Aggregate Business Information Entity Re-use

ABIE Associates with ABIEs Associated to from Common ABIEs Associated to from Document ABIEs
ActivityDataLine BuyerCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, ActivityPeriod, ActivityOriginLocation, ActivityFinalLocation, SalesItem - Product Activity
ActivityProperty - Sales Item -
Address AddressLine, Country, LocationCoordinate Branch, Consumption Point, Corporate Registration Scheme, Delivery, Despatch, Financial Institution, Goods Item, Item, Item Location Quantity, Location, Party, Party Legal Entity, Party Tax Scheme, Shipment, Shipment, Subsidiary Location, Tax Scheme, Trading Terms Catalogue Request
AddressLine - Address -
AirTransport - Transport Means -
AllowanceCharge TaxCategory, TaxTotal, PaymentMeans Billing Reference Line, Consignment, Consignment, Consumption, Consumption Line, Credit Note Line, Delivery Terms, Goods Item, Invoice Line, Line Item, Price, Shipment, Telecommunications Service, Telecommunications Supply Line, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment Credit Note, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Reminder, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Statement
AppealTerms PresentationPeriod, AppealInformationParty, AppealReceiverParty, MediationParty Tendering Terms Tenderer Qualification Response, Unawarded Notification
Attachment ExternalReference Document Reference, Signature Attached Document
AuctionTerms - Tendering Process -
AwardingCriteria SubordinateAwardingCriteria Awarding Criteria, Awarding Terms -
AwardingCriteriaResponse SubordinateAwardingCriteriaResponse Awarding Criteria Response, Tendered Project -
AwardingTerms AwardingCriteria, TechnicalCommitteePerson Tendering Terms -
BillingReference InvoiceDocumentReference, SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference, CreditNoteDocumentReference, SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference, DebitNoteDocumentReference, ReminderDocumentReference, AdditionalDocumentReference, BillingReferenceLine Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Invoice Line, Reminder Line, Remittance Advice Line, Statement Line Credit Note, Debit Note, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Remittance Advice, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice
BillingReferenceLine AllowanceCharge Billing Reference -
Branch FinancialInstitution, Address Financial Account -
BudgetAccount RequiredClassificationScheme Budget Account Line -
BudgetAccountLine BudgetAccount Tendering Terms -
BudgetAmount ApplicableTaxCategory Procurement Project -
Capability ValidityPeriod Qualifying Party, Qualifying Party -
CardAccount - Payment Means -
CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateLine ContractorCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, Item - Catalogue Item Specification Update
CatalogueLine ContractorCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, WarrantyParty, WarrantyValidityPeriod, LineValidityPeriod, ItemComparison, ComponentRelatedItem, AccessoryRelatedItem, RequiredRelatedItem, ReplacementRelatedItem, ComplementaryRelatedItem, RequiredItemLocationQuantity, DocumentReference, Item, KeywordItemProperty - Catalogue
CataloguePricingUpdateLine ContractorCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, RequiredItemLocationQuantity - Catalogue Pricing Update
CatalogueReference - - Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Order
CatalogueRequestLine LineValidityPeriod, RequiredItemLocationQuantity, Item - Catalogue Request
Certificate IssuerParty, DocumentReference, Signature Item -
CertificateOfOriginApplication Shipment, EndorserParty, PreparationParty, IssuerParty, ExporterParty, ImporterParty, IssuingCountry, DocumentDistribution, SupportingDocumentReference, Signature - Certificate Of Origin
ClassificationCategory CategorizesClassificationCategory Classification Category, Classification Scheme -
ClassificationScheme ClassificationCategory Budget Account, Qualifying Party, Tenderer Qualification Request Catalogue Request
CommodityClassification - Item, Procurement Project -
Communication - Contact -
CompletedTask Period, RecipientCustomerParty Qualifying Party -
Consignment ConsigneeParty, ExporterParty, ConsignorParty, ImporterParty, CarrierParty, FreightForwarderParty, NotifyParty, OriginalDespatchParty, FinalDeliveryParty, PerformingCarrierParty, SubstituteCarrierParty, LogisticsOperatorParty, TransportAdvisorParty, HazardousItemNotificationParty, InsuranceParty, MortgageHolderParty, BillOfLadingHolderParty, OriginalDepartureCountry, FinalDestinationCountry, TransitCountry, TransportContract, OriginalDespatchTransportationService, FinalDeliveryTransportationService, DeliveryTerms, PaymentTerms, CollectPaymentTerms, DisbursementPaymentTerms, PrepaidPaymentTerms, FreightAllowanceCharge, ExtraAllowanceCharge, MainCarriageShipmentStage, PreCarriageShipmentStage, OnCarriageShipmentStage, TransportHandlingUnit, FirstArrivalPortLocation, LastExitPortLocation, ConsolidatedShipment Shipment Transportation Status
