class instancegml:Face represents the 2-dimensional topology primitive.
The topological boundary of a face (gml:directedEdge) consists of a sequence of directed edges. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence".
The optional coboundary of a face (gml:directedTopoSolid) is a pair of directed solids which are bounded by this face. A positively directed solid corresponds to a solid which lies in the direction of the negatively directed normal to the face in any geometric realisation.
A face may optionally be realised by a 2-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:surfaceProperty).
class instanceAn image of a human face
class instanceA face feature point that includes a Z-coordinate
class instanceAn augmentation point for FaceImage3DFeaturePoint
FaceImage3DFeaturePointTypeclassA data type for an anthropometric landmark feature point
class instanceA set of angular offsets of a subject from a full face or a profile, for a determined 3D pose
class instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
class instanceA set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
FaceImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
FaceImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
class instanceA source of an image
class instanceA special attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionCode.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FaceImageAttribute
class instanceAn attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionCode.
class instanceA description of a special attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionText.
FaceImageAttributeTypeclassA data type for an attribute of a face image
class instanceAn augmentation point for Face Image
class instanceA polygon containing a face image in a larger picture
class instanceAn augmentation point for Face Image Boundary
class instanceA shape of the boundary of a face image in a larger picture
FaceImageBoundaryTypeclassA data type for a polygon containing a face image in a larger picture
class instanceA kind of face image in a bounding box
FaceImageBoundingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of face image in a bounding box
FaceImageBoundingCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of face image in a bounding box
class instanceA square bounding box containing a face image in a larger picture
class instanceAn augmentation point for Face Image Bounding Square
FaceImageBoundingSquareTypeclassA data type for a square bounding box containing a face image in a larger picture
class instanceA contour feature in a face image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FaceImageContour
class instanceA kind of contour feature in this face image
FaceImageContourCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of contour feature in a face image
FaceImageContourCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of contour feature in a face image
FaceImageContourTypeclassA data type for a contour feature in a face image
class instanceA data concept for a description of a facial expression of a subject and other attributes associated with a subject's captured facial image
class instanceA description of a facial expression of a subject and other attributes associated with a subject's captured facial image
FaceImageDescriptionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a facial expression of the subject and other attributes associated with the subject's captured facial image, including physical characteristics
FaceImageDescriptionCodeTypeclassA data type for a facial expression of the subject and other attributes associated with the subject's captured facial image, including physical characteristics
class instanceA set of attributes describing 2D, MPEG4 facial feature points and their locations
class instanceAn augmentation point for Face Image Feature Point
class instanceA data concept for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
class instanceA number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierCodeTypeclassA data type for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
class instanceA user-defined number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierNumericSimpleTypeclassA data type for a user-defined number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierNumericTypeclassA data type for a user-defined number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTypeclassA data type for a set of attributes describing 2D, MPEG4 facial feature points and their locations
class instanceA lighting artifact in this face image
FaceImageLightingArtifactsCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a lighting artifact in a face image
FaceImageLightingArtifactsCodeTypeclassA data type for a lighting artifact in a face image
class instanceA blockage in a face image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FaceImageOcclusion
class instanceA kind of a blockage in a face image
class instanceA level of opacity of a blockage in this face image
FaceImageOcclusionTypeclassA data type for a blockage in an iris image
class instanceAn angular offset of a subject from full face or a profile, for an angled pose
class instanceA data concept for a pose of a subject
class instanceA pose of a subject
FaceImageTypeclassA data type for an image of a human face
class instanceAn image of a human face missing
FacialImageMissingReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for a representation of the iris image missing reason codes.
FacialImagePoseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a FACIAL IMAGE POSE TYPE.
FacialImagePoseCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a FACIAL IMAGE POSE TYPE.
class instanceA building, place, or structure that provides a particular service.
class instanceA range of ages served by a facility from minimum to maximum.
class instanceA designator for a country to which a facility owes its allegiance.
class instanceA description of a specific area of a facility.
class instanceA status for a facility.
class instanceAn association between facilities.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilityAssociationType.
FacilityAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between facilities.
class instanceAdditional information about a Facility.
class instanceAdditional information about a nc:Facility.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilityType.
FacilityAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a Facility.
FacilityAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a nc:Facility.
class instanceA number of vacant beds available at a facility.
class instanceAn numerical identifier of a facility building.
class instanceA description of the number of people a facility can manage at a time.
class instanceA number of people a facility can manage at a time.
class instanceA data concept for a category of facility.
class instanceA kind of facility.
FacilityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the FacilityCategoryCodes
FacilityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the categories of facilities.
class instanceA major kind of Category C work. Road and bridge repair.
class instanceA kind of facility.
class instanceA method of contact for a facility.
class instanceAn item contained by a facility.
class instanceA number of people a facility is currently managing.
class instanceA description of a facility.
class instanceAn association between a facility and a document.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilityDocumentAssociationType.
FacilityDocumentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a facility and a document.
class instanceA description of the equipment capacity of a facility.
class instanceA unique identifier assigned to a facility. There is no required format for the ID value.
class instanceAn identification assigned to a facility.
class instanceAn association between a facility and an image.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilityImageAssociationType.
FacilityImageAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a facility and an image.
class instanceTrue if a facility has the ability to accept people under the legal age of an adult; false otherwise.
class instanceA location of a facility.
class instanceA maximum number of people that are authorized by permit to be contained in a facility at the same time.
class instanceA kind of occupant a facility manages.
class instanceA name of a facility.
class instanceA schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
class instanceAn operational status of a facility.
FacilityOperationalStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the Facility Operational Status Codes
FacilityOperationalStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the operational states of a facility or site.
class instanceAn association between a facility and a person.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilityPersonAssociationType.
FacilityPersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a facility and a person.
class instanceA level of security at which a facility operates.
class instanceAn association between a facility and a site.
class instanceAn augmentation point for nc:FacilitySiteAssociationType.
FacilitySiteAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a facility and a site.
class instanceA diagram of the layout of a facility.
class instanceA high range number of staff for a facility.
class instanceA status of a facility.
FacilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of facility status.
FacilityStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of facility status.
class instanceAn association between a facility and its sub-facility.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FacilitySubFacilityAssociationType.
FacilitySubFacilityAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a facility and its sub-facility.
class instanceAn identification of a computing system that supports a facility's activities.
class instanceAn IP address of a computing system that supports a facility's activities.
FacilityTypeclassA data type for a building, place, or structure that provides a particular service.
class instanceA data concept for a data concept for the functional usage of a facility.
class instanceA description of the functional usage of a facility.
FacilityUsageCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type to describe the uses of real property facilities.
FacilityUsageCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the categories of facilities.
FacilityUsageCodeTypeclassA data type for a description of the functional usage of a facility.
FacilityUsageCodeTypeclassA data type for the categories of facilities.
class instanceA high-level usage category for a facility.
FacilityUsageLevel1CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for Level 1 facility usage codes.
FacilityUsageLevel1CodeTypeclassA data type for Level 1 facility usage codes.
class instanceA mid-level usage category for a facility.
FacilityUsageLevel2CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for Level 2 facility usage codes.
FacilityUsageLevel2CodeTypeclassA data type for Level 2 facility usage codes.
class instanceA description of the functional usage of a facility.
class instanceTrue if the alien faces harm by returning to his/her country; false otherwise
class instanceAn indication for the degree of familiarity between the data subject and the interlocutor.
class instanceAn identification assigned to a family for the purposes of discovering and connecting related records.
class instanceA description of the behaviors of other family members.
FarmCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2.5: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Farm and Garden Equipment and Farm Equipment Parts
FarmCodeTypeclassA data type for 2.5: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Farm and Garden Equipment and Farm Equipment Parts
class instanceA Farm within FSA state and county that contains a number of tracts fields and subfields on which crop acreage details have been reported.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FarmProductionType.
FarmCropAcreageTypeclassA data type that contains farm related information including FSA state and county, farm number, and one to many tracts.
class instanceAn identifier assigned to all land under control of a particular operator within a particular county.
Each County assigns Farm Numbers independently. As a result, farms in different counties might be assigned the same Farm Number; i.e, a Farm Number might be unique only within a particular county. Thus, to uniquely identify a farm, the State FSA Code and County FSA Code must be specified in combination with the Farm Number.
FarmNumberIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to all land under control of a particular operator within a particular county.
Each County assigns Farm Numbers independently. As a result, farms in different counties might be assigned the same Farm Number; i.e, a Farm Number might be unique only within a particular county. Thus, to uniquely identify a farm, the State FSA Code and County FSA Code must be specified in combination with the Farm Number.
FarmNumberIDTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to all land under control of a particular operator within a particular county.
fatalInjuryIndicatorattributeIndicator of whether any person was fatally injured in the incident.
class instanceA statement as to whether or not the father is unknown.
class instanceA collection of information describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
class instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:FaultType.
class instanceAn instrument-specific code that identifies the error or problem.
class instanceA description of the problem that occurred.
class instanceA code indicating the seriousness of a fault.
FaultSeverityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the code values for the various categories of fault severity.
FaultSeverityCodeTypeclassA data type for the categories of fault severity.
FaultTypeclassA data type for describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
class instanceA container for a list of favourites of a person
class instanceTrue if contact by fax machine is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
class instanceA VGTOF Group Member Capability Criteria for Entry
class instanceA generic GML feature adapter.
class instance
class instanceA fourth information item, feature _ comment / COM, allows a free text comment or description to be provided by the examiner about the referenced field and subfield in this instance of a Type-9 record.
class instanceA second information item, feature _ field occurrence / FTO, indicates which repeating subfield of the specified field the label is applied to. Note that this is a 1-based index, not a 0-based index. Occurrences are numbered starting with 1.
class instanceA data for one or both of the third or fourth information items shall be present in each subfield. The first two information items are mandatory. The first information item, feature - field number / FTF, indicates the field which is annotated with color for display and / or comment. This information item is selected from the Field number column of Table 57 EFS codes for field numbers used for feature color.
class instanceA third information item, feature _ color / FTC, is an RGB color value expressed as a hexadecimal number.Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.
class instanceA fifth information item, line color / TLC, is an RGB color value expressed as a hexadecimal number. Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.
class instanceA sixth information item, line thickness / TLT, is expressed as a positive integer. Thickness is expressed in units of 0.01 mm Any value from 1 through 99 is acceptable; suggested values are 3 (thin); 6 (medium); 9 (thick), and 15 (bold).
class instance
class instance
class instanceA data concept for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
class instanceA kind of feature point of a captured facial image
FeaturePointCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
FeaturePointCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
class instanceAn X coordinate of a facial feature point
class instanceAn identification of a particular feature point, defined by ISO/IEC 14496-2
class instanceA Y coordinate of a facial feature point
class instanceA Z coordinate of a 3D face feature point
class instance
FeatureTypeclassA data type that encapsulates a GML feature instance.
