UBL 2.0 and UBL 2.1 qualified information items

version="2013-07-12 13:30:07(UTC)"

This describes all of the qualified supplementary components and business information entities for the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.0 vocabulary.

In UBL 2.1 qualified data types are anonymous (in that they are not expressly named or identified) and UBL information items with qualifications are addressed in this document and associated with their respective value qualifications.

At this time all value qualifications are code lists, which are a type of value list (the other type being identifier lists). Instance metadata for UBL is described by the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) Version 2.01. The document contexts are all of the supplementary components and business entities in a UBL instance that have qualified values.

Table of contents

Value lists
Instance metadata sets
Document contexts

Value lists

These list all of the genericode files of code lists used by UBL information items whose values are qualified by code lists.

The unique identifer xml:id= is used later in this file when describing the context for each entity that has a qualified value.

The URI value points to the genericode file associated with the identifer. The URI is hyperlinked in this report to a rendering of the contents of the genericode file that follows the rendering of the contexts.

xml:id="AllowanceChargeReason-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/AllowanceChargeReasonCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="AllowanceChargeReason-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/AllowanceChargeReasonCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="BinaryObjectMime-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/BinaryObjectMimeCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="BinaryObjectMime-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/BinaryObjectMimeCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="Channel-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/ChannelCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="Channel-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/ChannelCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="Chip-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/ChipCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="CountryIdentification-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/CountryIdentificationCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="CountryIdentification-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/CountryIdentificationCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="Currency-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/CurrencyCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="Currency-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/CurrencyCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="DocumentStatus-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/DocumentStatusCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="DocumentStatus-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/DocumentStatusCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="LatitudeDirection-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/LatitudeDirectionCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="LineStatus-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/LineStatusCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="LongitudeDirection-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/LongitudeDirectionCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="Operator-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/OperatorCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="PackagingType-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/PackagingTypeCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="PackagingType-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/PackagingTypeCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="PaymentMeans-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/PaymentMeansCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="PaymentMeans-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/PaymentMeansCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="ReceiptAdviceType-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/ReceiptAdviceTypeCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="SubstitutionStatus-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/SubstitutionStatusCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="TransportEquipmentType-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/TransportEquipmentTypeCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="TransportEquipmentType-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/TransportEquipmentTypeCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="TransportMode-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/TransportModeCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="TransportMode-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/TransportModeCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="UnitOfMeasure-2.0" uri="../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/UnitOfMeasureCode-2.0.gc"

xml:id="UnitOfMeasure-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/UnitOfMeasureCode-2.1.gc"

xml:id="WeekDay-2.1" uri="../cl/gc/default/WeekDayCode-2.1.gc"

Instance metadata sets

A supplementary component is a piece of metadata describing a property of the list of values in which a particular value is found. For example, each code list of currency values has a version and when a currency value is specified in a UBL document it may be important to specify which version of the currency code list that value is found. By knowing the list from which a value is found, the semantics representated by that value are unambiguous.

These sets of supplementary components describe where instance-level metadata is found that contains values of list-level metadata from genericode files. Each set is identified in a context using that set's unique xml:id= attribute.

Each component pairs an XPath address of the supplementary component (specified in address=) relative to the item with the code list value in the UBL document, with the XPath address of the corresponding list-level metadata item in the genericode file (specified in identification=) relative to the <Identification> element in the code list file.

All supplementary components in UBL are defined by the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) Version 2.01 dated 15 November 2003 http://www.unece.org/cefact/ebxml/CCTS_V2-01_Final.pdf. Table 8-2 "Approved Core Component Type Content and Supplementary Components" lists the various supplementary components available. The UN/CEFACT UnqualifiedDataTypeSchemaModule-2.0.xsd schema fragment specifies the names of the attributes for supplementary components.


The Amount. Type supplementary component.



There are no supplementary components for the Binary Object. Type.


The Code. Type supplementary components.









The Identifier. Type supplementary components.









The Measure. Type supplementary component.



The Quantity. Type supplementary components.




Document contexts

The contexts in which various items with a qualified value are specified.

The address= attribute is an XPath address that satisfies all of the UBL items in the instance that are qualified with the indicated value lists using the indicated associated set of instance-level metadata items.

Each context identifies the collection of supplementary components (by its identifier) where instance-level metadata is found, then all value lists (by their identifier) that apply to the item being addressed.

The contexts are listed first for attribute items and then for element items.



address="cbc:GrossWeightMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:NetWeightMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:NetNetWeightMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:GrossVolumeMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:NetVolumeMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:Measure/@unitCode | cbc:MinimumMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:ChargeableWeightMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LoadingLengthMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:ValueMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:ComparedValueMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:SourceValueMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LeadTimeMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LatitudeMinutesMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:LongitudeMinutesMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:AltitudeMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:GrossTonnageMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:NetTonnageMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:PostEventNotificationDurationMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:PreEventNotificationDurationMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:DurationMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:BaseUnitMeasure/@unitCode | cbc:TareWeightMeasure/@unitCode"

address="cbc:TotalPackagesQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MinimumQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:Quantity/@unitCode | cbc:ValueQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ContentUnitQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MinimumOrderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumOrderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalGoodsItemQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ConsignmentQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ChildConsignmentQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:GasPressureQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ActualTemperatureReductionQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:NormalTemperatureReductionQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:DifferenceTemperatureReductionQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ConsumptionEnergyQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ConsumptionWaterQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:InvoicedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalDeliveredQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalConsumedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:BasicConsumedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:CreditedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:DebitedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:BatchQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ConsumerUnitQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:DeliveredQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:BackorderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:OutstandingQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:OversupplyQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ExpectedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ThresholdQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:VarianceQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TimeDeltaDaysQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ExpectedOperatorQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumOperatorQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:CustomsTariffQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ChargeableQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ReturnableQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:SharesNumberQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:PackQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MinimumInventoryQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MultipleOrderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TargetInventoryQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MinimumBackorderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumBackorderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:PreviousMeterQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:LatestMeterQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:EstimatedConsumedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:PerformanceValueQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:BaseQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:EstimatedOverallContractQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:OperatingYearsQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:EmployeeQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ReceivedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ShortQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:RejectedQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:CrewQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:PassengerQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalMeteredQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ReceivedTenderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ReceivedElectronicTenderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:ReceivedForeignTenderQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:MaximumVariantQuantity/@unitCode | cbc:TotalPackageQuantity/@unitCode"





address="cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode | cbc:TaxCurrencyCode | cbc:PricingCurrencyCode | cbc:PaymentCurrencyCode | cbc:PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode | cbc:RequestedInvoiceCurrencyCode | cbc:SourceCurrencyCode | cbc:TargetCurrencyCode | cbc:CurrencyCode"













List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/AllowanceChargeReasonCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Adjustment Reason Description
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 4465
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1 Agreed settlement
2 Below specification goods
3 Damaged goods
4 Short delivery
5 Price query
6 Proof of delivery required
7 Payment on account
8 Returnable container charge included
9 Invoice error
10 Costs for draft
11 Bank charges
12 Agent commission
13 Counter claim
14 Wrong delivery
15 Goods returned to agent
16 Goods partly returned
17 Transport damage
18 Goods on consignment
19 Trade discount
20 Deduction for late delivery
21 Advertising costs
22 Customs duties
23 Telephone and postal costs
24 Repair costs
25 Attorney fees
26 Taxes
27 Reclaimed deduction
28 See separate advice
29 Buyer refused to take delivery
30 Direct payment to seller
31 Buyer disagrees with due date
32 Goods not delivered
33 Late delivery
34 Quoted as paid to you
35 Goods returned
36 Invoice not received
37 Credit note to debtor/not to us
38 Deducted bonus
39 Deducted discount
40 Deducted freight costs
41 Deduction against other invoices
42 Credit balance(s)
43 Reason unknown
44 Awaiting message from seller
45 Debit note to seller
46 Discount beyond terms
47 See buyer's letter
48 Allowance/charge error
49 Substitute product
50 Terms of sale error
51 Required data missing
52 Wrong invoice
53 Duplicate invoice
54 Weight error
55 Additional charge not authorized
56 Incorrect discount
57 Price change
58 Variation
59 Chargeback
60 Offset
61 Indirect payment
62 Financial reassignment
63 Reinstatement of chargeback/offset
64 Expecting new terms
65 Settlement to agent
66 Cash discount
67 Delcredere costs
68 Early payment allowance adjustment
69 Incorrect due date for monetary amount
70 Wrong monetary amount resulting from incorrect free goods quantity
71 Rack or shelf replenishment service by a supplier
72 Temporary special promotion
73 Difference in tax rate
74 Quantity discount
75 Promotion discount
76 Cancellation deadline passed
77 Pricing discount
78 Volume discount
79 Sundry discount
80 Card holder signature missing
81 Card expiry date missing
82 Card number error
83 Card expired
84 Test card transaction
85 Permission limit exceeded
86 Wrong authorisation code
87 Wrong authorised amount
88 Authorisation failed
89 Card acceptor data error
ZZZ Mutually defined

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/AllowanceChargeReasonCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Allowance Charge Reason Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 3155
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/UNECE_AllowanceChargeReasonCode_D10B.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1 Agreed settlement An adjustment made based on an agreement between partners.
2 Below specification goods Goods of inferior quality.
3 Damaged goods An adjustment due to the damage of goods.
4 Short delivery An adjustment made because the delivered quantity was less than expected.
5 Price query An adjustment due to a price query.
6 Proof of delivery required The buyer requires that proof of delivery be made before payment.
7 Payment on account Buyer is to make payment later.
8 Returnable container charge included Adjustment made to deduct the returnable container charge.
9 Invoice error Invoice not in accordance with the order.
10 Costs for draft Cost of draft has been deducted from payment.
11 Bank charges Bank charges have been deducted from payment.
12 Agent commission Agent commission has been deducted from payment.
13 Counter claim Buyer claims an existing (financial) obligation from seller which (partly) offsets the outstanding invoice(s).
14 Wrong delivery Delivery not according to specifications.
15 Goods returned to agent Goods returned to agent.
16 Goods partly returned Goods partly returned.
17 Transport damage Goods damaged in transit.
18 Goods on consignment Buyer does not accept invoice(s) charge as it relates to goods where the ownership remains with the seller until sold.
19 Trade discount Trade discount deducted from payment.
20 Deduction for late delivery Penalty amount deducted for later delivery.
21 Advertising costs Advertising costs deducted from payment.
22 Customs duties Customs duties deducted from payment.
23 Telephone and postal costs Telephone and postal costs deducted from payment.
24 Repair costs Repair costs deducted from payment.
25 Attorney fees Attorney fees deducted from payment.
26 Taxes Taxes deducted from payment.
27 Reclaimed deduction Buyer reclaims an unspecified deduction from the invoice(s) (to be) paid.
28 See separate advice Buyer or seller refers to separate correspondence about a related shipment(s) and/or invoice(s) and/or a payment(s).
29 Buyer refused to take delivery Buyer refused to take delivery.
30 Direct payment to seller Buyer states to have paid to seller.
31 Buyer disagrees with due date Buyer disagrees with due date.
32 Goods not delivered Buyer has not received the goods.
33 Late delivery Goods delivered too late.
34 Quoted as paid to you Factor informs the seller that a certain invoice(s) was paid by the buyer directly to the seller.
35 Goods returned Buyer returned the goods to seller.
36 Invoice not received Buyer claims he did not receive the invoice for which payment is requested.
37 Credit note to debtor/not to us Factor informs the seller that he did not receive copy of a credit note sent to the buyer.
38 Deducted bonus Buyer has/will deduct a bonus he is entitled to from the payment.
39 Deducted discount Buyer has/will deduct the discount he is entitled to from the payment.
40 Deducted freight costs Buyer has/will deduct freight costs from the payment.
41 Deduction against other invoices Deduction against invoices already settled.
42 Credit balance(s) Buyer makes use of existing credit balance(s) to offset (partly) the outstanding invoice(s).
43 Reason unknown Factor informs the seller that the reason of a commercial dispute raised by the buyer is unknown.
44 Awaiting message from seller Buyer or factor are waiting for a (reply) message from the seller before a commercial dispute can be settled.
45 Debit note to seller Buyer issued debit note to seller.
46 Discount beyond terms Buyer has taken a discount larger than the discount terms agreed with the seller.
47 See buyer's letter See correspondence from buyer.
48 Allowance/charge error Error made by seller in the amount of allowance/charge.
49 Substitute product Product delivered not fully according to specification.
50 Terms of sale error Terms of sale not according to purchase order.
51 Required data missing A message sent by buyer to seller or by seller to buyer did not contain data required to take action/decision.
52 Wrong invoice Invoice issued to wrong party.
53 Duplicate invoice Invoice sent twice.
54 Weight error Weight not in accordance with the order.
55 Additional charge not authorized Additional charge not authorised.
56 Incorrect discount Buyer states that calculated discount on the invoice(s) is wrongly calculated.
57 Price change Price has been changed.
58 Variation The adjustment is a variation from an agreed value.
59 Chargeback Balance of one or more items charged back to seller.
60 Offset Allocation of one or more debit items to one or more credit items or vice-versa.
61 Indirect payment Payment in settlement of an invoice has been made to a party other than the designated creditor.
62 Financial reassignment Previously assigned invoice/credit note is being reassigned.
63 Reinstatement of chargeback/offset Reversal or cancellation of a chargeback and/or offset relating to an incorrect balance.
64 Expecting new terms Buyer expects that seller revises the terms of payment of an invoice.
65 Settlement to agent Invoice has been/to be paid to seller's agent.
66 Cash discount An adjustment has been made due to the application of a cash discount.
67 Delcredere costs Costs deducted from a total amount to pay for the services of central payment.
68 Early payment allowance adjustment Adjustment results from the application of an early payment allowance.
69 Incorrect due date for monetary amount Adjustment has been made because an incorrect due date was referred to with regard to the monetary amount.
70 Wrong monetary amount resulting from incorrect free goods quantity Adjustment has been made because of a wrong monetary amount resulting from an incorrect free goods quantity.
71 Rack or shelf replenishment service by a supplier Adjustment due to the replenishment of the racks or shelves by a supplier.
72 Temporary special promotion Adjustment due to a temporary special promotion.
73 Difference in tax rate Adjustment due to a difference in tax rate.
74 Quantity discount Adjustment due to a quantity discount.
75 Promotion discount Adjustment due to a promotion discount.
76 Cancellation deadline passed The cancellation has occurred after the deadline.
77 Pricing discount An adjustment has been made due to the application of a pricing discount.
78 Volume discount Discount for reaching or exceeding an agreed accumulated volume.
79 Sundry discount Adjustment has been made due to the application of a sundry discount.
80 Card holder signature missing The adjustment was made due to the card holder not signing the filing document.
81 Card expiry date missing The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor not specifying the expiry date within the filing document.
82 Card number error The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor specifying an erroneous card number within the filing document.
83 Card expired The adjustment was made due to the card acceptor specifying an expired expiry date within the filing document or electronic data.
84 Test card transaction The adjustment was made due to a test card transaction, used for installing, maintaining or debugging purposes.
85 Permission limit exceeded The adjustment was made due to the permission limit defined by card issuer or card company was exceeded without prior authorisation. Synonym: Floor limit.
86 Wrong authorisation code The adjustment was made due to the authorisation code provided did not fit to the specified transaction.
87 Wrong authorised amount The adjustment was made due to the specified amount not meeting the authorised amount for the transaction.
88 Authorisation failed The adjustment was made due to the authorisation needed had failed.
89 Card acceptor data error The adjustment was made due to the data regarding the card acceptor is erroneous.
90 Treasury management service charge Charge for the service of treasury management.
91 Agreed discount The reason for the adjustment is that a mutually agreed discount has been applied.
92 Expediting fee The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for expediting has been applied.
93 Invoicing fee The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for invoicing has been applied.
94 Freight charge The reason for the adjustment is that freight charges has been applied.
95 Small order processing service charge The reason for the adjustment is that a fee for processing of a small order (an order below a defined threshold) has been applied.
96 Currency exchange differences An adjustment made due to a change in a currency exchange rate.
97 Insolvency An adjustment made due to the partner's inability to pay open debts.
ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/BinaryObjectMimeCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Binary Object MIME Code
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/BinaryObjectMimeCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Binary Object Mime Code
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/IANA_MIMEMediaType_20120416.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
application/1d-interleaved-parityfec 1d-interleaved-parityfec [RFC6015]
application/3gpp-ims+xml 3gpp-ims+xml [Meredith]
application/activemessage activemessage [Shapiro]
application/andrew-inset andrew-inset [Borenstein]
application/applefile applefile [Faltstrom]
application/atom+xml atom+xml [RFC4287][RFC5023]
application/atomicmail atomicmail [Borenstein]
application/atomcat+xml atomcat+xml [RFC5023]
application/atomsvc+xml atomsvc+xml [RFC5023]
application/auth-policy+xml auth-policy+xml [RFC4745]
application/batch-SMTP batch-SMTP [RFC2442]
application/beep+xml beep+xml [RFC3080]
application/calendar+xml calendar+xml [RFC6321]
application/cals-1840 cals-1840 [RFC1895]
application/ccmp+xml ccmp+xml [RFC6503]
application/ccxml+xml ccxml+xml [RFC4267]
application/cdmi-capability cdmi-capability [RFC6208]
application/cdmi-container cdmi-container [RFC6208]
application/cdmi-domain cdmi-domain [RFC6208]
application/cdmi-object cdmi-object [RFC6208]
application/cdmi-queue cdmi-queue [RFC6208]
application/cea-2018+xml cea-2018+xml [Zimmermann]
application/cellml+xml cellml+xml [RFC4708]
application/cfw cfw [RFC6230]
application/cnrp+xml cnrp+xml [RFC3367]
application/commonground commonground [Glazer]
application/conference-info+xml conference-info+xml [RFC4575]
application/cpl+xml cpl+xml [RFC3880]
application/csta+xml csta+xml [Ecma International Helpdesk]
application/CSTAdata+xml CSTAdata+xml [Ecma International Helpdesk]
application/cybercash cybercash [Eastlake]
application/davmount+xml davmount+xml [RFC4709]
application/dca-rft dca-rft [Campbell]
application/dec-dx dec-dx [Campbell]
application/dialog-info+xml dialog-info+xml [RFC4235]
application/dicom dicom [RFC3240]
application/dns dns [RFC4027]
application/dskpp+xml dskpp+xml [RFC6063]
application/dssc+der dssc+der [RFC5698]
application/dssc+xml dssc+xml [RFC5698]
application/dvcs dvcs [RFC3029]
application/ecmascript ecmascript [RFC4329]
application/EDI-Consent EDI-Consent [RFC1767]
application/EDIFACT EDIFACT [RFC1767]
application/EDI-X12 EDI-X12 [RFC1767]
application/emma+xml emma+xml [W3C]
application/epp+xml epp+xml [RFC5730]
application/eshop eshop [Katz]
application/example example [RFC4735]
application/exi exi [W3C]
application/fastinfoset fastinfoset [ITU-T ASN.1 Rapporteur]
application/fastsoap fastsoap [ITU-T ASN.1 Rapporteur]
application/fits fits [RFC4047]
application/font-tdpfr font-tdpfr [RFC3073]
application/framework-attributes+xml framework-attributes+xml [RFC6230]
application/H224 H224 [RFC4573]
application/held+xml held+xml [RFC5985]
application/http http [RFC2616]
application/hyperstudio hyperstudio [Domino]
application/ibe-key-request+xml ibe-key-request+xml [RFC5408]
application/ibe-pkg-reply+xml ibe-pkg-reply+xml [RFC5408]
application/ibe-pp-data ibe-pp-data [RFC5408]
application/iges iges [Parks]
application/im-iscomposing+xml im-iscomposing+xml [RFC3994]
application/index index [RFC2652]
application/index.cmd index.cmd [RFC2652]
application/index.obj index.obj [RFC2652]
application/index.response index.response [RFC2652]
application/index.vnd index.vnd [RFC2652]
application/inkml+xml inkml+xml [Ashimura]
application/iotp iotp [RFC2935]
application/ipfix ipfix [RFC5655]
application/ipp ipp [RFC2910]
application/isup isup [RFC3204]
application/javascript javascript [RFC4329]
application/json json [RFC4627]
application/kpml-request+xml kpml-request+xml [RFC4730]
application/kpml-response+xml kpml-response+xml [RFC4730]
application/lost+xml lost+xml [RFC5222]
application/mac-binhex40 mac-binhex40 [Faltstrom]
application/macwriteii macwriteii [Lindner]
application/mads+xml mads+xml [RFC6207]
application/marc marc [RFC2220]
application/marcxml+xml marcxml+xml [RFC6207]
application/mathematica mathematica [Wolfram]
application/mathml-content+xml mathml-content+xml [W3C]
application/mathml-presentation+xml mathml-presentation+xml [W3C]
application/mathml+xml mathml+xml [W3C]
application/mbms-associated-procedure-description+xml mbms-associated-procedure-description+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-deregister+xml mbms-deregister+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-envelope+xml mbms-envelope+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-msk-response+xml mbms-msk-response+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-msk+xml mbms-msk+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-protection-description+xml mbms-protection-description+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-reception-report+xml mbms-reception-report+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-register-response+xml mbms-register-response+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-register+xml mbms-register+xml [3GPP]
application/mbms-user-service-description+xml mbms-user-service-description+xml [3GPP]
application/mbox mbox [RFC4155]
application/media_control+xml media_control+xml [RFC5168]
application/mediaservercontrol+xml mediaservercontrol+xml [RFC5022]
application/metalink4+xml metalink4+xml [RFC5854]
application/mets+xml mets+xml [RFC6207]
application/mikey mikey [RFC3830]
application/mods+xml mods+xml [RFC6207]
application/moss-keys moss-keys [RFC1848]
application/moss-signature moss-signature [RFC1848]
application/mosskey-data mosskey-data [RFC1848]
application/mosskey-request mosskey-request [RFC1848]
application/mp21 mp21 [RFC6381][Singer]
application/mp4 mp4 [RFC4337][RFC6381]
application/mpeg4-generic mpeg4-generic [RFC3640]
application/mpeg4-iod mpeg4-iod [RFC4337]
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application application
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application/tamp-sequence-adjust-confirm tamp-sequence-adjust-confirm [RFC5934]
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application/tamp-status-response tamp-status-response [RFC5934]
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application/tamp-update-confirm tamp-update-confirm [RFC5934]
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application/vnd.3gpp.bsf+xml vnd.3gpp.bsf+xml [Meredith]
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application/vnd.amundsen.maze+xml vnd.amundsen.maze+xml [Amundsen]
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application/vnd.aristanetworks.swi vnd.aristanetworks.swi [Fenner]
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application/vnd.bluetooth.ep.oob vnd.bluetooth.ep.oob [Foley]
application/vnd.bmi vnd.bmi [Gotoh]
application/vnd.businessobjects vnd.businessobjects [Imoucha]
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application/vnd.canon-cpdl vnd.canon-cpdl [Muto]
application/vnd.canon-lips vnd.canon-lips [Muto]
application/vnd.cendio.thinlinc.clientconf vnd.cendio.thinlinc.clientconf [Åstrand]
application/vnd.chemdraw+xml vnd.chemdraw+xml [Howes]
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application/vnd.cinderella vnd.cinderella [Kortenkamp]
application/vnd.cirpack.isdn-ext vnd.cirpack.isdn-ext [Mayeux]
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application/vnd.cloanto.rp9 vnd.cloanto.rp9 [Labatt]
application/vnd.clonk.c4group vnd.clonk.c4group [Brammer]
application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config [Paulsen]
application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config-pkg vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config-pkg [Paulsen]
application/vnd.collection+json vnd.collection+json [Amundsen]
application/vnd.commerce-battelle vnd.commerce-battelle [Applebaum]
application/vnd.commonspace vnd.commonspace [Chandhok]
application/vnd.cosmocaller vnd.cosmocaller [Dellutri]
application/vnd.contact.cmsg vnd.contact.cmsg [Patz]
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application/vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard [Burt]
application/vnd.crick.clicker.palette vnd.crick.clicker.palette [Burt]
application/vnd.crick.clicker.template vnd.crick.clicker.template [Burt]
application/vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank [Burt]
application/vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml [Spiller]
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application/vnd.cups-pdf vnd.cups-pdf [Sweet]
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application/vnd.cups-ppd vnd.cups-ppd [Sweet]
application/vnd.cups-raster vnd.cups-raster [Sweet]
application/vnd.cups-raw vnd.cups-raw [Sweet]
application/vnd.curl vnd.curl [Byrnes]
application/vnd.cybank vnd.cybank [Helmee]
application/vnd.dart vnd.dart [Sandholm]
application/vnd.data-vision.rdz vnd.data-vision.rdz [Fields]
application/vnd.dece.data vnd.dece.data [Dolan]
application/vnd.dece.ttml+xml vnd.dece.ttml+xml [Dolan]
application/vnd.dece.unspecified vnd.dece.unspecified [Dolan]
application/vnd.dece.zip vnd.dece.zip [Dolan]
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application/vnd.dm.delegation+xml vnd.dm.delegation+xml [Ferrazzini]
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application/vnd.dvb.dvbj vnd.dvb.dvbj [Siebert][Lagally]
application/vnd.dvb.esgcontainer vnd.dvb.esgcontainer [Heuer]
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application/vnd.dvb.ipdcesgaccess vnd.dvb.ipdcesgaccess [Heuer]
application/vnd.dvb.ipdcesgaccess2 vnd.dvb.ipdcesgaccess2 [Marcon]
application/vnd.dvb.ipdcesgpdd vnd.dvb.ipdcesgpdd [Marcon]
application/vnd.dvb.ipdcroaming vnd.dvb.ipdcroaming [Xu]
application/vnd.dvb.iptv.alfec-base vnd.dvb.iptv.alfec-base [Henry]
application/vnd.dvb.iptv.alfec-enhancement vnd.dvb.iptv.alfec-enhancement [Henry]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-aggregate-root+xml vnd.dvb.notif-aggregate-root+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-container+xml vnd.dvb.notif-container+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-generic+xml vnd.dvb.notif-generic+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-ia-msglist+xml vnd.dvb.notif-ia-msglist+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-ia-registration-request+xml vnd.dvb.notif-ia-registration-request+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-ia-registration-response+xml vnd.dvb.notif-ia-registration-response+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.notif-init+xml vnd.dvb.notif-init+xml [Yue]
application/vnd.dvb.pfr vnd.dvb.pfr [Siebert][Lagally]
application/vnd.dvb.service vnd.dvb.service [Siebert][Lagally]
application/vnd.dxr vnd.dxr [Duffy]
application/vnd.dynageo vnd.dynageo [Mechling]
application/vnd.easykaraoke.cdgdownload vnd.easykaraoke.cdgdownload [Downs]
application/vnd.ecdis-update vnd.ecdis-update [Buettgenbach]
application/vnd.ecowin.chart vnd.ecowin.chart [Olsson]
application/vnd.ecowin.filerequest vnd.ecowin.filerequest [Olsson]
application/vnd.ecowin.fileupdate vnd.ecowin.fileupdate [Olsson]
application/vnd.ecowin.series vnd.ecowin.series [Olsson]
application/vnd.ecowin.seriesrequest vnd.ecowin.seriesrequest [Olsson]
application/vnd.ecowin.seriesupdate vnd.ecowin.seriesupdate [Olsson]
application/vnd.emclient.accessrequest+xml vnd.emclient.accessrequest+xml [Navara]
application/vnd.enliven vnd.enliven [Santinelli]
application/vnd.eprints.data+xml vnd.eprints.data+xml [Brody]
application/vnd.epson.esf vnd.epson.esf [Hoshina]
application/vnd.epson.msf vnd.epson.msf [Hoshina]
application/vnd.epson.quickanime vnd.epson.quickanime [Gu]
application/vnd.epson.salt vnd.epson.salt [Nagatomo]
application/vnd.epson.ssf vnd.epson.ssf [Hoshina]
application/vnd.ericsson.quickcall vnd.ericsson.quickcall [Tidwell]
application/vnd.eszigno3+xml vnd.eszigno3+xml [Tóth]
application/vnd.etsi.aoc+xml vnd.etsi.aoc+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.cug+xml vnd.etsi.cug+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvcommand+xml vnd.etsi.iptvcommand+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvdiscovery+xml vnd.etsi.iptvdiscovery+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvprofile+xml vnd.etsi.iptvprofile+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvsad-bc+xml vnd.etsi.iptvsad-bc+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvsad-cod+xml vnd.etsi.iptvsad-cod+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvsad-npvr+xml vnd.etsi.iptvsad-npvr+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvservice+xml vnd.etsi.iptvservice+xml [Ortega]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvsync+xml vnd.etsi.iptvsync+xml [Ortega]
application/vnd.etsi.iptvueprofile+xml vnd.etsi.iptvueprofile+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.mcid+xml vnd.etsi.mcid+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.overload-control-policy-dataset+xml vnd.etsi.overload-control-policy-dataset+xml [Ortega]
application/vnd.etsi.sci+xml vnd.etsi.sci+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.simservs+xml vnd.etsi.simservs+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.tsl+xml vnd.etsi.tsl+xml [Hu]
application/vnd.etsi.tsl.der vnd.etsi.tsl.der [Hu]
application/vnd.eudora.data vnd.eudora.data [Resnick]
application/vnd.ezpix-album vnd.ezpix-album [Electronic Zombie, Corp.]
application/vnd.ezpix-package vnd.ezpix-package [Electronic Zombie, Corp.]
application/vnd.f-secure.mobile vnd.f-secure.mobile [Sarivaara]
application/vnd.fdf vnd.fdf [Zilles]
application/vnd.fdsn.mseed vnd.fdsn.mseed [Trabant]
application/vnd.fdsn.seed vnd.fdsn.seed [Trabant]
application/vnd.ffsns vnd.ffsns [Holstage]
application/vnd.fints vnd.fints [Hammann]
application/vnd.FloGraphIt vnd.FloGraphIt [Floersch]
application/vnd.fluxtime.clip vnd.fluxtime.clip [Winter]
application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd vnd.font-fontforge-sfd [Williams]
application/vnd.framemaker vnd.framemaker [Wexler]
application/vnd.frogans.fnc vnd.frogans.fnc [Tamas]
application/vnd.frogans.ltf vnd.frogans.ltf [Tamas]
application/vnd.fsc.weblaunch vnd.fsc.weblaunch [D.Smith]
application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys vnd.fujitsu.oasys [Togashi]
application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys2 vnd.fujitsu.oasys2 [Togashi]
application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys3 vnd.fujitsu.oasys3 [Okudaira]
application/vnd.fujitsu.oasysgp vnd.fujitsu.oasysgp [Sugimoto]
application/vnd.fujitsu.oasysprs vnd.fujitsu.oasysprs [Ogita]
application/vnd.fujixerox.ART4 vnd.fujixerox.ART4 [Tanabe]
application/vnd.fujixerox.ART-EX vnd.fujixerox.ART-EX [Tanabe]
application/vnd.fujixerox.ddd vnd.fujixerox.ddd [Onda]
application/vnd.fujixerox.docuworks vnd.fujixerox.docuworks [Taguchi]
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application/vnd.fujixerox.HBPL vnd.fujixerox.HBPL [Tanabe]
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application/vnd.fuzzysheet vnd.fuzzysheet [Birtwistle]
application/vnd.genomatix.tuxedo vnd.genomatix.tuxedo [Frey]
application/vnd.geocube+xml vnd.geocube+xml [Pirsch]
application/vnd.geogebra.file vnd.geogebra.file [GeoGebra][Kreis]
application/vnd.geogebra.tool vnd.geogebra.tool [GeoGebra][Kreis]
application/vnd.geometry-explorer vnd.geometry-explorer [Hvidsten]
application/vnd.geonext vnd.geonext [Ehmann]
application/vnd.geoplan vnd.geoplan [Mercat]
application/vnd.geospace vnd.geospace [Mercat]
application/vnd.globalplatform.card-content-mgt vnd.globalplatform.card-content-mgt [Bernabeu]
application/vnd.globalplatform.card-content-mgt-response vnd.globalplatform.card-content-mgt-response [Bernabeu]
application/vnd.gmx (OBSOLETE) vnd.gmx (OBSOLETE) [Sciberras]
application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml vnd.google-earth.kml+xml [Ashbridge]
application/vnd.google-earth.kmz vnd.google-earth.kmz [Ashbridge]
application/vnd.grafeq vnd.grafeq [Tupper]
application/vnd.gridmp vnd.gridmp [Lawson]
application/vnd.groove-account vnd.groove-account [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-help vnd.groove-help [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-identity-message vnd.groove-identity-message [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-injector vnd.groove-injector [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-tool-message vnd.groove-tool-message [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-tool-template vnd.groove-tool-template [Joseph]
application/vnd.groove-vcard vnd.groove-vcard [Joseph]
application/vnd.hal+json vnd.hal+json [Kelly]
application/vnd.hal+xml vnd.hal+xml [Kelly]
application/vnd.HandHeld-Entertainment+xml vnd.HandHeld-Entertainment+xml [Hamilton]
application/vnd.hbci vnd.hbci [Hammann]
application/vnd.hcl-bireports vnd.hcl-bireports [Serres]
application/vnd.hhe.lesson-player vnd.hhe.lesson-player [Jones]
application/vnd.hp-HPGL vnd.hp-HPGL [Pentecost]
application/vnd.hp-hpid vnd.hp-hpid [Gupta]
application/vnd.hp-hps vnd.hp-hps [Aubrey]
application/vnd.hp-jlyt vnd.hp-jlyt [Gaash]
application/vnd.hp-PCL vnd.hp-PCL [Pentecost]
application/vnd.hp-PCLXL vnd.hp-PCLXL [Pentecost]
application/vnd.httphone vnd.httphone [Lefevre]
application/vnd.hydrostatix.sof-data vnd.hydrostatix.sof-data [Gillam]
application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword vnd.hzn-3d-crossword [Minnis]
application/vnd.ibm.afplinedata vnd.ibm.afplinedata [Buis]
application/vnd.ibm.electronic-media vnd.ibm.electronic-media [Tantlinger]
application/vnd.ibm.MiniPay vnd.ibm.MiniPay [Herzberg]
application/vnd.ibm.modcap vnd.ibm.modcap [Hohensee]
application/vnd.ibm.rights-management vnd.ibm.rights-management [Tantlinger]
application/vnd.ibm.secure-container vnd.ibm.secure-container [Tantlinger]
application/vnd.iccprofile vnd.iccprofile [Green]
application/vnd.igloader vnd.igloader [Fisher]
application/vnd.immervision-ivp vnd.immervision-ivp [Villegas]
application/vnd.immervision-ivu vnd.immervision-ivu [Villegas]
application/vnd.informedcontrol.rms+xml vnd.informedcontrol.rms+xml [Wahl]
application/vnd.infotech.project vnd.infotech.project [Engelke]
application/vnd.infotech.project+xml vnd.infotech.project+xml [Engelke]
application/vnd.informix-visionary vnd.informix-visionary [Gales]
application/vnd.innopath.wamp.notification vnd.innopath.wamp.notification [Sudo]
application/vnd.insors.igm vnd.insors.igm [Swanson]
application/vnd.intercon.formnet vnd.intercon.formnet [Gurak]
application/vnd.intergeo vnd.intergeo [Kreis]
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application/vnd.oma.bcast.sgdu vnd.oma.bcast.sgdu [Rauschenbach][OMNA - Open Mobile Naming Authority]
application/vnd.oma.bcast.simple-symbol-container vnd.oma.bcast.simple-symbol-container [Rauschenbach][OMNA - Open Mobile Naming Authority]
application/vnd.oma.bcast.smartcard-trigger+xml vnd.oma.bcast.smartcard-trigger+xml [Rauschenbach][OMNA - Open Mobile Naming Authority]
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application/vnd.oma.dcdc vnd.oma.dcdc [Primo] [OMNA - Open Mobile Naming Authority]
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application/vnd.oma.poc.optimized-progress-report+xml vnd.oma.poc.optimized-progress-report+xml [OMA Push to Talk over Cellular (POC) Working Group]
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application/vnd.powerbuilder6-s vnd.powerbuilder6-s [Guy]
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application/vnd.powerbuilder7-s vnd.powerbuilder7-s [Shilts]
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application/vnd.shana.informed.formtemplate vnd.shana.informed.formtemplate [Selzler]
application/vnd.shana.informed.interchange vnd.shana.informed.interchange [Selzler]
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application/vnd.smart.teacher vnd.smart.teacher [Boyle]
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application/vnd.syncml+xml vnd.syncml+xml [OMA Data Synchronization Working Group]
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application/vnd.trid.tpt vnd.trid.tpt [Cusack]
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application/vnd.unity vnd.unity [Unity3d]
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application/vnd.uplanet.list-wbxml vnd.uplanet.list-wbxml [Martin]
application/vnd.uplanet.signal vnd.uplanet.signal [Martin]
application/vnd.vcx vnd.vcx [T.Sugimoto]
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application/vnd.verimatrix.vcas vnd.verimatrix.vcas [Peterka]
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application/vnd.vividence.scriptfile vnd.vividence.scriptfile [Risher]
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application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc vnd.wap.wmlscriptc [Stark]
application/vnd.webturbo vnd.webturbo [Rehem]
application/vnd.wfa.wsc vnd.wfa.wsc [Wi-Fi Alliance]
application/vnd.wmc vnd.wmc [Kjørnes]
application/vnd.wmf.bootstrap vnd.wmf.bootstrap [Nguyenphu] [Iyer]
application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica vnd.wolfram.mathematica [Wolfram]
application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package [Wolfram]
application/vnd.wolfram.player vnd.wolfram.player [Wolfram]
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application/vnd.yamaha.through-ngn vnd.yamaha.through-ngn [Sukizaki]
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audio/G729D G729D [RFC4856]
audio/G729E G729E [RFC4856]
audio/GSM GSM [RFC4856]
audio/GSM-EFR GSM-EFR [RFC4856]
audio/GSM-HR-08 GSM-HR-08 [RFC5993]
audio/iLBC iLBC [RFC3952]
audio/ip-mr_v2.5 ip-mr_v2.5 [RFC6262]
audio/L8 L8 [RFC4856]
audio/L16 L16 [RFC4856]
audio/L20 L20 [RFC3190]
audio/L24 L24 [RFC3190]
audio/LPC LPC [RFC4856]
audio/mobile-xmf mobile-xmf [RFC4723]
audio/MPA MPA [RFC3555]
audio/MP4A-LATM MP4A-LATM [RFC6416]
audio/mpa-robust mpa-robust [RFC5219]
audio/mpeg mpeg [RFC3003]
audio/PCMA PCMA [RFC4856]
audio/PCMA-WB PCMA-WB [RFC5391]
audio/PCMU PCMU [RFC4856]
audio/PCMU-WB PCMU-WB [RFC5391]
audio/prs.sid prs.sid [Walleij]
audio/QCELP QCELP [RFC3555][RFC3625]
audio/RED RED [RFC3555]
audio/rtp-enc-aescm128 rtp-enc-aescm128 [3GPP]
audio/rtp-midi rtp-midi [RFC6295]
audio/SMV SMV [RFC3558]
audio/SMV0 SMV0 [RFC3558]
audio/SMV-QCP SMV-QCP [RFC3625]
audio/sp-midi sp-midi [Kosonen][T. White]
audio/speex speex [RFC5574]
audio/t140c t140c [RFC4351]
audio/t38 t38 [RFC4612]
audio/telephone-event telephone-event [RFC4733]
audio/tone tone [RFC4733]
audio/VDVI VDVI [RFC4856]
audio/VMR-WB VMR-WB [RFC4348][RFC4424]
audio/vnd.3gpp.iufp vnd.3gpp.iufp [Belling]
audio/vnd.4SB vnd.4SB [De Jaham]
audio/vnd.audiokoz vnd.audiokoz [DeBarros]
audio/vnd.CELP vnd.CELP [De Jaham]
audio/vnd.cisco.nse vnd.cisco.nse [Kumar]
audio/vnd.cmles.radio-events vnd.cmles.radio-events [Goulet]
audio/vnd.cns.anp1 vnd.cns.anp1 [McLaughlin]
audio/vnd.cns.inf1 vnd.cns.inf1 [McLaughlin]
audio/vnd.dece.audio vnd.dece.audio [Dolan]
audio/vnd.digital-winds vnd.digital-winds [Strazds]
audio/vnd.dlna.adts vnd.dlna.adts [Heredia]
audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1 vnd.dolby.heaac.1 [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2 vnd.dolby.heaac.2 [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.mlp vnd.dolby.mlp [Ward]
audio/vnd.dolby.mps vnd.dolby.mps [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2 vnd.dolby.pl2 [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2x vnd.dolby.pl2x [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2z vnd.dolby.pl2z [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dolby.pulse.1 vnd.dolby.pulse.1 [Hattersley]
audio/vnd.dra vnd.dra [Tian]
audio/vnd.dts vnd.dts [Zou]
audio/vnd.dts.hd vnd.dts.hd [Zou]
audio/vnd.dvb.file vnd.dvb.file [Siebert]
audio/vnd.everad.plj vnd.everad.plj [Cicelsky]
audio/vnd.hns.audio vnd.hns.audio [Swaminathan]
audio/vnd.lucent.voice vnd.lucent.voice [Vaudreuil]
audio/vnd.ms-playready.media.pya vnd.ms-playready.media.pya [DiAcetis]
audio/vnd.nokia.mobile-xmf vnd.nokia.mobile-xmf [Nokia Corporation]
audio/vnd.nortel.vbk vnd.nortel.vbk [Parsons]
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800 vnd.nuera.ecelp4800 [Fox]
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470 vnd.nuera.ecelp7470 [Fox]
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600 vnd.nuera.ecelp9600 [Fox]
audio/vnd.octel.sbc vnd.octel.sbc [Vaudreuil]
audio/vnd.qcelp - DEPRECATED - Please use audio/qcelp vnd.qcelp - DEPRECATED - Please use audio/qcelp [RFC3625]
audio/vnd.rhetorex.32kadpcm vnd.rhetorex.32kadpcm [Vaudreuil]
audio/vnd.rip vnd.rip [Dawe]
audio/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mpeg vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mpeg [Petersen]
audio/vnd.vmx.cvsd vnd.vmx.cvsd [Vaudreuil]
audio/vorbis vorbis [RFC5215]
audio/vorbis-config vorbis-config [RFC5215]
image/cgm cgm Computer Graphics Metafile
image/g3fax g3fax [RFC1494]
image/gif gif [RFC2045,RFC2046]
image/ief ief [RFC1314]
image/jp2 jp2 [RFC3745]
image/jpeg jpeg [RFC2045,RFC2046]
image/jpm jpm [RFC3745]
image/jpx jpx [RFC3745]
image/ktx ktx [Callow][Khronos]
image/naplps naplps [Ferber]
image/png png [Randers-Pehrson]
image/prs.btif prs.btif [Simon]
image/prs.pti prs.pti [Laun]
image/svg+xml svg+xml [W3C]
image/tiff tiff [RFC3302]
image/tiff-fx tiff-fx [RFC3950]
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop vnd.adobe.photoshop [Scarborough]
image/vnd.cns.inf2 vnd.cns.inf2 [McLaughlin]
image/vnd.dece.graphic vnd.dece.graphic [Dolan]
image/vnd.djvu vnd.djvu [Bottou]
image/vnd.dwg vnd.dwg [Moline]
image/vnd.dxf vnd.dxf [Moline]
image/vnd.dvb.subtitle vnd.dvb.subtitle [Siebert][Lagally]
image/vnd.fastbidsheet vnd.fastbidsheet [Becker]
image/vnd.fpx vnd.fpx [Spencer]
image/vnd.fst vnd.fst [Fuldseth]
image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-mmr vnd.fujixerox.edmics-mmr [Onda]
image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-rlc vnd.fujixerox.edmics-rlc [Onda]
image/vnd.globalgraphics.pgb vnd.globalgraphics.pgb [Bailey]
image/vnd.microsoft.icon vnd.microsoft.icon [Butcher]
image/vnd.mix vnd.mix [Reddy]
image/vnd.ms-modi vnd.ms-modi [Vaughan]
image/vnd.net-fpx vnd.net-fpx [Spencer]
image/vnd.radiance vnd.radiance [Fritz][GWard]
image/vnd.sealed.png vnd.sealed.png [Petersen]
image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif [Petersen]
image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg [Petersen]
image/vnd.svf vnd.svf [Moline]
image/vnd.wap.wbmp vnd.wap.wbmp [Stark]
image/vnd.xiff vnd.xiff [S.Martin]
message/CPIM CPIM [RFC3862]
message/delivery-status delivery-status [RFC1894]
message/disposition-notification disposition-notification [RFC3798]
message/external-body external-body [RFC2045][RFC2046]
message/feedback-report feedback-report [RFC5965]
message/global global [RFC6532]
message/global-delivery-status global-delivery-status [RFC6533]
message/global-disposition-notification global-disposition-notification [RFC6533]
message/global-headers global-headers [RFC6533]
message/imdn+xml imdn+xml [RFC5438]
message/news (OBSOLETE) news (OBSOLETE) [RFC5537] [H.Spencer]
message/partial partial [RFC2045][RFC2046]
message/rfc822 rfc822 [RFC2045][RFC2046]
message/s-http s-http [RFC2660]
message/sip sip [RFC3261]
message/sipfrag sipfrag [RFC3420]
message/tracking-status tracking-status [RFC3886]
message/vnd.si.simp vnd.si.simp [Parks Young]
model/mesh mesh [RFC2077]
model/vnd.collada+xml vnd.collada+xml [Riordon]
model/vnd.dwf vnd.dwf [Pratt]
model/vnd.flatland.3dml vnd.flatland.3dml [Powers]
model/vnd.gdl vnd.gdl [Babits]
model/vnd.gs-gdl vnd.gs-gdl [Babits]
model/vnd.gtw vnd.gtw [Ozaki]
model/vnd.moml+xml vnd.moml+xml [Brooks]
model/vnd.mts vnd.mts [Rabinovitch]
model/vnd.parasolid.transmit.binary vnd.parasolid.transmit.binary [Parasolid]
model/vnd.parasolid.transmit.text vnd.parasolid.transmit.text [Parasolid]
model/vnd.vtu vnd.vtu [Rabinovitch]
model/vrml vrml [RFC2077]
multipart/alternative alternative [RFC2045,RFC2046]
multipart/appledouble appledouble [Faltstrom]
multipart/byteranges byteranges [RFC2616]
multipart/digest digest [RFC2045,RFC2046]
multipart/encrypted encrypted [RFC1847]
multipart/form-data form-data [RFC2388]
multipart/header-set header-set [Crocker]
multipart/mixed mixed [RFC2045,RFC2046]
multipart/parallel parallel [RFC2045,RFC2046]
multipart/related related [RFC2387]
multipart/report report [RFC6522]
multipart/signed signed [RFC1847]
multipart/voice-message voice-message [RFC2421,RFC2423]
text/calendar calendar [RFC5545]
text/css css [RFC2318]
text/csv csv [RFC4180]
text/directory (deprecated) directory (deprecated) [RFC2425][RFC6350]
text/ecmascript (obsolete) ecmascript (obsolete) [RFC4329]
text/enriched enriched [RFC1896]
text/html html [RFC2854]
text/javascript (obsolete) javascript (obsolete) [RFC4329]
text/jcr-cnd jcr-cnd [Piegaze]
text/mizar mizar [Jesse Alama]
text/n3 n3 [Prud'hommeaux][W3C]
text/plain plain [RFC2046][RFC3676][RFC5147]
text/prs.fallenstein.rst prs.fallenstein.rst [Fallenstein]
text/prs.lines.tag prs.lines.tag [Lines]
text/rfc822-headers rfc822-headers [RFC6522]
text/richtext richtext [RFC2045][RFC2046]
text/t140 t140 [RFC4103]
text/tab-separated-values tab-separated-values [Lindner]
text/troff troff [RFC4263]
text/turtle turtle [Prud'hommeaux][W3C]
text/uri-list uri-list [RFC2483]
text/vcard vcard [RFC6350]
text/vnd.abc vnd.abc [Allen]
text/vnd.DMClientScript vnd.DMClientScript [Bradley]
text/vnd.esmertec.theme-descriptor vnd.esmertec.theme-descriptor [Eilemann]
text/vnd.fly vnd.fly [Gurney]
text/vnd.fmi.flexstor vnd.fmi.flexstor [Hurtta]
text/vnd.graphviz vnd.graphviz [Ellson]
text/vnd.in3d.3dml vnd.in3d.3dml [Powers]
text/vnd.in3d.spot vnd.in3d.spot [Powers]
text/vnd.IPTC.NewsML vnd.IPTC.NewsML [IPTC ]
text/vnd.IPTC.NITF vnd.IPTC.NITF [IPTC ]
text/vnd.latex-z vnd.latex-z [Lubos]
text/vnd.motorola.reflex vnd.motorola.reflex [Patton]
text/vnd.ms-mediapackage vnd.ms-mediapackage [Nelson]
text/vnd.net2phone.commcenter.command vnd.net2phone.commcenter.command [Xie]
text/vnd.radisys.msml-basic-layout vnd.radisys.msml-basic-layout [RFC5707]
text/vnd.si.uricatalogue vnd.si.uricatalogue [Parks Young]
text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor [G.Adams]
text/vnd.trolltech.linguist vnd.trolltech.linguist [D.Lambert]
text/vnd.wap.si vnd.wap.si [WAP-Forum]
text/vnd.wap.sl vnd.wap.sl [WAP-Forum]
text/vnd.wap.wml vnd.wap.wml [Stark]
text/vnd.wap.wmlscript vnd.wap.wmlscript [Stark]
video/3gpp-tt 3gpp-tt [RFC4396]
video/BMPEG BMPEG [RFC3555]
video/BT656 BT656 [RFC3555]
video/CelB CelB [RFC3555]
video/H261 H261 [RFC4587]
video/H263 H263 [RFC3555]
video/H263-1998 H263-1998 [RFC4629]
video/H263-2000 H263-2000 [RFC4629]
video/H264 H264 [RFC6184]
video/H264-RCDO H264-RCDO [RFC6185]
video/H264-SVC H264-SVC [RFC6190]
video/jpeg2000 jpeg2000 [RFC5371][RFC5372]
video/MJ2 MJ2 [RFC3745]
video/MP1S MP1S [RFC3555]
video/MP2P MP2P [RFC3555]
video/MP2T MP2T [RFC3555]
video/MP4V-ES MP4V-ES [RFC6416]
video/MPV MPV [RFC3555]
video/nv nv [RFC4856]
video/pointer pointer [RFC2862]
video/quicktime quicktime [RFC6381][Lindner]
video/raw raw [RFC4175]
video/SMPTE292M SMPTE292M [RFC3497]
video/vc1 vc1 [RFC4425]
video/vnd.CCTV vnd.CCTV [Rottmann]
video/vnd.dece.hd vnd.dece.hd [Dolan]
video/vnd.dece.mobile vnd.dece.mobile [Dolan]
video/vnd.dece.mp4 vnd.dece.mp4 [Dolan]
video/vnd.dece.pd vnd.dece.pd [Dolan]
video/vnd.dece.sd vnd.dece.sd [Dolan]
video/vnd.dece.video vnd.dece.video [Dolan]
video/vnd.directv.mpeg vnd.directv.mpeg [Zerbe]
video/vnd.directv.mpeg-tts vnd.directv.mpeg-tts [Zerbe]
video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts [Heredia]
video/vnd.fvt vnd.fvt [Fuldseth]
video/vnd.hns.video vnd.hns.video [Swaminathan]
video/vnd.iptvforum.1dparityfec-1010 vnd.iptvforum.1dparityfec-1010 [Nakamura]
video/vnd.iptvforum.1dparityfec-2005 vnd.iptvforum.1dparityfec-2005 [Nakamura]
video/vnd.iptvforum.2dparityfec-1010 vnd.iptvforum.2dparityfec-1010 [Nakamura]
video/vnd.iptvforum.2dparityfec-2005 vnd.iptvforum.2dparityfec-2005 [Nakamura]
video/vnd.iptvforum.ttsavc vnd.iptvforum.ttsavc [Nakamura]
video/vnd.iptvforum.ttsmpeg2 vnd.iptvforum.ttsmpeg2 [Nakamura]
video/vnd.motorola.video vnd.motorola.video [McGinty]
video/vnd.motorola.videop vnd.motorola.videop [McGinty]
video/vnd.mpegurl vnd.mpegurl [Recktenwald]
video/vnd.ms-playready.media.pyv vnd.ms-playready.media.pyv [DiAcetis]
video/vnd.nokia.interleaved-multimedia vnd.nokia.interleaved-multimedia [Kangaslampi]
video/vnd.nokia.videovoip vnd.nokia.videovoip [Nokia]
video/vnd.objectvideo vnd.objectvideo [Clark]
video/vnd.sealed.mpeg1 vnd.sealed.mpeg1 [Petersen]
video/vnd.sealed.mpeg4 vnd.sealed.mpeg4 [Petersen]
video/vnd.sealed.swf vnd.sealed.swf [Petersen]
video/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mov vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mov [Petersen]
video/vnd.uvvu.mp4 vnd.uvvu.mp4 [Dolan]
video/vnd.vivo vnd.vivo [Wolfe]