Consumption MainPeriod, AllowanceCharge, TaxTotal, EnergyWaterSupply, TelecommunicationsSupply, LegalMonetaryTotal Subscriber Consumption, Supplier Consumption -
ConsumptionAverage - Energy Water Supply -
ConsumptionHistory Period Consumption Report -
ConsumptionLine Period, Delivery, AllowanceCharge, TaxTotal, UtilityItem, Price, UnstructuredPrice Supplier Consumption -
ConsumptionPoint Address, WebSiteAccess, UtilityMeter Subscriber Consumption -
ConsumptionReport Period, GuidanceDocumentReference, DocumentReference, ConsumptionReportReference, ConsumptionHistory Energy Water Supply -
ConsumptionReportReference Period Consumption Report -
Contact OtherCommunication Customer Party, Customer Party, Customer Party, Despatch, Endorser Party, Event, Party, Person, Service Provider Party, Supplier Party, Supplier Party, Supplier Party, Transport Event -
Contract ValidityPeriod, ContractDocumentReference, NominationPeriod, ContractualDelivery Consignment, Exchange Rate, Tender Result, Utility Item Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Order, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Request For Quotation, Transport Execution Plan
ContractExecutionRequirement - Tendering Terms -
ContractExtension OptionValidityPeriod, Renewal Procurement Project -
ContractingParty Party - Call For Tenders, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Prior Information Notice, Tender, Tenderer Qualification
CorporateRegistrationScheme JurisdictionRegionAddress Party Legal Entity -
Correction - Energy Water Supply -
Country - Address, Certificate Of Origin Application, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Financial Account, Item, Shipment, Telecommunications Service Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Request For Quotation
CreditAccount - Payment Means -
CreditNoteLine DiscrepancyResponse, DespatchLineReference, ReceiptLineReference, BillingReference, DocumentReference, PricingReference, Delivery, TaxTotal, AllowanceCharge, Item, Price, SubCreditNoteLine Credit Note Line Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note
CustomerParty Party, DeliveryContact, AccountingContact, BuyerContact Activity Data Line, Catalogue Item Specification Update Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Pricing Update Line, Completed Task, Remittance Advice Line, Remittance Advice Line, Remittance Advice Line, Statement Line, Statement Line, Statement Line Call For Tenders, Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Credit Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Despatch Advice, Despatch Advice, Despatch Advice, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Freight Invoice, Instruction For Returns, Inventory Report, Invoice, Invoice, Item Information Request, Order, Order, Order, Order Cancellation, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Change, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response Simple, Order Response Simple, Order Response Simple, Prior Information Notice, Quotation, Receipt Advice, Receipt Advice, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Request For Quotation, Request For Quotation, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Statement, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Tender, Trade Item Location Profile, Utility Statement
DebitNoteLine DiscrepancyResponse, DespatchLineReference, ReceiptLineReference, BillingReference, DocumentReference, PricingReference, Delivery, TaxTotal, Item, Price, SubDebitNoteLine Debit Note Line Debit Note
Declaration - Qualifying Party -
Delivery DeliveryAddress, DeliveryLocation, AlternativeDeliveryLocation, RequestedDeliveryPeriod, PromisedDeliveryPeriod, EstimatedDeliveryPeriod, DeliveryParty, Despatch, DeliveryTerms, MinimumDeliveryUnit, MaximumDeliveryUnit, Shipment Consumption Line, Contract, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Goods Item, Invoice Line, Line Item, Package, Shipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Item Status Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Request For Quotation, Self Billed Invoice
DeliveryTerms DeliveryLocation, AllowanceCharge Consignment, Delivery, Invoice Line, Line Item Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Request For Quotation, Self Billed Invoice
DeliveryUnit - Delivery, Delivery, Item Location Quantity, Package -
Despatch DespatchAddress, DespatchParty, Contact Delivery, Goods Item, Package, Transport Equipment -
