SamplingRateclass instanceA ratio of digital samples per second of analog data upon conversion to an acoustic signal
Sanctionclass instanceA sanction or penalty ordered for a subject by a judge or a supervising agency as a result of a disposition of a charge.
SanctionAdultSentenceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a sanction for an extended jurisdiction juvenile is part of an adult or a juvenile sentence; false otherwise.
SanctionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SanctionType.
SanctionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of sanction.
SanctionConcurrentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the sanction runs concurrently with other sanctions imposed; false otherwise.
SanctionCreditedObligationclass instanceAn amount of money or time requirement of a sanction already paid.
SanctionDaysSuspendedQuantityclass instanceA number of days for which the execution of the sanction is to be suspended pending clear conduct by a subject.
SanctionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a sanction imposed by a hearing.
SanctionDisciplinaryActionclass instanceA correction action that is assigned as part of a sanction.
SanctionFrequencyTextclass instanceA frequency with which a sanction is to be met.
SanctionGroupingTextclass instanceA way of grouping multiple sanctions.
SanctionIssuingAgencyclass instanceA court that sets a sanction.
SanctionJurisdictionalAgencyclass instanceA court that has jurisdiction over a sanction.
SanctionProgressclass instanceA tracking of changes in a subject's progress toward fulfillment of the terms of a sanction.
SanctionRelatedChargeDispositionTextclass instanceA final version of a disposed Charge.
SanctionRelatedSanctionIdentificationclass instanceA sanction identification from related court case.
SanctionSentenceDefinitionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a sanction 'defines' a sentence; false otherwise.
SanctionSetDateclass instanceA date a sanction was set or ordered.
SanctionSetObligationclass instanceAn amount of money or time requirement of a sanction that has been set.
SanctionStayedObligationclass instanceAn amount of money or time requirement of a sanction that is temporarily suspended.
SanctionSuspendedObligationclass instanceAn amount of money or time requirement of a sanction that is no longer required to be paid.
SanctionTypeclassA data type for a sanction or penalty ordered for a subject as a result of a disposition of a charge.
SandSoilMudDebrisQuantityclass instanceA count of sand/soil/mud/rocks: (cubic yards)
sarclass viewSource: PM Information Sharing Environment (ISE);
Publication: SE-FS-200-version-1.5 Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR);
Version: 1.5;
Date: 25 Aug 2009; http://niem.gtri.gatech.edu/niemtools/iepdt/display/container.iepd?ref=ntsXeIX7M6Q%3D
SaturdayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Saturday operating hours.
Scaleclass instance
ScaleUnitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of measurement unit scales being used
ScaleUnitCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of measurement unit scales being used
ScaleUnitsCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
ScaleUnitsCodeTypeclassA data type for a sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
ScanIdentificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScanIdentifierDataType.
ScanIdentificationDataclass instanceAn inspected item's scan information
ScanIdentificationTypeclassA data type that provides identification data about a scan.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeclass instanceAn indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanQualityCodeclass instanceA code describing the quality of a scan.
ScanQualityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.
ScanQualityCodeTypeclassA data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.
ScanSectorclass instanceA sector scanned by a device; defined by a radial sweep from the device location.
ScanSectorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:ScanSectorType
ScanSectorTypeclassA data type for a sector scanned by a device; defined by a radial sweep from the device location.
ScarFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger with a scar(s) on it.
ScarFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a finger with a scar(s) on it.
Scheduleclass instanceA schedule providing the beginning and ending times of operation or availability for a designated period of time.
Schedule Court Dateuse caseA step in the court filing process in which a filer requests to schedule a court date.
ScheduleActivityTextclass instanceAn activity planned to occur on a certain date and time.
ScheduleActivityTextclass instanceAn activity planned to occur on a certain date and time.
ScheduleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScheduleType.
ScheduleByWeekclass instanceA schedule where the hours are the same for weekdays.
ScheduleByWeekAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScheduleByWeekType.
ScheduleByWeekDayclass instanceA schedule where the hours are not the same for weekdays.
ScheduleByWeekDayAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScheduleByWeekDayType.
ScheduleByWeekDayTypeclassA data type for a schedule where the hours are not the same for all weekdays.
ScheduleByWeekTypeclassA data type for a schedule where the hours are the same for all weekdays.
ScheduleDateclass instanceA date for which an activity is scheduled.
ScheduleDateclass instanceA date for which an activity is scheduled.
ScheduleDayclass instanceA plan or agenda for the activities of a day or dates.
ScheduleDayAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a day or days with the given schedule information.
ScheduleDayAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a day or days with the given schedule information.
ScheduleDayAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScheduleDayType.
ScheduleDayEndTimeclass instanceA time at which an activity is scheduled to end.
ScheduleDayEndTimeclass instanceA time at which an activity is scheduled to end.
ScheduleDayOfWeekCodeclass instanceA day of the week with the given schedule information.
ScheduleDayStartTimeclass instanceA time at which an activity is scheduled to begin.
ScheduleDayStartTimeclass instanceA time at which an activity is scheduled to begin.
ScheduleDayStatusclass instanceA schedule status for a particular day.
ScheduleDayTypeclassA data type for a plan or agenda for the activities of a day.
ScheduleDayTypeclassA data type for a plan or agenda for the activities of a day.
ScheduleDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the schedule.
ScheduleEndDateTimeclass instanceA date when the schedule is no longer effective. If not provided, then the end date is considered to be indefinite. The end date, if provided, must be later than the start date.
ScheduleExceptionsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of special exceptions to the given schedule, such as holiday hours or closings.
ScheduleNonStopIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the schedule applies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; false otherwise.
SchedulePersonclass instanceA person for whom an activity is scheduled.
ScheduleQueryCriteriaclassCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
scheduleQueryCriteriarelationCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
ScheduleQueryCriteriaclass instanceCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
ScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeclassCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
schedulerequestclass view
schedulerequest:GetCourtScheduleRequestMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
schedulerequest:ScheduleQueryCriteriaattributeCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
scheduleresponseclass view
scheduleresponse:GetCourtScheduleResponseMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
ScheduleStartDateTimeclass instanceA date when a schedule is effective.
ScheduleStatusclass instanceAn overall status for the schedule.
ScheduleTimeRangeclass instanceA time range for the schedule.
ScheduleTimeZoneTextclass instanceA text identification of the time zone that applies to a schedule.
ScheduleTypeclassA data type for a schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
ScheduleTypeclassA data type for a schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
Scheduling Sequencesequence diagram
SchemaExtensionclass instanceA structure representing the court-specific extensions for this court
SchemaExtensionTypeclassA structure representing the court-specific extensions for the court associated with this Court Policy.
ScholarshipGrantAmountclass instanceA dollar amount of a scholarship or grant from educational institution
SchoolAttendanceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a student's attendance at a school.
SchoolAttendanceIssueclass instanceA student's attendance issue at a school.
SchoolAttendanceIssueAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolAttendanceIssueType.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing the kind of school attendance issue a child or youth has.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing types of school attendance issues.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing types of school attendance issues.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCodeclass instanceA type of school attendance issue that the student has.
SchoolAttendanceIssueTextclass instanceA type of school attendance issue that the student has.
SchoolAttendanceIssueTypeclassA data type for information about issues relating to school attendance.
SchoolClassclass instanceA particular class at a school. This is class dedicated to a subject rather than the concept of a group of students graduating together.
SchoolClassAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolClassType.
SchoolClassLetterGradeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing a student's letter grade for an academic course.
SchoolClassLetterGradeCodeclass instanceA letter grade received in a school class.
SchoolClassLetterGradeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing different letter grades assigned for a school class.
SchoolClassLetterGradeCodeTypeclassA data type for describing different letter grades assigned for a school class.
SchoolClassLetterGradeTextclass instanceA letter grade received in a school class.
SchoolClassNameclass instanceA name of a school class.
SchoolClassTeacherFullNameclass instanceA full name of a teacher for a school class.
SchoolClassTimeclass instanceA time at which a school class begins.
SchoolClassTypeclassA data type for information about specific school classes.
SchoolEnrollmentDateclass instanceA date on which a student enrolled in a school.
SchoolEnrollmentWithdrawReasonTextclass instanceA reason for a student's withdrawal from school.
SchoolExpulsionclass instanceA student's expulsion from school.
SchoolExpulsionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolExpulsionType.
SchoolExpulsionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the student has been expelled; false otherwise.
SchoolExpulsionTypeclassA data type for information about an expulsion from school.
SchoolExpulsionWaiverTextclass instanceA reason for the waiver of a students expulsion from school.
SchoolGPATextclass instanceA student's Grade Point Average (GPA) at a school.
SchoolOwnerclass instanceA person who has legal ownership title of a school.
SchoolPerformanceTextclass instanceA short description of a student's performance, such as Above Average, Average, Below Average.
SchoolProvidedTermFundsAmountclass instanceA number indicating the amount of funds supplied to the alien student by the school during the term.
SchoolProvidedTermFundsCommentTextclass instanceA field indicating free text explaining the funds supplied to the alien student by the school.
SchoolResourceOfficerclass instanceA police officer assigned to a school.
SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationclass instanceAn association relating an education organization to a school resource officer.
SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationType.
SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association relating an education organization to a school resource officer.
SchoolScheduleclass instanceA student's schedule at the school being attended.
SchoolScheduleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolScheduleType.
SchoolScheduleTypeclassA data type for information about school classes, rather than details about a single class.
SchoolSpecialEducationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the student is receiving special education; false otherwise.
SchoolStudentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a school and a student attending there.
SchoolStudentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SchoolStudentAssociationType.
SchoolStudentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a student and a school attended.
SchoolStudentIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a student by the school being attended.
SchoolTermLivingExpenseTotalAmountclass instanceA number indicating the alien students living expenses for the school term.
SchoolTermTextclass instanceA short description of the term being attended, e.g Fall YY, Spring YY, Summer YY.
scopeclass instanceThe gml:scope property provides a description of the usage, or limitations of usage, for which this CRS-related object is valid. If unknown, enter "not known".
ScopedNameclass instance
scrclass viewThe People Screening domain provides harmonized information sharing content within the Screening Portfolio of DHS. The Screening namespace is initially being populated with person screening information for immigrant and non-immigrant person types who have been encountered and identified by the Screening Portfolio Components. Screening expands on encounter-related NIEM elements currently included in the Immigration and Intelligence domains.
scr:AccessControlLevelCodeValueattributeA number value for the access control level to be applied to the record
scr:AccompaniedByFamilyIndicatorattributeTrue if a subject is accompanied by a family member when entering the United States; false otherwise.
scr:AcknowledgementDateattributeA date that the request is ready for processing in the US-VISIT/IDENT system.
scr:ActivityCommentTextattributeA note or comment about an activity.
scr:ActivityPriorityQuantityattributeA number of the Priority value of the activity, with 0-4 as gradient normal, 4 as the default, and 5-9 as gradient expedited priority.
scr:ActivityProcessCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of activity process.
scr:ActivityProcessClassificationattributeA kind of activity process.
scr:ActivityProcessClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ActivityProcessClassificationType.
scr:ActivityProcessDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of activity process.
scr:ActivityRequestCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of activity request.
scr:ActivityRequestClassificationattributeA kind of activity request.
scr:ActivityRequestClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ActivityRequestClassificationType.
scr:ActivityRequestDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of activity request.
scr:ActivityResponseCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of activity response.
scr:ActivityResponseClassificationattributeA kind of activity response.
scr:ActivityResponseClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ActivityResponseClassificationType.
scr:ActivityResponseDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of activity response.
scr:ActivityResponseQuantityattributeA number indicating the number of results to return for the request.
scr:ActivityResponseRuleTextattributeA Rule defining how to handle the results being returned for the request.
scr:ActivityResponseTextattributeA text that contains the ACTIVITY RESPONSE value
scr:ActivityResultsCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of activity results.
scr:ActivityResultsClassificationattributeA kind of activity results.
scr:ActivityResultsClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ActivityResultsClassificationType.
scr:ActivityResultsDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of activity results.
scr:ActivitySiteIDattributeAn identifier for the site where the information was collected.
scr:ActivityTerminalIDattributeAn identifier for the terminal device where the information was collected.
scr:ActivityUserLogonIDattributeAn identifier for a person in the form of a person's system access (logon) id.
scr:AddressClassificationattributeA classification of an ADDRESS
scr:AddressClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AddressClassificationType.
scr:AddressClassificationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of address.
scr:AddressClassificationCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of address.
scr:AddressIdentificationattributeAn identification value for an ADDRESS.
scr:AdmitDefaultDayQuantityattributeA number indicating quantity of days after the visa maximum day quantity that the subject is authorized to stay in the United States based on the CLASS OF ADMISSION.
scr:AdmitDurationStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if the admittance length for a person at ARRIVAL is based on Duration of Status; false otherwise.
scr:AdmitMaximumDayQuantityattributeA quantity of maximum number of days a specified in the CLASS OF ADMISSION TYPE.
scr:AdmittedDateattributeA date an immigrant was admitted into the US.
scr:AdmitToDateattributeA date , as specified at ARRIVAL, on which the alien is no longer authorized to stay in the United State.
scr:AdvancedPassengerInformationIndicatorattributeTrue if DHS had advanced manifest information on the traveler prior to person crossing; false otherwise.
scr:AgentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgentAssociationType.
scr:AgentPersonattributeAn Agent of Department of Homeland Security.
scr:AgentPersonattributeAn Agent of Department of Homeland Security.
scr:AgentPersonRoleattributeA part played by a Person in an Encounter.
scr:AgentPersonRoleattributeA part played by a Person in an Encounter.
scr:AircraftFlightPlanSummaryAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AircraftFlightPlanSummaryAssociationType.
scr:AlertCategoryClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of alert Category
scr:AlertCategoryClassificationCodeattributeA kind of alert Category
scr:AlertEntryDateattributeA date on which the alien alert was entered into the system.
scr:AlertEntryDateattributeA date on which the alien alert was entered into the system.
scr:AlertEntryTextattributeA text of additional information on PERSON ALERT.
scr:AlertEntryTextattributeA text of additional information on PERSON ALERT.
scr:AlertIdentificationattributeAn identification for the PERSON ALERT.
scr:AlertIdentificationattributeAn identification for the PERSON ALERT.
scr:AlertMedicalIndicatorattributeTrue if the alert code is for a medical condition; false otherwise.
scr:AlertMedicalIndicatorattributeTrue if the alert code is for a medical condition; false otherwise.
scr:AlertReceivedDateattributeA date on which the ALERT was received.
scr:AlienCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of alien.
scr:AlienCategoryTextattributeA kind of alien.
scr:AlienDeportationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienDeportationType.
scr:AlienDeportationEscortReasonAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienDeportationEscortReasonType.
scr:AlienDetentionattributeA data type that supplements nc:SupervisionType
scr:AlienDetentionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DetentionType.
scr:AlienEntryStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienEntryStatusType.
scr:AlienExchangeVisitorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienExchangeVisitorType.
scr:AlienStatusWhenFoundAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStatusWhenFoundType.
scr:AlienStatusWhenFoundCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a subjects activity or status when apprehended.
scr:AlienStatusWhenFoundDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated entry status found code.
scr:ApplicationStatusReasonTextattributeAn explanation of the BENEFIT APPLICATION status.
scr:ApprehensionChargeIdentificationattributeAn identification that represents an Apprehension Charge.
scr:ArrestMethodattributeA classification of the manner of ARREST
scr:ArrestMethodAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ArrestMethodType.
scr:ArrestMethodCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for an ARREST METHOD TYPE
scr:ArrestMethodDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for the ARREST METHOD.
scr:ArrivalReasonTextattributeA text that explains the reason for a non-immigrant Alien's arrival in the U.S.
scr:ArrivalReasonTextattributeA text that explains the reason for a non-immigrant Alien's arrival in the U.S.
scr:ASAAgencyCodeTextattributeA text for the code for the agency that owns the record; e.g., DoJ
scr:ASASubAgencyCodeTextattributeA text for the code for the subagency that owns the record; e.g., FBI
scr:BeginDocumentUseDateattributeA date representing the beginning or starting timeframe of using a document.
scr:BeginSalaryAmountattributeA remuneration amount for Person's starting salary.
scr:BenefitApplicationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationType.
scr:BenefitApplicationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationEncounterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationEncounterType.
scr:BenefitApplicationReceiptNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the proof of receipt of a benefit application given to the petitioner to account for his benefit application submission.
scr:BenefitApplicationStatusattributeA status of a benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationStatusattributeA status of a benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationStatusType.
scr:BenefitApplicationStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a status of a benefit application.
scr:BenefitApplicationSubmittedDateattributeA date that U.S. Government received an Alien's Benefit application
scr:BenefitDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BenefitDocumentType.
scr:BenefitDocumentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of benefit document.
scr:BenefitDocumentCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of benefit document.
scr:BenefitDocumentStatusattributeA state of a benefit document.
scr:BenefitDocumentStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BenefitDocumentStatusType.
scr:BenefitDocumentStatusCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a status of a benefit document.
scr:BiographicattributeA description of a PERSON at a specific point in time
scr:BiographicAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BiographicType.
scr:BiographicIdentificationattributeAn identification for a BIOGRAPHIC
scr:BirthIDattributeA unique system generated identifier for the person birth.
scr:BirthplaceNearLargeCityDistanceMilesLengthMeasureattributeA number of miles between the location where an individual was born, and the nearest urban area.
scr:BirthplaceNearLargeCityDistanceMilesLengthMeasureattributeA number of miles between the location where an individual was born, and the nearest urban area.
scr:BirthplaceNearLargeCityNameattributeA name of an urban area nearest to where an individual was born.
scr:BirthplaceNearLargeCityNameattributeA name of an urban area nearest to where an individual was born.
scr:BoardingLocationCityNameattributeA name indicating the city where the alien boarded a conveyance for ARRIVAL to the United States
scr:BorderCodeTextattributeA text representing a code for a DHS Border location on the Northern and Southern borders of the US.
scr:BorderCodeTextattributeA text representing a code for a DHS Border location on the Northern and Southern borders of the US.
scr:CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationType.
scr:ChargeCategoryClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of charge.
scr:ChargeDateattributeA date of the CHARGE
scr:ChargeSectionTextattributeA text that describes the section of law applicable to the CHARGE TYPE.
scr:ClassOfAdmissionClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a category of class of admission for a Person
scr:ClassOfAdmissionClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a category of class of admission for a Person
scr:ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for authorized stay duration basis specified in the CLASS OF ADMISSION DURATION BASIS TYPE.
scr:ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisCategoryTextattributeA kind of authorized stay duration basis specified in the CLASS OF ADMISSION DURATION BASIS TYPE.
scr:ComplexionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of complexion.
scr:ConfidenceLevelattributeA classification of the reliability of the PERSON ALERT.
scr:ConfidenceLevelAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConfidenceLevelType.
scr:ConfidenceLevelCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of confidence level.
scr:ConfidenceLevelCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of confidence level.
scr:ConsulateIndicatorattributeTrue if the consulate for a person being processed was notified; false otherwise.
scr:ControlLevelLastUpdateDateTimeattributeA Datetime on which the access control level was last modified
scr:ConveyanceCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of conveyance.
scr:ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeattributeA kind of conveyance identification.
scr:ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeattributeA kind of conveyance identification.
scr:ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionAbstractattributeA data concept for a conveyance ID issuing jurisdiction type.
scr:CountryNameBeginDateattributeA date on which the COUNTRY NAME came into existence
scr:CountryNameEndDateattributeA date on which the COUNTRY NAME ended.
scr:CountryNameIDattributeAn identifier for a COUNTRY NAME.
scr:CountryNameIDattributeAn identifier for a COUNTRY NAME.
scr:CountrySubdivisionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
scr:CountrySubdivisionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
scr:CountrySubdivisionCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
scr:CountrySubdivisionIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
scr:CountrySubdivisionIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameattributeA name of the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameattributeA name of the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameBeginDateattributeA date on which the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME came into existence.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameEndDateattributeA date on which the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME ended.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME.
scr:CountrySubdivisionNameIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME.
scr:CriminalAffiliationIndicatorattributeTrue if an ORGANIZATION is suspected of illegal activities; false otherwise.
scr:CrossingAgencyCodeTextattributeA government agency that processed the border crossing.
scr:CrossingReferralAgencyCodeTextattributeA government agency that handled the secondary inspection referral.
scr:DeleteIndicatorattributeTrue if the record has been logically deleted from the system; false otherwise.
scr:DepartureCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of departure.
scr:DepartureCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of departure.
scr:DepartureClassificationattributeA classification of DEPARTURE.
scr:DepartureClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DepartureClassificationType.
scr:DepartureReasonTextattributeA text that explains the reason that an Alien departed the U.S. as a result of an Alien deportation, removal or voluntary departure.
scr:DepartureReasonTextattributeA text that explains the reason that an Alien departed the U.S. as a result of an Alien deportation, removal or voluntary departure.
