TagEndDateTimeclass instanceAn end date/time tagged on the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice data at the end of the segment identified.
TagStartDateTimeclass instanceA start date/time tagged on the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
TANFIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a client receives TANF Assistance or if their assets count; false otherwise.
TANFMonthsEligibilityQuantityclass instanceA number of countable months that a client has received TANF Benefits as an adult.
targetclass instance
Targetclass instanceA target or object against which an action is taken.
Targetclass instanceA role of an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action.
TargetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TargetType.
TargetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:TargetType
TargetCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of target or object for which an action is taken.
targetCRSclass instancegml:targetCRS is an association role to the target CRS (coordinate reference system) of this coordinate operation.
TargetDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a target or object for which an action taken.
TargetDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a target.
targetDimensionsclass instancegml:targetDimensions is the number of dimensions in the target CRS of this operation method.
targetElementclass instance
TargetIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a target.
TargetItemclass instanceA property item that is a target of an action.
TargetLocationclass instanceA location that is a target of an action.
TargetLocationclass instanceA geographic coordinate of the target.
TargetNameclass instanceA name or a target or object for which an action is taken.
TargetOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that is a target of an action.
TargetOrganizationNameclass instanceA name of a target organization that the person was part of when misconducting (not a crime but misconduct).
TargetPersonclass instanceA person that represents the end point of a directed association
TargetPersonclass instanceA person that is a target of an action.
TargetReasonTextclass instanceAn explanation of why a target was chosen for action.
TargetResultingDamageclass instanceA quantitative extent of physical damage to a target resulting from the application of military force.
TargetSectorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a broad categorization of the infrastructure type.
TargetSectorCodeclass instanceA broad categorization of the infrastructure type.
TargetSectorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the broad categorization of infrastructure type.
TargetSectorCodeTypeclassA data type for the broad categorization of infrastructure type.
TargetTypeclassA data type for a target or object against which an action is taken.
TargetTypeclassA data type for a role of an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action.
Taskclass instanceA clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
TaskAssistanceProviderclass instanceA name of a person or entity providing assistance to an assigned task.
TaskAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:TaskType
TaskAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskCompletionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of outcome of a completed task.
TaskCompletionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of outcome of a completed task.
TaskCriteriaForSuccessTextclass instanceA description of what needs to be done to successfully complete a task.
TaskCurrentStatusclass instanceA status of the progress toward accomplishment of this task.
TaskDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the task in detail.
TaskEndDateclass instanceA date for the end of a task.
TaskEstimatedDaysToCompletedQuantityclass instanceA count reflecting the estimated number of days prior to the completion of a task.
TaskForceclass instanceA special criminal justice organization institutionalizing teamwork among multiple local, state, tribal, and/or federal agencies formed expressly for the purpose of addressing a particular problem or set of problems through synchronization of investment a
TaskForceLeadAgencyAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a task force organization and an organization leads it.
TaskForceMemberAgencyAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a task force organization and an organization that is a member.
TaskHoursPerDayQuantityclass instanceA count reflecting the estimated number of hours dedicated each day to an assigned task.
TaskIDclass instanceAn identifier for a task.
TaskNameclass instanceA name of a task.
TaskNumberTextclass instanceA hierarchical number that identifies a specific task.
TaskPerformingUnitclass instanceA unit that is/was/will be performing the task.
TaskReferralDateclass instanceA date that the subject was referred to a provider to receive help in completing the Task.
TaskResponsibleUnitclass instanceA unit assigned to complete a clearly defined action or activity as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
TaskStartDateclass instanceA date for the start of a task.
TaskSupportedMissionclass instanceA mission that is enabled by the performance of a clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
TaskTimeframeDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the date range for the completion of a task.
TaskTypeclassA data type for a clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
TaskUUIDclass instanceAn identifier for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID) for a task.
TattooFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger with a tattoo(s) on it.
TattooFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a finger with a tattoo(s) on it.
taxIDattributeThe social security number or federal employer identifier number used by the person or organization for tax filings.
taxIdentificationattributeA federal identifier for an organization.
TaxIdentificationCategoryCodeclass instanceA type code identifying the type of identification assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other government business.
TaxIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for identifying the tax identification type assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other governement business.
TaxIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for identifying the tax identification type assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity.
TaxIdentificationIDclass instanceA tax identifier assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other federal government business.
Tax Identification may be a Social Security or Employer Identification number.
Federal Tax Identification is not necessarily unique for all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) customers unless it is combined with a Tax Identification Type Code.
TaxIdentificationIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for tax identification assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other federal governement business.
TaxIdentificationIDTypeclassA data type for tax identification assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity.
TeamAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TeamType
TeamDescriptionTextclass instanceA data element for the textual description of a team
TeamLeadIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a team leader; false otherwise
TeamSizeMaximumValueclass instanceA data element for the maximum size (i.e., number of members) of a eam
TeamSizeMinimumValueclass instanceA data element for the minimum size (i.e., number of members) of a team
TeamTypeclassA data type who are credentialed and deployed as a team
TechnicalNameclass instanceA technical name for a hazardous material.
TECSRecordIDclass instanceAn identifier for an entity within CBP TECS domain.
TelecommunicationDeviceclass instanceA device used for communication over a distance.
TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationclass instanceAn association between a telecommunication device and a SIM card.
TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationType.
TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a telecommunication device and a SIM card.
TelephoneAreaCodeIDclass instanceA dialing code for a state or province for phone numbers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
TelephoneAreaCodeIDclass instanceA dialing code for a state or province for phone numbers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
TelephoneCallApprovalStatusclass instanceA state of a request for addition to the approved telephone call list.
TelephoneCallAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and calls placed to specific telephone number.
TelephoneCallAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TelephoneCallAssociationType.
TelephoneCallAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an originating number, person, and/or organization and a receiving number, person, and/or organization.
TelephoneCallRequestDateclass instanceA date that the request was initiated.
TelephoneCallRequestListAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a subject and people that have requested/been requested to be on subject telephone number list.
TelephoneCallRequestListAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TelephoneCallRequestListAssociationType.
TelephoneCallRequestListAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a subject and people that have requested/been requested to be on subject telephone number list.
TelephoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a type of telephone.
TelephoneCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a type of telephone.
telephoneCountryCodeattributeA telephone prefix for a country.
TelephoneCountryCodeIDclass instanceAn international dialing code for a country.
TelephoneCountryCodeIDclass instanceAn international dialing code for a country.
TelephoneExchangeIDclass instanceA portion of a telephone number that usually represents a central telephone switch.
TelephoneExchangeIDclass instanceA portion of a telephone number that usually represents a central telephone switch.
TelephoneIdentificationclass instanceAn identification value that represents a PHONE
TelephoneLineIDclass instanceA portion of a telephone number that identifies the individual circuit within an exchange.
TelephoneLineIDclass instanceA portion of a telephone number that identifies the individual circuit within an exchange.
TelephoneNumberclass diagram
TelephoneNumberclassA telephone number.
telephoneNumberrelationA telephone number.
TelephoneNumberclass instanceA telephone number for a telecommunication device.
TelephoneNumberAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TelephoneNumberType.
TelephoneNumberAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryAdditionalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberDayIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is a daytime number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberEffectiveDateclass instanceA date on which the PHONE came into service.
TelephoneNumberEmergencyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is a emergency contact number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberEndDateclass instanceA date on which the PHONE is no longer in service.
TelephoneNumberEveningIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is an evening number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberFullIDclass instanceA complete telephone number.
TelephoneNumberFullIDclass instanceA complete telephone number.
TelephoneNumberHomeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is the person's home number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberIDclass instanceA telephone number.
TelephoneNumberIDclass instanceA telephone number.
TelephoneNumberNightIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is a nighttime number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberPrimaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is the person's primary number; false otherwise.
TelephoneNumberTypeclassA data type for a telephone number for a telecommunication device.
TelephoneNumberTypeclassA data type for a telephone number for a telecommunication device.
TelephoneNumberWorkIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is a work number; false otherwise.
telephoneSuffixattributeA telephone extension.
TelephoneSuffixIDclass instanceAn additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place.
TelephoneSuffixIDclass instanceAn additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place.
TemperatureMeasureclass instanceA measure of a temperature.
TemperatureMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:TemperatureMeasureType
TemperatureMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a temperature.
TemperatureUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for temperature.
TemperatureUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measurement for a temperature value.
TemperatureUnitCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various temperature unit codes
TemperatureUnitCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for temperature unit of measurement codes.
TemperatureUnitCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various temperature unit codes
TemperatureUnitCodeTypeclassA data type for temperature unit of measurement codes.
TemporalCRSclass instancegml:TemporalCRS is a 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time.
TemporalCRSPropertyTypeclassgml:TemporalCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a temporal coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
temporalCRSRefclass instance
TemporalCSclass instance
temporalCSRefclass instance
TemporalDatumclass instanceA gml:TemporalDatum defines the origin of a Temporal Reference System. This type omits the "anchorDefinition" and "realizationEpoch" elements and adds the "origin" element with the dateTime type.
temporalDatumclass instancegml:temporalDatum is an association role to the temporal datum used by this CRS.
TemporalDatumBaseTypeclassThe TemporalDatumBaseType partially defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. This type restricts the AbstractDatumType to remove the "anchorDefinition" and "realizationEpoch" elements.
TemporalDatumPropertyTypeclassgml:TemporalDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a temporal datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
temporalDatumRefclass instance
TemporaryIDIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a badge is temporary; false otherwise
Termclass instanceA duration length specified as either a specific term in days-months-years or as a minimum - maximum range.
TermAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TermType.
TermDeathIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject is sentenced to death; false otherwise.
TermDurationclass instanceA specific range or duration of a term.
TerminationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the reason an alien student is terminated.
TerminationParentalRightsDateclass instanceA date that legal rights between a parent and a child were terminated.
TerminationParentalRightsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if legal rights between the parent and child have been terminated; false otherwise.
TerminationReasonTextclass instanceA field indicating free text describing the reason behind why an alien student terminated their curriculum.
TermLifeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the term is not for a set duration length but for life; false otherwise.
TermMaximumDurationclass instanceA maximum range or duration for a term.
TermMinimumDurationclass instanceA minimum range or duration for a term.
TermTuitionFeeTotalAmountclass instanceA number indicating the total amount of tuition and fees to be paid by the alien student for the school term.
TermTypeclassA data type for a duration length either in specific terms or as a range.
TermTypeclassA data type for a duration length either in specific terms or as a range.
TernaryIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a Ternary Indicator
TernaryIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for a Ternary Indicator code (Yes, No, Unknown)
TestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TestType.
TestCollectionDateclass instanceA date a sample was collected.
TestCollectionSampleCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of biologic material taken as a collection sample.
TestCollectionSampleIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to the sample taken for testing.
TestImageDetailclass instanceA set of details about an image of a biometric subject used for testing
TestMethodTextclass instanceA method used to test.
TestMonitorEntityclass instanceAn individual who monitored the test.
TestNextDateclass instanceA date of the next testing.
TestResultclass instanceA data type for a calculation or score of a test.
TestResultAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:TestResultType
TestResultCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of test outcome.
TestResultCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of test outcome.
TestResultMeasureclass instanceA measurement for a calculation or score of a test.
TestResultTextclass instanceA test results.
TestResultTypeclassA data type for a calculation or score of a test.
TestSpecimenIDclass instanceA unique identifier of a test specimen.
TestTypeclassA data type for a test administered by a person or organization.
TextTypeclassA data type for a character string.
TextTypeclassA data type for a character string.
Therapistclass instanceA person who provides therapy services.
ThetaAngleMeasureSimpleTypeclassA data type for an angular position of a feature from another point in an image
ThetaAngleMeasureTypeclassA data type for an angular position of a feature from another point in an image
ThoroughfareNameTypeListclassA list of name element types for thoroughfare
ThoroughfareTypeclassComplex type for internal reuse
ThoroughfareTypeListclassA list of types for thoroughfare (e.g. STREET, ROAD, CRT)
ThreatCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of threat.
ThreatLevelDeterminationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a threat level based on findings during an inspection.
ThreatLevelDeterminationCodeclass instanceA code for a threat level based on findings during an inspection.
ThreatLevelDeterminationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for threat Level Determination
ThreatLevelDeterminationCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for threat Level Determination
ThreatLevelDeterminationTextclass instanceA description of a threat level based on findings during an inspection.
ThroughLanesNumericclass instanceA total number of through lanes on the segment. This excludes auxiliary lanes, such as collector-distributor lanes, weaving lanes, frontage road lanes, parking and turning lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes, toll collection lanes, shoulders, and truck
ThursdayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Thursday operating hours.
timeclassA data type for an instant of time with the format hh:mm:ss.sss.
timeclassA data type for an instant of time with the format hh:mm:ss.sss.
timeclassa time of day.
TimeCalendarclass instanceA calendar is a discrete temporal reference system that provides a basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day.
gml:TimeCalendar adds one property to those inherited from gml:TimeReferenceSystem. A gml:referenceFrame provides a link to a gml:TimeCalendarEra that it uses. A gml:TimeCalendar may reference more than one calendar era.
The referenceFrame element follows the standard GML property model, allowing the association to be instantiated either using an inline description using the gml:TimeCalendarEra element, or a link to a gml:TimeCalendarEra which is explicit elsewhere.
TimeCalendarEraclass instancegml:TimeCalendarEra inherits basic properties from gml:DefinitionType and has the following additional properties:
- gml:referenceEvent is the name or description of a mythical or historic event which fixes the position of the base scale of the calendar era. This is given as text or using a link to description held elsewhere.
- gml:referenceDate specifies the date of the referenceEvent expressed as a date in the given calendar. In most calendars, this date is the origin (i.e., the first day) of the scale, but this is not always true.
