Work Product Manifest File This manifest file is an administrative metadata document produced by OASIS Staff as part of the approved Work Product publication process. It provides detailed information about the artifacts which constitute the Work Product in any published release, viz., for each specific level of approval (csd01, csd02, cs01, cos, etc). Users may find the manifest file useful in the following situations, or similar situations, to help answer basic questions: 1) "Can I examine the extent/content/structure of the published Work Product without having to download the distribution package from the OASIS Library and then UNzip the entire canonical release package from the ZIP format?" Yes: scan the manifest file published in any release directory (e.g. in /csd01/, /csprd02/) and inspect the section "ZIP archive contents" 2) "Someone sent me an XML schema file for the level CS01 instance of an OASIS specification: how can I determine whether this schema file is identical to the one published by OASIS?" Compute the MD5 or SHA-1 digest for the file you have, and compare it to the value(s) presented in the manifest file. =============================== Contents of this manifest file =============================== - Essential bibliographic information - ZIP archive listing for contents and storage hierarchy - Digest/hash values (MD5, SHA-1) for files in the release directory * Note that the digest/hash values are not intended to support security per se: they are provided simply for casual checking of a local file's hash value against the published file to detect disk corruption or other non-malicious alteration. * Note that the MD5/SHA-1 digest/hash values for primary ".html" format files in the OASIS Library release directory, as displayed below, are computed for OASIS server function, whereas the same ".html" files included in the ZIP package file, as prepared for local use, vary by a few bytes. The ZIP archive contents listing includes the digest/hash (CRC-32) and byte count for these ".html" files in the ZIP package. ====================================== Essential bibliographic information ====================================== OSLC PROMCODE Version 1.0 Errata 02 Approved Errata 09 December 2022 Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2022. All Rights Reserved. Produced by: OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) TC Release URI: Manifest URI: =========================== ZIP archive contents =========================== Archive: Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- 64975 Defl:N 4335 93% 12-09-2022 17:00 face6971 promcode-shapes.ttl 47020 Defl:N 9053 81% 12-09-2022 17:00 143f8f37 promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.html 303973 Defl:N 214895 29% 12-09-2022 17:00 95efe41b promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.pdf 17401 Defl:N 3875 78% 12-09-2022 17:00 354abf79 promcode-vocab.ttl -------- ------- --- ------- 433369 232158 46% 4 files ======================================================================== MD5 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ======================================================================== 0f138c69c31bb6199ea7aeb123df6847 promcode-shapes.ttl e452ea1317c7306ba673ad08cd45d499 promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.html 5de452a84608fb8f35ac72572ff24ff2 promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.pdf 2e1de0956881b8a20882d3e9554e8c68 fe444494e5af5e77d5b36970c4e0d274 promcode-vocab.ttl ========================================================================== SHA-1 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ========================================================================== 2ac4057c3ab5d8b7d0cc67ad74b5ddea890cb498 promcode-shapes.ttl 721757f2fe67a81c23f94e0cd743865894812d5e promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.html aadb28e3b6e83d5b270f1222eca275bbf76f7beb promcode-v1.0-errata02-os.pdf bdd893494bc597ab76d3bead28e6b8714579bab0 c18f225b532e3a3d1fdd1c798feb07b276182f02 promcode-vocab.ttl