scr:DeportAsArrivedIndicatorattributeTrue if the subject was ordered to be deported using the vessel or aircraft on which the subject entered the U.S.; false otherwise.
scr:DeportationattributeAn involuntary DEPARTURE of a PERSON based on a judicial decision or inspectors discretion.
scr:DerogatoryCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for a kind of derogatory information.
scr:DerogatoryInformationExpirationDateattributeAn expiration date of derogatory information for a Person
scr:DerogatoryInformationIdentificationattributeAn identification that represents the PERSON DEROGATORY INFORMATION
scr:DerogatoryStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for a status of biometrically linked encounters at which the owning organization perceives the derogatory information.
scr:DesignatedCountryOfDeportationIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY.
scr:DesignationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of designation.
scr:DeviceattributeAn identifier that represents an ENCOUNTER DEVICE.
scr:DeviceBasedEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DeviceBasedEncounterAssociationType.
scr:DocumentOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DocumentOrganizationAssociationType.
scr:DocumentStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DocumentStatusType.
scr:DocumentStatusDateattributeA last date the document status was updated.
scr:DocumentStatusIDattributeAn identifier that represents a DOCUMENT STATUS.
scr:EFTSFeatureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EFTSFeatureType.
scr:EligibleForReliefIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien can be relieved from deportation under statute 212; false otherwise.
scr:EmployeeBadgeNumberIDattributeAn identifier number for the the badge of the EMPLOYEE
scr:EmployeeCallNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the call number of the EMPLOYEE
scr:EmployeeStarNumberIDattributeAn identifier for a number representing the call number of an EMPLOYEE.
scr:EncounterDeviceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EncounterDeviceType.
scr:EncounterDeviceClassificationattributeA kind of encounter device.
scr:EncounterDeviceClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EncounterDeviceClassificationType.
scr:EncounterDeviceDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of encounter device.
scr:EncounterMethodAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EncounterMethodType.
scr:EncounterMethodCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of encounter method.
scr:EncounterMethodDescriptionTextattributeA description of kind of encounter method.
scr:EncounterMethodKindattributeA kind of encounter method.
scr:EncounterStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for a status of an individual encounter as an aggregation of any associated derogatory information.
scr:EndDocumentUseDateattributeA date representing the ending timeframe of using a document.
scr:EndSalaryAmountattributeA date when the remuneration for PERSON EMPLOYMENT ended.
scr:EnforcementattributeA date of the CHARGE.
scr:EnforcementattributeA date of the CHARGE.
scr:EnforcementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnforcementType.
scr:EnforcementCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a classification of ENFORCEMENT
scr:EnforcementCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for ENFORCEMENT TYPE.
scr:EnforcementDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnforcementDocumentType.
scr:EnforcementEncounterattributeA PERSON ENCOUNTER resulting in a legal action.
scr:EnforcementEncounterattributeA PERSON ENCOUNTER resulting in a legal action.
scr:EnforcementEncounterattributeA PERSON ENCOUNTER resulting in a legal action.
scr:EnforcementEncounterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnforcementEncounterType.
scr:EnforcementEncounterChargeAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnforcementEncounterChargeAssociationType.
scr:EnrollmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnrollmentType.
scr:EnrollmentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of enrollment.
scr:EnrollmentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of enrollment.
scr:EnrollmentCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of enrollment.
scr:EnrollmentCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of enrollment.
scr:EnrollmentClassificationattributeA text that describes the ENROLLMENT STATUS.
scr:EnrollmentClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnrollmentClassificationType.
scr:EnrollmentStatusClassificationattributeA text that describes ENFORCEMENT TYPE.
scr:EnrollmentStatusClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EnrollmentStatusClassificationType.
scr:EntryDateTimeattributeA DateTime the TECS record information was originally entered
scr:EntryLocationNameattributeA name of the location where the alien entered the United States most recently.
scr:EntryStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of entry status at time of his most recent entry.
scr:EntryStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of entry status at time of his most recent entry.
scr:EntryStatusFoundDetailsattributeA subject's activity or status when apprehended.
scr:EntryTECSUserIDattributeAn identifier for the individual who entered the record originally
scr:EntryTerminalIDattributeAn identifier for the terminal device from which the original record was created
scr:EscortAbstractattributeA data concept for a reason why an escort is required to deport the subject.
scr:EscortDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the unique description for the associated ESCORT code.
scr:EscortReasonCategoryattributeA kind of reason why an escort is required to deport the subject.
scr:ExchangeVisitorCategoryCodeattributeA kind of exchange visitor.
scr:ExchangeVisitorCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of exchange visitor.
scr:FinalAdoptionDecreeIndicatorattributeTrue if a copy of the final adoption decree for the ADOPTED CHILD was received by USCIS; false otherwise.
scr:FlightAlternateArrivalDateattributeA date for an authorized flight to arrive at an alternate destination airport facility
scr:FlightAlternateArrivalTimeattributeA time for an authorized flight to arrive at an alternate destination airport facility
scr:FlightAlternateDestinationAirportattributeAn airport facility identified as an alternate destination for a flight.
scr:FlightFinalArrivalDateattributeA date for an authorized flight to arrive at a final destination airport facility
scr:FlightFinalArrivalTimeattributeA time for an authorized flight to arrive at a final destination airport facility
scr:FlightFinalDestinationAirportattributeAn airport facility identified as the final destination for a flight.
scr:FlightFinalDestinationLocationattributeA location identified as the final destination place where a flight will land
scr:FlightIdentificationattributeAn identification value assigned to an authorized flight
scr:FlightOriginatingAirportattributeAn airport facility identified as the originating airport for a flight.
scr:FlightOriginatingFlightDateattributeA date for an authorized flight to leave from an originating airport facility
scr:FlightOriginatingFlightTimeattributeA time for an authorized flight to leave from an originating airport facility
scr:FlightOriginatingLocationattributeA location identified as a place of origin
scr:FlightPlannedArrivalDateattributeA date for an authorized flight to arrive at a planned destination airport facility
scr:FlightPlannedArrivalTimeattributeA time for an authorized flight to arrive at a planned destination airport facility
scr:FlightPlannedDestinationAirportattributeAn airport facility identified as a planned destination for a flight.
scr:FlightPlanSummaryattributeA data type representing information related to a specific flight plan
scr:FlightPlanSummaryattributeA data type representing information related to a specific flight plan
scr:FlightPlanSummaryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for FlightPlanSummaryType.
scr:FlightPlanTransmittedDateattributeA date a flight plan was transmitted.
scr:ForeignAuthorityNotifiedIndicatorattributeTrue if the foreign authorities have been notified about this CHARGE; false otherwise.
scr:FraudulentIndicatorattributeTrue if the ORGANIZATION is determined to be fraudulent; false otherwise.
scr:GrossAnnualIncomeAmountattributeAn amount of money (dollars) earned by the ORGANIZATION each year.
scr:HearingRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the person arrested has requested a court hearing; false otherwise.
scr:IdentificationStatusAdvisoryTextattributeA text that describes special or advisory information about a particular Identification ID
scr:IdentificationStatusAdvisoryTextattributeA text that describes special or advisory information about a particular Identification ID
scr:IdentityStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for an aggregated status of biometrically linked encounters for an identified individual.
scr:ImageFeatureExtractionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImageFeatureExtractionType.
scr:ImageFeatureExtractionSoftwareattributeAn Image feature extraction information
scr:ImmigrationStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationStatusType.
scr:IncidentLeadAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IncidentLeadAssociationType.
scr:IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationType.
scr:InmateNumberIDattributeAn identifier assigned to the detainee by the detention facility.
scr:InmateNumberIDattributeAn identifier assigned to the detainee by the detention facility.
scr:INSLookoutIndicatorattributeTrue if the COUNTRY is on the DHS list as a potential threat to the United States; false otherwise.
scr:InternationalNumberIndicatorattributeTrue if the number for the PHONE is an international number; false otherwise.
scr:InterviewEncounterattributeA meeting between one or more representatives of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a PERSON to discuss an ENCOUNTER.
scr:InterviewEncounterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InterviewEncounterType.
scr:InterviewStatementattributeA DOCUMENT resulting from a meeting between a representative of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and an individual.
scr:InterviewStatementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InterviewStatementType.
scr:LastUpdateTECSUserIDattributeAn identifier for the UserID of the individual who last updated the record
scr:LastUpdateTerminalIDattributeAn identifier for the terminal device from which the last update to the record was made
scr:LeadattributeA data type for information that may require additional action on the part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
scr:LeadattributeA data type for information that may require additional action on the part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
scr:LeadattributeA data type for information that may require additional action on the part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
scr:LeadApprovalDateattributeA date on which the lead was approved to become an event.
scr:LeadAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LeadType.
scr:LeadIdentificationattributeAn identification value that represents a LEAD
scr:LeadLockedIndicatorattributeTrue if the Lead event has been locked; false otherwise.
scr:LeadReceivedDateattributeA date on which the lead was received for evaluation.
scr:LeadRecordedDateattributeA date on which the lead/event was initially recorded.
scr:LeadSourceattributeA classification of the origin of information regarding a LEAD
scr:LeadSourceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LeadSourceType.
scr:LeadSourceCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a LEAD SOURCE TYPE
scr:LeadSourceCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for LEAD SOURCE TYPE.
scr:LeadStatusattributeA classification state of a lead.
scr:LeadStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LeadStatusType.
scr:LeadStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of lead status.
scr:LegalReferenceTextattributeA text of the section of Immigration and Nationality Act under which the DEPORTATION is ordered.
scr:LocationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationAssociationType.
scr:LocationBlockGroupTextattributeA real estate subdivision of the GEOPHYSICAL ADDRESS.
scr:LocationBuildingUnitNameattributeA name of the part (room) of the physical structure specified for a GEOPHYSICAL ADDRESS.
scr:LocationBuildingUnitNumberTextattributeA number of the part (room) of the physical structure specified for a GEOPHYSICAL ADDRESS.
scr:LocationCarrierRouteTextattributeA postal carrier route serving the GEOPHYSICAL ADDRESS.
scr:LocationCategoryClassificationAbstractattributeA data concept for a classification of locations based on general similarities
scr:LocationElementattributeA part or sub-division of a location.
scr:LocationElementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationElementType.
scr:LocationElementCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of location element.
scr:LocationElementCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of location element.
scr:LocationElementClassificationattributeA classification of LOCATION ELEMENT.
scr:LocationElementClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationElementClassificationType.
scr:LocationElementIdentificationattributeAn identification value that represents a LOCATION ELEMENT
scr:LocationTractTextattributeA real estate tract of the GEOPHYSICAL ADDRESS.
scr:LPRCanadianProvinceCodeattributeA code which indicates the Canadian Province on the Conveyance License Plate
scr:LPRConveyanceCheckMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for scr:LPRConveyanceCheckMessageType.
scr:LPRHitIndicatorCodeattributeA code indicating whether a hit is encountered in the records for the conveyance under question.
scr:LPRImageSourceCodeattributeA code which indicates the type of image
scr:LPRMessageCategoryCodeattributeA code indicating Image or response message type
scr:LPRMexicanStateCodeattributeA code which indicates the Mexican state on the Conveyance License Plate
scr:LPRModeOfOperationCodeattributeA code indicating the type of vehicle lane where LPR system is located
scr:ManifestPersonAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ManifestPersonAssociationType.
scr:MedicationTextattributeA text that describes the medication that needs to be provided during DETENTION.
scr:MedicationTextattributeA text that describes the medication that needs to be provided during DETENTION.
scr:MilesFromPortOfEntryQuantityattributeA number indicating the distance in miles from the port of entry to where the alien last entered.
scr:NaturalizationCourtNameattributeA name of a court where the alien was naturalized.
scr:NCICDataIndicatorattributeTrue if the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) data administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is either primary, fraudulent, or supplemental; false otherwise.
scr:NCICRecordIDattributeAn identifier for an entity within NCIC domain.
scr:NotificationCategoryCodeTextattributeA kind of notification activity.
scr:OrganizationAddressAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OrganizationAddressAssociationType.
scr:OrganizationAddressEffectiveDateattributeA date when the ORGANIZATION ADDRESS came into existence.
scr:OrganizationAddressEndDateattributeA date when the ORGANIZATION ADDRESS ended.
scr:OrganizationClassificationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of organization.
scr:OrganizationEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OrganizationEncounterAssociationType.
scr:OrganizationNameEffectiveDateattributeA date the ORGANIZATION NAME became effective.
scr:OrganizationNameIdentificationattributeAn identification value of the name of the ORGANIZATION.
scr:OrganizationNameTerminationDateattributeA date the ORGANIZATION NAME became invalid.
scr:OrganizationPhoneAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OrganizationPhoneAssociationType.
scr:OrganizationSizeQuantityattributeA number of people belonging to the ORGANIZATION.
scr:OrganizationStatusClassificationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of organization status.
scr:OwnerTECSUserIDattributeAn identifier for the UserID of the current owner of the record
scr:PayRateAmountattributeAn amount of remuneration resulting from PERSON EMPLOYMENT.
scr:PerformanceMetricsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PerformanceMetricsType.
scr:PersonAddressAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonAddressAssociationType.
scr:PersonAlertAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonAlertAssociationType.
scr:PersonAlertStatusattributeA status of the classification of person alert status.
scr:PersonAlertStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonAlertStatusType.
scr:PersonAlertStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a person alert status.
scr:PersonArrivalDateattributeA date that a Person arrived in the U.S.
scr:PersonArrivalDateattributeA date that a Person arrived in the U.S.
scr:PersonBiometricAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonBiometricAssociationType.
scr:PersonCategoryattributeA classification of PERSON.
scr:PersonCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCategoryType.
scr:PersonCategoryCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of person type.
scr:PersonCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the values used for Person type.
scr:PersonConfidenceLevelPercentattributeA Quantitative based on the number of encounters. Measured as an overall percentage.
scr:PersonCrossingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCrossingType.
scr:PersonCrossingCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
scr:PersonCrossingClassificationattributeA Classification of the direction of a PERSON CROSSING
scr:PersonCrossingDescriptionTextattributeA description of a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
scr:PersonCrossingEncounterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCrossingEncounterType.
scr:PersonCrossingLegalIndicatorattributeTrue if the PERSON CROSSING ENCOUNTER is considered to be a legal entry/exit; false otherwise.
scr:PersonDepartureDateattributeA date representing the departure or exit of a Person from the United States.
scr:PersonDepartureDateattributeA date representing the departure or exit of a Person from the United States.
scr:PersonDerogatoryInformationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonDerogatoryInformationType.
scr:PersonDesignatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonDesignatorType.
scr:PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeattributeA kind of person identification used in a document or credential
scr:PersonDesignatorCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of person designator.
scr:PersonDesignatorIDattributeAn identifier that represents the PERSON DESIGNATOR.
scr:PersonDesignatorValueTextattributeA number indicating the value of the PERSON DESIGNATOR.
scr:PersonEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterAssociationType.
scr:PersonEncounterCategoryattributeA kind of person encounter.
scr:PersonEncounterCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterCategoryType.
scr:PersonEncounterCategoryCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of person encounter.
scr:PersonEncounterCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of person encounter.
scr:PersonEncounterDeviceCategoryCodeattributeA category of device to capture person data in the process of an encounter.
scr:PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationType.
scr:PersonEncounterLeadAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterLeadAssociationType.
scr:PersonEnumeratorIdentificationattributeAn identification enumerator assigned to a Person Status Summary
scr:PersonEnumeratorIdentificationattributeAn identification enumerator assigned to a Person Status Summary
scr:PersonIdentificationattributeAn identification enumerator that represents a PERSON.
scr:PersonLeadAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonLeadAssociationType.
scr:PersonMedicalConditionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of medical condition of a person.
scr:PersonMedicalConditionStatusattributeA status or name of the PERSONs health problem and physical limitation that an officer should be cautious of.
scr:PersonMedicalConditionStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonMedicalConditionStatusType.
scr:PersonMedicalConditionStatusCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a status of the medical condition of a person.
scr:PersonNameOriginTextattributeA text that specifies the presumed linguistic origin of the name.
scr:PersonPhoneAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonPhoneAssociationType.
scr:PersonRoleattributeA part played by a Person in an Encounter.
scr:PersonRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonRoleType.
scr:PersonRoleCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of person role.
scr:PersonRoleCategoryTextattributeA kind of person role.
scr:PersonRoleCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of person lead role.
scr:PersonRoleEffectiveDateattributeA date when the PERSON ROLE came into existence.
scr:PersonRoleEndDateattributeA date when the PERSON ROLE ended.
scr:PersonRoleIDattributeAn identifier that represents a PERSON ROLE.
scr:PersonSearchResultAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonSearchResultType.
scr:PersonStatusSummaryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonStatusSummaryType.
scr:PersonTelephoneNumberattributeAn association between a PERSON and TELEPHONE
scr:PhotoRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the originating query requested that a photo image be returned with the results of the query; false otherwise.
scr:PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationType.
scr:PortOfEntryCodeTextattributeA text representing a code for a DHS organization location where a traveler or alien entered or departed the US.
scr:PortOfEntryCodeTextattributeA text representing a code for a DHS organization location where a traveler or alien entered or departed the US.
scr:PrimaryDispositionTextattributeA text that specifies a crossing disposition for a traveler at Primary.
scr:PrimaryLocationattributeAn identifier that represents a LOCATION.
scr:PrincipalIndicatorattributeTrue if another alien may derive lawful status under immigration law from this ALIEN; false otherwise.
scr:ProjectedReleaseDateattributeA date on which the alien is predicted to be released.
scr:ProjectedReleaseDateattributeA date on which the alien is predicted to be released.
scr:ReasonExcludedAdmissionCodeTextattributeA Historical information on the subject relevant to why their admission into the US should be excluded.
scr:RecordingMethodTextattributeA manner in which the interview was recorded.
scr:ReleaseReasonCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of detention release reason.
scr:ReleaseReasonCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of detention release reason.
scr:ReliefDateattributeA date on which the alien receives relief from deportation.
scr:RemovalOrderDateattributeA date on which the order of deportation, exclusion or removal was entered.
scr:RoleOfDocumentattributeA role of a document.
scr:ScreenedAlienAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreenedAlienType.
scr:ScreeningArrivalattributeAn encounter representing the entry of a Person or Conveyance into the United States.
scr:ScreeningArrivalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreeningArrivalType.
scr:ScreeningDepartureattributeAn encounter representing the exit of a Person or Conveyance from the United States.
scr:ScreeningDepartureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DepartureType.
scr:ScreeningImmigrationStatusattributeA status of a person with additional screening information.
scr:ScreeningPersonAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreeningPersonType.
scr:ScreeningProcessAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreeningProcessType.
scr:ScreeningTECSRecordInfoAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreeningTECSRecordInfoType.
scr:ScreeningTECSRecordInformationattributeA Screening record information received from the CBP Traveler Encounter Compliance System (TECS).
scr:ScreeningTravelDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ScreeningTravelDocumentType.
scr:SecondaryLocationattributeAn identifier that represents a LOCATION.
scr:ServiceDurationattributeA duration of service performance for screening messages.
scr:ServiceOperationCategoryTextattributeA kind of code that specifies the SOAP action to perform after Pre-Verification result.
scr:ServiceProviderMetricattributeA Service provider transaction performance metrics information.
scr:ServiceRequestorMetricattributeA Service requester transaction performance metrics information.
scr:SmuggledClaimVerifiedIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien's claim to have been smuggled is verified during the ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER; false otherwise.
scr:SmuggledMethodCategoryTextattributeA kind of method used to smuggle the alien into the United States.
scr:SoftwareDetailAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SoftwareDetailType.
scr:SoftwareVendorNameTextattributeA text that specifies the software code vendor name
scr:SoftwareVersionNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the software vendor code version number.
scr:SoundexIndexValueTextattributeA value of the Phonetic index value for the name
scr:SourceCountryOfTravelIDattributeAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY.
scr:StatementIndicatorattributeTrue if a sworn statement was taken; false otherwise.
scr:StatementReviewDateattributeA date on which the statement was reviewed by the person interviewed.
scr:StatementSignedDateattributeA date on which the statement was signed.
scr:StatementTextattributeA text of the interview.
scr:StayActionTextattributeA response to the aliens request for stay of deportation.
scr:StayDecisionDateattributeA date on which the decision for request for stay of DEPORTATION is made.
scr:StayExpirationDateattributeA date on which the aliens stay of DEPORTATION expires.
scr:SubscriberOrganizationattributeAn organization associated with the notification activity.
scr:SupportLevelAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SupportLevelType.
scr:SupportLevelCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of support level.
scr:SupportLevelCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of support level.
scr:SuspiciousIndicatorattributeTrue if the ORGANIZATION is determined to be questionable or under suspicion; false otherwise.
scr:TECSRecordIDattributeAn identifier for an entity within CBP TECS domain.
scr:TelephoneIdentificationattributeAn identification value that represents a PHONE
scr:TelephoneNumberEffectiveDateattributeA date on which the PHONE came into service.
scr:TelephoneNumberEndDateattributeA date on which the PHONE is no longer in service.
scr:TimeInUSattributeA length of time an alien has been in the United States illegally.
scr:TimeInUSAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TimeInUSType.
scr:TimeInUSCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
scr:TimeInUSCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated time in the United States.
scr:TransactionControlNumberIdentificationattributeA Transaction Control Number identification provided by the FBI.
scr:TransportTimeTextattributeA field indicating the time involved if interviewee was transported from place of encounter to interrogation point.
scr:TravelDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TravelDocumentType.
scr:TravelDocumentCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of document.
scr:TravelDocumentReceivedDateattributeA date on which the aliens travel document for DEPORTATION is received.
scr:TravelDocumentReceivedDateattributeA date on which the aliens travel document for DEPORTATION is received.
scr:TravelDocumentRefusedDateattributeA date on which the aliens travel document was refused.
scr:TravelDocumentRequestDateattributeA date on which the foreign government was asked for travel documents.
scr:TravelDocumentRequestedDateattributeA date on which the foreign government was asked for travel documents.
scr:TravelModeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TravelModeType.
scr:TravelModeCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a means of transport used by the alien.
scr:TravelModeCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a means of transport used by the alien.
scr:TravelModeTextattributeA means of transport used by the non-immigrant alien.
scr:TreatAsAdultIndicatorattributeTrue if a juvenile individual should be treated as an adult in this specific ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER; false otherwise.
scr:TreatAsAdultIndicatorattributeTrue if a juvenile individual should be treated as an adult in this specific ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER; false otherwise.
scr:UnknownSubjectIndicatorattributeTrue if the person is considered unknown or there is a question pending; false otherwise.
scr:UnverifiedParticipantNameattributeA name of person present during the INTERVIEW ENCOUNTER when they are not in the system.
scr:VehicleCategoryCodeTextattributeA class of conveyance being used.
scr:VehicleSubjectCategoryCodeTextattributeA reason that a vehicle subject is of interest.
scr:VerifiedClaimedIndicatorattributeTrue if the aliens claim that they had previously entered the United States is actually verified during deportation processing; false otherwise.
scr:VisaApplicationDateattributeA date of the Visa Application
scr:VisaApplicationDispositionStatusattributeA final status of the visa application.
scr:VisaApplicationLocationattributeA place where Visa Application was entered
scr:VisaAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VisaType.
scr:VisaCancelattributeA category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
scr:VisaCancelAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VisaCancelType.
scr:VisaCancelCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
scr:VisaCancelCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
scr:VisaControlNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the VISA by DHS Citizenship and Immigration
scr:VisaControlNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the VISA by DHS Citizenship and Immigration
scr:VisaFoilNumberIDattributeAn identifier that is pre-printed on the Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) or Immigrant Visa (IV) foil by the manufacturer.
scr:VisaFoilNumberIDattributeAn identifier that is pre-printed on the Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) or Immigrant Visa (IV) foil by the manufacturer.
scr:VisaNumberIDattributeAn identifier for a Visa Travel Document
scr:VisaWaiverIndicatorattributeTrue if a visa waiver has been granted to the ALIEN; false otherwise.
scr:VoluntaryDepartDecisionCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a decision regarding the aliens voluntary departure request.
scr:VoluntaryDepartDecisionCategoryTextattributeA kind of decision regarding the aliens voluntary departure request.
scr:VoluntaryDepartDecisionDateattributeA date on which the decision was reached regarding the request for stay of deportation.
scr:VoluntaryDepartExpireDateattributeA date on which the aliens stay of deportation expires.
scr:VoluntaryDepartureattributeA willing DEPARTURE of a PERSON in response to a judicial decision for an expedited removal.
scr:VoluntaryDepartureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VoluntaryDepartureType.
scr:VoluntaryDepartureDecisionattributeA classification of the VOLUNTARY DECISION.
scr:VoluntaryDepartureDecisionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VoluntaryDepartureDecisionType.
scr:WarrantCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of warrant.
scr:WarrantCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of warrant.
scr:WarrantClassificationattributeA classification of a warrant.
scr:WarrantClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WarrantClassificationType.
scr:WarrantDeportDemandDateattributeA date on which DHS demanded a WARRANT to be served to an individual to facilitate deportation.
scr:WarrantDeportServeDateattributeA date on which DHS served a WARRANT to an individual to facilitate deportation.
scr:WarrantDeportSurrenderDateattributeA date on which the individual must appear for deportation as a result of the WARRANT.
scr:WarrantIdentificationattributeAn identification value for the warrant number.
scr:WarrantOffenseOccurredDateattributeA date that the warrant offense occurred. Format is MMDDYY.
scr:WatchlistAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WatchlistType.
scr:WatchlistCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of watchlist.
scr:WatchlistCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of watchlist.
scr:WatchlistClassificationattributeA classification of the WATCHLIST.
scr:WatchlistClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WatchlistClassificationType.
ScreenedAlienclass instanceAn Alien who is being processed as part of a Screening Encounter.
ScreenedAlienAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreenedAlienType.
ScreenedAlienTypeclassA data type for additional information about an Alien being screened.
ScreeningAlertCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of Screening Alert category
ScreeningArrivalclass instanceAn encounter representing the entry of a Person or Conveyance into the United States.
ScreeningArrivalAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreeningArrivalType.
ScreeningArrivalTypeclassA data type for an encounter representing the entry of a Person or Conveyance into the United States
ScreeningDepartureclass instanceAn encounter representing the exit of a Person or Conveyance from the United States.
ScreeningDepartureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for DepartureType.
ScreeningDepartureTypeclassA data type for information concerning a PERSON or Conveyance exiting from the United States
ScreeningDocumentStatusclass instanceA status of a document.
ScreeningImmigrationStatusclass instanceA status of a person with additional screening information.
ScreeningPersonclass instanceA person.
ScreeningPersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreeningPersonType.
ScreeningPersonTypeclassA data type for additional information about Persons being Screened
ScreeningProcessclass instanceA screening process.
ScreeningProcessAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreeningProcessType.
ScreeningProcessTypeclassA data type that specifies the service requester transaction performance metrics information.
ScreeningTECSRecordInfoAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreeningTECSRecordInfoType.
ScreeningTECSRecordInformationclass instanceA Screening record information received from the CBP Traveler Encounter Compliance System (TECS).
ScreeningTECSRecordInfoTypeclassA data type for the Screening record information received from the CBP Traveler Encounter Compliance System (TECS).
ScreeningTravelDocumentclass instanceA screening Travel Document
ScreeningTravelDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ScreeningTravelDocumentType.
ScreeningTravelDocumentTypeclassA data type for information about a screening Travel Document
ScriptTextclass instanceA script used for read, prompted or repeated speech.
Sealclass instanceA set of information regarding a container's seal(s).
SealAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SealType.
SealCaseIndicatorclass instanceInstruction from the clerk to the court record to represent this case as "sealed."
sealCaseIndicatorattributeInstruction from the clerk to the court record to represent this case as "sealed."
SealDocumentIndicatorclass instanceClerk instruction to court record system to seal this document.
sealDocumentIndicatorattributeClerk instruction to court record system to seal this document.
SealIDclass instanceAn identifier of a seal.
SealIntactStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a condition status of a seal.
SealIntactStatusCodeclass instanceA description of the condition status of a seal.
SealIntactStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various SealIntactStatusCodes
SealIntactStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the status conditions of seal.
SealIntactStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the states of a seal that has been applied to a cargo container.
SealIntactStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the status conditions of seal.
SealIssuerNameclass instanceA name of the organization that issued a seal.
SealTypeclassA data type for information regarding a seal.
SealVerificationStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a seal verification state.
SealVerificationStatusCodeclass instanceA seal verification state.
SealVerificationStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various sealVerificationStatusCodes
SealVerificationStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the status of seal verification.
SealVerificationStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the verification states of a seal.
SealVerificationStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the status of seal verification.
SeamanLicenseclass instanceAn able-bodied seaman license issued to a person.
SeamanLicenseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SeamanLicenseType.
SeamanLicenseIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a seaman license.
SeamanLicenseIssueDateclass instanceA date a seaman license was issued.
SeamanLicenseIssuerLocationclass instanceA location of an issuer of a seaman license.
SeamanLicenseIssuingOrganizationclass instanceAn issuer of a seaman license.
SeamanLicenseRatingAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a rating on a seaman license which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
SeamanLicenseRatingTextclass instanceA rating on a seaman license which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
SeamanLicenseTypeclassA data type for an able-bodied seaman license.
SearchOfficerclass instanceA date on which an alien was searched by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee during booking.
SearchTextclass instanceAn element for resource inquiry search text
SearchWarrantclass instanceAn order signed by a judge authorizing a search of a place or a vehicle. The search warrant is issued for an address where things which may be evidence are to be found.
SecondaryDocumentclass instanceA secondary or related document.
SecondaryInspectionKindAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of secondary inspection
SecondaryInspectionKindCodeclass instanceA code describing a kind of secondary Inspection.
SecondaryInspectionKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for Secondary Inspection Kind.
SecondaryInspectionKindCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various Secondary Inspection Kind Code
SecondaryInspectionKindTextclass instanceA description of a kind of secondary inspection.
SecondaryInspectionReferralclass instanceA set of information about a secondary inspection referral regarding an item of interest.
SecondaryInspectionReferralAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralType.
SecondaryInspectionReferralIDclass instanceA unqiue identifier of a Secondary Inspection referral.
SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeclass instanceA reason why a Secondary Inspection was recommended.
SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the variuos code values for Secondary Inspection Referral Reason
SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the secondary Inspection Referral Reason Code
SecondaryInspectionReferralTypeclassA data type for information regarding a secondary inspection referral.
SecondaryInspectionResolutionclass instanceA resolution of a Secondary Inspection of an item of interest.
SecondaryInspectionResolutionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SecondaryInspectionResolutionType.
SecondaryInspectionResolutionTypeclassA data type for information regarding the resolution of a secondary inspection of an item of interest.
SecondaryLocationclass instanceAn identifier that represents a LOCATION.
SecondaryOfficialContactclass instanceA contact secondary to the primary state contact. It is to be used by states that have two departments who manage programs covered by PARIS.
SecondaryPlacardCodeTextclass instanceA secondary placard identifier code.
SecondConditionCrashCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
SecondConditionCrashCodeTypeclassA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
secondDefiningParameterclass instancegml:secondDefiningParameter is a property containing the definition of the second parameter that defines the shape of an ellipsoid. An ellipsoid requires two defining parameters: semi-major axis and inverse flattening or semi-major axis and semi-minor axis. When the reference body is a sphere rather than an ellipsoid, only a single defining parameter is required, namely the radius of the sphere; in that case, the semi-major axis "degenerates" into the radius of the sphere.
The inverseFlattening element contains the inverse flattening value of the ellipsoid. This value is a scale factor (or ratio). It uses gml:LengthType with the restriction that the unit of measure referenced by the uom attribute must be suitable for a scale factor, such as percent, permil, or parts-per-million.
The semiMinorAxis element contains the length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid. When the isSphere element is included, the ellipsoid is degenerate and is actually a sphere. The sphere is completely defined by the semi-major axis, which is the radius of the sphere.
SecondDefiningParameterclass instance
secondsclass instance
section1121eattributeThe debtor has elected to proceed under Section 1121 (e) of the bankruptcy code.
Sectorclass instanceA sector (i.e., major grouping for infrastructure) to which the asset belongs. There are 18 such Sectors as outlined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
SectorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SectorType.
SectorDistanceMaximumMeasureclass instanceA maximum distance measure of a sector.
SectorDistanceMinimumMeasureclass instanceA minimum distance measure of a sector.
SectorElevationAngleclass instanceAn elevation angle of a sector.
SectorIDclass instanceAn identifier of a sector in which a container is located.
SectorMaximumAzimuthMeasureclass instanceA maximum azimuth of a sector.
SectorMinimumAzimuthMeasureclass instanceA minimum azimuth of a sector.
SectorNameclass instanceA major grouping name of critical infrastructure to which the facility belongs.
SectorNameclass instanceA name of an area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which
it is responsible.
SectorPositionclass instanceA physical location of a container at a container facility.
SectorTaxonomyDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the Sector based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
SectorTaxonomyIDclass instanceAn identifier of each sector as used in the Taxonomy -see Infrastructure Taxonomy Ver.3
SectorTypeclassA data type for a sector (i.e., major grouping of critical infrastructure) to which the asset belongs. There are 18 such Sectors as outlined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
Securitiesclass instanceA financial instrument showing ownership or credit.
SecuritiesAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a securities item.
SecuritiesAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SecuritiesType.
SecuritiesAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a securities item.
SecuritiesCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of security.
SecuritiesCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of security.
SecuritiesCategoryTextclass instanceA specific kind of securities.
SecuritiesCollectionDateRangeclass instanceA date range during which an owner may collect returns from a security.
SecuritiesDateSeriesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a security date or series year.
SecuritiesDateSeriesTextclass instanceA security date or series year.
SecuritiesDenominationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a value within a series of values reflecting the worth of a security note.
SecuritiesDenominationTextclass instanceA value within a series of values reflecting the worth of a security note.
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeclass instanceA general kind of securities, i.e., negotiable instrument, nonnegotiable instrument, or money.
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities.
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities.
SecuritiesIssuerclass instanceAn entity which issued a security to a person.
SecuritiesMaturityDateclass instanceA date the securities become payable.
SecuritiesRansomMoneyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of ransom money being represented.
SecuritiesRansomMoneyTextclass instanceA kind of ransom money being represented.
SecuritiesTypeclassA data type for a financial instrument showing ownership or credit.
SecurityDetailsCodeTextclass instanceA code specifying details regarding undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure an obligation will be fulfilled
SecurityObjectclass instanceA data element for a data object that contains the security information
SecurityStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of the status of security procedures in the hospital.
SecurityStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of the status of security procedures in the hospital.
SecuritySystemStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident.
SecuritySystemStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident.
Segmentclass instanceA major grouping within the subsector to which the asset belongs.
SegmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentType.
SegmentBeginPointLocationclass instanceA location point defining the location of the beginning of the segment
SegmentBottomVerticalCoordinateValueclass instanceA bottom vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
SegmentChannelInformationclass instanceA list of details about transducers used across a recording.
SegmentChannelInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentChannelInformation
SegmentChannelInformationTypeclassA data type for a description of the transducer and transmission channel used to capture a recording.
SegmentContentCommentTextclass instanceA comment on the content of the segment.
SegmentContentInformationclass instanceA field for an assessment of the content of the voice data within a list of identified time segments, including provision for semantic transcripts, phonetic transcriptions and translations of the segments.
SegmentContentInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentContentInformation
SegmentContentInformationTypeclassA data type for an assessment of the content of the voice data within a list of identified time segments, including provision for semantic transcripts, phonetic transcriptions and translations of the segments.
SegmentedImageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentedImage
SegmentedImageTypeclassA data type for an image representation that contains image segments
SegmentEndPointLocationclass instanceA location point defining the location of the end of the segment
SegmentFingerViewCodeclass instanceA kind of full finger view
SegmentGeographicalLocationclass instanceA geographical location of the primary subject of a recording at the beginning of a recording segment.
SegmentGeographicalLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentGeographicalLocation
SegmentGeographicalLocationTypeclassA data type for a specific geographical location of the primary subject of a recording at the beginning of a recording segment.
SegmentIDclass instanceAn identifier for a specific time segment.
SegmentIDclass instanceA unique segment identifier
SegmentIDListclass instanceA list of segment identifiers.
SegmentIDListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentIdentifierList
SegmentIDListTypeclassA data type for a list of specific time segment identifiers.
SegmentLeftHorizontalCoordinateValueclass instanceA left horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
SegmentLengthValueclass instanceA description of the length of the segment
SegmentLocationCodeclass instanceA location of a segment of a finger, e.g. distal, medial, or proximal
SegmentLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a finger segment location
SegmentLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a finger segment location
SegmentNameclass instanceA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SegmentPhoneticTranscriptTextclass instanceA phonetic transcription of the contents of an identified list of time segments.
SegmentProcessingPriorityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentProcessingPriority
SegmentProcessingPriorityInformationclass instanceA list of identified segments, indicating the priority with which the segments should be processed.
SegmentProcessingPriorityTypeclassA data type for a list of identified segments, indicating the priority with which the segments should be processed.
SegmentRecordingEndDateTimeclass instanceA local end time of the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
SegmentRecordingStartDateTimeclass instanceA local start time of the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
SegmentRightHorizontalCoordinateValueclass instanceA right horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
segmentsclass instanceThis property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
segmentsclass instanceThis property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformationclass instanceA list of speaker speech characteristics assessments.
SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformation
SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformationTypeclassA data type used to give an assessment of the characteristics of a voice within the segment, including intelligibility, emotional state and impairment.
SegmentTaxonomyDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the Segment based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
SegmentTaxonomyIDclass instanceA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SegmentTopVerticalCoordinateValueclass instanceA top vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
SegmentTranscriptLanguageCodeclass instanceA 3 character ISO 639-3 code for the transcript language.
SegmentTranscriptTextclass instanceA semantic transcription of the contents of an identified list of time segments.
SegmentTranslationLanguageCodeclass instanceA 3 character ISO 639-3 code for the translation language.
SegmentTranslationTextclass instanceA translation into a language other than the one in which the original segment was spoken.
SegmentTypeclassA data type for a major grouping within the subsector to which the asset belongs.
SelfHarmIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject assignment was based in whole/part upon belief he/she was a hazard to self, includes suicidal; false otherwise.
selfRepresentedIndicatorattributePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
selfRepresentedIndicatorattributePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
Sellerclass instanceA party selling merchandise or services to a buyer
SellerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SellerType.
SellerIDCategoryclass instanceAn identification code specifying the Identifier of the party selling merchandise or services to a buyer.
SellerIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Seller
SellerTypeclassA data type for a Name [and address] of a party selling merchandise or services to a buyer
semiMajorAxisclass instancegml:semiMajorAxis specifies the length of the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid, with its units. Uses the MeasureType with the restriction that the unit of measure referenced by uom must be suitable for a length, such as metres or feet.
SenderLocationclass instanceAn address from which a piece of mail was sent.
SenderOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that sent the mail.
SenderPersonclass instanceA person that sent the mail.
sendingMDELocationIDattributeLocation for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.
SendingMDELocationIDclass instanceLocation for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.
sendingMDEProfileCodeattributeCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the sending filing assembly MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
SensitivityTextclass instanceA sensitivity level of the information.
SensitivityTextclass instanceA sensitivity level of the information.
Sensorclass instanceA device which detects or measures a physical property.
SensorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:SensorType
SensorIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a sensor.
SensorTypeclassA data type for a device which detects or measures a physical property.
SentenceclassA sentence associated with a specific charge in a case. A sentence may have multiple components (prison, probation, post-incarceration supervision/probation fine, etc.).
sentencerelationA sentence associated with a specific charge in a case. A sentence may have multiple components (prison, probation, post-incarceration supervision/probation fine, etc.).
Sentenceclass instanceA punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
Sentenceclass instanceA punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
SentenceAggravatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if aggravating factors were considered during sentencing; false otherwise.
SentenceAugmentationclass instanceA sentence associated with a specific charge in a case. A sentence may have multiple components (prison, probation, post-incarceration supervision/probation fine, etc.).
SentenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentenceType.
SentenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentenceType.
SentenceChargeclass instanceA specific charge in a court case resulting in a sentence.
SentenceChargeclass instanceA specific charge in a court case resulting in a sentence.
SentenceComponentclassA required saction ordered by the court as part of a sentence.
sentenceComponentrelationThe required sactions ordered by the court as part of a sentence.
SentenceComputationclass instanceA set of details consisting of the punishment imposed through judgment by a court on a subject.
SentenceComputationActualSatisfactionDateclass instanceA date a sentence will be satisfied.
SentenceComputationActualSatisfactionMethodTextclass instanceA method by which a subject completed the terms of the sentence requirements.
SentenceComputationAdjustmentclass instanceAn adjustment to a sentence computation, such as for good conduct time earned.
SentenceComputationAdjustmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentenceComputationAdjustmentType.
SentenceComputationAdjustmentTypeclassA data type for an adjustment to a sentence computation, such as for good conduct time earned.
SentenceComputationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentenceComputationType.
SentenceComputationBeganDateclass instanceA date a subject began serving the sentence.
SentenceComputationProjectedSatisfactionDateclass instanceA date when a subject is anticipated to complete the terms of the sentence requirements, based on the current conditions of incarceration.
SentenceComputationProjectedSatisfactionMethodTextclass instanceA method by which a subject is anticipated to complete the terms of the sentence requirements.
SentenceComputationTermclass instanceA duration length either in specific terms or as a range.
SentenceComputationTotalInoperativeDayQuantityclass instanceA number of days, or portions thereof, that a subject is no longer in official detention for reasons such as escape, civil contempt, or release pending appeal. This time does not count toward satisfaction of sentence.
SentenceComputationTypeclassA data type for a set of details consisting of the punishment imposed through judgment by a court on a subject.
SentenceConcurrentAssociationclass instanceReference to another sentence which is to be served concurrent with this sentence. In the case of multiple sentences without references to concurrent sentences, they are assumed to be served consecutively.
SentenceConditionclass instanceA description and duration of a sentence component.
SentenceConfinementCreditDayQuantityclass instanceA total number of presentencing days served credited towards sentence term.
SentenceConfinementCreditIndicatorclass instanceTrue if any days served preceding the sentence will be applied to the sentence duration; false otherwise.
SentenceDateclass instanceA date a person was sentenced.
sentenceDateattributeThe date the court sentenced the defendant.
SentenceDeferredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the sentence has been deferred; false otherwise.
SentenceDeferredTermclass instanceA deferred term.
SentenceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the sentence being imposed.
SentenceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the sentence being imposed.
SentenceExpirationDateclass instanceA date the sentence expires.
sentenceFineAmountattributeThe currency amount of a fine assigned to the defendant by the court.
SentenceGroupingTextclass instanceAn order to how a sentence must be served.
SentenceImposedTextclass instanceA description of the sentence imposed.
SentenceIssuerEntityclass instanceAn entity which issued a sentence.
SentenceModificationclass instanceA change made to a sentence.
SentenceModificationAggravatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a sentence modification results in a harsher sentence than the original one; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentenceModificationType.
SentenceModificationChargeclass instanceA charge for which the sentence was originally set.
SentenceModificationConfinementCreditDayQuantityclass instanceA number of days a person is credited with spending in confinement.
SentenceModificationConfinementCreditIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an offender has credit for already being confined; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationDismissalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a modification made to a sentence results in the charges being dismissed; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationDismissalRemainingCaseclass instanceA case that a person is being tried for that is dismissed by a sentence modification.
SentenceModificationDismissalRemainingQuantityclass instanceA number of times a person charged with the same crime has been dismissed by a sentence modification.
SentenceModificationMitigatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a sentence modification results in a lesser sentence than the original one; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationOriginalTermclass instanceAn original length of a sentence.
SentenceModificationParoleIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a modification made to a sentence results in the parole of the offender; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationParoleTermclass instanceA portion of a sentence that an offender is to spend on parole.
SentenceModificationProbationclass instanceA modification made to a sentence that results in the probation of the offender.
SentenceModificationProbationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a modification made to a sentence results in the probation of the offender; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationRestitutionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a modification made to a sentence results in the offender being assigned a restitution; false otherwise.
SentenceModificationTypeclassA data type for a change made to a sentence.
sentenceOtherSentenceTextattributeA description of a sentence other than a prison, probation or a fine sentence.
SentenceRegisterSexOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if sex offender registration is required; false otherwise.
SentenceSeverityLevelclass instanceA severity level of a sentence.
SentenceSubjectclass instanceA person who is being sentenced.
SentenceSuspendedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the sentence has been suspended; false otherwise.
SentenceSuspendedTermclass instanceA suspended term.
SentenceTermclass instanceA duration of a sentence. Specified as either a specific term in days-months-years or as a minimum - maximum range.
SentenceTermclass instanceA duration of a sentence. Specified as either a specific term in days-months-years or as a minimum - maximum range.
sentenceTermattributeThe term of a sentence assigned to the defendant by a court. e.g. Years/Months, Life, Death
SentenceTimeNumericclass instanceA number indicating the length of sentence issued by the convicting authority to the alien.
SentenceTypeclassA data type for a punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
SentenceTypeclassA data type for a punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
sentenceTypeattributeThe type of sentence assigned to a defendant by a court. e.g. Prison, Probation, Fine, Other
SentencingGuidelineclass instanceA sentencing guideline.
SentencingGuidelineAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SentencingGuidelineType.
SentencingGuidelineChargeSeverityLevelTextclass instanceA sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SentencingGuidelineDepartureCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of departure from sentencing guidelines represented by a sentence for a charge..
SentencingGuidelineDepartureReasonTextclass instanceA reason a judge departs from a sentencing guideline.
SentencingGuidelineMonthsMaximumTextclass instanceA maximum sentence, in months, called for by sentencing guidelines.
SentencingGuidelineMonthsMinimumTextclass instanceA minimum sentence in months, outlined by sentencing guidelines, which can be imposed by a judge without indicating a reason for departure.
SentencingGuidelineRecommendationMonthsTextclass instanceA recommended sentence, in months, called for by sentencing guidelines.
SentencingGuidelineTypeclassA data type for a sentencing guideline used for determining a sanction.
SeparateeAssociateAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SeparateeAssociateAssociationType.
SeparateeAssociateAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between people who must be kept separated.
SeparateeAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people who must be kept separated.
SeparationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of the separation of the parties in a Person Union began.
SeparationCategoryCodeclass instanceA code that identifies the type of separation between the parties in a Person Union.
SeparationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of separation between the parties in a Person Union.
SeparationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of separation between the parties in a Person Union.
SeparationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of separation of the parties in a Person Union.
SeparationDateRangeclass instanceA date range during which the parties in a Person Union were separated.
SequenceNumericclass instanceA number indicating the position in a sequence.
SequenceRuleTypeclassThe gml:SequenceRuleType is derived from the gml:SequenceRuleEnumeration through the addition of an axisOrder attribute. The gml:SequenceRuleEnumeration is an enumerated type. The rule names are defined in ISO 19123. If no rule name is specified the default is "Linear".
SeriousHabitualOffenderclass instanceA person who is considered a Serious Habitual Offender individual by a law enforcement agency.
SeriousHabitualOffenderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SeriousHabitualOffenderType.
SeriousHabitualOffenderCriminalHistoryIdentificationclass instanceAn identification that is used to link a criminal history record to a person. The identification is sometimes called a file control number (FCN).
SeriousHabitualOffenderCriminalHistoryRegisteredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile is registered in the state, local, or tribal criminal history (SLCH); false otherwise.
SeriousHabitualOffenderDeterminingJurisdictionclass instanceA jurisdiction that determined that the juvenile should be given Serious Habitual Offender status.
SeriousHabitualOffenderFileLocationAgencyclass instanceAn agency maintaining the juvenile's Serious Habitual Offender file.
SeriousHabitualOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile has Serious Habitual Offender status; false otherwise.
SeriousHabitualOffenderParentNotifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile's parent or legal guardian has been notified of the juvenile's Serious Habitual Offender status; false otherwise.
SeriousHabitualOffenderScoreTextclass instanceA score used to determine if a juvenile should be given SeriousHabitualOffender status.
SeriousHabitualOffenderTypeclassA data type for information about a person who is considered a Serious Habitual Offender Drug Involved individual by a law enforcement agency.
ServeFilingoperationAn operation to serve/deliver a filing to a service recipient.
serveprocessclass view
ServeProcessoperationAn operation to serve/deliver a filing to a process server or registered agent.
serveprocess:ServeProcessMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
ServeProcessMessageclass view
ServeProcessMessageclass instanceA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServeProcessMessageclass diagramA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServeProcessMessageclassA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServeProcessMessageclass instanceA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServeProcessMessageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn extension point for the enclosing message.
ServeProcessMessageTypeclassA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
Serviceclass instanceA service that will be made available by the agency.
ServiceAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service provider entity (person or organization) and a service recipient entity.
ServiceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceAssociationType.
ServiceAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a service provider entity (person or organization) and a service recipient entity.
ServiceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceType.
ServiceCallclass instanceA call for service received from a person alerting an authority of a situation.
ServiceCallArrivedDateclass instanceA date a response unit arrived at the scene designated by a call for service.
ServiceCallAssignedUnitclass instanceAn element for for service call assigned unit detail
ServiceCallAssignedUnitclass instanceA response unit responsible for handling a call for service.
ServiceCallAssignedUnitAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for a service call.
ServiceCallAssignedUnitTypeclassA data type for a service call assigned unit detail.
ServiceCallAssistingUnitclass instanceA unit that assists the assigned response unit in handling a call for service.
ServiceCallAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a service call
ServiceCallAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceCallType.
ServiceCallAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a call for service
ServiceCallCallerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and the person who placed the call.
ServiceCallCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of service call as determined at the time of call receipt.
ServiceCallCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of service call as determined at the time of call receipt.
ServiceCallCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of service call as determined at the time of call receipt.
ServiceCallClearanceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of service call clearance.
ServiceCallClearanceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of service call clearance.
ServiceCallClearanceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of service call clearance.
ServiceCallClearanceTextclass instanceA description that identifies the incident conditions or status when a response unit cleared or left the scene designated by a call for service.
ServiceCallClearedDateclass instanceA date when a response unit cleared or left the scene designated by a call for service.
ServiceCallDispatchedDateclass instanceA date a service call was received by a dispatcher.
ServiceCallDispatchedOfficialclass instanceAn official assigned specifically to handle a call for service.
ServiceCallDispatcherclass instanceA person who determines the course of action to be taken in response to a call for service and sends out appropriate response units as necessary.
ServiceCallDispatcherAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and the call dispatcher.
ServiceCallDispatchLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and where assistance was dispatched.
ServiceCallEmailAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and email address where a request for service originated.
ServiceCallInstantMessengerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and an instant messenger account where a request for service originated.
ServiceCallLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and a location where a request for service originated.
ServiceCallLocationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceCallLocationAssociationType.
ServiceCallLocationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a service call and a location it involves.
ServiceCallMechanismAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of source of the call.
ServiceCallMechanismCodeclass instanceA kind of source of the call.
ServiceCallMechanismTextclass instanceA way in which a call for service is received.
ServiceCallNetworkAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and a network address where a request for service originated.
ServiceCallOperatorclass instanceA person who receives a call for service.
ServiceCallOperatorAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and the call operator.
ServiceCallOriginatorclass instanceA person who places a call for service
ServiceCallOriginatorclass instanceA person who places a call for service.
ServiceCallOriginatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceCallOriginatorType
ServiceCallOriginatorTypeclassA data type for a structure that contains additional information about a Service Call Originator
ServiceCallPlacedLocationclass instanceA location from which a call for service was placed.
ServiceCallResponseLocationclass instanceA data element for the location of a service call
ServiceCallResponseLocationclass instanceA location where a response unit should be sent to handle a call for service.
ServiceCallResponseLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceCallResponseLocationType
ServiceCallResponseLocationTypeclassA data type for a structure that extends nc:LocationType
ServiceCallResponsePersonclass instanceA person who needs the assistance of a response unit from a call for service.
ServiceCallTelephoneNumberAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a service call and a telephone number.
ServiceCallTypeclassA data type for a call for service received from a person alerting an authority of a situation.
ServiceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCostValueclass instanceA cost or estimated cost of the service.
ServiceCoverageStatusclassContainer element of all the elements of service coverage. This includes both the necessary staff and facilities. Indicator of the availability of specialty service coverage.
ServiceDeliveryNGOclass instanceAn institution that provides aid directly to individuals.
ServiceDeliveryProgramclass instanceA program that exists as part of a rehabilitation program and constitutes a significant scope of work most often defined as evidence-based, such as: Substance Abuse Training, Education, etc.
ServiceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a service being provided.
ServiceDurationclass instanceA duration of service performance for screening messages.
ServiceEventclass instanceAn event that includes a medical service.
serviceinformationrequestclass view
serviceinformationrequest:GetServiceInformationRequestMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
serviceinformationresponseclass view
serviceinformationresponse:GetServiceInformationResponseMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
serviceinformationresponse:ServiceRecipientattributeThe entity to be served in this case.
ServiceInteractionProfileCodeclass instanceAn identifier, from a list of allowed values defined in the Court Filing specification, of a message profile supported by this court.
ServiceMDEclassThe list of operations supported by the Service MDE.
ServiceOperationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of code that specifies the SOAP action to perform after Pre-Verification result.
ServicePlanGoalclass instanceA service plan goal.
ServicePlanGoalAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServicePlanGoalType.
ServicePlanGoalTypeclassA data type for elements that describe a service plan goal.
ServiceProviderMetricclass instanceA Service provider transaction performance metrics information.
ServiceProviderOrganizationclass instanceAn organization receiving a service.
ServiceProviderPersonclass instanceA person receiving a service.
ServiceReceiptMessageclass viewA synchronous response by a Filing Assembly MDE acknowledging receipt of a service message for one of its clients.
ServiceReceiptMessageclassA synchronous response by a Filing Assembly MDE acknowledging receipt of a service message for one of its clients.
ServiceReceiptMessageclass instanceA synchronous response by a Filing Assembly MDE acknowledging receipt of a service message for one of its clients.
ServiceReceiptMessageclass diagramA synchronous response by a Filing Assembly MDE acknowledging receipt of a service message for one of its clients.
ServiceRecipientclass instanceThe entity to be served in this case.
ServiceRecipientclassA party in a case that receives filings.
ServiceRecipientIDclass instanceA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
serviceRecipientIDattributeA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
serviceRecipientIDattributeA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
ServiceRecipientOrganizationclass instanceAn organization providing income.
ServiceRecipientPersonclass instanceA person providing a service.
ServiceRecipientStatusclassA value describing the status of electronic service on a particular recipient.
serviceRecipientStatusrelationA value describing the status of electronic service on a particular recipient
ServiceRequestorMetricclass instanceA Service requester transaction performance metrics information.
ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeclass instanceA service for which a person is eligible.
ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a service for which a person is eligible.
ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for a service for which a person is eligible.
ServiceStatusCodeclass instanceEnumerated values: unrecognized - filerID is not recognized, received - filing received by MDE, sent - filing sent by MDE to service recipient Future versions may add additional values, such as: delivered - filing delivered to service recipient. (i.e. under the control of the recipient) opened - filing opened by service recipient
ServiceTypeclassA data type for describing the service that will be made available by the agency.
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of public utility service.
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service.
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service.
ServiceVictimAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ServiceVictimAssociationType.
ServiceVictimAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a victim and a service.
Settingclass instanceA set of information about a configuration setting.
SettingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:SettingType
SettingCodeclass instanceA coded value option for a setting.
SettingCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a coded value option for a setting.
SettingCodeTextclass instanceA coded value option for a setting.
SettingDataclass instanceA value or set of data for a setting.
SettingDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:SettingDataType
SettingDataRepresentationclass instanceA data concept for the data specified by a setting.
SettingDataTypeclassA data type for a value or set of data for a setting.
SettingDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a setting.
SettingDisplayElementAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of element that may be used to represent the setting in a user display.
SettingEnabledIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a setting is enabled; false otherwise.
SettingExclusiveControlIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a setting requires exclusive control; false otherwise.
SettingIDclass instanceAn identifier of a setting.
SettingIncrementMeasureclass instanceA smallest allowable increment measure for setting data.
SettingMaximumMeasureclass instanceA maximum allowable value or measure for a setting.
SettingMeasureclass instanceA value or measure for a setting.
SettingMinimumMeasureclass instanceA minimum allowable value or measure for a setting.
SettingMultipleValuesAllowedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a setting allows for multiple values to be selected; false if only one selected value is allowed.
SettingNameclass instanceA name of a setting.
SettingPresetDataclass instanceAn original value or set of data given for a setting.
SettingReadOnlyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a setting is read only; false otherwise.
SettingSelectedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a setting has been selected; false if a setting has not been selected.
SettingTypeclassA data type for a set of information about a configuration setting.
SettingUnitTextclass instanceA unit of measure for a setting.
SeverityLevelclass instanceA sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SeverityLevelAssignedDateclass instanceA date on which the severity level was assigned.
SeverityLevelAssignedJudgeclass instanceA higher court judge assigned the severity level to the referenced charge.
SeverityLevelAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SeverityLevelType.
SeverityLevelCriminalHistoryScoreTextclass instanceA criminal history score that is assigned.
SeverityLevelDescriptionTextclass instanceA narrative description of a severity level assigned to a charge.
SeverityLevelDescriptionTextclass instanceA narrative description of a severity level assigned to a charge.
SeverityLevelIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of a Severity Level.
SeverityLevelIssuingAgencyclass instanceA supervising agency that assigned a severity level to a referenced charge.
SeverityLevelTypeclassA data type for a sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SeverityLevelTypeclassA data type for a sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SEVISIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned by the Student Exchange Visitor Iformation System (SEVIS) to an Alien Student
SEVISPersonDependentAssociationclass instanceAn association of two people; one of which is a dependent of the other in SEVIS.
SEVISPersonDependentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SEVISPersonDependentAssociationType.
SEVISPersonDependentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between two people; one of which is a dependent of the other in SEVIS.
SEVISStatusChangedDateclass instanceA date on which the Exchange Visitors SEVIS status changed.
sexCodeattributeA code identifying the gender or sex of a person.
sexCodeattributeA code identifying the gender or sex of a person.
SEXCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
SEXCodeTypeclassA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeTypeclassA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
sexOffenderRegistrationattributeA juvenile sex offender registration.
sexOffenderRegistrationIDattributeIdentifier assigned by state police or other statewide entity to identify a person convicted of an offense defined as a sex crime, such as rape, sexual assault, or stalking.
SexualOffenseArrestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been arrested for a sexual offense; false otherwise.
SexualOffenseConvictionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been convicted of a sexual offense; false otherwise.
SFAffectedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the level of damagefor single family structures.
SFDestroyedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the level of damage for single family structures.
SFMajorQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the level of damagefor single family structures and choose the option that best describes the major damage:
SFMinorQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the level of damagefor single family structures and choose the option that best describes the minor damage:
ShapeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type the defines the various shape codes
ShapeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of geometric shapes.
ShapeCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various shape codes
ShapeCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of geometric shapes.
Shellclass instanceA shell is used to represent a single connected component of a solid boundary as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.3.8.
Every gml:surfaceMember references or contains one surface, i.e. any element which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSurface. In the context of a shell, the surfaces describe the boundary of the solid.
If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "set".
ShellPropertyTypeclassA property with the content model of gml:ShellPropertyType encapsulates a shell to represent a component of a solid boundary.
Shieldingclass instanceA set of data that describes the shielding observed by an inspector(s) as relevant to the measured item.
ShieldingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ShieldingType.
ShieldingTypeclassA data type for describing the shielding that has been applied to an item.
Shipmentclass instanceA shipment of goods from one place to another.
ShipmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ShipmentType.
ShipmentBillOfLadingNumberTextclass instanceA bill of lading number for a shipment.
ShipmentBookingNumberTextclass instanceA booking number for a shipment.
ShipmentCompletionDateclass instanceA date and time at which a shipment ends or is completed.
ShipmentContentsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the goods in a shipment.
ShipmentDestinationLocationclass instanceA destination of a shipment.
ShipmentHazmatDeclarationclass instanceA hazmat declaration for hazardous materials in a shipment.
ShipmentIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a shipment.
ShipmentInitiationDateclass instanceA date and time at which a shipment is started or initiated.
ShipmentOriginLocationclass instanceAn origin of a shipment.
ShipmentStatusclass instanceA status of a shipment.
ShipmentTypeclassA data type for a shipment of goods from one place to another.
ShippingContainerclass instanceA reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
ShippingContainerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ShippingContainerType.
ShippingContainerCargoItemclass instanceA cargo item in a shipping container sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
ShippingContainerEmptyWeightMeasureclass instanceA weight of a shipping container when empty.
ShippingContainerIdentificationclass instanceA data set that holds Shipping Container identification information.
ShippingContainerIdentificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContainerIdentificationType.
ShippingContainerIdentificationTypeclassA data type for a shipping container identification number.
ShippingContainerISO6346Abstractclass instanceA data concept for a container ISO6346 code.
ShippingContainerISO6346Codeclass instanceA container's ISO6346 code.
ShippingContainerKindAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of a kind of container.
ShippingContainerKindCodeclass instanceA description of a kind of container.
ShippingContainerLastLocationclass instanceA last known location of a shipping container in a container holding facility.
ShippingContainerLastLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContainerLastLocationType.
ShippingContainerLastLocationTypeclassA data type for the last known location of a shipping container.
ShippingContainerLegalStatusIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a container must meet the legal requirements of the Container Convention; false if it does not.
ShippingContainerLoadedTextclass instanceA text description of how fully loaded a shipping container is.
ShippingContainerLoadedWeightMeasureclass instanceA weight of a shipping container including its current contents.
ShippingContainerReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier referenced/related to a shipping container.
ShippingContainerReferenceIDAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContainerReferencedIDType.
ShippingContainerReferenceIDTypeclassA data type for an identifier referenced to a shipping container.
ShippingContainerTypeclassA data type for a reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
ShippingMarksTextclass instanceA free form description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package.
shortclassA data type that is derived from int by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 32767 and minInclusive to be -32768.
shortCaseTitleattributeThe abbreviated name of a case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander.
shortCaseTitleattributeAn official name of a Case. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
Signalclass instanceA detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, current, or magnetic field strength) by which messages or information can be transmitted.
SignalAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:SignalType
SignalDirectionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a direction of a signal link.
SignalDirectionCodeclass instanceA direction of a signal link.
SignalDirectionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a direction of a signal link.
SignalDirectionCodeTypeclassA data type for a direction of a signal link.
SignalDirectionTextclass instanceA direction of a signal link.
SignalTypeclassA data type for a detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, current, or magnetic field strength) by which messages or information can be transmitted.
signatureattributeThe data or information representing this signature. It must be valid according to the profile identified by the associated signatureProfileIdentifier.
Signatureclass instanceA handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name, nickname, or even a simple X or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent.
SignatureAugmentationclass instanceThe data or information representing this signature. It must be valid according to the profile identified by the associated signatureProfileIdentifier.
SignatureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SignatureType
SignatureAugmentationTypeclassAn augmentation type
SignatureAuthorityNameclass instanceA data element for the signature authority name on a badge
signatureContentattributeThe content of a signature
SignatureDateclass instanceA date associated with a signature.
SignatureImageclass instanceAn image of a signature.
signatureKeyattributeA digital signature key
SignatureLocationTextclass instanceA location where a signature was captured.
SignatureMethodTextclass instanceA method used for capturing a signature (i.e. wet, digital, etc.)
SignatureNameTextclass instanceA name used in a signature.
SignaturePersonNameclass instanceA full name of an individual associated with a signature.
SignatureProfileCodeclass instanceAn identifier from the Court Filing specification that indicates the Signature Profile governing the structure of this signature.
signatureProfileIDattributeAn identifier from the Court Filing specification that indicates the Signature Profile governing the structure of this signature.
signatureProfileIDattributeA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
SignatureRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a signature is required from this person; false otherwise.
SignatureTypeclassA data type for a handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name, nickname, or even a simple X or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent.
SignTypeclassgml:SignType is a convenience type with values "+" (plus) and "-" (minus).
SIMCardclass instanceA smart card that identifies a mobile telephone service subscriber.
SimpleCodeListBindingclass instanceAn element for connecting simple content defined by an XML Schema component to a a column of a code list.
SingleCRSPropertyTypeclassgml:SingleCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a single coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate reference system.
singleCRSRefclass instance
SingleOperationPropertyTypeclassgml:SingleOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a single operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that single operation.
singleOperationRefclass instance
Siteclass instanceA specific place or position.
SiteAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for nc:SiteType.
SiteLocationclass instanceA location of a site.
SiteLocationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a site location.
SiteLocationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a site location.
SiteMobileDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a site that is mobile and does not have a fixed location.
SiteMobileIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a site is mobile; false otherwise.
SiteOwnerEntityclass instanceAn owner of a site.
SiteSpecialInformationTextclass instanceA comment or other information about a site that may be of importance to a responder.
SiteSpecialInfoTextclass instanceA description of a site that may contain information of importance to a responder; e.g., electrified fence, dogs on property, loft apartment, multi-storied building, multiple warehouses on site, hazardous material, etc.
SiteTypeclassA data type for a specific place or position.
SixAlphaNumericIDTypeclassA data type for a six-character alphanumeric number.
SixAlphaNumericSimpleTypeclassA data type for a six-character alphanumeric number.
Skillclass instanceA credential class that represents a person's skill
SkillAcquiredCategoryCodeclass instanceA code describes how a skill is acquired
SkillAcquiredCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for how a skill is acquired
SkillAcquiredCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type that represents the code for how a skill is acquired
SkillAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SkillType
SkillDescriptionTextclass instanceA textual description of a skill
SkillNameclass instanceA data element that is the name of a skill
SkillTypeclassA data type for a credential class that represents a person's skill
SkillUseHistoryTextclass instanceA textual description about the skill usage of a person
SKINCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 6 - Skin Tone (SKN) and Person with Information Skin Tone (PSK) Field Codes
SKINCodeTypeclassA data type for 6 - Skin Tone (SKN) and Person with Information Skin Tone (PSK) Field Codes
SlapFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a standard flat capture position
SlapFingerPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a standard flat capture position
SlopeValueclass instanceA direction of vertical motion, measured in degrees; -90 indicates motion toward the center of the Earth.
SmallAngleMeasureSimpleTypeclassA data type for a measurement of an angle between 0 and 179 degrees
SmallAngleMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measurement of an angle between 0 and 179 degrees
smallBusinessattributeWhether the initiating party is a small business, as defined in bankruptcy code.
SmallLineLengthPixelQuantitySimpleTypeclassA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a fixed resolution 500ppi image.
SmallLineLengthPixelQuantityTypeclassA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a fixed resolution 500ppi image.
SmallThetaAngleMeasureclass instanceAn angle between 0 and 179 degrees
SmogCertificateCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for whether or not a vehicle has a current smog certificate.
SmogCertificateCodeTypeclassA data type for whether or not a vehicle has a current smog certificate.
SMTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeTypeclassA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeTypeclassA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SmuggledClaimVerifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien's claim to have been smuggled is verified during the ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER; false otherwise.
SmuggledMethodCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of method used to smuggle the alien into the United States.
SnowActivitiesCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies CAT-B measures eligible for reimbursement during snow events.
SnowActivitiesCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that specifies CAT-B measures eligible for reimbursement during snow events.
SnowActivitiesCodeTypeclassA data type that specifies CAT-B measures eligible for reimbursement during snow events.
SnowmobileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.7: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Snowmobiles and Snowmobile Parts
SnowmobileCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.7: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Snowmobiles and Snowmobile Parts
socialSecurityNumberattributeNumber issued by the federal government to all citizens, residents of the U.S. First three digits cannot be all zeroes. Numbers beginning with 9 indicate a non-resident alien. Ex. 123456789 or 356886777
SocialServiceProgramclass instanceA social service provided.
SoftwareDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SoftwareDetailType.
SoftwareDetailTypeclassA data type that specifies the details of capture software
SoftwareNameclass instanceA name of a computer application used to process data.
SoftwareNameTypeclassA data type for a name of a computer application used to process data.
SoftwareNameTypeclassA data type for a name of a computer application used to process data.
SoftwareVendorNameTextclass instanceA text that specifies the software code vendor name
SoftwareVersionNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier for the software vendor code version number.
Solidclass instanceA solid is the basis for 3-dimensional geometry. The extent of a solid is defined by the boundary surfaces as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.3.18. exterior specifies the outer boundary, interior the inner boundary of the solid.
solidArrayPropertyclass instance
SolidArrayPropertyTypeclassgml:SolidArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of solids. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements is not supported.
solidMemberclass instanceThis property element either references a solid via the XLink-attributes or contains the solid element. A solid element is any element, which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSolid.
solidMembersclass instanceThis property element contains a list of solids. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
solidPropertyclass instanceThis property element either references a solid via the XLink-attributes or contains the solid element. solidProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for AbstractSolid.
SolidPropertyTypeclassA property that has a solid as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
Sortieclass instanceAn operational flight by one aircraft in an air operation.
SortieAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:SortieType
SortieIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for a Sortie.
SortieTypeclassA data type for an operational flight by one aircraft (in air operations).
SoundexIndexValueTextclass instanceA value of the Phonetic index value for the name
SourceAcquisitionclass instanceAn acquisition method for the source representation
SourceAcquisitionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SourceAcquisition
SourceAcquisitionTypeclassA data type for an acquisition method for the source representation
SourceCommentTextclass instanceA comment about a source representation
SourceContactPersonTextclass instanceA person who can answer questions about the information.
SourceCountryCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country code, describing where a recording was created.
SourceCountryOfTravelIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY.
sourceCRSclass instancegml:sourceCRS is an association role to the source CRS (coordinate reference system) of this coordinate operation.
sourceDimensionsclass instancegml:sourceDimensions is the number of dimensions in the source CRS of this operation method.
SourceExternalAnalogFileReferenceTextclass instanceA URI, URL or other unique reference to a storage location for an analog source representation.
SourceExternalDigitalAudioReferenceTextclass instanceA URI, URL or other unique reference to a storage location for a digital audio source representation.
SourceExternalDigitalImageReferenceTextclass instanceA URI, URL or other unique reference to a storage location for a digital image source representation.
SourceExternalDigitalVideoReferenceTextclass instanceA URI, URL or other unique reference to a storage location for a digital video source representation.
SourceExternalFileReferenceTextclass instanceA URI, URL or other unique reference to a storage location for a source representation.
SourceExternalReferenceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for defining an external source representation
SourceFileCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of file holding a source representation, represented as a file suffix or other description of the file
SourceFileDecodingInstructionsTextclass instanceA description of decoding instructions for a file holding a source representation
SourceFileFormatclass instanceA description of a file holding a source representation, and decoding instructions
SourceFileFormatAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SourceFileFormat
SourceFileFormatTypeclassA data type for a description of a file holding a source representation, and decoding instructions
SourceGeometryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for the configurations that describe the geometry of a radiation source.
SourceGeometryCodeTypeclassA data type for the configurations that describe the geometry of a radiation source.
SourceIDclass instanceAn index identifier to reference a particular source image record in the transaction
SourceIDTextclass instanceA number or string set by a data provider so that information that is sent can be retraced back to its source.
SourceInformationclass instanceA set of identifiers pointing to a source data
SourceInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SourceInformation
SourceInformationTypeclassA data type for a reference to a source representation
SourceMediaDetailclass instanceA detailing of the metadata for a biometric source media file
SourceMediaDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SourceMediaDetail
SourceMediaDetailTypeclassA data type for the details of a biometric source media file
SourceOrganizationNameclass instanceA name of an Organization which was the creator and/or source of a specific biometric file.
SourcePersonclass instanceA person that is the start point of a directed association
SourcePositionclass instanceAn estimated location of a nuclide source by actual geographical coordinates or relative to a reference point.
SourcePositionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SourcePositionType.
SourcePositionChoiceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the variuos ways a souce position can be represented.
SourcePositionTypeclassA data type for identifying the location of a nuclide source by actual georef coordinates or by relation to another object.
SourceRecordCardinalityCodeclass instanceA cardinality of a source representation record relative to other records within the transaction
SourceRecordCardinalityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a cardinality of a source representation record relative to other records within the transaction
SourceRecordCardinalityCodeTypeclassA data type for a cardinality of a source representation record relative to other records within the transaction
SourceSystemFindingCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of inspection threat finding code mapped to the finding category in the source system.
SourceTextclass instanceA name, identifier, or reference of a resource from which the information was taken.
SovereigntyStatusCodeclass instanceA status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
SovereigntyStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
SovereigntyStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
SpeakerIDclass instanceAn identifier of a speaker.
SpeakerListclass instanceA list of speaker identifiers.
SpeakerListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SpeakerList
SpeakerListTypeclassA data type for a list of speaker identifiers.
SpeakerPluralityCodeclass instanceA kind of second information item is the speaker plurality code / SPC. It is optional and indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording: M = multiple speakers S = single speaker.
SpeakerPluralityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording.
SpeakerPluralityCodeTypeclassA data type that indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording.
SpeakerTrackListclass instanceA list of track IDs which carry speaker voices.
specialAllegationattributeFree form text describing the details of the charge allegation.
SpecialEducationDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SpecialEducationDetailsType.
SpecialEducationDetailsTypeclassA data type for information about special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a student's disability that requires special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityCodeclass instanceA disability requiring special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing different disabilities needing special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityCodeTypeclassA data type for describing different disabilities needing special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityTextclass instanceA disability requiring special education.
SpecialEducationEligibleDateclass instanceA date on which someone became eligible for special education.
SpecialEducationNeedDeterminationDateclass instanceA date on which determination of need of special education is made.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the level of a student's need for special education, either in hours of services per week or in text.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelCodeclass instanceA different level of need for special education.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing different levels of need for special education.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for describing different levels of need for special education.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelTextclass instanceA different level of need for special education.
SpecialEventEndDateTimeclass instanceAn ending date and time of a special event.
SpecialEventNameclass instanceA Name of a special event.
SpecialEventSecurityAreaclass instanceAn area of operational security concern for a special event.
SpecialEventStartDateTimeclass instanceA starting date and time of a special event.
specialHandlingInstructionsattributeAny additional instructions for printing of a document (such as printing on front and back of the same page or printing on a particular color paper).
SpecialHandlingInstructionsTextclass instanceAny additional instructions for printing of a document (such as printing on front and back of the same page or printing on a particular color paper).
SpeciesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpeciesCodeclass instanceA kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpeciesCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpeciesCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpeciesTextclass instanceA kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
Spectrumclass instanceA single spectrum measurement with references to other pertinent information about the measurement.
SpectrumAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumType.
SpectrumPeakclass instanceA set of spectrum peak analysis results information for a single peak.
SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsclass instanceA set of spectrum peak analyses; each peak found in the spectrum is described by a SpectrumPeak child element.
SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsType.
SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsTypeclassA data type for the results of a radiation data spectrum peak analysis.
SpectrumPeakAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumPeakType.
SpectrumPeakEnergyKeVTypeclassA data type for a spectrum peak energy measure whose value is positive and measured in keV.
SpectrumPeakEnergyValueclass instanceA value for the measured energy of a spectrum peak, in keV.
SpectrumPeakExpectedEnergyValueclass instanceA value for the expected energy of a spectrum peak, in keV.
SpectrumPeakFWHMValueclass instanceA value for the measured FWHM of a spectrum peak, in keV.
SpectrumPeakNetAreaUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value for the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in a spectrum peak's net area.
SpectrumPeakNetAreaValueclass instanceA value for the net number of counts in a peak; i.e., total counts minus continuum counts. No other adjustment (e.g., environmental background subtraction), should be performed.
SpectrumPeakTypeclassA data type that provides spectrum peak analysis results information for a single peak.
SpectrumTypeclassA data type that provides spectrum measurement data.
SpeechCharacteristicsCommentTextclass instanceA comment used to give additional information about the speech quality assessment process.
SpeechStyleCodeclass instanceA description of style of speech.
SpeechStyleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a description of style of speech.
SpeechStyleCodeTypeclassA data type for a description of style of speech.
speedattributeA number representing the speed observed.
SpeedingRelatedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type to indicate whether the investigating officer suspects that the driver involved in the crash was speeding based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone.
SpeedingRelatedCodeTypeclassA data type to indicate whether the investigating officer suspects that the driver involved in the crash was speeding based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone.
speedLimitrelationMaximum speed allowed by law.
SpeedMeasureclass instanceA measure of a speed or rate of motion.
SpeedMeasureAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an nc:SpeedMeasure.
SpeedMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:SpeedMeasureType
SpeedMeasureAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an nc:SpeedMeasure.
SpeedMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a speed or rate of motion.
SpeedMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a speed or rate of motion.
SpeedRateclassA speed a vehicle was moving at when an incident occurred.
SpeedTypeclassA data type for the speed measure where the units are meters per second (m/s).
SpeedUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for speed.
SpeedUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for speed.
SpeedUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measurement of speed.
SpeedUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measurement of speed.
SpeedValueclass instanceAn object's speed (e.g., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item). If an orientation bearing is defined by the presence of the Orientation element, then the SpeedValue is considered to be along this bearing.
Sphereclass instance
SphericalCSclass instancegml:SphericalCS is a three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates. A SphericalCS shall have three gml:axis property elements.
sphericalCSclass instancegml:sphericalCS is an association role to the spherical coordinate system used by this CRS.
SphericalCSPropertyTypeclassgml:SphericalCSPropertyType is property type for association roles to a spherical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
sphericalCSRefclass instance
SpillwayCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the common dam spillway types.
SpillwayCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common dam spillway types
SpillwayCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the common dam spillway types
SpinalServiceCoverageStatusCodeclass instanceA status indicating the availability of spinal surgical services
SponsorReceivedUSGovernmentFundIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Program Sponsor has received funding support from one or more United States (U.S.) agencies; false otherwise.
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of sports/recreational equipment.
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment.
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment.
spouserelationInformation about persons in a domestic case.
SSNCategoryCodeListCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of SSN.
SSNCategoryCodeListCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of SSN.
SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeclass instanceA verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for a verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
stclass viewSurface Transportation
st:AADTRampNumericattributeAn AADT on ramp
st:AverageAnnualDailyTrafficNumericattributeAn AADT value to represent the current data year. For two-way facilities, provide the AADT for both directions; provide the directional AADT if part of a one-way couplet or for one-way streets
st:BridgeStructureattributeA bridge, underpass, overpass, or tunnel bridge/structure that is also linkable to the national bridge inventory.
st:FunctionalClassAbstractattributeA data concept for a functional class of the segment.
st:IntersectionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for an intersection consists of two or more roadways.
st:IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlAbstractattributeA data concept for an indicator of traffic control present at intersection/junction.
st:LocationRoadwayattributeA part of the roadway where Traffic Accident occurred.
st:LocationRoadwayattributeA part of the roadway where Traffic Accident occurred.
st:LocationRoadwayAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationRoadwayType.
st:RoadwayAnnualAverageDailyTrafficAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for RoadwayAnnualAverageDailyTrafficType.
st:RoadwayAnnualAverageDailyTrafficQuantityattributeA AADT number for a specific calendar year, in Motor Vehicles Per Day.
st:RoadwayAnnualAverageDailyTrafficYearDateattributeA calendar year when AADT was calculated.
st:RoadwayCurveApplicableIndicatorattributeTrue if road curvature measurement parameters are applicable to this particular road part; false otherwise.
st:RoadwayCurveLengthMeasureattributeA measurement of the curvature in the roadway expressed in terms of its length (use feet or meters).
st:RoadwayCurveRadiusLengthMeasureattributeA measurement of the curvature in the roadway expressed in terms of its radius (use feet or meters).
st:RoadwayCurveSuperelevationMeasureattributeA measurement of the curvature in the roadway expressed in terms of its superelevation (use feet or meters).
st:RoadwayGradeAbstractattributeA data concept for a geometric or layout and inclination characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
st:RoadwayGradeSlopePercentattributeAn inclination of the roadway, expressed in the rate of rise or fall in feet (meters) per 100 feet (meters) of horizontal distance.
st:RoadwayHorizontalAlignmentAbstractattributeA data concept for a Horizontal Alignment. The geometric or layout and inclination characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
st:RoadwayInclinationValueattributeAn inclination of the roadway, expressed in the rate of rise or fall in feet (meters) per 100 feet (meters) of horizontal distance.
st:RoadwayIntersectionAverageAnnualDailyEnteringTrafficQuantityattributeA total number of entering vehicles for all approaches of an intersection. Actual or estimated traffic volume expressed as an average annual daily count.
st:RoadwayLaneWidthMeasureattributeA width of the lane(s) where crash occurred (use feet or meters).
st:RoadwayLightingAbstractattributeA data concept for a type of roadway illumination.
st:RoadwayMedianWidthMeasureattributeA width of portion of divided highway separating the road for traffic in opposing directions where the crash occurred. If a crash occurs at a mid-block section, the median width is based on the mid-block section. If the crash occurs at an intersection, the
st:RoadwayNationalHighwayPartAbstractattributeA data concept for a designation of the roadway as part of the National Highway System.
st:RoadwayRailwayCrossingIdentificationattributeA unique US DOT/AAR number assigned for identification purposes to a railroad crossing by a state highway agency in cooperation with the Federal Railroad Administration.
st:RoadwayShoulderWidthMeasureattributeA widths of the shoulder(s) where crash occurred (use feet or meters).
st:RoadwayStructureIdentificationattributeA unique federal inspection/inventory identification assigned to a bridge, underpass, overpass, or tunnel bridge/structure that is also linkable to the national bridge inventory.
st:ThroughLanesNumericattributeA total number of through lanes on the segment. This excludes auxiliary lanes, such as collector-distributor lanes, weaving lanes, frontage road lanes, parking and turning lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes, toll collection lanes, shoulders, and truck
StaffingCodeclass instanceA status indicating the staffing levels at the hospital
StaffMemberAffiliatedPrimaryProgramclass instanceA program name of primary affiliation for the staff member.
StaffMemberAppliedForceclass instanceA person who is a staff member involved in an applied force incident.
StaffMemberAssignedWeaponclass instanceA weapon used by a staff member.
StaffMemberAssociatedSubjectclass instanceA person or entity associated with a staff member.
StaffMemberAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:StaffMemberType
StaffMemberBadgeNumberIDclass instanceA unique identifier of the badge assigned to a staff member.
StaffMemberDisciplineTextclass instanceA discipline that the staff member recognizes as their primary area of competency (knowledge, skills, and abilities).
StaffMemberIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for a staff member.
StaffMemberIncidentclass instanceAn activity or event involving a specific staff member.
StaffMemberJusticeSupervisionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if of whether the staff member is currently a felon or civil addict; or is on parole or probation or under any structured supervision; false otherwise.
StaffMemberKeyPositionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the staff person maintains a key position in the agency; false otherwise.
StaffMemberLocationclass instanceA physical location of a staff member.