- gml:julianReference specifies the Julian date that corresponds to the reference date. The Julian day number is an integer value; the Julian date is a decimal value that allows greater resolution. Transforming calendar dates to and from Julian dates provides a relatively simple basis for transforming dates from one calendar to another.
- gml:epochOfUse is the period for which the calendar era was used as a basis for dating.
TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeCalendarEraPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeCalendarEra with an object.
TimeCalendarPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeCalendarPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeCalendar with an object.
TimeClockclass instanceA clock provides a basis for defining temporal position within a day. A clock shall be used with a calendar in order to provide a complete description of a temporal position within a specific day.
gml:TimeClock adds the following properties to those inherited from gml:TimeReferenceSystemType:
- gml:referenceEvent is the name or description of an event, such as solar noon or sunrise, which fixes the position of the base scale of the clock.
- gml:referenceTime specifies the time of day associated with the reference event expressed as a time of day in the given clock. The reference time is usually the origin of the clock scale.
- gml:utcReference specifies the 24 hour local or UTC time that corresponds to the reference time.
- gml:dateBasis contains or references the calendars that use this clock.
TimeClockPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeClockPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeClock with an object.
TimeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for units of time.
TimeCodeTypeclassA data type for units of time.
TimeCommentTextclass instanceA comment on the timings of the segment recording, including the perceived accuracy of the contemporaneous capture time values.
TimeCoordinateSystemclass instanceA temporal coordinate system shall be based on a continuous interval scale defined in terms of a single time interval.
The differences to ISO 19108 TM_CoordinateSystem are:
- the origin is specified either using the property gml:originPosition whose value is a direct time position, or using the property gml:origin whose model is gml:TimeInstantPropertyType; this permits more flexibility in representation and also supports referring to a value fixed elsewhere;
- the interval uses gml:TimeIntervalLengthType.
TimeCSclass instancegml:TimeCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system containing a time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. A TimeCS shall have one gml:axis property element.
timeCSclass instancegml:timeCS is an association role to the time coordinate system used by this CRS.
TimeCSPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a time coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
TimeEdgeclass instanceA time edge is a one-dimensional topological primitive. It is an open interval that starts and ends at a node. The edge may be realised as a geometry whose value is a time period.
TimeEdgePropertyTypeclassgml:TimeEdgePropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeEdge with an object.
TimeIndeterminateValueTypeclassThese values are interpreted as follows:
- "unknown" indicates that no specific value for temporal position is provided.
- "now" indicates that the specified value shall be replaced with the current temporal position whenever the value is accessed.
- "before" indicates that the actual temporal position is unknown, but it is known to be before the specified value.
- "after" indicates that the actual temporal position is unknown, but it is known to be after the specified value.
A value for indeterminatePosition may
- be used either alone, or
- qualify a specific value for temporal position.
TimeInstantclass instancegml:TimeInstant acts as a zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable position in time.
TimeInstantPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeInstantPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeInstant with an object.
timeIntervalclass instance gml:timeInterval conforms to ISO 11404 which is based on floating point values for temporal length.
ISO 11404 syntax specifies the use of a positiveInteger together with appropriate values for radix and factor. The resolution of the time interval is to one radix ^(-factor) of the specified time unit.
The value of the unit is either selected from the units for time intervals from ISO 31-1:1992, or is another suitable unit. The encoding is defined for GML in gml:TimeUnitType. The second component of this union type provides a method for indicating time units other than the six standard units given in the enumeration.
TimeInUSclass instanceA length of time an alien has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TimeInUSType.
TimeInUSCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSCategoryCodeclass instanceA quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA field indicating the description for the associated time in the United States.
TimeInUSTypeclassA data type for the length of time an alien has been in the United States illegally.
TimeMeasureclass instanceA measure of an amount of time.
TimeMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:TimeMeasureType
TimeMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of an amount of time.
TimeNodeclass instanceA time node is a zero-dimensional topological primitive that represents an identifiable node in time (it is equivalent to a point in space). A node may act as the termination or initiation of any number of time edges. A time node may be realised as a geometry, its position, whose value is a time instant.
TimeNodePropertyTypeclassgml:TimeNodePropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeNode with an object
TimeOfAdoptionAgeMeasureclass instanceAn age of a juvenile at the time of adoption.
timeOfCourtAppearanceattributeDate and time at which defendant needs to appear at the court
timeOfViolationattributeDate and time of day that a violation occurred.
TimeOrdinalEraclass instanceIts content model follows the pattern of gml:TimeEdge, inheriting standard properties from gml:DefinitionType, and adding gml:start, gml:end and gml:extent properties, a set of gml:member properties which indicate ordered gml:TimeOrdinalEra elements, and a gml:group property which points to the parent era.
The recursive inclusion of gml:TimeOrdinalEra elements allow the construction of an arbitrary depth hierarchical ordinal reference schema, such that an ordinal era at a given level of the hierarchy includes a sequence of shorter, coterminous ordinal eras.
TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeOrdinalEra with an object.
TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemclass instanceIn some applications of geographic information � such as geology and archaeology � relative position in time is known more precisely than absolute time or duration. The order of events in time can be well established, but the magnitude of the intervals between them cannot be accurately determined; in such cases, the use of an ordinal temporal reference system is appropriate. An ordinal temporal reference system is composed of a sequence of named coterminous eras, which may in turn be composed of sequences of member eras at a finer scale, giving the whole a hierarchical structure of eras of verying resolution.
An ordinal temporal reference system whose component eras are not further subdivided is effectively a temporal topological complex constrained to be a linear graph. An ordinal temporal reference system some or all of whose component eras are subdivided is effectively a temporal topological complex with the constraint that parallel branches may only be constructed in pairs where one is a single temporal ordinal era and the other is a sequence of temporal ordinal eras that are called "members" of the "group". This constraint means that within a single temporal ordinal reference system, the relative position of all temporal ordinal eras is unambiguous.
The positions of the beginning and end of a given era may calibrate the relative time scale.
gml:TimeOrdinalReferenceSystem adds one or more gml:component properties to the generic temporal reference system model.
TimePeriodclass instancegml:TimePeriod acts as a one-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable extent in time.
The location in of a gml:TimePeriod is described by the temporal positions of the instants at which it begins and ends. The length of the period is equal to the temporal distance between the two bounding temporal positions.
Both beginning and end may be described in terms of their direct position using gml:TimePositionType which is an XML Schema simple content type, or by reference to an indentifiable time instant using gml:TimeInstantPropertyType.
Alternatively a limit of a gml:TimePeriod may use the conventional GML property model to make a reference to a time instant described elsewhere, or a limit may be indicated as a direct position.
TimePeriodPropertyTypeclassgml:TimePeriodPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimePeriod with an object.
timePositionclass instanceThis element is used directly as a property of gml:TimeInstant (see, and may also be used in application schemas.
TimePositionTypeclassThe method for identifying a temporal position is specific to each temporal reference system. gml:TimePositionType supports the description of temporal position according to the subtypes described in ISO 19108.
