Name | Kind | Description |
WagesAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WagesType. |
WagesBasePayAmount | class instance | An amount of an employee's initial rate of compensation, excluding extra lump sum compensation or increases in the rate of pay. An employee's base pay can be expressed as a base hourly rate of pay or as an annual salary. |
WagesBasicSalaryAmount | class instance | An amount of employee compensation quoted on an annual basis. |
WagesDisbursingDate | class instance | A date wages were disbursed to receipient. |
WagesFederalTaxableAmount | class instance | An amount of wages subject to federal tax. |
WagesFederalTaxWithheldAmount | class instance | An amount of federal tax witheld. |
WagesGrossPayAmount | class instance | An amount of an employee's pay of any kind before any deductions are made by the employer. |
WagesPayBasicCode | class instance | A code indicating the type of wages. |
WagesPayGradeCode | class instance | A classification of the pay grade. |
WagesPayPeriodEndDate | class instance | A last date wages are included in a payment. |
WagesPayPlanCode | class instance | A code indicating the pay plan. |
WagesPayrollOfficeNumberText | class instance | A description of the office where payroll is administered. |
WagesPayStatusCode | class instance | A code indicating the status of payment of wages. |
WagesPayStepText | class instance | A description of the wage ranges for pay grades. |
WagesRetiredPayEntitlementEffectiveDate | class instance | A date retirement entitlement pay was effective. |
WagesStateTaxableAmount | class instance | An amount of wages subject to state tax. |
WagesStateTaxWithheldAmount | class instance | An amount of state tax witheld. |
WagesTotalBasePayAllDrillsAmount | class instance | A total amount of all military wages from all sources. |
WagesType | class | A data type for Wages Class |
Waiver | class instance | A data element representing a granted credential waiver of a person |
WaiverAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WaiverType |
WaiverAuthorizer | class instance | A data element for the entity who authorized the waiver |
WaiverDate | class instance | A data element for the date a waiver is issued |
WaiverType | class | A data type for the credential class of a waiver |
Warehouse | class instance | A set of information about a warehouse. |
WarehouseAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WarehouseType. |
WarehouseCategoryCodeText | class instance | An identification of a warehouse where a particular goods shipment has been stored. |
WarehouseDate | class instance | A date of arrival at location of goods Date when declared goods was/will be carried into designated warehouse. |
WarehouseLicenseNumberText | class instance | A warehouse license number. |
WarehouseType | class | A data type for a warehouse |
Warrant | class instance | An authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action. |
WarrantAppearanceBail | class instance | A monetary condition placed on a person to ensure appearance in court. |
WarrantAppearanceBailForfeitText | class instance | A reason an appearance bond was forfeited in connection to a warrant. |
WarrantAugmentation | class instance | Additional information about a warrant. |
WarrantAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WarrantType. |
WarrantAugmentationType | class | A data type for additional information about a warrant. |
WarrantCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of warrant. |
WarrantCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of warrant. |
WarrantCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a kind of warrant. |
WarrantCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a kind of warrant. |
WarrantCategoryDescriptionText | class instance | A description of a kind of warrant. |
WarrantCategoryText | class instance | A kind of warrant. |
WarrantClassification | class instance | A classification of a warrant. |
WarrantClassificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WarrantClassificationType. |
WarrantClassificationType | class | A data type for a classification of a warrant. |
WarrantDeportDemandDate | class instance | A date on which DHS demanded a WARRANT to be served to an individual to facilitate deportation. |
WarrantDeportServeDate | class instance | A date on which DHS served a WARRANT to an individual to facilitate deportation. |
WarrantDeportSurrenderDate | class instance | A date on which the individual must appear for deportation as a result of the WARRANT. |
WarrantExtraditionLimitationAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court. |
WarrantExtraditionLimitationAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court. |
WarrantExtraditionLimitationCode | class instance | A kind of limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court. |
WarrantExtraditionLimitationCode | class instance | A kind of limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court. |
WarrantExtraditionLimitationText | class instance | A limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court. |
WarrantExtraditionStateName | class instance | A name of a state that an arrest warrant specifies a subject is to be extradited from. |
WarrantFurtherProcessingText | class instance | An area a warrant went to for further processing or service. |
WarrantIdentification | class instance | An identification value for the warrant number. |
WarrantLevelText | class instance | An offense level associated with a warrant to be served. |
WarrantOffenseOccurredDate | class instance | A date that the warrant offense occurred. Format is MMDDYY. |
