mclass viewMaritime
m:CaptainOfThePortZoneAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CaptainOfThePortZoneType.
m:CargoattributeA good or goods transported by a conveyance.
m:CargoAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CargoType.
m:CargoCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind or category of cargo.
m:CargoChargeableWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the gross weight or mass of cargo on which a charge is to be based.
m:CargoCustomsValueAmountattributeA monetary value of cargo as it relates to customs and importation.
m:CargoDestinationLocationattributeAn intended destination of cargo.
m:CargoDiameterMeasureattributeA measure of the diameter of cargo.
m:CargoDrainedWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the drained weight of cargo.
m:CargoGrossVolumeMeasureattributeA measure of the total gross volume of cargo.
m:CargoGrossWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the total weight or mass of cargo.
m:CargoHazardousMaterialIndicatorattributeTrue if cargo contains hazardous material; false otherwise.
m:CargoHazmatDeclarationattributeA declaration for hazardous materials in cargo.
m:CargoIdentificationattributeAn identification of cargo.
m:CargoItemAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CargoItemType.
m:CargoMaterialAmountMeasureattributeA measure of the amount, weight, volume, or mass of cargo.
m:CargoNetVolumeMeasureattributeA measure of the net volume of cargo.
m:CargoNetWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the net weight or mass of cargo, excluding both packaging and transport equipment.
m:CargoOriginLocationattributeAn origin of cargo.
m:CargoPackagedIndicatorattributeTrue if the cargo is packaged; false otherwise.
m:CargoResidueIndicatorattributeTrue if the cargo is residue; false otherwise.
m:CargoTareWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the weight or mass of transport means for cargo including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.
m:CDCCargoattributeAn item of certain dangerous cargo.
m:CDCCargoListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CDCCargoListType.
m:CertificateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CertificateType.
m:CertificateEndorsementTextattributeAn endorsement, qualification, or rating listed on a certificate which authorizes the performance of certain duties or actions.
m:CertificateIssueDateattributeA date when a certificate was issued.
m:CertificateIssuingAgencyattributeAn agency or organization that issued a certificate.
m:CertificateJurisdictionattributeA description of locations or regions for which a certificate is valid or appropriate.
m:CertificateRestrictionTextattributeA restriction on a certificate.
m:COTPZoneContactInformationattributeA point of contact (POC) for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
m:COTPZoneGoverningEntityattributeAn organization that is responsible for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
m:COTPZoneRegionAbstractattributeA data concept for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone or region.
m:COTPZoneRegionAbstractattributeA data concept for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone or region.
m:CrewattributeA crew member.
m:CrewAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CrewType.
m:CrewListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CrewListType.
m:CrewNationalityAbstractattributeA data concept for a nationality of one or more crew members on a vessel
m:CrewNationalityCountattributeA count of the number of crew members on a vessel with a particular nationality
m:CrewNationalityCountAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CrewNationalityCountType.
m:CrewNationalityListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CrewNationalityListType.
m:CrewNationalityQuantityattributeA count of crew members of a particular nationality
m:CrewRoleAbstractattributeA data concept for a role a crew member fulfills on a vessel.
m:HazmatDeclarationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HazmatDeclarationType.
m:HazmatDeclarationChemicalCommonNameattributeA name of a chemical that is commonly used.
m:HazmatDeclarationContactInformationattributeA point of contact (POC) for a hazmat declaration.
m:HazmatDeclarationDescriptionTextattributeA description of a hazardous material listed on a hazmat declaration.
m:HazmatDeclarationDestinationLocationattributeAn intended destination for a hazardous material listed on a hazmat declaration.
m:HazmatDeclarationFlashPointMeasureattributeA measure of the lowest temperature at which a hazardous material can form an ignitable mixture in air.
m:HazmatDeclarationHazardLevelAbstractattributeA data concept for an assessment of the degree of hazard pertaining to a hazardous material.
m:HazmatDeclarationHazmatClassAbstractattributeA data concept for a US DOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) hazmat class pertaining to a hazardous material.
m:HazmatDeclarationMaterialAmountMeasureattributeA measure of the amount, weight, volume, or mass of a hazardous material.
m:HazmatDeclarationOriginLocationattributeAn origin of a hazardous material.
m:HazmatDeclarationUNHazmatCodeattributeA United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
m:HazmatDeclarationUNHazmatPageTextattributeA set of textual content of a hazmat declaration page.
m:InterestAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InterestType.
m:InterestCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of item of interest.
m:InterestDateRangeattributeA date and time range when the interest is relevant.
m:InterestDescriptionTextattributeA description of an item of interest.
m:InterestLevelAbstractattributeA data concept for a level or degree of interest.
m:InterestLexiconSourceTextattributeA definition source for interest level/category information. e.g. NORTHCOM, USMTF, etc.
m:InterestNotificationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of notification of an item of interest.
m:InternationalShipSecurityCertificateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InternationalShipSecurityCertificateType.
m:ISSCCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind or category of International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
m:LocationOnVesselAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationOnVesselType.
m:LocationOnVesselDeckTextattributeA location on a vessel specified by deck.
m:LocationOnVesselDescriptionTextattributeA description of a location on a vessel.
m:LocationOnVesselDistanceFromBowMeasureattributeA measure of distance from a location on a vessel to its bow.
m:LocationOnVesselDistanceFromPortMeasureattributeA measure of distance from a location on a vessel to its port side.
m:LocationOnVesselDistanceFromStarboardMeasureattributeA measure of distance from a location on a vessel to its starboard side.
m:LocationOnVesselDistanceFromSternMeasureattributeA measure of distance from a location on a vessel to its stern.
m:LocationOnVesselElevationMeasureattributeA measure of the elevation above or below the waterline of a vessel. A positive value implies a location above the waterline and a negative value implies a location below the waterline.
m:LocationPointAbstractattributeA data concept for a location specified by a 2D or 3D point.
m:LocationPointAbstractattributeA data concept for a location specified by a 2D or 3D point.
m:LocationPortattributeA location identified by a port.
m:LocationUNLOCODEAbstractattributeA data concept for a location identified by a United Nations Location Code, also known as a UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
m:MaximumAcceptableTemperatureMeasureattributeA measure of the maximum acceptable storage temperature for something.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentattributeA Merchant Mariner Document (MMD) issued to a merchant mariner.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MerchantMarinerDocumentType.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentIdentificationattributeAn identification of a merchant mariner document.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentIssueDateattributeA date a merchant mariner document was issued.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentIssuerLocationattributeA location of the issuer of a merchant mariner document.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentIssuingOrganizationattributeAn issuer of a merchant mariner document.
m:MerchantMarinerDocumentRatingAbstractattributeA data concept for a rating on a merchant mariner document which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
m:MinimumAcceptableTemperatureMeasureattributeA measure of the minimum acceptable temperature.
m:NextPortOfCallattributeA next port of call for a vessel.
m:NextPortOfCallListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NextPortOfCallListType.
m:NonCrewattributeA non-crew person.
m:NonCrewAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonCrewType.
m:NonCrewListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonCrewListType.
m:NonCrewNationalityAbstractattributeA data concept for a nationality of one or more passengers on a vessel
m:NonCrewNationalityCountattributeA count of the number if passengers on a vessel with a particular nationality
m:NonCrewNationalityCountAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonCrewNationalityCountType.
m:NonCrewNationalityListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonCrewNationalityListType.
m:NonCrewNationalityQuantityattributeA count of passengers of a particular nationality
m:PersonAddressattributeAn address for a person.
m:PersonAddressattributeAn address for a person.
m:PersonBiometricURIattributeA URI for a biometric identification for a person.
m:PersonCabinNumberTextattributeA cabin number on a vessel.
m:PersonCountryOfResidenceAbstractattributeA data concept for a country of residence.
m:PersonDeathLocationattributeA location where a person died.
m:PersonDebarkationDateattributeA date and time a person debarked from a vessel.
m:PersonDebarkationLocationattributeA location where a person debarked from a vessel.
m:PersonEmbarkationDateattributeA date and time a person embarked on (boarded) a vessel.
m:PersonEmbarkationLocationattributeA location where a person embarked on (boarded) a vessel.
m:PersonOnVesselAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonOnVesselType.
m:PersonVisaattributeA travel document allowing international travelers to enter a country for a designated purpose within a designated period of time.
m:PersonVisitContactInformationattributeA primary contact telephone number.
m:PortattributeA facility capable of receiving vessels and transferring cargo.
m:PortAnchorageCapabilityTextattributeA description of the anchorage capabilities of a port.
m:PortAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PortType.
m:PortBENumberTextattributeA BE (Basic Encyclopedia) number for a port.
m:PortCargoCapabilityAbstractattributeA data concept for a description of cargo capabilities of a port.
m:PortCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a code to identify a port.
m:PortCOTPZoneattributeA Captain of the Port (COTP) zone to which a port belongs.
m:PortDepthAbstractattributeA data concept for a water depth of a port that limits which vessels can make use of the port.
m:PortDescriptionTextattributeA description of a port.
m:PortDockQuantityattributeA number of docks possessed by a port.
m:PortGovernmentAbstractattributeA data concept for a government which owns or operates a port, especially in the situation where a port is physically in one country but is owned or operated by another.
m:PortImageattributeAn image of a port.
m:PortISPSCompliantIndicatorattributeTrue if a port is compliant with International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) requirements; false otherwise.
m:PortMaximumVesselQuantityattributeA maximum number of vessels the port is capable of handling.
m:PortNameattributeA name of a port.
m:PortOperationalStatusattributeAn operational status of a port.
m:PortPilotBoatQuantityattributeA number of pilot boats available at a port.
m:PortStrategicPortOfEmbarkationIndicatorattributeTrue if troops, munitions, etc. can be loaded/unloaded at this port; false otherwise.
m:PortThreatLevelAbstractattributeA data concept for a threat level at a port.
m:PortUNLOCODEAbstractattributeA data concept for a United Nations Location Code of a maritime port, also known as a UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
m:PortVisitAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PortVisitType.
m:PositionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PositionType.
m:PositionCourseMeasureattributeA measure of the angular course of a vessel or other conveyance.
m:PositionDateTimeattributeA date and time that a position of a vessel or other conveyance was recorded or measured.
m:PositionHeadingMeasureattributeA measure of the angular heading of a vessel or other conveyance.
m:PositionNavigationStatusattributeA navigational status of a vessel or other conveyance at a particular position.
m:PositionRateOfTurnMeasureattributeA measurement of the rate of turn of a vessel or other conveyance.
m:PositionSpeedMeasureattributeA measure of the speed of a vessel or other conveyance.
m:PreviousForeignPortOfCallattributeA previous foreign port of call for a vessel.
m:PreviousForeignPortOfCallListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PreviousForeignPortOfCallListType.
m:ReasonInterimISSCIssuedAbstractattributeA data concept for a reason why an interim International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) was issued.
m:RecognizedISSCSecurityEntityattributeA Recognized Security Organization/Flag Administration for an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
m:RecordLocatorIdentificationattributeAn identification of a passenger name record (PNR).
m:RequiresTemperatureControlledStorageIndicatorattributeTrue if temperature controlled storage is required; false otherwise.
m:SeamanLicenseattributeAn able-bodied seaman license issued to a person.
m:SeamanLicenseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SeamanLicenseType.
m:SeamanLicenseIdentificationattributeAn identification of a seaman license.
m:SeamanLicenseIssueDateattributeA date a seaman license was issued.
m:SeamanLicenseIssuerLocationattributeA location of an issuer of a seaman license.
m:SeamanLicenseIssuingOrganizationattributeAn issuer of a seaman license.
m:SeamanLicenseRatingAbstractattributeA data concept for a rating on a seaman license which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
m:ShipmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ShipmentType.
m:ShipmentBillOfLadingNumberTextattributeA bill of lading number for a shipment.
m:ShipmentBookingNumberTextattributeA booking number for a shipment.
m:ShipmentCompletionDateattributeA date and time at which a shipment ends or is completed.
m:ShipmentContentsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the goods in a shipment.
m:ShipmentDestinationLocationattributeA destination of a shipment.
m:ShipmentHazmatDeclarationattributeA hazmat declaration for hazardous materials in a shipment.
m:ShipmentIdentificationattributeAn identification of a shipment.
m:ShipmentInitiationDateattributeA date and time at which a shipment is started or initiated.
m:ShipmentOriginLocationattributeAn origin of a shipment.
m:ShipmentStatusattributeA status of a shipment.
m:VesselActivityHistorySummaryTextattributeA summary of activities of note in which a vessel has participated.
m:VesselActualActivityattributeAn actual activity of a vessel.
m:VesselBeamMeasureattributeA measure of the beam (breadth) of a vessel.
m:VesselBuildDateattributeA date (or year) a vessel was built.
m:VesselCallSignTextattributeA call sign for a vessel.
m:VesselCargoCapabilityAbstractattributeA data concept for a description of cargo capabilities of a vessel.
m:VesselCargoCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of cargo that a vessel is carrying.
m:VesselCargoOnBoardIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel is carrying cargo; false otherwise.
m:VesselCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a description of a type of a vessel based upon the purpose for which the vessel was designed or built.
m:VesselCDCCapableIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel is Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC) capable; false otherwise.
m:VesselCDCCargoOnBoardIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel is carrying hazardous or Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC); false otherwise.
m:VesselCertificateOfFinancialResponsibilityOperatorattributeA responsible party for the Certificate of Financial Responsibility for a vessel.
m:VesselChartererattributeAn entity that chartered a vessel.
m:VesselClassAbstractattributeA data concept for a class or category of a vessel.
m:VesselClassificationSocietyNameattributeA name of a classification society for a vessel.
m:VesselContactInformationattributeA means of contacting a vessel.
m:VesselCraneQuantityattributeA number of cranes on a vessel.
m:VesselCruiseRangeMeasureattributeA measure of the range of a vessel while travelling at cruise speed.
m:VesselCruiseSpeedMeasureattributeA measure of the cruise speed of a vessel.
m:VesselCVSSAOnBoardIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel has at least one crew member qualified to meet 46 U.S.C Secs 3507, 3508; false otherwise.
m:VesselDeadWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the total carrying capacity of a vessel.
m:VesselDeckConfigurationTextattributeA deck configuration of a vessel.
m:VesselDeckEquipmentattributeA piece of equipment on the deck of a vessel.
m:VesselDescriptionTextattributeA description of a vessel.
