaction line, including any allowances and charges but excluding taxes.
(620 DeliveryTerms) BBIE The monetary amount covered by these delivery terms.
(1400 PaymentTerms) BBIE The monetary amount covered by these payment terms.
(1480 PriceExtension) BBIE The amount of this price extension.


AnimalFoodApprovedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2167 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is approved for animal food (true) or not (false).
AnimalFoodIndicator (CommonLibrary 313 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are animal foodstuffs (true) or not (false).


ApplicableAddress (CommonLibrary 2146 TradingTerms) ASBIE (Address) The address at which these trading terms apply.
ApplicableTaxCategory (CommonLibrary 1098 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE (TaxCategory) A tax category applicable to this item location quantity.
ApplicableTerritoryAddress (CommonLibrary 1095 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE (Address) The applicable sales territory.
ApplicableTransportMeans (CommonLibrary 2200 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportMeans) The applicable transport means associated with this piece of transport equipment.


AttachedTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2206 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEquipment) A piece of transport equipment attached to this piece of transport equipment.




(68) ABIE A class to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.
DigitalSignatureAttachment(1824 Signature)
(690 DocumentReference) ASBIE The referenced document as an attachment to the document from which it is referenced.




(284 Condition) BBIE An identifier for the attribute that applies to the condition.
(667 Dimension) BBIE An identifier for the attribute to which the measure applies.
(1445 PhysicalAttribute) BBIE An identifier for this physical attribute.
(1980 Temperature) BBIE An identifier for this temperature measurement.


AvailabilityTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1778 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The making available of shipments in this shipment stage.


BackorderQuantity (CommonLibrary 657 DespatchLine) BBIE The quantity on back order at the supplier.
BackorderReason (CommonLibrary 658 DespatchLine) BBIE The reason for the back order.
BarcodeSymbologyID (CommonLibrary 1069 ItemIdentification) BBIE An identifier for a system of barcodes.
BaseAmount (CommonLibrary 55 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount of this allowance or charge.
BaseQuantity (CommonLibrary 1470 Price) BBIE The quantity at which this price applies.




(1911 TaxCategory) BBIE A Unit of Measures used as the basic for the tax calculation applied at a certain rate per unit.
(1930 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The unit of measure on which the tax calculation is based
BatchQuantity (CommonLibrary 624 DeliveryUnit) BBIE The quantity of ordered Items that constitutes a batch for delivery purposes.


BestBeforeDate (CommonLibrary 1084 ItemInstance) BBIE The date before which it is best to use this item instance.






(113) ABIE A class to define a reference to a billing document.
(1018 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A reference to a billing document associated with this invoice line.




(122) ABIE A class to define a reference to a transaction line in a billing document.
(121 BillingReference) ASBIE A reference to a transaction line in the billing document.
BillOfLadingHolderParty (CommonLibrary 369 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party holding the bill of lading for this consignment.
BirthDate (CommonLibrary 1437 Person) BBIE This person's date of birth.
BirthplaceName (CommonLibrary 1438 Person) BBIE The name of the place where this person was born, expressed as text.


BlockName (CommonLibrary 23 Address) BBIE The name of the block (an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings) in which this address is located.


Branch (CommonLibrary 126) ABIE A class to describe a branch or a division of an organization.
FinancialInstitutionBranch(852 FinancialAccount)
BrandName (CommonLibrary 1041 Item) BBIE A brand name of this item.
BrokerAssignedID (CommonLibrary 295 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the broker.


BuildingName (CommonLibrary 24 Address) BBIE The name of a building.
BuildingNumber (CommonLibrary 25 Address) BBIE The number of a building within the street.
BulkCargoIndicator (CommonLibrary 316 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are bulk cargoes (true) or not (false).
BuyerContact (CommonLibrary 559 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) A customer contact for purchasing.
BuyerCustomerParty (ForecastRevision 21) ASBIE (CustomerParty) The buyer.
BuyersItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1043 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) Identifying information for this item, assigned by the buyer.


CalculationMethodCode (CommonLibrary 715 EmissionCalculationMethod) BBIE A code signifying the method used to calculate the emission.
CalculationRate (CommonLibrary 828 ExchangeRate) BBIE The factor applied to the source currency to calculate the target currency.
CalculationSequenceNumeric (CommonLibrary 1927 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The number of this tax subtotal in the sequence of subtotals corresponding to the order in which multiple taxes are applied. If all taxes are applied to the same taxable amount (i.e., their order of application is inconsequential), then CalculationSequenceNumeric is 1 for all tax subtotals applied to a given amount.
CanonicalizationMethod (CommonLibrary 1821 Signature) BBIE The method used to perform XML canonicalization of this signature.




(146) ABIE A class to define a credit card, debit card, or charge card account.
(1385 PaymentMeans) ASBIE A credit card, debit card, or charge card account that constitutes this means of payment.
CardChipCode (CommonLibrary 155 CardAccount) BBIE A mutually agreed code to distinguish between CHIP and MAG STRIPE cards.
CardTypeCode (CommonLibrary 149 CardAccount) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the type of card. Examples of types are "debit", "credit" and "purchasing"
CargoTypeCode (CommonLibrary 268 CommodityClassification) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the type of cargo for purposes of commodity classification.
CarrierAssignedID (CommonLibrary 291 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the carrier.




(357 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party providing the transport of goods in this consignment between named points.
(607 Delivery) ASBIE (Party) The party responsible for delivering the goods.
(646 Despatch) ASBIE (Party) The party carrying the goods.
(1771 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Party) A carrier party responsible for this shipment stage.
CarrierServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 321 Consignment) BBIE Service instructions to the carrier, expressed as text.
CatalogueDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1049 Item) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to the catalogue in which this item appears.
CatalogueIndicator (CommonLibrary 1036 Item) BBIE An indicator that this item was ordered from a catalogue (true) or not (false).
CatalogueItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1047 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) Identifying information for this item, assigned according to a cataloguing system.
CategoryName (CommonLibrary 965 HazardousItem) BBIE The name of the category of hazard that applies to the Item.






(218) ABIE A class to define a certificate applied to the item. Certificated can be a requirement to sell goods or services in a jurisdiction.
(1061 Item) ASBIE A certificate associated with this item.
CertificateType (CommonLibrary 221 Certificate) BBIE The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc.
CertificateTypeCode (CommonLibrary 220 Certificate) BBIE The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc.


Channel (CommonLibrary 273 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as text.
ChannelCode (CommonLibrary 272 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as a code.
Characteristics (CommonLibrary 2171 TransportEquipment) BBIE Characteristics of this piece of transport equipment.
CharacterSetCode (CommonLibrary 841 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the character set of an external document.
ChargeableQuantity (CommonLibrary 926 GoodsItem) BBIE The number of units in the goods item to which charges apply.




(307 Consignment) BBIE The weight upon which a charge is to be based.
(917 GoodsItem) BBIE The weight on which a charge is to be based.
ChargeIndicator (CommonLibrary 48 AllowanceCharge) BBIE An indicator that this AllowanceCharge describes a charge (true) or a discount (false).
ChildConsignment (CommonLibrary 352 Consignment) ASBIE (Consignment) One of the child consignments of which a consolidated consignment is composed.
ChildConsignmentQuantity (CommonLibrary 343 Consignment) BBIE The quantity of (consolidated) child consignments
ChipApplicationID (CommonLibrary 156 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier on the chip card for the application that provides the quoted information; an AID (application ID).


CityName (CommonLibrary 32 Address) BBIE The name of a city, town, or village.
CitySubdivisionName (CommonLibrary 31 Address) BBIE The name of the subdivision of a city, town, or village in which this address is located, such as the name of its district or borough.


ClassifiedTaxCategory (CommonLibrary 1055 Item) ASBIE (TaxCategory) A tax category applicable to this item.




(263) ABIE A class to define a clause (a distinct article or provision) in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written document requiring compliance.
(1376 PaymentMandate) ASBIE A clause applicable to this payment mandate.
(2142 TradeFinancing) ASBIE A clause applicable to this trade financing instrument.


CollectPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 379 Consignment) ASBIE (PaymentTerms) The terms of payment that apply to the collection of this consignment.




(266) ABIE A class to describe the classification of a commodity.
SupportedCommodityClassification(2322 TransportationService) UnsupportedCommodityClassification(2323 TransportationService)
(1052 Item) ASBIE A classification of this item according to a specific system for classifying commodities.
(2321 TransportationService) ASBIE A classification of this transportation service.
CommodityCode (CommonLibrary 269 CommodityClassification) BBIE The harmonized international commodity code for cross border and regulatory (customs and trade statistics) purposes.
Communication (CommonLibrary 271) ABIE A class to describe a means of communication.
OtherCommunication(476 Contact)




(1336 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An identifier for the party as registered within a company registration scheme.
(1353 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE An identifier for the party assigned for tax purposes by the taxation authority.
CompanyLegalForm (CommonLibrary 1340 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The company legal status, expressed as a text.
CompanyLegalFormCode (CommonLibrary 1339 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE A code signifying the party's legal status.
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode (CommonLibrary 1342 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE A code signifying the party's liquidation status.
CompletionIndicator (CommonLibrary 2226 TransportEvent) BBIE An indicator that this transport event has been completed (true) or not (false).




(2217 TransportEquipmentSeal) BBIE The condition of this transport equipment seal.
(283) ABIE A class to define a measurable condition of an object.
(1861 Status) ASBIE Measurements that quantify the condition of the objects covered by the status.
ConditionCode (CommonLibrary 1850 Status) BBIE Specifies the status condition of the related object.
Conditions (CommonLibrary 1182 Location) BBIE Free-form text describing the physical conditions of the location.
ConsigneeAssignedID (CommonLibrary 292 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the consignee.
ConsigneeParty (CommonLibrary 353 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) A party to which goods are consigned.




(289) ABIE A class to describe an identifiable collection of one or more goods items to be transported between the consignor and the consignee. This information may be defined within a transport contract. A consignment may comprise more than one shipment (e.g., when consolidated by a freight forwarder).
ChildConsignment(352 Consignment)
(1742 Shipment) ASBIE A consignment covering this shipment.




(339 Consignment) BBIE The count in this consignment considering goods items, child consignments, shipments
(1741 Shipment) BBIE The total number of consignments within this shipment.
ConsignorAssignedID (CommonLibrary 293 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the consignor.
ConsignorParty (CommonLibrary 355 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party consigning goods, as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
ConsolidatableIndicator (CommonLibrary 340 Consignment) BBIE An indicator that this consignment can be consolidated (true) or not (false).
ConsolidatedShipment (CommonLibrary 345 Consignment) ASBIE (Shipment) A consolidated shipment (a shipment created by an act of consolidation).
ConsumerUnitQuantity (CommonLibrary 625 DeliveryUnit) BBIE The quantity of units in the Delivery Unit expressed in the units used by the consumer.




(469) ABIE A class to describe a contactable person or department in an organization.
AccountingContact(558 CustomerParty) AccountingContact(1905 SupplierParty) BuyerContact(559 CustomerParty) DeliveryContact(557 CustomerParty) DespatchContact(1904 SupplierParty) SellerContact(1716 ServiceProviderParty) SellerContact(1906 SupplierParty)
(648 Despatch) ASBIE The primary contact for this despatch (pickup).
(1326 Party) ASBIE The primary contact for this party.
(1440 Person) ASBIE Contact information for this person.
(2229 TransportEvent) ASBIE A contact associated with this transport event.
ContactParty (CommonLibrary 974 HazardousItem) ASBIE (Party) The individual, group, or body to be contacted in case of a hazardous incident associated with this item.
ContainedGoodsItem (CommonLibrary 934 GoodsItem) ASBIE (GoodsItem) A goods item contained in this goods item.
ContainedInTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2211 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEquipment) A piece of transport equipment contained in this piece of transport equipment.
ContainedPackage (CommonLibrary 1304 Package) ASBIE (Package) A package contained within this package.
ContainerizedIndicator (CommonLibrary 317 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are containerized cargoes (true) or not (false).
ContainingPackage (CommonLibrary 940 GoodsItem) ASBIE (Package) A package containing this goods item.
ContainingTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 1305 Package) ASBIE (TransportEquipment) The piece of transport equipment containing this package.
Content (CommonLibrary 265 Clause) BBIE The text of this clause.
Contract (CommonLibrary 477) ABIE A class to describe a contract.
ForeignExchangeContract(831 ExchangeRate) TransportContract(373 Consignment)




(489 Contract) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a contract document.
(2138 TradeFinancing) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a contract document.
ContractedCarrierAssignedID (CommonLibrary 296 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the contracted carrier.
ContractType (CommonLibrary 484 Contract) BBIE The type of this contract, expressed as text, such as "Cost plus award fee" and "Cost plus fixed fee" from UNCEFACT Contract Type code list.
ContractTypeCode (CommonLibrary 483 Contract) BBIE The type of this contract, expressed as a code, such as "Cost plus award fee" and "Cost plus fixed fee" from UNCEFACT Contract Type code list.
ContractualDelivery (CommonLibrary 491 Contract) ASBIE (Delivery) In a transportation contract, the delivery of the services required to book the services specified in the contract.
CoordinateSystemCode (CommonLibrary 1193 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the location system used.




(678 DocumentReference) BBIE An indicator that the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
(1286 OrderReference) BBIE Indicates whether the referenced Order is a copy (true) or the original (false).
ForecastRevision (8) BBIE Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).




(513) ABIE A class to describe a scheme for corporate registration.
(1346 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE The corporate registration scheme used to register the party.
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 516 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE A code signifying the type of this registration scheme.
CorporateStockAmount (CommonLibrary 1343 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The number of shares in the capital stock of a corporation.




(518) ABIE A class to describe a country.
ExportCountry(1751 Shipment) FinalDestinationCountry(371 Consignment) OriginalDepartureCountry(370 Consignment) OriginCountry(1051 Item) TransitCountry(372 Consignment)
(40 Address) ASBIE The country in which this address is situated.
(853 FinancialAccount) ASBIE The country in which the holder of the financial account is domiciled.




(34 Address) BBIE The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as the name of its county, province, or state, expressed as text.
(1183 Location) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as text.




(35 Address) BBIE The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as a county, province, or state, expressed as a code (typically nationally agreed).
(1184 Location) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.






(521) ABIE A class to identify a credit account for sales on account.
(1388 PaymentMeans) ASBIE A credit account associated with this means of payment.
CreditNoteDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 116 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a credit note.
CrewMemberPerson (CommonLibrary 1811 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) A person operating or serving aboard a transport means.
CrewQuantity (CommonLibrary 1768 ShipmentStage) BBIE The total number of crew aboard a transport means.






(850 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the currency in which this financial account is held.
(1922 TaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the currency in which the tax is collected and reported.
CurrentStatus (CommonLibrary 2228 TransportEvent) ASBIE (Status) The current status of this transport event.




(553 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the customer's account, assigned by the customer itself.
(1900 SupplierParty) BBIE An identifier for this supplier party, assigned by the customer.
CustomerParty (CommonLibrary 552) ABIE A class to describe a customer party.
BuyerCustomerParty(21 ForecastRevision)
CustomerReference (CommonLibrary 1290 OrderReference) BBIE Text used for tagging purchasing card transactions.
CustomizationID (ForecastRevision 4) BBIE Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
CustomsAgentParty (CommonLibrary 1791 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Party) A customs agent associated with this shipment stage.
CustomsClearanceServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 322 Consignment) BBIE Service instructions for customs clearance, expressed as text.




