B0ATCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1 - Introduction to State and Country Field Usage
B0ATCodeTypeclassA data type for 1 - Introduction to State and Country Field Usage
class instanceA 1-sigma uncertainty in the background count rate used in an analysis, in counts per second (cps).
class instanceA background rate used in an analysis, in counts per second (cps).
class instanceA 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in the value of BackgroundDoseRateValue, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
class instanceA background ambient dose equivalent rate used in an analysis, in microsieverts per hour (Sv/h).
class instanceA combined 1-sigma uncertainty associated with an average background exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
class instanceAn average background exposure rate reported in an analysis results, expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h).
class instanceA data element for an ID card that identifies a person. A badge can be a low cost card, or a PIV card that follows specification NIST SP-800-73-2. Badge may work together with a pin number, visual identification and biometrics of the badge holder to make a positive identification of a person
class instanceAn augmentation point for BadgeType
class instanceA data element for the credential data on a badge
class instanceAn augmentation point for BadgeCredentialType
class instanceA data element for the code associated with the Person's qualifications recorded on the Badge
class instanceA data element specifies a HEX RGB value for a credential appeared on a badge
class instanceA data element specifies the effective date range for a credential appeared on a badge
BadgeCredentialTypeclassA data type that specifies the credential data on a badge
class instanceA data element for the the job title of the Person that appears on the Badge
class instanceA data element for Notes about the Badge, if needed
badgeNumberattributeNumber of an official badge issued by a law enforcement agency to a law enforcement officer.
class instanceA data element for the template of a badge for printing purpose
class instanceTrue if a credential appearing on a badge is temporary; false otherwise
BadgeTypeclassA data type for an ID card that identifies a person. A badge can be a low cost card, or a PIV card that follows specification NIST SP-800-73-2. Badge may work together with a pin number, visual identification and biometrics of the badge holder to make a positive identification of a person
class instance
class instanceAn Identifier of the claim slip given to the alien to account for his personal belongings
class instanceA commitment made (and possibly secured by cash or property) to secure the release of a subject being held in custody and suspected of a crime.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BailType.
class instanceAn agreement between a bondsman and a subject in which a bondsman pays the subject's bail or portion of the bail in exchange for certain conditions, including the payment of a certain amount of money and the reappearance of the subject
class instanceA monetary amount approved for bond.
class instanceA relationship between an entity (person or organization) providing bail for someone, the person being bailed out, and a bail bondsman entity.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BailBondAssociationType.
BailBondAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) providing bail for someone, the person being bailed out, and a bail bondsman entity.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BailBondType.
class instanceAn association that links a bail bond to a charge.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BailBondChargeAssociationType.
BailBondChargeAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association that links a bail bond to a charge.
class instanceA description of a condition or requirement for a subject attached to a bond.
class instanceAn entity that issues a bond.
class instanceA description of what a subject pays for a bond.
class instanceA date a bond is revoked.
class instanceA bail bondsman organization, generally one specializing in posting bond.
class instanceA bail bondsman person, generally from an organization specializing in posting bond.
class instanceAn entity who has agreed to be responsible for a subject.
class instanceA kind of reason a bond is no longer in effect.
class instanceA date a bond no longer is in effect.
BailBondTypeclassA data type for an agreement between a bondsman and a subject in which a bondsman pays the subject's bail or portion of the bail in exchange for certain conditions.
class instanceA description of a condition that must be met in order for a subject to post bail.
class instanceA person for whom bond was posted.
class instanceA date of a court hearing to determine the bail to be set.
class instanceAn organization who posted bond for a person.
class instanceA person who posted bond for another person.
class instanceAn amount of bail paid.
class instanceA bond that was posted for bail.
class instanceA date a subject posts or secures bail.
class instanceA description of the bail requirement set at a court hearing.
class instanceA date bail is revoked.
class instanceA monetary amount approved for bail.
class instanceAn amount of bail set for defendant.
class instanceA court that assigns a bail to a subject.
class instanceA person who is assigned bail.
BailTypeclassA data type for details of a commitment made to secure the release of a subject being held in custody and suspected of a crime.
bankAccountNumberattributeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
bankRoutingNumberattributeA nine number identifier for a financial institution.
