TendererQualification - UBL 2.1 PRD1 - 20100830-2100z

Index for all items: Summary AC AD AG AL AN AT BL BR BU CA CH CI CL CO CU DE DI DO DU EL EM EN EV EX FA FI FL FO HA ID IN IS JO JU LA LI LO MA MI NA NO OP OR OT PA PE PH PL PO PR QU RE RO SC SE SI ST SU TA TE TI TO UB UR UU VA VE WE XP CommonLibrary TendererQualification Unqualified Data Types

Profile short name TendererQualification
Domain UBL 2.1 PRD1 deliverables
Title UBL 2.1 PRD1
Document reference http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/prd1-UBL-2.1/
Description This is an untouched Tenderer Qualification profile from UBL 2.1 PRD1 comprised of a single document type.

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Rendering: 20100830-2100z

Legends: Summary Legend: Name (Module line Object) TYPE Description
Table Legend: ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name)
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination)
Line number links: alternate between summary view and table view


This summary of elements only includes those members of the common library that are referenced directly or indirectly by TendererQualification.


AccountFormatCode (CommonLibrary 766 FinancialAccount) BBIE The format of Financial Account, expressed as a code.
AccountTypeCode (CommonLibrary 765 FinancialAccount) BBIE The type of Financial Account, expressed as a code.
AccountingContact (CommonLibrary 520 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) An association to Accounting Contact (Customer).
ActivityCode (CommonLibrary 466 ContractingParty) BBIE A code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization.


AdditionalAccountID (CommonLibrary 517 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by a third party.
AdditionalQualifyingParty (CommonLibrary 1836 TendererPartyQualification) ASBIE (QualifyingParty) Additional party qualifications when the bidding in a consortium.
AdditionalStreetName (CommonLibrary 22 Address) BBIE An additional name of a street used to further specify the street name.




(14) ABIE Information about a structured address.
JurisdictionRegionAddress(473 CorporateRegistrationScheme) JurisdictionRegionAddress(1720 TaxScheme) PostalAddress(1189 Party) RegistrationAddress(1209 PartyLegalEntity) RegistrationAddress(1221 PartyTaxScheme)
(125 Branch) ASBIE An association to Address.
(780 FinancialInstitution) ASBIE An association to Address.
(1081 Location) ASBIE Association to the address of the location.
(1688 SubsidiaryLocation) ASBIE Association to the address of the location.
AddressFormatCode (CommonLibrary 17 Address) BBIE A code specifying the format of this address.




(42) ABIE Information about a line of address expressed as unstructured text.
(39 Address) ASBIE An association to Address Line.
AddressTypeCode (CommonLibrary 16 Address) BBIE A code specifying the type of this address, such as business address or home address.


AgencyID (CommonLibrary 256 ClassificationScheme) BBIE Identifies the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.
AgencyName (CommonLibrary 257 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The name of the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.




(1195 Party) ASBIE (Party) An association to another party who acts as an agent for this party.
(1321 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) An association to the Agent Party


AliasName (CommonLibrary 764 FinancialAccount) BBIE An alias name for the Financial Account. Use it if the account id information is not directly provided for security reasons.
AltitudeMeasure (CommonLibrary 1092 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The measure of altitude.


AnnualAverageAmount (CommonLibrary 273 CompletedTask) BBIE The monetary value that constitutes the average amount of this completed task.






(68) ABIE Information about an attached document. An attachment can be referred to externally (with the URI element) or internally (with the MIME reference element) or contained within the document itself (with the EmbeddedDocument element).
DigitalSignatureAttachment(1622 Signature)
(632 DocumentReference) ASBIE An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.


BlockName (CommonLibrary 23 Address) BBIE The block name, expressed as text, for an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings for this address.


Branch (CommonLibrary 121) ABIE Information about a branch or division of an organization.
FinancialInstitutionBranch(769 FinancialAccount)


BuildingName (CommonLibrary 24 Address) BBIE The name of a building.
BuildingNumber (CommonLibrary 25 Address) BBIE The number of a building.
BusinessClassificationEvidenceID (CommonLibrary 1391 QualifyingParty) BBIE Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the classification of the economic operator.
BusinessClassificationScheme (CommonLibrary 1393 QualifyingParty) ASBIE (ClassificationScheme) An association to a classification scheme for the business profile.
BusinessIdentityEvidenceID (CommonLibrary 1392 QualifyingParty) BBIE Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the business identity of the economic operator.
BuyerContact (CommonLibrary 521 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) An association to Buyer Contact.
BuyerProfileURI (CommonLibrary 467 ContractingParty) BBIE Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this party s buyer profile. A buyer profile is a website where the party publishes its procurement opportunities.


CanonicalizationMethod (CommonLibrary 1619 Signature) BBIE The mathematical logic method used by the Signature.
Capability (CommonLibrary 142) ABIE Capability of an economic operator.
FinancialCapability(1395 QualifyingParty) TechnicalCapability(1394 QualifyingParty)
CapabilityTypeCode (CommonLibrary 143 Capability) BBIE Code that defines the financial or technical capability such as total revenue, qualified staff, etc
CategorizesClassificationCategory (CommonLibrary 247 ClassificationCategory) ASBIE (ClassificationCategory) An association to subcategories within the Category.


Channel (CommonLibrary 270 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as text.
ChannelCode (CommonLibrary 269 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as a code.
CharacterSetCode (CommonLibrary 759 ExternalReference) BBIE The character set of the external document if the mime type is text.


CityName (CommonLibrary 32 Address) BBIE The name of a city, town, or village.
CitySubdivisionName (CommonLibrary 31 Address) BBIE A name, expressed as text, of a subdivision of a city for this address, for example, a district or borough.






(243) ABIE Information about a Classification Category; a subdivision of a Classification Scheme.
CategorizesClassificationCategory(247 ClassificationCategory)
(262 ClassificationScheme) ASBIE An association to Classification Category.
ClassificationScheme (CommonLibrary 248) ABIE Information about Classification Scheme; a scheme that defines a taxonomy for classifying goods or services.
BusinessClassificationScheme(1393 QualifyingParty)


CodeValue (CommonLibrary 245 ClassificationCategory) BBIE The Classification Category value.
Communication (CommonLibrary 268) ABIE Information about a means of communication.
OtherCommunication(442 Contact)
CompanyDossierDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1212 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (DocumentReference) An association to an existing VCD or other dossier.




(1203 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE Identifies a company as registered with the company registration scheme.
(1217 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE The identifier assigned for tax purposes to a party by the taxation authority.
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode (CommonLibrary 1205 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The company liquidation status, expressed as a code.
CompanyTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1204 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The company legal status, expressed as a code.




(272) ABIE Completion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose in the tendering process.
(1396 QualifyingParty) ASBIE Tasks completed by the economic operator.
Conditions (CommonLibrary 1076 Location) BBIE Conditions describing the location.




(435) ABIE Information about a contactable person or organization department.
AccountingContact(520 CustomerParty) BuyerContact(521 CustomerParty) DeliveryContact(519 CustomerParty) SellerContact(1542 ServiceProviderParty)
(1193 Party) ASBIE Contact information related to the Party.
(1298 Person) ASBIE Contact information related to the Person.
ContractFolderID (TendererQualification 10) BBIE An identifier for the process file (i.e. record) to which will belong this tender


CommonLibrary (464) ABIE An individual, a group, or a body having a procurement role in a tendering process.
TendererQualification (16) ASBIE An association to a Contracting Party.
ContractingPartyTypeCode (CommonLibrary 465 ContractingParty) BBIE A code specifying the type of party that is independent of its role.
CoordinateSystemCode (CommonLibrary 1085 LocationCoordinate) BBIE An identifier for the location system used.


CommonLibrary (623 DocumentReference) BBIE Indicates whether the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
TendererQualification (8) BBIE Indicates whether the Qualification is a copy (true) or not (false)




(469) ABIE Information directly relating a scheme for corporate registration of businesses.
(1210 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE Associates the party with a Corporate Registration Scheme.
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 472 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE Identifies the type of scheme.
CorporateStockAmount (CommonLibrary 1208 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE Capital Stock (equities).




(487) ABIE Information about a geopolitical country.
(40 Address) ASBIE An association to Country.
(770 FinancialAccount) ASBIE An association to Country.




(34 Address) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.
(1077 Location) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.




(35 Address) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.
(1078 Location) BBIE The territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.






(767 FinancialAccount) BBIE The currency in which the Financial Account is held, expressed as a code.
(1719 TaxScheme) BBIE The currency in which the tax is collected and reported, expressed as a code.
CustomerAssignedAccountID (CommonLibrary 515 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by the Customer itself.
CustomerParty (CommonLibrary 514) ABIE Information about the Customer Party.
RecipientCustomerParty(279 CompletedTask)
CustomizationID (TendererQualification 4) BBIE The identifier for a user defined subset of UBL.






(543) ABIE A declaration defined by an economic operator.
(1397 QualifyingParty) ASBIE An association to declarations from the economic operator to fulfill the requirements specified in the call for tenders.
DeclarationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 545 Declaration) BBIE A code specifying the declaration.
DeliveryContact (CommonLibrary 519 CustomerParty) ASBIE (Contact) An association to Delivery Contact.
Department (CommonLibrary 27 Address) BBIE An addressable department of an organization.




(144 Capability) BBIE Textual description of the capability.
(246 ClassificationCategory) BBIE The description of the Classification Category.
(255 ClassificationScheme) BBIE A description of the Classification Scheme.
(276 CompletedTask) BBIE The textual expression of the description of this completed task.
(546 Declaration) BBIE A textual description of the declaration.
(1075 Location) BBIE The description or name of the location.
(1288 Period) BBIE A description of the period.
(1319 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Textual description of the power of attorney.
DescriptionCode (CommonLibrary 1287 Period) BBIE A description of the period, expressed as a code.


DigitalSignatureAttachment (CommonLibrary 1622 Signature) ASBIE (Attachment) Refers to the actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDSIG format).
District (CommonLibrary 37 Address) BBIE A geographical division of a country.


DocumentHash (CommonLibrary 752 ExternalReference) BBIE Specifies the hash code for the externally stored document.




(621) ABIE Information about a document referred to in another document.
CompanyDossierDocumentReference(1212 PartyLegalEntity) MandateDocumentReference(1322 PowerOfAttorney) OriginalDocumentReference(1623 Signature)
(710 Evidence) ASBIE An association to Document Reference handling the actual evidentiary document.
DocumentType (CommonLibrary 628 DocumentReference) BBIE The referenced document type, expressed as text.
DocumentTypeCode (CommonLibrary 627 DocumentReference) BBIE The referenced document type, expressed as a code.


DurationMeasure (CommonLibrary 1286 Period) BBIE The duration of a period, expressed as a code; ISO 8601.


ElectronicMail (CommonLibrary 440 Contact) BBIE The email address of the Contact.


EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject (CommonLibrary 69 Attachment) BBIE Contains an embedded document as a BLOB (binary large object).
EmployeeQuantity (CommonLibrary 1390 QualifyingParty) BBIE The number of employees of the economic operator.


EncodingCode (CommonLibrary 758 ExternalReference) BBIE Specifies the decoding algorithm of the external document.
EndDate (CommonLibrary 1284 Period) BBIE The end date of the period.
EndTime (CommonLibrary 1285 Period) BBIE The end time of the period.
EndpointID (CommonLibrary 1184 Party) BBIE Identifies the end point of the routing service, e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN.




CommonLibrary (705) ABIE Evidentiary support for capabilities or requirements, an economic operator has to provide for being accepted in a tendering process.
TendererQualification (17) ASBIE An association to a set of evidence elements.
EvidenceIssuingParty (CommonLibrary 709 Evidence) ASBIE (Party) An association to the Party that has issued this evidence.




(147 Capability) BBIE An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this capability.
(277 CompletedTask) BBIE An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this task.
(547 Declaration) BBIE An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this declaration.
EvidenceTypeCode (CommonLibrary 707 Evidence) BBIE The coded type for this evidence.


ExemptionReason (CommonLibrary 1220 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for a party s exemption from tax, expressed as text.
ExemptionReasonCode (CommonLibrary 1219 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for a party s exemption from tax, expressed as a code.
ExpiryDate (CommonLibrary 754 ExternalReference) BBIE The date on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.
ExpiryTime (CommonLibrary 755 ExternalReference) BBIE The time on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.




(750) ABIE Information directly relating to an external reference i.e. a document stored at a remote location.
(70 Attachment) ASBIE An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.


FamilyName (CommonLibrary 1292 Person) BBIE A person s surname or family name.


FileName (CommonLibrary 760 ExternalReference) BBIE The filename of the external document.




(761) ABIE Information about a Financial Account.
(1198 Party) ASBIE An association to Financial Account
(1299 Person) ASBIE An association to Financial Account
FinancialCapability (CommonLibrary 1395 QualifyingParty) ASBIE (Capability) Financial capabilities of an economic operator.




(777) ABIE Information about a Financial Institution.
(124 Branch) ASBIE An association to Financial Institution.
FinancialInstitutionBranch (CommonLibrary 769 FinancialAccount) ASBIE (Branch) An association to Financial Institution Branch.
FirstName (CommonLibrary 1291 Person) BBIE A person s forename or first name.


Floor (CommonLibrary 19 Address) BBIE An addressable floor of a building.


FormatCode (CommonLibrary 757 ExternalReference) BBIE The format of the external document.


HashAlgorithmMethod (CommonLibrary 753 ExternalReference) BBIE lookup






(15 Address) BBIE An identifier for a specific address within a scheme of registered addresses.
(122 Branch) BBIE An identifier for a branch or division of an organization.
(249 ClassificationScheme) BBIE An identifier for the classification scheme.
(436 Contact) BBIE An identifier for the Contact.
(470 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE Identifies the scheme.
(622 DocumentReference) BBIE Identifies the document being referred to.
(706 Evidence) BBIE Identifies the Evidence.
(762 FinancialAccount) BBIE The identifier for the Financial Account; the Bank Account Number.
(778 FinancialInstitution) BBIE The identifier for the Financial Institution expressed as a code; ISO 9362 BIC (Bank Identification Code) is recommended.
(1033 Language) BBIE An identifier for a language, expressed as a code.
(1074 Location) BBIE The unique identifier for the location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.
(1200 PartyIdentification) BBIE Identifies a party.
(1290 Person) BBIE Identifier for this person.
(1316 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Identifier for this power of attorney.
(1538 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE The identifier for the Service Provider Party.
(1614 Signature) BBIE An identifier for the Signature.
(1686 SubsidiaryLocation) BBIE The unique identifier for the location.
(1716 TaxScheme) BBIE Identifies the tax scheme.
TendererQualification (7) BBIE An identifier for the Qualification
IdentificationCode (CommonLibrary 488 Country) BBIE An identifier for the Country.


IndustryClassificationCode (CommonLibrary 1185 Party) BBIE Indicates the role of a Party
InformationURI (CommonLibrary 1687 SubsidiaryLocation) BBIE The URI pointing to information about location.
InhouseMail (CommonLibrary 26 Address) BBIE A specific location within a building.
InterestedProcurementLotsID (CommonLibrary 1834 TendererPartyQualification) BBIE Identifier for the procurement project lot the party is interested in.






(625 DocumentReference) BBIE The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued.
(1317 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Issue date for this power of attorney.
TendererQualification (11) BBIE a date denoting when the Qualification was issued.




(626 DocumentReference) BBIE The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued.
(1318 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Issue time for this power of attorney.
TendererQualification (12) BBIE a time denoting when the Qualification was issued.
IssuerParty (CommonLibrary 634 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Party) Details of the Party who issued the referenced document.


JobTitle (CommonLibrary 1296 Person) BBIE A person s job title within an organization (for a particular role).






(473 CorporateRegistrationScheme) ASBIE (Address) Associates the registration scheme with particulars that identify and locate the geographic area to which the scheme applies.
(1720 TaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) An association with Address (of taxation jurisdiction).






(1032) ABIE Information about Language.
(1188 Party) ASBIE An association to Language.




(261 ClassificationScheme) BBIE Identifies the language of the Classification Scheme.
(630 DocumentReference) BBIE Identifies the language used in the referenced document.
LastRevisionDate (CommonLibrary 251 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The date at which the classification scheme was last revised.
LastRevisionTime (CommonLibrary 252 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The time at which the classification scheme was last revised.
LatitudeDegreesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1086 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The measure of latitude in degrees.
LatitudeDirectionCode (CommonLibrary 1088 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The direction of latitude measurement from the equator.
LatitudeMinutesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1087 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The measure of latitude in minutes.


Line (CommonLibrary 43 AddressLine) BBIE A line of address expressed as unstructured text.






(631 DocumentReference) BBIE The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code.
(1035 Language) BBIE The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code.
Location (CommonLibrary 1073) ABIE Information about a location.
PhysicalLocation(1190 Party)




(1084) ABIE Information about physical (geographical) location.
(41 Address) ASBIE An association to Location Coordinate.
(1083 Location) ASBIE Information about physical (geographical) location.
(1689 SubsidiaryLocation) ASBIE Information about physical (geographical) location.
LocationTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1079 Location) BBIE The code specifying the location type.
LogoReferenceID (CommonLibrary 1183 Party) BBIE A party s logo.
LongitudeDegreesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1089 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The measure of longitude in degrees.
LongitudeDirectionCode (CommonLibrary 1091 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The direction of longitude measurement from the meridian.
LongitudeMinutesMeasure (CommonLibrary 1090 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The measure of longitude in minutes.


MainQualifyingParty (CommonLibrary 1835 TendererPartyQualification) ASBIE (QualifyingParty) Main party qualifications.
MandateDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1322 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (DocumentReference) An association to the mandate.
MarkAttention (CommonLibrary 28 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in the organization to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as for the attention of or FAO or ATTN for this address.
MarkAttentionIndicator (CommonLibrary 1181 Party) BBIE Indicates whether a party is FAO (for the attention of).
MarkCare (CommonLibrary 29 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as care of or C/O .
MarkCareIndicator (CommonLibrary 1180 Party) BBIE Indicates whether a party is C/O (care of).


MiddleName (CommonLibrary 1294 Person) BBIE A person s middle name(s) and/or initial(s).
MimeCode (CommonLibrary 756 ExternalReference) BBIE The mime type of the external document.






(123 Branch) BBIE The name of a branch or division of an organization.
(244 ClassificationCategory) BBIE The name of the Classification Category.
(254 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The name of the Classification Scheme.
(437 Contact) BBIE The name of the Contact (it is recomanded this is not to be used for person name but for functional names).
(471 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE Identifies the scheme by name.
(489 Country) BBIE The name of the Country.
(544 Declaration) BBIE Name of the declaration.
(708 Evidence) BBIE The textual description for this Evidence.
(763 FinancialAccount) BBIE The name of the Financial Account.
(779 FinancialInstitution) BBIE The name of the Financial Institution.
(1034 Language) BBIE The name of the language.
(1214 PartyName) BBIE The name of the party.
(1717 TaxScheme) BBIE The name of the tax scheme.
NameSuffix (CommonLibrary 1295 Person) BBIE A suffix to a person s name, e.g., PhD, OBE, Jnr.


NotaryParty (CommonLibrary 1320 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) An association to a Notary Party




(253 ClassificationScheme) BBIE Free-form text applying to the Classification Scheme. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.
(441 Contact) BBIE A note such as Emergency or After Hours describing the circumstances in which the Contact can be used.
(1615 Signature) BBIE Free form text about the signature or the circumstances where the signature has been used.
TendererQualification (13) BBIE contains the textual description of the Qualification in free form text.


OperatingYearsQuantity (CommonLibrary 1389 QualifyingParty) BBIE The number of years that the economic operatos has been in operation.


OrganizationDepartment (CommonLibrary 1297 Person) BBIE The department or subdivision of an organization that the person belongs to (for a particular role).
OriginalDocumentReference (CommonLibrary 1623 Signature) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to the actual document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature.


OtherCommunication (CommonLibrary 442 Contact) ASBIE (Communication) An association to Other Communication.


ParticipationPercent (CommonLibrary 1387 QualifyingParty) BBIE Participation percentage of the party in this tendering process.




(1179) ABIE Information about an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.
AgentParty(1195 Party) AgentParty(1321 PowerOfAttorney) EvidenceIssuingParty(709 Evidence) IssuerParty(634 DocumentReference) NotaryParty(1320 PowerOfAttorney) SignatoryParty(1517 ResultOfVerification) SignatoryParty(1621 Signature) StakeholderParty(1211 PartyLegalEntity)
(468 ContractingParty) ASBIE An association to Party
(518 CustomerParty) ASBIE An association to Party.
(1398 QualifyingParty) ASBIE An association to the Party
(1541 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE An association to Party.
PartyCapacityAmount (CommonLibrary 275 CompletedTask) BBIE The monetary value that constitutes the capacity of the party which carried out this completed task.




(1199) ABIE Information about a party s identification.
(1186 Party) ASBIE An association to Party Identification.




(1201) ABIE Information directly relating to the legal registration that is applicable to a party.
(1192 Party) ASBIE An association to Party Legal Entity.




(1213) ABIE Information about a party s name.
(1187 Party) ASBIE An association to Party Name.




(1215) ABIE Information about a party s Tax Scheme.
(1191 Party) ASBIE An association to Party Tax Scheme.
PaymentNote (CommonLibrary 768 FinancialAccount) BBIE Free-form text applying to the Payment to the owner of this account.






(1281) ABIE Information about a period of time.
ValidityPeriod(148 Capability) ValidityPeriod(633 DocumentReference) ValidityPeriod(1080 Location)
(278 CompletedTask) ASBIE The specified period where the task has been performed.




(1289) ABIE Information about a person.
(1194 Party) ASBIE An association to a person.
PersonalSituation (CommonLibrary 1388 QualifyingParty) BBIE Textual description of the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process.


PhysicalLocation (CommonLibrary 1190 Party) ASBIE (Location) The party s physical location.


PlotIdentification (CommonLibrary 30 Address) BBIE The textual expression of the unique identifier for the piece of land on which this address is located such as a plot number.


PostalAddress (CommonLibrary 1189 Party) ASBIE (Address) The party s postal address.
PostalZone (CommonLibrary 33 Address) BBIE The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
Postbox (CommonLibrary 18 Address) BBIE A post office box number.




(1315) ABIE Information about the power of attorney.
(1197 Party) ASBIE An association to one or more Power of Attorney.


ProfileExecutionID (TendererQualification 6) BBIE Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
ProfileID (TendererQualification 5) BBIE The identifier for a user defined profile of the subset of UBL being used.


QualifyingParty (CommonLibrary 1386) ABIE Distinctive features or characteristics required for a party in the tendering process such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type, definition of technical and financial capabilities or explanation of completed tasks.
AdditionalQualifyingParty(1836 TendererPartyQualification) MainQualifyingParty(1835 TendererPartyQualification)


RecipientCustomerParty (CommonLibrary 279 CompletedTask) ASBIE (CustomerParty) The original customer for this completed task.
Region (CommonLibrary 36 Address) BBIE An addressable region or group of countries.




(1209 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Address) Associates with the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme.
(1221 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) An association to Registered Address (for tax purposes).
RegistrationDate (CommonLibrary 1206 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The registration date of the CompanyID.
RegistrationExpirationDate (CommonLibrary 1207 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The expiration date, e.g. for Import/Export licenses.




(1202 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The name of a party as registered with the legal authority.
(1216 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.
ResultCode (CommonLibrary 1511 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Code describing the result of the validation.




(1509) ABIE Information about the result of a process of verification of a signature.
(635 DocumentReference) ASBIE lookup


Room (CommonLibrary 20 Address) BBIE A room, suite, or apartment of a building.


SchemeURI (CommonLibrary 260 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification Scheme is located.


SellerContact (CommonLibrary 1542 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE (Contact) An association to Service Contact.




(1537) ABIE Information about the Service Provider Party.
(1196 Party) ASBIE An association to another party who provides a service to this party.
ServiceType (CommonLibrary 1540 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE lookup
ServiceTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1539 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE lookup






(1517 ResultOfVerification) ASBIE (Party) An association to the signing Party.
(1621 Signature) ASBIE (Party) An association to the signing Party.


CommonLibrary (1613) ABIE Information about signature. A placeholder for signature.
TendererQualification (14) ASBIE associates the Qualification with zero or more signatures.
SignatureMethod (CommonLibrary 1620 Signature) BBIE The method of signature.


StakeholderParty (CommonLibrary 1211 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Party) An association to the list of stackhoders in the consorptium.
StartDate (CommonLibrary 1282 Period) BBIE The start date of the period.
StartTime (CommonLibrary 1283 Period) BBIE The start time of the period.
StreetName (CommonLibrary 21 Address) BBIE The name of a street.






(1685) ABIE Information about a subsidiary location.
(1082 Location) ASBIE Information about a subsidiary location.
SupplierAssignedAccountID (CommonLibrary 516 CustomerParty) BBIE An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by the Supplier.


TaxLevelCode (CommonLibrary 1218 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE The section or role within the tax scheme that applies to the party.




(1715) ABIE Information about a tax scheme.
(1222 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE An association to Tax Scheme.
TaxTypeCode (CommonLibrary 1718 TaxScheme) BBIE An identifier for the tax type.


TechnicalCapability (CommonLibrary 1394 QualifyingParty) ASBIE (Capability) Technical capabilities of an economic operator.
Telefax (CommonLibrary 439 Contact) BBIE The fax number of the Contact.
Telephone (CommonLibrary 438 Contact) BBIE The telephone number of the Contact.


CommonLibrary (1833) ABIE Information about the tenderer party qualifications
TendererQualification (15) ASBIE An association to the set of qualifications for a the Parties.
TendererQualification (TendererQualification 2) ABIE A document used for the Tenderer to declare things about his own condition.


TimezoneOffset (CommonLibrary 38 Address) BBIE For the time zone in which the address is situated, the measure of time offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Title (CommonLibrary 1293 Person) BBIE A person s title of address, e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir.


TotalTaskAmount (CommonLibrary 274 CompletedTask) BBIE The monetary value that constitutes the actual amount of this completed task.


UBLVersionID (TendererQualification 3) BBIE The version of the UBL schema being used.






(259 ClassificationScheme) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification is located.
(751 ExternalReference) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the external document is located.






(250 ClassificationScheme) BBIE A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE.
(624 DocumentReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE.
TendererQualification (9) BBIE A computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the document instance.


ValidateProcess (CommonLibrary 1514 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Textual description of the process of validation.
ValidateTool (CommonLibrary 1515 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Textual description of the tool used to validate the signature.
ValidateToolVersion (CommonLibrary 1516 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Textual descrition of the version of the tool used to validate the signature.




(1512 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Date when the validation was done.
(1616 Signature) BBIE Specifies the date when the signature was approved.




(1513 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Time when the validation was done.
(1617 Signature) BBIE Specifies the time when the signature was approved.




(1510 ResultOfVerification) BBIE Identifier of the validator system.
(1618 Signature) BBIE Identifies the organization, person, service or server that has validated the signature.




(148 Capability) ASBIE (Period) Period of time that capability has been valid.
(633 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Period) An association to Validity Period.
(1080 Location) ASBIE (Period) Period(s) in which the location can be used, e.g., for delivery.
Value (CommonLibrary 271 Communication) BBIE The communication value, such as phone number or email address.
ValueAmount (CommonLibrary 145 Capability) BBIE Amount for that capability.
ValueQuantity (CommonLibrary 146 Capability) BBIE Quantity for that capability.


VersionID (CommonLibrary 258 ClassificationScheme) BBIE Identifies the version of the Classification Scheme.


WebsiteURI (CommonLibrary 1182 Party) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the party.


XPath (CommonLibrary 629 DocumentReference) BBIE Refers to another part of the same document instance.


This summary of elements only includes those members of the common library that are referenced directly or indirectly by TendererQualification.
Card. Rep. Term Alt. Business
Examples Dictionary Entry Name UNTDED
Ver. Comp.
Class Prop. Term
Prop. Term
Poss. Noun
Prop. Term
Prim. Noun
Rep. Term Data Type
Data Type Assoc.
14 Address
< < < < < < < < <
Information about a structured address.
Address. Details 2.0 ABIE Address
ID An identifier for a specific address within a scheme of registered addresses.
0..1 Identifier DetailsKey Address. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Address Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
AddressTypeCode A code specifying the type of this address, such as business address or home address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Address Address Type Code Code Code. Type
AddressFormatCode A code specifying the format of this address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Format Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Address Address Format Code Code Code. Type
Postbox A post office box number.
0..1 Text PostBox, PO Box 123 Address. Postbox. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Postbox Text Text. Type
Floor An addressable floor of a building.
0..1 Text SubPremiseNumber 30 Address. Floor. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Floor Text Text. Type
Room A room, suite, or apartment of a building.
0..1 Text SubPremiseNumber Reception Address. Room. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Room Text Text. Type
StreetName The name of a street.
0..1 Name Thoroughfare Kwun Tong Road Address. Street Name. Name 1.0 BBIE Address Street Name Name Name. Type
AdditionalStreetName An additional name of a street used to further specify the street name.
0..1 Name Thoroughfare Cnr Aberdeen Road Address. Additional_ Street Name. Name 1.0 BBIE Address Additional Street Name Name Name. Type
BlockName The block name, expressed as text, for an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings for this address.
0..1 Name Seabird Address. Block Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address Block Name Name Name. Type
BuildingName The name of a building.
0..1 Name BuildingName Plot 421 Address. Building Name. Name 1.0 BBIE Address Building Name Name Name. Type
BuildingNumber The number of a building.
0..1 Text PremiseNumber 388 Address. Building Number. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Building Number Text Text. Type
InhouseMail A specific location within a building.
0..1 Text MailStop Address. Inhouse_ Mail. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Inhouse Mail Text Text. Type
Department An addressable department of an organization.
0..1 Text Department Accounts Payable Address. Department. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Department Text Text. Type
MarkAttention The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in the organization to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as for the attention of or FAO or ATTN for this address.
0..1 Text Address. Mark Attention. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Mark Attention Text Text. Type
MarkCare The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as care of or C/O .
0..1 Text Address. Mark Care. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Mark Care Text Text. Type
PlotIdentification The textual expression of the unique identifier for the piece of land on which this address is located such as a plot number.
0..1 Text Address. Plot Identification. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Plot Identification Text Text. Type
CitySubdivisionName A name, expressed as text, of a subdivision of a city for this address, for example, a district or borough.
0..1 Name Address. City Subdivision Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address City Subdivision Name Name Name. Type
CityName The name of a city, town, or village.
0..1 Name LocalityName Hong Kong Address. City Name. Name 1.0 BBIE Address City Name Name Name. Type
PostalZone The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
0..1 Text PostalCodeNumber SW11 4EW 2500 GG Address. Postal_ Zone. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Postal Zone Text Text. Type
CountrySubentity A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.
0..1 Text AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton Florida , Tamilnadu Address. Country Subentity. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Country Subentity Text Text. Type
CountrySubentityCode A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code Address. Country Subentity Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Address Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type
Region An addressable region or group of countries.
0..1 Text LocalityName, Economic Zone European Union Address. Region. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Region Text Text. Type
District A geographical division of a country.
0..1 Text LocalityName, Area East Coast Address. District. Text 1.0 BBIE Address District Text Text. Type
TimezoneOffset For the time zone in which the address is situated, the measure of time offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
0..1 Text +8:00 -3:00 Address. Timezone Offset. Text 1.0 BBIE Address Timezone Offset Text Text. Type
AddressLine An association to Address Line.
0..n Address Line Address. Address Line 2.0 ASBIE Address Address Line Address Line
Country An association to Country.
0..1 Country Address. Country 1.0 ASBIE Address Country Country
LocationCoordinate An association to Location Coordinate.
0..1 Location Coordinate Address. Location Coordinate 1.0 ASBIE Address Location Coordinate Location Coordinate
42 AddressLine
Information about a line of address expressed as unstructured text.
Address Line. Details 2.0 ABIE Address Line
Line A line of address expressed as unstructured text.
1 Text 123 Standard Chartered Tower Address Line. Line. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Line Line Text Text. Type
68 Attachment
< <
Information about an attached document. An attachment can be referred to externally (with the URI element) or internally (with the MIME reference element) or contained within the document itself (with the EmbeddedDocument element).
Attachment. Details 2.0 ABIE Attachment
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject Contains an embedded document as a BLOB (binary large object).
0..1 Binary Object Attachment. Embedded_ Document. Binary Object 2.0 BBIE Attachment Embedded Document Binary Object Binary Object. Type
ExternalReference An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.
0..1 External Reference Attachment. External Reference 2.0 ASBIE Attachment External Reference External Reference
121 Branch
Information about a branch or division of an organization.
Branch. Details 1.0 ABIE Branch
ID An identifier for a branch or division of an organization.
0..1 Identifier Branch. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Branch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of a branch or division of an organization.
0..1 Name Branch. Name 1.0 BBIE Branch Name Name Name. Type
FinancialInstitution An association to Financial Institution.
0..1 Financial Institution Branch. Financial Institution 1.0 ASBIE Branch Financial Institution Financial Institution
Address An association to Address.
0..1 Address Branch. Address 1.0 ASBIE Branch Address Address
142 Capability
< <
Capability of an economic operator.
Capability. Details 2.1 ABIE Capability
CapabilityTypeCode Code that defines the financial or technical capability such as total revenue, qualified staff, etc
0..1 Code Capability. Capability Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Capability Capability Type Code Code Code. Type
Description Textual description of the capability.
0..n Text Capability. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Capability Description Text Text. Type
ValueAmount Amount for that capability.
0..1 Amount Capability. Value. Amount 2.1 BBIE Capability Value Amount Amount. Type
ValueQuantity Quantity for that capability.
0..1 Quantity Capability. Value_ Quantity. Quantity 2.1 BBIE Capability Value Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type
EvidenceSuppliedID An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this capability.
0..n Identifier Capability. Evidence Supplied. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Capability Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type
ValidityPeriod Period of time that capability has been valid.
0..1 Period Capability. Validity_ Period. Period 2.1 ASBIE Capability Validity Period Period
243 ClassificationCategory
< <
Information about a Classification Category; a subdivision of a Classification Scheme.
Classification Category. Details 2.0 ABIE Classification Category
Name The name of the Classification Category.
0..1 Name Code List Name UNSPSC Class , UNSPSC Segment , UNSPSC Family Classification Category. Name 2.0 BBIE Classification Category Name Name Name. Type
CodeValue The Classification Category value.
0..1 Text Code Value 3420001, 3273666, HSJJD-213 Classification Category. Code Value. Text 2.0 BBIE Classification Category Code Value Text Text. Type
Description The description of the Classification Category.
0..n Text Code Name Electrical Goods , Wooden Toys Classification Category. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Classification Category Description Text Text. Type
CategorizesClassificationCategory An association to subcategories within the Category.
0..n Classification Category Classification Category. Categorizes_ Classification Category. Classification Category 2.0 ASBIE Classification Category Categorizes Classification Category Classification Category
248 ClassificationScheme
Information about Classification Scheme; a scheme that defines a taxonomy for classifying goods or services.
Classification Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Classification Scheme
ID An identifier for the classification scheme.
1 Identifier Classification Scheme. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
UUID A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE.
0..1 Identifier Classification Scheme. UUID. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme UUID Identifier Identifier. Type
LastRevisionDate The date at which the classification scheme was last revised.
0..1 Date Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Last Revision Date Date Date. Type
LastRevisionTime The time at which the classification scheme was last revised.
0..1 Time Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Time. Time 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Last Revision Time Time Time. Type
Note Free-form text applying to the Classification Scheme. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.
0..n Text Classification Scheme. Note. Text 2.1 BBIE Classification Scheme Note Text Text. Type
Name The name of the Classification Scheme.
0..1 Name UNSPSC Classification Scheme. Name 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Name Name Name. Type
Description A description of the Classification Scheme.
0..n Text an open, global multi-sector standard for classification of products and services Classification Scheme. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Description Text Text. Type
AgencyID Identifies the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.
0..1 Identifier Defaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list. Classification Scheme. Agency Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Agency Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
AgencyName The name of the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.
0..1 Text Classification Scheme. Agency Name. Text 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Agency Name Text Text. Type
VersionID Identifies the version of the Classification Scheme.
0..1 Identifier Classification Scheme. Version. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Version Identifier Identifier. Type
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification is located.
0..1 Identifier Classification Scheme. URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type
SchemeURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification Scheme is located.
0..1 Identifier Classification Scheme. Scheme_ URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type
LanguageID Identifies the language of the Classification Scheme.
0..1 Identifier Classification Scheme. Language. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Classification Scheme Language Identifier Identifier. Type
ClassificationCategory An association to Classification Category.
1..n Classification Category Classification Scheme. Classification Category 2.0 ASBIE Classification Scheme Classification Category Classification Category
268 Communication
Information about a means of communication.
Communication. Details 1.0 ABIE Communication
ChannelCode The method of communication, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Phone Fax Email Communication. Channel Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Communication Channel Code Code Channel Channel_ Code. Type
Channel The method of communication, expressed as text.
0..1 Text Skype Communication. Channel. Text 1.0 BBIE Communication Channel Text Text. Type
Value The communication value, such as phone number or email address.
0..1 Text +44 1 2345 6789 president@whitehouse.com Communication. Value. Text 1.0 BBIE Communication Value Text Text. Type
272 CompletedTask
Completion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose in the tendering process.
Completed Task. Details 2.1 ABIE Completed Task
AnnualAverageAmount The monetary value that constitutes the average amount of this completed task.
0..1 Amount Completed Task. Annual_ Average. Amount 2.1 BBIE Completed Task Annual Average Amount Amount. Type
TotalTaskAmount The monetary value that constitutes the actual amount of this completed task.
0..1 Amount Completed Task. Total Task. Amount 2.1 BBIE Completed Task Total Task Amount Amount. Type
PartyCapacityAmount The monetary value that constitutes the capacity of the party which carried out this completed task.
0..1 Amount Completed Task. Party Capacity. Amount 2.1 BBIE Completed Task Party Capacity Amount Amount. Type
Description The textual expression of the description of this completed task.
0..n Text Completed Task. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Completed Task Description Text Text. Type
EvidenceSuppliedID An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this task.
0..1 Identifier Completed Task. Evidence Supplied. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Completed Task Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type
Period The specified period where the task has been performed.
0..1 Period Completed Task. Period 2.1 ASBIE Completed Task Period Period
RecipientCustomerParty The original customer for this completed task.
0..1 Customer Party Completed Task. Recipient_ Customer Party. Customer Party 2.1 ASBIE Completed Task Recipient Customer Party Customer Party
435 Contact
< < < < < <
Information about a contactable person or organization department.
Contact. Details 2.0 ABIE Contact
ID An identifier for the Contact.
0..1 Identifier Receivals Clerk Contact. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Contact Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of the Contact (it is recomanded this is not to be used for person name but for functional names).
0..1 Name Delivery Dock Contact. Name 2.1 BBIE Contact Name Name Name. Type
Telephone The telephone number of the Contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Telephone. Text 1.0 BBIE Contact Telephone Text Text. Type
Telefax The fax number of the Contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Telefax. Text 1.0 BBIE Contact Telefax Text Text. Type
ElectronicMail The email address of the Contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Electronic_ Mail. Text 1.0 BBIE Contact Electronic Mail Text Text. Type
Note A note such as Emergency or After Hours describing the circumstances in which the Contact can be used.
0..n Text Contact. Note. Text 2.1 BBIE Contact Note Text Text. Type
OtherCommunication An association to Other Communication.
0..n Communication Contact. Other_ Communication. Communication 1.0 ASBIE Contact Other Communication Communication
464 ContractingParty
An individual, a group, or a body having a procurement role in a tendering process.
Contracting Party. Details 2.1 ABIE Contracting Party
ContractingPartyTypeCode A code specifying the type of party that is independent of its role.
0..1 Code Contracting Party. Contracting Party Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Contracting Party Contracting Party Type Code Code Code. Type
ActivityCode A code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization.
0..n Code Contracting Party. Activity Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Contracting Party Activity Code Code Code. Type
BuyerProfileURI Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this party s buyer profile. A buyer profile is a website where the party publishes its procurement opportunities.
0..1 Identifier Buyer Profile Contracting Party. Buyer Profile_ URI. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Contracting Party Buyer Profile URI Identifier Identifier. Type
Party An association to Party
1 Party Contracting Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Contracting Party Party Party
469 CorporateRegistrationScheme
Information directly relating a scheme for corporate registration of businesses.
Corporate Registration Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Corporate Registration Scheme
ID Identifies the scheme.
0..1 Identifier ASIC in Australia Corporate Registration Scheme. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name Identifies the scheme by name.
0..1 Name Australian Securities and Investment Commission in Australia Corporate Registration Scheme. Name 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Name Name Name. Type
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode Identifies the type of scheme.
0..1 Code ACN Corporate Registration Scheme. Corporate Registration Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Type Code Code Code. Type
JurisdictionRegionAddress Associates the registration scheme with particulars that identify and locate the geographic area to which the scheme applies.
0..n Address England , Wales Corporate Registration Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address
487 Country
< <
Information about a geopolitical country.
Country. Details 2.0 ABIE Country
IdentificationCode An identifier for the Country.
0..1 Code Country. Identification Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Country Identification Code Code Country Identification Country Identification_ Code. Type
Name The name of the Country.
0..1 Name “SOUTH AFRICA” Country. Name 1.0 BBIE Country Name Name Name. Type
514 CustomerParty
Information about the Customer Party.
Customer Party. Details 1.0 ABIE Customer Party
CustomerAssignedAccountID An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by the Customer itself.
0..1 Identifier Customer Party. Customer Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Customer Party Customer Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
SupplierAssignedAccountID An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by the Supplier.
0..1 Identifier Customer Party. Supplier Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Customer Party Supplier Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
AdditionalAccountID An identifier for the Customer s account, assigned by a third party.
0..n Identifier Customer Party. Additional_ Account Identifier. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Customer Party Additional Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Party An association to Party.
0..1 Party Customer Party. Party 1.0 ASBIE Customer Party Party Party
DeliveryContact An association to Delivery Contact.
0..1 Contact Customer Party. Delivery_ Contact. Contact 1.0 ASBIE Customer Party Delivery Contact Contact
AccountingContact An association to Accounting Contact (Customer).
0..1 Contact Customer Party. Accounting_ Contact. Contact 1.0 ASBIE Customer Party Accounting Contact Contact
BuyerContact An association to Buyer Contact.
0..1 Contact Customer Party. Buyer_ Contact. Contact 1.0 ASBIE Customer Party Buyer Contact Contact
543 Declaration
A declaration defined by an economic operator.
Declaration. Details 2.1 ABIE Declaration
Name Name of the declaration.
0..n Name Declaration. Name 2.1 BBIE Declaration Name Name Name. Type
DeclarationTypeCode A code specifying the declaration.
0..1 Code Declaration. Declaration Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Declaration Declaration Type Code Code Code. Type
Description A textual description of the declaration.
0..n Text Declaration. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Declaration Description Text Text. Type
EvidenceSuppliedID An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this declaration.
0..n Identifier Declaration. Evidence Supplied. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Declaration Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type
621 DocumentReference
< < < <
Information about a document referred to in another document.
Document Reference. Details 2.0 ABIE Document Reference
ID Identifies the document being referred to.
1 Identifier PO-001 3333-44-123 Document Reference. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Document Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CopyIndicator Indicates whether the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
0..1 Indicator Document Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
UUID A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE.
0..1 Identifier Document Reference. UUID. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Document Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type
IssueDate The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued.
0..1 Date Document Reference. Issue Date. Date 1.0 BBIE Document Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type
IssueTime The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued.
0..1 Time Document Reference. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type
DocumentTypeCode The referenced document type, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Document Reference. Document Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Document Type Code Code Code. Type
DocumentType The referenced document type, expressed as text.
0..1 Text Document Reference. Document Type. Text 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Document Type Text Text. Type
XPath Refers to another part of the same document instance.
0..n Text Document Reference. XPath. Text 2.0 BBIE Document Reference XPath Text Text. Type
LanguageID Identifies the language used in the referenced document.
0..1 Identifier Document Reference. Language. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Language Identifier Identifier. Type
LocaleCode The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Document Reference. Locale Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Locale Code Code Code. Type
Attachment An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.
0..1 Attachment Document Reference. Attachment 1.0 ASBIE Document Reference Attachment Attachment
ValidityPeriod An association to Validity Period.
0..1 Period Document Reference. Validity_ Period. Period 2.1 ASBIE Document Reference Validity Period Period
IssuerParty Details of the Party who issued the referenced document.
0..1 Party Document Reference. Issuer_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Document Reference Issuer Party Party
ResultOfVerification lookup
0..1 Result Of Verification Document Reference. Result Of Verification 2.0 ASBIE Document Reference Result Of Verification Result Of Verification
705 Evidence
Evidentiary support for capabilities or requirements, an economic operator has to provide for being accepted in a tendering process.
Evidence. Details 2.1 ABIE Evidence
ID Identifies the Evidence.
0..1 Identifier Evidence. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Evidence Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
EvidenceTypeCode The coded type for this evidence.
0..1 Code Evidence. Evidence Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Evidence Evidence Type Code Code Code. Type
Name The textual description for this Evidence.
0..n Name Evidence. Name 2.1 BBIE Evidence Name Name Name. Type
EvidenceIssuingParty An association to the Party that has issued this evidence.
0..1 Party Evidence. Evidence Issuing_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Evidence Evidence Issuing Party Party
DocumentReference An association to Document Reference handling the actual evidentiary document.
0..1 Document Reference Evidence. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Evidence Document Reference Document Reference
750 ExternalReference
Information directly relating to an external reference i.e. a document stored at a remote location.
External Reference. Details 2.0 ABIE External Reference
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the external document is located.
0..1 Identifier External Reference. URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE External Reference URI Identifier Identifier. Type
DocumentHash Specifies the hash code for the externally stored document.
0..1 Text External Reference. Document Hash. Text 1.0 BBIE External Reference Document Hash Text Text. Type
HashAlgorithmMethod lookup
0..n Text External Reference. Hash Algorithm Method. Text 1.0 BBIE External Reference Hash Algorithm Method Text Text. Type
ExpiryDate The date on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.
0..1 Date External Reference. Expiry Date. Date 1.0 BBIE External Reference Expiry Date Date Date. Type
ExpiryTime The time on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.
0..1 Time External Reference. Expiry Time. Time 1.0 BBIE External Reference Expiry Time Time Time. Type
MimeCode The mime type of the external document.
0..1 Code External Reference. Mime Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Mime Code Code Code. Type
FormatCode The format of the external document.
0..1 Code External Reference. Format Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Format Code Code Code. Type
EncodingCode Specifies the decoding algorithm of the external document.
0..1 Code External Reference. Encoding Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Encoding Code Code Code. Type
CharacterSetCode The character set of the external document if the mime type is text.
0..1 Code External Reference. Character Set Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Character Set Code Code Code. Type
FileName The filename of the external document.
0..1 Name External Reference. File Name. Name 2.1 BBIE External Reference File Name Name Name. Type
761 FinancialAccount
< <
Information about a Financial Account.
Financial Account. Details 2.0 ABIE Financial Account
ID The identifier for the Financial Account; the Bank Account Number.
0..1 Identifier SWIFT(BIC) and IBAN are defined in ISO 9362 and ISO 13616. Financial Account. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of the Financial Account.
0..1 Name Financial Account. Name 1.0 BBIE Financial Account Name Name Name. Type
AliasName An alias name for the Financial Account. Use it if the account id information is not directly provided for security reasons.
0..1 Name Financial Account. Alias_ Name. Name 2.1 BBIE Financial Account Alias Name Name Name. Type
AccountTypeCode The type of Financial Account, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Financial Account. Account Type Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Financial Account Account Type Code Code Code. Type
AccountFormatCode The format of Financial Account, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code ISO20022 Clearing System Identification Code Financial Account. Account Format Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Financial Account Account Format Code Code Code. Type
CurrencyCode The currency in which the Financial Account is held, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Financial Account. Currency Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Financial Account Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type
PaymentNote Free-form text applying to the Payment to the owner of this account.
0..n Text Financial Account. Payment_ Note. Text 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Payment Note Text Text. Type
FinancialInstitutionBranch An association to Financial Institution Branch.
0..1 Branch Financial Account. Financial Institution_ Branch. Branch 1.0 ASBIE Financial Account Financial Institution Branch Branch
Country An association to Country.
0..1 Country Financial Account. Country 1.0 ASBIE Financial Account Country Country
777 FinancialInstitution
Information about a Financial Institution.
Financial Institution. Details 1.0 ABIE Financial Institution
ID The identifier for the Financial Institution expressed as a code; ISO 9362 BIC (Bank Identification Code) is recommended.
0..1 Identifier Financial Institution. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Financial Institution Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of the Financial Institution.
0..1 Name Financial Institution. Name 1.0 BBIE Financial Institution Name Name Name. Type
Address An association to Address.
0..1 Address Financial Institution. Address 1.0 ASBIE Financial Institution Address Address
1032 Language
Information about Language.
Language. Details 1.0 ABIE Language
ID An identifier for a language, expressed as a code.
0..1 Identifier Language. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Language Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of the language.
0..1 Name Language. Name 1.0 BBIE Language Name Name Name. Type
LocaleCode The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Language. Locale Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Language Locale Code Code Code. Type
1073 Location
Information about a location.
Location. Details 1.0 ABIE Location
ID The unique identifier for the location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.
0..1 Identifier 5790002221134 Location. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Description The description or name of the location.
0..1 Text Location. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Description Text Text. Type
Conditions Conditions describing the location.
0..1 Text Location. Conditions. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Conditions Text Text. Type
CountrySubentity A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.
0..1 Text AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton Florida , Tamilnadu Location. Country Subentity. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Country Subentity Text Text. Type
CountrySubentityCode The territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code Location. Country Subentity Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Location Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type
LocationTypeCode The code specifying the location type.
0..1 Code Location. Location Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Location Location Type Code Code Code. Type
ValidityPeriod Period(s) in which the location can be used, e.g., for delivery.
0..n Period Location. Validity_ Period. Period 2.0 ASBIE Location Validity Period Period
Address Association to the address of the location.
0..1 Address Location. Address 2.0 ASBIE Location Address Address
SubsidiaryLocation Information about a subsidiary location.
0..1 Subsidiary Location Location. Subsidiary Location 2.1 ASBIE Location Subsidiary Location Subsidiary Location
LocationCoordinate Information about physical (geographical) location.
0..1 Location Coordinate Location. Location Coordinate 2.1 ASBIE Location Location Coordinate Location Coordinate
1084 LocationCoordinate
< < <
Information about physical (geographical) location.
Location Coordinate. Details 1.0 ABIE Location Coordinate
CoordinateSystemCode An identifier for the location system used.
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Coordinate System Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Coordinate System Code Code Code. Type
LatitudeDegreesMeasure The measure of latitude in degrees.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Degrees. Measure 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type
LatitudeMinutesMeasure The measure of latitude in minutes.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Minutes. Measure 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type
LatitudeDirectionCode The direction of latitude measurement from the equator.
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Latitude Direction Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Direction Code Code Latitude Direction Latitude Direction_ Code. Type
LongitudeDegreesMeasure The measure of longitude in degrees.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Degrees. Measure 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type
LongitudeMinutesMeasure The measure of longitude in minutes.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Minutes. Measure 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type
LongitudeDirectionCode The direction of longitude measurement from the meridian.
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Longitude Direction Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Direction Code Code Longitude Direction Longitude Direction_ Code. Type
AltitudeMeasure The measure of altitude.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Altitude. Measure 2.1 BBIE Location Coordinate Altitude Measure Measure. Type
1179 Party
< < < < < < < < < < < <
Information about an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.
Party. Details 2.0 ABIE Party
MarkCareIndicator Indicates whether a party is C/O (care of).
0..1 Indicator Party. Mark Care_ Indicator. Indicator 1.0 BBIE Party Mark Care Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
MarkAttentionIndicator Indicates whether a party is FAO (for the attention of).
0..1 Indicator Party. Mark Attention_ Indicator. Indicator 1.0 BBIE Party Mark Attention Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
WebsiteURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the party.
0..1 Identifier Party. Website_ URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Website URI Identifier Identifier. Type
LogoReferenceID A party s logo.
0..1 Identifier http://www2.coca-cola.com/images/logo.gif Party. Logo Reference. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Party Logo Reference Identifier Identifier. Type
EndpointID Identifies the end point of the routing service, e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN.
0..1 Identifier 5790002221134 Party. Endpoint Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Endpoint Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
IndustryClassificationCode Indicates the role of a Party
0..1 Code Public authority , NAIC codes Party. Industry Classification Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Industry Classification Code Code Code. Type
PartyIdentification An association to Party Identification.
0..n Party Identification Party. Party Identification 1.0 ASBIE Party Party Identification Party Identification
PartyName An association to Party Name.
0..n Party Name Party. Party Name 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Name Party Name
Language An association to Language.
0..1 Language Party. Language 1.0 ASBIE Party Language Language
PostalAddress The party s postal address.
0..1 Address Party. Postal_ Address. Address 1.0 ASBIE Party Postal Address Address
PhysicalLocation The party s physical location.
0..1 Location Party. Physical_ Location. Location 1.0 ASBIE Party Physical Location Location
PartyTaxScheme An association to Party Tax Scheme.
0..n Party Tax Scheme Party. Party Tax Scheme 1.0 ASBIE Party Party Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme
PartyLegalEntity An association to Party Legal Entity.
0..n Party Legal Entity Party. Party Legal Entity 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Legal Entity Party Legal Entity
Contact Contact information related to the Party.
0..1 Contact Party. Contact 2.1 ASBIE Party Contact Contact
Person An association to a person.
0..n Person Party. Person 2.1 ASBIE Party Person Person
AgentParty An association to another party who acts as an agent for this party.
0..1 Party Customs Broker Party. Agent_ Party. Party 2.0 ASBIE Party Agent Party Party
ServiceProviderParty An association to another party who provides a service to this party.
0..n Service Provider Party Party. Service Provider Party 2.1 ASBIE Party Service Provider Party Service Provider Party
PowerOfAttorney An association to one or more Power of Attorney.
0..n Power Of Attorney Party. Power Of Attorney 2.1 ASBIE Party Power Of Attorney Power Of Attorney
FinancialAccount An association to Financial Account
0..1 Financial Account Party. Financial Account 2.1 ASBIE Party Financial Account Financial Account
1199 PartyIdentification
Information about a party s identification.
Party Identification. Details 1.0 ABIE Party Identification
ID Identifies a party.
1 Identifier Party Identification. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Party Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
1201 PartyLegalEntity
Information directly relating to the legal registration that is applicable to a party.
Party Legal Entity. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Legal Entity
RegistrationName The name of a party as registered with the legal authority.
0..1 Name Microsoft Corporation Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Name Name Name. Type
CompanyID Identifies a company as registered with the company registration scheme.
0..1 Identifier Business Registration Number, Company Number 3556625 Party Legal Entity. Company Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CompanyTypeCode The company legal status, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Corporate , LLC Party Legal Entity. Company Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Type Code Code Code. Type
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode The company liquidation status, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Insolvency , Bankruptcy Party Legal Entity. Company Liquidation Status Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Liquidation Status Code Code Code. Type
RegistrationDate The registration date of the CompanyID.
0..1 Date Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Date Date Date. Type
RegistrationExpirationDate The expiration date, e.g. for Import/Export licenses.
0..1 Date Party Legal Entity. Registration Expiration_ Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Expiration Date Date Date. Type
CorporateStockAmount Capital Stock (equities).
0..1 Amount Party Legal Entity. Corporate Stock_ Amount. Amount 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Corporate Stock Amount Amount Amount. Type
RegistrationAddress Associates with the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme.
0..1 Address Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Address Address
CorporateRegistrationScheme Associates the party with a Corporate Registration Scheme.
0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Party Legal Entity. Corporate Registration Scheme 2.0 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Scheme
StakeholderParty An association to the list of stackhoders in the consorptium.
0..n Party Party Legal Entity. Stakeholder_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Stakeholder Party Party
CompanyDossierDocumentReference An association to an existing VCD or other dossier.
0..1 Document Reference Party Legal Entity. Company Dossier_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Company Dossier Document Reference Document Reference
1213 PartyName
Information about a party s name.
Party Name. Details 1.0 ABIE Party Name
Name The name of the party.
1 Name Microsoft Party Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Party Name Name Name Name. Type
1215 PartyTaxScheme
Information about a party s Tax Scheme.
Party Tax Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Tax Scheme
RegistrationName The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.
0..1 Name Microsoft Corporation Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Name. Name 1.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Registration Name Name Name. Type
CompanyID The identifier assigned for tax purposes to a party by the taxation authority.
0..1 Identifier VAT Number 3556625 Party Tax Scheme. Company Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
TaxLevelCode The section or role within the tax scheme that applies to the party.
0..1 Code Party Tax Scheme. Tax Level Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Tax Level Code Code Code. Type
ExemptionReasonCode A reason for a party s exemption from tax, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Party Tax Scheme. Exemption Reason Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Code Code Code. Type
ExemptionReason A reason for a party s exemption from tax, expressed as text.
0..1 Text Party Tax Scheme. Exemption_ Reason. Text 1.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Text Text. Type
RegistrationAddress An association to Registered Address (for tax purposes).
0..1 Address Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Address. Address 1.0 ASBIE Party Tax Scheme Registration Address Address
TaxScheme An association to Tax Scheme.
1 Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme. Tax Scheme 1.0 ASBIE Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Tax Scheme
1281 Period
< < < <
Information about a period of time.
Period. Details 1.0 ABIE Period
StartDate The start date of the period.
0..1 Date Period. Start Date. Date 1.0 BBIE Period Start Date Date Date. Type
StartTime The start time of the period.
0..1 Time Period. Start Time. Time 1.0 BBIE Period Start Time Time Time. Type
EndDate The end date of the period.
0..1 Date Period. End Date. Date 1.0 BBIE Period End Date Date Date. Type
EndTime The end time of the period.
0..1 Time Period. End Time. Time 1.0 BBIE Period End Time Time Time. Type
DurationMeasure The duration of a period, expressed as a code; ISO 8601.
0..1 Measure Period. Duration. Measure 1.0 BBIE Period Duration Measure Measure. Type
DescriptionCode A description of the period, expressed as a code.
0..n Code Period. Description Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Period Description Code Code Code. Type
Description A description of the period.
0..n Text Period. Description. Text 1.0 BBIE Period Description Text Text. Type
1289 Person
Information about a person.
Person. Details 2.0 ABIE Person
ID Identifier for this person.
0..1 Identifier Person. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Person Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
FirstName A person s forename or first name.
0..1 Name Person. First_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person First Name Name Name. Type
FamilyName A person s surname or family name.
0..1 Name Person. Family_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person Family Name Name Name. Type
Title A person s title of address, e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir.
0..1 Text Person. Title. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Title Text Text. Type
MiddleName A person s middle name(s) and/or initial(s).
0..1 Name Person. Middle_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person Middle Name Name Name. Type
NameSuffix A suffix to a person s name, e.g., PhD, OBE, Jnr.
0..1 Text Person. Name Suffix. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Name Suffix Text Text. Type
JobTitle A person s job title within an organization (for a particular role).
0..1 Text Person. Job Title. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Job Title Text Text. Type
OrganizationDepartment The department or subdivision of an organization that the person belongs to (for a particular role).
0..1 Text Person. Organization_ Department. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Organization Department Text Text. Type
Contact Contact information related to the Person.
0..1 Contact Person. Contact 2.1 ASBIE Person Contact Contact
FinancialAccount An association to Financial Account
0..1 Financial Account Person. Financial Account 2.1 ASBIE Person Financial Account Financial Account
1315 PowerOfAttorney
Information about the power of attorney.
Power Of Attorney. Details 2.1 ABIE Power Of Attorney
ID Identifier for this power of attorney.
0..1 Identifier Power Of Attorney. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
IssueDate Issue date for this power of attorney.
0..1 Date Power Of Attorney. Issue Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Issue Date Date Date. Type
IssueTime Issue time for this power of attorney.
0..1 Time Power Of Attorney. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Issue Time Time Time. Type
Description Textual description of the power of attorney.
0..n Text Power Of Attorney. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Description Text Text. Type
NotaryParty An association to a Notary Party
1 Party Power Of Attorney. Notary_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Notary Party Party
AgentParty An association to the Agent Party
1 Party Power Of Attorney. Agent_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Agent Party Party
MandateDocumentReference An association to the mandate.
0..n Document Reference Power Of Attorney. Mandate_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Mandate Document Reference Document Reference
1386 QualifyingParty
< <
Distinctive features or characteristics required for a party in the tendering process such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type, definition of technical and financial capabilities or explanation of completed tasks.
Qualifying Party. Details 2.1 ABIE Qualifying Party
ParticipationPercent Participation percentage of the party in this tendering process.
0..1 Percent Qualifying Party. Participation. Percent 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Participation Percent Percent. Type
PersonalSituation Textual description of the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process.
0..n Text Qualifying Party. Personal Situation. Text 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Personal Situation Text Text. Type
OperatingYearsQuantity The number of years that the economic operatos has been in operation.
0..1 Quantity Qualifying Party. Operating Years. Quantity 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Operating Years Quantity Quantity. Type
EmployeeQuantity The number of employees of the economic operator.
0..1 Quantity Qualifying Party. Employee. Quantity 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Employee Quantity Quantity. Type
BusinessClassificationEvidenceID Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the classification of the economic operator.
0..1 Identifier Qualifying Party. Business Classification Evidence. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Business Classification Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type
BusinessIdentityEvidenceID Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the business identity of the economic operator.
0..1 Identifier Qualifying Party. Business Identity Evidence. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Qualifying Party Business Identity Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type
BusinessClassificationScheme An association to a classification scheme for the business profile.
0..1 Classification Scheme Qualifying Party. Business_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Business Classification Scheme Classification Scheme
TechnicalCapability Technical capabilities of an economic operator.
0..n Capability Qualifying Party. Technical_ Capability. Capability 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Technical Capability Capability
FinancialCapability Financial capabilities of an economic operator.
0..n Capability Qualifying Party. Financial_ Capability. Capability 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Financial Capability Capability
CompletedTask Tasks completed by the economic operator.
0..n Completed Task Qualifying Party. Completed Task 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Completed Task Completed Task
Declaration An association to declarations from the economic operator to fulfill the requirements specified in the call for tenders.
0..n Declaration Qualifying Party. Declaration 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Declaration Declaration
Party An association to the Party
0..1 Party Qualifying Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Qualifying Party Party Party
1509 ResultOfVerification
Information about the result of a process of verification of a signature.
Result Of Verification. Details 2.1 ABIE Result Of Verification
ValidatorID Identifier of the validator system.
0..1 Identifier Result Of Verification. Validator. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validator Identifier Identifier. Type
ResultCode Code describing the result of the validation.
0..1 Code Result Of Verification. Result Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Result Code Code Code. Type
ValidationDate Date when the validation was done.
0..1 Date Result Of Verification. Validation Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validation Date Date Date. Type
ValidationTime Time when the validation was done.
0..1 Time Result Of Verification. Validation Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validation Time Time Time. Type
ValidateProcess Textual description of the process of validation.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Process. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Process Text Text. Type
ValidateTool Textual description of the tool used to validate the signature.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Tool Text Text. Type
ValidateToolVersion Textual descrition of the version of the tool used to validate the signature.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool Version. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Tool Version Text Text. Type
SignatoryParty An association to the signing Party.
0..1 Party Result Of Verification. Signatory_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Result Of Verification Signatory Party Party
1537 ServiceProviderParty
Information about the Service Provider Party.
Service Provider Party. Details 2.1 ABIE Service Provider Party
ID The identifier for the Service Provider Party.
0..1 Identifier Service Provider Party. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ServiceTypeCode lookup
0..1 Code Service Provider Party. Service Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Service Type Code Code Code. Type
ServiceType lookup
0..n Text Service Provider Party. Service Type. Text 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Service Type Text Text. Type
Party An association to Party.
1 Party Service Provider Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Service Provider Party Party Party
SellerContact An association to Service Contact.
0..1 Contact Service Provider Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact 2.1 ASBIE Service Provider Party Seller Contact Contact
1613 Signature
Information about signature. A placeholder for signature.
Signature. Details 2.0 ABIE Signature
ID An identifier for the Signature.
1 Identifier Signature. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Note Free form text about the signature or the circumstances where the signature has been used.
0..n Text Signature. Note. Text 2.1 BBIE Signature Note Text Text. Type
ValidationDate Specifies the date when the signature was approved.
0..1 Date Signature. Validation Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Signature Validation Date Date Date. Type
ValidationTime Specifies the time when the signature was approved.
0..1 Time Signature. Validation Time. Time 2.0 BBIE Signature Validation Time Time Time. Type
ValidatorID Identifies the organization, person, service or server that has validated the signature.
0..1 Identifier Signature. Validator. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Signature Validator Identifier Identifier. Type
CanonicalizationMethod The mathematical logic method used by the Signature.
0..1 Text Signature. Canonicalization Method. Text 2.0 BBIE Signature Canonicalization Method Text Text. Type
SignatureMethod The method of signature.
0..1 Text Signature. Signature Method. Text 2.0 BBIE Signature Signature Method Text Text. Type
SignatoryParty An association to the signing Party.
0..1 Party Signature. Signatory_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Signature Signatory Party Party
DigitalSignatureAttachment Refers to the actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDSIG format).
0..1 Attachment Signature. Digital Signature_ Attachment. Attachment 2.0 ASBIE Signature Digital Signature Attachment Attachment
OriginalDocumentReference A reference to the actual document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature.
0..1 Document Reference Signature. Original_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.0 ASBIE Signature Original Document Reference Document Reference
1685 SubsidiaryLocation
Information about a subsidiary location.
Subsidiary Location. Details 2.1 ABIE Subsidiary Location
ID The unique identifier for the location.
0..1 Identifier Subsidiary Location. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Subsidiary Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
InformationURI The URI pointing to information about location.
0..1 Identifier Subsidiary Location. Information_ URI. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Subsidiary Location Information URI Identifier Identifier. Type
Address Association to the address of the location.
0..1 Address Subsidiary Location. Address 2.1 ASBIE Subsidiary Location Address Address
LocationCoordinate Information about physical (geographical) location.
0..1 Location Coordinate Subsidiary Location. Location Coordinate 2.1 ASBIE Subsidiary Location Location Coordinate Location Coordinate
1715 TaxScheme
Information about a tax scheme.
Tax Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Tax Scheme
ID Identifies the tax scheme.
0..1 Identifier VAT , GST Tax Scheme. Identifier 1.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of the tax scheme.
0..1 Name Value Added Tax , Wholesale Tax , Sales Tax , State Tax Tax Scheme. Name 2.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Name Name Name. Type
TaxTypeCode An identifier for the tax type.
0..1 Code Consumption , Sales Tax Scheme. Tax Type Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Tax Type Code Code Code. Type
CurrencyCode The currency in which the tax is collected and reported, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Tax Scheme. Currency Code. Code 1.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type
JurisdictionRegionAddress An association with Address (of taxation jurisdiction).
0..n Address Tax Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Tax Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address
1833 TendererPartyQualification
Information about the tenderer party qualifications
Tenderer Party Qualification. Details 2.1 ABIE Tenderer Party Qualification
InterestedProcurementLotsID Identifier for the procurement project lot the party is interested in.
0..n Identifier Tenderer Party Qualification. Interested Procurement Lots Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Party Qualification Interested Procurement Lots Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
MainQualifyingParty Main party qualifications.
1 Qualifying Party Tenderer Party Qualification. Main_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification Main Qualifying Party Qualifying Party
AdditionalQualifyingParty Additional party qualifications when the bidding in a consortium.
0..n Qualifying Party Tenderer Party Qualification. Additional_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification Additional Qualifying Party Qualifying Party


Card. Rep. Term Alt. Business
Examples Dictionary Entry Name UNTDED
Ver. Comp.
Class Prop. Term
Prop. Term
Poss. Noun
Prop. Term
Prim. Noun
Rep. Term Data Type
Data Type Assoc.
2 TendererQualification A document used for the Tenderer to declare things about his own condition.
Tenderer Qualification. Details 2.1 ABIE Tenderer Qualification
UBLVersionID The version of the UBL schema being used.
0..1 Identifier 2.0.5 Tenderer Qualification. UBL Version Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification UBL Version Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CustomizationID The identifier for a user defined subset of UBL.
0..1 Identifier NES Tenderer Qualification. Customization Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Customization Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ProfileID The identifier for a user defined profile of the subset of UBL being used.
0..1 Identifier BasicProcurementProcess Tenderer Qualification. Profile Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Profile Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ProfileExecutionID Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
0..1 Identifier BPP-1001 Tenderer Qualification. Profile Execution Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Profile Execution Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ID An identifier for the Qualification
0..1 Identifier Tenderer Qualification. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CopyIndicator Indicates whether the Qualification is a copy (true) or not (false)
0..1 Indicator Tenderer Qualification. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
UUID A computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the document instance.
0..1 Identifier Tenderer Qualification. UUID. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification UUID Identifier Identifier. Type
ContractFolderID An identifier for the process file (i.e. record) to which will belong this tender
1 Identifier Tenderer Qualification. Contract Folder Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Contract Folder Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
IssueDate a date denoting when the Qualification was issued.
1 Date Tenderer Qualification. Issue Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Issue Date Date Date. Type
IssueTime a time denoting when the Qualification was issued.
0..1 Time Tenderer Qualification. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Issue Time Time Time. Type
Note contains the textual description of the Qualification in free form text.
0..n Text Tenderer Qualification. Note. Text 2.1 BBIE Tenderer Qualification Note Text Text. Type
Signature associates the Qualification with zero or more signatures.
0..n Signature Tenderer Qualification. Signature 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Signature Signature
TendererPartyQualification An association to the set of qualifications for a the Parties.
1..n Tenderer Party Qualification Tenderer Qualification. Tenderer Party Qualification 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Tenderer Party Qualification Tenderer Party Qualification
ContractingParty An association to a Contracting Party.
0..1 Contracting Party Tenderer Qualification. Contracting Party 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Contracting Party Contracting Party
Evidence An association to a set of evidence elements.
0..n Evidence Tenderer Qualification. Evidence 2.1 ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Evidence Evidence

Unqualified data types

Dictionary Entry Name Base type
Supplementary component
Amount. Type decimal A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of the currency is explicit or implied.
< < < < <
currencyID normalizedString The currency of the amount.
currencyCodeListVersionID normalizedString The VersionID of the UN/ECE Rec9 code list.
Binary Object. Type base64Binary A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.
format string The format of the binary content.
mimeCode normalizedString The mime type of the binary object.
encodingCode normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
characterSetCode normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
uri anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
filename string The filename of the binary object.
Code. Type normalizedString A character string (letters, figures, or symbols) that for brevity and/or languange independence may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute together with relevant supplementary information.
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
listID normalizedString The identification of a list of codes.
listAgencyID normalizedString An agency that maintains one or more lists of codes.
listAgencyName string The name of the agency that maintains the list of codes.
listName string The name of a list of codes.
listVersionID normalizedString The version of the list of codes.
name string The textual equivalent of the code content component.
languageID language The identifier of the language used in the code name.
listURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.
listSchemeURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located.
Date. Type date One calendar day according the Gregorian calendar.
< < < < < < < < < < <
Time. Type time The instance of time that occurs every day.
< < < < < < < < <
Identifier. Type normalizedString A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme together with relevant supplementary information.
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
schemeID normalizedString The identification of the identification scheme.
schemeName string The name of the identification scheme.
schemeAgencyID normalizedString The identification of the agency that maintains the identification scheme.
schemeAgencyName string The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme.
schemeVersionID normalizedString The version of the identification scheme.
schemeDataURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme data is located.
schemeURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme is located.
Indicator. Type boolean A list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a property.
< < < <
Measure. Type decimal A numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure.
< < < < < <
unitCode normalizedString The type of unit of measure.
unitCodeListVersionID normalizedString The version of the measure unit code list.
Percent. Type decimal Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
format string Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage.
Quantity. Type decimal A counted number of non-monetary units possibly including fractions.
< < <
unitCode normalizedString The unit of the quantity
unitCodeListID normalizedString The quantity unit code list.
unitCodeListAgencyID normalizedString The identification of the agency that maintains the quantity unit code list
unitCodeListAgencyName string The name of the agency which maintains the quantity unit code list.
Text. Type string A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language.
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
languageID language The identifier of the language used in the content component.
languageLocaleID normalizedString The identification of the locale of the language.
Name. Type string A character string that consititues the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept.
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
languageID language The identifier of the language used in the content component.
languageLocaleID normalizedString The identification of the locale of the language.

Report layout and generated file "look and feel" copyright © Crane Softwrights Ltd. (please do not copy). This report is produced using tools provided as an adjunct to the commercial publication titled "Practical Universal Business Language Deployment" and derivative training materials. Only bona fide Crane customers are permitted to use the tools. To obtain your own copy of the tools (currently configured for UBL 2.0), please purchase this publication from the Crane Softwrights Ltd. web site: http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/links/ublbook-report.htm. As part of the license of using the stylesheet to create this report, this copyright paragraph may not be removed from the generated result.
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Legends: Summary Legend: Name (Module line Object) TYPE Description
Table Legend: ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name)
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination)
Line number links: alternate between summary view and table view