(560) ABIE A class describing identifiers or references relating to customs procedures.
(346 Consignment) ASBIE A class describing identifiers or references relating to customs procedures.
(2270 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE Describes identifiers or references relating to customs procedures.
CustomsImportClassifiedIndicator (CommonLibrary 925 GoodsItem) BBIE An indicator that this goods item has been classified for import by customs (true) or not (false).
CustomsStatusCode (CommonLibrary 923 GoodsItem) BBIE A code assigned by customs to signify the status of this goods item.
CustomsTariffQuantity (CommonLibrary 924 GoodsItem) BBIE Quantity of the units in this goods item as required by customs for tariff, statistical, or fiscal purposes.


CV2ID (CommonLibrary 154 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier for the Card Verification Value (often found on the reverse of the card itself).






(2172 TransportEquipment) BBIE Damage associated with this piece of transport equipment.
(2253 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE Text describing damage associated with this transport handling unit.
DangerousGoodsApprovedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2169 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is approved for dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
DataSendingCapability (CommonLibrary 1902 SupplierParty) BBIE Text describing the supplier's ability to send invoice data via a purchase card provider (e.g., VISA, MasterCard, American Express).
Date (CommonLibrary 830 ExchangeRate) BBIE The date on which the exchange rate was established.


DebitNoteDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 118 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a debit note.




(300 Consignment) BBIE The total declared value for customs purposes of all the goods in this consignment, regardless of whether they are subject to the same customs procedure, tariff/statistical categorization, country information, or duty regime.
(908 GoodsItem) BBIE The total declared value for customs purposes of the goods item.
(1734 Shipment) BBIE The total declared value for customs purposes of those goods in this shipment that are subject to the same customs procedure and have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime.




(333 Consignment) BBIE The value of this consignment, declared by the shipper or his agent solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.
(909 GoodsItem) BBIE The value of this goods item, declared by the shipper or his agent solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.
(1735 Shipment) BBIE The value of this shipment, declared by the shipper or his agent solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.




(334 Consignment) BBIE The value, declared for statistical purposes, of those goods in this consignment that have the same statistical heading.
(910 GoodsItem) BBIE The total declared value of all the goods items in the same consignment with this goods item that have the same statistical heading.
(1736 Shipment) BBIE The value, declared for statistical purposes, of those goods in this shipment that have the same statistical heading.
DeliveredQuantity (CommonLibrary 656 DespatchLine) BBIE The quantity despatched (picked up).




(590) ABIE A class to describe a delivery.
ContractualDelivery(491 Contract)
(936 GoodsItem) ASBIE The delivery of this goods item.
(1022 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A delivery associated with this invoice line.
(1309 Package) ASBIE The delivery of this package.
(1745 Shipment) ASBIE The delivery of this shipment.
(2207 TransportEquipment) ASBIE The delivery of this piece of transport equipment.
DeliveryAddress (CommonLibrary 601 Delivery) ASBIE (Address) The delivery address.
DeliveryContact (CommonLibrary 557 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) A customer contact for deliveries.




(338 Consignment) BBIE A set of delivery instructions relating to this consignment.
(1739 Shipment) BBIE Delivery instructions relating to this shipment.




(602 Delivery) ASBIE (Location) The delivery location.
(621 DeliveryTerms) ASBIE (Location) The location for the contracted delivery.
DeliveryParty (CommonLibrary 608 Delivery) ASBIE (Party) The party to whom the goods are delivered.




(615) ABIE A class for describing the terms and conditions applying to the delivery of goods.
(377 Consignment) ASBIE The conditions agreed upon between a seller and a buyer with regard to the delivery of goods and/or services (e.g., CIF, FOB, or EXW from the INCOTERMS Terms of Delivery).
(611 Delivery) ASBIE Terms and conditions relating to the delivery.
(1029 InvoiceLine) ASBIE Terms and conditions of the delivery associated with this invoice line.




(1786 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The delivery of goods in this shipment stage.
(2195 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A delivery of this piece of transport equipment.




(623) ABIE A class to describe a delivery unit.
MaximumDeliveryUnit(613 Delivery) MinimumDeliveryUnit(612 Delivery)
(1097 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE A delivery unit in which the item is located.
(1308 Package) ASBIE A delivery unit within this package.
DemurrageInstructions (CommonLibrary 1767 ShipmentStage) BBIE Text of instructions relating to demurrage (the case in which a vessel is prevented from loading or discharging cargo within the stipulated laytime).
Department (CommonLibrary 27 Address) BBIE The department of the addressee.
DependentLineReference (CommonLibrary 630 DependentPriceReference) ASBIE (LineReference) A reference to a line that the price is depended of.




(627) ABIE A class to define the price of an item as a percentage of the price of a different item.
(1101 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE The price of the item as a percentage of the price of some other item.




(286 Condition) BBIE Text describing the attribute that applies to the condition.
(487 Contract) BBIE Text describing this contract.
(669 Dimension) BBIE Text describing the measurement attribute.
(743 EnvironmentalEmission) BBIE Text describing this environmental emission.
(843 ExternalReference) BBIE Text describing the external object.
(889 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE Text describing the revision to this line.
(906 GoodsItem) BBIE Text describing this goods item to identify it for customs, statistical, or transport purposes.
(1033 Item) BBIE Text describing this item.
(1181 Location) BBIE Text describing this location.
(1425 Period) BBIE A description of this period, expressed as text.
(1448 PhysicalAttribute) BBIE A description of the physical attribute, expressed as text.
(1463 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Text describing this power of attorney.
(1853 Status) BBIE Text describing this status.
(1982 Temperature) BBIE Text describing this temperature measurement.
(2150 TransactionConditions) BBIE Text describing the transaction conditions.
(2173 TransportEquipment) BBIE Text describing this piece of transport equipment.
(2225 TransportEvent) BBIE Text describing this transport event.




(1424 Period) BBIE A description of this period, expressed as a code.
(1447 PhysicalAttribute) BBIE A description of the physical attribute, expressed as a code.




(631) ABIE A class to describe the despatching of goods (their pickup for delivery).
(610 Delivery) ASBIE The despatch (pickup) associated with this delivery.
(938 GoodsItem) ASBIE The despatch of this goods item.
(1311 Package) ASBIE The despatch of this package.
(2209 TransportEquipment) ASBIE The despatch of this piece of transport equipment.
DespatchAddress (CommonLibrary 643 Despatch) ASBIE (Address) The address of the despatch (pickup).
DespatchContact (CommonLibrary 1904 SupplierParty) ASBIE (Contact) A contact at this supplier party for despatches (pickups).
DespatchLine (CommonLibrary 651) ABIE A class to define a line in a Despatch Advice.
HandlingUnitDespatchLine(2256 TransportHandlingUnit)




(1016 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (LineReference) A reference to a despatch line associated with this invoice line.
(1590 ReceiptLine) ASBIE (LineReference) A reference to a despatch line associated with this receipt line.
DespatchLocation (CommonLibrary 644 Despatch) ASBIE (Location) The location of the despatch (pickup).
DespatchParty (CommonLibrary 645 Despatch) ASBIE (Party) The party despatching the goods.
DetentionTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1795 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The detention of a transport means during loading and unloading operations.


DigitalSignatureAttachment (CommonLibrary 1824 Signature) ASBIE (Attachment) The actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDsig format).




(666) ABIE A class to define a measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, volume, or area) of an item.
FloorSpaceMeasurementDimension(2266 TransportHandlingUnit) MeasurementDimension(939 GoodsItem) MeasurementDimension(1071 ItemIdentification) MeasurementDimension(1307 Package) MeasurementDimension(1873 Stowage) MeasurementDimension(2181 TransportEquipment) MeasurementDimension(2262 TransportHandlingUnit) MeasurementDimension(2286 TransportMeans) PalletSpaceMeasurementDimension(2267 TransportHandlingUnit) RangeDimension(1125 ItemProperty) TotalCapacityDimension(2324 TransportationService)
(1062 Item) ASBIE One of the measurable dimensions (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this item.
DirectionCode (CommonLibrary 2277 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the direction of this means of transport.
DisbursementPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 380 Consignment) ASBIE (PaymentTerms) The terms of payment for disbursement.
DischargeTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1780 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The discharge event associated with this shipment stage.
DispositionCode (CommonLibrary 2159 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the current disposition of this piece of transport equipment.
District (CommonLibrary 37 Address) BBIE The district or geographical division of a country or region in which this address is located.


DocumentDescription (CommonLibrary 689 DocumentReference) BBIE Text describing the referenced document.
DocumentHash (CommonLibrary 834 ExternalReference) BBIE A hash value for the externally stored object.




(676) ABIE A class to define a reference to a document.
AdditionalDocumentReference(120 BillingReference) CatalogueDocumentReference(1049 Item) ContractDocumentReference(489 Contract) ContractDocumentReference(2138 TradeFinancing) CreditNoteDocumentReference(116 BillingReference) DebitNoteDocumentReference(118 BillingReference) IdentityDocumentReference(1442 Person) InvoiceDocumentReference(114 BillingReference) ItemSpecificationDocumentReference(1050 Item) MandateDocumentReference(1467 PowerOfAttorney) OriginalDocumentReference(17 ForecastRevision) OriginalDocumentReference(1825 Signature) RegistryCertificateDocumentReference(1212 MaritimeTransport) ReminderDocumentReference(119 BillingReference) SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference(117 BillingReference) SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference(115 BillingReference) ShipmentDocumentReference(941 GoodsItem) ShipmentDocumentReference(2210 TransportEquipment) ShipmentDocumentReference(2268 TransportHandlingUnit)
(224 Certificate) ASBIE A reference to a document relevant to this certificate or an application for this certificate.
(663 DespatchLine) ASBIE A reference to a document associated with this despatch line.
(1019 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A reference to a document associated with this invoice line.
(1175 LineReference) ASBIE A reference to the document containing the referenced line.
(1292 OrderReference) ASBIE A document associated with this reference to an Order.
(1591 ReceiptLine) ASBIE A reference to a document associated with this receipt line.
(2139 TradeFinancing) ASBIE A reference to a document associated with this trade financing instrument.
(2151 TransactionConditions) ASBIE A document associated with these transaction conditions.
DocumentStatusCode (CommonLibrary 688 DocumentReference) BBIE A code signifying the status of the reference document with respect to its original state.
DocumentType (CommonLibrary 683 DocumentReference) BBIE The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.
DocumentTypeCode (CommonLibrary 682 DocumentReference) BBIE The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.


DriverPerson (CommonLibrary 1809 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) Describes a person responsible for driving the transport means.
DropoffTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1784 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The dropping off of goods in this shipment stage.


DurationMeasure (CommonLibrary 1423 Period) BBIE The duration of this period, expressed as an ISO 8601 code.


EarliestPickupDate (CommonLibrary 1453 Pickup) BBIE The earliest pickup date.
EarliestPickupTime (CommonLibrary 1454 Pickup) BBIE The earliest pickup time.


ElectronicMail (CommonLibrary 474 Contact) BBIE The primary email address of this contact.


EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject (CommonLibrary 69 Attachment) BBIE A binary large object containing an attached document.




(962 HazardousItem) BBIE A code signifying the emergency procedures for this hazardous item.
(1707 SecondaryHazard) BBIE A code signifying the emergency procedures for this secondary hazard.
EmergencyTemperature (CommonLibrary 977 HazardousItem) ASBIE (Temperature) The threshold temperature at which emergency procedures apply in the handling of temperature-controlled goods.




(714) ABIE A class to define how an environmental emission is calculated.
(744 EnvironmentalEmission) ASBIE A method used to calculate the amount of this emission.


EncodingCode (CommonLibrary 840 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the encoding/decoding algorithm used with the external object.
EndDate (CommonLibrary 1421 Period) BBIE The date on which this period ends.
EndpointID (CommonLibrary 1317 Party) BBIE An identifier for the end point of the routing service (e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN).
EndTime (CommonLibrary 1422 Period) BBIE The time at which this period ends.




(740) ABIE A class to describe an environmental emission.
(2328 TransportationService) ASBIE An environmental emission resulting from this transportation service.
EnvironmentalEmissionTypeCode (CommonLibrary 741 EnvironmentalEmission) BBIE A code specifying the type of environmental emission.


EstimatedArrivalTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1807 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) Describes an estimated arrival at a location during a transport service.
EstimatedDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 1760 ShipmentStage) BBIE The estimated date of delivery in this shipment stage.
EstimatedDeliveryPeriod (CommonLibrary 606 Delivery) ASBIE (Period) The period estimated for delivery.
EstimatedDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 1761 ShipmentStage) BBIE The estimated time of delivery in this shipment stage.
EstimatedDepartureTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1806 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) Describes an estimated departure at a location during a transport service.
EstimatedDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 635 Despatch) BBIE The estimated despatch (pickup) date.
EstimatedDespatchPeriod (CommonLibrary 649 Despatch) ASBIE (Period) The period estimated for the despatch (pickup) of goods.
EstimatedDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 636 Despatch) BBIE The estimated despatch (pickup) time.
EstimatedDurationPeriod (CommonLibrary 2329 TransportationService) ASBIE (Period) The estimated duration of this transportation service.
EstimatedTransitPeriod (CommonLibrary 1792 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Period) The estimated transit period of this shipment stage.


ExaminationTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1777 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The examination of shipments in this shipment stage.
ExchangeMarketID (CommonLibrary 827 ExchangeRate) BBIE An identifier for the currency exchange market used as the source of this exchange rate.




(822) ABIE A class to define an exchange rate.
PricingExchangeRate(1478 Price)
(1409 PaymentTerms) ASBIE The currency exchange rate for purposes of these payment terms.
ExemptionReason (CommonLibrary 1356 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as text.
ExemptionReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1355 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code.




(151 CardAccount) BBIE The date on which the card expires.
(836 ExternalReference) BBIE The date on which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.
(1203 LotIdentification) BBIE The expiry date of the lot.
ExpiryTime (CommonLibrary 837 ExternalReference) BBIE The time after which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.
ExportationTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1779 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The export event associated with this shipment stage.
ExportCountry (CommonLibrary 1751 Shipment) ASBIE (Country) The country from which the goods were originally exported, without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries.
ExporterParty (CommonLibrary 354 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party that makes the export declaration, or on behalf of which the export declaration is made, and that is the owner of the goods in this consignment or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
ExtendedID (CommonLibrary 1068 ItemIdentification) BBIE An extended identifier for the item that identifies the item with specific properties, e.g., Item 123 = Chair / Item 123 Ext 45 = brown chair. Two chairs can have the same item number, but one is brown. The other is white.
Extension (CommonLibrary 1708 SecondaryHazard) BBIE Additional information about the hazardous substance, which can be used (for example) to specify the type of regulatory requirements that apply to this secondary hazard.




(832) ABIE A class to describe an external object, such as a document stored at a remote location.
(70 Attachment) ASBIE A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.
ExtraAllowanceCharge (CommonLibrary 383 Consignment) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A charge for extra allowance.


FamilyName (CommonLibrary 1429 Person) BBIE This person's family name.


FileName (CommonLibrary 842 ExternalReference) BBIE The file name of the external object.
FinalDeliveryParty (CommonLibrary 361 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The final delivery party for this consignment.
FinalDeliveryTransportationService (CommonLibrary 376 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportationService) The service for delivery to the consignee under the transport contract for this consignment.
FinalDestinationCountry (CommonLibrary 371 Consignment) ASBIE (Country) The country in which the goods in this consignment are to be delivered to the final consignee or buyer.