Values based on calendars and clocks use lexical formats that are based on ISO 8601, as described in XML Schema Part 2:2001. A decimal value may be used with coordinate systems such as GPS time or UNIX time. A URI may be used to provide a reference to some era in an ordinal reference system .
In common with many of the components modelled as data types in the ISO 19100 series of International Standards, the corresponding GML component has simple content. However, the content model gml:TimePositionType is defined in several steps.
Three XML attributes appear on gml:TimePositionType:
A time value shall be associated with a temporal reference system through the frame attribute that provides a URI reference that identifies a description of the reference system. Following ISO 19108, the Gregorian calendar with UTC is the default reference system, but others may also be used. Components for describing temporal reference systems are described in 14.4, but it is not required that the reference system be described in this, as the reference may refer to anything that may be indentified with a URI.
For time values using a calendar containing more than one era, the (optional) calendarEraName attribute provides the name of the calendar era.
Inexact temporal positions may be expressed using the optional indeterminatePosition attribute. This takes a value from an enumeration.
TimePositionUnionclassThe simple type gml:TimePositionUnion is a union of XML Schema simple types which instantiate the subtypes for temporal position described in ISO 19108.
An ordinal era may be referenced via URI. A decimal value may be used to indicate the distance from the scale origin . time is used for a position that recurs daily (see ISO 19108:2002
Finally, calendar and clock forms that support the representation of time in systems based on years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, in a notation following ISO 8601, are assembled by gml:CalDate
TimePrimitivePropertyTypeclassgml:TimePrimitivePropertyType provides a standard content model for associations between an arbitrary member of the substitution group whose head is gml:AbstractTimePrimitive and another object.
TimeRangeclassA period of time bounded by upper and lower (to and from) dates/times.
timeRangerelation The beginning and ending filing dates/times of cases about which information is sought in this query.
timeRangerelationA period of time bounded by upper and lower (to and from) dates/times.
TimeRangeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TimeRangeType.
TimeRangeTypeclassA data type for a start and end time.
TimeReferenceSystemclass instanceA reference system is characterized in terms of its domain of validity: the spatial and temporal extent over which it is applicable. The basic GML element for temporal reference systems is gml:TimeReferenceSystem. Its content model extends gml:DefinitionType with one additional property, gml:domainOfValidity.
TimeSegmentclass instanceA set of time values defining beginning and end times for a time segment in a video or audio representation
TimeSegmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TimeSegment
TimeSegmentCommentTextclass instanceA comment which allows for comments of any type to be made on a segment, including, but not limited to, word- or phone-level transcriptions, language translations or security classification markings.
TimeSegmentEndTimeclass instanceAn end time for a time segment in a video or audio representation
TimeSegmentStartTimeclass instanceA start time for a time segment in a video or audio representation
TimeSegmentTrackListclass instanceA listing of recorded tracks contained in a time segment.
TimeSegmentTypeclassA data type for a time segment in a video or audio representation
TimeSourceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the source of the date and time values used for the contemporaneous capture of the recording.
TimeTopologyComplexclass instanceA temporal topology complex shall be the connected acyclic directed graph composed of temporal topological primitives, i.e. time nodes and time edges. Because a time edge may not exist without two time nodes on its boundaries, static features have time edges from a temporal topology complex as the values of their temporal properties, regardless of explicit declarations.
A temporal topology complex expresses a linear or a non-linear graph. A temporal linear graph, composed of a sequence of time edges, provides a lineage described only by "substitution" of feature instances or feature element values. A time node as the start or the end of the graph connects with at least one time edge. A time node other than the start and the end shall connect to at least two time edges: one of starting from the node, and another ending at the node.
A temporal topological complex is a set of connected temporal topological primitives. The member primtives are indicated, either by reference or by value, using the primitive property.
TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypeclassgml:TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeTopologyComplex with an object.
TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypeclassgml:TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType provides for associating a gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive with an object.
TimeUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for amount of time.
TimeUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measure of the time value.
TimeZoneOffsetCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for regions or divisions of the globe approximately coinciding with meridians at successive hours from the observatory at Greenwich, England.
TimeZoneOffsetCodeTypeclassA data type for regions or divisions of the globe approximately coinciding with meridians at successive hours from the observatory at Greenwich, England.
Tinclass instanceA tin is a triangulated surface that uses the Delauny algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration of stoplines (stopLines), breaklines (breakLines), and maximum length of triangle sides (maxLength). controlPoint shall contain a set of the positions (three or more) used as posts for this TIN (corners of the triangles in the TIN). See ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.39 for details.
TipClassAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipClassCodeclass instanceA kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set for a kind of tip.
TipClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set for a kind of tip.
TipClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainCodeclass instanceA broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainCodeTypeclassA data type for a broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipSubclassTextclass instanceA more detailed classification of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipTaxonomyclass instanceA means to categorize information received as tip that may be used for analysis.
TipTaxonomyAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TipTaxonomyType.
TipTaxonomyTypeclassA data type for a category of information received as tip that may be used for analysis.
Titleclass instanceA deed or other official document showing the legal ownership of a property item.
titleattributePerson organizational position or title.
TitleCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of title issued.
TitleDuplicateQuantityclass instanceA total number of title documents issued where the titling information is unchanged by the current titling jurisdiction.
TitleHolderclass instanceAn entity to whom a title is issued.
TitleIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a certificate of title to a property item.
TitleIssueDateclass instanceA date on which a jurisdictional titling authority issued a title to the owner of a property item.
TitleIssuingAuthorityNameclass instanceA name of an authority which issued a title.
TitleIssuingJurisdictionclass instanceA jurisdiction which issued a title.
TitleItemclass instanceA property item for which a title is issued.
TitleIVEAdoptionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the type of Adoption Assistance is Title IV E; false otherwise.
TitleLienIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a lien exists on the titled property; false otherwise.
TitleOfCertifyingOfficerTextclass instanceA title of the officer responsible for certification of the PROGRAM
TitleStatusclass instanceA status of a property title.
TitleStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status of a title.
TitleStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TitleStatusType.
TitleStatusCodeclass instanceA status of a title.
TitleStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for statuses for a title.
TitleStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for statuses for a title.
TitleStatusTypeclassA data type for a state of a title.
TM_PeriodDurationclass instance
TNTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 25 - Telephone Type (TNT) Field Codes
TNTCodeTypeclassA data type for 25 - Telephone Type (TNT) Field Codes
tokenclassA data type for tokenized strings.
TokenListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of tokens.
TokenListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of tokens.
TokenListTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of tokens.
Toolclass instanceA role of an item used to facilitate commission of a crime.
ToolAdministratorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type hs:ToolAdministratorType
ToolAdministratorCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorTypeclassA data type for an entity that administers a pre-screening tool.
ToolAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ToolType.
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of tool.
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of tool.
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of tool.
ToolPowerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the tool is operated by a procedure in which manual effort is supplemented or replaced by hydraulic, mechanical or electrical means; false otherwise.
ToolTypeclassA data type for a role of an item used to facilitate commission of a crime.
