Index for all items: Summary AC AD AG AI AL AM AN AP AT AU AV AW BA BE BI BL BO BR BU CA CE CH CI CL CO CR CU CV DA DE DI DO DR DU EA EC EF EL EM EN ES EV EX FA FE FI FL FO FR FU GA GE GO GR GU HA HE HI HO HU ID IM IN IS IT JO JU KE LA LE LI LO MA ME MI MO MU NA NE NO OC OF ON OP OR OT OU OV OW PA PE PH PI PL PO PR PU QU RA RE RO SA SC SE SH SI SO SP ST SU TA TE TH TI TO TR TY UB UN UP UR US UT UU VA VE WA WE WI WO XP CommonLibrary ApplicationResponse AttachedDocument AwardedNotification BillOfLading CallForTenders Catalogue CatalogueDeletion CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate CataloguePricingUpdate CatalogueRequest CertificateOfOrigin ContractAwardNotice ContractNotice CreditNote DebitNote DespatchAdvice DocumentStatus DocumentStatusRequest ExceptionCriteria ExceptionNotification Forecast ForecastRevision ForwardingInstructions FreightInvoice FulfilmentCancellation GoodsItemItinerary GuaranteeCertificate InstructionForReturns InventoryReport Invoice ItemInformationRequest Order OrderCancellation OrderChange OrderResponse OrderResponseSimple PackingList PriorInformationNotice ProductActivity Quotation ReceiptAdvice Reminder RemittanceAdvice RequestForQuotation RetailEvent SelfBilledCreditNote SelfBilledInvoice Statement StockAvailabilityReport Tender TendererQualification TendererQualificationResponse TenderReceipt TradeItemLocationProfile TransportationStatus TransportationStatusRequest TransportExecutionPlan TransportExecutionPlanRequest TransportProgressStatus TransportProgressStatusRequest TransportServiceDescription TransportServiceDescriptionRequest UnawardedNotification UtilityStatement Waybill Unqualified Data Types
Profile short name | All |
Domain | UBL 2.1 PRD4 deliverables |
Title | UBL 2.1 PRD4 |
Document reference | |
Description | This is an untouched profile from UBL 2.1 PRD4 comprised of all document types. |
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Legends: | Summary Legend: | Name (Module line Object) TYPE Description |
Table Legend: | ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name) | |
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination) | ||
Line number links: | alternate between summary view and table view |
AcceptanceTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1789 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The acceptance of goods in this shipment stage. |
AcceptedIndicator (OrderResponseSimple 13) | BBIE | Indicates whether the Order is accepted (true) or rejected (false). |
AcceptedVariantsDescription (CommonLibrary 2096 TenderingTerms) | BBIE | Text specifying the things for which variants are accepted. |
AccessoryRelatedItem (CommonLibrary 184 CatalogueLine) | ASBIE (RelatedItem) | An item that may be an optional accessory of the item in this catalogue line. |
AccountFormatCode (CommonLibrary 849 FinancialAccount) | BBIE | A code signifying the format of this financial account. |
AccountID (CommonLibrary 522 CreditAccount) | BBIE | An identifier for this credit account. |
AccountingContact |
AccountingCost |
AccountingCostCode |
AccountingCustomerParty |
AccountingSupplierParty |
AccountTypeCode (CommonLibrary 848 FinancialAccount) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of this financial account. |
ActionCode |
ActivityDataLine (CommonLibrary 2) | ABIE | A class to associate a time period and locations (activity data) with an item for
inventory planning purposes. SupplyChainActivityDataLine(19 ProductActivity) |
ActivityFinalLocation (CommonLibrary 9 ActivityDataLine) | ASBIE (Location) | The location to which the goods are moved. |
ActivityOriginLocation (CommonLibrary 8 ActivityDataLine) | ASBIE (Location) | Either the location where the movement of goods is observed or the location from which the goods are moved. |
ActivityPeriod |
ActivityProperty |
ActivityType (CommonLibrary 504 ContractingActivity) | BBIE | The nature of the type of business of the organization, expressed as text. |
ActivityTypeCode (CommonLibrary 503 ContractingActivity) | BBIE | A code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization. |
ActualArrivalTransportEvent |
ActualDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 595 Delivery) | BBIE | The actual date of delivery. |
ActualDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 596 Delivery) | BBIE | The actual time of delivery. |
ActualDepartureTransportEvent |
ActualDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 637 Despatch) | BBIE | The actual despatch (pickup) date. |
ActualDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 638 Despatch) | BBIE | The actual despatch (pickup) time. |
ActualPackage (CommonLibrary 2257 TransportHandlingUnit) | ASBIE (Package) | A package contained in this transport handling unit. |
ActualPickupDate (CommonLibrary 1451 Pickup) | BBIE | The actual pickup date. |
ActualPickupTime (CommonLibrary 1452 Pickup) | BBIE | The actual pickup time. |
ActualPickupTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1785 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The pickup of goods in this shipment stage. |
ActualTemperatureReductionQuantity (CommonLibrary 406 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Statement for the actuel heating correction temperature. |
ActualWaypointTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1803 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The location of an actual waypoint during a transportation service. |
AdditionalAccountID |
AdditionalCommodityClassification (CommonLibrary 1509 ProcurementProject) | ASBIE (CommodityClassification) | An association to additional classification categories for the deliverable requested. |
AdditionalConditions (CommonLibrary 2106 TenderingTerms) | BBIE | Other existing conditions. |
AdditionalDocumentReference |
AdditionalDocumentResponse (DocumentStatus 17) | ASBIE (DocumentResponse) | A document linked or related to the document for which the status was requested. |
AdditionalInformation |
AdditionalInformationParty (CommonLibrary 2124 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (Party) | A party that has additional information about the tendering process. |
AdditionalItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1048 Item) | ASBIE (ItemIdentification) | An additional identifier for this item. |
AdditionalItemProperty |
AdditionalQualifyingParty (CommonLibrary 2048 TendererPartyQualification) | ASBIE (QualifyingParty) | The qualifications of a tenderer party other than the main tenderer party when bidding as a consortium. |
AdditionalStreetName (CommonLibrary 22 Address) | BBIE | An additional street name used to further clarify the address. |
AdditionalTemperature (CommonLibrary 979 HazardousItem) | ASBIE (Temperature) | Another temperature relevant to the handling of this hazardous item. |
AdditionalTransportationService |
Address |
AddressFormatCode (CommonLibrary 17 Address) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code signifying the format of this address. |
AddressLine |
AddressTypeCode (CommonLibrary 16 Address) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code signifying the type of this address. |
AdjustmentReasonCode (CommonLibrary 893 ForecastRevisionLine) | BBIE | A code signifying the reason for the adjustment specified in this forecast revision line. |
AdmissionCode (CommonLibrary 1537 QualificationResolution) | BBIE | An indicator that the economic operator has been accepted into the tendering process (true) or rejected from the tendering process (false). |
AdValoremIndicator |
AdvertisementAmount (CommonLibrary 2019 TenderResult) | BBIE | The monetary value of the advertisement for this tendering process. |
AgencyID (CommonLibrary 256 ClassificationScheme) | BBIE | An identifier for the agency that maintains this classification scheme. |
AgencyName (CommonLibrary 257 ClassificationScheme) | BBIE | The name of the agency that maintains the classification scheme. |
AgentParty |
AircraftID (CommonLibrary 45 AirTransport) | BBIE | An identifer for a specific aircraft. |
AirFlowPercent (CommonLibrary 2165 TransportEquipment) | BBIE | The percent of the airflow within this piece of transport equipment. |
AirTransport |
AliasName (CommonLibrary 847 FinancialAccount) | BBIE | An alias for the name of this financial account, to be used in place of the actual account name for security reasons. |
AllowanceCharge |
AllowanceChargeReason (CommonLibrary 50 AllowanceCharge) | BBIE | The reason for this allowance or charge. |
AllowanceChargeReasonCode (CommonLibrary 49 AllowanceCharge) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code signifying the reason for this allowance or charge. |
AllowanceTotalAmount (CommonLibrary 1249 MonetaryTotal) | BBIE | The total monetary amount of all allowances. |
AllowedSubcontractTerms (CommonLibrary 2120 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (SubcontractTerms) | Subcontract terms for the tendering process. |
AlternativeConditionPrice (CommonLibrary 1489 PricingReference) | ASBIE (Price) | The price expressed in terms other than the actual price, e.g., the list price v. the contracted price, or the price in bags v. the price in kilos, or the list price in bags v. the contracted price in kilos. |
AlternativeDeliveryLocation (CommonLibrary 603 Delivery) | ASBIE (Location) | An alternative delivery location. |
AlternativeLineItem (CommonLibrary 1568 QuotationLine) | ASBIE (LineItem) | An item proposed by the seller as an alternative to the item that is the subject of this quotation line. |
AltitudeMeasure (CommonLibrary 1200 LocationCoordinate) | BBIE | The altitude of the location. |
Amount |
AmountRate (CommonLibrary 858 FinancialGuarantee) | BBIE | The rate used to calculate the amount of liability in this financial guarantee. |
AnimalFoodApprovedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2167 TransportEquipment) | BBIE | An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is approved for animal food (true) or not (false). |
AnimalFoodIndicator (CommonLibrary 313 Consignment) | BBIE | An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are animal foodstuffs (true) or not (false). |
AnnualAverageAmount (CommonLibrary 276 CompletedTask) | BBIE | The average monetary amount of a task such as this completed task. |
AnticipatedMonetaryTotal |
AppealInformationParty (CommonLibrary 65 AppealTerms) | ASBIE (Party) | The party presenting the information for an appeal. |
AppealReceiverParty (CommonLibrary 66 AppealTerms) | ASBIE (Party) | The party to whom an appeal should be presented. |
AppealTerms |
ApplicableAddress (CommonLibrary 2146 TradingTerms) | ASBIE (Address) | The address at which these trading terms apply. |
ApplicablePeriod (GuaranteeCertificate 18) | ASBIE (Period) | The specified period in the tendering process for which this bid bond guarantee is effective |
ApplicableRegulation (GuaranteeCertificate 19) | ASBIE (Regulation) | A reference to an applicable regulation. |
ApplicableTaxCategory |
ApplicableTerritoryAddress |
ApplicableTransportMeans (CommonLibrary 2200 TransportEquipment) | ASBIE (TransportMeans) | The applicable transport means associated with this piece of transport equipment. |
ApplicationResponse (ApplicationResponse 2) | ABIE | A document to indicate the application's response to a transaction. This may be a business response initiated by a user or a technical response sent automatically by an application. |
ApplicationStatusCode (CommonLibrary 229 CertificateOfOriginApplication) | BBIE | A code signifying the status of the application (revision, replacement, etc.). |
ApprovalDate (CallForTenders 11) | BBIE | The date, assigned by the contracting party, on which the Call For Tenders was approved. |
ApprovalStatus (CommonLibrary 721 Endorsement) | BBIE | The status of this endorsement. |
AtLocation |
AttachedDocument (AttachedDocument 2) | ABIE | A wrapper that allows a document of any kind to be packaged with the UBL document that references it. |
AttachedTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2206 TransportEquipment) | ASBIE (TransportEquipment) | A piece of transport equipment attached to this piece of transport equipment. |
Attachment |
AttributeID |
AuctionConstraintIndicator (CommonLibrary 72 AuctionTerms) | BBIE | Indicates whether an electronic auction will be used before the awarding of a contract (true) or not (false). |
AuctionTerms |
AuctionURI (CommonLibrary 78 AuctionTerms) | BBIE | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the electronic device used for the auction. |
AvailabilityDate |
AvailabilityStatusCode |
AvailabilityTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1778 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The making available of shipments in this shipment stage. |
AverageAmount (CommonLibrary 399 ConsumptionAverage) | BBIE | The average monetary amount of the consumption. |
AverageSubsequentContractAmount (CommonLibrary 1672 RequestedTenderTotal) | BBIE | The average monetary amount for the subsequent contracts following this budget amount. |
AwardDate (CommonLibrary 2020 TenderResult) | BBIE | The date on which this result was formalized. |
AwardedNotification (AwardedNotification 2) | ABIE | The document used to communicate a contract award to the winner. |
AwardedTenderedProject (CommonLibrary 2029 TenderResult) | ASBIE (TenderedProject) | The awarded tendered project associated with this tender result. |
AwardingCriterion |
AwardingCriterionDescription (CommonLibrary 96 AwardingCriterionResponse) | BBIE | Describes the awarding criterion. |
AwardingCriterionID (CommonLibrary 95 AwardingCriterionResponse) | BBIE | An identifer of the awarding criterion being referred to. |
AwardingCriterionResponse |
AwardingCriterionTypeCode (CommonLibrary 81 AwardingCriterion) | BBIE | A code used to define this awarding criterion. |
AwardingMethodTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2092 TenderingTerms) | BBIE | A code signifying the awarding method in a tendering process (e.g., a method favoring the tender with the lowest price or the tender that is most economically advantageous). |
AwardingTerms |
AwardTime (CommonLibrary 2021 TenderResult) | BBIE | The time at which this result was formalized. |
BackOrderAllowedIndicator (CommonLibrary 1153 LineItem) | BBIE | An indicator that back order is allowed (true) or not (false). |
BackorderQuantity (CommonLibrary 657 DespatchLine) | BBIE | The quantity on back order at the supplier. |
BackorderReason (CommonLibrary 658 DespatchLine) | BBIE | The reason for the back order. |
BalanceAmount |
BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator |
BarcodeSymbologyID (CommonLibrary 1069 ItemIdentification) | BBIE | An identifier for a system of barcodes. |
BaseAmount (CommonLibrary 55 AllowanceCharge) | BBIE | The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount of this allowance or charge. |
BasedOnConsensusIndicator (Forecast 14) | BBIE | Indicates whether the Forecast is based on consensus (true) or not (false). |
BaseQuantity (CommonLibrary 1470 Price) | BBIE | The quantity at which this price applies. |
BaseUnitMeasure |
BasicConsumedQuantity (CommonLibrary 450 ConsumptionReport) | BBIE | The basic quantity consumed, excluding additional consumption. |
BatchQuantity (CommonLibrary 624 DeliveryUnit) | BBIE | The quantity of ordered Items that constitutes a batch for delivery purposes. |