(844) ABIE A class to describe a financial account.
FinancingFinancialAccount(2141 TradeFinancing) PayeeFinancialAccount(1387 PaymentMeans) PayerFinancialAccount(1373 PaymentMandate) PayerFinancialAccount(1386 PaymentMeans)
(1331 Party) ASBIE The financial account associated with this party.
(1441 Person) ASBIE The financial account associated with this person.




(860) ABIE A class to describe a financial institution.
(129 Branch) ASBIE The financial institution that this branch belongs to (if applicable).
FinancialInstitutionBranch (CommonLibrary 852 FinancialAccount) ASBIE (Branch) The branch of the financial institution associated with this financial account.
FinancingFinancialAccount (CommonLibrary 2141 TradeFinancing) ASBIE (FinancialAccount) An internal bank account used by the bank or its first agent to manage the line of credit granted to the financing requester.
FinancingInstrumentCode (CommonLibrary 2137 TradeFinancing) BBIE A code signifying the type of this financing instrument.
FinancingParty (CommonLibrary 2140 TradeFinancing) ASBIE (Party) The financing party (bank or other enabled party).




(388 Consignment) ASBIE (Location) The first arrival location in a transport. This would be a port for sea, an airport for air, a terminal for rail, or a border post for land crossing.
(1749 Shipment) ASBIE (Location) The first arrival location of a shipment. This would be a port for sea, an airport for air, a terminal for rail, or a border post for land crossing.
FirstName (CommonLibrary 1428 Person) BBIE This person's given name.


FlashpointTemperature (CommonLibrary 978 HazardousItem) ASBIE (Temperature) The flashpoint temperature of this hazardous item; i.e., the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame.
Floor (CommonLibrary 19 Address) BBIE An identifiable floor of a building.
FloorSpaceMeasurementDimension (CommonLibrary 2266 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Dimension) The floor space measurement dimension associated with this transport handling unit.




CommonLibrary (894 ForecastRevisionLine) ASBIE (Period) The period to which this forecast revision line applies.
ForecastRevision (16) ASBIE (Period) The period to which the Forecast applies.
ForecastRevision (ForecastRevision 2) ABIE A document used to revise a Forecast.


CommonLibrary (886) ABIE A class to define a line in a Forecast Revision describing a revision to a line in a Forecast.
ForecastRevision (23) ASBIE A line that revises a line in the Forecast.
ForeignExchangeContract (CommonLibrary 831 ExchangeRate) ASBIE (Contract) A contract for foreign exchange.
FormatCode (CommonLibrary 839 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the format of the external object.
ForwarderServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 323 Consignment) BBIE Service instructions for the forwarder, expressed as text.


FreeOfChargeIndicator (CommonLibrary 1013 InvoiceLine) BBIE An indicator that this invoice line is free of charge (true) or not (false). The default is false.




(335 Consignment) BBIE The monetary amount that has to be or has been paid as calculated under the applicable trade delivery.
(911 GoodsItem) BBIE The monetary amount that has to be or has been paid as calculated under the applicable trade delivery.
(1737 Shipment) BBIE The monetary amount that has to be or has been paid as calculated under the applicable trade delivery.




(382 Consignment) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage for this consignment. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insurance to the extent that they relate to the freight costs.
(931 GoodsItem) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insurance to the extent that they relate to the freight costs.
(1752 Shipment) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insurance to the extent that they relate to the freight costs.
(1793 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A freight allowance charge for this shipment stage.
(2205 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A freight allowance charge associated with this piece of transport equipment.
FreightChargeLocation (CommonLibrary 1794 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Location) The location associated with a freight charge related to this shipment stage.
FreightForwarderAssignedID (CommonLibrary 294 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the freight forwarder.
FreightForwarderParty (CommonLibrary 358 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment (the consolidated shipment), which is sent to a counterpart that mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components.
FreightRateClassCode (CommonLibrary 2311 TransportationService) BBIE A code signifying the rate class for freight in this transportation service.






(716 EmissionCalculationMethod) BBIE A code signifying whether a piece of transport equipment is full, partially full, or empty. This indication is used as a parameter when calculating the environmental emission.
(2160 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying whether this piece of transport equipment is full, partially full, or empty.
FullyPaidSharesIndicator (CommonLibrary 1344 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An indicator that all shares of corporate stock have been paid by shareholders (true) or not (false).


GenderCode (CommonLibrary 1436 Person) BBIE A code (e.g., ISO 5218) signifying the gender of this person.
GeneralCargoIndicator (CommonLibrary 318 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are general cargoes (true) or not (false).






(903) ABIE A class to describe a separately identifiable quantity of goods of a single product type.
ContainedGoodsItem(934 GoodsItem)
(1306 Package) ASBIE A goods item included in this package.
(1743 Shipment) ASBIE A goods item included in this shipment.
(2213 TransportEquipment) ASBIE A goods item contained in this piece of transport equipment.
(2265 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE A goods item contained in this transport handling unit.




(944) ABIE A class defining how goods items are split across transport equipment.
(930 GoodsItem) ASBIE The transporting of a goods item in a unit of transport equipment (e.g., container).


GrossTonnageMeasure (CommonLibrary 1210 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Gross tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's volume (from keel to funnel, to the outside of the hull framing) and applying a mathematical formula and is used to determine things such as a ship's manning regulations, safety rules, registration fees and port dues.




(308 Consignment) BBIE The total volume of the goods referred to as one consignment.
(918 GoodsItem) BBIE The volume of this goods item, normally calculated by multiplying its maximum length, width, and height.
(1729 Shipment) BBIE The total volume of the goods in this shipment, including packaging.
(2176 TransportEquipment) BBIE The gross volume of this piece of transport equipment.




(304 Consignment) BBIE The total declared weight of the goods in this consignment, including packaging but excluding the carrier's equipment.
(914 GoodsItem) BBIE The weight of this goods item, including packing and packaging but excluding the carrier's equipment.
(1726 Shipment) BBIE The total gross weight of a shipment; the weight of the goods plus packaging plus transport equipment.
(2175 TransportEquipment) BBIE The gross weight of this piece of transport equipment.


GuaranteedDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 639 Despatch) BBIE The date guaranteed for the despatch (pickup).
GuaranteedDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 640 Despatch) BBIE The time guaranteed for the despatch (pickup).






(327 Consignment) BBIE The handling required for this consignment, expressed as a code.
(1723 Shipment) BBIE The handling required for this shipment, expressed as a code.
(2248 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE The handling required for this transport handling unit, expressed as a code.




(328 Consignment) BBIE The handling required for this consignment, expressed as text.
(1724 Shipment) BBIE The handling required for this shipment, expressed as text.
(2249 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE The handling required for this transport handling unit, expressed as text.
HandlingTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 2197 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A handling of this piece of transport equipment.
HandlingUnitDespatchLine (CommonLibrary 2256 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (DespatchLine) A despatch line associated with this transport handling unit.
HashAlgorithmMethod (CommonLibrary 835 ExternalReference) BBIE A hash algorithm used to calculate the hash value of the externally stored object.
HaulageInstructions (CommonLibrary 341 Consignment) BBIE Instructions regarding haulage of this consignment, expressed as text.
HaulageTradingTerms (CommonLibrary 2201 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TradingTerms) A set of haulage trading terms associated with this piece of transport equipment.
HazardClassID (CommonLibrary 970 HazardousItem) BBIE An identifier for the hazard class applicable to this hazardous item as defined by the relevant regulation authority (e.g., the IMDG Class Number of the SOLAS Convention of IMO and the ADR/RID Class Number for the road/rail environment).
HazardousCategoryCode (CommonLibrary 966 HazardousItem) BBIE A code signifying a kind of hazard for a material.




(948) ABIE A class to describe hazardous goods in transit.
(976 HazardousItem) ASBIE Information related to the transit of this kind of hazardous goods.
(2202 TransportEquipment) ASBIE Transit-related information regarding a type of hazardous goods contained in this piece of transport equipment.
(2261 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE Transit-related information regarding a type of hazardous goods contained in this transport handling unit.




(956) ABIE A class to describe a hazardous item.
(1054 Item) ASBIE Information pertaining to this item as a hazardous item.
HazardousItemNotificationParty (CommonLibrary 366 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party that would be notified of a hazardous item in this consignment.
HazardousRegulationCode (CommonLibrary 951 HazardousGoodsTransit) BBIE A code signifying the set of legal regulations governing the transportation of the hazardous goods.




(312 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
(626 DeliveryUnit) BBIE An indication that the transported goods are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
(907 GoodsItem) BBIE An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
(1038 Item) BBIE An indication that the transported item, as delivered, is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
(1093 ItemLocationQuantity) BBIE An indication that the transported item, as delivered, in the stated quantity to the stated location, is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
(2250 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE An indicator that the materials contained in this transport handling unit are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).


HeadOfficeParty (CommonLibrary 1347 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Party) The head office of the legal entity


HolderName (CommonLibrary 157 CardAccount) BBIE The name of the cardholder.


HumanFoodApprovedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2168 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is approved for human food (true) or not (false).
HumanFoodIndicator (CommonLibrary 314 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are for human consumption (true) or not (false).
HumidityPercent (CommonLibrary 2166 TransportEquipment) BBIE The percent humidity within this piece of transport equipment.






(15 Address) BBIE An identifier for this address within an agreed scheme of address identifiers.
(47 AllowanceCharge) BBIE An identifier for this allowance or charge.
(123 BillingReferenceLine) BBIE An identifier for this transaction line in a billing document.
(127 Branch) BBIE An identifier for this branch or division of an organization.
(219 Certificate) BBIE An identifier for this certificate.
(264 Clause) BBIE An identifier for this clause.
(290 Consignment) BBIE An identifier assigned to a collection of goods for both import and export.
(470 Contact) BBIE An identifier for this contact.
(478 Contract) BBIE An identifier for this contract.
(514 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE An identifier for this registration scheme.
(561 CustomsDeclaration) BBIE An identifier associated with customs related procedures.
(591 Delivery) BBIE An identifier for this delivery.
(616 DeliveryTerms) BBIE An identifier for this description of delivery terms.
(632 Despatch) BBIE An identifier for this despatch event.
(652 DespatchLine) BBIE An identifier for this despatch line.
(677 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the referenced document.
(845 FinancialAccount) BBIE The identifier for this financial account; the bank account number.
(861 FinancialInstitution) BBIE An identifier for this financial institution. It is recommended that the ISO 9362 Bank Identification Code (BIC) be used as the ID.
(887 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE An identifier for this forecast revision line.
(904 GoodsItem) BBIE An identifier for this goods item.
(945 GoodsItemContainer) BBIE An identifier for this goods item container.
(957 HazardousItem) BBIE An identifier for this hazardous item.
(1004 InvoiceLine) BBIE An identifier for this invoice line.
(1067 ItemIdentification) BBIE An identifier for the item.
(1114 ItemProperty) BBIE An identifier for this property of an item.
(1128 ItemPropertyGroup) BBIE An identifier for this group of item properties.
(1135 Language) BBIE An identifier for this language.
(1180 Location) BBIE An identifier for this location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.
(1284 OrderReference) BBIE An identifier for this order reference, assigned by the buyer.
(1297 Package) BBIE An identifier for this package.
(1333 PartyIdentification) BBIE An identifier for the party.
(1367 PaymentMandate) BBIE An identifier for this payment mandate.
(1378 PaymentMeans) BBIE An identifier for this means of payment.
(1392 PaymentTerms) BBIE An identifier for this set of payment terms.
(1427 Person) BBIE An identifier for this person.
(1450 Pickup) BBIE An identifier for this pickup.
(1460 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE An identifier for this power of attorney.
(1483 PriceList) BBIE An identifier for this price list.
(1574 ReceiptLine) BBIE An identifier for this receipt line.
(1704 SecondaryHazard) BBIE An identifier for this secondary hazard.
(1712 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE An identifier for this service provider.
(1721 Shipment) BBIE An identifier for this shipment.
(1754 ShipmentStage) BBIE An identifier for this shipment stage.
(1816 Signature) BBIE An identifier for this signature.
(1908 TaxCategory) BBIE An identifier for this tax category.
(1919 TaxScheme) BBIE An identifier for this taxation scheme.
(2136 TradeFinancing) BBIE An identifier for this trade financing instrument.
(2148 TransactionConditions) BBIE An identifier for conditions of the transaction, typically purchase/sales conditions.
(2153 TransportEquipment) BBIE An identifier for this piece of transport equipment.
(2215 TransportEquipmentSeal) BBIE An identifier for this transport equipment seal.
(2246 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE An identifier for this transport handling unit.
ForecastRevision (7) BBIE An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.
IdentificationCode (CommonLibrary 519 Country) BBIE A code signifying this country.
IdentificationID (CommonLibrary 2221 TransportEvent) BBIE An identifier for this transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.
IdentityDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1442 Person) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a document that can precisely identify this person (e.g., a driver's license).






(1121 ItemProperty) BBIE A code signifying the importance of this property in using it to describe a related Item.
(1130 ItemPropertyGroup) BBIE A code signifying the importance of this property group in using it to describe a required Item.
ImporterParty (CommonLibrary 356 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party that makes an import declaration regarding this consignment, or on behalf of which a customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes an import declaration regarding this consignment. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.


IndicationIndicator (CommonLibrary 1858 Status) BBIE Specifies an indicator relevant to a specific status.
IndustryClassificationCode (CommonLibrary 1318 Party) BBIE This party's Industry Classification Code.




(329 Consignment) BBIE Free-form text pertinent to this consignment, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(1725 Shipment) BBIE Free-form text pertinent to this shipment, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(2144 TradingTerms) BBIE Text describing the terms of a trade agreement.
(2162 TransportEquipment) BBIE Additional information about this piece of transport equipment.
InformationContentProviderParty (CommonLibrary 1058 Item) ASBIE (Party) The party responsible for specification of this item.
InformationURI (CommonLibrary 1186 Location) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a document providing information about this location.
InhalationToxicityZoneCode (CommonLibrary 952 HazardousGoodsTransit) BBIE A code signifying the Inhalation Toxicity Hazard Zone for the hazardous goods, as defined by the US Department of Transportation.
InhouseMail (CommonLibrary 26 Address) BBIE The specific identifable location within a building where mail is delivered.
InstallmentDueDate (CommonLibrary 1405 PaymentTerms) BBIE The due date for an installment payment for these payment terms.
InstructionID (CommonLibrary 1382 PaymentMeans) BBIE An identifier for the payment instruction.
InstructionNote (CommonLibrary 1383 PaymentMeans) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.




(642 Despatch) BBIE Text describing any special instructions applying to the despatch (pickup).
(1766 ShipmentStage) BBIE Text of instructions applicable to a shipment stage.
InsuranceParty (CommonLibrary 367 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party holding the insurance for this consignment.
InsurancePremiumAmount (CommonLibrary 303 Consignment) BBIE The amount of the premium payable to an insurance company for insuring the goods contained in this consignment.




(332 Consignment) BBIE The amount covered by insurance for this consignment.
(912 GoodsItem) BBIE The amount covered by insurance for this goods item.
(1733 Shipment) BBIE The amount covered by insurance for this shipment.
InvoiceDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 114 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to an invoice.
InvoicedQuantity (CommonLibrary 1007 InvoiceLine) BBIE The quantity (of items) on this invoice line.