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/ChannelCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Communication Address Code Qualifier
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 3155
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"
AA Circuit switching
AD AT&T mailbox
AE Peripheral device
AF U.S. Defense Switched Network
AG U.S. federal telecommunications system
AH World Wide Web
AI International calling country code
AJ Alternate telephone
AK Videotex number
AL Cellular phone
AM International telephone direct line
AN O.F.T.P. (ODETTE File Transfer Protocol)
AO Uniform Resource Location (URL)
AP Very High Frequency (VHF) radio telephone
CA Cable address
EI EDI transmission
EM Electronic mail
EX Extension
FT File transfer access method
FX Telefax
GM GEIS (General Electric Information Service) mailbox
IE IBM information exchange
IM Internal mail
MA Mail
PB Postbox number
PS Packet switching
TE Telephone
TG Telegraph
TL Telex
TM Telemail
TT Teletext
XF X.400 address
XG Pager
XH International telephone switchboard
XI National telephone direct line
XJ National telephone switchboard

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/ChannelCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Channel Code
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/UNECE_CommunicationMeansTypeCode_D10B.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
AA Circuit switching A process that, on demand, connects two or more data terminal equipments and permits the exclusive use of a data circuit between them until the connection is released (ISO).
AB SITA Communications number assigned by Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques (SITA).
AC ARINC Communications number assigned by Aeronautical Radio Inc.
AD AT&T mailbox AT&T mailbox identifier.
AE Peripheral device Peripheral device identification.
AF U.S. Defense Switched Network The switched telecommunications network of the United States Department of Defense.
AG U.S. federal telecommunications system The switched telecommunications network of the United States government.
AH World Wide Web Data exchange via the World Wide Web.
AI International calling country code Identifies that portion of an international telephone number representing the country code to be used when calling internationally.
AJ Alternate telephone Identifies the alternate telephone number.
AK Videotex number Code that identifies the communications number for the online videotex service.
AL Cellular phone Identifies the cellular phone number.
AM International telephone direct line The international telephone direct line number.
AN O.F.T.P. (ODETTE File Transfer Protocol) ODETTE File Transfer Protocol.
AO Uniform Resource Location (URL) Identification of the Uniform Resource Location (URL) Synonym: World wide web address.
AP Very High Frequency (VHF) radio telephone VHF radio telephone.
AQ X.400 address for mail text The X.400 address accepting information in the body text of a message.
AR AS1 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS1 protocol for MIME based EDI .
AS AS2 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS2 protocol.
AT AS3 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS3 protocol.
AU File Transfer Protocol Address capable for receiving message in accordance with the File Transfer Protocol (IETF RFC 959 et. al.).
AV Inmarsat call number Contact number based on Inmarsat.
AW Radio communication call sign Contact number for radio communication based on call sign.
CA Cable address The communication number identifies a cable address.
EI EDI transmission Number identifying the service and service user.
EM Electronic mail Exchange of mail by electronic means.
EX Extension Telephone extension.
FT File transfer access method According to ISO.
FX Telefax Device used for transmitting and reproducing fixed graphic material (as printing) by means of signals over telephone lines or other electronic transmission media.
GM GEIS (General Electric Information Service) mailbox The communication number identifies a GEIS mailbox.
IE IBM information exchange The communication number identifies an IBM IE mailbox.
IM Internal mail Internal mail address/number.
MA Mail Postal service document delivery.
PB Postbox number The communication number identifies a postbox.
PS Packet switching The process of routing and transferring data by means of addressed packets so that a channel is occupied only during the transmission; upon completion of the transmission the channel is made available for the transfer of other packets (ISO).
SW S.W.I.F.T. Communications address assigned by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications s.c.
TE Telephone Voice/data transmission by telephone.
TG Telegraph Text transmission via telegraph.
TL Telex Transmission of text/data via telex.
TM Telemail Transmission of text/data via telemail.
TT Teletext Transmission of text/data via teletext.
TX TWX Communication service involving Teletypewriter machines connected by wire or electronic transmission media. Teletypewriter machines are the devices used to send and receive signals and produce hardcopy from them.
XF X.400 address The X.400 address.
XG Pager Identifies that the communication number is for a pager.
XH International telephone switchboard The international telephone switchboard number.
XI National telephone direct line The national telephone direct line number.
XJ National telephone switchboard The national telephone switchboard number.

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/ChipCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Chip
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=OASIS Universal Business Language
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"
Chip Chip
MagneticStripe Magnetic Stripe

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/CountryIdentificationCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Country
LongName (Identifier="listID")=ISO3166-1
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/CountryIdentificationCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Country Identification Code
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/identifierlist/standard/ISO_ISOTwoletterCountryCode_SecondEdition2006VI-12.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=International Organization for Standardization
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=5
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/CurrencyCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Currency
LongName (Identifier="listID")=ISO 4217 Alpha
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"
AED Dirham
AFN Afghani
AMD Dram
ANG Netherlands Antillian Guilder
AOA Kwanza
ARS Argentine Peso
AUD Australian Dollar
AWG Aruban Guilder
AZM Azerbaijanian Manat
BAM Convertible Mark
BBD Barbados Dollar
BDT Taka
BGN Bulgarian Lev
BHD Bahraini Dinar
BIF Burundi Franc
BMD Bermudian Dollar (customarily: Bermuda Dollar)
BND Brunei Dollar
BOB Boliviano
BRL Brazilian Real
BSD Bahamian Dollar
BTN Ngultrum
BWP Pula
BYR Belarussian Ruble
BZD Belize Dollar
CAD Canadian Dollar
CDF Franc Congolais
CHF Swiss Franc
CLP Chilean Peso
CNY Yuan Renminbi
COP Colombian Peso
CRC Costa Rican Colon
CUP Cuban Peso
CVE Cape Verde Escudo
CYP Cyprus Pound
CZK Czech Koruna
DJF Djibouti Franc
DKK Danish Krone
DOP Dominican Peso
DZD Algerian Dinar
EEK Kroon
EGP Egyptian Pound
ERN Nakfa
ETB Ethopian Birr
EUR Euro
FJD Fiji Dollar
FKP Falkland Islands Pound
GBP Pound Sterling
GEL Lari
GHC Cedi
GIP Gibraltar Pound
GMD Dalasi
GNF Guinea Franc
GTQ Quetzal
GYD Guyana Dollar
HKD Honk Kong Dollar
HNL Lempira
HRK Kuna
HTG Gourde
HUF Forint
IDR Rupiah
ILS New Israeli Sheqel
INR Indian Rupee
IQD Iraqi Dinar
IRR Iranian Rial
ISK Iceland Krona
JMD Jamaican Dollar
JOD Jordanian Dinar
KES Kenyan Shilling
KHR Riel
KMF Comoro Franc
KPW North Korean Won
KWD Kuwaiti Dinar
KYD Cayman Islands Dollar
KZT Tenge
LBP Lebanese Pound
LKR Sri Lanka Rupee
LRD Liberian Dollar
LSL Loti
LTL Lithuanian Litas
LVL Latvian Lats
LYD Libyan Dinar
MAD Morrocan Dirham
MDL Moldovan Leu
MGF Malagasy Franc
MKD Denar
MMK Kyat
MNT Tugrik
MOP Pataca
MRO Ouguiya
MTL Maltese Lira
MUR Mauritius Rupee
MVR Rufiyaa
MWK Kwacha
MXN Mexican Peso
MYR Malaysian Ringgit
MZM Metical
NAD Namibia Dollar
NGN Naira
NIO Cordoba Oro
NOK Norwegian Krone
NPR Nepalese Rupee
NZD New Zealand Dollar
OMR Rial Omani
PAB Balboa
PEN Nuevo Sol
PGK Kina
PHP Philippine Peso
PKR Pakistan Rupee
PLN Zloty
PYG Guarani
QAR Qatari Rial
RUB Russian Ruble
RWF Rwanda Franc
SAR Saudi Riyal
SBD Solomon Islands Dollar
SCR Seychelles Rupee
SDD Sudanese Dinar
SEK Swedish Krona
SGD Singapore Dollar
SHP St. Helena Pound
SIT Tolar
SKK Slovak Koruna
SLL Leone
SOS Somali Shilling
SRG Suriname Guilder
STD Dobra
SVC El Salvador Colon
SYP Syrian Pound
SZL Lilangeni
THB Baht
TJS Somoni
TMM Manat
TND Tunisian Dinar
TOP Pa'anga
TRL Turkish Lira
TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
TWD New Taiwan Dollar
TZS Tanzanian Shilling
UAH Hryvnia
UGX Uganda Shilling
USD US Dollar
UYU Peso Uruguayo
UZS Uzbekistan Sum
VEB Bolivar
VND Dong
VUV Vatu
WST Tala
XAG Silver
XAU Gold
XCD East Carribean Dollar
XPD Palladium
XPT Platinum
YER Yemeni Rial
YUM New Dinar
ZAR Rand
ZMK Kwacha
ZWD Zimbabwe Dollar

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/CurrencyCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Currency Code
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[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
AED UAE Dirham
AFN Afghani
AMD Armenian Dram
ANG Netherlands Antillean Guilder
AOA Kwanza
ARS Argentine Peso
AUD Australian Dollar
AWG Aruban Florin
AZN Azerbaijanian Manat
BAM Convertible Mark
BBD Barbados Dollar
BDT Taka
BGN Bulgarian Lev
BHD Bahraini Dinar
BIF Burundi Franc
BMD Bermudian Dollar
BND Brunei Dollar
BOB Boliviano
BOV Mvdol
BRL Brazilian Real
BSD Bahamian Dollar
BTN Ngultrum
BWP Pula
BYR Belarussian Ruble
BZD Belize Dollar
CAD Canadian Dollar
CDF Congolese Franc
CHF Swiss Franc
CLF Unidades de fomento
CLP Chilean Peso
CNY Yuan Renminbi
COP Colombian Peso
COU Unidad de Valor Real
CRC Costa Rican Colon
CUC Peso Convertible
CUP Cuban Peso
CVE Cape Verde Escudo
CZK Czech Koruna
DJF Djibouti Franc
DKK Danish Krone
DOP Dominican Peso
DZD Algerian Dinar
EGP Egyptian Pound
ERN Nakfa
ETB Ethiopian Birr
EUR Euro
FJD Fiji Dollar
FKP Falkland Islands Pound
GBP Pound Sterling
GEL Lari
GHS Ghana Cedi
GIP Gibraltar Pound
GMD Dalasi
GNF Guinea Franc
GTQ Quetzal
GYD Guyana Dollar
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
HNL Lempira
HRK Croatian Kuna
HTG Gourde
HUF Forint
IDR Rupiah
ILS New Israeli Sheqel
INR Indian Rupee
IQD Iraqi Dinar
IRR Iranian Rial
ISK Iceland Krona
JMD Jamaican Dollar
JOD Jordanian Dinar
KES Kenyan Shilling
KHR Riel
KMF Comoro Franc
KPW North Korean Won
KWD Kuwaiti Dinar
KYD Cayman Islands Dollar
KZT Tenge
LBP Lebanese Pound
LKR Sri Lanka Rupee
LRD Liberian Dollar
LSL Loti
LTL Lithuanian Litas
LVL Latvian Lats
LYD Libyan Dinar
MAD Moroccan Dirham
MDL Moldovan Leu
MGA Malagasy Ariary
MKD Denar
MMK Kyat
MNT Tugrik
MOP Pataca
MRO Ouguiya
MUR Mauritius Rupee
MVR Rufiyaa
MWK Kwacha
MXN Mexican Peso
MXV Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)
MYR Malaysian Ringgit
MZN Mozambique Metical
NAD Namibia Dollar
NGN Naira
NIO Cordoba Oro
NOK Norwegian Krone
NPR Nepalese Rupee
NZD New Zealand Dollar
OMR Rial Omani
PAB Balboa
PEN Nuevo Sol
PGK Kina
PHP Philippine Peso
PKR Pakistan Rupee
PLN Zloty
PYG Guarani
QAR Qatari Rial
RON New Romanian Leu
RSD Serbian Dinar
RUB Russian Ruble
RWF Rwanda Franc
SAR Saudi Riyal
SBD Solomon Islands Dollar
SCR Seychelles Rupee
SDG Sudanese Pound
SEK Swedish Krona
SGD Singapore Dollar
SHP Saint Helena Pound
SLL Leone
SOS Somali Shilling
SRD Surinam Dollar
SSP South Sudanese Pound
STD Dobra
SVC El Salvador Colon
SYP Syrian Pound
SZL Lilangeni
THB Baht
TJS Somoni
TMT Turkmenistan New Manat
TND Tunisian Dinar
TOP Pa’anga
TRY Turkish Lira
TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
TWD New Taiwan Dollar
TZS Tanzanian Shilling
UAH Hryvnia
UGX Uganda Shilling
USD US Dollar
USN US Dollar (Next day)
USS US Dollar (Same day)
UYI Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI)
UYU Peso Uruguayo
UZS Uzbekistan Sum
VEF Bolivar Fuerte
VND Dong
VUV Vatu
WST Tala
XAG Silver
XAU Gold
XBA Bond Markets Unit European Composite Unit (EURCO)
XBB Bond Markets Unit European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)
XBC Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)
XBD Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)
XCD East Caribbean Dollar
XDR SDR (Special Drawing Right)
XPD Palladium
XPT Platinum
XSU Sucre
XTS Codes specifically reserved for testing purposes
XUA ADB Unit of Account
XXX The codes assigned for transactions where no currency is involved
YER Yemeni Rial
ZAR Rand
ZMK Zambian Kwacha
ZWL Zimbabwe Dollar

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/DocumentStatusCode-2.0.gc

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Completed Document has been completed

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List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/PackagingTypeCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Packaging Type
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 21
Version=Revision 5
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1A Drum, steel
1B Drum, aluminium
1D Drum, plywood
1G Drum, fibre
1W Drum, wooden
2C Barrel, wooden
3A Jerrican, steel
3H Jerrican, plastic
43 Bag, super bulk
4A Box, steel
4B Box, aluminium
4C Box, natural wood
4D Box, plywood
4F Box, reconstituted wood
4G Box, fibreboard
4H Box, plastic
5H Bag, woven plastic
5L Bag, textile
5M Bag, paper
6H Composite packaging, plastic receptacle
6P Composite packaging, glass receptacle
AA Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
AB Receptacle, fibre
AC Receptacle, paper
AD Receptacle, wooden
AE Aerosol
AF Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms
AG Pallet, shrinkwrapped
AH Pallet, 100cms * 110cms
AI Clamshell
AJ Cone
AM Ampoule, non-protected
AP Ampoule, protected
AT Atomizer
AV Capsule
BA Barrel
BB Bobbin
BC Bottlecrate / bottlerack
BD Board
BE Bundle
BF Balloon, non-protected
BG Bag
BH Bunch
BI Bin
BJ Bucket
BK Basket
BL Bale, compressed
BM Basin
BN Bale, non-compressed
BO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical
BO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical
BP Balloon, protected
BQ Bottle, protected cylindrical
BQ Bottle, protected cylindrical
BR Bar
BS Bottle, non-protected, bulbous
BT Bolt
BU Butt
BV Bottle, protected bulbous
BV Bottle, protected bulbous
BW Box, for liquids
BX Box
BY Board, in bundle/bunch/truss
BZ Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss
CA Can, rectangular
CB Crate, beer
CC Churn
CD Can, with handle and spout
CE Creel
CF Coffer
CG Cage
CH Chest
CI Canister
CJ Coffin
CK Cask
CL Coil
CM Card
CN Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
CO Carboy, non-protected
CP Carboy, protected
CQ Cartridge
CR Crate
CS Case
CT Carton
CU Cup
CV Cover
CW Cage, roll
CX Can, cylindrical
CY Cylinder
CZ Canvas
DA Crate, multiple layer, plastic
DB Crate, multiple layer, wooden
DC Crate, multiple layer, cardboard
DG Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
DH Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox
DI Drum, iron
DJ Demijohn, non-protected
DK Crate, bulk, cardboard
DL Crate, bulk, plastic
DM Crate, bulk, wooden
DN Dispenser
DP Demijohn, protected
DR Drum
DS Tray, one layer no cover, plastic
DT Tray, one layer no cover, wooden
DU Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
DV Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard
DW Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
DX Tray, two layers no cover, wooden
DY Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard
EC Bag, plastic
ED Case, with pallet base
EE Case, with pallet base, wooden
EF Case, with pallet base, cardboard
EG Case, with pallet base, plastic
EH Case, with pallet base, metal
EI Case, isothermic
EN Envelope
FC Crate, fruit
FD Crate, framed
FI Firkin
FL Flask
FO Footlocker
FP Filmpack
FR Frame
FT Foodtainer
FW Cart, flatbed
FX Bag, flexible container
GB Bottle, gas
GI Girder
GR Receptacle, glass
GU Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items
GZ Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss
HA Basket, with handle, plastic
HB Basket, with handle, wooden
HC Basket, with handle, cardboard
HG Hogshead
HR Hamper
IA Package, display, wooden
IB Package, display, cardboard
IC Package, display, plastic
ID Package, display, metal
IE Package, show
IF Package, flow
IG Package, paper wrapped
IH Drum, plastic
IK Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes
IL Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002)
IN Ingot
IZ Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss
JC Jerrican, rectangular
JG Jug
JR Jar
JT Jutebag
JY Jerrican, cylindrical
KG Keg
LG Log
LT Lot
LV Liftvan
LZ Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss
MB Bag, multiply
MC Crate, milk
MR Receptacle, metal
MS Sack, multi-wall
MT Mat
MW Receptacle, plastic wrapped
MX Matchbox
NA Not available
NE Unpacked or unpackaged
NF Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit
NG Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
NS Nest
NT Net
NU Net, tube, plastic
NV Net, tube, textile
PA Packet
PB Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
PC Parcel
PD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms
PE Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms
PF Pen
PG Plate
PH Pitcher
PI Pipe
PJ Punnet
PK Package
PL Pail
PN Plank
PO Pouch
PR Receptacle, plastic
PT Pot
PU Tray
PV Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
PX Pallet
PY Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss
PZ Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss
QA Drum, steel, non-removable head
QB Drum, steel, removable head
QC Drum, aluminium, non-removable head
QD Drum, aluminium, removable head
QF Drum, plastic, non-removable head
QG Drum, plastic, removable head
QH Barrel, wooden, bung type
QJ Barrel, wooden, removable head
QK Jerrican, steel, non-removable head
QL Jerrican, steel, removable head
QM Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head
QN Jerrican, plastic, removable head
QP Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
QQ Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
QR Box, plastic, expanded
QS Box, plastic, solid
RD Rod
RG Ring
RJ Rack, clothing hanger
RK Rack
RL Reel
RO Roll
RT Rednet
RZ Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss
SA Sack
SB Slab
SC Crate, shallow
SD Spindle
SE Sea-chest
SH Sachet
SI Skid
SK Case, skeleton
SL Slipsheet
SM Sheetmetal
SO Spool
SP Sheet, plastic wrapping
SS Case, steel
ST Sheet
SU Suitcase
SV Envelope, steel
SW Shrinkwrapped
SX Set
SY Sleeve
SZ Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
TB Tub
TC Tea-chest
TD Tube, collapsible
TI Tierce
TK Tank, rectangular
TL Tub, with lid
TN Tin
TO Tun
TR Trunk
TS Truss
TU Tube
TV Tube, with nozzle
TY Tank, cylindrical
TZ Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
UC Uncaged
VA Vat
VG Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15øC)
VI Vial
VK Vanpack
VL Bulk, liquid
VO Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
VP Vacuum-packed
VQ Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
VR Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
VY Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
WA Intermediate bulk container
WB Wickerbottle
WC Intermediate bulk container, steel
WD Intermediate bulk container, aluminium
WF Intermediate bulk container, metal
WG Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
WH Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
WJ Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
WK Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
WL Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
WM Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
WN Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
WP Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
WQ Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
WR Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
WS Intermediate bulk container, plastic film
WT Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
WU Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
WV Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated
WW Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
WX Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
WY Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
WZ Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
XA Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
XB Bag, woven plastic, sift proof
XC Bag, woven plastic, water resistant
XD Bag, plastics film
XF Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner
XG Bag, textile, sift proof
XH Bag, textile, water resistant
XJ Bag, paper, multi-wall
XK Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
YA Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
YB Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
YC Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
YD Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
YF Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
YG Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
YH Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
YJ Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
YK Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
YL Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
YM Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
YN Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
YP Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
YQ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
YR Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
YS Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
YT Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
YV Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
YW Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
YX Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
YY Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
YZ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
ZA Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
ZB Bag, large
ZC Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
ZD Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
ZF Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
ZG Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
ZH Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
ZJ Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
ZK Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
ZL Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
ZM Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
ZN Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
ZP Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
ZQ Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
ZR Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
ZS Intermediate bulk container, composite
ZT Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
ZU Intermediate bulk container, flexible
ZV Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
ZW Intermediate bulk container, natural wood
ZX Intermediate bulk container, plywood
ZY Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
ZZ Mutually defined