FeatureTypeListclassList of person's physical features
class instanceA federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route code value
FederalAidRouteCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type indicating Federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route type
FederalAidRouteCodeTypeclassA data type indicating Federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route type
federalBureauOfInvestigationNumberattributeA number issued by the FBI Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
class instanceA court's description of its factual findings supporting conclusions about legal standards defined in federal law. Usage: factual findings regarding an agency's reasonable efforts to reunify a family, a child's placement in the least re
class instanceTrue if the Federal Government is the sponsor of the Program; false otherwise
class instanceTrue if repairs to this facility are the responsibility of USACE or NRCS; false if not
class instanceTrue if this is a Federal road/bridge; false otherwise.
class instanceTrue if perform federal data match; false if there is no fed match.
class instanceAn amount of money charged.
feeExemptionReasonCodeattributeA code for the reason why a filer does not have to pay an otherwise applicable payment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples are in forma pauperis status granted or a fee waiver application submitted with the filing..
feeExemptionSupportingTextattributeAny text needed to support the exemption assertion (reference to a court order, etc.)
feesWaivedIndicatorattributeIndicator that filing fees were waived or deferred in the case in the lower court.
class instanceA crime which is punishable by death or imprisonment in a state facility.
FiduciaryCaseInformationclassInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
fiduciaryCaseInformationrelationInfInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
fiduciaryTypeCodeattributeLegal description of the role of a fiduciary. Examples: guardian, trustee, conservator of the person, conservator of the estate.
class instanceA field of land within a tract on which groupings of crops can be planted.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FieldProductionType.
FieldCropAcreageTypeclassA data type that contains field related information including CLU related information, field number, and one to many agriculture production plans.
class instanceAn identifier number assigned to a field of land that is part of a farm tract.
Field numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, and are unique within that offics farms. A Field Number is used in conjunction with Tract Number, State FSA Code and County FSA Code for uniqueness.
Field number and Tract Number are not necessarily unique based upon State ANSI Code and County ANSI Code in instances where the ANSI codes are not the same as the FSA codes.
FieldNumberIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to a field of land that is part of a farm tract.
Field numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, and are unique within that office''s farms. A Field Number is used in conjunction with Tract Number, State FSA Code and County FSA Code for uniqueness.
Field number and Tract Number are not necessarily unique based upon State ANSI Code and County ANSI Code in instances where the ANSI codes are not the same as the FSA codes.
FieldNumberIDTypeclassA data type for identification number assigned to a field of land that is part of a farm tract.
class instancefor efficiency reasons, GML also provides a means of encoding the range set in an arbitrary external encoding, such as a binary file. This encoding may be "well-known" but this is not required. This mode uses the gml:File element.
The values of the coverage (attribute values in the range set) are transmitted in a external file that is referenced from the XML structure described by gml:FileType. The external file is referenced by the gml:fileReference property that is an anyURI (the gml:fileName property has been deprecated). This means that the external file may be located remotely from the referencing GML instance.
The gml:compression property points to a definition of a compression algorithm through an anyURI. This may be a retrievable, computable definition or simply a reference to an unambiguous name for the compression method.
The gml:mimeType property points to a definition of the file mime type.
The gml:fileStructure property is defined by a codelist. Note further that all values shall be enclosed in a single file. Multi-file structures for values are not supported in GML.
The semantics of the range set is described as above using the gml:rangeParameters property.
Note that if any compression algorithm is applied, the structure above applies only to the pre-compression or post-decompression structure of the file.
Note that the fields within a record match the gml:valueComponents of the gml:CompositeValue in document order.
class instanceAn official record or set of records associated with a person, project, task, or activity.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FileType.
FILECodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 4.2: Global Inquiry File (FILE) Field Codes
FILECodeTypeclassA data type for 4.2: Global Inquiry File (FILE) Field Codes
class instanceA Field Office or Service Center that has the authorization to handle the Alien's A-File and update CIS to reflect location and movement of the file.
class instanceAn internal identifier uniquely identifying a customer within a specific file. Each unique customer within a given file will have a unique File Customer Identifier. File Customer Identifier values are not unique across files.
FileCustomerIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for internal identifier uniquely identifying a customer within a specific file. Each unique customer within a given file will have a unique File Customer Identifier. File Customer Identifier values are not unique across files.
FileCustomerIDTypeclassA data type for internal identifier uniquely identifying a customer within a specific file.
class instanceAn identification of the file number assigned to an alien immigration file.
class instance
class instanceTrue if the alien immigration file is new; false otherwise.
