IAFISIndicatorclass instanceTrue if IAFIS was able to make an identification based upon the submitted transaction; false otherwise.
IBISNumberTextclass instanceA number assigned by the Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) to a bullet or cartridge casing image maintained in the IBIS System which is maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
icalendarclass instanceA schedule of upcoming events in a court
ICEEmployeeclass instanceAn employee of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
ICEEmployeeAssistantUSAttorneyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the ICE employee is an Assistant United States Attorney; false otherwise.
ICEEmployeeAttorneyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the ICE employee is an attorney; false otherwise.
ICEEmployeeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ICEEmployeeType.
ICEEmployeeBadgeIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the ICE employees badge or call number.
ICEEmployeeK9Indicatorclass instanceTrue if the ICE Employee is a K9; false otherwise.
ICEEmployeePayGradeNumericclass instanceA field indicating the employees pay grade.
ICEEmployeePINIdentificationclass instanceA field indicating the Personal Identification Number of the ICE Employee.
ICEEmployeeTitleTextclass instanceA field indicating the employees formal title or position.
ICEEmployeeTypeclassA data type for the classification of the person employed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
iceNumberattributeIdentifier assigned by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
ICEOfficerclass instanceA Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer.
ICEOfficerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ICEOfficerType.
ICEOfficerCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer.
ICEOfficerTypeclassA data type for the classification of the authorized enforcement officer employed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
ICPCPlacementApprovalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the receiving state approved the placement under the terms of Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC); false otherwise.
ICWAEligibilityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a case participant's ethnicity implicates the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA); false otherwise.
IDclass instanceA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
idclassA structure that describes an identifier of an entity.
IDAcquisitionMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a method of acquiring the identifier of an item.
IDAcquisitionMethodCodeclass instanceA code for the method of acquiring the identifier of an item.
IDAcquisitionMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the codes for the methods by which the identifier of an object can be determined.
IDAcquisitionMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for the methods by which the identifier of an object can be determined.
IDAcquisitionMethodTextclass instanceA description of the method of acquiring the identifier of an item.
IDCategoryCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code list for identification information types for a resource e.g. ID card number etc.
IDConfidenceCodeclass instanceA code for the confidence that the measured item identifier is correct.
identficationSourceattributeThe source of an identifier.
IdentificationclassAn identifier
Identificationclass instanceAn identification to represent an identity.
IdentificationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an identification.
IdentificationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an identification.
IdentificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IdentificationType.
IdentificationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an identification.
IdentificationAugmentationTypeclassA data type that supplements Identification and is used by Screening for augmenting the Identification Type
identificationCategoryattributeThe category of an identifier.
IdentificationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of identification.
IdentificationEffectiveDateclass instanceA date an identification takes effect.
IdentificationExpirationDateclass instanceA date after which an identification is no longer valid.
IdentificationIDclass instanceAn identifier.
IdentificationIDclass instanceAn identifier.
IdentificationIssuingCountryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a GeoPolitical Entity from which this identification was issued.
IdentificationIssuingCountryISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA GeoPolitical Entity from which this identification was issued.
IdentificationIssuingCountryNameclass instanceA name of a GeoPolitical Entity from which this identification was issued.
IdentificationIssuingLocalityTextclass instanceA Geographic Location from which this identification was issued.
IdentificationIssuingStateNameclass instanceA name of a major administrative district or division of a country from which this identification was issued.
IdentificationJurisdictionclass instanceAn area, region, or unit where a unique identification is issued.
IdentificationJurisdictionclass instanceAn area, region, or unit where a unique identification is issued.
IdentificationRangeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IdentificationRangeType.
IdentificationRangeTypeclassA data type for a range of identifications.
IdentificationSourceTextclass instanceA person, organization, or locale which issues an identification.
IdentificationSourceTextclass instanceA person, organization, or locale which issues an identification.
IdentificationStatusclass instanceA status of an identification.
IdentificationStatusAdvisoryTextclass instanceA text that describes special or advisory information about a particular Identification ID
IdentificationTypeclassA data type for a representation of an identity.
IdentificationTypeclassA data type for a representation of an identity.
IdentificationUUIDclass instanceA 128 bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been identified as a vitim of human trafficking; false otherwise.
IdentifiedAsVictimStatusclass instanceA status of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IdentifiedAsVictimStatusType.
IdentifiedAsVictimStatusTypeclassA data type for a status of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedObjectTypeclassgml:IdentifiedObjectType provides identification properties of a CRS-related object. In gml:DefinitionType, the gml:identifier element shall be the primary name by which this object is identified, encoding the "name" attribute in the UML model.
Zero or more of the gml:name elements can be an unordered set of "identifiers", encoding the "identifier" attribute in the UML model. Each of these gml:name elements can reference elsewhere the object's defining information or be an identifier by which this object can be referenced.
Zero or more other gml:name elements can be an unordered set of "alias" alternative names by which this CRS related object is identified, encoding the "alias" attributes in the UML model. An object may have several aliases, typically used in different contexts. The context for an alias is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute.
Any needed version information shall be included in the codeSpace attribute of a gml:identifier and gml:name elements. In this use, the gml:remarks element in the gml:DefinitionType shall contain comments on or information about this object, including data source information.
identifierclass instanceOften, a special identifier is assigned to an object by the maintaining authority with the intention that it is used in references to the object For such cases, the codeSpace shall be provided. That identifier is usually unique either globally or within an application domain. gml:identifier is a pre-defined property for such identifiers.
IdentifierElementTypeListclassA list of name types for commonly used Number type
Identifiersclass instanceA container for a list of Identifiers to recognise the party such as customer identifer, social security number, tax number, etc
IdentifierTypeclassComplex type for internal reuse
Identityclass instanceA set of known aspects, identifiers, and/or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized.
IdentityAssociationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an IdentityAssociationType.
IdentityAssociationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an association relating a set of identities belonging to the same actual person to each other.
IdentityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IdentityType.
IdentityCharacteristicsclass instanceA set of person characteristics used as an identification.
IdentityCreationDateclass instanceA date an identity is created.
IdentityCreationEventTextclass instanceAn occurrence that leads to the creation of an identity.
IdentityStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an aggregated status of biometrically linked encounters for an identified individual.
IdentityStatusCodeclass instanceAn aggregated status of biometrically linked encounters for an identified individual.
IdentityStolenIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the identity of the associated person is known to have been used by someone else (not the rightful identity holder) for the purpose of committing fraud; false otherwise.
IdentityTerminationDateclass instanceA date an identity is cancelled or terminated.
IdentityTerminationEventTextclass instanceAn occurrence that leads to the termination of an identity.
IdentityTypeclassA data type for a set of known aspects or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized.
IDTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 28 - Identity Theft Type (IDT) Field Codes
IDTCodeTypeclassA data type for 28 - Identity Theft Type (IDT) Field Codes
imclass viewImmigration
im:AcademicProgramTextattributeA field detailing the alien students academic program.
im:AcademicTermLengthQuantityattributeA number of the estimated time (duration) of an alien students academic-term.
im:ActualDeportationDateattributeA date on which the alien was deported from the United States.
im:ActualReleaseDateattributeA date on which the alien was released from a detention facility.
im:AdmissionIdentificationattributeAn identification of an alien I-94 admission.
im:AdmissionIdentificationattributeAn identification of an alien I-94 admission.
im:AlertClassCategoryTextattributeA kind of grouping of the alien alert.
im:AlertDescriptionTextattributeA description of an alien alert.
im:AlertGeneratingOfficerBadgeIdentificationattributeA field indicating the badge identification of the DHS Immigrations Customs Enforcement (ICE) person generating the alien alert transaction.
im:AlertWarningIndicatorattributeTrue if there is an alert warning associated with an alien; false otherwise.
im:AlienAlertattributeAn alert for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if the alien has been formally removed from the U.S. or could pose a risk based on safety or other factors.
im:AlienAlertAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienAlertType.
im:AlienAsylumRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the encounter is with an alien seeking asylum; false otherwise
im:AlienBorderCrossingIndicatorattributeTrue if the encounter is with an alien crossing the border; false otherwise
im:AlienCautionMedicalConditionCodeattributeA number indicating the code for alien persons medical condition that the DHS Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer should be cautious of.
im:AlienCustodyCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the code assigned to each kind of alien person custody.
im:AlienCustodyCategoryTextattributeA number indicating a kind of custody of an alien person.
im:AlienDetentionEncounterattributeA period of temporary custody of an alien that precedes disposition by a COURT.
im:AlienEncounterattributeAn interface between an alien person and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official.
im:AlienEncounterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienEncounterType.
im:AlienExchangeVisitorAdmissionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienExchangeVisitorAdmissionType.
im:AlienExchangeVisitorProgramattributeAn educational or cultural program of study sponsored by an authorized institution in the United States and offered to non-immigrant aliens.
im:AlienExchangeVisitorRoleattributeA non-immigrant alien who visits the United States to participate in either an educational or cultural exchange program that is approved by the United States Department of State.
im:AlienExchangeVisitorRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienExchangeVisitorRoleType.
im:AlienFelonCategoryTextattributeA kind of felony type.
im:AlienFelonDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated felony code.
im:AlienFileattributeA file containing detailed immigration information about an alien.
im:AlienIDDetailsattributeA documented identification of an alien.
im:AlienIDDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienIDDetailsType.
im:AlienIncidentRoleDescriptionTextattributeA description of the role of the alien in the event.
im:AlienIncidentSequenceIDattributeAn identifier indicating the sequence number associated with an encounter involving an alien.
im:AlienLocationattributeA location of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office or site, alien, incident, offense or piece of property.
im:AlienLookoutIndicatorattributeTrue if the encounter is with an enrolled alien who may be an aggravated felon, may be a suspected narcotics smuggler, has an active arrest warrant, or may be a national security risk; false otherwise.
im:AlienMandatoryDetentionIndicatorattributeTrue if detention is required for the alien; false otherwise.
im:AlienMatchCandidateattributeA date of the confirmation of a candidates biometric match with an encountered alien.
im:AlienMatchCandidateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienMatchCandidateType.
im:AlienMiscellaneousIdentificationattributeAn identification of another method of identifying an alien.
im:AlienMiscellaneousNumberIDAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienMiscellaneousNumberIDType.
im:AlienMiscellaneousNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification number that can be used to identify an alien.
im:AlienNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification indicating a unique number assigned to an alien's file.
im:AlienNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification indicating a unique number assigned to an alien's file.
im:AlienNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification indicating a unique number assigned to an alien's file.
im:AlienPhotoIndicatorattributeTrue if a photograph of the alien existed during encounter; false otherwise.
im:AlienPossessSSNIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien had a Social Security Card in possession at the time of encounter; false otherwise.
im:AlienPriorDeportationIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien has been deported before; false otherwise.
im:AlienRecidivistIndicatorattributeTrue if the encounter is with a non-criminal alien who has a tendency to slip back into previously recorded criminal activities; false otherwise.
im:AlienRoleattributeA foreign born person who is not a citizen of the United States.
im:AlienRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienRoleType.
im:AlienSmuggledCostAmountattributeA cost associated with smuggling an alien to the United States.
im:AlienSmuggledIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien has been smuggled to the United Stated; false otherwise.
im:AlienSpecialClassCategoryTextattributeA kind of alien's person's special class category for detention purposes.
im:AlienSpecialClassCodeDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated special class code for alien person detention.
im:AlienStudentAdmissionattributeAn entrance of a non-immigrant alien into full-time in an approved, accredited or certified United States educational or vocational program.
im:AlienStudentAdmissionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentAdmissionType.
im:AlienStudentAuthorizationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentAuthorizationType.
im:AlienStudentAuthorizationToDropBelowFullTimeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentAuthorizationToDropBelowFullTimeType.
im:AlienStudentDisciplinaryActionattributeAn action taken against the non-immigrant alien student as a result of the violation of the rules of the student visa or educational program.
im:AlienStudentDisciplinaryActionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentDisciplinaryActionType.
im:AlienStudentEmploymentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentEmploymentType.
im:AlienStudentProgramExtensionRequestAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentProgramExtensionRequestType.
im:AlienStudentRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AlienStudentRoleType.
im:AlienVoluntaryReturnIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien has a history of voluntarily returning to their home country prior to being deported; false otherwise.
im:AlienVoluntaryReturnIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien has a history of voluntarily returning to their home country prior to being deported; false otherwise.
im:ArrivalDepartureNotProvidingReasonTextattributeA reason for not providing arrival or departure at the border.
im:AttorneyRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien exercised his or her right to request for counse; false otherwise
im:AttorneyRightsIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien was informed of his or her right to be represented by counsel; false otherwise.
im:AuthorizationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AuthorizationType.
im:AuthorizationDescriptionTextattributeA description of an authorization.
im:AuthorizationDropBelowFullTimeCategoryTextattributeA kind of reason a student has dropped below full time status.
im:AuthorizationEndDateattributeA date an authorization expires.
im:AuthorizationF1IndicatorattributeTrue if the authorization to drop below full time status pertains an academic student (F-1); false otherwise.
im:AuthorizationFullResumptionDateattributeA date on which an alien student resumes a full time academic schedule for enrolled program.
im:AuthorizationIdentificationattributeAn identification of an authorization.
im:AuthorizationM1IndicatorattributeTrue if the authorization to drop below full time status pertains a vocational student (M-1); false otherwise.
im:AuthorizationRemarkTextattributeA field indicating remarks regarding an authorization.
im:AuthorizationStartDateattributeA date an authorization begins.
im:AuthorizationToDropBelowFullTimeattributeAn authorization for an alien student to drop below full time status
im:BaggageReceiptNumberIDattributeAn Identifier of the claim slip given to the alien to account for his personal belongings
im:BarracksCategoryTextattributeA kind of living quarters of the alien who is being detained in a detention facility.
im:BeneficiaryReceivedOtherBenefitsattributeAn other Beneficiary in the request that has received other benefits (reference to a person)
im:BeneficiaryReceivedOtherBenefitsCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeA USCIS receipt/case number identification of another benefit given to a beneficiary receiving the current benefit.
im:BenefitDeclarationAdditionalInformationTextattributeA text string containing the additional information provided in a declaration on a benefit request.
im:BenefitDeclarationOtherResponseTextattributeA text string containing the response provided to a free-form question on a benefit request.
im:BenefitDeclarationStatementTextattributeA text string containing the statement provided in a declaration on a benefit request.
im:BenefitEvidenceCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
im:BenefitEvidenceNotProvidedReasonTextattributeA reason that evidence was not provided in support of a benefit request.
im:BenefitInsertionDateattributeA date when the benefit application was inserted in the database
im:BenefitRequestPreparerattributeA Person that prepared the application
im:BenefitRequestSignatureDateattributeA date when the benefit request was signed.
im:BenefitRequestSignatureDateattributeA date when the benefit request was signed.
im:BenefitRequestSignatureIndicatorattributeTrue if the benefit request was signed; false otherwise
im:BenefitRequestSignatureIndicatorattributeTrue if the benefit request was signed; false otherwise
im:BinationalCommissionTotalFundingSupportAmountattributeA number indicating the amount of funding provided to the Exchange Visitor (EV) by the Binational Commission of the Exchange Visitors home country, in order to support his/her participation in a designated EV Program.
im:BlindSightImpairedAccommodationTextattributeA requested Sight accommodation for a disabled person.
im:BlindSightImpairedIndicatorattributeTrue if the Applicant has a sight impairment; false otherwise
im:BookInOfficerattributeA date on which the alien was booked in by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee.
im:BookOutOfficerattributeA date on which the alien was booked out by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee.
im:CampusEmploymentFundsAmountattributeA number indicating the total funds estimated to be earned by the alien student through on-campus employment.
im:ChainOfCustodyattributeA chain of custody of an item or exhibit.
im:ChainOfCustodyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChainOfCustodyType.
im:ChainOfCustodyDescriptionTextattributeA description of the chain of custody of an item (exhibit) in relation to which employee took custody, when they took custody, and what they took custody of.
im:ChainOfCustodyItemReceivedDateattributeA date on which the DHS Immigrations Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer assumed responsibility for an item (exhibit).
im:ChainOfCustodySequenceIDattributeAn identifier indicating the sequence number for an item (exhibit) under custody.
im:ChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if the requester would like a change of non immigrant status; false otherwise.
im:CitizenRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CitizenRoleType.
im:CitizenshipCertificateIdentificationattributeAn identification number of the citizenship certificate issued to a biological or adopted child of a U.S. Citizen.
im:ConsulateNotifiedDateattributeA date on which the consulate was notified of the D58alien's detention.
im:ConsulateRightsIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien was informed of his/her right to contact his or her consulate; false otherwise.
im:ContactMeansCodeattributeA description of how a contact will occur
im:ContactMeansReasonTextattributeA description of why contact was required
im:CountryattributeA nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
im:CountryattributeA nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
im:CountryattributeA nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
im:CountryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CountryType.
im:CountryCapitalCityNameattributeA name of the capital city of a country.
im:CountryLongFormNameattributeA conventional long form of the country's name as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names. (List of valid values)
im:CountryOfChargeabilityAbstractattributeA data concept for a country to which an immigrant, in a numerically limited classification, can be charged by the U.S. Department of State for purposes of numerical control.
im:CountryOfFormerAllegianceAbstractattributeA data concept for a country to which allegiance was held in the past but does not currently hold.
im:CountryShortFormNameattributeA conventional short form of the country's name as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names. (List of valid values)
im:CountryValidFromDateattributeA date on which the country officially was formed.
im:CountryValidToDateattributeA date onwhich the country officially ceased to exist.
im:CurrentSessionEndDateattributeA date on which an alien students current academic session ends.
im:DeafHardHearingAccommodationTextattributeA requested hearing accommodation for a disabled person.
im:DeafHardHearingIndicatorattributeTrue if the Applicant has a hearing impairment; false otherwise
im:DepartProofDescriptionTextattributeA description of the evidence of removal of an alien from the country.
im:DepartProofTextattributeAn evidence of removal of an alien from the country provided on the deportation document.
im:DepartProofTextattributeAn evidence of removal of an alien from the country provided on the deportation document.
im:DependentattributeA person who is a dependent of another person.
im:DependentattributeA person who is a dependent of another person.
im:DependentattributeA person who is a dependent of another person.
im:DependentCategoryTextattributeA kind of dependent.
im:DependentCodeDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated dependent code.
im:DependentDistrictOfficerTerminatedF2IndicatorattributeTrue if the District Officer terminated the aliens dependent status to an academic student (F-2); false otherwise.
im:DependentDistrictOfficerTerminatedM2IndicatorattributeTrue if the District Officer terminated the aliens dependent status to a vocational student (M-2); false otherwise.
im:DependentExpensesEstimatedAmountattributeA number indicating the total expenses for all alien students dependents during the term.
im:DependentJ2CompletionIndicatorattributeTrue if an aliens dependent status to an exchange visitor (J-2) completed with no adversity; false otherwise.
im:DependentJ2TerminationIndicatorattributeTrue if an exchange visitors dependent status to an exchange visitor (J-2) was terminated; false otherwise.
im:DependentPrincipalDesignatedSchoolOfficialTerminatedF2IndicatorattributeTrue if the Principal Designated School Official (PDSO) or Designated School Official (DSO) terminated the dependent status of an alien to an academic student (F-2); false otherwise.
im:DependentPrincipalDesignatedSchoolOfficialTerminatedM2IndicatorattributeTrue if a Principal Designated School Official (PDSO) or Designated School Official (DSO) terminated the aliens dependent status (M-2) to a vocational student; false otherwise.
im:DependentProgramEndDateattributeA date on which the alien dependent's principal program ends.
im:DependentRemarkTextattributeA field describing the dependent of an alien student or exchange visitor.
im:DependentTerminationCodeattributeA reason why a dependent of an alien student or exchange visitor may be terminated.
im:DependentTerminationCommentTextattributeA field detailing why an aliens dependent status was terminated.
im:DependentTerminationDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated alien dependents termination code.
im:DeportationCompleteIndicatorattributeTrue if the deportation has been completed; false otherwise
im:DeportationInProgressIndicatorattributeTrue if the deportation is in progress; false otherwise
im:DeportationLocationattributeA location from which the alien was deported.
im:DetainerLiftReasonattributeA classification of the condition under which a detention related to a Detainer (alien detention by anoAr agency) can be lifted.
im:DetentionDetainerLiftAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DetentionDetainerLiftType.
im:DetentionDetainerLiftCodeattributeA reason under which a DETENTION or a DETAINER can be lifted.
im:DetentionDetainerLiftDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated DETAINER LIFT CODE.
im:DetentionReleaseReasonAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DetentionReleaseReasonType.
im:DisabilityAccommodationIndicatorattributeTrue if the Applicant has a physical impairment; false otherwise
im:DisabilityAccommodationTextattributeA requested physical accommodation for a disabled person.
im:DisabilityImpairmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the Applicant or Beneficiary has a disability; false otherwise
im:DisciplinaryActionIdentificationattributeAn identification of a disciplinary action against an alien student.
im:DisciplinaryActionIndicatorattributeTrue if a disciplinary action against an alien student occurred; false otherwise.
im:DistanceFromLandmarkMeasureattributeA number indicating the distance in miles from a landmark to where the alien's ARREST occurred.
im:DocumentIssuingAuthorityIndicatorattributeTrue if a country has the authority to issue documents (e.g. passports); false otherwise.
im:DocumentSubmittedDateattributeA date the Immigration Document was submitted
im:EducationLevelClassificationattributeA classification of the highest level of education an alien STUDENT intends to achieve.
im:EducationLevelCodeattributeA student education level category a student is pursuing.
im:EducationLevelCommentTextattributeA field detailing the alien students level of education
im:EducationLevelTextattributeAn education level of the alien student.
im:EmploymentAuthorizationEndDateattributeA date through which an alien is authorized by DHS to work for a United States business.
im:EmploymentAuthorizationIndicatorattributeTrue if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has authorized the alien to work for a United States business; false otherwise.
im:EmploymentAuthorizationStartDateattributeA date that an alien is authorized by DHS to start work for a United States business.
im:EmploymentAuthorizationTextattributeA description of the alien's work authorization by DHS to work for a United States business
im:EmploymentCategoryTextattributeA kind of alien student employment.
im:EmploymentDescriptionTextattributeA descriptionof the employment of an alien student.
im:EmploymentOffCampusAuthorizationIndicatorattributeTrue if off-campus employment is authorized for the alien student; false otherwise.
im:EmploymentRemarkTextattributeA field describing the alien student employment.
im:EmploymentTimeAbstractattributeA data concept for the kind of alien student employment time code.
im:EmploymentTimeBasisTextattributeA field indicating if the alien student is Full-time or Part-time employed.
im:EnforcedDepartureattributeAn involuntary removal of an alien from the United States.
im:EnforcementEncounterCategoryTextattributeA kind of Enforcement Encounter.
im:EnglishRequirementMetIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien student has met the English language requirements; false otherwise.
im:EnrollmentApplicationSubmissionDateattributeA date on which the Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) submits a DS-2019 form for an Exchange Visitor to begin a new program.
im:EnrollmentApplicationSubmissionOfficerIdentificationattributeAn identification of the Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) who submitted the DS-2019, expressed as a user ID.
im:EstimatedTotalMiscellaneousSchoolTermExpenseAmountattributeA number indicating the total miscellaneous expenses estimated for alien student for the term.
im:ExchangeVisitorAdmissionattributeA non-immigrant alien arriving in the United States on a temporary basis as a participant in a program approved by the Department of State.
im:ExchangeVisitorCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification for the USCIS receipt/case number of the approved waiver.
im:ExchangeVisitorProgramAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ExchangeVisitorProgramType.
im:ExchangeVisitorProgramClassificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ExchangeVisitorProgramClassificationType.
im:ExchangeVisitorTerminationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ExchangeVisitorTerminationType.
im:ExchangeVisitorTerminationReasonattributeA classification for the reason associated with EXCHANGE VISITOR's program termination.
im:ExchangeVisitorTerminationReasonCodeattributeA reason for exchange visitors program termination.
im:ExchangeVisitorTerminationReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the associated EXCHANGE VISITOR TERMINATION CODE.
im:ExchangeVisitorTwoYearForeignResidentRequirementIndicatorattributeTrue if the person in J status subject to the two-year foreign resident requirement; false otherwise+E84
im:ExchangeVisitorTwoYearForeignResidentWaiverIndicatorattributeTrue if person already received a waiver of the two-year foreign residence requirement from USCIS; false otherwise
im:ExtensionOfStayDateattributeA date to which the requester wishes to extend his stay in the country.
im:ExtensionRequestIdentificationattributeAn identification of an alien students request for extension to participating in the program.
im:FacingHarmIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien faces harm by returning to his/her country; false otherwise
im:FederalGovernmentSponsorIndicatorattributeTrue if the Federal Government is the sponsor of the Program; false otherwise
im:FileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for FileType.
im:FileControlOfficeTextattributeA Field Office or Service Center that has the authorization to handle the Alien's A-File and update CIS to reflect location and movement of the file.
im:FileControlOfficeTextattributeA Field Office or Service Center that has the authorization to handle the Alien's A-File and update CIS to reflect location and movement of the file.
im:FileIdentificationattributeAn identification of the file number assigned to an alien immigration file.
im:FileNewIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien immigration file is new; false otherwise.
im:FileReceivedDateattributeA date a file was received.
im:FileReceivedDateattributeA date a file was received.
im:FileRequestDateattributeA date on which the alien's immigration file was requested.
im:FinancialInformationTextattributeA text string denoting the Exchange Visitors financial information.
im:FinancialSupportMethodSelectionCommentTextattributeA method used to select and arrange financial support for EXCHANGE VISITORs.
im:ForeignBornChildOfCitizenRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ForeignBornChildofCitizenRoleType.
im:FormAllotmentQuantityattributeA number indicating the number of DS-2019 forms that have been allocated for a PROGRAM.
im:FormNameDescriptionTextattributeA description of the name of the last form the Alien filled out.
im:FormNameDescriptionTextattributeA description of the name of the last form the Alien filled out.
im:FormSubmittedDateattributeA date that the last form type was submitted by Alien.
im:FormSubmittedDateattributeA date that the last form type was submitted by Alien.
im:FormUsageTotalQuantityattributeA number indicating the total number of DS-2019 forms used by a PROGRAM.
im:ForProfitIndicatorattributeTrue if the Program Sponsor is a for-profit organization; false otherwise
im:GenericBenefitDateattributeA date used for the purpose of specifying another date that is related to this Benefit Request that has been agreed between the parties.
im:HagueAdoptionConventionCountryIndicatorattributeTrue if a country is a party to the Hague Adoption Convention; false otherwise
im:HearingRightsIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien requested a hearing before a judge; false otherwise
im:ICEEmployeeAssistantUSAttorneyIndicatorattributeTrue if the ICE employee is an Assistant United States Attorney; false otherwise.
im:ICEEmployeeAttorneyIndicatorattributeTrue if the ICE employee is an attorney; false otherwise.
im:ICEEmployeeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ICEEmployeeType.
im:ICEEmployeeBadgeIdentificationattributeAn identification of the ICE employees badge or call number.
im:ICEEmployeeK9IndicatorattributeTrue if the ICE Employee is a K9; false otherwise.
im:ICEEmployeePayGradeNumericattributeA field indicating the employees pay grade.
im:ICEEmployeePINIdentificationattributeA field indicating the Personal Identification Number of the ICE Employee.
im:ICEEmployeeTitleTextattributeA field indicating the employees formal title or position.
im:ICEOfficerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ICEOfficerType.
im:ICEOfficerCategoryTextattributeA kind of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer.
im:ImmigrantRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrantRoleType.
im:ImmigrantVisaApplicantattributeA person included in this application who filed the application for the immigrant visa.
im:ImmigrantVisaCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeA USCIS receipt/case number(s) identification of the immigrant petition that was filed.
im:ImmigrationBenefitApplicationAbstractattributeA data concept for the type of immigration benefit being requested
im:ImmigrationBenefitApplicationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitApplicationType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitBeneficiaryattributeA beneficiary or recipient of the immigration benefit.
im:ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityChangeOfStatusType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationattributeA declaration made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
im:ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationsattributeAn accommodation required at the immigration interview for a disabled applicant.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityAbstractattributeA data concept for the information used to determine the eligibility for an immigraiton Benefit.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienattributeAn applicant's eligibility data for a Principal Alien who allows the requester to obtain an immigration benefit.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceattributeA piece of evidence provided in support of an immigration benefit request.
im:ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitExtendChangeStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityExtendChangeStatusType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayEligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityExtensionOfStayType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityReinstatementOfStudentStatusType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeattributeA representative of an applicant for an immigration benefit.
im:ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitRequestattributeA request for an immigration benefit
im:ImmigrationBenefitRequestAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitRequestType.
im:ImmigrationBenefitRequesterattributeA reference to the person who is making the immigration benefit request.
im:ImmigrationBenefitSignatureattributeA signature associated with an immigration benefit request
im:ImmigrationBenefitSignatureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitSignatureType.
im:ImmigrationDeportationattributeAn involuntary DEPARTURE of a PERSON based on a judicial decision or inspectors discretion
im:ImmigrationDeportationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDeportationType.
im:ImmigrationDetentionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDetentionType.
im:ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterType.
im:ImmigrationReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeA receipt / case number identification of a benefit request
im:ImmigrationStatusattributeAn Immigration Status of a Person with respect to a Country.
im:InactiveStatusattributeA status of an Exchange Visitor.
im:IndicatorDescriptionPairattributeA construct for the mutliple parts of a complex question that specifies: if a question needed to be answered, if True/Yes, False/No was provided as an answer, and the text of the question.
im:IndicatorDescriptionPairAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IndicatorDescriptionPairType.
im:IndigenousPeoplesIndicatorattributeTrue if a country has a population of indigenous peoples; false otherwise
im:IsNewIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien student is new; false otherwise.
im:JudicialOfficialDescriptionTextattributeA free form field with detailed description about the attorney.
im:LawfulPermanentResidentReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the reason why a Person is considered a LawfulPermanentResident.
im:LawfulPermanentResidentRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LawfulPermanentResidentRoleType.
im:LeftCountryIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien student has left the country after entering; false otherwise.
im:LocalGovernmentSponsorIndicatorattributeTrue if the Local Government is the sponsor of the Program; false otherwise
im:LocationAssociationBeginDateattributeA date on which the association with the location began.
im:LocationAssociationEndDateattributeA date on which the association with the location ended.
im:LocationMotherCountryAbstractattributeA data concept for the governing mother country of a dependent country.
im:LocationNearestLargeCityNameattributeA name of the nearest large city to a location.
im:MatchCandidateDetainedDateattributeA date on which the candidate for match with an encountered alien was detained.
im:MatchCandidateLeftFingerScoreNumericattributeA number indicating the left fingerprint score value of an enrolled candidate for determining his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateOverallFingerScoreNumericattributeA number indicating the sum of the right and left fingerprint score values of an enrolled candidate in order to determine his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateOverallMatchDecisionStatusTextattributeA final decision as to whether or not the candidate is truly a hit against an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateRankNumericattributeA number indicating the ranking score of an enrolled candidates biometric match against an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateRightFingerScoreNumericattributeA number indicating the right fingerprint score value of an enrolled candidate for determining his/her biometric match against an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateStatusattributeAn indication status of whether or not a candidate has met the minimum threshold for identification as a match with an encountered alien.
im:MatchCandidateStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MatchCandidateStatusType.
im:MatchCandidateStatusCategoryTextattributeA kind of indication of whether or not a candidate has met the minimum threshold for identification as a match with an encountered alien.
im:MedicationIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien is on medication; false otherwise.
im:MultipleBeneficiaryIndicatorattributeTrue if there are multiple beneficiaries of the benefit request; false otherwise
im:NationalReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the reason why a Person is considered a National.
im:NationalRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NationalRoleType.
im:NaturalizationAddressattributeA location address where the alien was naturalized as a U.S. Citizen
im:NaturalizationCertificateIdentificationattributeAn identification number of the naturalization certificate issued to a naturalized U.S. Citizen.
im:NaturalizationDescriptionTextattributeA description of the details of the alien's U.S. Naturalization.
im:NaturalizedCitizenRoleattributeA Person who has been naturalized in a country as a new citizen.
im:NaturalizedCitizenRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NaturalizedCitizenRoleType.
im:NextSessionStartDateattributeA date on which the next school session begins for the alien student.
im:NonImmigrantInspectionAdmissionStatusattributeA current status of non-immigrant inspection and admission into the country.
im:NonImmigrantRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonImmigrantRoleType.
im:NonImmigrantWorkerPetitionConcurrentlyFiledIndicatorattributeTrue if a Petition for Non-immigrant Worker is being concurrently filed with this application; false otherwise
im:NonImmigrantWorkerPetitionPreviouslyFiledReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeA Receipt/Case Number identification of a benefit previously requested.
im:OfficeLocationTextattributeA location of a USCIS office at which a case is received or begun.
im:OfficeSubLocationTextattributeA sub-location of a USCIS office at which a case is received or begun, or the interview will occur.
im:OrphanattributeA child who has no parents because of death or disappearance of, abandonment or desertion of, or separation or loss from both parents. An orphan is also a child who has only one parent, who is not capable of taking care of the child, and who has irrevocably released the child for adoption in writing.
im:OrphanAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OrphanRoleType.
im:OrphanOneParentOtherParentFateTextattributeA description of what happened to the other parent of an orphan who has one sole or surviving parent.
im:OrphanReasonNoParentIndicatorattributeTrue if the orphan has no parents; false otherwise
im:OrphanReasonOneParentIndicatorattributeTrue if the orphan has one sole or surviving parent; false otherwise
im:OrphanReasonTextattributeA reason the child is an orphan.
im:OrphanSoleSurvivingParentCapableOfSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if the sole or surviving parent is capable of providing support for the orphan; false otherwise
im:OrphanSoleSurvivingParentReleaseIndicatorattributeTrue if the sole or surviving parent has irrevocable released the orphan for emigration and adoption in writing; false otherwise
im:OtherAlienRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OtherAlienRoleType.
im:OtherFundsAmountattributeA number indicating the other funds available to the alien student during the term.
im:OtherFundsCommentTextattributeA field indicating free text required for explanation of other funds, if any, supplied to the alien student.
im:OtherOrganizationRoleCommentTextattributeA field detailing the roles played in the PROGRAM by other ORGANIZATIONs.
im:OtherSchoolTermExpensesTextattributeA field indicating a free text describing an explanation required if Other Expenses are listed for the alien student.
im:PartyContactDateRangeattributeA beginning and ending date range for an association of a Party with Contact information.
im:PartyContactInformationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PartyContactInformationAssociationType.
im:PedestrianIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien was arrested as a pedestrian; false otherwise
im:PermanentResidentAdjustmentApplicantattributeA Person that has filed Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status contained in this benefit request.
im:PermanentResidentAdjustmentCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationattributeA Receipt/ Case Number identification of another benefit (Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status) previously filed.
im:PersonalFundsAmountattributeA number indicating the amount of personal funds available to the alien student for the term.
im:PersonCountryAssociationattributeAn association between a person and a country.
im:PersonCountryAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCountryAssociationType.
im:PersonCountryRoleattributeA role that a Person plays with respect to a country
im:PersonCountryRoleattributeA role that a Person plays with respect to a country
im:PersonCountryRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCountryRoleType.
im:PersonDependentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonDependentAssociationType.
im:PersonNameDateRangeattributeA beginning and ending date range for the use of a name
im:PersonNickNameattributeA nickname or street name of a person.
im:PhoneAssistIndicatorattributeTrue if the officer assisted the alien in using a phone; false otherwise
im:PhoneAttemptsQuantityattributeA number indicating the number of attempts made by telephone to contact the party responsible for the juvenile alien.
im:PhoneUseRightsIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien was made aware of his/her right to use a telephone; false otherwise
im:PremiumProcessingIndicatorattributeTrue if benefit request has premium processing status; false otherwise
im:PresenceUnlawfulIndicatorattributeTrue if the District Officer finds that the alien student is in status violation, or has been denied a reinstatement; false otherwise.
im:PrincipalRolePersonattributeA reference to the Person playing the principal alien role.
im:PrintedI20sQuantityattributeA number indicating the number of I-20s printed for an alien student to date.
im:ProgramAbbreviationTextattributeAn exchange visitor program.
im:ProgramActivityCommentTextattributeA field detailing the activities associated with a PROGRAM.
im:ProgramBeginDateattributeA date on which the alien student's program begins.
im:ProgramBeginDateattributeA date on which the alien student's program begins.
im:ProgramCategoryTextattributeA kind of EXCHANGE VISITORs program offered by a sponsor.
im:ProgramClassificationattributeA classification of EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM offered by a sponsor.
im:ProgramCompletionCommentTextattributeA comment on the completion of the program.
im:ProgramDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description of the associated PROGRAM CODE.
im:ProgramDesignatedDurationNumericattributeA number indicating the duration of a PROGRAM.
im:ProgramEffectiveCompletionDateattributeA date on which the Exchange Visitor is expected to complete the requirements of his/her program.
im:ProgramEndDateattributeA date on which the Exchange Visitor is expected to complete his/her program.
im:ProgramEnrolledattributeAn organized set of sponsored activities or events enrolled by EXCHANGE VISITORs.
im:ProgramExpireDateattributeA date on which the EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM would terminate.
im:ProgramExtensionRequestattributeA record of the alien student request for an extension to participating in the program.
im:ProgramIdentificationattributeAn identification of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
im:ProgramNameattributeA field denoting the name of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
im:ProgramOriginalStartDateattributeA date on which the PROGRAM originally started.
im:ProgramParticipationBegunIndicatorattributeTrue if the person has begun participation in his/her program; false otherwise.
im:ProgramStartDateattributeA date in which the program begins.
im:ProgramStatusChangeDateattributeA date that is the most recent on which the PROGRAM status changed.
im:ProgramSupervisionArrangementTextattributeA field detailing supervision arrangements conducted by the PROGRAM.
im:ProgramTerminationDateattributeA date on which program participation will terminate.
im:ProgramTerminationTextattributeA field indicating free text about the program termination.
im:ProviderattributeA person who has another person as a dependent.
im:ReimbursementPaidIndicatorattributeTrue if the alien student has reimbursed the school for the costs of education; false otherwise.
im:ReinstatementOfStudentStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if the student would like to continue his career in the current institution; false otherwise
im:ReinstatementOfStudentStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if the student would like to continue his career in the current institution; false otherwise
im:RelativeLocationDistanceMeasureattributeA measure of the distance from the location relative to a starting point.
im:ReleaseConditionTextattributeA field indicating the condition of the detainees release from custody.
im:ReleaseReasonattributeA reason for the release of the alien from a detention facility.
im:ReleaseReasonCodeattributeA DETENTION REASON TYPE for the release of a detainee.
im:ReleaseReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the DETENTION REASON TYPE for the release of a detainee.
im:ResidentReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the reason why a Person is considered a Resident.
im:ResidentRoleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ResidentRoleType.
im:ResponseDescriptionTextattributeA description of the question asked to the applicant.
im:ResponseIndicatorattributeTrue if a response is given; false otherwise
im:ResponseNoIndicatorattributeTrue if a negative response is given; false otherwise
im:ResponseYesIndicatorattributeTrue if Yes has been specified; false otherwise.
im:RoleOfAlienAbstractattributeA data concept for the role of an Alien who is being processed as part of a Screening Encounter.
im:ScholarshipGrantAmountattributeA dollar amount of a scholarship or grant from educational institution
im:ScholarshipGrantAmountattributeA dollar amount of a scholarship or grant from educational institution
im:SchoolProvidedTermFundsAmountattributeA number indicating the amount of funds supplied to the alien student by the school during the term.
im:SchoolProvidedTermFundsCommentTextattributeA field indicating free text explaining the funds supplied to the alien student by the school.
im:SchoolTermLivingExpenseTotalAmountattributeA number indicating the alien students living expenses for the school term.
