Template:— representing_message (rep_msg) Date: 2010/02/26 01:54:41
Revision: 1.32
Template: representing_message

XML references to the Template

These can be cut and pasted into the XML as required.


Set up a hyperlink to the template definition.
<template_ref name="representing_message" capability="messaging"/>

Set up a table of the template parameters.
<template_table figure_id="?" instance="" name="representing_message" capability="messaging">
  <param name="rep_msg_id">
  <param name="rep_msg_id_class_name">
  <param name="rep_msg_id_ecl_id">
  <param name="rep_msg_id_owner">
  <param name="rep_msg_id_owner_class_name">
  <param name="rep_msg_id_owner_ecl_id">
  <param name="date_class_name">
  <param name="date_ecl_id">
  <param name="year">
  <param name="month">
  <param name="day">
  <param name="hour">
  <param name="minute">
  <param name="second">
  <param name="sense">
  <param name="hour_offset">
  <param name="minute_offset">
  <param name="ap239_id_class_name">
  <param name="ap239_id_ecl_id">
  <param name="dex_id_class_name">
  <param name="dex_id_ecl_id">
  <param name="content">

Setup a template_example:
<template_example name="representing_message">
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id" value=""/>
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id_class_name" value="Message_identification_code"/>
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id_ecl_id" value="urn:plcs:rdl:std"/>
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id_owner" value=""/>
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id_owner_class_name" value="Organization_name"/>
  <param_in name="rep_msg_id_owner_ecl_id" value="urn:plcs:rdl:std"/>
  <param_in name="date_class_name" value="Date_actual_extraction"/>
  <param_in name="date_ecl_id" value="urn:plcs:rdl:std"/>
  <param_in name="year" value=""/>
  <param_in name="month" value=""/>
  <param_in name="day" value=""/>
  <param_in name="hour" value=""/>
  <param_in name="minute" value=""/>
  <param_in name="second" value=""/>
  <param_in name="sense" value="exact"/>
  <param_in name="hour_offset" value="0"/>
  <param_in name="minute_offset" value="0"/>
  <param_in name="ap239_id_class_name" value=""/>
  <param_in name="ap239_id_ecl_id" value=""/>
  <param_in name="dex_id_class_name" value=""/>
  <param_in name="dex_id_ecl_id" value=""/>
  <param_in name="content" value=""/>

/representing_message(rep_msg_id='', rep_msg_id_class_name='Message_identification_code', rep_msg_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', rep_msg_id_owner='', rep_msg_id_owner_class_name='Organization_name', rep_msg_id_owner_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', date_class_name='Date_actual_extraction', date_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', year='', month='', day='', hour='', minute='', second='', sense='exact', hour_offset='0', minute_offset='0', ap239_id_class_name='', ap239_id_ecl_id='', dex_id_class_name='', dex_id_ecl_id='', content='')/



-- Mark the Message entity as
-- referable when this template is used by binding it to the reference
-- parameter message
%^message = Message%
Message.id = '/IGNORE'
Message.message_type = '/IGNORE'
Message.purpose = '/IGNORE'
Message.contains -> Content_item_selected

-- Mark the Content_item_selected entity as
-- referable when this template is used by binding it to the reference
-- parameter content_item
%^content_item = Content_item_selected%
Content_item_selected.contents -> @content
Content_item_selected.item_identifier = '/IGNORE'
Content_item_selected.item_type = '/IGNORE'
Content_item_selected.access_comment = '/IGNORE'

-- assign ID to message

-- provide the version of the AP

-- provide the version of the AP

-- assigning an actual date of the message - the date the message was created
    items= ^message)/
The following entities are instantiated with attributes as specified:
Entity in path Value Inherited from
Message.id '/IGNORE'
Message.message_type '/IGNORE'
Message.purpose '/IGNORE'
Content_item_selected.item_identifier '/IGNORE' Content_item.item_identifier
Content_item_selected.item_type '/IGNORE' Content_item.item_type
Content_item_selected.access_comment '/IGNORE' Content_item.access_comment

XML representation of path

      Mark the Message entity as
      referable when this template is used by binding it to the reference
      parameter message
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
      Mark the Content_item_selected entity as
      referable when this template is used by binding it to the reference
      parameter content_item
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
            value=" '/IGNORE' ">
      assign ID to message
      provide the version of the AP
      provide the version of the AP
      assigning an actual date of the message - the date the message was created
         value=" ^message">

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