WagesAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WagesType.
WagesBasePayAmountclass instanceAn amount of an employee's initial rate of compensation, excluding extra lump sum compensation or increases in the rate of pay. An employee's base pay can be expressed as a base hourly rate of pay or as an annual salary.
WagesBasicSalaryAmountclass instanceAn amount of employee compensation quoted on an annual basis.
WagesDisbursingDateclass instanceA date wages were disbursed to receipient.
WagesFederalTaxableAmountclass instanceAn amount of wages subject to federal tax.
WagesFederalTaxWithheldAmountclass instanceAn amount of federal tax witheld.
WagesGrossPayAmountclass instanceAn amount of an employee's pay of any kind before any deductions are made by the employer.
WagesPayBasicCodeclass instanceA code indicating the type of wages.
WagesPayGradeCodeclass instanceA classification of the pay grade.
WagesPayPeriodEndDateclass instanceA last date wages are included in a payment.
WagesPayPlanCodeclass instanceA code indicating the pay plan.
WagesPayrollOfficeNumberTextclass instanceA description of the office where payroll is administered.
WagesPayStatusCodeclass instanceA code indicating the status of payment of wages.
WagesPayStepTextclass instanceA description of the wage ranges for pay grades.
WagesRetiredPayEntitlementEffectiveDateclass instanceA date retirement entitlement pay was effective.
WagesStateTaxableAmountclass instanceAn amount of wages subject to state tax.
WagesStateTaxWithheldAmountclass instanceAn amount of state tax witheld.
WagesTotalBasePayAllDrillsAmountclass instanceA total amount of all military wages from all sources.
WagesTypeclassA data type for Wages Class
Waiverclass instanceA data element representing a granted credential waiver of a person
WaiverAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WaiverType
WaiverAuthorizerclass instanceA data element for the entity who authorized the waiver
WaiverDateclass instanceA data element for the date a waiver is issued
WaiverTypeclassA data type for the credential class of a waiver
Warehouseclass instanceA set of information about a warehouse.
WarehouseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WarehouseType.
WarehouseCategoryCodeTextclass instanceAn identification of a warehouse where a particular goods shipment has been stored.
WarehouseDateclass instanceA date of arrival at location of goods Date when declared goods was/will be carried into designated warehouse.
WarehouseLicenseNumberTextclass instanceA warehouse license number.
WarehouseTypeclassA data type for a warehouse
Warrantclass instanceAn authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action.
WarrantAppearanceBailclass instanceA monetary condition placed on a person to ensure appearance in court.
WarrantAppearanceBailForfeitTextclass instanceA reason an appearance bond was forfeited in connection to a warrant.
WarrantAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a warrant.
WarrantAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WarrantType.
WarrantAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a warrant.
WarrantCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of warrant.
WarrantClassificationclass instanceA classification of a warrant.
WarrantClassificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WarrantClassificationType.
WarrantClassificationTypeclassA data type for a classification of a warrant.
WarrantDeportDemandDateclass instanceA date on which DHS demanded a WARRANT to be served to an individual to facilitate deportation.
WarrantDeportServeDateclass instanceA date on which DHS served a WARRANT to an individual to facilitate deportation.
WarrantDeportSurrenderDateclass instanceA date on which the individual must appear for deportation as a result of the WARRANT.
WarrantExtraditionLimitationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
WarrantExtraditionLimitationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
WarrantExtraditionLimitationCodeclass instanceA kind of limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
WarrantExtraditionLimitationCodeclass instanceA kind of limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
WarrantExtraditionLimitationTextclass instanceA limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
WarrantExtraditionStateNameclass instanceA name of a state that an arrest warrant specifies a subject is to be extradited from.
WarrantFurtherProcessingTextclass instanceAn area a warrant went to for further processing or service.
WarrantIdentificationclass instanceAn identification value for the warrant number.
WarrantLevelTextclass instanceAn offense level associated with a warrant to be served.
WarrantOffenseOccurredDateclass instanceA date that the warrant offense occurred. Format is MMDDYY.
WarrantProbableCauseTextclass instanceA justification for securing a warrant.
WarrantTypeclassA data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action.
WarrantTypeclassA data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action.
Watchclass instanceA small, portable time piece.
WatchAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WatchType.
WatchFaceColorTextclass instanceA color of a watch face.
WatchFaceDisplayTextclass instanceA kind of display of a watch face, such as digital, analog, roman numerals, etc.
WatchFaceMaterialTextclass instanceA kind of material out of which a watch face is made.
WatchFaceShapeTextclass instanceA shape of a watch face.
Watchlistclass instanceA DOCUMENT which contains a nomination list prepared and approved by the National Center of Counter Terrorism.
WatchlistAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WatchlistType.
WatchlistCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of watchlist.
WatchlistCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistClassificationclass instanceA classification of the WATCHLIST.
WatchlistClassificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WatchlistClassificationType.
WatchlistClassificationTypeclassA data type for a classification of the WATCHLIST.
WatchlistTypeclassA data type for a DOCUMENT which contains a nomination list prepared and approved by the National Center of Counter Terrorism.
WatchTypeclassA data type for a small, portable time piece.
WaterStorageCodeclass instanceAn element for the water storage types
WaterStorageCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the water storage types
WaterStorageCodeTypeclassA data type for the water storage types
WaterStorageComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the water storage Component
WaterStorageComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the water storage components
WaterStorageComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for the water storage components
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for water based collection and distribution types
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for water based collection and distribution types
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for water based collection and distribution types
Waypointclass instanceA point or a series of points to which a moving object may be vectored.
WaypointAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:WaypointType
WaypointNameclass instanceA name of a waypoint.
WaypointPointclass instanceA point to which a moving object may be vectored.
WaypointTypeclassA data type for a point or a series of points to which a moving object may be vectored.
WCODocumentCategoryclass instanceA category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WCODocumentCategoryType.
WCODocumentCategoryCodeclass instanceA category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentCategoryTypeclassA data type for a category of a document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryclass instanceA category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code indicating the function of a document.
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WCODocumentFunctionCategoryType.
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryCodeclass instanceA code indicating the function of a document.
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryTypeclassA data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document.
WCODocumentNameCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WCODocumentNameCategoryType.
WCODocumentNameCategoryCodeclass instanceA category code of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentNameCategoryTypeclassA data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document.
Weaponclass instanceA property item used as in instrument of attack or defense.
WeaponAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WeaponType.
WeaponIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an item is traditionally considered to be a weapon; false otherwise.
WeaponInvolvedInActivityclass instanceAn activity in which a weapon was involved.
WeaponTypeclassA data type for a property item used as an instrument of attack or defense.
WeaponUsageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an item not traditionally considered to be a weapon is used as such; false otherwise.
WeaponUsageTextclass instanceA way or manner in which a weapon was used.
WeaponUserclass instanceA person who uses a weapon.
WednesdayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Wensday operating hours.
WeekDayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal weekday operating hours.
WeekEndHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal weekend operating hours.
weightattributeA measurement of the weight of a person.
weightattributeA measurement of the weight of a person.
WeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of a weight.
WeightMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:WeightMeasureType
WeightMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a weight.
WeightMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a weight.
weightUnitattributeA unit of measuring weight.
WeightUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure for weight.
WeightUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measure of the weight value.
WeightUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measure of the weight value.
WetDebrisValueclass instanceAn element for the wet debris removed from bodies of water. (cubic yards)
WGS84EllipseTypeclassA data type for an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84 coordinates, meters, and decimal degrees.
WGS84ExternalPolygonTypeclassA data type for a polygon having no interior regions, using WGS84 coordinates.
WGS84LineStringTypeclassA data type for a series of connected line segments, using WGS84 coordinates
WGS84LocationCylinderclass instanceA location identified by a cylinder oriented vertically and centered on a point described with WGS84 coordinates. If it is appropriate for the radius and half-height properties to represent an error value (for example, because the event is a laser-designated target), then the true event location follows a normal distribution such that the cylinder defines the one-sigma (p?0.67)(almost equal to) deviation. (A cylinder with twice the volume would be the two-sigma (p?0.95)(almost equal to) deviation, etc.) Otherwise the cylinder encloses the full physical extent of the event.
WGS84LocationCylinderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:WGS84LocationCylinderType
WGS84LocationCylinderTypeclassA data type for a cylinder described with WGS84 coordinates and meters.
WGS84LocationEllipseclass instanceA area region described by an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84, meters, and decimal degrees.
WGS84LocationExternalPolygonclass instanceAn area region described by a polygon with no interior region, using WGS84 coordinates.
WGS84LocationLineStringclass instanceA data type for a series of connected line segments, using WGS84 coordinates.
WGS84LocationPointclass instanceA data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
WGS84LocationPointTypeclassA data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
whereclass instanceRoot property element of an OASIS GML instance
WhereTypeclassRoot property type for an OASIS GML instance
WhiteDebrisValueclass instanceAn element for the white goods: household appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc. (cubic yards)
WillFilingDateclass instanceDate on which the will of the decesaed person was filed in the court.
WindowEndEnergyValueListclass instanceA end energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV.
WindowStartEnergyValueListclass instanceA start energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV.
Witnessclass instanceA person who has observed an incident.
WitnessAccountDescriptionTextclass instanceA description or narrative of an incident as reported by the witness.
WitnessAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for WitnessType.
WitnessDateclass instanceA date a witness observed an incident.
WitnessIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number or string identifying a witness.
WitnessLocationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a location from which the witness observed an incident.
WitnessReportVerifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a witness's story has been corroborated or validated; false otherwise.
WitnessSequenceNumberTextclass instanceA sequential number assigned to the witness of an incident.
WitnessSpecialConditionTextclass instanceA special condition a witness requires to testify.
WitnessTypeclassA data type for a person who has observed an incident.
WitnessWillTestifyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a witness is willing to testify; false otherwise.
WorkLaborCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination.
WorkLaborCodeTypeclassA data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination.
WorkZoneCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of Work Zone.
WorkZoneCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of Work Zone.
WorkZoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone
WorkZoneCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone
WorkZoneCrashLocationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a crash location inside Work Zone.
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeclass instanceA crash location inside Work Zone.
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone.
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone.
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication of whether workers are present in the work zone.
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeclass instanceAn indication of whether workers are present in the work zone.
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeTypeclassA data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence