Special Majority
A Special Majority Vote requires at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the Voting Members vote "yes" and no more than 1/4 (one fourth) of the Voting Members vote "no". Abstentions are not counted.
Special Majority votes are limited to those actions regarded as having a significant impact on the status of the work or the TC itself:
- approval of a Committee Draft to Committee Specification stage (and therefore OASIS Final Deliverable status with regard to the OASIS IPR Policy)
- submission of a Committee Specification to the membership for OASIS Standard approval
- withdrawal of a submission of a Committee Specification for OASIS Standard approval
- affirmation of Committee Specification as an OASIS Standard after 'no' votes received on the member-wide ballot
- Charter Clarification (revising a charter to narrow scope, update deliverables)
- re-Chartering of a TC (expanding or changing the scope of a TC)
- removal of a TC Chair or Co-Chair
All Special Majority ballots must be conducted by the TC Administrator and must be conducted electronically. That means the TC approves a motion to submit any of the above items to the TC Administrator and request that a ballot be started.
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