ToolUsageTextclass instanceA way or manner in which a tool was used.
ToolUserclass instanceA person who used the item as a tool.
ToothAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a tooth.
ToothAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ToothType
ToothAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a tooth.
ToothDataADAReferenceCodeListclass instanceA list of tooth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 9
ToothDataADAReferenceCodeListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ToothDataADAReferenceCodeList
ToothDataADAReferenceCodeListTypeclassA data type for a list of tooth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 9
ToothDataAdditionalDescriptiveTextclass instanceA description of additional detail of tooth data
ToothDataDetailclass instanceA container for information about the teeth of a subject
ToothDataInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Tooth Data Information.
ToothDataInformationTypeclassA data type for a description of the teeth of a subject.
ToothDataRecordingDateclass instanceA date of recording of the tooth data.
ToothDataRecordingDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceA kind of date of recording estimated accuracy range for tooth data
ToothIDclass instanceAn identifier of a tooth. Teeth shall be numbered utilizing the permanent and deciduous teeth codes in ANSI/ADA Specification No. 3950.
ToothIDCertaintyCodeclass instanceA code to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
ToothIDCertaintyCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code value corresponding to the data set descriptors in Section 8 of the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 may be entered.
ToothIDCertaintyCodeTypeclassA data type for a code value corresponding to the data set descriptors in Section 8 of the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 may be entered.
ToothIDCodeclass instanceA code to indicate the tooth number. Teeth shall be numbered utilizing the permanent and deciduous teeth codes in ANSI/ADA Specification No. 3950.
ToothIDCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code value for the tooth id
ToothIDCodeTypeclassA data type for a code value for the tooth id
ToothPermanenceCategoryCodeclass instanceA code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
ToothPermanenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
ToothPermanenceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
ToothPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an identifier of a tooth based on its location within a mouth.
ToothTypeclassA data type for a tooth.
TopIsQuantityclass instanceA number of pixels in the top coordinate of the Image.
TopoComplexclass instancegml:TopoComplex is a collection of topological primitives.
Each complex holds a reference to its maximal complex (gml:maximalComplex) and optionally to sub- or super-complexes (gml:subComplex, gml:superComplex).
A topology complex contains its primitive and sub-complex members.
topoComplexPropertyclass instance
TopoCurveclass instancegml:TopoCurve represents a homogeneous topological expression, a sequence of directed edges, which if realised are isomorphic to a geometric curve primitive. The intended use of gml:TopoCurve is to appear within a line feature to express the structural and geometric relationships of this feature to other features via the shared edge definitions.
If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence".
topoCurvePropertyclass instanceThe gml:topoCurveProperty property element may be used in features to express their relationship to the referenced topology edges.
TopoPointclass instanceThe intended use of gml:TopoPoint is to appear within a point feature to express the structural and possibly geometric relationships of this feature to other features via shared node definitions.
topoPointPropertyclass instanceThe gml:topoPointProperty property element may be used in features to express their relationship to the referenced topology node.
topoPrimitiveMemberclass instanceThe gml:topoPrimitiveMember property element encodes for the relationship between a topology complex and a single topology primitive.
topoPrimitiveMembersclass instanceThe gml:topoPrimitiveMembers property element encodes the relationship between a topology complex and an arbitrary number of topology primitives.
TopoSolidclass instancegml:TopoSolid represents the 3-dimensional topology primitive.
The topological boundary of a solid (gml:directedFace) consists of a set of directed faces.
A solid may optionally be realised by a 3-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:solidProperty).
TopoSurfaceclass instancegml:TopoSurface represents a homogeneous topological expression, a set of directed faces, which if realised are isomorphic to a geometric surface primitive. The intended use of gml:TopoSurface is to appear within a surface feature to express the structural and possibly geometric relationships of this surface feature to other features via the shared face definitions.
topoSurfacePropertyclass instanceThe gml:topoSurfaceProperty property element may be used in features to express their relationship to the referenced topology faces.
TopoVolumeclass instancegml:TopoVolume represents a homogeneous topological expression, a set of directed topologic solids, which if realised are isomorphic to a geometric solid primitive. The intended use of gml:TopoVolume is to appear within a solid feature to express the structural and geometric relationships of this solid feature to other features via the shared solid definitions.
topoVolumePropertyclass instanceThe gml:topoVolumeProperty element may be used in features to express their relationship to the referenced topology volume.
TotalAgencyFundingSupportAmountclass instanceA number indicating the total funding amount provided by a US Government agency to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
TotalCaptureDurationclass instanceA duration for the total range or duration of Fingerprint set capture
TotalCountDataValueListclass instanceA list of values for the total number of counts accumulated since the last radiation detection instrument reset over the entire energy range measured by the radiation detection instrument or within pre-defined energy windows.
TotalCountsValueclass instanceA value for the total counts observed.
TotalDoseMetadataclass instanceMetadata about the accumulated ambient dose equivalent since the last radiation detection instrument reset, with units microsieverts (Sv).
TotalDoseMetadataTypeclassA data type for metadata about TotalDose data.
TotalDoseNumericclass instanceA value for the accumulated ambient dose equivalent since the last radiation detection instrument reset, in microsieverts (Sv).
TotalDoseTypeclassA data type for TotalDose data.
TotalDoseuSvTypeclassA data type for a radiation total dose measure whose value is nonnegative and expressed in microsieverts (uSv) units.
TotalDoseValueclass instanceA value for the accumulated ambient dose equivalent over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts (Sv).
TotalEfficiencyCalibrationclass instanceA total efficiency calibration. The total efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the total recorded pulses in a spectrum to the number of photons emitted from a source at that energy.
TotalExposureMetadataclass instanceMetadata about accumulated exposure since the last instrument reset, in milliroentgen (mR).
TotalExposureMetadataTypeclassA data type for metadata about TotalExposure data.
TotalExposuremRTypeclassA data type for a radiation total exposure measure whose value is nonnegative and expressed in milliroentgen (mR) units.
TotalExposureNumericclass instanceA set of data for the accumulated exposure since the last instrument reset, in milliroentgen (mR).
TotalExposureTypeclassA data type for TotalExposure data.
TotalExposureValueclass instanceA value for the accumulated exposure over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen (mR).
totalFeesattributeA total of all fees required to submit a document.
TotalHomeGovernmentFundingSupportAmountclass instanceA number indicating the funding amount provided by the Exchange Visitors (EV) home government to the Exchange Visitor, in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
TotalInternationalOrganizationFundingSupportAmountclass instanceA number indicating the funding amount provided by an International Organization to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
TotalNumberOfPackagesNumericclass instanceA count of the total number of packages of the entire declaration.
TotalOtherOrganizationFundingSupportAmountclass instanceA funding amount provided by other organizations to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
TotalPersonalFundAmountclass instanceA number indicating the Exchange Visitors (EV) personal funds, if any, being used for his/her support for attending a designated EV Program.
TotalSponsorFundingSupportAmountclass instanceA number indicating the funding amount provided by the Program Sponsor to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
toTimeattributeThe ending time, in the time zone of the court on the ending date.