BeneficiaryParty (GuaranteeCertificate 25) | ASBIE (Party) | The beneficiary of the bid bond guarantee. |
BestBeforeDate (CommonLibrary 1084 ItemInstance) | BBIE | The date before which it is best to use this item instance. |
BillingReference |
BillingReferenceLine |
BillOfLading (BillOfLading 2) | ABIE | A document issued by the party who acts as an agent for a transportation carrier or other agents to the party who gives instructions for the transportation services (shipper, consignor, etc.) stating the details of the transportation, charges, and terms and conditions under which the transportation service is provided. The party issuing this document does not necessarily provide the physical transportation service. The information in the Bill of Lading corresponds to the information on the Forwarding Instructions. It is used for any mode of transport. A Bill of Lading can serve as a contractual document between the parties for the transportation service. The document evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the acceptance of responsibility for the goods by the carrier, by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an undertaking. |
BillOfLadingHolderParty (CommonLibrary 369 Consignment) | ASBIE (Party) | The party holding the bill of lading for this consignment. |
BillToParty (TransportExecutionPlan 23) | ASBIE (Party) | Describes the party that will pay for the transport service(s) provided in a Transport Execution Plan |
BindingOnBuyerIndicator (CommonLibrary 110 AwardingTerms) | BBIE | Indicates if the decision is binding on the buyer (true) or not (false). |
BirthDate (CommonLibrary 1437 Person) | BBIE | This person's date of birth. |
BirthplaceName (CommonLibrary 1438 Person) | BBIE | The name of the place where this person was born, expressed as text. |
BlockName (CommonLibrary 23 Address) | BBIE | The name of the block (an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings) in which this address is located. |
BonusPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 2239 TransportExecutionTerms) | ASBIE (PaymentTerms) | Terms relating to payment of applicable bonuses associated with the transport service. |
Branch (CommonLibrary 126) | ABIE | A class to describe a branch or a division of an organization. FinancialInstitutionBranch(852 FinancialAccount) |
BrandName (CommonLibrary 1041 Item) | BBIE | A brand name of this item. |
BrokerAssignedID (CommonLibrary 295 Consignment) | BBIE | An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the broker. |
BudgetAccount |
BudgetAccountLine |
BudgetYearNumeric (CommonLibrary 133 BudgetAccount) | BBIE | The number of the year for this budget account, e.g. 2012 |
BuildingName (CommonLibrary 24 Address) | BBIE | The name of a building. |
BuildingNumber (CommonLibrary 25 Address) | BBIE | The number of a building within the street. |
BulkCargoIndicator (CommonLibrary 316 Consignment) | BBIE | An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are bulk cargoes (true) or not (false). |
BusinessClassificationEvidenceID (CommonLibrary 1548 QualifyingParty) | BBIE | An identifier for an item of evidence to support the classification of this qualifying party. |
BusinessClassificationScheme (CommonLibrary 1551 QualifyingParty) | ASBIE (ClassificationScheme) | The classification scheme used for the business profile. |
BusinessIdentityEvidenceID (CommonLibrary 1549 QualifyingParty) | BBIE | An identifier for an item of evidence to support the business identity of this qualifying party. |
BuyerContact (CommonLibrary 559 CustomerParty) | ASBIE (Contact) | A customer contact for purchasing. |
BuyerCustomerParty |
BuyerEventID (RetailEvent 16) | BBIE | An event tracking identifier assigned by the buyer. |
BuyerProfileURI (CommonLibrary 506 ContractingParty) | BBIE | The buyer profile is typically located on a web site where the contracting party publishes its procurement opportunities |
BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem (CommonLibrary 1272 OrderLine) | ASBIE (LineItem) | A description of an item proposed by the buyer as a possible alternative to the item associated with this order line. |
BuyerReference |
BuyersItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1043 Item) | ASBIE (ItemIdentification) | Identifying information for this item, assigned by the buyer. |
CalculationExpression (CommonLibrary 85 AwardingCriterion) | BBIE | The mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criterion. |
CalculationExpressionCode (CommonLibrary 86 AwardingCriterion) | BBIE | A code identifying the mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criterion. |
CalculationMethodCode (CommonLibrary 715 EmissionCalculationMethod) | BBIE | A code signifying the method used to calculate the emission. |
CalculationRate (CommonLibrary 828 ExchangeRate) | BBIE | The factor applied to the source currency to calculate the target currency. |
CalculationSequenceNumeric (CommonLibrary 1927 TaxSubtotal) | BBIE | The number of this tax subtotal in the sequence of subtotals corresponding to the order in which multiple taxes are applied. If all taxes are applied to the same taxable amount (i.e., their order of application is inconsequential), then CalculationSequenceNumeric is 1 for all tax subtotals applied to a given amount. |
CallBaseAmount (CommonLibrary 1954 TelecommunicationsService) | BBIE | The amount to be payed as the base for one call |
CallDate (CommonLibrary 1943 TelecommunicationsService) | BBIE | In the case of a telephone call, the date of the call. |
CallDuty (CommonLibrary 1961 TelecommunicationsService) | ASBIE (Duty) | In the case of a telephone call, a duty on this call. |
CallExtensionAmount (CommonLibrary 1955 TelecommunicationsService) | BBIE | The amount to be payed for the call |
CallForTenders (CallForTenders 2) | ABIE | A document used by a Contracting Party to define a procurement project to buy goods, services, or works during a specified period. |
CallForTendersDocumentReference |
CallForTendersLineReference |
CallTime (CommonLibrary 1944 TelecommunicationsService) | BBIE | In the case of a telephone call, the time of the call. |
CancellationNote |
CandidateReductionConstraintIndicator (CommonLibrary 2078 TenderingProcess) | BBIE | An indicator that the number of candidates participating in this process has been reduced (true) or not (false). |
CandidateStatement (CommonLibrary 787 Evidence) | BBIE | Information about a candidate statement that the contracting authority accepts as a sufficient response. |
CanonicalizationMethod (CommonLibrary 1821 Signature) | BBIE | The method used to perform XML canonicalization of this signature. |
Capability (CommonLibrary 139) | ABIE | A class to describe a specific capability of an organization. FinancialCapability(1553 QualifyingParty) TechnicalCapability(1552 QualifyingParty) |
CapabilityTypeCode (CommonLibrary 140 Capability) | BBIE | This class can be used as Financial or Technical capabilities. For instance, "Turnover" or "Qualified Engineers" are two possible codes. |
CardAccount |
CardChipCode (CommonLibrary 155 CardAccount) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code to distinguish between CHIP and MAG STRIPE cards. |
CardTypeCode (CommonLibrary 149 CardAccount) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code signifying the type of card. Examples of types are "debit", "credit" and "purchasing" |
CargoTypeCode (CommonLibrary 268 CommodityClassification) | BBIE | A mutually agreed code signifying the type of cargo for purposes of commodity classification. |
CarrierAssignedID |
CarrierParty |
CarrierServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 321 Consignment) | BBIE | Service instructions to the carrier, expressed as text. |
Catalogue (Catalogue 2) | ABIE | A document that describes items, prices, and price validity. |
CatalogueDeletion (CatalogueDeletion 2) | ABIE | A document used to cancel an entire Catalogue. |
CatalogueDocumentReference |
CatalogueIndicator (CommonLibrary 1036 Item) | BBIE | An indicator that this item was ordered from a catalogue (true) or not (false). |
CatalogueItemIdentification (CommonLibrary 1047 Item) | ASBIE (ItemIdentification) | Identifying information for this item, assigned according to a cataloguing system. |
CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate (CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate 2) | ABIE | A document used to update information (e.g., technical descriptions and properties) about Items in an existing Catalogue. |
CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateLine |
CatalogueLine |
CatalogueLineReference (CommonLibrary 1273 OrderLine) | ASBIE (LineReference) | A reference to a catalogue line associated with this order line. |
CataloguePricingUpdate (CataloguePricingUpdate 2) | ABIE | A document used to update information about prices in an existing Catalogue. |
CataloguePricingUpdateLine |
CatalogueReference |
CatalogueRequest (CatalogueRequest 2) | ABIE | A document used to request a Catalogue. |
CatalogueRequestLine |
CategorizesClassificationCategory (CommonLibrary 247 ClassificationCategory) | ASBIE (ClassificationCategory) | A recursive description of a subcategory of this category. |
CategoryName (CommonLibrary 965 HazardousItem) | BBIE | The name of the category of hazard that applies to the Item. |
Certificate |
CertificateOfOrigin (CertificateOfOrigin 2) | ABIE | A document that describes the Certificate of Origin. |
CertificateOfOriginApplication |
CertificateType |
CertificateTypeCode (CommonLibrary 220 Certificate) | BBIE | The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc. |
ChangeConditions (CommonLibrary 2236 TransportExecutionTerms) | BBIE | Text describing conditions applying to a change of these transport execution terms. |
Channel (CommonLibrary 273 Communication) | BBIE | The method of communication, expressed as text. |
ChannelCode (CommonLibrary 272 Communication) | BBIE | The method of communication, expressed as a code. |
Characteristics (CommonLibrary 2171 TransportEquipment) | BBIE | Characteristics of this piece of transport equipment. |
CharacterSetCode (CommonLibrary 841 ExternalReference) | BBIE | A code signifying the character set of an external document. |
ChargeableQuantity (CommonLibrary 926 GoodsItem) | BBIE | The number of units in the goods item to which charges apply. |
ChargeableWeightMeasure |
ChargeIndicator (CommonLibrary 48 AllowanceCharge) | BBIE | An indicator that this AllowanceCharge describes a charge (true) or a discount (false). |
ChargeTotalAmount (CommonLibrary 1250 MonetaryTotal) | BBIE | The total monetary amount of all charges. |
ChildConsignment (CommonLibrary 352 Consignment) | ASBIE (Consignment) | One of the child consignments of which a consolidated consignment is composed. |
ChildConsignmentQuantity (CommonLibrary 343 Consignment) | BBIE | The quantity of (consolidated) child consignments |
ChipApplicationID (CommonLibrary 156 CardAccount) | BBIE | An identifier on the chip card for the application that provides the quoted information; an AID (application ID). |
CityName (CommonLibrary 32 Address) | BBIE | The name of a city, town, or village. |
CitySubdivisionName (CommonLibrary 31 Address) | BBIE | The name of the subdivision of a city, town, or village in which this address is located, such as the name of its district or borough. |
ClassificationCategory |
ClassificationScheme (CommonLibrary 248) | ABIE | A class to define a classification scheme, such as a taxonomy for classifying goods
or services. BusinessClassificationScheme(1551 QualifyingParty) RequestedClassificationScheme(29 CatalogueRequest) RequiredBusinessClassificationScheme(2056 TendererQualificationRequest) RequiredClassificationScheme(134 BudgetAccount) |
ClassifiedTaxCategory (CommonLibrary 1055 Item) | ASBIE (TaxCategory) | A tax category applicable to this item. |
Clause |
CodeValue (CommonLibrary 245 ClassificationCategory) | BBIE | The value of a code used to identify this category within the classification scheme. |
CollaborationPriorityCode |
CollectedPayment (CommonLibrary 1848 StatementLine) | ASBIE (Payment) | A collected payment. |
CollectPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 379 Consignment) | ASBIE (PaymentTerms) | The terms of payment that apply to the collection of this consignment. |
Comment |
CommissionPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 2240 TransportExecutionTerms) | ASBIE (PaymentTerms) | Terms of payment applying to a commission specified in the transport execution plan. |
CommodityClassification |
CommodityCode (CommonLibrary 269 CommodityClassification) | BBIE | The harmonized international commodity code for cross border and regulatory (customs and trade statistics) purposes. |
Communication (CommonLibrary 271) | ABIE | A class to describe a means of communication. OtherCommunication(476 Contact) |
CompanyID |
CompanyLegalForm |
CompanyLegalFormCode |
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode (CommonLibrary 1342 PartyLegalEntity) | BBIE | A code signifying the party's liquidation status. |
ComparedValueMeasure (CommonLibrary 813 ExceptionNotificationLine) | BBIE | The value that was compared with the source value that resulted in the exception |
ComparisonDataCode (CommonLibrary 870 ForecastException) | BBIE | A code signifying the partner providing the information in this forecast exception. |
ComparisonDataSourceCode (CommonLibrary 876 ForecastExceptionCriterionLine) | BBIE | If it is a forecast comparison exception, this value indicates the other source of information. |
ComparisonForecastIssueDate (CommonLibrary 872 ForecastException) | BBIE | The date on which this comparison forecast was issued. |
ComparisonForecastIssueTime (CommonLibrary 871 ForecastException) | BBIE | The time at which this comparison forecast was issued. |
ComplementaryRelatedItem (CommonLibrary 187 CatalogueLine) | ASBIE (RelatedItem) | An item that may complement the item in this catalogue line. |
CompletedTask |
CompletionIndicator |
ComponentRelatedItem (CommonLibrary 183 CatalogueLine) | ASBIE (RelatedItem) | An item that may be a component of the item in this catalogue line. |
Condition |
ConditionCode (CommonLibrary 1850 Status) | BBIE | Specifies the status condition of the related object. |
Conditions (CommonLibrary 1182 Location) | BBIE | Free-form text describing the physical conditions of the location. |
ConditionsDescription (CommonLibrary 76 AuctionTerms) | BBIE | Text describing the conditions under which the tenderers will be able to bid as part of the auction. |
ConsigneeAssignedID (CommonLibrary 292 Consignment) | BBIE | An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the consignee. |
ConsigneeParty (CommonLibrary 353 Consignment) | ASBIE (Party) | A party to which goods are consigned. |
Consignment |
ConsignmentQuantity |
ConsignorAssignedID (CommonLibrary 293 Consignment) | BBIE | An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the consignor. |
ConsignorParty |
ConsolidatableIndicator (CommonLibrary 340 Consignment) | BBIE | An indicator that this consignment can be consolidated (true) or not (false). |
ConsolidatedShipment (CommonLibrary 345 Consignment) | ASBIE (Shipment) | A consolidated shipment (a shipment created by an act of consolidation). |