m:VesselDestinationLocationattributeA destination of a vessel.
m:VesselDisplacementMeasureattributeA weight of a vessel when empty.
m:VesselDOCCertificateattributeA Document of Compliance (DOC) Certificate for a vessel.
m:VesselDraftMeasureattributeA measure of the draft of a vessel when fully loaded.
m:VesselDraftUnloadedMeasureattributeA measure of the draft of a vessel when unloaded.
m:VesselElectronicEquipmentattributeA piece of electronic equipment on a vessel.
m:VesselEnduranceMeasureattributeAn extent of time that, under normal conditions, a vessel can operate without support.
m:VesselEngineCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the kind of engines on a vessel.
m:VesselFuelCategoryTextattributeA kind of fuel a vessel uses.
m:VesselFuelConsumptionRateMeasureattributeA measure of the rate at which a vessel consumes fuel.
m:VesselGrossTonnageValueattributeA gross tonnage (GT) of a vessel, described as a unitless index related to the overall internal volume of a vessel.
m:VesselHailingPortattributeA hailing port of a vessel.
m:VesselHeloPadQuantityattributeA number of helicopter pads on a vessel.
m:VesselHINTextattributeA Hull Identification Number (HIN) for a vessel.
m:VesselHoldsQuantityattributeA number of holds in a vessel.
m:VesselHomePortattributeA home port of a vessel.
m:VesselHullCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a category or kind of a hull of a vessel.
m:VesselHullColorAbstractattributeA data concept for a primary color of the hull of a vessel.
m:VesselHullNumberTextattributeA hull number of a vessel.
m:VesselIdentificationattributeAn identification of a vessel.
m:VesselImageattributeAn image of a vessel.
m:VesselIMONumberTextattributeAn International Maritime Organization Number (IMO number) of a vessel.
m:VesselIncidentHistorySummaryTextattributeA summary of activities of note in which crew or passengers have participated. Examples include illegal or suspicious activities on the part of the passengers and, if applicable, vessels on which the passenger has previously traveled, vessels on which the passenger regularly traveled or travels, etc.
m:VesselIntendedActivityattributeAn intended activity of a vessel.
m:VesselIRCSTextattributeAn International Registered Call Sign (IRCS) of a vessel.
m:VesselISMCodeTextattributeAn International Safety Management (ISM) Code of a vessel.
m:VesselISSCattributeAn International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) for a vessel.
m:VesselKeelDateattributeA date (or year) the keel of a vessel was laid.
m:VesselLocationattributeA location of a vessel.
m:VesselManagerattributeAn entity that manages a vessel.
m:VesselMastHeightMeasureattributeA measure of the height of the tallest (highest) mast of a vessel.
m:VesselMaximumCrewQuantityattributeA maximum number of crew members that can be aboard a vessel.
m:VesselMaximumPassengerQuantityattributeA maximum number of passengers that are legally or safely permitted to be aboard a vessel.
m:VesselMaximumRangeMeasureattributeA measure of the maximum range of a vessel.
m:VesselMaximumSpeedMeasureattributeA measure of the maximum speed of a vessel.
m:VesselMaximumStaticDraftMeasureattributeA measure of the draft of a vessel when fully loaded.
m:VesselMMSITextattributeA Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) of a vessel.
m:VesselMovementDetailsattributeA set of details of the geospatial movement activities of a vessel.
m:VesselMovementDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VesselMovementDetailsType.
m:VesselNameattributeA name of a vessel.
m:VesselNationalFlagAbstractattributeA data concept for a country under which a vessel sails.
m:VesselNationalFlagImageattributeAn image of a national flag under which a vessel sails.
m:VesselNavigationStatusattributeA navigational status of a vessel.
m:VesselNetTonnageVolumeMeasureattributeA measure of the total internal volume of a vessel that is used for cargo.
m:VesselNonTankVesselResponsePlanIdentificationattributeAn identification of a Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP).
m:VesselNonTankVesselResponsePlanIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel has a Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) per 33 CFR 151,155,160; false otherwise.
m:VesselOfficialCoastGuardNumberTextattributeAn Official United States Coast Guard Number (USCG Official Number) of a vessel.
m:VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipmentAbstractattributeA data concept for a description of the Operational Condition of Equipment (OCE) of a vessel.
m:VesselOperatorattributeAn entity that is responsible for the day-to-day operations and travels of a vessel.
m:VesselOriginLocationattributeAn origin of a vessel.
m:VesselOverallLengthMeasureattributeA measure of the overall length of a vessel.
m:VesselOwnerattributeAn entity that owns a vessel.
m:VesselPersonRoleAbstractattributeA data concept for a role that a non-crewmember plays aboard a vessel (e.g., passenger, maintenance person, stowaway).
m:VesselRampQuantityattributeA number of ramps on a vessel.
m:VesselSafetyManagementCertificateattributeA Safety Management Certificate (SMC) for a vessel.
m:VesselSCONUMTextattributeA Ship Control Number (SCONUM) of a vessel.
m:VesselSecurityOfficerContactInformationattributeA set of contact information for the appointed Company Security Officer (CSO) of a vessel.
m:VesselSecurityPlanImplementedIndicatorattributeTrue if a vessel has implemented a Vessel Security Plan (VSP); false otherwise.
m:VesselShaftQuantityattributeA number of shafts on a vessel.
m:VesselStackQuantityattributeA number of stacks on a vessel.
m:VesselStateIdentificationattributeAn identification of a vessel given by a government.
m:VesselSubCategoryTextattributeA kind of vessel, a subcategory of VesselCategoryText.
m:VesselSuperstructureColorAbstractattributeA data concept for a primary color of a superstructure of a vessel.
m:VesselSuperstructureLocationattributeA location of a superstructure on a vessel.
m:VesselTRDMTextattributeA US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) Reference Data Model (TRDM) unique identifier for a vessel.
m:VesselViolationHistorySummaryTextattributeA summary of illegal activities in which the vessel has participated during the previous 5 years.
m:VesselVoyageattributeA journey of a vessel from one place to another.
m:VisitActualArrivalDateTimeattributeA date and time when a vessel actually arrived at a port.
m:VisitActualDepartureDateTimeattributeA date and time when a vessel actually departed from a port.
m:VisitAnchorageTextattributeAn anchorage a vessel will use while at a port.
m:VisitExpectedArrivalDateTimeattributeA date and time a vessel is expected to arrive at a port.
m:VisitExpectedDepartureDateTimeattributeA date and time a vessel is expected to depart from a port.
m:VisitLocationInPortattributeA location of a vessel in a port.
m:VisitReceivingFacilityNameattributeA name of a facility that will receive a vessel while at a port.
m:VoyageAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VoyageType.
m:VoyageBeginDateTimeattributeA date and time a voyage begins.
m:VoyageCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of a voyage.
m:VoyageDestinationLocationattributeA destination of a voyage.
m:VoyageEndDateTimeattributeA date and time a voyage ends.
m:VoyageIdentificationattributeAn identification of a voyage.
m:VoyageOriginLocationattributeAn origin of a voyage.
m:VoyageSummaryTextattributeA summary or description of a voyage.
m:VoyageVesselUseTextattributeA description of the use or purpose of a vessel on a voyage.
MACAddressIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a hardware device that connects to the Internet; Media Access Control.
Machineryclass instanceAn assemblage of machines or mechanical apparatuses.
MachineryCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of machinery.
MachineryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of machinery.
MachineryCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of machinery.
mailingAddressrelationA mailing address.
MajorCasePrintCodeclass instanceA number of pixels in the left coordinate of the Image.
MajorCasePrintCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a segment location or finger view code
MajorCasePrintCodeTextclass instanceA portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search
MajorCasePrintCodeTypeclassA data type for a segment location or finger view code
MajorCasePrintSegmentOffsetclass instanceA set of data describing the type and location of segments within a complete friction ridge exemplars image or slap print image
MajorCasePrintSegmentOffsetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Major Case Print Segment Offset
MajorCasePrintSegmentOffsetTypeclassA data type for a major case print segment offset
MajorDamageQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MajorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MajorDamageQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
majorDesignElementrelationAn ECF major design element (MDE)
MajorDesignElementclass instanceAn ECF major design element (MDE)
MajorDesignElementLocationIDclass instanceThe unique URL location of a major design element.
MajorDesignElementsclassAn ECF Major Design Element (MDE)
MajorDesignElementTypeclassAn ECF Major Design Element (MDE)
MajorDesignElementTypeCodeclass instanceName of a major design element.
MAKCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2 - Gun Make Field (MAK) Codes
MAKCodeTypeclassA data type for 2 - Gun Make Field (MAK) Codes
ManeuverAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
ManeuverCodeclass instanceA controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
ManeuverCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
ManeuverCodeTypeclassA data type for a controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
Manifestclass instanceA document containing information about persons, materials, cargo, and equipment on a conveyance.
ManifestAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a manifest.
ManifestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ManifestType.
ManifestAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a manifest.
ManifestCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of manifest document.
ManifestCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of manifest.
ManifestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of manifest.
ManifestCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of manifest.
ManifestCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of manifest.
ManifestPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between Persons traveling and a Manifest.
ManifestPersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ManifestPersonAssociationType.
ManifestPersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship for the Persons on a Manifest
ManifestTransmittedDateclass instanceA date the manifest was transmitted.
ManifestTypeclassA data type for the information about the persons and/or cargo transported on a conveyance trip.
Manufacturerclass instanceA party which manufactures goods.
ManufacturerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ManufacturerType.
ManufacturerIDCategoryclass instanceAn identifier of party which manufactures goods.
ManufacturerIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Manufacturer
ManufacturerTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of party which manufactures goods.
MapCoordinateFullTextclass instanceA coordinate of a point on a map.
MapDateclass instanceA date a map was published, copyrighted or became effective for use.
MapElevationCoordinateTextclass instanceA height or elevation of a point on a map.
MapGuideBrandCodeclass instanceA code for the Brand name of a Map Guide document that provides maps of a locale with a vendor-unique grid reference system.
MapGuideBrandCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the codes for the brands of map guides.
MapGuideBrandCodeTypeclassA data type for the brands of map guides.
MapGuideGridNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier that refers to a map grid in a Map Guide document
MapGuideLocationclass instanceA set of location information based on a map contained in a Map Guide document.
MapGuideLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MapGuideLocationType.
MapGuideLocationTypeclassA data type for location information based on a Guide map published by a vendor.
MapGuideNameclass instanceA Name of a Map Guide document providing maps of a locale.
MapGuidePageNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier that refers to a page in a Map Guide document.
MapHorizontalCoordinateTextclass instanceA horizontal location of a point on a map.
MapLocationclass instanceA location identified by map or grid coordinates.
MapLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MapLocationType.
MapLocationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a map location.
MapLocationTypeclassA data type for a location identified by map or grid coordinates.
MapNameclass instanceA name of a map.
MapPageIDclass instanceAn identifier of a page number in a map.
MappingRuleclass instance
MapQuadrantTextclass instanceA quadrant or square in a map.
MapSamplingFrequencyValueSimpleTypeclassA data type for a sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm)
MapSamplingFrequencyValueTypeclassA data type for a sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm)
MapVersionIDclass instanceAn identifier of a version of a map.
MapVerticalCoordinateTextclass instanceA vertical location of a point on a map.
MarinePollutantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a material is a marine pollutant; false otherwise.
MaritalStatusCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the status of marriage between two people.
MaritalStatusCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of status of marriage between two people
MaritalStatusCodeclass instanceA status of a union, such as separated or divorced.
MaritalStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies marital status.
MaritalStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies marital status.
MaritalStatusListclassList of types of marital status
marriageLocationattributeText description of the location of the marriage (civil union, domestic partnership, common law relationship, etc.).
MassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeTypeclassA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeTypeclassA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
Masterclass instanceA name of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
MasterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MasterType.
MasterIDCategoryclass instanceAn identification of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
MasterIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Master
MasterNationalityTextclass instanceA nationality of the master/operator of the vessel or other means of transport.
MasterTypeclassA data type representing the Name of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
MatchCandidateDetainedDateclass instanceA date on which the candidate for match with an encountered alien was detained.
MatchCandidateLeftFingerScoreNumericclass instanceA number indicating the left fingerprint score value of an enrolled candidate for determining his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateOverallFingerScoreNumericclass instanceA number indicating the sum of the right and left fingerprint score values of an enrolled candidate in order to determine his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateOverallMatchDecisionStatusTextclass instanceA final decision as to whether or not the candidate is truly a hit against an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateRankNumericclass instanceA number indicating the ranking score of an enrolled candidates biometric match against an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateRightFingerScoreNumericclass instanceA number indicating the right fingerprint score value of an enrolled candidate for determining his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateStatusclass instanceAn indication status of whether or not a candidate has met the minimum threshold for identification as a match with an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MatchCandidateStatusType.
MatchCandidateStatusCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of indication of whether or not a candidate has met the minimum threshold for identification as a match with an encountered alien.
MatchCandidateStatusTypeclassA data type for the classification of the persons who potentially match the identity of an alien.
matchingCaserelationA case meeting the criteria set forth in a query.
MatchingCaseclassA case meeting the criteria set forth in a query.
MatchingFilingclass instanceThe document that is the subject of this query.
matchingFilingrelationA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage
MatchingFilingclassA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage.
MatchingFilingTypeclassA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage.
MaterialHandlingEquipmentclass instanceA reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
MaterialHandlingEquipmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MaterialHandlingEquipmentType.
MaterialHandlingEquipmentTypeclassA data type for an item of equipment used to move goods and materials between places of resting or use and conveyances that transport the goods and materials.
maximalComplexclass instanceThe property elements gml:subComplex, gml:superComplex and gml:maximalComplex provide an encoding for relationships between topology complexes as described for gml:TopoComplex above.
MaximumAcceptableTemperatureMeasureclass instanceA measure of the maximum acceptable storage temperature for something.
MaximumAllowedAttachmentPageQuantityclass instanceThe maximum allowed number of pages in an attachment.
maximumAllowedAttachmentPagesattributeThe maximum allowed number of pages in an attachment.
maximumAllowedAttachmentSizeattributeThe maximum allowed attachment size, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
MaximumAllowedAttachmentSizeclass instanceThe maximum allowed attachment size, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
maximumAllowedMessageSizeattributeMaximum allowed size of the Court Filing Message Stream, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
MaximumAllowedMessageSizeclass instanceMaximum allowed size of the Court Filing Message Stream, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
MaximumCountRateValueclass instanceA value for the maximum count rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in counts per second.
MaximumDoseRateValueclass instanceA value for the maximum ambient dose equivalent rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
MaximumExposureRateValueclass instanceA value for the maximum exposure rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
maximumOccursclass instancegml:maximumOccurs is the maximum number of times that values for this parameter group may be included. If this attribute is omitted, the maximum number shall be one.
maximumPaymentattributeThe maximum payment associated with a transaction
MaximumRangeIdentificationclass instanceA highest value identification number in a consecutive number range.
maximumValueclass instanceThe gml:minimumValue and gml:maximumValue properties allow the specification of minimum and maximum value normally allowed for this axis, in the unit of measure for the axis. For a continuous angular axis such as longitude, the values wrap-around at this value. Also, values beyond this minimum/maximum can be used for specified purposes, such as in a bounding box. A value of minus infinity shall be allowed for the gml:minimumValue element, a value of plus infiniy for the gml:maximumValue element. If these elements are omitted, the value is unspecified.
MD_AggregateInformationclass instance
MD_AggregateInformation_TypeclassEncapsulates the dataset aggregation information
MD_ApplicationSchemaInformationclass instance
MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_TypeclassInformation about the application schema used to build the dataset
MD_Bandclass instance
MD_BrowseGraphicclass instance
MD_BrowseGraphic_TypeclassGraphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (should include a legend for the graphic)
MD_CellGeometryCodeclass instance
MD_CharacterSetCodeclass instance
MD_ClassificationCodeclass instance
MD_Constraintsclass instance
MD_Constraints_TypeclassRestrictions on the access and use of a dataset or metadata
MD_CoverageContentTypeCodeclass instance
MD_CoverageDescriptionclass instance
MD_CoverageDescription_TypeclassInformation about the domain of the raster cell
MD_DataIdentificationclass instance
MD_DatatypeCodeclass instance
MD_DigitalTransferOptionsclass instance
MD_DigitalTransferOptions_TypeclassTechnical means and media by which a dataset is obtained from the distributor
MD_Dimensionclass instance
MD_DimensionNameTypeCodeclass instance
MD_Distributionclass instance
MD_Distribution_TypeclassInformation about the distributor of and options for obtaining the dataset
MD_DistributionUnitsclass instance
MD_Distributorclass instance
MD_Distributor_TypeclassInformation about the distributor
MD_ExtendedElementInformationclass instance
MD_ExtendedElementInformation_TypeclassNew metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data
MD_FeatureCatalogueDescriptionclass instance
MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_TypeclassInformation identifing the feature catalogue
MD_Formatclass instance
MD_Format_TypeclassDescription of the form of the data to be distributed
MD_GeometricObjectsclass instance
MD_GeometricObjectTypeCodeclass instance
MD_Georectifiedclass instance
MD_Georeferenceableclass instance
MD_GridSpatialRepresentationclass instance
MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_TypeclassTypes and numbers of raster spatial objects in the dataset
MD_Identifierclass instance
MD_ImageDescriptionclass instance
MD_ImageDescription_TypeclassInformation about an image's suitability for use
MD_ImagingConditionCodeclass instance
MD_Keywordsclass instance
MD_Keywords_TypeclassKeywords, their type and reference source
MD_KeywordTypeCodeclass instance
MD_LegalConstraintsclass instance
MD_LegalConstraints_TypeclassRestrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the dataset.
MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCodeclass instance
MD_MaintenanceInformationclass instance
MD_MaintenanceInformation_TypeclassInformation about the scope and frequency of updating
MD_Mediumclass instance
MD_Medium_TypeclassInformation about the media on which the data can be distributed
MD_MediumFormatCodeclass instance
MD_MediumNameCodeclass instance
MD_Metadataclass instance
MD_Metadata_TypeclassInformation about the metadata
MD_MetadataExtensionInformationclass instance
MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_TypeclassInformation describing metadata extensions.
MD_ObligationCodeclass instance
MD_PixelOrientationCodeclass instance
MD_PortrayalCatalogueReferenceclass instance
MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_TypeclassInformation identifing the portrayal catalogue used
MD_ProgressCodeclass instance
MD_RangeDimensionclass instance
MD_RangeDimension_TypeclassSet of adjacent wavelengths in the electro-magnetic spectrum with a common characteristic, such as the visible band
MD_ReferenceSystemclass instance
MD_RepresentativeFractionclass instance
MD_Resolutionclass instance
MD_RestrictionCodeclass instance
MD_ScopeCodeclass instance
MD_ScopeDescriptionclass instance
MD_ScopeDescription_TypeclassDescription of the class of information covered by the information
MD_SecurityConstraintsclass instance
MD_SecurityConstraints_TypeclassHandling restrictions imposed on the dataset because of national security, privacy, or other concerns
MD_ServiceIdentificationclass instance
MD_ServiceIdentification_TypeclassSee 19119 for further info
MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCodeclass instance
MD_StandardOrderProcessclass instance
MD_StandardOrderProcess_TypeclassCommon ways in which the dataset may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information
MD_TopicCategoryCodeclass instance
MD_TopicCategoryCode_TypeclassHigh-level geospatial data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geospatial datasets
MD_TopologyLevelCodeclass instance
MD_Usageclass instance
MD_Usage_TypeclassBrief description of ways in which the dataset is currently used.
MD_VectorSpatialRepresentationclass instance
MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_TypeclassInformation about the vector spatial objects in the dataset
mdeLocationIDattributeThe unique URL location of a major design element.
mdeNameattributeName of a major design element.
mdeTypeattributeCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
MeanPhotonValueclass instanceA value for the mean of the maximum number of photons in open air per pixel. Can be per system or per detector.
MeanPointOfImpactAimpointclass instanceA point whose coordinates are the arithmetic means of the coordinates of the separate points of impact/burst of a finite number of projectiles fired or released at the same aiming point under a given set of conditions.
Measureclass instance
measureclass instanceThe value of a physical quantity, together with its unit.
Measureclass instanceA dimension, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring.
MeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MeasureType.
MeasureCommentTextclass instanceA comment regarding the measurement value and/or its error estimate.
MeasureDateclass instanceA date a measurement was made.
MeasureDecimalRangeclass instanceA decimal measurement range.
MeasureDecimalValueclass instanceA decimal measurement value.
MeasureDecimalValueclass instanceA decimal measurement value.
MeasureDecimalValueListclass instanceA list of decimal measurement values, all using the same measurement method/device and of the same units.
MeasuredItemDescriptionTextclass instanceA description providing information about a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDclass instanceAn Identifier of a measured item. There is no required format for the ID value.
MeasuredItemIdentificationclass instanceAn identification data for a measured item.
MeasuredItemIdentificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MeasuredItemIdentificationType.
MeasuredItemIdentificationTypeclassA data type for identification data for a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindCodeclass instanceA code for a kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code values for Kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindTextclass instanceA description of a kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemKindAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind or general category of item that is being inspected.
MeasuredItemKindCodeclass instanceA kind or general category of item that is being inspected.
MeasuredItemKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of items being inspected for Radiation/Nuclear threats.
MeasuredItemKindCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the measured item kind code
MeasuredItemKindTextclass instanceA description of a kind or general category of item that is being inspected.
MeasureDoubleRangeclass instanceA double measurement range.
MeasureDoubleValueclass instanceA double measurement value.
MeasureDoubleValueListclass instanceA list of double measurement values, all using the same measurement method/device and of the same units.
MeasureErrorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an estimate of the error or quality of a measurement value.
MeasureErrorTextclass instanceA textual description of the error in a measurement value.
MeasureErrorValueclass instanceA calculated estimate of the error in a measurement value.
MeasureEstimatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a measurement has been guessed, or estimated without use of a measuring device or analytical method; false otherwise.
MeasureIntegerRangeclass instanceAn integer measurement range.
MeasureIntegerValueclass instanceAn integer measurement value.
MeasureIntegerValueListclass instanceA list of integer measurement values, all using the same measurement method/device and of the same units.
MeasureListTypeclassgml:MeasureListType provides for a list of quantities.
MeasurementClassCodeclass instanceAn indicator A code indicating whether the data are a measurement of an item (Foreground), an environmental background (Background), a calibration source (Calibration), the intrinsic activity of the radiation measurement instrument (IntrinsicActivity), or not specified (NotSpecified).
MeasurementClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code values for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.
MeasurementClassCodeTypeclassA data type for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.
MeasureMethodTextclass instanceA method used to make a measurement.
MeasureOrNilReasonListTypeclassgml:MeasureOrNilReasonListType provides for a list of quantities. An instance element may also include embedded values from NilReasonType. It is intended to be used in situations where a value is expected, but the value may be absent for some reason.
MeasurePointAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a measurement value.
MeasureQualityTextclass instanceA textual description of the quality of a measurement value.
Measurerclass instanceA person or organization who makes a measurement.
MeasureRangeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a measurement specified by a minimum and maximum value.
MeasureTextListclass instanceA list of measurement values , all using the same measurement method/device and of the same units.
MeasureTypeclassgml:MeasureType supports recording an amount encoded as a value of XML Schema double, together with a units of measure indicated by an attribute uom, short for "units Of measure". The value of the uom attribute identifies a reference system for the amount, usually a ratio or interval scale.
MeasureTypeclassNumber with a scale. The value of uom (Units Of Measure) attribute is a reference to a Reference System for the amount, either a ratio or position scale.
MeasureTypeclassA data type for a measurement.
MeasureTypeclassA data type for a measurement.
MeasureUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure of a measurement value.
MeasureUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure of a measurement value.
MeasureUnitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the measureUnitCategoryCodes
MeasureUnitCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCategoryCodes
MeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCodes
MeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type representing the type measure unit whether area, volume etc..
MeasureUnitCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCodes
MeasureUnitCodeTypeclassA data type for a type measure unit whether area, volume etc..
MeasureUnitTextclass instanceA unit that qualifies the measurement value.
MeasureUnsignedIntegerRangeclass instanceAn unsigned integer measurement range.
MeasureUnsignedIntegerValueclass instanceAn unsigned integer measurement value.
MeasureValueAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a measurement value.
MeasureValueAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a measurement value.
MeasureValueListAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a list of measurement values.
MeasureValueTextclass instanceA textual description of a measurement value.
MediaCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of media upon which a recording is stored.
MediaCommentTextclass instanceA comment used to describe a physical media object.
MedianCategoryCodeclass instanceA type of median present on the segment
MedianCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the median present on the segment
MedianCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the median present on the segment
MedicalAssessmentclass instanceAn activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's medical condition.
MedicalAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MedicalAssessmentType
MedicalAssessmentClearanceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a comment about the medical assessment clearance of a corrections subject.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceDentalTextclass instanceA dental priority classification for the subject.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceEligibilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of subject clearance eligibility identified during a medical assessment.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceEligibilityTextclass instanceA kind of subject clearance eligibility identified during a medical assessment.
MedicalAssessmentClearancePregnantSubjectTrimesterNumericclass instanceA pregnancy trimester.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceRestrictionsUrgentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has restrictions and an urgent follow-up is needed; false otherwise.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceSeizureLastDateclass instanceA date of the last seizure disorder.
MedicalAssessmentClearanceTextclass instanceA comment about the medical assessment clearance of a corrections subject.
MedicalAssessmentCommentclass instanceA comment about the psychiatric medications needed for a subject.
MedicalAssessmentConsultationTextclass instanceA proximity to consultation required for the subject.
MedicalAssessmentFunctionalTextclass instanceA functional capacity of the subject.
MedicalAssessmentLevelOfCareAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of level of care required by a subject.
MedicalAssessmentLevelOfCareTextclass instanceA kind of level of care required by a subject.
MedicalAssessmentMedicalRiskAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of medical risk for the subject.
MedicalAssessmentMedicalRiskTextclass instanceA kind of medical risk for the subject.
MedicalAssessmentNursingCareLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of required or recommended nursing care level required by the subject.
MedicalAssessmentNursingCareLevelTextclass instanceA kind of required or recommended nursing care level required by the subject.
MedicalAssessmentPermanentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the classification is permanent; false otherwise.
MedicalAssessmentRequiredMedicationclass instanceA medication that is required by a subject during medical assessment.
MedicalAssessmentSpecializedServiceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of required specialized medical care required by the subject.
MedicalAssessmentSpecializedServiceTextclass instanceA kind of required specialized medical care required by the subject.
MedicalAssessmentTemporaryAssessmentExpirationDateclass instanceA date on which the temporary classification expires.
MedicalAssessmentTemporaryAssessmentReviewIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the temporary classification is to be reviewed in six months; false otherwise.
MedicalAssessmentTemporaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the classification is temporary; false otherwise.
MedicalAssessmentTuberculosisAlertTextclass instanceAn alert comment specific to a subject with tuberculosis.
MedicalAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's medical condition.
MedicalAssistanceContactPersonInformationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a person's contact information, used if Medical Assistance is processed by a different State Agency than the one that processes Food Stamps (FS) & Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
MedicalConditionclass instanceA state of health, on-going or present.
MedicalConditionAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a medical condition.
MedicalConditionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MedicalConditionType.
MedicalConditionAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a medical condition of a person.
MedicalConditionCauseTextclass instanceA trigger that can initiate the onset of a medical condition.
MedicalConditionDateRangeclass instanceA date range for the start and end of a medical condition.
MedicalConditionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a medical condition.
MedicalConditionDoctorclass instanceA doctor who treats a person for a medical condition.
MedicalConditionPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a medical condition currently exists; false otherwise.
MedicalConditionSeverityTextclass instanceA degree to which a medical condition is affecting a person.
MedicalConditionTextclass instanceA state of health, on-going or present.
MedicalConditionTypeclassA data type for a state of health, on-going or present.
MedicalDeviceclass instanceA medical device that may be implanted or otherwise attached to a subject
MedicalDisorderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if it has been determined that an Person has a medical disorder; false otherwise.
MedicalEncounterclass instanceAn encounter between a patient and applicable providers.
MedicalEquipmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MedicalEquipmentType
MedicalEquipmentCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of medical equipment required by a subject for a disability.
MedicalEquipmentCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of medical equipment required by a subject for a disability.
MedicalEquipmentExpirationDateclass instanceA date on which the requirement for the use of the medical equipment expires.
MedicalEquipmentTemporaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the requirement for the use of the medical equipment is temporary; false otherwise.
MedicalEquipmentTypeclassA data type for medical equipment or devices required by a subject due to a physical disability.
MedicalExaminerRegistryNumberIDclass instanceA number used as the identifier of medical practitioners in the National Registry of Medical Examiners.
MedicalHealthDetailsclass instanceA person's medical health details.
MedicalHealthDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MedicalHealthDetailsType.
MedicalHealthDetailsTypeclassA data type for details about a person's medical health.
MedicalHistoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of known medical history.
MedicalImageryDataBlockBinaryObjectclass instanceAn imagery data block for the image
MedicalPractitionerclass instanceA person who practices medicine.
MedicalPractitionerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for j:MedicalPractitionerType.
MedicalPractitionerLicenseNumberIdentificationclass instanceA jurisdiction assigned identification used to identify the license of medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyCodeclass instanceA code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyCodeTypeclassA data type for a code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerTypeclassA data type for a person who practices medicine.
MedicalReportclass instanceA document pertaining to a medical event, incident, evaluation or examination of a subject.
MedicalSummaryclass instanceA summary of a person's medical information.
MedicalSummaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MedicalSummaryType.
MedicalSummaryTypeclassA data type for a summary of a person's medical information.
MedicalTreatmentclass instanceAn activity involving medical care of a subject.
MedicalTreatmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MedicalTreatmentType
MedicalTreatmentConditionTextclass instanceA description of the condition suggesting removal to an external medical facility.
MedicalTreatmentEstimatedTextclass instanceAn estimated time the subject will be away from the corrections facility.
MedicalTreatmentImmediacyElectiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the medical treatment is elective; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentImmediacyEmergencyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the medical treatment is emergency; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentImmediacyMandatoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the medical treatment is mandatory; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentIncarcerationTextclass instanceA comment specific to medical treatment offered during a subject's incarceration.
MedicalTreatmentMedicalOfficerSignatureDateclass instanceA date on which the medical officer signed the request form.
MedicalTreatmentPrecautionsEntericIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there are precautions that should be adhered to because the subject is infected with germs transmitted into the stool; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentPrecautionsRespiratoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there are precautions that should be adhered to because the subject being transported has an air-borne illness; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentPrecautionsUniversalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there are precautions that should be adhered to at all times; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentReasonTextclass instanceA reason for using an external medical facility.
MedicalTreatmentRecommendedTextclass instanceAn examination or therapy recommended to take place at the external medical facility.
MedicalTreatmentRemarksTextclass instanceA remark about the medical treatment .
MedicalTreatmentRequestApprovedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the medical treatment request was approved; false otherwise.
MedicalTreatmentTypeclassA data type for an activity involving medical care of a subject.
MedicalVisitclass instanceAn event of a subject being brought to see a medical professional.
MedicalVisitAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MedicalVisitType
MedicalVisitLastSeenByEntityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a test representation of a person or entity who last provided medical services to a subject.
MedicalVisitLastSeenByEntityTextclass instanceA test representation of a person or entity who last provided medical services to a subject.
MedicalVisitLastSeenByTimeSpanAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a period of time since the subject's last medical treatment or examination.
MedicalVisitLastSeenByTimeSpanTextclass instanceA period of time since the subject's last medical treatment or examination.
MedicalVisitTypeclassA data type for an event of a subject being brought to see a medical professional.
Medicationclass instanceA medication in use.
MedicationDispensingDateclass instanceA date when the medication was last dispensed from a dispensing entity.
MedicationDoseMeasureclass instanceA specified dosage of medication.
MedicationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien is on medication; false otherwise.
MedicationLastTakenDateclass instanceA date when the medication was last taken.
MedicationTextclass instanceA text that describes the medication that needs to be provided during DETENTION.
MedicationTreatmentReasonTextclass instanceA description of the treatment reason or condition being treated with the medication. This should include any 'off label' use.
MedicationUseclass instanceA set of details about medication use for an individual.
MedicationUseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MedicationUseType.
MedicationUseCommentclass instanceA comment for each time medicine is dispensed.
MedicationUseFrequencyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing how often a person uses a medication.
MedicationUseFrequencyCodeclass instanceA frequency of medication use, e.g. daily with food, as needed for discomfort, not more than every 8 hours, etc.
MedicationUseFrequencyCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the medication use frequency.
MedicationUseFrequencyCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the medication use frequency.
MedicationUseFrequencyNumericclass instanceA number indicating the routine usage of a medication by a subject.
MedicationUseFrequencyTextclass instanceA frequency of medication use, e.g. daily with food, as needed for discomfort, not more than every 8 hours, etc.
MedicationUseTypeclassA data type for recording medication use for an individual.
memberclass instance
MemberNameclass instance
MemberName_TypeclassA MemberName is a LocalName that references either an attribute slot in a record or recordType or an attribute, operation, or association role in an object instance or type description in some form of schema. The stored value "aName" is the returned value for the "aName()" operation.
MemberOnlineIndicatorclass instanceTrue if member is online; false otherwise
membersclass instance
MembershipElementListclassList of information types used for describing a membership
Membershipsclass instanceA container for memberships of party with other organisations (e.g. industry groups).
MembershipTypeListclassList of types of memberships
MentalHealthAssessmentclass instanceAn activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's mental health condition.
MentalHealthAssessmentAbstractOfJudgmentDateclass instanceA date of the abstract of judgment that was reviewed.
MentalHealthAssessmentAbstractOfJudgmentReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an abstract of judgment was reviewed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MentalHealthAssessmentType
MentalHealthAssessmentCorrectionalCounselorIReviewDateclass instanceA date on which the Correctional Counselor screened the subject.
MentalHealthAssessmentDateclass instanceA date on which the subject / parolee or the attorney of the offender acknowledged the decision to request or not request testing by two doctors.
MentalHealthAssessmentDMHPsychiatricReportAuthorTextclass instanceA name of the author of the DMH psychiatric report that was reviewed.
MentalHealthAssessmentDMHPsychiatricReportReviewDateclass instanceA date of the DMH psychiatric report that was reviewed.
MentalHealthAssessmentDMHPsychiatricReportReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a DMH psychiatric report was reviewed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorclass instanceA symptom or measurement of mental health.
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MentalHealthAssessmentFactorType
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of mental health factor.
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of mental health factor.
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorDetailsTextclass instanceA set of details of the mental health factors that exist.
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorTypeclassA data type for a symptom or measurement of mental health.
MentalHealthAssessmentLegalStatusSummaryReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the legal status summary was reviewed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentMentallyDisorderedOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is in a mentally disordered offender (MDO) unit for severely mentally ill prisoners; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentPsychiatricReportAuthorTextclass instanceAn author of the corrections facility psychiatric report that was reviewed.
MentalHealthAssessmentPsychiatricReportDateclass instanceA date of the corrections facility psychiatric report that was reviewed.
MentalHealthAssessmentPsychiatricReportReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a corrections facility psychiatric report was reviewed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentReferralclass instanceAn order for a subject to undergo a mental health assessment.
MentalHealthAssessmentReferralSexualViolentPredatorIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject of a mental health assessment is due to a conviction for a violent sexual crime; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentScreeningStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member that screened the subject during a mental health assessment.
MentalHealthAssessmentServicesReceivedAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of mental health assessment services received.
MentalHealthAssessmentServicesReceivedTextclass instanceA kind of mental health assessment services received.
MentalHealthAssessmentSubjectParticipatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject was unable or unwilling to participate in the screening; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentTestingRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if mental health assessment testing is required for the subject; false otherwise.
MentalHealthAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's mental health condition.
MentalHealthCareLevelTextclass instanceA level of care an subject is receiving or that is appropriate to receive in the Mental Health Services Delivery System (MHSDS).
MentalHealthCertificationclass instanceAn official pronouncement of the status of the mental health of subject, through the testimony of medical professionals and/or declared by a court of law.
MentalHealthCertificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MentalHealthCertificationType
MentalHealthCertificationChiefPsychiatristAuthorTextclass instanceAn authoritative chief psychiatrist whose certification was reviewed.
MentalHealthCertificationChiefPsychiatristReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the chief psychiatrist certification was reviewed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthCertificationHearingclass instanceA court hearing to determine mental health certification.
MentalHealthCertificationReviewConcurrenceTextclass instanceA comment on the certification review regarding concurrence of the Corrections Agency and Mental Health professionals.
MentalHealthCertificationTypeclassA data type for an official pronouncement of the status of the mental health of subject, thru the testimony of medical professionals and/or declared by a court of law.
MentalHealthChiefPsychiatristCertificationDateclass instanceA date of the chief psychiatrist certification that was reviewed.
MentalHealthConcernCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of mental health concern.
MentalHealthConcernCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of mental health concern.
MentalHealthConcernNotedDateclass instanceA date of notation regarding mental health concerns.
MentalHealthDetailsclass instanceAn element that contains information about a person's mental health including social history and psychosocial information.
MentalHealthDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MentalHealthDetailsType.
MentalHealthDetailsTypeclassA data type for details about a person's mental health including social history and psychosocial information.
MentalHealthFunctionLevelScoreNumericclass instanceA number measuring the ability of the subject to function and adapt to various problems in living. The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) uses a 1-100 measurement scale with 10 and below representing a persistent danger of self injury or hurting others, and
MentalHealthHearingclass instanceA court hearing regarding the mental health of a subject.
MentalHealthHearingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MentalHealthHearingType
MentalHealthHearingCancellationReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of reason for cancellation of a mental health hearing.
MentalHealthHearingCancellationReasonTextclass instanceA kind of reason for cancellation of a mental health hearing.
MentalHealthHearingCertificationActionReaffirmedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the certification hearing action was reaffirmed; false otherwise.
MentalHealthHearingCertificationActionRescindedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the certification hearing action was rescinded; false otherwise.
MentalHealthHearingCertifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing is a Certification Hearing and that the parolee has a right to a jury trial in the Superior Court if the BPH finds during the certification hearing that the parolee meets the requirements of the MDO law; false otherwise.
MentalHealthHearingDecisionclass instanceA decision regarding the determination of mental health.
MentalHealthHearingTypeclassA data type for a court hearing regarding the mental health of a subject.
MentalHealthHistoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of known mental health history, including behavioral health and psychological or psychiatric assessments, diagnoses, or treatments.
MentalHealthHospitalizationHistoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of past in-patient hospitalizations due to mental health issues.
MentalHealthNotificationclass instanceA notification regarding the mental health of a subject.
MentalHealthOtherIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has other uncodified mental health issue(s); false otherwise.
MentalHealthStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of mental health status.
MentalHealthStatusTextclass instanceA kind of mental health status.
MentalHealthSubjectClearedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is cleared for general population; false otherwise.
MentalHealthTreatmentclass instanceA data type for an event or activity involving the mental health treatment of a subject.
MentalHealthTreatmentProgramDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:MentalHealthTreatmentProgramDetailsType
MentalHealthTreatmentProgramDetailsTypeclassA data type for a program for a subject's mental health needs can be met.
MentalHealthTreatmentProgramPlacementAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of placement for a subject into a mental health treatment program.
MentalHealthTreatmentProgramPlacementTextclass instanceA kind of placement for a subject into a mental health treatment program.
MentalHeathAssessmentIndependentEvaluationRequestedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the parolee requests independent evaluations to determine if the parolee meets the requirements of the Mentally Disordered Offender law; false otherwise.
MerchandiseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the item held for sale; false otherwise.
MerchantMarinerDocumentclass instanceA Merchant Mariner Document (MMD) issued to a merchant mariner.
MerchantMarinerDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MerchantMarinerDocumentType.
MerchantMarinerDocumentIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a merchant mariner document.
MerchantMarinerDocumentIssueDateclass instanceA date a merchant mariner document was issued.
MerchantMarinerDocumentIssuerLocationclass instanceA location of the issuer of a merchant mariner document.
MerchantMarinerDocumentIssuingOrganizationclass instanceAn issuer of a merchant mariner document.
MerchantMarinerDocumentRatingAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a rating on a merchant mariner document which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
MerchantMarinerDocumentRatingTextclass instanceA rating on a merchant mariner document which authorizes the performance of certain shipboard duties or actions.
MerchantMarinerDocumentTypeclassA data type for a Merchant Mariner Document (MMD).
MeridianCodeListclassA list of meridian codes
MessageAttachmentAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a file which is sent along with a message.
MessageAttachmentBinaryclass instanceA binary file which is attached to a message.
MessageAttachmentDocumentclass instanceA document which is attached to a message.
MessageAttachmentImageclass instanceAn image file which is attached to a message.
MessageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MessageType.
MessageCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of message category.
MessageCategoryCodeclass instanceA data element for a message type code
MessageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of message
MessageCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of message
MessageCategoryFATCACodeclass instanceA kind of message.
MessageCategoryFATCACodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kind of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) message.
MessageCategoryFATCACodeTypeclassA data type for kind of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) message.
MessageCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of message category.
MessageContentErrorclass instanceA set of information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageContentErrorclass instanceA set of information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageContentErrorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageContentErrorType.
MessageContentErrorTypeclassA data type that provides information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageContentErrorTypeclassA data type that provides information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageContentHeaderclass instanceA set of common payload header information for a N25 message. This is independent of a specific transmission protocol that may be used to wrap the payload.
MessageCreationDateTimeclass instanceA timestamp associated with the creation of a message content header.
MessageDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a message
MessageDestinationclass instanceAn identifier and/or name of a facility, site, or organization(s) that is(are) the destination of a message.
MessageDispatchDateTimeclass instanceA timestamp associated with the dispatch of a message content and its header to a messaging service.
MessageErrorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageErrorType.
MessageErrorTypeclassA data type that describes a message error.
MessageErrorTypeclassA data type that describes a message error.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
MessageFATCAUsageRestrictionTextclass instanceA set of information about restrictions for use of the information this message contains and the legal framework under which it is given.
MessageFilterAbstractclass instanceA data concept that contains filters for the request
MessageHandlingErrorclass instanceA description of a message error encountered by an infrastructure component in the process of message handling and transmission.
MessageHandlingErrorclass instanceA description of a message error encountered by an infrastructure component in the process of message handling and transmission.
MessageHeaderclass instanceA data element for message header
MessageHeaderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MessageHeaderType
MessageHeaderTypeclassA data type for specifying message type and message activity
MessageIDclass instanceAn identifier associated with a message content. There is no required format for the ID value.
MessageIDclass instanceA message identifier associated with an email or message content.
MessageKindCodeclass instanceA code for a kind of information content contained in a message.
MessageKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the code values that defines the various message kinds
MessageKindCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various message kinds
MessageOriginclass instanceA Facility, site, or organization id and/or name from which a message content originated.
MessageOriginOrDestinationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageOriginOrDestinationType.
MessageOriginOrDestinationTypeclassA data type for identifying a message origin or destination.
MessagePriorityCodeclass instanceA code for the message content priority associated with a content header.
MessagePriorityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type the defines the various code values that defines the priority associated with a message
MessagePriorityCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the priority associated with a message
messageProfileIDattributeAn identifier, from a list of allowed values defined in the Court Filing specification, of a message profile supported by this court.
MessageRecallclass instanceAn element for message recall detail
MessageRecallAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MessageRecallType
MessageRecallTypeclassA data type defining a message recall information
MessageReceiptMessageclass instanceA message returned synchronously to indicate receipt by an MDE of another message. The name "MessageReceipt" suggested by S. Durham June 30 2005, and adopted by consensus on a TC call that day. The intent is that this will serve as the synchronous reply to all MDE operations that have an additional, asynchronous callback.
MessageReceiptMessageclassA message returned synchronously to indicate receipt by an MDE of another message. The name "MessageReceipt" suggested by S. Durham June 30 2005, and adopted by consensus on a TC call that day. The intent is that this will serve as the synchronous reply to all MDE operations that have an additional, asynchronous callback.
MessageReceiptMessageclass diagramA message returned synchronously to indicate receipt by an MDE of another message. The name "MessageReceipt" suggested by S. Durham June 30 2005, and adopted by consensus on a TC call that day. The intent is that this will serve as the synchronous reply to all MDE operations that have an additional, asynchronous callback.
MessageReceiptMessageclass viewA message returned synchronously to indicate receipt by an MDE of another message. The intent is that this will serve as the synchronous reply to all MDE operations that have an additional, asynchronous callback.
MessageReceivedDateclass instanceA date on which a message is received.
MessageRecipientAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a recipient of a message.
MessageRecipientAddressIDclass instanceAn address of a recipient of a message.
MessageRecipientEntityclass instanceAn entity which receives a message.
MessageRecipientNameclass instanceA name of an entity which receives a message.
MessageReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier that references a sender's or otherwise related message.
MessageResponseCodeclass instanceA data element for a message response code
MessageResponseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the response code of the message
MessageResponseCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the code of message response
MessageResponseDescriptionTextclass instanceA data element for a message response description
Messages - Filingpackage
Messages - Request/Responsepackage
Messages - Schedulingpackage
MessageSenderAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a sender of a message.
MessageSenderAddressIDclass instanceAn address of a sender of a message.
MessageSenderEntityclass instanceAn entity which sends a message.
MessageSenderNameclass instanceA name of an entity which sends a message.
MessageSentDateclass instanceA date on which a message is sent.
MessageSentDateTimeclass instanceA date used by the system for the stamped date the message was sent
MessageStatusclass instanceA status of the message.
MessageStatusclass instanceA status of the message.
MessageStatusAugmentationclass instanceA value describing the status of electronic service on a particular recipient.
MessageStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageStatusType.
MessageStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageStatusType.
MessageStatusCodeclass instanceA code for the receiving status of a message.
MessageStatusCodeclass instanceA code for the receiving status of a message.
MessageStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for data types that defines the status of a message
MessageStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for data types that defines the status of a message
MessageStatusCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the status of a message.
MessageStatusCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the status of a message.
MessageStatusTypeclassA data type to provide success or error feedback on a message that has been received.
MessageStatusTypeclassA data type to provide success or error feedback on a message that has been received.
MessageSubjectTextclass instanceA subject line or field of a message.
MessageTextclass instanceA body or main content of a message.
MessageTypeclassA data type for an electronic form of communication that can be exchanged asynchronously.
MessageVersionTextclass instanceA version of the message content kind associated with a content header.
Metadataclass instanceInformation that further qualifies primary juvenile data; data about data. A typical use is internal tracking IDs.
Metadataclass instanceInformation that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
Metadataclass instanceInformation that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
metaDataPropertyclass instance
MetadataTypeclassA data type for metadata about a record.
MetadataTypeclassA data type for information that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
MetadataTypeclassA data type for information that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
Metalclass instanceA metallic chemical element.
MetalCodeclass instanceA code that identifies a metal.
MetalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a metal.
MetalCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a metal.
methodclass instancegml:method is an association role to the operation method used by a coordinate operation.
methodFormulaclass instance
MethodOfAccessCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method of access.
MethodOfAccessCodeTypeclassA data type for a method of access.
MethodOfEntryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for methods of entry into a structure or premises.
MethodOfEntryCodeTypeclassA data type for methods of entry into a structure or premises.
MethodOfPaymentAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a method of payment.
MethodOfPaymentCodeclass instanceA method of payment.
MethodOfPaymentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method of payment.
MethodOfPaymentCodeTypeclassA data type for a method of payment.
MethodOfPaymentTextclass instanceA method of payment.
MetricCodeTextclass instanceA code text specifying the capture quality metric data type
MetricCommentTextclass instanceAn element for a note to a metric
MetricValueclass instanceA data value for a type of metric
MexicanCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.5: Mexican States
MexicanCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.5: Mexican States
MFACodeTextclass instanceA MFA identifier code.
MFAffectedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies level of damage for multi-family structures.
MFDestroyedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the level of damage for multi-family structures.
MFMajorQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies level of damage for multi-family structures and choose the option that best describes the minor damage.
MFMinorQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies level of damage for multi-family structures and choose the option that best describes the minor damage.
MGRSCoordinateAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a coordinate from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location using the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and the UPS grid systems and a unique military grid labeling convention.
MGRSCoordinateStringSimpleTypeclassA data type for a complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
MGRSCoordinateStringTextclass instanceA complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
MGRSCoordinateStringTypeclassA data type for a complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
MGRSUPS1MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UPS coordinate.
MGRSUPS1MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UPS coordinate.
MGRSUPS1MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 1-meter precision level MGRS UPS coordinate.
MGRSUTM100000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 100,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100000MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 100,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100000MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 100,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 10,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10000MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 10,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10000MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 10,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 1,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1000MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 1,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1000MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 1,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 100-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 100-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 100-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 10-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 10-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 10-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeclassA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1MeterCoordinateTypeclassA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1MeterCoordinateValueclass instanceA 1-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MHAffectedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as affected
MHAffectedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as affected and the options that best describes the affected damage:
MHAffectedQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as affected
MHDestroyedQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the causes for a manufactured home being assessed as destroyed.
MHDestroyedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the causes for a manufactured home being assessed as destroyed
MHDestroyedQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the causes for a manufactured home being assessed as destroyed.
MHMajorDamageQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as major
MHMajorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as major
MHMajorDamageQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as major
MHMinorDamageQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as minor
MHMinorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as minor and describes the minor damage:
MHMinorDamageQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as minor
MICSCodeclass instanceA code identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type containing codes identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSCodeTypeclassA data type for misc. codes to identify the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSNameclass instanceA code name identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSNameSimpleTypeclassA data type containing a code name identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSNameTypeclassA data type containing a code name identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MilesFromPortOfEntryQuantityclass instanceA number indicating the distance in miles from the port of entry to where the alien last entered.
MilitaryBranchNameclass instanceA name of a military branch in which a person served.
MilitaryCountryclass instanceA country in whose military a person served.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of discharge a person received from military service.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of discharge a person received from military service.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of discharges a person may receive from military service.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of discharges a person may receive from military service.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of discharge a person received from military service.
MilitaryDischargeDateclass instanceA date a person was released from further military obligations.
MilitaryDischargeRankTextclass instanceA rank at time of a person was discharged from military service.
MilitaryDisciplinaryActionclass instanceAn activity assigned to a person by the military for the purpose of self-improvement, punishment, or restitution.
MilitaryDutiesTextclass instanceA description of the duties and duty stations (locations) encompassed within period of military service.
MilitaryEnlistmentDateclass instanceA date a person enlisted in the military.
MilitaryExemptionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of why a person was excused from military service.
MilitaryExperienceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has some form of military experience; false otherwise.
MilitaryHighRankTextclass instanceA highest rank achieved by a person in military service.
MilitaryInductionDateclass instanceA date a person was inducted (or will be inducted) into active service in a military.
MilitaryInstallationNameclass instanceA name of a grouping of facilities, located in the same vicinity, which support particular
functions. Installations may be elements of a base.
MilitaryOrganizationCategoryServiceCodeclass instanceA designator for kind of a military, paramilitary, irregular force, force or group, capable of functioning as an offensive or defensive combat or support organisation.
MilitaryOrganizationCategoryServiceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a designator for a kind of a military, paramilitary, irregular force, force or group, capable of functioning as an offensive or defensive combat or support organisation.
MilitaryOrganizationCategoryServiceCodeTypeclassA data type for a designator for a kind of a military, paramilitary, irregular force, force or group, capable of functioning as an offensive or defensive combat or support organisation.
MilitaryReleaseCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of release a person received from military service.
MilitaryReleaseDateclass instanceA date a person was released from active service in a military.
MilitaryServiceActiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is currently serving in the military; false otherwise.
MilitaryServiceTimeMeasureclass instanceA quantity of time a person spent in military service.
MilitaryStatusclass instanceA status of military service of a person.
MilitarySummaryclass instanceA service of a person in a military.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person's military service.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a military summary.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MilitarySummaryType.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person's military service.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a military summary.
MilitarySummaryTypeclassA data type for a service of a person in a military.
MilitaryUnitRolesTypeclassA data type the describes the functional roles performed by a military organization.
MilitaryUnitRoleTextListclass instanceA list of functional roles performed by a military organization.
MilitaryUnitSizeTextclass instanceA description of the size of a military unit by use of echelon name.
MilitaryWorkSkillTextclass instanceA military occupational specialty of a person.
MILSTD2525-B-SIDC-Codeclass instanceA symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525-C-SIDC-Codeclass instanceA symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525-D-SIDCclass instanceA symbol identification code, a numeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525-D-SIDC-AugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:MILSTD2525-D-SIDC-Type
MILSTD2525-D-SIDC-Part1Codeclass instanceAn unsigned integer containing the first ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525-D-SIDC-Part2Codeclass instanceAn unsigned integer containing the second ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525-D-SIDC-Part3Codeclass instanceAn unsigned integer containing the third (conditionally optional) ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525BSIDCSimpleTypeclassA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525BSIDCTypeclassA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CSIDCSimpleTypeclassA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CSIDCTypeclassA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CStandardIdentityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code describing the standard identity of a track; codes defined by MIL-STD-2525C.
MILSTD2525CStandardIdentityCodeTypeclassA data type for a code describing the standard identity of a track; codes defined by MIL-STD-2525C.
MILSTD2525DSIDCPartSimpleTypeclassA data type for an unsigned integer containing ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525DSIDCPartTypeclassA data type for an unsigned integer containing ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525DSIDCTypeclassA data type for a symbol identification code, a numeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MIMEContentCodeclass instanceA MIME content type of a digital data file.
MIMEContentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of MIME content and their file extension, as published by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA.org).
MIMEContentCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various MIME Content Code
MIMEEncodingCodeclass instanceA Encoding MIME type of a digital data file.
MIMEEncodingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the kinds of MIME transfer encodings, as published by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA.org).
MIMEEncodingCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various MIME Encoding Code
MimeFileTypeclass instance
MinChildResourceClassQuantityclass instanceA minimum number of child resource classes
MinimumAcceptableTemperatureMeasureclass instanceA measure of the minimum acceptable temperature.
MinimumCountRateValueclass instanceA value for the minimum count rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in counts per second.
MinimumDoseRateValueclass instanceA value for the minimum ambient dose equivalent rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
MinimumExposureRateValueclass instanceA value for the minimum exposure rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
minimumOccursclass instancegml:minimumOccurs is the minimum number of times that values for this parameter group or parameter are required. If this attribute is omitted, the minimum number shall be one.
MinimumRangeIdentificationclass instanceA lowest value identification number in a consecutive number range.
minimumValueclass instanceThe gml:minimumValue and gml:maximumValue properties allow the specification of minimum and maximum value normally allowed for this axis, in the unit of measure for the axis. For a continuous angular axis such as longitude, the values wrap-around at this value. Also, values beyond this minimum/maximum can be used for specified purposes, such as in a bounding box. A value of minus infinity shall be allowed for the gml:minimumValue element, a value of plus infiniy for the gml:maximumValue element. If these elements are omitted, the value is unspecified.
MinorDamageQualifierCodeclass instanceAn element that classifies the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as minor
MinorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MinorDamageQualifierCodeTypeclassA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as minor
minutesclass instance
MinutiaAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a single minutia
MinutiaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Minutia
MinutiaCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of minutia.
MinutiaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of minutia.
MinutiaCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of minutia.
MinutiaCharacterizationQualityValueclass instanceA number representing the distribution of the parameter over thousands of fingerprints approximating a Gaussian distribution.
MinutiaClassifierQualityValueclass instanceA number that indicates the quality or confidence of the automatic classification.
MinutiaDirectionUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value indicating the uncertainty of the minutia direction
Minutiaeclass instanceA minutiae record
MinutiaeAlgorithmclass instanceAn algorithm used to capture minutiae
MinutiaeAlgorithmAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeAlgorithm
MinutiaeAlgorithmIDclass instanceAn identifier for a minutiae extraction and encoding algorithm
MinutiaeAlgorithmNameclass instanceA name of an algorithm used to capture minutiae
MinutiaeAlgorithmOwnerTextclass instanceA name of an editing station or owner or developer of a minutiae processing algorithm
MinutiaeAlgorithmTypeclassA data type for an algorithm used to capture minutiae
MinutiaeAlgorithmVendorIDclass instanceAn identifier for a vendor, or name of vendor of the minutiae extraction and encoding algorithm, from a registry table
MinutiaeAlgorithmVersionTextclass instanceA kind of version of an algorithm used to capture minutiae
MinutiaeAnalysisComplexityCodeclass instanceA level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
MinutiaeAnalysisComplexityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
MinutiaeAnalysisComplexityCodeTypeclassA data type for a level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
MinutiaeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Minutiae
MinutiaeCommentTextclass instanceA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
MinutiaeComparisonComplexityCodeclass instanceA level of complexity of an examiner's comparison
MinutiaeCoreclass instanceA core in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeCoreAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeCore type
MinutiaeCoreDirectionMeasureclass instanceAn average tangent direction of the two closest ridges to the core
MinutiaeCoreDirectionUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value indicating the uncertainty of the core direction measure
MinutiaeCoreTypeclassA data type for a core in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDeltaclass instanceA delta in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDeltaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDeltaType
MinutiaeDeltaCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of delta
MinutiaeDeltaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of delta
MinutiaeDeltaCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of delta
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionLeftMeasureclass instanceA left direction of a delta
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionLeftUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta left direction measure
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionRightMeasureclass instanceA right direction of a delta
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionRightUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta right direction measure
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionUpMeasureclass instanceAn up direction of a delta
MinutiaeDeltaDirectionUpUncertaintyValueclass instanceA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta up direction measure
MinutiaeDeltaTypeclassA data type for a delta in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureclass instanceA distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDistinctiveFeature
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureTypeclassA data type for a distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDotclass instanceA dot feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDotAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDot
MinutiaeDotLengthMeasureclass instanceA length in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of a dot feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDotTypeclassA data type for a dot feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeExaminerclass instanceA minutiae examiner
MinutiaeExaminerAffiliationclass instanceAn organizational affiliation of the minutiae examiner
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationclass instanceAn examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDetermination
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationDateTimeclass instanceA date/time of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationResultCodeclass instanceA result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationResultCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationResultCodeTypeclassA data type for a result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationTypeclassA data type for an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerNameclass instanceA name for the latent examiner responsible for minutiae markup or verification
MinutiaeExaminerProgressCodeclass instanceA status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerProgressCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerProgressCodeTypeclassA data type for a status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeFeatureCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeFeatureCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceclass instanceA correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondence
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge image
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge image
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceTypeclassA data type for a correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionclass instanceA detection and encoding of minutiae
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFeatureDetection
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionDateTimeclass instanceA date/time of the minutiae feature detection
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionFieldListTextclass instanceA list of fields that correspond to the feature detection method coded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionMethodCodeclass instanceA method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for a method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionTypeclassA data type for a detection and encoding of minutiae
MinutiaeFeatureIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a particular point or feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeFeatureReferenceIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a particular occurrence of a minutiae feature entity
MinutiaeFingerLocationclass instanceA finger position, segment, offcenter code, and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeFingerLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFingerLocation
MinutiaeFingerLocationTypeclassA data type for a finger position, segment, off-center code, and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position for an image in a minutiae record
MinutiaeFingerPositionCodeclass instanceA finger position for an image in a minutiae record
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseclass instanceA permanent flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFlexionCrease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseTypeclassA data type for a permanent flexion crease
MinutiaeFormatContactOrganizationclass instanceAn organization to contact for more information about a vendor-specific minutiae format
MinutiaeFormatNISTStandardIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the NIST standard format for minutiae is used; false otherwise
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceclass instanceA friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFraudEvidence
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceTypeclassA data type for a friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocationclass instanceA friction ridge position, segment, offcenter code, and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocation type
MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocationTypeclassA data type for a friction ridge position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageclass instanceA growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkage type
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageCodeclass instanceA growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a growth or shrinkage of an image, i.e. whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageCodeTypeclassA data type for a growth or shrinkage of an image, i.e. whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageTypeclassA data type for a growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeImageRidgePathclass instanceA set of ridge paths in a particular friction ridge image
MinutiaeImageRidgePathAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeImageRidgePath
MinutiaeImageRidgePathTypeclassA data type for a set of ridge paths in a particular friction ridge image
MinutiaeImpressionCaptureCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of impression capture by which a fingerprint or palm print image information was obtained
MinutiaeIncipientRidgeclass instanceAn incipient ridge in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeIncipientRidgeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeIncipientRidge
MinutiaeIncipientRidgeTypeclassA data type for an incipient ridge in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeLatentMatrixclass instanceA substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLatentMatrix
MinutiaeLatentMatrixCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of substance deposited by this friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixTypeclassA data type for a substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateclass instanceA surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLatentSubstrate
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of surface on which this friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the object or surface on which a print was deposited, or provides clarifying information regarding the substrate
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateTypeclassA data type for a surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesclass instanceA localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLocalQualityIssues
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesTypeclassA data type for a localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeNoCoresPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no cores could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoCreasesPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no creases could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoDeltasPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no deltas could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoDistinctiveFeaturesPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no distinctive characteristics could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoDotsPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no dots could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoIncipientRidgesPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no incipient ridges could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoMinutiaePresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no minutiae could be discerned in the friction ridge image ; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoPoresPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no pores could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaeNoRidgeEdgeFeaturesPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if no ridge edge features could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
MinutiaePalmLocationclass instanceA palm position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaePalmLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaePalmLocation type
MinutiaePalmLocationTypeclassA data type for a palm position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaePlantarLocationclass instanceA plantar (foot) position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaePlantarLocationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaePlantarLocation type
MinutiaePlantarLocationTypeclassA data type for a plantar (foot) position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaePoreclass instanceA location of pores in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeQualityclass instanceA quality of minutiae data in a record
MinutiaeQuantityclass instanceA number of minutiae recorded in a record
MinutiaeRidgeCountAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCount
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceclass instanceA confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidence
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceTypeclassA data type for a confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceValueclass instanceA degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceValueSimpleTypeclassA data type for a degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceValueTypeclassA data type for a degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDeltaclass instanceA core to delta ridge count
MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDeltaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDelta
MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDeltaTypeclassA data type for a core to delta ridge count
MinutiaeRidgeCountDetailclass instanceA set of measurements of the distance between pairs of minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeCountItemclass instanceA distance between two minutiae in ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountItem
MinutiaeRidgeCountItemTypeclassA data type for a distance between two minutiae in ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountMethodCodeclass instanceA method of counting ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method of counting ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for a method of counting ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountOctantNumericclass instanceA number assigned to a specific octant for ridge count purposes
MinutiaeRidgeCountResidualCodeclass instanceA number assigned to the half of an octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
MinutiaeRidgeCountResidualCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a half of the octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
MinutiaeRidgeCountResidualCodeTypeclassA data type for a half of the octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
MinutiaeRidgeCountTypeclassA data type for a proximity of one minutia to another
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityclass instanceA ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityTypeclassA data type for a ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapclass instanceA map of ridge flow values assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeFlowMap type
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapFormatCodeclass instanceA format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapFormatCodeTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapRowTextclass instanceA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapSamplingFrequencyValueclass instanceA sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of points in a ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapTypeclassA data type for a map of ridge flow values assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgePathSegmentclass instanceA set of points overlaying a friction ridge image that describes all or part of a ridge
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapclass instanceA map of ridge quality values assigned to cells in a grid overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeQualityMap type
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapCellSizeValueclass instanceA length (or width) in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of a square cell in a ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapFormatCodeclass instanceA format of ridge quality values in a ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge quality values in the ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapFormatCodeTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge quality values in the ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapRowTextclass instanceA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapTypeclassA data type for a map of ridge quality values assigned to cells in a grid overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapclass instanceA ridge wavelength value assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMap type
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapFormatCodeclass instanceA format of ridge wavelength values in a ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge wavelength values in the ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapFormatCodeTypeclassA data type for a format of ridge wavelength values in the ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapRowTextclass instanceA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapSamplingFrequencyValueclass instanceA sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of points in a ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapTypeclassA data type for a ridge wavelength value assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeTypeclassA data type for a set of minutiae definitions
MinutiaeUniversalLatentWorkstationAnnotationTextclass instanceAn annotation, logging or processing information associated with the FBI-developed Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) or compatible software
MinutiaeValueAssessmentclass instanceAn examiner's assessment of the value of a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaeValueAssessment type
MinutiaeValueAssessmentDateTimeclass instanceA date/time of a minutiae value assessment
MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeclass instanceA result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeTypeclassA data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaIDclass instanceAn index identifier for uniquely denoting a minutia
MinutiaLocationPointclass instanceA point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
MinutiaLocationReferencePointclass instanceA second (reference) point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
MinutiaQualityValueclass instanceA quality value assigned to a minutia
MinutiaReferenceIDclass instanceAn index identifier for a second minutia, when two minutia are to be examined
MinutiaRidgeCountclass instanceA set of measurements from this minutia point to distant minutia points.
MinutiaRidgeCountAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaRidgeCount
MinutiaRidgeCountTypeclassA data type for a minutia ridge count
MinutiaTypeclassA data type definition for a single minutia.
Misdemeanorclass instanceA crime punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year.
MissingChildAbductorclass instanceA person who has abducted a missing child.
MissingChildCallerclass instanceA person calling in a report of a missing child.
MissingChildCompanionclass instanceA person accompanying a missing child.
MissingChildRecoveryclass instanceA recovery of a missing child.
MissingChildRecoveryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MissingChildRecoveryType.
MissingChildRecoveryLocationclass instanceA location at which a missing child was recovered.
MissingChildRecoveryMethodTextclass instanceA method by which a missing child was recovered.
MissingChildRecoveryTypeclassA data type for a recovery of a missing child.
MissingChildRelatedPersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MissingChildRelatedPersonType.
MissingChildRelatedPersonTypeclassA data type for a person related to a missing child.
MissingChildReporterclass instanceA person who reports that a child is missing.
MissingChildSuspectclass instanceA person suspected of abducting a missing child.
MissingFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a missing/amputated finger.
MissingFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a missing/amputated finger.
MissingPersonclass instanceA person whose whereabouts are unknown.
MissingPersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MissingPersonType.
MissingPersonCircumstanceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a circumstance surrounding the disappearance of a person.
MissingPersonCircumstanceCodeclass instanceA circumstance surrounding the disappearance of a person.
MissingPersonCircumstanceTextclass instanceA circumstance surrounding the disappearance of a person.
MissingPersonDeclarationDateclass instanceA date a person was declared or legally assumed to be missing.
MissingPersonDeclarationPersonclass instanceA person who declared another person to be missing.
MissingPersonDisappearanceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of disappearance of a missing person.
MissingPersonDisappearanceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of disappearance of a missing person.
MissingPersonDisappearanceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of disappearance of a missing person.
MissingPersonFoundDateclass instanceA date a missing person was found.
MissingPersonFoundIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a missing person has been found; false otherwise.
MissingPersonFoundLocationclass instanceA location where a missing person was found.
MissingPersonIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number of a missing person.
MissingPersonInterestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if NCMEC interest in a Missing Person Record; false otherwise.
MissingPersonLastSeenDateclass instanceA date a missing person was last seen before disappearing.
MissingPersonLastSeenLocationclass instanceA place a missing person was last seen before disappearing.
MissingPersonLastSeenWitnessclass instanceA person who last saw a missing person.
MissingPersonOccurrenceclass instanceA set of details surrounding the activity perpetuated by a person's whereabouts being unknown.
MissingPersonOccurrenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MissingPersonOccurrenceType.
MissingPersonOccurrenceTypeclassA data type for a set of details surrounding the activity perpetuated by a person's whereabouts being unknown.
MissingPersonStatusclass instanceA status of a missing person.
MissingPersonTypeclassA data type for details of a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
Missionclass instanceA task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.
MissionAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a nc:Mission.
MissionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:MissionType
MissionAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an nc:Mission.
MissionCommencementNoEarlierThanDateclass instanceAn earliest date and time a mission may start.
MissionCommencementNoLaterThanDateclass instanceA latest date and time a mission may start.
MissionEssentialTaskclass instanceA specified or implied task that an organization must perform to accomplish the mission that is typically included in the mission statement.
MissionEssentialTaskAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:MissionEssentialTaskType
MissionEssentialTaskListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:MissionEssentialTaskListType
MissionEssentialTaskListTypeclassA data type for a list Mission Essential Tasks.
MissionEssentialTaskTypeclassA data type for a specified or implied task that an organization must perform to accomplish the mission that is typically included in the mission statement.
MissionIDclass instanceA mission identifier.
MissionInformationclass instanceAn element contains mission related information
MissionInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MissionInformationType
MissionInformationTypeclassA data type for Information about the mission related to the resource request
MissionNameclass instanceA name of a mission.
MissionStagingLocationclass instanceAn element for the resource staging location
MissionTypeclassA data type for a task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.
ML_AffineCSclass instance
ML_BaseUnitclass instance
ML_CartesianCSclass instance
ML_CodeDefinitionclass instance
ML_CodeListDictionaryclass instance
ML_CodeListDictionary_TypeclassConstraint: codeEntry.type = ML_CodeListDefinition
ML_CompoundCRSclass instance
ML_ConcatenatedOperationclass instance
ML_ConventionalUnitclass instance
ML_Conversionclass instance
ML_CoordinateSystemAxisclass instance
ML_CylindricalCSclass instance
ML_DerivedCRSclass instance
ML_DerivedUnitclass instance
ML_Ellipsoidclass instance
ML_EllipsoidalCSclass instance
ML_EngineeringCRSclass instance
ML_EngineeringDatumclass instance
ML_GeodeticCRSclass instance
ML_GeodeticDatumclass instance
ML_ImageCRSclass instance
ML_ImageDatumclass instance
ML_LinearCSclass instance
ML_OperationMethodclass instance
ML_OperationParameterclass instance
ML_OperationParameterGroupclass instance
ML_PassThroughOperationclass instance
ML_PolarCSclass instance
ML_PrimeMeridianclass instance
ML_ProjectedCRSclass instance
ML_SphericalCSclass instance
ML_TemporalCRSclass instance
ML_TemporalDatumclass instance
ML_TimeCSclass instance
ML_Transformationclass instance
ML_UnitDefinitionclass instance
ML_UserDefinedCSclass instance
ML_VerticalCRSclass instance
ML_VerticalCSclass instance
ML_VerticalDatumclass instance
mmuccclass viewSource: Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC); Publication: MMUCC Guideline - Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria - 4th Edition;
Version: 4.0;
Date: 2012;
Source Updates: 2012;
mmuccclass view
MNPCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 9 - Missing Person (MNP) Field Codes
MNPCodeTypeclassA data type for 9 - Missing Person (MNP) Field Codes
MNUCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 8 - Miscellaneous Identifying Number (MNU) Field Codes
MNUCodeTypeclassA data type for 8 - Miscellaneous Identifying Number (MNU) Field Codes
moclass viewMilOps - Distribution A
mo:AffiliationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:AffiliationType
mo:AimpointAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:AimpointType
mo:AimpointLocationattributeA geographic coordinate of a point associated with a target and assigned for a specific weapon impact.
mo:AircraftCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for categorizing aircraft based upon intended use or operating limitations.
mo:AircraftTargetAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:AircraftTargetAssociationType
mo:AircraftTargetRunInitialPointattributeA well-defined point, easily distinguishable visually and/or electronically, used as a starting point for the bomb run to the target.
mo:AltitudeMeasureattributeA vertical elevation of an object above a surface (as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite.
mo:AltitudeMeasureattributeA vertical elevation of an object above a surface (as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite.
mo:AngleDegreesMeasureattributeAn angle in two dimensions measured in degrees (the angle between two half-lines terminating at the same point).
mo:AngularNATOMilValueattributeA measure of an angle in NATO Mils (there are 6400 NATO Mils in a circle).
mo:ApprovalAuthorityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ApprovalAuthorityType
mo:ApprovalAuthorityNameattributeA name for a person, group, board, or organization
mo:ApprovalDateattributeA date of the approval.
mo:ApprovalStatusTextattributeA text that indicates the status of an approval.
mo:AreaOfInterestAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:AreaOfInterestType
mo:CallSignIdentificationattributeAn identification of any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit; used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications.
mo:ConditionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ConditionType
mo:ConditionIdentificationattributeAn identification for the condition.
mo:ConditionNameattributeA name for the condition.
mo:ContactInformationCommentattributeA field used by the POC or user to provide additional information
mo:ContactInformationRankTextattributeA military rank for the focal point of information concerning an activity or event.
mo:ContactInformationSecureEmailIDattributeA secure electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
mo:CourseAbstractattributeA data concept for the intended direction of movement in the horizontal plane.
mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasureattributeAn angular distance measured in degrees of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasureattributeAn angular distance measured in degrees of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasure
mo:DamageAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:DamageType.
mo:DamageDescriptionTextattributeA description of the damage to a target.
mo:DamageLocationattributeA location of where the damage occurred.
mo:DamageLocationattributeA location of where the damage occurred.
mo:DamagePercentattributeA percent quantifying the damage to a target.
mo:DesiredPointOfImpactAimpointattributeA precise point, associated with a target and assigned as the impact point for a single unitary weapon to create a desired effect. Also called DPI.
mo:DeviceattributeA device.
mo:DeviceConfigurationattributeA set of information about the configuration of a device.
mo:DeviceConfigurationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:DeviceConfigurationType
mo:DeviceConfigurationSettingattributeA set of information about a configuration setting.
mo:DeviceHardwareVersionIDattributeAn identifier of the hardware version on a device.
mo:DeviceLocatedMilitaryInstallationNameattributeA name of a military installation at which a device is located.
mo:DeviceLocatedSectorNameattributeA name of a sector at which a device is located.
mo:DevicePresetConfigurationattributeA set of information about the original configuration of a device.
mo:DeviceSubCategoryTextattributeA more specific classification of a kind of device.
mo:DeviceUUIDattributeA universally unique identifier assigned to or reported by the device.
mo:DirectionDatumAbstractattributeA data concept for a reference direction as determined by the means by which it is established (e.g., by the direction of a geographic or magnetic pole of the Earth).
mo:DirectionDatumAbstractattributeA data concept for a reference direction as determined by the means by which it is established (e.g., by the direction of a geographic or magnetic pole of the Earth).
mo:ElevationMeasureattributeA height above a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface.
mo:ElevationMeasureattributeA height above a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface.
mo:EllipseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:EllipseType
mo:EllipseMajorAxisAzimuthMeasureattributeA major axis azimuth (XY) of an ellipse.
mo:EllipseMajorAxisLengthMeasureattributeA major axis length (XY) of an ellipse.
mo:EllipseMinorAxisLengthMeasureattributeA minor axis length (XY) of an ellipse.
mo:EquipmentSetAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:EquipmentType
mo:EventAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:EventType.
mo:EventCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for the type or kind of an event.
mo:EventCommentattributeA comment about the process or object.
mo:EventContactattributeA means of contacting the object or process described in this Event.
mo:EventDescriptionTextattributeA description of some event.
mo:EventIdentificationattributeAn identification of an event.
mo:EventLocationattributeA location of a process or object.
mo:EventMessageDateTimeattributeA point in time at which this message was created.
mo:EventMotionattributeA 2D or 3D vector describing the motion of a process or object.
mo:EventNameattributeA name of some event.
mo:EventRelativeOrientationattributeA set of angles of rotation about the principle axes (normal, lateral, longitudinal) of a process or object, relative to the Earth and direction of motion, measured in degrees.
mo:EventStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for a state or condition, with respect to circumstances, of some event.
mo:EventSymbolAbstractattributeA data concept for a graphic sign usually on a map, display, or diagram, which represents some event of military interest.
mo:EventValidityDateTimeRangeattributeA start and stop time of the Event.
mo:FacilityAllegianceCountryattributeA designator for a country to which a facility owes its allegiance.
mo:FrequencyMeasureattributeA measure of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.
mo:FrequencyMeasureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:FrequencyMeasureType
mo:FrequencyUnitAbstractattributeA data concept for a unit of measure for a frequency value.
mo:GeographicLocationCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a designator for a geographic location or place at which a military organization may be positioned or stationed, or a geographic location or place of military significance. Also known as a GEOLOC.
mo:GroupSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:GroupSettingDataType
mo:HorizontalAngularMeasureAbstractattributeA data concept for an angular measure in the horizontal plane.
mo:HorizontalAngularMeasureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:HorizontalAngularMeasureType
mo:ImageAlternateNameattributeAn alternate name associated to an image.
mo:ImageBinaryTextattributeA text that is a binary base-64 string that represents an Image.
mo:ImageDescriptionTextattributeA text for the primary description of the image.
mo:ImageFileCategoryTextattributeA kind of image on file.
mo:ImageIdentificationattributeAn identification for the image.
mo:ImageNameattributeA name for the image.
mo:ImageRelativeLocationURIattributeA URI describing the relative location of an image.
mo:IndicatorSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:IndicatorSettingDataType
mo:ListOptionSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ListOptionSettingDataType
mo:LocationCreationCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for indicating the method used to generate a location.
mo:LocationCylinderHalfHeightValueattributeA value one-half of the height of a cylinder, measured in meters.
mo:LocationCylinderRadiusValueattributeA radius of a cylinder, measured in meters.
mo:LocationUncertaintyAreaattributeAn area of uncertainty about a location.
mo:MeanPointOfImpactAimpointattributeA point whose coordinates are the arithmetic means of the coordinates of the separate points of impact/burst of a finite number of projectiles fired or released at the same aiming point under a given set of conditions.
mo:MGRSCoordinateStringTextattributeA complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
mo:MissionEssentialTaskattributeA specified or implied task that an organization must perform to accomplish the mission that is typically included in the mission statement.
mo:MissionEssentialTaskAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:MissionEssentialTaskType
mo:MissionEssentialTaskListAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:MissionEssentialTaskListType
mo:MotionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:MotionType
mo:ObservationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ObservationType
mo:ObservationDateTimeattributeA Date Time Group when this object was observed with the given information. Not to be confused with the Publish Time, which indicates when the system published the message.
mo:ObservationEmergencyIndicatorattributeTrue if an observed object is in a state of emergency; False otherwise.
mo:ObservationTrackIDURIattributeA globally unique identification of the track being observed.
mo:ObservedObject2DGeospatialCoordinateattributeA latitude and longitude of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectActivityAbstractattributeA data concept for an activity of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectAllegianceCountryAbstractattributeA data concept for a country of allegiance of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectBattleDimensionAbstractattributeA data concept for a primary mission area for an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectIDAbstractattributeA data concept for an identifier of an observed battlespace object.
mo:ObservedObjectLocationattributeA location of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ObservedObjectLocationType
mo:ObservedObjectLocationDerivationCodeattributeA code indicating the method used to generate a location of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectMotionattributeA speed and course of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectNameattributeA name of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectPlatformAbstractattributeA data concept for a platform of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectSpecificPlatformAbstractattributeA data concept for a specific platform of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectStandardIdentityCodeattributeA designator for a standard identity of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectStandardIdentityCodeattributeA designator for a standard identity of an observed object.
mo:ObservedObjectSymbolAbstractattributeA data concept for a military symbol code often used to display the track on a GUI.
mo:OperationPlanattributeA specification for any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies.
mo:OperationPlanAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:OperationPlanType
mo:OperationPlanCreateDateattributeA date on which the plan was created.
mo:OperationPlanIdentificationattributeAn identification of the subject plan. Also known as a PID.
mo:OperationPlanTaskOrganizationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type OperationPlanTaskOrganizationType
mo:OperationPlanTitleTextattributeA name of the plan, operation, or exercise for the defined Plan Identification Number (PID).
mo:OperationPlanUpdateDateattributeA date of last change to plan information data.
mo:OPEXCodeattributeA designator specifying whether observation was a part of an operation, exercise or simulation.
mo:OPEXCodeattributeA designator specifying whether observation was a part of an operation, exercise or simulation.
mo:OPEXCodeattributeA designator specifying whether observation was a part of an operation, exercise or simulation.
mo:OrdnanceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:OrdnanceType
mo:OrdnanceCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of explosives, chemicals, pyrotechnics, and similar stores, e.g., bombs, guns and ammunition, flares, smoke, or napalm.
mo:OrganizationUniqueIDattributeAn identifier to uniquely distinguish one DoD organizational element from another, allowing DoD systems to identify an organization individually across the DoD enterprise. Also known as OUID.
mo:PitchChangeValueattributeA rate of change of angle of rotation of a thing about its lateral axis, measured in degrees per second.
mo:PitchValueattributeAn angle of rotation of a thing about its longitudinal axis, measured in degrees between the lateral axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate the left side is rotated downward.
mo:PolygonCoordinateLocationattributeA location of a coordinate that serves as a node of a polygon.
mo:RangeValueSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:RangeValueSettingDataType
mo:RelativeOrientationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:RelativeOrientationType
mo:RoleOfFacilityattributeA facility, of which the containing object is a role.
mo:RoleOfUnitattributeA unit, of which the containing object is a role.
mo:RollChangeValueattributeA rate of change of angle of rotation of a thing about its longitudinal axis, measured in degrees per second.
mo:ScanSectorattributeA sector scanned by a device; defined by a radial sweep from the device location.
mo:ScanSectorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ScanSectorType
mo:SectorDistanceMaximumMeasureattributeA maximum distance measure of a sector.
mo:SectorDistanceMinimumMeasureattributeA minimum distance measure of a sector.
mo:SectorElevationAngleattributeAn elevation angle of a sector.
mo:SectorMaximumAzimuthMeasureattributeA maximum azimuth of a sector.
mo:SectorMinimumAzimuthMeasureattributeA minimum azimuth of a sector.
mo:SensorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:SensorType
mo:SensorIdentificationattributeAn identification of a sensor.
mo:SettingattributeA set of information about a configuration setting.
mo:SettingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:SettingType
mo:SettingCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for a coded value option for a setting.
mo:SettingDataattributeA value or set of data for a setting.
mo:SettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:SettingDataType
mo:SettingDataRepresentationattributeA data concept for the data specified by a setting.
mo:SettingDescriptionTextattributeA description of a setting.
mo:SettingDisplayElementAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of element that may be used to represent the setting in a user display.
mo:SettingEnabledIndicatorattributeTrue if a setting is enabled; false otherwise.
mo:SettingExclusiveControlIndicatorattributeTrue if a setting requires exclusive control; false otherwise.
mo:SettingIDattributeAn identifier of a setting.
mo:SettingIncrementMeasureattributeA smallest allowable increment measure for setting data.
mo:SettingMaximumMeasureattributeA maximum allowable value or measure for a setting.
mo:SettingMeasureattributeA value or measure for a setting.
mo:SettingMinimumMeasureattributeA minimum allowable value or measure for a setting.
mo:SettingMultipleValuesAllowedIndicatorattributeTrue if a setting allows for multiple values to be selected; false if only one selected value is allowed.
mo:SettingNameattributeA name of a setting.
mo:SettingPresetDataattributeAn original value or set of data given for a setting.
mo:SettingReadOnlyIndicatorattributeTrue if a setting is read only; false otherwise.
mo:SettingSelectedIndicatorattributeTrue if a setting has been selected; false if a setting has not been selected.
mo:SettingUnitTextattributeA unit of measure for a setting.
mo:SignalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:SignalType
mo:SignalDirectionAbstractattributeA data concept for a direction of a signal link.
mo:SlopeValueattributeA direction of vertical motion, measured in degrees; -90 indicates motion toward the center of the Earth.
mo:SortieAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:SortieType
mo:SortieIdentificationattributeAn identification for a Sortie.
mo:SupportingMissionEssentialTaskattributeA set of specific activities that contribute to accomplishment of a joint mission-essential task. Supporting tasks associated with a command or AMETL are accomplished by the JS or subordinate commands or agencies.
mo:TargetattributeA role of an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action.
mo:TargetAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:TargetType
mo:TargetDescriptionTextattributeA description of a target.
mo:TargetIdentificationattributeAn identification of a target.
mo:TargetLocationattributeA geographic coordinate of the target.
mo:TargetResultingDamageattributeA quantitative extent of physical damage to a target resulting from the application of military force.
mo:TaskNumberTextattributeA hierarchical number that identifies a specific task.
mo:TaskPerformingUnitattributeA unit that is/was/will be performing the task.
mo:TaskResponsibleUnitattributeA unit assigned to complete a clearly defined action or activity as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
mo:TaskSupportedMissionattributeA mission that is enabled by the performance of a clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
mo:TaskUUIDattributeAn identifier for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID) for a task.
mo:TrackAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:TrackType
mo:TrackIdentificationattributeAn identification of a track.
mo:TrackLocationBoundingAreaattributeA geographic area encompassing a set of positions of a track.
mo:TrackPointattributeA point in a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device.
mo:TrackPointAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:TrackPointType
mo:TrackPointLocationattributeA tracked object location.
mo:TripwireattributeA unique line of detection, comprised of two or more location points, that intruders cannot cross.
mo:TripwireAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:TripwireType
mo:TripwireDirectionCodeattributeA direction of travel for a tripwire.
mo:TripwirePointLocationattributeA location of a tripwire point or end.
mo:UnitattributeA military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority.
mo:UnitattributeA military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority.
mo:UnitAbbreviatedNameattributeAn abbreviated unit name.
mo:UnitAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:UnitType
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationattributeA relationship describing the command or support relationship between two units.
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationType
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationForceManagementIDattributeAn identifier used to identify an association between organizational elements.
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of command or support relationship that exists between the subject and object units.
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCommandingUnitattributeA unit that has control or authority over a subordinate unit in a command or support relationship.
mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipSubordinateUnitattributeA unit that is under the authority or control of a commanding unit in a command or support relationship.
mo:UnitGeopoliticalAffiliationAbstractattributeA data concept representing the country affiliation for an object.
mo:UnitIdentificationCodeIDattributeAn identifier with a six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each Active, Reserve, and National Guard unit of the Armed Forces. Also called UIC.
mo:UnitMetadataattributeInformation that further qualifies primary data about a unit; data about unit data.
mo:UnitNameattributeA character string assigned to represent a unit name.
mo:UnitOperationalStatusAbstractattributeA data concept that describes the operational status of a military entity.
mo:UnitPointOfContactattributeA person serving as coordinator, action officer, or focal point for an activity.
mo:UnitPresentLocationattributeA position or site occupied by the unit.
mo:UnitReinforcementAbstractattributeA data concept that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength.
mo:UnitShortNameattributeA name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols.
mo:UnitStatusQualifierAbstractattributeA data concept that qualifies the status of a unit.
mo:UnitTypeCodeTextattributeA Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit."
mo:ValueSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ValueSettingDataType
mo:VerticalAngularMeasureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:VerticalAngularMeasureType
mo:WaypointAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:WaypointType
mo:WaypointNameattributeA name of a waypoint.
mo:WaypointPointattributeA point to which a moving object may be vectored.
mo:WGS84LocationCylinderAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:WGS84LocationCylinderType
mo:WGS84LocationPointattributeA data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
mo:YawChangeValueattributeA rate of change of angle of rotation of a thing about its normal axis, measured in degrees per second.
mo:YawValueattributeAn angle of rotation of a thing about its normal axis, relative to its direction of motion, measured in degrees; negative values indicate rotation to the left.
mo:ZoneSettingDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type mo:ZoneSettingDataType
MobileFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a multi-finger capture position
MobileFingerPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a multi-finger capture position
modelYearattributeA model year associated with an item.
modifiedCoordinateclass instancegml:modifiedCoordinate is a positive integer defining a position in a coordinate tuple.
MoleFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger with a mole on it.
MoleFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a finger with a mole on it.
MondayHoursTextclass instanceA text description of the normal Monday operating hours.
MonthDateclass instanceA month.
MonthlyIncomeTotalAmountclass instanceA total monthly income amount represented in this financial compilation.
MonthlyLivingExpenseclass instanceA representation for details about the monthly living expenses of a person.
MonthlyLivingExpenseAlimonyAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of alimony.
MonthlyLivingExpenseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MonthlyLivingExpenseType.
MonthlyLivingExpenseChildSupportAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month child support.
MonthlyLivingExpenseClothesAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of clothing.
MonthlyLivingExpenseCourtPaymentAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of court payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseEntertainmentAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of entertainment.
MonthlyLivingExpenseFoodAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of food.
MonthlyLivingExpenseHealthInsuranceAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of health insurance payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseLifeInsuranceAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of life insurance payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseLoanPaymentAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of loan payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseOtherAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month or other living expense.
MonthlyLivingExpenseRentOrMortgageAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of rent or mortgage payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseTotalAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of living expense.
MonthlyLivingExpenseTypeclassA data type for a set of details describing the allocation of money for one month of living expenses.
MonthlyLivingExpenseUtilityPaymentAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of utility payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseVehicleInsuranceAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of vehicle insurance payments.
MonthlyLivingExpenseVehiclePaymentAmountclass instanceA total amount of money allocated for one month of vehicle payments.
MorgueCapacityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of the status of the morgue capacity.
MorgueCapacityCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of the status of the morgue capacity.
MorphologyPositionalNumberingCodeclass instanceA code to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
MorphologyPositionalNumberingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
MorphologyPositionalNumberingCodeTypeclassA data type to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
MostDamagedAreaAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an area of the motor vehicle that was most damaged in a crash.
MostDamagedAreaCodeclass instanceAn area of the motor vehicle that was most damaged in a crash.
MostRecentFosterCareReviewDateclass instanceA date of the most recent foster care review.
MotionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:MotionType
MotionTypeclassA data type for a 2D or 3D vector describing the motion of a process or object.
MotorCarrierclass instanceAn organization providing commercial motor vehicle transportation for compensation.
MotorCarrierActiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a carrier is in business and is currently subject to regulation; false otherwise.
MotorCarrierAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MotorCarrierType.
MotorCarrierCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a categorization of a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCategoryCodeclass instanceA categorization of a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set that categorizes a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set that categorizes a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCategoryTextclass instanceA kind or categorization of a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCensusUpdateDateclass instanceA date on which (DOT MCMIS Census File) information about a Motor Carrier was last updated.
MotorCarrierCurrentlyTargetedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a motor carrier is currently targeted for increased enforcement action due to a poor safety record; false otherwise.
MotorCarrierDOTIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned by a federal or state department of transportation agency, to uniquely identify a given carrier.
MotorCarrierHazMatTransportationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a given carrier transports Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT); false otherwise.
MotorCarrierICCIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned by the Interstate Commerce Commission to uniquely identify a given carrier.
MotorCarrierIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type motor carrier identification category
MotorCarrierIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type motor carrier identification category
MotorCarrierInterstateOperationsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a given carrier operates commercial vehicles in interstate commerce; false otherwise. An interstate designation allows operation in multiple state jurisdictions, which includes U.S. and Mexican states and Canadian provinces.
MotorCarrierMCSIPParticipantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a motor carrier currently participates in the USDOT Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process (MCSIP) program; false otherwise.
MotorCarrierMCSIPStepDateclass instanceA date the carrier was assigned to the associated MCSIP Step.
MotorCarrierMCSIPStepTextclass instanceA description of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process (MCSIP) Step, reflecting the phase of the MCSIP program that the carrier is assigned to. The step is assigned based on safety statistics (SAFESTAT).
MotorCarrierPreviouslyTargetedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a motor carrier was targeted in the past, for increased enforcement action due to a poor safety record; false otherwise.
MotorCarrierPRISMAdditionDateclass instanceA date on which the carrier was added to the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Carrier File for safety monitoring.
MotorCarrierPRISMUpdateDateclass instanceA date on which the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) was last updated for the carrier.
MotorCarrierSAFESTATDateclass instanceA date that the associated SAFESTAT rating is assigned by the SAFESTAT system
MotorCarrierSAFESTATRatingTextclass instanceA SAFESTAT rating provides a summary of a carriers safety record. The rating is assigned by the SAFESTAT system, using a collection of programs that review a motor carrier's accumulation of accidents, vehicle inspections, law enforcement actions, and compliance reviews and using factors such as the number of vehicles/drivers and approximate mileage.
MotorCarrierTargetDateclass instanceA date on which the status of targeting a carrier changed.
MotorCarrierTypeclassA data type for an organization providing commercial motor vehicle transportation for compensation.
MotorcycleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.6: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Parts
MotorcycleCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.6: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Parts
MotoristPersonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a motorist person category code.
MotoristPersonCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a motorist person category code.
MouthDataADAReferenceCodeListclass instanceA list of mouth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 10
MouthDataADAReferenceCodeListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MouthDataADAReferenceCodeList
MouthDataADAReferenceCodeListTypeclassA data type for a list of mouth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 10
MouthDataAdditionalDescriptiveTextclass instanceA description of additional detail of mouth data
MouthDataDetailclass instanceA container for information about the entry of information concerning the mouth.
MouthDataInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for MouthDataInformation
MouthDataInformationTypeclassA data type for a description of the medical (dental) observations of the mouth.
MouthDataRecordingDateclass instanceA date of recording of the mouth data.
MouthDataRecordingDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceA kind of date of recording estimated accuracy range for mouth data
MovingObjectStatusclass instance
MPCCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 10 - Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) Field Codes
MPCCodeTypeclassA data type for 10 - Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) Field Codes
multiCenterLineOfclass instance
multiCenterOfclass instance
multiCoverageclass instance
MultiCurveclass instanceA gml:MultiCurve is defined by one or more gml:AbstractCurves.
The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:curveMember) or the array property (gml:curveMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
MultiCurveCoverageclass instanceIn a gml:MultiCurveCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of curves comprising a gml:MultiCurve. The coverage function then maps each curve in the collection to a value in the range set.
The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiCurve.
In a gml:MultiCurveCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward.
- For gml:DataBlock encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block.
- For gml:CompositeValue encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order.
- For gml:File encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
multiCurveDomainclass instance
multiCurvePropertyclass instance
MultiCurvePropertyTypeclassA property that has a collection of curves as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiCurveTypeclassA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more curves or line strings. A gml:MultiCurve is defined by one or more gml:AbstractCurves. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:curveMember) or the ar
multiEdgeOfclass instance
multiExtentOfclass instance
MultiGeometryclass instancegml:MultiGeometry is a collection of one or more GML geometry objects of arbitrary type.
The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:geometryMember) or the array property (gml:geometryMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
multiGeometryPropertyclass instance
MultiGeometryPropertyTypeclassA property that has a geometric aggregate as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiGeometryTypeclassA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more geometries, potentially of different types. Gml:MultiGeometry is a collection of one or more GML geometry objects of arbitrary type. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "
multiLocationclass instance
MultimediaCaptureDurationclass instanceA total duration of time covered by the data recorded by a multimedia device.
MultimediaCaptureStartDateTimeclass instanceA date-time at which capture of the multimedia data was started.
MultimediaDataclass instanceA set of information about multimedia data - e.g., images, sound clips, movies, - regarding a measured item or a measurement environment.
MultimediaDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:MultimediaDataType.
MultimediaDataDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the contents or any other aspects of the multimedia data.
MultimediaDataMIMEKindTextclass instanceA media type listed in http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. If the media type is not listed, then describe the media type using free-form text.
MultimediaDataMIMEKindTextclass instanceA media type listed in http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. If the media type is not listed, then describe the media type using free-form text.
MultimediaDataTypeclassA data type to provide data about a multimedia file, and optionally inclusion of the file content within the instant xml document.
MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of device that recorded an instance of multimedia data.
MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code values for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.
MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.
MultimediaDeviceIDclass instanceA unique Identifier (e.g., serial number) of the device that recorded the multimedia data.
MultimediaFileSizeValueclass instanceA multimedia file size in kilobytes (kB).
MultimediaFileURIclass instanceA location of a file containing multimedia data, if the data are not included within the contents of a MultimediaData element.
MultipleArresteeSegmentsCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the ways in which an arrested subject is counted or scored in a system so that a subject is counted only once despite potentially multiple arrests at a time.
MultipleArresteeSegmentsCodeTypeclassA data type for the ways in which an arrested subject is counted or scored in a system so that a subject is counted only once despite potentially multiple arrests at a time.
MultipleBeneficiaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there are multiple beneficiaries of the benefit request; false otherwise
Multiplicityclass instance
MultiplicityattributeThe multiplicity of the NIEM property that implements the source class or property
Multiplicity_TypeclassUse to represent the possible cardinality of a relation. Represented by a set of simple multiplicity ranges.
MultiplicityRangeclass instance
MultiplicityRange_TypeclassA component of a multiplicity, consisting of an non-negative lower bound, and a potentially infinite upper bound.
MultiPointclass instanceA gml:MultiPoint consists of one or more gml:Points.
The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:pointMember) or the array property (gml:pointMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
MultiPointCoverageclass instanceIn a gml:MultiPointCoverage the domain set is a gml:MultiPoint, that is a collection of arbitrarily distributed geometric points.
The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiPoint.
In a gml:MultiPointCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward.
- For gml:DataBlock encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block.
- For gml:CompositeValue encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order.
- For gml:File encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
multiPointDomainclass instance
multiPointPropertyclass instance
MultiPointPropertyTypeclassA property that has a collection of points as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiPointTypeclassA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more points. A gml:MultiPoint consists of one or more gml:Points. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:pointMember) or the array property (gml:pointMem
multiPositionclass instance
MultiSolidclass instanceA gml:MultiSolid is defined by one or more gml:AbstractSolids.
The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:solidMember) or the array property (gml:solidMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
MultiSolidCoverageclass instanceIn a gml:MultiSolidCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of solids comprising a gml:MultiSolid. The coverage function than maps each solid in the collection to a value in the range set.
The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiSolid.
In a gml:MultiSolidCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward.
- For gml:DataBlock encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block.
- For gml:CompositeValue encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order.
- For gml:File encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
multiSolidDomainclass instance
multiSolidPropertyclass instance
MultiSolidPropertyTypeclassA property that has a collection of solids as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiSurfaceclass instanceA gml:MultiSurface is defined by one or more gml:AbstractSurfaces.
The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:surfaceMember) or the array property (gml:surfaceMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
MultiSurfaceCoverageclass instanceIn a gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of surfaces comprising a gml:MultiSurface. The coverage function than maps each surface in the collection to a value in the range set.
The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiSurface.
In a gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward.
- For gml:DataBlock encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block.
- For gml:CompositeValue encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order.
- For gml:File encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
multiSurfaceDomainclass instance
multiSurfacePropertyclass instance
MultiSurfacePropertyTypeclassA property that has a collection of surfaces as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiSurfaceTypeclassA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more Polygons or Surfaces.
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of musical instrument.
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument.
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument.
MX_Aggregateclass instance
MX_DataFileclass instance
MX_DataSetclass instance
MX_ScopeCodeclass instance
MX_SupportFileclass instance