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/PackagingTypeCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Packaging Type Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 21
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="application/vnd.ms-excel")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/cefact/recommendations/rec21/rec21_Rev9e_2012.xls
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Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1A Drum, steel 34
1B Drum, aluminium 34
1D Drum, plywood 34
1F Container, flexible A packaging container of flexible construction. 93
1G Drum, fibre 34
1W Drum, wooden 34 or 35
2C Barrel, wooden 44 or 45
3A Jerrican, steel 23 or 33
3H Jerrican, plastic 23 or 33
43 Bag, super bulk A cloth plastic or paper based bag having the dimensions of the pallet on which it is constructed. 64
44 Bag, polybag A type of plastic bag, typically used to wrap promotional pieces, publications, product samples, and/or catalogues. 62 or 63
4A Box, steel 21 to 25
4B Box, aluminium 21 to 25
4C Box, natural wood 21 to 25
4D Box, plywood 21 to 25
4F Box, reconstituted wood 21 to 25
4G Box, fibreboard 21 to 25
4H Box, plastic 21 to 25
5H Bag, woven plastic 62 to 64
5L Bag, textile 62 to 64
5M Bag, paper 62 to 64
6H Composite packaging, plastic receptacle 24 or 25 or 33 or 34
6P Composite packaging, glass receptacle 23 or 24 or 25 or 33 or 34 or 62 or 63
7A Case, car A type of portable container designed to store equipment for carriage in an automobile. 22 or 23
7B Case, wooden A case made of wood for retaining substances or articles. 24 or 25
8A Pallet, wooden A platform or open-ended box, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage. 24 or 25
8B Crate, wooden A receptacle, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage. 23 to 27
8C Bundle, wooden Loose or unpacked pieces of wood tied or wrapped together. 16
AA Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic 23 to 26
AB Receptacle, fibre Containment vessel made of fibre used for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43
AC Receptacle, paper Containment vessel made of paper for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43
AD Receptacle, wooden Containment vessel made of wood for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43
AE Aerosol 42 or 43
AF Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 60 centimeters (cms). 92
AG Pallet, shrinkwrapped Pallet load secured with transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly. 92
AH Pallet, 100cms * 110cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 100centimeters by 110 centimeters (cms). 92
AI Clamshell 21 to 23
AJ Cone Container used in the transport of linear material such as yarn. 51
AL Ball A spherical containment vessel for retaining substances or articles. 46
AM Ampoule, non-protected 31
AP Ampoule, protected 31
AT Atomizer 42 or 43
AV Capsule 92
B4 Belt A band use to retain multiple articles together. 93
BA Barrel 44 or 45
BB Bobbin 91
BC Bottlecrate / bottlerack 29
BD Board 16
BE Bundle 61 to 65
BF Balloon, non-protected 42 or 43
BG Bag A receptacle made of flexible material with an open or closed top. 62 to 64
BH Bunch 61 to 65
BI Bin 21 or 25
BJ Bucket 51
BK Basket 27
BL Bale, compressed 65
BM Basin 51
BN Bale, non-compressed 65
BO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel without external protective packing material. 32 or 33
BP Balloon, protected 42 or 43
BQ Bottle, protected cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel with external protective packing material. 32 or 33
BR Bar 16
BS Bottle, non-protected, bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel without external protective packing material. 42 or 43
BT Bolt 13
BU Butt 44 or 45
BV Bottle, protected bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel with external protective packing material. 42 or 43
BW Box, for liquids 21 to 25
BX Box 21 to 25
BY Board, in bundle/bunch/truss 16
BZ Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss 16
CA Can, rectangular 22
CB Crate, beer 23 to 27
CC Churn 32 or 33
CD Can, with handle and spout 22
CE Creel 27
CF Coffer 24
CG Cage 26
CH Chest 25
CI Canister 21 or 22
CJ Coffin 54
CK Cask 44 or 45
CL Coil 14
CM Card A flat package usually made of fibreboard from/to which product is often hung or attached. 67
CN Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment 25
CO Carboy, non-protected 43
CP Carboy, protected 43
CQ Cartridge Package containing a charge such as propelling explosive for firearms or ink toner for a printer. 92
CR Crate 24 to 25
CS Case 21 to 25
CT Carton 22 to 24
CU Cup 51
CV Cover 67
CW Cage, roll 26
CX Can, cylindrical 32
CY Cylinder 12
CZ Canvas 67
DA Crate, multiple layer, plastic 23 to 25 or 27
DB Crate, multiple layer, wooden 23 to 25 or 27
DC Crate, multiple layer, cardboard 23 to 25 or 27
DG Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) 26
DH Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox A box mounted on a pallet base under the control of CHEP. 27
DI Drum, iron 34
DJ Demijohn, non-protected 43
DK Crate, bulk, cardboard 23 to 25 or 27
DL Crate, bulk, plastic 23 to 25 or 27
DM Crate, bulk, wooden 23 to 25 or 27
DN Dispenser 93
DP Demijohn, protected 43
DR Drum 34
DS Tray, one layer no cover, plastic 27
DT Tray, one layer no cover, wooden 27
DU Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene 27
DV Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard 27
DW Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray 27 or 29
DX Tray, two layers no cover, wooden 27 or 29
DY Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard 27 or 29
EC Bag, plastic 62 to 64
ED Case, with pallet base 23 to 25
EE Case, with pallet base, wooden 23 to 25
EF Case, with pallet base, cardboard 23 to 25
EG Case, with pallet base, plastic 23 to 25
EH Case, with pallet base, metal 23 to 25
EI Case, isothermic 22 to 25
EN Envelope 67
FB Flexibag A flexible containment bag made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers. 65
FC Crate, fruit 23 to 27
FD Crate, framed 26
FE Flexitank A flexible containment tank made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers. 65
FI Firkin 44 or 45
FL Flask 42 or 43
FO Footlocker 23
FP Filmpack 67
FR Frame 26
FT Foodtainer 21 to 23
FW Cart, flatbed Wheeled flat bedded device on which trays or other regular shaped items are packed for transportation purposes. 94
FX Bag, flexible container 61 to 66
GB Bottle, gas A narrow-necked metal cylinder for retention of liquefied or compressed gas. 31 or 35
GI Girder 16
GL Container, gallon A container with a capacity of one gallon. 32
GR Receptacle, glass Containment vessel made of glass for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43
GU Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items Tray containing flat items stacked on top of one another. 27
GY Bag, gunny A sack made of gunny or burlap, used for transporting coarse commodities, such as grains, potatoes, and other agricultural products. 63 to 64
GZ Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss 16
HA Basket, with handle, plastic 27
HB Basket, with handle, wooden 27
HC Basket, with handle, cardboard 27
HG Hogshead 44 or 45
HN Hanger A purpose shaped device with a hook at the top for hanging items from a rail. 93
HR Hamper 23
IA Package, display, wooden 21 to 23
IB Package, display, cardboard 21 to 23
IC Package, display, plastic 21 to 23
ID Package, display, metal 21 to 23
IE Package, show 21 to 23
IF Package, flow A flexible tubular package or skin, possibly transparent, often used for containment of foodstuffs (e.g. salami sausage). 61 or 62
IG Package, paper wrapped 21 to 23
IH Drum, plastic 34
IK Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes Packaging material made out of cardboard that facilitates the separation of individual glass or plastic bottles. 21 to 23
IL Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002) Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002. 27
IN Ingot 17
IZ Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss 17
JB Bag, jumbo A flexible containment bag, widely used for storage, transportation and handling of powder, flake or granular materials. Typically constructed from woven polypropylene (PP) fabric in the form of cubic bags. 65
JC Jerrican, rectangular 23
JG Jug 41
JR Jar 41
JT Jutebag 61 or 65
JY Jerrican, cylindrical 33
KG Keg 44 or 45
KI Kit A set of articles or implements used for a specific purpose. 92
LE Luggage A collection of bags, cases and/or containers which hold personal belongings for a journey. 21 to 23 or 61 to 63
LG Log 12
LT Lot 01 to 03
LU Lug A wooden box for the transportation and storage of fruit or vegetables. 23
LV Liftvan A wooden or metal container used for packing household goods and personal effects. 22 to 24
LZ Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss 12
MA Crate, metal Containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles. 23 to 25 or 27
MB Bag, multiply 62 to 64
MC Crate, milk 27
ME Container, metal A type of containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles, not otherwise specified as transport equipment. 23 to 25 or 27
MR Receptacle, metal Containment vessel made of metal for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33
MS Sack, multi-wall 62 to 64
MT Mat 67
MW Receptacle, plastic wrapped Containment vessel wrapped with plastic for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43 or 61 to 63
MX Matchbox 21
NA Not available 0
NE Unpacked or unpackaged 0
NF Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit 0
NG Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units 0
NS Nest 24
NT Net 66
NU Net, tube, plastic 66
NV Net, tube, textile 66
OA Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 40 centimeters x 60 centimeters. 92
OB Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters x 120 centimeters. 92
OC Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 100 centimeters x 120 centimeters. 92
OD Pallet, AS 4068-1993 Australian standard pallet of dimensions 115.5 centimeters x 116.5 centimeters. 92
OE Pallet, ISO T11 ISO standard pallet of dimensions 110 centimeters x 110 centimeters, prevalent in Asia - Pacific region. 92
OF Platform, unspecified weight or dimension A pallet equivalent shipping platform of unknown dimensions or unknown weight. 92
OK Block A solid piece of a hard substance, such as granite, having one or more flat sides. 17
OT Octabin A standard cardboard container of large dimensions for storing for example vegetables, granules of plastics or other dry products. 25
OU Container, outer A type of containment box that serves as the outer shipping container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment. 23 to 25 or 27
P2 Pan A shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal. 51
PA Packet Small package. 21 to 23
PB Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet 92
PC Parcel 21 to 23 or 61 to 63
PD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 100 centimeters (cms). 92
PE Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 120 centimeters (cms). 92
PF Pen A small open top enclosure for retaining animals. 26 or 27
PG Plate 15
PH Pitcher 41
PI Pipe 11
PJ Punnet 27
PK Package Standard packaging unit. 21 to 23
PL Pail 51
PN Plank 16
PO Pouch 61
PP Piece A loose or unpacked article. 19
PR Receptacle, plastic Containment vessel made of plastic for retaining substances or articles. 21 to 23 or 31 to 33 or 41 to 43 or 61 to 63
PT Pot 41
PU Tray 27
PV Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss 11
PX Pallet Platform or open-ended box, usually made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage. 92
PY Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss 15
PZ Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss 16
QA Drum, steel, non-removable head 34
QB Drum, steel, removable head 34
QC Drum, aluminium, non-removable head 34
QD Drum, aluminium, removable head 34
QF Drum, plastic, non-removable head 34
QG Drum, plastic, removable head 34
QH Barrel, wooden, bung type 44 or 45
QJ Barrel, wooden, removable head 44 or 45
QK Jerrican, steel, non-removable head 23 or 33
QL Jerrican, steel, removable head 23 or 33
QM Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head 23 or 33
QN Jerrican, plastic, removable head 23 or 33
QP Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary 21 to 25
QQ Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls 21 to 25
QR Box, plastic, expanded 21 to 25
QS Box, plastic, solid 21 to 25
RD Rod 12
RG Ring 14
RJ Rack, clothing hanger 93
RK Rack 93
RL Reel Cylindrical rotatory device with a rim at each end on which materials are wound. 91
RO Roll 13
RT Rednet Containment material made of red mesh netting for retaining articles (e.g. trees). 66
RZ Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss 12
SA Sack 65
SB Slab 16 or 17
SC Crate, shallow 27
SD Spindle 91
SE Sea-chest 22 or 23
SH Sachet 61
SI Skid A low movable platform or pallet to facilitate the handling and transport of goods. 92
SK Case, skeleton 26
SL Slipsheet Hard plastic sheeting primarily used as the base on which to stack goods to optimise the space within a container. May be used as an alternative to a palletized packaging. 67
SM Sheetmetal 15
SO Spool A packaging container used in the transport of such items as wire, cable, tape and yarn. 91
SP Sheet, plastic wrapping 15
SS Case, steel 21 to 25
ST Sheet 15
SU Suitcase 21 to 23 or 61 to 63
SV Envelope, steel 67
SW Shrinkwrapped Goods retained in a transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly on to the goods. 67
X SX Set 11 to 45
SY Sleeve 69
SZ Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss 15
T1 Tablet A loose or unpacked article in the form of a bar, block or piece. 16
TB Tub 51
TC Tea-chest 21 to 23
TD Tube, collapsible 61 to 65
TE Tyre A ring made of rubber and/or metal surrounding a wheel. 93
TG Tank container, generic A specially constructed container for transporting liquids and gases in bulk. 93
TI Tierce 44
TK Tank, rectangular 24 or 25
TL Tub, with lid 51
TN Tin 21 or 22
TO Tun 44 or 45
TR Trunk 24 or 25
TS Truss 16
TT Bag, tote A capacious bag or basket. 62 or 63
TU Tube 11
TV Tube, with nozzle A tube made of plastic, metal or cardboard fitted with a nozzle, containing a liquid or semi-liquid product, e.g. silicon. 31 or 32
TW Pallet, triwall A lightweight pallet made from heavy duty corrugated board. 92
TY Tank, cylindrical 34 or 35
TZ Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss 11
UC Uncaged 0
UN Unit A type of package composed of a single item or object, not otherwise specified as a unit of transport equipment. 23 to 25 or 27
VA Vat 35
VG Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C) 6
VI Vial 31
VK Vanpack A type of wooden crate. 99
VL Bulk, liquid 4
VO Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”) 3
VP Vacuum-packed 67
VQ Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure) 5
VN Vehicle A self-propelled means of conveyance. 93
VR Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”) 2
VS Bulk, scrap metal Loose or unpacked scrap metal transported in bulk form. 9
VY Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”) 1
WA Intermediate bulk container A reusable container made of metal, plastic, textile, wood or composite materials used to facilitate transportation of bulk solids and liquids in manageable volumes. 23 to 26 or 62 to 64
WB Wickerbottle 42 or 43
WC Intermediate bulk container, steel 23 to 26
WD Intermediate bulk container, aluminium 23 to 26
WF Intermediate bulk container, metal 23 to 26
WG Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa 23 to 26
WH Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa 23 to 26
WJ Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa 23 to 26
WK Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid 23 to 26
WL Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid 23 to 26
WM Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid 23 to 26
WN Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner 62 to 64
WP Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated 62 to 64
WQ Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner 62 to 64
WR Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner 62 to 64
WS Intermediate bulk container, plastic film 62 to 64
WT Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner 62 to 64
WU Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner 23 to 26
WV Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated 62 to 64
WW Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner 62 to 64
WX Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner 62 to 64
WY Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner 23 to 26
WZ Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner 23 to 26
XA Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner 62 to 64
XB Bag, woven plastic, sift proof 62 to 64
XC Bag, woven plastic, water resistant 62 to 64
XD Bag, plastics film 62 to 64
XF Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner 62 to 64
XG Bag, textile, sift proof 62 to 64
XH Bag, textile, water resistant 62 to 64
XJ Bag, paper, multi-wall 62 to 64
XK Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant 62 to 64
YA Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum 33 or 34
YB Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box 24 or 25
YC Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum 33 or 34
YD Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate 24 or 25
YF Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box 24 or 25
YG Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum 33 or 34
YH Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box 24 or 25
YJ Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum 33 or 34
YK Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box 24 or 25
YL Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum 33 or 34
YM Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box 24 or 25
YN Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum 33 or 34
YP Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box 24 or 25
YQ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum 33 or 34
YR Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate 24 or 25
YS Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box 24 or 25
YT Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum 33 or 34
YV Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper 23
YW Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum 33 or 34
YX Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box 24 or 25
YY Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack 62 or 63
YZ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack 23 or 24
ZA Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall 62 to 64
ZB Bag, large 62 to 64
ZC Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant 62 to 64
ZD Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids 23 to 26
ZF Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids 23 to 26
ZG Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised 23 to 26
ZH Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised 23 to 26
ZJ Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids 23 to 26
ZK Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids 23 to 26
ZL Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids 23 to 26
ZM Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids 62 to 64
ZN Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised 23 to 26
ZP Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised 62 to 64
ZQ Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids 23 to 26
ZR Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids 62 to 64
ZS Intermediate bulk container, composite 23 to 26 or 62 to 64
ZT Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard 23 to 26
ZU Intermediate bulk container, flexible 23 to 26
ZV Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel 23 to 26
ZW Intermediate bulk container, natural wood 23 to 26
ZX Intermediate bulk container, plywood 23 to 26
ZY Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood 23 to 26
ZZ Mutually defined 0

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/PaymentMeansCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Payment Means
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 4461
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1 Instrument not defined
2 Automated clearing house credit
3 Automated clearing house debit
4 ACH demand debit reversal
5 ACH demand credit reversal
6 ACH demand credit
7 ACH demand debit
8 Hold
9 National or regional clearing
10 cash
11 savings credit reversal
12 savings debit reversal
13 savings credit
14 savings debit
15 Bookentry credit
16 Bookentry debit
17 demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
18 demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
19 demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
20 Cheque
21 Banker's draft
22 Certified banker's draft
23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment)
24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance
25 Certified cheque
26 Local cheque
27 demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
28 demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
29 demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
30 Credit transfer
31 Debit transfer
32 demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit
33 demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit
34 prearranged payment and deposit (PPD)
35 savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
36 savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
37 savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
38 savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
39 savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
40 savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
41 savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit
42 Payment to bank account
43 savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit
44 Accepted bill of exchange
45 Referenced home-banking credit transfer
46 Interbank debit transfer
47 Home-banking debit transfer
48 Bank card
49 Direct debit
50 Payment by postgiro
51 norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for Banking Standards) - Option A
52 Urgent commercial payment
53 Urgent Treasury Payment
60 Promissory note
61 Promissory note signed by the debtor
62 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank
63 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party
64 Promissory note signed by a bank
65 Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another bank
66 Promissory note signed by a third party
67 Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a bank
70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor
74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank
75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank
76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party
77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party
78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank
91 transferable banker's draft
92 transferable local cheque
93 Reference giro
94 Urgent giro
95 Free format giro
96 Requested method for payment was not used
97 Clearing between partners
ZZZ Mutually defined

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/PaymentMeansCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Payment Means Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 4461
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/UNECE_PaymentMeansCode_D10B.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1 Instrument not defined Not defined legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties (expressing a contractual right or a right to the payment of money).
2 Automated clearing house credit A credit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
3 Automated clearing house debit A debit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
4 ACH demand debit reversal A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a demand deposit account.
5 ACH demand credit reversal A request to reverse a credit transaction to a demand deposit account.
6 ACH demand credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
7 ACH demand debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
8 Hold Indicates that the bank should hold the payment for collection by the beneficiary or other instructions.
9 National or regional clearing Indicates that the payment should be made using the national or regional clearing.
10 In cash Payment by currency (including bills and coins) in circulation, including checking account deposits.
11 ACH savings credit reversal A request to reverse an ACH credit transaction to a savings account.
12 ACH savings debit reversal A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a savings account.
13 ACH savings credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
14 ACH savings debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
15 Bookentry credit A credit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house credit.
16 Bookentry debit A debit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house debit.
17 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
18 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
19 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
20 Cheque Payment by a pre-printed form on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
21 Banker's draft Issue of a banker's draft in payment of the funds.
22 Certified banker's draft Cheque drawn by a bank on itself or its agent. A person who owes money to another buys the draft from a bank for cash and hands it to the creditor who need have no fear that it might be dishonoured.
23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment) Payment by a pre-printed form, which has been completed by a financial institution, on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor but not yet accepted by the debtor.
25 Certified cheque Payment by a pre-printed form stamped with the paying bank's certification on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient .
26 Local cheque Indicates that the cheque is given local to the recipient.
27 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
28 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTX payment format.
29 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand account using the CTX payment format.
30 Credit transfer Payment by credit movement of funds from one account to another.
31 Debit transfer Payment by debit movement of funds from one account to another.
32 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
33 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
34 ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD) A consumer credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
35 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
36 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD payment format.
37 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
38 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
39 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
40 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
41 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
42 Payment to bank account Payment by an arrangement for settling debts that is operated by the Post Office.
43 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
44 Accepted bill of exchange Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor and accepted by the debtor.
45 Referenced home-banking credit transfer A referenced credit transfer initiated through home-banking.
46 Interbank debit transfer A debit transfer via interbank means.
47 Home-banking debit transfer A debit transfer initiated through home-banking.
48 Bank card Payment by means of a card issued by a bank or other financial institution.
49 Direct debit The amount is to be, or has been, directly debited to the customer's bank account.
50 Payment by postgiro A method for the transmission of funds through the postal system rather than through the banking system.
51 FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for Banking Standards) - Option A A French standard procedure that allows a debtor to pay an amount due to a creditor. The creditor will forward it to its bank, which will collect the money on the bank account of the debtor.
52 Urgent commercial payment Payment order which requires guaranteed processing by the most appropriate means to ensure it occurs on the requested execution date, provided that it is issued to the ordered bank before the agreed cut-off time.
53 Urgent Treasury Payment Payment order or transfer which must be executed, by the most appropriate means, as urgently as possible and before urgent commercial payments.
60 Promissory note Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
61 Promissory note signed by the debtor Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
62 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
63 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
64 Promissory note signed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
65 Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank and endorsed by another bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
66 Promissory note signed by a third party Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
67 Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor.
74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank.
75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank.
76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party.
77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party.
78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank.
91 Not transferable banker's draft Issue a bankers draft not endorsable.
92 Not transferable local cheque Issue a cheque not endorsable in payment of the funds.
93 Reference giro Ordering customer tells the bank to use the payment system 'Reference giro'. Used in the Finnish national banking system.
94 Urgent giro Ordering customer tells the bank to use the bank service 'Urgent Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
95 Free format giro Ordering customer tells the ordering bank to use the bank service 'Free Format Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
96 Requested method for payment was not used If the requested method for payment was or could not be used, this code indicates that.
97 Clearing between partners Amounts which two partners owe to each other to be compensated in order to avoid useless payments.
ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/ReceiptAdviceTypeCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Receipt Advice Type Code
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=OASIS Universal Business Language
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Preliminary An arrival that has not passed the goods inspection process.
Actual An arrival that has passed goods inspection and is accepted (or not).
Return Receipt of goods that are returned back from the buyer (e.g. customer returns).

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/SubstitutionStatusCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Substitution Status
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=OASIS Universal Business Language
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Original Original
Substitution Substitution

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/TransportEquipmentTypeCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Equipment type code qualifier
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 8053
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
AA Ground equipment Ground equipment being fuelled or serviced.
AB Chain Chain used in the securing of cargo.
AD Temperature recorder Temperature recorder to provide a record of the actual temperature.
AE Body trailer The part of the vehicle where the cargo is loaded.
AG Slipsheet A cardboard platform used for holding product for storage or transportation.
AH No special equipment needed A code to indicate that there is no special equipment needed.
AI Vessel hold A compartment forming part of a transport vessel.
AJ Flat rack Type of open container used for carrying objects.
AK Aircraft To indicate that the equipment is an aircraft.
AL Medical device A device used for medical purposes.
AM Refrigerated container A refrigerated (reefer) container that is actively cooling the product.
AN Synthetic pallet 80*120cm A pallet with standard dimensions 80*120 centimetres made of synthetic material.
AO Synthetic pallet 100*120cm A standard pallet with standard dimensions 100*120 centimetres made of synthetic material.
AP Clothing hanger rack Equipment used to store and transport clothing in a hanging position.
AQ Road/rail trailer Trailer designated for combined road/rail use.
AT Overhang wagon Empty rail wagon added to the loaded wagons, when goods are longer than the loaded wagon.
BL Blocks A piece of equipment that is normally a piece of wood to fix cargo (e.g. coils) during transport.
BPN Box pallet non-exchangeable A box pallet which cannot be exchanged.
BPO Truck being transported A road vehicle capable of carrying goods which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPP Truck and trailer combination being transported A road vehicle capable of carrying goods with an attached trailer which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPQ Tractor and trailer being transported A trailer accompanied by a self-propelling tractor unit which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPR Postal bag Bag intended primarily for the conveyance of postal items.
BPS Letter Tray Tray intended primarily for the conveyance of letter mail items of size slightly exceeding C5, in which the items are stood on their long edge.
BPT Roller Cage Wheeled wire cage.
BPU Flats Tray Tray intended primarily for the conveyance of letter mail items of from C5 up to in excess of C4, in which the items are stacked one on top of another. May also be used for letter mail smaller items stood on their long edge.
BPV Out of bag parcel Postal item which is conveyed individually, with only the wrapping provided by the mailer for protection.
BPW Wheeled Platform Device, consisting of a flat surface mounted on a wheels, which is designed for the conveyance of items which may safely be stacked. Normally also equipped with a handle to allow the device to be easily manoeuvred.
BPX Container non-compliant with the Customs Convention on Containers The container is not compliant with the Customs Convention on Containers.
BPY Box pallet EUR Y non exchangeable A euro-pallet of type Y that may not be exchanged.
BR Barge Flat bottomed inland cargo vessel for canals and rivers with or without own propulsion for the purpose of transported goods. (Synonym: Lighter).
BX Boxcar An enclosed railway goods wagon.
CH Chassis A wheeled carriage onto which an ocean container is mounted for inland conveyance.
CN Container Equipment item as defined by ISO for transport. It must be of: A) permanent character, strong enough for repeated use; B) designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport, without intermediate reloading; C) fitted with devices for its ready handling, particularly.
DPA Deadlight (panel) A set of panels fixed inside a porthole.
EFP Exchangeable EUR flat pallet A flat euro-pallet that may be exchanged.
EYP Exchangeable EUR Y box pallet A euro-pallet of type Y that may be exchanged.
FPN Flat pallet EUR non exchangeable A flat euro-pallet that may not be exchanged.
FPR Flat pallet (railway property) non-exchangeable A non-exchangeable flat pallet owned by a railroad.
IL Lidded stackable rigid tray (CEN TS 14482:2002) Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002.
LAR Lashing rope A rope for lashing cargo.
LU Load/unload device on equipment A mechanical device used in the loading and/or unloading of cargo into and from transport equipment.
MPA Movable panel A panel which can be moved.
PA Pallet A platform on which goods can be stacked in order to facilitate the movement by a forklift or sling.
PBP Identified private box pallet A box pallet identified as being privately owned.
PFP Identified private flat pallet A flat pallet identified as being privately owned.
PL Platform A piece of equipment normally having a flat surface, or prepared for carrying cargo with a specific shape.
PPA Protecting panel A panel used for protection.
PST Portable stove A portable heating unit.
RF Flat car A railway wagon without raised sides or ends.
RG Reefer generator A generator used to control the temperature in temperature-controlled transport equipment.
RGF Ground facility Storage tank or facility capable of receiving shipment of goods or commodity.
RO Rope Rope used in the securing of cargo.
RR Rail car To identify that the equipment is a rail car.
SPP Identified special pallet A pallet identified as special.
STR Strap A narrow strip of flexible material.
SW Swap body Rectangular equipment unit without wheels, which can be mounted on a chassis or positioned on legs.
TE Trailer A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and to be towed by a motor vehicle.
TP Tarpaulin Waterproof material, e.g. canvas, to spread over cargo to protect it from getting wet.
TS Tackles [8030] Identification marks and numbers of loading tackle used (sheets, ropes, chains, etc.), as specified in DCU 9 to CIM Article 13; and of containers, as specified in Articles 5 and 10 of Annex III to CIM (CIM 17).
TSU Tarpaulin support A device to support a tarpaulin.
UL ULD (Unit load device) An aircraft container or pallet.

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/TransportEquipmentTypeCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Transport Equipment Type Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE 8053
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/UNECE_TransportEquipmentCategoryCode_D10B.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
AA Ground equipment Ground equipment being fuelled or serviced.
AB Chain Chain used in the securing of cargo.
AD Temperature recorder Temperature recorder to provide a record of the actual temperature.
AE Body trailer The part of the vehicle where the cargo is loaded.
AG Slipsheet A cardboard platform used for holding product for storage or transportation.
AH No special equipment needed A code to indicate that there is no special equipment needed.
AI Vessel hold A compartment forming part of a transport vessel.
AJ Flat rack Type of open container used for carrying objects.
AK Aircraft To indicate that the equipment is an aircraft.
AL Medical device A device used for medical purposes.
AM Refrigerated container A refrigerated (reefer) container that is actively cooling the product.
AN Synthetic pallet 80*120cm A pallet with standard dimensions 80*120 centimetres made of synthetic material.
AO Synthetic pallet 100*120cm A standard pallet with standard dimensions 100*120 centimetres made of synthetic material.
AP Clothing hanger rack Equipment used to store and transport clothing in a hanging position.
AQ Road/rail trailer Trailer designated for combined road/rail use.
AT Overhang wagon Empty rail wagon added to the loaded wagons, when goods are longer than the loaded wagon.
BL Blocks A piece of equipment that is normally a piece of wood to fix cargo (e.g. coils) during transport.
BPN Box pallet non-exchangeable A box pallet which cannot be exchanged.
BPO Truck being transported A road vehicle capable of carrying goods which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPP Truck and trailer combination being transported A road vehicle capable of carrying goods with an attached trailer which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPQ Tractor and trailer being transported A trailer accompanied by a self-propelling tractor unit which is being carried on another means of transport.
BPR Postal bag Bag intended primarily for the conveyance of postal items.
BPS Letter Tray Tray intended primarily for the conveyance of letter mail items of size slightly exceeding C5, in which the items are stood on their long edge.
BPT Roller Cage Wheeled wire cage.
BPU Flats Tray Tray intended primarily for the conveyance of letter mail items of from C5 up to in excess of C4, in which the items are stacked one on top of another. May also be used for letter mail smaller items stood on their long edge.
BPV Out of bag parcel Postal item which is conveyed individually, with only the wrapping provided by the mailer for protection.
BPW Wheeled Platform Device, consisting of a flat surface mounted on a wheels, which is designed for the conveyance of items which may safely be stacked. Normally also equipped with a handle to allow the device to be easily manoeuvred.
BPX Container non-compliant with the Customs Convention on Containers The container is not compliant with the Customs Convention on Containers.
BPY Box pallet EUR Y non exchangeable A euro-pallet of type Y that may not be exchanged.
BPZ Roll Pallet 1 80 X 60 cm pallet on casters.
BR Barge Flat bottomed inland cargo vessel for canals and rivers with or without own propulsion for the purpose of transported goods. (Synonym: Lighter).
BX Boxcar An enclosed railway goods wagon.
CH Chassis A wheeled carriage onto which an ocean container is mounted for inland conveyance.
CN Container Equipment item as defined by ISO for transport. It must be of: A) permanent character, strong enough for repeated use; B) designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport, without intermediate reloading; C) fitted with devices for its ready handling, particularly.
DPA Deadlight (panel) A set of panels fixed inside a porthole.
DPB Roll Pallet 2 120 X 60 cm pallet on casters.
EFP Exchangeable EUR flat pallet A flat euro-pallet that may be exchanged.
EYP Exchangeable EUR Y box pallet A euro-pallet of type Y that may be exchanged.
FPN Flat pallet EUR non exchangeable A flat euro-pallet that may not be exchanged.
FPR Flat pallet (railway property) non-exchangeable A non-exchangeable flat pallet owned by a railroad.
IL Lidded stackable rigid tray (CEN TS 14482:2002) Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002.
LAR Lashing rope A rope for lashing cargo.
LU Load/unload device on equipment A mechanical device used in the loading and/or unloading of cargo into and from transport equipment.
MPA Movable panel A panel which can be moved.
PA Pallet A platform on which goods can be stacked in order to facilitate the movement by a forklift or sling.
PBP Identified private box pallet A box pallet identified as being privately owned.
PFP Identified private flat pallet A flat pallet identified as being privately owned.
PL Platform A piece of equipment normally having a flat surface, or prepared for carrying cargo with a specific shape.
PPA Protecting panel A panel used for protection.
PST Portable stove A portable heating unit.
RF Flat car A railway wagon without raised sides or ends.
RG Reefer generator A generator used to control the temperature in temperature-controlled transport equipment.
RGF Ground facility Storage tank or facility capable of receiving shipment of goods or commodity.
RO Rope Rope used in the securing of cargo.
RR Rail car To identify that the equipment is a rail car.
SPP Identified special pallet A pallet identified as special.
STR Strap A narrow strip of flexible material.
SW Swap body Rectangular equipment unit without wheels, which can be mounted on a chassis or positioned on legs.
TE Trailer A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and to be towed by a motor vehicle.
TP Tarpaulin Waterproof material, e.g. canvas, to spread over cargo to protect it from getting wet.
TS Tackles Identification of loading tackle used (sheets, ropes, chains, etc.), as specified in DCU 9 to CIM Article 13; and of containers, as specified in Articles 5 and 10 of Annex III to CIM (CIM 17).
TSU Tarpaulin support A device to support a tarpaulin.
UL ULD (Unit load device) An aircraft container or pallet.

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/default/TransportModeCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Transport Mode
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 16
Version=Presented by the CDWG
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"
0 Transport mode not specified
1 Maritime transport
2 Rail transport
3 Road transport
4 Air transport
5 Mail
6 Multimodal transport
7 Fixed transport installation
8 Inland water transport
9 Transport mode not applicable

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/TransportModeCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Transport Mode Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 19
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="text/xml")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/uncefact/codelist/standard/UNECE_TransportModeCode_2.xsd
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
0 Transport mode not specified Transport mode has not been specified. Notes: 1) This code can be used when the mode is not known or when information on is not available at the time of issuing the document concerned.
1 Maritime transport Transport of goods and/or persons is by sea.
2 Rail transport Transport of goods and/or persons is by rail.
3 Road transport Transport of goods and/or persons is by road.
4 Air transport Transport of goods and/or persons is by air.
5 Mail Method to convey goods is by mail. Notes: 1) This code is provided for practical reasons, despite the fact that mail is not a genuine mode of transport. In many countries, the value of merchandise exported by mail is considerable, but the exporter or importer concerned would be unable to state by which mode postal items had been conveyed.
6 Multimodal transport Method to convey goods and/or persons is by multimodal transport. Notes: 1) This code is provided for practical reasons, despite the fact that multimodal transport is not a genuine mode of transport. It can be used when goods are carried by at least two different modes from a place at which the goods are taken in charge by a transport operator to a place designated for delivery, on the basis of one transport contract. (Operations of pick-up and delivery of goods carried out in the performance of a single mode of transport, as defined in such a contract, shall not be considered as multimodal transport).
7 Fixed transport installations Transport of item is via a fixed transport installation. Notes: 1) This code applies to installations for continuous transport such as pipelines, ropeways and electric power lines.
8 Inland water transport Transport of goods and/or persons is by inland water transport.
9 Transport mode not applicable The mode of transport is not applicable.

List: uri=../../os-UBL-2.0/cl/gc/cefact/UnitOfMeasureCode-2.0.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Unit Of Measure
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 20
Version=Revision 4
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Type="normalizedString" Lang="en"
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
Type="string" Lang="en"
04 small spray
05 lift
08 heat lot
10 group
11 outfit
13 ration
14 shot
15 stick
16 hundred fifteen kg drum
17 hundred lb drum
18 fiftyfive gallon (US) drum
19 tank truck
20 twenty foot container
21 forty foot container
22 decilitre per gram
23 gram per cubic centimetre
24 theoretical pound
25 gram per square centimetre
26 actual ton
27 theoretical ton
28 kilogram per square metre
29 pound per thousand square feet
30 horse power day per air dry metric ton
31 catch weight
32 kilogram per air dry metric ton
33 kilopascal square metres per gram
34 kilopascals per millimetre
35 millilitres per square centimetre second
36 cubic feet per minute per square foot
37 ounce per square foot
38 ounces per square foot per 0,01 inch
40 millilitre per second
41 millilitre per minute
43 super bulk bag
44 fivehundred kg bulk bag
45 threehundred kg bulk bag
46 fifty lb bulk bag
47 fifty lb bag
48 bulk car load
53 theoretical kilograms
54 theoretical tonne
56 sitas
57 mesh
58 net kilogram
59 part per million
60 percent weight
61 part per billion (US)
62 percent per 1000 hour
63 failure rate in time
64 pound per square inch, gauge
66 oersted
69 test specific scale
71 volt ampere per pound
72 watt per pound
73 ampere tum per centimetre
74 millipascal
76 gauss
77 milli-inch
78 kilogauss
80 pounds per square inch absolute
81 henry
84 kilopound per square inch
85 foot pound-force
87 pound per cubic foot
89 poise
90 Saybold universal second
91 stokes
92 calorie per cubic centimetre
93 calorie per gram
94 curl unit
95 twenty thousand gallon (US) tankcar
96 ten thousand gallon (US) tankcar
97 ten kg drum
98 fifteen kg drum
1A car mile
1B car count
1C locomotive count
1D caboose count
1E empty car
1F train mile
1G fuel usage gallon (US)
1H caboose mile
1I fixed rate
1J ton mile
1K locomotive mile
1L total car count
1M total car mile
1X quarter mile
2A radian per second
2B radian per second squared
2C röntgen
2I British thermal unit per hour
2J cubic centimetre per second
2K cubic foot per hour
2L cubic foot per minute
2M centimetre per second
2N decibel
2P kilobyte
2Q kilobecquerel
2R kilocurie
2U megagram
2V megagram per hour
2W bin
2X metre per minute
2Y milliröntgen
2Z millivolt
3B megajoule
3C manmonth
3E pound per pound of product
3G pound per piece of product
3H kilogram per kilogram of product
3I kilogram per piece of product
4A bobbin
4B cap
4C centistokes
4E twenty pack
4G microlitre
4H micrometre (micron)
4K milliampere
4L megabyte
4M milligram per hour
4N megabecquerel
4O microfarad
4P newton per metre
4Q ounce inch
4R ounce foot
4T picofarad
4U pound per hour
4W ton(US) per hour
4X kilolitre per hour
5A barrel per minute
5B batch
5C gallon(US) per thousand
5E MMSCF/day
5F pounds per thousand
5G pump
5H stage
5I standard cubic foot
5J hydraulic horse power
5K count per minute
5P seismic level
5Q seismic line
A1 15 C calorie
A10 ampere square metre per joule second
A11 ångström
A12 astronomical unit
A13 attojoule
A14 barn
A15 barn per electron volt
A16 barn per steradian electron volt,
A17 barn per sterdian
A18 becquerel per kilogram
A19 becquerel per metre cubed
A2 ampere per centimetre
A20 British thermal unit per second square foot degree Rankin
A21 British thermal unit per pound degree Rankin
A22 British thermal unit per second foot degree Rankin
A23 British thermal unit per hour square foot degree Rankin
A24 candela per square metre
A25 cheval vapeur
A26 coulomb metre
A27 coulomb metre squared per volt
A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre
A29 coulomb per cubic metre
A3 ampere per millimetre
A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre
A31 coulomb per kilogram second
A32 coulomb per mole
A33 coulomb per square centimetre
A34 coulomb per square metre
A35 coulomb per square millimetre
A36 cubic centimetre per mole
A37 cubic decimetre per mole
A38 cubic metre per coulomb
A39 cubic metre per kilogram
A4 ampere per square centimetre
A40 cubic metre per mole
A41 ampere per square metre
A42 curie per kilogram
A43 deadweight tonnage
A44 decalitre
A45 decametre
A47 decitex
A48 degree Rankin
A49 denier
A5 ampere square metre
A50 dyn second per cubic centimetre
A51 dyne second per centimetre
A52 dyne second per centimetre to the fifth
A53 electronvolt
A54 electronvolt per metre
A55 electronvolt square metre
A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram
A57 erg
A58 erg per centimetre
A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared
A60 erg per cubic centimetre
A61 erg per gram
A62 erg per gram second
A63 erg per second
A64 erg per second square centimetre
A65 erg per square centimetre second
A66 erg square centimetre
A67 erg square centimetre per gram
A68 exajoule
A69 farad per metre
A7 ampere per square millimetre
A70 femtojoule
A71 femtometre
A73 foot per second squared
A74 foot pound-force per second
A75 freight ton
A76 gal
A77 Gaussian CGS unit of displacement
A78 Gaussian CGS unit of electic current
A79 Gaussian CGS unit of electric charge
A8 ampere second
A80 Gaussian CGS unit of electric field strength
A81 Gaussian CGS unit of electric polarization
A82 Gaussian CGS unit of electric potential
A83 Gaussian CGS unit of magnetization
A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre
A85 gigaelectronvolt
A86 gigahertz
A87 gigaohm
A88 gigaohm metre
A89 gigapascal
A9 rate
A90 gigawatt
A91 gon
A93 gram per cubic metre
A94 gram per mole
A95 gray
A96 gray per second
A97 hectopascal
A98 henry per metre
AA ball
AB bulk pack
ACR acre
AD byte
AE ampere per metre
AH additional minute
AI average minute per call
AJ cop
AK fathom
AL access line
AM ampoule
AMH ampere hour
AMP ampere
ANN year
AP aluminium pound only
APZ troy ounce or apothecaries' ounce
AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit
AR suppository
ARE are
AS assortment
ASM alcoholic strength by mass
ASU alcoholic strength by volume
ATM standard atmosphere
ATT technical atmosphere
AV capsule
AW powder filled vial
AY assembly
AZ British thermal unit per pound
B0 Btu per cubic foot
B1 barrel (US) per day
B11 joule per kilogram kelvin
B12 joule per metre
B13 joule per square metre
B14 joule per metre to the fourth power
B15 joule per mole
B16 joule per mole kelvin
B18 joule second
B2 bunk
B20 joule square metre per kilogram
B21 kelvin per watt
B22 kiloampere
B23 kiloampere per square metre
B24 kiloampere per metre
B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram
B26 kilocoulomb
B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre
B28 kilocoulomb per square metre
B29 kiloelectronvolt
B3 batting pound
B31 kilogram metre per second
B32 kilogram metre squared
B33 kilogram metre squared per second
B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre
B35 kilogram per litre
B36 thermochemical calorie per gram
B37 kilogram-force
B38 kilogram-force metre
B39 kilogram-force metre per second
B4 barrel, imperial
B40 kilogram-force per square metre
B41 kilojoule per kelvin
B42 kilojoule per kilogram
B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
B44 kilojoule per mole
B45 kilomole
B46 kilomole per cubic metre
B47 kilonewton
B48 kilonewton metre
B49 kiloohm
B5 billet
B50 kiloohm metre
B51 kilopond
B52 kilosecond
B53 kilosiemens
B54 kilosiemens per metre
B55 kilovolt per metre
B56 kiloweber per metre
B57 light year
B58 litre per mole
B59 lumen hour
B6 bun
B60 lumen per square metre
B61 lumen per watt
B62 lumen second
B63 lux hour
B64 lux second
B65 maxwell
B66 megaampere per square metre
B67 megabecquerel per kilogram
B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre
B7 cycle
B70 megacoulomb per square metre
B71 megaelectronvolt
B72 megagram per cubic metre
B73 meganewton
B74 meganewton metre
B75 megaohm
B76 megaohm metre
B77 megasiemens per metre
B78 megavolt
B79 megavolt per metre
B8 joule per cubic metre
B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second
B83 metre to the fourth power
B84 microampere
B85 microbar
B86 microcoulomb
B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre
B88 microcoulomb per square metre
B89 microfarad per metre
B9 batt
B90 microhenry
B91 microhenry per metre
B92 micronewton
B93 micronewton metre
B94 microohm
B95 microohm metre
B96 micropascal
B97 microradian
B98 microsecond
B99 microsiemens
BAR bar
BB base box
BD board
BE bundle
BFT board foot
BG bag
BH brush
BHP brake horse power
BIL trillion (US)
BJ bucket
BK basket
BL bale
BLD dry barrel (US)
BLL barrel (US) (petroleum etc.)
BO bottle
BP hundred board feet
BQL becquerel
BR bar
BT bolt
BTU British thermal unit
BUA bushel (US)
BUI bushel (UK)
BW base weight
BX box
BZ million BTUs
C0 call
C1 composite product pound (total weight)
C10 millifarad
C11 milligal
C12 milligram per metre
C13 milligray
C14 millihenry
C15 millijoule
C16 millimetre per second
C17 millimetre squared per second
C18 millimole
C19 mole per kilogram
C2 carset
C20 millinewton
C22 millinewton per metre
C23 milliohm metre
C24 millipascal second
C25 milliradian
C26 millisecond
C27 millisiemens
C28 millisievert
C29 millitesla
C3 microvolt per metre
C30 millivolt per metre
C31 milliwatt
C32 milliwatt per square metre
C33 milliweber
C34 mole
C35 mole per cubic decimetre
C36 mole per cubic metre
C38 mole per litre
C39 nanoampere
C4 carload
C40 nanocoulomb
C41 nanofarad
C42 nanofarad per metre
C43 nanohenry
C44 nanohenry per metre
C45 nanometre
C46 nanoohm metre
C47 nanosecond
C48 nanotesla
C49 nanowatt
C5 cost
C50 neper
C51 neper per second
C52 picometre
C53 newton metre second
C54 newton metre squared kilogram squared
C55 newton per square metre
C56 newton per square millimetre
C57 newton second
C58 newton second per metre
C59 octave
C6 cell
C60 ohm centimetre
C61 ohm metre
C62 one
C63 parsec
C64 pascal per kelvin
C65 pascal second
C66 pascal second per cubic metre
C67 pascal second per metre
C68 petajoule
C69 phon
C7 centipoise
C70 picoampere
C71 picocoulomb
C72 picofarad per metre
C73 picohenry
C75 picowatt
C76 picowatt per square metre
C77 pound gage
C78 pound-force
C8 millicoulomb per kilogram
C80 rad
C81 radian
C82 radian meter squared per mole
C83 radian metre squared per kilogram
C84 radian per metre
C85 reciprocal †ngstr"m
C86 reciprocal cubic metre
C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second
C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre
C89 reciprocal henry
C9 coil group
C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre
C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one
C92 reciprocal metre
C93 reciprocal square metre
C94 reciprocal minute
C95 reciprocal mole
C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one
C97 reciprocal second
C98 reciprocal second per cubic metre
C99 reciprocal second per metre squared
CA can
CCT carrying capacity in metric ton
CDL candela
CEL degree Celsius
CEN hundred
CG card
CGM centigram
CH container
CJ cone
CK connector
CKG coulomb per kilogram
CL coil
CLF hundred leave
CLT centilitre
CMK square centimetre
CMQ cubic centimetre
CMT centimetre
CNP hundred pack
CNT cental (UK)
CO carboy
COU coulomb
CQ cartridge
CR crate
CS case
CT carton
CTM metric carat
CU cup
CUR curie
CV cover
CWA hundred pounds (cwt)/hundred weight (US)
CWI hundred weight (UK)
CY cylinder
CZ combo
D1 reciprocal second per steradian
D10 siemens per metre
D12 siemens square metre per mole
D13 sievert
D14 thousand linear yard
D15 sone
D16 square centimetre per erg
D17 square centimetre per steradian erg
D18 metre kelvin
D19 square metre kelvin per watt
D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared
D20 square metre per joule
D21 square metre per kilogram
D22 square metre per mole
D23 pen gram (protein)
D24 square metre per steradian
D25 square metre per steradian joule
D26 square metre per volt second
D27 steradian
D28 syphon
D29 terahertz
D30 terajoule
D31 terawatt
D32 terawatt hour
D33 tesla
D34 tex
D35 thermochemical calorie
D37 thermochemical calorie per gram kelvin
D38 thermochemical calorie per second centimetre kelvin
D39 thermochemical calorie per second square centimetre kelvin
D40 thousand litre
D41 tonne per cubic metre
D42 tropical year
D43 unified atomic mass unit
D44 var
D45 volt squared per kelvin squared
D46 volt - ampere
D47 volt per centimetre
D48 volt per kelvin
D49 millivolt per kelvin
D5 kilogram per square centimeter
D50 volt per metre
D51 volt per millimetre
D52 watt per kelvin
D53 watt per metre kelvin
D54 watt per square metre
D55 watt per square metre kelvin
D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
D57 watt per steradian
D58 watt per steradian square metre
D59 weber per metre
D6 röntgen per second
D60 weber per millimetre
D61 minute
D62 second
D63 book
D64 block
D65 round
D66 cassette
D67 dollar per hour
D69 inch to the fourth power
D7 sandwich
D70 International Table (IT) calorie
D71 International Table (IT) calorie per second centimetre kelvin
D72 International Table (IT) calorie per second square centimetre kelvin
D73 joule square metre
D74 kilogram per mole
D75 International Table (IT) calorie per gram
D76 International Table (IT) calorie per gram kelvin
D77 megacoulomb
D79 beam
D8 draize score
D80 microwatt
D81 microtesla
D82 microvolt
D83 millinewton metre
D85 microwatt per square metre
D86 millicoulomb
D87 millimole per kilogram
D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre
D89 millicoulomb per square metre
D9 dyne per square centimeter
D90 cubic metre (net)
D91 rem
D92 band
D93 second per cubic metre
D94 second per radian cubic metre
D95 joule per gram
D96 pound gross
D97 pallet/unit load
D98 mass pound
D99 sleeve
DAA decare
DAD ten day
DAY day
DB dry pound
DC disk (disc)
DD degree
DE deal
DEC decade
DG decigram
DI dispenser
DJ decagram
DLT decilitre
DMK square decimetre
DMQ cubic decimetre
DMT decimetre
DN decinewton metre
DPC dozen piece
DPR dozen pair
DPT displacement tonnage
DQ data record
DR drum
DRA dram (US)
DRI dram (UK)
DRL dozen roll
DRM drachm (UK)
DS display
DT dry ton
DTN decitonne
DU dyne
DWT pennyweight
DX dyne per centimetre
DY directory book
DZN dozen
DZP dozen pack
E2 belt
E3 trailer
E4 gross kilogram
E5 metric long ton
EA each
EB electronic mail box
EC each per month
EP eleven pack
EQ equivalent gallon
EV envelope
F1 thousand cubic feet per day
F9 fibre per cubic centimetre of air
FAH degree Fahrenheit
FAR farad
FB field
FC thousand cubic feet
FD million particle per cubic foot
FE track foot
FF hundred cubic metre
FG transdermal patch
FH micromole
FL flake ton
FM million cubic feet
FOT foot
FP pound per square foot
FR foot per minute
FS foot per second
FTK square foot
FTQ cubic foot
G2 US gallon per minute
G3 Imperial gallon per minute
G7 microfiche sheet
GB gallon (US) per day
GBQ gigabecquerel
GC gram per 100 gram
GD gross barrel
GE pound per gallon (US)
GF gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)
GFI gram of fissile isotope
GGR great gross
GH half gallon (US)
GIA gill (US)
GII gill (UK)
GJ gram per millilitre
GK gram per kilogram
GL gram per litre
GLD dry gallon (US)
GLI gallon (UK)
GLL gallon (US)
GM gram per square metre
GN gross gallon
GO milligrams per square metre
GP milligram per cubic metre
GQ microgram per cubic meter
GRM gram
GRN grain
GRO gross
GRT gross register ton
GT gross ton
GV gigajoule
GW gallon per thousand cubic feet
GWH gigawatt hour
GY gross yard
GZ gage system
H1 half page - electronic
H2 half litre
HA hank
HAR hectare
HBA hectobar
HBX hundred boxe
HC hundred count
HD half dozen
HE hundredth of a carat
HF hundred feet
HGM hectogram
HH hundred cubic feet
HI hundred sheet
HIU hundred international unit
HJ metric horse power
HK hundred kilogram
HL hundred feet (linear)
HLT hectolitre
HM mile per hour
HMQ million cubic metre
HMT hectometre
HN conventional millimetre of mercury
HO hundred troy ounce
HP conventional millimetre of water
HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol
HS hundred square feet
HT half hour
HTZ hertz
HUR hour
HY hundred yard
IA inch pound (pound inch)
IC count per inch
IE person
IF inches of water
II column inch
IL inch per minute
IM impression
INH inch
INK square inch
INQ inch cubed
IP insurance policy
IT count per centimetre
IU inch per second (linear speed)
IV inch per second squared (acceleration)
J2 joule per kilogram
JB jumbo
JE joule per kelvin
JG jug
JK megajoule per kilogram
JM megajoule per cubic metre
JO joint
JOU joule
JR jar
K1 kilowatt demand
K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand
K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour
K5 kilovolt ampere (reactive)
K6 kilolitre
KA cake
KB kilocharacter
KBA kilobar
KD kilogram decimal
KEL kelvin
KF kilopacket
KG keg
KGM kilogram
KGS kilogram per second
KHZ kilohertz
KI kilogram per millimetre width
KJ kilosegment
KJO kilojoule
KL kilogram per metre
KMH kilometre per hour
KMK square kilometre
KMQ kilogram per cubic metre
KNI kilogram of nitrogen
KNS kilogram named substance
KNT knot
KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product
KPA kilopascal
KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
KPO kilogram of potassium oxide
KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)
KR kiloröntgen
KS thousand pound per square inch
KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry
KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
KT kit
KTM kilometre
KTN kilotonne
KUR kilogram of uranium
KVA kilovolt - ampere
KVR kilovar
KVT kilovolt
KW kilograms per millimeter
KWH kilowatt hour
KWT kilowatt
KX millilitre per kilogram
L2 litre per minute
LA pound per cubic inch
LBR pound
LBT troy pound (US)
LC linear centimetre
LD litre per day
LE lite
LEF leaf
LF linear foot
LH labour hour
LI linear inch
LJ large spray
LK link
LM linear metre
LN length
LO lot
LP liquid pound
LPA litre of pure alcohol
LR layer
LS lump sum
LTN ton (UK) or longton (US)
LTR litre
LUM lumen
LUX lux
LX linear yard per pound
LY linear yard
M0 magnetic tape
M1 milligrams per litre
M4 monetary value
M5 microcurie
M7 micro-inch
M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic feet
MA machine per unit
MAL mega litre
MAM megametre
MAW megawatt
MBE thousand standard brick equivalent
MBF thousand board feet
MBR millibar
MC microgram
MCU millicurie
MD air dry metric ton
MF milligram per square foot per side
MGM milligram
MHZ megahertz
MIK square mile
MIL thousand
MIN minute
MIO million
MIU million international unit
MK milligram per square inch
MLD milliard
MLT millilitre
MMK square millimetre
MMQ cubic millimetre
MMT millimetre
MON month
MPA megapascal
MQ thousand metre
MQH cubic metre per hour
MQS cubic metre per second
MSK metre per second squared
MT mat
MTK square metre
MTQ cubic metre
MTR metre
MTS metre per second
MV number of mults
MVA megavolt - ampere
MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h)
N1 pen calorie
N2 number of lines
N3 print point
NA milligram per kilogram
NAR number of articles
NB barge
NBB number of bobbins
NC car
NCL number of cells
ND net barrel
NE net litre
NEW newton
NF message
NG net gallon (us)
NH message hour
NI net imperial gallon
NIU number of international units
NJ number of screens
NL load
NMI nautical mile
NMP number of packs
NN train
NPL number of parcels
NPR number of pairs
NPT number of parts
NQ mho
NR micromho
NRL number of rolls
NT net ton
NTT net register ton
NU newton metre
NV vehicle
NX part per thousand
NY pound per air dry metric ton
OA panel
OHM ohm
ON ounce per square yard
ONZ ounce
OP two pack
OT overtime hour
OZ ounce av
OZA fluid ounce (US)
OZI fluid ounce (UK)
P0 page - electronic
P1 percent
P2 pound per foot
P3 three pack
P4 four pack
P5 five pack
P6 six pack
P7 seven pack
P8 eight pack
P9 nine pack
PA packet
PAL pascal
PB pair inch
PD pad
PE pound equivalent
PF pallet (lift)
PG plate
PGL proof gallon
PI pitch
PK package
PL pail
PM pound percentage
PN pound net
PO pound per inch of length
PQ page per inch
PR pair
PS pound-force per square inch
PT pint (US)
PTD dry pint (US)
PTI pint (UK)
PTL liquid pint (US)
PU tray / tray pack
PV half pint (US)
PW pound per inch of width
PY peck dry (US)
PZ peck dry (UK)
Q3 meal
QA page - facsimile
QAN quarter (of a year)
QB page - hardcopy
QD quarter dozen
QH quarter hour
QK quarter kilogram
QR quire
QT quart (US)
QTD dry quart (US)
QTI quart (UK)
QTL liquid quart (US)
QTR quarter (UK)
R1 pica
R4 calorie
R9 thousand cubic metre
RA rack
RD rod
RG ring
RH running or operating hour
RK roll metric measure
RL reel
RM ream
RN ream metric measure
RO roll
RP pound per ream
RPM revolutions per minute
RPS revolutions per second
RS reset
RT revenue ton mile
RU run
S3 square foot per second
S4 square metre per second
S5 sixty fourths of an inch
S6 session
S7 storage unit
S8 standard advertising unit
SA sack
SAN half year (6 months)
SCO score
SCR scruple
SD solid pound
SE section
SEC second
SET set
SG segment
SHT shipping ton
SIE siemens
SK split tanktruck
SL slipsheet
SMI mile (statute mile)
SN square rod
SO spool
SP shelf package
SQ square
SR strip
SS sheet metric measure
SST short standard (7200 matches)
ST sheet
STI stone (UK)
STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US)
SV skid
SW skein
SX shipment
T0 telecommunication line in service
T1 thousand pound gross
T3 thousand piece
T4 thousand bag
T5 thousand casing
T6 thousand gallon (US)
T7 thousand impression
T8 thousand linear inch
TA tenth cubic foot
TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
TC truckload
TD therm
TE tote
TF ten square yard
TI thousand square inch
TJ thousand square centimetre
TK tank, rectangular
TL thousand feet (linear)
TN tin
TNE tonne (metric ton)
TP ten pack
TPR ten pair
TQ thousand feet
TQD thousand cubic metre per day
TR ten square feet
TRL trillion (EUR)
TS thousand square feet
TSD tonne of substance 90 % dry
TSH ton of steam per hour
TT thousand linear metre
TU tube
TV thousand kilogram
TW thousand sheet
TY tank, cylindrical
U1 treatment
U2 tablet
UA torr
UB telecommunication line in service average
UC telecommunication port
UD tenth minute
UE tenth hour
UF usage per telecommunication line average
UH ten thousand yard
UM million unit
VA volt ampere per kilogram
VI vial
VLT volt
VQ bulk
VS visit
W2 wet kilo
W4 two week
WA watt per kilogram
WB wet pound
WCD cord
WE wet ton
WEB weber
WEE week
WG wine gallon
WH wheel
WHR watt hour
WI weight per square inch
WM working month
WR wrap
WSD standard
WTT watt
WW millilitre of water
X1 chain
YDK square yard
YDQ cubic yard
YL hundred linear yard
YRD yard
YT ten yard
Z1 lift van
Z2 chest
Z3 cask
Z4 hogshead
Z5 lug
Z6 conference point
Z8 newspage agate line
ZP page
ZZ mutually defined

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/UnitOfMeasureCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Unit Of Measure Code
LongName (Identifier="listID")=UN/ECE rec 20
AlternateFormatLocationUri (MimeType="application/vnd.ms-excel")=http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/cefact/recommendations/rec20/rec20_Rev8e_2012.xls
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=6
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
X 05 lift 3.9
X 06 small spray 3.9
X 08 heat lot 3.9
10 group A unit of count defining the number of groups (group: set of items classified together). 3.9
11 outfit A unit of count defining the number of outfits (outfit: a complete set of equipment / materials / objects used for a specific purpose). 3.9
13 ration A unit of count defining the number of rations (ration: a single portion of provisions). 3.9
14 shot A unit of liquid measure, especially related to spirits. 3.9
15 stick, military A unit of count defining the number of military sticks (military stick: bombs or paratroops released in rapid succession from an aircraft). 3.9
X 16 hundred fifteen kg drum 3.3
X 17 hundred lb drum 3.3
X 18 fiftyfive gallon (US) drum 3.3
X 19 tank truck 3.4
20 twenty foot container A unit of count defining the number of shipping containers that measure 20 foot in length. 3.4
21 forty foot container A unit of count defining the number of shipping containers that measure 40 foot in length. 3.4
22 decilitre per gram 1M dl/g 10?¹ x m³/kg
23 gram per cubic centimetre 1S g/cm³ 10³ kg/m³
24 theoretical pound A unit of mass defining the expected mass of material expressed as the number of pounds. 3.1
25 gram per square centimetre 1M g/cm² 10 kg/m²
X 26 actual ton 3.1
27 theoretical ton A unit of mass defining the expected mass of material, expressed as the number of tons. 3.1
28 kilogram per square metre 1 kg/m² kg/m²
X 29 pound per thousand square foot 3.8 lb/kft²
X 30 horse power day per air dry metric ton 3.5
X 31 catch weight 3.9
X 32 kilogram per air dry metric ton 3.5
33 kilopascal square metre per gram 1M kPa·m²/g 10? m/s²
34 kilopascal per millimetre 1M kPa/mm 10? kg/(m² x s²)
35 millilitre per square centimetre second 1M ml/(cm²·s) 10?² m/s
X 36 cubic foot per minute per square foot Conversion factor required 1M ft³/(min/ft²)
37 ounce per square foot 2 oz/ft² 0,305 151 7 kg/m²
38 ounce per square foot per 0,01inch 3.9 oz/(ft²/cin)
40 millilitre per second 1M ml/s 10?? m³/s
41 millilitre per minute 1M ml/min 1,666 67 x 10?? m³/s
X 43 super bulk bag Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X 44 fivehundred kg bulk bag 3.3
X 45 threehundred kg bulk bag 3.3
X 46 fifty lb bulk bag 3.3
X 47 fifty lb bag 3.3
X 48 bulk car load 3.4
X 53 theoretical kilogram 3.1
X 54 theoretical tonne 3.1
56 sitas A unit of area for tin plate equal to a surface area of 100 square metres. 3.9
57 mesh A unit of count defining the number of strands per inch as a measure of the fineness of a woven product. 3.9
58 net kilogram A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms after deductions. 3.1
59 part per million A unit of proportion equal to 10??. 3.7 ppm 1 x 10??
60 percent weight A unit of proportion equal to 10?². 3.7 1 x 10?²
61 part per billion (US) A unit of proportion equal to 10??. 3.7 ppb 1 x 10??
X 62 percent per 1000 hour 3.7
X 63 failure rate in time 3.9
D 64 pound per square inch, gauge 3.1 7,030 696 x 10² kg/m²
D 66 oersted 3.5 Oe 7,957 747 x 10 A/m
X 69 test specific scale 3.9
X 71 volt ampere per pound 3.9
X 72 watt per pound 3.9
X 73 ampere tum per centimetre 3.9
74 millipascal 1S mPa 10?³ Pa
D 76 gauss 3.5 Gs 10?? T
77 milli-inch 2 mil 25,4 x 10?? m
D 78 kilogauss 3.5 kGs 10?¹ T
80 pound per square inch absolute 2 lb/in² 7,030 696 x 10² kg/m²
81 henry 1 H H
D 84 kilopound-force per square inch A unit of pressure defining the number of kilopounds force per square inch. Use kip per square inch (common code N20). 2 klbf/in² 6,894 757 x 10? Pa
85 foot pound-force 2 ft·lbf 1,355 818 J
87 pound per cubic foot 2 lb/ft³ 1,601 846 x 10¹ kg/m³
89 poise 2 P 0,1 Pa x s
X 90 Saybold universal second 3.9
91 stokes 2 St 10?? m²/s
X 92 calorie per cubic centimetre 3.9
X 93 calorie per gram Use International Table (IT) calorie per gram (common code D75). 3.5 cal/g 4,186 8 x 10³ J/kg
X 94 curl unit 3.9
X 95 twenty thousand gallon (US) tankcar 3.4
X 96 ten thousand gallon (US) tankcar 3.4
X 97 ten kg drum 3.3
X 98 fifteen kg drum 3.3
X 1A car mile 3.5
X 1B car count 3.5
X 1C locomotive count 3.5
X 1D caboose count 3.5
X 1E empty car 3.5
X 1F train mile 3.5
X 1G fuel usage gallon (US) 3.5
X 1H caboose mile 3.5
1I fixed rate A unit of quantity expressed as a predetermined or set rate for usage of a facility or service. 3.9
X 1J ton mile 3.5
X 1K locomotive mile 3.5
X 1L total car count 3.5
X 1M total car mile 3.5
X 1X quarter mile 3.8
2A radian per second Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide 1 rad/s rad/s
2B radian per second squared Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide 1 rad/s² rad/s²
2C roentgen 2 R 2,58 x 10?? C/kg
2G volt AC A unit of electric potential in relation to alternating current (AC). 3.1 V V
2H volt DC A unit of electric potential in relation to direct current (DC). 3.1 V V
2I British thermal unit (international table) per hour 2 BtuIT/h 2,930 711x 10?¹ W
2J cubic centimetre per second 1S cm³/s 10?? m³/s
2K cubic foot per hour 2 ft³/h 7,865 79 x 10?? m³/s
2L cubic foot per minute 2 ft³/min 4,719 474 x 10?? m³/s
2M centimetre per second 1S cm/s 10?² m/s
2N decibel 1 dB 0,115 129 3 Np
2P kilobyte A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bytes. 3.6 kbyte
2Q kilobecquerel 1S kBq 10³ Bq
2R kilocurie 2S kCi 3,7 x 10¹³ Bq
2U megagram 1S Mg 10³ kg
X 2V megagram per hour 3.8 Mg/h
X 2W bin Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
2X metre per minute 1M m/min 0,016 666 m/s
2Y milliroentgen 2 mR 2,58 x 10?? C/kg
2Z millivolt 1S mV 10?³ V
3B megajoule 1S MJ 10? J
3C manmonth A unit of count defining the number of months for a person or persons to perform an undertaking. 3.9
X 3E pound per pound of product 3.9
X 3G pound per piece of product 3.9
X 3H kilogram per kilogram of product 3.9
X 3I kilogram per piece of product 3.9
X 4A bobbin Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X 4B cap 3.9
4C centistokes 2 cSt 10?? m²/s
X 4E twenty pack 3.2
4G microlitre 1M µl 10?? m³
4H micrometre (micron) 1S µm 10?? m
4K milliampere 1S mA 10?³ A
4L megabyte A unit of information equal to 10? (1000000) bytes. 3.6 Mbyte
4M milligram per hour 1M mg/h 2,777 78 x 10?¹? kg/s
4N megabecquerel 1S MBq 10? Bq
4O microfarad 1S µF 10?? F
4P newton per metre 1 N/m N/m
4Q ounce inch 2 oz·in 7,200 778 x 10?? kg x m
4R ounce foot 2 oz·ft 8,640 934 x 10?³ kg x m
4T picofarad 1S pF 10?¹² F
4U pound per hour 2 lb/h 1,259 979 x 10?? kg/s
4W ton (US) per hour 2 ton (US) /h 2,519 958 x 10?¹ kg/s
4X kilolitre per hour 1M kl/h 2,777 78 x 10?? m³/s
5A barrel (US) per minute 2 barrel (US)/min 2,649 79 x 10?³ m³/s
5B batch A unit of count defining the number of batches (batch: quantity of material produced in one operation or number of animals or persons coming at once). 3.9
X 5C gallon(US) per thousand 3.9
5E MMSCF/day A unit of volume equal to one million (1000000) cubic feet of gas per day. 3.9
X 5F pound per thousand 3.9
X 5G pump 3.9
X 5H stage 3.9
X 5I standard cubic foot Use standard (common code WSD) 2 std 4,672 m³
5J hydraulic horse power A unit of power defining the hydraulic horse power delivered by a fluid pump depending on the viscosity of the fluid. 3.5
X 5K count per minute 3.9
X 5P seismic level 3.9
X 5Q seismic line 3.9
D A1 15 °C calorie 2 cal?? 4,188 46 J
A10 ampere square metre per joule second 1 A·m²/(J·s) (A x s)/kg
A11 angstrom 1 Å 10?¹? m
A12 astronomical unit 1 ua 1,495 978 70 x 10¹¹ m
A13 attojoule 1S aJ 10?¹? J
A14 barn 1 b 10?²? m²
A15 barn per electronvolt 1 b/eV 6,241 51 x 10?¹? m²/J
A16 barn per steradian electronvolt 1 b/(sr·eV) 6,241 51 x 10?¹? m²/(sr xJ)
A17 barn per steradian 1 b/sr 1 x 10?²? m²/sr
A18 becquerel per kilogram 1 Bq/kg 27,027 x 10?¹² Ci/kg
A19 becquerel per cubic metre 1 Bq/m³ Bq/m³
A2 ampere per centimetre 1S A/cm 10² A/m
A20 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Rankine 2 BtuIT/(s·ft²·°R) 20 441,7 W/(m² x K)
A21 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Rankine 2 BtuIT/(lb·°R) 4 186,8 J/(kg x K)
A22 British thermal unit (international table) per second foot degree Rankine 2 BtuIT/(s·ft·°R) 6 230,64 W/(m x K)
A23 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Rankine 2 BtuIT/(h·ft²·°R) 5,678 26 W/ (m² x K)
A24 candela per square metre 1 cd/m² cd/m²
D A25 cheval vapeur Synonym: metric horse power 2 CV 7,354 988 x 10² W
A26 coulomb metre 1 C·m A x s x m
A27 coulomb metre squared per volt 1 C·m²/V A² x s?/kg
A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre 1S C/cm³ 10? C/m³
A29 coulomb per cubic metre 1 C/m³ C/m³
A3 ampere per millimetre 1S A/mm 10³ A/m
A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre 1S C/mm³ 10? C/m³
A31 coulomb per kilogram second 1 C/(kg·s) A/kg
A32 coulomb per mole 1 C/mol A x s/mol
A33 coulomb per square centimetre 1S C/cm² 10? C/m²
A34 coulomb per square metre 1 C/m² C/m²
A35 coulomb per square millimetre 1S C/mm² 10? C/m²
A36 cubic centimetre per mole 1S cm³/mol 10?? m³/mol
A37 cubic decimetre per mole 1S dm³/mol 10?³ m³/mol
A38 cubic metre per coulomb 1 m³/C m³/A x s
A39 cubic metre per kilogram 1 m³/kg m³/kg
A4 ampere per square centimetre 1S A/cm² 10? A/m²
A40 cubic metre per mole 1 m³/mol m³/mol
A41 ampere per square metre 1 A/m² A/m²
A42 curie per kilogram 2 Ci/kg 3,7 x 10¹? Bq/kg
A43 deadweight tonnage A unit of mass defining the difference between the weight of a ship when completely empty and its weight when completely loaded, expressed as the number of tons. 3.4 dwt
A44 decalitre 1M dal 10?² m³
A45 decametre 1M dam 10 m
A47 decitex A unit of yarn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 10 kilometres of length. 3.5 dtex (g/10km)
A48 degree Rankine Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics) 2 °R 5/9 x K
A49 denier A unit of yarn density. One denier equals a mass of 1 gram per 9 kilometres of length. 3.5 den (g/9 km)
A5 ampere square metre 1 A·m² A x m²
D A50 dyne second per cubic centimetre 2 dyn·s/cm³ 10 Pa x s/m
D A51 dyne second per centimetre 2 dyn·s/cm 10?³ N x s/m
D A52 dyne second per centimetre to the fifth power 2 dyn·s/cm? 10? Pa x s/m³
A53 electronvolt 1 eV 1,602 176 487 x 10?¹? J
A54 electronvolt per metre 1 eV/m 1,602 176 487 x 10?¹? J/m
A55 electronvolt square metre 1 eV·m² 1,602 176 487 x 10?¹? J x m²
A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram 1 eV·m²/kg 1,602 176 487 x 10?¹? J x m²/kg
D A57 erg 2 erg 10??J
D A58 erg per centimetre 2 erg/cm 10?? J/m
A59 8-part cloud cover A unit of count defining the number of eighth-parts as a measure of the celestial dome cloud coverage. Synonym: OKTA , OCTA 3.9
A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared 1 A/(m²·K²) A/(m² x K²)
D A60 erg per cubic centimetre 2 erg/cm³ 10?¹ J/m³
D A61 erg per gram 2 erg/g 10?? J/kg
D A62 erg per gram second 2 erg/g·s 10?? W/kg
D A63 erg per second 2 erg/s 10?? W
D A64 erg per second square centimetre 2 erg/(s·cm²) 10?³ W/m²
D A65 erg per square centimetre second 2 erg/(cm²·s) 10?³ W/m²
D A66 erg square centimetre 2 erg·cm² 10?¹¹ J x m²
D A67 erg square centimetre per gram 2 erg·cm²/g 10?? J x m²/kg
A68 exajoule 1S EJ 10¹? J
A69 farad per metre 1 F/m kg?¹ x m?³ x s? x A²
A7 ampere per square millimetre 1S A/mm² 10? A/m²
A70 femtojoule 1S fJ 10?¹? J
A71 femtometre 1S fm 10?¹? m
A73 foot per second squared 2 ft/s² 0,304 8 m/s²
A74 foot pound-force per second 2 ft·lbf/s 1,355 818 W
A75 freight ton A unit of information typically used for billing purposes, defined as either the number of metric tons or the number of cubic metres, whichever is the larger. 3.4
A76 gal 1S Gal 10?² m/s²
D A77 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of displacement 3.5
D A78 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of electric current 3.5
D A79 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of electric charge 3.5
A8 ampere second 1 A·s C
D A80 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of electric field strength 3.5
D A81 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of electric polarization 3.5
D A82 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of electric potential 3.5
D A83 Gaussian CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of magnetization 3.5
A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre 1S GC/m³ 10? C/m³
A85 gigaelectronvolt 1S GeV 10? eV
A86 gigahertz 1S GHz 10? Hz
A87 gigaohm 1S G? 10? ?
A88 gigaohm metre 1S G?·m 10? ? x m
A89 gigapascal 1S GPa 10? Pa
A9 rate A unit of quantity expressed as a rate for usage of a facility or service. 3.9
A90 gigawatt 1S GW 10? W
A91 gon Synonym: grade 2 gon 1,570 796 x 10?² rad
A93 gram per cubic metre 1M g/m³ 10?³ kg/m³
A94 gram per mole 1S g/mol 10?³ kg/mol
A95 gray 1 Gy m²/s²
A96 gray per second 1 Gy/s m²/s³
A97 hectopascal 1S hPa 10² Pa
A98 henry per metre 1 H/m H/m
A99 bit A unit of information equal to one binary digit. 3.6 bit
AA ball A unit of count defining the number of balls (ball: object formed in the shape of sphere). 3.9
AB bulk pack A unit of count defining the number of items per bulk pack. 3.9 pk
ACR acre 2 acre 4 046,873 m²
ACT activity A unit of count defining the number of activities (activity: a unit of work or action). 3.2
AD byte A unit of information equal to 8 bits. 3.6 byte
AE ampere per metre 1 A/m A/m
AH additional minute A unit of time defining the number of minutes in addition to the referenced minutes. 3.5
AI average minute per call A unit of count defining the number of minutes for the average interval of a call. 3.5
X AJ cop 3.9
AK fathom 2 fth 1,828 8 m
AL access line A unit of count defining the number of telephone access lines. 3.5
X AM ampoule Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
AMH ampere hour A unit of electric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one hour. 1M A·h 3,6 x 10³ C
AMP ampere 1 A A
ANN year Unit of time equal to 365,25 days. Synonym: Julian year 2 y 3,155 76 x 10? s
X AP aluminium pound only 3.1
APZ troy ounce or apothecary ounce 2 tr oz 3,110 348 x 10?³ kg
AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit A unit of measure for blood potency (US). 3.9
X AR suppository 3.3
D ARE are Synonym: square decametre 2 a 10² m²
AS assortment A unit of count defining the number of assortments (assortment: set of items grouped in a mixed collection). 3.9
ASM alcoholic strength by mass A unit of mass defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid. 3.5
ASU alcoholic strength by volume A unit of volume defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid (e.g. spirit, wine, beer, etc), often at a specific temperature. 3.5
ATM standard atmosphere 1 atm 1 013 25 Pa
D ATT technical atmosphere 2 at 98 066,5 Pa
X AV capsule Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X AW powder filled vial 3.3
AY assembly A unit of count defining the number of assemblies (assembly: items that consist of component parts). 3.9
AZ British thermal unit (international table) per pound 2 BtuIT/lb 2 326 J/kg
X B0 Btu per cubic foot 3.9 BTU/ft³
B1 barrel (US) per day 3.5 barrel (US)/d 1,840 13 x 10?? m³/s
B10 bit per second A unit of information equal to one binary digit per second. 3.6 bit/s
B11 joule per kilogram kelvin 1 J/(kg·K) J/(kg x K)
B12 joule per metre 1 J/m J/m
B13 joule per square metre Synonym: joule per metre squared 1 J/m² J/m²
B14 joule per metre to the fourth power 1 J/m? J/m?
B15 joule per mole 1 J/mol J/mol
B16 joule per mole kelvin 1 J/(mol·K) J/(mol x K)
B17 credit A unit of count defining the number of entries made to the credit side of an account. 3.9
B18 joule second 1 J·s J x s
B19 digit A unit of information defining the quantity of numerals used to form a number. 3.7
X B2 bunk 3.9
B20 joule square metre per kilogram 1 J·m²/kg J x m²/kg
B21 kelvin per watt 1 K/W K/W
B22 kiloampere 1S kA 10³ A
B23 kiloampere per square metre 1S kA/m² 10³ A/m²
B24 kiloampere per metre 1S kA/m 10³ A/m
B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram 1S kBq/kg 10³ Bq/kg
B26 kilocoulomb 1S kC 10³ C
B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre 1S kC/m³ 10³ C/m³
B28 kilocoulomb per square metre 1S kC/m² 10³ C/m²
B29 kiloelectronvolt 1S keV 10³ eV
B3 batting pound A unit of mass defining the number of pounds of wadded fibre. 3.1
B30 gibibit A unit of information equal to 2³? bits (binary digits). 3.6 Gibit
B31 kilogram metre per second 1 kg·m/s kg x m/s
B32 kilogram metre squared 1 kg·m² kg x m²
B33 kilogram metre squared per second 1 kg·m²/s kg x m²/s
B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre 1S kg/dm³ 10³ kg/m³
B35 kilogram per litre 1S kg/l or kg/L 10³ kg/m³
D B36 calorie (thermochemical) per gram 2 calth/g 4 184 J/kg
D B37 kilogram-force 2 kgf 9,806 65 N
D B38 kilogram-force metre 2 kgf·m 9,806 65 N x m
D B39 kilogram-force metre per second 2 kgf·m/s 9,806 65 W
B4 barrel, imperial A unit of volume used to measure beer. One beer barrel equals 36 imperial gallons. 3.5
D B40 kilogram-force per square metre 2 kgf/m² 9,806 65 Pa
B41 kilojoule per kelvin 1S kJ/K 10³ J/K
B42 kilojoule per kilogram 1S kJ/kg 10³ J/kg
B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin 1S kJ/(kg·K) 10³ J/(kg x K)
B44 kilojoule per mole 1S kJ/mol 10³ J/mol
B45 kilomole 1S kmol 10³ mol
B46 kilomole per cubic metre 1S kmol/m³ 10³ mol/m³
B47 kilonewton 1S kN 10³ N
B48 kilonewton metre 1S kN·m 10³ N x m
B49 kiloohm 1S k? 10³ ?
X B5 billet 3.9
B50 kiloohm metre 1S k?·m 10³ ? x m
D B51 kilopond Synonym: kilogram-force 2 kp 9,806 65 N
B52 kilosecond 1S ks 10³ s
B53 kilosiemens 1S kS 10³ S
B54 kilosiemens per metre 1S kS/m 10³ S/m
B55 kilovolt per metre 1S kV/m 10³ V/m
B56 kiloweber per metre 1S kWb/m 10³ Wb/m
B57 light year A unit of length defining the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year. 2 ly 9,460 73 x 10¹? m
B58 litre per mole 1M l/mol 10?³ m³/mol
B59 lumen hour 1S lm·h 3,6 x 10³ s x cd x sr
X B6 bun 3.9
B60 lumen per square metre 1 lm/m² cd x sr/m²
B61 lumen per watt 1 lm/W cd x sr/W
B62 lumen second 1 lm·s s x cd x sr
B63 lux hour 1S lx·h 3,6 x 10³ s x cd x sr / m²
B64 lux second 1 lx·s s x cd x sr / m²
D B65 maxwell 3.5 Mx 10?? Wb
B66 megaampere per square metre 1S MA/m² 10? A/m²
B67 megabecquerel per kilogram 1S MBq/kg 10? Bq/kg
B68 gigabit A unit of information equal to 10? bits (binary digits). 3.6 Gbit
B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre 1S MC/m³ 10? C/m³
B7 cycle A unit of count defining the number of cycles (cycle: a recurrent period of definite duration). 3.9
B70 megacoulomb per square metre 1S MC/m² 10? C/m²
B71 megaelectronvolt 1S MeV 10? eV
B72 megagram per cubic metre 1S Mg/m³ 10³ kg/m³
B73 meganewton 1S MN 10? N
B74 meganewton metre 1S MN·m 10? N x m
B75 megaohm 1S M? 10? ?
B76 megaohm metre 1S M?·m 10? ? x m
B77 megasiemens per metre 1S MS/m 10? S/m
B78 megavolt 1S MV 10? V
B79 megavolt per metre 1S MV/m 10? V/m
B8 joule per cubic metre 1 J/m³ J/m³
B80 gigabit per second A unit of information equal to 10? bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 Gbit/s
B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second 1 m?²/s m?²/s
B82 inch per linear foot A unit of length defining the number of inches per linear foot. 3.1
B83 metre to the fourth power 1 m? m?
B84 microampere 1S µA 10?? A
B85 microbar 1S µbar 10?¹ Pa
B86 microcoulomb 1S µC 10?? C
B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre 1S µC/m³ 10?? C/m³
B88 microcoulomb per square metre 1S µC/m² 10?? C/m²
B89 microfarad per metre 1S µF/m 10?? F/m
X B9 batt 3.9
B90 microhenry 1S µH 10?? H
B91 microhenry per metre 1S µH/m 10?? H/m
B92 micronewton 1S µN 10?? N
B93 micronewton metre 1S µN·m 10?? N x m
B94 microohm 1S µ? 10?? ?
B95 microohm metre 1S µ?·m 10?? ? x m
B96 micropascal 1S µPa 10?? Pa
B97 microradian 1S µrad 10?? rad
B98 microsecond 1S µs 10?? s
B99 microsiemens 1S µS 10?? S
BAR bar [unit of pressure] 1 bar 10? Pa
BB base box A unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches. 3.5
X BD board Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BE bundle Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
BFT board foot A unit of volume defining the number of cords (cord: a stack of firewood of 128 cubic feet). 3.5 fbm
X BG bag Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BH brush 3.9
BHP brake horse power 2 BHP 7,457 x 10² W
BIL billion (EUR) Synonym: trillion (US) 3.7 10¹²
X BJ bucket Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BK basket Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BL bale Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
BLD dry barrel (US) 2 bbl (US) 1,156 27 x 10?¹ m³
BLL barrel (US) 2 barrel (US) 158,987 3 x 10?³ m³
X BO bottle Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
BP hundred board foot A unit of volume equal to one hundred board foot. 3.5
BQL becquerel 1 Bq 27,027 x 10?¹² Ci
X BR bar [unit of packaging] Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BT bolt Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
BTU British thermal unit (international table) 2 BtuIT 1,055 056 x 10³ J
BUA bushel (US) 2 bu (US) 3,523 907 x 10?² m³
BUI bushel (UK) 2 bushel (UK) 3,636 872 x 10?² m³
X BW base weight 3.9
X BX box Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X BZ million BTUs 3.8
C0 call A unit of count defining the number of calls (call: communication session or visitation). 3.5
X C1 composite product pound (total weight) 3.9
C10 millifarad 1S mF 10?³ F
C11 milligal 1M mGal 10?? m/s²
C12 milligram per metre 1S mg/m 10?? kg/m
C13 milligray 1S mGy 10?³ Gy
C14 millihenry 1S mH 10?³ H
C15 millijoule 1S mJ 10?³ J
C16 millimetre per second 1S mm/s 10?³ m/s
C17 millimetre squared per second 1S mm²/s 10?? m²/s
C18 millimole 1S mmol 10?³ mol
C19 mole per kilogram 1 mol/kg mol/kg
X C2 carset 3.5
C20 millinewton 1S mN 10?³ N
C21 kibibit A unit of information equal to 2¹? (1024) bits (binary digits). 3.6 Kibit
C22 millinewton per metre 1S mN/m 10?³ N/m
C23 milliohm metre 1S m?·m 10?³ ? x m
C24 millipascal second 1S mPa·s 10?³ Pa x s
C25 milliradian 1S mrad 10?³ rad
C26 millisecond 1S ms 10?³ s
C27 millisiemens 1S mS 10?³ S
C28 millisievert 1S mSv 10?³ Sv
C29 millitesla 1S mT 10?³ T
C3 microvolt per metre 1S µV/m 10?? V/m
C30 millivolt per metre 1S mV/m 10?³ V/m
C31 milliwatt 1S mW 10?³ W
C32 milliwatt per square metre 1S mW/m² 10?³ W/m²
C33 milliweber 1S mWb 10?³ Wb
C34 mole 1 mol mol
C35 mole per cubic decimetre 1S mol/dm³ 10³ mol/m³
C36 mole per cubic metre 1 mol/m³ mol/m³
C37 kilobit A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits). 3.6 kbit
C38 mole per litre 1 mol/l 10³ mol/m³
C39 nanoampere 1S nA 10?? A
X C4 carload 3.5
C40 nanocoulomb 1S nC 10?? C
C41 nanofarad 1S nF 10?? F
C42 nanofarad per metre 1S nF/m 10?? F/m
C43 nanohenry 1S nH 10?? H
C44 nanohenry per metre 1S nH/m 10?? H/m
C45 nanometre 1S nm 10?? m
C46 nanoohm metre 1S n?·m 10?? ?·x m
C47 nanosecond 1S ns 10?? s
C48 nanotesla 1S nT 10?? T
C49 nanowatt 1S nW 10?? W
X C5 cost 3.9
C50 neper 1 Np Np
C51 neper per second 1 Np/s Np/s
C52 picometre 1S pm 10?¹² m
C53 newton metre second 1 N·m·s N x m x s
C54 newton metre squared per kilogram squared 1 N·m²/kg² N x m²/kg²
C55 newton per square metre 1S N/m² Pa
C56 newton per square millimetre 1S N/mm² 10? Pa
C57 newton second 1 N·s N x s
C58 newton second per metre 1 N·s/m N x s/m
C59 octave A unit used in music to describe the ratio in frequency between notes. 1
X C6 cell 3.9
C60 ohm centimetre 1S ?·cm 10?² ? x m
C61 ohm metre 1 ?·m ? x m
C62 one Synonym: unit 1 1 1
C63 parsec 1 pc 3,085 678 x 10¹? m
C64 pascal per kelvin 1 Pa/K Pa/K
C65 pascal second 1 Pa·s Pa x s
C66 pascal second per cubic metre 1 Pa·s/m³ Pa x s/m³
C67 pascal second per metre 1 Pa· s/m Pa x s/m
C68 petajoule 1S PJ 10¹? J
C69 phon A unit of subjective sound loudness. A sound has loudness p phons if it seems to the listener to be equal in loudness to the sound of a pure tone of frequency 1 kilohertz and strength p decibels. 1
C7 centipoise 2 cP 10?³ Pa x s
C70 picoampere 1S pA 10?¹² A
C71 picocoulomb 1S pC 10?¹² C
C72 picofarad per metre 1S pF/m 10?¹² F/m
C73 picohenry 1S pH 10?¹² H
C74 kilobit per second A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 kbit/s 10³ bit/s
C75 picowatt 1S pW 10?¹² W
C76 picowatt per square metre 1S pW/m² 10?¹² W/m²
X C77 pound gage 3.1
C78 pound-force 2 lbf 4,448 222 N
C79 kilovolt ampere hour A unit of accumulated energy of 1000 volt amperes over a period of one hour. 3.1 kVAh
C8 millicoulomb per kilogram 1S mC/kg 10?³ C/kg
C80 rad 2 rad 10?² Gy
C81 radian 1 rad rad
C82 radian square metre per mole 1 rad·m²/mol rad x m²/mol
C83 radian square metre per kilogram 1 rad·m²/kg rad x m²/kg
C84 radian per metre 1 rad/m rad/m
C85 reciprocal angstrom 1 Å?¹ 10¹? m?¹
C86 reciprocal cubic metre 1 m?³ m?³
C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second Synonym: reciprocal second per cubic metre 1 m?³/s m?³/s
C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre 1 eV?¹/m³ 6,241 46 x 10¹? J?¹/m³
C89 reciprocal henry 1 H?¹ H?¹
C9 coil group A unit of count defining the number of coil groups (coil group: groups of items arranged by lengths of those items placed in a joined sequence of concentric circles). 3.9
C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre 1 J?¹/m³ J?¹/m³
C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one 1 K?¹ K?¹
C92 reciprocal metre 1 m?¹ m?¹
C93 reciprocal square metre Synonym: reciprocal metre squared 1 m?² m?²
C94 reciprocal minute 1S min?¹ 1,666 667 x 10?² s
C95 reciprocal mole 1 mol?¹ mol?¹
C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one 1 Pa?¹ Pa?¹
C97 reciprocal second 1 s?¹ s?¹
X C98 reciprocal second per cubic metre 1 s?¹/m³ s?¹/m³
C99 reciprocal second per metre squared 1 s?¹/m² s?¹/m²
X CA can Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
CCT carrying capacity in metric ton A unit of mass defining the carrying capacity, expressed as the number of metric tons. 3.4
CDL candela 1 cd cd
CEL degree Celsius Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics) 1 °C 1 x K
CEN hundred A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 100. 3.7 100
CG card A unit of count defining the number of units of card (card: thick stiff paper or cardboard). 3.9
CGM centigram 1M cg 10?? kg
X CH container Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.4
X CJ cone Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.9
X CK connector 3.9
CKG coulomb per kilogram 1 C/kg A x s/kg
X CL coil Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
CLF hundred leave A unit of count defining the number of leaves, expressed in units of one hundred leaves. 3.8
CLT centilitre 1S cl 10?? m³
CMK square centimetre 1S cm² 10?? m²
CMQ cubic centimetre 1S cm³ 10?? m³
CMT centimetre 1S 3.5 cm 10?² m
CNP hundred pack A unit of count defining the number of hundred-packs (hundred-pack: set of one hundred items packaged together). 3.2 3.8
CNT cental (UK) A unit of mass equal to one hundred weight (US). 3.5 45,359 237 kg
X CO carboy Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
COU coulomb 1 C A x s
X CQ cartridge Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.9
X CR crate Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X CS case Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X CT carton Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
CTG content gram A unit of mass defining the number of grams of a named item in a product. 3.1
CTM metric carat 3.5 200 mg
CTN content ton (metric) A unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a named item in a product. 3.1
X CU cup Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
CUR curie 2 Ci 3,7 x 10¹? Bq
X CV cover Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
CWA hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US) 2 cwt (US) 45,359 2 kg
CWI hundred weight (UK) 2 cwt (UK) 50,802 35 kg
X CY cylinder Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X CZ combo 3.9
D03 kilowatt hour per hour A unit of accumulated energy of a thousand watts over a period of one hour. 3.1 kW·h/h
D04 lot [unit of weight] A unit of weight equal to about 1/2 ounce or 15 grams. 3.2
D1 reciprocal second per steradian 1 s?¹/sr s?¹/sr
D10 siemens per metre 1 S/m S/m
D11 mebibit A unit of information equal to 2²? (1048576) bits (binary digits). 3.6 Mibit
D12 siemens square metre per mole 1 S·m²/mol S x m²/mol
D13 sievert 1 Sv m²/s²
X D14 thousand linear yard 3.8
D15 sone A unit of subjective sound loudness. One sone is the loudness of a pure tone of frequency one kilohertz and strength 40 decibels. 1
D16 square centimetre per erg 2 cm²/erg 10³ m²/J
D17 square centimetre per steradian erg 2 cm²/(sr·erg) 10³ m²/(sr x J)
D18 metre kelvin 1 m·K m x K
D19 square metre kelvin per watt 1 m²·K/W m² x K/W
D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared 1 s?¹/(sr·m²) s?¹/(sr x m²)
D20 square metre per joule 1 m²/J m²/J
D21 square metre per kilogram 1 m²/kg m²/kg
D22 square metre per mole 1 m²/mol m²/mol
D23 pen gram (protein) A unit of count defining the number of grams of amino acid prescribed for parenteral/enteral therapy. 3.9
D24 square metre per steradian 1 m²/sr m²/sr
D25 square metre per steradian joule 1 m²/(sr·J) m²/(sr x J)
D26 square metre per volt second 1 m²/(V·s) m²/(V x s)
D27 steradian 1 sr sr
X D28 syphon 3.9
D29 terahertz 1S THz 10¹² Hz
D30 terajoule 1S TJ 10¹² J
D31 terawatt 1S TW 10¹² W
D32 terawatt hour 1S TW·h 3,6 x 10¹? J
D33 tesla 1 T T
D34 tex A unit of yarn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 1 kilometre of length. 3.5 tex (g/km) 10?? kg/m
D D35 calorie (thermochemical) 2 calth 4,184 J
D36 megabit A unit of information equal to 10? (1000000) bits (binary digits). 3.6 Mbit
D D37 calorie (thermochemical) per gram kelvin 2 calth/(g·K) 4,184 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
D D38 calorie (thermochemical) per second centimetre kelvin 2 calth/(s·cm·K) 418,4 W/(m x K)
D D39 calorie (thermochemical) per second square centimetre kelvin 2 calth/(s·cm²·K) 4,184 x10? W/(m² x K)
X D40 thousand litre 3.8
D41 tonne per cubic metre 1S t/m³ 10³ kg/m³
D42 tropical year 2 y (tropical) 3,155 692 5 x 10? s
D43 unified atomic mass unit 1 u 1,660 538 782 x 10?²? kg
D44 var The name of the unit is an acronym for volt-ampere-reactive. 1 var V x A
D45 volt squared per kelvin squared 1 V²/K² V²/K²
D46 volt - ampere 1 V·A W
D47 volt per centimetre 1S V/cm V/m x 10²
D48 volt per kelvin 1 V/K V/K
D49 millivolt per kelvin 1S mV/K 10?³ V/K
D5 kilogram per square centimetre 2 kg/cm² 10? kg/m²
D50 volt per metre 1 V/m V/m
D51 volt per millimetre 1S V/mm 10³ V/m
D52 watt per kelvin 1 W/K W/K
D53 watt per metre kelvin 1 W/(m·K) W/(m x K)
D54 watt per square metre 1 W/m² W/m²
D55 watt per square metre kelvin 1 W/(m²·K) W/(m² x K)
D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power 1 W/(m²·K?) W/(m² x K?)
D57 watt per steradian 1 W/sr W/sr
D58 watt per steradian square metre 1 W/(sr·m²) W/(sr x m²)
D59 weber per metre 1 Wb/m Wb/m
D6 roentgen per second 2 R/s 2,58 x 10?? C/(kg x s)
D60 weber per millimetre 1S Wb/mm 10³ Wb/m
D61 minute [unit of angle] 1 ' 2,908 882 x 10?? rad
D62 second [unit of angle] 1 " 4,848 137 x 10?? rad
D63 book A unit of count defining the number of books (book: set of items bound together or written document of a material whole). 3.9
X D64 block 3.9
D65 round A unit of count defining the number of rounds (round: A circular or cylindrical object). 3.9
X D66 cassette 3.9
X D67 dollar per hour 3.9
D68 number of words A unit of count defining the number of words. 3.7
D69 inch to the fourth power 2 in? 41,623 14 x 10?? m?
X D7 sandwich 3.9
D D70 calorie (international table) 2 calIT 4,186 8 J
D D71 calorie (international table) per second centimetre kelvin 2 calIT/(s·cm·K) 418,68 W/(m x K)
D D72 calorie (international table) per second square centimetre kelvin 2 calIT/(s·cm²·K) 4,186 8 x 10? W/(m² x K)
D73 joule square metre 1 J·m² J x m²
D74 kilogram per mole 1 kg/mol kg/mol
D D75 calorie (international table) per gram 2 calIT/g 4 186,8 J/kg
D D76 calorie (international table) per gram kelvin 2 calIT/(g·K) 4 186,8 J/(kg x K)
D77 megacoulomb 1S MC 10? C
D78 megajoule per second A unit of accumulated energy equal to one million joules per second. 3.1 MJ/s
X D79 beam 3.3
X D8 draize score 3.7
D80 microwatt 1S µW 10?? W
D81 microtesla 1S µT 10?? T
D82 microvolt 1S µV 10?? V
D83 millinewton metre 1S mN·m 10?³ N x m
D85 microwatt per square metre 1S µW/m² 10?? W/m²
D86 millicoulomb 1S mC 10?³ C
D87 millimole per kilogram 1S mmol/kg 10?³ mol/kg
D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre 1S mC/m³ 10?³ C/m³
D89 millicoulomb per square metre 1S mC/m² 10?³ C/m²
D D9 dyne per square centimetre 2 3.9 dyn/cm² 10?¹ Pa
X D90 cubic metre (net) 3.1
D91 rem 2 rem 10?² Sv
X D92 band 3.9
D93 second per cubic metre 1 s/m³ s/m³
D94 second per cubic metre radian 1 s/(rad·m³) s/(rad x m³)
D95 joule per gram 1S J/g J/(10?³ x kg)
X D96 pound gross 3.1
X D97 pallet/unit load Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.4
X D98 mass pound 3.1
X D99 sleeve 3.3
DAA decare 1M daa 10³ m²
DAD ten day A unit of time defining the number of days in multiples of 10. 3.2
DAY day 1 d 86 400 s
DB dry pound A unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
X DC disk (disc) 3.9
DD degree [unit of angle] 1 ° 1,745 329 x 10?² rad
X DE deal 3.9
DEC decade A unit of count defining the number of decades (decade: quantity equal to 10 or time equal to 10 years). 3.8
DG decigram 1M dg 10?? kg
X DI dispenser 3.3
DJ decagram 1M dag 10?² kg
DLT decilitre 1M dl 10?? m³
DMA cubic decametre 1S dam³ 10³ m³
DMK square decimetre 1S dm² 10?² m²
DMO standard kilolitre A unit of volume defining the number of kilolitres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils. 3.1
DMQ cubic decimetre 1S dm³ 10?³ m³
DMT decimetre 1M dm 10?¹ m
DN decinewton metre 1S dN·m 10?¹ N x m
DPC dozen piece A unit of count defining the number of pieces in multiples of 12 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). 3.2
DPR dozen pair A unit of count defining the number of pairs in multiples of 12 (pair: item described by two's). 3.2
DPT displacement tonnage A unit of mass defining the volume of sea water a ship displaces, expressed as the number of tons. 3.4
X DQ data record 3.6
X DR drum Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
DRA dram (US) Synonym: drachm (UK), troy dram 3.5 3,887 935 g
DRI dram (UK) Synonym: avoirdupois dram 3.5 1,771 745 g
DRL dozen roll A unit of count defining the number of rolls, expressed in twelve roll units. 3.2
X DRM drachm (UK) 3.5 3,887 935 g
X DS display 3.9
DT dry ton A unit of mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
DTN decitonne Synonym: centner, metric 100 kg; quintal, metric 100 kg 1M 3.5 dt or dtn 10² kg
D DU dyne 2 dyn 10?? N
DWT pennyweight 3.5 1,555 174 g
D DX dyne per centimetre 2 dyn/cm 10?³ N/m
X DY directory book 3.9
DZN dozen A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 12. 3.7 DOZ 12
DZP dozen pack A unit of count defining the number of packs in multiples of 12 (pack: standard packaging unit). 3.2
E01 newton per square centimetre A measure of pressure expressed in newtons per square centimetre. 1M N/cm² 10? Pa
E07 megawatt hour per hour A unit of accumulated energy of a million watts over a period of one hour. 3.1 MW·h/h
E08 megawatt per hertz A unit of energy expressed as the load change in million watts that will cause a frequency shift of one hertz. 3.1 MW/Hz
E09 milliampere hour A unit of power load delivered at the rate of one thousandth of an ampere over a period of one hour. 1M mA·h 3,6 C
E10 degree day A unit of measure used in meteorology and engineering to measure the demand for heating or cooling over a given period of days. 3.5 deg da
D E11 gigacalorie A unit of heat energy equal to one thousand million calories. 3.5 10? cal
E12 mille A unit of count defining the number of cigarettes in units of 1000. 3.9
E14 kilocalorie (international table) A unit of heat energy equal to one thousand calories. 2 kcalIT 4,186 8 x 10³ J
E15 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour A unit of energy equal to one thousand calories per hour. 2 kcalth/h 1,162 22 W
E16 million Btu(IT) per hour A unit of power equal to one million British thermal units per hour. 3.1 BtuIT/h 293 071,1 W
E17 cubic foot per second A unit of volume equal to one cubic foot passing a given point in a period of one second. 3.1 ft³/s 2,831 685 x 10?² m³/s
E18 tonne per hour A unit of weight or mass equal to one tonne per hour. 2 t/h 2,777 78 x 10?¹ kg/s
E19 ping A unit of area equal to 3.3 square metres. 3.1 3,305 m²
X E2 belt 3.9
E20 megabit per second A unit of information equal to 10? (1000000) bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 Mbit/s
E21 shares A unit of count defining the number of shares (share: a total or portion of the parts into which a business entity’s capital is divided). 3.7
E22 TEU A unit of count defining the number of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) as a measure of containerized cargo capacity. 3.4
E23 tyre A unit of count defining the number of tyres (a solid or air-filled covering placed around a wheel rim to form a soft contact with the road, absorb shock and provide traction). 3.7
E25 active unit A unit of count defining the number of active units within a substance. 3.9
E27 dose A unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug). 3.9
E28 air dry ton A unit of mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
X E3 trailer 3.4
E30 strand A unit of count defining the number of strands (strand: long, thin, flexible, single thread, strip of fibre, constituent filament or multiples of the same, twisted together). 3.7
E31 square metre per litre A unit of count defining the number of square metres per litre. 3.1 m²/l
E32 litre per hour A unit of count defining the number of litres per hour. 3.1 l/h 2,777 78 x 10?? m³/s
E33 foot per thousand A unit of count defining the number of feet per thousand units. 3.1 3,048 x 10?? m
E34 gigabyte A unit of information equal to 10? bytes. 3.6 Gbyte
E35 terabyte A unit of information equal to 10¹² bytes. 3.6 Tbyte
E36 petabyte A unit of information equal to 10¹? bytes. 3.6 Pbyte
E37 pixel A unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element). 3.6
E38 megapixel A unit of count equal to 10? (1000000) pixels (picture elements). 3.6
E39 dots per inch A unit of information defining the number of dots per linear inch as a measure of the resolution or sharpness of a graphic image. 3.6 dpi
E4 gross kilogram A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions. 3.1
E40 part per hundred thousand A unit of proportion equal to 10??. 3.7 ppht 1 x 10??
E41 kilogram-force per square millimetre A unit of pressure defining the number of kilograms force per square millimetre. 2 kgf/mm² 9,806 65 x 10? Pa
E42 kilogram-force per square centimetre A unit of pressure defining the number of kilograms force per square centimetre. 2 kgf/cm² 9,806 65 x 10? Pa
E43 joule per square centimetre A unit of energy defining the number of joules per square centimetre. 1M J/cm² 10? J/m²
E44 kilogram-force metre per square centimetre A unit of torsion defining the torque kilogram-force metre per square centimetre. 3.5 kgf·m/cm²
E45 milliohm 1S m? 10?³ ?
E46 kilowatt hour per cubic metre A unit of energy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per cubic metre. 3.1 kW·h/m³ 3,6 x 10? J/m³
E47 kilowatt hour per kelvin A unit of energy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per kelvin. 3.1 kW·h/K 3,6 x 10? J/K
E48 service unit A unit of count defining the number of service units (service unit: defined period / property / facility / utility of supply). 3.5
E49 working day A unit of count defining the number of working days (working day: a day on which work is ordinarily performed). 3.5
X E5 metric long ton Use ton (UK) or long ton (US) (common code LTN) 3.1
E50 accounting unit A unit of count defining the number of accounting units. 3.5
E51 job A unit of count defining the number of jobs. 3.5
E52 run foot A unit of count defining the number feet per run. 3.5
E53 test A unit of count defining the number of tests. 3.5
E54 trip A unit of count defining the number of trips. 3.5
E55 use A unit of count defining the number of times an object is used. 3.5
E56 well A unit of count defining the number of wells. 3.5
E57 zone A unit of count defining the number of zones. 3.5
E58 exabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹? bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 Ebit/s
E59 exbibyte A unit of information equal to 2?? bytes. 3.6 Eibyte
E60 pebibyte A unit of information equal to 2?? bytes. 3.6 Pibyte
E61 tebibyte A unit of information equal to 2?? bytes. 3.6 Tibyte
E62 gibibyte A unit of information equal to 2³? bytes. 3.6 Gibyte
E63 mebibyte A unit of information equal to 2²? bytes. 3.6 Mibyte
E64 kibibyte A unit of information equal to 2¹? bytes. 3.6 Kibyte
E65 exbibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Eibit/m
E66 exbibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Eibit/m²
E67 exbibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Eibit/m³
E68 gigabyte per second A unit of information equal to 10? bytes per second. 3.6 Gbyte/s
E69 gibibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2³? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Gibit/m
E70 gibibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2³? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Gibit/m²
E71 gibibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2³? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Gibit/m³
E72 kibibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2¹? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Kibit/m
E73 kibibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2¹? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Kibit/m²
E74 kibibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2¹? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Kibit/m³
E75 mebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2²? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Mibit/m
E76 mebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2²? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Mibit/m²
E77 mebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2²? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Mibit/m³
E78 petabit A unit of information equal to 10¹? bits (binary digits). 3.6 Pbit
E79 petabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹? bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 Pbit/s
E80 pebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Pibit/m
E81 pebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Pibit/m²
E82 pebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Pibit/m³
E83 terabit A unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits). 3.6 Tbit
E84 terabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits) per second. 3.6 Tbit/s
E85 tebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per metre. 3.6 Tibit/m
E86 tebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per cubic metre. 3.6 Tibit/m³
E87 tebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2?? bits (binary digits) per square metre. 3.6 Tibit/m²
E88 bit per metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per metre. 3.6 bit/m
E89 bit per square metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per square metre. 3.6 bit/m²
E90 reciprocal centimetre 3.1 cm?¹ 10² m?¹
E91 reciprocal day 3.1 d?¹ 1,157 41 × 10?? s?¹
E92 cubic decimetre per hour 1S dm³/h 2,777 78 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
E93 kilogram per hour 1S kg/h 2,777 78 × 10?? kg x s?¹
E94 kilomole per second 1S kmol/s 10³ s?¹ x mol
E95 mole per second 1S mol/s s?¹ x mol
E96 degree per second 1M °/s 1,745 329 x 10?² rad x s?¹
E97 millimetre per degree Celcius metre 1M mm/(°C·m) 10?³ K?¹
E98 degree Celsius per kelvin 1M °C/K 1
E99 hectopascal per bar 1M hPa/bar 10?³
EA each A unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units. 3.2
EB electronic mail box A unit of count defining the number of electronic mail boxes. 3.9
X EC each per month 3.9
X EP eleven pack 3.2
EQ equivalent gallon A unit of volume defining the number of gallons of product produced from concentrate. 3.1
X EV envelope Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.9
F01 bit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per cubic metre. 3.6 bit/m³
F02 kelvin per kelvin 1M K/K 1
F03 kilopascal per bar 1M kPa/bar 10?²
F04 millibar per bar 1M mbar/bar 10?³
F05 megapascal per bar 1M MPa/bar 10¹
F06 poise per bar 2 P/bar 10?? s
F07 pascal per bar 1M Pa/bar 10??
F08 milliampere per inch 2 mA/in 3,937 007 874 015 75 x 10?² A x m?¹
X F1 thousand cubic foot per day 3.8
F10 kelvin per hour 1M K/h 2,777 78 × 10?? s?¹ x K
F11 kelvin per minute 1M K/min 1,666 67 × 10?² s?¹ x K
F12 kelvin per second 1M K/s s?¹ x K
F13 slug A unit of mass. One slug is the mass accelerated at 1 foot per second per second by a force of 1 pound. 2 slug 1,459 390 x 10¹ kg
F14 gram per kelvin 1M g/K 10?³ kg x K?¹
F15 kilogram per kelvin 1M kg/K kg x K?¹
F16 milligram per kelvin 1M mg/K 10?? kg x K?¹
F17 pound-force per foot 2 lbf/ft 1,459 39 × 10¹ kg x s?²
F18 kilogram square centimetre 1M kg·cm² 10?? kg m²
F19 kilogram square millimetre 1M kg·mm² 10?? kg m²
F20 pound inch squared 2 lb·in² 2,926 397 x 10?? kg x m²
F21 pound-force inch 2 lbf·in 1,129 85 × 10?¹ kg x m² x s?²
F22 pound-force foot per ampere 2 lbf·ft/A 1,355 82 kg x m² x s?² x A?¹
F23 gram per cubic decimetre 1M g/dm³ kg x m?³
F24 kilogram per kilomol 1M kg/kmol 10?³ kg x mol?¹
F25 gram per hertz 1M g/Hz 10?³ kg x s
F26 gram per day 1M g/d 1,157 41 × 10?? kg x s?¹
F27 gram per hour 1M g/h 2,777 78 × 10?? kg x s?¹
F28 gram per minute 1M g/min 1,666 67 × 10?? kg x s?¹
F29 gram per second 1M g/s 10?³ kg x s?¹
F30 kilogram per day 1M kg/d 1,157 41 × 10?? kg x s?¹
F31 kilogram per minute 1M kg/min 1,666 67 × 10?² kg x s?¹
F32 milligram per day 1M mg/d 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ kg x s?¹
F33 milligram per minute 1M mg/min 1,666 67 × 10?? kg x s?¹
F34 milligram per second 1M mg/s 10?? kg x s?¹
F35 gram per day kelvin 1M g/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F36 gram per hour kelvin 1M g/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F37 gram per minute kelvin 1M g/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F38 gram per second kelvin 1M g/(s·K) 10?³ kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F39 kilogram per day kelvin 1M kg/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F40 kilogram per hour kelvin 1M kg/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F41 kilogram per minute kelvin 1M kg/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?²kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F42 kilogram per second kelvin 1M kg/(s·K) kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F43 milligram per day kelvin 1M mg/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F44 milligram per hour kelvin 1M mg/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?¹? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F45 milligram per minute kelvin 1M mg/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F46 milligram per second kelvin 1M mg/(s·K) 10?? kg x s?¹ x K?¹
F47 newton per millimetre 1M N/mm 10³ kg x s?²
F48 pound-force per inch 2 lbf/in 1,751 27 × 10² kg x s?²
F49 rod [unit of distance] A unit of distance equal to 5.5 yards (16 feet 6 inches). 2 rd (US) 5,029 210 m
F50 micrometre per kelvin 1M µm/K 10?? m x K?¹
F51 centimetre per kelvin 1M cm/K 10?² m x K?¹
F52 metre per kelvin 1M m/K m x K?¹
F53 millimetre per kelvin 1M mm/K 10?³ m x K?¹
F54 milliohm per metre 1M m?/m 10?³ ?/m
F55 ohm per mile (statute mile) 2 ?/mi 6,213 71 × 10??  ?/m
F56 ohm per kilometre 1M ?/km 10?³ ?/m
F57 milliampere per pound-force per square inch 2 mA/(lbf/in²) 1,450 38 × 10?? kg?¹ x m x s² x A
F58 reciprocal bar 1M 1/bar bar?¹
F59 milliampere per bar 1M mA/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m x s² x A
F60 degree Celsius per bar 1M °C/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m x s² x K
F61 kelvin per bar 1M K/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m x s² x K
F62 gram per day bar 1M g/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹³ m x s
F63 gram per hour bar 1M g/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?¹² m x s
F64 gram per minute bar 1M g/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?¹? m x s
F65 gram per second bar 1M g/(s·bar) 10?? m x s
F66 kilogram per day bar 1M kg/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹? m x s
F67 kilogram per hour bar 1M kg/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?? m x s
F68 kilogram per minute bar 1M kg/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?? m x s
F69 kilogram per second bar 1M kg/(s·bar) 10?? m x s
F70 milligram per day bar 1M mg/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹? m x s
F71 milligram per hour bar 1M mg/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?¹? m x s
F72 milligram per minute bar 1M mg/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?¹³ m x s
F73 milligram per second bar 1M mg/(s·bar) 10?¹¹ m x s
F74 gram per bar 1M g/bar 10?? m x s²
F75 milligram per bar 1M mg/bar 10?¹¹ m x s²
F76 milliampere per millimetre 1M mA/mm m?¹ x A
F77 pascal second per kelvin 1M Pa.s/K kg x m?¹ x s?¹ x K?¹
F78 inch of water 2 inH?O 2,490 89 × 10² kg x m?¹ x s?²
F79 inch of mercury 2 inHg 3,386 39 × 10³ kg x m?¹ x s?²
F80 water horse power A unit of power defining the amount of power required to move a given volume of water against acceleration of gravity to a specified elevation (pressure head). 2 7,460 43 x 10² W
F81 bar per kelvin 1M bar/K 10? kg x m?¹ x s?² x K?¹
F82 hectopascal per kelvin 1M hPa/K 10² kg x m?¹ x s?² x K?¹
F83 kilopascal per kelvin 1M kPa/K 10³ kg x m?¹ x s?² x K?¹
F84 millibar per kelvin 1M mbar/K 10² kg x m?¹ x s?² x K?¹
F85 megapascal per kelvin 1M MPa/K 10? kg x m?¹ x s?² x K?¹
F86 poise per kelvin 2 P/K 10?¹ kg x m?¹ x s?¹ x K?¹
F87 volt per litre minute 1M V/(l·min) 1,666 67 × 10¹ kg x m?¹ x s?? x A?¹
F88 newton centimetre 1M N·cm 10?² kg x m² x s?²
F89 newton metre per degree 1M Nm/° 57,295 788 kg x m² x s?² x rad?¹
X F9 fibre per cubic centimetre of air 3.9
F90 newton metre per ampere 1M N·m/A kg x m² x s?² x A?¹
F91 bar litre per second 1M bar·l/s 10² kg x m² x s?³
F92 bar cubic metre per second 1M bar·m³/s 10? kg x m² x s?³
F93 hectopascal litre per second 1M hPa·l/s 10?¹ kg x m² x s?³
F94 hectopascal cubic metre per second 1M hPa·m³/s 10² kg x m² x s?³
F95 millibar litre per second 1M mbar·l/s 10?¹ kg x m² x s?³
F96 millibar cubic metre per second 1M mbar·m³/s 10² kg x m² x s?³
F97 megapascal litre per second 1M MPa·l/s 10³ kg x m² x s?³
F98 megapascal cubic metre per second 1M MPa·m³/s 10? kg x m² x s?³
F99 pascal litre per second 1M Pa·l/s 10?³ kg x m² x s?³
FAH degree Fahrenheit Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics) 2 °F 5/9 x K
FAR farad 1 F F
X FB field 3.9
FBM fibre metre A unit of length defining the number of metres of individual fibre. 3.1
FC thousand cubic foot A unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic foot. 3.8 kft³
X FD million particle per cubic foot 3.9
X FE track foot 3.5
FF hundred cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one hundred cubic metres. 3.8
X FG transdermal patch 3.9
FH micromole 1S µmol 10?? mol
FIT failures in time A unit of count defining the number of failures that can be expected over a specified time interval. Failure rates of semiconductor components are often specified as FIT (failures in time unit) where 1 FIT = 10?? /h. 3.8 FIT 2,777 78 × 10?¹³ s?¹
FL flake ton A unit of mass defining the number of tons of a flaked substance (flake: a small flattish fragment). 3.1
X FM million cubic foot 3.8 Mft³
FOT foot 2 ft 0,304 8 m
FP pound per square foot 2 lb/ft² 4,882 428 kg/m²
FR foot per minute 2 ft/min 5,08 x 10?³ m/s
FS foot per second 2 ft/s 0,304 8 m/s
FTK square foot 2 ft² 9,290 304 x 10?² m²
FTQ cubic foot 2 ft³ 2,831 685 x 10?² m³
G01 pascal cubic metre per second 1M Pa·m³/s kg x m² x s?³
G04 centimetre per bar 1M cm/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m² x s²
G05 metre per bar 1M m/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m² x s²
G06 millimetre per bar 1M mm/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m² x s²
G08 square inch per second 2 in²/s 6,451 6 × 10?? m² x s?¹
G09 square metre per second kelvin 1M m²/(s·K) m² x s?¹ x K?¹
G10 stokes per kelvin 2 St/K 10?? m² x s?¹ x K?¹
G11 gram per cubic centimetre bar 1M g/(cm³·bar) 10?² m?² x s²
G12 gram per cubic decimetre bar 1M g/(dm³·bar) 10?? m?² x s²
G13 gram per litre bar 1M g/(l·bar) 10?? m?² x s²
G14 gram per cubic metre bar 1M g/(m³·bar) 10?? m?² x s²
G15 gram per millilitre bar 1M g/(ml·bar) 10?² m?² x s²
G16 kilogram per cubic centimetre bar 1M kg/(cm³·bar) 10¹ m?² x s²
G17 kilogram per litre bar 1M kg/(l·bar) 10?² m?² x s²
G18 kilogram per cubic metre bar 1M kg/(m³·bar) 10?? m?² x s²
G19 newton metre per kilogram 1M N·m/kg m² x s?²
G2 US gallon per minute 2 gal (US) /min 6,309 020 x 10?? m³/s
G20 pound-force foot per pound 2 lbf·ft/lb 2,989 07 m² x s?²
G21 cup [unit of volume] 2 cup (US) 2,365 882 x 10?? m³
G23 peck 2 pk (US) 8,809 768 x 10?³ m³
G24 tablespoon (US) 2 tablespoon (US) 1,478 676 x 10?? m³
G25 teaspoon (US) 2 teaspoon (US) 4,928 922 x 10?? m³
G26 stere 1M st
G27 cubic centimetre per kelvin 1M cm³/K 10?? m³ x K?¹
G28 litre per kelvin 1M l/K 10?³ m³ x K?¹
G29 cubic metre per kelvin 1M m³/K m³ x K?¹
G3 Imperial gallon per minute 2 gal (UK) /min 7,576 82 x 10?? m³/s
G30 millilitre per kelvin 1M ml/K 10?? m³ x K?¹
G31 kilogram per cubic centimetre 1M kg/cm³ 10? kg x m?³
G32 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard 2 oz/yd³ 3,707 98 × 10?² kg x m?³
G33 gram per cubic centimetre kelvin 1M g/(cm³·K) 10³ kg x m?³ x K?¹
G34 gram per cubic decimetre kelvin 1M g/(dm³·K) kg x m?³ x K?¹
G35 gram per litre kelvin 1M g/(l·K) kg x m?³ x K?¹
G36 gram per cubic metre kelvin 1M g/(m³·K) 10?³ kg x m?³ x K?¹
G37 gram per millilitre kelvin 1M g/(ml·K) 10³ kg x m?³ x K?¹
G38 kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin 1M kg/(cm³·K) 10? kg x m?³ x K?¹
G39 kilogram per litre kelvin 1M kg/(l·K) 10³ kg x m?³ x K?¹
G40 kilogram per cubic metre kelvin 1M kg/(m³·K) kg x m?³ x K?¹
G41 square metre per second bar 1M m²/(s·bar) 10?? kg?¹ x m³ x s
G42 microsiemens per centimetre 1M µS/cm 10?? S/m
G43 microsiemens per metre 1M µS/m 10?? S/m
G44 nanosiemens per centimetre 1M nS/cm 10?? S/m
G45 nanosiemens per metre 1M nS/m 10?? S/m
G46 stokes per bar 2 St/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m³ x s
G47 cubic centimetre per day 1M cm³/d 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ m³ x s?¹
G48 cubic centimetre per hour 1M cm³/h 2,777 78 × 10?¹? m³ x s?¹
G49 cubic centimetre per minute 1M cm³/min 1,666 67 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G50 gallon (US) per hour 2 gal/h 1,051 5 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G51 litre per second 1M l/s 10?³ m³ x s?¹
G52 cubic metre per day 1M m³/d 1,157 41 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G53 cubic metre per minute 1M m³/min 1,666 67 × 10?² m³ x s?¹
G54 millilitre per day 1M ml/d 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ m³ x s?¹
G55 millilitre per hour 1M ml/h 2,777 78 × 10?¹? m³ x s?¹
G56 cubic inch per hour 2 in³/h 4,551 96 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G57 cubic inch per minute 2 in³/min 2,731 18 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G58 cubic inch per second 2 in³/s 1,638 71 × 10?? m³ x s?¹
G59 milliampere per litre minute 1M mA/(l·min) 1,666 67 × 10?² m?³ x s?¹ x A
G60 volt per bar 1M V/bar 10?? m³ x s?¹ x A?¹
G61 cubic centimetre per day kelvin 1M cm³/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G62 cubic centimetre per hour kelvin 1M cm³/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?¹? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G63 cubic centimetre per minute kelvin 1M cm³/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G64 cubic centimetre per second kelvin 1M cm³/(s·K) 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G65 litre per day kelvin 1M l/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G66 litre per hour kelvin 1M l/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G67 litre per minute kelvin 1M l/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G68 litre per second kelvin 1M l/(s·K) 10?³ m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G69 cubic metre per day kelvin 1M m³/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
X G7 microfiche sheet 3.9
G70 cubic metre per hour kelvin 1M m³/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G71 cubic metre per minute kelvin 1M m³/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?² m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G72 cubic metre per second kelvin 1M m³/(s·K) m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G73 millilitre per day kelvin 1M ml/(d·K) 1,157 41 × 10?¹¹ m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G74 millilitre per hour kelvin 1M ml/(h·K) 2,777 78 × 10?¹? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G75 millilitre per minute kelvin 1M ml/(min·K) 1,666 67 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G76 millilitre per second kelvin 1M ml/(s·K) 10?? m³ x s?¹ x K?¹
G77 millimetre to the fourth power 1M mm? 10?¹² m?
G78 cubic centimetre per day bar 1M cm³/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹? kg?¹ x m? x s
G79 cubic centimetre per hour bar 1M cm³/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?¹? kg?¹ x m? x s
G80 cubic centimetre per minute bar 1M cm³/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?¹³ kg?¹ x m? x s
G81 cubic centimetre per second bar 1M cm³/(s·bar) 10?¹¹ kg?¹ x m? x s
G82 litre per day bar 1M l/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹³ kg?¹ x m? x s
G83 litre per hour bar 1M l/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?¹² kg?¹ x m? x s
G84 litre per minute bar 1M l/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?¹? kg?¹ x m? x s
G85 litre per second bar 1M l/(s·bar) 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s
G86 cubic metre per day bar 1M m³/(d·bar) 1,157 41 × 10?¹? kg?¹ x m? x s
G87 cubic metre per hour bar 1M m³/(h·bar) 2,777 78 × 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s
G88 cubic metre per minute bar 1M m³/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s
G89 cubic metre per second bar 1M m³/(s·bar) 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s
G90 millilitre per day bar 1M ml/(d·bar) 1,157 41 x 10?¹? x kg?¹ x m? x s
G91 millilitre per hour bar 1M ml/(h·bar) 2,777 78 x 10?¹? x kg?¹ x m? x s
G92 millilitre per minute bar 1M ml/(min·bar) 1,666 67 × 10?¹³ x kg?¹ x m? x s
G93 millilitre per second bar 1M ml/(s·bar) 10?¹¹ kg?¹ x m? x s
G94 cubic centimetre per bar 1M cm³/bar 10?¹¹ kg?¹ x m? x s²
G95 litre per bar 1M l/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s²
G96 cubic metre per bar 1M m³/bar 10?? kg?¹ x m? x s²
G97 millilitre per bar 1M ml/bar 10?¹¹ kg?¹ x m? x s²
G98 microhenry per kiloohm 1M µH/k? 10?? s
G99 microhenry per ohm 1M µH/? 10?? s
GB gallon (US) per day 3.5 gal (US)/d 4,381 264 x 10?? m³/s
GBQ gigabecquerel 1M GBq 10? Bq
X GC gram per 100 gram 3.7
X GD gross barrel 3.1
GDW gram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
GE pound per gallon (US) 2 lb/gal (US) 1,198 264 x 10² kg/m³
GF gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres) 1M g/m 10?³ kg/m
GFI gram of fissile isotope A unit of mass defining the number of grams of a fissile isotope (fissile isotope: an isotope whose nucleus is able to be split when irradiated with low energy neutrons). 3.1 gi F/S
GGR great gross A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 1728 (12 x 12 x 12). 3.7 1728
X GH half gallon (US) 3.8
GIA gill (US) 3.5 gi (US) 1,182 941 x 10?? m³
GIC gram, including container A unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its container. 3.1
GII gill (UK) 3.5 gi (UK) 1,420 653 x 10?? m³
GIP gram, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its inner packaging materials. 3.1
GJ gram per millilitre 1S g/ml 10³ kg/m³
X GK gram per kilogram 3.7
GL gram per litre 1S g/l kg/m³
GLD dry gallon (US) 2 dry gal (US) 4,404 884 x 10?³ m³
GLI gallon (UK) 2 gal (UK) 4,546 092 x 10?³ m³
GLL gallon (US) 2 gal (US) 3,785 412 x 10?³ m³
GM gram per square metre 1M g/m² 10?³ kg/m²
X GN gross gallon 3.1
GO milligram per square metre 1 mg/m² 10?? kg/m²
GP milligram per cubic metre 1M mg/m³ 10?? kg/m³
GQ microgram per cubic metre 1M µg/m³ 10?? kg/m³
GRM gram 1S g 10?³ kg
GRN grain 2 gr 64,798 91 x 10?? kg
GRO gross A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 144 (12 x 12). 3.7 gr 144
D GRT gross register ton A unit of mass equal to the total cubic footage before deductions, where 1 register ton is equal to 100 cubic feet. Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of ships. 3.4
D GT gross ton A unit of mass equal to 2240 pounds. Refer International Convention on Tonnage measurement of Ships. Synonym: ton (UK) or long ton (US) (common code LTN) 3.1 3.4
GV gigajoule 1S GJ 10? J
X GW gallon per thousand cubic foot 3.5
GWH gigawatt hour 1S GW·h 3,6 x 10¹² J
X GY gross yard 3.1
X GZ gage system 3.9
H03 henry per kiloohm 1M H/k? 10?³ s
H04 henry per ohm 1M H/? s
H05 millihenry per kiloohm 1M mH/k? 10?? s
H06 millihenry per ohm 1M mH/? 10?³ s
H07 pascal second per bar 1M Pa·s/bar 10?? s
H08 microbecquerel 1M µBq 10?? Bq
H09 reciprocal year 1M 1/y 3,168 81 x 10?? s?¹
X H1 half page – electronic 3.9
H10 reciprocal hour 1M 1/h 2,777 78 × 10?? s?¹
H11 reciprocal month 1M 1/mo 3,802 57 × 10?? s?¹
H12 degree Celsius per hour 1M °C/h 2,777 78 x 10?? s?¹ K
H13 degree Celsius per minute 1M °C/min 1,666 67 x 10?² s?¹ K
H14 degree Celsius per second 1M °C/s s?¹ K
H15 square centimetre per gram 1M cm²/g 10?¹ kg?¹ x m²
H16 square decametre Synonym: are 1S dam² 10² m²
H18 square hectometre Synonym: hectare 1S hm² 10? m²
H19 cubic hectometre 1S hm³ 10? m³
X H2 half litre 3.8
H20 cubic kilometre 1S km³ 10? m³
H21 blank A unit of count defining the number of blanks. 3.2
H22 volt square inch per pound-force 2 V/(lbf/in²) 1,450 377 439 8 × 10?? m³ x s?¹ x A?¹
H23 volt per inch 2 V/in 3,937 007 874 × 10¹ m x kg x s?³ x A?¹
H24 volt per microsecond 1S V/µs 10? V/s
H25 percent per kelvin A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI base unit Kelvin. 3.7 %/K 10?² K?¹
H26 ohm per metre 1M ?/m ?/m
H27 degree per metre 2 °/m 1,745 329 x 10?² rad/m
H28 microfarad per kilometre 1S µF/km 10?? F/m
H29 microgram per litre 1M µg/l 10?? m?³ x kg
H30 square micrometre (square micron) 1S µm² 10?¹² m²
H31 ampere per kilogram 1 A/kg A x kg?¹
H32 ampere squared second 1 A²·s A² x s
H33 farad per kilometre 1S F/km 10?³ F/m
H34 hertz metre 2 Hz·m Hz x m
H35 kelvin metre per watt 1 K·m/W K x m?¹ x kg?¹ x s³
H36 megaohm per kilometre 1M M?/km 10³ ?/m
H37 megaohm per metre 1M M?/m 10? ?/m
H38 megaampere 1S MA 10? A
H39 megahertz kilometre 2 MHz·km 10? Hz x m
H40 newton per ampere 1 N/A kg x m x s?² x A?¹
H41 newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5 2 N·m·W???? kg x m² x s?² x W????
H42 pascal per metre 1M Pa/m m?² kg x s?²
H43 siemens per centimetre 1S S/cm 10² S/m
H44 teraohm 1S T? 10¹² ?
H45 volt second per metre 1 V·s/m m x kg x s?² x A?¹
H46 volt per second 1S V/s m² x kg x s?? x A?¹
H47 watt per cubic metre 1 W/m³ m?¹ x kg x s?³
H48 attofarad 1S aF 10?¹? m?² x kg?¹ x s? x A²
H49 centimetre per hour 1M cm/h 0,277 777 778 × 10?? m x s?¹
H50 reciprocal cubic centimetre 1M cm?³ 10? m?³
H51 decibel per kilometre 1 dB/km 10?? B/m
H52 decibel per metre 1 dB/m 10?¹ B/m
H53 kilogram per bar 1M kg/bar 10?? m x s²
H54 kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin 1M (kg/dm³)/K 10³ m?³ x kg x K?¹
H55 kilogram per cubic decimetre bar 1M (kg/dm³)/bar 10?² m?² x s²
H56 kilogram per square metre second 1 kg/(m²·s) kg m?² x s?¹
H57 inch per two pi radiant 2 in/revolution 2,54 x 10?² m/(2 x ? x rad)
H58 metre per volt second 1 m/(V·s) m?¹ x kg?¹ x s² x A
H59 square metre per newton 1 m²/N m x kg?¹ x s²
H60 cubic metre per cubic metre 1M m³/m³ 1
H61 millisiemens per centimetre 1S mS/cm 10?¹ S/m
H62 millivolt per minute 1M mV/min 1,666 666 667 × 10?? m² x kg x s?? x A?¹
H63 milligram per square centimetre 1S mg/cm² 10?² m?² x kg
H64 milligram per gram 1S mg/g 10?³ 1
H65 millilitre per cubic metre 1M ml/m³ 10?? 1
H66 millimetre per year 2 mm/y 3,15576 × 10? m x s?¹
H67 millimetre per hour 2 mm/h 0,277 777 778 × 10?? m x s?¹
H68 millimole per gram 1M mmol/g mol x kg?¹
H69 picopascal per kilometre 1M pPa/km 10?¹? m?² x kg x s?²
H70 picosecond 1 ps 10?¹² s
H71 percent per month A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a month. 3.7 %/mo
H72 percent per hectobar A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 100-fold of the unit bar. 3.7 %/hbar
H73 percent per decakelvin A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 10-fold of the SI base unit Kelvin. 3.7 %/daK 10?³ K?¹
H74 watt per metre 1M W/m W m?¹
H75 decapascal 1M daPa 10¹ Pa
H76 gram per millimetre 1M g/mm 10¹ kg x m?¹
H77 module width A unit of measure used to describe the breadth of electronic assemblies as an installation standard or mounting dimension. 3 MW
D H78 conventional centimetre of water 2 cm H?O 9,806 65 × 10¹ Pa
H79 French gauge A unit of distance used for measuring the diameter of small tubes such as urological instruments and catheters. Synonym: French, Charrière, Charrière gauge 2 Fg 0,333 333 333 × 10?³ m
H80 rack unit A unit of measure used to describe the height in rack units of equipment intended for mounting in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack. One rack unit is 1.75 inches (44.45 mm) high. 3 U or RU 4,445 × 10?² m
H81 millimetre per minute 1M mm/min 1,666 666 667 × 10?? m x s?¹
H82 big point A unit of length defining the number of big points (big point: Adobe software(US) defines the big point to be exactly 1/72 inch (0.013 888 9 inch or 0.352 777 8 millimeters)) 3.5 bp 0,352 777 8 × 10?³ m
H83 litre per kilogram 1M l/kg 10?³ m³ x kg?¹
H84 gram millimetre 1M g·mm 10?? kg x m
H85 reciprocal week 1M 1/wk 1,647 989 452 868 × 10?? s?¹
H87 piece A unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). 3.8
H88 megaohm kilometre 1S M?·km 10? ? x m
H89 percent per ohm A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit ohm. 3.7 %/? 10?² ??¹
H90 percent per degree A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an angle of one degree. 3.7 %/° 0,572 957 8 rad?¹
H91 percent per ten thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of ten thousand. 3.7 %/10000 10??
H92 percent per one hundred thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred thousand. 3.7 %/100000 10??
H93 percent per hundred A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred. 3.7 %/100 10??
H94 percent per thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one thousand. 3.7 %/1000 10??
H95 percent per volt A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit volt. 3.7 %/V 10?² V?¹
H96 percent per bar A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an atmospheric pressure of one bar. 3.7 %/bar 10?? Pa?¹
H98 percent per inch A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an inch. 3.7 %/in 0,393 700 8 m?¹
H99 percent per metre A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a metre. 3.7 %/m 10?² m?¹
HA hank A unit of length, typically for yarn. 3.9
D HAR hectare Synonym: square hectometre 2 ha 10? m²
HBA hectobar 1M hbar 10? Pa
HBX hundred boxes A unit of count defining the number of boxes in multiples of one hundred box units. 3.2
HC hundred count A unit of count defining the number of units counted in multiples of 100. 3.7
X HD half dozen 3.7 6
HDW hundred kilogram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
X HE hundredth of a carat 3.5
HEA head A unit of count defining the number of heads (head: a person or animal considered as one of a number). 3.5
X HF hundred foot 3.8
HGM hectogram 1M hg 10?¹ kg
HH hundred cubic foot A unit of volume equal to one hundred cubic foot. 3.8
X HI hundred sheet 3.8
HIU hundred international unit A unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 100. 3.7
D HJ metric horse power 2 metric hp 735,498 75 W
X HK hundred kilogram 3.8
HKM hundred kilogram, net mass A unit of mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, after deductions. 3.1
X HL hundred foot (linear) 3.8
HLT hectolitre 1S hl 10?¹ m³
HM mile per hour (statute mile) 2 mile/h 0,447 04 m/s
HMQ million cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one million cubic metres. 3.8 Mm³
HMT hectometre 1M hm 10² m
D HN conventional millimetre of mercury 2 mm Hg 133,322 4 Pa
X HO hundred troy ounce 3.8
D HP conventional millimetre of water 2 mm H?O 9,806 65 Pa
HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol A unit of volume equal to one hundred litres of pure alcohol. 3.1
X HS hundred square foot 3.8
X HT half hour 3.8
HTZ hertz 1 Hz Hz
HUR hour 1 h 3 600 s
X HY hundred yard 3.8
IA inch pound (pound inch) 2 in·lb 1,152 12 x 10?² kg x m
X IC count per inch 3.9
IE person A unit of count defining the number of persons. 3.9
X IF inches of water Use inch of water (common code F78) 3.1
X II column inch 3.9
X IL inch per minute 3.5
X IM impression 3.9
INH inch 2 in 25,4 x 10?³ m
INK square inch 2 in² 6,451 6 x 10?? m²
INQ cubic inch Synonym: inch cubed 2 in³ 16,387 064 x 10?? m³
X IP insurance policy 3.9
ISD international sugar degree A unit of measure defining the sugar content of a solution, expressed in degrees. 3.5
X IT count per centimetre 3.9
IU inch per second 2 in/s 0,025 4 m/s
IV inch per second squared 2 in/s² 0,025 4 m/s²
J10 percent per millimetre A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a millimetre. 3.7 %/mm 10 m?¹
J12 per mille per psi A unit of pressure equal to one thousandth of a psi (pound-force per square inch). 3.7 ‰/psi 1,450 377 x 10?? Pa?¹
J13 degree API A unit of relative density as a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water (API: American Petroleum Institute). 3.5 °API
J14 degree Baume (origin scale) A traditional unit of relative density for liquids. Named after Antoine Baumé. 3.5 °Bé
J15 degree Baume (US heavy) A unit of relative density for liquids heavier than water. 3.5 °Bé (US heavy)
J16 degree Baume (US light) A unit of relative density for liquids lighter than water. 3.5 °Bé (US light)
J17 degree Balling A unit of density as a measure of sugar content, especially of beer wort. Named after Karl Balling. 3.5 °Balling
J18 degree Brix A unit of proportion used in measuring the dissolved sugar-to-water mass ratio of a liquid. Named after Adolf Brix. 3.5 °Bx
J19 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical) 2 °F·h·ft²/Btuth 0,176 228 m² x K/W
J2 joule per kilogram 1 J/kg J/kg
J20 degree Fahrenheit per kelvin 2 °F/K 0,555 555 6
J21 degree Fahrenheit per bar 2 °F/bar 0,555 555 6 x 10?? K/Pa
J22 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table) 2 °F·h·ft²/BtuIT 0,176 110 2 m² x K/W
J23 degree Fahrenheit per hour 2 °F/h 1,543 210 x 10?? K/s
J24 degree Fahrenheit per minute 2 °F/min 9,259 259 x 10?³ K/s
J25 degree Fahrenheit per second 2 °F/s 0,555 555 6 K/s
J26 reciprocal degree Fahrenheit 2 1/°F 1,8 1/K
J27 degree Oechsle A unit of density as a measure of sugar content of must, the unfermented liqueur from which wine is made. Named after Ferdinand Oechsle. 3.5 °Oechsle
J28 degree Rankine per hour 2 °R/h 1,543 210 x 10?? K/s
J29 degree Rankine per minute 2 °R/min 9,259 259 x 10?³ K/s
J30 degree Rankine per second 2 °R/s 0,555 555 6 K/s
J31 degree Twaddell A unit of density for liquids that are heavier than water. 1 degree Twaddle represents a difference in specific gravity of 0.005. 3.5 °Tw
J32 micropoise 2 µP 10?? Pa x s
J33 microgram per kilogram 1S µg/kg 10??
J34 microgram per cubic metre kelvin 2 (µg/m³)/K 10?? (kg/m³)/K
J35 microgram per cubic metre bar 2 (µg/m³)/bar 10?¹? (kg/m³)/Pa
J36 microlitre per litre 1S µl/l 10??
J38 baud A unit of signal transmission speed equal to one signalling event per second. 3.6 Bd
J39 British thermal unit (mean) 2 Btu 1,055 87 x 10³ J
J40 British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 BtuIT·ft/(h·ft²·°F) 1,730 735 W/(m x K)
J41 British thermal unit (international table) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 BtuIT·in/(h·ft²·°F) 0,144 227 9 W/(m x K)
J42 British thermal unit (international table) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 BtuIT·in/(s·ft²·°F) 5,192 204 x 10² W/(m x K)
J43 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Fahrenheit 2 BtuIT/(lb·°F) 4,186 8 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
J44 British thermal unit (international table) per minute 2 BtuIT/min 17,584 266 W
J45 British thermal unit (international table) per second 2 BtuIT/s 1,055 056 x 10³ W
J46 British thermal unit (thermochemical) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 Btuth·ft/(h·ft²·°F) 1,729 577 W/(m x K)
J47 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour 2 Btuth/h 0,292 875 1 W
J48 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 Btuth·in/(h·ft²·°F) 0,144 131 4 W/(m x K)
J49 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit 2 Btuth·in/(s·ft²·°F) 5,188 732 x 10² W/(m x K)
J50 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Fahrenheit 2 Btuth/(lb·°F) 4,184 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
J51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per minute 2 Btuth/min 17,572 50 W
J52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second 2 Btuth/s 1,054 350 x 10³ W
J53 coulomb square metre per kilogram 2 C·m²/kg C x m²/kg
J54 megabaud A unit of signal transmission speed equal to 10? (1000000) signaling events per second. 3.6 MBd 10? Bd
J55 watt second 1S W·s W x s
J56 bar per bar 2 bar/bar 1
J57 barrel (UK petroleum) 2 bbl (UK liq.) 0,159 113 15 m³
J58 barrel (UK petroleum) per minute 2 bbl (UK liq.)/min 2,651 886 m³/s
J59 barrel (UK petroleum) per day 2 bbl (UK liq.)/d 1,841 587 4 x 10?? m³/s
J60 barrel (UK petroleum) per hour 2 bbl (UK liq.)/h 4,419 810 x 10?? m³/s
J61 barrel (UK petroleum) per second 2 bbl (UK liq.)/s 0,159 113 15 m³/s
J62 barrel (US petroleum) per hour 2 bbl (US)/h 4,416 314 x 10?? m³/s
J63 barrel (US petroleum) per second 2 bbl (US)/s 0,158 987 3 m³/s
J64 bushel (UK) per day 2 bu (UK)/d 4,209 343 x 10?? m³/s
J65 bushel (UK) per hour 2 bu (UK)/h 1,010 242 x 10?? m³/s
J66 bushel (UK) per minute 2 bu (UK)/min 6,061 453 x 10?? m³/s
J67 bushel (UK) per second 2 bu (UK)/s 3,636 872 x 10?² m³/s
J68 bushel (US dry) per day 2 bu (US dry)/d 4,078 596 x 10?? m³/s
J69 bushel (US dry) per hour 2 bu (US dry)/h 9,788 631 x 10?? m³/s
J70 bushel (US dry) per minute 2 bu (US dry)/min 5,873 178 x 10?? m³/s
J71 bushel (US dry) per second 2 bu (US dry)/s 3,523 907 x 10?² m³/s
J72 centinewton metre 1S cN·m 10?² N x m
J73 centipoise per kelvin 2 cP/K 10?³ Pa x s/K
J74 centipoise per bar 2 cP/bar 10?? s
J75 calorie (mean) 2 cal 4,190 02 J
J76 calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius 2 calIT/(g·°C) 4,186 8 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
J78 calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius 2 calth/(cm·s·°C) 4,184 x 10² W/(m x K)
J79 calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius 2 calth/(g·°C) 4,184 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
J81 calorie (thermochemical) per minute 2 calth/min 6,973 333 x 10?² W
J82 calorie (thermochemical) per second 2 calth/s 4,184 W
J83 clo 2 clo 0,155 m² x K/W
J84 centimetre per second kelvin 2 (cm/s)/K 10?² (m/s)/K
J85 centimetre per second bar 2 (cm/s)/bar 10?? (m/s)/Pa
J87 cubic centimetre per cubic metre 1S cm³/m³ 10??
D J89 centimetre of mercury 2 cm Hg 1,333 224 x 10³ Pa
J90 cubic decimetre per day 1S dm³/d 1,157 41 x 10?? m³/s
J91 cubic decimetre per cubic metre 1S dm³/m³ 10?³
J92 cubic decimetre per minute 1S dm³/min 1,666 67 x 10?? m³/s
J93 cubic decimetre per second 1S dm³/s 10?³ m³/s
D J94 dyne centimetre 2 dyn·cm 10?? N x m
J95 ounce (UK fluid) per day 2 fl oz (UK)/d 3,288 549 x 10?¹? m³/s
J96 ounce (UK fluid) per hour 2 fl oz (UK)/h 7,892 517 x 10?? m³/s
J97 ounce (UK fluid) per minute 2 fl oz (UK)/min 4,735 51 x 10?? m³/s
J98 ounce (UK fluid) per second 2 fl oz (UK)/s 2,841 306 x 10?? m³/s
J99 ounce (US fluid) per day 2 fl oz (US)/d 3,422 862 x 10?¹? m³/s
X JB jumbo 3.4
JE joule per kelvin 1 J/K J/K
X JG jug Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
JK megajoule per kilogram 1S MJ/kg 10? J/kg
JM megajoule per cubic metre 1M MJ/m³ 10? J/m³
JNT pipeline joint A count of the number of pipeline joints. 3.5
X JO joint 3.9
JOU joule 1 J J
JPS hundred metre A unit of count defining the number of 100 metre lengths. 3.1
X JR jar Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
JWL number of jewels A unit of count defining the number of jewels (jewel: precious stone). 3.7
K1 kilowatt demand A unit of measure defining the power load measured at predetermined intervals. 3.5
K10 ounce (US fluid) per hour 2 fl oz (US)/h 8,214 869 x 10?? m³/s
K11 ounce (US fluid) per minute 2 fl oz (US)/min 4,928 922 x 10?? m³/s
K12 ounce (US fluid) per second 2 fl oz (US)/s 2,957 353 x 10?? m³/s
K13 foot per degree Fahrenheit 2 ft/°F 0,548 64 m/K
K14 foot per hour 2 ft/h 8,466 667 x 10??m/s
K15 foot pound-force per hour 2 ft·lbf/h 3,766 161 x 10?? W
K16 foot pound-force per minute 2 ft·lbf/min 2,259 697 x 10?² W
K17 foot per psi 2 ft/psi 4,420 750 x 10?? m/Pa
K18 foot per second degree Fahrenheit 2 (ft/s)/°F 0,548 64 (m/s)/K
K19 foot per second psi 2 (ft/s)/psi 4,420 750 x 10?? (m/s)/Pa
K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand A unit of measure defining the reactive power demand equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power. 3.5
K20 reciprocal cubic foot 2 1/ft³ 35,314 66 m?³
K21 cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit 2 ft³/°F 5,097 033 x 10?² m³/K
K22 cubic foot per day 2 ft³/d 3,277 413 x 10?? m³/s
K23 cubic foot per psi 2 ft³/psi 4,107 012 x 10?? m³/Pa
D K24 foot of water 2 ft H?O 2,989 067 x 10³ Pa
D K25 foot of mercury 2 ft Hg 4,063 666 x 10? Pa
K26 gallon (UK) per day 2 gal (UK)/d 5,261 678 x 10?? m³/s
K27 gallon (UK) per hour 2 gal (UK)/h 1,262 803 x 10?? m³/s
K28 gallon (UK) per second 2 gal (UK)/s 4,546 09 x 10?³ m³/s
K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour A unit of measure defining the accumulated reactive energy equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power per hour. 3.5 kvar·h
K30 gallon (US liquid) per second 2 gal (US liq.)/s 3,785 412 x 10?³ m³/s
K31 gram-force per square centimetre 2 gf/cm² 98,066 5 Pa
K32 gill (UK) per day 2 gi (UK)/d 1,644 274 x 10?? m³/s
K33 gill (UK) per hour 2 gi (UK)/h 3,946 258 x 10?? m³/s
K34 gill (UK) per minute 2 gi (UK)/min 0,023 677 55 m³/s
K35 gill (UK) per second 2 gi (UK)/s 1,420 653 x 10?? m³/s
K36 gill (US) per day 2 gi (US)/d 1,369 145 x 10?? m³/s
K37 gill (US) per hour 2 gi (US)/h 3,285 947 x 10?? m³/s
K38 gill (US) per minute 2 gi (US)/min 1,971 568 x 10?? m³/s
K39 gill (US) per second 2 gi (US)/s 1,182 941 x 10?? m³/s
K40 standard acceleration of free fall 2 gn 9,806 65 m/s²
K41 grain per gallon (US) 2 gr/gal (US) 1,711 806 x 10?² kg/m³
K42 horsepower (boiler) 2 boiler hp 9,809 50 x 10³ W
K43 horsepower (electric) 2 electric hp 746 W
K45 inch per degree Fahrenheit 2 in/°F 4,572 x 10?² m/K
K46 inch per psi 2 in/psi 3,683 959 x 10?? m/Pa
K47 inch per second degree Fahrenheit 2 (in/s)/°F 4,572 x 10?² (m/s)/K
K48 inch per second psi 2 (in/s)/psi 3,683 959 x 10?? (m/s)/Pa
K49 reciprocal cubic inch 2 1/in³ 6,102 375 9 x 10? m?³
D K5 kilovolt ampere (reactive) Use kilovar (common code KVR) 1S kvar 10³ V x A
K50 kilobaud A unit of signal transmission speed equal to 10³ (1000) signaling events per second. 3.6 kBd 10³ Bd
K51 kilocalorie (mean) 2 kcal 4,190 02 x 10³ J
K52 kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius 2 kcal/(m·h·°C) 1,163 J/(m x s x K)
K53 kilocalorie (thermochemical) 2 kcalth 4,184 x 10³ J
K54 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute 2 kcalth/min 69,733 33 W
K55 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second 2 kcalth/s 4,184 x 10³ W
K58 kilomole per hour 1S kmol/h 2,777 78 x 10?¹ mol/s
K59 kilomole per cubic metre kelvin 2 (kmol/m³)/K 10³ (mol/m³)/K
K6 kilolitre 1M kl
K60 kilomole per cubic metre bar 2 (kmol/m³)/bar 10?² (mol/m³)/Pa
K61 kilomole per minute 1S kmol/min 16,666 7 mol/s
K62 litre per litre 1S l/l 1
K63 reciprocal litre 2 1/l 10³ m?³
K64 pound (avoirdupois) per degree Fahrenheit 2 lb/°F 0,816 466 3 kg/K
K65 pound (avoirdupois) square foot 2 lb·ft² 4,214 011 x 10?² kg x m²
K66 pound (avoirdupois) per day 2 lb/d 5,249 912 x 10?? kg/s
K67 pound per foot hour 2 lb/(ft·h) 4,133 789 x 10?? Pa x s
K68 pound per foot second 2 lb/(ft·s) 1,488 164 Pa x s
K69 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot degree Fahrenheit 2 (lb/ft³)/°F 28,833 23 (kg/m³)/K
K70 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot psi 2 (lb/ft³)/psi 2,323 282 x 10?³
K71 pound (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK) 2 lb/gal (UK) 99,776 37 kg/m³
K73 pound (avoirdupois) per hour degree Fahrenheit 2 (lb/h)/°F 2,267 962 x 10?? (kg/s)/K
K74 pound (avoirdupois) per hour psi 2 (lb/h)/psi 1,827 445 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
K75 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch degree Fahrenheit 2 (lb/in³)/°F 4,982 384 x 10? (kg/m³)/K
K76 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch psi 2 (lb/in³)/psi 4,014 632 (kg/m³)/Pa
K77 pound (avoirdupois) per psi 2 lb/psi 6,578 802 x 10?? kg/Pa
K78 pound (avoirdupois) per minute 2 lb/min 7,559 873 x 10?³ kg/s
K79 pound (avoirdupois) per minute degree Fahrenheit 2 lb/(min·°F) 1,360 777 x 10?² (kg/s)/K
K80 pound (avoirdupois) per minute psi 2 (lb/min)/psi 1,096 467 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
K81 pound (avoirdupois) per second 2 lb/s 0,453 592 4 kg/s
K82 pound (avoirdupois) per second degree Fahrenheit 2 (lb/s)/°F 0,816 466 3 (kg/s)/K
K83 pound (avoirdupois) per second psi 2 (lb/s)/psi 6,578 802 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
K84 pound per cubic yard 2 lb/yd³ 0,593 276 4 kg/m³
K85 pound-force per square foot 2 lbf/ft² 47,880 26 Pa
K86 pound-force per square inch degree Fahrenheit 2 psi/°F 1,241 056 x 10? Pa/K
K87 psi cubic inch per second 2 psi·in³/s 0,112 985 Pa x m³/s
K88 psi litre per second 2 psi·l/s 6,894 757 Pa x m³/s
K89 psi cubic metre per second 2 psi·m³/s 6,894 757 x 10³ Pa x m³/s
K90 psi cubic yard per second 2 psi·yd³/s 5,271 420 x 10³ Pa x m³/s
K91 pound-force second per square foot 2 lbf·s/ft² 47,880 26 Pa x s
K92 pound-force second per square inch 2 lbf·s/in² 6,894 757 x 10³ Pa x s
K93 reciprocal psi 2 1/psi 1,450 377 x 10?? Pa?¹
K94 quart (UK liquid) per day 2 qt (UK liq.)/d 1,315 420 x 10?? m³/s
K95 quart (UK liquid) per hour 2 qt (UK liq.)/h 3,157 008 x 10?? m³/s
K96 quart (UK liquid) per minute 2 qt (UK liq.)/min 1,894 205 x 10?? m³/s
K97 quart (UK liquid) per second 2 qt (UK liq.)/s 1,136 523 x 10?³ m³/s
K98 quart (US liquid) per day 2 qt (US liq.)/d 1,095 316 x 10?? m³/s
K99 quart (US liquid) per hour 2 qt (US liq.)/h 2,628 758 x 10?? m³/s
KA cake A unit of count defining the number of cakes (cake: object shaped into a flat, compact mass). 3.9
KAT katal A unit of catalytic activity defining the catalytic activity of enzymes and other catalysts. 1M kat s?¹ x mol
KB kilocharacter A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) characters. 3.9
KBA kilobar 1M kbar 10? Pa
KCC kilogram of choline chloride A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of choline chloride. 3.1 kg C? H??ClNO
X KD kilogram decimal 3.9
KDW kilogram drained net weight A unit of mass defining the net number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the liquid content of the product. 3.1 kg/net eda
KEL kelvin Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics) 1 K K
X KF kilopacket 3.9
X KG keg Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
KGM kilogram A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams. 1 kg kg
KGS kilogram per second 1 kg/s kg/s
KHY kilogram of hydrogen peroxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of hydrogen peroxide. 3.1 kg H?O?
KHZ kilohertz 1S kHz 10³ Hz
KI kilogram per millimetre width 3.1 10³ kg/m
KIC kilogram, including container A unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its container. 3.1
KIP kilogram, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its inner packaging materials. 3.1
KJ kilosegment A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) segments. 3.6
KJO kilojoule 1S kJ 10³ J
KL kilogram per metre 1 kg/m kg/m
KLK lactic dry material percentage A unit of proportion defining the percentage of dry lactic material in a product. 3.5
KLX kilolux A unit of illuminance equal to one thousand lux. 1M klx 10³ cd x sr / m²
KMA kilogram of methylamine A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of methylamine. 3.1 kg met.am.
KMH kilometre per hour 1S km/h 0,277 778 m/s
KMK square kilometre 1S km² 10? m²
KMQ kilogram per cubic metre A unit of weight expressed in kilograms of a substance that fills a volume of one cubic metre. 1 kg/m³ kg/m³
KMT kilometre 1S km 10³ m
KNI kilogram of nitrogen A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of nitrogen. 3.1 kg N
KNS kilogram named substance A unit of mass equal to one kilogram of a named substance. 3.1
KNT knot 1 kn 0,514 444 m/s
KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product A unit of count defining the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of product as a measure of the concentration of potassium hydroxide in the product. 3.9
KPA kilopascal 1S kPa 10³ Pa
KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash). 3.1 kg KOH
KPO kilogram of potassium oxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium oxide. 3.1 kg K?O
KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride) A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of phosphorus pentoxide phosphoric anhydride. 3.1
KR kiloroentgen 2 kR 2,58 x 10?¹ C/kg
X KS thousand pound per square inch 3.8
KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of a named substance that is 90% dry. 3.1 kg 90 % sdt
KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). 3.1 kg NaOH
KT kit A unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail). 3.2
X KTM kilometre 1S km 10³ m
KTN kilotonne 1M kt 10? kg
KUR kilogram of uranium A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of uranium. 3.1 kg U
KVA kilovolt - ampere 1S kV·A 10³ V x A
KVR kilovar 1S kvar 10³ V x A
KVT kilovolt 1S kV 10³ V
KW kilogram per millimetre 1M kg/mm 10³ kg/m
KWH kilowatt hour 1S kW·h 3,6 x 10? J
KWO kilogram of tungsten trioxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of tungsten trioxide. 3.1 kg WO?
KWT kilowatt 1S kW 10³ W
KX millilitre per kilogram 1M ml/kg 10?? m³/kg
L10 quart (US liquid) per minute 2 qt (US liq.)/min 1,577 255 x 10?? m³/s
L11 quart (US liquid) per second 2 qt (US liq.)/s 9,463 529 x 10?? m³/s
L12 metre per second kelvin 2 (m/s)/K (m/s)/K
L13 metre per second bar 2 (m/s)/bar 10?? (m/s)/Pa
L14 square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table) 2 m²·h·°C/kcal 0,859 845 2 m² x s x K/J
L15 millipascal second per kelvin 2 mPa·s/K 10?³ Pa x s/K
L16 millipascal second per bar 2 mPa·s/bar 10?? s
L17 milligram per cubic metre kelvin 2 (mg/m³)/K 10?? (kg/m³)/K
L18 milligram per cubic metre bar 2 (mg/m³)/bar 10?¹¹ (kg/m³)/Pa
L19 millilitre per litre 1S ml/l 10?³
L2 litre per minute 1M l/min 1,666 67 x 10?? m³/s
L20 reciprocal cubic millimetre 1S 1/mm³ 10? m?³
L21 cubic millimetre per cubic metre 1S mm³/m³ 10?
L23 mole per hour 1S mol/h 2,777 78 x 10?? mol/s
L24 mole per kilogram kelvin 2 (mol/kg)/K (mol/kg)/K
L25 mole per kilogram bar 2 (mol/kg)/bar 10?? (mol/kg)/Pa
L26 mole per litre kelvin 2 (mol/l)/K 10³ (mol/m³)/K
L27 mole per litre bar 2 (mol/l)/bar 10?² (mol/m³)/Pa
L28 mole per cubic metre kelvin 2 (mol/m³)/K (mol/m³)/K
L29 mole per cubic metre bar 2 (mol/m³)/bar 10?? (mol/m³)/Pa
L30 mole per minute 1S mol/min 1,666 67 x 10?² mol/s
L31 milliroentgen aequivalent men 2 mrem 10?? Sv
L32 nanogram per kilogram 1S ng/kg 10?¹²
L33 ounce (avoirdupois) per day 2 oz/d 3,281 194 x 10??kg/s
L34 ounce (avoirdupois) per hour 2 oz/h 7,874 867 x 10?? kg/s
L35 ounce (avoirdupois) per minute 2 oz/min 4,724 92 x 10?? kg/s
L36 ounce (avoirdupois) per second 2 oz/s 2,834 952 x 10?² kg/s
L37 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK) 2 oz/gal (UK) 6,236 023 kg/m³
L38 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (US) 2 oz/gal (US) 7,489 152 kg/m³
L39 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic inch 2 oz/in³ 1,729 994 x 10³ kg/m³
L40 ounce (avoirdupois)-force 2 ozf 0,278 013 9 N
L41 ounce (avoirdupois)-force inch 2 ozf·in 7,061 552 x 10?³ N x m
L42 picosiemens per metre 2 pS/m 10?¹² S/m
L43 peck (UK) 2 pk (UK) 9,092 181 x 10?³ m³
L44 peck (UK) per day 2 pk (UK)/d 1,052 336 x 10?? m³/s
L45 peck (UK) per hour 2 pk (UK)/h 2,525 606 x 10?? m³/s
L46 peck (UK) per minute 2 pk (UK)/min 1,515 363 5 x 10?? m³/s
L47 peck (UK) per second 2 pk (UK)/s 9,092 181 x 10?³ m³/s
L48 peck (US dry) per day 2 pk (US dry)/d 1,019 649 x 10?? m³/s
L49 peck (US dry) per hour 2 pk (US dry)/h 2,447 158 x 10?? m³/s
L50 peck (US dry) per minute 2 pk (US dry)/min 1,468 295 x 10?? m³/s
L51 peck (US dry) per second 2 pk (US dry)/s 8,809 768 x 10?³ m³/s
L52 psi per psi 2 psi/psi 1
L53 pint (UK) per day 2 pt (UK)/d 6,577 098 x 10?? m³/s
L54 pint (UK) per hour 2 pt (UK)/h 1,578 504 x 10?? m³/s
L55 pint (UK) per minute 2 pt (UK)/min 9,471 022 x 10?? m³/s
L56 pint (UK) per second 2 pt (UK)/s 5,682 613 x 10?? m³/s
L57 pint (US liquid) per day 2 pt (US liq.)/d 5,476 580 x 10?? m³/s
L58 pint (US liquid) per hour 2 pt (US liq.)/h 1,314 379 x 10?? m³/s
L59 pint (US liquid) per minute 2 pt (US liq.)/min 7,886 275 x 10?? m³/s
L60 pint (US liquid) per second 2 pt (US liq.)/s 4,731 765 x 10?? m³/s
X L61 pint (US dry) Use dry pint (common code PTD) 2 pt (US dry) 5,506 105 x 10?? m³
X L62 quart (US dry) Use dry quart (US) (common code QTD) 2 qt (US dry) 1,101 221 x 10?³ m³
L63 slug per day 2 slug/d 1,689 109 x 10?? kg/s
L64 slug per foot second 2 slug/(ft·s) 47,880 26 Pa x s
L65 slug per cubic foot 2 slug/ft³ 5,153 788 x 10² kg/m³
L66 slug per hour 2 slug/h 4,053 861 x 10?³ kg/s
L67 slug per minute 2 slug/min 0,243 231 7 kg/s
L68 slug per second 2 slug/s 14,593 90 kg/s
L69 tonne per kelvin 2 t/K 10³ kg/K
L70 tonne per bar 2 t/bar 10?² kg/Pa
L71 tonne per day 2 t/d 1,157 41 x 10?² kg/s
L72 tonne per day kelvin 2 (t/d)/K 1,157 41 x 10?² (kg/s)/K
L73 tonne per day bar 2 (t/d)/bar 1,157 41 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
L74 tonne per hour kelvin 2 (t/h)/K 2,777 78 x 10?¹ (kg/s)/K
L75 tonne per hour bar 2 (t/h)/bar 2,777 78 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
L76 tonne per cubic metre kelvin 2 (t/m³)/K 10³ (kg/m³)/K
L77 tonne per cubic metre bar 2 (t/m³)/bar 10?² (kg/m³)/Pa
L78 tonne per minute 2 t/min 16,666 7 kg/s
L79 tonne per minute kelvin 2 (t/min)/K 16,666 7 (kg/s)/K
L80 tonne per minute bar 2 (t/min)/bar 1,666 67 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
L81 tonne per second 2 t/s 10³ kg/s
L82 tonne per second kelvin 2 (t/s)/K 10³ (kg/s)/K
L83 tonne per second bar 2 (t/s)/bar 10?² (kg/s)/Pa
L84 ton (UK shipping) 2 British shipping ton 1,189 3 m³
L85 ton long per day 2 ton (UK)/d 1,175 980 x 10?² kg/s
L86 ton (US shipping) 2 (US) shipping ton 1,132 6 m³
L87 ton short per degree Fahrenheit 2 ton (US)/°F 1,632 932 x 10³ kg/K
L88 ton short per day 2 ton (US)/d 1,049 982 x 10?² kg/s
L89 ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit 2 ton (US)/(h·°F) 0,453 592 2 kg/s x K
L90 ton short per hour psi 2 (ton (US)/h)/psi 3,654 889 x 10?? (kg/s)/Pa
L91 ton short per psi 2 ton (US)/psi 0,131 576
L92 ton (UK long) per cubic yard 2 ton.l/yd³ (UK) 1,328 939 x 10³ kg/m³
L93 ton (US short) per cubic yard 2 ton.s/yd³ (US) 1,186 553 x 10³ kg/m³
L94 ton-force (US short) 2 ton.sh-force 8,896 443 x 10³ N
L95 common year 2 y (365 days) 3,153 6 x 10? s
L96 sidereal year 2 y (sidereal) 3,155 815 x 10? s
L98 yard per degree Fahrenheit 2 yd/°F 1,645 92 m/K
L99 yard per psi 2 yd/psi 1,326 225 x 10?? m/Pa
LA pound per cubic inch 2 lb/in³ 2,767 990 x 10? kg/m³
LAC lactose excess percentage A unit of proportion defining the percentage of lactose in a product that exceeds a defined percentage level. 3.5
LBR pound 2 lb 0,453 592 37 kg
LBT troy pound (US) 3.5 373,241 7 g
X LC linear centimetre 3.1
LD litre per day 1M l/d 1,157 41 x 10?? m³/s
X LE lite 3.9
LEF leaf A unit of count defining the number of leaves. 3.5
LF linear foot A unit of count defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object. 3.1
LH labour hour A unit of time defining the number of labour hours. 3.1
X LI linear inch 3.1
X LJ large spray 3.9
LK link A unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain. 3.9
LM linear metre A unit of count defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object. 3.1
LN length A unit of distance defining the linear extent of an item measured from end to end. 3.9
LO lot [unit of procurement] A unit of count defining the number of lots (lot: a collection of associated items). 3.9
LP liquid pound A unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a liquid substance. 3.1
LPA litre of pure alcohol A unit of volume equal to one litre of pure alcohol. 3.1
LR layer A unit of count defining the number of layers. 3.9
LS lump sum A unit of count defining the number of whole or a complete monetary amounts. 3.9
LTN ton (UK) or long ton (US) Synonym: gross ton (2240 lb) 2 ton (UK) 1,016 047 x 10³ kg
LTR litre 1 l 10?³ m³
LUB metric ton, lubricating oil A unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of lubricating oil. 3.1
LUM lumen 1 lm cd x sr
LUX lux 1 lx cd x sr / m²
X LX linear yard per pound 3.1
LY linear yard A unit of count defining the number of 36-inch units in length of a uniform width object. 3.1
X M0 magnetic tape 3.6
M1 milligram per litre 1M mg/l 10?³ kg/m³
M10 reciprocal cubic yard 2 1/yd³ 1,307 951 m?³
M11 cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit 2 yd³/°F 1,376 199 m³/K
M12 cubic yard per day 2 yd³/d 8,849 015 x 10?? m³/s
M13 cubic yard per hour 2 yd³/h 2,123 764 x 10?? m³/s
M14 cubic yard per psi 2 yd³/psi 1,108 893 x 10?? m³/Pa
M15 cubic yard per minute 2 yd³/min 1,274 258 x 10?² m³/s
M16 cubic yard per second 2 yd³/s 0,764 554 9 m³/s
M17 kilohertz metre 2 kHz·m 10³ Hz x m
M18 gigahertz metre 2 GHz·m 10? Hz x m
M19 Beaufort An empirical measure for describing wind speed based mainly on observed sea conditions. The Beaufort scale indicates the wind speed by numbers that typically range from 0 for calm, to 12 for hurricane. 3 Bft
M20 reciprocal megakelvin or megakelvin to the power minus one 2 1/MK 10?? K?¹
M21 reciprocal kilovolt - ampere reciprocal hour 2 1/kVAh 2,777 778 x 10?? (V x A x s)?¹
M22 millilitre per square centimetre minute 2 (ml/min)/cm² 2,777 778 x 10?? (m³/s)/m²
M23 newton per centimetre 1M N/cm 10² N/m
M24 ohm kilometre 1M ?·km 10³ ? x m
M25 percent per degree Celsius A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a temperature of one degree. 3.7 %/°C 10?² °C?¹
M26 gigaohm per metre 2 G?/m 10? ?/m
M27 megahertz metre 2 MHz·m 10? Hz x m
M29 kilogram per kilogram 1S kg/kg 1
M30 reciprocal volt - ampere reciprocal second 1S 1/(V·A·s) (V x A x s)?¹
M31 kilogram per kilometre 1S kg/km 10?³ kg/m
M32 pascal second per litre 2 Pa·s/l 10³ Pa x s/m³
M33 millimole per litre 1S mmol/l mol/m³
M34 newton metre per square metre 1S N·m/m² N x m/m²
M35 millivolt - ampere 1S mV·A 10?³ V x A
M36 30-day month A unit of count defining the number of months expressed in multiples of 30 days, one day equals 24 hours. 3.7 mo (30 days) 2,592 000 x 10? s
M37 actual/360 A unit of count defining the number of years expressed in multiples of 360 days, one day equals 24 hours. 3.7 y (360 days) 3,110 400 0 x 10? s
M38 kilometre per second squared 1000-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 1M km/s² 10³ m/s²
M39 centimetre per second squared 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 1M cm/s² 10?² m/s²
M4 monetary value A unit of measure expressed as a monetary amount. 3.9
M40 yard per second squared Unit of the length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 2 yd/s² 9,144 x 10?¹ m/s²
M41 millimetre per second squared 0,001-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 1M mm/s² 10?³ m/s²
M42 mile (statute mile) per second squared Unit of the length according to the Imperial system of units divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 2 mi/s² 1,609 344 x 10³ m/s²
M43 mil Unit to indicate an angle at military zone, equal to the 6400th part of the full circle of the 360° or 2·p·rad. 2 mil 9,817 477 x 10?? rad
M44 revolution Unit to identify an angle of the full circle of 360° or 2·p·rad (Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide). 2 rev 6,283 185 rad
M45 degree [unit of angle] per second squared 360 part of a full circle divided by the power of the SI base unit second and the exponent 2. 1M °/s² 1,745 329 x 10?² rad / s
M46 revolution per minute Unit of the angular velocity. 2 r/min 0,104 719 8 rad/s
M47 circular mil Unit of an area, of which the size is given by a diameter of length of 1 mm (0,001 in) based on the formula: area = p·(diameter/2)². 2 cmil 5,067 075 x 10?¹? m²
M48 square mile (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the area, which is mainly common in the agriculture and forestry. 2 mi² (US survey) 2,589 998 x 10? m²
M49 chain (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the length according the Anglo-American system of units. 2 ch (US survey) 2,011684 x 10 m
M5 microcurie 2S µCi 3,7 x 10? Bq
M50 furlong Unit commonly used in Great Britain at rural distances: 1 furlong = 40 rods = 10 chains (UK) = 1/8 mile = 1/10 furlong = 220 yards = 660 foot. 2 fur 2,011 68 x 10² m
M51 foot (U.S. survey) Unit commonly used in the United States for ordnance survey. 2 ft (US survey) 3,048 006 x 10?¹ m
M52 mile (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit commonly used in the United States for ordnance survey. 2 mi (US survey) 1,609347 x 10³ m
M53 metre per pascal SI base unit metre divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 1M m/Pa kg?¹ x m² x s²
M55 metre per radiant Unit of the translation factor for implementation from rotation to linear movement. 1S m/rad m/rad
M56 shake Unit for a very short period. 2 shake 10?? s
M57 mile per minute Unit of velocity from the Imperial system of units. 2 mi/min 26,822 4 m/s
M58 mile per second Unit of the velocity from the Imperial system of units. 2 mi/s 1,609 344 x 10³ m/s
M59 metre per second pascal SI base unit meter divided by the product of SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal. 1S (m/s)/Pa m² x kg?¹ x s
M60 metre per hour SI base unit metre divided by the unit hour. 2 m/h 2,777 78 x 10?? m/s
M61 inch per year Unit of the length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit common year with 365 days. 2 in/y 8,048 774 x 10?¹? m/s
M62 kilometre per second 1000-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second. 2 km/s 10³ m/s
M63 inch per minute Unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute. 2 in/min 4,233 333 x 10?? m/s
M64 yard per second Unit yard according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second. 2 yd/s 9,144 x 10?¹ m/s
M65 yard per minute Unit yard according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute. 2 yd/min 1,524 x 10?² m/s
M66 yard per hour Unit yard according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit hour. 2 yd/h 2,54 x 10?? m/s
M67 acre-foot (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the volume, which is used in the United States to measure/gauge the capacity of reservoirs. 2 acre-ft (US survey) 1,233 489 x 10³ m³
M68 cord (128 ft3) Traditional unit of the volume of stacked firewood which has been measured with a cord. 2 cord 3,624 556 m³
M69 cubic mile (UK statute) Unit of volume according to the Imperial system of units. 2 mi³ 4,168 182 x 10? m³
M7 micro-inch 2 µin 25,4 x 10?? m
M70 ton, register Traditional unit of the cargo capacity. 2 RT 2,831 685 m³
M71 cubic metre per pascal Power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the derived SI base unit pascal. 1S m³/Pa kg?¹ x m? x s²
M72 bel Logarithmic relationship to base 10. 1M B B
M73 kilogram per cubic metre pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the product of the power of the SI base unit metre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal. 1M (kg/m³)/Pa m?² x s²
M74 kilogram per pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 2 kg/Pa m x s²
M75 kilopound-force 1000-fold of the unit of the force pound-force (lbf) according to the Anglo-American system of units with the relationship. 2 kip 4,448 222 x 10³ N
M76 poundal Non SI-conforming unit of the power, which corresponds to a mass of a pound multiplied with the acceleration of a foot per square second. 2 pdl 1,382 550 x 10?¹ N
M77 kilogram metre per second squared Product of the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2. 2 kg·m/s² (kg x m)/s²
M78 pond 0,001-fold of the unit of the weight, defined as a mass of 1 kg which finds out about a weight strength from 1 kp by the gravitational force at sea level which corresponds to a strength of 9,806 65 newton. 2 p 9,806 65 x 10?³ N
M79 square foot per hour Power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2 divided by the unit of time hour. 2 ft²/h 2,580 64 x 10?? m²/s
M80 stokes per pascal CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit stokes divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 2 St/Pa 10?? kg?¹ x m³ x s
M81 square centimetre per second 0,000 1-fold of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second. 2 cm²/s 10?? m²/s
M82 square metre per second pascal Power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal. 1 (m²/s)/Pa kg?¹ x m³ x s
M83 denier Traditional unit for the indication of the linear mass of textile fibers and yarns. 2 den 1,111 111 x 10?? kg/m
M84 pound per yard Unit for linear mass according to avoirdupois system of units. 2 lb/yd 4,960 546 x 10?¹ kg/m
M85 ton, assay Non SI-conforming unit of the mass used in the mineralogy to determine the concentration of precious metals in ore according to the mass of the precious metal in milligrams in a sample of the mass of an assay sound (number of troy ounces in a short ton (1 000 lb)). 2 2,916 667 x 10?² kg
M86 pfund Outdated unit of the mass used in Germany. 2 pfd 0,5 kg
M87 kilogram per second pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the product of the SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal. 1S (kg/s)/Pa m x s
M88 tonne per month Unit tonne divided by the unit month. 2 t/mo 3,802 570 537 68 x 10?? kg/s
M89 tonne per year Unit tonne divided by the unit year with 365 days. 2 t/y 3,168 808 781 x 10?? kg/s
M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic foot 3.9 MBTU/kft³
M90 kilopound per hour 1000-fold of the unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the unit hour. 2 klb/h 0,125 997 889 kg/s
M91 pound per pound Proportion of the mass consisting of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system. 2 lb/lb 1
M92 pound-force foot Product of the unit pound-force according to the Anglo-American system of units and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units. 2 lbf·ft 1,355 818 N x m
M93 newton metre per radian Product of the derived SI unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the unit radian. 1M N·m/rad m² x kg x s?² x rad?¹
M94 kilogram metre Unit of imbalance as a product of the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit metre. 1S kg·m kg x m
M95 poundal foot Product of the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units . 2 pdl·ft 4,214 011 x 10?² N x m
M96 poundal inch Product of the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units . 2 pdl·in 3,511 677 10?³ N x m
M97 dyne metre CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the rotational moment. 2 dyn·m 10?? N x m
M98 kilogram centimetre per second Product of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second. 1M kg·(cm/s) 10?² kg x m/s
M99 gram centimetre per second Product of the 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second. 1M g·(cm/s) 10?? kg x m/s
X MA machine per unit 3.9
MAH megavolt ampere reactive hour A unit of electrical reactive power defining the total amount of reactive power across a power system. 3.1 Mvar·h
MAL megalitre 1M Ml 10³ m³
MAM megametre 2 Mm 10? m
MAR megavar A unit of electrical reactive power represented by a current of one thousand amperes flowing due a potential difference of one thousand volts where the sine of the phase angle between them is 1. 1M Mvar
MAW megawatt A unit of power defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor. 1S MW 10? W
MBE thousand standard brick equivalent A unit of count defining the number of one thousand brick equivalent units. 3.5
MBF thousand board foot A unit of volume equal to one thousand board foot. 3.5
MBR millibar 1S mbar 10² Pa
MC microgram 1S µg 10?? kg
MCU millicurie 2S mCi 3,7 x 10? Bq
MD air dry metric ton A unit of count defining the number of metric tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
X MF milligram per square foot per side 3.1
MGM milligram 1S mg 10?? kg
MHZ megahertz 1S MHz 10? Hz
MIK square mile (statute mile) 2 mi² 2,589 988 km²
MIL thousand 3.7 10³
MIN minute [unit of time] 1 min 60 s
MIO million 3.7 10?
MIU million international unit A unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 10?. 3.7
X MK milligram per square inch 3.5 mg/in²
MLD milliard Synonym: billion (US) 3.7 10?
MLT millilitre 1S ml 10?? m³
MMK square millimetre 1S mm² 10?? m²
MMQ cubic millimetre 1S mm³ 10?? m³
MMT millimetre 1S mm 10?³ m
MND kilogram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product. 3.1
MON month Unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days. 2 mo 2,629 800 x 10? s
MPA megapascal 1S MPa 10? Pa
X MQ thousand metre 3.8 10³m
MQH cubic metre per hour 1M m³/h 2,777 78 x 10?? m³/s
MQS cubic metre per second 1 m³/s m³/s
MSK metre per second squared 1 m/s² m/s²
X MT mat Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
MTK square metre 1
MTQ cubic metre Synonym: metre cubed 1
MTR metre 1 m m
MTS metre per second 1 m/s m/s
X MV number of mults 3.7
MVA megavolt - ampere 1S MV·A 10? V x A
MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h) A unit of power defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumed. 1S MW·h 3,6 x 10? J
N1 pen calorie A unit of count defining the number of calories prescribed daily for parenteral/enteral therapy. 3.9
N10 pound foot per second Product of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second. 2 lb·(ft/s) 1,382 550 x 10?¹ kg x m/s
N11 pound inch per second Product of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second. 2 lb·(in/s) 1,152 125 x 10?² kg x m/s
N12 Pferdestaerke Obsolete unit of the power relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 PS = 735,498 75 W. 2 PS 7,354 988 x 10² W
N13 centimetre of mercury (0 ºC) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 0 °C with a height of 1 centimetre . 2 cmHg (0 ºC) 1,333 22 x 10³ Pa
N14 centimetre of water (4 ºC) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 4 °C with a height of 1 centimetre . 2 cmH?O (4 °C) 9,806 38 x 10 Pa
N15 foot of water (39.2 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 ftH2O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature 39,2°F with a height of 1 foot . 2 ftH?O (39,2 ºF) 2,988 98 x 10³ Pa
N16 inch of mercury (32 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 32°F with a height of 1 inch. 2 inHG (32 ºF) 3,386 38 x 10³ Pa
N17 inch of mercury (60 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch. 2 inHg (60 ºF) 3,376 85 x 10³ Pa
N18 inch of water (39.2 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 39,2°F with a height of 1 inch . 2 inH?O (39,2 ºF) 2,490 82 × 10² Pa
N19 inch of water (60 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch . 2 inH?O (60 ºF) 2,488 4 × 10² Pa
X N2 number of lines 3.9
N20 kip per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of the pressure according to the Anglo-American system of units as the 1000-fold of the unit of the force pound-force divided by the power of the unit inch by exponent 2. 2 ksi 6,894 757 x 10? Pa
N21 poundal per square foot Non SI-conforming unit of pressure by the Imperial system of units according to NIST: 1 pdl/ft² = 1,488 164 Pa. 2 pdl/ft² 1,488 164 Pa
N22 ounce (avoirdupois) per square inch Unit of the surface specific mass (avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units according to the surface square inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units). 2 oz/in² 4,394 185 x 10 kg/m²
N23 conventional metre of water Not SI-conforming unit of pressure, whereas a value of 1 mH2O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is produced by one metre high water column . 2 mH?O 9,806 65 x 10³ Pa
N24 gram per square millimetre 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 2. 2 g/mm² 10³ kg/m²
N25 pound per square yard Unit for areal-related mass as a unit pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units with exponent 2. 2 lb/yd² 5,424 919 x 10?¹ kg/m²
N26 poundal per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of the pressure according to the Imperial system of units (poundal by square inch). 2 pdl/in² 2,142 957 × 10² Pa
N27 foot to the fourth power Power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 4 according to NIST: 1 ft4 = 8,630 975 m4. 2 ft? 8,630 975 x 10?³ m?
N28 cubic decimetre per kilogram 0,001 fold of the power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the SI based unit kilogram. 1M dm³/kg 10?³ m³ x kg?¹
N29 cubic foot per pound Power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 3 divided by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system. 2 ft³/lb 6,242 796 x 10?² m³/kg
N3 print point 3.5 0,013 8 in (approx)
N30 cubic inch per pound Power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 3 divided by the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system . 2 in³/lb 3,612 728 x 10?? m³/kg
N31 kilonewton per metre 1000-fold of the derived SI unit newton divided by the SI base unit metre. 1M kN/m 10³ N/m
N32 poundal per inch Non SI-conforming unit of the surface tension according to the Imperial unit system as quotient poundal by inch. 2 pdl/in 5,443 110 N/m
N33 pound-force per yard Unit of force per unit length based on the Anglo-American system of units. 2 lbf/yd 4,864 635 N/m
N34 poundal second per square foot Non SI-conforming unit of viscosity. 2 (pdl/ft²)·s 1,488 164 Pa x s
N35 poise per pascal CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit poise divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 2 P/Pa 0,1 s
N36 newton second per square metre Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a product of unit of the pressure (newton by square metre) multiplied with the SI base unit second. 1S (N/m²)·s Pa x s
N37 kilogram per metre second Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the SI base unit second. 1 kg/(m·s) Pa x s
N38 kilogram per metre minute Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit minute. 1 kg/(m·min) 1,666 67 × 10?² Pa x s
N39 kilogram per metre day Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit day. 1M kg/(m·d) 1,157 41 × 10?? Pa x s
N40 kilogram per metre hour Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit hour. 1M kg/(m·h) 2,777 78 × 10?? Pa x s
N41 gram per centimetre second Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient of the 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre and SI base unit second. 1M g/(cm·s) 0,1 Pa x s
N42 poundal second per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of dynamic viscosity according to the Imperial system of units as product unit of the pressure (poundal by square inch) multiplied by the SI base unit second. 2 (pdl/in²)·s 2,142 957 x 10² Pa x s
N43 pound per foot minute Unit of the dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system. 2 lb/(ft·min) 2,480 273 x 10?² Pa x s
N44 pound per foot day Unit of the dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system. 2 lb/(ft·d) 1,722 412 x 10?? Pa x s
N45 cubic metre per second pascal Power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the product of the SI base unit second and the derived SI base unit pascal. 1S (m³/s)/Pa kg?¹ x m? x s
N46 foot poundal Unit of the work (force-path). 2 ft·pdl 4,214 011 x 10?² J
N47 inch poundal Unit of work (force multiplied by path) according to the Imperial system of units as a product unit inch multiplied by poundal. 2 in·pdl 3,511 677 x 10?³ J
N48 watt per square centimetre Derived SI unit watt divided by the power of the 0,01-fold the SI base unit metre by exponent 2. 2 W/cm² 10? W/m²
N49 watt per square inch Derived SI unit watt divided by the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2. 2 W/in² 1,550 003 x 10³ W/m²
N50 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot hour Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/(ft²·h) 3,154 591 W/m²
N51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot hour Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/(ft²·h) 3,152 481 W/m²
N52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot minute Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/(ft²·min) 1,891 489 x 10² W/m²
N53 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot second Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/(ft²·s) 1,135 653 x 10? W/m²
N54 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot second Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/(ft²·s) 1,134 893 x 10? W/m²
N55 British thermal unit (international table) per square inch second Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/(in²·s) 1,634 246 x 10? W/m²
N56 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre minute Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 calth/(cm²·min) 6,973 333 x 10² W/m²
N57 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre second Unit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units. 2 calth/(cm²·s) 4,184 x 10? W/m²
N58 British thermal unit (international table) per cubic foot Unit of the energy density according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/ft³ 3,725 895 x10? J/m³
N59 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per cubic foot Unit of the energy density according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/ft³ 3,723 403 x10? J/m³
N60 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/ºF 1,899 101 x 10³ J/K
N61 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/ºF 1,897 830 x 10³ J/K
N62 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Rankine Unit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/ºR 1,899 101 x 10³ J/K
N63 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Rankine Unit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/ºR 1,897 830 x 10³ J/K
N64 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Rankine Unit of the heat capacity (British thermal unit according to the international table according to the Rankine degree) according to the Imperial system of units divided by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units. 2 (Btuth/°R)/lb 4,184 x 10³ J/(kg x K)
N65 kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvin Unit of the mass-related heat capacity as quotient 1000-fold of the calorie (international table) divided by the product of the 0,001-fold of the SI base units kilogram and kelvin. 2 (kcalIT/K)/g 4,186 8 x 10? J/(kg x K)
N66 British thermal unit (39 ºF) Unit of heat energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 39 °F. 2 Btu (39 ºF) 1,059 67 x 10³ J
N67 British thermal unit (59 ºF) Unit of heat energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 59 °F. 2 Btu (59 ºF) 1,054 80 x 10³ J
N68 British thermal unit (60 ºF) Unit of head energy according to the Imperial system of units at a reference temperature of 60 °F. 2 Btu (60 ºF) 1,054 68 x 10³ J
N69 calorie (20 ºC) Unit for quantity of heat, which is to be required for 1 g air free water at a constant pressure from 101,325 kPa, to warm up the pressure of standard atmosphere at sea level, from 19,5 °C on 20,5 °C. 2 cal?? 4,181 90
N70 quad (1015 BtuIT) Unit of heat energy according to the imperial system of units. 2 quad 1,055 056 × 10¹? J
N71 therm (EC) Unit of heat energy in commercial use, within the EU defined: 1 thm (EC) = 100 000 BtuIT. 2 thm (EC) 1,055 06 × 10? J
N72 therm (U.S.) Unit of heat energy in commercial use. 2 thm (US) 1,054 804 × 10? J
N73 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound Unit of the heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units. 2 Btuth/lb 2,324 444 x 10³ J/kg
N74 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat transition coefficient according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/(h·ft²·ºF) 5,678 263 W/(m² x K)
N75 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/(h·ft²·ºF) 5,674 466 W/(m² x K)
N76 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/(s·ft²·ºF) 2,044 175 x 10? W/(m² x K)
N77 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit Unit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/(s·ft²·ºF) 2,042 808 x 10? W/(m² x K)
N78 kilowatt per square metre kelvin 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2 and the SI base unit kelvin. 1M kW/(m²·K) 10³ W/(m² x K)
N79 kelvin per pascal SI base unit kelvin divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 1S K/Pa kg?¹ x m x s² x K
N80 watt per metre degree Celsius Derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the unit for temperature degree Celsius. 1M W/(m·°C) W/(m x K)
N81 kilowatt per metre kelvin 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the SI base unit kelvin. 1M kW/(m·K) 10³ W/(m x K)
N82 kilowatt per metre degree Celsius 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the unit for temperature degree Celsius. 1M kW/(m·°C) 10³ W/(m x K)
N83 metre per degree Celcius metre SI base unit metre divided by the product of the unit degree Celsius and the SI base unit metre. 2 m/(°C·m) K?¹
N84 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (international table) Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF/(BtuIT/h) 1,895 634 K/W
N85 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (thermochemical) Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF/(Btuth/h) 1,896 903 K/W
N86 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (international table) Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF/(BtuIT/s) 5,265 651 x 10?? K/W
N87 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (thermochemical) Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF/(Btuth/s) 5,269 175 x 10?? K/W
N88 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table) inch Unit of specific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF·h·ft²/(BtuIT·in) 6,933 472 K x m/W
N89 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch Unit of specific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units. 2 ºF·h·ft²/(Btuth·in) 6,938 112 K x m/W
N90 kilofarad 1000-fold of the derived SI unit farad. 1M kF 10³ F
N91 reciprocal joule Reciprocal of the derived SI unit joule. 1 1/J 1/J
N92 picosiemens 0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit siemens. 1M pS 10?¹² S
N93 ampere per pascal SI base unit ampere divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 1M A/Pa kg?¹ x m x s² x A
N94 franklin CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electrical charge, where the charge amounts to exactly 1 Fr where the force of 1 dyn on an equal load is performed at a distance of 1 cm. 2 Fr 3,335 641 x 10?¹? C
N95 ampere minute A unit of electric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one minute.. 1M A·min 60 C
N96 biot CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electric power which is defined by a force of 2 dyn per cm between two parallel conductors of infinite length with negligible cross-section in the distance of 1 cm. 2 Bi 10¹ A
N97 gilbert CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the magnetomotive force, which is defined by the work to increase the magnetic potential of a positive common pol with 1 erg. 2 Gi 7,957 747 x 10?¹ A
N98 volt per pascal Derived SI unit volt divided by the derived SI unit pascal. 1M V/Pa m³ x s?¹ x A?¹
N99 picovolt 0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit volt. 1M pV 10?¹² V
NA milligram per kilogram 1S mg/kg 10?? 1
NAR number of articles A unit of count defining the number of articles (article: item). 3.7
X NB barge 3.4
X NBB number of bobbins 3.7
X NC car 3.5
NCL number of cells A unit of count defining the number of cells (cell: an enclosed or circumscribed space, cavity, or volume). 3.7
X ND net barrel 3.1
X NE net litre 3.1
NEW newton 1 N (kg x m)/s²
NF message A unit of count defining the number of messages. 3.9
X NG net gallon (us) 3.1
X NH message hour 3.5
X NI net imperial gallon 3.1
NIL nil A unit of count defining the number of instances of nothing. 3.8 ()
NIU number of international units A unit of count defining the number of international units. 3.7
X NJ number of screens 3.7
NL load A unit of volume defining the number of loads (load: a quantity of items carried or processed at one time). 3.4
NMI nautical mile 1 n mile 1 852 m
NMP number of packs A unit of count defining the number of packs (pack: a collection of objects packaged together). 3.7
X NN train 3.5
X NPL number of parcels 3.7
D NPR number of pairs A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's). 3.7 use pair
NPT number of parts A unit of count defining the number of parts (part: component of a larger entity). 3.7
D NQ mho 2 S
D NR micromho 2 10?? S
X NRL number of rolls Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.7
NT net ton A unit of mass equal to 2000 pounds, see ton (US). Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of Ships. 3.4
D NTT net register ton A unit of mass equal to the total cubic footage after deductions, where 1 register ton is equal to 100 cubic feet. Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of Ships. 3.4
NU newton metre 1 N·m N x m
X NV vehicle 3.4
NX part per thousand A unit of proportion equal to 10?³. Synonym: per mille 3.7 ‰ 1 x 10?³
X NY pound per air dry metric ton 3.5
OA panel A unit of count defining the number of panels (panel: a distinct, usually rectangular, section of a surface). 3.9
ODE ozone depletion equivalent A unit of mass defining the ozone depletion potential in kilograms of a product relative to the calculated depletion for the reference substance, Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11). 3.1
OHM ohm 1 ? ?
ON ounce per square yard 2 oz/yd² 3,390 575 x 10?² kg/m²
ONZ ounce (avoirdupois) 2 oz 2,834 952 x 10?² kg
X OP two pack 3.2
OT overtime hour A unit of time defining the number of overtime hours. 3.1
D OZ ounce av A unit of measure equal to 1/16 of a pound or about 28.3495 grams (av = avoirdupois). Use ounce (common code ONZ). 3.1
OZA fluid ounce (US) 2 fl oz (US) 2,957 353 x 10?? m³
OZI fluid ounce (UK) 2 fl oz (UK) 2,841 306 x 10?? m³
X P0 page - electronic 3.9
P1 percent A unit of proportion equal to 0.01. 3.7 % or pct 1 x 10?²
P10 coulomb per metre Derived SI unit coulomb divided by the SI base unit metre. 1 C/m m?¹ x s x A
P11 kiloweber 1000 fold of the derived SI unit weber. 1M kWb 10³ Wb
P12 gamma Unit of magnetic flow density. 2 ? 10?? T
P13 kilotesla 1000-fold of the derived SI unit tesla. 1M kT 10³ T
P14 joule per second Quotient of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit second. 1 J/s W
P15 joule per minute Quotient from the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit minute. 1M J/min 1,666 67 × 10?² W
P16 joule per hour Quotient from the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit hour. 1M J/h 2,777 78 × 10?? W
P17 joule per day Quotient from the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit day. 1M J/d 1,157 41 × 10?? W
P18 kilojoule per second Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit second. 1M kJ/s 10³ W
P19 kilojoule per minute Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit minute. 1M kJ/min 1,666 67 × 10 W
P2 pound per foot 2 lb/ft 1,488 164 kg/m
P20 kilojoule per hour Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit hour. 1M kJ/h 2,777 78 x 10?¹ W
P21 kilojoule per day Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit day. 1M kJ/d 1,157 41 x 10?² W
P22 nanoohm 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit ohm. 1M n? 10?? ?
P23 ohm circular-mil per foot Unit of resistivity. 2 ?·cmil/ft 1,662 426 x 10?? ? x m
P24 kilohenry 1000-fold of the derived SI unit henry. 1M kH 10³ H
P25 lumen per square foot Derived SI unit lumen divided by the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2. 2 lm/ft² 1,076 391 x 10¹ cd x sr / m²
P26 phot CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as lumen by square centimetre. 2 ph 10? cd x sr / m²
P27 footcandle Non SI conform traditional unit, defined as density of light which impinges on a surface which has a distance of one foot from a light source, which shines with an intensity of an international candle. 2 ftc 1,076 391 x 10¹ cd x sr / m²
P28 candela per square inch SI base unit candela divided by the power of unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2. 2 cd/in² 1,550 003 x 10³ cd/m²
P29 footlambert Unit of the luminance according to the Anglo-American system of units, defined as emitted or reflected luminance of a lm/ft². 2 ftL 3,426 259 cd/m²
X P3 three pack 3.2
P30 lambert CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as the emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre. 2 Lb 3,183 099 x 10³ cd/m²
P31 stilb CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre. 2 sb 10? cd/m²
P32 candela per square foot Base unit SI candela divided by the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2. 2 cd/ft² 1,076 391 x 10 cd/m²
P33 kilocandela 1000-fold of the SI base unit candela. 1M kcd 10³ cd
P34 millicandela 0,001-fold of the SI base unit candela. 1M mcd 10?³ cd
P35 Hefner-Kerze Obsolete, non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 0,903 cd. 2 HK 0,903 cd
P36 international candle Obsolete, non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 1,019 cd. 2 IK 1,019 cd
P37 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot Unit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units. 2 BtuIT/ft² 1,135 653 x 10? J/m²
P38 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot Unit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units. 2 Btuth/ft² 1,134 893 x 10? J/m²
P39 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre Unit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units. 2 calth/cm² 4,184 x 10? J/m²
X P4 four pack 3.2
P40 langley CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the areal-related energy transmission (as a measure of the incident quantity of heat of solar radiation on the earth's surface). 2 Ly 4,184 x 10? J/m²
P41 decade (logarithmic) 1 Dec := log2 10 ˜ 3,32 according to the logarithm for frequency range between f1 and f2, when f2/f1 = 10. 2 dec dec
P42 pascal squared second Unit of the set as a product of the power of derived SI unit pascal with exponent 2 and the SI base unit second. 1 Pa²·s m?² x kg² x s?³
P43 bel per metre Unit bel divided by the SI base unit metre. 1M B/m B/m
P44 pound mole Non SI-conforming unit of quantity of a substance relating that one pound mole of a chemical composition corresponds to the same number of pounds as the molecular weight of one molecule of this composition in atomic mass units. 2 lbmol 453,592 4 mol
P45 pound mole per second Non SI-conforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units. 2 lbmol/s 4,535 924 x 10² mol/s
P46 pound mole per minute Non SI-conforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units. 2 lbmol/h 7,559 873 mol/s
P47 kilomole per kilogram 1000-fold of the SI base unit mol divided by the SI base unit kilogram. 1M kmol/kg 10³ mol/kg
P48 pound mole per pound Non SI-conforming unit of the material molar flux divided by the avoirdupois pound for mass according to the avoirdupois unit system. 2 lbmol/lb 10³ mol/kg
P49 newton square metre per ampere Product of the derived SI unit newton and the power of SI base unit metre with exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit ampere. 1S N·m²/A m³ x kg x s?² x A?¹
P5 five pack A unit of count defining the number of five-packs (five-pack: set of five items packaged together). 3.2
P50 weber metre Product of the derived SI unit weber and SI base unit metre. 1S Wb·m m³ x kg x s?² x A?¹
P51 mol per kilogram pascal SI base unit mol divided by the product of the SI base unit kilogram and the derived SI unit pascal. 1S (mol/kg)/Pa m x kg?² x s² x mol
P52 mol per cubic metre pascal SI base unit mol divided by the product of the power from the SI base unit metre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal. 1S (mol/m³)/Pa m?² x kg?¹ x s² x mol
P53 unit pole CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit for magnetic flux of a magnetic pole (according to the interaction of identical poles of 1 dyn at a distance of a cm). 2 unit pole 1,256 637 x 10?? Wb
P54 milligray per second 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second. 1M mGy/s 10?³ Gy/s
P55 microgray per second 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second. 1M µGy/s 10?? Gy/s
P56 nanogray per second 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second. 1M nGy/s 10?? Gy/s
P57 gray per minute SI derived unit gray divided by the unit minute. 1M Gy/min 1,666 67 × 10?² Gy/s
P58 milligray per minute 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute. 1M mGy/min 1,666 67 × 10?? Gy/s
P59 microgray per minute 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute. 1M µGy/min 1,666 67 × 10?? Gy/s
X P6 six pack 3.2
P60 nanogray per minute 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute. 1M nGy/min 1,666 67 × 10?¹¹ Gy/s
P61 gray per hour SI derived unit gray divided by the unit hour. 1M Gy/h 2,777 78 × 10?? Gy/s
P62 milligray per hour 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour. 1M mGy/h 2,777 78 × 10?? Gy/s
P63 microgray per hour 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour. 1M µGy/h 2,777 78 × 10?¹? Gy/s
P64 nanogray per hour 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour. 1M nGy/h 2,777 78 × 10?¹³ Gy/s
P65 sievert per second Derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second. 2 Sv/s Sv/s
P66 millisievert per second 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second. 2 mSv/s 10?³ Sv/s
P67 microsievert per second 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second. 2 µSv/s 10?? Sv/s
P68 nanosievert per second 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second. 2 nSv/s 10?? Sv/s
P69 rem per second Unit for the equivalent tin rate relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 rem/s = 0,01 J/(kg·s) = 1 Sv/s. 2 rem/s 10?² Sv/s
X P7 seven pack 3.2
P70 sievert per hour Derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour. 2 Sv/h 2,777 78 × 10?? Sv/s
P71 millisievert per hour 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour. 2 mSv/h 0,277 777 778 × 10?? Sv/s
P72 microsievert per hour 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour. 2 µSv/h 0,277 777 778 × 10?¹? Sv/s
P73 nanosievert per hour 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour. 2 nSv/h 0,277 777 778 × 10?¹³ Sv/s
P74 sievert per minute Derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute. 2 Sv/min 0,016 666 Sv/s
P75 millisievert per minute 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute. 2 mSv/min 1,666 666 667 × 10?? Sv/s
P76 microsievert per minute 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute. 2 µSv/min 1,666 666 667 × 10?? Sv/s
P77 nanosievert per minute 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute. 2 nSv/min 1,666 666 667 × 10?¹¹ Sv/s
P78 reciprocal square inch Complement of the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2. 2 1/in² 1,550 003 x 10³ m?²
P79 pascal square metre per kilogram Unit of the burst index as derived unit for pressure pascal related to the substance, represented as a quotient from the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2. 1 Pa/(kg/m²) m/s²
X P8 eight pack 3.2
P80 millipascal per metre 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre. 1M mPa/m 10?³ kg/(m² x s²)
P81 kilopascal per metre 1000-fold of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre. 1M kPa/m 10³ kg/(m² x s²)
P82 hectopascal per metre 100-fold of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre. 1M hPa/m 10² kg/(m² x s²)
P83 standard atmosphere per metre Outdated unit of the pressure divided by the SI base unit metre. 2 Atm/m 1,013 25 x 10? kg/(m² x s²)
P84 technical atmosphere per metre Obsolete and non-legal unit of the pressure which is generated by a 10 metre water column divided by the SI base unit metre. 2 at/m 9,806 65 x 10? kg/(m² x s²)
P85 torr per metre CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the pressure divided by the SI base unit metre. 2 Torr/m 1,333 224 x 10² kg/(m² x s²)
P86 psi per inch Compound unit for pressure (pound-force according to the Anglo-American unit system divided by the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units with the exponent 2) divided by the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units . 2 psi/in 2,714 471 x 10? kg/(m² x s²)
P87 cubic metre per second square metre Unit of volume flow cubic meters by second related to the transmission surface in square metres. 1M (m³/s)/m² m/s
P88 rhe Non SI-conforming unit of fluidity of dynamic viscosity. 3.5 rhe 10 m x kg?¹ x s
P89 pound-force foot per inch Unit for length-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units. 3.5 lbf·ft/in 53,378 66 m x kg / s²
X P9 nine pack 3.2
P90 pound-force inch per inch Unit for length-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units. 3.5 lbf·in/in 4,448 222 m x kg / s²
P91 perm (0 ºC) Traditional unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 0 °C as steam transmittance, where the mass of one grain steam penetrates an area of one foot squared at a pressure from one inch mercury per hour. 3.5 perm (0 ºC) 5,721 35 x 10?¹¹ kg/(m² x Pa x s)
P92 perm (23 ºC) Traditional unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 23 °C as steam transmittance at which the mass of one grain of steam penetrates an area of one square foot at a pressure of one inch mercury per hour. 3.5 perm (23 ºC) 5,745 25 x 10?¹¹ kg/(m² x Pa x s)
P93 byte per second Unit byte divided by the SI base unit second. 3.6 byte/s byte/s
P94 kilobyte per second 1000-fold of the unit byte divided by the SI base unit second. 3.6 kbyte/s 10³ byte/s
P95 megabyte per second 1 000 000-fold of the unit byte divided by the SI base unit second. 3.6 Mbyte/s 10? byte/s
P96 reciprocal volt Reciprocal of the derived SI unit volt. 3.5 1/V m?² x kg?¹ x s³ x A
P97 reciprocal radian Reciprocal of the unit radian. 3.5 1/rad 1/rad
P98 pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers Unit of the equilibrium constant on the basis of the pressure(ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-35.a). 3.5 Pa??B
P99 mole per cubiv metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers Unit of the equilibrium constant on the basis of the concentration (ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-36.a). 3.5 (mol/m³)??B
X PA packet Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
PAL pascal 1 Pa Pa
X PB pair inch 3.8
PD pad A unit of count defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end). 3.9
X PE pound equivalent 3.1
X PF pallet (lift) Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
PFL proof litre A unit of volume equal to one litre of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature. 3.1
X PG plate Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
PGL proof gallon A unit of volume equal to one gallon of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature. 3.1
PI pitch A unit of count defining the number of characters that fit in a horizontal inch. 3.5
X PK pack Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). Synonym: package 3.3
X PL pail Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
PLA degree Plato A unit of proportion defining the sugar content of a product, especially in relation to beer. 3.5 °P
X PM pound percentage 3.1
X PN pound net 3.1
PO pound per inch of length 2 lb/in 1,785 797 x 10¹ kg/m
PQ page per inch A unit of quantity defining the degree of thickness of a bound publication, expressed as the number of pages per inch of thickness. 3.5 ppi
PR pair A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's). 3.7 2
PS pound-force per square inch 2 lbf/in² 6,894 757 x 10³ Pa
D PT pint (US) Use liquid pint (common code PTL) 2 pt (US) 4, 731 76 x 10?? m³
PTD dry pint (US) 2 dry pt (US) 5,506 105 x 10?? m³
PTI pint (UK) 2 pt (UK) 5, 682 61 x 10?? m³
PTL liquid pint (US) 2 liq pt (US) 4, 731 765 x 10?? m³
X PU tray / tray pack Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X PV half pint (US) 3.8
X PW pound per inch of width 3.1
X PY peck dry (US) 3.5
X PZ peck dry (UK) 3.5
Q10 joule per tesla Unit of the magnetic dipole moment of the molecule as derived SI unit joule divided by the derived SI unit tesla. 3.5 J/T m² x A
Q11 erlang Unit of the market value according to the feature of a single feature as a statistical measurement of the existing utilization. 3.6 E 1 E
Q12 octet Synonym for byte: 1 octet = 8 bit = 1 byte. 3.6 o 8 bit
Q13 octet per second Unit octet divided by the SI base unit second. 3.6 o/s 8 bit/s
Q14 shannon Logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2. 3.6 Sh
Q15 hartley Logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10. 3.6 Hart
Q16 natural unit of information Logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base Euler value e. 3.6 nat nat
Q17 shannon per second Time related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2. 3.6 Sh/s Sh/s
Q18 hartley per second Time related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10. 3.6 Hart/s Hart/s
Q19 natural unit of information per second Time related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of 2,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base of the Euler value e. 3.6 nat/s nat/s
Q20 second per kilogramm Unit of the Einstein transition probability for spontaneous or inducing emissions and absorption according to ISO 80000-7:2008, expressed as SI base unit second divided by the SI base unit kilogram. 3.5 s/kg kg?¹ x s
Q21 watt square metre Unit of the first radiation constants c1 = 2·p·h·c0², the value of which is 3,741 771 18·10?¹6-fold that of the comparative value of the product of the derived SI unit watt multiplied with the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2. 3.5 W·m² m? x kg x s?³
Q22 second per radian cubic metre Unit of the density of states as an expression of angular frequency as complement of the product of hertz and radiant and the power of SI base unit metre by exponent 3 . 3.5 1/(Hz·rad·m³) m?³ x s x rad?¹
Q23 weber to the power minus one Complement of the derived SI unit weber as unit of the Josephson constant, which value is equal to the 384 597,891-fold of the reference value gigahertz divided by volt. 3.5 1/Wb m?² x kg?¹ x s² x A
Q24 reciprocal inch Complement of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units. 3.5 1/in 39,370 08 m?¹
Q25 dioptre Unit used at the statement of relative refractive indexes of optical systems as complement of the focal length with correspondence to: 1 dpt = 1/m. 3.5 dpt m?¹
Q26 one per one Value of the quotient from two physical units of the same kind as a numerator and denominator whereas the units are shortened mutually. 3.5 1/1 1/1
Q27 newton metre per metre Unit for length-related rotational moment as product of the derived SI unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit metre. 3.5 N·m/m² m x kg x s?²
Q28 kilogram per square metre pascal second Unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of steam. 3.5 kg/(m²·Pa·s) kg/(m² x Pa x s)
+ Q29 microgram per hectogram Microgram per hectogram. 1S µg/hg 10?8
+ Q30 pH (potential of Hydrogen) The activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion (a logarithmic measure used to state the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical solution). 2 pH -log10(mol/l)
Q3 meal A unit of count defining the number of meals (meal: an amount of food to be eaten on a single occasion). 3.9
QA page - facsimile A unit of count defining the number of facsimile pages. 3.5
QAN quarter (of a year) A unit of time defining the number of quarters (3 months). 3.8
QB page - hardcopy A unit of count defining the number of hardcopy pages (hardcopy page: a page rendered as printed or written output on paper, film, or other permanent medium). 3.5
X QD quarter dozen 3.7 3
X QH quarter hour 3.8 900 s
X QK quarter kilogram 3.8
QR quire A unit of count for paper, expressed as the number of quires (quire: a number of paper sheets, typically 25). 3.5 qr
D QT quart (US) Use liquid quart (common code QTL) 2 qt (US) 0,946 352 9 x 10?³ m³
QTD dry quart (US) 2 dry qt (US) 1,101 221 x 10?³ m³
QTI quart (UK) 2 qt (UK) 1,136 522 5 x 10?³ m³
QTL liquid quart (US) 2 liq qt (US) 9,463 529 x 10?? m³
QTR quarter (UK) A traditional unit of weight equal to 1/4 hundredweight. In the United Kingdom, one quarter equals 28 pounds. 3.5 Qr (UK) 12,700 59 kg
R1 pica A unit of count defining the number of picas. (pica: typographical length equal to 12 points or 4.22 mm (approx.)). 3.5 4,217 518 x 10?³ m
X R4 calorie Use International Table (IT) calorie (common code D70) 3.5 cal 4,186 8 J
R9 thousand cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic metres. 3.8 10³m³
X RA rack 3.3
X RD rod Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X RG ring Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
RH running or operating hour A unit of time defining the number of hours of operation. 3.1
X RK roll metric measure 3.3
X RL reel Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
RM ream A unit of count for paper, expressed as the number of reams (ream: a large quantity of paper sheets, typically 500). 3.5
X RN ream metric measure 3.5
X RO roll Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
ROM room A unit of count defining the number of rooms. 3.9
RP pound per ream A unit of mass for paper, expressed as pounds per ream. (ream: a large quantity of paper, typically 500 sheets). 3.5
RPM revolutions per minute Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide 1 r/min 1,67 x 10?²/s
RPS revolutions per second Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide 1 r/s 1/s
X RS reset 3.9
RT revenue ton mile A unit of information typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of revenue tons (revenue ton: either a metric ton or a cubic metres, whichever is the larger), moved over a distance of one mile. 3.4
X RU run 3.9
S3 square foot per second Synonym: foot squared per second 2 ft²/s 0,092 903 04 m²/s
S4 square metre per second Synonym: metre squared per second (square metres/second US) 1 m²/s m²/s
X S5 sixty fourths of an inch 3.8
X S6 session 3.9
X S7 storage unit 3.9
X S8 standard advertising unit 3.9
X SA sack Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
SAN half year (6 months) A unit of time defining the number of half years (6 months). 3.8
SCO score A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 20. 3.7 20
SCR scruple 3.5 1,295 982 g
X SD solid pound 3.1
X SE section 3.9
SEC second [unit of time] 1 s s
SET set A unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together). 3.2
SG segment A unit of information equal to 64000 bytes. 3.9
D SHT shipping ton A unit of mass defining the number of tons for shipping. 3.4
SIE siemens 1 S A/V
X SK split tank truck 3.4
X SL slipsheet Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
SMI mile (statute mile) 2 mile 1 609,344 m
X SN square rod 3.8 rd² 25,292 9 m²
X SO spool Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X SP shelf package 3.9
SQ square A unit of count defining the number of squares (square: rectangular shape). 3.9
SQR square, roofing A unit of count defining the number of squares of roofing materials, measured in multiples of 100 square feet. 3.1
SR strip A unit of count defining the number of strips (strip: long narrow piece of an object). 3.9
X SS sheet metric measure 3.3
X SST short standard (7200 matches) 3.5
X ST sheet Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
STC stick A unit of count defining the number of sticks (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance). 3.9
STI stone (UK) 2 st 6,350 293 kg
STK stick, cigarette A unit of count defining the number of cigarettes in the smallest unit for stock-taking and/or duty computation. 3.9
STL standard litre A unit of volume defining the number of litres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils. 3.1
STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US) Synonym: net ton (2000 lb) 2 ton (US) 0,907184 7 x 10³ kg
STW straw A unit of count defining the number of straws (straw: a slender tube used for sucking up liquids). 3.9
X SV skid Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.9
SW skein A unit of count defining the number of skeins (skein: a loosely-coiled bundle of yarn or thread). 3.9
SX shipment A unit of count defining the number of shipments (shipment: an amount of goods shipped or transported). 3.4
SYR syringe A unit of count defining the number of syringes (syringe: a small device for pumping, spraying and/or injecting liquids through a small aperture). 3.9
T0 telecommunication line in service A unit of count defining the number of lines in service. 3.5
X T1 thousand pound gross 3.8
T3 thousand piece A unit of count defining the number of pieces in multiples of 1000 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). 3.8
X T4 thousand bag 3.8
X T5 thousand casing 3.8
X T6 thousand gallon (US) 3.8 3,785 412 m³
X T7 thousand impression 3.8
X T8 thousand linear inch 3.8
X TA tenth cubic foot 3.8
TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour) 1M kA·h 3,6 x 10? C
TAN total acid number A unit of chemistry defining the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. It is an important quality measurement of crude oil. 3.5 TAN mg KOH/g
X TC truckload 3.4
X TD therm 3.8 10? x 1 055,056 J
X TE tote 3.3
X TF ten square yard 3.8
TI thousand square inch 3.8
TIC metric ton, including container A unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its container. 3.1
TIP metric ton, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its inner packaging materials. 3.1
X TJ thousand square centimetre 3.8
X TK tank, rectangular Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.4
TKM tonne kilometre A unit of information typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of tonnes (metric tons) moved over a distance of one kilometre. 3.4 t·km 10? kg x m
X TL thousand foot (linear) 3.8
TMS kilogram of imported meat, less offal A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of imported meat, disregarding less valuable by-products such as the entrails. 3.5
X TN tin Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
TNE tonne (metric ton) Synonym: metric ton 1S t 10³ kg
TP ten pack A unit of count defining the number of items in multiples of 10. 3.2
TPR ten pair A unit of count defining the number of pairs in multiples of 10 (pair: item described by two's). 3.8
X TQ thousand foot 3.8
TQD thousand cubic metre per day A unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic metres per day. 3.8 km³/d 1,157 41 x 10?² m³/s
X TR ten square foot 3.8
TRL trillion (EUR) 3.7 10¹?
X TS thousand square foot 3.8
X TSD tonne of substance 90 % dry 3.1
X TSH ton of steam per hour 3.1
TST ten set A unit of count defining the number of sets in multiples of 10 (set: a number of objects grouped together). 3.9
X TT thousand linear metre 3.8
TTS ten thousand sticks A unit of count defining the number of sticks in multiples of 10000 (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance). 3.9
X TU tube Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X TV thousand kilogram 3.8 10³kg
X TW thousand sheet 3.8
X TY tank, cylindrical Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.4
U1 treatment A unit of count defining the number of treatments (treatment: subjection to the action of a chemical, physical or biological agent). 3.9
U2 tablet A unit of count defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object). 3.9
D UA torr 2 Torr 133,322 4 Pa
UB telecommunication line in service average A unit of count defining the average number of lines in service. 3.5
UC telecommunication port A unit of count defining the number of network access ports. 3.5
X UD tenth minute 3.8 6 s
X UE tenth hour 3.8 360 s
X UF usage per telecommunication line average 3.5
X UH ten thousand yard 3.8
X UM million unit 3.8
VA volt - ampere per kilogram 3.9 V·A / kg V x A / kg
X VI vial Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
VLT volt 1 V V
VP percent volume A measure of concentration, typically expressed as the percentage volume of a solute in a solution. 3.7
X VQ bulk Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X VS visit 3.9
W2 wet kilo A unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including the water content of the product. 3.1
X W4 two week 3.8
WA watt per kilogram 3.9 W/kg 1 W/kg
WB wet pound A unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a material, including the water content of the material. 3.1
WCD cord A unit of volume used for measuring lumber. One board foot equals 1/12 of a cubic foot. 3.5 3,63 m³
WE wet ton A unit of mass defining the number of tons of a material, including the water content of the material. 3.1
WEB weber 1 Wb Wb
WEE week 2 wk 6,048 x 10? s
WG wine gallon A unit of volume equal to 231 cubic inches. 3.1
X WH wheel 3.9
WHR watt hour 1 W·h 3,6 x 10³ J
X WI weight per square inch 3.9
WM working month A unit of time defining the number of working months. 3.1
X WR wrap 3.3
WSD standard A unit of volume of finished lumber equal to 165 cubic feet. Synonym: standard cubic foot 3.5 std 4,672 m³
WTT watt 1 W W
D WW millilitre of water A unit of volume equal to the number of millilitres of water. 3.1
X1 Gunter's chain A unit of distance used or formerly used by British surveyors. 2 ch (UK) 20,116 8 m
YDK square yard 2 yd² 8,361 274 x 10?¹ m²
YDQ cubic yard 2 yd³ 0,764 555 m³
X YL hundred linear yard 3.8
YRD yard 2 yd 0,914 4 m
X YT ten yard 3.8
X Z1 lift van 3.4
Z11 hanging container A unit of count defining the number of hanging containers. 3.9
X Z2 chest Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X Z3 cask Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X Z4 hogshead Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 (refer to Note 2 in the spreadsheet introduction, 1st sheet). 3.3
X Z5 lug 3.9
X Z6 conference point 3.5
X Z8 newspage agate line 3.9
ZP page A unit of count defining the number of pages. 3.5
ZZ mutually defined A unit of measure as agreed in common between two or more parties. 3.9

List: uri=../cl/gc/default/WeekDayCode-2.1.gc

LongName (xml:lang="en")=Week Day Code
Agency/LongName (xml:lang="en")=International Organization for Standardization
Agency/Identifier (Identifier="http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d11a/tred/tred3055.htm")=5
[Key Id="codeKey": CodeKey]
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday

Report created by Crane-cva2html.xsl $Revision: 1.32 $ Crane Softwrights Ltd.