(1003) ABIE A class to define a line in an Invoice.
SubInvoiceLine(1030 InvoiceLine)
(932 GoodsItem) ASBIE Information about an invoice line relating to this goods item.
InvoicePeriod (CommonLibrary 1014 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (Period) An invoice period to which this invoice line applies.
InvoicingPartyReference (CommonLibrary 1406 PaymentTerms) BBIE A reference to the payment terms used by the invoicing party. This may have been requested of the payer by the payee to accompany its remittance.






(479 Contract) BBIE The date on which this contract was issued.
(680 DocumentReference) BBIE The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the document was issued.
(1288 OrderReference) BBIE The date on which the referenced Order was issued.
(1461 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE The date on which this power of attorney was issued.
ForecastRevision (10) BBIE The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.
IssueNumberID (CommonLibrary 153 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier for the card, specified by the issuer.
IssuerID (CommonLibrary 152 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier for the institution issuing the card.




(223 Certificate) ASBIE (Party) The authorized organization that issued this certificate, the provider of the certificate.
(562 CustomsDeclaration) ASBIE (Party) Describes the party issuing the customs declaration.
(692 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Party) The party who issued the referenced document.
(1072 ItemIdentification) ASBIE (Party) The party that issued this item identification.




(480 Contract) BBIE The time at which this contract was issued.
(681 DocumentReference) BBIE The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, at which the document was issued.
(1289 OrderReference) BBIE The time at which the referenced Order was issued.
(1462 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE The time at which this power of attorney was issued.
ForecastRevision (11) BBIE The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.






(1032) ABIE A class to describe an item of trade. It includes a generic description applicable to all examples of the item together with optional subsidiary descriptions of any number of actual instances of the type.
(664 DespatchLine) ASBIE The item associated with this despatch line.
(929 GoodsItem) ASBIE Product information relating to a goods item.
(1027 InvoiceLine) ASBIE The item associated with this invoice line.
(1592 ReceiptLine) ASBIE An item associated with this receipt line.
(1702 SalesItem) ASBIE The sales item itself.
ItemClassificationCode (CommonLibrary 270 CommodityClassification) BBIE A code signifying the trade classification of the commodity.
ItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1066) ABIE A class for assigning identifying information to an item.
AdditionalItemIdentification(1048 Item) BuyersItemIdentification(1043 Item) CatalogueItemIdentification(1047 Item) ManufacturersItemIdentification(1045 Item) SellersItemIdentification(1044 Item) StandardItemIdentification(1046 Item)




(1080) ABIE A class to describe a specific, trackable instance of an item.
(1060 Item) ASBIE A trackable, unique instantiation of this item.
ItemLocationQuantity (CommonLibrary 1089) ABIE A class for information about pricing structure, lead time, and location associated with an item.
OriginalItemLocationQuantity(1488 PricingReference)
ItemPriceExtension (CommonLibrary 1031 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (PriceExtension) The price extension, calculated by multiplying the price per unit by the quantity of items on this invoice line.
ItemProperty (CommonLibrary 1113) ABIE A class to describe a specific property of an item.
AdditionalItemProperty(1087 ItemInstance) AdditionalItemProperty(1056 Item) AdditionalItemProperty(1204 LotIdentification)




(1127) ABIE A class to describe a property group or classification.
(1124 ItemProperty) ASBIE A description of the property group to which this item property belongs.




(1131) ABIE A class to describe a range of values for an item property.
(1126 ItemProperty) ASBIE A range of values for this item property.
ItemSpecificationDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1050 Item) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a specification document for this item.


JobTitle (CommonLibrary 1434 Person) BBIE This person's job title (for a particular role) within an organization.
JourneyID (CommonLibrary 2274 TransportMeans) BBIE An identifier for the regular service schedule of this means of transport.






(517 CorporateRegistrationScheme) ASBIE (Address) A geographic area in which this registration scheme applies.
(1923 TaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) A geographic area in which this taxation scheme applies.


Keyword (CommonLibrary 1040 Item) BBIE A keyword (search string) for this item, assigned by the seller party. Can also be a synonym for the name of the item.






(1134) ABIE A class to describe a language.
(1321 Party) ASBIE The language associated with this party.
LanguageID (CommonLibrary 685 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the language used in the referenced document.




(389 Consignment) ASBIE (Location) The final exporting location in a transport. This would be a port for sea, an airport for air, a terminal for rail, or a border post for land crossing.
(1750 Shipment) ASBIE (Location) The final exporting location for a shipment. This would be a port for sea, an airport for air, a terminal for rail, or a border post for land crossing.
LatestDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 597 Delivery) BBIE The latest date of delivery allowed by the buyer.
LatestDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 598 Delivery) BBIE The latest time of delivery allowed by the buyer.
LatestPickupDate (CommonLibrary 1455 Pickup) BBIE The latest pickup date.
LatestPickupTime (CommonLibrary 1456 Pickup) BBIE The latest pickup time.
LatitudeDegreesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1194 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The degree component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes.
LatitudeDirectionCode (CommonLibrary 1196 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the direction of latitude measurement from the equator (north or south).
LatitudeMinutesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1195 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The minutes component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).


LeadTimeMeasure (CommonLibrary 1090 ItemLocationQuantity) BBIE The lead time, i.e., the time taken from the time at which an item is ordered to the time of its delivery.
LegalStatusIndicator (CommonLibrary 2164 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indication of the legal status of this piece of transport equipment with respect to the Container Convention Code.


LicensePlateID (CommonLibrary 1696 RoadTransport) BBIE The license plate identifier of this vehicle.
Line (CommonLibrary 43 AddressLine) BBIE An address line expressed as unstructured text.
LineExtensionAmount (CommonLibrary 1008 InvoiceLine) BBIE The total amount for this invoice line, including allowance charges but net of taxes.




(1172 LineReference) BBIE Identifies the referenced line in the document.
(1278 OrderLineReference) BBIE An identifier for the referenced order line, assigned by the buyer.
LineReference (CommonLibrary 1171) ABIE A class to define a reference to a line in a document.
DependentLineReference(630 DependentPriceReference) DespatchLineReference(1016 InvoiceLine) DespatchLineReference(1590 ReceiptLine) ReceiptLineReference(1017 InvoiceLine)




(655 DespatchLine) BBIE A code signifying the status of this despatch line with respect to its original state.
(1174 LineReference) BBIE A code signifying the status of the referenced line with respect to its original state.
(1281 OrderLineReference) BBIE A code signifying the status of the referenced order line with respect to its original state.
ListValue (CommonLibrary 1122 ItemProperty) BBIE The value expressed as a text in case the property is a value in a list. For example, a colour.
LivestockIndicator (CommonLibrary 315 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods are livestock (true) or not (false).


LoadingLengthMeasure (CommonLibrary 310 Consignment) BBIE The total length in a means of transport or a piece of transport equipment which, given the width and height of the transport means, will accommodate all of the consignments in a single consolidation.
LoadingLocation (CommonLibrary 2190 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Location) The location where this piece of transport equipment is loaded.
LoadingPortLocation (CommonLibrary 1773 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Location) The location of loading for a shipment stage.
LoadingProofParty (CommonLibrary 2186 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Party) The authorized party responsible for certifying that the goods were loaded into this piece of transport equipment.




(342 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for the loading sequence of this consignment.
(1764 ShipmentStage) BBIE An identifier for the loading sequence (of consignments) associated with this shipment stage.




(1776 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The loading of goods in this shipment stage.
(2198 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A loading of this piece of transport equipment.




(686 DocumentReference) BBIE A code signifying the locale in which the language in the referenced document is used.
(1137 Language) BBIE A code signifying the locale in which this language is used.




(1872 Stowage) BBIE Text describing the location.
(1179) ABIE A class to describe a location.
AlternativeDeliveryLocation(603 Delivery) DeliveryLocation(621 DeliveryTerms) DeliveryLocation(602 Delivery) DespatchLocation(644 Despatch) FirstArrivalPortLocation(388 Consignment) FirstArrivalPortLocation(1749 Shipment) FreightChargeLocation(1794 ShipmentStage) LastExitPortLocation(389 Consignment) LastExitPortLocation(1750 Shipment) LoadingLocation(2190 TransportEquipment) LoadingPortLocation(1773 ShipmentStage) MeasurementFromLocation(717 EmissionCalculationMethod) MeasurementToLocation(718 EmissionCalculationMethod) PhysicalLocation(1323 Party) PickupLocation(1457 Pickup) RegistryPortLocation(1213 MaritimeTransport) StorageLocation(2192 TransportEquipment) SubsidiaryLocation(1190 Location) TransshipPortLocation(1775 ShipmentStage) UnloadingLocation(2191 TransportEquipment) UnloadingPortLocation(1774 ShipmentStage)
(2230 TransportEvent) ASBIE The location associated with this transport event.
LocationAddress (CommonLibrary 629 DependentPriceReference) ASBIE (Address) The reference location for this dependent price reference.




(1192) ABIE A class for defining a set of geographical coordinates (apparently misnamed).
(41 Address) ASBIE The geographical coordinates of this address.
(1191 Location) ASBIE The geographical coordinates of this location.
LocationID (CommonLibrary 1871 Stowage) BBIE An identifier for the location.
LocationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1185 Location) BBIE A code signifying the type of location.
LogisticsOperatorParty (CommonLibrary 364 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The logistics operator party for this consignment.
LogoReferenceID (CommonLibrary 1316 Party) BBIE An identifier for this party's logo.
LongitudeDegreesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1197 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The degree component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes.
LongitudeDirectionCode (CommonLibrary 1199 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the direction of longitude measurement from the prime meridian (east or west).
LongitudeMinutesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1198 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The minutes component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).
LossRisk (CommonLibrary 619 DeliveryTerms) BBIE A description of responsibility for risk of loss in execution of the delivery, expressed as text.
LossRiskResponsibilityCode (CommonLibrary 618 DeliveryTerms) BBIE A code that identifies one of various responsibilities for loss risk in the execution of the delivery.




(1201) ABIE A class for defining a lot identifier (the identifier of a set of item instances that would be used in case of a recall of that item).
(1088 ItemInstance) ASBIE The lot identifier of this item instance (the identifier that allows recall of the item if necessary).
LotNumberID (CommonLibrary 1202 LotIdentification) BBIE An identifier for the lot.
LowerOrangeHazardPlacardID (CommonLibrary 968 HazardousItem) BBIE The number for the lower part of the orange hazard placard required on the means of transport.


MainCarriageShipmentStage (CommonLibrary 384 Consignment) ASBIE (ShipmentStage) A shipment stage during main carriage.
MandateDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1467 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a mandate associated with this power of attorney.
MandateTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1368 PaymentMandate) BBIE A code signifying the type of this payment mandate.
ManufactureDate (CommonLibrary 1082 ItemInstance) BBIE The date on which this item instance was manufactured.
ManufacturerParty (CommonLibrary 1057 Item) ASBIE (Party) The manufacturer of this item.
ManufacturersItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1045 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) Identifying information for this item, assigned by the manufacturer.
ManufactureTime (CommonLibrary 1083 ItemInstance) BBIE The time at which this item instance was manufactured.




(1205) ABIE A class to describe a vessel used for transport by water (including sea, river, and canal).
(2284 TransportMeans) ASBIE A vessel used for transport by water (not only by sea).
MarkAttention (CommonLibrary 28 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in an organization to whose attention incoming mail is directed; corresponds to the printed forms "for the attention of", "FAO", and ATTN:".
MarkAttentionIndicator (CommonLibrary 1314 Party) BBIE An indicator that this party is "for the attention of" (FAO) (true) or not (false).
MarkCare (CommonLibrary 29 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address into whose care incoming mail is entrusted; corresponds to the printed forms "care of" and "c/o".
MarkCareIndicator (CommonLibrary 1313 Party) BBIE An indicator that this party is "care of" (c/o) (true) or not (false).
MarkingID (CommonLibrary 969 HazardousItem) BBIE An identifier to the marking of the Hazardous Item
MasterPerson (CommonLibrary 1813 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) The person responsible for the ship's safe and efficient operation, including cargo operations, navigation, crew management and for ensuring that the vessel complies with local and international laws, as well as company and flag state policies.
MathematicOperatorCode (CommonLibrary 829 ExchangeRate) BBIE A code signifying whether the calculation rate is a multiplier or a divisor.
MaximumDeliveryUnit (CommonLibrary 613 Delivery) ASBIE (DeliveryUnit) The maximum delivery unit for this delivery.




(288 Condition) BBIE The maximum value in a range of measurement for this condition.
(671 Dimension) BBIE The maximum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.
MaximumPaidAmount (CommonLibrary 1370 PaymentMandate) BBIE The maximum amount to be paid within a single instruction.
MaximumPaymentInstructionsNumeric (CommonLibrary 1369 PaymentMandate) BBIE The number of maximum payment instructions allowed within the validity period.




(594 Delivery) BBIE The maximum quantity of items, child consignments, shipments in this delivery.
(1092 ItemLocationQuantity) BBIE The maximum quantity that can be ordered to qualify for a specific price.




(943 GoodsItem) ASBIE (Temperature) Information about maximum temperature.
(954 HazardousGoodsTransit) ASBIE (Temperature) The maximum temperature at which the hazardous goods can safely be transported.
(2184 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Temperature) In the case of a refrigeration unit, the maximum allowable operating temperature for this container.
(2264 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Temperature) The maximum allowable operating temperature of this transport handling unit.
MaximumValue (CommonLibrary 1133 ItemPropertyRange) BBIE The maximum value in this range of values.






(285 Condition) BBIE The measurement value.
(668 Dimension) BBIE The measurement value.
(1981 Temperature) BBIE The value of this temperature measurement.




(939 GoodsItem) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this goods item.
(1071 ItemIdentification) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of the item.
(1307 Package) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this package.
(1873 Stowage) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this stowage.
(2181 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this piece of transport equipment.
(2262 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this transport handling unit.
(2286 TransportMeans) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this means of transport.
MeasurementFromLocation (CommonLibrary 717 EmissionCalculationMethod) ASBIE (Location) A start location from which an environmental emission is calculated.
MeasurementToLocation (CommonLibrary 718 EmissionCalculationMethod) ASBIE (Location) An end location to which an environmental emission is calculated.
MedicalFirstAidGuideCode (CommonLibrary 963 HazardousItem) BBIE A code signifying a medical first aid guide appropriate to this hazardous item.


MiddleName (CommonLibrary 1431 Person) BBIE This person's middle name(s) or initials.
MimeCode (CommonLibrary 838 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the mime type of the external object.
MinimumDeliveryUnit (CommonLibrary 612 Delivery) ASBIE (DeliveryUnit) The minimum delivery unit for this delivery.




(287 Condition) BBIE The minimum value in a range of measurement for this condition.
(670 Dimension) BBIE The minimum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.




(593 Delivery) BBIE The minimum quantity of items, child consignments, shipments in this delivery.
(1091 ItemLocationQuantity) BBIE The minimum quantity that can be ordered to qualify for a specific price.




(942 GoodsItem) ASBIE (Temperature) Information about minimum temperature.
(955 HazardousGoodsTransit) ASBIE (Temperature) The minimum temperature at which the hazardous goods can safely be transported.
(2183 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Temperature) In the case of a refrigeration unit, the minimum allowable operating temperature for this container.
(2263 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Temperature) The minimum required operating temperature of this transport handling unit.
MinimumValue (CommonLibrary 1132 ItemPropertyRange) BBIE The minimum value in this range of values.


ModelName (CommonLibrary 1042 Item) BBIE A model name of this item.
MortgageHolderParty (CommonLibrary 368 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party holding the mortgage for this consignment.


MultiplierFactorNumeric (CommonLibrary 51 AllowanceCharge) BBIE A number by which the base amount is multiplied to calculate the actual amount of this allowance or charge.






(12 ActivityProperty) BBIE The name of this activity property.
(128 Branch) BBIE The name of this branch or division of an organization.
(471 Contact) BBIE The name of this contact. It is recommended that this be used for a functional name and not a personal name.
(515 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE The name of this registration scheme.
(520 Country) BBIE The name of this country.
(846 FinancialAccount) BBIE The name of this financial account.
(862 FinancialInstitution) BBIE The name of this financial institution.
(1037 Item) BBIE A short name optionally given to this item, such as a name from a catalogue, as distinct from a description.
(1115 ItemProperty) BBIE The name of this item property.
(1129 ItemPropertyGroup) BBIE The name of this item property group.
(1136 Language) BBIE The name of this language.
(1187 Location) BBIE The name of this location.
(1350 PartyName) BBIE The name of the party.
(1909 TaxCategory) BBIE The name of this tax category.
(1920 TaxScheme) BBIE The name of this taxation scheme.
(2316 TransportationService) BBIE The name of this transportation service.
NameCode (CommonLibrary 1116 ItemProperty) BBIE The name of this item property, expressed as a code.
NameSuffix (CommonLibrary 1433 Person) BBIE A suffix to this person's name (e.g., PhD, OBE, Jr).
NationalityID (CommonLibrary 1435 Person) BBIE An identifier for this person's nationality.
NatureCode (CommonLibrary 267 CommodityClassification) BBIE A code defined by a specific maintenance agency signifying the high-level nature of the commodity.






(306 Consignment) BBIE The total net weight of the goods in this consignment, exclusive of packaging.
(916 GoodsItem) BBIE The total weight of this goods item, excluding all packing and packaging.
(1728 Shipment) BBIE The total net weight of this shipment, excluding packaging and transport equipment.
NetTonnageMeasure (CommonLibrary 1211 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Net tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's internal volume and applying a mathematical formula and is used to calculate the port duties.




(309 Consignment) BBIE The total net volume of all goods items referred to as one consignment.
(919 GoodsItem) BBIE The volume contained by a goods item, excluding the volume of any packaging material.
(972 HazardousItem) BBIE The volume of this hazardous item, excluding packaging and transport equipment.
(1730 Shipment) BBIE The total volume of the goods in this shipment, excluding packaging and transport equipment.




(305 Consignment) BBIE The total net weight of all the goods items referred to as one consignment.
(915 GoodsItem) BBIE The weight of this goods item, excluding packing but including packaging that normally accompanies the goods.
(971 HazardousItem) BBIE The net weight of this hazardous item, excluding packaging.
(1727 Shipment) BBIE The net weight of this shipment, excluding packaging.
NetworkID (CommonLibrary 148 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier for the financial service network provider of the card.






(481 Contract) BBIE In a transportation contract, the deadline date by which the services referred to in the transport execution plan have to be booked. For example, if this service is a carrier service scheduled for Wednesday 16 February 2011 at 10 a.m. CET, the nomination date might be Tuesday15 February 2011.
(2314 TransportationService) BBIE In a transport contract, the deadline date by which this transportation service has to be booked. For example, if this service is scheduled for Wednesday 16 February 2011 at 10 a.m. CET, the nomination date might be Tuesday15 February 2011.
NominationPeriod (CommonLibrary 490 Contract) ASBIE (Period) In a transportation contract, the period required to book the services specified in the contract before the services can begin.




(482 Contract) BBIE In a transportation contract, the deadline time by which the services referred to in the transport execution plan have to be booked. For example, if this service is a carrier service scheduled for Wednesday 16 February 2011 at 10 a.m. CET, the nomination date might be Tuesday15 February 2011 and the nomination time 4 p.m. at the latest.
(2315 TransportationService) BBIE In a transport contract, the deadline time by which this transportation service has to be booked. For example, if this service is scheduled for Wednesday 16 February 2011 at 10 a.m. CET, the nomination date might be Tuesday15 February 2011 and the nomination time 4 p.m. at the latest.
NotaryParty (CommonLibrary 1464 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) The party notarizing this power of attorney.




(475 Contact) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, a textual description of the circumstances under which this contact can be used (e.g., "emergency" or "after hours").
(485 Contract) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(654 DespatchLine) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(888 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(1006 InvoiceLine) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(1395 PaymentTerms) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(1576 ReceiptLine) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
(1817 Signature) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, information regarding the circumstances in which the signature is being used.
ForecastRevision (12) BBIE Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.




(359 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party to be notified upon arrival of goods and when special occurrences (usually pre-defined) take place during a transportation service.
(609 Delivery) ASBIE (Party) A party to be notified of this delivery.
(647 Despatch) ASBIE (Party) A party to be notified of this despatch (pickup).


OccurrenceDate (CommonLibrary 2222 TransportEvent) BBIE The date of this transport event.
OccurrenceTime (CommonLibrary 2223 TransportEvent) BBIE The time of this transport event.


OnCarriageIndicator (CommonLibrary 1759 ShipmentStage) BBIE An indicator that this stage takes place after the main carriage of the shipment (true) or not (false).
OnCarriageShipmentStage (CommonLibrary 386 Consignment) ASBIE (ShipmentStage) A shipment stage during on-carriage (usually refers to movement activity that takes place after the container is discharged at a port of discharge).


OperatingParty (CommonLibrary 2189 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Party) The party that operates this piece of transport equipment.
OptionalTakeoverTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1783 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The optional takeover of the goods in this shipment stage.


OrderableUnitFactorRate (CommonLibrary 1474 Price) BBIE The factor by which the base price unit can be converted to the orderable unit.




(1277) ABIE A class to define a reference to an order line.
(662 DespatchLine) ASBIE A reference to an order line associated with this despatch line.
(1015 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A reference to an order line associated with this invoice line.
(1589 ReceiptLine) ASBIE A reference to the order line associated with this receipt line.




(1283) ABIE A class to define a reference to an Order.
(1282 OrderLineReference) ASBIE A reference to the Order containing the referenced order line.
OrderTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1291 OrderReference) BBIE A code signifying the type of the referenced Order.
OrganizationDepartment (CommonLibrary 1439 Person) BBIE The department or subdivision of an organization that this person belongs to (in a particular role).




(935 GoodsItem) ASBIE (Address) The region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the customs tariff, or of quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade.
(1059 Item) ASBIE (Address) A region (not country) of origin of this item.
(1748 Shipment) ASBIE (Address) The region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the customs tariff, or of quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade.
OriginalDepartureCountry (CommonLibrary 370 Consignment) ASBIE (Country) The country from which the goods in this consignment were originally exported, without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries.
OriginalDespatchParty (CommonLibrary 360 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The original despatch (sender) party for this consignment.
OriginalDespatchTransportationService (CommonLibrary 375 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportationService) The service for pickup from the consignor under the transport contract for this consignment.


CommonLibrary (1825 Signature) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to the document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature.
ForecastRevision (17) ASBIE (DocumentReference) The Forecast document being revised.
OriginalItemLocationQuantity (CommonLibrary 1488 PricingReference) ASBIE (ItemLocationQuantity) An original set of location-specific properties (e.g., price and quantity) associated with this item.
OriginatorParty (CommonLibrary 1021 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (Party) The party who originated the Order to which the Invoice is related.
OriginCountry (CommonLibrary 1051 Item) ASBIE (Country) The country of origin of this item.


OtherCommunication (CommonLibrary 476 Contact) ASBIE (Communication) Another means of communication with this contact.
OtherName (CommonLibrary 1432 Person) BBIE This person's second family name.


OutstandingQuantity (CommonLibrary 659 DespatchLine) BBIE The quantity outstanding (which will follow in a later despatch).
OutstandingReason (CommonLibrary 660 DespatchLine) BBIE The reason for the outstanding quantity.






(661 DespatchLine) BBIE The quantity over-supplied, i.e., the quantity over and above that ordered.
(1585 ReceiptLine) BBIE The quantity over-supplied, i.e., the quantity over and above the quantity ordered.






(2188 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Party) The party that owns this piece of transport equipment.
(2285 TransportMeans) ASBIE (Party) The party that owns this means of transport.
OwnerTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2157 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the type of owner of this piece of transport equipment.






(1296) ABIE A class to describe a package.
ActualPackage(2257 TransportHandlingUnit) ContainedPackage(1304 Package) ContainingPackage(940 GoodsItem)
(1099 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE The package to which this price applies.
(2212 TransportEquipment) ASBIE A package contained in this piece of transport equipment.
(2272 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE A package contained in this transport handling unit.
PackagedTransportHandlingUnit (CommonLibrary 2203 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportHandlingUnit) A packaged transport handling unit associated with this piece of transport equipment.
PackageLevelCode (CommonLibrary 1300 Package) BBIE A code signifying a level of packaging.
PackagingTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1301 Package) BBIE A code signifying a type of packaging.
PackingCriteriaCode (CommonLibrary 950 HazardousGoodsTransit) BBIE A code signifying the packaging requirement for transportation of the hazardous goods as assigned by IATA, IMDB, ADR, RID etc.
PackingMaterial (CommonLibrary 1302 Package) BBIE Text describing the packaging material.
PackQuantity (CommonLibrary 1034 Item) BBIE The unit packaging quantity; the number of subunits making up this item.
PackSizeNumeric (CommonLibrary 1035 Item) BBIE The number of items in a pack of this item.
PalletSpaceMeasurementDimension (CommonLibrary 2267 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Dimension) The pallet space measurement dimension associated to this transport handling unit.
PartecipationPercent (CommonLibrary 1718 ShareholderParty) BBIE The shareholder participation, expressed as a percentage.




(1312) ABIE A class to describe an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.
AgentParty(1328 Party) AgentParty(1465 PowerOfAttorney) BillOfLadingHolderParty(369 Consignment) CarrierParty(357 Consignment) CarrierParty(607 Delivery) CarrierParty(646 Despatch) CarrierParty(1771 ShipmentStage) ConsigneeParty(353 Consignment) ConsignorParty(355 Consignment) ContactParty(974 HazardousItem) CustomsAgentParty(1791 ShipmentStage) DeliveryParty(608 Delivery) DespatchParty(645 Despatch) ExporterParty(354 Consignment) FinalDeliveryParty(361 Consignment) FinancingParty(2140 TradeFinancing) FreightForwarderParty(358 Consignment) HazardousItemNotificationParty(366 Consignment) HeadOfficeParty(1347 PartyLegalEntity) ImporterParty(356 Consignment) InformationContentProviderParty(1058 Item) InsuranceParty(367 Consignment) IssuerParty(223 Certificate) IssuerParty(562 CustomsDeclaration) IssuerParty(692 DocumentReference) IssuerParty(1072 ItemIdentification) LoadingProofParty(2186 TransportEquipment) LogisticsOperatorParty(364 Consignment) ManufacturerParty(1057 Item) MortgageHolderParty(368 Consignment) NotaryParty(1464 PowerOfAttorney) NotifyParty(359 Consignment) NotifyParty(609 Delivery) NotifyParty(647 Despatch) OperatingParty(2189 TransportEquipment) OriginalDespatchParty(360 Consignment) OriginatorParty(1021 InvoiceLine) OwnerParty(2188 TransportEquipment) OwnerParty(2285 TransportMeans) PayerParty(1372 PaymentMandate) PerformingCarrierParty(362 Consignment) PickupParty(1458 Pickup) ProviderParty(2185 TransportEquipment) ReceiverParty(20 ForecastRevision) ResponsibleTransportServiceProviderParty(2327 TransportationService) SenderParty(19 ForecastRevision) SignatoryParty(1689 ResultOfVerification) SignatoryParty(1823 Signature) SubstituteCarrierParty(363 Consignment) TerminalOperatorParty(1790 ShipmentStage) TransportAdvisorParty(365 Consignment) WitnessParty(1466 PowerOfAttorney)
(556 CustomerParty) ASBIE The customer party itself.
(1715 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE The party providing the service.
(1719 ShareholderParty) ASBIE The shareholder party.
(1903 SupplierParty) ASBIE The supplier party itself.




(1332) ABIE A class to define an identifier for a party.
(1319 Party) ASBIE An identifier for this party.




(1334) ABIE A class to describe a party as a legal entity.
(1325 Party) ASBIE A description of this party as a legal entity.




(1349) ABIE A class for defining the name of a party.
(1320 Party) ASBIE A name for this party.




(1351) ABIE A class to describe a taxation scheme applying to a party.
(1324 Party) ASBIE A tax scheme applying to this party.
PassengerPerson (CommonLibrary 1808 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) A person who travels in a conveyance without participating in its operation.
PassengerQuantity (CommonLibrary 1769 ShipmentStage) BBIE The total number of passengers aboard a transport means.
PayeeFinancialAccount (CommonLibrary 1387 PaymentMeans) ASBIE (FinancialAccount) The payee's financial account.




(1373 PaymentMandate) ASBIE (FinancialAccount) The payer's financial account.
(1386 PaymentMeans) ASBIE (FinancialAccount) The payer's financial account.
PayerParty (CommonLibrary 1372 PaymentMandate) ASBIE (Party) The payer party (if different from the debtor).
PaymentChannelCode (CommonLibrary 1381 PaymentMeans) BBIE A code signifying the payment channel for this means of payment.




(1380 PaymentMeans) BBIE The date on which payment is due for this means of payment.
(1404 PaymentTerms) BBIE The due date for these payment terms.
PaymentID (CommonLibrary 1384 PaymentMeans) BBIE An identifier for a payment made using this means of payment.




(1366) ABIE A class to describe a payment mandate.
(1389 PaymentMeans) ASBIE The payment mandate associated with this means of payment.




(1377) ABIE A class to describe a means of payment.
(61 AllowanceCharge) ASBIE A means of payment for this allowance or charge.
PaymentMeansCode (CommonLibrary 1379 PaymentMeans) BBIE A code signifying the type of this means of payment.
PaymentMeansID (CommonLibrary 1393 PaymentTerms) BBIE An identifier for a means of payment associated with these payment terms.
PaymentNote (CommonLibrary 851 FinancialAccount) BBIE Free-form text applying to the Payment for the owner of this account.
PaymentPercent (CommonLibrary 1399 PaymentTerms) BBIE The part of a payment, expressed as a percent, relevant for these payment terms.
PaymentPurposeCode (CommonLibrary 1012 InvoiceLine) BBIE A code signifying the business purpose for this payment.
PaymentReversalPeriod (CommonLibrary 1375 PaymentMandate) ASBIE (Period) The period of the reverse payment.




(1391) ABIE A class to describe a set of payment terms.
CollectPaymentTerms(379 Consignment) DisbursementPaymentTerms(380 Consignment) PrepaidPaymentTerms(381 Consignment)
(378 Consignment) ASBIE The terms of payment between the parties (such as logistics service client, logistics service provider) in a transaction.
(1023 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A specification of payment terms associated with this invoice line.
PaymentTermsDetailsURI (CommonLibrary 1403 PaymentTerms) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a document providing additional details regarding these payment terms.


PenaltyAmount (CommonLibrary 1402 PaymentTerms) BBIE The monetary amount of the penalty for payment after the settlement period.
PenaltyPeriod (CommonLibrary 1408 PaymentTerms) ASBIE (Period) The period during which penalties may apply.
PenaltySurchargePercent (CommonLibrary 1398 PaymentTerms) BBIE The penalty for payment after the settlement period, expressed as a percentage of the payment.