im:SearchOfficerattributeA date on which an alien was searched by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee during booking.
im:SentenceTimeNumericattributeA number indicating the length of sentence issued by the convicting authority to the alien.
im:SEVISIDattributeAn identifier assigned by the Student Exchange Visitor Iformation System (SEVIS) to an Alien Student
im:SEVISIDattributeAn identifier assigned by the Student Exchange Visitor Iformation System (SEVIS) to an Alien Student
im:SEVISPersonDependentAssociationattributeAn association of two people; one of which is a dependent of the other in SEVIS.
im:SEVISPersonDependentAssociationattributeAn association of two people; one of which is a dependent of the other in SEVIS.
im:SEVISPersonDependentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SEVISPersonDependentAssociationType.
im:SEVISStatusChangedDateattributeA date on which the Exchange Visitors SEVIS status changed.
im:SovereigntyStatusCodeattributeA status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
im:SponsorReceivedUSGovernmentFundIndicatorattributeTrue if the Program Sponsor has received funding support from one or more United States (U.S.) agencies; false otherwise.
im:StateGovernmentSponsorIndicatorattributeTrue if the STATE GOVERNMENT is the sponsor of the PROGRAM; false otherwise.
im:StatusReasonTextattributeA reason for the status.
im:StudentEducationLevelAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StudentEducationLevelType.
im:StudentEducationLevelCodeattributeA kind of educational level the alien STUDENT wishes to achieve.
im:StudentEducationLevelDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated EDUCATION LEVEL CODE.
im:StudentEducationLevelDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated EDUCATION LEVEL CODE.
im:StudentEmploymentattributeA current authorized employment of an alien student.
im:StudentTerminationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StudentTerminationType.
im:StudentTerminationClassificationattributeA classification of the reason why an alien STUDENT is no longer enrolled.
im:StudentTerminationCodeattributeA termination of an aliens status as a student.
im:StudentTerminationDescriptionTextattributeA field indicating the description for the associated STUDENT TERMINATION CODE.
im:SubjectDescriptionTextattributeA description of the remarks about the Exchange Visitor's subject field of study.
im:SubmittingEntityAbstractattributeA data concept for the entity submitting the documentation
im:TargetOrganizationNameattributeA name of a target organization that the person was part of when misconducting (not a crime but misconduct).
im:TerminationAbstractattributeA data concept for the reason an alien student is terminated.
im:TerminationReasonTextattributeA field indicating free text describing the reason behind why an alien student terminated their curriculum.
im:TermTuitionFeeTotalAmountattributeA number indicating the total amount of tuition and fees to be paid by the alien student for the school term.
im:TotalAgencyFundingSupportAmountattributeA number indicating the total funding amount provided by a US Government agency to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
im:TotalHomeGovernmentFundingSupportAmountattributeA number indicating the funding amount provided by the Exchange Visitors (EV) home government to the Exchange Visitor, in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
im:TotalInternationalOrganizationFundingSupportAmountattributeA number indicating the funding amount provided by an International Organization to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
im:TotalOtherOrganizationFundingSupportAmountattributeA funding amount provided by other organizations to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
im:TotalPersonalFundAmountattributeA number indicating the Exchange Visitors (EV) personal funds, if any, being used for his/her support for attending a designated EV Program.
im:TotalSponsorFundingSupportAmountattributeA number indicating the funding amount provided by the Program Sponsor to the Exchange Visitor (EV), in order to support his/her participation within a designated EV Program.
im:TransferattributeA transfer of an alien student from one school to another.
im:TransferAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransferType.
im:TransferCompletedIndicatorattributeTrue if the transfer of an alien student has been completed; false otherwise.
im:TransferCompletionDateattributeA date on which the transfer of the alien student was completed.
im:TransferEffectiveDateattributeA date on which the transfer of the alien student is intended to become effective.
im:TransferRequestStatusattributeA status of the Transfer Request submitted by the alien student.
im:TransferRequestStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransferRequestStatusType.
im:TransferRequestStatusCategoryTextattributeA kind of text string indicating the status of the Transfer Request submitted by the alien student.
im:TwoYearGovernmentFinancialSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year residence requirement due to receiving financial support from either the U.S. or EVs Government; false otherwise.
im:TwoYearRequirementIndicatorattributeTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year residence requirement as a result of G-1, G-2, or G-3 program participation and funding receipt from current program sponsor; false otherwise.
im:TwoYearSkillsIndicatorattributeTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is subject to a two year home-country physical presence requirement due to EVs position being on the short supply skill-list within EVs home country; false otherwise.
Imageclass instanceA picture or visual representation of something.
ImageAlternateNameclass instanceAn alternate name associated to an image.
ImageAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about supplements Biometric Image and specifies the additional Image
ImageAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an image.
ImageAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an image
ImageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for an image type
ImageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageType.
ImageAugmentationTypeclassA data type that supplements Image and specifies the additional Screening Image Information
ImageAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an image.
ImageAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an image.
ImageBinaryTextclass instanceA text that is a binary base-64 string that represents an Image.
ImageBitsPerPixelQuantityclass instanceA number of bits used to represent a pixel
ImageCaptureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Image Capture
ImageCaptureDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceAn optional field. It is entered in the format as YyyyyMmmDdd. It is possible to enter only a year, month and/or day range, such as P5D, meaning that the actual date of collection is estimated to be 5 days plus or minus that specified in Field 10.00
ImageCaptureDetailclass instanceA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
ImageCaptureTypeclassA data type for a set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
ImageCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of image that that has been taken.
ImageCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of image of a person
ImageCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of image that that has been taken.
ImageColorSpaceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color space used to exchange an image
ImageColorSpaceCodeclass instanceA color space used to exchange an image.
ImageCommentTextclass instanceA comment regarding an image
ImageCompressionAlgorithmAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an image compression algorithm
ImageCompressionAlgorithmCodeclass instanceAn image compression algorithm
ImageCompressionAlgorithmCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an image compression algorithm
ImageCompressionAlgorithmCodeTypeclassA data type for an image compression algorithm
ImageCompressionAlgorithmTextclass instanceAn image compression algorithm
ImageCRSclass instancegml:ImageCRS is an engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images. Image coordinate reference systems are treated as a separate sub-type because the definition of the associated image datum contains two attributes not relevant to other engineering datums.
ImageCRSPropertyTypeclassgml:ImageCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an image coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
imageCRSRefclass instance
ImageDatumclass instancegml:ImageDatum defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system, and is used in a local context only. For an image datum, the anchor definition is usually either the centre of the image or the corner of the image. For more information, see ISO 19111 B.3.5.
imageDatumclass instancegml:imageDatum is an association role to the image datum used by this CRS.
ImageDatumPropertyTypeclassgml:ImageDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an image datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
imageDatumRefclass instance
ImageDescriptionTextclass instanceA text for the primary description of the image.
ImageDistortionclass instanceA distortion in an image
ImageDistortionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Image Distortion
ImageDistortionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionMeasurementCodeclass instanceA manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
ImageDistortionMeasurementCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
ImageDistortionMeasurementCodeTypeclassA data type for a manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
ImageDistortionSeverityCodeclass instanceA severity of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionSeverityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a severity of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionSeverityCodeTypeclassA data type for a severity of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionTypeclassA data type for a distortion in an image
ImageFacialTextclass instanceA facial adornment or hair piece that appears in an image.
ImageFeatureExtractionclass instanceA details of the image extraction
ImageFeatureExtractionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageFeatureExtractionType.
ImageFeatureExtractionSoftwareclass instanceAn Image feature extraction information
ImageFeatureExtractionTypeclassA data type that specifies details of the image extraction
ImageFeatureVertexclass instanceA vertex in a position path
ImageFeatureVertexQuantityclass instanceA number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
ImageFeatureVertexQuantitySimpleTypeclassA data type for a number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
ImageFeatureVertexQuantityTypeclassA data type for a number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
ImageFileclass instanceA digital image data file.
ImageFileAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ImageFileType.
ImageFileCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of image on file.
ImageFileTypeclassA Data type to capture the Image file Type
ImageHashValueclass instanceA pattern for a hash value computed from a binary object like Image.
ImageHashValueSimpleTypeclassA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like an image
ImageHashValueTypeclassA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like an image
ImageHeightValueclass instanceA height of an image in pixels.
ImageHorizontalLineLengthPixelQuantityclass instanceA number of pixels on a single horizontal line of a fixed resolution 500ppi image
ImageHorizontalPixelDensityValueclass instanceA transmitted pixel density in horizontal direction
ImageIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for the image.
ImageJuvenileIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an image is of a juvenile; false otherwise.
ImageLocationclass instanceA physical location where an image is stored.
ImageLocationHorizontalCoordinateMeasureclass instanceA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the left edge of a region of interest in an image
ImageLocationThetaAngleMeasureclass instanceAn angular position of a feature from another point in an image
ImageLocationUncertaintyRadiusMeasureclass instanceA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from a particular X,Ycoordinate
ImageLocationVerticalCoordinateMeasureclass instanceA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the top edge of a region of interest in an image
ImageNameclass instanceA name for the image.
ImageNCICIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification assigned to an Image by the FBI National Crime Information Center.
ImageOcclusionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionOpacityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an opacity of a blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionOpacityCodeTypeclassA data type for an opacity of a blockage in an image
ImageOrientationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the viewing orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImageOrientationCodeclass instanceA code for the viewing orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImageOrientationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an image orientation
ImageOrientationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code values for the orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImageOrientationCodeTypeclassA data type for an image orientation
ImageOrientationCodeTypeclassA data type for the orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImageOrientationTextclass instanceA description of a viewing orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImagePerspectiveAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the viewing perspective of the subject of an image captured as a digital data file.
ImagePerspectiveCodeclass instanceA code for the viewing perspective of the subject of an image captured as a digital data file.
ImagePerspectiveCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code Values for the viewing perspectives for image multimedia data.
ImagePerspectiveCodeTypeclassA data type for the viewing perspectives for image multimedia data.
ImagePerspectiveTextclass instanceA description of the viewing perspective of the subject of an image captured as a digital data file.
ImagePoseAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an angle of a person's face in a photograph.
ImagePoseCodeclass instanceAn angle of a person's face in a photograph.
ImagePoseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for angles of an entitys pose in a photograph.
ImagePoseCodeTypeclassA data type for angles of an entitys pose in a photograph.
ImagePoseTextclass instanceAn angle of a person's face in a photograph.
ImageQualityclass instanceA set of details about the quality of an image
ImageQualityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Image Quality
ImageQualitySoftwareclass instanceAn Image Capture Software information
ImageQualityTypeclassA data type for a set of properties relating to image quality
ImageReferenceIDclass instanceAn identifier for denoting (or indexing together) instances of a particular record in a transaction
ImageReferenceIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a particular record in a transaction. (Obsolete, use ImageReferenceID)
ImageRelativeLocationURIclass instanceA URI describing the relative location of an image.
ImageRelativeOverallRotationValueclass instanceA measure of rotation of an image
ImageResolutionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageResolution
ImageResolutionTypeclassA data type for an image resolution
ImageResolutionValueclass instanceA resolution at which an image is captured. Units are pixels per inch.
ImageScaleUnitsCodeclass instanceA sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
ImageScanCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of image scan
ImageScanCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of image scan
ImagesConcatenatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if biometric images are concatenated; false otherwise.
ImageSegmentclass instanceA set of data describing a portion of an image
ImageSegmentationSoftwareclass instanceA data type that specifies image segmentation software information
ImageSegmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Image Segment
ImageSegmentHeightMeasureclass instanceA height of a rectangular image segment in 10 micrometer (0.01mm) units
ImageSegmentHorizontalOffsetMeasureclass instanceA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the left edge of an original image to the left edge of a rectangular image segment
ImageSegmentIDclass instanceAn index identifier for a particular set of segmentation coordinates (e.g., a polygon) which encloses the relevant part of a source image or associated data image.
ImageSegmentInternalFileLocationTextclass instanceA description of the internal file location if the representation has multiple locations where a sample may be located, i.e., the reference to the particular instance, such as page, video frame, or slide number used to derive the image transmitted i
ImageSegmentPathAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentPath
ImageSegmentPathTypeclassA data type for a set of vertices within an image describing an open-ended path
ImageSegmentPolygonclass instanceA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
ImageSegmentPolygonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentPolygon type
ImageSegmentPolygonTypeclassA data type for a set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region; the first and last vertices are assumed to be connected
ImageSegmentTypeclassA data type for a portion of an image
ImageSegmentVertexclass instanceA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
ImageSegmentVertexAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentVertex
ImageSegmentVertexTypeclassA data type for a single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
ImageSegmentVerticalOffsetMeasureclass instanceA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the top edge of an original image to the top edge of a rectangular image segment
ImageSegmentWidthMeasureclass instanceA width of a rectangular image segment in 10 micrometer (0.01mm) units
ImageTransformationCodeclass instanceA kind of transformation of an image
ImageTransformationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of image transformation
ImageTransformationCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of image transformation
ImageTypeclassA data type for a biometric image
ImageTypeclassA data type for a biometric image
ImageTypeclassA data type for a picture or visual representation of something.
ImageVerticalLineLengthPixelQuantityclass instanceA number of horizontal lines in an image
ImageVerticalPixelDensityValueclass instanceA transmitted pixel density in the vertical direction
ImageWidthValueclass instanceA width of an image in pixels.
ImmediateNeedsTernaryIndicatorCodeclass instanceAn indication if there are immediate needs (Yes, No, Unknown)
ImmediateNeedsTextclass instanceA description of Immediate Needs
ImmigrantRoleclass instanceA person immigrating to a country with a path to staying legally in a country.
ImmigrantRoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrantRoleType.
ImmigrantRoleTypeclassA data type for the role of Immigrant that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
ImmigrantVisaApplicantclass instanceA person included in this application who filed the application for the immigrant visa.
ImmigrantVisaCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationclass instanceA USCIS receipt/case number(s) identification of the immigrant petition that was filed.
ImmigrationBenefitApplicationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the type of immigration benefit being requested
ImmigrationBenefitApplicationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitApplicationType.
ImmigrationBenefitApplicationTypeclassA data type for the type of immigration benefit being requested
ImmigrationBenefitBeneficiaryclass instanceA beneficiary or recipient of the immigration benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusclass instanceAn applicant's change of status data.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusType.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusTypeclassA data type for the immigration application data requesting change of non-immigrant status.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfStatusEligibilityclass instanceAn applicant's eligibility data for a requested Change of Status.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityChangeOfStatusType.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfStatusEligibilityTypeclassA data type for a Change of Status Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationclass instanceA declaration made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationType.
ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationTypeclassA data type for the declarations made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationType.
ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationsclass instanceAn accommodation required at the immigration interview for a disabled applicant.
ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationTypeclassA data type for a beneficiary's disability accommodation request for upcoming interviews with immigration.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the information used to determine the eligibility for an immigraiton Benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityType.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienclass instanceAn applicant's eligibility data for a Principal Alien who allows the requester to obtain an immigration benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienType.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienTypeclassA data type for a Principal Alien Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityTypeclassA data type for the information used to determine the eligibility for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceclass instanceA piece of evidence provided in support of an immigration benefit request.
ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceType.
ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceTypeclassA data type for the evidence provided in support of an immigration benefit request.
ImmigrationBenefitExtendChangeStatusEligibilityclass instanceAn applicant's eligibility data for a requested extension or change of status, or reinstatement of student status
ImmigrationBenefitExtendChangeStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityExtendChangeStatusType.
ImmigrationBenefitExtendChangeStatusEligibilityTypeclassA data type for the eligibility of an applicant attempting to extend or change status or reinstate student status.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayclass instanceA benefit application for an extension of stay.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayType.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayEligibilityclass instanceAn applicant's eligibility data for a requested extension of stay.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayEligibilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityExtensionOfStayType.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayEligibilityTypeclassA data type for an Extension of Stay Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayTypeclassA data type for an immigration application type containing the request to extend the stay in the country.
ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationType.
ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationTypeclassA data type for the declarations of misconduct made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusclass instanceAn applicant's reinstatement of student status data.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusType.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusEligibilityclass instanceAn applicant's eligibility data for a requested reinstatement of student status.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusEligibilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityReinstatementOfStudentStatusType.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusEligibilityTypeclassA data type for a Reinstatement of Student Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusTypeclassA data type for the immigration application type requesting reinstatement of student status to extend attending to college or technical school.
ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeclass instanceA representative of an applicant for an immigration benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeType.
ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeTypeclassA data type for the representatives of an applicant for an immigration benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitRequestclass instanceA request for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitRequestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitRequestType.
ImmigrationBenefitRequesterclass instanceA reference to the person who is making the immigration benefit request.
ImmigrationBenefitRequestTypeclassA data type for the request of an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitSignatureclass instanceA signature associated with an immigration benefit request
ImmigrationBenefitSignatureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationBenefitSignatureType.
ImmigrationBenefitSignatureTypeclassA data type for the signatures associated with an immigration benefit request
ImmigrationClassOfAdmissionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for Immigrant Class of Admission (COA) Codes
ImmigrationClassOfAdmissionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for Immigrant Class of Admission (COA) Codes
ImmigrationDeportationclass instanceAn involuntary DEPARTURE of a PERSON based on a judicial decision or inspectors discretion
ImmigrationDeportationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDeportationType.
ImmigrationDeportationTypeclassA data type that indicates if the Alien has been deported from the Country.
ImmigrationDetentionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDetentionType.
ImmigrationDetentionTypeclassA data type for the official retainer of an alien by United States immigration officials.
ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterclass instanceA person submitting immigration documentation
ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterType.
ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterTypeclassA data type for additional information about the person submitting the immigration documents.
ImmigrationReceiptNumberIdentificationclass instanceA receipt / case number identification of a benefit request
ImmigrationStatusclass instanceAn Immigration Status of a Person with respect to a Country.
ImmigrationStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImmigrationStatusType.
ImmigrationStatusCodeclass instanceAn immigration status of an immigrant.
ImmigrationStatusTypeclassA data type that supplements screening information for nc:StatusType
IMOClassCodeTextclass instanceA IMO Classification identifier code.
IMOSubsidiaryClassCodeTextclass instanceA IMO Subsidiary classification identifier code.
ImpactedUnitsNumericclass instanceA data element for the impacted units. If dwelling type is multi-family then how many units were impacted.
ImpairmentValueclass instanceAn indication of the observed / perceived level of neurological diminishment across a speech segment.
Importerclass instanceA party which makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration.
ImporterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ImporterType.
ImporterIDCategoryclass instanceA code for Identifier of party who makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.
ImporterIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Importer
ImporterTypeclassA data type providing the name [and address] of party who makes-or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes- an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consi
ImpressionCaptureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
IMTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 5 - Image Type (IMT) Field Codes
IMTCodeTypeclassA data type for 5 - Image Type (IMT) Field Codes
InaccesibleHomesCountValueclass instanceAn element for the estimated number of inaccessible homes.
InaccessibleCauseCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies if the damaged area/item is assessed as inaccessible, why?
InaccessibleCauseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to specify if the damaged area/item is assessed as inaccessible, why?
InaccessibleCauseCodeTypeclassA data type code to specify if the damaged area/item is assessed as inaccessible, why?
InaccessibleDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the cause of inaccessibility:
InactiveStatusclass instanceA status of an Exchange Visitor.
InCalibrationIndicatorclass instancetrue if properly calibrated and considered in service; false otherwise.The indication that the radiation measurement instrument is fit for service:
Incarcerationclass instanceA confinement of a subject as sentenced by a court.
IncarcerationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncarcerationType.
IncarcerationParoleEligibilityDateclass instanceA date a subject is eligible for parole.
IncarcerationProjectedReleaseDateclass instanceA date a subject is anticipated to complete service of final sentence, automatically or manually calculated, based on current sentence information.
IncarcerationProjectedReleaseMethodTextclass instanceA method by which a subject is anticipated to complete service of final sentence.
IncarcerationProjectedReleasePreparationDateclass instanceA date the incarceration facility and incarceration subject start preparing for release.
IncarcerationTypeclassA data type for a confinement of a subject as sentenced by a court.
Incidentclass instanceAn occurrence or an event that may require a response.
IncidentActionCodeclass instanceAn element for the valid actions related to the incident information
IncidentActionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the valid actions related to the incident information
IncidentActionCodeTypeclassA data type for the valid actions related to the incident information
IncidentAppliedForceclass instanceA description of the applied force resulting from an incident.
IncidentArrestclass instanceAn arrest made because of an incident.
IncidentArrestAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and an arrest.
IncidentArrestAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentArrestAssociationType.
IncidentArrestAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an incident and an arrest.
IncidentArrestCountQuantityclass instanceA count of persons arrested as a result of recovering the property of record
IncidentArrestMadeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an arrest was made due to the incident; false otherwise.
IncidentAssistingOfficialclass instanceA peace official that assisted in processing an incident.
IncidentAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an incident.
IncidentAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an incident.
IncidentAugmentationclass instanceThe statutory or ordinance section, the violation of which would constitute a crime if committed by an adult. May include a probation violation.
IncidentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentType.
IncidentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentType.
IncidentAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an incident.
IncidentAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an incident.
IncidentAuthorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentAuthorType
IncidentAuthorTypeclassA data type for information about the author of the incident
IncidentBiasMotivationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for bias motivations for an incident.
IncidentBiasMotivationCodeTypeclassA data type for bias motivations for an incident.
IncidentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of incident.
IncidentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for incident codes.
IncidentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for incident codes.
IncidentCategoryUCRCodeclass instanceA kind of incident.
IncidentCriminalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an incident that occurred is criminal; false if an incident is non-criminal.
IncidentCrisisOverIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the crisis stage has passed; false otherwise.
IncidentCrisisResponseTeamActivatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the crisis response team was activated to respond to the subject incident; false otherwise.
IncidentDamagedItemclass instanceA property item that was damaged in an incident.
IncidentDamagedItemclass instanceA property item that was damaged in an incident.
IncidentDayPeriodTextclass instanceA general time of day during which an incident occurred.
IncidentDisseminationLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a dissemination level of an incident.
IncidentDisseminationLevelCodeclass instanceA dissemination level of an incident.
IncidentDisseminationLevelTextclass instanceA dissemination level of an incident.
IncidentDrugclass instanceA description of a drug associated with an incident.
IncidentEmailAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and an email address (e.g. harassing or threatening email).
IncidentEmergencyServiceRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if emergency service was summoned for this incident; false otherwise.
IncidentEntryPointclass instanceA point of entry to a location or structure used in an incident.
IncidentEventclass instanceAn action or occurrence associated with an incident.
IncidentEvidenceclass instanceAn item seized by an official for later use in ascertaining the true nature of an incident.
IncidentEvidenceAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and an item considered evidence in the incident.
IncidentEvidenceHeldIndicatorclass instanceTrue if evidence was held due to this incident; false otherwise.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a reason why an incident has been cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceCodeclass instanceA reason why an incident has been cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for ways in which an incident may be cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceCodeTypeclassA data type for ways in which an incident may be cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceDateclass instanceA date an incident was cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceTextclass instanceA reason why an incident has been cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExitPointclass instanceA point of exit to a location or structure used in an incident.
IncidentFacilityclass instanceA description of a facility associated with an incident.
IncidentFactorclass instanceA factor involved that has an effect on an incident.
IncidentFactorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a circumstance or factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentFactorType.
IncidentFactorCodeclass instanceA circumstance of factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for factors that may have been involved in or contributed to a subject committing an offense.
IncidentFactorCodeTypeclassA data type for factors that may have been involved in or contributed to a subject committing an offense.
IncidentFactorDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a circumstance or factor involved in an incident.
IncidentFactorKnownIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a factor in an incident is known to be true; false if it is suspected, estimated, or otherwise.
IncidentFactorNIBRSAggravatedAssaultHomicideCodeclass instanceA circumstance of factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorNIBRSBiasMotivationCodeclass instanceA circumstance of factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorNIBRSJustifiableHomicideCodeclass instanceA circumstance of factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorSubCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of specific detail or aspect of an incident factor or circumstance.
IncidentFactorTextclass instanceA circumstance or factor in an incident.
IncidentFactorTypeclassA data type for a factor involved that has an effect on an incident.
IncidentForceclass instanceA force used in an incident, whether physical or aided by a tool or weapon.
IncidentForceInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if force was used in an incident; false otherwise.
IncidentFormclass instanceAn electronic or paper form to be completed by a response unit and submitted to record the details of an incident and of a response to an incident.
IncidentFormAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentFormType.
IncidentFormCommentTextclass instanceA note or comment about a form associated with an incident.
IncidentFormNameclass instanceA name of an incident report form.
IncidentFormSubmittedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a form has been submitted; false otherwise.
IncidentFormTypeclassA data type for an electronic or paper form to be completed for an incident.
IncidentGeneralCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a general category of an incident that occurred.
IncidentGeneralCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a general category of an incident that occurred.
IncidentGeneralCategoryTextclass instanceA general kind of an incident that occurred.
IncidentIDclass instanceAn identifier of the incident
IncidentInformantAssociationclass instanceAn association between an incident and an informant for that incident.
IncidentInjuryLevelTextclass instanceAn indication of the severity level of an injury received during an incident.
IncidentInstantMessengerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and an other contact address (e.g. harassing or threatening messages via IRC).
IncidentInvestigatorAssociationclass instanceAn association between an incident and an investigator for that incident.
IncidentInvolvedItemclass instanceA property item that was somehow involved in an incident but not damaged, stolen, or seized.
IncidentInvolvedItemAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and an item involved in the incident.
IncidentInvolvedStructureclass instanceA structure that was involved in an incident.
IncidentIssuesTextclass instanceA listing of the issues related to the incident.
IncidentItemDispositionclass instanceA set of information about what happened to a property item after an incident.
IncidentItemObtainerAssociationclass instanceAn association between an incident an item obtainer.
IncidentJurisdictionalOrganizationclass instanceAn organization or agency who has jurisdiction over an incident.
IncidentKindCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of Incident
IncidentKindOtherTextclass instanceA description of the Other kind of incident
IncidentLawEnforcementSummonedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if law enforcement was summoned for this incident; false otherwise.
IncidentLeadAssociationclass instanceAn association between INCIDENT and LEAD
IncidentLeadAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentLeadAssociationType.
IncidentLeadAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between INCIDENT and LEAD
IncidentLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a level of an incident.
IncidentLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a level of an incident.
IncidentLevelCodeclass instanceA level of an incident.
IncidentLevelCodeclass instanceA level of an incident.
IncidentLevelDisseminationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a sensitivity level of an incident.
IncidentLevelDisseminationCodeTypeclassA data type for a sensitivity level of an incident.
IncidentLevelTextclass instanceA level of an incident.
IncidentLightingTextclass instanceAn indication of the lighting conditions at the time of an incident.
IncidentLocationclass instanceA location where an incident occurred.
IncidentLocationclass instanceA location where an incident occurred.
IncidentLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and where it occurred.
IncidentLocationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentLocationAssociationType.
IncidentLocationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an incident and where it occurred.
IncidentLogIdentificationclass instanceA log identification number assigned to an incident.
IncidentMethodDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the method used to carry out on incident.
IncidentMinorInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an incident involved or employed a person under the legal age of an adult; false otherwise.
IncidentMissingPersonFoundTextclass instanceA number and kind of missing persons found as a result of solving the case
IncidentNetworkAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a network address.
IncidentNonPropertyItemTextclass instanceAn item that was stolen.
IncidentNotificationclass instanceAn element for representing an incident
IncidentNotificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for an IncidentNotificationType
IncidentNotificationTypeclassA data type to represent a incident notification to broadcast
incidentNumberattributeUnique identifier for a police agency departmental report.
IncidentObservationTextclass instanceA remark about something noticed with regards to an incident.
IncidentOfficialPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an official was present when an incident occurred; false otherwise.
IncidentOfficialPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an official was present when an incident occurred; false otherwise.
IncidentParticipantclass instanceA name of a participant associated with an incident.
IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationclass instanceAn association between INCIDENT and PERSON ENCOUNTER REL
IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationType.
IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between INCIDENT and PERSON ENCOUNTER REL
IncidentPrintsRequestedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a request was made to gather fingerprints; false otherwise.
IncidentPublishDateclass instanceAn element for an incident publish date
IncidentRecoveredItemclass instanceA property item that was found or recovered in an incident.
IncidentRecoveredVehicleQuantityclass instanceA number of motor vehicle recovered from an incident.
IncidentReportedNarrativeclass instanceA document containing an account of the events that transpired in an incident.
IncidentReportingOfficialclass instanceA peace official that submitted an incident report in an incident.
IncidentReportingOfficialAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a reporting official.
IncidentResponseOfficialclass instanceA peace official that responded to an incident.
IncidentResponseOrganizationclass instanceAn organization or agency that responded to an incident.
IncidentReviewPanelclass instanceA group of officials assembled for managing or reviewing an incident.
IncidentSeizedItemclass instanceA property item that was removed by an official in an incident.
IncidentServiceCallclass instanceAn identifier issued by an organization to track calls for service or an observation by an organization employee.
IncidentServiceCallAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a service call.
IncidentServiceCallAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncidentServiceCallAssociationType.
IncidentServiceCallAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an incident and a service call.
IncidentSourceTextclass instanceAn item or location from which something was stolen.
IncidentStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member involved in the incident.
IncidentStartDateclass instanceA date of the start of the incident
IncidentStatusCodeclass instanceA status of the current disposition of an incident.
IncidentStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident.
IncidentStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident.
IncidentStolenItemclass instanceA property item that was stolen in an incident.
IncidentStolenVehicleQuantityclass instanceA number of motor vehicles stolen in an incident.
IncidentStructuresEnteredQuantityclass instanceA number of structures or premises entered by the subject during an incident.
IncidentSubjectclass instanceA person whose actions caused an incident.
IncidentSubjectAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a subject.
IncidentSubjectOrganizationclass instanceAn organization (possibly a criminal organization) whose actions caused an incident.
IncidentSubjectWeaponclass instanceA weapon used or possessed by a subject in an incident.
IncidentSummaryTextclass instanceAn element for an incident summary
IncidentSupervisingOfficialclass instanceAn enforcement supervisor responsible for, or present at, an incident.
IncidentSurroundingLocationclass instanceAn area surrounding a location where an incident occurred.
IncidentTargetclass instanceAn entity that was an intended recipient of a subject's actions involved in an incident.
IncidentTelephoneNumberAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a telephone number.
IncidentTrafficAccidentInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an incident involved a traffic accident; false otherwise.
IncidentTrafficAccidentInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an incident involved a traffic accident; false otherwise.
IncidentTypeclassA data type for an occurrence or an event that may require a response.
IncidentTypeclassA data type for an occurrence or an event that may require a response.
IncidentUnknownAssociationPersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between an incident and a person with an unknown link to that incident.
IncidentUpdateDateclass instanceAn element for an incident last updated date
IncidentVehicleAssociationclass instanceAn association between an incident and a vehicle.
IncidentVictimclass instanceA person that was negatively affected in an incident.
IncidentVictimAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a victim.
IncidentViolatedStatuteAssociationclass instanceAn association providing details about a statute, rule, or ordinance that was violated in an incident.
IncidentViolatedStatuteAssociationclass instanceAn association providing details about a statute, rule, or ordinance that was violated in an incident.
IncidentWeaponAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a weapon involved in the incident.
IncidentWeaponInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a weapon was used in an incident; false otherwise.
IncidentWeatherAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a weather condition at the time of the incident.
IncidentWeatherMMUCCCodeclass instanceA weather condition at the time of the incident.
IncidentWeatherTextclass instanceA weather condition at the time of the incident.
IncidentWitnessclass instanceA person who observed or has knowledge of an incident.
IncidentWitnessAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an incident and a witness.
INCITSMinutiaclass instanceA single minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for INCITSMinutiaType
INCITSMinutiaCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of minutia (e.g. ridge ending, bifurcation, or other), as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaeclass instanceA set of minutiae definitions conforming to Section 5 of the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for INCITSMinutiae
INCITSMinutiaeTypeclassA data type for a set of minutiae definitions conforming to Section 5 of ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaLocationclass instanceA location of one minutia in a friction ridge image, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaTypeclassA data type for a single minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeclass instanceA quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeTypeclassA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
Inclination90Valueclass instanceAn orientation of an object with respect to the horizontal plane.
InclinationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an orientation of an object with respect to the horizontal plane.
InclinationDecimalValueclass instanceAn orientation of an object with respect to the horizontal plane.
InclinationValueclass instanceAn object's orientation (i.e., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) with respect to the horizontal plane. Its value is the angle subtended by the line formed by the objects front-to-rear axis and the line formed by the projection of that line onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-90.0" to "+90.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the object's front-to-rear axis is level, i.e., aligned with the horizontal plane; positive values implies the object is pointed up; negative values imply the object is pointed down.
InclinationValueclass instanceAn angle of rotation of a thing about its lateral axis, measured in degrees between the longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate a downward rotation.
includeCalendarEventattributeIndicates whether requester wishes calendar event information to be included in the response.
IncludeCalendarEventIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether requester wishes calendar event information to be included in the response.
includeDocketEntryattributeIndicates whether requester wishes docket entry information to be included in the response.
IncludeDocketEntryIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether requester wishes docket entry information to be included in the response.
IncludeHigherCapabilityResourceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if higher capability resources should be included in the resource inquiry result; false otherwise.
includePartcipantsattributeIndicates whether requester wishes participant information to be included in the response.
IncludeParticipantsIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether requester wishes participant information to be included in the response.
includesParameterclass instance
includesSingleCRSclass instance
includesValueclass instance
incomeAttachedattributeIndicates whether the responsible party income should be attached.
IncomeAttachedIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether the responsible party income should be attached.
IncomeAttachmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child-support order authorizes attachment of the obligor's income; false otherwise.
IncomeRecipientPersonclass instanceA person providing income.
IncomeSourceAmountclass instanceA monetary amount provided by the income source to a person.
IncomeSourceAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an entity (person or organization) that receives income and an entity from which income is derived.
IncomeSourceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IncomeSourceAssociationType.
IncomeSourceAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) that receives income and an entity from which income is derived.
IncomeSourceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the income provided by the income source to a person.
IncomeSourceFrequencyTextclass instanceA frequency of income support provided by an income source.
InCompletedWorkLaborCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies if work is not complete then how will it be completed?
INCOTERMSCategoryCodeTextclass instanceA code specifying the delivery or transport terms.
INCOTERMSDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of delivery or transport terms.
INCOTERMSPlaceclass instanceA name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
INCOTERMSPlaceCategoryCodeTextclass instanceAn identifier of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable delivery term.
IndianCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.4: Indian Nations
IndianCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.4: Indian Nations
IndianNationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation.
IndianNationCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation.
IndicatorDescriptionPairclass instanceA construct for the mutliple parts of a complex question that specifies: if a question needed to be answered, if True/Yes, False/No was provided as an answer, and the text of the question.
IndicatorDescriptionPairAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IndicatorDescriptionPairType.
IndicatorDescriptionPairTypeclassA data type for when a complex question is asked with multiple parts, it allows to first of all specify if the question needed to be answered, if True/Yes, False/No was answered and it carries the whole text of the question.
IndicatorSettingDataclass instanceA setting that is a true or false value
IndicatorSettingDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:IndicatorSettingDataType
IndicatorSettingDataTypeclassA data type for a setting that is a true or false value
IndigencyStatusclass instanceAn indigency status of the child.
IndigenousPeoplesIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a country has a population of indigenous peoples; false otherwise
indirectEntryclass instance
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterDepthValueclass instanceAn element that specifies the flood water depth(inches). If damage is from flood or similar, how deep was the water?
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterLocationCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies the location of flood waters
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code to specify the part of the home was impacted.
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterLocationCodeTypeclassA data type code to specify the part of the home was impacted.
IndustryCodeListclassList if industry code
IndustryTypeListclassList of industry type
InfectiousDiseasesServiceCoverageStatusCodeclass instanceA status code describing the availability of infectious diseases services
InformalAdjustmentclass instanceA process used primarily for first time offenders, which does not involve a court hearing.
InformalDispositionclass instanceA type of disposition used primarily for first time offenders, which does not involve a court hearing. If the child admits the facts of the allegation (with parental consent), the child may be supervised for a period without being adjudicated.
InformalDispositionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of informal disposition.
InformalDispositionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of informal disposition.
InformalDispositionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of informal disposition.
InformationPracticesActDisclosureclass instanceA document detailing the policy for the disclosure of information to the subject of the information, in accordance with the Information Practices Act
InformationPracticesActDisclosureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:InformationPracticesActDisclosureType
InformationPracticesActDisclosureAuthorizingPersonclass instanceA person authorizing the disclosure of the information covered by the Information Practices Act (IPA).
InformationPracticesActDisclosureDiscloserclass instanceA person who disclosed the information.
InformationPracticesActDisclosureInformationTextclass instanceA description of the Information covered by the Information Practices Act (IPA) that was disclosed.
InformationPracticesActDisclosurePurposeTextclass instanceA reason for the disclosure of the information.
InformationPracticesActDisclosureReceiverclass instanceA person receiving the information covered by the Information Practices Act (IPA).
InformationPracticesActDisclosureTypeclassA data type for a document detailing the policy for the disclosure of information to the subject of the information, in accordance with the Information Practices Act
InformationSourceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a source of information for the crash report.
InformationSourceCategoryCodeclass instanceA source of information for the crash report.
InformationSourceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an affiliation of the person completing the crash report such as Source of Information
InformationSourceCodeTypeclassA data type for an affiliation of the person completing the crash report such as Source of Information
Infractionclass instanceAn offense punishable by a fine or other penalty, but not by incarceration.
initiatingPartyrelationThe person who filed a complaint or petition for a court order or judgment. In an appeal, the appellant party seeking to overturn the trial court decision in whole or in part in the appellate court.
initiatingPartyAttorneyrelationThe person serving as attorney for the initiatingParty.
initiatingPartyCitizenshipTypeCodeattributeUsed for Federal court purposes: a code designating the state or country of citizenship for purposes of applying Federal diversity of citizenship jurisdictional rules. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
InjuredTransportationSourceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a type of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
InjuredTransportationSourceCodeclass instanceA type of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
InjuredTransportationSourceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
InjuredTransportationSourceCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
Injuryclass instanceA form of harm or damage sustained by a person.
InjuryAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a Injury.
InjuryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InjuryType.
InjuryAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a Injury.
InjuryCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of bodily harm or injury.
InjuryCategoryCodeclass instanceA general category of harm or injury.
InjuryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes.
InjuryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a general category of harm or injury.
InjuryCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes.
InjuryCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a general category of harm or injury.
InjuryCategoryNDExCodeclass instanceA bodily injury suffered by a victim.
InjuryCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of bodily harm or injury.
InjuryCauserAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a causer of an injury.
InjuryCauserForceclass instanceA causer of an injury.
InjuryCauserPersonclass instanceA person who caused an injury.
InjuryCircumstancesTextclass instanceA description of the circumstances of the injury.
InjuryDateclass instanceA date on which an injury occurred.
InjuryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an injury.
InjuryDispositionDateclass instanceA date the disposition of an injury was recorded.
InjuryDispositionTextclass instanceA disposition of an injury.
injuryIndicatorattributeIndicator of whether any person was injured during the incident.
InjuryLocationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a place on the body of a person where an injury occurred.
InjuryLocationCodeclass instanceA primary or most obvious area of the persons body injured during the crash.
InjuryLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim's injury.
InjuryLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim's injury.
InjuryLocationNDEXCodeclass instanceA location of the victim's injury.
InjuryLocationTextclass instanceA place on the body of a person where an injury occurred.
InjuryModeOfArrivalAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of method of how an injured person arrived for medical treatment.
InjuryModeOfArrivalTextclass instanceA kind of method of how an injured person arrived for medical treatment.
InjuryNoticedDateclass instanceA date and time the medical unit was notified of the injury.
InjuryOccurrenceLocationclass instanceA location description of an injury incident.
InjuryOtherDetailsTextclass instanceA set of details on the other type of issue associated with the injury.
InjuryReceivedMedicalAttentionDateclass instanceA date the injured person received medical attention.
InjuryReportedDateclass instanceA date on which the injury report was prepared.
InjurySeverityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a severity of an injury received by a person involved into a Traffic Accident.
InjurySeverityCodeclass instanceA severity of an injury received by a person involved into a Traffic Accident.
InjurySeverityTextclass instanceA degree of the seriousness or intensity of an injury.
InjurySustainerclass instanceA person who receives or sustains an injury.
InjuryTreatmentclass instanceA treatment provided to a person for the care of an injury.
InjuryTypeclassA data type for a form of harm or damage sustained by a person.
InjuryWitnessclass instanceA witness to the event that resulted in the injury.
InmateApprovedTelephoneListAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and approved telephone number list for calls.
InmateNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to the detainee by the detention facility.
InmateTelephoneCallLogAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an inmate and calls placed to specific telephone number.
InquiryCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the kind of resource inquiry
InquiryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind
InquiryCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind
InquiryContentclass instanceAn element contains resource inquiry content
InquiryContentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InquiryContentType
InquiryContentTypeclassA data type for resource Inquiry input content data
InquiryReturnCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the resource inquiry return kind
InquiryReturnCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the code list of resource inquiry return kind
InquiryReturnCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the code list of resource inquiry return kind
INSLookoutIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the COUNTRY is on the DHS list as a potential threat to the United States; false otherwise.
Inspectionclass instanceA checking or testing of an individual or entity against established standards.
InspectionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:InspectionType
InspectionDataclass instanceA set of data regarding an inspection of an item of interest.
InspectionDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:InspectionDataType.
InspectionDataTypeclassA data type for information regarding an inspection of an item of interest.
InspectionDateTimeclass instanceA date and time at which a radiation measurement instrument's calibration and in-service status were determined.
InspectionEventDateTimeclass instanceA DateTime of an inspection event.
InspectionRequestDateclass instanceA date of physical examination by administration on applicants request.
InspectionResolutionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the resolution of an inspection.
InspectionResolutionCodeclass instanceA code for the findings resulting from inspection of an item of interest.
InspectionResolutionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the code values for Inspection Resolution Code
InspectionResolutionCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the Inspection Resolution Code
InspectionResolutionTextclass instanceA description of the findings resulting from inspection of an item of interest.
InspectionScopeTextclass instanceA text statement of the scope of the inspection.
InspectionThreatFindingAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a category of threat found by an inspection.
InspectionThreatFindingCodeclass instanceA code for the category of threat found by an inspection.
InspectionThreatFindingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code Values for the various Inspection threat findings
InspectionThreatFindingCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the inspection threat finding code
InspectionThreatFindingTextclass instanceA description of a threat found by an inspection.
InspectionTopicTextclass instanceA kind of inspection.
InspectionTypeclassA data type for a checking or testing of an individual or entity against established standards.
InstantMessengerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between originator, receiver, and an other contact address.
InstantMessengerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InstantMessengerAssociationType.
InstantMessengerAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between originator, receiver, and an other contact address. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization.
InstantMessengerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InstantMessengerType.
InstantMessengerIDclass instanceAn other contact address involved in association.
InstantMessengerScreenIDclass instanceAn account identifier used to reference a person or organization within an instant messaging system.
InstantMessengerServiceNameclass instanceA name of an instant messaging service.
InstantMessengerTypeclassA data type for a user account for an instant messaging program by which a person or organization may be contacted.
InsuranceclassInsurance coverage for an individual.
insurancerelationnsurance coverage for an individual.
Insuranceclass instanceA coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
Insuranceclass instanceA coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
InsuranceActiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an insurance policy is active; false otherwise.
InsuranceActiveIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an insurance policy is active; false otherwise.
InsuranceAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about insurance
InsuranceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InsuranceType.
InsuranceAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an insurance
InsuranceCancellationDateclass instanceA date an insurance policy is voided or revoked.
insuranceCarrierattributeA name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
InsuranceCarrierIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
InsuranceCarrierNameclass instanceA name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
InsuranceCarrierNameclass instanceA name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
InsuranceCertifiedDateclass instanceA date a person is certified as having the necessary insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for categories of coverage provided by an insurance policy.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for categories of coverage provided by an insurance policy.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of insurance coverage.
InsuranceCoveredItemclass instanceA property item that is covered by an insurance policy.
InsuranceEffectiveDateRangeclass instanceA date range during which an insurance policy coverage is in effect.
InsuranceGroupNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier for the insurance group number
InsuranceInsurerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an insurance policy and the insurer that backs it.
InsuranceInsurerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InsuranceInsurerAssociationType.
InsuranceInsurerAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an insurance policy and the insurer that backs it.
InsuranceNameclass instanceA textual name of the insurance
InsurancePersonalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an insurance coverage is for a personal use; false if it is for commercial or corporate use.
InsurancePhoneNumberclass instanceA phone number of the company that has issued the insurance
InsurancePolicyHolderclass instanceAn entity which holds an insurance policy for a property item.
InsurancePolicyIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to an insurance policy by an insurance carrier.
insuranceStatusattributeThe status of the insurance of a person.
InsuranceTypeclassInsurance coverage for an individual.
insuranceTypeattributeThe type of insurance the respondent possesses.
InsuranceTypeclassA data type for coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
InsuranceTypeclassA data type for coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
intclassA data type that is is derived from long by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 2147483647 and minInclusive to be -2147483648.
Intakeclass instanceA process of receiving persons into an institution.
IntakeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:IntakeType
IntakeScreeningclass instanceA process of reviewing persons admitted into an institution.
IntakeScreeningStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member responsible for screening new intakes subjects.
IntakeTypeclassA data type for a process of receiving persons into an institution.
IntangibleItemclass instanceAn intellectual property item.
IntangibleItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntangibleItemType.
IntangibleItemCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of intangible item.
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of intangible item.
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.
IntangibleItemCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of intangible item.
IntangibleItemTypeclassA data type for an intellectual property item.
Integerclass instance
integerclassA data type for the standard mathematical concept of integer numbers.
Integer0to100SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 100
Integer0to100TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 100
Integer0to1024SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 1024
Integer0to1024TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 1024
Integer0to50000SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 50,000
Integer0to50000TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 50,000
Integer0To5SimpleTypeclassA data type for integer values from 0 to 5
Integer0To5TypeclassA data type for integer values from 0 to 5
Integer0to99999SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99999
Integer0to99999TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99999
Integer0to999SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 999
Integer0to999TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 999
Integer0to99SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99
Integer0to99TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99
Integer0To9SimpleTypeclassA data type for integer values from 0 to 9
Integer0To9TypeclassA data type for integer values from 0 to 9
Integer1to255SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 255
Integer1to255TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 255
Integer1to50000SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 50000
Integer1to50000TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 50,000
Integer1To5SimpleTypeclassA data type for integer values from 1 to 5
Integer1to9999SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9999
Integer1to9999TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9999
Integer1to999SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to99SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 99
Integer1to99TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 99
Integer1to9SimpleTypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9
Integer1to9TypeclassA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9
integerListclassA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
IntegerListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of integers.
IntegerListTypeclassA data type for a list of integers.
integerOrNilReasonclassExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
integerOrNilReasonListclassA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
IntegerRangeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntegerRangeType.
IntegerRangeTypeclassA data type for a range of integer values.
integerValueclass instancegml:integerValue is a positive integer value of an operation parameter, usually used for a count. An integer value does not have an associated unit of measure.
integerValueListclass instancegml:integerValueList is an ordered sequence of two or more integer values of an operation parameter list, usually used for counts. These integer values do not have an associated unit of measure. An element of this type contains a space-separated sequence of integer values.
intelclass viewIntelligence
intelclass view
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryattributeA grouping of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryattributeA grouping of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgencyInterestCategoryType.
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryCodeTextattributeA reason that a group of people are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the reason that a group of people are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestCategoryTextattributeA kind of source of the code and/or description used to detail groups of people by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestOtherCategoryattributeAn additional person-categorization system that groups of people by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:AgencyInterestOtherCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgencyInterestOtherCategoryType.
intel:AgencyNameattributeA name of a government organization that has specified an interest in this person, or has issued a warning or handling instructions regarding this person.
intel:AgencySubjectHandlingattributeAn action to take on contact with the person.
intel:AgencySubjectHandlingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgencySubjectHandlingType.
intel:AgencySubjectHandlingFBICodeTextattributeAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
intel:AgencySubjectInterestattributeA description of why an agency placed the person in its repository or why the data on the person is being exchanged.
intel:AgencySubjectInterestAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgencySubjectInterestType.
intel:AuthenticatedIdentityattributeAn identity that has been verified by some authority.
intel:AuthenticIndicatorattributeTrue if something is of undisputed origin or veracity, genuine; false otherwise.
intel:CapabilityProficiencyTextattributeA skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity.
intel:CBEFFTextattributeA data format [not defined by the ICMWG] for biometric data.
intel:ContactSatelliteTelephoneNumberattributeA satellite phone number of a person.
intel:FBIECRCodeattributeA VGTOF Group Member Capability Criteria for Entry
intel:GlobalRegionCodeTextattributeA National Intelligence Priorities Framework area.
intel:IdentificationIssuingCountryAbstractattributeA data concept for a GeoPolitical Entity from which this identification was issued.
intel:IdentificationIssuingLocalityTextattributeA Geographic Location from which this identification was issued.
intel:IdentificationIssuingStateNameattributeA name of a major administrative district or division of a country from which this identification was issued.
intel:OccupationNameattributeA name of an occupation.
intel:PersonCauseOfDeathTextattributeA cause which produces or effects a persons death.
intel:PersonCitizenshipDetailsattributeA persons allegiance to a sovereign state by right of birthplace or naturalization.
intel:PersonCitizenshipDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCitizenshipDetailsType.
intel:PersonCitizenshipStatusCodeTextattributeA mutually exclusive category recognized by law that identifies the degree of protection given a person in return for that persons allegiance.
intel:PersonContactDetailsattributeA structure that describes details about how to contact a person.
intel:PersonEducationDegreeCodeTextattributeA document awarded by an educational institution conferring a degree on a person or certifying his satisfactory completion of a course of study.
intel:PersonEducationDegreeCodeTextattributeA document awarded by an educational institution conferring a degree on a person or certifying his satisfactory completion of a course of study.
intel:PersonEducationDetailsattributeA relationship between a person and an organization in which the organization is providing a service as an educational institution.
intel:PersonEducationDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonEducationDetailsType.
intel:PersonEyeDescriptionTextattributeA text description of the characteristics of a persons eyes.
intel:PersonInIDAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonInIDType.
intel:PersonInIdentificationattributeAn identification of the human being referenced in the context of an identification.
intel:PersonLocationUsageCodeTextattributeA context within which a location is used.
intel:PersonMultimediaIDBinaryattributeA non-textual indicator of a persons identity.
intel:PersonOtherIDAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonOtherIDType.
intel:PersonSystemIdentificationattributeA system identification that references a person.
intel:PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationType.
intel:PotentialIdentityMatchDescriptionTextattributeA description of why the different identities may belong to the same person.
intel:PrimaryIdentityattributeAn identity that a person is first known as (e.g., for law enforcement), primarily known as, or primarily goes by. This may or may not be the -real- or authenticated identity.
intel:StateINACodeTextattributeA Department of State code that identifies the reason that a group of people are of interest to intelligence.
intel:SubjectCategoryCodeTextattributeA general category or classification of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:SubjectCategoryCodeTextattributeA general category or classification of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
intel:SubjectHandlingattributeAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
intel:SubjectHandlingattributeAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
intel:SubjectHandlingAgencyNameattributeA name of an agency for whom the person handling information is designated.
intel:SubjectHandlingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SubjectHandlingType.
intel:SubjectHandlingCodeTextattributeAn action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
intel:SubjectHandlingDescriptionTextattributeA description that identifies the action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
intel:SubjectReasonOnListTextattributeA reason why the person has been added to a terrorist watch list by a government organization.
IntellectualItemBusinessAreaTextclass instanceA business or functional area in which an intellectual item is useful.
IntellectualPropertyclass instanceA property that results from original thought or creativity.
IntellectualPropertyAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about intellectual property.
IntellectualPropertyAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntellectualPropertyType.
IntellectualPropertyAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about intellectual property.
IntellectualPropertyCreationDateclass instanceA date that a piece of intellectual property came into existence.
IntellectualPropertyCreationEventTextclass instanceAn event that led to the creation of intellectual property.
IntellectualPropertyRegistrationDateclass instanceA date when intellectual property rights began for the registered owner.
IntellectualPropertyRegistrationIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a piece of intellectual property.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertyTerminationDateclass instanceA date when intellectual property is destroyed and/or property or registration rights cease to exist.
IntellectualPropertyTerminationEventTextclass instanceAn event that led to the destruction of a piece of intellectual property and/or the termination of registration rights.
IntellectualPropertyTypeclassA data type for property that results from original thought or creativity.
IntelligenceInformationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the information specified is intelligence information; false otherwise.
IntelligibilityValueclass instanceAn indication for the comprehensibility of speech.
InterchangeCategoryCodeclass instanceA category of interchange
InterchangeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type idicating the interchange category
InterchangeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type idicating the interchange category
InterchangeIDclass instanceA identifier for each interchange.
Interestclass instanceAn item of interest, for example a potential risk or threat.
InterestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InterestType.
InterestCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of item of interest.
InterestCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of an item of interest.
InterestDateRangeclass instanceA date and time range when the interest is relevant.
InterestDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an item of interest.
InterestLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a level or degree of interest.
InterestLevelTextclass instanceA level or degree of interest.
InterestLexiconSourceTextclass instanceA definition source for interest level/category information. e.g. NORTHCOM, USMTF, etc.
InterestNotificationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of notification of an item of interest.
InterestNotificationCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of a notification of an item of interest.
InterestNotificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code specifying whether an interest is an indicator or notification, warning or alert.
InterestNotificationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code specifying whether an interest is an indicator or notification, warning or alert.
InterestNotificationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a notification of an item of interest.
InterestTypeclassA data type for an item of interest, for example a potential risk or threat.
Interfaces and Operationsclass view
interiorclass instanceA boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. The "interior" rings separate the surface / surface patch from the area enclosed by the rings.
interiorclass instanceA boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. The "interior" rings seperate the surface / surface patch from the area enclosed by the rings.
IntermediateCarrierclass instanceA transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
IntermediateCarrierAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntermediateCarrierType.
IntermediateCarrierIDCategoryclass instanceA coded ID for a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
IntermediateCarrierIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Intermediate Carrier
IntermediateCarrierTypeclassA data type representing a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
IntermediateConsigneeclass instanceA transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
IntermediateConsigneeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntermediateConsigneeType.
IntermediateConsigneeIDCategoryclass instanceA coded ID for a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
IntermediateConsigneeIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Intermediate Consignee
IntermediateConsigneeTypeclassA data type representing the transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
InternationalNumberIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the number for the PHONE is an international number; false otherwise.
InternationalShipSecurityCertificateAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InternationalShipSecurityCertificateType.
InternationalShipSecurityCertificateTypeclassA data type for an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
internationalTelephoneIDattributeAn international telephone number without country prefix.
InternationalTelephoneNumberclass instanceAn international telephone number.
InternationalTelephoneNumberclass instanceAn international telephone number.
internationalTelephoneNumberattributeAn international telephone number.
InternationalTelephoneNumberAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InternationalTelephoneNumberType.
InternationalTelephoneNumberTypeclassA data type for an international telephone number.
InternationalTelephoneNumberTypeclassA data type for an international telephone number.
internationalTelephoneSuffixattributeAn extension to an interational telephone number.
interpreterLanguageCodeattributeA code identifying a language that a person is most comfortable using.
interpreterRequiredIndicatorattributeAn indicator that a person requires an interpreter.
IntersectionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an intersection consists of two or more roadways.
IntersectionCategoryCodeclass instanceAn intersection consists of two or more roadways.
IntersectionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an intersection consists of two or more roadways that intersect at the same level.
IntersectionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for an intersection consists of two or more roadways that intersect at the same level.
IntersectionJunctionGeometryCodeclass instanceA category of geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionGeometryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type indicating geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionGeometryCodeTypeclassA data type indicating geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indicator of traffic control present at intersection/junction.
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlCategoryCodeclass instanceAn indicator of traffic control present at intersection/junction.
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type indicating traffic control present at intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlCodeTypeclassA data type indicating traffic control present at intersection/junction
InterStateOutputDataclass instanceA State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
InterStateOutputDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InterStateOutputDataType.
InterStateOutputDataReportAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InterStateOutputDataReportType.
InterStateOutputDataReportTypeclassA data type for a State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
InterStateOutputDataTypeclassA data type for a set of data for a State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
InterviewEncounterclass instanceA meeting between one or more representatives of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a PERSON to discuss an ENCOUNTER.
InterviewEncounterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InterviewEncounterType.
InterviewEncounterTypeclassA data type for a meeting between one or more representatives of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a PERSON who is being interviewed.
InterviewStatementclass instanceA DOCUMENT resulting from a meeting between a representative of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and an individual.
InterviewStatementAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InterviewStatementType.
InterviewStatementTypeclassA data type for a DOCUMENT resulting from a meeting between a representative of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and an individual.
IntimacyAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people based on the presence of sexual/sexually romantic activity.
Intoxicationclass instanceA physiological state of a person due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or another toxic substance.
IntoxicationAlcoholInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if alcohol contributed to the intoxication of a person; false otherwise.
IntoxicationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IntoxicationType.
IntoxicationDrugInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a drug contributed to the intoxication of a person; false otherwise.
IntoxicationIntoxicantCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of substance by which a person is intoxicated.
IntoxicationIntoxicantCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of substance by which a person is intoxicated.
IntoxicationIntoxicantCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of substance by which a person is intoxicated.
IntoxicationIntoxicantIllegalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a substance that contributed to the intoxication of a person was illegal at the time and location of the event; false if it was legal.
IntoxicationLevelTextclass instanceA degree to which a person is intoxicated or under the influence of a substance.
IntoxicationOverLimitIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the quantity of an intoxicating substance in the system of a person is over the legal limit; false otherwise.
IntoxicationRelatedActivityclass instanceAn activity in which the intoxication of a person was suspected or measured.
IntoxicationTestCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of test performed to determine the nature and/or level of intoxication of a person.
IntoxicationTestDateclass instanceA date a test of intoxication was performed.
IntoxicationTestDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a test performed to determine the nature and/or level of intoxication of a person.
IntoxicationTesterclass instanceAn entity which administers a test to determine the intoxication of a person.
IntoxicationTypeclassA data type for a physiological state of a person due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or other toxic substance.
IntrinsicDoubleEscapePeakEfficiencyCalibrationclass instanceAn intrinsic double-escape peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic double-escape peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the counts in the double-escape peak of that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
IntrinsicFullEnergyPeakEfficiencyCalibrationclass instanceAn intrinsic full-energy peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic full-energy peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the net counts in a peak at that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
IntrinsicSingleEscapePeakEfficiencyCalibrationclass instanceAn intrinsic single-escape peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic single-escape peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the counts in the single-escape peak of that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
InventoryDirectionCodeclass instanceA direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction
InventoryDirectionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction
InventoryDirectionCodeTypeclassA data type describing direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction
InventoryRefreshDateTimeclass instanceA date that resource inventory counts were last updated
InvestigatorNarrativeclass instanceA narrative or note as reported by an investigator.
Invoiceclass instanceA non-negotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer.
InvoiceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InvoiceType.
InvoiceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of or type of Invoice.
InvoiceDateclass instanceA date of issue of an invoice.
InvoiceIDclass instanceA reference identifier for an invoice.
InvoiceImageclass instanceAn element for an image of an invoice
InvoiceLineclass instanceAn identification of a line of a document.
InvoiceLineAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for InvoiceLineType.
InvoiceLineNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier to identify a line of an invoice document.
InvoiceLineTypeclassA data type for an invoice line item.
InvoiceSequenceNumericclass instanceA number indicating the position in a sequence.
InvoiceTypeclassA data type for a non-negotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer
InvoluntaryMedicationActionclass instanceA set of details about actions or events involving involuntary medication of a subject.
InvoluntaryMedicationActionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:InvoluntaryMedicationActionType
InvoluntaryMedicationActionEndDateclass instanceA date when a schedule of involuntary medication for a subject will end.
InvoluntaryMedicationActionEvidenceIncludedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if evidence included additional documents; false otherwise.
InvoluntaryMedicationActionMedicationReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of reason a subject was placed on involuntary medication.
InvoluntaryMedicationActionMedicationReasonTextclass instanceA kind of reason a subject was placed on involuntary medication.
InvoluntaryMedicationActionTypeclassA data type for a set of details about actions or events involving involuntary medication of a subject.
InvolvementAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's or organization's involvement in something.
InvolvementTextclass instanceA status or level of involvement.
ipclass viewInfrastructure Protection
ip:AssetattributeA data type for an asset in an infrastructure.
ip:AssetAliasNameattributeAn additional name, acronym, or identifier used to call out the asset
ip:AssetAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssetType.
ip:AssetCategoryattributeA category for a kind of asset.
ip:AssetCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssetCategoryType.
ip:AssetCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Asset Category based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
ip:AssetCategoryIDattributeAn identifier of a kind of asset.
ip:AssetCategoryNameattributeA category name for a kind of asset.
ip:AssetCategoryNameattributeA category name for a kind of asset.
ip:AssetIDattributeA database-unique identifier for asset.
ip:AssetNameattributeA name of asset (as determined by asset owner or identified on legal documentation)
ip:AssetStatusCodeattributeA status of an asset.
ip:SectorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SectorType.
ip:SectorNameattributeA major grouping name of critical infrastructure to which the facility belongs.
ip:SectorNameattributeA major grouping name of critical infrastructure to which the facility belongs.
ip:SectorTaxonomyDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Sector based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
ip:SectorTaxonomyIDattributeAn identifier of each sector as used in the Taxonomy -see Infrastructure Taxonomy Ver.3
ip:SegmentattributeA major grouping within the subsector to which the asset belongs.
ip:SegmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SegmentType.
ip:SegmentNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SegmentNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SegmentTaxonomyDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Segment based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
ip:SegmentTaxonomyIDattributeA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSectorattributeA major grouping within the sector to which the asset belongs -see Infrastructure Taxonomy Ver.3
ip:SubsectorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SubsectorType.
ip:SubSectorNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSectorNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSectorTaxonomyDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Sub Sector based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
ip:SubSectorTaxonomyIDattributeA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSegmentattributeA data type for a major grouping within the segment to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubsegmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SubsegmentType.
ip:SubSegmentDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Sub Segment based on the description provided in the Infrastructure Data Taxonomy (IDT).
ip:SubSegmentNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSegmentNameattributeA major grouping name for infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
ip:SubSegmentTaxonomyIDattributeA major grouping identifier of an infrastructure to which the asset belongs.
IPv4AddressIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a computer or other device connected to a TCP/IP network, based on version 4 of the Internet Protocol.
IPv6AddressIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a computer or other device connected to a TCP/IP network, based on version 6 of the Internet Protocol.
IrisBoundaryShapeCodeclass instanceA shape of a boundary between an iris and other features in an iris image
IrisDiameterPixelQuantityclass instanceA number of pixels in the diameter of an iris
IrisEyePositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a designator of which eye is represented by the image
IrisEyePositionCodeclass instanceA designator of which eye is represented by the image
IrisEyeRotationAngleValueclass instanceA rotation angle of an image
IrisEyeRotationUncertaintyValueclass instanceAn image rotation uncertainty
IrisImageAcquisitionLightingSpectrumclass instanceA lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileCodeclass instanceA set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageCaptureclass instanceAn iris image capture
IrisImageCaptureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IrisImageCaptureType
IrisImageCaptureTypeclassA data type for an iris image capture
IrisImageDetailclass instanceA set of details about an image of iris
IrisImageDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for details about an Iris Image
IrisImageDetailTypeclassA data type for details about a Type-17 iris image record
IrisImageGazeAngleMeasureclass instanceAn angular extent (off front angle) in degrees imaged by the camera for this iris image
IrisImageHorizontalOrientationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a horizontal orientation of an image
IrisImageHorizontalOrientationCodeclass instanceA horizontal orientation of an image
IrisImageIrisBoundaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Iris Image Iris Boundary type
IrisImageIrisBoundaryTypeclassA data type for an iris feature boundary in an iris image
IrisImageIrisLowerEyelidBoundaryclass instanceAn iris-lower eyelid boundary in an iris image
IrisImageIrisPupilBoundaryclass instanceAn iris-pupil boundary in an iris image
IrisImageIrisScleraBoundaryclass instanceAn iris-sclera boundary in an iris image
IrisImageIrisUpperEyelidBoundaryclass instanceAn iris-upper eyelid boundary in an iris image
IrisImageMissingclass instanceA data of which to represent Iris Eye Position image data is missing
IrisImageMissingAbstractclass instanceA data concept for information about a missing iris or irises
IrisImageMissingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Iris Missing Image
IrisImageMissingReasonCodeclass instanceA reason for a missing iris image
IrisImageMissingReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a reason for a missing iris image
IrisImageMissingReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for a reason for a missing iris image
IrisImageMissingTypeclassA data type for representing missing Iris image information
IrisImageOcclusionclass instanceA blockage in an iris image
IrisImageOcclusionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Iris Image Iris Image Occlusion type
IrisImageOcclusionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of blockage in an iris image
IrisImageOcclusionOpacityCodeclass instanceAn opacity of a blockage in an iris image
IrisImageOcclusionTypeclassA data type for a blockage in an iris image
IrisImageRangeMeasureclass instanceAn estimated distance in centimeters from the camera to the iris for this iris image
IrisImageScanCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of iris image scan
IrisImageScanCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of iris image scan
IrisImageStorageFormatCodeclass instanceA data type for a storage format used for this iris image
IrisImageStorageFormatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an iris storage format
IrisImageStorageFormatCodeTypeclassA data type for an iris storage format
IrisImageVerticalOrientationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a vertical orientation of an image
IrisImageVerticalOrientationCodeclass instanceA vertical orientation of an image
IrisMissingCodeclass instanceA data of which to represent Iris Eye Position image data is missing
IrisMissingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an enumeration of the iris image missing information codes.
IrisMissingCodeTypeclassA data type for a representation of the iris image missing codes for one or both eyes.
IrrigationPracticeCodeclass instanceA code identifying the irrigation practice used for a unit of land with a crop code identifying the irrigation practice used for a unit of land with a crop.
IrrigationPracticeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type containing the irrigation practice code used for a unit of land with a crop.
Irrigated Practice is the method of producing a crop by which water, from an adequate water source, is artificially applied in sufficient amounts by appropriate and adequate irrigation equipment and facilities and at the proper times necessary to produce one of the following:
1. the yield expected for the area.
2. the yield used to establish the production guarantee or amount of insurance/coverage on the irrigated acreage planted to the commodity.
3. the producer established approved yield, as applicable.
Acreage adjacent to water, such as but not limited to a pond, lake, river, stream, creek or brook, shall not be considered irrigated based solely on the proximity to the water.
IrrigationPracticeCodeTypeclassA data type for code to identify irrigation practice used.
IsFullTimeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the engagement is full time; false otherwise.
IsIssuedCertificationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a certification is issued; false otherwise.
IsNewIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien student is new; false otherwise.
iso_3166class viewCountry and country subdivision codes. Source: International Standards Organization (ISO);
Publication: Codes for the representation of names of countries -- Part 1: Country codes (v7-8); Part 2: codes for subdivisions (v3-6). https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html. https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:3166:-1:ed-3:v1:en,fr
iso_3166class view
iso_4217class viewSource: International Standards Organization (ISO);
Publication: Codes for the representation of currencies and funds;
Version: ISO 4217:2008;
Date: 30 Jun 2008;
iso_4217class view
iso_639-3class viewSource: International Standards Organization (ISO);
Publication: Codes for the representation of names of languages -- Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages;
Version: ISO 639-3:2007;
Date: 2007;
Source Updates: 5 Feb 2007;
iso_639-3class view
ISSCCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind or category of International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
ISSCCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
IsStateLCRIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the license, registration or certificate is at state level; false otherwise.
itclass viewInternational Trade
it:ActualArrivalDateattributeA date (actual date) on which a shipment arrives
it:ActualDepartureDateattributeAn actual date and time of departure of the means of transport.
it:AdditionalDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AdditionalDocumentType.
it:AdditionalDocumentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a code specifying the category of AdditionalDocument
it:AdditionalDocumentNameattributeA TextType name for the Additional Document
it:AdditionalDocumentRefNumberIDattributeAn identifier for the Additional Document.
it:AdditionalInformationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AdditionalInformationType.
it:AdditionalStatementCategoryCodeTextattributeA Code specifying the category of statement description.
it:AdditionalStatementDescriptionTextattributeA TextType description of the Additional statement
it:AgentattributeA data type for additional information about a party authorized to act on behalf of another person, organization or thing.
it:AgentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AgentType.
it:AgentAuthorizationIDCategoryattributeA code categorizing the identification of a party to act on behalf of another party.
it:AgentIdentificationattributeAn identification for a representation of an identity.
it:AgentQualityAssuranceIndicatorattributeTrue if Agent Quality Assurance Level should be used; false otherwise/if the Agent Quality Assurance Level should not used.
it:AgentStatusCodeTextattributeA code specifying the capacity in which agent is acting
it:AgentStatusTextattributeA capacity in which the agent is acting.
it:ApportionmentQualifierTextattributeA method of the proportional allocation of freight charges for each consignment in a multi consignment declaration.
it:ArrivalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ArrivalType.
it:ArrivalLocationattributeA location of arrival.
it:ArrivalTransportMeansattributeA means of transport used in the arrival.
it:AssociatedTransportDocumentattributeA type of associated transport document in a secondary cargo report
it:BorderTransportMeansattributeA means of transport used in crossing a border.
it:BorderTransportMeansattributeA means of transport used in crossing a border.
it:BorderTransportMeansAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BorderTransportMeansType.
it:BorderTransportMeansNationalityTextattributeA nationality of the active means of transport used in crossing the border.
it:BrokerattributeA data type describing the name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
it:BrokerattributeA data type describing the name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
it:BrokerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BrokerType.
it:BrokerIDCategoryattributeA code which identified a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
it:BrokerIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Broker
it:BuyerattributeA party to which merchandise or services are sold.
it:BuyerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BuyerType.
it:BuyerIDCategoryattributeA code which identified a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
it:BuyerIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Buyer
it:CargoWarehouseDateattributeA date of arrival of the cargo at the unloading Cargo Warehouse.
it:CargoWarehouseIdentificationattributeA unique identification for a Cargo Warehouse.
it:CarrierattributeA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierattributeA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierattributeA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierattributeA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierattributeA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CarrierType.
it:CarrierCodeAbstractattributeA data concept for containing the code assigned to an organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
it:CarrierIDCategoryattributeA code for the Identifier to identify a party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierIdentificationattributeAn identification of a organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
it:CarrierNameattributeA name of the carrier providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierNameattributeA name of the carrier providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:CarrierSCACTextattributeA Standard Carrier Alpha Code if the trade party organization is a Carrier.
it:CarrierSplitConsignmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the Carrier has split the load of a consignment; false otherwise/if the consignment load has not been split.
it:CertificateContentTextattributeA description of the content of official certification, legislation or stamp, etc.
it:CHAINumberTextattributeAn identifier used on customs forms in Pakistan.
it:ChargesattributeAn aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location.
it:CollectorateTextattributeA Customs Collectorate Identifier used on customs forms in a host country.
it:CommodityattributeA sufficient identification of the nature of a goods item for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:CommodityattributeA sufficient identification of the nature of a goods item for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:CommodityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CommodityType.
it:CommodityCategoryTextattributeA kind of goods for Customs, transport, statistical or other regulatory purposes (generic term).
it:CommodityGoodsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:CommodityGoodsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:CommodityHTSCodeTextattributeA harmonized Code Text for the commodity.
it:CommodityInfoattributeA set of information regarding commodities in a container as stated in the container's documentation.
it:CommodityUNDGIdentificationTextattributeAn United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG) is the unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
it:CommunicatorAddressAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CommunicatorAddressType.
it:CommunicatorAddressCategoryTextattributeA kind of or type of communication address.
it:ConsigneeattributeA party to which goods are consigned.
it:ConsigneeattributeA party to which goods are consigned.
it:ConsigneeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsigneeType.
it:ConsigneeIDCategoryattributeAn Identifier Category to identify a party to which goods are consigned.
it:ConsigneeIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Consignee
it:ConsignmentattributeA set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
it:ConsignmentattributeA set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
it:ConsignmentattributeA set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
it:ConsignmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsignmentType.
it:ConsignmentContainerAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsignmentContainerAssociationType.
it:ConsignmentIdentificationattributeA unique number identification assigned to goods, both for import and export.
it:ConsignmentItemattributeA sufficient identification of the nature of an item for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:ConsignmentItemAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsignmentItemType.
it:ConsignmentItemIdentificationattributeAn identification information of a consignment Item.
it:ConsignmentItemMaterialTextattributeA textual description of the material that comprises a Consignment Item.
it:ConsignmentItemPackagingattributeAn individual consignment item's packaging information.
it:ConsignmentItemShapeAbstractattributeA data concept for a shape of a consignment Item. If shape is Other, then a description should be provided in it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionText.
it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionTextattributeA description of the shape of a consignment item.
it:ConsignmentItemVolumeMeasureattributeA volumetric measure of a consignment item.
it:ConsignmentPackagingattributeA Consignment's packaging information.
it:ConsignmentRoutingCountryTextattributeA country through which goods or passengers are routed between the country of original departure and final destination.
it:ConsignmentTotalPackageQuantityattributeA count of the total number of packages of the entire declaration/ consignment.
it:ConsignmentValueattributeA taxable value of the Consignment
it:ConsignorattributeA party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
it:ConsignorattributeA party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
it:ConsignorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsignorType.
it:ConsignorIDCategoryattributeA code to identify the party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
it:ConsignorIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Consignor
it:ConsolidatorattributeA freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment so called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components.
it:ConsolidatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsolidatorType.
it:ConsolidatorIDCategoryattributeAn identification of the freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment (so called consolidated shipment) hat is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment
it:ConsolidatorIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Consolidator
it:ConsortiumCarrierattributeA consortium carrier.
it:ConsortiumCarrierAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ConsortiumCarrierType.
it:ConsortiumCarrierIDCategoryattributeAn assigned code for a consortium carrier.
it:ConsortiumCarrierIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Consortium Carrier
it:ContainerBillOfLadingIDattributeAn identifier of a bill of lading that includes a container.
it:ContainerBookingIDattributeAn identifier of a Booking that includes a container.
it:ContainerEmptyWeightMeasureattributeA weight of a container when empty.
it:ContainerIDattributeAn identifier of a Container.
it:ContainerShipmentIDattributeAn identifier of a Shipment that includes a container.
it:ContainerSizeTextattributeA textual description of a container size.
it:ContainerTerminalOperatorattributeA Container Terminal Operator
it:ContainerTerminalOperatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ContainerTerminalOperatorType.
it:ContainerTerminalOperatorIDCategoryattributeAn identifier of the party operating a container terminal or similar facility.
it:ContainerTerminalOperatorIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Container Terminal Operator
it:ContainerTransportIndicatorattributeTrue if goods are transported within a container; false otherwise/if goods are not transported in a container
it:CountryOfOriginattributeA country of origin of goods shall be defined as the country where the goods were manufactured wholly (Article 31) or subjected to sufficient processing (Article 32) in accordance with the criteria laid down by this Customs Code or in accordance with th
it:CountryOfOriginattributeA country of origin of goods shall be defined as the country where the goods were manufactured wholly (Article 31) or subjected to sufficient processing (Article 32) in accordance with the criteria laid down by this Customs Code or in accordance with th
it:CountryRelationshipCategoryCodeTextattributeAn indication whether the place specified for the performance of a (contractual) obligation is located in the country where the declaration is made, in another member country of the same economic or Customs union, or in a third country.
it:CrewMemberattributeA crew member.
it:CurrencyExchangeattributeAn exchange of currency for a specified country
it:CurrencyExchangeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CurrencyExchangeType.
it:CustomsDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for it:CustomsDocumentType.
it:CustomsGoodsItemattributeA data type that describes the value declared for purposes of those goods in a consignment.
it:CustomsGoodsItemAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CustomsGoodsItemType.
it:CustomsOfficeDutyTaxPaymentTextattributeA code to identify a location at which a subsequent declaration is lodged.
it:CustomsProcedureattributeA description of an Activity required for Customs.
it:CustomsProcedureattributeA description of an Activity required for Customs.
it:CustomsProcedureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CustomsProcedureType.
it:CustomsStatusattributeA status of the item for Customs purposes at a particular point in time.
it:CustomsValuationAmountattributeA monetary representation of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
it:CustomsValuationAmountattributeA monetary representation of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
it:CustomsValuationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CustomsValuationType.
it:DeclarationattributeA formal statement made for use in International Trade office mostly for customs purpose.
it:DeclarationAcceptanceDateattributeA date on which a declaration has been or will be accepted by Customs
it:DeclarationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DeclarationType.
it:DeclarationCustomsOfficeLocationattributeAn identification of a location at which a declaration is lodged.
it:DeclarationDocumentNameCategoryattributeA code specifying the category name of a document.
it:DeclarationDocumentReferenceIDattributeA reference identifier for a specific document.
it:DeclarationGoodsDateattributeA date on which a Goods declaration has been or will be accepted by Customs in accordance with Customs legislation.
it:DeclarationIssueDateattributeA date on which a declaration was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
it:DeclarationIssuePlaceattributeA location at which a declaration was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
it:DeclarationPackagingattributeA declaration of the type of packaging that the consignment is transported.
it:DeclarationPackagingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DeclarationPackagingType.
it:DeclarationTotalGrossWeightMeasureattributeA weight (mass) of goods including packaging but excluding the carriers equipment for a declaration.
it:DeclarationTotalInvoiceAmountattributeA total of all invoice amounts declared in a single declaration.
it:DeclarationTotalItemsQuantityattributeA count of the total number of goods items within a declaration
it:DeclarationTraderAssignedIdentificationattributeA reference identification assigned by a trader to a declaration.
it:DeconsolidatorattributeA receiving party of a consolidated shipment, who divides the latter into its original single consignments and undertakes to make them available to be delivered.
it:DeconsolidatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DeconsolidatorType.
it:DeconsolidatorIDCategoryattributeA code identification of the receiving party of a consolidated shipment, who divides the latter into its original single consignments and undertakes to make them available to be delivered.
it:DeconsolidatorIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Deconsolidator
it:DeliveryDestinationattributeA location to which goods are to be delivered. Address, region and/or country as required by national legislation or according to national requirements.
it:DepartureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DepartureType.
it:DepartureLocationattributeA location of departure of the means of transport.
it:DepartureTransportMeansattributeA means of transport used in the departure.
it:DepartureTransportMeansattributeA means of transport used in the departure.
it:DocumentAuthenticationTextattributeAn idication or proof that a document has been authenticated indicating where appropriate the authentication party.
it:DocumentFreeTextattributeA free text field available to the message sender for information.
it:DocumentFunctionCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA textual description of the function of the document that is presented to the Customs.
it:DocumentFunctionTextattributeA function of a document.
it:DocumentIssueLocationIdentificationattributeAn identification of a place at which an additional document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
it:DocumentMessageFunctionCategoryattributeA code indicating the function of a document.
it:DocumentNameCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA textual description of the category name of a document.
it:DocumentNameCategoryTextattributeA kind of or category name of a document.
it:DutyTaxFeeattributeA fee associated with a customs duty tax or tariff.
it:DutyTaxFeeAmountattributeA rate of duty or tax or fee applicable to commodities or of tax applicable to services.
it:DutyTaxFeeAssessmentAmountOwedAmountattributeAn amount on which a duty or tax or fee is owed or obligated
it:DutyTaxFeeAssessmentBasisAmountattributeA basis amount on which a duty or tax or fee will be assessed.
it:DutyTaxFeeAssessmentBasisQuantityattributeA basis count on which a duty or tax or fee will be assessed.
it:DutyTaxFeeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DutyTaxFeeType.
it:DutyTaxFeeCategoryTextattributeA kind of duty or tax applicable to commodities or a type of tax or fee applicable to services.
it:DutyTaxFeeReductionAmountattributeA reduced amount of duty/tax/fee (includes all types of charges and duties) due and amount of reduction (if applicable).
it:DutyTaxFeeReductionQuantityattributeA reduction count on which the reduced amount of duty/tax/fee (includes all types of charges and duties) due and amount of reduction (if applicable).
it:DutyTaxFeeReferenceIDattributeAn identifier of the reference number for a payment of a duty or tax.
it:DutyTaxFeeRegimeCategoryTextattributeA kind of duty regime.
it:DutyTaxPaymentMethodAbstractattributeA data concept for a code identifying the method of payment for the Duty Tax.
it:EMSCodeTextattributeAn EMS identifier code.
it:EntryCustomsOfficeLocationattributeA location type where Entry Customs Office is located.
it:EquipmentCharacteristicTextattributeA characteristic of a piece of transport equipment.
it:EquipmentLegalStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if the equipment status is legal; false otherwise/if the equipment does not have legal status.
it:EquipmentLoadedStatusTextattributeAn indication of how full a piece of transport equipment is.
it:EquipmentSealIdentificationattributeAn identification number of a seal affixed to a piece of equipment.
it:EstimatedArrivalDateattributeA date on which a shipment is estimated to be arriving
it:EstimatedArrivalDateattributeA date on which a shipment is estimated to be arriving
it:EstimatedDepartureDateattributeA date which is estimated to be the date and time of departure of the means of transport.
it:ExaminationPlaceAbstractattributeA data concept for an identification of a place where goods are to be examined if this place is different from the place where the goods are located
it:ExaminationPlaceAbstractattributeA data concept for an identification of a place where goods are to be examined if this place is different from the place where the goods are located
it:ExitCustomsOfficeLocationattributeA location of the customs office at which the goods leave or are intended to leave the customs territory of dispatch.
it:ExitCustomsOfficeLocationattributeA location of the customs office at which the goods leave or are intended to leave the customs territory of dispatch.
it:ExitDateattributeA date when the goods departs from last port, airport, or border post of customs territory whence consigned (country of export).
it:ExporterattributeA person who makes an export declaration or on whose behalf the export declaration is made. This is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
it:ExporterattributeA person who makes an export declaration or on whose behalf the export declaration is made. This is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
it:ExporterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ExporterType.
it:ExporterIDCategoryattributeA code for identification of party who makes, or on whose behalf the export declaration is made, and who is the owner of the goods or has similar rights of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
it:ExporterIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Exporter
it:FlashPointMeasureattributeA temperature value of a hazardous material where there is a risk of explosion or ignition.
it:ForeignTradeZoneattributeAn identification of a foreign trade zone or FTZ where particular goods shipment has been moved.
it:FreightCostAmountattributeAn amount of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insu
it:FreightPaymentCodeTextattributeA code specifying the method of payment for Transport charges
it:GoodsBrandNameTextattributeA brand name or distinct identifying name or term assigned by the seller for the goods to distinguish it from those of the other sellers.
it:GoodsConsignedPlaceNameattributeA name of the place in country from which the goods were initially dispatched to the importing country
it:GoodsCountryExportAbstractattributeA data concept for a code used to identify the original exporting country for goods; without any commercial transaction in intermediate countries.
it:GoodsCustomsAmountattributeA monetary worth of goods for Customs Tariff purposes.
it:GoodsDeclarationCustomsIdentificationattributeAn identification assigned or accepted by Customs, to identify a goods declaration.
it:GoodsGeneticModificationIndicatorattributeTrue if there is whole or partially genetic modification of goods; false otherwise/if not whole or partially genetic modification of goods.
it:GoodsGradingClassificationTextattributeA plain text name or classification of the category, class, rating, or quality of goods.
it:GoodsIngredientsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the Components comprising the mixture or compound of the goods.
it:GoodsItemAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for GoodsItemType.
it:GoodsItemLevelWeightMeasureattributeA weight of a line item including packaging but excluding the transport equipment.
it:GoodsItemStatisticalValueAmountattributeA value declared for statistical purposes of those goods in a consignment which have the same statistical heading.
it:GoodsLocationattributeA description of a place where goods are located in relation to a geographic or other referent.
it:GoodsLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for GoodsLocationType.
it:GoodsLocationCategoryTextattributeA kind of place where goods are located.
it:GoodsManufacturedCountryOriginAbstractattributeA data concept for a code to identify the country in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the application of the Customs tariff or quantitative restrictions, or any measure related to trade.
it:GoodsManufacturedRegionOriginAbstractattributeA data concept for a region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the Customs tariff, or quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade.
it:GoodsMeasureattributeA weight measurement characteristics
it:GoodsMeasureattributeA weight measurement characteristics
it:GoodsMeasureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for GoodsMeasureType.
it:GoodsModelNumberTextattributeA description of the reference assigned by a manufacturer to designate grouping of products within the same structural design.
it:GoodsNatureClassificationTextattributeA description of the nature of a transaction associated with a shipment.
it:GoodsNetWeightMeasureattributeA weight (mass) value of the goods themselves without any packing.
it:GoodsOriginAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for OriginType.
it:GoodsPreviousProcedureCodeTextattributeA code specifying the Customs procedure, if any, which has been applied to the goods prior to the application of a different Customs procedure.
it:GoodsProcedureCodeTextattributeA code specifying a procedure performed by Customs on goods which are subject to Customs control.
it:GoodsProcedureOverrideCodeTextattributeA code specifying a request to override automatic processing procedures.
it:GoodsReceivedPlaceNameattributeA name of the place at which the goods have been or are to be received by the consignee
it:GoodsShipmentattributeA description of the goods being shipped
it:GoodsShipmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for GoodsShipmentType.
it:GoodsTariffCodeExtensionsTextattributeA description of the additional tariff codes specification for types of goods for customs, transport, statistical or other regulatory purposes.
it:GoodsTariffQuantityattributeA count of the goods in the unit as required by Customs for tariff, statistical or fiscal purposes.
it:GoodVolumeMeasureattributeA measure of the volume of goods themselves without any packing
it:GuaranteeReferenceIDattributeA unique identifier for the obligation guarantee
it:HandlingInstructionsTextattributeA set of directions for handling a shipment and or delivery instructions for a shipment
it:HazardousMaterialContactInfoattributeA contact for obtaining more information on a hazardous material.
it:HazardousMaterialDataattributeA data type providing details of a hazardous material.
it:HazardousMaterialDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HazardousMaterialDataType.
it:IMOClassCodeTextattributeA IMO Classification identifier code.
it:IMOSubsidiaryClassCodeTextattributeA IMO Subsidiary classification identifier code.
it:ImporterattributeA party which makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration.
it:ImporterattributeA party which makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration.
it:ImporterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ImporterType.
it:ImporterIDCategoryattributeA code for Identifier of party who makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.
it:ImporterIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Importer
it:INCOTERMSCategoryCodeTextattributeA code specifying the delivery or transport terms.
it:INCOTERMSDescriptionTextattributeA description of delivery or transport terms.
it:INCOTERMSPlaceattributeA name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
it:INCOTERMSPlaceCategoryCodeTextattributeAn identifier of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable delivery term.
it:InspectionRequestDateattributeA date of physical examination by administration on applicants request.
it:IntermediateCarrierattributeA transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:IntermediateCarrierAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IntermediateCarrierType.
it:IntermediateCarrierIDCategoryattributeA coded ID for a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
it:IntermediateCarrierIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Intermediate Carrier
it:IntermediateConsigneeattributeA transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
it:IntermediateConsigneeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IntermediateConsigneeType.
it:IntermediateConsigneeIDCategoryattributeA coded ID for a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
it:IntermediateConsigneeIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Intermediate Consignee
it:InvoiceattributeA non-negotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer.
it:InvoiceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InvoiceType.
it:InvoiceCategoryTextattributeA kind of or type of Invoice.
it:InvoiceDateattributeA date of issue of an invoice.
it:InvoiceIDattributeA reference identifier for an invoice.
it:InvoiceLineattributeAn identification of a line of a document.
it:InvoiceLineAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InvoiceLineType.
it:InvoiceLineNumberIDattributeAn identifier to identify a line of an invoice document.
it:InvoiceSequenceNumericattributeA number indicating the position in a sequence.
it:ItemAmountattributeAn amount value recorded on the line item
it:ItineraryattributeA detailed plan for a journey including dates, times, location and modes of departure and arrival.
it:ItineraryArrivalActualDateTimeattributeAn actual dateTime conveyance arrived at itinerary location.
it:ItineraryArrivalDateattributeA date on which a vessel arrives at itinerary port.
it:ItineraryArrivalPlannedDateTimeattributeA planned dateTime conveyance arrived at itinerary location.
it:ItineraryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ItineraryType.
it:ItineraryDepartureActualDateTimeattributeAn actual dateTime conveyance departed from itinerary location.
it:ItineraryDepartureDateattributeA date on which a vessel departs at itinerary port.
it:ItineraryDeparturePlannedDateTimeattributeA planned dateTime conveyance departs from itinerary location.
it:ItineraryEndIndicatorattributeTrue if the itinerary item is the ending point for a trip, voyage, flight, etc.; false otherwise.
it:ItineraryIdentificationattributeAn identification of the name of a single port of call or other location of the itinerary of a means of transport.
it:ItineraryLocationattributeA location of a place of arrival/departure by a conveyance during a trip.
it:ItineraryLocationCategoryTextattributeA kind of "port of call" or other location of the itinerary of the means of transport.
it:ItineraryLocationKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of itinerary location.
it:ItineraryNameattributeA name of a single port of call or other location of the itinerary of a means of transport.
it:ItineraryStartIndicatorattributeTrue if the itinerary item is the starting point for a trip, voyage, flight, etc.; false otherwise.
it:LastLocationDateTimeattributeA DateTime of the last location of a container.
it:LimitedQuantityIndicatorattributeTrue if the quantity of a hazardous material meets the standard for classification as a limited quantity; false otherwise.
it:LineCommodityattributeA type of commodity
it:LoadingLocationattributeA seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage.
it:LoadingLocationattributeA seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage.
it:LoadingLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LoadingLocationType.
it:LoadingLocationCategoryTextattributeA kind of seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the transport means used for their carriage.
it:LoadingLocationDateattributeA date / scheduled date on which the goods depart the place of loading.
it:LoadingLocationIdentificationattributeAn identification of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the transport means used for their carriage.
it:LoadingProofPartyattributeAn Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:LocationActivityAbstractattributeA data concept for an activity name.
it:LocationCountrySubEntityIdentificationattributeAn identification of a country subdivision.
it:LocationCountrySubEntityNameattributeA name of a country subdivision.
it:LocationFunctionattributeA category of location in the context of the activity under consideration(ex. Export port, import port..)
it:LocationFunctionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LocationFunctionType.
it:LocationFunctionDescriptionTextattributeA description of the function (as per WCO definition) that is conducted at the location.
it:ManufacturerattributeA party which manufactures goods.
it:ManufacturerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ManufacturerType.
it:ManufacturerIDCategoryattributeAn identifier of party which manufactures goods.
it:ManufacturerIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Manufacturer
it:MarinePollutantIndicatorattributeTrue if a material is a marine pollutant; false otherwise.
it:MasterattributeA name of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
it:MasterAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MasterType.
it:MasterIDCategoryattributeAn identification of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
it:MasterIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Master
it:MasterNationalityTextattributeA nationality of the master/operator of the vessel or other means of transport.
it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MaterialHandlingEquipmentType.
it:MFACodeTextattributeA MFA identifier code.
it:NetExplosiveContentTextattributeA textual description of the net explosive content of a hazardous material.
it:NonVesselOperatingCarrierattributeA common carrier that does not operate the vessels.
it:NonVesselOperatingCarrierAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NonVesselOperatingCarrierType.
it:NonVesselOperatingCarrierIDCategoryattributeA coded identification of a common carrier that does not operate the vessels.
it:NonVesselOperatingCarrierIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Non Vessel Operating Carrier
it:NotifyPartyattributeA party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyattributeA party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyattributeA party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyattributeA party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyattributeA party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for NotifyPartyType.
it:NotifyPartyIDCategoryattributeA coded identification of the identification of a party to be notified.
it:NotifyPartyIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Notify Party
it:NTNPassportNumberIDattributeAn identifier for a NTN Passport Number.
it:ObligationGuaranteeattributeA set of details of how the obligation will be fulfilled
it:ObligationGuaranteeattributeA set of details of how the obligation will be fulfilled
it:ObligationGuaranteeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ObligationGuaranteeType.
it:OtherChargesDeductionsAmountattributeAn amount added or subtracted from the total invoice price not previously taken into account when determining the Customs value.
it:PackageAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PackageType.
it:PackageCategoryTextattributeA kind of package of an item.
it:PackageGroupCodeTextattributeA textual description of the package group code.
it:PackageItemCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a code specifying the type of package of an item.
it:PackageItemQuantityattributeA number of individual items packaged in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packaging.
it:PackagesCategoryTextattributeA kind of or type of package of an item.
it:PackageShippingMarksDescriptionTextattributeA description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package.
it:PartyattributeA data type identifying the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:PartyattributeA data type identifying the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:PartyattributeA data type identifying the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:PartyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PartyType.
it:PartyContactAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PartyContactAssociationType.
it:PartyIDattributeAn identity identifier associated with an Organization, Person or Thing
it:PartyIDattributeAn identity identifier associated with an Organization, Person or Thing
it:PartyIDAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PartyIDType.
it:PartyIDCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PartyIDCategoryType.
it:PartyIDCodeDescriptionTextattributeA description of the unique code assigned to a Org., person or Thing.
it:PartyIdentificationattributeA unique identification for a Organization, person or thing.
it:PartyNameattributeA name of an Organization, Person or Thing associated with the manufacture, storage, or movement of a GoodsItem.
it:PartyRelationshipIndicatorattributeTrue if there is any relationship between two parties; false otherwise/if no relationship exists.
it:PaymentMethodCategoryTextattributeA kind of payment method.
it:PersonFunctionTextattributeA capacity in which the representative person acts on behalf of the party responsible for the declaration.
it:PreviousCustomDocumentattributeA customs document that has been superseded by a more recent document.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentattributeA document used for declaration previously presented on Customs territory.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentattributeA document used for declaration previously presented on Customs territory.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PreviousCustomsDocumentType.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentCategoryattributeA type description of document used for declaration previously presented on Customs territory, coded.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentDateattributeA date of the previous Customs document (007) in accordance with national legislation, coded.
it:PreviousCustomsDocumentNumberIDattributeAn identifier of a previous Customs document.
it:PrimaryPlacardCodeTextattributeA primary placard identifier code.
it:ProcessingEstablishmentattributeA description of a slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
it:ProcessingEstablishmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ProcessingEstablishmentType.
it:ProcessingEstablishmentIDCategoryattributeA identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
it:ProcessingEstablishmentIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Processing Establishment
it:ProperShippingNameattributeA name used for a hazardous material on shipping documents.
it:RateOfExchangePercentattributeA rate at which one specified currency is expressed in another specified currency
it:ReportableQuantityIndicatorattributeTrue if the quantity of a hazardous material meets the standard that requires reporting; false otherwise.
it:RepresentativePersonattributeA representative of the party making the declaration.
it:RepresentativePersonAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for RepresentativePersonType.
it:RepresentativePersonFunctionTextattributeA capacity in which the representative person acts on behalf of the party responsible for the declaration.
it:ResidueIndicatorattributeTrue if a hazardous material is a residue; false otherwise.
it:RoleOfOrganizationCategoryattributeA Category of the role played by an organization in the given context of the transaction(Ex. Clearing house, Brokerage house...)
it:RoleOfOrganizationCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for RoleOfOrganizationCategoryType.
it:RoleOfOrganizationCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA text description of the role played by the party/organization in a given transaction.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyattributeA role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyCategoryattributeA data type identifying the role of the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
it:RoleOfPartyCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the role of the Party in a given context/transaction
it:SealattributeA set of information regarding a container's seal(s).
it:SealAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SealType.
it:SealIDattributeAn identifier of a seal.
it:SealIntactStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for a condition status of a seal.
it:SealIssuerNameattributeA name of the organization that issued a seal.
it:SealVerificationStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for a seal verification state.
it:SecondaryPlacardCodeTextattributeA secondary placard identifier code.
it:SectorIDattributeAn identifier of a sector in which a container is located.
it:SectorPositionattributeA physical location of a container at a container facility.
it:SecurityDetailsCodeTextattributeA code specifying details regarding undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure an obligation will be fulfilled
it:SellerattributeA party selling merchandise or services to a buyer
it:SellerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SellerType.
it:SellerIDCategoryattributeAn identification code specifying the Identifier of the party selling merchandise or services to a buyer.
it:SellerIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Seller
it:SequenceNumericattributeA number indicating the position in a sequence.
it:SequenceNumericattributeA number indicating the position in a sequence.
it:SequenceNumericattributeA number indicating the position in a sequence.
it:SequenceNumericattributeA number indicating the position in a sequence.
it:ShippingContainerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ShippingContainerType.
it:ShippingContainerCargoItemattributeA cargo item in a shipping container sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
it:ShippingContainerIdentificationattributeA data set that holds Shipping Container identification information.
it:ShippingContainerIdentificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ContainerIdentificationType.
it:ShippingContainerISO6346AbstractattributeA data concept for a container ISO6346 code.
it:ShippingContainerKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a description of a kind of container.
it:ShippingContainerLastLocationattributeA last known location of a shipping container in a container holding facility.
it:ShippingContainerLastLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ContainerLastLocationType.
it:ShippingContainerLegalStatusIndicatorattributeTrue if a container must meet the legal requirements of the Container Convention; false if it does not.
it:ShippingContainerLoadedTextattributeA text description of how fully loaded a shipping container is.
it:ShippingContainerLoadedWeightMeasureattributeA weight of a shipping container including its current contents.
it:ShippingContainerReferenceIDattributeAn identifier referenced/related to a shipping container.
it:ShippingContainerReferenceIDAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ContainerReferencedIDType.
it:ShippingMarksTextattributeA free form description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package.
it:StevedoreattributeA party loading or unloading the cargo of (a ship) or vessel
it:StevedoreAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StevedoreType.
it:StevedoreIDCategoryattributeAn identification code specifying the identity of a stevedoring company.
it:StevedoreIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Stevedore
it:StuffingEstablishmentattributeA location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
it:StuffingEstablishmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StuffingEstablishmentType.
it:StuffingEstablishmentIDCategoryattributeA code to identify the location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
it:StuffingEstablishmentIdentificationattributeA unique identification of Stuffing Establishment
it:TechnicalNameattributeA technical name for a hazardous material.
it:TotalNumberOfPackagesNumericattributeA count of the total number of packages of the entire declaration.
it:TradePartyattributeA set of information about a trading party.
it:TradePartyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TradePartyType.
it:TraderDeclarationReferenceIDattributeAn identifier of the reference assigned by a Trader to a declaration
it:TraderDeclarationReferenceIDattributeAn identifier of the reference assigned by a Trader to a declaration
it:TradeTermattributeA trade terms name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
it:TradeTermAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TradeTermType.
it:TranshipmentLocationattributeA general description of the cargo commodities.
it:TranshipmentLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TranshipmentLocationType.
it:TransitControlTextattributeA result of the controls carried out by the consignor prior to departure
it:TransitCustomsOfficeattributeA customs office which is responsible for transit formalities en route
it:TransitDestinationattributeA name of the place at which the goods are destined under customs control of transit procedure
it:TransitPrincipalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransitPrincipalType.
it:TransitPrincipalIdentificationattributeAn identification of a party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
it:TransitPrincipalNameattributeA name [and address] of party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
it:TransportActivityLocationattributeA reference attribute to enable a TransportActivityLocation instance to be referenced elsewhere.
it:TransportActivityLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportActivityLocationType.
it:TransportActivityLocationInfoattributeA location at which the transport activity has occurred
it:TransportContractDocumentattributeA contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
it:TransportContractDocumentattributeA contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
it:TransportContractDocumentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportContractDocumentType.
it:TransportContractDocumentCodeTextattributeA code to identify the type of a document evidencing a transport contract.
it:TransportContractDocumentReferenceIDattributeA unique identifier of a Transport Contract Document.
it:TransportDocumentIssuePlaceattributeA location at which a transport document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
it:TransportEquipmentattributeA specific equipment used in Means of Transport
it:TransportEquipmentattributeA specific equipment used in Means of Transport
it:TransportEquipmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportEquipmentType.
it:TransportMeansActualFirstArrivalDateattributeAn actual first date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
it:TransportMeansActualFirstDepartureDateattributeAn actual first date of departure of the means of transport.
it:TransportMeansArrivalattributeAn arrival of means of transport at (for air) airport, (land) arrival at border post, or (sea) arrival at port.
it:TransportMeansArrivalDateattributeA date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
it:TransportMeansAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportMeansType.
it:TransportMeansBorderCrossingIdentificationattributeAn identification of the means of transport used in crossing the border.
it:TransportMeansBorderCrossingNameattributeA name to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.
it:TransportMeansCallPurposeTextattributeA purpose of the conveyance call.
it:TransportMeansCategoryTextattributeA kind of means/mode of transport used for the carriage of the goods.
it:TransportMeansConsignmentUnloadingDateattributeA date on which the cargo was outturned.
it:TransportMeansContainerQuantityattributeA number of the total freight containers or similar unit load devices.
it:TransportMeansConveyanceattributeA means of Transport.
it:TransportMeansConveyanceReferenceIdentificationattributeAn identification of a journey of a means of transport.
it:TransportMeansCrewQuantityattributeA number of the total members of the crew, including the captain/master, of a means of a transport.
it:TransportMeansDepartureattributeA Departure from a crossing or other location for a means of transport
it:TransportMeansDepartureDateattributeA date of departure of the means of transport.
it:TransportMeansFirstArrivalattributeAn arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post, or (sea) arrival at first port.
it:TransportMeansGrossWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
it:TransportMeansIdentificationattributeAn identification of the means of transport.
it:TransportMeansItineraryattributeAn itinerary of the of the Transport Means
it:TransportMeansModeOfTransportationAbstractattributeA data concept for a mode of means of transport like air, sea, land.
it:TransportMeansNameattributeA name to identify the means of transport used.
it:TransportMeansNetWeightMeasureattributeA measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of International Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships, 1969
it:TransportMeansOperatorattributeAn identification of the registered operator of means of transport.
it:TransportMeansOperatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportMeansOperatorType.
it:TransportMeansOperatorIdentificationattributeA unique identification of TransportMeansOperator
it:TransportMeansOwnerattributeAn identification of the registered owner of means of transport.
it:TransportMeansOwnerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TransportMeansOwnerType.
it:TransportMeansOwnerIdentificationattributeA unique identification of TransportMeansOwner
it:TransportMeansPassengerQuantityattributeA number of the total passengers on board a means of transport.
it:TransportMeansStayIdentificationattributeAn identification of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.
it:TransportMeansVesselHeightMeasureattributeAn expression in meters of the forward/after draft level.
it:TransportMeansVesselLengthMeasureattributeAn expression in meters of the length of a single vehicle.
it:TransshipmentPlaceCodeTextattributeA code to identify a warehouse where a particular goods shipment has been stored.
it:TransshipmentPlaceNameattributeA name of the place where goods are to be transferred from one means of transport to another during the course of one transport operation.
it:UCRattributeA UCR (Unique Customs Reference) Identifier
it:UCRattributeA UCR (Unique Customs Reference) Identifier
it:UCRAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for UCRType.
it:UNDGCodeTextattributeAn UN Dangerous Goods identifier code.
it:UNDGContactattributeA dangerous goods contact person or party who can provide detailed information concerning the dangerous goods shipment
it:UNDGContactAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for UNDGContactType.
it:UNDGContactIDCategoryattributeAn identifier category to identify a dangerous goods person or party
it:UNDGContactIdentificationattributeA unique identification of UNDG Contact
it:UnloadingLocationattributeAn identification of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage.
it:UnloadingLocationattributeAn identification of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage.
it:UnloadingLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for UnloadingLocationType.
it:UnloadingLocationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a code to identify a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the transport means used for their carriage.
it:UnloadingLocationDateattributeA date of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.
it:ValuationAdditionsCodeattributeA kind of adjustment to valuation amounts.
it:ValuationAdjustmentattributeAn adjustment to the valuation amounts.
it:ValuationAdjustmentAmountattributeAn amount of adjustment made to the valuation.
it:ValuationAdjustmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ValuationAdjustmentType.
it:ValuationAdjustmentPercentattributeA percentage adjustment made to the valuation.
it:ValuationMethodCodeTextattributeA code that indicates the method on which the Customs value is determined.
it:VIRNumberTextattributeA VIR number.
it:WarehouseattributeA set of information about a warehouse.
it:WarehouseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WarehouseType.
it:WarehouseCategoryCodeTextattributeAn identification of a warehouse where a particular goods shipment has been stored.
it:WarehouseDateattributeA date of arrival at location of goods Date when declared goods was/will be carried into designated warehouse.
it:WarehouseLicenseNumberTextattributeA warehouse license number.
it:WCODocumentCategoryattributeA category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
it:WCODocumentCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WCODocumentCategoryType.
it:WCODocumentFunctionCategoryattributeA category of the document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
it:WCODocumentFunctionCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WCODocumentFunctionCategoryType.
it:WCODocumentNameCategoryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WCODocumentNameCategoryType.
itcodesclass viewIT Codes
Itemclass instanceAn article or thing.
ItemActionTextclass instanceAn action that was taken against a property item.
ItemAgeMeasureclass instanceAn age of an item.
ItemAmountclass instanceAn amount value recorded on the line item
ItemAntiqueIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the property is an antique; false otherwise.
ItemAssignedNetworkAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and a network address assigned to it.
ItemAssignedTelephoneNumberAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and a telephone number assigned to it.
ItemAugmentationclass instanceAn augmentation to a property entity
ItemAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about an item.
ItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemType.
ItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemType.
ItemAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an item.
ItemBarCodeIdentificationclass instanceA bar code identification assigned to a property item.
ItemBinaryclass instanceA binary representation of an item.
ItemBookValueclass instanceA market-based estimate of the value of an item (e.g. Kelly Blue Book for automotive vehicles)
ItemBrandNameclass instanceA distinctive name that identifies a manufacturer of a property item.
ItemBuyerclass instanceA party that bought a property item in a property transaction.
ItemCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of item.
ItemCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of property.
ItemCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of property.
ItemCategoryNCICTYPACodeclass instanceA kind of property.
ItemCategoryNCICTYPCodeclass instanceA kind of property.
ItemCategoryNIBRSCodeclass instanceA kind of property.
ItemCategoryNIBRSPropertyCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of property.
ItemCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of property item.
ItemColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of an item.
ItemColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of an item.
ItemColorDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the overall color of an item.
ItemColorDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the overall color of an item.
ItemConditionTextclass instanceA state or appearance of an item.
ItemContainerAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and something in which it is held.
ItemContainerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemContainerAssociationType.
ItemContainerAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an item and something in which it is held.
ItemCurrentLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and its current location.
ItemCurrentResaleValueclass instanceAn amount of money for which an item could currently be sold.
ItemDealerIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to an item by a dealer.
ItemDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an item.
ItemDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an item.
ItemDetailAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a feature or characteristic of a property item.
ItemDetailCodeclass instanceA feature or characteristic of a property item.
ItemDetailDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a feature or characteristic of a property item.
ItemDetailTextclass instanceA feature or characteristic of a property item.
ItemDispositionclass instanceA result or outcome that happens to an item after it has been handled or processed.
ItemDispositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication of what happened to a property item.
ItemDispositionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemDispositionType.
ItemDispositionCodeclass instanceAn indication of what happened to a property item.
ItemDispositionLocationclass instanceA location of a property item after it has been processed.
ItemDispositionLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and disposition location.
ItemDispositionTypeclassA data type for a result or outcome that happens to a property item after it has been handled or processed.
ItemEmailAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and an email address.
ItemEmailAddressAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemEmailAddressAssociationType.
ItemEmailAddressAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and an email address.
ItemEntityAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and an entity.
ItemEntityAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemEntityAssociationType.
ItemEntityAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an item and an entity.
ItemFederalIdentificationclass instanceA federal identification number assigned to a property item.
ItemFirstSoldYearDateclass instanceA calendar year in which an item was first sold.
ItemGenderUseAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a gender for which the item is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemGenderUseCodeclass instanceA gender for which the item is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemGenderUseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemGenderUseCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemHazardousMaterialsContainerTextclass instanceA stolen chemical container.
ItemHeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the height of an item.
ItemHolderAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and the entity holding or storing that item.
ItemHoldingOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that is in possession of a property item.
ItemImageclass instanceA binary representation of an image of an item.
ItemInstantMessengerAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and an instant messenger account.
ItemInstantMessengerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemInstantMessengerAssociationType.
ItemInstantMessengerAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and an instant messenger account.
ItemInsuranceAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and its insurance.
ItemInsuranceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemInsuranceAssociationType.
ItemInsuranceAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an item and its insurance.
ItemLeaseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an item is leased; false otherwise.
ItemLengthMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the length of an item.
ItemLienAssociationclass instanceAn association between a property item and a lien on that property item.
ItemLienAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemLienAssociationType.
ItemLienAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a property item and a lien.
ItemLienHolderOrganizationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an item and an organization that holds the lien for it.
ItemLienHolderPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and an item.
ItemLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and a location.
ItemLocationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemLocationAssociationType.
ItemLocationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a property and a location.
ItemLotIdentificationclass instanceAn identification a Lot of Stolen Property.
ItemLotNumberTextclass instanceA number assigned to a shipment that an item is a part of.
ItemMaintenanceActivityclass instanceAn event or activity involving the maintenance of an item.
ItemMaintenanceScheduleclass instanceA scheduled and ad-hoc inspections of the physical condition of, and a record of the work performed on, armory items (firearms, restraints etc.) to increase their useful lifespan, ensure they are ready for use, and that they will perform a
ItemMakeNameclass instanceA name of the manufacturer that produced an item.
ItemMissingValueclass instanceA monetary value or worth of a property item that is lost, stolen, being held, or is otherwise missing.
ItemModelNameclass instanceA name of a specific design or kind of item made by a manufacturer.
ItemModelYearDateclass instanceA year in which an item was manufactured or produced.
ItemModelYearDateclass instanceA year in which an item was manufactured or produced.
ItemMoverAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and an entity that moved that item.
ItemMovingOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that moves or relocates a property item.
ItemNameclass instanceA name of an item.
ItemNCICIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of an item which is self-checking and consists of an alphabetic character followed by nine numeric characters automatically assigned by the National Crime Information Center System to each accepted record.
ItemNetworkAddressAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and a network address.
ItemNetworkAddressAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemNetworkAddressAssociationType.
ItemNetworkAddressAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and a network address.
ItemOtherIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to an item.
ItemOtherIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to an item.
ItemOwnerclass instanceAn entity which owns a property item.
ItemOwnerAppliedIDclass instanceAn identifier applied to an item by the owner.
ItemOwnerAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and its owner.
ItemOwnerPurchasedValueclass instanceAn amount of money a current owner paid to purchase a property item.
ItemOwnershipCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of ownership of an item.
ItemPartialLotAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indicates whether a stolen chemical represents a partial or complete shipment.
ItemPartialLotTextclass instanceAn indicates whether a stolen chemical represents a partial or complete shipment.
ItemPendingInventoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the item is pending inventory; false otherwise.
ItemPossessionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of how or why a party other than the owner came to possess a property item.
ItemPossessorclass instanceAn entity other than the owner which has possession of an item.
ItemPossessorAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and the entity in possession of it.
ItemPreviousYearValueclass instanceA value the asset had in the previous year.
ItemPropertyCategoryFBICodeclass instanceA kind of property item.
ItemPurchasePriceValueclass instanceAn amount of money a buyer paid a seller for a property item.
ItemQuantityclass instanceA count of the individual units which make up an item.
ItemReceiptIdentificationclass instanceAn identification issued to an item when taken into possession for official purposes.
ItemRecoveredAdditionalValueclass instanceA fair market value in whole dollars of other property recovered in addition to the property of record
ItemRecoveredContrabandValueclass instanceA fair market value in whole dollars of any contraband recovered as a result of recovering the property of record
ItemRecoveredValueclass instanceAn amount of money a previously missing item is worth after having been found.
ItemRegistrationclass instanceA registration of an item with an authority.
ItemRegistrationAssociationclass instanceAn association between an item and its registration information.
ItemRegistrationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemRegistrationAssociationType.
ItemRegistrationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an item and its registration information.
ItemRegistrationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemRegistrationType.
ItemRegistrationHolderclass instanceAn entity to whom a registration is issued for a property item.
ItemRegistrationTypeclassA data type for a registration of a property item with an authority.
ItemRegistrationTypeclassA data type for a registration of a property item with an authority.
ItemRentalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an item is rented; false otherwise.
ItemReplacementTitleclass instanceA title which is reissued because the original title is lost, stolen, or otherwise unavailable.
ItemRFIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of an item based on radio waves.
ItemSeizedLocationclass instanceA location where an item was removed from the possession of the owner for official purposes.
ItemSeizerAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an entity which removes an item from the possession of the owner for official purposes.
ItemSeizerEntityclass instanceAn entity which removes an item from the possession of the owner for official purposes.
ItemSeizingEnforcementOfficialclass instanceA peace official that seized a property item.
ItemSeizureclass instanceA removal of property from the possession of a person or organization and placed in custody of the justice system.
ItemSeizureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemSeizureType.
ItemSeizureDispositionclass instanceA property item was processed or handled after being seized.
ItemSeizureItemclass instanceA property item that was seized.
ItemSeizureMethodTextclass instanceA method by which a property item was removed from a person's possession and taken into custody.
ItemSeizureOwningPersonclass instanceA person who owns a property item that was seized.
ItemSeizurePossessingPersonclass instanceA person who had possession of a property item when it was seized.
ItemSeizureReleaseConditionTextclass instanceA condition that, if met, will allow a seized property item to be released back to its owner.
ItemSeizureTypeclassA data type for the removal of property from the possession of a person or organization.
ItemSeizureWarrantclass instanceA warrant that was required to remove property from a person's possession.
ItemSellerclass instanceAn entity that sells a property item.
ItemSerialIdentificationclass instanceAn identification inscribed on or attached to a part, collection of parts, or complete unit by the manufacturer.
ItemSerialIdentificationRangeclass instanceA set of identifying numbers inscribed on or attached to a consecutive lot of parts, collection of parts, or complete units. Assigned by the manufacturer.
ItemSightedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a piece of property has been sighted; false otherwise.
ItemSizeDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the size or physical dimensions of an item.
ItemStateIdentificationclass instanceA state-assigned identification for an item.
ItemStatusclass instanceA status of an item.
ItemStatusCodeclass instanceA status of a property item.
ItemStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
ItemStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for what happens to a property item.
ItemStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
ItemStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for what happens to a property item.
ItemStyleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a style of an item.
ItemStyleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a style of an item.
ItemStyleTextclass instanceA style of a property item.
ItemStyleTextclass instanceA style of a property item.
ItemTelephoneNumberAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a tangible item and a telephone number.
ItemTelephoneNumberAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemTelephoneNumberAssociationType.
ItemTelephoneNumberAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an item and a telephone number.
ItemTitleclass instanceA deed or other official document showing the legal ownership of a property item.
ItemTitleAssociationclass instanceAn association between a property item and its title.
ItemTitleAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemTitleAssociationType.
ItemTitleAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a property item, documents pertaining to its ownership, and an entity to whom the title is issued.
ItemTitleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemTitleType.
ItemTitleDocumentCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of individual title document.
ItemTitleDocumentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of individual title document.
ItemTitlePurchaseDateclass instanceA date a current owner purchased a vehicle.
ItemTitlePurchasePriceAmountclass instanceA price a current owner paid to purchase a vehicle.
ItemTitleReplacementAssociationclass instanceAn association between a property title and the property title it replaced.
ItemTitleReplacementAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemTitleReplacementAssociationType.
ItemTitleReplacementAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an original property title and a replacement title.
ItemTitleSalesTaxAmountclass instanceA sales tax charged on a purchase of a vehicle.
ItemTitleSalesTaxPercentclass instanceA tax rate used for computing sales tax on a vehicle.
ItemTitleTaxableValueclass instanceA dollar value used to compute the taxes on a vehicle.
ItemTitleTypeclassA data type for a deed or other official document showing the legal ownership of a property item.
ItemTotalDamageValueclass instanceA monetary value or worth of damage that occurred to a property item.
ItemTotalDamageValueclass instanceA monetary value or worth of damage that occurred to a property item.
ItemTransactionclass instanceA transfer of ownership of an item.
ItemTransactionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemTransactionType.
ItemTransactionTypeclassA data type for a transfer of ownership of an item.
ItemTypeclassA data type for an article or thing.
ItemTypeclassA data type for an article or thing.
ItemUsageTextclass instanceA manner or way in which an item is used.
ItemValueclass instanceAn evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemValueclass instanceAn evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemValueAmountclass instanceA monetary value of an item.
ItemValueAmountclass instanceA monetary value of an item.
ItemValueAssignerclass instanceAn entity which assigns a value to an item.
ItemValueAssigningMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a method used to assign the value of an item.
ItemValueAssigningMethodTextclass instanceA method used to assign a value to an item.
ItemValueAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItemValueType.
ItemValueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s).
ItemValueCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s).
ItemValueDateclass instanceA date an item value takes effect.
ItemValueDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemValueTaxIncludedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if taxes were included in the item value; false otherwise.
ItemValueTypeclassA data type for an evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemValueTypeclassA data type for an evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemVisibleIDclass instanceAn identifier of an item that is visible on the item itself.
ItemWeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the weight of an item.
ItemWidthMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the width of an item.
Itineraryclass instanceA detailed plan for a journey including dates, times, location and modes of departure and arrival.
ItineraryArrivalActualDateTimeclass instanceAn actual dateTime conveyance arrived at itinerary location.
ItineraryArrivalDateclass instanceA date on which a vessel arrives at itinerary port.
ItineraryArrivalPlannedDateTimeclass instanceA planned dateTime conveyance arrived at itinerary location.
ItineraryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ItineraryType.
ItineraryDepartureActualDateTimeclass instanceAn actual dateTime conveyance departed from itinerary location.
ItineraryDepartureDateclass instanceA date on which a vessel departs at itinerary port.
ItineraryDeparturePlannedDateTimeclass instanceA planned dateTime conveyance departs from itinerary location.
ItineraryEndIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the itinerary item is the ending point for a trip, voyage, flight, etc.; false otherwise.
ItineraryIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the name of a single port of call or other location of the itinerary of a means of transport.
ItineraryLocationclass instanceA location of a place of arrival/departure by a conveyance during a trip.
ItineraryLocationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of "port of call" or other location of the itinerary of the means of transport.
ItineraryLocationKindAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of itinerary location.
ItineraryLocationKindCodeclass instanceA kind of itinerary location.
ItineraryNameclass instanceA name of a single port of call or other location of the itinerary of a means of transport.
ItineraryStartIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the itinerary item is the starting point for a trip, voyage, flight, etc.; false otherwise.
ItineraryTypeclassA data type to provide additional information describing a place of departure and arrival and associated dates during a trip by a conveyance.