DespatchLine OrderLineReference, DocumentReference, Item, Shipment Transport Handling Unit Despatch Advice
Dimension - Item, Item Identification, Item Property, Package, Stowage, Transport Equipment, Transport Handling Unit, Transport Handling Unit, Transport Handling Unit -
DocumentDistribution Party Certificate Of Origin Application Bill Of Lading, Packing List, Waybill
DocumentReference Attachment, ValidityPeriod, IssuerParty, ResultOfVerification Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Billing Reference, Catalogue Line, Certificate, Certificate Of Origin Application, Consumption Report, Consumption Report, Contract, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Despatch Line, Document Response, Evidence, Exception Notification Line, Invoice Line, Item, Item, Line Reference, Order Line, Order Reference, Party Legal Entity, Power Of Attorney, Quotation Line, Receipt Line, Remittance Advice Line, Request For Quotation Line, Request For Tender Line, Signature, Statement Line, Tender Line, Tender Requirement, Tendering Process, Tendering Process, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Trade Financing, Trade Financing, Transaction Conditions Awarded Notification, Bill Of Lading, Call For Tenders, Call For Tenders, Call For Tenders, Catalogue, Catalogue Request, Contract Award Notice, Contract Award Notice, Credit Note, Credit Note, Credit Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Despatch Advice, Document Status Request, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Forwarding Instructions, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Guarantee Certificate, Instruction For Returns, Inventory Report, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Item Information Request, Order, Order, Order, Order, Order Cancellation, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Change, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response Simple, Packing List, Performance History, Prior Information Notice, Product Activity, Quotation, Quotation, Receipt Advice, Receipt Advice, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Request For Quotation, Request For Quotation, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Tender, Tenderer Qualification Response, Tender Receipt, Trade Item Location Profile, Transportation Status, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Status, Unawarded Notification, Utility Statement, Utility Statement, Waybill
DocumentResponse Response, DocumentReference, IssuerParty, RecipientParty, LineResponse - Application Response, Document Status, Document Status
Duty TaxCategory Telecommunications Service, Telecommunications Service -
EconomicOperatorShortList PreSelectedParty Tendering Process -
Endorsement EndorserParty, Signature - Certificate Of Origin, Certificate Of Origin, Certificate Of Origin
EndorserParty Party, SignatoryContact Certificate Of Origin Application, Endorsement Certificate Of Origin
EnergyWaterSupply ConsumptionReport, ConsumptionAverage, EnergyWaterCorrection Consumption -
EvaluationCriteria DurationPeriod, SuggestedEvidence Tenderer Qualification Request, Tenderer Qualification Request -
Event CurrentStatus, Contact, OccurenceLocation Tendering Process -
EventComment - - Retail Event
EventLineItem ParticipatingLocationsLocation, RetailPlannedImpact, SupplyItem Miscellaneous Event, Promotional Event Line Item -
EventTactic EventTacticEnumeration, Period Promotional Specification -
EventTacticEnumeration - Event Tactic -
Evidence EvidenceIssuingParty, DocumentReference Evaluation Criteria, Tenderer Requirement Tenderer Qualification
ExceptionCriteriaLine EffectivePeriod, SupplyItem, ForecastExceptionCriteriaLine - Exception Criteria
ExceptionNotificationLine ExceptionObservationPeriod, DocumentReference, ForecastException, SupplyItem - Exception Notification
ExchangeRate ForeignExchangeContract Payment Terms, Price, Reminder Line, Remittance Advice Line, Statement Line, Telecommunications Service, Telecommunications Supply Line Bill Of Lading, Credit Note, Credit Note, Credit Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Forwarding Instructions, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order, Order, Order Change, Order Change, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response, Reminder, Reminder, Reminder, Reminder, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Waybill
ExternalReference - Attachment -
FinancialAccount FinancialInstitutionBranch, Country Party, Payment Mandate, Payment Means, Payment Means, Person, Trade Financing -
FinancialGuarantee ConstitutionPeriod Tendering Terms Awarded Notification
FinancialInstitution Address Branch -
ForecastException - Exception Notification Line -
ForecastExceptionCriteriaLine - Exception Criteria Line -
ForecastLine ForecastPeriod, SalesItem - Forecast