WarrantProbableCauseText | class instance | A justification for securing a warrant. |
WarrantType | class | A data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action. |
WarrantType | class | A data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action. |
Watch | class instance | A small, portable time piece. |
WatchAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WatchType. |
WatchFaceColorText | class instance | A color of a watch face. |
WatchFaceDisplayText | class instance | A kind of display of a watch face, such as digital, analog, roman numerals, etc. |
WatchFaceMaterialText | class instance | A kind of material out of which a watch face is made. |
WatchFaceShapeText | class instance | A shape of a watch face. |
Watchlist | class instance | A DOCUMENT which contains a nomination list prepared and approved by the National Center of Counter Terrorism. |
WatchlistAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WatchlistType. |
WatchlistCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of watchlist. |
WatchlistCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of watchlist. |
WatchlistCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a kind of watchlist. |
WatchlistCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a kind of watchlist. |
WatchlistCategoryDescriptionText | class instance | A description of a kind of watchlist. |
WatchlistClassification | class instance | A classification of the WATCHLIST. |
WatchlistClassificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WatchlistClassificationType. |
WatchlistClassificationType | class | A data type for a classification of the WATCHLIST. |
WatchlistType | class | A data type for a DOCUMENT which contains a nomination list prepared and approved by the National Center of Counter Terrorism. |
WatchType | class | A data type for a small, portable time piece. |
WaterStorageCode | class instance | An element for the water storage types |
WaterStorageCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for the water storage types |
WaterStorageCodeType | class | A data type for the water storage types |
WaterStorageComponentCode | class instance | An element for the water storage Component |
WaterStorageComponentCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for the water storage components |
WaterStorageComponentCodeType | class | A data type for the water storage components |
WaterTreatmentCategoryCode | class instance | An element for water based collection and distribution types |
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for water based collection and distribution types |
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for water based collection and distribution types |
Waypoint | class instance | A point or a series of points to which a moving object may be vectored. |
WaypointAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type mo:WaypointType |
WaypointName | class instance | A name of a waypoint. |
WaypointPoint | class instance | A point to which a moving object may be vectored. |
WaypointType | class | A data type for a point or a series of points to which a moving object may be vectored. |
WCODocumentCategory | class instance | A category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentCategoryAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WCODocumentCategoryType. |
WCODocumentCategoryCode | class instance | A category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentCategoryType | class | A data type for a category of a document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentFunctionCategory | class instance | A category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a code indicating the function of a document. |
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WCODocumentFunctionCategoryType. |
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryCode | class instance | A code indicating the function of a document. |
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryType | class | A data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document. |
WCODocumentNameCategoryAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WCODocumentNameCategoryType. |
WCODocumentNameCategoryCode | class instance | A category code of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..) |
WCODocumentNameCategoryType | class | A data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document. |
Weapon | class instance | A property item used as in instrument of attack or defense. |
WeaponAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WeaponType. |
WeaponIndicator | class instance | True if an item is traditionally considered to be a weapon; false otherwise. |
WeaponInvolvedInActivity | class instance | An activity in which a weapon was involved. |
WeaponType | class | A data type for a property item used as an instrument of attack or defense. |
WeaponUsageIndicator | class instance | True if an item not traditionally considered to be a weapon is used as such; false otherwise. |
WeaponUsageText | class instance | A way or manner in which a weapon was used. |
WeaponUser | class instance | A person who uses a weapon. |
webservice | stereotype | |
WednesdayHoursText | class instance | A text description of the normal Wensday operating hours. |
WeekDayHoursText | class instance | A text description of the normal weekday operating hours. |
WeekEndHoursText | class instance | A text description of the normal weekend operating hours. |
weight | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
weight | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