(628 DependentPriceReference) BBIE The percentage by which the price of the different item is multiplied to calculate the price of the item.
(1859 Status) BBIE A percentage meaningful in the context of this status.
(1910 TaxCategory) BBIE The tax rate for this category, expressed as a percentage.
(1929 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The tax rate of the tax category applied to this tax subtotal, expressed as a percentage.
PerformingCarrierAssignedID (CommonLibrary 297 Consignment) BBIE An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the performing carrier.
PerformingCarrierParty (CommonLibrary 362 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party performing the carriage of this consignment.




(1418) ABIE A class to describe a period of time.
EstimatedDeliveryPeriod(606 Delivery) EstimatedDespatchPeriod(649 Despatch) EstimatedDurationPeriod(2329 TransportationService) EstimatedTransitPeriod(1792 ShipmentStage) ForecastPeriod(894 ForecastRevisionLine) ForecastPeriod(16 ForecastRevision) InvoicePeriod(1014 InvoiceLine) NominationPeriod(490 Contract) PaymentReversalPeriod(1375 PaymentMandate) PenaltyPeriod(1408 PaymentTerms) PromisedDeliveryPeriod(605 Delivery) RequestedDeliveryPeriod(604 Delivery) RequestedDespatchPeriod(650 Despatch) SettlementPeriod(1407 PaymentTerms) TransitPeriod(1770 ShipmentStage) UsabilityPeriod(1123 ItemProperty) ValidityPeriod(488 Contract) ValidityPeriod(691 DocumentReference) ValidityPeriod(1188 Location) ValidityPeriod(1374 PaymentMandate) ValidityPeriod(1410 PaymentTerms) ValidityPeriod(1485 PriceList) ValidityPeriod(1475 Price)
(2232 TransportEvent) ASBIE A period of time associated with this transport event.




(1426) ABIE A class to describe a person.
CrewMemberPerson(1811 ShipmentStage) DriverPerson(1809 ShipmentStage) MasterPerson(1813 ShipmentStage) PassengerPerson(1808 ShipmentStage) ReportingPerson(1810 ShipmentStage) SecurityOfficerPerson(1812 ShipmentStage) ShipsSurgeonPerson(1814 ShipmentStage)
(1327 Party) ASBIE A person associated with this party.




(58 AllowanceCharge) BBIE The allowance or charge per item; the total allowance or charge is calculated by multiplying the per unit amount by the quantity of items, either at the level of the individual transaction line or for the total number of items in the document, depending on the context in which it appears.
(1912 TaxCategory) BBIE Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the rate per unit applied.
(1931 TaxSubtotal) BBIE Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the rate per unit applied.






(1444) ABIE A class to describe a physical attribute.
(1070 ItemIdentification) ASBIE A physical attribute of the item.
PhysicalLocation (CommonLibrary 1323 Party) ASBIE (Location) The physical location of this party.






(1449) ABIE A class to describe a pickup for delivery.
(937 GoodsItem) ASBIE The pickup of this goods item.
(1310 Package) ASBIE The pickup of this package.
(2208 TransportEquipment) ASBIE The pickup of this piece of transport equipment.
PickupLocation (CommonLibrary 1457 Pickup) ASBIE (Location) The pickup location.
PickupParty (CommonLibrary 1458 Pickup) ASBIE (Party) The party responsible for picking up a delivery.
PickupTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 2196 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A pickup of this piece of transport equipment.






(959 HazardousItem) BBIE Text of the placard endorsement that is to be shown on the shipping papers for this hazardous item. Can also be used for the number of the orange placard (lower part) required on the means of transport.
(1706 SecondaryHazard) BBIE Text of the placard endorsement for this secondary hazard that is to be shown on the shipping papers for a hazardous item. Can also be used for the number of the orange placard (lower part) required on the means of transport.




(958 HazardousItem) BBIE Text of the placard notation corresponding to the hazard class of this hazardous item. Can also be the hazard identification number of the orange placard (upper part) required on the means of transport.
(1705 SecondaryHazard) BBIE Text of the placard notation corresponding to the hazard class of this secondary hazard. Can also be the hazard identification number of the orange placard (upper part) required on the means of transport.
PlannedArrivalTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1800 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The arrival planned by the party providing a transportation service.
PlannedDeliveryTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 350 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The delivery of this consignment planned by the party responsible for providing the transportation service (the transport service provider).
PlannedDepartureTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1799 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The departure planned by the party providing a transportation service.
PlannedPickupTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 349 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The pickup of this consignment planned by the party responsible for providing the transportation service (the transport service provider).
PlannedWaypointTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1801 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A waypoint planned by the party providing a transportation service.
PlotIdentification (CommonLibrary 30 Address) BBIE An identifier (e.g., a parcel number) for the piece of land associated with this address.


PositionCode (CommonLibrary 1446 PhysicalAttribute) BBIE A code signifying the position of this physical attribute.
PositioningTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 2193 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A positioning of this piece of transport equipment.
PostalAddress (CommonLibrary 1322 Party) ASBIE (Address) The party's postal address.
PostalZone (CommonLibrary 33 Address) BBIE The postal identifier for this address according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
Postbox (CommonLibrary 18 Address) BBIE A post office box number registered for postal delivery by a postal service provider.
PowerIndicator (CommonLibrary 2179 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment can supply power (true) or not (false).




(1459) ABIE A class to describe a power of attorney.
(1330 Party) ASBIE A power of attorney associated with this party.


PreCarriageIndicator (CommonLibrary 1758 ShipmentStage) BBIE An indicator that this stage takes place before the main carriage of the shipment (true) or not (false).
PreCarriageShipmentStage (CommonLibrary 385 Consignment) ASBIE (ShipmentStage) A shipment stage during precarriage (usually refers to movement activity that takes place prior to the container being loaded at a port of loading).
PreferenceCriterionCode (CommonLibrary 921 GoodsItem) BBIE A code signifying the treatment preference for this goods item according to international trading agreements.
PrepaidIndicator (CommonLibrary 52 AllowanceCharge) BBIE An indicator that this allowance or charge is prepaid (true) or not (false).
PrepaidPaymentReferenceID (CommonLibrary 1394 PaymentTerms) BBIE An identifier for a reference to a prepaid payment.
PrepaidPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 381 Consignment) ASBIE (PaymentTerms) The terms of payment for prepayment.
PreviousPriceList (CommonLibrary 1486 PriceList) ASBIE (PriceList) The previous price list.




(1468) ABIE A class to describe a price, expressed in a data structure containing multiple properties (compare with UnstructuredPrice).
AlternativeConditionPrice(1489 PricingReference) TaxExclusivePrice(1700 SalesItem) TaxInclusivePrice(1701 SalesItem)
(1028 InvoiceLine) ASBIE The price of the item associated with this invoice line.
(1096 ItemLocationQuantity) ASBIE The price associated with the given location.
PriceAmount (CommonLibrary 1469 Price) BBIE The amount of the price.
PriceChangeReason (CommonLibrary 1471 Price) BBIE A reason for a price change.
PriceExtension (CommonLibrary 1479) ABIE A class to describe a price extension, calculated by multiplying the price per unit by the quantity of items.
ItemPriceExtension(1031 InvoiceLine)




(1482) ABIE A class to describe a price list.
PreviousPriceList(1486 PriceList)
(1476 Price) ASBIE Information about a price list applicable to this price.
PriceType (CommonLibrary 1473 Price) BBIE The type of price, expressed as text.
PriceTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1472 Price) BBIE The type of price, expressed as a code.
PricingExchangeRate (CommonLibrary 1478 Price) ASBIE (ExchangeRate) The exchange rate applicable to this price, if it differs from the exchange rate applicable to the document as a whole.




(1487) ABIE A reference to the basis for pricing. This may be based on a catalogue or a quoted amount from a price list and include some alternative pricing conditions.
(1020 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A reference to pricing and item location information associated with this invoice line.
PrimaryAccountNumberID (CommonLibrary 147 CardAccount) BBIE An identifier of the card (e.g., the Primary Account Number (PAN)).
Priority (CommonLibrary 2310 TransportationService) BBIE The priority of this transportation service.
ProductTraceID (CommonLibrary 1081 ItemInstance) BBIE An identifier used for tracing this item instance, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
ProfileExecutionID (ForecastRevision 6) BBIE Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
ProfileID (ForecastRevision 5) BBIE Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
PromisedDeliveryPeriod (CommonLibrary 605 Delivery) ASBIE (Period) The period promised for delivery.
ProviderParty (CommonLibrary 2185 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Party) The party providing this piece of transport equipment.
ProviderTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2156 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the type of provider of this piece of transport equipment.


PurposeCode (ForecastRevision 15) BBIE Indicates the purpose of the revision.






(592 Delivery) BBIE The quantity of items, child consignments, shipments in this delivery.
(920 GoodsItem) BBIE The number of units making up this goods item.
(946 GoodsItemContainer) BBIE The number of goods items loaded into or onto one piece of transport equipment as a total consignment or part of a consignment.
(973 HazardousItem) BBIE The quantity of goods items in this hazardous item that are hazardous.
(1298 Package) BBIE The quantity of items contained in this package.
(1698 SalesItem) BBIE The quantity the given information are related to
QuantityDiscrepancyCode (CommonLibrary 1584 ReceiptLine) BBIE A code signifying the type of a discrepancy in quantity.
QuarantineTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 2194 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A quarantine of this piece of transport equipment.


RadioCallSignID (CommonLibrary 1208 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The radio call sign of the vessel.
RailCarID (CommonLibrary 1572 RailTransport) BBIE An identifier for the rail car on the train used as the means of transport.




(1570) ABIE A class defining details about a train wagon used as a means of transport.
(2283 TransportMeans) ASBIE Equipment used for rail transport.
RangeDimension (CommonLibrary 1125 ItemProperty) ASBIE (Dimension) The range of values for the dimensions of this property.


ReceiptLine (CommonLibrary 1573) ABIE A class to define a line in a Receipt Advice.
ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine(2258 TransportHandlingUnit)
ReceiptLineReference (CommonLibrary 1017 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (LineReference) A reference to a receipt line associated with this invoice line.
ReceiptTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1787 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The receipt of goods in this shipment stage.
ReceivedDate (CommonLibrary 1586 ReceiptLine) BBIE The date on which the goods or services were received.
ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine (CommonLibrary 2258 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (ReceiptLine) A receipt line associated with this transport handling unit.
ReceivedQuantity (CommonLibrary 1577 ReceiptLine) BBIE The quantity received.
ReceiverParty (ForecastRevision 20) ASBIE (Party) The party receiving this document.
Reference (CommonLibrary 2145 TradingTerms) BBIE A reference quoting the basis of the terms
ReferenceDate (CommonLibrary 1851 Status) BBIE The reference date for this status.
ReferencedConsignmentID (CommonLibrary 2154 TransportEquipment) BBIE An identifier for the consignment contained by this piece of transport equipment.
ReferencedShipment (CommonLibrary 2271 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (Shipment) A shipment associated with this transport handling unit.
ReferenceEventCode (CommonLibrary 1396 PaymentTerms) BBIE A code signifying the event during which these terms are offered.
ReferenceTime (CommonLibrary 1852 Status) BBIE The reference time for this status.
RefrigeratedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2170 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is refrigerated (true) or not (false).
RefrigerationOnIndicator (CommonLibrary 2161 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment's refrigeration is on (true) or off (false).
Region (CommonLibrary 36 Address) BBIE The recognized geographic or economic region or group of countries in which this address is located.




(1345 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Address) The registered address of the party within a corporate registration scheme.
(1357 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) The address of the party as registered for tax purposes.
RegistrationDate (CommonLibrary 1337 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The registration date of the CompanyID.
RegistrationExpirationDate (CommonLibrary 1338 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The date upon which a registration expires (e.g., registration for an import/export license).
RegistrationID (CommonLibrary 1085 ItemInstance) BBIE The registration identifier of this item instance.




(1335 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The name of the party as registered with the relevant legal authority.
(1352 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE The name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.
RegistrationNationality (CommonLibrary 2276 TransportMeans) BBIE Text describing the country in which this means of transport is registered.
RegistrationNationalityID (CommonLibrary 2275 TransportMeans) BBIE An identifier for the country in which this means of transport is registered.
RegistryCertificateDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1212 MaritimeTransport) ASBIE (DocumentReference) The certificate issued to the ship by the ships registry in a given flag state.
RegistryPortLocation (CommonLibrary 1213 MaritimeTransport) ASBIE (Location) The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
RejectActionCode (CommonLibrary 1583 ReceiptLine) BBIE A code signifying the action that the delivery party wishes the despatch party to take as the result of a rejection.
RejectedQuantity (CommonLibrary 1580 ReceiptLine) BBIE The quantity rejected.
RejectReason (CommonLibrary 1582 ReceiptLine) BBIE The reason for a rejection, expressed as text.
RejectReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1581 ReceiptLine) BBIE The reason for a rejection, expressed as a code.




(599 Delivery) BBIE An identifier used for approval of access to delivery locations (e.g., port terminals).
(641 Despatch) BBIE An identifier for the release of the despatch used as security control or cargo control (pick-up).
ReliabilityPercent (CommonLibrary 1860 Status) BBIE The reliability of this status, expressed as a percentage.




(222 Certificate) BBIE Remarks by the applicant for this certificate.
(311 Consignment) BBIE Remarks concerning the complete consignment, to be printed on the transport document.
ReminderDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 119 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a billing reminder.
ReportedShipment (CommonLibrary 2227 TransportEvent) ASBIE (Shipment) The shipment involved in this transport event.
ReportingPerson (CommonLibrary 1810 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) Describes a person being responsible for providing the required administrative reporting relating to a transport.
RequestedArrivalTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1797 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The arrival requested by the party requesting a transportation service.
RequestedDeliveryPeriod (CommonLibrary 604 Delivery) ASBIE (Period) The period requested for delivery.
RequestedDeliveryTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 348 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The delivery of this consignment requested by the party requesting a transportation service (the transport user).
RequestedDepartureTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1796 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The departure requested by the party requesting a transportation service.
RequestedDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 633 Despatch) BBIE The despatch (pickup) date requested, normally by the buyer.
RequestedDespatchPeriod (CommonLibrary 650 Despatch) ASBIE (Period) The period requested for the despatch (pickup) of goods.
RequestedDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 634 Despatch) BBIE The despatch (pickup) time requested, normally by the buyer.
RequestedPickupTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 347 Consignment) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The pickup of this consignment requested by the party requesting a transportation service (the transport user).
RequestedWaypointTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1798 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) A waypoint requested by the party requesting a transportation service.
RequiredCustomsID (CommonLibrary 922 GoodsItem) BBIE An identifier for a set of tariff codes required to specify a type of goods for customs, transport, statistical, or other regulatory purposes.
RequiredDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 1762 ShipmentStage) BBIE The delivery date required by the buyer in this shipment stage.
RequiredDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 1763 ShipmentStage) BBIE The delivery time required by the buyer in this shipment stage.
ResidenceAddress (CommonLibrary 1443 Person) ASBIE (Address) This person's address of residence.
ResponsibleTransportServiceProviderParty (CommonLibrary 2327 TransportationService) ASBIE (Party) The transport service provider responsible for this transportation service.




