Template:- OASIS:PropertyValueNumeric

The PropertyValueNumeric template describes how to represent a single numerical value with unit for a specified property. It provides a context for the value, and optionally includes the date/time when measured.

EXAMPLE    The number of hours taken to perform some action.

The SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 1 shows how Properties are represented in the PLCS PSM.

NOTE    Figure 1 only shows minimal set of information needed to represent properties. More advanced representation of properties that enables representation of features such as tolerances is given in Figure Properties in the PLCS PSM.
Template Properties

The following Part, Reference, and Value properties are defined for this template:

property [1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ProxyItemSelect)
The specification of the property that this is a value of.
The reference data used in Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ProxyItemSelect is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The reference data for:
is restricted to individuals that are members of the following class:
unit [1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ProxyItemSelect)
The unit for the value. e.g. "Kilogramme"
The reference data used in Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ProxyItemSelect is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The reference data for:
is restricted to individuals that are members of the following class:
context [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:NumericalContext)
The specification of the representation context, i.e. accuracy and unit information for a class of numerical values. This property is defaulted to a general context in which no information is specified for accuracy and units.
classifier [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
Classification of PropertyValue.
value [1] (Real)
The value of the property as a numeric representation e.g. 5.
dateMeasured [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DateTimeString)
The optional date/time when the property value was measured.
significantDigits [0..1] (Integer)
An Optional number of significant digits that apply to the value.