StaffMemberQualificationclass instanceA description of specific training, education or experience of a staff member.
StaffMemberQualificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:StaffMemberQualificationType
StaffMemberQualificationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of staff member qualification.
StaffMemberQualificationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of staff member qualification.
StaffMemberQualificationExperienceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of staff member experience as it relates to their qualifications.
StaffMemberQualificationExperienceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of staff member experience as it relates to their qualifications.
StaffMemberQualificationFelonyInLast3YearsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if of whether the staff member has a felony in the last 3 years; false otherwise.
StaffMemberQualificationHighlyQualifiedTeacherIndicatorclass instanceTrue if of compliance for education credentials; false otherwise.
StaffMemberQualificationsAffordableCareActIndicatorclass instanceTrue if staff counselor has certification required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for enrolling individuals in health care programs, where appropriate; false otherwise.
StaffMemberQualificationSatisfactionStatementTextclass instanceA statement that indicates how a provider staff member satisfies the qualification statements of a key position within a rehabilitation program or a service delivery program.
StaffMemberQualificationSecurityClearanceCompletionDateclass instanceA date that the security clearance was completed.
StaffMemberQualificationsHistoryOfSeriousOrViolentFelonyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the staff member has a history of serious or violent or felony activity; false otherwise.
StaffMemberQualificationStatementTextclass instanceA text field used to define a qualification required of a staff member assigned to a key position on a contract for rehabilitation services.
StaffMemberQualificationsTXProfessionalCertificationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of certifications for clinicians if applicable.
StaffMemberQualificationsTXProfessionalCertificationTextclass instanceA kind of certifications for clinicians if applicable.
StaffMemberQualificationTypeclassA data type for a description of specific training, education or experience of a staff member.
StaffMemberSecurityClearanceCompletedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if of whether a security clearance was conducted; false otherwise.
StaffMemberSecurityClearanceResultsAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of security clearance.
StaffMemberSecurityClearanceResultsTextclass instanceA kind of security clearance.
StaffMemberServiceMonthsOfServiceNumericclass instanceA number indicating the months that a staff member has been employed.
StaffMemberServiceYearsOfServiceNumericclass instanceA number indicating the years that a staff member has been employed.
StaffMemberSocialScienceDegreeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the staff member has earned a social sciences degree; false otherwise.
StaffMemberStatusclass instanceA status of the staff member.
StaffMemberTypeclassA data type for a person who is employed by the agency or institution.
Stagingclass instanceA data element for the staging information for resources
StagingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StagingType
StagingLocationTextclass instanceA data element for the description of the staging location
StagingTypeclassA data type for a structure that contains staging information
stampinformationclass view
stampinformation:DocumentStampInformationMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
stampinformationcallbackclass view
stampinformationcallback:NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
StandardFingerprintFormNumberTextclass instanceA standard fingerprint form number
StandardSelectionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
StandardSelectionCodeTypeclassA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
startAfterTimeattributeA time before which a court date must begin
startAfterTimeattributeA time after which a court event may begin
startBeforeTimeattributeA time before which a court date must begin
startBeforeTimeattributeA time before which a court date must begin
StartDateclass instanceA date on which something begins.
StartDateclass instanceA date on which something begins.
startDateattributeThe start date of an obligation.
StartDateTimeclass instanceA time corresponding to the start of the collection of the data contained in a particular measurement.
startTimeattributeThe start date and time of a court event
startTimeattributeThe start date and time of a court event
startTimeattributeThe start date and time of a court event
stateattributeA state.
StateAssignedVINIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the VIN was state assigned rather than manufacturer or owner assigned; false otherwise.
StateAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:StateType
StateCodeclass instanceA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
stateCriminalIDattributeIdentifier assigned by state police or other statewide entity to link multiple cases to the same subject. Example: OBTS Number.
stateDisbursementattributeIndicates whether the obligation will be collected and disbursed by a state agency.
StateDisbursementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child-support order directs the obligor to make payments to a state agency for disbursement to the custodial parent; false otherwise.
StateDisbursementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child-support order directs the obligor to make payments to a state agency for disbursement to the custodial parent; false otherwise.
StateFindingsTextclass instanceA court's description of its factual findings supporting conclusions about legal standards defined in state law. Usage: factual findings regarding dependency, neglect, abuse, danger to self or others, or a child's need for emergency, etc.
stateFingerprintBasedIDNumberattributeUnique number assigned to persons by a state Automated Fingerprint Identification System based on fingerprint identification.
StateGovernmentSponsorIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the STATE GOVERNMENT is the sponsor of the PROGRAM; false otherwise.
stateIDNumberattributeUnique number assigned to persons by the Department of Public Safety (or similar state agency) based on fingerprint identification.
StateINACodeTextclass instanceA Department of State code that identifies the reason that a group of people are of interest to intelligence.
StateInputAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StateInputType.
StateInputDataclass instanceA set of data for the State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateInputDataReportclass instanceA State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateInputDataReportAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StateInputDataReportType.
StateInputDataReportTypeclassA data type for a State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateInputTypeclassA data type for a set of data for the State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateInvolvementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the state is involved; false otherwise.
StateISO3166Codeclass instanceA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateIssuedRxSerialNumberIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to a state issued serialized prescription blank as well as the state which issued it.
StateLicenseIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a license giving an organization the right to prescribe drugs for patients.
StateMatchRequestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if to perform an interstate match; false if there is no state match.
StatementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a sworn statement was taken; false otherwise.
StatementReviewDateclass instanceA date on which the statement was reviewed by the person interviewed.
StatementSignedDateclass instanceA date on which the statement was signed.
StatementTextclass instanceA text of the interview.
stateNameattributeA state.
StateRepresentationclass instanceA data concept for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateRepresentationclass instanceA data concept for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateTypeclassA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateTypeclassA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateVectorclass instanceA set of state values for a radiation measurement instrument, a radiation detector, or a measured item.
StateVectorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:StateVectorType.
StateVectorLocationChoiceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for various location representation types
StateVectorTypeclassA data type that provides location, orientation,and speed state data for an object, such as a radiation detection instrument/detector or an item being measured by an instrument/detector.
Stationclass instanceAn element to define a station
statusclass instance
Statusclass instanceA state of something or someone.
StatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status or condition of something or someone.
StatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status or condition of something or someone.
StatusAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a status.
StatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StatusType.
StatusAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a status.
statusCodeattributeEnumerated values: unrecognized - filerID is not recognized, received - filing received by MDE, sent - filing sent by MDE to service recipient Future versions may add additional values, such as: delivered - filing delivered to service recipient. (i.e. under the control of the recipient) opened - filing opened by service recipient
StatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a status in the process
StatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a status in the process
StatusCommentTextclass instanceA comment regarding a status.
StatusDateclass instanceA date a status was set, effected, or reported.
StatusDateclass instanceA date a status was set, effected, or reported.
StatusDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a status or condition of something or someone.
StatusDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a status or condition of something or someone.
StatusIssuerIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a person or organization which assigns a status.
StatusIssuerTextclass instanceA name, identifier, or other reference of a person or organization which assigns a status.
StatusListclassA list of values to indicate the status of the entity
StatusOffenseclass instanceAn activity illegal when engaged in by a minor, but not when done by an adult. Examples include truancy, curfew, running away, or habitually disobeying parents.
StatusOffenseActclassAn act or behavior that would not constitute a crime if committed by an adult, which will subject a juvenile to adjudication as a delinquent by a court. Examples include truancy and refusal to abide by a parent orders or direction.
statusOffenseActCodeattributeCode designating the statutory or ordinance section, the violation of which would not constitute a crime if committed by an adult (only if a juvenile).
StatusOffenseActCodeTypeclassA list of status offenses.
StatusReasonTextclass instanceA reason for the status.
statusReferenceclass instance
statusTextattributeA description of the status.
StatusTextclass instanceA status or condition of something or someone.
StatusTextclass instanceA status or condition of something or someone.
statusTimeattributeThe date on which the current status was determined.
statusTimeattributeThe date and time of a status.
StatusTypeclassA data type for a state of something or someone.
StatusTypeclassA data type for a state of something or someone.
statuteattributeThe statute associated with a charge.
Statuteclass instanceA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
Statuteclass instanceA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
statuteattributeA statute violated.
StatuteAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StatuteType.
StatuteCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of statute.
StatuteCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of statute.
StatuteCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of statutes.
StatuteCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of statutes.
StatuteCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of statute.
StatuteCodeIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number of a set of laws for a particular jurisdiction.
StatuteCodeIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number of a set of laws for a particular jurisdiction.
StatuteCodeSectionIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a section or category within a code book.
StatuteCodeSectionIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a section or category within a code book.
StatuteDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a statute.
StatuteDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a statute.
StatuteEnactmentDateclass instanceA date a statute was enacted and came into effect.
StatuteJurisdictionclass instanceAn area in which a statute applies.
StatuteJurisdictionclass instanceAn area in which a statute applies.
statuteJurisdictionattributeThe federal, state, county, municipal, or other public entity under whose authority the statute or ordinance was enacted.
StatuteKeywordTextclass instanceA brief description of a Statute which makes use of catchwords.
StatuteLevelTextclass instanceA level of crime a statute applies to.
StatuteLevelTextclass instanceA level of crime a statute applies to.
StatuteOffenseAPCOCodeclass instanceA criminal offense within a code book.
StatuteOffenseCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a criminal offense within a code book.
StatuteOffenseEnhanceableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a statute refers to an offense that may be made more serious due to circumstances related to the incident; false otherwise.
StatuteOffenseIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a criminal offense within a code book.
StatuteOffenseIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a criminal offense within a code book.
StatuteOffenseStateCodeTextclass instanceA literal description of a criminal offense within a state code book.
StatuteOffenseUCRCodeclass instanceA criminal offense within a code book.
StatuteRepealDateclass instanceA date a statute was repealed and no longer applied.
StatuteStatusclass instanceA current status of a statute.
StatuteTextclass instanceA full text of a statute or law.
StatuteTypeclassA data type for a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
StatuteTypeclassA data type for a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
StayActionTextclass instanceA response to the aliens request for stay of deportation.
stayawayDistanceTextattributeDescription of the distance abuser must maintain from abused person(s).
StayDecisionDateclass instanceA date on which the decision for request for stay of DEPORTATION is made.
StayExpirationDateclass instanceA date on which the aliens stay of DEPORTATION expires.
StayRequestDateclass instanceA date on which the ALIEN filed for stay of deportation.
StepParentChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a child and a person who is in a Person Union with one of the child's biological parents.
Stereotypesclass view
Stevedoreclass instanceA party loading or unloading the cargo of (a ship) or vessel
StevedoreAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StevedoreType.
StevedoreIDCategoryclass instanceAn identification code specifying the identity of a stevedoring company.
StevedoreIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Stevedore
StevedoreTypeclassA data type representing a party loading or unloading the cargo of (a ship) or vessel
Stocksclass instanceA container for stocks invested information
StrangerAssociationclass instanceAn association between people who do not know each other.
StreetAddressclassA street address.
StreetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StreetType.
StreetCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of street.
StreetCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of street.
StreetDirectionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name.
StreetDirectionCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name.
StreetExtensionTextclass instanceAn additional part of a street reference that follows the street category and post directional.
StreetExtensionTextclass instanceAn additional part of a street reference that follows the street category and post directional.
StreetFullTextclass instanceA complete reference for a street.
StreetFullTextclass instanceA complete reference for a street.
StreetNameclass instanceA name of a street.
StreetNameclass instanceA name of a street.
streetNameattributeThe name of a street.
streetNumberattributeA number of a location on a street.
StreetNumberTextclass instanceA number that identifies a particular unit or location within a street.
StreetNumberTextclass instanceA number that identifies a particular unit or location within a street.
StreetPostdirectionalTextclass instanceA direction that appears after a street name.
StreetPostdirectionalTextclass instanceA direction that appears after a street name.
StreetPredirectionalTextclass instanceA direction that appears before a street name.
StreetPredirectionalTextclass instanceA direction that appears before a street name.
StreetTypeclassA data type for a road, thoroughfare, or highway.
StreetTypeclassA data type for a road, thoroughfare, or highway.
stringclassA data type for character strings in XML.
stringclassA data type for character strings in XML.
StringclassNormalized and Collapsed String
StringListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of strings.
StringListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of string.
StringListTypeclassA data type that faciltiates the storage of a list of string values
StringListTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of string.
stringOrNilReasonclassExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
stringValueclass instancegml:stringValue is a character string value of an operation parameter. A string value does not have an associated unit of measure.
Structureclass instanceA building or construction (e.g. built environment, non-building structure).
StructureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StructureType.
StructureCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of structure.
StructureCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure, such as commercial or industrial.
StructureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of structure.
StructureCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of structure.
StructureCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of structure, such as commercial or industrial.
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
StructureOccupiedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy.
StructureOccupiedCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy.
StructureOccupiedStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication of the occupation status for the structure.
StructureOccupiedStatusCodeclass instanceAn indication of the occupation status for the structure.
StructureOccupiedStatusTextclass instanceAn indication of the occupation status for the structure.
StructureOtherCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure not fitting the other structure type definitions.
StructureOtherCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions.
StructureOtherCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions.
StructurePublicCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
StructurePublicCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
StructurePublicCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure of residence designed for occupancy by multiple households, i.e. multiple people, multiple families, or multiple groups of housemates.
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy.
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy.
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure of residence designed for occupancy by a single household, i.e. single person, family, or single group of housemates.
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates).
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates).
structuresclass view
structuresclass view
structures:AssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssociationType
structures:ObjectAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ObjectType
StructureStorageCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of structure designed or used to store material for later use.
StructureStorageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use.
StructureStorageCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use.
StructureTypeclassA data type for a building or construction (e.g. built environment, non-building structure).
Studentclass instanceA role of a K-12 student, played by a juvenile.
StudentAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a teaching entity and pupil.
StudentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StudentType.
StudentCurrentEducationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the juvenile's current educational program (e.g., grade level, curriculum, etc.).
StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentEndDateclass instanceA date a juvenile's current educational program is scheduled to conclude.
StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile is currently enrolled in an educational program; false otherwise.
StudentCurrentEducationGradeLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing a student's current grade level in school, either between kindergarten and twelfth grade or in text.
StudentCurrentEducationGradeLevelCodeclass instanceA current grade level in school.
StudentCurrentEducationGradeLevelTextclass instanceA current grade level in school.
StudentCurrentEducationTruancyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile is currently considered truant; false otherwise.
StudentEducationGradeLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing a grade level in juvenile education.
StudentEducationGradeLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for describing a grade level in juvenile education.
StudentEducationLevelAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StudentEducationLevelType.
StudentEducationLevelCodeclass instanceA kind of educational level the alien STUDENT wishes to achieve.
StudentEducationLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the classification of the current education level of a non-immigrant alien student.
StudentEducationLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for the classification of the current education level of a non-immigrant alien student.
StudentEducationLevelDescriptionTextclass instanceA field indicating the description for the associated EDUCATION LEVEL CODE.
StudentEducationLevelTypeclassA data type for the highest level of education an alien student intends to achieve.
StudentEmploymentclass instanceA current authorized employment of an alien student.
StudentIdentificationclass instanceA unique alphanumeric identification assigned to a student by an education organization.
StudentPhotoImageclass instanceA photograph of a student enrolled in a school.
StudentSchoolConductChangeTextclass instanceA description of any change in grades and/or conduct in school.
StudentSpecialEducationDetailsclass instanceA set of details about special education provided or needed.
StudentSpecialEducationEligibleIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the student is eligible for enrollment in a special-education program (based on diagnosed developmental disabilities, learning disorders, etc.); false otherwise.
StudentTerminationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StudentTerminationType.
StudentTerminationClassificationclass instanceA classification of the reason why an alien STUDENT is no longer enrolled.
StudentTerminationCodeclass instanceA termination of an aliens status as a student.
StudentTerminationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant student in an education program in the United States.
StudentTerminationCodeTypeclassA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant student in an education program in the United States.
StudentTerminationDescriptionTextclass instanceA field indicating the description for the associated STUDENT TERMINATION CODE.
StudentTerminationTextclass instanceA field describing the valid reason why an alien student is terminated.
StudentTerminationTypeclassA data type for a reason why an alien student is no longer enrolled.
StudentTypeclassA data type for a student.
StuffingEstablishmentclass instanceA location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
StuffingEstablishmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for StuffingEstablishmentType.
StuffingEstablishmentIDCategoryclass instanceA code to identify the location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
StuffingEstablishmentIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Stuffing Establishment
StuffingEstablishmentTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of the location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
styleattributeThe style/type of an item.
SubAdministrativeAreaNameCodeListclassA list of codes for name of sub adiministrative area
SubAdministrativeAreaNameTypeListclassA list of sub administrative area name element types
SubAdministrativeAreaTypeListclassA list of sub administrative area name types
subComplexclass instanceThe property elements gml:subComplex, gml:superComplex and gml:maximalComplex provide an encoding for relationships between topology complexes as described for gml:TopoComplex above.
SubDivisionTypeListclassA list of common types for subdivisions
SubExhibitclass instanceA part or portion of an exhibit.
SubFacilityclass instanceA facility within another facility.
SubfieldNumberIDclass instanceAn alpha number identifier that is used to uniquely identify a subfield within a field, within a tract within a farm within a state and county. Subfields are areas of a field that share a set of common planting characteristic in terms of crop, crop type, intended us
SubfieldNumberSimpleTypeclassA data type for alpha number that is used to uniquely identify a subfield within a field, within a tract within a farm within a state and county.
Subfields are areas of a field that share a set of common planting characteristic in terms of crop, crop type, intended use, etc.
By convention the first defined subfield is given a value of 'A', with subsequent subfields following in alphabetic order.
SubfieldNumberTypeclassA data type for alpha number that is used to uniquely identify a subfield within a field, within a tract within a farm within a state and county.
subjectclass instance
Subjectclass instanceA person who is involved or suspected of being involved in an incident or criminal activity.
subjectattributeA juvenile subject.
SubjectAlcoholHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a history of alcohol use/abuse; false otherwise.
SubjectAlertclass instanceA set of details about an alert regarding a subject.
SubjectAppealclass instanceA set of details or events related to a subject's appeal.
SubjectAppealAssignmentTextclass instanceAn subject appeal assignment.
SubjectAppealAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAppealType
SubjectAppealDecisionReviewclass instanceAn activity of considering and rendering a decision on a subject's appeal.
SubjectAppealDecisionReviewAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAppealDecisionReviewType
SubjectAppealDecisionReviewResponseTextclass instanceA response by the subject to the informal review response.
SubjectAppealDecisionReviewTypeclassA data type for an activity of considering and rendering a decision on a subject's appeal.
SubjectAppealInterviewDateclass instanceA date on which the offender interview took place as part of a review.
SubjectAppealLogIdentificationclass instanceA Log identification associated with a subject's Appeal.
SubjectAppealRequestedActionTextclass instanceAn action requested through this appeal.
SubjectAppealReviewTextclass instanceA review level for the appeal.
SubjectAppealTypeclassA data type for a set of details or events related to a subject's appeal.
SubjectAppointmentclass instanceAn event or activity involving the appointment of a corrections subject.
SubjectArmedDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the weapon found in the possession of a person at the time of booking.
SubjectArmedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if wanted person is armed; false otherwise.
SubjectArmedWeaponclass instanceA weapon a subject is carrying.
SubjectArmedWithAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code that identifies the kind of weapon found in the possession of a subject at the time of booking.
SubjectArmedWithCodeclass instanceA code that identifies the kind of weapon found in the possession of a subject at the time of booking.
SubjectAssessmentclass instanceAn event or activity involving the assessment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAssessmentAcademicAssessmentclass instanceAn assessment of an individual education and training experiences.
SubjectAssessmentAlcoholAbuseHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the offender has a history of abusing alcohol; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentAlcoholUseAssessmentclass instanceA review of a subject's use of alcohol.
SubjectAssessmentArsonHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has a history of arson related incidents or crimes; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentAssignmentAssessmentclass instanceA review process or event specific to determining a subject's fit to a specific correctional assignment (housing, program, service, etc.)
SubjectAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssessmentType
SubjectAssessmentCanContactEmployerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has granted permission to contact an employer; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentCaseworkerEvaluationclass instanceAn evaluation conducted by a caseworker which is a part of a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentCompletedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if Subject Assessments were completed and are documented ; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentDestabilizingFactorclass instanceA kind of factor which is destabilizing for the subject.
SubjectAssessmentDevelopmentDisabilityclass instanceA kind of development disability of a subject determined during assessment.
SubjectAssessmentDisabilityclass instanceA type of disability recorded as part of a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentEligibleForCountySupervisionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is eligible for release to county supervision; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentFirstArrestAgeMeasureclass instanceA measure of the subject's age at the time of their first criminal arrest.
SubjectAssessmentFirstArrestDateclass instanceA date of the first arrest for a subject.
SubjectAssessmentHighRiskSexOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is a high risk sex offender (HRSO); false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentHoldOrderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a hold order is to be placed for the parolee; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentInterpreterRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an interpreter is required to communicate with subject; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentLifeEventAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of values indicating what life events are affecting the subject during aftercare.
SubjectAssessmentLifeEventTextclass instanceA kind of values indicating what life events are affecting the subject during aftercare.
SubjectAssessmentMedicalAssessmentclass instanceA medical assessment for the purpose of a correction subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentMentalHealthAssessmentclass instanceAn assessment of if the subject meets the criteria for mandatory treatment by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) as a condition of parole.
SubjectAssessmentMilitaryServiceConsiderationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of values to indicate military considerations.
SubjectAssessmentMilitaryServiceConsiderationTextclass instanceA kind of values to indicate military considerations.
SubjectAssessmentParoleAssessmentclass instanceA portion of a subject assessment which focuses on their ability and/or readiness for parole.
SubjectAssessmentPositiveAttitudeLevelNumericclass instanceA number score indicating a subject's attitude during assessment.
SubjectAssessmentPriorArrestNumericclass instanceA number indicating the total counts of a subject's prior arrests.
SubjectAssessmentProbationViolationIncarcerationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if ever jailed for a probation violation; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentRecommendationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of recommendation made based on the subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentRecommendationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of recommendation made based on the subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentReviewPeriodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of review period.
SubjectAssessmentReviewPeriodTextclass instanceA kind of review period.
SubjectAssessmentRiskclass instanceA risk identified by aa subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentRiskAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssessmentRiskType
SubjectAssessmentRiskCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of risk measured as a part of a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentRiskCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of risk measured as a part of a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentRiskLevelTextclass instanceA comment indicating the level of risk associated with a subject.
SubjectAssessmentRiskTypeclassA data type for a risk identified by a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentSkillsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of subject's job skills.
SubjectAssessmentSpecialNeedsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject has special need; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentSpecialNeedsStatementTextclass instanceA description of any subject special needs.
SubjectAssessmentStabilityLevelIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject's stability level is satisfactory; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentSubjectAggressiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is assessed as being aggressive; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentSubjectFilesAvailableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject file was available for review; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentSubjectStrengthAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of strength a subject can build upon.
SubjectAssessmentSubjectStrengthTextclass instanceA kind of strength a subject can build upon.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionAssessmentclass instanceA portion of a subject's assessment specific to issues during their supervision.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryclass instanceA description of a subject's supervision history as part of their assessment.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryType
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of a categorization of a subject supervision history.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryCategoryOccurrenceQuantityclass instanceA count indicating a subject's previous occurrences in supervision.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a categorization of a subject supervision history.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryTypeclassA data type for a description of a subject's supervision history as part of their assessment.
SubjectAssessmentSupportMeansAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of support means for a subject.
SubjectAssessmentSupportMeansTextclass instanceA kind of support means for a subject.
SubjectAssessmentTrustworthyLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of level of trustworthiness of a subject.
SubjectAssessmentTrustworthyLevelTextclass instanceA kind of level of trustworthiness of a subject.
SubjectAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an event or activity involving the assessment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAssessmentUnfitParentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is an unfit parent; false otherwise.
SubjectAssessmentWeaknessCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of weakness needed to be overcome by a subject.
SubjectAssessmentWeaknessTextclass instanceA kind of weakness needed to be overcome by a subject.
SubjectAssignedAssignmentDisabilityPlacementclass instanceA kind of placement or assignment specific to a disability.
SubjectAssignedAssignmentDisabilityPlacementAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssignedAssignmentDisabilityPlacementType
SubjectAssignedAssignmentDisabilityPlacementTypeclassA data type for a kind of placement or assignment specific to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementExpirationDateclass instanceA date when a subject's disability placement is scheduled to end.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementPhysicianCommentclass instanceA physician's comment regarding a subject's placement due to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionclass instanceA restriction on placement for a subject due to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionType
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a comment about a subject's placement restriction due to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of subject placement restriction due to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionRecordedDateclass instanceA date a placement restriction due to a disability was recorded.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionTemporaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the placement restriction is temporary; false otherwise.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionTypeclassA data type for a restriction on placement for a subject due to a disability.
SubjectAssignmentclass instanceAn event or activity involving the assignment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAssignmentApprovalDateclass instanceA date that a subject's placement was approved.
SubjectAssignmentApproverclass instanceA staff member who approves a subject's assignment.
SubjectAssignmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectAssignmentType
SubjectAssignmentCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of assignment.
SubjectAssignmentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of assignment.
SubjectAssignmentCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of assignment.
SubjectAssignmentDocumentclass instanceA document detailing the assessment and assignment of a subject.
SubjectAssignmentSegregationReasonTextclass instanceA comment indicating the reason(s) for segregation assignment of a subject.
SubjectAssignmentSingleCellApprovalReasonTextclass instanceA comment indicating the reason for approving a subject's single cell assignment.
SubjectAssignmentSingleCellApprovalStatusTextclass instanceA comment regarding the current condition of the approval of a subject's single cell assignment.
SubjectAssignmentSingleCellRequestsTemporaryStatusTextclass instanceA comment indicating a temporary status for a single cell request for a subject.
SubjectAssignmentTypeclassA data type for an event or activity involving the assignment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAttitudeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates the subject's attitude toward his or her actions.
SubjectAttitudeCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates the subject's attitude toward his or her actions.
SubjectAugmentationclass instanceA person named in a citation alleged to have violated a statute or ordinance.
SubjectAugmentationclass instanceA person or organization alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
SubjectAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectType.
SubjectAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectType.
SubjectBirthDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceA subject range of birth date estimate.
SubjectBodyClassCodeclass instanceA Subject Body Class Code/ SBCC.
SubjectBodyClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for classification of body tissue
SubjectBodyClassCodeTypeclassA data type for classification of body tissue
SubjectBodyStatusCodeclass instanceA Subject Body Status Code / SBSC.
SubjectBodyStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for status of a human body
SubjectBodyStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for status of a human body
SubjectBookingclass instanceA booking event associated with a corrections subject.
SubjectCategoryCodeTextclass instanceA general category or classification of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
SubjectCautionInformationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a piece of cautionary information about a subject.
SubjectCautionInformationCodeclass instanceA piece of cautionary information about a subject.
SubjectCautionInformationTextclass instanceA piece of cautionary information about a subject.
SubjectCertificationclass instanceA certification associated with a corrections subject.
SubjectChemicalDependencyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a chemical/substance dependency; false otherwise.
SubjectChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a subject and a child.
SubjectChildAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectChildAssociationType.
SubjectChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a subject and a child.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentclass instanceAn activity that assesses a subject's need for treatment to correct characteristics, conditions, or behavioral patterns that limit motivation or ability to obey the law.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectClassificationAssessmentType.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of subject classification assessment.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentCriminalHistoryScoreTextclass instanceA score assigned based on assessment of a subject's criminal history.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentPurposeTextclass instanceA purpose for which a subject classification assessment was administered.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentRecommendedReleaseConditionsTextclass instanceA description of release conditions that are recommended as a result of assessment findings.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentRiskLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentRiskLevelCodeclass instanceA risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an activity that assesses a subject's need for treatment to correct characteristics, conditions, or behavioral patterns that limit motivation or ability to obey the law.
SubjectCollectionLocationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of subject collection location
SubjectComprehensionLevelCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of comprehension level.
SubjectComprehensionLevelTextclass instanceA kind of comprehension level.
SubjectConfidentialInformationclass instanceA set of details confidential information involving a subject.
SubjectCorrectionsIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification assigned by a state Department of Corrections (DOC) to each inmate supervised in the state system.
SubjectCriminalHistoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a person's criminal history.
SubjectCriminalOrganizationInvolvementCodeclass instanceA subject's involvement in a criminal organization.
SubjectCriminalTraitDetailsclass instanceA set of identifying characteristics a subject has with regard to illegal activity.
SubjectDeathAgeEstimateTextclass instanceA kind of subject death age estimate text
SubjectDeathDateRangeDurationclass instanceA kind of subject range of death date.
SubjectDeathTimeEstimateRationaleTextclass instanceA kind of subject death time estimate rationale text
SubjectDependentLivingWithIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a dependent, e.g., children, handicapped, living with them; false otherwise.
SubjectDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the remarks about the Exchange Visitor's subject field of study.
SubjectDetainmentLocationclass instanceA specific address of the facility associated with the incarceration.
SubjectDisciplinaryActionclass instanceA disciplinary action which a subject is undergoing.
SubjectDisciplinaryReportclass instanceA set of details reporting a subject's violation of institutional rules, policies or regulations.
SubjectDNARecordsAvailableCodeclass instanceA code to indicate if DNA records are available for the subject
SubjectDNARecordsAvailableCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a single letter for DNA records are available for the subject or not
SubjectDNARecordsAvailableCodeTypeclassA data type for a single letter for DNA records are available for the subject or not
SubjectDomesticViolenceHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has been arrested for or convicted of an offense involving the infliction of physical injury or the creation of a reasonable fear that physical injury or harm will be inflicted, by a parent or member or former member of the household; false otherwise.
SubjectDrugHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a history of drug (illegal) use; false otherwise.
SubjectDrugUseAssessmentclass instanceAn event or process evaluating a subject's drug use.
SubjectEstimatedDeathDateclass instanceA date of the subject death
SubjectExistentialDetailsclass instanceAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or iden
SubjectExistentialDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectExistentialDetails
SubjectExistentialDetailsTypeclassA data type for an optional field that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injur
SubjectExistentialStatusCodeclass instanceA mortal status of a subject
SubjectExtraditionTextclass instanceAn indication of whether extradition will occur.
SubjectFailureToAppearIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has failure to appear for court conviction in his/her criminal history; false otherwise.
SubjectFamilyEnvironmentDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a subject's home life/family environment as provided by a subject.
SubjectFuneralclass instanceA set of details about a subject's funeral.
SubjectFuturePlansAndGoalsTextclass instanceAn articulation of a subject's future plans and goals post activity.
SubjectGamblingHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a history of gambling problems; false otherwise.
SubjectGangAffiliationDisruptiveGroupIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject's gang affiliation indicates a disruptive group; false otherwise.
SubjectGangAffiliationNoneIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has no known gang affiliation; false otherwise.
SubjectGoalclass instanceA set of details about a subject's goal(s).
SubjectHandlingclass instanceAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
SubjectHandlingAgencyNameclass instanceA name of an agency for whom the person handling information is designated.
SubjectHandlingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectHandlingType.
SubjectHandlingCodeTextclass instanceAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
SubjectHandlingDescriptionTextclass instanceA description that identifies the action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
SubjectHandlingTypeclassA data type for an action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
SubjectHeldIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this subject is being held for another agency; false otherwise.
SubjectIdentificationclass instanceAn assigned identification that identifies a subject.
SubjectIdentificationclass instanceAn assigned identification that identifies a subject.
SubjectIncarcerationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has been incarcerated before; false otherwise.
SubjectIncidentclass instanceAn associated incident in which a subject had some involvement.
SubjectIntakeclass instanceA set of details about a subject's intake process.
SubjectIntakeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectIntakeType
SubjectIntakeConstraintDayQuantityclass instanceA count of days that will calculate how rapid the subject needs to go through intake with a provider following referral date.
SubjectIntakeScreeningDateclass instanceA date that the subject intake occurred.
SubjectIntakeTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's intake process.
SubjectInterviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject was interviewed as a part of an activity; false otherwise.
SubjectInvolvedPersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a subject.
SubjectInvolvementCriminalOrganizationclass instanceA criminal organization with which a subject is known or suspected of being involved.
SubjectInvolvementPersonclass instanceA person with whom a subject is known or suspected of being involved.
SubjectJacketNumberTextclass instanceA number associated with a file.
SubjectLastContactDateclass instanceA date the subject made last contact. This is typically the last examination date if the records are from a dentist's office.
SubjectLastContactDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceA subject range of last contact date estimate.
SubjectMedicalAssessmentclass instanceA set of details about a subject's medical assessment.
SubjectMOclass instanceA set of details pertaining to facts attained from an actual crime scene, giving investigators insights into the subjects method of working or operating, actions used to execute the crime, prevent detection, and/or avoid apprehension.
SubjectMOActionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an action of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate the crime and/or avoid apprehension.
SubjectMOActionCodeclass instanceAn action of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate the crime and/or avoid apprehension.
SubjectMOActionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOActionCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOActionFeatureclass instanceA crime scene feature (i.e., object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention), e.g., brand, tattoo, tag, graffiti, left behind by the subject, which the subject adopts as his signature or trademark behavior, gaining feeling such as satisfaction, remorse, or pride that allows him to justify his crime and fuel future acts..
SubjectMOAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectMOType.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a lifestyle characteristic for a subject.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeclass instanceA lifestyle characteristic for a subject.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleTextclass instanceA lifestyle characteristic for a subject.
SubjectMOObservationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an observation of the subject.
SubjectMOObservationCodeclass instanceAn observation of the subject.
SubjectMOObservationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject.
SubjectMOObservationCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject.
SubjectMOObservationTextclass instanceAn observation of the subject.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a characteristic sexual practice or preference of the subject.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeclass instanceA characteristic sexual practice or preference of the subject.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesTextclass instanceA characteristic sexual practice or preference of the subject.
SubjectMOTypeclassA data type for details pertaining to facts attained from an actual crime scene, giving investigators insights into the subjects method of working or operating, actions used to execute the crime, prevent detection, and/or avoid apprehension.
SubjectMultiSourceOffenderAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication of whether there is a single or multiple organizations that have information which contributes to a subject's criminal record.
SubjectMultiSourceOffenderTextclass instanceAn indication of whether there is a single or multiple organizations that have information which contributes to a subject's criminal record.
SubjectNeedclass instanceA set of details that represent what is necessary to help an individual be able to function effectively within a defined society.
SubjectOffenderNoticeTextclass instanceAn additional piece of information associated with a subject.
SubjectPersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between a subject and a person.
SubjectPersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectPersonAssociationType.
SubjectPersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a subject and a person.
SubjectPersonFinancialCompilationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a subject person and a financial compilation.
SubjectPersonObligationComputationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a subject person and an obligation computation.
SubjectPlacementDecisionclass instanceA set of details about a subject's placement decision.
SubjectPlacementNotificationclass instanceA notification of the details of a subject's placement.
SubjectPlannedAlternateAddressclass instanceA description of a location of a subject's planned alternate living situation.
SubjectPoseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a pose of a subject in an image
SubjectPoseCodeTypeclassA data type for a pose of a subject in an image
SubjectProgramAdmissionDateclass instanceA date when a subject is admitted into a program.
SubjectProgramAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectProgramAssociationType
SubjectProgramAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a Program and a subject who had some involvement.
SubjectProgramCounselorReassignmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the program counselor is reassigned; false otherwise.
SubjectProgramEnrollmentProgramExitReasonTextclass instanceA description for a reason for a subject exiting a program.
SubjectProgramParticipationLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of subject participation level in a program activity.
SubjectProgramParticipationLevelTextclass instanceA kind of subject participation level in a program activity.
SubjectProgramReferralclass instanceA set of details about a subject's referral to a program.
SubjectProgramRegionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of region where a program is conducted.
SubjectProgramRegionTextclass instanceA kind of region where a program is conducted.
SubjectProgramReleaseDateclass instanceA date when a subject is released from a program.
SubjectProgramRestrictionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there is a restriction related to this program or subject; false otherwise.
SubjectProgramServiceDeliveryGoalclass instanceA set of details describing the desired outcomes for a subject in a service delivery program.
SubjectProgramTailoredSubjectIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the program materials were specifically customized to the needs of a subject; false otherwise.
SubjectProgramTotalDaysParticipationQuantityclass instanceA count of total days a subject participated in a program.
SubjectProgramViolationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject had a program violation; false otherwise.
SubjectPropertyAccountclass instanceA set of details about a subject's personal property account within the agency or facility.
SubjectPropertyFinancialAccountPersonalPropertyDetailsTextclass instanceA set of details describing a subject's personal property.
SubjectReasonOnListTextclass instanceA reason why the person has been added to a terrorist watch list by a government organization.
SubjectReleaseclass instanceA set of details about a subject's release.
SubjectReleaseNotificationclass instanceA set of details for providing notification of a subject's release.
SubjectReleaseNotificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectReleaseNotificationType
SubjectReleaseNotificationRequirementCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of subject release notification requirement.
SubjectReleaseNotificationRequirementTextclass instanceA kind of subject release notification requirement.
SubjectReleaseNotificationTypeclassA data type for a set of details for providing notification of a subject's release.
SubjectRequestedAssignmentclass instanceA set of details about a subject's request for assignment.
SubjectRestrictedLocationclass instanceA restricted location for a subject.
SubjectRiskclass instanceA set of details about a subject's risk factors.
SubjectSecondaryAssessmentclass instanceA set of details about a subject's secondary assessment.
SubjectSecurityClassificationclass instanceA process and method of assessing inmate risks that balance security requirements with program needs.
SubjectSecurityClassificationActivityclass instanceAn event taken with respect to an inmates classification.
SubjectSecurityClassificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSecurityClassificationType
SubjectSecurityClassificationHearingclass instanceA formal interview or assessment process of a subject for the purpose of classification.
SubjectSecurityClassificationTypeclassA data type for a process and method of assessing inmate risks that balance security requirements with program needs.
SubjectSequenceNumberTextclass instanceA sequential number assigned to the subject within the incident.
SubjectSpecialHandlingTextclass instanceA special instruction(s) for the processing or transportation of a subject, such as special handling required due to medical or physical conditions.
SubjectStatementDateclass instanceA date a subject provides a statement
SubjectStatementIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject provides a statement; false otherwise.
SubjectStatementTextclass instanceAn articulation of an activity(s), e.g., offense, arrest, provided in a subject's own words as a part of a subject interview.
SubjectStatusclass instanceA general status of a subject.
SubjectStatusCodeclass instanceA code that contains a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
SubjectStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
SubjectStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a subject and supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSupervisedEmploymentAssociationType
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a subject and supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentEndDateTimeclass instanceA time at which the shift ends.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentEndingPayAmountclass instanceAn ending pay amount.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentHoursWorkedNumericclass instanceA number of hours worked.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentPerformanceAttitudeTowardsCoworkersNumericclass instanceA number representing a subject's attitude towards fellow works.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentPerformanceDemonstratedLevelNumericclass instanceA number representing a subject's employment performance.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentPerformanceEffortLevelNumericclass instanceA number representing a subject's employment effort.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentPerformanceInterestLevelNumericclass instanceA number representing a subject's employment interest.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentPrimaryTaskTextclass instanceA primary assignment for the subject.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationclass instanceA set of details in recommendation of a subject's supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationType
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationCommentclass instanceA comment related to a employment recommendation.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationPayDecreaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a recommendation the subject receives a pay decrease; false otherwise.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationPayIncreaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a recommendation the subject receives a pay increase; false otherwise.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationReassignmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a recommendation the subject be reassigned; false otherwise.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationTypeclassA data type for a set of details in recommendation of a subject's supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentReportDateRangeclass instanceA date range for the performance report.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentStartDateTimeclass instanceA time at which the shift starts.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentStartingPayAmountclass instanceA starting pay during this reporting period.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentSupervisionDurationclass instanceA length of supervision.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentSupervisorclass instanceA supervisor of the Supervised Employment.
SubjectSupervisedReleaseclass instanceA set of details about a subject's supervised release.
SubjectSupervisedReleaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject has been on a form of supervised release, e.g., probation, parole, before; false otherwise.
SubjectSupervisionclass instanceAn incarceration, detention, or other form of supervision a subject is currently undergoing.
SubjectSupervisionclass instanceAn incarceration, detention, or other form of supervision a subject is currently undergoing.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionclass instanceA set of details about action taken to segregate a subject from the general population.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionType
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of segregation action.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of segregation action.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionCommentclass instanceA comment regarding the segregation action.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member that logged a particular segregation action.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionTypeclassA data type for a set of details about action taken to segregate a subject from the general population.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSupervisionSegregationType
SubjectSupervisionSegregationConcernCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of concern related to the segregated subject.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationConcernCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of concern related to the segregated subject.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationMovementCommentclass instanceA comment regarding the subject movement.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationMovementDateclass instanceA date and time the subject exited the cell.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationReasonTextclass instanceA reason for which the subject was placed in administrative segregation.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision segregation.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionclass instanceA set of details about a subject's segregation with respect to, or to include, yard restriction.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionType
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of segregation yard restriction.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of segregation yard restriction.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionCommentclass instanceA yard restriction comment.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's segregation with respect to, or to include, yard restriction.
SubjectTheftCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of theft committed by a subject.
SubjectTypeclassA data type for a person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
SubjectTypeclassA data type for a person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
SubjectVictimAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a subject and a victim.
SubjectVictimAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectVictimAssociationType.
SubjectVictimAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a subject and a victim.
SubjectViolentOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject is considered to have a history of violent behavior; false otherwise.
SubjectVisitationclass instanceA visitation associated with a corrections subject.
SubjectWarrantCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a warrant out for a subject's arrest.
SubjectWarrantIssuedIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether an arrest warrant has been issued against the defendant.
SubjectWeaponsHistoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if subject has a weapons related arrest or conviction in his/her criminal history; false otherwise.
SubjectWitnessAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a subject and a witness.
SubjectWitnessAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubjectWitnessAssociationType.
SubjectWitnessAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a subject and a witness.
SubLocalityNameCodeListclassA list of codes for names of sub locality
SubLocalityNameTypeListclassA list of sub locality name element types
SubLocalityTypeListclassA ist of sublocality types
SubmissionDateTimeclass instanceA date/time of an activity that occurs at a singular point in time or a start date/time of an activity that occurs over a period of time.
submissionTimeattributeThe time that the message left the control of the sending MDE. In a filing this is the Filing Assembly MDE.
Submit Court Filinguse caseA step in the court filing process in which a filer submits a filing to the court.
Submit Filinguse caseA step in the court filing process in which a filer submits a filing to the court or serves a filing to a service recipient.
Submit Serviceuse caseA step in the court filing process in which a filer serves a filing to a service recipient.
SubmittedDateTimeclass instanceA date and time the document was submitted.
submitterattributeThe submitter of a document
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier for a person or organization which submits a Review Filing Message. This may refer to any combination of the assembler, authorizer, or the represented party in the filing.
submitterIDattributeA unique identifier for a person or organization which submits a Review Filing Message. This may refer to any combination of the assembler, authorizer, or the represented party in the filing.
SubmittingAlienAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an Alien Person submitting the Immigration Documentation
SubmittingCitizenAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the Citizen who submitted the Immigration Documentation
SubmittingEducationOrganizationclass instanceAn Educational Organization submitting the Immigration Documentation
SubmittingEmploymentOrganizationclass instanceAn Employment Organization who submitting the Immigration Documentation
SubmittingEntityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the entity submitting the documentation
SubmittingLawFirmclass instanceA Law Firm Organization submitting the Immigration Documentation
SubmittingPersonclass instanceA Person submitting the Immigration Documentation
SubPremisesTypeListclassA list of sub premises types
SubscriberOrganizationclass instanceAn organization associated with the notification activity.
SubSectorclass instanceA major grouping within the sector to which the asset belongs -see Infrastructure Taxonomy Ver.3
SubsectorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubsectorType.
SubSectorNameclass instanceA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SubSectorTaxonomyDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the Sub Sector based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
SubSectorTaxonomyIDclass instanceA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SubsectorTypeclassA data type for a major grouping within the sector to which the asset belongs.
SubSegmentclass instanceA data type for a major grouping within the segment to which the asset belongs.
SubsegmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubsegmentType.
SubSegmentDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the Sub Segment based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
SubSegmentNameclass instanceA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SubSegmentTaxonomyIDclass instanceA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
SubsegmentTypeclassA data type for a major grouping within the segment to which the asset belongs.
SubsidyMonthlyAmountclass instanceAn amount of monthly subsidy the juvenile receives.
Substanceclass instanceA matter or substance of which something consists.
SubstanceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a name of a substance.
SubstanceAbuseCurrentDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of current substance abuse.
SubstanceAbuseDetailsclass instanceA set of details about a person's substance abuse.
SubstanceAbuseDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubstanceAbuseDetailsType.
SubstanceAbuseDetailsTypeclassA data type for the details about a person's substance abuse.
SubstanceAbusePastDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of past substance abuse issues which may include details about substances used or abused in the past, past treatment episodes or other details related to a person's substance use in the past.
SubstanceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SubstanceType.
SubstanceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of substance.
SubstanceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of substance.
SubstanceCompositionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the ingredients or makeup of a substance.
SubstanceContainerDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a container used to hold a substance.
SubstanceFormTextclass instanceA physical state or form in which a substance appears.
SubstanceFoundDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of where a substance was found.
SubstanceMeasureclass instanceA measure of the amount of something.
SubstanceMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:SubstanceMeasureType
SubstanceMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of the amount of something.
SubstanceQuantityMeasureclass instanceA quantity of a substance being described.
SubstanceTestclass instanceA test administered to identify/quantify substances, e.g., drug, alcohol, etc., in a person's system/body.
SubstanceTypeclassA data type for the matter or substance of which something consists.
SubstanceUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for an amount of substance.
SubstanceUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measure for a quantity of a substance.
SuicideRiskOrRiskOfSelfHarmDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the risk of suicide or self-harm.
SuicideRiskOrRiskOfSelfHarmIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile is at risk of suicide or self-harm; false otherwise.
Summonsclass instanceA written notification warning a person to appear in court at a specific date and time.
SundayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Sunday operating hours.
superComplexclass instanceThe property elements gml:subComplex, gml:superComplex and gml:maximalComplex provide an encoding for relationships between topology complexes as described for gml:TopoComplex above.
SupervisedReleaseclass instanceAn activity relating to the supervision of a subject based on specific conditions placed upon a subject as imposed by a court or supervising agency.
SupervisedReleaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SupervisedReleaseType.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseClothingclass instanceA collection clothing given to the subject for release.
SupervisedReleaseElectronicMonitoringIndicatorclass instanceTrue if electronic monitoring is being used on a subject; false otherwise.
SupervisedReleaseMultipleJurisdictionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject is presently being supervised by agencies in addition to agency providing the report; false otherwise.
SupervisedReleaseParoleUnitTextclass instanceA Parole Unit that will supervise the subject on release.
SupervisedReleaseProjectedEndDateclass instanceA date on which supervised release is projected to end.
SupervisedReleaseResourceclass instanceA set of details about the resources of a subject at the time of release.
SupervisedReleaseResourceAmountclass instanceAn amount of lease resource provided by an entity.
SupervisedReleaseResourceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SupervisedReleaseResourceType
SupervisedReleaseResourceCashTotalAmountclass instanceA total cash amount distributed before the release of the subject..
SupervisedReleaseResourceIDclass instanceAn identifier for a personal check from or for the subject.
SupervisedReleaseResourceTotalAmountclass instanceA total dollar amount of personal resources.
SupervisedReleaseResourceTypeclassA data type for a set of details about the resources of a subject at the time of release.
SupervisedReleaseRevocationDateclass instanceA date that the supervised release was revoked.
SupervisedReleaseRevocationReasonTextclass instanceA reason for which supervised release was revoked.
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeclass instanceA status of a supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseSupervisingOfficialNarrativeclass instanceA comment or narrative provided by the supervising official.
SupervisedReleaseTypeclassA data type for an activity relating to the supervision of a subject based on specific conditions placed upon a subject as imposed by a court or supervising agency.
supervisionattributeThe supervision of a defendant.
Supervisionclass instanceA process of overseeing, supervising, or keeping track in some capacity of a person.
SupervisionAgencyRecordIdentificationclass instanceA case identification number assigned by the jail, prison, probation officer
SupervisionAreaIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of an area or block within a supervision facility a subject is assigned.
SupervisionAssessmentclass instanceAn assessment of a person in or entering supervision.
SupervisionAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SupervisionAssessmentType
SupervisionAssessmentExclusionaryFactorTextclass instanceA kind of exclusionary factor applied to a subject.
SupervisionAssessmentHighRiskSexOffenderScoreValueclass instanceA high risk sex offender (HRSO) score.
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusActiveHoldsNumberTextclass instanceA number representing the active holds for a subject.
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusType
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusHoldsAgencyNameclass instanceA name of an agency or entity with holds for a subject.
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusTextclass instanceA kind of incarceration status.
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's incarceration status.
SupervisionAssessmentTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision assessment.
SupervisionAssignedTermclass instanceA duration of time a person has been assigned to be under supervision.
SupervisionAssignmentclass instanceA set of details about a subject's supervision assignment.
SupervisionAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a supervision.
SupervisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SupervisionType.
SupervisionAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a supervision.
SupervisionBedIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a bed within a supervision facility cell a subject is assigned.
SupervisionBoardActionDocumentclass instanceA form specifying an action to take that is filed by the board of a supervisory agency.
SupervisionCautionTextclass instanceA warning, caution, or risk associated with supervising a person.
SupervisionCellIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a cell housing within a supervision facility a subject is assigned.
SupervisionClassificationDateclass instanceA date a person under supervision is classified.
SupervisionConditionclass instanceA condition that must be met for a person to remain in supervision.
SupervisionConditionalReleaseclass instanceA provisional release of a subject that requires defined conditions to be met to prevent the supervision from being reinstated.
SupervisionCurrentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject is currently under supervision; false otherwise.
SupervisionCustodyStatusclass instanceA status of the custody of a person under supervision.
SupervisionCustodyStatusclass instanceA status of the custody of a person under supervision.
SupervisionCustodyTransferclass instanceA transfer of a subject from the supervision of one facility, agency, or official to the supervision of another.
SupervisionDisciplinaryActionclass instanceA self-improving or restitutional activity that must or may be performed by a person under supervision.
SupervisionFacilityclass instanceA facility at which a subject is being supervised.
SupervisionFacilityclass instanceA facility at which a subject is being supervised.
SupervisionFeeclass instanceA description of a charge assigned to a person under supervision.
SupervisionFelonyOffenseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject is incarcerated for a felony offense; false if a person is incarcerated for a misdemeanor.
SupervisionFineAmountclass instanceA pecuniary criminal punishment or penalty payable to the public treasury
SupervisionFineAmountclass instanceA pecuniary criminal punishment or penalty payable to the public treasury
SupervisionGoodDaysCreditTextclass instanceA number a days a subject is credited spending with good behavior under supervision.
SupervisionHearingclass instanceA supervising agency proceeding where evidence is taken to determine supervision status
SupervisionHistoryclass instanceA set of details about a subject's supervision history.
SupervisionHistoryAggressionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of aggression classification of subject based of their supervision history.
SupervisionHistoryAggressionNarrativeTextclass instanceA narrative detailing the subject's history of aggression.
SupervisionHistoryAggressionTextclass instanceA kind of aggression classification of subject based of their supervision history.
SupervisionHistoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SupervisionHistoryType
SupervisionHistoryClassificationScoreclass instanceA numerical score based on an instrument or assessment tool (e.g. Vera Institute) for the purpose of classification and assignment.
SupervisionHistoryContinuousMinimumCustodyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the offender has been continuously held in minimum custody during the review period; false otherwise.
SupervisionHistoryNoSeriousDisciplinaryViolationsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the offender has had no serious disciplinary violations during the review period; false otherwise.
SupervisionHistorySupervisionOffenseclass instanceA set of details about a subject's supervision offense.
SupervisionHistoryTotalFavorablePointsNumericclass instanceA number of total favorable incarceration behavior points based on the review period.
SupervisionHistoryTotalUnfavorablePointsNumericclass instanceA number of total unfavorable incarceration behavior points based on the period since the last classification review.
SupervisionHistoryTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision history.
SupervisionIncidentclass instanceAn occurrence or an event that occurs during Supervision that may require a response.
SupervisionIncidentPersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between Supervision Incident and Person.
SupervisionIncidentPersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SupervisionIncidentPersonAssociationType.
SupervisionIncidentPersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between Supervision Incident and Person.
SupervisionIntensiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject requires more effort in supervising than normal; false otherwise.
SupervisionIsolationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject should be kept apart from other members being supervised; false otherwise.
SupervisionJurisdictionclass instanceAn area or location within which a person must remain in while under supervision.
SupervisionLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a level of supervision required by a person.
SupervisionLevelCodeclass instanceA level of supervision required by a person.
SupervisionLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for levels of supervision required for a person.
SupervisionLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for levels of supervision required for a person.
SupervisionLevelTextclass instanceA level of supervision required by a person.
SupervisionMandatoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a supervision of a person is required; false if a supervision is optional.
SupervisionModifiedTermclass instanceA modified or changed detail about the duration of time a person is assigned to spend under supervision.
SupervisionOtherLocationclass instanceA location other than a facility at which a person under supervision is located.
SupervisionParoleReleaseDateclass instanceA date for a parolees release from supervision.
SupervisionPersonclass instanceA person who is being supervised.
SupervisionPersonEvaluationclass instanceA diagnostic study of a physical or mental status or condition of a Person
SupervisionPersonStatusclass instanceA status of a person under supervision.
SupervisionReinstatementDateclass instanceA date that a supervision is reinstated.
SupervisionReleaseclass instanceA complete and unrestricted release of a subject from a supervision.
SupervisionReleaseDateclass instanceA date set at which a person under supervision is released.
SupervisionReleaseEligibilityDateclass instanceA date set at which a person under supervision is eligible for release
SupervisionRestrictionclass instanceA restriction on a supervised person.
SupervisionRestrictionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a supervision restriction.
SupervisionRestrictionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SupervisionRestrictionType.
SupervisionRestrictionBehaviorTextclass instanceA behavior a supervised person is restricted from doing.
SupervisionRestrictionCodeclass instanceA supervision restriction.
SupervisionRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for restrictions placed upon a person under supervision.
SupervisionRestrictionCodeTypeclassA data type for restrictions placed upon a person under supervision.
SupervisionRestrictionLocationclass instanceA location a supervised person is restricted from going to.
SupervisionRestrictionPersonclass instanceA person a supervised person is restricted from involvement.
SupervisionRestrictionTypeclassA data type for a restriction on a supervised person.
SupervisionSegregationclass instanceA set of details about a subject's supervision segregation.
SupervisionSelfImposedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person voluntarily agreed to supervision; false otherwise.
SupervisionServedTermclass instanceA duration of time a person has actually spent under supervision.
SupervisionStatusclass instanceA status of a subject's current supervision.
SupervisionSubjectResponsibilityTextclass instanceA job or responsibility a subject holds within a supervision facility.
SupervisionSupervisorclass instanceAn entity that supervises a person.
SupervisionTypeclassA data type for an act of officially overseeing, supervising, or keeping track in some capacity of a person.
SupervisionTypeclassA data type for an act of officially overseeing, supervising, or keeping track in some capacity of a person.
SupervisionViolationclass instanceA violation of a condition or rule of a person while under supervision.
SupervisionViolationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:SupervisionViolationType
SupervisionViolationCircumstancesTextclass instanceA description of the circumstances surrounding the rule violation.
SupervisionViolationDAAcceptedCaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the District Attorney accepted the rule violation case; false otherwise.
SupervisionViolationInvestigativeReportTextclass instanceA documented testimony of interviewed subject, reporting employee, and any others who have significant information concerning the incident that resulted in a Rules Violation Report.
SupervisionViolationIssuedDateclass instanceA date the initial supervision violation was issued.
SupervisionViolationOtherDetailsTextclass instanceA detailed description of other details about a supervision violation.
SupervisionViolationQuantityclass instanceA count of rules violations.
SupervisionViolationReferredToDADateclass instanceA date on which the case was referred to the DA.
SupervisionViolationReportedDateTimeclass instanceA date and time the rule violation report was signed by the staff.
SupervisionViolationReportingStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member who reported the violation.
SupervisionViolationSpecificActTextclass instanceA comment specifying the details of the act of the violation.
SupervisionViolationStaffMemberclass instanceA set of details about a staff member involved in a rules violation incident.
SupervisionViolationSupplementalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the CDC 115-C report is a supplemental report; false otherwise.
SupervisionViolationTextclass instanceA violation of a condition or rule of a person while under supervision.
SupervisionViolationTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision violation.
SupervisionVisitationclass instanceA visit from a person to a subject.
SupplementalFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a supplemental capture position, such as EJIs or fingertips
SupplementalFingerPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a supplemental capture position, such as EJIs or fingertips
SupplementalFrictionRidgePositionCodeclass instanceA code for extended friction ridge position exemplar or search captures
SupplementalFrictionRidgePositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for extended friction ridge position exemplar or search captures
SupplementalFrictionRidgePositionCodeTypeclassA data type for extended friction ridge position exemplar or search captures
SupportedCaseCategoriesclass instanceA list of ECF case types.
SupportedCaseCategoriesTypeclassA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
supportedCaseTypesrelationA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
SupportedCaseTypesclassA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
SupportedMessageProfileclassA message profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
supportedMessageProfilerelationA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
SupportedOperationsclassA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries.
SupportedOperationsclass instanceA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries
SupportedOperationsTypeclassA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries.
SupportedServiceInteractionProfilesclass instanceA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
SupportedServiceInteractionProfilesTypeclassA message profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
supportedSignatureProfilerelationA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
SupportedSignatureProfileclassA signature profile approved for use with ECF 3.0 by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportedSignatureProfilesTypeclassA signature profile approved for use with ECF 3.0 by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportedSignaturesProfilesclass instanceA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
SupportingGroundsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the legal basis for the child-support remedies sought in the petition (e.g., respondent is non-custodial parent and is failing to provide support, a change in the parties' circumstances justifies a modification, etc.).
SupportingGroundsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the legal basis for the child-support remedies sought in the petition (e.g., respondent is non-custodial parent and is failing to provide support, a change in the parties' circumstances justifies a modification, etc.).
SupportingMissionEssentialTaskclass instanceA set of specific activities that contribute to accomplishment of a joint mission-essential task. Supporting tasks associated with a command or AMETL are accomplished by the JS or subordinate commands or agencies.
SupportLevelclass instanceA classification of the extent of dependence based on FAMILY ASSOCIATION.
SupportLevelAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SupportLevelType.
SupportLevelCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of support level.
SupportLevelCategoryCodeTextclass instanceA kind of support level.
SupportLevelCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of support level.
SupportLevelTypeclassA data type for a classification of the extent of dependence based on FAMILY ASSOCIATION.
supportOperationrelationA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries
Surfaceclass instanceA Surface is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches as specified in ISO 19107:2003, The surface patches are connected to one another.
patches encapsulates the patches of the surface.
surfaceArrayPropertyclass instance
SurfaceArrayPropertyTypeclassgml:SurfaceArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of surfaces. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
SurfaceCodeclass instanceA surface category description of the segment
SurfaceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type indicating the surface segment code
SurfaceCodeTypeclassA data type indicating the surface segment code
SurfaceInterpolationTypeclassgml:SurfaceInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
surfaceMemberclass instanceThis property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. A surface element is any element, which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSurface.
surfaceMembersclass instanceThis property element contains a list of surfaces. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyTypeclassgml:SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType is a container for a sequence of surface patches.
surfacePropertyclass instanceThis property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. surfaceProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for AbstractSurface.
SurfacePropertyTypeclassA property that has a surface as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
SurfaceTypeclassA data type for a surface, which is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches. The surface patches are connected to one another.
SurrogateParentChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a child and a person who participated in one or more phases of the child's conception and gestation (for example, egg donor, sperm donor, maternal surrogate).
Suspectclass instanceA person suspected of illegal activity.
SuspiciousActivityCodeclass instanceA categorization of the activity observed.
SuspiciousActivityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the broad categorization of Suspicious Activity.
SuspiciousActivityCodeTypeclassA data type for the broad categorization of Suspicious Activity.
SuspiciousIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the ORGANIZATION is determined to be questionable or under suspicion; false otherwise.
SVCCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 26 - Service Information (SVC) Field Codes
SVCCodeTypeclassA data type for 26 - Service Information (SVC) Field Codes
SystemAuditEventclass instanceA set of system event data for audit reporting purposes.
SystemAuditEventAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SystemAuditEventType.
SystemAuditEventTypeclassA data type for a system event for audit reporting purposes.
systemEnvironmentattributeThe system environment (e.g. production, test, development) in which the error occured.
SystemEventclass instanceA set of data about a system event.
SystemEventAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:SystemEventType.
SystemEventDateTimeclass instanceA date and time of a system event.
SystemEventDateTimeclass instanceA date and time of a system event.
SystemEventDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a system event.
SystemEventNameclass instanceA name of a system event.
SystemEventTypeclassA data type for a system event.
SystemEventTypeclassA data type for a system event.
SystemIdentificationclass instanceA number or code identification assigned by a system to uniquely identify a person or object.
SystemIdentificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for SystemIdentificationType.
SystemIdentificationTypeclassA data type for a number or code assigned to a system to uniquely identify the system.
SystemNameclass instanceA name of the kind or the source of a system identifier.
SystemNameCodeclass instanceA code that contains the dental system codes
SystemNameCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a dental system codes
SystemNameCodeTypeclassA data type for a dental system codes
SystemOperatingModeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the operating mode of a system.
SystemOperatingModeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the operating mode of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeclass instanceA code for an operating mode of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeclass instanceA code for an operating mode of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeTypeclassA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeTypeclassA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeNameclass instanceA name of the operating mode of a system.
SystemOperatingModeTextclass instanceA description of a system operating mode.
SystemUserNameAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event.
SystemVersionTextclass instanceA kind of system version text