UniqueIDattributeThis is a unique ID assigned to the user, whether the user is registered or remained anonymous.
UniqueIDForLegalIssueIdentifiedInReferralSystemattribute(Linked to Problem Identification > Output > Issue ID)
The Referral System's unique IDs for legal issues identified for individual users (registered or annonymous). This unique identification number format should incorporate the User's Unique ID, so users can easily be identified.
UniqueIDForLegalIssueIdentifiedInServiceProviderSystemattribute(Linked to Problem Identification > Output > Issue ID)
If the Provider System identifies a different legal issue or clarifies a previously identified legal issue, this would communicate the Provider System's unique IDs for legal issues identified for individual users (registered or annonymous).
Update Provider Systemuse caseAutomatically update provider systems with result data.
Use Casesuse case view
Use Casesuse case diagram
UserAddressattributeIf this information is collected: Street Address, City, County, State, and Zip Code for each address collected.
UserAssistanceLanguageattributeThis flag indicates that the user prefers assistance in another language. (Language lists will be mapped to standardized lists)
UserAssistancePreferencesattributeUserRequiresInPersonAssistance: This flag indicates that user only wants solution options that involve in person assistance.
UserPrefersInPersonAssistance: This flag indicates that the user prefers in person assistance, but will perform some online tasks.
UserPrefersManualOptions: This flag indicates that the user prefers to perform tasks manually rather than on a computer.
UserPrefersOnlineAssisitance: This flag indicates that the user prefers online services and tools over in person or telephonic support.
UserRequiresHumanTelephonicAssistance: This flag indicates that the user can perform some tasks independently, but will require human assistance due to preferences or disabilities.
UserPrefersHumanTelephonicAssistance: This flag indicates that the user prefers human assistance, in person, over the phone, or the web.
UserPrefersLanguageAssistance: This flag indicates that the user prefers assistance in another language. (Language lists will be mapped to standardized lists)
UserRequiresLanguageAssistance: This flag indicates that the user requires assistance in another language. (Language lists will be mapped to standardized lists)
UserAuthorizedDataSharingattributeIf the portal or system has information on the user, which could be shared with the Provider's system, the user information can only be transferred if the user has authorized that sharing. This message indicates that the user has explicitly agreed to share data with the Provider system.
UserDisabilityIsDocumentedattributeIf the user's disability is certified by a governmental agency, this flag will mark their disabled status as verified.
UserDisabilityTypeattributeIf the user's disability is obtained, this flag will indicate the specific disability. (Categories of disabilities will be obtained from a standardized list.) (Disability Law Centers Colorado Disability Coalition - Julie Reiskin jreiskin@ccdconline.org will be a good resource to help identify such a list)
UserEligibilityConfidenceLevelattributeThe portal or system may determine financial eligibility for referred users, such as income requirements, etc. This message indicates that the user is not eligible for services requiring financial eligibility, however, may be sent to the Provider for other services. Based on how eligibility is determined, the Provider systems may place differing levels of confidence in this determination.
UserEligibilityNotDeterminedattributeThis message states that the portal or system cannot or did not determined financial eligibility.
UserEmailAddresIsVerifiedattributeIf the user's email address was verified by the source system, this message will mark the email address as verified.
UserFullNameattributeIf this information is collected: Prefix, First, Middle, Last, and Suffix.
UserHasAccessToComputerattributeIdentifies the user as having access to a desktop or laptop computer. This determination can be made through user interaction or using session data to identify how the visitor is accessing the portal.

UserHasAccessToComputerAssistanceattributeThis message indicates that the user may not be computer literate but has access to some support with using technology based services.
UserHasAccessToFacilityWithInternetAndComputerattributeIdentifies the user as having access to a facility (i.e. public library, school, work computer) with the internet and computer.
UserHasAccessToInternetattributeIdentifies the user as having access to the internet.
UserHasAccessToInterpreterattributeThis flag indicates that the non-English speaker has access to an interpreter and can receive services in English.
UserHasAccessToPrinterattributeThis flag indicates access to a printer, so solutions requiring a printer can be made available.

UserHasAccessToScannerCameraattributeThis flag indicates access to scanner or a camera so users can provide digital documentation.
UserHasAccessToTransportationattributeThis flag indicates that the user has access to a vehicle or someone that can provide transportation.
UserHasAccessToVideoConferencingattributeThis flag indicates access to remote conferencing capabilities, allowing users to access services that can be provided via video conferencing.
UserHasAccesToMobileDeviceattributeIdentifies the user as having access to a smart phone or a tablet. This determination can be made through user interaction or using session data to identify how the visitor is accessing the portal.
UserHasPriorLegalExperienceattributeThis flag will indicate that the user has indicated that they have been or currently are directly or indirectly involved in a legal case. The determination of prior legal experience can be made through user interaction or session data, where user indirectly demonstrated prior legal experience.
UserHasReadingProficiencyattributeIdentifies user has having a sufficient ability to read. This can be determined through user interaction or session data.
UserHasValidVisaattributeIf users self-identify that they have a valid visa, this message will mark that as their status.
UserHasWritingProficiencyattributeIdentifies user has having a sufficient ability to read. This can be determined through user interaction or session data.
UserInterpreterIsFamilyMemberOrFriendattributeThis flag indicates that the non-English speaker has access to an interpreter and can receive services in English and that the interpreter is a family member or a friend, not a professional.
UserIPLocationattributeLocation information determined from user's IP address
UserIsComputerLiterateattributeThis message indicates that the user possesses computer literacy. This will include both self reported assessment and potentially automated skills assessment (computer analytics) of how many errors a litigant makes.
UserIsDisabledattributeIf the user self-identifies as disabled, this flag will mark their disabled status. This can be determined based on user interaction or system assessment.
UserIsDisabledVeteranattributeIf the user self-identifies as disabled and as a veteran, this flag will mark their disabled and military status.
UserIsPermanantResidentattributeIf users self-identify that they have a permanent resident status, this message will mark that as their status.
UserIssuesattributeIf user has or had one or more legal or non-legal issue(s) that were identified, Provider's can be alerted of all of those issues. (Categories will be mapped to standardized lists, such as the LSC or NSMI.)
UserIsUndocumentedattributeThis message will mark the user as undocumented immigrant. This can be determined based on user interaction or system assessment.
UserIsUSCitizenattributeUsers that self-identify as US citizens will be marked as such with this message.
UserMayBeSupportedWithASLOrientedServicesattributeThis flag indicates that the user needs and can be supported with ASL-oriented services.
UserMayMeetEligibilityattributeThe portal or system may determine financial eligibility for referred users, such as income requirements, etc. This message indicates that the user does meet financial eligibility for Provider's services. Based on how eligibility is determined, the Provider systems may place differing levels of confidence in this determination.
UserPermanentResidentNumberattributeIf users provide their A-Number as evidence of their permanent resident status, this message will communicate that A-number.
UserPhoneNumberattributeIf this information is collected: Country Code, Area Code, and Zip Code.
UserPreferenceForComprehensiveLegalProcessattributeGet the user's preference for exercising their legal rights (i.e., enforce their rights in court versus getting to resolution faster or more cost effectively)
UserPreferenceForEnforceableOutcomerelationGet the user's preference for a pathway that ensures higher enforceability (i.e., go to court vs. go to ODR)
UserPreferenceForPredictableOutcomerelationGet a user's preference for an option that gives you a predictable outcome (i.e.,.. )
UserPreferenceForSimplerProcessrelationGet the user's preference for how easy or difficult a process they can manage. (System can determine a corresponding option based on the number of steps involved in the different available pathways. If preference for simplicity is high, go to ODR, if preference for simplicity is low, go to court.)
UserPrimaryEmailAddressattributeUser's primary email address.
UserPrimaryLanguageattributeThis flag identifies all languages the user self-identifies or is system identified as having proficiency.
UserProfileOutputMessageclass view
UserProfileOutputMessageclass diagram
UserRoleInLegalIssueattributeThe specific role(s) the Referral System determined that the user will play in the legal issue (i.e., plaintiff, defendant, etc.)
UserRoleInLegalIssueattributeThe specific role(s) the Referral System determined that the user will play in the legal issue (i.e., plaintiff, defendant, etc.) Users may have different roles in different legal issues.
UserSpeaksEnglishattributeThis flag indicates that the user self-identifies or is system identified as being fluent in English.
UserStatedIssueattributeIssues identified by user. These issues may or may not correspond to legal issues. This input will help the Problem Identification module more accurately identify actual legal or related issues.
UserStatedRelatedIssueattributeUsers may identify related issues, which can impact the rights and remedies available at the present issue. These issues may or may not correspond to legal issues.
UserStatedTimingOfIssueattributeTiming of issues can be critical in identifying problems (i.e., date rent was paid, contract date, etc.).
UserStatedUrgencyDeadlineattributeUsers may identify specific deadlines or time frames concerning urgencies (i.e., eviction notice, victim notification, etc.). This message would indicate the days remaining to act. This can be based on user interaction or system assessment.
UserStatedUrgencyDeadlineattributeUsers may identify specific deadlines or time frames concerning urgencies (i.e., eviction notice, victim notification, etc.). This message would indicate the days remaining to act. This can be based on user interaction or system assessment.
UserStatedUrgencyLevelattributeUsers may have a subjective perspective on how urgent their issue is. Urgency would need to be communicated in terms of levels (i.e., high, medium, low) or score (0 to 10).
UserStatedUrgencyLevelattributeUsers may have a subjective perspective on how urgent their issue is. Urgency would need to be communicated in terms of levels (i.e., high, medium, low) or score (0 to 10).
UserStatedUrgencyTypeattributeTypes of urgencies as identified by the user (i.e., eviction, physical danger, etc.)
UserStatedUrgencyTypeattributeTypes of urgencies as identified by the user (i.e., eviction, physical danger, etc.)
UserVisaTypeattributeThis message will identify the specific valid visa the user has. (The list of visa types will be pulled from a standardized list, such as the USCIS.)