ForecastRevisionLine ForecastPeriod, SalesItem - Forecast Revision
FrameworkAgreement DurationPeriod, SubsequentProcessTenderRequirement Tendering Process -
GoodsItem Item, GoodsItemContainer, FreightAllowanceCharge, InvoiceLine, Temperature, ContainedGoodsItem, OriginAddress, Delivery, Pickup, Despatch Goods Item, Package, Shipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Handling Unit -
GoodsItemContainer TransportEquipment Goods Item -
HazardousGoodsTransit MaximumTemperature, MinimumTemperature Hazardous Item, Transport Equipment, Transport Handling Unit -
HazardousItem ContactParty, SecondaryHazard, HazardousGoodsTransit, EmergencyTemperature, FlashpointTemperature, AdditionalTemperature Item -
ImmobilizedSecurity IssuerParty - Guarantee Certificate
InstructionForReturnsLine ManufacturerParty, Item - Instruction For Returns
InventoryReportLine Item - Inventory Report
InvoiceLine InvoicePeriod, OrderLineReference, DespatchLineReference, ReceiptLineReference, BillingReference, DocumentReference, PricingReference, OriginatorParty, Delivery, PaymentTerms, AllowanceCharge, TaxTotal, Item, Price, DeliveryTerms, SubInvoiceLine Goods Item, Invoice Line Freight Invoice, Invoice, Self Billed Invoice
Item BuyersItemIdentification, SellersItemIdentification, ManufacturersItemIdentification, StandardItemIdentification, CatalogueItemIdentification, AdditionalItemIdentification, CatalogueDocumentReference, ItemSpecificationDocumentReference, OriginCountry, CommodityClassification, TransactionConditions, HazardousItem, ClassifiedTaxCategory, AdditionalItemProperty, ManufacturerParty, InformationContentProviderParty, OriginAddress, ItemInstance, Certificate, Dimension Catalogue Item Specification Update Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Request Line, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Despatch Line, Event Line Item, Exception Criteria Line, Exception Notification Line, Goods Item, Instruction For Returns Line, Inventory Report Line, Invoice Line, Item Management Profile, Line Item, Performance Data Line, Receipt Line, Request For Tender Line, Sales Item, Stock Availability Report Line, Tender Line -
ItemComparison - Catalogue Line -
ItemIdentification PhysicalAttribute, MeasurementDimension, IssuerParty Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item -
ItemInformationRequestLine Period, SalesItem - Item Information Request
ItemInstance AdditionalItemProperty, LotIdentification Item -
ItemLocationQuantity ApplicableTerritoryAddress, Price, DeliveryUnit, ApplicableTaxCategory, Package Catalogue Line, Catalogue Pricing Update Line, Catalogue Request Line, Item Management Profile, Pricing Reference, Request For Tender Line, Tender Line -
ItemManagementProfile EffectivePeriod, Item, ItemLocationQuantity - Trade Item Location Profile
ItemProperty UsabilityPeriod, ItemPropertyGroup, RangeDimension Catalogue Line, Item, Item Instance, Lot Identification -
ItemPropertyGroup - Item Property -
Language - Party, Tendering Terms Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request
LineItem Delivery, DeliveryTerms, OriginatorParty, OrderedShipment, PricingReference, AllowanceCharge, Price, Item, SubLineItem, WarrantyValidityPeriod, WarrantyParty Line Item, Order Line, Order Line, Order Line, Order Line, Quotation Line, Quotation Line, Quotation Line, Request For Quotation Line -
LineReference DocumentReference Credit Note Line, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Invoice Line, Invoice Line, Line Response, Order Line, Order Line, Receipt Line -
LineResponse LineReference, Response Document Response -
Location ValidityPeriod, Address, SubsidiaryLocation, LocationCoordinate Activity Data Line, Activity Data Line, Consignment, Consignment, Delivery, Delivery, Delivery Terms, Event, Event Line Item, Party, Pickup, Procurement Project, Shipment, Shipment, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Event, Transport Item Status, Transport Status Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan
LocationCoordinate - Address, Location, Subsidiary Location -
LotIdentification AdditionalItemProperty Item Instance -
MaritimeTransport - Transport Means -
Meter MeterReading Consumption Point -
MeterReading - Meter -
MiscellaneousEvent EventLineItem - Retail Event
MonetaryTotal - Consumption, Tendered Project Credit Note, Debit Note, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Reminder, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan
OnAccountPayment PaymentTerms Subscriber Consumption Utility Statement
OrderLine LineItem, SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem, SellerSubstitutedLineItem, BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem, CatalogueLineReference, QuotationLineReference, DocumentReference - Order, Order Change, Order Response
OrderLineReference OrderReference Despatch Line, Invoice Line, Receipt Line -
OrderReference DocumentReference Order Line Reference Credit Note, Debit Note, Despatch Advice, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response Simple, Receipt Advice, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice
OrderedShipment Shipment, Package Line Item -
Package ContainedPackage, GoodsItem, MeasurementDimension, DeliveryUnit, Delivery, Pickup, Despatch Item Location Quantity, Ordered Shipment, Package, Transport Handling Unit -
Party PartyIdentification, PartyName, Language, PostalAddress, PhysicalLocation, PartyTaxScheme, PartyLegalEntity, Contact, Person, AgentParty, ServiceProviderParty, PowerOfAttorney, FinancialAccount Appeal Terms, Appeal Terms, Appeal Terms, Catalogue Line, Certificate, Certificate Of Origin Application, Certificate Of Origin Application, Certificate Of Origin Application, Certificate Of Origin Application, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Contracting Party, Customer Party, Delivery, Despatch, Document Distribution, Document Reference, Document Response, Document Response, Economic Operator Short List, Endorser Party, Evidence, Hazardous Item, Immobilized Security, Instruction For Returns Line, Invoice Line, Item, Item, Item Identification, Line Item, Line Item, Party, Party Legal Entity, Payment Mandate, Pickup, Power Of Attorney, Power Of Attorney, Qualifying Party, Remittance Advice Line, Result Of Verification, Service Provider Party, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Signature, Statement Line, Subscriber Consumption, Supplier Consumption, Supplier Consumption, Supplier Party, Tender Line, Tender Result, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Trade Financing, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Means Application Response, Application Response, Attached Document, Attached Document, Awarded Notification, Awarded Notification, Bill Of Lading, Bill Of Lading, Bill Of Lading, Call For Tenders, Catalogue, Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Catalogue Request, Certificate Of Origin, Certificate Of Origin, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Credit Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Document Status, Document Status, Document Status Request, Document Status Request, Exception Criteria, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Forecast Revision, Forwarding Instructions, Forwarding Instructions, Forwarding Instructions, Freight Invoice, Freight Invoice, Guarantee Certificate, Guarantee Certificate, Guarantee Certificate, Instruction For Returns, Inventory Report, Invoice, Invoice, Item Information Request, Item Information Request, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Packing List, Packing List, Packing List, Performance History, Performance History, Prior Information Notice, Product Activity, Product Activity, Reminder, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Retail Event, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Tender, Tender, Tenderer Qualification Response, Tenderer Qualification Response, Tender Receipt, Tender Receipt, Trade Item Location Profile, Trade Item Location Profile, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Status, Transport Execution Status, Transport Operation Status, Transport Operation Status, Unawarded Notification, Unawarded Notification, Utility Statement, Utility Statement, Utility Statement, Waybill, Waybill, Waybill
PartyIdentification - Party -
PartyLegalEntity RegistrationAddress, CorporateRegistrationScheme, StakeholderParty, CompanyDossierDocumentReference Party -
PartyName - Party -
PartyTaxScheme RegistrationAddress, TaxScheme Party -
Payment - - Debit Note, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Reminder, Self Billed Invoice
PaymentMandate PayerParty, PayerFinancialAccount, ValidityPeriod, PaymentReversalPeriod Payment Means -
PaymentMeans CardAccount, PayerFinancialAccount, PayeeFinancialAccount, CreditAccount, PaymentMandate, TradeFinancing Allowance Charge, Statement Line Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Self Billed Invoice, Statement
PaymentTerms SettlementPeriod, PenaltyPeriod, ExchangeRate, ValidityPeriod Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Invoice Line, On Account Payment, Statement Line, Tendering Terms, Transport Execution Terms, Transport Execution Terms, Transport Execution Terms, Transport Execution Terms Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Reminder, Self Billed Invoice, Statement
PerformanceDataLine Period, Item - Performance History