TowingCompanyclass instanceA company that tows a vehicle.
trackclass instance
Trackclass instanceA series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device. A series of successive positions of a moving object for display or recording purposes.
TrackAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:TrackType
TrackChannelListclass instanceA list of track IDs for track and channel number list
TrackIDclass instanceAn identifier for a specific recorded track on a physical media object.
TrackIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a track.
TrackListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TrackList
TrackListTypeclassA data type for a list of recorded tracks on a physical media object.
TrackLocationBoundingAreaclass instanceA geographic area encompassing a set of positions of a track.
TrackPointclass instanceA point in a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device.
TrackPointAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:TrackPointType
TrackPointLocationclass instanceA tracked object location.
TrackPointTypeclassA data type for a point in a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device.
TrackTypeclassA data type for a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device. A series of successive positions of a moving object for display or recording purposes.
TractCropAcreageclass instanceA tract of land within a farm that contains a number of fields and subfields on which crop acreage details have been reported.
TractCropAcreageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TractProductionType.
TractCropAcreageTypeclassA data type that contains tract related information including tract number, and one to many fields.
TractNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a unit of contiguous land that is under one ownership and that is operated as a farm or part of a farm. An owner is a person or business having deed to the land.
Tract numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, an
TractNumberIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to a unit of contiguous land that is under one ownership and that is operated as a farm or part of a farm. An owner is a person or business having deed to the land.
Tract numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, and are unique within that office''s farms. A Tract Number is used in conjunction with a State FSA Code and County FSA Code for uniqueness.
Tract numbers are not necessarily unique based upon State ANSI Code and County ANSI in instance where the ANSI codes are not the same as the FSA codes.
TractNumberIDTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to a unit of contiguous land that is under one ownership and that is operated as a farm or part of a farm.
TradePartyclass instanceA set of information about a trading party.
TradePartyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a role of an organization that issues a seal.
TradePartyAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TradePartyType.
TradePartyCodeclass instanceA role of an organization that issues a seal.
TradePartyTypeclassA data type for information about a trading party.
TraderDeclarationReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier of the reference assigned by a Trader to a declaration
TradeTermclass instanceA trade terms name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
TradeTermAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TradeTermType.
TradeTermTypeclassA data type for a trade terms name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
TrafficAccessControlCodeclass instanceA degree of traffic access control
TrafficAccessControlCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the degree of traffic access control
TrafficAccessControlCodeTypeclassA data type describing the degree of traffic access control
trafficCitationFilingSupportedIndicatorattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
TraffickedVenueCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking can be trafficked.
TraffickedVenueCodeTypeclassA data type for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking can be trafficked.
TraffickingEventclass instanceA data concept for details of a human trafficking event.
TraffickingEventAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TraffickingEventType.
TraffickingEventTypeclassA data type for details of a human trafficking event.
TrafficwayDescriptionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an indication of whether or not the trafficway for this vehicle is divided and whether it serves one-way or two-way traffic.
TrafficwayDescriptionCodeTypeclassA data type for an indication of whether or not the trafficway for this vehicle is divided and whether it serves one-way or two-way traffic.
TrailersCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.8: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trailer Make Index Field Codes
TrailersCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.8: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trailer Make Index Field Codes
Trainingclass instanceA data element for the credential class that represents a person's training credentials
TrainingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TrainingType
TrainingDurationclass instanceA data element for the duration of the training in number of days
TrainingTypeclassA data type for a credential class that represents a person's training credentials
TransactionControlNumberIdentificationclass instanceA Transaction Control Number identification provided by the FBI.
transactionIDattributeAn identifier that uniquely identifies the vendor, mechanism, etc., that handled this payment.
transactionTimeattributeThe date and time at which a transaction will or did occur.
TranscriptAuthorityCommentTextclass instanceA transcript authority comment text on the content of the segment.
TransducerDistanceValueclass instanceAn approximate distance between the speaker in a recording and the transducer.
TransducerPrincipleCodeclass instanceA transducer principle of a microphone.
TransducerPrincipleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type to describe the transducer principle of a microphone.
TransducerPrincipleCodeTypeclassA data type to describe the transducer principle of a microphone.
TransductionAlterationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of any digital masking between transducer and recording, disguisers, or other attempts to alter the properties of a recording.
Transferclass instanceA transfer of an alien student from one school to another.
TransferAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransferType.
TransferCompletedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the transfer of an alien student has been completed; false otherwise.
TransferCompletionDateclass instanceA date on which the transfer of the alien student was completed.
TransferEffectiveDateclass instanceA date on which the transfer of the alien student is intended to become effective.
TransferRequestStatusclass instanceA status of the Transfer Request submitted by the alien student.
TransferRequestStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransferRequestStatusType.
TransferRequestStatusCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of text string indicating the status of the Transfer Request submitted by the alien student.
TransferRequestStatusTypeclassA data type for the classification of the request made by a non-immigrant alien student to leave an authorized educational program and enter another one.
TransferTypeclassA data type for the transfer of a non-immigrant alien student or exchange visitor from an authorized educational program to a different authorized educational program.
Transformationclass instancegml:Transformation is a concrete object element derived from gml:GeneralTransformation (
This concrete object can be used for all operation methods, without using a GML Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one Transformation instance.
The parameterValue elements are an unordered list of composition associations to the set of parameter values used by this conversion operation.
TransformationPropertyTypeclassgml:TransformationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a transformation, either referencing or containing the definition of that transformation.
transformationRefclass instance
TranshipmentLocationclass instanceA general description of the cargo commodities.
TranshipmentLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TranshipmentLocationType.
TranshipmentLocationTypeclassA data type for a general description of the cargo commodities.
TransitCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Transit Type
TransitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the TransitType.
TransitCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for TransitType.
TransitComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the Transit Components
TransitComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the TransitType.
TransitComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for TransitType.
TransitControlTextclass instanceA result of the controls carried out by the consignor prior to departure
TransitCustomsOfficeclass instanceA customs office which is responsible for transit formalities en route
TransitDestinationclass instanceA name of the place at which the goods are destined under customs control of transit procedure
TransitPrincipalclass instanceA party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
TransitPrincipalAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransitPrincipalType.
TransitPrincipalIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
TransitPrincipalNameclass instanceA name [and address] of party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
TransitPrincipalTypeclassA data type for a party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginCodeclass instanceA transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginCodeTypeclassA data type for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginTextclass instanceA transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmittalDentalEncodingSystemInformationclass instanceA code to describe the data collection schema that was used for the transmittal recording of dental information.
TransmittalRequestCategoryCodeclass instanceA Category of the request in this trasnmittal
TransmittedToothEncodingTextclass instanceA kind of transmitted system encoding text
TransportActivityLocationclass instanceA reference attribute to enable a TransportActivityLocation instance to be referenced elsewhere.
TransportActivityLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportActivityLocationType.
TransportActivityLocationInfoclass instanceA location at which the transport activity has occurred
TransportActivityLocationTypeclassA data type to provide information regarding locations at which activities associated with a container are known to have occurred.