ConstitutionCode (GuaranteeCertificate 16) | BBIE | The code stating the constitution means of the guarantee. |
ConstitutionPeriod (CommonLibrary 859 FinancialGuarantee) | ASBIE (Period) | The period during the tendering process to which this financial guarantee has to be settled. |
ConsumerIncentiveTacticTypeCode (CommonLibrary 779 EventTacticEnumeration) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of consumer incentive. Examples include:Free Item, Temporary Price reduction |
ConsumersEnergyLevel (CommonLibrary 453 ConsumptionReport) | BBIE | The level of energy consumed, compared to the average for this residence type and the number of people living in the residence, expressed as text. |
ConsumersEnergyLevelCode (CommonLibrary 452 ConsumptionReport) | BBIE | The level of energy consumed, compared to the average for this residence type and the number of people living in the residence, expressed as a code. |
ConsumerUnitQuantity (CommonLibrary 625 DeliveryUnit) | BBIE | The quantity of units in the Delivery Unit expressed in the units used by the consumer. |
Consumption |
ConsumptionAverage |
ConsumptionCorrection (CommonLibrary 401) | ABIE | The Statement of correction, for examples heating correction. EnergyWaterConsumptionCorrection(739 EnergyWaterSupply) |
ConsumptionEnergyQuantity (CommonLibrary 411 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Your consumpt for district heating energy. |
ConsumptionHistory |
ConsumptionID (CommonLibrary 1883 SubscriberConsumption) | BBIE | The identifier tor this specification. |
ConsumptionLevel (CommonLibrary 419 ConsumptionHistory) | BBIE | The consumption level, expressed as text, used explain the consumption quantity, e.g.. diversion from the normal. |
ConsumptionLevelCode (CommonLibrary 418 ConsumptionHistory) | BBIE | The consumption level, expressed as a code used explain the consumption quantity, e.g.. diversion from the normal. |
ConsumptionLine |
ConsumptionPoint (CommonLibrary 434) | ABIE | A class to define the point of consumption for a utility, such as a meter. UtilityConsumptionPoint(1888 SubscriberConsumption) |
ConsumptionReport |
ConsumptionReportID (CommonLibrary 464 ConsumptionReportReference) | BBIE | An identifier for the referenced consumption report. |
ConsumptionReportReference |
ConsumptionType |
ConsumptionTypeCode |
ConsumptionWaterQuantity (CommonLibrary 412 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Your consumpt for district heating water. |
Contact |
ContactParty (CommonLibrary 974 HazardousItem) | ASBIE (Party) | The individual, group, or body to be contacted in case of a hazardous incident associated with this item. |
ContainedGoodsItem (CommonLibrary 934 GoodsItem) | ASBIE (GoodsItem) | A goods item contained in this goods item. |
ContainedInTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 2211 TransportEquipment) | ASBIE (TransportEquipment) | A piece of transport equipment contained in this piece of transport equipment. |
ContainedPackage (CommonLibrary 1304 Package) | ASBIE (Package) | A package contained within this package. |
ContainerizedIndicator (CommonLibrary 317 Consignment) | BBIE | An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are containerized cargoes (true) or not (false). |
ContainingPackage (CommonLibrary 940 GoodsItem) | ASBIE (Package) | A package containing this goods item. |
ContainingTransportEquipment (CommonLibrary 1305 Package) | ASBIE (TransportEquipment) | The piece of transport equipment containing this package. |
Content (CommonLibrary 265 Clause) | BBIE | The text of this clause. |
ContentUnitQuantity |
Contract |
ContractAcceptancePeriod (CommonLibrary 2130 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (Period) | The period of time during which the contracting authority may accept a contract. |
ContractAwardNotice (ContractAwardNotice 2) | ABIE | A document published by a Contracting Party to announce the awarding of a procurement project. |
ContractDocumentReference |
ContractedCarrierAssignedID (CommonLibrary 296 Consignment) | BBIE | An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the contracted carrier. |
ContractExecutionRequirement |
ContractExtension |
ContractFolderID |
ContractFormalizationPeriod (CommonLibrary 2030 TenderResult) | ASBIE (Period) | The period during which a contract associated with the awarded project is to be formalized. |
ContractingActivity |
ContractingParty |
ContractingPartyType |
ContractingSystemCode (CommonLibrary 2076 TenderingProcess) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of contracting system (e.g., framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system). If the procedure is individual (nonrepetitive), this code should be omitted. |
ContractName |
ContractNotice (ContractNotice 2) | ABIE | A document used by a Contracting party to announce a project to buy goods, services, or works. |
ContractorCustomerParty |
ContractResponsibleParty (CommonLibrary 2127 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (Party) | The party responsible for the execution of the contract. |
ContractSubdivision |
ContractType (CommonLibrary 484 Contract) | BBIE | The type of this contract, expressed as text, such as "Cost plus award fee" and "Cost plus fixed fee" from UNCEFACT Contract Type code list. |
ContractTypeCode (CommonLibrary 483 Contract) | BBIE | The type of this contract, expressed as a code, such as "Cost plus award fee" and "Cost plus fixed fee" from UNCEFACT Contract Type code list. |
ContractualDelivery (CommonLibrary 491 Contract) | ASBIE (Delivery) | In a transportation contract, the delivery of the services required to book the services specified in the contract. |
ContractualDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 2115 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a document that will become part of the awarded contract. |
CoordinateSystemCode (CommonLibrary 1193 LocationCoordinate) | BBIE | A code signifying the location system used. |
CopyIndicator |
CorporateRegistrationScheme |
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 516 CorporateRegistrationScheme) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of this registration scheme. |
CorporateStockAmount (CommonLibrary 1343 PartyLegalEntity) | BBIE | The number of shares in the capital stock of a corporation. |
CorrectionAmount (CommonLibrary 413 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Your correction for heating correction. |
CorrectionType (CommonLibrary 402 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Statement for the correction type. |
CorrectionTypeCode (CommonLibrary 403 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Statement at the code for the correction type. |
CorrectionUnitAmount (CommonLibrary 410 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Correction per MWH per degree C. |
Country |
CountrySubentity |
CountrySubentityCode |
CreditAccount |
CreditedQuantity (CommonLibrary 527 CreditNoteLine) | BBIE | The quantity of items credited in this credit note line. |
CreditLineAmount |
CreditNote (CreditNote 2) | ABIE | A document used to specify credits due to the Debtor from the Creditor. |
CreditNoteDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 116 BillingReference) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a credit note. |
CreditNoteLine |
CreditNoteTypeCode (CreditNote 13) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of the Credit Note. |
CrewMemberPerson (CommonLibrary 1811 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (Person) | A person operating or serving aboard a transport means. |
CrewQuantity (CommonLibrary 1768 ShipmentStage) | BBIE | The total number of crew aboard a transport means. |