Period - Activity Data Line, Appeal Terms, Capability, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Request Line, Completed Task, Consumption, Consumption History, Consumption Line, Consumption Report, Consumption Report Reference, Contract, Contract, Contract Extension, Delivery, Delivery, Delivery, Document Reference, Evaluation Criteria, Event Tactic, Exception Criteria Line, Exception Notification Line, Financial Guarantee, Forecast Line, Forecast Revision Line, Framework Agreement, Invoice Line, Item Information Request Line, Item Management Profile, Item Property, Line Item, Location, Payment Mandate, Payment Mandate, Payment Terms, Payment Terms, Payment Terms, Performance Data Line, Price, Price List, Procurement Project, Reminder Line, Remittance Advice Line, Renewal, Request For Tender Line, Request For Tender Line, Retail Planned Impact, Shipment Stage, Statement Line, Tender Line, Tendering Process, Tendering Process, Tendering Process, Tendering Process, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms, Tendering Terms Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Contract Notice, Credit Note, Debit Note, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Freight Invoice, Guarantee Certificate, Inventory Report, Invoice, Item Information Request, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Performance History, Product Activity, Quotation, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Request For Quotation, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Tender, Trade Item Location Profile, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan
Person Contact, FinancialAccount Awarding Terms, Party -
PhysicalAttribute - Item Identification -
Pickup PickupLocation, PickupParty Goods Item, Package, Transport Equipment -
PowerOfAttorney NotaryParty, AgentParty, MandateDocumentReference Party -
Price ValidityPeriod, PriceList, AllowanceCharge, PricingExchangeRate Consumption Line, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Invoice Line, Item Location Quantity, Line Item, Pricing Reference, Sales Item, Sales Item, Telecommunications Service -
PriceList ValidityPeriod, PreviousPriceList Price, Price List -
PricingReference OriginalItemLocationQuantity, AlternativeConditionPrice Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Invoice Line, Line Item -
ProcessJustification - Tendering Process -
ProcurementProject BudgetAmount, RequiredCommodityClassification, RealizedLocation, PlannedPeriod, ContractExtension, RequestForTenderLine Procurement Project Lot Call For Tenders, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Prior Information Notice
ProcurementProjectLot TenderingTerms, ProcurementProject - Call For Tenders, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Prior Information Notice
PromotionalEvent PromotionalSpecification - Retail Event
PromotionalEventLineItem EventLineItem Promotional Specification -
PromotionalSpecification PromotionalEventLineItem, EventTactic Promotional Event -
QualificationResolution - - Tenderer Qualification Response
QualifyingParty BusinessClassificationScheme, TechnicalCapability, FinancialCapability, CompletedTask, Declaration, Party Tenderer Party Qualification, Tenderer Party Qualification -
QuotationLine DocumentReference, LineItem, SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem, AlternativeLineItem - Quotation
RailTransport - Transport Means -
ReceiptLine OrderLineReference, DespatchLineReference, DocumentReference, Item, Shipment Transport Handling Unit Receipt Advice
Regulation - - Guarantee Certificate
RelatedItem - Catalogue Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Line, Tender Line -
ReminderLine ReminderPeriod, BillingReference, ExchangeRate - Reminder
RemittanceAdviceLine AccountingSupplierParty, AccountingCustomerParty, BuyerCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, OriginatorCustomerParty, PayeeParty, InvoicePeriod, BillingReference, DocumentReference, ExchangeRate - Remittance Advice
Renewal Period Contract Extension -
RequestForQuotationLine DocumentReference, LineItem - Request For Quotation
RequestForTenderLine DocumentReference, DeliveryPeriod, RequiredItemLocationQuantity, WarrantyValidityPeriod, Item, SubRequestForTenderLine Procurement Project, Request For Tender Line -
Response Status Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Document Response, Line Response Credit Note, Debit Note, Self Billed Credit Note
ResultOfVerification SignatoryParty Document Reference -
RetailPlannedImpact Period Event Line Item -
RoadTransport - Transport Means -
SalesItem ActivityProperty, TaxExclusivePrice, TaxInclusivePrice, Item Activity Data Line, Forecast Line, Forecast Revision Line, Item Information Request Line -
SecondaryHazard - Hazardous Item -
ServiceProviderParty Party, SellerContact Party -
Shipment Consignment, GoodsItem, ShipmentStage, Delivery, TransportHandlingUnit, ReturnAddress, OriginAddress, FirstArrivalPortLocation, LastExitPortLocation, ExportCountry, FreightAllowanceCharge Certificate Of Origin Application, Consignment, Delivery, Despatch Line, Ordered Shipment, Receipt Line, Transport Event Bill Of Lading, Despatch Advice, Forwarding Instructions, Freight Invoice, Instruction For Returns, Packing List, Receipt Advice, Waybill
ShipmentStage TransitPeriod, CarrierParty, TransportMeans, LoadingPortLocation, UnloadingPortLocation, TransshipPortLocation, LoadingTransportEvent, ExaminationTransportEvent, AvailabilityTransportEvent, ExportationTransportEvent, DischargeTransportEvent, WarehousingTransportEvent, TakeoverTransportEvent, OptionalTakeoverTransportEvent, DropoffTransportEvent, ActualPickupTransportEvent, DeliveryTransportEvent, ReceiptTransportEvent, StorageTransportEvent, AcceptanceTransportEvent, TerminalOperatorParty, CustomsAgentParty Consignment, Consignment, Consignment, Shipment -
Signature SignatoryParty, DigitalSignatureAttachment, OriginalDocumentReference Certificate, Certificate Of Origin Application, Endorsement Application Response, Attached Document, Awarded Notification, Bill Of Lading, Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Credit Note, Debit Note, Despatch Advice, Document Status, Document Status Request, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Forwarding Instructions, Freight Invoice, Guarantee Certificate, Instruction For Returns, Inventory Report, Invoice, Item Information Request, Order, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response Simple, Packing List, Performance History, Product Activity, Quotation, Receipt Advice, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Request For Quotation, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Tender, Tenderer Qualification, Tenderer Qualification Response, Tender Receipt, Trade Item Location Profile, Transportation Status, Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Status, Transport Operation Status, Unawarded Notification, Utility Statement, Waybill
StatementLine PaymentMeans, PaymentTerms, BuyerCustomerParty, SellerSupplierParty, OriginatorCustomerParty, AccountingCustomerParty, AccountingSupplierParty, PayeeParty, InvoicePeriod, BillingReference, DocumentReference, ExchangeRate - Statement
Status - Event, Response, Transport Event, Transport Item Status, Transport Status -
StockAvailabilityReportLine Item - Stock Availability Report
Stowage MeasurementDimension Transport Means -
SubcontractTerms - Tender Result, Tendering Terms -
SubscriberConsumption SubscriberParty, UtilityConsumptionPoint, OnAccountPayment, Consumption, SupplierConsumption - Utility Statement
SubsidiaryLocation Address, LocationCoordinate Location -
SupplierConsumption UtilitySupplierParty, UtilityCustomerParty, Consumption, ConsumptionLine Subscriber Consumption -
SupplierParty Party, DespatchContact, AccountingContact, SellerContact Activity Data Line, Catalogue Item Specification Update Line, Catalogue Line, Catalogue Pricing Update Line, Remittance Advice Line, Remittance Advice Line, Statement Line, Statement Line, Transport Equipment Catalogue, Catalogue Deletion, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request, Credit Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Debit Note, Despatch Advice, Despatch Advice, Exception Criteria, Exception Notification, Forecast, Forecast Revision, Freight Invoice, Instruction For Returns, Inventory Report, Invoice, Invoice, Item Information Request, Order, Order Cancellation, Order Change, Order Change, Order Response, Order Response, Order Response Simple, Order Response Simple, Quotation, Receipt Advice, Receipt Advice, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Request For Quotation, Retail Event, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Self Billed Invoice, Statement, Statement, Stock Availability Report, Trade Item Location Profile
TaxCategory TaxScheme Allowance Charge, Budget Amount, Duty, Item, Item Location Quantity, Tax Subtotal, Utility Item -
TaxScheme JurisdictionRegionAddress Party Tax Scheme, Tax Category -
TaxSubtotal TaxCategory Tax Total -
TaxTotal TaxSubtotal Allowance Charge, Consumption, Consumption Line, Credit Note Line, Debit Note Line, Invoice Line, Telecommunications Service, Telecommunications Supply Line, Tendered Project Credit Note, Debit Note, Freight Invoice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation, Reminder, Remittance Advice, Self Billed Credit Note, Self Billed Invoice, Statement
TelecommunicationsService Price, Country, ExchangeRate, AllowanceCharge, TaxTotal, CallDuty, TimeDuty Telecommunications Supply Line -
TelecommunicationsSupply TelecommunicationsSupplyLine Consumption Utility Statement
TelecommunicationsSupplyLine ExchangeRate, AllowanceCharge, TaxTotal, TelecommunicationsService Telecommunications Supply -
Temperature - Goods Item, Hazardous Goods Transit, Hazardous Goods Transit, Hazardous Item, Hazardous Item, Hazardous Item, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Handling Unit, Transport Handling Unit -
TenderLine DocumentReference, Item, OfferedItemLocationQuantity, ReplacementRelatedItem, WarrantyParty, WarrantyValidityPeriod, SubTenderLine Tender Line, Tendered Project -
TenderPreparation DocumentTenderRequirement Tendering Terms -
TenderRequirement TemplateDocumentReference Framework Agreement, Tender Preparation -
TenderResult Contract, WinningParty, AwardedTenderedProject, SubcontractTerms - Awarded Notification, Contract Award Notice, Unawarded Notification
TenderedProject TaxTotal, LegalMonetaryTotal, TenderLine, AwardingCriteriaResponse Tender Result Tender
TendererPartyQualification MainQualifyingParty, AdditionalQualifyingParty - Tenderer Qualification
TendererQualificationRequest RequiredBusinessClassificationScheme, TechnicalEvaluationCriteria, FinancialEvaluationCriteria, SpecificTendererRequirement Tendering Terms -
TendererRequirement SuggestedEvidence Tenderer Qualification Request -
TenderingProcess DocumentAvailabilityPeriod, TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod, InvitationSubmissionPeriod, ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod, NoticeDocumentReference, AdditionalDocumentReference, ProcessJustification, EconomicOperatorShortList, OpenTenderEvent, AuctionTerms, FrameworkAgreement - Call For Tenders, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Prior Information Notice
TenderingTerms RequiredFinancialGuarantee, ProcurementLegislationDocumentReference, FiscalLegislationDocumentReference, EnvironmentalLegislationDocumentReference, EmploymentLegislationDocumentReference, ContractualDocumentReference, WarrantyValidityPeriod, PaymentTerms, TendererQualificationRequest, AllowedSubcontractTerms, TenderPreparation, ContractExecutionRequirement, AwardingTerms, AdditionalInformationParty, DocumentProviderParty, TenderRecipientParty, ContractResponsibleParty, TenderEvaluationParty, TenderValidityPeriod, ContractAcceptancePeriod, AppealTerms, Language, BudgetAccountLine Procurement Project Lot Call For Tenders, Contract Award Notice, Contract Notice, Prior Information Notice
TradeFinancing ContractDocumentReference, DocumentReference, FinancingParty, FinancingFinancialAccount Payment Means -
TradingTerms ApplicableAddress Transport Equipment Catalogue, Catalogue Item Specification Update, Catalogue Pricing Update, Catalogue Request
TransactionConditions DocumentReference Item Order, Order Change, Order Response, Quotation
TransportEquipment MeasurementDimension, TransportEquipmentSeal, MinimumTemperature, MaximumTemperature, ProviderParty, LoadingProofParty, SupplierParty, OwnerParty, OperatingParty, LoadingLocation, UnloadingLocation, StorageLocation, PositioningTransportEvent, QuarantineTransportEvent, DeliveryTransportEvent, PickupTransportEvent, HandlingTransportEvent, LoadingTransportEvent, TransportEvent, ApplicableTransportMeans, HaulageTradingTerms, HazardousGoodsTransit, PackagedTransportHandlingUnit, ServiceAllowanceCharge, FreightAllowanceCharge, AttachedTransportEquipment, GoodsItem, Delivery, ContainedInTransportEquipment, Pickup, Despatch Goods Item Container, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Handling Unit -
TransportEquipmentSeal - Transport Equipment -
TransportEvent ReportedShipment, CurrentStatus, Contact, Location Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Shipment Stage, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Equipment Transportation Status
TransportExecutionTerms PaymentTerms, BonusPaymentTerms, CommissionPaymentTerms, PenaltyPaymentTerms - Transport Execution Plan
TransportHandlingUnit HandlingUnitDespatchLine, ActualPackage, ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine, TransportEquipment, HazardousGoodsTransit, MeasurementDimension, MinimumTemperature, MaximumTemperature, GoodsItem, FloorSpaceMeasurementDimension, PalletSpaceMeasurementDimension Consignment, Shipment, Transport Equipment, Transport Item Status Transport Execution Plan
TransportItemStatus Status, UpdatedDelivery, StatusLocation, TransportHandlingUnit - Transport Execution Status
TransportMeans Stowage, AirTransport, RoadTransport, RailTransport, MaritimeTransport, OwnerParty Shipment Stage, Transport Equipment Transport Operation Status
TransportStatus Status, StatusLocation - Transport Operation Status
TransportationService - Consignment, Consignment Transport Execution Plan, Transport Execution Plan
UnstructuredPrice - Consumption Line -
UtilityItem TaxCategory, Contract Consumption Line -
WebSiteAccess - Consumption Point -