(1681) ABIE A class to describe the result of an attempt to verify a signature.
(693 DocumentReference) ASBIE The result of an attempt to verify a signature associated with the referenced document.
ReturnabilityIndicator (CommonLibrary 2163 TransportEquipment) BBIE An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is returnable (true) or not (false).
ReturnableMaterialIndicator (CommonLibrary 1299 Package) BBIE An indicator that the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false).
ReturnableQuantity (CommonLibrary 927 GoodsItem) BBIE The number of units in the goods item that may be returned.
ReturnAddress (CommonLibrary 1747 Shipment) ASBIE (Address) The address to which a shipment should be returned.
RevisedForecastLineID (CommonLibrary 890 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE An identifier for the revised forecast line.
RevisionStatusCode (ForecastRevision 14) BBIE Indicates the revision status of this Forecast Revision.






(1695) ABIE A class for identifying a vehicle used for road transport.
(2282 TransportMeans) ASBIE A vehicle used for road transport.
Room (CommonLibrary 20 Address) BBIE An identifiable room, suite, or apartment of a building.
RoundingAmount (CommonLibrary 1937 TaxTotal) BBIE The rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated tax total to produce the rounded TaxAmount.






(1697) ABIE A class to describe information related to an item in a sales context
(895 ForecastRevisionLine) ASBIE Sales information for the item to which this line applies.
SalesOrderID (CommonLibrary 1285 OrderReference) BBIE An identifier for this order reference, assigned by the seller.
SalesOrderLineID (CommonLibrary 1279 OrderLineReference) BBIE An identifier for the referenced order line, assigned by the seller.


ScheduledServiceFrequency (CommonLibrary 2330 TransportationService) ASBIE (ServiceFrequency) A class to specify which day of the week a transport service is operational.


SealingPartyType (CommonLibrary 2219 TransportEquipmentSeal) BBIE The role of the sealing party.
SealIssuerTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2216 TransportEquipmentSeal) BBIE A code signifying the type of party that issues and is responsible for this transport equipment seal.
SealStatusCode (CommonLibrary 2218 TransportEquipmentSeal) BBIE A code signifying the condition of this transport equipment seal.




(1703) ABIE A class to describe a secondary hazard associated with a hazardous item.
(975 HazardousItem) ASBIE A secondary hazard associated with this hazardous item.
SecurityOfficerPerson (CommonLibrary 1812 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) The person on board the vessel, accountable to the master, designated by the company as responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for the liaison with the company security officer and the port facility security officers.
SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 117 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a self billed credit note.
SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 115 BillingReference) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a self billed invoice.




(1716 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE (Contact) The contact for the service provider.
(1906 SupplierParty) ASBIE (Contact) The primary contact for this supplier party.
SellersItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1044 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) Identifying information for this item, assigned by the seller.
SellerSupplierParty (ForecastRevision 22) ASBIE (SupplierParty) The seller.
SenderParty (ForecastRevision 19) ASBIE (Party) The party sending this document.




(325 Consignment) BBIE A sequence identifier for this consignment.
(1856 Status) BBIE A sequence identifier for this status.


CommonLibrary (905 GoodsItem) BBIE A sequence number differentiating a specific goods item within a consignment.
ForecastRevision (13) BBIE A sequence number, to ensure the proper sequencing of revisions.




(53 AllowanceCharge) BBIE A number indicating the order of this allowance or charge in the sequence of calculations applied when there are multiple allowances or charges.
(2317 TransportationService) BBIE A number indicating the order of this transportation service in a sequence of transportation services.
SerialID (CommonLibrary 1086 ItemInstance) BBIE The serial number of this item instance.
ServiceAllowanceCharge (CommonLibrary 2204 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) A service allowance charge associated with this piece of transport equipment.
ServiceFrequency (CommonLibrary 1709) ABIE A class to specify which day of the week a transport service is operational.
ScheduledServiceFrequency(2330 TransportationService)




(1711) ABIE A class to describe a party contracting to provide services, such as transportation, finance, etc.
(1329 Party) ASBIE A party providing a service to this party.
ServiceType (CommonLibrary 1714 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE The type of service provided, expressed as text.
ServiceTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1713 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE The type of service provided, expressed as a code.
SettlementDiscountAmount (CommonLibrary 1401 PaymentTerms) BBIE The amount of a settlement discount offered for payment under these payment terms.
SettlementDiscountPercent (CommonLibrary 1397 PaymentTerms) BBIE The percentage for the settlement discount that is offered for payment under these payment terms.
SettlementPeriod (CommonLibrary 1407 PaymentTerms) ASBIE (Period) The period during which settlement may occur.






(1717) ABIE A class to describe a shareholder party.
(1348 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE A party owning shares in this legal entity.




(1720) ABIE A class defining an identifiable collection of one or more goods items to be transported between the seller party and the buyer party. This information may be defined within a commercial contract. A shipment can be transported in different consignments (e.g., split for logistical purposes).
ConsolidatedShipment(345 Consignment) ReferencedShipment(2271 TransportHandlingUnit) ReportedShipment(2227 TransportEvent)
(614 Delivery) ASBIE The shipment being delivered.
(665 DespatchLine) ASBIE A shipment associated with this despatch line.
(1593 ReceiptLine) ASBIE A shipment associated with this receipt line.




(941 GoodsItem) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a shipping document associated with this goods item.
(2210 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a shipping document associated with this piece of transport equipment.
(2268 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a shipping document associated with this transport handling unit.




(1753) ABIE A class to describe one stage of movement in a transport of goods.
MainCarriageShipmentStage(384 Consignment) OnCarriageShipmentStage(386 Consignment) PreCarriageShipmentStage(385 Consignment)
(1744 Shipment) ASBIE A stage in the transport movement of this shipment.
(2325 TransportationService) ASBIE One of the stages of shipment in this transportation service.
ShippingMarks (CommonLibrary 2254 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE Text describing the marks and numbers on this transport handling unit.




(326 Consignment) BBIE A code signifying the priority or level of service required for this consignment.
(1722 Shipment) BBIE A code signifying the priority or level of service required for this shipment.
ShipsRequirements (CommonLibrary 1209 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Information about what services a vessel will require when it arrives at a port, such as refueling, maintenance, waste disposal etc.
ShipsSurgeonPerson (CommonLibrary 1814 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Person) The person responsible for the health of the people aboard a ship at sea.
ShortageActionCode (CommonLibrary 1579 ReceiptLine) BBIE A code signifying the action that the delivery party wishes the despatch party to take as the result of a shortage.
ShortQuantity (CommonLibrary 1578 ReceiptLine) BBIE The quantity received short; the difference between the quantity reported despatched and the quantity actually received.






(1689 ResultOfVerification) ASBIE (Party) The signing party.
(1823 Signature) ASBIE (Party) The signing party.




(1815) ABIE A class to define a signature.
(225 Certificate) ASBIE A signature applied to this certificate.
(2231 TransportEvent) ASBIE A signature that can be used to sign for an entry or an exit at a transport location (e.g., port terminal).
ForecastRevision (18) ASBIE A signature applied to this document.
SignatureID (CommonLibrary 1371 PaymentMandate) BBIE An identifier for a signature applied by a signatory party.
SignatureMethod (CommonLibrary 1822 Signature) BBIE Text describing the method of signature.
SizeTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2158 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the size and type of this piece of piece of transport equipment. When the piece of transport equipment is a shipping container, it is recommended to use ContainerSizeTypeCode for validation.


SoleProprietorshipIndicator (CommonLibrary 1341 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An indicator that the company is owned and controlled by one person (true) or not (false).
SourceCurrencyBaseRate (CommonLibrary 824 ExchangeRate) BBIE In the case of a source currency with denominations of small value, the unit base.
SourceCurrencyCode (CommonLibrary 823 ExchangeRate) BBIE The reference currency for this exchange rate; the currency from which the exchange is being made.
SourceForecastIssueDate (CommonLibrary 891 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE The date on which the forecast modified by this revision was generated or created.
SourceForecastIssueTime (CommonLibrary 892 ForecastRevisionLine) BBIE The time at which the forecast modified by this revision was generated or created.






(336 Consignment) BBIE Special instructions relating to this consignment.
(1738 Shipment) BBIE Special instructions relating to this shipment.
SpecialSecurityIndicator (CommonLibrary 319 Consignment) BBIE An indication that the transported goods in this consignment require special security (true) or not (false).
SpecialServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 324 Consignment) BBIE Special service instructions, expressed as text.
SpecialTerms (CommonLibrary 617 DeliveryTerms) BBIE A description of any terms or conditions relating to the delivery items.
SpecialTransportRequirements (CommonLibrary 2174 TransportEquipment) BBIE Special transport requirements expressed as text.




(337 Consignment) BBIE An indicator that this consignment has been split in transit (true) or not (false).
(1740 Shipment) BBIE An indicator that the consignment has been split in transit (true) or not (false).


StandardItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1046 Item) ASBIE (ItemIdentification) Identifying information for this item, assigned according to a standard system.
StartDate (CommonLibrary 1419 Period) BBIE The date on which this period begins.
StartTime (CommonLibrary 1420 Period) BBIE The time at which this period begins.




(1849) ABIE A class to describe the condition or position of an object.
CurrentStatus(2228 TransportEvent)
(351 Consignment) ASBIE The status of a particular condition associated with this consignment.
(2269 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE The status of this transport handling unit.
StatusCode (CommonLibrary 1484 PriceList) BBIE A code signifying whether this price list is an original, copy, revision, or cancellation.
StatusReason (CommonLibrary 1855 Status) BBIE The reason for this status condition or position, expressed as text.
StatusReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1854 Status) BBIE The reason for this status condition or position, expressed as a code.
StorageLocation (CommonLibrary 2192 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Location) The location where this piece of transport equipment is being stored.
StorageTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1788 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The storage of goods in this shipment stage.




(1870) ABIE A class to describe a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been stowed or are to be stowed.
(2280 TransportMeans) ASBIE The location within the means of transport where goods are to be or have been stowed.
StreetName (CommonLibrary 21 Address) BBIE The name of the street, road, avenue, way, etc. to which the number of the building is attached.


SubInvoiceLine (CommonLibrary 1030 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (InvoiceLine) An invoice line subsidiary to this invoice line.
SubsidiaryLocation (CommonLibrary 1190 Location) ASBIE (Location) A location subsidiary to this location.
SubstituteCarrierParty (CommonLibrary 363 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) A substitute party performing the carriage of this consignment.
SuccessiveSequenceID (CommonLibrary 1765 ShipmentStage) BBIE Identifies the successive loading sequence (of consignments) associated with a shipment stage.
SummaryDescription (CommonLibrary 298 Consignment) BBIE A textual summary description of the consignment.
SupplierAssignedAccountID (CommonLibrary 554 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the customer's account, assigned by the supplier.




(1899) ABIE A class to describe a supplier party.
SellerSupplierParty(22 ForecastRevision)
(2187 TransportEquipment) ASBIE The party that supplies this piece of transport equipment.
SupportedCommodityClassification (CommonLibrary 2322 TransportationService) ASBIE (CommodityClassification) A classification (e.g., general cargo) for commodities that can be handled in this transportation service.
SupportedTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2319 TransportationService) ASBIE (TransportEquipment) A piece of transport equipment supported in this transportation service.


TakeoverTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1782 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The receiver's takeover of the goods in this shipment stage.
TareWeightMeasure (CommonLibrary 2177 TransportEquipment) BBIE The weight of this piece of transport equipment when empty.
TargetCurrencyBaseRate (CommonLibrary 826 ExchangeRate) BBIE In the case of a target currency with denominations of small value, the unit base.
TargetCurrencyCode (CommonLibrary 825 ExchangeRate) BBIE The target currency for this exchange rate; the currency to which the exchange is being made.
TariffClassCode (CommonLibrary 2309 TransportationService) BBIE A code signifying the tariff class applicable to this transportation service.
TariffCode (CommonLibrary 302 Consignment) BBIE A code signifying the tariff applied to this consignment.
TariffDescription (CommonLibrary 301 Consignment) BBIE Text describing the tariff applied to this consignment.
TaxableAmount (CommonLibrary 1925 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The net amount to which the tax percent (rate) is applied to calculate the tax amount.




(1926 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The amount of this tax subtotal.
(1936 TaxTotal) BBIE The total tax amount for a particular taxation scheme, e.g., VAT; the sum of the tax subtotals for each tax category within the taxation scheme.




(1907) ABIE A class to describe one of the tax categories within a taxation scheme (e.g., High Rate VAT, Low Rate VAT).
ApplicableTaxCategory(1098 ItemLocationQuantity) ClassifiedTaxCategory(1055 Item)
(59 AllowanceCharge) ASBIE A tax category applicable to this allowance or charge.
(1934 TaxSubtotal) ASBIE The tax category applicable to this subtotal.
TaxEvidenceIndicator (CommonLibrary 1938 TaxTotal) BBIE An indicator that this total is recognized as legal evidence for taxation purposes (true) or not (false).
TaxExclusivePrice (CommonLibrary 1700 SalesItem) ASBIE (Price) A price for this sales item, exclusive of tax.
TaxExemptionReason (CommonLibrary 1914 TaxCategory) BBIE The reason for tax being exempted, expressed as text.
TaxExemptionReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1913 TaxCategory) BBIE The reason for tax being exempted, expressed as a code.
TaxIncludedIndicator (CommonLibrary 1939 TaxTotal) BBIE An indicator that tax is included in the calculation (true) or not (false).
TaxInclusivePrice (CommonLibrary 1701 SalesItem) ASBIE (Price) A price for this sales item, including tax.
TaxLevelCode (CommonLibrary 1354 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the tax level applicable to the party within this taxation scheme.
TaxPointDate (CommonLibrary 1009 InvoiceLine) BBIE The date of this invoice line, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable.




(1918) ABIE A class to describe a taxation scheme (e.g., VAT, State tax, County tax).
(1358 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE The taxation scheme applicable to the party.
(1917 TaxCategory) ASBIE The taxation scheme within which this tax category is defined.




(1924) ABIE A class to define the subtotal for a particular tax category within a particular taxation scheme, such as standard rate within VAT.
(1940 TaxTotal) ASBIE One of the subtotals the sum of which equals the total tax amount for a particular taxation scheme.




(1935) ABIE A class to describe the total tax for a particular taxation scheme.
WithholdingTaxTotal(1026 InvoiceLine)
(60 AllowanceCharge) ASBIE The total of all the taxes applicable to this allowance or charge.
(1025 InvoiceLine) ASBIE A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this invoice line.
(1481 PriceExtension) ASBIE A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this price extension.
TaxTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1921 TaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the type of tax.


TechnicalName (CommonLibrary 964 HazardousItem) BBIE The full technical name of a specific hazardous substance contained in this goods item.
Telefax (CommonLibrary 473 Contact) BBIE The primary fax number of this contact.
Telephone (CommonLibrary 472 Contact) BBIE The primary telephone number of this contact.




(1979) ABIE A class to describe a measurement of temperature.
AdditionalTemperature(979 HazardousItem) EmergencyTemperature(977 HazardousItem) FlashpointTemperature(978 HazardousItem) MaximumTemperature(943 GoodsItem) MaximumTemperature(954 HazardousGoodsTransit) MaximumTemperature(2184 TransportEquipment) MaximumTemperature(2264 TransportHandlingUnit) MinimumTemperature(942 GoodsItem) MinimumTemperature(955 HazardousGoodsTransit) MinimumTemperature(2183 TransportEquipment) MinimumTemperature(2263 TransportHandlingUnit)
(933 GoodsItem) ASBIE The temperature of the goods item.
TerminalOperatorParty (CommonLibrary 1790 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Party) A terminal operator associated with this shipment stage.
TestMethod (CommonLibrary 1117 ItemProperty) BBIE The method of testing the value of this item property.
Text (CommonLibrary 1857 Status) BBIE Provides any textual information related to this status.