TransportAssessmentclass instanceA data type for a set of details of the assessment of a subject's suitability for transport.
TransportAssessmentActiveWarrantDetailTextclass instanceA comment regarding active warrants for the subject of a transport.
TransportAssessmentActiveWarrantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the transport subject has active warrants; false otherwise.
TransportAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:TransportAssessmentType
TransportAssessmentCommentclass instanceA comment specific to a transport assessment.
TransportAssessmentDisciplinaryHistoryAssaultiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject for transport has a disciplinary history involving assault; false otherwise.
TransportAssessmentDisciplinaryHistoryTextclass instanceA comment about a transport subject's disciplinary history.
TransportAssessmentEscapeHistoryTextclass instanceA comment about a transport subject's escape history.
TransportAssessmentEscapeRiskLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of escape risk for a transport subject.
TransportAssessmentEscapeRiskLevelTextclass instanceA kind of escape risk for a transport subject.
TransportAssessmentHighNotorietyCaseDetailsTextclass instanceA comment regarding a transport subject's high profile case.
TransportAssessmentHighNotorietyCaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the transport subject is involved in a high profile case; false otherwise.
TransportAssessmentPregnantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the transport subject is pregnant; false otherwise.
TransportAssessmentRelevantHealthcareTextclass instanceA comment about the transport subject's relevant healthcare issues.
TransportAssessmentScheduledTransportDateclass instanceA date determined for transport.
TransportAssessmentTransportRequirementAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of transport requirement.
TransportAssessmentTransportRequirementTextclass instanceA kind of transport requirement.
TransportAssessmentTypeclassA data type for a set of details of the assessment of a subject's suitability for transport.
TransportAssessmentWheelchairRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the transport subject requires a wheelchair; false otherwise.
TransportAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an activity and a transport organization.
TransportationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a conveyance and the people and/or goods it transported.
TransportationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportationAssociationType.
TransportationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a conveyance and the people and/or goods it transported.
TransportContractDocumentclass instanceA contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
TransportContractDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportContractDocumentType.
TransportContractDocumentCodeTextclass instanceA code to identify the type of a document evidencing a transport contract.
TransportContractDocumentReferenceIDclass instanceA unique identifier of a Transport Contract Document.
TransportContractDocumentTypeclassA data type for a contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
TransportDocumentIssuePlaceclass instanceA location at which a transport document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
TransportEquipmentclass instanceA specific equipment used in Means of Transport
TransportEquipmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportEquipmentType.
TransportEquipmentTypeclassA data type representing the equipment used in Means of Transport
TransportMeansclass instanceAn identification of the means of transport used.
TransportMeansActualFirstArrivalDateclass instanceAn actual first date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
TransportMeansActualFirstDepartureDateclass instanceAn actual first date of departure of the means of transport.
TransportMeansArrivalclass instanceAn arrival of means of transport at (for air) airport, (land) arrival at border post, or (sea) arrival at port.
TransportMeansArrivalDateclass instanceA date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
TransportMeansAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportMeansType.
TransportMeansBorderCrossingIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the means of transport used in crossing the border.
TransportMeansBorderCrossingNameclass instanceA name to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.
TransportMeansCallPurposeTextclass instanceA purpose of the conveyance call.
TransportMeansCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of means/mode of transport used for the carriage of the goods.
TransportMeansCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the code that represents the kind of Transport means.
TransportMeansCodeTypeclassA data type for a Transport means.
TransportMeansConsignmentUnloadingDateclass instanceA date on which the cargo was outturned.
TransportMeansContainerQuantityclass instanceA number of the total freight containers or similar unit load devices.
TransportMeansConveyanceclass instanceA means of Transport.
TransportMeansConveyanceReferenceIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a journey of a means of transport.
TransportMeansCrewQuantityclass instanceA number of the total members of the crew, including the captain/master, of a means of a transport.
TransportMeansDepartureclass instanceA Departure from a crossing or other location for a means of transport
TransportMeansDepartureDateclass instanceA date of departure of the means of transport.
TransportMeansFirstArrivalclass instanceAn arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post, or (sea) arrival at first port.
TransportMeansGrossWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
TransportMeansIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the means of transport.
TransportMeansItineraryclass instanceAn itinerary of the of the Transport Means
TransportMeansModeOfTransportationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a mode of means of transport like air, sea, land.
TransportMeansModeOfTransportationCodeclass instanceA mode of means of transport like air, sea, land.
TransportMeansNameclass instanceA name to identify the means of transport used.
TransportMeansNetWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of International Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships, 1969
TransportMeansOperatorclass instanceAn identification of the registered operator of means of transport.
TransportMeansOperatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportMeansOperatorType.
TransportMeansOperatorIDCategoryclass instanceA code specifying identification of the registered operator of means of transport.
TransportMeansOperatorIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of TransportMeansOperator
TransportMeansOperatorTypeclassA data type representing the registered operator of means of transport.
TransportMeansOwnerclass instanceAn identification of the registered owner of means of transport.
TransportMeansOwnerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TransportMeansOwnerType.
TransportMeansOwnerIDCategoryclass instanceA code specifying identification of the registered owner of means of transport.
TransportMeansOwnerIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of TransportMeansOwner
TransportMeansOwnerTypeclassA data type representing the registered owner of means of transport.
TransportMeansPassengerQuantityclass instanceA number of the total passengers on board a means of transport.
TransportMeansStayIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.
TransportMeansTypeclassA data type to identify the means of transport used.
TransportMeansVesselHeightMeasureclass instanceAn expression in meters of the forward/after draft level.
TransportMeansVesselLengthMeasureclass instanceAn expression in meters of the length of a single vehicle.
TransportTimeTextclass instanceA field indicating the time involved if interviewee was transported from place of encounter to interrogation point.
TransshipmentPlaceCodeTextclass instanceA code to identify a warehouse where a particular goods shipment has been stored.
TransshipmentPlaceNameclass instanceA name of the place where goods are to be transferred from one means of transport to another during the course of one transport operation.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashCodeclass instanceA direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashCodeTypeclassA data type for the direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDocumentclass instanceA classification of TRAVEL DOCUMENT
TravelDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TravelDocumentType.
TravelDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of travel documents
TravelDocumentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of travel documents
TravelDocumentCodeclass instanceA kind of document.
TravelDocumentCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of document.
TravelDocumentReceivedDateclass instanceA date on which the aliens travel document for DEPORTATION is received.
TravelDocumentRefusedDateclass instanceA date on which the aliens travel document was refused.
TravelDocumentRequestDateclass instanceA date on which the foreign government was asked for travel documents.
TravelDocumentRequestedDateclass instanceA date on which the foreign government was asked for travel documents.
TravelDocumentTypeclassA data type for a classification of a Screening Travel Document
TravelModeclass instanceA type of transportation used by a person during a person crossing.
TravelModeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TravelModeType.
TravelModeCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeCategoryCodeclass instanceA means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeTextclass instanceA means of transport used by the non-immigrant alien.
TravelModeTypeclassA data type for the manner of transport used by a person during a person crossing the US Borders.
Traversalclass instanceA set of data describing the end-to-end workflow of a conveyance through an encounter process. One or more detection events may occur during a traversal.
TraversalAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:TraversalType.
TraversalBeginDateTimeclass instanceA DateTime of the start of a traversal.
TraversalEndDateTimeclass instanceA DateTime of the end of a traversal.
TraversalIDclass instanceA unqiue identifier of a traversal. There is no required format for the ID value.
TraversalOperatingModeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a Traversal operating mode.
TraversalOperatingModeCodeclass instanceA code for the operating mode of a traversal.
TraversalOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the operating modes of a traversal.
TraversalOperatingModeCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various traversal Opearing ModeCode
TraversalOperatingModeTextclass instanceA description of a traversal operating mode.
TraversalTypeclassA data type for the end-to-end workflow of a conveyance through an encounter process. One or more detection events occur during a traversal.
TreatAsAdultIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a juvenile individual should be treated as an adult in this specific ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER; false otherwise.
Treatmentclass instanceA treatment of a person for a mental or physical condition.
TreatmentApproximateLengthTextclass instanceAn estimated length of a treatment program.
TreatmentAssessmentclass instanceAn assessment of a treatment program.
TreatmentAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a treatment.
TreatmentAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a treatment.
TreatmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for nc:TreatmentType.
TreatmentAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a treatment.
TreatmentAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a treatment.
TreatmentComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the water treatment plant components
TreatmentComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the water treatment plant components
TreatmentComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for the water treatment plant components
TreatmentDiagnosisTextclass instanceA determining or analysis of the manner in which to treat the cause or nature of a problem
TreatmentFocusTextclass instanceA description of the focus of the treatment program.
TreatmentGoalDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a goal of a treatment program.
TreatmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Person has or is currently undergoing treatment; false otherwise.
TreatmentProgramclass instanceA treatment program.
TreatmentProgressclass instanceA set of details about the progress made within a treatment program.
TreatmentProviderclass instanceAn entity that provides a treatment.
TreatmentRecommendationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of recommended treatment or services for a juvenile.
TreatmentReferralclass instanceA referral to a treatment program.
TreatmentSupervisorEntityclass instanceAn entity supervising a treatment program.
TreatmentTextclass instanceA treatment that was provided or could be provisioned.
TreatmentTypeclassA data type for a treatment of a person for a mental or physical condition.
TRFUCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.16: Translation Field Usage
TRFUCodeTypeclassA data type for 1.16: Translation Field Usage
TriageBlackQuantityclass instanceA count of the Number of deceased victims
TriageCountclassThe number of each triage patient type the overall hospital currently has.
TriageGreenQuantityclass instanceA count of the Number of victims with minor needs
TriagePatientCountAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for TriagePatientCountType
TriagePatientCountTypeclassA data type for counts of each kind of triage patient
TriageRedQuantityclass instanceA count of the Number of victims with immediate needs
TriageYellowQuantityclass instanceA count of the Number of victims with delayed needs
Triangleclass instancegml:Triangle represents a triangle as a surface patch with an outer boundary consisting of a linear ring. Note that this is a polygon (subtype) with no inner boundaries. The number of points in the linear ring shall be four.
The ring (element exterior) shall be a gml:LinearRing and shall form a triangle, the first and the last position shall be coincident.
interpolation is fixed to "planar", i.e. an interpolation shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.
trianglePatchesclass instance
TriangulatedSurfaceclass instanceA triangulated surface is a polyhedral surface that is composed only of triangles. There is no restriction on how the triangulation is derived.
trianglePatches encapsulates the triangles of the triangulated surface.
TribalAffiliationTextclass instanceA tribe in which the child may be affiliated with.
TribalCodeclass instanceA list of the names of the tribes.
TribalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the names of the tribes.
TribalCodeTypeclassA data type for the names of the tribes.
TribeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this assessment is on tribal lands; false otherwise
TribeKindCodeclass instanceA kind of tribal land
TribeKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a Tribal Entity
TribeKindCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of tribal land
Tripwireclass instanceA unique line of detection, comprised of two or more location points, that intruders cannot cross.
TripwireAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:TripwireType
TripwireDirectionCodeclass instanceA direction of travel for a tripwire.
TripwireDirectionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a direction of travel for a tripwire.
TripwireDirectionCodeTypeclassA data type for a direction of travel for a tripwire.
TripwirePointLocationclass instanceA location of a tripwire point or end.
TripwireTypeclassA data type for a unique line of detection, comprised of two or more location points, that intruders cannot cross.
TrucksCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.9: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trucks and Truck Parts
TrucksCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.9: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trucks and Truck Parts
TuesdayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Tuesday operating hours.
tupleListclass instancegml:CoordinatesType consists of a list of coordinate tuples, with each coordinate tuple separated by the ts or tuple separator (whitespace), and each coordinate in the tuple by the cs or coordinate separator (comma).
The gml:tupleList encoding is effectively "band-interleaved".
TwoYearGovernmentFinancialSupportIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year residence requirement due to receiving financial support from either the U.S. or EVs Government; false otherwise.
TwoYearRequirementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year residence requirement as a result of G-1, G-2, or G-3 program participation and funding receipt from current program sponsor; false otherwise.
TwoYearSkillsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year home-country physical presence requirement due to EVs position being on the short supply skill-list within EVs home country; false otherwise.
TYPACodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.1: Article Category Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPACodeTypeclassA data type for 1.1: Article Category Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPAECodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.4: Article Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPAECodeTypeclassA data type for 1.4: Article Type (TYP) Field Codes
TypeattributeThe NIEM type that implements the source class or property
Type10CrossReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier for an image reference number that correlates type 10 images of the same feature, such as an full SMT image and a close up image
Type22CrossReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier for an image reference number that correlates to a Non-photographic imagery record of the same feature
Type2CrossReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier for a reference number for a Type-2 record in a transaction
Type2CrossReferenceListclass instanceA list of Type-2 records referenced in a transaction.
Type2CrossReferenceListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Type2CrossReferenceList
Type2CrossReferenceListTypeclassA data type for a list of Type-2 records referenced in another record in the transaction.
typeCodeattributeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
typeCodeattributeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
typeCodeattributeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
TYPECodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 4.3: Type of Output (TYPE) Field Codes
TYPECodeTypeclassA data type for 4.3: Type of Output (TYPE) Field Codes
TypeNameclass instance
TypeName_TypeclassA TypeName is a LocalName that references either a recordType or object type in some form of schema. The stored value "aName" is the returned value for the "aName()" operation. This is the types name. - For parsing from types (or objects) the parsible name normally uses a "." navigation separator, so that it is of the form [class].[member].[memberOfMember]. ...)
TYPSCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1 - Securities Type (TYP) Field Codes for Currency
TYPSCodeTypeclassA data type for 1 - Securities Type (TYP) Field Codes for Currency