CurrencyCode |
CurrentChargeType (CommonLibrary 2344 UtilityItem) | BBIE | Information of the actual payments type for the utility Item |
CurrentChargeTypeCode (CommonLibrary 2345 UtilityItem) | BBIE | Information of the actual payments type code expressed as a code |
CurrentStatus |
CustomerAssignedAccountID |
CustomerParty |
CustomerReference |
CustomizationID |
CustomsAgentParty (CommonLibrary 1791 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (Party) | A customs agent associated with this shipment stage. |
CustomsClearanceServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 322 Consignment) | BBIE | Service instructions for customs clearance, expressed as text. |
CustomsDeclaration |
CustomsImportClassifiedIndicator (CommonLibrary 925 GoodsItem) | BBIE | An indicator that this goods item has been classified for import by customs (true) or not (false). |
CustomsStatusCode (CommonLibrary 923 GoodsItem) | BBIE | A code assigned by customs to signify the status of this goods item. |
CustomsTariffQuantity (CommonLibrary 924 GoodsItem) | BBIE | Quantity of the units in this goods item as required by customs for tariff, statistical, or fiscal purposes. |
CV2ID (CommonLibrary 154 CardAccount) | BBIE | An identifier for the Card Verification Value (often found on the reverse of the card itself). |
DamageRemarks |
DangerousGoodsApprovedIndicator (CommonLibrary 2169 TransportEquipment) | BBIE | An indicator that this piece of transport equipment is approved for dangerous goods (true) or not (false). |
DataSendingCapability (CommonLibrary 1902 SupplierParty) | BBIE | Text describing the supplier's ability to send invoice data via a purchase card provider (e.g., VISA, MasterCard, American Express). |
DataSourceCode |
Date (CommonLibrary 830 ExchangeRate) | BBIE | The date on which the exchange rate was established. |
DebitedQuantity (CommonLibrary 567 DebitNoteLine) | BBIE | The quantity of Items debited in this debit note line. |
DebitLineAmount |
DebitNote (DebitNote 2) | ABIE | A document used to specify debts incurred by the Debtor. |
DebitNoteDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 118 BillingReference) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a debit note. |
DebitNoteLine |
Declaration |
DeclarationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 587 Declaration) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of this declaration. |
DeclaredCarriageValueAmount |
DeclaredCustomsValueAmount |
DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount |
DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount |
DefaultLanguage |
DeletedCatalogueReference (CatalogueDeletion 18) | ASBIE (CatalogueReference) | A reference to the Catalogue being deleted. |
DeliveredQuantity |
Delivery |
DeliveryAddress (CommonLibrary 601 Delivery) | ASBIE (Address) | The delivery address. |
DeliveryContact (CommonLibrary 557 CustomerParty) | ASBIE (Contact) | A customer contact for deliveries. |
DeliveryCustomerParty |
DeliveryInstructions |
DeliveryLocation |
DeliveryParty (CommonLibrary 608 Delivery) | ASBIE (Party) | The party to whom the goods are delivered. |
DeliveryPeriod (CommonLibrary 1660 RequestForTenderLine) | ASBIE (Period) | An applicable period for the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process. |
DeliveryTerms |
DeliveryTransportEvent |
DeliveryUnit |
DemurrageInstructions (CommonLibrary 1767 ShipmentStage) | BBIE | Text of instructions relating to demurrage (the case in which a vessel is prevented from loading or discharging cargo within the stipulated laytime). |
Department (CommonLibrary 27 Address) | BBIE | The department of the addressee. |
DependentLineReference (CommonLibrary 630 DependentPriceReference) | ASBIE (LineReference) | A reference to a line that the price is depended of. |
DependentPriceReference |
Description |
DescriptionCode |
Despatch |
DespatchAddress (CommonLibrary 643 Despatch) | ASBIE (Address) | The address of the despatch (pickup). |
DespatchAdvice (DespatchAdvice 2) | ABIE | A document used to describe the despatch or delivery of goods and services. |
DespatchAdviceTypeCode (DespatchAdvice 13) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of the Despatch Advice. |
DespatchContact (CommonLibrary 1904 SupplierParty) | ASBIE (Contact) | A contact at this supplier party for despatches (pickups). |
DespatchDocumentReference |
DespatchLine |
DespatchLineReference |
DespatchLocation (CommonLibrary 644 Despatch) | ASBIE (Location) | The location of the despatch (pickup). |
DespatchParty (CommonLibrary 645 Despatch) | ASBIE (Party) | The party despatching the goods. |
DespatchSupplierParty |
DestinationCountry |
DetentionTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1795 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The detention of a transport means during loading and unloading operations. |
DifferenceTemperatureReductionQuantity (CommonLibrary 408 ConsumptionCorrection) | BBIE | Deviation from standard heating correction. |
DigitalSignatureAttachment (CommonLibrary 1824 Signature) | ASBIE (Attachment) | The actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDsig format). |
Dimension |
DirectionCode (CommonLibrary 2277 TransportMeans) | BBIE | A code signifying the direction of this means of transport. |
DisbursementPaymentTerms (CommonLibrary 380 Consignment) | ASBIE (PaymentTerms) | The terms of payment for disbursement. |
DischargeTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1780 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The discharge event associated with this shipment stage. |
DiscrepancyResponse |
DisplayTacticTypeCode (CommonLibrary 780 EventTacticEnumeration) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of display. Examples Include: ON_COUNTER_DISPLAY, FLOOR_GRAPHICS FLOOR_STACK_DISPLAY |
DispositionCode (CommonLibrary 2159 TransportEquipment) | BBIE | A code signifying the current disposition of this piece of transport equipment. |
District (CommonLibrary 37 Address) | BBIE | The district or geographical division of a country or region in which this address is located. |
DocumentationFeeAmount (CommonLibrary 2108 TenderingTerms) | BBIE | The amount to be paid to obtain the contract documents and additional documentation. |
DocumentAvailabilityPeriod (CommonLibrary 2080 TenderingProcess) | ASBIE (Period) | The period during which documents relating to this tendering process must be completed. |
DocumentCurrencyCode |
DocumentDescription (CommonLibrary 689 DocumentReference) | BBIE | Text describing the referenced document. |
DocumentDistribution |
DocumentHash (CommonLibrary 834 ExternalReference) | BBIE | A hash value for the externally stored object. |
DocumentID (CommonLibrary 720 Endorsement) | BBIE | An identifier for this endorsement. |
DocumentProviderParty (CommonLibrary 2125 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (Party) | The party that has the contract documents for the tendering process. |
DocumentReference |
DocumentResponse |
DocumentStatus (DocumentStatus 2) | ABIE | A document used to provide information about document status. |
DocumentStatusCode |
DocumentStatusReasonCode |
DocumentStatusReasonDescription |
DocumentStatusRequest (DocumentStatusRequest 2) | ABIE | A document used to request the status of another document. |
DocumentTenderRequirement (CommonLibrary 2011 TenderPreparation) | ASBIE (TenderRequirement) | A reference to the template for a required document in a tendering process. |
DocumentType |
DocumentTypeCode |
DriverPerson (CommonLibrary 1809 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (Person) | Describes a person responsible for driving the transport means. |
DropoffTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1784 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The dropping off of goods in this shipment stage. |
DueDate (Invoice 12) | BBIE | The date on which Invoice is due. |
DurationMeasure (CommonLibrary 1423 Period) | BBIE | The duration of this period, expressed as an ISO 8601 code. |
DurationPeriod |
Duty |
DutyCode (CommonLibrary 703 Duty) | BBIE | The type of this charge rate, expressed as a code. |
EarliestPickupDate (CommonLibrary 1453 Pickup) | BBIE | The earliest pickup date. |
EarliestPickupTime (CommonLibrary 1454 Pickup) | BBIE | The earliest pickup time. |
EconomicOperatorRegistryURI (CommonLibrary 2103 TenderingTerms) | BBIE | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of an electronic registry of economic operators. |
EconomicOperatorRole |
EconomicOperatorShortList |
EffectiveDate |
EffectivePeriod |
EffectiveTime |
ElectronicDeviceDescription (CommonLibrary 77 AuctionTerms) | BBIE | Text describing an electronic device used for the auction, including associated connectivity specifications. |
ElectronicMail (CommonLibrary 474 Contact) | BBIE | The primary email address of this contact. |
EmbassyEndorsement (CertificateOfOrigin 20) | ASBIE (Endorsement) | Embassy Endorsement details. |
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject (CommonLibrary 69 Attachment) | BBIE | A binary large object containing an attached document. |
EmergencyProceduresCode |
EmergencyTemperature (CommonLibrary 977 HazardousItem) | ASBIE (Temperature) | The threshold temperature at which emergency procedures apply in the handling of temperature-controlled goods. |
EmissionCalculationMethod |
EmployeeQuantity |
EmploymentLegislationDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 2114 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a document providing references to employment legislation applicable to the tendering process. |
EncodingCode (CommonLibrary 840 ExternalReference) | BBIE | A code signifying the encoding/decoding algorithm used with the external object. |
EndDate |
Endorsement (CommonLibrary 719) | ABIE | A class to describe an endorsement of a document. EmbassyEndorsement(20 CertificateOfOrigin) InsuranceEndorsement(21 CertificateOfOrigin) IssuerEndorsement(19 CertificateOfOrigin) |
EndorserParty |
EndpointID (CommonLibrary 1317 Party) | BBIE | An identifier for the end point of the routing service (e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN). |
EndTime (CommonLibrary 1422 Period) | BBIE | The time at which this period ends. |
EnergyTaxReport |
EnergyWaterConsumptionCorrection (CommonLibrary 739 EnergyWaterSupply) | ASBIE (ConsumptionCorrection) | Describes any corrections or adjustments to the supply of energy or water. |
EnergyWaterSupply |
EnvironmentalEmission |
EnvironmentalEmissionTypeCode (CommonLibrary 741 EnvironmentalEmission) | BBIE | A code specifying the type of environmental emission. |
EnvironmentalLegislationDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 2113 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a document providing references to environmental legislation applicable to the tendering process. |
EstimatedAmount (CommonLibrary 1658 RequestForTenderLine) | BBIE | The estimated total amount of the deliverable. |
EstimatedArrivalTransportEvent |
EstimatedConsumedQuantity (CommonLibrary 1263 OnAccountPayment) | BBIE | The estimated consumed quantity covered by the payment. |
EstimatedDeliveryDate (CommonLibrary 1760 ShipmentStage) | BBIE | The estimated date of delivery in this shipment stage. |
EstimatedDeliveryPeriod (CommonLibrary 606 Delivery) | ASBIE (Period) | The period estimated for delivery. |
EstimatedDeliveryTime (CommonLibrary 1761 ShipmentStage) | BBIE | The estimated time of delivery in this shipment stage. |
EstimatedDepartureTransportEvent |
EstimatedDespatchDate (CommonLibrary 635 Despatch) | BBIE | The estimated despatch (pickup) date. |
EstimatedDespatchPeriod (CommonLibrary 649 Despatch) | ASBIE (Period) | The period estimated for the despatch (pickup) of goods. |
EstimatedDespatchTime (CommonLibrary 636 Despatch) | BBIE | The estimated despatch (pickup) time. |
EstimatedDurationPeriod (CommonLibrary 2329 TransportationService) | ASBIE (Period) | The estimated duration of this transportation service. |
EstimatedOverallContractAmount (CommonLibrary 1666 RequestedTenderTotal) | BBIE | The estimated overall monetary amount of a contract. |
EstimatedOverallContractQuantity (CommonLibrary 1505 ProcurementProject) | BBIE | The estimated overall quantity for this procurement project. |
EstimatedTransitPeriod (CommonLibrary 1792 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (Period) | The estimated transit period of this shipment stage. |
EvaluationCriterion (CommonLibrary 745) | ABIE | A class defining the required criterion for a tenderer to be elligible in a tendering
process. FinancialEvaluationCriterion(2058 TendererQualificationRequest) TechnicalEvaluationCriterion(2057 TendererQualificationRequest) |
EvaluationCriterionTypeCode (CommonLibrary 746 EvaluationCriterion) | BBIE | A code that specifies the criterion; it may be financial, technical or organizational. |
Event (CommonLibrary 754) | ABIE | A class to describe a significant occurrence relating to an object, process, or person. OpenTenderEvent(2088 TenderingProcess) |
EventComment |
EventLineItem |
EventTactic |
EventTacticEnumeration |
Evidence |
EvidenceDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 2040 TenderedProject) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a non-structured evidentiary document supporting this tendered project. |
EvidenceIssuingParty (CommonLibrary 788 Evidence) | ASBIE (Party) | A class to describe a party issuing an evidentiary document. |
EvidenceSupplied |
EvidenceTypeCode (CommonLibrary 785 Evidence) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of evidence. |
ExaminationTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1777 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The examination of shipments in this shipment stage. |
ExceptionCriteria (ExceptionCriteria 2) | ABIE | A document used to specify the thresholds for forecast variance, product activity, and performance history beyond which exceptions should be triggered. |
ExceptionCriteriaLine |
ExceptionNotification (ExceptionNotification 2) | ABIE | A document used to notify an exception in forecast variance, product activity, or performance history. |
ExceptionNotificationLine |
ExceptionObservationPeriod |
ExceptionResolutionCode (CommonLibrary 800 ExceptionCriteriaLine) | BBIE | Coded representation of possible resolution methods". Possible values are: DEFAULT_TO_AVERAGE_OF_COMPARED_VALUES DEFAULT_TO_BUYERS_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_HIGH_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_LOW_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_SELLERS_VALUE MANUAL_RESOLUTION MUTUALLY_DEFINED |
ExceptionStatusCode |
ExchangeMarketID (CommonLibrary 827 ExchangeRate) | BBIE | An identifier for the currency exchange market used as the source of this exchange rate. |
ExchangeRate |
ExclusionReason (CommonLibrary 1538 QualificationResolution) | BBIE | Text describing a reason for an exclusion from the tendering process. |
ExecutionRequirementCode (CommonLibrary 494 ContractExecutionRequirement) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of party independent of its role. |
ExemptionReason (CommonLibrary 1356 PartyTaxScheme) | BBIE | A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as text. |
ExemptionReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1355 PartyTaxScheme) | BBIE | A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code. |
ExpectedOperatorQuantity (CommonLibrary 897 FrameworkAgreement) | BBIE | The number of economic operators expected to participate in this framework agreement. |
ExpectedQuantity (CommonLibrary 710 EconomicOperatorShortList) | BBIE | The number of economic operators expected to be on the short list. |
ExpenseCode (CommonLibrary 2074 TenderingProcess) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of expense for this tendering process. |
ExpiryDate |
ExpiryTime (CommonLibrary 837 ExternalReference) | BBIE | The time after which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon. |
ExportationTransportEvent (CommonLibrary 1779 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (TransportEvent) | The export event associated with this shipment stage. |
ExportCountry (CommonLibrary 1751 Shipment) | ASBIE (Country) | The country from which the goods were originally exported, without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries. |
ExporterParty |
Expression (CommonLibrary 751 EvaluationCriterion) | BBIE | The expression that will be used to evaluate the criterion. |
ExpressionCode (CommonLibrary 750 EvaluationCriterion) | BBIE | A code identifying the expression that will be used to evaluate the criterion. |
ExtendedID (CommonLibrary 1068 ItemIdentification) | BBIE | An extended identifier for the item that identifies the item with specific properties, e.g., Item 123 = Chair / Item 123 Ext 45 = brown chair. Two chairs can have the same item number, but one is brown. The other is white. |
Extension (CommonLibrary 1708 SecondaryHazard) | BBIE | Additional information about the hazardous substance, which can be used (for example) to specify the type of regulatory requirements that apply to this secondary hazard. |
ExternalReference |
ExtraAllowanceCharge (CommonLibrary 383 Consignment) | ASBIE (AllowanceCharge) | A charge for extra allowance. |
FaceValueAmount (CommonLibrary 984 ImmobilizedSecurity) | BBIE | The value of the security on the day it was immobilized. |
FamilyName (CommonLibrary 1429 Person) | BBIE | This person's family name. |
FeatureTacticTypeCode (CommonLibrary 781 EventTacticEnumeration) | BBIE | A code signifying a special feature. Examples Include: BILLBOARD DIRECT_MAIL_AD, FLYER |
FeeAmount (CommonLibrary 2035 TenderedProject) | BBIE | The fee amount for tendered projects. |
FeeDescription |
FileName (CommonLibrary 842 ExternalReference) | BBIE | The file name of the external object. |
FinalDeliveryParty (CommonLibrary 361 Consignment) | ASBIE (Party) | The final delivery party for this consignment. |
FinalDeliveryTransportationService (CommonLibrary 376 Consignment) | ASBIE (TransportationService) | The service for delivery to the consignee under the transport contract for this consignment. |
FinalDestinationCountry (CommonLibrary 371 Consignment) | ASBIE (Country) | The country in which the goods in this consignment are to be delivered to the final consignee or buyer. |
FinalFinancialGuarantee (AwardedNotification 20) | ASBIE (FinancialGuarantee) | A bond guarantee by the submitter of a tender or bid, required of the tender winner. |
FinancialAccount |
FinancialCapability (CommonLibrary 1553 QualifyingParty) | ASBIE (Capability) | A financial capability of this qualifying party. |
FinancialEvaluationCriterion (CommonLibrary 2058 TendererQualificationRequest) | ASBIE (EvaluationCriterion) | A financial evaluation criterion required for an economic operator in a tendering process. |
FinancialGuarantee (CommonLibrary 854) | ABIE | A class to describe the bond guarantee of a tenderer or bid submitter's actual entry
into a contract in the event that it is the successful bidder. FinalFinancialGuarantee(20 AwardedNotification) RequiredFinancialGuarantee(2110 TenderingTerms) |
FinancialInstitution |
FinancialInstitutionBranch (CommonLibrary 852 FinancialAccount) | ASBIE (Branch) | The branch of the financial institution associated with this financial account. |
FinancingFinancialAccount (CommonLibrary 2141 TradeFinancing) | ASBIE (FinancialAccount) | An internal bank account used by the bank or its first agent to manage the line of credit granted to the financing requester. |
FinancingInstrumentCode (CommonLibrary 2137 TradeFinancing) | BBIE | A code signifying the type of this financing instrument. |
FinancingParty (CommonLibrary 2140 TradeFinancing) | ASBIE (Party) | The financing party (bank or other enabled party). |
FirstArrivalPortLocation |
FirstName (CommonLibrary 1428 Person) | BBIE | This person's given name. |
FirstShipmentAvailibilityDate (CommonLibrary 1526 PromotionalEvent) | BBIE | The first day that products will be available to ship from buyer to seller if the proposal for this promotional event is accepted. |
FiscalLegislationDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 2112 TenderingTerms) | ASBIE (DocumentReference) | A reference to a document providing references to fiscal legislation applicable to the tendering process. |
FlashpointTemperature (CommonLibrary 978 HazardousItem) | ASBIE (Temperature) | The flashpoint temperature of this hazardous item; i.e., the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame. |
Floor (CommonLibrary 19 Address) | BBIE | An identifiable floor of a building. |
FloorSpaceMeasurementDimension (CommonLibrary 2266 TransportHandlingUnit) | ASBIE (Dimension) | The floor space measurement dimension associated with this transport handling unit. |
FollowupContractIndicator (CommonLibrary 109 AwardingTerms) | BBIE | Indicates if any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the contest (true) or not (false). |
Forecast (Forecast 2) | ABIE | A document used to forecast sales or orders. |
ForecastException |
ForecastExceptionCriterionLine |
ForecastLine |
ForecastPeriod |
ForecastPurposeCode |
ForecastRevision (ForecastRevision 2) | ABIE | A document used to revise a Forecast. |
ForecastRevisionLine |
ForecastTypeCode |
ForeignExchangeContract (CommonLibrary 831 ExchangeRate) | ASBIE (Contract) | A contract for foreign exchange. |
FormatCode (CommonLibrary 839 ExternalReference) | BBIE | A code signifying the format of the external object. |
ForwarderServiceInstructions (CommonLibrary 323 Consignment) | BBIE | Service instructions for the forwarder, expressed as text. |
ForwardingInstructions (ForwardingInstructions 2) | ABIE | A document issued to a forwarder, giving instructions regarding the action to be taken for the forwarding of goods described therein. Forwarding Instructions is used by any party who gives instructions for the transportation services required for a consignment of goods to any party who is contracted to provide the transportation services. The parties who issue this document are commonly referred to as the shipper or consignor, while the parties who receive this document are forwarders, carriers, shipping agents, etc. This document may also be issued by a forwarder or shipping agent in its capacity as a shipper. This document can be used to arrange for the transportation (1) of different types of goods or cargoes; (2) whether containerized or non-containerized; (3) through different modes of transport including multi-modal; and (4) from any origin to any destination. |
FrameworkAgreement |
FreeOfChargeIndicator |
FreeOnBoardValueAmount |
FreightAllowanceCharge |
FreightChargeLocation (CommonLibrary 1794 ShipmentStage) | ASBIE (Location) | The location associated with a freight charge related to this shipment stage. |
FreightForwarderAssignedID (CommonLibrary 294 Consignment) | BBIE | An identifier for this consignment, assigned by the freight forwarder. |
FreightForwarderParty |