ThirdPartyPayerIndicator (CommonLibrary 320 Consignment) BBIE An indication that this consignment will be paid for by a third party (true) or not (false).






(1915 TaxCategory) BBIE Where a tax is tiered, the range of taxable amounts that determines the rate of tax applicable to this tax category.
(1932 TaxSubtotal) BBIE Where a tax is tiered, the range of taxable amounts that determines the rate of tax applicable to this tax subtotal.




(1916 TaxCategory) BBIE Where a tax is tiered, the tax rate that applies within the specified range of taxable amounts for this tax category.
(1933 TaxSubtotal) BBIE Where a tax is tiered, the tax rate that applies within a specified range of taxable amounts for this tax subtotal.
TimezoneOffset (CommonLibrary 38 Address) BBIE The time zone in which this address is located (as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)) at the time of exchange.
TimingComplaint (CommonLibrary 1588 ReceiptLine) BBIE A complaint about the timing of delivery, expressed as text.
TimingComplaintCode (CommonLibrary 1587 ReceiptLine) BBIE A complaint about the timing of delivery, expressed as a code.
Title (CommonLibrary 1430 Person) BBIE This person's title of address (e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir).


TotalCapacityDimension (CommonLibrary 2324 TransportationService) ASBIE (Dimension) The total capacity or volume available in this transportation service.




(330 Consignment) BBIE The total number of goods items in this consignment.
(1731 Shipment) BBIE The total number of goods items in this shipment.
(2251 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE The total number of goods items in this transport handling unit.
TotalInvoiceAmount (CommonLibrary 299 Consignment) BBIE The total of all invoice amounts declared in this consignment.
TotalPackageQuantity (CommonLibrary 2252 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE The total number of packages in this transport handling unit.
TotalPackagesQuantity (CommonLibrary 344 Consignment) BBIE The total number of packages associated with a Consignment.




(331 Consignment) BBIE The number of pieces of transport handling equipment (pallets, boxes, cases, etc.) in this consignment.
(1732 Shipment) BBIE The number of pieces of transport handling equipment (pallets, boxes, cases, etc.) in this shipment.






(928 GoodsItem) BBIE An identifier for use in tracing this goods item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
(1303 Package) BBIE An identifier for use in tracing this package, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
(2180 TransportEquipment) BBIE An identifier for use in tracing this piece of transport equipment, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
(2255 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE An identifier for use in tracing this transport handling unit, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
TrackingDeviceCode (CommonLibrary 2178 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the tracking device for this piece of transport equipment.
TrackingID (CommonLibrary 600 Delivery) BBIE The delivery Tracking ID (for transport tracking).




(2135) ABIE A class to describe a trade financing instrument.
(1390 PaymentMeans) ASBIE A trade finance agreement applicable to this means of payment.
TradeServiceCode (CommonLibrary 2279 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the service regularly provided by the carrier operating this means of transport.
TradingRestrictions (CommonLibrary 1094 ItemLocationQuantity) BBIE Text describing trade restrictions on the quantity of this item or on the item itself.
TradingTerms (CommonLibrary 2143) ABIE A class for describing the terms of a trade agreement.
HaulageTradingTerms(2201 TransportEquipment)
TrainID (CommonLibrary 1571 RailTransport) BBIE An identifier for the train used as the means of transport.




(2147) ABIE A class to describe purchasing, sales, or payment conditions.
(1053 Item) ASBIE A set of sales conditions applying to this item.
TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount (CommonLibrary 1928 TaxSubtotal) BBIE The amount of this tax subtotal, expressed in the currency used for invoicing.
TransitCountry (CommonLibrary 372 Consignment) ASBIE (Country) One of the countries through which goods or passengers in this consignment are routed between the country of original departure and the country of final destination.
TransitDirectionCode (CommonLibrary 1757 ShipmentStage) BBIE A code signifying the direction of transit in this shipment stage.
TransitPeriod (CommonLibrary 1770 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Period) The period during which this shipment stage actually took place.
TransportAdvisorParty (CommonLibrary 365 Consignment) ASBIE (Party) The party providing transport advice this consignment.
TransportationService (CommonLibrary 2307) ABIE A class to describe a transportation service.
FinalDeliveryTransportationService(376 Consignment) OriginalDespatchTransportationService(375 Consignment)
TransportationServiceDescription (CommonLibrary 2312 TransportationService) BBIE Text describing this transportation service.
TransportationServiceDetailsURI (CommonLibrary 2313 TransportationService) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a document providing additional details regarding this transportation service.
TransportAuthorizationCode (CommonLibrary 953 HazardousGoodsTransit) BBIE A code signifying authorization for the transportation of hazardous cargo.
TransportContract (CommonLibrary 373 Consignment) ASBIE (Contract) A transport contract relating to this consignment.
TransportEmergencyCardCode (CommonLibrary 949 HazardousGoodsTransit) BBIE An identifier for a transport emergency card describing the actions to be taken in an emergency in transporting the hazardous goods. It may be the identity number of a hazardous emergency response plan assigned by the appropriate authority.




(2152) ABIE A class to describe a piece of equipment used to transport goods.
AttachedTransportEquipment(2206 TransportEquipment) ContainedInTransportEquipment(2211 TransportEquipment) ContainingTransportEquipment(1305 Package) SupportedTransportEquipment(2319 TransportationService) UnsupportedTransportEquipment(2320 TransportationService)
(947 GoodsItemContainer) ASBIE A piece of transport equipment used to contain a single goods item.
(2259 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE A piece of transport equipment associated with this transport handling unit.
(2318 TransportationService) ASBIE A piece of transport equipment used in this transportation service.




(2214) ABIE A class to describe a device (a transport equipment seal) for securing the doors of a shipping container.
(2182 TransportEquipment) ASBIE A seal securing the door of a piece of transport equipment.
TransportEquipmentTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2155 TransportEquipment) BBIE A code signifying the type of this piece of transport equipment.




(2220) ABIE A class to describe a significant occurrence or happening related to the transportation of goods.
AcceptanceTransportEvent(1789 ShipmentStage) ActualArrivalTransportEvent(1804 ShipmentStage) ActualDepartureTransportEvent(1802 ShipmentStage) ActualPickupTransportEvent(1785 ShipmentStage) ActualWaypointTransportEvent(1803 ShipmentStage) AvailabilityTransportEvent(1778 ShipmentStage) DeliveryTransportEvent(1786 ShipmentStage) DeliveryTransportEvent(2195 TransportEquipment) DetentionTransportEvent(1795 ShipmentStage) DischargeTransportEvent(1780 ShipmentStage) DropoffTransportEvent(1784 ShipmentStage) EstimatedArrivalTransportEvent(1807 ShipmentStage) EstimatedDepartureTransportEvent(1806 ShipmentStage) ExaminationTransportEvent(1777 ShipmentStage) ExportationTransportEvent(1779 ShipmentStage) HandlingTransportEvent(2197 TransportEquipment) LoadingTransportEvent(1776 ShipmentStage) LoadingTransportEvent(2198 TransportEquipment) OptionalTakeoverTransportEvent(1783 ShipmentStage) PickupTransportEvent(2196 TransportEquipment) PlannedArrivalTransportEvent(1800 ShipmentStage) PlannedDeliveryTransportEvent(350 Consignment) PlannedDepartureTransportEvent(1799 ShipmentStage) PlannedPickupTransportEvent(349 Consignment) PlannedWaypointTransportEvent(1801 ShipmentStage) PositioningTransportEvent(2193 TransportEquipment) QuarantineTransportEvent(2194 TransportEquipment) ReceiptTransportEvent(1787 ShipmentStage) RequestedArrivalTransportEvent(1797 ShipmentStage) RequestedDeliveryTransportEvent(348 Consignment) RequestedDepartureTransportEvent(1796 ShipmentStage) RequestedPickupTransportEvent(347 Consignment) RequestedWaypointTransportEvent(1798 ShipmentStage) StorageTransportEvent(1788 ShipmentStage) TakeoverTransportEvent(1782 ShipmentStage) WarehousingTransportEvent(1781 ShipmentStage)
(374 Consignment) ASBIE A class describing a significant occurrence or happening related to the transportation of goods.
(1805 ShipmentStage) ASBIE A significant occurrence in the course of this shipment of goods.
(2199 TransportEquipment) ASBIE A transport event associated with this piece of transport equipment.
(2326 TransportationService) ASBIE One of the transport events taking place in this transportation service.
TransportEventTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2224 TransportEvent) BBIE A code signifying the type of this transport event.




(2245) ABIE A class to describe a uniquely identifiable unit consisting of one or more packages, goods items, or pieces of transport equipment.
PackagedTransportHandlingUnit(2203 TransportEquipment)
(387 Consignment) ASBIE A transport handling unit used for loose and containerized goods.
(1746 Shipment) ASBIE A transport handling unit associated with this shipment.
TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2247 TransportHandlingUnit) BBIE A code signifying the type of this transport handling unit.




(2273) ABIE A class to describe a particular vehicle or vessel used for the conveyance of goods or persons.
ApplicableTransportMeans(2200 TransportEquipment)
(1772 ShipmentStage) ASBIE The means of transport used in this shipment stage.
(2260 TransportHandlingUnit) ASBIE A means of transport associated with this transport handling unit.




(1756 ShipmentStage) BBIE A code signifying the kind of transport means (truck, vessel, etc.) used for this shipment stage.
(2278 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the type of this means of transport (truck, vessel, etc.).
TransportModeCode (CommonLibrary 1755 ShipmentStage) BBIE A code signifying the method of transport used for this shipment stage.
TransportServiceCode (CommonLibrary 2308 TransportationService) BBIE A code signifying the extent of this transportation service (e.g., door-to-door, port-to-port).
TransshipPortLocation (CommonLibrary 1775 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Location) The location of transshipment relating to a shipment stage.


UBLVersionID (ForecastRevision 3) BBIE Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.


UNDGCode (CommonLibrary 961 HazardousItem) BBIE The UN code for this kind of hazardous item.
UnloadingLocation (CommonLibrary 2191 TransportEquipment) ASBIE (Location) The location where this piece of transport equipment is unloaded.
UnloadingPortLocation (CommonLibrary 1774 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (Location) The location of unloading for a shipment stage.
UnsupportedCommodityClassification (CommonLibrary 2323 TransportationService) ASBIE (CommodityClassification) A classification for commodities that cannot be handled in this transportation service.
UnsupportedTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2320 TransportationService) ASBIE (TransportEquipment) A piece of transport equipment that is not supported in this transportation service.


UpperOrangeHazardPlacardID (CommonLibrary 967 HazardousItem) BBIE The number for the upper part of the orange hazard placard required on the means of transport.


URI (CommonLibrary 833 ExternalReference) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.


UsabilityPeriod (CommonLibrary 1123 ItemProperty) ASBIE (Period) The period during which this item property is valid.






(653 DespatchLine) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this despatch line.
(679 DocumentReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this document reference.
(1005 InvoiceLine) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this invoice line.
(1173 LineReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this line reference.
(1280 OrderLineReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this order line reference.
(1287 OrderReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this order reference.
(1575 ReceiptLine) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this receipt line.
ForecastRevision (9) BBIE A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.


ValidateProcess (CommonLibrary 1686 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The verification process.
ValidateTool (CommonLibrary 1687 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The tool used to verify the signature.
ValidateToolVersion (CommonLibrary 1688 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The version of the tool used to verify the signature.




(1684 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The date upon which verification took place.
(1818 Signature) BBIE The date upon which this signature was verified.
ValidationResultCode (CommonLibrary 1683 ResultOfVerification) BBIE A code signifying the result of the verification.




(1685 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The time at which verification took place.
(1819 Signature) BBIE The time at which this signature was verified.




(1682 ResultOfVerification) BBIE An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified the signature.
(1820 Signature) BBIE An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified this signature.




(488 Contract) ASBIE (Period) The period during which this contract is valid.
(691 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Period) The period for which this document reference is valid.
(1188 Location) ASBIE (Period) A period during which this location can be used (e.g., for delivery).
(1374 PaymentMandate) ASBIE (Period) The period during which this mandate is valid.
(1410 PaymentTerms) ASBIE (Period) The period during which these payment terms are valid.
(1475 Price) ASBIE (Period) A period during which this price is valid.
(1485 PriceList) ASBIE (Period) A period during which this price list is valid.
ValidityStartDate (CommonLibrary 150 CardAccount) BBIE The date from which the card is valid.




(13 ActivityProperty) BBIE The value of this activity property.
(274 Communication) BBIE An identifying value (phone number, email address, etc.) for this channel of communication
(1118 ItemProperty) BBIE The value of this item property, expressed as text.
ValueAmount (CommonLibrary 913 GoodsItem) BBIE The amount on which a duty, tax, or fee will be assessed.
ValueMeasure (CommonLibrary 742 EnvironmentalEmission) BBIE A value measurement for the environmental emission.
ValueQualifier (CommonLibrary 1120 ItemProperty) BBIE Text qualifying the value of the property.
ValueQuantity (CommonLibrary 1119 ItemProperty) BBIE The value of this item property, expressed as a quantity.






(486 Contract) BBIE An identifier for the current version of this contract.
(687 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the current version of the referenced document.
VesselID (CommonLibrary 1206 MaritimeTransport) BBIE An identifier for a specific vessel.
VesselName (CommonLibrary 1207 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The name of the vessel.


WarehousingTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1781 ShipmentStage) ASBIE (TransportEvent) The warehousing event associated with this shipment stage.


WebsiteURI (CommonLibrary 1315 Party) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies this party's web site; i.e., the web site's Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
WeekDayCode (CommonLibrary 1710 ServiceFrequency) BBIE A day of the week, expressed as code.


WithholdingTaxTotal (CommonLibrary 1026 InvoiceLine) ASBIE (TaxTotal) A reference to a TaxTotal class describing the amount that has been withhold by the authorities, e.g. if the creditor is in dept because of non paid taxes.
WitnessParty (CommonLibrary 1466 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) An association to a WitnessParty.


XPath (CommonLibrary 684 DocumentReference) BBIE A reference to another place in the same XML document instance in which DocumentReference appears.


This summary of elements only includes those members of the common library that are referenced directly or indirectly by ForecastRevision.
Card. Rep. Term Alt. Business
Examples Dictionary Entry Name UNTDED
Ver. Comp.
Class Prop. Term
Prop. Term
Poss. Noun
Prop. Term
Prim. Noun
Rep. Term Data Type
Data Type Assoc.
11 ActivityProperty
A class to define a name/value pair for a property of an inventory planning activity.
Activity Property. Details 2.1 ABIE Activity Property
Name The name of this activity property.
1 Name Activity Property. Name 2.1 BBIE Activity Property Name Name Name. Type
Value The value of this activity property.
1 Text Activity Property. Value. Text 2.1 BBIE Activity Property Value Text Text. Type
14 Address
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
A class to define common information related to an address.
Address. Details 2.0 ABIE Address
ID An identifier for this address within an agreed scheme of address identifiers.
0..1 Identifier DetailsKey Address. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Address Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
AddressTypeCode A mutually agreed code signifying the type of this address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Address Address Type Code Code Code. Type
AddressFormatCode A mutually agreed code signifying the format of this address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Format Code. Code