FilerclassA filer that submits filings to a court and serves filings to other parties in a case.
class instanceA date a file was received.
class instanceA date on which the alien's immigration file was requested.
filerIDattributeAn attorney, judicial official or a pro se (self-represented) litigant who electronically provides filings (combinations of data and documents) for acceptance and filing by a court, or who has successfully filed filings with a court.
filerIDattributeA unique identifier for a person or organization that requests information.
filerIDattributeA unique identifier for a person or organization that requests information.
filerPerformsServiceIndicatorattributeIndicator whether the filer is required to serve
fileSizeattributeSize of file expressed in kilobytes
FileTypeclassA data type for an official record or set of records associated with a person, project, task, or activity.
Filing Sequencesequence diagram
FilingAssemblyMDEclassThe list of operations supported by the Filing Assembly MDE.
filingAttorneyIDattributeIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify the entity who is filing this document.
filingAuthorizedTimeattributeThe time that the filer submitted the filing to the control of the filing assembly provider and authorized it for filing into the court. At that point and time, the filer could no longer make any changes to the filing.
filingCompletionTimeattributethe date and time at which the Court Record MDE filing process was completed following the acceptance by the Filing Review MDE
filingEnteredOnDocketTimeattributethe date and time of day on which an entry in the docket or register of action in the court CMS was completed for a filing
filingFeeattributeA fee or price required to submit a document.
filingFeesMayBeApplicableIndicatorattributeIndicates whether fees may be required for some filings.
filingIDattributeAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDattributeAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDattributeAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDattributeAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDattributeA number assigned by the court for a filing.
filingIDattributeAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingOfficialDateattributethe date of filing of a document recognized by the court in its docket entry upon acceptance of the document for entry into the court official records. Note: This date may be, but need to be, affixed to the document with an electronic filestamp. There is no corresponding official hour of the filing. The court may subsequently change the officialFilingDate by judicial order.
filingPartyIDattributeIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify the entity on whose behalf this document is being filed.
FilingReviewMDEclassThe list of operations supported by the Filing Review MDE.
filingStatusattributeThe status of a filing
filingStatusattributeDetails about the status of a court processing of a ReviewFilingMessage submitted to it, and of its processing of the documents contained within that message.
filingStatusCodeattributeStatus of the filing as determined by the system sending the callback. Values: accepted, partially accepted (e.g., some documents but not others), rejected.
filingStatusCodeattributeDetails about the status of a court processing of a ReviewFilingMessage submitted to it, and of its processing of the documents contained within that message.
filingStatusReasonDescriptionattributeA textual description of the reason for the setting of the status in the filingStatusCode.
class instanceTrue if a copy of the final adoption decree for the ADOPTED CHILD was received by USCIS; false otherwise.
class instanceA mandatory final value for the date that a specific crop was planted.
class instanceA final plea offered by a defendant in relation to a charge that was accepted by the court.
FinalReportedAcreageSimpleTypeclassA data type for final number of acres that were reported.
FinalReportedAcreageTypeclassA data type for final number of acres that were reported.
class instanceA final number of acres that were reported.
class instanceA financial account maintained by a financial institution.
financialAccountrelationThe account in a financial institution used for this payment.
FinancialAccountclassAn account in a financial institution.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FinancialAccountType.
class instanceA kind of account or financial service maintained by a financial institution.
class instanceTrue if the account was closed or transferred in its entirety during the calendar year; false otherwise.
class instanceAn entity that holds a financial account.
class instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:FinancialAccountHolderType
class instanceA kind of financial account holder.
FinancialAccountHolderCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of financial account holder.
FinancialAccountHolderCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of financial account holder.
FinancialAccountHolderTypeclassA data type for an entity that holds a financial account.
class instanceA relationship between a financial account and the institution that manages it.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FinancialAccountInstitutionAssociationType.
FinancialAccountInstitutionAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a financial account and the institution that manages it.
class instanceA name of a person or organization appearing on a financial account.
class instanceA kind of financial account number.
FinancialAccountNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of financial account number.
FinancialAccountNumberCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of financial account number.
class instanceAn identifier assigned to a type of financial account.
class instanceAn account balance at the time of financial compilation.
FinancialAccountTypeclassA data type for a financial account maintained by a financial institution.
class instanceA set of financial details for a person.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FinancialCompilationType.
class instanceA date of the financial compilation.
FinancialCompilationTypeclassA data type for a set of financial details for a person.
class instanceA text string denoting the Exchange Visitors financial information.
financialInstitutionrelationThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity of which the branch is a subunit.
FinancialInstitutionclassThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity in which a financial account exists.
financialInstitutionAddressattributeThe address of a financial institution.
financialInstitutionIDattributeThe identifier for a financial institution.
financialInstitutionNameattributeThe name of a financial institution.
FinancialObligationclassA financial responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
class instanceAn amount of an exemption from a payment obligation.
financialObligationTypeattributeA type of financial obligation (e.g. child support, maintanence, medical, medical reimbursement).
class instanceA method used to select and arrange financial support for EXCHANGE VISITORs.
class instanceA statement containing the authoritative decision of the court.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FindingType.