WeightMeasure | class instance | A measure of a weight. |
WeightMeasureAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type nc:WeightMeasureType |
WeightMeasureType | class | A data type for a measure of a weight. |
WeightMeasureType | class | A data type for a measure of a weight. |
weightUnit | attribute | A unit of measuring weight. |
WeightUnitAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a unit of measure for weight. |
WeightUnitCode | class instance | A unit of measure of the weight value. |
WeightUnitCode | class instance | A unit of measure of the weight value. |
WetDebrisValue | class instance | An element for the wet debris removed from bodies of water. (cubic yards) |
WGS84EllipseType | class | A data type for an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84 coordinates, meters, and decimal degrees. |
WGS84ExternalPolygonType | class | A data type for a polygon having no interior regions, using WGS84 coordinates. |
WGS84LineStringType | class | A data type for a series of connected line segments, using WGS84 coordinates |
WGS84LocationCylinder | class instance | A location identified by a cylinder oriented vertically and centered on a point described with WGS84 coordinates. If it is appropriate for the radius and half-height properties to represent an error value (for example, because the event is a laser-designated target), then the true event location follows a normal distribution such that the cylinder defines the one-sigma (p?0.67)(almost equal to) deviation. (A cylinder with twice the volume would be the two-sigma (p?0.95)(almost equal to) deviation, etc.) Otherwise the cylinder encloses the full physical extent of the event. |
WGS84LocationCylinderAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type mo:WGS84LocationCylinderType |
WGS84LocationCylinderType | class | A data type for a cylinder described with WGS84 coordinates and meters. |
WGS84LocationEllipse | class instance | A area region described by an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84, meters, and decimal degrees. |
WGS84LocationExternalPolygon | class instance | An area region described by a polygon with no interior region, using WGS84 coordinates. |
WGS84LocationLineString | class instance | A data type for a series of connected line segments, using WGS84 coordinates. |
WGS84LocationPoint | class instance | A data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system. |
WGS84LocationPointType | class | A data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system. |
where | class instance | Root property element of an OASIS GML instance |
WhereType | class | Root property type for an OASIS GML instance |
WhiteDebrisValue | class instance | An element for the white goods: household appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc. (cubic yards) |
WillFilingDate | class instance | Date on which the will of the decesaed person was filed in the court. |
WindowEndEnergyValueList | class instance | A end energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV. |
WindowStartEnergyValueList | class instance | A start energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV. |
Witness | class instance | A person who has observed an incident. |
WitnessAccountDescriptionText | class instance | A description or narrative of an incident as reported by the witness. |
WitnessAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for WitnessType. |
WitnessDate | class instance | A date a witness observed an incident. |
WitnessIdentification | class instance | An identification number or string identifying a witness. |
WitnessLocationDescriptionText | class instance | A description of a location from which the witness observed an incident. |
WitnessReportVerifiedIndicator | class instance | True if a witness's story has been corroborated or validated; false otherwise. |
WitnessSequenceNumberText | class instance | A sequential number assigned to the witness of an incident. |
WitnessSpecialConditionText | class instance | A special condition a witness requires to testify. |
WitnessType | class | A data type for a person who has observed an incident. |
WitnessWillTestifyIndicator | class instance | True if a witness is willing to testify; false otherwise. |
WorkLaborCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination. |
WorkLaborCodeType | class | A data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination. |
WorkZoneCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of Work Zone. |
WorkZoneCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of Work Zone. |
WorkZoneCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone |
WorkZoneCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone |
WorkZoneCrashLocationAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a crash location inside Work Zone. |
WorkZoneCrashLocationCode | class instance | A crash location inside Work Zone. |
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone. |
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeType | class | A data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone. |
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationAbstract | class instance | A data concept for an indication of whether workers are present in the work zone. |
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCode | class instance | An indication of whether workers are present in the work zone. |
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence |
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeType | class | A data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence |