cacclass view
cac:AddressattributeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AddressattributeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AddressattributeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AllowanceChargeattributeAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for the purpose of this filing, by a particular means.
cac:AllowanceChargeattributeAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for the purpose of this filing, by a particular means.
cac:CardAccountattributeThe number of the credit or debit account against which this payment will be charged.
cac:CreditAccountattributeThe account against which this payment will be charged.
cac:FinancialInstitutionattributeThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity of which the branch is a subunit.
cac:FinancialInstitutionBranchattributeA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location, in which the account is maintained.
cac:PayerFinancialAccountattributeThe account in a financial institution used for this payment.
cac:PaymentattributeA payment.
cac:PaymentMandateattributeThe maximum payment associated with a transaction
cac:PaymentMeansattributeThe payment method employed to complete the transaction.
CADCallCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of service call.
CADCallCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of service call.
CADCallSourceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call.
CADCallSourceCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call.
CALCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 3 - Gun Caliber (CAL) Field Codes
CALCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm.
CALCodeTypeclassA data type for 3 - Gun Caliber (CAL) Field Codes
CALCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm.
calendarattributeA schedule of upcoming events in a court
CalendarDateclass instanceA particular date represented within a calendar system.
calendarEventattributeAn event to add to a calendar
calendarEventrelationAn event on the court calendar entered on the court docket or register of actions.
calendarEventattributeAn event to add to a calendar
CalendarEventclassDetails about an event on the court calendar.
calendarEventattributeAn event to add to a calendar
calendarEventTimeRangerelationA filter criterion for calendar events. If present, the response should only include calendar events that fall between the from and to dates and times.
CalendarEventTimeRangeclass instanceA filter criterion for calendar events. If present, the response should only include calendar events that fall between the from and to dates and times.
calendarEventTypeCodeFilterattributeFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
CalibrationDateTimeclass instanceA date and time at which a calibration was put into service.
CallbackMessageTypeclassThe base message for an asynchronous response to a message.
CallCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of call, e.g., Alarm, Burglary, Fire, Accident.
CallCloseDateclass instanceA date for when the call stopped
CallDurationclass instanceA duration of the telephone call.
CallerCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of caller type. e.g. Law Enforcement Officer, Victim, Witness, Suspect.
CallOpenDateclass instanceA date for when the call started
CallPriorityTextclass instanceA data element for the priority assigned to the call based on the type of call (burglary, shooting, etc.) and other additional information provided by the caller.
CallSignIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit; used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications.
CallSubCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of sub-type of the call (e.g. Robbery Alarm, Fire Alarm, Intrusion Alarm).
CallUpdateDateclass instanceA date for when the call was updated
CampusEmploymentFundsAmountclass instanceA number indicating the total funds estimated to be earned by the alien student through on-campus employment.
canclass viewProvince codes for Canada.
Publication: Canada Post Addressing Guidelines;
Date: 14 Jan 2013;
CanadianCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.1: Canadian Provinces
CanadianCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.1: Canadian Provinces
CanadianProvinceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for provinces in Canada.
CanadianProvinceCodeTypeclassA data type for provinces in Canada.
cancelclass view
cancel:CancelFilingMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
CancelFilingoperationAn operation to request a filing be cancelled.
CancelFilingMessageclass instanceThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CancelFilingMessageclassThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CancelFilingMessageclass instanceThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CancelFilingMessageclass diagramThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CancelFilingMessageclass view
CancelFilingMessageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn extension point for the enclosing message.
CancelFilingMessageTypeclassThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CANUSLexiconAPR07CategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of threat as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon.
CANUSLexiconAPR07CategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a category defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon category codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07CategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a category as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon category codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeclass instanceA level of threat as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon.
CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeTypeclassA data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.
capclass view
cap:alertattributeCAP Alert Message (version 1.1)
Capabilityclass instanceAn ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified condition and level of performance.
capabilityattributeA capability or lack thereof of a person
CapabilityAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a capability.
CapabilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CapabilityType.
CapabilityAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a capability.
CapabilityCategoryTextclass instanceA specific kind of capacity or ability.
CapabilityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a capacity or ability.
CapabilityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a capacity or ability.
CapabilityEndDateclass instanceA date that ends the capability
CapabilityGeneralCategoryTextclass instanceA general classification of a kind of capacity or ability.
CapabilityIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for a capability.
CapabilityIsLimitationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a capability implies an inability to do something; false otherwise.
CapabilityNameclass instanceA name for a capability.
CapabilityProficiencyTextclass instanceA skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity.
CapabilityStartDateclass instanceA date for the start of a capability.
CapabilityTypeclassA data type for an ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified condition and level of performance.
CapabilityTypeclassA data type for an ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified condition and level of performance.
CapacityclassTop level complex schema type defining bed capacity counts given a specific type of bed.
CapacityStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of bed kind or sub-category bed kind.
CapacityStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of bed kind or sub-category bed kind.
CaptainOfThePortZoneclass instanceA geographical area or zone where a Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) enforces port safety and security.
CaptainOfThePortZoneAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaptainOfThePortZoneType.
CaptainOfThePortZoneTypeclassA data type for a geographical area or zone where a Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) enforces port safety and security.
CaptureDateclass instanceA date that an image was captured
CaptureDateEstimateRangeDurationclass instanceA range of uncertainty as to when the image was captured
CaptureDeviceclass instanceA data type for a set of information regarding the captured device information
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCodeclass instanceA level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCodeTypeclassA data type for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureDurationclass instanceA duration for the specific range of capture time.
CaptureHorizontalPixelDensityValueclass instanceA scanned pixel density in horizontal direction
CaptureIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the activity of capturing the image; can be used to link images that were obtained simultaneously
CaptureOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that originally captured an image
CaptureResolutionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a minimum or native resolution
CaptureResolutionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a minimum or native scanning resolution
CaptureResolutionCodeTypeclassA data type for a minimum or native scanning resolution
CaptureSoftwareDetailsclass instanceA text that describes the details of Capture Software
CaptureUTCDateTimeclass instanceA UTC date and time for the capture of a biometric sample
CaptureVerticalPixelDensityValueclass instanceA scanned pixel density in the vertical direction
CardAccountclass instanceThe number of the credit or debit account against which this payment will be charged.
cardAccountrelationThe number of the credit or debit account against which this payment will be charged.
CardAccountclassAn agreement between a person or organization and a financial institution by which the institution agrees to pay amounts incurred by the person or organization evidenced by the use of a card or card number issued by the institution to reflect a specific account at the institution. The term includes both credit and debit accounts.
CardAccountTypeclassAn agreement between a person or organization and a financial institution by which the institution agrees to pay amounts incurred by the person or organization evidenced by the use of a card or card number issued by the institution to reflect a specific account at the institution. The term includes both credit and debit accounts.
CardCapabilityContainerclass instanceA data element for the capability to contain data of the PIV Card
cardExpirationDateattributeThe month and year (expressed as mm/yy) after which the cardAccount will no longer be value unless renewed by the issuing financial institution.
CardholderFacialImageclass instanceA binary representation of a facial image
CardholderFingerprintsclass instanceA data element for fingerprint biometrics obtained from the cardholders that are contained in the PIV Card
CardholderIDclass instanceA identifier assigned to the card-holder
CardholderIrisImagesclass instanceA binary representation of iris images
CardiologyServiceCoverageStatusCodeclass instanceA status describing the availability of cardiology services
CardioThoracicServiceCoverageStatusCodeclass instanceA status describing the availability of cardio-thoracic surgical services
CardPictureclass instanceA binary (i.e. digitized) presentation of an identification card picture
cardSecurityNumberattributeThe secondary number (sometimes on the reverse) of the card for added security.
cardTypeCodeattributeThe type of credit card account. Examples: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover. Allowable types listed in court policy.
CardTypeCodeclass instanceThe type of credit card account. Examples: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover. Allowable types listed in court policy.
Caregiverclass instanceA person who takes care of another.
CaregiverAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a caregiver and a person taken care of.
Cargoclass instanceA good or goods transported by a conveyance.
CargoAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CargoType.
CargoCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind or category of cargo.
CargoCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of cargo.
CargoChargeableWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the gross weight or mass of cargo on which a charge is to be based.
CargoCustomsValueAmountclass instanceA monetary value of cargo as it relates to customs and importation.
CargoDestinationLocationclass instanceAn intended destination of cargo.
CargoDiameterMeasureclass instanceA measure of the diameter of cargo.
CargoDrainedWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the drained weight of cargo.
CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationclass instanceAn association between a flight plan summary and cargo.
CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationType.
CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a flight plan summary and cargo.
CargoGrossVolumeMeasureclass instanceA measure of the total gross volume of cargo.
CargoGrossWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the total weight or mass of cargo.
CargoHazardousMaterialIndicatorclass instanceTrue if cargo contains hazardous material; false otherwise.
CargoHazmatDeclarationclass instanceA declaration for hazardous materials in cargo.
CargoIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of cargo.
CargoItemclass instanceA good transported by a conveyance.
CargoItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CargoItemType.
CargoItemTypeclassA data type for a good transported by a conveyance.
CargoMaterialAmountMeasureclass instanceA measure of the amount, weight, volume, or mass of cargo.
CargoNetVolumeMeasureclass instanceA measure of the net volume of cargo.
CargoNetWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the net weight or mass of cargo, excluding both packaging and transport equipment.
CargoOriginLocationclass instanceAn origin of cargo.
CargoPackagedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the cargo is packaged; false otherwise.
CargoResidueIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the cargo is residue; false otherwise.
CargoTareWeightMeasureclass instanceA measure of the weight or mass of transport means for cargo including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.
CargoTypeclassA data type for a good or goods transported by a conveyance.
CargoWarehouseDateclass instanceA date of arrival of the cargo at the unloading Cargo Warehouse.
CargoWarehouseIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification for a Cargo Warehouse.
Carrierclass instanceA party providing the transport of goods between named points.
CarrierAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CarrierType.
CarrierCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for containing the code assigned to an organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
CarrierCodeTextclass instanceA description of the code assigned to an organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
CarrierCodeTextIATACarrierCodeTextclass instanceA code assigned to an IATA organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
CarrierIDCategoryclass instanceA code for the Identifier to identify a party providing the transport of goods between named points.
CarrierIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a organization recognized as an authorized conveyance owner
CarrierNameclass instanceA name of the carrier providing the transport of goods between named points.
CarrierSCACTextclass instanceA Standard Carrier Alpha Code if the trade party organization is a Carrier.
CarrierSplitConsignmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Carrier has split the load of a consignment; false otherwise/if the consignment load has not been split.
CarrierTypeclassA data type for a name [and address] of party providing the transport of goods between named points.
cartesianCSclass instancegml:cartesianCS is an association role to the Cartesian coordinate system used by this CRS.
CartesianCSclass instancegml:CartesianCS is a 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system. In the 1-dimensional case, it contains a single straight coordinate axis. In the 2- and 3-dimensional cases gives the position of points relative to orthogonal straight axes. In the multi-dimensional case, all axes shall have the same length unit of measure. A CartesianCS shall have one, two, or three gml:axis property elements.
CartesianCSPropertyTypeclassgml:CartesianCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a Cartesian coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
cartesianCSRefclass instance
caserelationA court case
caseattributeAn appellate case.
caserelationA court case related to a child support petition.
caserelationInformation needed to initiate a court case.
Caseclass diagramThe relationship between two organizations in this case.
CaseclassInformation about a court case.
caserelationThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caserelationThe court case associated with a filing.
caserelationThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caserelationThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caserelationThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caserelationA court case.
caserelationThe case associated with a filing.
caserelationA court case.
caserelationA case associated with a document.
Caseclass instanceAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
Caseclass instanceAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
caserelationA court case
caserelationThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caserelationThe court case in which the filing is being docketed.
Case Type Extensionspackage
CaseActivityclass instanceAn action and events related to a case.
CaseAmendedChargeclass instanceA charge different than the original charge a person is being tried for in a court of law.
caseAppealIssueTextattributeThe issue(s) on which the case in the lower court is being appealled.
caseAttorneyRolerelationThe role played by an attorney in this case.
CaseAttorneyRoleclassThe role played by an attorney in this case.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information specific to appellate cases.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information specific to bankruptcy cases.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceA charge issued by a law enforcement officer for a "violation" requiring the person charged to plead guilty to the charge or to appear in court to contest the charge. A citation is issued in lieu of an arrest and booking. "Violations" are a subset of "charges" for which a law enforcement officer is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest and booking. Examples: traffic ticket, parking ticket or ticket issued for some other ordinance violation such as barking dog or illegal dumping.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceInformation required to initiate a new civil case in a court. "Civil" includes conservatorships, guardianships, mental health and probate.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceInformation required to initiate a new criminal case in a court. "Criminal" includes felonies and misdemeanors.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceInformation required to initiate a new domestic case in a court. "Domestic" includes divorces, legal separations, annulment, child custody and visitation, paternity, child support, and domestic violence cases.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceInformation about a court case.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a case.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a case.
CaseAugmentationclass instanceA delinquency or dependency case.
CaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseType.
CaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseType.
CaseAugmentationTypeclassAn augmentation type
CaseAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a case.
CaseAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a case.
CaseCapiasDateclass instanceA date where subject proceeds directly to court, without being able to post bond. Similar to a Failure to Appear
CaseCategoryCodeclass instanceThe type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).
CaseCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of case.
CaseCauseOfActionCodeclass instanceThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
CaseChargeclass instanceA charge or accusation a person is being tried for in a court of law.
CaseChargeclass instanceA charge or accusation a person is being tried for in a court of law.
CaseClosedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a case is closed; false otherwise.
CaseConferenceclass instanceA pre-trial hearing on a case.
CaseContestedIndicatorclass instanceWhether a divorce is contested.
CaseContinuanceDateclass instanceA date a court case is set to resume after being postponed.
CaseConvictionReportingRequirementsclass instanceA set of requirements placed on a person convicted in a case to report to a supervising agency.
CaseConvictionReportingRequirementsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseConvictionReportingRequirementsType.
CaseConvictionReportingRequirementsTypeclassA data type for information to alert a court when additional reporting requirements exist.
CaseCourtclass instanceA court of law in which the case is being tried.
CaseCourtclass instanceA court of law in which the case is being tried.
CaseCourtEventclass instanceA court occurrence related to a case.
CaseCourtEventclass instanceA court occurrence related to a case.
CaseDefendantPartyclass instanceAn entity being charged or sued in a court of law.
CaseDefendantQuantityTextclass instanceA number of defendants being tried at once for a case.
CaseDefendantSelfRepresentationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a defendant waived the right to have a defense attorney and is representing him or her self; false otherwise.
CaseDefenseAttorneyclass instanceAn attorney who defends a case.
CaseDefenseAttorneyCourtAppointedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the counsel for the defendant was appointed by the court; false otherwise.
CaseDispositionclass instanceAn outcome or processing of a case.
CaseDispositionclass instanceAn outcome or processing of a case.
CaseDispositionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseDispositionType.
caseDispositionDateattributeIf the case has been terminated in the lower court, the date on which the case was disposed or dismissed. In a criminal decision, this is the date of Judgment and Sentence. In a civil decision, this is typically the date of the final Judgment determining all issues as to all parties.
caseDispositionDecisionattributeA disposition decision of a case
CaseDispositionDecisionclass instanceA case disposition occurring as a result of some decision.
CaseDispositionDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseDispositionDecisionType.
CaseDispositionDecisionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of decision made in a case disposition.
CaseDispositionDecisionTextclass instanceA literal language of a decision.
CaseDispositionDecisionTypeclassA data type for the disposition of a case occurring as a result of some decision.
CaseDispositionFinalDateclass instanceA date that all charges in a case were disposed.
CaseDispositionFinalDateclass instanceA date that all charges in a case were disposed.
CaseDispositionTypeclassA data type for an outcome or processing of a case.
CaseDispositionTypeclassA data type for an outcome or processing of a case.
caseDispositoinattributeThe disposition of a case
caseDocketEntryrelationAn entry in the docket or register of actions for this case.
CaseDocketEntryclassAn entry in the docket or register of actions for a case.
CaseDocketIDclass instanceAn identifier used to reference a case docket.
CaseDocketIDclass instanceAn identifier used to reference a case docket.
CaseDomesticViolenceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the case involves domestic violence; false otherwise.
CaseDrivingImpairedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the case involves a person who was driving with the presence of illegal or unprescribed prescription drugs in his or her system; false otherwise.
CaseDrivingIntoxicatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a case involves a person who was driving with blood alcohol level that is higher than the law allows; false otherwise.
CaseEventDateTimeclass instanceA date and time of the first detection event associated with a case.
CaseExhibitclass instanceAn item admitted in court as evidence.
CaseFilingclass instanceThe base message for a message with an asynchronous response.
CaseFilingclass instanceA document or other piece of information filed by someone or something involved in a case.
CaseFilingTypeclassThe core information contained in an ECF 5.0 message.
CaseFillerDescriptionTextclass instanceA Filler Description Text field
CaseGeneralCategoryTextclass instanceA broadly defined kind of case.
CaseHearingclass instanceAn appearance before a judicial official conducted in person, by telephone, or by video.
CaseInformationclassInformation about a court case.
caseInformationrelationnformation about a court case returned in this response.
CaseInformationAdmissibleIndicatorclass instanceTrue if new trial information may be entered from an appellate ruling/decision; false otherwise.
CaseInformationAdmissibleTextclass instanceA piece of new trial information that may be admissible in court.
CaseInformationInadmissibleTextclass instanceA piece of new trial information that is not admissible in court.
CaseInitiatingAttorneyclass instanceAn attorney in a court case representing the party that filed a petition for a court order or writ requiring the respondent to take some action, halt an activity or obey a courts direction. Representative of the party seeking action from the court. In s
CaseInitiatingPartyclass instanceAn entity that brings charges or a suit against another in a court of law. Can be either a victim in a criminal case or a plaintiff in a civil case.
caseInitiationDateattributeThe date on which a case is initiated.
CaseInitiationReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing the procedural or factual reason for filing a case.
CaseInitiationReasonCodeclass instanceA codified list of the reason the case was initiated (new filing, reopening, transfer in, severance).
CaseInitiationReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of overall procedural reasons for opening the case.
CaseInitiationReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for the overall reason for opening the case.
CaseInitiationReasonTextclass instanceA procedural reason to initiate a case regarding a specific child. Please note that this is the textual counterpart to an enumeration, CaseInitiationReasonCode.
CaseInvolvementDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of how a person is involved in the case.
CaseItemRoleclassThe role played by an item in this case.
CaseJudgeclass instanceA judicial official assigned to a case.
CaseJudgeclass instanceA judicial official assigned to a case.
casejurisdictionBasisTextattributeThe basis for the jurisdiction of the appellate court in the case.
CaseJurorclass instanceAn empaneled juror or an alternate juror.
CaseKindCodeclass instanceA kind of case.
CaseKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of cases.
CaseKindCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various kinds of cases that are being used.
CaseLineageCaseclass instanceA description of a case at a previous stage.
CaseLineageCaseclass instanceA description of a case at a previous stage.
CaseLinkageclass instanceAn identifying number for a case submitted by an agency which is known or believed to be related to the case of this activity.
CaseLinkageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseLinkageType.
CaseLinkageNumberTextclass instanceAn identifying number for a case which is known or believed to be related to the activity.
CaseLinkageTypeclassA data type for an identifying number for a case submitted by an agency which is known or believed to be related to the case of this activity.
CaseListQueryCriteriaclass instanceCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
CaseListQueryCriteriaclassCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
caseListQueryCriteriarelationCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
caselistrequestclass view
caselistrequest:CaseListQueryCriteriaattributeCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
caselistrequest:CaseParticipantattributeInformation describing a participant when a query seeks information about the cases in which the person or organization is a participant.
caselistrequest:GetCaseListRequestMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caselistresponseclass view
caselistresponse:GetCaseListResponseMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
CaseLocationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the locale or location associated with a case when it was initiated. For a case that is a collection of cases, may describe a route or involved locations/locales.
caseMannerOfDispositionattributeIf the charge has been disposed in lower court, the manner in which the charge was disposed. e.g. dismissed by the court, dismissed by the state, withdrawn, decided, transferred, guilty plea, guilty verdict, acquittal, finding of violation of probation, etc. The court will define the available values in Court Policy.
caseMetadataattributeMetadata about a case.
CaseMetadataclass instanceMetadata about a case.
CaseNewIndicatorclass instanceIndicates that the case is new.
caseNumberattributeThe court case that is the subject of this query.
CaseNumberTextclass instanceAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
CaseNumberTextclass instanceAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
CaseOfficialclass instanceA justice official's involvement in a court case.
CaseOfficialclass instanceA justice official's involvement in a court case.
CaseOfficialAugmentationclass instanceThe role played by an attorney in this case.
CaseOfficialAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseOfficialType.
CaseOfficialAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseOfficialType.
CaseOfficialCaseIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification a justice official uses to identify a case.
CaseOfficialCaseIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification a justice official uses to identify a case.
CaseOfficialCaseStatusTextclass instanceA status of a justice official's case.
CaseOfficialEndDateclass instanceA date a justice official left a case or a date a case ended.
CaseOfficialRoleDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the role a justice official played in a court case.
CaseOfficialRoleTextclass instanceA role a justice official played in a court case.
CaseOfficialStartDateclass instanceA date a justice official became involved in a case.
CaseOfficialTerminationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a justice official left a case before its conclusion, either by choice or for official reasons; false otherwise.
CaseOfficialTerminationReasonTextclass instanceA reason a justice official left a case before its conclusion.
CaseOfficialTypeclassA data type for an official's involvement in a case.
CaseOfficialTypeclassA data type for an official's involvement in a case.
CaseOfInterestUUIDclass instanceA unique identifier of a case of interest to which another case is related.
caseOrganizationRolerelationA description of the specific role played by one or more of the organization "other actor(s)" involved in this case.
CaseOrganizationRoleclassA description of the specific role played by one or more of the organization "other actor(s)" involved in the case.
caseOriginrelationThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates.
CaseOriginclassThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates. Examples: case appealed to this court from a lower court; case transferred to or removed to this court; case remanded to this court; original proceeding in this court; in some courts, a designation that this case is a reopening of a proceeding in the same court. In the criminal and juvenile delinquency contexts a police incident report number, a prosecution case number, a grand jury case number, or a criminal case bound over to this court for trial from a limited jurisdiction court.
CaseOriginalCourtclass instanceA court that originally heard or tried a case before it was transferred or appealed.
CaseOtherEntityclass instanceA miscellaneous entity involved in a court case.
CaseOtherEntityclass instanceA miscellaneous entity involved in a court case.
CaseOtherIdentificationclass instanceA miscellaneous identification for a case.
CaseOtherOfficialclass instanceA miscellaneous person or organization involved in a court case.
caseParticipantrelationStructure containing information about a participant in this case.
CaseParticipantclass instanceInformation describing a participant when a query seeks information about the cases in which the person or organization is a participant.
caseParticipantrelationInformation describing a participant when a query seeks information about the cases in which the person or organization is a participant.
CaseParticipantclassPlaceholder for all case participants, i.e. persons or organizations playing a role in a case. This is where all actor details are expressed.
CaseParticipantclass instanceA person who is involved in a case.
CaseParticipantAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseParticipantType.
CaseParticipantInvolvementTextclass instanceA description of a person's involvement in the underlying child welfare case.
CaseParticipantRoleCodeclass instanceA type of participant in a court case
CaseParticipantTypeclassA data type for information about a participant.
CasePartyclass instanceA person alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
CasePartySelfRepresentationIndicatorclass instancePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
CasePendingCourtEventclass instanceA court event or activity that is postponed or pending.
casePersonRolerelationA description of the specific role played by one or more of the person "other actor(s)" or "other party(s)" involved in this case.
CasePersonRoleclassA description of the specific role played by one or more of the person "other actor(s)" or "other party(s)" involved in the case.
CasePlanclass instanceA determined strategy for a subject's case.
CasePriorityCodeclass instanceA priority of a case.
CasePriorityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of case priorities.
CasePriorityCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of case priorities.
CaseProceedingCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of case proceeding.
CasePropertyRoleclassA description of the specific role played by a item/property involved in the case.
CaseProsecutionAttorneyclass instanceAn attorney who prosecutes a case.
CaseProtectionOrderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Domestic Violence Protection Order or Anti-Harassment Order is filed with the Judgment and Sentence; false otherwise.
CaseQueryCriteriaclass instanceCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
CaseQueryCriteriaclassCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
caseQueryCriteriarelationCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
CaseQueryCriteriaTypeclassCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
CaseReferredAgencyclass instanceA reference to the agency to which a case is referred.
CaseRelationshipAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseRelationshipType.
CaseRelationshipDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the nature, reason, status, etc of the relationship.
CaseRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships a Case may have with other entities.
CaseRelationshipKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships between two cases.
CaseRelationshipRoleKindCodeclass instanceA kind of relationship role played between two cases.
CaseRelationshipTypeclassA data type for a relationship between two cases.
CaseRepresentedPartyclass instanceA party represented by an attorney
caserequestclass view
caserequest:CalendarEventTimeRangeattributeA filter criterion for calendar events. If present, the response should only include calendar events that fall between the from and to dates and times.
caserequest:CaseQueryCriteriaattributeCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
caserequest:DocketEntryTimeRangeattributeA filter criterion for docket entries. If present, the response should only include docket entries that fall between the from and to dates and times.
caserequest:DocketEntryTypeCodeFilterTextattributeFilter criterion indicating that only docket entries of a specified type are being requested.
caserequest:GetCaseRequestMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caserequest:IncludeCalendarEventIndicatorattributeIndicates whether requester wishes calendar event information to be included in the response.
caserequest:IncludeDocketEntryIndicatorattributeIndicates whether requester wishes docket entry information to be included in the response.
caserequest:IncludeParticipantsIndicatorattributeIndicates whether requester wishes participant information to be included in the response.
CaseRequestCodeclass instanceA description of a kind of Case request.
CaseRequestCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of case request code
CaseRequestCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of case request code
CaseResolutionTextclass instanceA result of a case.
CaseRespondentAttorneyclass instanceAn attorney in a court case representing the party that is required to answer a petition for a court order or writ requiring the respondent to take some action, halt an activity or obey a courts direction.
CaseRespondentPartyclass instanceAn entity in a court case that is required to answer a petition for a court order or writ requiring the respondent to take some action, halt an activity or obey a courts direction. In such matters the moving party (the one filing the petition) is usually called the petitioner. Thus, the respondent is equivalent to a defendant in a lawsuit. On an appeal, the party who must respond to an appeal by the losing party in the trial court (called appellant) in the appeals court. The accused in a domestic violence case or civil action; a person responding to a Request or Petition for Protection filed by a petitioner.
caseresponseclass view
caseresponse:GetCaseResponseMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
CaseResponseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of case response code
CaseResponseCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of case response code
CaseRestrictionDateclass instanceA date a restriction is placed on a person by a court order.
CaseRestrictionTextclass instanceA restriction imposed upon a party.
CaseReviewDueDateclass instanceAn expected date of review of the case.
CaseSecurityTextclass instanceA level of case security required from low to high
CaseSetclass instanceA set of cases that are related in some manner.
CaseSetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseSetType.
CaseSetQuantityclass instanceA number of cases contained in a CaseSet , or otherwise related to a Case.
caseSettlementRequestTextattributeA request for diversion to a settlement program in the appellate court.
CaseSetTypeclassA data type for a set of cases that are related in some manner.
CaseSeverityTextclass instanceA severity of a case.
caseShortTitleattributeAn abbreviated official name of a Case, usually shortened to contain only the last name of the first listed party on each side of the case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
CaseShortTitleTextclass instanceAn abbreviated official name of a Case, usually shortened to contain only the last name of the first listed party on each side of the case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
CaseStartDateTimeclass instanceA date and time when a case was initiated.
caseStatusrelationCurrent disposition of this case.
CaseStatusclass instanceA status of a case.
caseStatusattributeThe status of the case as of the date of inquiry.
CaseStatusclassCurrent disposition of the case.
caseStatusattributeThe status of the case as of the date of inquiry.
CaseStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseStatusType.
CaseStatusCodeclass instanceA status of a case.
CaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of status states for a Case.
CaseStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of status states for a Case.
CaseStatusDateTimeclass instanceA dateTime when a status was reported.
CaseStatusIssuerCodeclass instanceAn Organization reporting a case status.
CaseStatusTypeclassA data type for status information regarding a case.
caseStyleattributeFormal header for a pleading or opinion. E.g. Court, Party vs. Party, Case #.
CaseSubCategoryTextclass instanceA more specific classification of a kind of case.
CaseTerminationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of termination for a case.
CaseTerminationStageTextclass instanceA stage of termination for a case.
CaseThreatLevelCodeclass instanceA threat level represented by the activities or items represented by a case.
CaseThreatLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a case threat level code values
CaseThreatLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of case threat level
caseTitleattributeThe full title for this case where it originated.
caseTitleattributeAn official name of a Case. The name of the case includes all of the parties to the case. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
CaseTitleTextclass instanceAn official name of a case.
CaseTitleTextclass instanceAn official name of a case.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeAn identifier for a court case
CaseTrackingIDclass instanceCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
CaseTrackingIDclass instanceAn identifier used to track a case.
caseTrackingIDattributeThe court unique identifier for the case into which this filing is being made. If the filing initiates the case, then this is either assigned by the clerk during review, or is left unassigned, in which case the court record MDE must assign the case identifier.
caseTrackingIDattributeCourt case number.
caseTrackingIdentifierattributeCourt case number.
CaseTrialclass instanceA kind of hearing during which the final disposition of a case is determined.
caseTrialTypeattributeThe type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).
caseTypeattributeA type of court case
CaseTypeclassA data type for an aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
CaseTypeclassA data type for an aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
caseTypeCodeattributeThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
caseTypeCodeattributeThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
CaseTypeCodeclass instanceIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
caseTypeCodeattributeThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
caseTypeCodeattributeA case type
caseTypeCodeattributeThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
CaseTypeExtensionclassInformation defined within one of the specific case types defined in the ECF 5.0 specification -- bankruptcy, civil, criminal, domestic relations, juvenile, and traffic.
CaseTypesclassA list of ECF case types.
CaseUUIDclass instanceA universally unique identifier for a case.
CaseVerdictGivenIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a verdict is given by judge or jury; false otherwise.
CaseVictimNotProsecutingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a victim is not or was not willing to prosecute; false otherwise.
CaseWindowEndDateTimeclass instanceA DateTime for the time window end for a BOLO kind of case.
CaseWindowStartDateTimeclass instanceA DateTime for the time window start for a BOLO kind of case.
CaseWitnessclass instanceA person/entity who has information relating to the activity or who testifies in court.
Caseworkerclass instanceA caseworker for the child.
CaseworkerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseworkerType.
CaseworkerCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the category of caseworker assigned to a case.
CaseWorkerCategoryCodeclass instanceA case worker category.
CaseWorkerCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of case worker.
CaseWorkerCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of case worker.
CaseworkerCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of caseworker, described in terms of their function or program specialty.
CaseWorkerInvolvementCategoryCodeclass instanceA code indicating the type of caseworker assigned e.g. investigation, ongoing, adoption, permanency, caseworker supervisor.
CaseworkerInvolvementCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the specific involvement of a caseworker as related to a particular case.
CaseworkerInvolvementCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the specific involvement of a caseworker as related to a particular case
CaseworkerTypeclassA data type for information about the caseworker.
CaseWorkerUnitAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaseWorkerUnitType.
CaseWorkerUnitCodeclass instanceA kind of case worker unit.
CaseWorkerUnitCodeListCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of a case worker unit.
CaseWorkerUnitCodeListCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of a case worker unit.
CaseWorkerUnitIDclass instanceA Unique Identifier for the case worker's office unit
CaseWorkerUnitNameRangeTextclass instanceAn alpha range used to assign cases to workers based on NCP's last name. Example: range = A-F. Any NCP whose last name falls in the range
CaseWorkerUnitTypeclassA data type for a case worker unit.
CaseYearDateclass instanceA year a case is opened.
Cat-CCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Roads and Bridges of Cat-C.
Cat-CDamageTextclass instanceAn element for the description of the damage caused to the road, bridge, culvert, or low water crossing.
Cat-CRepairsTextclass instanceAn element for the repairs necessary to return the facility to a pre-disaster state. .
Cat-DCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Water Control Facilities of Cat-D.
Cat-DDamageTextclass instanceAn element for the description of the damage caused to the Water Control Facilities(Cat-D).
Cat-DNameclass instanceAn element for the common name for the Water Control Facilities(Cat-D).
Cat-DPurposeCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the common purposes for water control facilities .
Cat-DRepairsTextclass instanceAn element for the repairs necessary to return the Water Control Facilities(Cat-D).to a pre-disaster state. .
Cat-ECategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the common types of Buildings, Equipment and Content eligible under Category E.
Cat-EDamageTextclass instanceAn element for the description of the damage caused to the Buildings, Equipment and Content (Cat-E).
Cat-ENameclass instanceAn element for the common name for the Buildings, Equipment and Content (Cat-E).
Cat-ERepairsTextclass instanceAn element for the repairs necessary to return the Buildings, Equipment and Content (Cat-E) to a pre-disaster state. .
Cat-FCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Utilities of Cat-F.
Cat-FDamageTextclass instanceAn element for the description of the damage caused to the Utilities (Cat-F).
Cat-FNameclass instanceAn element for the common name for the Utilities (Cat-F).
Cat-FRepairsTextclass instanceAn element for the repairs necessary to return the Utilities (Cat-F) to a pre-disaster state. .
Cat-GCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Cat-GTypeCode.
catalogSymbolclass instanceThe catalogSymbol is the preferred lexical symbol used for this unit of measure.
The codeSpace attribute in gml:CodeType identifies a namespace for the catalog symbol value, and might reference the external catalog. The string value in gml:CodeType contains the value of a symbol that should be unique within this catalog namespace. This symbol often appears explicitly in the catalog, but it could be a combination of symbols using a specified algebra of units.
CatCCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Roads and Bridges (Cat-C) types.
CatCCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the Roads and Bridges
CATCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 6 - Vehicle Category (CAT) Field Codes
CATCodeTypeclassA data type for 6 - Vehicle Category (CAT) Field Codes
CatDCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Water Control Facilities (Cat-D) types.
CatDCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities
CatDPurposeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities .
CatDPurposeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities
CatECategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common types of Buildings, Equipment and Content eligible under Category E.
CatECategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the common types of Buildings, Equipment and Content eligible under Category E
Categoryclass instanceA gml:Category has an optional XML attribute codeSpace, whose value is a URI which identifies a dictionary, codelist or authority for the term.
CategoryExtentclass instance
CategoryInformationclass instanceA resource kind as defined by either a Keyword structure or a validatable schema
CategoryListclass instance
CategoryOfGovernmentOwnershipCodeclass instanceA type of governmental ownership
CategoryOfGovernmentOwnershipCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing governmental ownership
CategoryOfGovernmentOwnershipCodeTypeclassA data type describing governmental ownership
CategoryStructureclass instanceA Uniform Resource Name of a certified list maintained by the Community of Interest (COI) for the value referenced. Facilitates link to ARMS structured managed list
CatFCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Utilities (Cat-F) types.
CatFCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the Utilities.
CatGCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other (Cat-G) types.
CatGCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other (G).
CATGDamageTextclass instanceAn element for the description of the damage to the facility like Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other.
CATGRepairsTextclass instanceAn element for the repairs necessary to return the facility like Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other to a pre-disaster state.
causeOfActionCodeattributeThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
causeOfActionCodeattributeThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
CauseOfActionCodeclass instanceThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CauseOfDeathAssessmentType
CauseOfDeathAssessmentAutopsyPerformedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the autopsy was used to determine the cause of death; false otherwise.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentBetweenEventAndDeathDurationclass instanceA time interval between the underlying cause or event and death.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentBiopsyPerformedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a biopsy was performed; false otherwise.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentFemalePregnantInLastYearIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a female is pregnant in the last year; false otherwise.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentImmediateCauseTextclass instanceAn immediate cause of death.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentOperationsPerformedTextclass instanceA list of operations performed, if any, to address any of the underlying conditions.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentOtherSignificantConditionsTextclass instanceAn other significant conditions that could have contributed to death.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentReportedToCoronerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the death was reported to the coroner; false otherwise.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentTypeclassA data type for an assessment process to determine factors of the cause of death.
CauseOfDeathAssessmentUnderlyingConditionTextclass instanceAn underlying condition, injury or disease, that contributed to the death.
CauseOfDeathCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of the cause of death.
CauseOfDeathHomicideIndicatorclass instanceTrue if cause of death was ruled a homicide; false otherwise.
CauseOfDeathTextclass instanceA description of the cause of death.
CaveatAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CaveatType.
CaveatIssuingAuthorityTextclass instanceA source of the caveat information
CaveatReferenceDateclass instanceA date of the caveat information.
CaveatTextclass instanceA warning or caution about the information.
CaveatTypeclassA data type for warning or caution information.
cbcclass view
cbc:AccountIDattributeA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonattributePurpose or reason for the filer making the payment; this would be a code valid according to and described by Court Policy.
cbc:AmountattributeAn amount of money that the filer is paying to the court.
cbc:CardTypeCodeattributeThe type of credit card account. Examples: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover. Allowable types listed in court policy.
cbc:CV2IDattributeThe secondary number (sometimes on the reverse) of the card for added security.
cbc:ExpiryDateattributeThe month and year (expressed as mm/yy) after which the cardAccount will no longer be value unless renewed by the issuing financial institution.
cbc:HolderNameattributeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:IDattributeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDattributeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDattributeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDattributeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:NameattributeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:NameattributeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:NameattributeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:PaidTimeattributeThe date and time at which a transaction will or did occur.
cbc:PaymentIDattributeThe payment for which this means is specified.
cbc:PaymentMeansCodeattributeA code representing the payment method employed. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberIDattributeA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
CBEFFCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of biometric modality as described by CBEFF
CBEFFCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code for describing a biometric modality defined by CBEFF
CBEFFCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing a biometric modality defined by CBEFF
CBEFFFormatCategoryIDclass instanceAn identifier of a format designated by the owner
CBEFFFormatOwnerIDclass instanceAn assigned identifier specifying a biometric format
CBEFFImageclass instanceAn image of a CBEFF record
CBEFFImageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CBEFFImage
CBEFFImageTypeclassA data type for a CBEFF record
CBEFFProductIDclass instanceA unique registered identifier of minutiae encoding equipment; 9.126c PID
CBEFFTextclass instanceA data format [not defined by the ICMWG] for biometric data.
CBEFFVersionIDclass instanceA identifier for the version number of the CBEFF specification that this record conforms to
cbrnclass viewChemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Domain
cbrnclass view
cbrn:AcknowledgementDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AcknowledgementDataType.
cbrn:AcknowledgementDateTimeattributeA Date/time when an acknowledgement was generated.
cbrn:AcknowledgementIDattributeA unique identifier of an acknowledgement.
cbrn:AcknowledgingActivityNameattributeA name of the activity that produced an acknowledgement. This property can be used to provide data for workflow coordination by the sending or receiving systems.
cbrn:AcknowledgingAgencyattributeAn organization that is responsible for generating an acknowledgement message.
cbrn:AcknowledgingAgencyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AcknowledgingAgencyType.
cbrn:AcknowledgingAgencyCodeattributeAn organization that is responsible for generating an acknowledgement.
cbrn:ActivityNameattributeA name of the activity associated with a request. This property can be used to provide data for workflow coordination by the sending or receiving systems.
cbrn:AlarmAudibleIndicatorattributeTrue if an audible alarm was announced; false otherwise. An indicator if an audible alarm was annunciated.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmComponentNameattributeA Name of an algorithm component.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmComponentVersionTextattributeA textual description of the version of an analysis algorithm component.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmCreatorNameattributeA name of the Creator or implementer of the analysis algorithm.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmDescriptionTextattributeA description of the analysis algorithm.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmNameattributeA unique name of the analysis algorithm.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingattributeA list of name - value pairs describing analysis setting information.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingType.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingNameattributeA name of an algorithm setting parameter.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingUnitsTextattributeA unit of measure for an algorithm setting value, identified by the AnalysisAlgorithmSettingName element, if needed.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmSettingValueTextattributeA value of a setting parameter identified by the AnalysisAlgorithmSettingName element.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmVersionattributeA description of the version of a particular analysis algorithm component.
cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmVersionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AnalysisAlgorithmVersionType.
cbrn:AnalysisComputationDurationattributeA time (duration) for convergence of an analysis algorithm; i.e., time from start to finish to produce the analysis results.
cbrn:AnalysisConfidenceValueattributeAn indication of confidence, as a percent ranging from 0.0 to 100.0, in the overall accuracy of the analysis, where increasing values indicate higher confidence.
cbrn:AnalysisResultDescriptionTextattributeA description of the overall conclusion of the analysis regarding the source of concern.
cbrn:AnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:AnalysisResultStatusCodeattributeA description of the the success or failure status of a measurement analysis. If this element is omitted, the analysis is considered successful. The AnalysisResultDescription element shall be used to describe an analysis failure in detail.
cbrn:AnalysisStartDateTimeattributeA date and time at which an analysis was started.
cbrn:ArrayXYAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ArrayXYType.
cbrn:AudioFileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:AudioFileType.
cbrn:AudioFileBitRateattributeA number indicating the number of bits that are data stored in every second of an audio file.
cbrn:AudioFileChannelsQuantityattributeA number of distinct channels or output devices that can be used to disperse the audio.
cbrn:AudioFileCodecCreatorApplicationTextattributeA name of a software application that is used to create an audio file.
cbrn:AudioFileCodecCreatorApplicationVersionTextattributeA verison of a software application that is used to create an audio file.
cbrn:AudioFileCodecNameattributeA name of the codec used to create the audio file ex. mpga MPEG audio (recommended for portability)
mp3 MPEG Layer 3 audio
mp4a MP4 audio
a52 Dolby Digital (A52 or AC3)
vorb Vorbis
spx Speex
flac or fl32 FLAC
cbrn:AudioFileCodecNameVersionTextattributeA version of a codec used to create an audio file.
cbrn:AudioFileSampleRateattributeA number of samples per second taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete signal.
cbrn:AverageCountRateUncertaintyValueattributeAn average count rate value of 1-sigma uncertainty, in counts per second (cps).
cbrn:AverageCountRateValueattributeAn average count rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in counts per second (cps).
cbrn:AverageDoseRateUncertaintyValueattributeA combined 1-sigma uncertainty associated with an average ambient dose equivalent rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:AverageDoseRateValueattributeAn average ambient dose equivalent rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:AverageExposureRateUncertaintyValueattributeA combined 1-sigma uncertainty associated with an average exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:AverageExposureRateValueattributeAn average exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:AzimuthValueattributeAn objects(i.e., instrument, detector, or item) orientation, with respect to True North. Its value is the angle subtended by a line from the center point of the object to True North in the horizontal plane and the line formed by the object's front-to-back axis projected onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-180.0" to "+180.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the front of the object's body is pointed to True North; positive values imply the front is pointed to the east of True North; negative values imply the front is pointed to the west of True North.
cbrn:BackgroundCountRateUncertaintyValueattributeA 1-sigma uncertainty in the background count rate used in an analysis, in counts per second (cps).
cbrn:BackgroundCountRateValueattributeA background rate used in an analysis, in counts per second (cps).
cbrn:BackgroundDoseRateUncertaintyValueattributeA 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in the value of BackgroundDoseRateValue, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:BackgroundDoseRateValueattributeA background ambient dose equivalent rate used in an analysis, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:BackgroundExposureRateUncertaintyValueattributeA combined 1-sigma uncertainty associated with an average background exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:BackgroundExposureRateValueattributeAn average background exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:CalibrationDateTimeattributeA date and time at which a calibration was put into service.
cbrn:CalibrationDateTimeattributeA date and time at which a calibration was put into service.
cbrn:CalibrationDateTimeattributeA date and time at which a calibration was put into service.
cbrn:CaseClosedIndicatorattributeTrue if a case is closed; false otherwise.
cbrn:CaseEventDateTimeattributeA date and time of the first detection event associated with a case.
cbrn:CaseKindCodeattributeA kind of case.
cbrn:CaseLocationDescriptionTextattributeA description of the locale or location associated with a case when it was initiated. For a case that is a collection of cases, may describe a route or involved locations/locales.
cbrn:CaseMetadataattributeMetadata about a case.
cbrn:CaseOfInterestUUIDattributeA unique identifier of a case of interest to which another case is related.
cbrn:CasePriorityCodeattributeA priority of a case.
cbrn:CaseRelationshipAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseRelationshipType.
cbrn:CaseRelationshipDescriptionTextattributeA description of the nature, reason, status, etc of the relationship.
cbrn:CaseRelationshipRoleKindCodeattributeA kind of relationship role played between two cases.
cbrn:CaseRequestCodeattributeA description of a kind of Case request.
cbrn:CaseSetAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseSetType.
cbrn:CaseSetQuantityattributeA number of cases contained in a CaseSet , or otherwise related to a Case.
cbrn:CaseSetQuantityattributeA number of cases contained in a CaseSet , or otherwise related to a Case.
cbrn:CaseStartDateTimeattributeA date and time when a case was initiated.
cbrn:CaseStatusattributeA status of a case.
cbrn:CaseStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CaseStatusType.
cbrn:CaseStatusCodeattributeA status of a case.
cbrn:CaseStatusDateTimeattributeA dateTime when a status was reported.
cbrn:CaseStatusIssuerCodeattributeAn Organization reporting a case status.
cbrn:CaseThreatLevelCodeattributeA threat level represented by the activities or items represented by a case.
cbrn:CaseUUIDattributeA universally unique identifier for a case.
cbrn:CaseWindowEndDateTimeattributeA DateTime for the time window end for a BOLO kind of case.
cbrn:CaseWindowStartDateTimeattributeA DateTime for the time window start for a BOLO kind of case.
cbrn:CBRNECaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CBRNECaseType.
cbrn:ChannelDataValueListattributeA list of values, one for each of a spectrum's channels. The values represent the number of counts per channel.
cbrn:CharacteristicattributeA description of an additional characteristic of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected.
cbrn:CharacteristicAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicType.
cbrn:CharacteristicChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for an additional characteristic of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected, or a group of such characteristics.
cbrn:CharacteristicGroupAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicGroupType.
cbrn:CharacteristicGroupNameattributeA name of the CharacteristicGroup.
cbrn:CharacteristicNameattributeA name of the Characteristic.
cbrn:CharacteristicsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicsType.
cbrn:CharacteristicValueDataClassCodeattributeA data class of a CharacteristicValue.
cbrn:CharacteristicValueTextattributeA value of a Characteristic.
cbrn:CharacteristicValueUnitsTextattributeA unit of measure of a CharacteristicValue.
cbrn:CoefficientOrBoundaryValuesChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for Coefficient values or EnergyBoundary Values
cbrn:ContentHeaderAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ContentHeaderType.
cbrn:ConveyanceBoundForCodeattributeA description of where a conveyance is bound for when it completes a traversal.
cbrn:ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipType.
cbrn:ConveyanceIDattributeA unique identifier for a conveyance processed through a traversal.
cbrn:ConveyanceIdentificationattributeAn Identification of the conveyance that is associated with an organization.
cbrn:ConveyanceKindCodeattributeAn identifier of a kind of a conveyance. For example: Ship, Airplane, Truck, etc.
cbrn:ConveyanceOrgRelationshipAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceOrgRelationshipType.
cbrn:ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeattributeA description of the kind of relationship between a conveyance and organization. For example, an aircraft may have an owner, operator, leasee, etc.
cbrn:ConveyancePrimaryColorCodeattributeA color that identifies a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
cbrn:ConveyancePrimaryColorCodeattributeA color that identifies a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
cbrn:ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceRegistrationType.
cbrn:ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeattributeA kind of conveyance relationship; for example, contained in/on, or connected to.
cbrn:ConveyanceRelationshipOriginIDattributeA unique identifier of the conveyance that is the start/origin of the relationship. By convention, the start of the relationship is the conveyee and the end of the relationship is the conveyor; for example a trailer is conveyed by a tractor, or a container is conveyed by a vessel or a trailer.
cbrn:ConveyanceRelationshipTargetIDattributeA unique identifier of the conveyance that is the end/target of the relationship. By convention, the end of the relationship is the conveyor and the start of the relationship is the conveyee.
cbrn:ConveyanceRelatorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceRelatorType.
cbrn:ConveyanceSecondaryColorCodeattributeA color that identifies a lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
cbrn:ConveyanceSecondaryColorCodeattributeA color that identifies a lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
cbrn:ConveyanceSequenceNumericattributeA number identifying the position of the conveyee if there is more than one associated with the same conveyor during the same period of time. For example, for a truck consisting of a tractor with two trailers, the first trailer would have a sequence number of one.
cbrn:ConveyanceWeightDescriptionTextattributeA description of conveyance weight, such as gross weight, axle weight, etc., this element is used to provide the description that is applicable to the value provided by the Conveyance weight measure.
cbrn:CountDataValueListattributeA number indicating the counts accumulated during a measurement period over the entire energy range measured by a radiation detector or within pre-defined energy windows.
cbrn:CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeattributeA verfication of the authenticating credentials.
cbrn:CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeattributeA verfication of the authenticating credentials.
cbrn:CredentialsAuthenticationAbstractattributeA data concept for the state of user credentials authentication.
cbrn:CredentialsAuthenticationAbstractattributeA data concept for the state of user credentials authentication.
cbrn:DataFileattributeA digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DataFileType.
cbrn:DataFileCaptureAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DataFileCaptureType.
cbrn:DataFileCaptureByDeviceattributeA device that is is used to create a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCapturedByDeviceattributeA data type that provides information about the recording of a digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileCaptureDeviceIDattributeA unique identifier of the device that captured/recorded a data file. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:DataFileCaptureDurationattributeA total duration of time (in ISO 8601 format) covered by the data recorded in a digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileCaptureStartDateTimeattributeA date/time when recording of the data in a digital data began (in ISO 8601 UTC format).
cbrn:DataFileCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of a kind of information in a data file
cbrn:DataFileCategoryIDattributeAn identifier of a kind of information in a data file
cbrn:DataFileCategoryNameattributeA name of a category of information in a data file
cbrn:DataFileCharacterEncodingBaseTextattributeA base that was used to encode a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCharacterEncodingTextattributeA type of encoding that was used to encode a data file.
cbrn:DataFileChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for a digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileCompressedIndicatorattributeTrue if a data file is compared; false otherwise. A boolean flag inidicating if the data file is compressed
cbrn:DataFileCompressionTextattributeA compression algorithm that was used to compress a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCopyrightIndicatorattributeTrue if a datafile is copyrighted; false otherwise.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedByApplicationTextattributeA name of a software/firmware application that was used to create a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedByApplicationVersionTextattributeA version of a software/firmware application that created the data file.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedByDeviceDescriptionTextattributeA brief description of the device that created the data file.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedByDeviceLocationTextattributeA location of the device that created a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedByTextattributeA user, who created a data file.
cbrn:DataFileCreatedDateTimeattributeA time stamp, of identifying when a data file was created
cbrn:DataFileDescriptionTextattributeA text description of the subject matter recorded in a digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileEncryptedIndicatorattributeTrue if a data file is encrypted; false otherwise. A boolean flag inidicating if the data file is encrypted
cbrn:DataFileEncryptionTextattributeA type of encryption that was used to encrypt a data file.
cbrn:DataFileExtensionTextattributeAn extension that is used for a kind of data files.
cbrn:DataFileGeneratedByActivityTextattributeAn activity that generated the data file.
cbrn:DataFileIDattributeA unique XSD identifier that is being used to identify the unique data file from the DataFileSetType
cbrn:DataFileLanguageCodeTextattributeA language of the intellectual content of the resource.
cbrn:DataFileLastModifiedByTextattributeA user, who modified a data file.
cbrn:DataFileLastModifiedDateTimeattributeA time stamp identifying when a data file was last modified.
cbrn:DataFileMetadataattributeMetadata about datafile Security classification and marking attributes.
cbrn:DataFileNameattributeA Name of the data file
cbrn:DataFileSequenceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DataFileSequenceType.
cbrn:DataFileSequenceDescriptionTextattributeA Description of the contents of a subset of a digital data file.
cbrn:DataFileSequenceIDattributeA unique identifier of the sequence of a data subset in a file that contains sequences of recorded digital data.
cbrn:DataFileSequenceIDattributeA unique identifier of the sequence of a data subset in a file that contains sequences of recorded digital data.
cbrn:DataFileSetAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DataFileSetType.
cbrn:DataFileSetDescriptionTextattributeA Description of a file set.
cbrn:DataFileSetIDattributeAn identifier of a set of data files to which a datafile belongs.
cbrn:DataFileSetMemberattributeA digit file that is a member of a file set.
cbrn:DataFileSetNameattributeA Name of a file set.
cbrn:DataFileSetQuantityattributeA number of files in a file set.
cbrn:DataFileSetQuantityattributeA number of files in a file set.
cbrn:DataFileSetUUIDattributeA Unique identifier of a file set. Also serves as the DataFileUUID of a file containing the identifiers of the members of the file set.
cbrn:DataFileSizeValueattributeA value indicating the size of a data file.
cbrn:DataFileSubjectCodeTextattributeA description of a kind of subject matter recorded in a digital data file. If the kind is Other, a description should be provided in BinaryDescriptionText.
cbrn:DataFileUIDattributeA unique identifier for the file
cbrn:DataFileURIIDattributeA URI identifier for the data file
cbrn:DerivedDataattributeA set of all data derived from raw measured data for use in analysis.
cbrn:DerivedDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DerivedDataType.
cbrn:DetectionEventDataattributeA set of all data collected during a Detection Event that involved the inspection of an Item(s) for the purpose of detecting the presence of illicit goods and materials. This includes data collected by the device(s) used to perform the detection as well.
cbrn:DetectionEventDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DetectionEventDataType.
cbrn:DetectionEventIDattributeAn identifier for a Detection Event applied by the site that performs the inspection activities of the Detection Event.
cbrn:DetectionEventInstrumentDataAbstractattributeA data concept for the set of data output by an instrument for a detection event. This includes the reported measurement and analysis data, information about the instrument, and information about the item(s) which it is measuring/inspecting.
cbrn:DetectionEventLocationTextattributeA physical location where a detection event occurred.
cbrn:DetectionEventOnsetDateTimeattributeA date and time of the start of a Detection Event (ISO 8601 format).
cbrn:DetectionEventSiteIDattributeA unique identifier of the site at which a detection event occurred. Typically this identifier is specific to the organization operating the site.
cbrn:DetectionEventUserEntryDataattributeA set of user-operator entered data relevant to a Detection Event.
cbrn:DetectionEventUserEntryDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DetectionEventUserEntryDataType.
cbrn:DetectionEventUUIDattributeA unique identifier of the Detection Event for which the user entered the data.
cbrn:DetectionEventUUIDattributeA unique identifier of the Detection Event for which the user entered the data.
cbrn:DetectionEventUUIDattributeA unique identifier of the Detection Event for which the user entered the data.
cbrn:DeviceIdentificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DeviceIdentifierType.
cbrn:DeviceInfoDateTimeattributeA DateTime of the device identifier data.
cbrn:DeviceOperatorCommentsTextattributeA user-operator entered comment.
cbrn:DeviceOperatorIDattributeA unique identifier of the encounter device operator. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:DistanceValueattributeA scalar distance between the center of an object (i.e., instrument, detector, or item) or nuclide and the center of a reference point (Origin).
cbrn:DoseAnalysisResultsattributeA set of data containing the result/results of an analysis of the radiation ambient dose equivalent data for a measured item(s).
cbrn:DoseAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DoseAnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:DoseRateattributeA measured ambient dose equivalent rate, provided as a value and/or a qualitative description.
cbrn:DoseRateattributeA measured ambient dose equivalent rate, provided as a value and/or a qualitative description.
cbrn:DoseRateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:DoseRateType.
cbrn:DoseRateLevelDescriptionTextattributeA qualitative description of the radiation ambient dose equivalent rate level, such as low/medium/high or a numerical scale 0 to 9.
cbrn:DoseRateValueattributeA measured ambient radiation dose equivalent rate value, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:EfficiencyCalibrationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EfficiencyCalibrationType.
cbrn:EfficiencyUncertaintyValueListattributeA list of the 1-sigma absolute uncertainties in a set of EfficiencyValues.
cbrn:EfficiencyValueListattributeA list of efficiency values as decimal fractions; i.e., normally between 0.0 and 1.0.
cbrn:ElevationAccuracyValueattributeA value for the estimated accuracy of the elevation of a geographic point.
cbrn:ElevationOffsetAccuracyValueattributeA value for the estimated accuracy of the elevation offset vertically to the earth's surface from a geographic point.
cbrn:ElevationOffsetValueattributeA value for the difference between the Elevation at a point of coordinate measurement and the earth's surface in meters.
cbrn:ElevationValueattributeA value for the elevation of a GeographicPoint in meters relative to the applicable datums ellipsoid.
cbrn:EncodingMIMEKindTextattributeAn encoding MIME type of a digital data file.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceCategoryCodeTextattributeA description of a kind of encounter device.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceCategoryCodeTextattributeA description of a kind of encounter device.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceCategoryLevelCodeattributeA device manufacturer's name.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceIDattributeA unique identifier of a kind of encounter device; ie, system, device, or component.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceIDattributeA unique identifier of a kind of encounter device; ie, system, device, or component.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceOperatorCommentsattributeA general comment or comments by the operator of the encounter device.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceOperatorCommentsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EncounterDeviceOperatorCommentsType.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceOperatorTextattributeAn encounter device operator's identification information.
cbrn:EncounterDeviceVersionTextattributeAn encounter device's version information.
cbrn:EncounterRelationshipAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EncounterRelationshipType.
cbrn:EnergyCalibrationattributeAn EnergyCalibration that spectrum measurements can reference as applicable to a particular spectrum.
cbrn:EnergyCalibrationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EnergyCalibrationType.
cbrn:EnergyDeviationValueListattributeA list of values providing the differences in the energies predicted by an energy calibration coefficients equation and the true energies. EPredicted = T0 + T1*C + T2*C2 EDeviation = f(EPredicted) EActual = EPredicted + EDeviation Where Tn are the coefficients from the CoefficientValues element data, C is the channel position (the first channel starts at "0.0"), EPredicted is the predicted energy (in keV) at channel C, EDeviation is the energy deviation value (in keV) from interpolation of the EnergyValues and EnergyDeviationValues data, and EActual is the final corrected energy at channel C.
cbrn:EnergyValueListattributeA list of energy values, in units of keV; the energies shall appear in the list in strictly increasing order. This element appears paired with an element that provides a corresponding list of other values, such as the EnergyDeviationValues, FWHMValues, or EfficiencyValues elements. The number and order of corresponding values in the pair of lists must match.
cbrn:EnergyValueListattributeA list of energy values, in units of keV; the energies shall appear in the list in strictly increasing order. This element appears paired with an element that provides a corresponding list of other values, such as the EnergyDeviationValues, FWHMValues, or EfficiencyValues elements. The number and order of corresponding values in the pair of lists must match.
cbrn:EnergyValueListattributeA list of energy values, in units of keV; the energies shall appear in the list in strictly increasing order. This element appears paired with an element that provides a corresponding list of other values, such as the EnergyDeviationValues, FWHMValues, or EfficiencyValues elements. The number and order of corresponding values in the pair of lists must match.
cbrn:EnergyWindowsattributeA definition of a set of energy windows used in gross counting.
cbrn:EnergyWindowsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EnergyWindowsType.
cbrn:EntryPersonIDattributeA unique identifier of the person who entered or confirmed a measured item identifier. There is no required format for the ID
cbrn:EquationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:EquationType.
cbrn:EquationCoefficientValueListattributeA list of values of the coefficients of an equation.
cbrn:EquationCovarianceMatrixValueListattributeA white-space delimited list of values that provide the lower triangular half of an equation covariance matrix.
cbrn:EquationDescriptionTextattributeA free-form description of the equation type; it is intended for documentation purposes only. If the equation kind is Other, then this description shall be specified to explain the kind of equation. Polynomial equations shall report the linear term first as Term0 followed by the other terms. An example would be: Energy = Term0 + Term1*Ch + Term2*Ch**2
cbrn:EquationKindCodeattributeA kind of an equation.
cbrn:ErrorCodeDescriptionTextattributeA description of an error code in free form text.
cbrn:ErrorCodeDescriptionTextattributeA description of an error code in free form text.
cbrn:ErrorCodeTextattributeAn error code.
cbrn:ErrorCodeTextattributeAn error code.
cbrn:ErrorDescriptionattributeA text description of an error that occurred at a specific XML tag while processing an XML message.
cbrn:ErrorDescriptionattributeA text description of an error that occurred at a specific XML tag while processing an XML message.
cbrn:ErrorNodeNameattributeA name of the XML tag at which an error occurred.
cbrn:ErrorNodeNameattributeA name of the XML tag at which an error occurred.
cbrn:ExposureAnalysisResultsattributeA set of data providing the result/results of an analysis of the radiation exposure data for a measured item(s).
cbrn:ExposureAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ExposureAnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:ExposureRateattributeA radiation exposure rate, provided as the measured value, and/or a qualitative description of an exposure rate level.
cbrn:ExposureRateattributeA radiation exposure rate, provided as the measured value, and/or a qualitative description of an exposure rate level.
cbrn:ExposureRateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ExposureRateType.
cbrn:ExposureRateLevelDescriptionTextattributeA qualitative description of the radiation exposure rate level, such as low, medium, high, or a numerical scale 0 to 9.
cbrn:ExposureRateValueattributeA measured radiation exposure rate value, in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:FacilityIDattributeA unique identifier assigned to a facility. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:FaultattributeA collection of information describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
cbrn:FaultattributeA collection of information describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
cbrn:FaultattributeA collection of information describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
cbrn:FaultAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:FaultType.
cbrn:FaultCodeValueTextattributeAn instrument-specific code that identifies the error or problem.
cbrn:FaultDescriptionTextattributeA description of the problem that occurred.
cbrn:FaultSeverityCodeattributeA code indicating the seriousness of a fault.
cbrn:FridayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Friday operating hours.
cbrn:FullEnergyPeakEfficiencyCalibrationattributeA full-energy peak efficiency calibration. The full-energy peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the net counts in a peak at that energy to the number of photons emitted by a source at that energy.
cbrn:FWHMCalibrationattributeA FWHM calibration for a gamma radiation detector; i.e., FWHM as a function of energy.
cbrn:FWHMCalibrationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:FWHMCalibrationType.
cbrn:FWHMUncertaintyValueListattributeA list of the 1-sigma absolute uncertainties in units of keV, in the FWHM values contained in the FWHMValues element list. The number and order of corresponding values in the FWHMValues and FWHMUncertaintyValues lists must match.
cbrn:FWHMValueListattributeA list of FWHM values, in units of keV. The number and order of corresponding values in the EnergyValues and FWHMValues lists must match.
cbrn:GeographicPointattributeA set of geographical coordinates providing latitude, longitude, and elevation (at the point of measurement and at the point on the earth's surface), and uncertainty of the coordinates.
cbrn:GeographicPointattributeA set of geographical coordinates providing latitude, longitude, and elevation (at the point of measurement and at the point on the earth's surface), and uncertainty of the coordinates.
cbrn:GeographicPointAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:GeographicPointType.
cbrn:GeoPointAccuracyValueattributeAn estimated 1-sigma positional accuracy in meters (m) of a geographic point described by the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point.
cbrn:GrossCountAnalysisResultsattributeA result/results of an analysis of the gross count data for a measured item(s).
cbrn:GrossCountAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:GrossCountAnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:GrossCountsattributeA gross count from a radiation detector.
cbrn:GrossCountsattributeA gross count from a radiation detector.
cbrn:GrossCountsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:GrossCountsType.
cbrn:IDAcquisitionMethodAbstractattributeA data concept for a method of acquiring the identifier of an item.
cbrn:IDAcquisitionMethodAbstractattributeA data concept for a method of acquiring the identifier of an item.
cbrn:IDConfidenceCodeattributeA code for the confidence that the measured item identifier is correct.
cbrn:ImageFileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ImageFileType.
cbrn:ImageOrientationAbstractattributeA data concept for the viewing orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
cbrn:ImagePerspectiveAbstractattributeA data concept for the viewing perspective of the subject of an image captured as a digital data file.
cbrn:ImagePerspectiveAbstractattributeA data concept for the viewing perspective of the subject of an image captured as a digital data file.
cbrn:ImageResolutionValueattributeA resolution at which an image is captured. Units are pixels per inch.
cbrn:InCalibrationIndicatorattributetrue if properly calibrated and considered in service; false otherwise.The indication that the radiation measurement instrument is fit for service:
cbrn:InclinationValueattributeAn object's orientation (i.e., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) with respect to the horizontal plane. Its value is the angle subtended by the line formed by the objects front-to-rear axis and the line formed by the projection of that line onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-90.0" to "+90.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the object's front-to-rear axis is level, i.e., aligned with the horizontal plane; positive values implies the object is pointed up; negative values imply the object is pointed down.
cbrn:InspectionDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:InspectionDataType.
cbrn:InspectionDateTimeattributeA date and time at which a radiation measurement instrument's calibration and in-service status were determined.
cbrn:InspectionEventDateTimeattributeA DateTime of an inspection event.
cbrn:InspectionResolutionAbstractattributeA data concept for the resolution of an inspection.
cbrn:InspectionThreatFindingAbstractattributeA data concept for a category of threat found by an inspection.
cbrn:IntrinsicDoubleEscapePeakEfficiencyCalibrationattributeAn intrinsic double-escape peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic double-escape peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the counts in the double-escape peak of that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
cbrn:IntrinsicFullEnergyPeakEfficiencyCalibrationattributeAn intrinsic full-energy peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic full-energy peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the net counts in a peak at that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
cbrn:IntrinsicSingleEscapePeakEfficiencyCalibrationattributeAn intrinsic single-escape peak efficiency calibration. The intrinsic single-escape peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the counts in the single-escape peak of that energy to the number of photons impinging on the radiation detector surface at that energy.
cbrn:LatitudeValueattributeA point's latitude on the surface of the earth expressed as geographic coordinates in decimal degrees. Points in the northern hemisphere range from 0.0 to +90.0 degrees. Points in the southern hemisphere range from 0.0 to -90.0.
cbrn:LayerattributeA description of a shielding layer.
cbrn:LayerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:LayerType.
cbrn:LayerDensityValueattributeA shielding layer density expressed in unit of measure g/cm2.
cbrn:LayerMaterialAbstractattributeA data concept for the material of which a shielding layer is composed.
cbrn:LayerQuantityattributeA number of shielding layers observed.
cbrn:LayerSequenceNumericattributeA number for the sequence of a layer, if there is more than one layer . The outermost layer is 1.
cbrn:LiveTimeDurationattributeA duration during which a detection assembly is sensitive to the input signal. The value of LiveTimeDuration is always less than or equal to the value of RealTimeDuration, because it does not include the time that the radiation detector was unable to re
cbrn:LiveTimeDurationattributeA duration during which a detection assembly is sensitive to the input signal. The value of LiveTimeDuration is always less than or equal to the value of RealTimeDuration, because it does not include the time that the radiation detector was unable to re
cbrn:LongitudeValueattributeA point's longitude on the surface of the earth expressed in decimal degrees. Points east of the prime meridian range from 0.0 to +180.0 degrees. Points west of the prime meridian range from 0.0 to -180.0.
cbrn:LowerLimitValueattributeA lowest value of X for which an equation is valid.
cbrn:MapGuideBrandCodeattributeA code for the Brand name of a Map Guide document that provides maps of a locale with a vendor-unique grid reference system.
cbrn:MapGuideGridNumberIDattributeAn identifier that refers to a map grid in a Map Guide document
cbrn:MapGuideLocationattributeA set of location information based on a map contained in a Map Guide document.
cbrn:MapGuideLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MapGuideLocationType.
cbrn:MapGuideNameattributeA Name of a Map Guide document providing maps of a locale.
cbrn:MapGuidePageNumberIDattributeAn identifier that refers to a page in a Map Guide document.
cbrn:MaximumCountRateValueattributeA value for the maximum count rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in counts per second.
cbrn:MaximumDoseRateValueattributeA value for the maximum ambient dose equivalent rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:MaximumExposureRateValueattributeA value for the maximum exposure rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:MeanPhotonValueattributeA value for the mean of the maximum number of photons in open air per pixel. Can be per system or per detector.
cbrn:MeasuredItemDescriptionTextattributeA description providing information about a measured item.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDattributeAn Identifier of a measured item. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDattributeAn Identifier of a measured item. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDattributeAn Identifier of a measured item. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDattributeAn Identifier of a measured item. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIdentificationattributeAn identification data for a measured item.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIdentificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MeasuredItemIdentificationType.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
cbrn:MeasuredItemIDKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
cbrn:MeasuredItemKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind or general category of item that is being inspected.
cbrn:MeasuredItemKindCodeattributeA kind or general category of item that is being inspected.
cbrn:MeasurementClassCodeattributeAn indicator A code indicating whether the data are a measurement of an item (Foreground), an environmental background (Background), a calibration source (Calibration), the intrinsic activity of the radiation measurement instrument (IntrinsicActivity), or not specified (NotSpecified).
cbrn:MeasurementClassCodeattributeAn indicator A code indicating whether the data are a measurement of an item (Foreground), an environmental background (Background), a calibration source (Calibration), the intrinsic activity of the radiation measurement instrument (IntrinsicActivity), or not specified (NotSpecified).
cbrn:MessageContentErrorattributeA set of information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
cbrn:MessageContentErrorattributeA set of information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
cbrn:MessageContentErrorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageContentErrorType.
cbrn:MessageCreationDateTimeattributeA timestamp associated with the creation of a message content header.
cbrn:MessageDestinationattributeAn identifier and/or name of a facility, site, or organization(s) that is(are) the destination of a message.
cbrn:MessageDispatchDateTimeattributeA timestamp associated with the dispatch of a message content and its header to a messaging service.
cbrn:MessageErrorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageErrorType.
cbrn:MessageHandlingErrorattributeA description of a message error encountered by an infrastructure component in the process of message handling and transmission.
cbrn:MessageHandlingErrorattributeA description of a message error encountered by an infrastructure component in the process of message handling and transmission.
cbrn:MessageIDattributeAn identifier associated with a message content. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MessageIDattributeAn identifier associated with a message content. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:MessageKindCodeattributeA code for a kind of information content contained in a message.
cbrn:MessageKindCodeattributeA code for a kind of information content contained in a message.
cbrn:MessageOriginattributeA Facility, site, or organization id and/or name from which a message content originated.
cbrn:MessageOriginOrDestinationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageOriginOrDestinationType.
cbrn:MessagePriorityCodeattributeA code for the message content priority associated with a content header.
cbrn:MessageStatusattributeA status of the message.
cbrn:MessageStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageStatusType.
cbrn:MessageStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageStatusType.
cbrn:MessageStatusCodeattributeA code for the receiving status of a message.
cbrn:MessageStatusCodeattributeA code for the receiving status of a message.
cbrn:MessageVersionTextattributeA version of the message content kind associated with a content header.
cbrn:MilitaryUnitRoleTextListattributeA list of functional roles performed by a military organization.
cbrn:MilitaryUnitSizeTextattributeA description of the size of a military unit by use of echelon name.
cbrn:MIMEContentCodeattributeA MIME content type of a digital data file.
cbrn:MIMEContentCodeattributeA MIME content type of a digital data file.
cbrn:MIMEEncodingCodeattributeA Encoding MIME type of a digital data file.
cbrn:MinimumCountRateValueattributeA value for the minimum count rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in counts per second.
cbrn:MinimumDoseRateValueattributeA value for the minimum ambient dose equivalent rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
cbrn:MinimumExposureRateValueattributeA value for the minimum exposure rate observed over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
cbrn:MondayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Monday operating hours.
cbrn:MultimediaCaptureDurationattributeA total duration of time covered by the data recorded by a multimedia device.
cbrn:MultimediaCaptureStartDateTimeattributeA date-time at which capture of the multimedia data was started.
cbrn:MultimediaDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MultimediaDataType.
cbrn:MultimediaDataDescriptionTextattributeA description of the contents or any other aspects of the multimedia data.
cbrn:MultimediaDataMIMEKindTextattributeA media type listed in http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. If the media type is not listed, then describe the media type using free-form text.
cbrn:MultimediaDataMIMEKindTextattributeA media type listed in http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. If the media type is not listed, then describe the media type using free-form text.
cbrn:MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeattributeA kind of device that recorded an instance of multimedia data.
cbrn:MultimediaDeviceIDattributeA unique Identifier (e.g., serial number) of the device that recorded the multimedia data.
cbrn:MultimediaFileSizeValueattributeA multimedia file size in kilobytes (kB).
cbrn:MultimediaFileURIattributeA location of a file containing multimedia data, if the data are not included within the contents of a MultimediaData element.
cbrn:NuclideattributeA set of data for the analysis results for a single radionuclide.
cbrn:NuclideActivityUncertaintyValueattributeA 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in the value of a NuclideActivityValue, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units.
cbrn:NuclideActivityValueattributeA calculated activity of a nuclide at the measurement time, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units.
cbrn:NuclideAnalysisReducedChiSquareValueattributeA value for the difference between the observed data and predicted values, normalized to an expected value of unity.
cbrn:NuclideAnalysisResultsattributeA result/A set of data providing the results of a radionuclide analysis.
cbrn:NuclideAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:NuclideAnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:NuclideAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:NuclideType.
cbrn:NuclideCategoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the category of the nuclide.
cbrn:NuclideIdentificationConfidenceAbstractattributeA data concept for the confidence of identification of a nuclide.
cbrn:NuclideIdentifiedIndicatorattributeTrue if identified; false otherwise. Indicates whether the nuclide was identified by the analysis.
cbrn:NuclideMinimumDetectableActivityValueattributeA value for the minimum detectable activity (MDA) of a nuclide, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units.
cbrn:NuclideNameattributeA Name of the nuclide.
cbrn:NuclideShieldingArealDensityValueattributeAn estimated effective areal density of the material shielding a nuclide, in g/cm^2.
cbrn:NuclideShieldingAtomicNumberIDattributeAn identifier of the estimated effective atomic number of the material shielding a nuclide.
cbrn:NuclideSourceGeometryCodeattributeAn assessed geometry of a radiation source.
cbrn:OccupancyIndicatorattributeTrue if the radiation measurement instrument detects the presence of an item; false otherwise. Indicates the presence of a measured item in the field of view of the radiation measurement instrument during the period of time defined by the parent RadMeasurement element. It will be
cbrn:OperatingScheduleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:OperatingScheduleType.
cbrn:OrganizationParentNameattributeA Name of the parent organization of an organization.
cbrn:OrientationattributeAn object's orientation (e.g., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) in space in terms of an internal frame of reference attached to the object's body and an external frame of reference. The object's internal frame of reference consists of three perpendicular axes: front-back, left-right, and top-bottom. The external frame of reference consists of the horizontal plane and True North. The object's orientation is expressed in the terms of three angles: azimuth, inclination, and roll.
cbrn:OrientationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:OrientationType.
cbrn:OriginattributeA definition of an origin in a relative location coordinate system. The coordinates of a point in the relative location system are defined based on this origin.
cbrn:OriginAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:OriginType.
cbrn:OriginDescriptionTextattributeA description of the point or object to which the RelativeLocation information (distance, inclination angle, azimuth angle) applies.
cbrn:ParentDeviceCategoryCodeTextattributeA code for the category of a device that is the parent of the device identified by rn:RadEncounterDeviceID.
cbrn:ParentDeviceIDattributeA unqie identifier of the device that is the parent of the device identified by rn:RadEncounterDeviceID.
cbrn:PhotonDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:PhotonDataType.
cbrn:PhotonEnergyValueattributeA value for the mean energy of photons in MeV.
cbrn:PhotonSourceAbstractattributeA data concept for a photon source for a radiographic device.
cbrn:PointXYattributeA single two dimensional - i.e., (X,Y) - data point.
cbrn:PointXYAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:PointXYType.
cbrn:RadAlarmattributeA set of data for a radiation alarm that was issued based on the measurement(s) collected on a measured item(s).
cbrn:RadAlarmAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadAlarmType.
cbrn:RadAlarmCategoryCodeattributeA category of radiation alarm (e.g., Neutron).
cbrn:RadAlarmDateTimeattributeA date and time of an alarm.
cbrn:RadAlarmDescriptionTextattributeA free-form description of the radiation alarm.
cbrn:RadAlarmEnergyWindowIndexValueListattributeA list of one or more indices (If applicable) that indicate the position(s) of the value(s) in the WindowStartEnergyValues and WindowEndEnergyValues that triggered an alarm(s).
cbrn:RadAlarmLightColorTextattributeA free-form text describing the color of the light (if any) annunciating an alarm.
cbrn:RadDetectorCategoryCodeattributeA code for a general category of radiation detected; e.g., Gamma, Neutron.
cbrn:RadDetectorCharacteristicsattributeA radiation detector's characteristics that are not otherwise explicitly addressed in this standard. Each non-standard characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in characteristic groups.
cbrn:RadDetectorCharacteristicsattributeA radiation detector's characteristics that are not otherwise explicitly addressed in this standard. Each non-standard characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in characteristic groups.
cbrn:RadDetectorDepthValueattributeA rectangular radiation detector's depth , in centimeters (cm).
cbrn:RadDetectorDescriptionTextattributeA description of the radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorDiameterValueattributeA cylindrical radiation detector's diameter, in centimeters (cm).
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationattributeA set of information regarding a radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorInformationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadDetectorInformationType.
cbrn:RadDetectorKindCodeattributeA code for a specific kind of radiation detector; e.g., NaI.
cbrn:RadDetectorLengthValueattributeA rectangular or cylindrical radiation detector's length, in centimeters (cm).
cbrn:RadDetectorNameattributeA name of the radiation detector.
cbrn:RadDetectorStateattributeA radiation detector's current state in terms of its location (absolute or relative), orientation, altitude, speed, and operating parameters.
cbrn:RadDetectorStateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadDetectorStateType.
cbrn:RadDetectorVolumeValueattributeA radiation detector's volume, in cubic centimeters (cc).
cbrn:RadDetectorWidthValueattributeA rectangular radiation detector's width, in centimeters (cm).
cbrn:RadEncounterDeviceToShieldingDistanceMeasureattributeA distance from the center of mass of a encounter device to the closest outside portion of the outermost layer of shielding that is found between the encounter device and the radiation source.
cbrn:RadInstrumentCharacteristicsattributeA radiation measurement instrument's characteristics that are not otherwise explicitly addressed in this standard. Each non-standard characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in character
cbrn:RadInstrumentCharacteristicsattributeA radiation measurement instrument's characteristics that are not otherwise explicitly addressed in this standard. Each non-standard characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in character
cbrn:RadInstrumentClassCodeattributeA code for a class of radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentComponentNameattributeA Name of the radiation detection measurement component.
cbrn:RadInstrumentComponentVersionTextattributeA description of the version of a particular radiation measurement instrument component.
cbrn:RadInstrumentDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadInstrumentDataType.
cbrn:RadInstrumentDataChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for a variant of data that is generated by the rad instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentDataCreatorNameattributeA name of the organization that created the N42 XML document.
cbrn:RadInstrumentDescriptionTextattributeA description of the radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentIDattributeA unique Identifier for the specific radiation measurement instrument; such as serial number or asset tag number.
cbrn:RadInstrumentInformationattributeA set of information that describes a radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentInformationattributeA set of information that describes a radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentInformationattributeA set of information that describes a radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentInformationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadInstrumentInformationType.
cbrn:RadInstrumentManufacturerNameattributeA Name of the manufacturer of the radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentModeDescriptionTextattributeA description of the operating mode of the radiation measurement instrument. This element shall be used if RadInstrumentModeCode is Other.
cbrn:RadInstrumentModelNameattributeA name of the manufacturer's model radiation measurement instrument, number, or other description of the radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentOperatingModeCodeattributeA code for the operating mode of a radiation measurement instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentQualityControlattributeA radiation measurement instrument's quality control status describing its fitness for service.
cbrn:RadInstrumentQualityControlAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadInstrumentQualityControlType.
cbrn:RadInstrumentStateattributeA radiation measurement instrument's current state in terms of its mode of operation, location (absolute or relative), orientation, altitude, speed and other operating parameters.
cbrn:RadInstrumentStateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadInstrumentStateType.
cbrn:RadInstrumentVersionattributeA description of the versions of the various components of a radiation measurement instrument. At a minimum, there shall be an instance of this element with the component name Software that describes the version of the software and/or firmware that collected the radiation data that is reported by a radiation detection instrument.
cbrn:RadInstrumentVersionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadInstrumentVersionType.
cbrn:RadionuclideCodeattributeA radionuclide identified by an inspection.
cbrn:RadItemCharacteristicsattributeA set of data providing characteristics of a measured item that are not otherwise explicitly defined in the relevant IEPD schema. Each characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in characteristic groups.
cbrn:RadItemCharacteristicsattributeA set of data providing characteristics of a measured item that are not otherwise explicitly defined in the relevant IEPD schema. Each characteristic consists of name, value, units, and value data class. Characteristics may also be organized in characteristic groups.
cbrn:RadItemDescriptionTextattributeA description of the item being measured.
cbrn:RadItemInformationattributeA set of information describing a measured item.
cbrn:RadItemInformationattributeA set of information describing a measured item.
cbrn:RadItemInformationattributeA set of information describing a measured item.
cbrn:RadItemInformationattributeA set of information describing a measured item.
cbrn:RadItemInformationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadItemInformationType.
cbrn:RadItemMeasurementGeometryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the position and/or shape of the geometry used in the measurement of this item; e.g., shape of the item, item orientation relative to the radiation detectors, position of any attenuators used.
cbrn:RadItemQuantityattributeA count or size of the item being measured, and its uncertainty. The units and interpretation of this value will be application-specific, but will normally be the weight or volume of the measured item, used in the calculation of item activity concentration.
cbrn:RadItemQuantityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadItemQuantityType.
cbrn:RadItemQuantityUncertaintyValueattributeA value for the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in a RadItemQuantityValue.
cbrn:RadItemQuantityUnitTextattributeA unit of measure for the measured item quantity value.
cbrn:RadItemQuantityValueattributeAn amount or size of an item being measured.
cbrn:RadItemStateattributeA measured item's current state in terms of its location (absolute or relative), orientation, speed, or other known characteristics.
cbrn:RadItemStateAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadItemStateType.
cbrn:RadMeasurementattributeA set of data for a radiation measurement at a particular StartDateTime, for a RealTimeDuration, of a particular MeasurementClassCode that consists of readings from any number of one or more of the following: - a radiation detector - an occupancy sensor - a positioning sensor that captures the location of a radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item - the state of a radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item
cbrn:RadMeasurementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadMeasurementType.
cbrn:RadMeasurementGroupattributeA group of RadMeasurements.
cbrn:RadMeasurementGroupattributeA group of RadMeasurements.
cbrn:RadMeasurementGroupAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RadMeasurementGroupType.
cbrn:RadMeasurementGroupDescriptionTextattributeA description of the RadMeasurementGroup.
cbrn:RadRawDoseRateattributeA DoseRate measurement data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block, but is prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:RadRawExposureRateattributeAn ExposureRate measurement data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block, and prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:RadRawGrossCountsattributeA GrossCounts measurement data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block, and prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:RadRawSpectrumattributeA Spectrum data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block, and is prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:RadRawTotalDoseValueattributeA TotalDose measurement data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block and prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:RadRawTotalExposureValueattributeA TotalExposure measurement data element(s) used to produce derived data. There shall be no duplicate IDREF values in the list. This is required whenever the element is used within a DerivedData block, and prohibited otherwise.
cbrn:ReachbackDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ReachbackDataType.
cbrn:ReachbackFindingsTextattributeA description of reachback findings.
cbrn:ReachbackReasonTextattributeA text description of the reason for a reachback request.
cbrn:ReachbackRecommendationCodeattributeA description of a reachback recommendation.
cbrn:ReachbackRecommendationDateTimeattributeA DateTime that a reachback recommendation was made.
cbrn:ReachbackRequestCodeattributeA code for a category of reachback request.
cbrn:RealTimeDurationattributeA total clock time (in ISO 8601 format) expended by an instrument in collecting a measurement; the duration shall be greater than zero.
cbrn:RealTimeDurationattributeA total clock time (in ISO 8601 format) expended by an instrument in collecting a measurement; the duration shall be greater than zero.
cbrn:RelatedCaseattributeA case that is related to a case of interest.
cbrn:RelatedCaseUUIDattributeA unique identifier of a case that is related in some manner to a case of interest.
cbrn:RelationshipBeginDateTimeattributeA DateTime a relationship began.
cbrn:RelationshipEndDateTimeattributeA DateTime a relationship ended.
cbrn:RelativeLocationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RelativeLocationType.
cbrn:RelativeLocationAzimuthValueattributeA horizontal bearing angle with respect to True North from a reference point (Origin) to an object (i.e., instrument, detector, or item) or a nuclide. Its value is the angle subtended by the projection onto the horizontal plane of a straight line from the reference point to the center of the object or nuclide, and a line extending in the forward direction from the reference point. The angle range is from "-180.0" to "+180.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the center of the object or nuclide's body is aligned directly in front of the reference point; positive values imply the object or nuclide is to the right of the reference point; negative values imply the object or nuclide is to the left of the reference point.
cbrn:RelativeLocationInclinationValueattributeA vertical bearing angle with respect to the horizontal plane from a reference point (Origin) to an object (i.e., instrument, detector, or item) or a nuclide. Its value is the angle subtended by a straight line, running from the center of the reference point to the center of the object or nuclide, and a projection of that line onto the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-90.0" to "+90.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the center of the object or nuclide is at the same altitude or elevation as the reference point; positive values imply the object or nuclide is higher than the reference point; negative values imply the object or nuclide is lower than the reference point.
cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType.
cbrn:RemarkTextattributeA placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
cbrn:RemarkTextattributeA placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
cbrn:RemarkTextattributeA placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
cbrn:RemarkTextattributeA placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
cbrn:RemarkTextattributeA placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
cbrn:ReportAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ReportType.
cbrn:ReportDateTimeattributeA DateTime when a report was created.
cbrn:ReportDateTimeattributeA DateTime when a report was created.
cbrn:RequestAgencyattributeAn organization that initiated a request.
cbrn:RequestAgencyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RequestAgencyType.
cbrn:RequestAgencyCodeattributeAn organization from which a request was initiated.
cbrn:RequestAgencyContactInformationattributeA set of contact information for an organization that initiates a request.
cbrn:RequestCancelIndicatorattributeTrue if the request is a cancellation of the request identified by <RequestIdentifier>; false if omitted, the request is not a cancellation.
cbrn:RequestDataattributeA set of information identifying the request for which a message provides a response.
cbrn:RequestDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:RequestDataType.
cbrn:RequestDateTimeattributeA requests datetime .
cbrn:RequestIDattributeA unique identifier of a request. There is no required format for the Identifier value.
cbrn:RequestScopeCodeattributeA description of the requests scope.
cbrn:RequestUpdateIndicatorattributeTrue if the request is an update to the request identified by RequestIdentifier; false if the request is new.
cbrn:ResendRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the message should be resent; false otherwise.
cbrn:ResendRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if the message should be resent; false otherwise.
cbrn:ResponseAgencyContactInformationattributeAn organizations contact information that provides a response report in reply to a request.
cbrn:ResponseReportAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ResponseReportType.
cbrn:RollValueattributeAn object's orientation (e.g., radiation detection instrument, radiation detector, or measured item) with respect to the axis running from the front to the back of the object. Its value is the angle subtended by a line defined by the objects left-to-right axis and a line defined by the same axis when it is aligned with the horizontal plane. The angle range is from "-180.0" to "+180.0" degrees. A value of zero implies the object's body is not rotated about the front-to-back axis and its left-to- right axis is aligned with the horizontal plane (though the object may be inclined); positive values are clockwise rotations about the front-to-back axis when viewed from behind the object and looking towards the direction to which the object is pointing; negative values are counterclockwise rotations.
cbrn:SaturdayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Saturday operating hours.
cbrn:ScanIdentificationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScanIdentifierDataType.
cbrn:ScanIdentificationDataattributeAn inspected item's scan information
cbrn:ScanIdentificationDataattributeAn inspected item's scan information
cbrn:ScanQualityCodeattributeA code describing the quality of a scan.
cbrn:ScheduleByWeekAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScheduleByWeekType.
cbrn:ScheduleByWeekDayAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ScheduleByWeekDayType.
cbrn:ScheduleEndDateTimeattributeA date when the schedule is no longer effective. If not provided, then the end date is considered to be indefinite. The end date, if provided, must be later than the start date.
cbrn:ScheduleStartDateTimeattributeA date when a schedule is effective.
cbrn:ScheduleTimeZoneTextattributeA text identification of the time zone that applies to a schedule.
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of secondary inspection
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionKindAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of secondary inspection
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralType.
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralIDattributeA unqiue identifier of a Secondary Inspection referral.
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralIDattributeA unqiue identifier of a Secondary Inspection referral.
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeattributeA reason why a Secondary Inspection was recommended.
cbrn:SecondaryInspectionResolutionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SecondaryInspectionResolutionType.
cbrn:ShieldingattributeA set of data that describes the shielding observed by an inspector(s) as relevant to the measured item.
cbrn:ShieldingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:ShieldingType.
cbrn:SiteSpecialInfoTextattributeA description of a site that may contain information of importance to a responder; e.g., electrified fence, dogs on property, loft apartment, multi-storied building, multiple warehouses on site, hazardous material, etc.
cbrn:SourcePositionattributeAn estimated location of a nuclide source by actual geographical coordinates or relative to a reference point.
cbrn:SourcePositionattributeAn estimated location of a nuclide source by actual geographical coordinates or relative to a reference point.
cbrn:SourcePositionattributeAn estimated location of a nuclide source by actual geographical coordinates or relative to a reference point.
cbrn:SourcePositionattributeAn estimated location of a nuclide source by actual geographical coordinates or relative to a reference point.
cbrn:SourcePositionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SourcePositionType.
cbrn:SourcePositionChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for the variuos ways a souce position can be represented.
cbrn:SourceSystemFindingCategoryTextattributeA kind of inspection threat finding code mapped to the finding category in the source system.
cbrn:SpecialEventEndDateTimeattributeAn ending date and time of a special event.
cbrn:SpecialEventNameattributeA Name of a special event.
cbrn:SpecialEventSecurityAreaattributeAn area of operational security concern for a special event.
cbrn:SpecialEventStartDateTimeattributeA starting date and time of a special event.
cbrn:SpectrumattributeA single spectrum measurement with references to other pertinent information about the measurement.
cbrn:SpectrumattributeA single spectrum measurement with references to other pertinent information about the measurement.
cbrn:SpectrumAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumType.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakattributeA set of spectrum peak analysis results information for a single peak.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsattributeA set of spectrum peak analyses; each peak found in the spectrum is described by a SpectrumPeak child element.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsType.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SpectrumPeakType.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakEnergyValueattributeA value for the measured energy of a spectrum peak, in keV.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakExpectedEnergyValueattributeA value for the expected energy of a spectrum peak, in keV.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakFWHMValueattributeA value for the measured FWHM of a spectrum peak, in keV.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakNetAreaUncertaintyValueattributeA value for the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in a spectrum peak's net area.
cbrn:SpectrumPeakNetAreaValueattributeA value for the net number of counts in a peak; i.e., total counts minus continuum counts. No other adjustment (e.g., environmental background subtraction), should be performed.
cbrn:SpeedValueattributeAn object's speed (e.g., radiation measurement instrument, radiation detector, or measured item). If an orientation bearing is defined by the presence of the Orientation element, then the SpeedValue is considered to be along this bearing.
cbrn:StartDateTimeattributeA time corresponding to the start of the collection of the data contained in a particular measurement.
cbrn:StartDateTimeattributeA time corresponding to the start of the collection of the data contained in a particular measurement.
cbrn:StateVectorattributeA set of state values for a radiation measurement instrument, a radiation detector, or a measured item.
cbrn:StateVectorattributeA set of state values for a radiation measurement instrument, a radiation detector, or a measured item.
cbrn:StateVectorattributeA set of state values for a radiation measurement instrument, a radiation detector, or a measured item.
cbrn:StateVectorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:StateVectorType.
cbrn:StateVectorLocationChoiceAbstractattributeA data concept for various location representation types
cbrn:SundayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Sunday operating hours.
cbrn:SystemEventAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:SystemEventType.
cbrn:SystemEventDateTimeattributeA date and time of a system event.
cbrn:SystemEventDateTimeattributeA date and time of a system event.
cbrn:SystemEventDateTimeattributeA date and time of a system event.
cbrn:SystemEventDescriptionTextattributeA description of a system event.
cbrn:SystemEventNameattributeA name of a system event.
cbrn:ThreatLevelDeterminationAbstractattributeA data concept for a threat level based on findings during an inspection.
cbrn:ThursdayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Thursday operating hours.
cbrn:TotalCountDataValueListattributeA list of values for the total number of counts accumulated since the last radiation detection instrument reset over the entire energy range measured by the radiation detection instrument or within pre-defined energy windows.
cbrn:TotalCountsValueattributeA value for the total counts observed.
cbrn:TotalDoseNumericattributeA value for the accumulated ambient dose equivalent since the last radiation detection instrument reset, in microsieverts (Sv).
cbrn:TotalDoseNumericattributeA value for the accumulated ambient dose equivalent since the last radiation detection instrument reset, in microsieverts (Sv).
cbrn:TotalDoseValueattributeA value for the accumulated ambient dose equivalent over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in microsieverts (Sv).
cbrn:TotalEfficiencyCalibrationattributeA total efficiency calibration. The total efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the total recorded pulses in a spectrum to the number of photons emitted from a source at that energy.
cbrn:TotalExposureNumericattributeA set of data for the accumulated exposure since the last instrument reset, in milliroentgen (mR).
cbrn:TotalExposureNumericattributeA set of data for the accumulated exposure since the last instrument reset, in milliroentgen (mR).
cbrn:TotalExposureValueattributeA value for the accumulated exposure over all measurements input to AnalysisResults, in milliroentgen (mR).
cbrn:TraversalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:TraversalType.
cbrn:TraversalBeginDateTimeattributeA DateTime of the start of a traversal.
cbrn:TraversalEndDateTimeattributeA DateTime of the end of a traversal.
cbrn:TraversalIDattributeA unqiue identifier of a traversal. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:TraversalIDattributeA unqiue identifier of a traversal. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:TraversalIDattributeA unqiue identifier of a traversal. There is no required format for the ID value.
cbrn:TraversalOperatingModeAbstractattributeA data concept for a Traversal operating mode.
cbrn:TraversalOperatingModeAbstractattributeA data concept for a Traversal operating mode.
cbrn:TuesdayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Tuesday operating hours.
cbrn:UpperLimitValueattributeA highest value of X for which an equation is valid.
cbrn:VersionEffectiveDateTimeattributeA version effectivity dateTime.
cbrn:VersionIDattributeA unique Identifier of a version.
cbrn:VideoImageDataRateattributea data rate is the rate at which information being transferred. It is expressed in terms of [amount of information] per [unit of time].
cbrn:VideoImageFileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for cbrn:VideoImageFileType.
cbrn:VideoImageFramesPerSecondValueattributeA frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames
cbrn:WednesdayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal Wensday operating hours.
cbrn:WeekDayHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal weekday operating hours.
cbrn:WeekEndHoursTextattributeA text description of the normal weekend operating hours.
cbrn:WindowEndEnergyValueListattributeA end energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV.
cbrn:WindowStartEnergyValueListattributeA start energy for each of a series of energy windows, in keV.
cbrn:XDescriptionTextattributeA description of the first dimension's data.
cbrn:XValueattributeA value (and optionally, the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty of this value), of the first dimension of an equation.
cbrn:YDescriptionTextattributeA description of the second dimension's data.
cbrn:YValueattributeA value (and optionally, the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty of this value), of the second dimension of an equation.
cbrnclclass viewRadiological and Nuclear Code List
Publication: CBRN domain;
Version: 3.0;
Date: Oct 2013;
cbrnclclass view
CBRNECaseclass instanceAn aggregation of information about activities and events associated with detection and interdiction of CBRNE threats.
CBRNECaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CBRNECaseType.
CBRNECaseTypeclassA data type for an aggregation of information about activities and events associated with detection and interdiction of CBRNE threats.
CBTYCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 6 - Canadian Boat Type (TYP) Field Codes
CBTYCodeTypeclassA data type for 6 - Canadian Boat Type (TYP) Field Codes
CDACodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 17 - Manner and Cause of Death (CDA) Field Codes
CDACodeTypeclassA data type for 17 - Manner and Cause of Death (CDA) Field Codes
CDCCargoclass instanceAn item of certain dangerous cargo.
CDCCargoListclass instanceA list of certain dangerous cargo.
CDCCargoListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CDCCargoListType.
CDCCargoListTypeclassA data type for a list of certain dangerous cargo (CDC).
CDDebrisValueclass instanceAn element for the construction and demolition materials. Debris reulting from destruction of buildings or homes. (cubic yards)
CDLHolderAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code indicating whether or not the driver held a CDL/CLP at the time of the citation.
CDLHolderCodeclass instanceA code indicating whether or not the driver held a CDL/CLP at the time of the citation.
CDLHolderCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set indicating at the time of the citation, whether the individual holds a Commercial Driver License (CDL) or, in the case of an unlicensed driver, whether the individual's last held license was a CDL.
CDLHolderCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set indicating at the time of the citation, whether the individual holds a Commercial Driver License (CDL) or, in the case of an unlicensed driver, whether the individual's last held license was a CDL.
Ceilingclass instanceA maximum altitude of the affected area of the alert message (conditional)
CellIDTextclass instanceA data element for text that specifically identifies a particular cell tower.
CellmateAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people who live in the same cell of a prison, jail or other correctional facility..
CellPhoneTowerCodeTextclass instanceA distinguishing description of the cell phone tower that relayed the audio data at the start of a specific time segment or segments.
CellSectorIDTextclass instanceA data element for text that specifically identifies a particular cell sector.
censusclass viewCounty codes from US Census and ANSI.
Publication: INCITS 31:2009;
Version: 2009;
centerLineOfclass instance
centerOfclass instance
Certificateclass instanceAn official or government-issued certificate or license.
CertificateAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CertificateType.
CertificateContentTextclass instanceA description of the content of official certification, legislation or stamp, etc.
CertificateEndorsementTextclass instanceAn endorsement, qualification, or rating listed on a certificate which authorizes the performance of certain duties or actions.
CertificateIssueDateclass instanceA date when a certificate was issued.
CertificateIssuingAgencyclass instanceAn agency or organization that issued a certificate.
CertificateJurisdictionclass instanceA description of locations or regions for which a certificate is valid or appropriate.
CertificateRestrictionTextclass instanceA restriction on a certificate.
CertificateTypeclassA data type for an official or government-issued certificate or license.
Certificationclass instanceAn official process of distinguishing the credentials of person or entity.
CertificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CertificationType
CertificationExpirationDateclass instanceA date the certification expires.
CertificationExpirationReasonTextclass instanceA reason for certification expiration, if/when the certification has expired.
CertificationIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for a person or entity certification.
CertificationIssuingAuthorityclass instanceA name of a certifying authority who issued the certification.
CertificationNameclass instanceA name of the certifying authority.
CertificationReviewDateclass instanceA date on which the certification review took place.
Certificationsclass instanceA value from a discrete managed list, used to specify resource certifications
CertificationTypeclassA data type for an official process of distinguishing the credentials of person or entity.
ChainOfCustodyclass instanceA chain of custody of an item or exhibit.
ChainOfCustodyAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChainOfCustodyType.
ChainOfCustodyDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the chain of custody of an item (exhibit) in relation to which employee took custody, when they took custody, and what they took custody of.
ChainOfCustodyItemReceivedDateclass instanceA date on which the DHS Immigrations Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer assumed responsibility for an item (exhibit).
ChainOfCustodySequenceIDclass instanceAn identifier indicating the sequence number for an item (exhibit) under custody.
ChainOfCustodyTypeclassA data type for the information about the possession of evidence which may include information on which United States Immigration official took possession of the evidence and when.
CHAINumberTextclass instanceAn identifier used on customs forms in Pakistan.
ChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the requester would like a change of non immigrant status; false otherwise.
ChangeOfSchoolIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child's school will change as the result of this placement; false otherwise.
ChangesMadeAffectingVisitationRightsTextclass instanceA set of changes made by the court that affect current visitation rights.
ChannelCommentTextclass instanceA comment to identify or describe the transduction and transmission channels of a recording.
ChannelDataTypeclassA data type for spectrum channel data.
ChannelDataValueListclass instanceA list of values, one for each of a spectrum's channels. The values represent the number of counts per channel.
chapterIDCodeattributeThe chapter of the bankruptcy code under which the debtor has chosen to proceed.
Characteristicclass instanceA description of an additional characteristic of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected.
CharacteristicAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicType.
CharacteristicChoiceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an additional characteristic of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected, or a group of such characteristics.
CharacteristicGroupclass instanceA set of Characteristic grouped in some manner, such as health characteristics of an instrument subsystem or detector.
CharacteristicGroupAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicGroupType.
CharacteristicGroupNameclass instanceA name of the CharacteristicGroup.
CharacteristicGroupTypeclassA data type for a named group of Characteristic.
CharacteristicNameclass instanceA name of the Characteristic.
CharacteristicsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:CharacteristicsType.
CharacteristicsTypeclassA data type for Characteristics or groupings of Characteristics.
CharacteristicTypeclassA data type for describing additional characteristics of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected. This can be used to supplement those characteristics specifically defined in this standard.
CharacteristicValueDataClassCodeclass instanceA data class of a CharacteristicValue.
CharacteristicValueTextclass instanceA value of a Characteristic.
CharacteristicValueUnitsTextclass instanceA unit of measure of a CharacteristicValue.
CharacterStringclass instance
chargerelationThe crime or violation for which a defendant is arrested.
chargeattributeA charge association with a citation.
chargerelationThe crimes or violations a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
ChargeclassThe crime or violation a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
chargerelationThe crime or violation a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
chargeattributeA charge associated with a defendant
Chargeclass instanceA formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
chargerelationThe charges for which this sentence is associated.
ChargeAccidentRelatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge is related to a traffic accident; false otherwise.
ChargeAdjudicationclass instanceAn adjudication result of a juvenile.
ChargeAgencyAssociationclass instanceAn association to allow the designation of one of multiple arrest agencies as the charging agency.
ChargeAgencyAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeAgencyAssociationType.
ChargeAgencyAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship to support the designation of one of multiple arrest agencies as the charging agency.
ChargeAgencyRecordIdentificationclass instanceA case identification assigned by the charging agency. This element, called the Originating Case Agency number (OCA) in the III (Interstate Identification Index), can be used to enter an AFIS or Process Control Number from the arrest fingerprint.
ChargeAllegationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing the allegation of dependency, neglect, or abuse, using either the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) codes, a local enumeration, or text.
ChargeAllegationCategoryCodeclass instanceA code indicating NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) allegation categories.
ChargeAllegationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) allegation categories.
ChargeAllegationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a list of NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) allegation categories.
ChargeAllegationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of allegation of abuse or neglect.
ChargeAllegationLocalDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a state or local definition of an allegation.
ChargeAllegationReportedDateclass instanceA date the allegation was reported.
ChargeAmendedIndicatorclass instanceAn indicator that the charge submitted amends an earlier submitted charge.
ChargeApplicabilityTextclass instanceA degree of involvement a person is being charged with committing in an offense.
ChargeArrestReasonIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge is the reason a person was arrested; false otherwise.
ChargeAugmentationclass instanceThe crime or violation a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
ChargeAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a charge.
ChargeAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a charge.
ChargeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeType.
ChargeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeType.
ChargeAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a charge.
ChargeAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a charge.
ChargeCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of charge.
ChargeCategoryClassificationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of charge.
ChargeCategoryClassificationCodeclass instanceA kind of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of apprehension charges
ChargeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of apprehension charges
ChargeCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a crime category.
chargeChargingAgencyJurisdictionCodeSectionattributeAn identifier of a section or category within a code book that promulgates jurisdiction for the charging agency.
ChargeConvictionAssociationclass instanceAn association between a charge and a conviction.
ChargeConvictionAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeConvictionAssociationType.
ChargeConvictionAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a charge and a conviction.
ChargeCountQuantityclass instanceA number of times a person is charged with committing the same crime.
ChargeDateclass instanceA date of the CHARGE
chargeDegreeattributeA designation indicating the degree of the charge when appropriate. (e.g. 2nd degree murder)
ChargeDegreeTextclass instanceA degree of a charge.
ChargeDegreeTextclass instanceA degree of a charge.
chargeDescriptionattribute Title or description of a specific charge.
ChargeDescriptionTextclass instanceA plain language description of a charge.
ChargeDescriptionTextclass instanceA plain language description of a charge.
ChargeDispositionclassThe findings of the trial court regarding a crime or violation a defendant was accused of.
chargeDispositionrelationThe findings of the trial court regarding a crime or violation a defendant was accused of.
ChargeDispositionclass instanceA result or processing of a charge.
ChargeDispositionclass instanceA result or processing of a charge.
ChargeDispositionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeDispositionType.
chargeDispositionCategoryTextattributeA kind of decision made in a case disposition.
ChargeDispositionConditionclass instanceA requirement which, when met, represents compliance with a pre-disposition condition.
chargeDispositionDateattributeIf the charge in a criminal case has been disposed in the lower court, the date on which the charge was disposed.
chargeDispositionDecisionTextattributeThe literal language of a decision.
ChargeDispositionOtherTextclass instanceAn additional set of information beyond or separate from the outcome of a charge, such as the processing of a charge.
ChargeDispositionSanctionclass instanceA penalty ordered for a subject by a judge or a supervising agency as a result of a disposition of a charge.
ChargeDispositionTypeclassA data type for the results or processing of a charge.
ChargeDispositionTypeclassA data type for the results or processing of a charge.
ChargeEmploymentRelatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge is related to a person's employment; false otherwise.
chargeEnhancingAllegationattributeAn enhancement to a charge.
ChargeEnhancingAllegationChargeclass instanceA formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
ChargeEnhancingAllegationChargeclass instanceA formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeDescriptionTextattribute Title or description of the specific enhancement.
chargeEnhancingAllegationCountNumberattributeA reference to the underlying Charge Count to which the Enhancing Allegation applies.
chargeEnhancingAllegationStatuteCodeSectionattributeLegal code Section Number referenced in the charge allegation.
chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCodeattributeCode describing the type of charge enhancement allegation. Example: amount of drugs, amount of money, possession of weapon. Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
ChargeEnhancingFactorclass instanceA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorclass instanceA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChargeEnhancingFactorType.
ChargeEnhancingFactorDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorReferenceDateclass instanceA reference date for an enhancing charge factor or reason.
ChargeEnhancingFactorStatusTextclass instanceA status of a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTextclass instanceA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTextclass instanceA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTypeclassA data type for a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTypeclassA data type for a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingPriorConvictionclass instanceA prior conviction.
ChargeFelonyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge refers to a felony offense; false otherwise.
ChargeFilerEntityclass instanceAn entity which filed a current charge.
ChargeFilingDateclass instanceA date a charge was filed.
ChargeHighestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge is the most serious charge within a group of charges; false otherwise.
ChargeIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification number assigned to a particular charge by an arresting agency, prosecuting attorney, or a court for case management purposes.
ChargeInstrumentclass instanceAn official document filed to formally accuse a person of committing a specific offense.
ChargeLegalDescriptionTextclass instanceA legal or formal description of a charge.
chargeLevelattributeDefines the level of severity of a charged offense at the Time of . (Ex. Class 3 misdemeanor or Class 5 felony, etc.)
ChargeMACRDispositionTextclass instanceA charge disposition as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register.
ChargeMACRIndicationLevelTextclass instanceAn indication of the level or seriousness of the charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
ChargeMACRJuvenileLevelTextclass instanceAn indication of the level or seriousness of a juvenile charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
ChargeMACRStatusTextclass instanceA status of a charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
chargeMannerOfDispositionTextattributeIf the charge has been disposed in lower court, the mmaner in which the charge was disposed. e.g. dismissed by the court, dismissed by the state, withdrawn, decided, transferred, guilty plea, guilty verdict, acquittal, finding of violation of probation, etc. The court will define the available values in Court Policy.
ChargeModificationInstrumentclass instanceAn official document filed to modify a charge against a person.
ChargeModifierEntityclass instanceAn entity that modified the original charge.
ChargeNarrativeclass instanceA document associated with a charge.
ChargeNCICAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
ChargeNCICCodeclass instanceAn offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
ChargeNCICTextclass instanceA literal description of an offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
chargeOffenseEndTimeattributeThe date and time at which the offense ended. Not used if only one offense time is recorded.
chargeOffenseLocationCountyattributeThe name of the county, parish, or vicinage where the offense was committed.
chargeOffenseLocationDescriptionattribute Brief description of the location where the offense occurred.
chargeOffenseStartTimeattributeThe date and time of day that a violation of law is alleged to have occurred. Also, this attribute is to be used if only one offense time is recorded.
ChargeOriginatorEntityclass instanceAn entity that originally filed a charge or a related predecessor charge if the charge was changed later by prosecution or the court.
ChargePleaclass instanceAn answer which a defendant in an action at law makes in response to a charge.
chargeQualifierattributeA designation showing how the record offense has been enhanced. (Ex. Dangerousness, prior convictions, etc.)(Attempt, Conspiracy)
ChargeQualifierTextclass instanceAn additional piece of information that clarifies a charge.
ChargeQualifierTextclass instanceAn additional piece of information that clarifies a charge.
ChargeRecommendedBailAmountclass instanceA bail amount on a schedule recommended according to the charge.
ChargeReducingFactorTextclass instanceA factor which may make a charge less serious or limit the penalty.
Chargesclass instanceAn aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location.
ChargeSanctionclass instanceA sanction given to a person convicted of a charge.
ChargeSectionTextclass instanceA text that describes the section of law applicable to the CHARGE TYPE.
ChargeSentenceclass instanceA sentence given to a person convicted of a charge.
ChargeSentenceRangeTextclass instanceA standard sentence range a person charged with an offense potentially faces if convicted.
ChargeSequenceIDclass instanceA sequentially assigned identifier for charge tracking purposes.
ChargeSequenceIDclass instanceA sequentially assigned identifier for charge tracking purposes.
ChargeSeriousViolentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a charge filed refers to a serious or violent offense; false otherwise.
chargeSeverityattributeThe severity of a charge.
ChargeSeverityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the level of the offense such as Grade A Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor, Aggravated Misdemeanor. States may transmit numeric grade levels (1, 2, 3) or define degrees alphanumerically (A, B, C.)
ChargeSeverityLevelclass instanceA severity level of a charge.
ChargeSeverityLevelclass instanceA severity level of a charge.
ChargeSeverityTextclass instanceA level of severity of a charge.
ChargeSpecialAllegationTextclass instanceA factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
ChargeSpecialAllegationTextclass instanceA factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
ChargeStatusclass instanceA state of a charge.
ChargeStatuteclass instanceA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
ChargeStatuteclass instanceA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
chargeStatuteCodeSectionattributeAn identifier of a section or category within a code book.
ChargeSubjectclass instanceA person accused of committing a specific offense.
ChargeTextclass instanceA text of a charge.
ChargeTrackingIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification number assigned to an entire set of charges for an arrest. Different numbers may appear in the set if cases have been consolidated.
ChargeTypeclassA data type for a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
ChargeTypeclassA data type for a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
ChargeUCRAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an offense within the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) system.
ChargeUCRCodeclass instanceAn offense within the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) system.
ChargeUCRCrimeCategoryTextclass instanceA Uniform Crime Report (UCR) kind or classification of a crime associated with a charge.
ChargeVerdictclass instanceA set of details describing if a person was found guilty or innocent of a charge.
ChargeVictimclass instanceA person or entity who is the victim of an offense designated by the charge.
CheckInOutCodeclass instanceA code element for describing check in and check out
CheckInOutCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that describes if it is check in or check out
CheckInOutCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that describes if it is check in or check out
CheckInOutDateTimeclass instanceA data element for check in/out date and time
CheckInOutLocationclass instanceA data element for check-in/out location
CheckInOutLocationCategoryCodeclass instanceA code element for describing check-in or check-out location type
CheckInOutLocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of check-in or check-out location
CheckInOutLocationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of check-in or check-out location
CheckInOutPersonclass instanceA data element for a person who performed check-in or check-out operation
CheckInOutRecordclass instanceA data element for a record of check-in and check-out
CheckInOutRecordAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CheckInOutRecordType
CheckInOutRecordTypeclassA data type for the check-in and check-out record
CheiloscopicImageInformationclass instanceA data field that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should
CheiloscopicImageInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CheiloscopicImageInformation
CheiloscopicImageInformationTypeclassA data type that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances.
ChemEncounterDeviceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of device to capture chemical data in the process of an encounter.
Chemicalclass instanceA substance used in or produced by a chemical process.
Childclass instanceA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
Childclass instanceA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
childrelationInformation about the person(s) involved as a child in a current or previous domestic legal relationship.
ChildAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildType.
ChildBirthOrderNumericclass instanceA numeric description of the order in which a child was born to a parent, in relationship to the child's biological siblings.
ChildCareIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a role of the person of record involved in child care - the child receiving assistance, the parent receiving assistance, or the child care provider.
ChildCareIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for a role of the person of record involved in child care - the child receiving assistance, the parent receiving assistance, or the child care provider.
ChildDeceasedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child is deceased; false otherwise.
ChildDocketclass instanceAn entry on the docket or register of actions that is a child of the current docket entry.
childDocketEntryIDattributeID to uniquely identify the child docket entry within the case and court.
ChildIncidentclass instanceA data element for information on child Incidents of an incident
ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a custodial person or organization and a child.
ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationType.
ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a custodial person or organization and a child.
childReferenceattributeA reference to a child in a parent relationship.
ChildRelationshipTextclass instanceA relationship between a missing child and another associated person.
ChildRemovalDateclass instanceA date the child was removed from caregiver's custody.
ChildSuportTextclass instanceDescription of temporary child support award that the court is being asked to order.
ChildSupportArrearsPaymentAmountclass instanceAn amount the child-support obligor is ordered to pay at a specified frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly) toward the total arrearages amount.
ChildSupportAssignedArrearsAmountclass instanceA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to recovery from the obligor of assigned arrears.
ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeclass instanceA former assistance.
ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for child support assistance status codes.
ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for child support assistance status codes.
childSupportDescriptionTextattributeDescription of temporary child support award that the court is being asked to order.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseclass instanceA child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseclass instanceA child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseType.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionclass instanceA disposition decision for a child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionType.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeclass instanceA list of disposition decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the disposition decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeTypeclassA data type for the decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionFindingsTextclass instanceA description of the tribunal's factual findings in support of its disposition decision in a child-support-enforcement case. Usage: the tribunal does or does not have jurisdiction over the case, respondent is or is not the child's father, etc.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionTypeclassA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:CaseDispositionDecisionType
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a child-support-enforcement agency and the child-support-enforcement case it initiated.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationType.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child-support-enforcement agency and the child-support-enforcement case it initiated.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorIdentificationclass instanceA unique alphanumeric identification assigned to the child-support-enforcement agency that initiated the child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeclass instanceA list of reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeTypeclassA data type for the reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTypeclassA data type for a child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTypeclassA data type for a child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementIV-DCaseCategoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the child support enforcement case implicates Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (e.g., the custodial parent has received funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program); false otherwise.
ChildSupportEnforcementIV-DCaseIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification assigned by a local agency to identify and track each IV-D case in the state, tribe, or territory ("IV-D" refers to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act).
ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationclass instanceAn organization charged with enforcing child support.
ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationType.
ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationTypeclassA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:OrganizationType
ChildSupportEnforcementServiceIDclass instanceA unique alphanumeric value assigned locally to each child-support-enforcement agency (e.g., State Disbursement Unit Identifier).
ChildSupportFeesAmountclass instanceAn amount the child-support obligor is ordered to pay for the fees incurred in the case (e.g., attorney fees, filing fees, fees for paternity testing, etc.).
ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case and the person (usually a child) who is the beneficiary of that insurance.
ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationType.
ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case and the person (usually a child) who is the beneficiary of that insurance.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageCodeTypeclassA data type for the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderclass instanceAn order specifying the insurance coverage awarded in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderType.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the kinds of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderCodeclass instanceA list of the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderTextclass instanceA description of the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderTypeclassA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:InsuranceType
ChildSupportNonTANFArrearsAmountclass instanceA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to child-support payments that were due from the obligor in the past but were not paid.
ChildSupportObligationclass instanceAn obligation to provide support for a child.
ChildSupportObligationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildSupportObligationType.
ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeclass instanceA list of legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeTypeclassA data type for the legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
ChildSupportObligationTypeclassA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:ObligationType
ChildSupportPetitionInformationclassInformation concerning a petition for child support.
childSupportPetitionInformationrelationInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
ChildSupportTANFArrearsAmountclass instanceA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to recovery from the obligor of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds previously provided for the child.
ChildSupportTotalArrearsAmountclass instanceA total arrearages amount identified in the child-support order.
ChildSupportUnreimbursedExpenseDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the unreimbursed expenses for which the child-support obligor is financially responsible (e.g., uncovered medical costs, education costs, etc.).
ChildSupportUnreimbursedExpensePercentclass instanceA percentage the child-support obligor is ordered to pay for unreimbursed expenses (e.g., uncovered medical costs, education costs, etc.).
ChildTypeclassA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of legal majority (i.e., adulthood).
ChildTypeclassA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of legal majority (i.e., adulthood).
ChildVictimclass instanceA person who has not yet reached the age of majority and in whose interest a child welfare case has been initiated.
ChildVictimAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildVictimType.
ChildVictimChargeAssociationclass instanceA relationship among an allegation of child abuse or neglect, the alleged perpetrator, and the alleged child victim.
ChildVictimChargeAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildVictimChargeAssociationType.
ChildVictimChargeAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship among an allegation of child abuse or neglect, the alleged perpetrator, and the alleged child victim.
ChildVictimTypeclassA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of majority and in whose interest a child welfare case has been initiated.
ChildWelfareAgencyCaseIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned by a state or local child welfare agency to track a dependency or neglect case.
ChildWelfareCaseclass instanceA case specific to child welfare.
ChildWelfareCaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ChildWelfareCaseType.
ChildWelfareCaseTypeclassA data type for a child welfare case.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the status of an investigation or adjudication of a particular child welfare allegation.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryCodeclass instanceA current status of the associated charge
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the current status of the associated charge.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the current status of the associated charge.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of status of the investigation or adjudication of an allegation of abuse or neglect.
ChildWelfareCounselForWhomTextclass instanceA description of the client represented by an attorney involved in a dependency or neglect case.
ChildWelfareOrganizationclass instanceAn organization charged with protecting the welfare of children.
CI_Addressclass instance
CI_Address_TypeclassLocation of the responsible individual or organisation
CI_Citationclass instance
CI_Citation_TypeclassStandardized resource reference
CI_Contactclass instance
CI_Contact_TypeclassInformation required enabling contact with the responsible person and/or organisation
CI_Dateclass instance
CI_DateTypeCodeclass instance
CI_OnLineFunctionCodeclass instance
CI_OnlineResourceclass instance
CI_OnlineResource_TypeclassInformation about online sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
CI_PresentationFormCodeclass instance
CI_ResponsiblePartyclass instance
CI_ResponsibleParty_TypeclassIdentification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organisations associated with the dataset
CI_RoleCodeclass instance
CI_Seriesclass instance
CI_Telephoneclass instance
CI_Telephone_TypeclassTelephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organisation
Circleclass instanceA Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. The three control points shall be distinct non-co-linear points for the circle to be unambiguously defined. The arc is simply extended past the third control point until the first control point is encountered.
CircleByCenterPointclass instanceA gml:CircleByCenterPoint is an gml:ArcByCenterPoint with identical start and end angle to form a full circle. Again, this representation can be used only in 2D.
CircleByCenterPointclass instance
CircularRegionclass instanceA circular area identified by a center coordinate and a radius.
CircularRegionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CircularRegionType.
CircularRegionCenterCoordinateclass instanceA geographic coordinate located at the center of a circular region.
CircularRegionRadiusLengthMeasureclass instanceA distance from the center point to the circumference or boundary of a circular region.
CircularRegionTypeclassA data type for a circular area identified by a center coordinate and a radius.
citationattributeA citation.
CitationclassA charge issued by a law enforcement officer for a "violation" requiring the person charged to plead guilty to the charge or to appear in court to contest the charge. A citation is issued in lieu of an arrest and booking. "Violations" are a subset of "charges" for which a law enforcement officer is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest and booking. Examples: traffic ticket, parking ticket or ticket issued for some other ordinance violation such as barking dog or illegal dumping.
citationrelationA criminal charge issued by a law enforcement officer for a "violation" requiring the person charged to plead guilty to the charge or to appear in court to contest the charge. A citation is issued in lieu of an arrest and booking. "Violations" are a subset of "charges" for which a law enforcement officer is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest and booking. Examples: traffic ticket, parking ticket or ticket issued for some other ordinance violation such as barking dog or illegal dumping.
Citationclass instanceAn official summons to appear in court or pay a fine given to a subject from a peace official due to a subjects violation or infraction of a law.
Citationclass instanceAn official summons to appear in court or pay a fine given to a subject from a peace official due to a subjects violation or infraction of a law.
citationclass view
citation:ParkingFacilityattributeThe name of a parking facility/lot.
citation:ParkingMeterSpaceNumberattributeAn identifier for a parking space or meter.
citation:ParkingViolationattributeInformation about a parking violation.
citation:RedLightCameraIndicatorattributeAn indicator that a automated camera was used to detect traffic signal violations.
citationAgencyrelationThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issued this citation.
CitationAgencyclassThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issues a citation.
citationAgencyrelationThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issues a citation
CitationAgencyclass instanceAn organization for whom the citation issuing official is employed.
CitationAgencyclass instanceAn organization for whom the citation issuing official is employed.
CitationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CitationType.
CitationCaseclass view
CitationCaseclass diagramAdditional information specific to citation cases.
citationCourtAppearancerelationRepresentation of when the offender is required to appear in court on this citation.
CitationCourtAppearanceclassRepresentation of when the offender is required to appear in court.
CitationDismissalConditionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
CitationDismissalConditionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
CitationDismissalConditionTextclass instanceA condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
CitationDismissalConditionTextclass instanceA condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
CitationFineAmountclass instanceAn amount of money to be paid by the subject receiving the citation if the subject chooses not to dispute the citation in court.
CitationIssuedLocationclass instanceA place where a citation is given to a subject.
CitationIssuingOfficialclassThe law enforcement official issuing a citation.
CitationIssuingOfficialclass instanceA peace official who gives a citation to a subject.
CitationIssuingOfficialclass instanceA peace official who gives a citation to a subject.
citationIssuringOfficialrelationThe law enforcement official issuing a citation.
citationNumberattribute A sequential number preprinted on the citation form which serves as the ticket number
CitationSubjectclass instanceA person who violates a law and receives a citation.
CitationSubjectclass instanceA person who violates a law and receives a citation.
CitationTypeclassA data type for an official summons to appear in court or pay a fine.
CitationTypeclassA data type for an official summons to appear in court or pay a fine.
CitationViolationclass instanceAn activity that is a violation of a law or ordinance that results in a subject being given a citation.
CitizenRoleclass instancea native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it
CitizenRoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CitizenRoleType.
CitizenRoleTypeclassA data type for the role of Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
CitizenshipCertificateIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number of the citizenship certificate issued to a biological or adopted child of a U.S. Citizen.
cityattributeA city.
civilclass view
civil:AmountInControversyattributeThe amount set forth in an ad damnum clause in a complaint, counter claim, or cross complaint.
civil:CivilClassActionIndicatorattributeWhether the filer is requesting that this case proceed as a class action.
civil:DecedentattributeThe deceased person who estate is the subject of a court case.
civil:DecedentEstateCaseattributeInformation about a case administering and distributing the assets of a testate or intestate decedent.
civil:FiduciaryCaseAssociationattributeInfInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
civil:FiduciaryTypeCodeattributeLegal description of the role of a fiduciary. Examples: guardian, trustee, conservator of the person, conservator of the estate.
civil:JurisdictionalGroundsCodeattributeThe grounds for invoking the jurisdiction of a limited jurisdiction court. Allowed values set forth in Court policy. Not used in general jurisdiction courts.
civil:JuryDemandIndicatorattributeWhether filer invokes the right to trial by jury.
civil:ReliefTypeCodeattributeIndicator of the type of relief requested in the case, e.g., damages, equitable relief (injunction). Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
civil:WillFilingDateattributeDate on which the will of the decesaed person was filed in the court.
CivilAppellateCaseInformationclassAdditional information specific to civil appellate cases.
civilAppellateCaseInformationrelationAdditional information specific to civil appellate cases.
CivilCaseclass viewInformation required to initiate a new civil case in a court. "Civil" includes conservatorships, guardianships, mental health and probate.
CivilCaseclass diagramInformation required to initiate a new civil case in a court. "Civil" includes conservatorships, guardianships, mental health and probate.
CivilCaseInformationclassInformation required to initiate a new civil case in a court. "Civil" includes conservatorships, guardianships, mental health and probate.
CivilCaseInformationclass instance
CivilClassActionIndicatorclass instanceWhether the filer is requesting that this case proceed as a class action.
civilFilingSupportedIndicatorattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
CivilPersonclassInformation about the person for whom another person or organization is assuming a fiduciary obligation.
cjisclass viewFBI Criminal Justice Information System
ClAlternativeExpressionclass instance
ClAlternativeExpression_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
classActionIndicatorattributeWhether the filer is requesting that this case proceed as a class action.
ClassmateAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people in the same class.
ClassOfAdmissionClassificationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a category of class of admission for a Person
ClassOfAdmissionClassificationCodeclass instanceA category of class of admission for a Person
ClassOfAdmissionCodeclass instanceA kind of NonImmigrant class of admission
ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the values used for authorized stay duration basis specified in the CLASS OF ADMISSION DURATION BASIS TYPE.
ClassOfAdmissionDurationBasisCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of authorized stay duration basis specified in the CLASS OF ADMISSION DURATION BASIS TYPE.
ClerkclassA clerk or judicial officer that reviews and accepts court filings.
cliclass view
ClientApplicationSoftwareclass instanceA data type that specifies client application software information
ClientAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a client and a service provider.
ClientAttorneyAssociationclass instanceAn association between a client and an attorney.
ClientAttorneyAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ClientAttorneyAssociationType.
ClientAttorneyAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a client and an attorney.
ClientEntityclass instanceA person or organization that has hired or been appointed an attorney.
ClientWalkInIndicatorclass instanceTrue if client walked in; false if referred for assessment and services.
ClinicalObservationclass instanceA clinical observation of a person.
ClinicalObservationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ClinicalObservationType.
ClinicalObservationTypeclassA data type for a clinical observation of a person.
ClinicalStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.
ClinicalStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.
ClockDiagram12PointsCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 12 points clock diagram
ClockDiagram12PointsCodeTypeclassA data type for 12 points clock diagram
Clothingclass instanceA requirement or stipulation.
ClothingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ClothingType.
ClothingCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of clothing.
ClothingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing.
ClothingCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing.
ClothingCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of clothing.
ClothingColorTextclass instanceA color of an article of clothing.
ClothingDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an article of clothing.
ClothingStyleTextclass instanceA style of an article of clothing.
ClothingTypeclassA data type for an article of clothing, dress, or attire.
Clothoidclass instanceA clothoid, or Cornu's spiral, is plane curve whose curvature is a fixed function of its length.
refLocation, startParameter, endParameter and scaleFactor have the same meaning as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.22.
interpolation is fixed as "clothoid".
The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
clsaclass viewThis schema provides annotations for connecting content defined within an XML Schema document to the content of code lists.
CLUIDclass instanceA system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.
A CLU is the smallest unit of land that has a permanent, contiguous boundary, common land cover and land management, a common owner, and a common producer association.
A CLU is closely related to FS's definition of 'fields', according to Handbook 2-CP. A CLU is also closely related to land units such as parcels, farmsteads, and lots that are used by NRCS, RMA and RD.
The authoritative source of CLU Identifier is Farm Records. CLU Identifier can remain constant even if the precise geospatial shape of the CLU is slightly altered.
CLUIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.
A CLU is the smallest unit of land that has a permanent, contiguous boundary, common land cover and land management, a common owner, and a common producer association.
A CLU is closely related to FSA's definition of 'fields', according to Handbook 2-CP. A CLU is also closely related to land units such as parcels, farmsteads, and lots that are used by NRCS, RMA and RD.
The authoritative source of CLU Identifier is Farm Records. CLU Identifier can remain constant even if the precise geospatial shape of the CLU is slightly altered.
CLUIDTypeclassA data type for system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.
CLUProducerReviewRequestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the producer has requested that a Common Land Unit (CLU) be reviewed; false otherwise.
CMCCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 11 - Caution and Medical Conditions (CMC) Field Codes
CMCCodeTypeclassA data type for 11 - Caution and Medical Conditions (CMC) Field Codes
CMSDMSclassA court case management system and document management system.
CMVCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for whether a person was operating a commercial motor vehicle in an incident.
CMVCodeTypeclassA data type for whether a person was operating a commercial motor vehicle in an incident.
codeclassA set of alpha or numeric characters to be used to represent a stated value.
CodeAlternativeExpressionclass instance
CodeAlternativeExpression_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CodecCategoryCodeclass instanceA CODEC used to encode a digital data stream or signal.
CodecCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an enumeration of codecs capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal.
CodecCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a representation of codecs capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal.
CodecCommentTextclass instanceA comment to contain additional information about the codec or additional instructions for reconstruction of the original digital media data file.
CodecDetailsclass instanceA container for descriptive information about the encoding of a digital media data file.
CodecDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CodecDetails
CodecDetailsTypeclassA data type for a container of descriptive information about the encoding of a digital media data file.
CodecExternalReferenceCodeTextclass instanceA kind of code that contains the 'reference code' from the table of codecs available at http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/ansi_standard.cfm
CodeDefinitionclass instance
CodefendentAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people who are defendants in the same criminal or civil action.
CodeListattributeThe values and definitions of a code list in the format "value1", "definition1", "value2", "definition2"
CodeListDictionaryclass instance
CodeListDictionary_TypeclassConstraints: - 1) metadataProperty.card = 0 - 2) dictionaryEntry.card = 0
CodeListExtensionclass instanceA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information.
CodeListExtensionTypeclassA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information
CodeListTypeclassgml:CodeListType provides for lists of terms. The values in an instance element shall all be valid according to the rules of the dictionary, classification scheme, or authority identified by the value of its codeSpace attribute.
CodeOrNilReasonListTypeclassgml:CodeOrNilReasonListType provides for lists of terms. The values in an instance element shall all be valid according to the rules of the dictionary, classification scheme, or authority identified by the value of its codeSpace attribute. An instance element may also include embedded values from NilReasonType. It is intended to be used in situations where a term or classification is expected, but the value may be absent for some reason.
CodespaceCodePairTypeclassA data type for a value from a specified controlled vocabulary.
CodeTypeclassgml:CodeType is a generalized type to be used for a term, keyword or name.
It adds a XML attribute codeSpace to a term, where the value of the codeSpace attribute (if present) shall indicate a dictionary, thesaurus, classification scheme, authority, or pattern for the term.
CodeTypeclassA data type for a code with codes sourced from an external code list.
CodeWithAuthorityTypeclassgml:CodeWithAuthorityType requires that the codeSpace attribute is provided in an instance.
CODISNumberTextclass instanceA number assigned by the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to a CODIS DNA profile which consists of a specimen identifier, an identifier for the laboratory responsible for the profile and the results of the DNA analysis (DNA profile).
CoefficientOrBoundaryValuesChoiceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for Coefficient values or EnergyBoundary Values
CoefficientsTypeclassA data type that provides a list of the values of the coefficients of an Equation. The first value is term 0, the second term 1, and so forth.
CoefficientValueListclass instanceA list of values of the coefficients of a second-order polynomial describing the energy calibration in which the energies are expressed in keV.
CollectorateTextclass instanceA Customs Collectorate Identifier used on customs forms in a host country.
colorattributeThe color of an item.
colorRelevanceIndicatorattributeIndicates whether color is or is not relevant for the presentation of the document.
ColorRelevantIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether color is or is not relevant for the presentation of the document.
Commentclass instanceA comment, note, or remark.
commentattributeComments regarding an obligation.
CommentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CommentType.
CommentAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a comment.
CommentAuthorTextclass instanceA name or role of the author of a comment.
CommentCreationDateclass instanceA date a comment was created.
CommentDestinationTextclass instanceAn intended recipient of the comment.
CommentKeywordTextclass instanceA comma-separated list of keywords about the comment.
CommentTextclass instanceOne or more comments
CommentTextclass instanceA comment, note, or remark providing additional information.
CommentTitleTextclass instanceA name of a comment.
CommentTypeclassA data type for a comment, note, or remark providing additional information.
CommercialCarrierUSDOTNumberSimpleTypeclassA data type for a US DOT Number.
CommercialCarrierUSDOTNumberTypeclassA data type for a US DOT Number.
commercialClassCodeattributeA kind of commerical vehicle a person is licensed to operate.
CommercialFacilityclass instanceA structure used for business purposes.
CommercialIDclass instanceA data element for the Commercial Vehicle Identifier
CommercialIDCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of Commercial Identifier
CommercialVehicleclass instanceA class of vehicle that includes motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more.
CommercialVehicleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CommercialVehicleType.
CommercialVehicleCargoBodyCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of body for buses and trucks more than 10,000 lbs (4,536 kg) GVWR.
CommercialVehicleCargoBodyCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of body for buses and trucks more than 10,000 lbs (4,536 kg) GVWR.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication of the general configuration of commercial motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationCodeclass instanceAn indication of the general configuration of commercial motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a general configuration of a motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationCodeTypeclassA data type for a general configuration of a motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleCurrentlyTargetedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Carrier Target/History Indicator reveals the carrier is currently Targeted for increased enforcement action record; false otherwise.
CommercialVehiclePreviouslyTargetedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Carrier Target/History Indicator reveals the carrier had been targeted in the past for increased enforcement action record; false otherwise.
CommercialVehiclePRISMAdditionDateclass instanceA date on which the vehicle was added to the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Vehicle File for safety monitoring.
CommercialVehiclePRISMTargetDateclass instanceA date associated with the current value of the Target/ History Indicator on the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Carrier Record.
CommercialVehicleTypeclassA data type for a class of vehicle that includes motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more.
CommitDateclass instanceA date when a person is received by the subject committed authority.
CommittedToAuthorityTextclass instanceAn authority to which a person is remanded into custody as a part of a judgment.
Commodityclass instanceA sufficient identification of the nature of a goods item for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
commodityclass viewCensus and Dept of Transportation.
Publication: CFS-1200 - SCTG COMMODITY CODES;
Date: 11-15-2011
CommodityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CommodityType.
CommodityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of goods for Customs, transport, statistical or other regulatory purposes (generic term).
CommodityGoodsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
CommodityHTSCodeTextclass instanceA harmonized Code Text for the commodity.
CommodityInfoclass instanceA set of information regarding commodities in a container as stated in the container's documentation.
CommodityTypeclassA data type for a description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
CommodityUNDGIdentificationTextclass instanceAn United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG) is the unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
Common Typesclass view
CommunicationMediaTypeListclassList of communication media types used for contact purposes
CommunicatorAddressclass instanceA data type identifying a type of communication address
CommunicatorAddressAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CommunicatorAddressType.
CommunicatorAddressCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of or type of communication address.
CommunicatorAddressTypeclassA data type for a type of communication address
CommunityLeaveclass instanceA Community Leave Program provides an opportunity for inmates to attend activities in the local community which will assist in their reintegration into society.
CommunityLeaveAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CommunityLeaveType
CommunityLeaveAuthorizerclass instanceA person authorizing a community leave.
CommunityLeaveCostAmountclass instanceAn amount of money for a community leave cost.
CommunityLeaveCostCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of community lease cost.
CommunityLeaveCostCategoryAmountclass instanceA kind of cost amount for a community leave.
CommunityLeaveCostCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of community lease cost.
CommunityLeaveDestinationLocationclass instanceA destination for the subject during temporary community leave.
CommunityLeaveDoctorclass instanceA doctor specified as a part of a community leave.
CommunityLeaveDurationclass instanceA number of hours between the start of the leave the return.
CommunityLeaveEscortclass instanceA corrections official or other designee assigned to escort the subject on community leave.
CommunityLeaveFundAllowanceAdvanceAmountclass instanceAn amount of funds to be advanced against the subject fund allowance to cover costs of the temporary community leave.
CommunityLeaveSubjectclass instanceA name of the subject approved for a community leave.
CommunityLeaveTotalCostAmountclass instanceA total cost associated with the temporary community leave.
CommunityLeaveTransportationTextclass instanceA detail description of the transportation used during the temporary community leave.
CommunityLeaveTrustFinancialAccountWithdrawalAmountclass instanceAn amount withdrawn from a subject's trust account for the purpose of a community leave.
CommunityLeaveTypeclassA data type for a Community Leave Program provides an opportunity for inmates to attend activities in the local community which will assist in their reintegration into society.
CommunityLeaveVerificationTextclass instanceA description of the contacts made to verify the plan before authorization, while in progress, and after completion of leave.
CommunityServiceclass instanceA service volunteered or required by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions.
ComparisonEndValueclass instanceA data element for the right side value of a comparison operation
ComparisonStartValueclass instanceA data element for the left side value of a comparison operation
CompassPointEnumerationclassThese directions are necessarily approximate, giving direction with a precision of 22.5°. It is thus generally unnecessary to specify the reference frame, though this may be detailed in the definition of a GML application language.
CompetencyStatusTextclass instanceA status describing whether a person is competent to understand the court process.
CompletedWorkLaborCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies the mechanism by which the work was completed. Could be force account (own staff) or contract, or combination.
ComplexCodeListBindingclass instanceAn element for connecting complex content defined by an XML Schema component to a set of columns of a code list.
ComplexionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of complexion.
ComplexionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of complexion.
ComplexionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of complexion.
ComplexionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of complexion.
componentReferenceSystemclass instanceThe gml:componentReferenceSystem elements are an ordered sequence of associations to all the component coordinate reference systems included in this compound coordinate reference system. The gml:AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the gml:componentReferenceSystem properties are ordered.
Componentscomponent diagram
Componentscomponent view
CompositeCurveclass instanceA gml:CompositeCurve is represented by a sequence of (orientable) curves such that each curve in the sequence terminates at the start point of the subsequent curve in the list.
curveMember references or contains inline one curve in the composite curve.
The curves are contiguous, the collection of curves is ordered. Therefore, if provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence".
CompositeSolidclass instancegml:CompositeSolid implements ISO 19107 GM_CompositeSolid (see ISO 19107:2003, 6.6.7) as specified in D.2.3.6.
A gml:CompositeSolid is represented by a set of orientable surfaces. It is a geometry type with all the geometric properties of a (primitive) solid. Essentially, a composite solid is a collection of solids that join in pairs on common boundary surfaces and which, when considered as a whole, form a single solid.
solidMember references or contains one solid in the composite solid. The solids are contiguous.
CompositeSurfaceclass instanceA gml:CompositeSurface is represented by a set of orientable surfaces. It is geometry type with all the geometric properties of a (primitive) surface. Essentially, a composite surface is a collection of surfaces that join in pairs on common boundary curves and which, when considered as a whole, form a single surface.
surfaceMember references or contains inline one surface in the composite surface.
The surfaces are contiguous.
CompositeValueclass instancegml:CompositeValue is an aggregate value built from other values . It contains zero or an arbitrary number of gml:valueComponent elements, and zero or one gml:valueComponents property elements. It may be used for strongly coupled aggregates (vectors, tensors) or for arbitrary collections of values.
CompoundCRSclass instancegml:CompundCRS is a coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems. It is associated with a non-repeating sequence of two or more instances of SingleCRS.
CompoundCRSPropertyTypeclassgml:CompoundCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a compound coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
compoundCRSRefclass instance
CompressionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for codes that describe the algorithm (if any) by which data has been compressed.
Computerclass instanceA device that processes information based on a set of instructions.
ComputerHardwareSoftwareCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of computer hardware and software.
ComunicationComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the common communications components
ComunicationComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Comunication Components
ComunicationComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for Comunication Components types
ConcatenatedOperationclass instance
ConcatenatedOperationPropertyTypeclassgml:ConcatenatedOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a concatenated operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that concatenated operation.
concatenatedOperationRefclass instance
ConcatenatedOperationTypeclassgml:ConcatenatedOperation is an ordered sequence of two or more coordinate operations. This sequence of operations is constrained by the requirement that the source coordinate reference system of step (n+1) must be the same as the target coordinate reference system of step (n). The source coordinate reference system of the first step and the target coordinate reference system of the last step are the source and target coordinate reference system associated with the concatenated operation. Instead of a forward operation, an inverse operation may be used for one or more of the operation steps mentioned above, if the inverse operation is uniquely defined by the forward operation.
The gml:coordOperation property elements are an ordered sequence of associations to the two or more operations used by this concatenated operation. The AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the coordOperation associations are ordered.
concurrentSentencerelationReference to another sentence which is to be served concurrent with this sentence. In the case of multiple sentences without references to concurrent sentences, they are assumed to be served consecutively.
Conditionclass instanceA set of variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit, system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance. A physical or behavioral state of a system that is required for the achievement of an objective.
Conditionclass instanceA requirement or stipulation.
ConditionalReleaseclass instanceA release of a person or item from confinement, holding, or obligation, that is dependent upon certain conditions being met.
ConditionalReleaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConditionalReleaseType.
ConditionalReleaseConditionclass instanceA requirement or prerequisite for release. A restriction, modification, or qualification of a term or terms of release. (Ex. no contact with victim; do not leave jurisdiction of court, etc.)
ConditionalReleaseExpirationDateclass instanceA date of the Subject's Probation Expiration
ConditionalReleaseOppositionTextclass instanceA reason against releasing a person.
ConditionalReleaseProjectedDateclass instanceAn expected date of conditional release. This date may change over time.
ConditionalReleaseRevokedDateclass instanceA date a conditional release was revoked due to a person's failure in meeting required conditions or for other reasons.
ConditionalReleaseRevokedReasonTextclass instanceA reason why a conditional release was revoked.
ConditionalReleaseSupportTextclass instanceA reason in support of releasing a person.
ConditionalReleaseTypeclassA data type for a release of a person or item from confinement, holding, or obligation, that is dependent upon certain conditions being met.
ConditionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:ConditionType
ConditionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConditionType.
ConditionDisciplinaryActionclass instanceA corrective action that is specified as part of a condition.
ConditionGroupclass instanceA set of conditions assigned to a person.
ConditionGroupAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConditionGroupType.
ConditionGroupIDclass instanceAn identifier of a group of conditions to which this condition belongs.
ConditionGroupParentIDclass instanceAn identifier of the parent condition group to which this group belongs.
ConditionGroupTypeclassA data type for a set of conditions assigned to a person.
ConditionIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for the condition.
ConditionMandatoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a condition is strictly required; false otherwise.
ConditionNameclass instanceA name for the condition.
ConditionSetDateclass instanceA date a condition was set.
ConditionTypeclassA data type for a set of variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit, system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance. A physical or behavioral state of a system that is required for the achievement of an objective.
ConditionTypeclassA data type for a requirement or stipulation.
ConditionViolatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a condition has been violated; false otherwise.
ConditionViolationDateclass instanceA date a condition was violated.
ConditionViolationTextclass instanceA violation of a condition.
Coneclass instance
ConfidenceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines confidence level code values.
ConfidenceCodeTypeclassA data type that defines confidence level code values.
ConfidenceLevelclass instanceA classification of the reliability of the PERSON ALERT.
ConfidenceLevelAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConfidenceLevelType.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelTypeclassA data type for detailing the reliability of the associated information.
ConfidencePercentclass instanceA value that indicates belief that content is accurate or trustworthy.
ConfidentialInformationclass instanceA classification of Information that cannot be shared with the public or the subject of the information.
ConfidentialInformationAssociatedStaffMemberclass instanceA name of a staff member associated with an instance of confidential information.
ConfidentialInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ConfidentialInformationType
ConfidentialInformationDocumentclass instanceA document containing confidential information.
ConfidentialInformationRecordedDateclass instanceA date the confidential information was disclosed.
ConfidentialInformationSourceclass instanceA person or entity who supplied the confidential information.
ConfidentialInformationTypeclassA data type for a classification of Information that cannot be shared with the public or the subject of the information.
ConfidentialityDocumentclass instanceA document declaring a person or entity's protection of confidentiality.
confidentialityIndicatorattributeIndicator by the filer that something in the message requires sensitive or confidential treatment. (This replaces the former "request to seal" document metadata.)
ConfidentialityInformationListingPagesNumberclass instanceA total amount of pages of a Confidentiality Information Listing.
ConfidentialityMaterialclass instanceA collection of artifacts, documents or other items related to a subject's confidentiality.
ConfidentialityMaterialAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ConfidentialityMaterialType
ConfidentialityMaterialReceiptDateclass instanceA date on which requestor acknowledged receipt of the confidential material.
ConfidentialityMaterialReviewclass instanceA process event for reviewing confidentiality materials.
ConfidentialityMaterialStatusclass instanceA status of a set of confidentiality materials.
ConfidentialityMaterialTypeclassA data type for a collection of artifacts, documents or other items related to a subject's confidentiality.
ConfidentialSubjectInfoKnowledgeTextclass instanceA discussion of what was learned through the disclosure of this confidential information.
connectedDocumentrelationA document included in a Filing that supports the Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
ConnectedDocumentclass instanceThe pleading, motion or order that is the subject of this docket entry.
ConnectedDocumentclassA document included in a Filing that supports the lead Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
connectedDocumentrelationA document included in a Filing that supports the lead Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
ConnectedDocumentReviewclass instanceThe review process for a connected document
connectedDocumentReviewattributeThe review process for a connected document
connectedDocumentSequenceNumberattributeIndicates the order (assigned by the filer) of the supporting document within the context of its parent lead document.
Consigneeclass instanceA party to which goods are consigned.
ConsigneeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsigneeType.
ConsigneeIDCategoryclass instanceAn Identifier Category to identify a party to which goods are consigned.
ConsigneeIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Consignee
ConsigneeTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of party to which goods are consigned.
Consignmentclass instanceA set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
ConsignmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsignmentType.
ConsignmentContainerAssociationclass instanceAn association between the consignment and the container in which it is transported.
ConsignmentContainerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsignmentContainerAssociationType.
ConsignmentContainerAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between the consignment and the container in which it is transported.
ConsignmentIdentificationclass instanceA unique number identification assigned to goods, both for import and export.
ConsignmentItemclass instanceA sufficient identification of the nature of an item for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
ConsignmentItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsignmentItemType.
ConsignmentItemIdentificationclass instanceAn identification information of a consignment Item.
ConsignmentItemMaterialTextclass instanceA textual description of the material that comprises a Consignment Item.
ConsignmentItemPackagingclass instanceAn individual consignment item's packaging information.
ConsignmentItemShapeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a shape of a consignment Item. If shape is Other, then a description should be provided in it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionText.
ConsignmentItemShapeCodeclass instanceA shape of a consignment Item. If shape is Other, then a description should be provided in it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionText.
ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the shape of a consignment item.
ConsignmentItemTypeclassA data type for a description of the nature of an item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
ConsignmentItemVolumeMeasureclass instanceA volumetric measure of a consignment item.
ConsignmentPackagingclass instanceA Consignment's packaging information.
ConsignmentRoutingCountryTextclass instanceA country through which goods or passengers are routed between the country of original departure and final destination.
ConsignmentTotalPackageQuantityclass instanceA count of the total number of packages of the entire declaration/ consignment.
ConsignmentTypeclassA data type for the specific shipment sent by a consignor to a named consignee.
ConsignmentValueclass instanceA taxable value of the Consignment
Consignorclass instanceA party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
ConsignorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsignorType.
ConsignorIDCategoryclass instanceA code to identify the party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
ConsignorIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Consignor
ConsignorTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of the party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
Consolidatorclass instanceA freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment so called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components.
ConsolidatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsolidatorType.
ConsolidatorIDCategoryclass instanceAn identification of the freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment (so called consolidated shipment) hat is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment
ConsolidatorIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Consolidator
ConsolidatorTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of the freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment so called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components.
ConsortiumCarrierclass instanceA consortium carrier.
ConsortiumCarrierAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConsortiumCarrierType.
ConsortiumCarrierIDCategoryclass instanceAn assigned code for a consortium carrier.
ConsortiumCarrierIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Consortium Carrier
ConsortiumCarrierTypeclassA data type representing the Name [and address] of the consortium carrier.
ConstructionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.4: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Construction Equipment and Construction Equipment Parts
ConstructionCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.4: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Construction Equipment and Construction Equipment Parts
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of construction material.
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material.
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material.
ConsulateIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the consulate for a person being processed was notified; false otherwise.
ConsulateNotifiedDateclass instanceA date on which the consulate was notified of the D58alien's detention.
ConsulateRightsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien was informed of his/her right to contact his or her consulate; false otherwise.
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of consumable good.
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods.
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods.
ConsumptionRateMeasureclass instanceA measure of a rate of consumption.
ConsumptionRateMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:ConsumptionRateMeasureType
ConsumptionRateMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of a rate of consumption.
ConsumptionRateUnitAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of measure of a rate of consumption value.
ContactAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person or organization to contact.
ContactActivityclass instanceA contact with an individual. The contact can be initiated by law enforcement, probation, human services, school, and others.
ContactActivityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContactActivityType.
ContactActivityCaseReportNumberIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to the report of a contact.
ContactActivityCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for expressing the setting of a contact between an agency representative and a child, youth, or family member.
ContactActivityCategoryCodeclass instanceA contact activity category, e.g. field, office, walk-in, etc.
ContactActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the contact activity category.
ContactActivityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the contact activity category.
ContactActivityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of contact, described in terms of the setting.
ContactActivityTypeclassA data type for recording a contact with an individual.
contactDescriptionattributeA description of a contact.
ContactDSNTelephoneNumberclass instanceA Defense Switched Network (DSN) telephone number for a telecommunications device by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactEmailIDclass instanceAn electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactEmailIDclass instanceAn electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactEntityclass instanceAn entity that may be contacted by using the given contact information.
ContactEntityclass instanceAn entity that may be contacted by using the given contact information.
ContactEntityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the entity being contacted.
ContactEntityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the entity being contacted.
ContactFrequencyTextclass instanceA frequency of contact a person has with another person.
ContactHostNameTextclass instanceA DNS hostname of a system by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactInformationclassThe preferred contact for a person or organization, such as address, telephone number, or email address.
ContactInformationclass diagram
ContactInformationclass instanceA set of details about how to contact a person or an organization.
ContactInformationclass instanceA set of details about how to contact a person or an organization.
contactInformationrelationInformation useable to contact this organization, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.
contactInformationrelationInformation useable to contact this person, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.
ContactInformationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about contact information.
ContactInformationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a nc:Contact.
ContactInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContactInformationType.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about contact information.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a contact information.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a nc:Contact.
ContactInformationAvailabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeclass instanceA period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeclass instanceA period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeTypeclassA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeTypeclassA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityTextclass instanceA period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationCommentclass instanceA field used by the POC or user to provide additional information
ContactInformationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the contact information.
ContactInformationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the contact information.
ContactInformationRankTextclass instanceA military rank for the focal point of information concerning an activity or event.
ContactInformationSecureEmailIDclass instanceA secure electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactInformationTypeclassA data type for how to contact a person or an organization.
ContactInformationTypeclassA data type for how to contact a person or an organization.
ContactInstantMessengerclass instanceA user account for an instant messaging program by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactMailingAddressclass instanceA postal address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactMailingAddressclass instanceA postal address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactMeansAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a means of contacting someone.
ContactMeansAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a means of contacting someone.
ContactMeansCodeclass instanceA description of how a contact will occur
ContactMeansCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the means of contact
ContactMeansCodeTypeclassA data type describing the means of contact
ContactMeansReasonTextclass instanceA description of why contact was required
ContactNumberElementListclassList of information types used for phone number details
ContactNumbersclass instanceA container for all kinds of telecommunication lines of party used for contact purposes. e.g. phone, fax, mobile, pager, etc.
ContactNumberUsageListclassList of types of uses of contact number
ContactPartyIDclass instanceAn identifier of a contact party
ContactPersonclass instanceA person through which contact can be made.
ContactPersonEmailIDclass instanceAn email address for a contact.
ContactPersonLanguageclass instanceA language with which the contact person has the strongest familiarity.
ContactPersonLocationclass instanceA location for a contact.
ContactPersonRelationshipTextclass instanceA description of the relationship of a person to a contact person.
ContactPersonTelephoneNumberclass instanceA telephone number for a contact.
ContactRadioclass instanceA method of contacting a person or organization by messages over a radio.
ContactRadioAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContactRadioType.
ContactRadioCallSignIDclass instanceAn identifier of a person using a radio.
ContactRadioCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of wavelength or band of a radio.
ContactRadioChannelTextclass instanceA radio channel or frequency within the band.
ContactRadioTypeclassA data type for a method of contacting a person or organization by messages over a radio.
ContactResponderclass instanceA third party person who answers a call and connects or directs the caller to the intended person.
ContactResponderclass instanceA third party person who answers a call and connects or directs the caller to the intended person.
ContactRoleclass instanceAn element for the role of a contact
ContactRoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContactRoleType
ContactRoleCodeclass instanceA role of the emergency management contact
ContactRoleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of roles of the emergency management contact
ContactRoleCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of roles of the emergency management contact
ContactRoleTypeclassA data type for the role kind of a contact
ContactSatelliteTelephoneNumberclass instanceA satellite phone number of a person.
ContactTelephoneNumberclass instanceA telephone number for a telecommunication device by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactTelephoneNumberclass instanceA telephone number for a telecommunication device by which a person or organization may be contacted.
ContactWebsiteURIclass instanceA website address by which a person or organization may be contacted.
Containerclass instanceAn item that holds something.
ContainerBillOfLadingIDclass instanceAn identifier of a bill of lading that includes a container.
ContainerBookingIDclass instanceAn identifier of a Booking that includes a container.
ContainerEmptyWeightMeasureclass instanceA weight of a container when empty.
ContainerIDclass instanceAn identifier of a Container.
ContainerISO6346CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for ISO 6346 shipping container codes.
ContainerISO6346CodeTypeclassA data type for ISO 6346 shipping container codes.
ContainerKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of shipping container.
ContainerKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of shipping container.
ContainerShipmentIDclass instanceAn identifier of a Shipment that includes a container.
ContainerSizeTextclass instanceA textual description of a container size.
ContainerTerminalOperatorclass instanceA Container Terminal Operator
ContainerTerminalOperatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContainerTerminalOperatorType.
ContainerTerminalOperatorIDCategoryclass instanceAn identifier of the party operating a container terminal or similar facility.
ContainerTerminalOperatorIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Container Terminal Operator
ContainerTerminalOperatorTypeclassA data type representing the Container Terminal Operator
ContainerTransportIndicatorclass instanceTrue if goods are transported within a container; false otherwise/if goods are not transported in a container
ContentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code indicating the purpose or kind of resource content or payload being sent
ContentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type code indicating the purpose or kind of resource content or payload being sent
ContentDiaryInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContentDiaryInformation
ContentDiaryInformationTypeclassA data type lists highly-detailed timings within the voice recording of specific audio segments of interest.
contentErrorattributeA content error message.
ContentFirstRecordCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of first record; always 1
ContentHeaderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ContentHeaderType.
ContentHeaderTypeclassA data type for information about the contents of a message.
ContentInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContentInformation
ContentInformationTypeclassA data type for indicating a recording's diarization status and the diarizing agency
ContentRecordQuantityclass instanceA total number of records in the transaction, not counting the Type-1 record
ContentRecordSummaryclass instanceA summary of the contents of one record in the transaction other than the Type-1 transaction record
ContentRecordSummaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Content Record Summary
ContentRecordSummaryTypeclassA data type for a summary of the contents of one record in the transaction other than the Type-1 transaction record
contestedIndicatorattributeWhether a divorce is contested.
ContextCommentTextclass instanceA comment about a context media record
ContextFileCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of file holding an associated context representation, represented as a file suffix or other description of the file
ContextFileDecodingInstructionsTextclass instanceA description of decoding instructions for a file holding an associated context representation
ContextFileFormatclass instanceA description of a file holding an associated context representation, and decoding instructions
ContextFileFormatAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContextFileFormat
ContextFileFormatTypeclassA data type for a description of a file holding an associated context representation, and decoding instructions
ContextIDclass instanceAn index identifier to a particular instance of a Type-21 record in the transaction
ContextMediaDetailclass instanceA detailing of metadata about a biometric context media record
ContextMediaDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ContextMediaDetail
ContextMediaDetailTypeclassA data type for the details of a biometric context media file
ContrabandAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ContrabandType
ContrabandCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of status related to contraband.
ContrabandCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of status related to contraband.
ContrabandTypeclassA data type for a prohibited item.
Contractclass instanceA written or legal agreement entered into by two or more parties.
ContractAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ContractType
ContractSubcontractorIdentificationclass instanceAn identification for a subcontractor performing on a defined contract.
ContractTypeclassA data type for a written or legal agreement entered into by two or more parties.
Contributorclass instanceAn element for contributer's information
ControlLevelLastUpdateDateTimeclass instanceA Datetime on which the access control level was last modified
ConventionalUnitclass instanceConventional units that are neither base units nor defined by direct combination of base units are used in many application domains. For example electronVolt for energy, feet and nautical miles for length. In most cases there is a known, usually linear, conversion to a preferred unit which is either a base unit or derived by direct combination of base units.
The gml:ConventionalUnit extends gml:UnitDefinition with a property that describes a conversion to a preferred unit for this physical quantity. When the conversion is exact, the element gml:conversionToPreferredUnit should be used, or when the conversion is not exact the element gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit is available. Both of these elements have the same content model. The gml:derivationUnitTerm property defined above is included to allow a user to optionally record how this unit may be derived from other ("more primitive") units.
conversionclass instancegml:conversion is an association role to the coordinate conversion used to define the derived CRS.
Conversionclass instancegml:Conversion is a concrete operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum. The best-known example of a coordinate conversion is a map projection. The parameters describing coordinate conversions are defined rather than empirically derived. Note that some conversions have no parameters.
This concrete complex type can be used without using a GML Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one Conversion instance.
The usesValue property elements are an unordered list of composition associations to the set of parameter values used by this conversion operation.
ConversionPropertyTypeclassgml:ConversionPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a concrete general-purpose conversion, either referencing or containing the definition of that conversion.
conversionRefclass instance
conversionToPreferredUnitclass instanceThe elements gml:conversionToPreferredUnit and gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit represent parameters used to convert conventional units to preferred units for this physical quantity type. A preferred unit is either a Base Unit or a Derived Unit that is selected for all values of one physical quantity type.
ConversionToPreferredUnitTypeclassThe inherited attribute uom references the preferred unit that this conversion applies to. The conversion of a unit to the preferred unit for this physical quantity type is specified by an arithmetic conversion (scaling and/or offset). The content model extends gml:UnitOfMeasureType, which has a mandatory attribute uom which identifies the preferred unit for the physical quantity type that this conversion applies to. The conversion is specified by a choice of
- gml:factor, which defines the scale factor, or
- gml:formula, which defines a formula
by which a value using the conventional unit of measure can be converted to obtain the corresponding value using the preferred unit of measure.
The formula defines the parameters of a simple formula by which a value using the conventional unit of measure can be converted to the corresponding value using the preferred unit of measure. The formula element contains elements a, b, c and d, whose values use the XML Schema type double. These values are used in the formula y = (a + bx) / (c + dx), where x is a value using this unit, and y is the corresponding value using the base unit. The elements a and d are optional, and if values are not provided, those parameters are considered to be zero. If values are not provided for both a and d, the formula is equivalent to a fraction with numerator and denominator parameters.
Conveyanceclass instanceA means of transport.
ConveyanceAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a tangible item that is used to transport goods and/or persons from one location to another location; e.g., ship, airplane, vehicle, train, pipeline.
ConveyanceAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a conveyance.
ConveyanceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyanceType.
ConveyanceAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a conveyance.
ConveyanceAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a conveyance.
ConveyanceBoundForCodeclass instanceA description of where a conveyance is bound for when it completes a traversal.
ConveyanceBoundForCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the conveyance bound code enumerations.
ConveyanceBoundForCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the Conveyance bound code
ConveyanceCargoTextclass instanceA cargo or set of goods transported by a conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceColorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the conveyance color codes.
ConveyanceColorCodeTypeclassA data type for conveyance color codes.
ConveyanceColorPrimaryCodeclass instanceA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
ConveyanceColorPrimaryCodeclass instanceA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
ConveyanceColorPrimaryTextclass instanceA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
ConveyanceColorPrimaryTextclass instanceA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
ConveyanceColorSecondaryCodeclass instanceA lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone vehicle or a lesser color of a multi-colored vehicle.
ConveyanceColorSecondaryTextclass instanceA lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipclass instanceA description of a relationship between two conveyances.
ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipType.
ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipTypeclassA data type for a relationship between two conveyances; for example, a trailer towed by a truck, or a container on a trailer or railcar. A set of relationships in the same time period define a set of conveyances that are connected together, such as a truck towing three trailers.
ConveyanceEngineAssociationclass instanceAn association between a conveyance and an engine.
ConveyanceEngineAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyanceEngineAssociationType.
ConveyanceEngineAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a conveyance and an engine.
ConveyanceEngineQuantityclass instanceA number of engines on a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryFBICodeclass instanceA kind of fuel or motive power used to propel an aircraft.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceIDclass instanceA unique identifier for a conveyance processed through a traversal.
ConveyanceIdentificationclass instanceAn Identification of the conveyance that is associated with an organization.
ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of conveyance identification.
ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance identification.
ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of conveyance identification.
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a conveyance ID issuing jurisdiction type.
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of jurisdictions issuing Conveyance registrations
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of jurisdictions issuing Conveyance registrations
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionCodeclass instanceA conveyance ID issuing jurisdiction type.
ConveyanceJointlyRegisteredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a conveyance is jointly registered; false otherwise.
ConveyanceKindCodeclass instanceAn identifier of a kind of a conveyance. For example: Ship, Airplane, Truck, etc.
ConveyanceKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of conveyances.
ConveyanceKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the kind of Conveyance
ConveyanceMotorizedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a conveyance is powered by a motor; false otherwise.
ConveyanceOnBoardclass instanceA conveyance on board a vessel.
ConveyanceOperatorclass instanceA person who operates or drives a conveyance.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipclass instanceA description of a relationship between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceOrgRelationshipType.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeclass instanceA description of the kind of relationship between a conveyance and organization. For example, an aircraft may have an owner, operator, leasee, etc.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships that may exist between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships that may exist between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyancePartclass instanceA part or component of a conveyance.
ConveyancePartAssociationclass instanceAn association between a conveyance and a part.
ConveyancePartAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyancePartAssociationType.
ConveyancePartAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a conveyance and a part of a conveyance.
ConveyancePartAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyancePartType.
ConveyancePartBrandAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a brand name or manufacturer name of a conveyance part.
ConveyancePartBrandCodeclass instanceA brand name or manufacturer name of a conveyance part.
ConveyancePartBrandNameclass instanceA brand name or manufacturer name of a conveyance part.
ConveyancePartCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of conveyance part.
ConveyancePartCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of conveyance part.
ConveyancePartCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of conveyance part.
ConveyancePartDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a conveyance part.
ConveyancePartIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a conveyance part.
ConveyancePartTypeclassA data type for a part or component of a conveyance.
ConveyancePassengerQuantityclass instanceA number of people in a conveyance excluding the driver.
ConveyancePrimaryColorCodeclass instanceA color that identifies a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationclass instanceA conveyance's registration information.
ConveyanceRegistrationclass instanceA registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRegistrationclass instanceA registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRegistrationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a property item and its registration.
ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about the official registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceRegistrationType.
ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyanceRegistrationType.
ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a conveyance registration.
ConveyanceRegistrationDecalclass instanceA sticker attached to a permanent registration plate on a conveyance when it is renewed for the current year.
ConveyanceRegistrationGrossWeightMeasureclass instanceAn unladen weight of a conveyance plus the weight of the maximum load for which conveyance registration fees have been paid within a particular jurisdiction.
ConveyanceRegistrationIdentificationclass instanceAn identification with a unique number or code assigned to a conveyance for registration purposes.
ConveyanceRegistrationLocationclass instanceA location where a conveyance is registered.
ConveyanceRegistrationPermanentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a registration for a conveyance is permanent; false if a registration is temporary.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateBackgroundTextclass instanceA background image and/or colors of a conveyance license plate.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of a conveyance registration plate or license plate.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateColorCodeclass instanceA color of a conveyance registration plate or license plate.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateColorTextclass instanceA color of a conveyance registration plate or license plate.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateIdentificationclass instanceAn identification on a metal plate fixed to a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationPlateIdentificationclass instanceAn identification on a metal plate fixed to a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationRoadIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a registration authorizes a conveyance to be operated and parked on public roadways; false otherwise.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusclass instanceA status of registration for a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a most recent activity recorded for a registration.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConveyanceRegistrationStatusType.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusCodeclass instanceA most recent activity recorded for a registration.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusDetailAbstractclass instanceA data concept for additional details about a registration status.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusDetailCodeclass instanceAn additional detail about a registration status.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusDetailTextclass instanceAn additional detail about a registration status.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusTypeclassA data type for a state of registration of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeclassA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:ConveyanceRegistrationType.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeclassA data type for a registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeclassA data type for a registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeclass instanceA kind of conveyance relationship; for example, contained in/on, or connected to.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships that a conveyance can have.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the relationship that describes the way in which the different conveyances are connected to each other
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the kinds of relationships that a conveyance can have.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeTypeclassA data type for the relationship that describes the way in which the different conveyances are connected to each other
ConveyanceRelationshipOriginIDclass instanceA unique identifier of the conveyance that is the start/origin of the relationship. By convention, the start of the relationship is the conveyee and the end of the relationship is the conveyor; for example a trailer is conveyed by a tractor, or a container is conveyed by a vessel or a trailer.
ConveyanceRelationshipTargetIDclass instanceA unique identifier of the conveyance that is the end/target of the relationship. By convention, the end of the relationship is the conveyor and the start of the relationship is the conveyee.
ConveyanceRelatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:ConveyanceRelatorType.
ConveyanceRelatorTypeclassA data type for an identifier that can be used to identify a conveyance.
ConveyanceSalesTaxPercentclass instanceA tax rate as a percentage used for computing the sales tax on the purchase of a conveyance.
ConveyanceSecondaryColorCodeclass instanceA color that identifies a lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
ConveyanceSequenceNumericclass instanceA number identifying the position of the conveyee if there is more than one associated with the same conveyor during the same period of time. For example, for a truck consisting of a tractor with two trailers, the first trailer would have a sequence number of one.
ConveyanceTowedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a conveyance is towed; false otherwise.
ConveyanceTypeclassA data type for a means of transport from place to place.
ConveyanceTypeclassA data type for a means of transport from place to place.
ConveyanceUseAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a manner or way in which a conveyance is used.
ConveyanceWeightDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of conveyance weight, such as gross weight, axle weight, etc., this element is used to provide the description that is applicable to the value provided by the Conveyance weight measure.
ConveyedItemclass instanceAn item that is specifically being conveyed.
ConveyedPersonclass instanceA person being conveyed.
Convictionclass instanceA judgment, based either on the verdict of a jury or judicial official or the guilty plea of a defendant, that the defendant is guilty.
ConvictionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ConvictionType.
ConvictionChargeclass instanceA charge for which a person was convicted.
ConvictionChargeCountQuantityclass instanceA total number of charges a person has been found guilty of with reference to charging document.
ConvictionConvictedByJuryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a conviction was delivered by a jury; false otherwise.
ConvictionCourtclass instanceA court in which a conviction was issued.
ConvictionLocatorReferenceIdentificationclass instanceA reference identification number for the organization that keeps the conviction records.
ConvictionOffenseclass instanceAn offense that a person has been found guilty of committing.
ConvictionPleaclass instanceA final plea a person offered in response to the charges filed.
ConvictionReportingProfessionNameclass instanceA name of the profession or occupation of an arrested professional.
ConvictionReportingRequirementTextclass instanceA description of when the court is required to file a special report.
ConvictionSanctionclass instanceA penalty imposed upon a person having been found guilty of a crime.
ConvictionSentenceclass instanceA sentence imposed upon a person having been found guilty of a crime.
ConvictionStayedCountQuantityclass instanceA number of counts that were stayed.
ConvictionSubjectclass instanceA person who was found guilty of a crime.
ConvictionTypeclassA data type for a judgement that a defendant is guilty.
ConvictionVerdictclass instanceA guilty verdict of a judge or jury.
CoordinateCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the service used to determine the coordinate.
CoordinateCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of service used to determine the coordinate.
CoordinateDateTimeclass instanceA data element for the Date/Time that the coordinates were recorded by the device in UTC.
coordinateOperationAccuracyclass instancegml:coordinateOperationAccuracy is an association role to a DQ_PositionalAccuracy object as encoded in ISO/TS 19139, either referencing or containing the definition of that positional accuracy. That object contains an estimate of the impact of this coordinate operation on point accuracy. That is, it gives position error estimates for the target coordinates of this coordinate operation, assuming no errors in the source coordinates.
CoordinateOperationPropertyTypeclassgml:CoordinateOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate operation.
coordinateOperationRefclass instance
CoordinateReferenceSystemCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type containing the geospatial projection standard used for calculating acreage.
CoordinateReferenceSystemCodeTypeclassA data type for coordinate reference system codes.
coordinatesclass instance
CoordinatesTypeclassThis type is deprecated for tuples with ordinate values that are numbers.
CoordinatesType is a text string, intended to be used to record an array of tuples or coordinates.
While it is not possible to enforce the internal structure of the string through schema validation, some optional attributes have been provided in previous versions of GML to support a description of the internal structure. These attributes are deprecated. The attributes were intended to be used as follows:
Decimal symbol used for a decimal point (default="." a stop or period)
cs symbol used to separate components within a tuple or coordinate string (default="," a comma)
ts symbol used to separate tuples or coordinate strings (default=" " a space)
Since it is based on the XML Schema string type, CoordinatesType may be used in the construction of tables of tuples or arrays of tuples, including ones that contain mixed text and numeric values.
coordinateSystemclass instanceAn association role to the coordinate system used by this CRS.
CoordinateSystemAltclass instance
CoordinateSystemAlt_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CoordinateSystemAxisclass instancegml:CoordinateSystemAxis is a definition of a coordinate system axis.
CoordinateSystemAxisAltclass instance
CoordinateSystemAxisAlt_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyTypeclassgml:CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate system axis, either referencing or containing the definition of that axis.
coordinateSystemAxisRefclass instance
CoordinateSystemPropertyTypeclassgml:CoordinateSystemPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
coordinateSystemRefclass instance
CoordinatingAgencyclass instanceAn institution that provides information resources, such as geographic information, field surveys, and telecommunications.
coordOperationclass instancegml:coordOperation is an association role to a coordinate operation.
core_miscclass view
CoreCodelistclassThe list in Court Policy of data elements and corresponding lists of valid codes for those elements in a particular court.
CoreCodelistrelationThe list of data elements and corresponding lists of valid codes for those elements used in this court.
CoreFilingMessageclass diagramThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
CoreFilingMessageclassThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
CoreFilingMessageclass instanceThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
CoreFilingMessageclass viewThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
CoreIDclass instanceAn index identifier of a particular core
CoreProductCategoryCodeclass instanceA product type code providing a subclassification of agricultural products in addition to the main classification provided by the Core Product Code. Each product classified by a Core Product Code is also assigned a Core Product Type Code providing greater clarification of the crop/commodity, tree, livestock ,etc. Codes are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
CoreProductCategorySimpleTypeclassA data type containing subclassification of agricultural products in addition to the main classification provided by the Core Product Code. Each product classified by a Core Product Code is also assigned a Core Product Type Code providing greater clarification of the crop/commodity, tree, livestock ,etc. Codes are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
CoreProductCategoryTypeclassA data type for core product subclassification code.
CoreProductCodeclass instanceA product code providing a classification of agricultural products defined by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table). Products are classified into individual crop and commodity types, tree types, and types of livestock.
CoreProductSimpleTypeclassA data type containing classification codes of core agricultural products defined by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table). Products are classified into individual crop and commodity types, tree types, and types of livestock.
CoreProductTypeclassA data type containing classification codes.
correctableOffenseIndicatorattributeTrue if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
correctableOffenseTextattributeA condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
CorrectedCaseclass instanceThe court case in which the filing is being docketed.
correctedPaymentattributeIndicates whether the payment has been corrected in the Filing Review MDE
CorrectedPaymentIndicatorclass instanceIndicates whether the payment has been corrected in the Filing Review MDE
CorrectionalCounselorclass instanceA certified staff member assigned to responsibilities of providing counselling to corrections subjects.
CorrectionalFacilityclass instanceA facility that both detains and provides instruction and training in trade and vocational activities to subjects charged or convicted of a crime.
CorrectionalFacilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CorrectionalFacilityType.
CorrectionalFacilityTypeclassA data type for a correctional facility.
CorrectionalInstituteIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a the document is associated with a Correctional Institute; false otherwise.
Correctionsclass instanceAn involvement of an agency or facility with the custody, confinement, supervision, or treatment of alleged or adjudicated offenders.
CorrectionsOfficerAppliedForceclass instanceA force applied by a corrections officer.
CorrectionSubjectNotificationclass instanceA notification about a inmate or corrections subject.
CorrectiveActionclass instanceA set of details about an event or activity which is part of a corrective action plan.
CorrectiveActionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CorrectiveActionType
CorrectiveActionPlanclass instanceA set of details comprising a strategy for addressing a deficiency.
CorrectiveActionResolutionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a resolution status for corrective action set by the inspector.
CorrectiveActionResolutionTextclass instanceA resolution status for corrective action set by the inspector.
CorrectiveActionResponseTextclass instanceA text response describing what was done to correct the defect.
CorrectiveActionStatementclass instanceA statement of what has to be corrected to return the program to meeting the standard.
CorrectiveActionStatusclass instanceA status set by the point of contact when corrective action is complete, then by the inspector following verification.
CorrectiveActionTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an event or activity which is part of a corrective action plan.
CorrectiveActionVerificationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of values set by the inspector following corrective action.
CorrectiveActionVerificationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of values set by the inspector following corrective action.
CorrespondingSubfieldIDclass instanceAn identifier that uniquely designates which subfield occurrence is being referenced
COTPRegionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone.
COTPRegionCodeTypeclassA data type for a Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone.
COTPZoneContactInformationclass instanceA point of contact (POC) for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
COTPZoneGoverningEntityclass instanceAn organization that is responsible for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
COTPZoneRegionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone or region.
COTPZoneRegionCodeclass instanceA Captain of the Port (COTP) zone code.
COTPZoneRegionTextclass instanceA region of a Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
Counselingclass instanceA professional guidance of a person by utilizing psychological methods.
Counselorclass instanceA staff member responsible to observe, conduct, or lead an activity with a subject.
Countclass instance
CountDataValueListclass instanceA number indicating the counts accumulated during a measurement period over the entire energy range measured by a radiation detector or within pre-defined energy windows.
CountExtentclass instance
CountListclass instance
countNumberattributeA numeric designator identifying the order of a specific charge. (Ex. Count 1 represented as 001, Count 2 as 002, Count 3 as 003, etc.).
CountRateCPSTypeclassA data type for a radiation count rate measure whose value is positive and expressed in counts per second (cps) units.
CountriesOfResidenceclass instanceA container for all citizenships and residencies (Permanent/temporary) of a person.
Countryclass instance
Countryclass instanceA nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
countryattributeA country.
CountryAlpha2CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha3CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha3CodeTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CountryType.
CountryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:CountryType
CountryCapitalCityNameclass instanceA name of the capital city of a country.
CountryCodeclass instanceA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
CountryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for country codes specified by DHS as part of the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
CountryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeTypeclassA data type for country codes specified by DHS as part of the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
CountryCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryLongFormNameclass instanceA conventional long form of the country's name as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names. (List of valid values)
countryNameattributeA country.
CountryNameBeginDateclass instanceA date on which the COUNTRY NAME came into existence
CountryNameCodeListclassA list of codes for name of country
CountryNameEndDateclass instanceA date on which the COUNTRY NAME ended.
CountryNameIDclass instanceAn identifier for a COUNTRY NAME.
CountryNameTypeListclassA list of country name element types
CountryNumericCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryNumericCodeTypeclassA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryOfChargeabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country to which an immigrant, in a numerically limited classification, can be charged by the U.S. Department of State for purposes of numerical control.
CountryOfChargeabilityCodeclass instanceA country to which an immigrant, in a numerically limited classification, can be charged by the U.S. Department of State for purposes of numerical control.
CountryOfFormerAllegianceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country to which allegiance was held in the past but does not currently hold.
CountryOfFormerAllegianceCodeclass instanceA country to which allegiance was held in the past but does not currently hold.
CountryOfOriginclass instanceA country of origin of goods shall be defined as the country where the goods were manufactured wholly (Article 31) or subjected to sufficient processing (Article 32) in accordance with the criteria laid down by this Customs Code or in accordance with th
CountryRelationshipCategoryCodeTextclass instanceAn indication whether the place specified for the performance of a (contractual) obligation is located in the country where the declaration is made, in another member country of the same economic or Customs union, or in a third country.
CountryRepresentationclass instanceA data concept for a representation of a country.
CountryRepresentationclass instanceA data concept for a representation of a country.
CountryShortFormNameclass instanceA conventional short form of the country's name as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names. (List of valid values)
CountrySubdivisionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryCodeclass instanceA COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the values used for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 2, v3-6.
CountrySubdivisionCodeTypeclassA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 2, v3-6.
CountrySubdivisionIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
CountrySubdivisionNameclass instanceA name of the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION.
CountrySubdivisionNameBeginDateclass instanceA date on which the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME came into existence.
CountrySubdivisionNameEndDateclass instanceA date on which the COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME ended.
CountrySubdivisionNameIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION NAME.
CountryTypeclassA data type for a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
CountryTypeclassA data type for a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
CountryTypeclassA data type for a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
CountryTypeclassComplex type that defines the name of the country and is reused in other CIQ specs
CountryValidFromDateclass instanceA date on which the country officially was formed.
CountryValidToDateclass instanceA date onwhich the country officially ceased to exist.
countyattributeA county.
CountyOfCustodyTextclass instanceA county in which a child resides.
CourseAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the intended direction of movement in the horizontal plane.
CourseAngleDegreesMeasureclass instanceAn angular distance measured in degrees of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
CourseAngleDegreesMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasure
CourseAngleDegreesMeasureTypeclassA data type for an angle measured in degrees used to identify the intended direction of movement in the horizontal plane. The value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
CourseAngleMeasureclass instanceAn angular distance of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
CourseCodeclass instanceA designator for the 16 generalized directions (for example: southeast) based on the compass rose.
CourseLevelTextclass instanceA data element that describes the level of the provided course and training (i.e. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
CourseTextclass instanceA data element for the name of the training course
CourseValueclass instanceA direction of horizontal motion with respect to true north, measured in degrees.
courtrelationThe specific entity within the judicial branch of government in which a case or document is to be filed.
CourtclassA person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.
Courtclass instanceA court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.
CourtActivityclass instanceA court-related action.
CourtActivityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtActivityType.
CourtActivityConditionclass instanceA condition related or attached to a court activity.
CourtActivityCourtOrderclass instanceA direction of a judge not included in a judgment, which determines some point or directs some step in proceedings.
CourtActivityScheduleDayclass instanceA schedule on which a court activity is to occur.
CourtActivitySupervisingAgencyclass instanceA supervising agency associated with a court activity result, especially for reporting purposes.
CourtActivityTypeclassA data type for a court-related action associated with a court case event.
CourtAdministrativeUnitTextclass instanceA unit within a court system responsible for record maintenance.
CourtAdministrativeUnitTextclass instanceA unit within a court system responsible for record maintenance.
CourtAppearanceclass instanceAn appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtAppearanceclass instanceAn appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtAppearanceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtAppearanceType.
CourtAppearanceCaseclass instanceA case for which a party must appear in court.
CourtAppearanceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of appearance a party is required to make in court.
CourtAppearanceCourtclass instanceA court in which a party is required to appear.
CourtAppearanceDateclass instanceA date on which a party must appear in court.
CourtAppearanceDateclass instanceA date on which a party must appear in court.
CourtAppearanceDefendantNotPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the defendant of a case is not present for an appearance; false otherwise.
CourtAppearanceEntityclass instanceAn entity required to appear in court.
CourtAppearanceReasonTextclass instanceA reason a party is required to appear in court.
CourtAppearanceTypeclassA data type for an appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtAppearanceTypeclassA data type for an appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtType.
CourtAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtType.
CourtCaseclass instanceA court case.
CourtCaseStatusTextclass instanceA piece of non-dispositional descriptive information regarding activity within a court case; example "failure to appear."
CourtCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of court.
CourtCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of court.
CourtCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of courts.
CourtCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of courts.
CourtChargeclass instanceA charge a person is tried for in court.
CourtClerkclass instanceA person who performs the clerk duties in a court.
CourtCostAmountclass instanceAn amount of expenses of prosecuting the case that a convicted subject may be ordered to pay as reimbursement.
CourtDateclass instance
CourtDivisionTextclass instanceAn area of case processing and the law governing specific types of matters before the court and governed by distinct court rule and processes.
CourtEventclass instanceA court occurrence.
CourtEventActionclass instanceA court-related action associated with a court case event.
CourtEventActorclass instanceThe actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry.
CourtEventActorTypeclassThe actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry. E.g. the person who filed the document. Does not include the name of the court clerk composing the docket entry.
CourtEventAppearanceclass instanceAn appearance in court required of a party
CourtEventAttendeeclass instanceA person attending a court event
CourtEventAttendeeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtEventAttendeeType.
CourtEventAttendeeTypeclassA data type for details about court event attendees
CourtEventAugmentationclass instanceAn entry in the docket or register of actions for a case.
CourtEventAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtEventType.
CourtEventAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtEventType.
CourtEventCaseclass instanceA case associated with a court event.
CourtEventCourtclass instanceA court in which a court event occurs.
CourtEventEnteredOnDocketDateclass instanceDate and time of entry into the court record.
CourtEventInputIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person provided input during the court event; false otherwise.
CourtEventJudgeclass instanceA judge associated with a court event.
CourtEventJudgeclass instanceA judge associated with a court event.
CourtEventLocationTextclass instanceA textual description of the location in a court of the calendar event.
CourtEventMotionclass instanceA request made to a court for a ruling or an order.
CourtEventOnBehalfOfActorclass instanceThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
CourtEventOnBehalfOfActorTypeclassThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
CourtEventScheduleclass instanceA day for which a court event is scheduled.
CourtEventScheduleclass instanceA day for which a court event is scheduled.
CourtEventSequenceIDclass instanceA unique identifier for a court case event record.
CourtEventSequenceIDclass instanceA unique identifier for a court case event record.
CourtEventTypeclassA data type for a court occurrence.
CourtEventTypeclassA data type for a court occurrence.
CourtEventTypeCodeclass instanceFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
courtExtensionattributeAn extension point for court
courtExtensionrelationA structure representing the court-specific extensions for this court
courtExtensionattributeA court extension to ECF.
CourtExtensionclassA structure representing the court-specific extensions for the court associated with this Court Policy.
CourtFilingClerkclass instanceA person who is responsible for officially filing and stamping court documents.
courtFindingsattributeA description of the findings of the court.
CourtFindingsTextclass instanceA description of the findings of the court.
courtIDattributeA unique identifier for a court. Court identifiers are established for all of the courts within a state by the highest judicial administrative authority within the state and for the federal courts by the Administrative Office of United States Courts.
CourtLocationCodeclass instanceA court location
courtNameattributeThe name of the court if the origin is a previous court case.
courtNameattributeOfficial name of the court.
CourtNameclass instanceA name of a unit of a court.
CourtNameclass instanceA name of a unit of a court.
courtNameattributeName of court in which the related case was filed. CourtID is not used here, because the court may not be a participant in electronic filing.
CourtOrderclass instanceA direction of a judge not included in a judgment, which determines some point or directs some step in proceedings.
CourtOrderAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about the court order.
CourtOrderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtOrderType.
CourtOrderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtOrderType.
CourtOrderAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a court order.
CourtOrderConditionclass instanceA condition described in a court order that is to be followed by a subject.
CourtOrderDesignatedItemclass instanceA property item to which a court order applies.
CourtOrderDesignatedLocationclass instanceA location to which a court order applies.
CourtOrderDesignatedOrganizationclass instanceAn organization to which a court order applies.
CourtOrderDesignatedSubjectclass instanceA person to which a court order applies. The subject could be a Protected Party, the recipient of a Summons or Subpoena, the subject of a Warrant, etc.
CourtOrderEnforcementAgencyclass instanceAn agency responsible for enforcing a court order.
CourtOrderForEscapeSubjectIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an order to is due to an escape; false otherwise.
CourtOrderFromOtherAgencyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an order to was issued by another agency; false otherwise.
CourtOrderIssuingCourtclass instanceA court that issued a court order.
CourtOrderIssuingDateclass instanceA date a court order was issued by a judicial official.
CourtOrderIssuingJudicialOfficialclass instanceA judge or other judicial official that issued a court order.
CourtOrderJurisdictionclass instanceAn area in which a court order can be enforced.
CourtOrderOutOfStateIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject of an order is either out of state, or the order is in effect for agencies in other states; false otherwise.
CourtOrderRecallDateclass instanceA date a court order was recalled or rescinded.
CourtOrderRecallReasonTextclass instanceA reason a court order was recalled or rescinded.
CourtOrderReceiverclass instanceA person, entity or organization receiving an order.
CourtOrderRenderedDateclass instanceA date the judge verbally issued the order.
CourtOrderRequestDateclass instanceA date a court order was requested.
CourtOrderRequestEntityclass instanceAn entity which requested a court order.
CourtOrderRequestReasonTextclass instanceA reason why a court order was requested.
CourtOrderReviewedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the order was reviewed; false otherwise.
CourtOrderServiceAgencyAssociationclass instanceAn association between a court order and the agency that serves it.
CourtOrderServiceAgencyAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CourtOrderServiceAgencyAssociationType.
CourtOrderServiceAgencyAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a court order and the agency that serves it.
CourtOrderServiceAttemptedDateclass instanceA date a court order was attempted but unable to be delivered.
CourtOrderServiceCautionTextclass instanceA caution, warning, or risk advisement given as an alert to an official servicing a court order.
CourtOrderServiceDateclass instanceA date a court order was delivered.
CourtOrderServiceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of how a court order was delivered.
CourtOrderServiceOfficialAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an official who delivered a court order.
CourtOrderServiceOfficialEnforcementclass instanceAn enforcement official who delivered a court order.
CourtOrderServiceOfficialJudicialclass instanceA judicial official who delivered a court order.
CourtOrderServiceReceivedDateclass instanceA date a service agency received a court order to deliver.
CourtOrderServiceRestrictionTextclass instanceA restriction or limitation on how a court order can be delivered.
CourtOrderSignatureMethodTextclass instanceA method used to obtain a signature on a court order.
CourtOrderSpecialInstructionTextclass instanceA description of inclusions and/or constraints of a court order.
CourtOrderStatusclass instanceA state of a court order.
CourtOrderSupervisingAgencyclass instanceAn agency responsible for evaluating, investigating, supervising and/or setting conditions for a subject incarcerated, on probation, conditional release, supervised release, parole, or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the court, the Department of Corrections, or a Community Corrections Act county.
CourtOrderTypeclassA data type for a direction of a judge not including a judgement, which determines some point or directs some steps in proceedings.
CourtOrderTypeclassA data type for a direction of a judge not including a judgement, which determines some point or directs some steps in proceedings.
CourtRecordMDEclassThe list of operations supported by the Court Record MDE.
CourtReporterclass instanceA person in employ of the court who transcribes a court proceeding.
CourtRuleAppellateCaseInformationclassAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
courtRuleAppellateCaseInformationrelationAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
CourtSchedulingMDEclassThe Court Scheduling MDE is to provide the capability for the filer to submit a request a hearing or calendar date (CourtScheduletQueryMessage) along with the electronic document filing. This is because many court document filings are made specifically to schedule hearings or conference meetings. The MDE provides the ability for the court to respond to the request (allocateCourtDate). And it also allows for the participant to query the court calendar for a specific date and/or time (CourtScheduletQueryMessage).
CourtSupervisingAgencyclass instanceA supervising agency that performs court services for a court unit.
CourtTypeclassA data type for a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.
CourtTypeclassA data type for a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.
courtUnitIDattributeAn identifier for court unit managing a case
coverageFunctionclass instanceThe gml:coverageFunction property describes the mapping function from the domain to the range of the coverage.
The value of the CoverageFunction is one of gml:CoverageMappingRule and gml:GridFunction.
If the gml:coverageFunction property is omitted for a gridded coverage (including rectified gridded coverages) the gml:startPoint is assumed to be the value of the gml:low property in the gml:Grid geometry, and the gml:sequenceRule is assumed to be linear and the gml:axisOrder property is assumed to be "+1 +2".
CoverageMappingRuleclass instancegml:CoverageMappingRule provides a formal or informal description of the coverage function.
The mapping rule may be defined as an in-line string (gml:ruleDefinition) or via a remote reference through xlink:href (gml:ruleReference).
If no rule name is specified, the default is 'Linear' with respect to members of the domain in document order.
CoworkerAssociationclass instanceAn association between people who work together.
CPR0CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 3 - Canadian Vehicle Index Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
CPR0CodeTypeclassA data type for 3 - Canadian Vehicle Index Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
Crashclass instanceA traffic accident.
CrashAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashType.
CrashClassificationCharacteristicCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type to identify the characteristics of the crash with respect to its location on or off a trafficway.
CrashClassificationCharacteristicCodeTypeclassA data type to identify the characteristics of the crash with respect to its location on or off a trafficway.
CrashClassificationLandOwnershipCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the ownership of the land where the crash occurred.
CrashClassificationLandOwnershipCodeTypeclassA data type for the ownership of the land where the crash occurred.
CrashDriverclass instanceA motor vehicle driver involved into a traffic accident.
CrashDriverAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashDriverType.
CrashDriverAuthorizationRestrictionclass instanceA restriction on a driver license or driver license permit.
CrashDriverContributingCircumstancesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an action by the driver that may have contributed to the crash.
CrashDriverContributingCircumstancesCodeclass instanceAn action by the driver that may have contributed to the crash.
CrashDriverDistractionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a distraction which may have influenced the driver performance.
CrashDriverDistractionCodeclass instanceA distraction which may have influenced the driver performance.
CrashDriverLicenseclass instanceA driver license of a person at the time of a crash.
CrashDriverLicenseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashDriverLicenseType.
CrashDriverLicenseCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a current kind of an individual's driver license at the time of the crash.
CrashDriverLicenseCategoryCodeclass instanceA current kind of an individual's driver license at the time of the crash.
CrashDriverLicenseClassAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a Type of License assigned by authorizing agent issuing a driver license to the individual.
CrashDriverLicenseClassCodeclass instanceA Type of License assigned by authorizing agent issuing a driver license to the individual.
CrashDriverLicensePermitStatusCodeclass instanceA current status of an individuals driver license at the time of the crash.
CrashDriverLicenseTypeclassA data type for information about a driver license of a person at the time of a crash.
CrashDriverTypeclassA data type for a motor vehicle driver involved in a traffic accident.
CrashDriverViolationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a vehicle-related violation, which applies to a driver involved in a crash.
CrashDriverViolationCodeclass instanceA vehicle-related violation, which applies to a driver involved in a crash.
CrashDrivingRestrictionCodeclass instanceA Restriction assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
CrashDrivingRestrictionCodeclass instanceA Restriction assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
CrashDrivingViolationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an offense a driver was convicted of in relation to a driving incident.
CrashDrivingViolationCodeclass instanceAn offense a driver was convicted of in relation to a driving incident.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an apparent environmental condition which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesCodeclass instanceAn apparent environmental condition which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for apparent environmental conditions which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeclassA data type for apparent environmental conditions which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a location of a first harmful event.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationCodeclass instanceA location of a first harmful event.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a location of the first harmful event as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a location of the first harmful event as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway.
CrashHarmfulEventCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type.
CrashHarmfulEventCodeTypeclassA data type for the injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type.
CrashInformationSourceclass instanceAn affiliation of the person completing the crash report.
CrashInformationSourceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashInformationSourceType.
CrashInformationSourceTypeclassA data type for the affiliation of a person completing a crash report.
CrashJunctionRelationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a location of the first harmful event in location to a junction.
CrashJunctionRelationCodeclass instanceA location of the first harmful event in location to a junction.
CrashJunctionRelationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a location of the first harmful event in relation to a junction.
CrashJunctionRelationCodeTypeclassA data type for a location of the first harmful event in relation to a junction.
CrashLightConditionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a type/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashLightConditionCodeclass instanceA type/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashLightConditionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashLightConditionCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashMannerAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a manner of crash.
CrashMannerCodeclass instanceA manner of crash.
CrashMannerCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a manner in which two motor vehicles in transport initially came together without regard to the direction of force.
CrashMannerCodeTypeclassA data type for a manner in which two motor vehicles in transport initially came together without regard to the direction of force.
CrashNonMotoristclass instanceA non-motorist involved in a traffic accident.
CrashNonMotoristAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashNonMotoristType.
CrashNonMotoristTypeclassA data type for a non-motorist involved in a Traffic Accident.
CrashPassengerclass instanceA motor vehicle passenger involved in a traffic accident.
CrashPassengerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashPassengerType.
CrashPassengerTypeclassA data type for a motor vehicle passenger involved into a Traffic Accident.
CrashPersonclass instanceA person involved in a traffic accident.
CrashPersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashPersonType.
CrashPersonEMSTransportationclass instanceA transportation of the patient by the EMS unit to a medical facility.
CrashPersonEMSTransportationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashPersonEMSTransportationType.
CrashPersonEMSTransportationTypeclassA data type for an EMS transportation agency.
CrashPersonInjuryclass instanceAn injury received by a person involved in a traffic accident.
CrashPersonTypeclassA data type for any person involved in a traffic accident.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeclass instanceAn apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeclassA data type for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionCodeclass instanceA roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionCodeTypeclassA data type for a roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashSchoolBusRelatedAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a school bus relation,
CrashSchoolBusRelatedCodeclass instanceA school bus relation,
CrashSchoolBusRelatedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for if a school bus or motor vehicle functioning as a school bus for a school-related purpose is involved in the crash.
CrashSchoolBusRelatedCodeTypeclassA data type for if a school bus or motor vehicle functioning as a school bus for a school-related purpose is involved in the crash.
CrashServiceCallclass instanceA call for service received from a person alerting an authority of a traffic accident.
CrashTypeclassA data type for a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleclass instanceA motor vehicle involved in a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashVehicleType.
CrashVehicleCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of motor vehicle unit.
CrashVehicleCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of motor vehicle unit.
CrashVehicleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a motor vehicle unit type and number assigned to uniquely identify each motor vehicle involved in the crash.
CrashVehicleCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a motor vehicle unit type and number assigned to uniquely identify each motor vehicle involved in the crash.
CrashVehicleDamageAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an area of the motor vehicle that received the initial impact.
CrashVehicleDamageCodeclass instanceAn area of the motor vehicle that received the initial impact.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeclass instanceAn indication official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response. Emergency refers to an official motor vehicle that is usually traveling with physical emergency signals in use, typically red light blinking, siren sounding, etc.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeTypeclassA data type for official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response.
CrashVehicleLegalSpeedRateMeasureclass instanceAn authorized speed limit for the motor vehicle at the time of the crash.
CrashVehicleOccupantclass instanceA vehicle occupant involved in a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleOccupantAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashVehicleOccupantType.
CrashVehicleOccupantsQuantityclass instanceA total number of injured and uninjured occupants in this motor vehicle involved in the crash, including persons in or on the motor vehicle at the time of the crash.
CrashVehicleOccupantTypeclassA data type for any vehicle occupant involved in a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleTypeclassA data type for a motor vehicle involved in a traffic accident.
CrashWeatherConditionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash.
CrashWeatherConditionCodeclass instanceA prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash.
CrashWeatherConditionCodeTypeclassA data type for the prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash.
CrashWorkZoneclass instanceA Work Zone where the crash occurred.
CrashWorkZoneAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrashWorkZoneType.
CrashWorkZoneIndicationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a presence of a Work Zone.
CrashWorkZoneIndicationCodeclass instanceA presence of a Work Zone.
CrashWorkZoneTypeclassA data type for a work zone where a crash occurred.
CRCCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 13 - Circumcision (CRC) Field Codes
CRCCodeTypeclassA data type for 13 - Circumcision (CRC) Field Codes
CreationDateclass instanceA date a record was created.
CreatorNameclass instanceA name of an entity primarily responsible for generating or producing the information.
Credentialclass instanceAn acknowledged measure of achievement, education or professional training.
CredentialAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CredentialType
CredentialCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of credential types for staff members.
CredentialCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of credential types for staff members.
CredentialClassclass instanceA data element for a credential class. Example structures: Experience, Training etc
CredentialClassAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CredentialClassType
CredentialClassBadgeQualificationCodeTextclass instanceA data element for the code associated with the Person's qualifications recorded on the Badge
CredentialClassCategoryCodeclass instanceA data element for the type or kind of credential class
CredentialClassCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code that represents the type of credential class
CredentialClassCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type that represents the type of a credential class
CredentialClassCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of credential class
CredentialClassDescriptionTextclass instanceA data element for the textual description of a credential class
CredentialClassIDclass instanceAn identifier of a credential class
CredentialClassMetricclass instanceA data element for a first responder credential class metric. Example: Number of years a Person has held a Commercial Pilot License
CredentialClassMetricAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CredentialClassMetricType
CredentialClassMetricIDclass instanceAn identifier for the code assigned to a credential class Metric
CredentialClassMetricNameclass instanceA data element for the name of a credential class metric
CredentialClassMetricPrecisionNumericclass instanceA data element for the precision of a credential class metric
CredentialClassMetricTypeclassA data type for a first responder credential class metric. Example: Number of years a Person has held a Commercial Pilot License
CredentialClassMetricUnitOfMeasureclass instanceA data element for the unit of measure of a credential class metric. Example: Years, Level, etc
CredentialClassMetricValueclass instanceA data element for the value of a credential class metric
CredentialClassMetricValueAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CredentialClassMetricValueType
CredentialClassMetricValueTypeclassA data type for the value of a credential class metric
CredentialClassNameclass instanceA data element for the name of a credential class. Example structures: Experience, Training, etc
CredentialClassTypeclassA data type for a credential class. Example structures: Experience, Training etc
CredentialDescriptionTextclass instanceA data element for the description of the credential
CredentialExpirationCategoryCodeclass instanceA data element for the type of expiration of a person's credential. Example structures: Expired, Revoked
CredentialExpirationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that represents the type of credential expiration
CredentialExpirationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of credential expiration
CredentialIDclass instanceAn identifier associated with the credential
CredentialIssueDateclass instanceA data element for the date that the credential is issued
CredentialIssuedByTextclass instanceA data element for the information about the Organization that issued the credential
CredentialIssuingAuthorityclass instanceAn issuing authority for the specific credential awarded.
CredentialQualificationCriteriaclass instanceA data element for the criteria for a credential qualification
CredentialQualificationCriteriaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CredentialQualificationCriteriaType
CredentialQualificationCriteriaTypeclassA data type about the criteria for person's credential qualification
Credentialsclass instanceA value from a discrete managed list, used to specify resource credentials
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeclass instanceA verfication of the authenticating credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeclass instanceA verfication of the authenticating credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeTypeclassA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeTypeclassA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the state of user credentials authentication.
CredentialsAuthenticationCodeclass instanceA state of user credential's authentication.
CredentialsAuthenticationTextclass instanceA description of a state of user credential's authentication.
CredentialStatusCodeclass instanceA codified presentation of the status of a Person's credential
CredentialStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that defines the codified representation of a person-credentials status
CredentialStatusCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the codified representation of a person-credentials status
CredentialTitleTextclass instanceA title of the credential.
CredentialTypeclassA data type for an acknowledged measure of achievement, education or professional training.
CreditAccountclass instanceThe account against which this payment will be charged.
creditAccountrelationThe account against which this payment will be charged.
CreditAccountclassAn account created within a court financial system crediting a person or organization with a balance against which future fees may be charged.
CreditAccountTypeclassAn account created within a court financial system crediting a person or organization with a balance against which future fees may be charged.
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of credit/bank/ID card.
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card.
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card.
CreditCardIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien indicated he/she has any credit cards; false otherwise.
Crewclass instanceA crew member.
CrewAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrewType.
CrewListclass instanceA list of crew members.
CrewListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrewListType.
CrewListTypeclassA data type for a list of crew onboard.
CrewMemberclass instanceA crew member.
CrewNationalityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a nationality of one or more crew members on a vessel
CrewNationalityCountclass instanceA count of the number of crew members on a vessel with a particular nationality
CrewNationalityCountAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrewNationalityCountType.
CrewNationalityCountTypeclassA data type for a nationality of one or more crew members on a vessel
CrewNationalityISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA nationality of a crew member or members
CrewNationalityListclass instanceA list of nationalities of the crew on board a vessel.
CrewNationalityListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrewNationalityListType.
CrewNationalityListTypeclassA data type for a list of the nationalities of all the crew on the vessel
CrewNationalityQuantityclass instanceA count of crew members of a particular nationality
CrewRoleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a role a crew member fulfills on a vessel.
CrewRoleCodeclass instanceA code for a role a crew member fulfills on a vessel.
CrewRoleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a crew role.
CrewRoleCodeTypeclassA data type for a crew role.
CrewRoleTextclass instanceA role a crew member fulfills on a vessel.
CrewTypeclassA data type for a crew member with associated embark/debark information.
criminalclass view
criminal:ChargeAmendedIndicatorattributeAn indicator that the charge submitted amends an earlier submitted charge.
criminal:PreliminaryHearingEstimatedDurationattributeThe prosecutor estimate of the time that will be required to conduct a preliminary hearing.
criminal:ProsecutionRecommendedBailTextattributeThe bail amount recommended by the prosecutor.
criminal:SentenceConcurrentAssociationattributeReference to another sentence which is to be served concurrent with this sentence. In the case of multiple sentences without references to concurrent sentences, they are assumed to be served consecutively.
CriminalActivityCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of criminal activity.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of criminal activity.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of incidents.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of incidents.
CriminalActivityCategoryNDExCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
CriminalActivityCategoryNDExCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
CriminalActivityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of criminal activity.
CriminalActivityNDExCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of criminal activity.
CriminalAffiliationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an ORGANIZATION is suspected of illegal activities; false otherwise.
CriminalAppellateCaseInformationclassAdditional information specific to criminal appellate cases.
criminalAppellateCaseInformationrelationAdditional information specific to criminal appellate cases.
CriminalAssociateAssociationclass instanceA relationship between people who are known criminals.
CriminalCaseclass viewInformation required to initiate a new criminal case in a court. "Criminal" includes felonies and misdemeanors.
CriminalCaseclass diagramInformation required to initiate a new criminal case in a court. "Criminal" includes felonies and misdemeanors.
CriminalCaseInformationclassInformation required to initiate a new criminal case in a court. "Criminal" includes felonies and misdemeanors.
CriminalCaseInformationclass instance
criminalFilingSupportedIndicatorattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
CriminalHistoryPendingChargesTextclass instanceA description of a person's criminal history, pending charges, and other relevant legal status information (for example, eligibility for protection under the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act).
CriminalHistorySummaryClassificationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of classification given to a person as a result of criminal history summary evaluation.
CriminalInformationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the information specified is classified as criminal information; false if it is not classified as criminal information.
CriminalOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that is formed to or intentionally conducts illegal activities.
CriminalOrganizationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CriminalOrganizationType.
CriminalOrganizationCautionTextclass instanceA caution or warning associated with a criminal organization.
CriminalOrganizationMembershipHighQuantityTextclass instanceA high estimate of the number of people in an organization.
CriminalOrganizationMembershipInitiationTextclass instanceA description of the requirement or result of a person becoming a member of a criminal organization.
CriminalOrganizationMembershipLowQuantityTextclass instanceA low estimate of the number of people in an organization.
CriminalOrganizationNCICIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to a criminal organization.
CriminalOrganizationObjectiveTextclass instanceAn objective or purpose of the criminal organization.
CriminalOrganizationTraitDetailsclass instanceA description of characteristic traits and identifiers of a criminal organization.
CriminalOrganizationTypeclassA data type for an organization that is formed to or intentionally conducts illegal activities.
CriminalPersonclassAdditional information about a person.
CriminalTraitActionclass instanceA characteristic action associated with criminal activity by a person or a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitActivityDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of crime a criminal organization or person usually commits.
CriminalTraitColorTextclass instanceA color associated with criminal activity.
CriminalTraitCommunicationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the types of communication used by a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of criminal characteristics.
CriminalTraitDetailsclass instanceA set of criminal characteristics associated with a person or a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CriminalTraitDetailsType.
CriminalTraitDetailsTypeclassA data type for criminal characteristics associated with a person or a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitDressTextclass instanceAn identifying dress or clothing associated with a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitEthnicityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an ethnic or cultural background associated with a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitEthnicityCodeclass instanceAn ethnic or cultural background associated with a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitEthnicityTextclass instanceAn ethnic or cultural background associated with a criminal organization.
CriminalTraitGraffitiDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of criminal artwork associated with a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitGraffitiImageclass instanceAn image of criminal artwork.
CriminalTraitHandSignalTextclass instanceAn identifying hand signal associated with a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitModusOperandiTextclass instanceA usual way in which a criminal organization or person acts or operates.
CriminalTraitTargetDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the kind of recipient of criminal activity usually chosen by a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitTattooDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a tattoo associated with a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitTattooImageclass instanceAn image of a tattoo associated with a criminal organization or person.
CriminalTraitTurfTextclass instanceA description of a location a criminal organization or person often frequents or considers to have control over.
CrippledFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger that is crippled.
CrippledFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a finger that is crippled.
Crisisclass instanceA crisis.
CrisisAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:CrisisType
CrisisDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a crisis.
CrisisIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a crisis.
CrisisImageclass instanceAn image of a crisis.
CrisisImpactCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the impact of a crisis on a group or other entity.
CrisisImpactCodeTypeclassA data type for the impact of a crisis on a group or other entity.
CrisisLocationclass instanceA location of a crisis.
CrisisNameclass instanceA name of a crisis.
CrisisStatusclass instanceA status of a crisis.
CrisisTypeclassA data type for a crisis.
CrisisURLIDclass instanceAn URL identifier for information about a crisis.
CriteriaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of specified credential criteria
CriteriaCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of specified credential criteria
CroppingPracticeCodeclass instanceA code identifying the cropping practice applicable for a reported crop/commodity on a field/subfield.
CroppingPracticeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for code identifying the cropping practice applicable for a reported crop/commodity on a field/subfield.
CroppingPracticeCodeTypeclassA data type for code to represent cropping practice applicable for a reported crop/commodity.
CropYearSimpleTypeclassA data type to indicate a period of time (in year) within which the crop is normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is normally harvested.
For crops:
- Harvested over 2 calendar years, the crop year is the calendar year in which the majority of the crop would have been harvested.
- Grown over more than 2 calendar years, each year in the growing period will be considered as a separate crop year designated by the calendar year in which the crop sustained a loss.
RMA's regulations define Crop Year as the period within which the insured crop is normally grown, regardless of whether or not it is actually grown, and designated by the calendar year in which the insured crop is normally harvested, unless otherwise specified in the Crop Provisions.
CropYearTypeclassA data type to indicate a period of time (in year) within which the crop is normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is normally harvested.
CropYearValueclass instanceA period of time (in year) within which the crop is normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is normally harvested.
For crops:
- Harvested over 2 calendar years, the crop year is the calendar year in which the majority of the crop would have been harvested.
- Grown over more than 2 calendar years, each year in the growing period will be considered as a separate crop year designated by the calendar year in which the crop sustained a loss.
- For which CAT coverage is available, the crop year will be as defined by such coverage.
RMA's regulations define Crop Year as the period within which the insured crop is normally grown, regardless of whether or not it is actually grown, and designated by the calendar year in which the insured crop is normally harvested, unless otherwise specified in the Crop Provisions
CrossingAgencyCodeTextclass instanceA government agency that processed the border crossing.
CrossingReferralAgencyCodeTextclass instanceA government agency that handled the secondary inspection referral.
CrossReferenceIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a record in a transaction
CrossStreetAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CrossStreetType.
CrossStreetDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a street intersection.
CrossStreetRelativeLocationclass instanceA location of something relative to a street intersection.
CrossStreetTypeclassA data type for a location identified by two or more streets which intersect.
CrsAltclass instance
CrsAlt_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CRSPropertyTypeclassgml:CRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a CRS abstract coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that CRS.
crsRefclass instance
CSPCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for each of the available color spaces for images
CSPCodeTypeclassA data type for the available color spaces for images
ctclass view
CT_CodelistCatalogueclass instance
CT_CrsCatalogueclass instance
CT_UomCatalogueclass instance
CubicSplineclass instanceThe number of control points shall be at least three.
vectorAtStart is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline. vectorAtEnd is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline. Only the direction of the vectors shall be used to determine the shape of the cubic spline, not their length.
interpolation is fixed as "cubicSpline".
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation in this spline. Therefore the degree for a cubic spline is fixed to "3".
The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
CulvertMaterialCodeclass instanceAn element for the material of culvert.
CulvertMaterialCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the material of culvert.
CulvertMaterialCodeTypeclassA data type for the material of culvert.
CulvertRoadCodeclass instanceAn element that specifies the various types of road surface. Helps determine reliability of cost estimates.
CulvertRoadDamageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there associated road damage; false if not
CulvertShapeCodeclass instanceAn element for the common types of culverts(shapes).
CulvertShapeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common types of culverts (shapes).
CulvertShapeCodeTypeclassA data type for the common types of culverts (shapes).
currencyattributeA type of monetary currency.
CurrencyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of money or exchange.
CurrencyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a unit of money or exchange.
CurrencyCodeclass instanceA unit of money or exchange.
CurrencyCodeclass instanceA unit of money or exchange.
CurrencyCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeTypeclassA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeTypeclassA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyExchangeclass instanceAn exchange of currency for a specified country
CurrencyExchangeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CurrencyExchangeType.
CurrencyExchangeTypeclassA data type for an exchange of currency for a specified country
CurrencyTextclass instanceA unit of money or exchange.
CurrencyTextclass instanceA unit of money or exchange.
CurrentEvaluationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an Person is currently undergoing an evaluation; false otherwise.
CurrentExploitationIndustryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking is currently being exploited.
CurrentExploitationIndustryCodeclass instanceAn industry in which a victim of human trafficking is currently being exploited.
CurrentExploitationIndustryTextclass instanceAn industry in which a victim of human trafficking is currently being exploited.
CurrentLivingSituationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of current living situtation.
CurrentLivingSituationCategoryCodeclass instanceA data concept for a kind of current living situtation.
CurrentLivingSituationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of current living situtation.
CurrentSessionEndDateclass instanceA date on which an alien students current academic session ends.
CurrentTraffickedVenueAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking is currently being trafficked.
CurrentTraffickedVenueCodeclass instanceA venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking is currently being trafficked.
CurrentTraffickedVenueTextclass instanceA venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking is currently being trafficked.
Curriculumclass instanceA collection of subjects comprising a course of study offered by an educational system or program.
CurriculumAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CurriculumType
CurriculumCapacityRatioTextclass instanceA limit of the capacity of students to instructors for a specific course or subject.
CurriculumDescriptionTextclass instanceA text description of the purpose of the Curriculum.
CurriculumGenderRestrictionTextclass instanceA gender for which a Curriculum is designed, if appropriate.
CurriculumIDclass instanceAn identifier for a Curriculum.
CurriculumNameclass instanceA name used to identify a curriculum.
CurriculumPhaseclass instanceA structural element within a curriculum to help keep activities placed in an order that facilitates making appropriate progress.
CurriculumPhaseAssociatedActivityclass instanceA set of details about a specific activity within a phase.
CurriculumPhaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CurriculumPhaseType
CurriculumPhaseCapacityTextclass instanceA ratio of subjects to staff members for a Phase of a specific topic.
CurriculumPhaseTypeclassA data type for a structural element within a curriculum to help keep activities placed in an order that facilitates making appropriate progress.
CurriculumSequenceNumericclass instanceA number assigned to each Curriculum to order the way the curriculum is sequenced within a program with all other Curricula.
CurriculumStartDateclass instanceA scheduled date for the start of a Curriculum.
CurriculumTypeclassA data type for a collection of subjects comprising a course of study offered by an educational system or program.
Curveclass instanceA curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system.
A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different interpolation method. The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment except the last being the start point of the next segment in the segment list.
The orientation of the curve is positive.
The element segments encapsulates the segments of the curve.
Curveclass instance
curveArrayPropertyclass instance
CurveArrayPropertyTypeclassA container for an array of curves. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
CurveInterpolationTypeclassgml:CurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
CurveInterpolationTypeclassCurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an
application schema.
curveMemberclass instance
curveMembersclass instanceThis property element contains a list of curves. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
curvePropertyclass instanceThis property element either references a curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. curveProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for AbstractCurve.
CurvePropertyTypeclassA property that has a curve as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypeclassgml:CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of curve segments.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypeclassA container for an array of curve segments.
CurveTypeclassA data type for a curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system. A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different
Curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system.
A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different interpolation method. The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment except the last being the start point of the next segment in the segment list.
The orientation of the curve is positive.
CustodialEntityclass instanceA person or organization that has legal custody of a child.
custodyrelationInformation concerning the custody of the juvenile.
CustodyclassInformation concerning the custody of the defendant.
CustodyDescriptionTextclass instanceDescription of temporary custody award that court is being asked to include in the order.
custodyDescriptionTextattributeDescription of temporary custody award that court is being asked to include in the order.
CustodyRequestclass instanceA request for custodial responsibility of another person, usually a child.
CustodyRequestApproverclass instanceA person approving a request for custody.
CustodyRequestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:CustodyRequestType
CustodyRequestTypeclassA data type for a request for custodial responsibility of another person, usually a child.
custodyStatusCodeattributeA code indicating whether or not a defendant or juvenile is held in a jail, prison, lock up or other facility.
custodyStatusCodeattributeAn indicator of whether or not a defendant or juvenile is held in a jail, prison, lock up or other facility.
CustodyTransferclass instanceA transfer of custody or transportation of a subject or property from one enforcement party to another.
CustodyTransferActionTextclass instanceAn action taken in the transfer of custody.
CustodyTransferAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CustodyTransferType.
CustodyTransferItemclass instanceA piece of property which is being transferred from one custody to another.
CustodyTransferLocationclass instanceA location where transfer of custody occurs.
CustodyTransferReceivingEnforcementAgencyclass instanceAn enforcement agency that receives custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferReceivingEnforcementFacilityclass instanceAn enforcement facility that receives custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferReceivingEnforcementOfficialclass instanceA peace official that receives custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferReleasingEnforcementAgencyclass instanceAn enforcement agency that releases custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferReleasingEnforcementFacilityclass instanceAn enforcement facility that releases custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferReleasingEnforcementOfficialclass instanceA peace official that releases custody of a subject or property.
CustodyTransferSubjectclass instanceA person who is being transferred from one custody to another.
CustodyTransferTypeclassA data type for a transfer of custody or a transfer of a subject or property from one enforcement party to another.
CustomerInfoclass instanceAn individual, corporation, partnership, association, tribe, unit of government, Conservation District, or other organization with which a USDA Service Center has had, or may have, business.
CustomerInfoAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CustomerInfoType.
CustomerInfoTypeclassA data type containing customer information including identification and name.
CustomerInterAgencyIdentificationIDclass instanceA system generated, unique internal identifier used between agencies to identify a USDA customer (individual or business).
Currently SCIMS Core Customer Identifier is the source value. This will change if a different customer unique identifier is adopted.
CustomsDocumentclass instanceA document category that facilitates implementation of a system of tolls, tariffs, taxes, and regulation of international trade.
CustomsDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for it:CustomsDocumentType.
CustomsDocumentTypeclassA data type for a document category that facilitates implementation of a system of tolls, tariffs, taxes, and regulation of international trade.
CustomsGoodsItemclass instanceA data type that describes the value declared for purposes of those goods in a consignment.
CustomsGoodsItemAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CustomsGoodsItemType.
CustomsGoodsItemTypeclassA data type for a value declared for purposes of those goods in a consignment.
CustomsItemIdentificationclass instanceA sequence number identification differentiating a specific goods item within a consignment.
CustomsOfficeDutyTaxPaymentTextclass instanceA code to identify a location at which a subsequent declaration is lodged.
CustomsProcedureclass instanceA description of an Activity required for Customs.
CustomsProcedureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CustomsProcedureType.
CustomsProcedureTypeclassA data type for a specific activity required for Customs
CustomsStatusclass instanceA status of the item for Customs purposes at a particular point in time.
CustomsValuationAmountclass instanceA monetary representation of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
CustomsValuationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for CustomsValuationType.
CustomsValuationTypeclassA data type for a cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
CV2IDclass instanceThe secondary number (sometimes on the reverse) of the card for added security.
Cylinderclass instance
cylindricalCSclass instancegml:cylindricalCS is an association role to the cylindrical coordinate system used by this CRS.
CylindricalCSclass instancegml:CylindricalCS is a three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar coordinate system. A CylindricalCS shall have three gml:axis property elements.
CylindricalCSPropertyTypeclassgml:CylindricalCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a cylindrical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
cylindricalCSRefclass instance