FindingTypeclassA data type for the details of the authoritative decision of the court.
class instanceAn image of a fingerprint
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerImpressionImage
FingerImpressionImageTypeclassA data type for a fingerprint image
class instanceA reason for a missing finger from a fingerprint image
FingerPatternCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a fingerprint pattern classification.
FingerPatternCodeTypeclassA data type for a fingerprint pattern classification.
class instanceA finger position code
FingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a finger position
FingerPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a finger position
fingerprintattributeA print from a single finger.
class instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintActivityType.
FingerprintActivityTypeclassA data type for a non-criminal fingerprint event segment.
class instanceA classification of the manner in which the FINGERPRINT is taken.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintCaptureTechniqueType
class instanceA kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
class instanceA description of the kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueTypeclassA data type for kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
class instanceTrue if a legal hard copy of the BIOMETRIC IMAGE containing the patterns or ridges on the pad of a human finger exists; false otherwise.
FingerprintCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint type.
FingerprintCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint type.
class instanceA description of a fingerprint type.
class instanceA data type that specifies fingerprint compression software information
class instanceA coordinate of the bounding box for an individual finger.
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Coordinate
FingerprintCoordinateTypeclassA data type for coordinates of the bounding box for an individual finger.
class instanceA date/time at which a person being booked was fingerprinted.
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Delta Location
FingerprintDeltaLocationTypeclassA data type for a location of a delta in a fingerprint image
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Feature Location
FingerprintFeatureLocationTypeclassA data type for a location of a minutia or finger pattern characteristic in a fingerprint image
class instanceA kind of supplemental proprietary value describing minutiae and related information encoded from a fingerprint image.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintFeaturesFeedbackType
FingerprintFeaturesFeedbackTypeclassA data type for supplemental proprietary values describing minutiae and related information encoded from a fingerprint image.
class instanceA vendor and version of the fingerprint feature extraction software used to encode minutiae.
class instanceAn identification that uniquely identifies a Person's fingerprints.
class instanceAn image of a fingerprint
class instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
class instanceA set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
FingerprintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured or Subject acquisition profile(SAP)
FingerprintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image
class instanceA missing finger in a fingerprint image
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Finger Missing
FingerprintImageFingerMissingTypeclassA data type for a missing finger in a fingerprint image
class instanceA deviation from upright of the finger tip within a fingerprint image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageFingerprintOrientation type
FingerprintImageFingerprintOrientationTypeclassA data type for a deviation from upright of the finger tip within a fingerprint image
class instanceA data concept for a kind of an impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
class instanceA kind of impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
class instanceA set of information required when finger position code is "19" complete friction ridge exemplars
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Major Case Print
FingerprintImageMajorCasePrintTypeclassA data type for a major case fingerprint image
FingerprintImageMissingAreaReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a reason a fingerprint, facial image is missing
FingerprintImageMissingAreaReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for a reason a fingerprint is missing
class instanceA quality measure of a fingerprint, as defined by NIST
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageNISTQuality
FingerprintImageNISTQualityTypeclassA data type for a NIST quality measure for a particular fingerprint
class instanceA set of possible finger position codes, most probable position first.
class instanceA fingerprint image quality
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageQuality
FingerprintImageQualityTypeclassA data type for a quality measure for a particular fingerprint
class instanceA measure of accuracy of a slap print segmentation
class instanceA fingerprint image segment position polygon
class instanceAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageSegmentPositionPolygon
FingerprintImageSegmentPositionPolygonTypeclassA data type for a polygon segment position for a particular fingerprint
class instanceA fingerprint image segment position square
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Segment Position Square
FingerprintImageSegmentPositionSquareTypeclassA data type for a square segment position for a particular fingerprint
class instanceTrue if the image was formed by stitching together separately captured images; false otherwise.
FingerprintImageTypeclassA data type for a fingerprint image
FingerprintImpressionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of fingerprint impression.
class instanceA description of a kind of fingerprint impression.
class instanceAn off-center position of a finger or thumb image
FingerprintOffCenterCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an off-center position of a finger or thumb image
FingerprintOffCenterCodeTypeclassA data type for an off-center position of a finger or thumb image
FingerprintPatternCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a classification of fingerprint patterns into distinct groups based on general similarities.
class instanceA classification and subclassification of a fingerprint pattern
class instanceAn augmentation point for MinutiaePlantarLocation type
FingerprintPatternClassificationTypeclassA data type for a classification and sub-classification of a fingerprint pattern
class instanceA location of a fingerprint pattern's core in a fingerprint image
class instanceA location of a fingerprint pattern's delta in a fingerprint image
class instanceA class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
class instanceA subclass of fingerprint pattern that is an arch or whorl
FingerprintPatternSubClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a detailed subclassification of fingerprint patterns arches and whorls
FingerprintPatternSubClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a detailed subclassification of fingerprint patterns arches and whorls
class instanceA relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
FingerprintPatternWhorlDeltaRelationshipCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
FingerprintPatternWhorlDeltaRelationshipCodeTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
class instanceAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Position List
FingerprintPositionListTypeclassA data type for a list of finger positions
fingerprintSetattributeA set of fingerprints.
class instanceTrue if a fingerprint biometric was taken; false otherwise.
class instanceTrue if a fingerprint biometric was taken; false otherwise.
class instanceA minutia in a friction ridge image
FingerViewCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of finger view
FingerViewCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of finger view
class instanceA view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
FingerViewNumericSimpleTypeclassA data type for a view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
FingerViewNumericTypeclassA data type for a view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
class instanceA data element for FIPS 201 conformance level of an identification card
FIPS201ConformanceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type code that represents the FIPS 201 conformance level of an identification card
FIPS201ConformanceCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the FIPS 201 conformance level of an identification card
class viewSource: National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST);
Publication: Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia, and the Outlying Areas of the U.S., and Associated Areas;
Date: 28 May 1987;
Source Updates: 1 Jan 1988;
class instanceA weapon that will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by air, carbon dioxide, or the action of an explosive.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FirearmType.
class instanceTrue if firearm is an automatic weapon and can be fired in quick succession; false otherwise.
class instanceA measurement of the length of the tube of a firearm from which a projectile is expelled.
class instanceA data concept for a size of the inside diameter of a firearm barrel or bore.
class instanceA size of the inside diameter of a firearm barrel or bore.
class instanceA size of the inside diameter of a firearm barrel or bore.
class instanceA size of the inside diameter of a firearm barrel or bore.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of firearm.
class instanceA kind of firearm.
class instanceA data concept for a description of a kind of firearm.
class instanceA description of a kind of firearm.
class instanceA kind of firearm.
class instanceA data concept for a surface coating or finish of a firearm.
class instanceA surface coating or finish of a firearm.
class instanceA handle of a firearm.
class instanceA data concept for a manufacturer of a firearm.
class instanceA manufacturer of a firearm.
FirearmTypeclassA data type for a weapon that will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by air, carbon dioxide, or the action of an explosive.
class instanceA data element for the name of ID of a firebox
class instanceA data element for the severity of a fire and the corresponding response based on procedure (e.g. three alarm fire).
FirstConditionCrashCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
FirstConditionCrashCodeTypeclassA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
FirstRecordCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of first record
FirstRecordCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of first record
class instanceA data element for a person who is designated as a first responder
class instanceAn augmentation point for FirstResponderType
class instanceA data element that describes if a first responder is available
FirstResponderAvailabilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that describes the status of availability
FirstResponderAvailabilityStatusCodeTypeclassA data type that describes if a first responder is available
class instanceA data element for filtering result of a search for first responders
class instanceAn augmentation point for FirstResponderFilterType
FirstResponderFilterTypeclassA data type for filtering result of a search for first responders
class instanceA data element for first responders that credential and deploy as a team
FirstResponderTypeclassA data type for a person who is a first responder
class instanceA year of a twelve month period that does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.
FiscalYearDateTypeclassA data type for a year of a twelve month period that does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.
class instanceA temperature value of a hazardous material where there is a risk of explosion or ignition.
class instanceA date for an authorized flight to arrive at an alternate destination airport facility
class instanceA time for an authorized flight to arrive at an alternate destination airport facility
class instanceAn airport facility identified as an alternate destination for a flight.
class instanceA date for an authorized flight to arrive at a final destination airport facility
class instanceA time for an authorized flight to arrive at a final destination airport facility
class instanceAn airport facility identified as the final destination for a flight.
class instanceA location identified as the final destination place where a flight will land
class instanceAn identification value assigned to an authorized flight
class instanceAn airport facility identified as the originating airport for a flight.
class instanceA date for an authorized flight to leave from an originating airport facility
class instanceA time for an authorized flight to leave from an originating airport facility
class instanceA location identified as a place of origin
class instanceA date for an authorized flight to arrive at a planned destination airport facility
class instanceA time for an authorized flight to arrive at a planned destination airport facility
class instanceAn airport facility identified as a planned destination for a flight.
class instanceA data type representing information related to a specific flight plan
class instanceAn augmentation point for FlightPlanSummaryType.
FlightPlanSummaryTypeclassA data type for representing information related to a specific flight plan
class instanceA date a flight plan was transmitted.
floatclassA data type that is patterned after the IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point type [IEEE 754-1985]. The basic value space of float consists of the values m x 2^e, where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 2^24, and e is an integer between -149 and 104, inclusive. In addition to the basic value space described above, the value space of float also contains the following three special values: positive and negative infinity and not-a-number (NaN).
class instanceA force used, whether physical or aided by a tool or weapon.
class instanceAn augmentation point for ForceType.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of force used, which may be physical or aided by a weapon or tool.
class instanceA kind of force used.
ForceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of weapons or forces used by a subject in committing an offense.
ForceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of weapons or forces used by a subject in committing an offense.
class instanceA kind of force used, which may be physical or aided by a weapon or tool.
class instanceA description of a kind of applied force.
class instanceA number of shots fired which were determined to have been effective.
ForceManagementIDSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of identifiers and indexes used to identify data within the GFM XSD. FMIDs convey no information about the entity they identify, are a fixed size, and are exchanged as a single attribute.
ForceManagementIDTypeclassA data type for a set of identifiers and indexes used to identify data within the GFM XSD. FMIDs convey no information about the entity they identify, are a fixed size, and are exchanged as a single attribute.
class instanceA number of times an applied force type was used.
class instanceA kind of other force.
class instanceA description of the physical force a person used against another person.
class instanceA maximum number of rounds for a firearm.
class instanceA total number of shots fired from firearm(s).
class instanceA person who used force against another.
class instanceAn evidence taken in an incident when specifically a tool or weapon was used.
class instanceA tool used to apply force to a person.
ForceTypeclassA data type for details of a force used, whether physical or aided by a tool or weapon.
class instanceAn entity which used particular force/tool/weapon.
class instanceA person who was a victim of force.
class instanceA number of shots fired as warning shots.
class instanceA weapon used to apply force to a person.
class instanceTrue if the foreign authorities have been notified about this CHARGE; false otherwise.
class instanceA role of Foreign Born Child of Citizen Role Type that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
class instanceAn augmentation point for ForeignBornChildofCitizenRoleType.
ForeignBornChildOfCitizenRoleTypeclassA data type for the role of Foreign Born Child of Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country.
class instanceAn identification of a foreign trade zone or FTZ where particular goods shipment has been moved.
class instanceA code that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
ForensicAnalystCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
ForensicAnalystCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
class instanceA comment regarding a forensic dental sample
class instanceA forensic dental and oral record detail
class instanceAn augmentation point for Forensic Dental Oral Detail
ForensicDentalOralDetailTypeclassA data type for a forensic dental and oral record detail
class instanceA set of information regarding the forensic setting information that carried out the analysis of the dental and oral data to identify or confirm the identity of the subject.
class instanceAn augmentation point for Forensic Dental Setting.
ForensicDentalSettingTypeclassA data type for a set of information regarding the forensic setting information that carried out the analysis of the dental and oral data to identify or confirm the identity of the subject.
class instanceA Forensic and Investigatory Voice Detail
class instanceAn augmentation point for ForensicInvestigatoryVoiceDetail
ForensicInvestigatoryVoiceDetailTypeclassA data type for a Forensic and Investigatory Voice Detail
class instanceA country code, describing where a forensic analysis was performed.
class instanceA specimen collected for the purpose of analysis which may be of use as evidence in criminal, civil, judicial, or administrative proceedings.
class instanceAn augmentation point for ForensicSpecimenType.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of forensic specimen.
class instanceA kind of forensic specimen.
class instanceA kind of forensic specimen.
ForensicSpecimenCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected.
ForensicSpecimenCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected.
ForensicSpecimenTypeclassA data type for a specimen collected for the purpose of analysis which may be of use as evidence in criminal, civil, judicial, or administrative proceedings.
class instanceA number indicating the number of DS-2019 forms that have been allocated for a PROGRAM.
class instanceA description of the name of the last form the Alien filled out.
class instanceA date that the last form type was submitted by Alien.
class instancegml:formula Formula(s) or procedure used by an operation method. The use of the codespace attribite has been deprecated. The property value shall be a character string.
class instancegml:formulaCitation provides a reference to a publication giving the formula(s) or procedure used by an coordinate operation method.
class instanceA number indicating the total number of DS-2019 forms used by a PROGRAM.
class instanceTrue if the Program Sponsor is a for-profit organization; false otherwise
class instanceA set of conclusions of the court as they relate to Foster Care and Adoption Assistance (IV-E).
FosterCareCasePlanGoalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for foster care plan goals.
FosterCareCasePlanGoalCodeTypeclassA data type for foster care plan goals.
class instanceA description of the setting of an out-of-home placement.
class instanceA description of the reason for discharge from out-of-home care.
class instanceA date of first removal from a foster home.
class instanceA data concept for describing the source of funding for foster care.
class instanceA source for foster care funding.
FosterCareFundingSourceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for decribing a source for foster care funding.
FosterCareFundingSourceCodeTypeclassA data type for decribing a source for foster care funding.
class instanceA source for foster care funding.
class instanceA date of most recent removal from a foster home.
class instanceA FIPs code of the legal liable county with the current placement setting.
class instanceAn amount of the most recent full month expenditures for the juvenile including any negative or positive payments.
class instanceA number of previous placement settings during this removal episode.
class instanceA date a juvenile was discharged from the most recent foster care episode.
class instanceA data concept for expressing the reasons a child or youth was removed from a foster care placement.
class instanceA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
FosterCareRemovalReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
FosterCareRemovalReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
class instanceA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
class instanceA total number of removals from foster home to date.
class instanceAn association between a child and a foster parent.
class instanceAn augmentation point for FosterParentChildAssociationType.
FosterParentChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child and a foster parent.
FPatternCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.8: Fingerprint Pattern Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPatternCodeTypeclassA data type for 1.8: Fingerprint Pattern Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPClassificationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.7: Fingerprint Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPClassificationCodeTypeclassA data type for 1.7: Fingerprint Classification (FPC) Field Codes
class instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger that is fractured/broken.
class instanceA finger position code for a finger that is fractured/broken.
class instanceTrue if there has been fraudulent receipt of TANF benefits within the last ten years due to a misrepresentation of residence; false otherwise.
class instanceTrue if the ORGANIZATION is determined to be fraudulent; false otherwise.
class instanceFree text description of the party as line 1, line 2, line n.
FreeTextLineTypeListclassList of types for free text lines for defining party characteristics as free format text
class instanceAn amount of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insu
class instanceA code specifying the method of payment for Transport charges
frequencyattributeThe frequency of an obligation (e.g. Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually).
class instanceAn image of a friction ridge print, which may represent a fingerprint, palm print, plantar print, or something else. This is structure that
class instanceA portion of a friction ridge image that corresponds to another image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageAreaOfCorrespondence
FrictionRidgeImageAreaOfCorrespondenceTypeclassA data type for a portion of a friction ridge image that corresponds to another image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImage
class instanceA location of the center of a friction ridge impression
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageCenter
class instanceA method of determining the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageCenterLocationMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method of locating the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageCenterLocationMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for a method of locating the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageCenterTypeclassA data type for a location of the center of a friction ridge impression
class instanceA data concept for a kind of impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
class instanceAn indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
FrictionRidgeImageLateralReversalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
FrictionRidgeImageLateralReversalCodeTypeclassA data type for an indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
class instanceA quality metric for a friction ridge image
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageQuality
FrictionRidgeImageQualityTypeclassA data type for a quality measure for a generic friction ridge image
class instanceA square or polygon within a friction ridge image containing minutiae
class instanceAn augmentation point for Friction Ridge Image Region Of Interest
FrictionRidgeImageRegionOfInterestTypeclassA data type for a square or polygon within a friction ridge image containing minutiae
class instanceA relative overall rotation necessary for two prints to be compared
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageRelativeRotation
FrictionRidgeImageRelativeRotationTypeclassA data type for a relative overall rotation necessary for two prints to be compared
class instanceA friction ridge image segment position square
class instanceAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageSegmentPositionSquare
FrictionRidgeImageSegmentPositionSquareTypeclassA data type for a square segment position for a particular friction ridge
class instanceA full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones in an image
FrictionRidgeImageTonalReversalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones
FrictionRidgeImageTonalReversalCodeTypeclassA data type for a full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones
FrictionRidgeImageTypeclassA data type for a friction ridge image
class instanceA friction ridge position code
FrictionRidgePositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a friction ridge image position
FrictionRidgePositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a friction ridge position code
class instanceA PNG-compressed, base64 encoded data block containing a ridge tracing of a friction ridge impression
class instanceA text description of the normal Friday operating hours.
fromTimeattributeThe beginning time, in the time zone of the court on the beginning date.
class instanceTrue if a person is a current fugitive felon; false otherwise.
fullAddressattributeA complete street address.
class instanceA full-energy peak efficiency calibration. The full-energy peak efficiency at any value of energy is the ratio of the net counts in a peak at that energy to the number of photons emitted by a source at that energy.
class instanceA full telephone number.
fullTelephoneNumberattributeA complete telephone number
class instanceAn augmentation point for FullTelephoneNumberType.
FullTelephoneNumberTypeclassA data type for a full telephone number.
class instanceA data concept for a functional class of the segment.
class instanceA functional class of the segment.
FunctionalClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type indicating functional class of the segment
FunctionalClassCodeTypeclassA data type indicating functional class of the segment
class instanceTrue if the utilities(Electricity, gas, water, sewage etc.) are functional; false if not.
class instanceA memorial or religious event for the recently deceased.
class instanceAn augmentation point for type j:FuneralType
class instanceA temporary leave of custody for the purpose of attending the funeral of a close family member.
class instanceAn augmentation point for type j:FuneralLeaveType
class instanceA name of the cemetery.
class instanceTrue if the checkout order has been completed; false otherwise.
class instanceA comment on the denial of the subject attending the funeral.
class instanceA data concept for a reason a party was notified that funeral leave was denied for a subject.
class instanceA reason a party was notified that funeral leave was denied for a subject.
class instanceA possible security problem associated with the subject attending the funeral.
class instanceTrue if the escape bulletin has been completed; false otherwise.
class instanceA specific funeral to be attended during a funeral leave.
FuneralLeaveTypeclassA data type for a temporary leave of custody for the purpose of attending the funeral of a close family member.
class instanceAn entity or organization conducting or managing the funeral proceedings.
FuneralTypeclassA data type for a memorial or religious event for the recently deceased.
class instanceA FWHM calibration for a gamma radiation detector; i.e., FWHM as a function of energy.
class instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:FWHMCalibrationType.
FWHMCalibrationTypeclassA data type for a FWHM calibration.
FWHMKeVTypeclassA data type for a FWHM measure whose values are positive and measured in keV.
FWHMUncertaintiesKeVTypeclassA data type for FWHM uncertaintymeasure whose values are nonnegative and measured in keV.
class instanceA list of the 1-sigma absolute uncertainties in units of keV, in the FWHM values contained in the FWHMValues element list. The number and order of corresponding values in the FWHMValues and FWHMUncertaintyValues lists must match.
class instanceA list of FWHM values, in units of keV. The number and order of corresponding values in the EnergyValues and FWHMValues lists must match.