BankruptcyCaseclass diagramAdditional information specific to bankruptcy cases.
BankruptcyCaseclass viewAdditional information specific to bankruptcy cases.
BankruptcyCaseInformationclassAdditional information specific to bankruptcy cases.
bankruptcyFilingSupportedIndicatorattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
class instanceTrue if a person has filed for bankruptcy in the past; false otherwise.
BankruptcyStatuteclassSection 11 of the United States Code pertaining to bankruptcy.
bankruptcyStatuterelation Section 11 of the United States Code pertaining to bankruptcy.
class instanceA data element for a bar code
class instanceAn augmentation point for BarcodeType
class instanceA data element for a barcode code type information
BarcodeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that describes the type of a bar-code
BarcodeCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that describes the type of a bar-code
class instanceA data element for a bar code content information
class instanceA data element for a bar code image
BarcodeTypeclassA data type for Barcode
barMembershipattributeA membership in an attorney association.
barNumberattributeAn identifier assigned to an attorney by the bar association.
class instanceA kind of living quarters of the alien who is being detained in a detention facility.
Base Classespackage
Base Messagesclass view
Base Messagesclass diagram
base64BinaryclassA data type for Base64-encoded binary data.
class instanceA base64 binary encoding of data.
class instancegml:baseCRS is an association role to the coordinate reference system used by this derived CRS.
class instanceThe property baseCurve references or contains the base curve, i.e. it either references the base curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. A curve element is any element which is substitutable for AbstractCurve. The base curve has positive orientation.
class instancegml:baseGeodeticCRS is an association role to the geodetic coordinate reference system used by this projected CRS.
class instance
class instanceA count of the maximum (baseline) number of beds in this category
BaseMessageclassThe core information contained in an ECF 5.0 message.
class instanceThe property baseSurface references or contains the base surface. The property baseSurface either references the base surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. A surface element is any element which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSurface. The base surface has positive orientation.
BaseTypeattributeThe NIEM base type that implements the source class or property
class instanceA base unit is a unit of measure that cannot be derived by combination of other base units within a particular system of units. For example, in the SI system of units, the base units are metre, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin, mole, and candela, for the physical quantity types length, mass, time interval, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance and luminous intensity, respectively.
gml:BaseUnit extends generic gml:UnitDefinition with the property gml:unitsSystem, which carries a reference to the units system to which this base unit is asserted to belong.
class instanceA data concept for describing the rationale or factual findings that justify the court's appointment of an attorney for a party.
class instanceA code list describing reasons that justify representation
BasisOfAppointmentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for findings that justify representation
BasisOfAppointmentCodeTypeclassA data type for findings that justify representation
class instanceA reason(s) that justifies representation.
BC0CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 7 - Boat Color (BCO) Field Codes
BC0CodeTypeclassA data type for 7 - Boat Color (BCO) Field Codes
class instanceAn element for the major components of a beach that can be damaged.
BeachComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that specifies the common types of facilities eligible under Public Asssistence category C.
BeachComponentCodeTypeclassA data type that specifies the common types of facilities eligible under Public Asssistence category C.
class instanceTrue if the pre- and post- storm profiles available; false if not
class instanceA direction in a polar coordinate system.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BearingType.
BearingTypeclassA data type for a direction in a polar coordinate system.
BedCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set of available Bed Types.
BedCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set of available Bed Types.
class instanceA date representing the beginning or starting timeframe of using a document.
class instanceAn identifier of a location on the roadway at the beginning ramp terminal (e.g. route-milepost for that roadway) if the ramp connects with a roadway at that point
class instanceA remuneration amount for Person's starting salary.
class instanceA start or begin time.
class instanceAn other Beneficiary in the request that has received other benefits (reference to a person)
class instanceA USCIS receipt/case number identification of another benefit given to a beneficiary receiving the current benefit.
class instanceA classification of the nature of the BENEFIT APPLICATION ENCOUNTER.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationType.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of benefit application.
class instanceA kind of benefit application.
BenefitApplicationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of benefit application.
BenefitApplicationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of benefit application.
class instanceA description of a kind of benefit application.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of benefit application.
class instanceA kind of benefit application.
class instanceA PERSON ENCOUNTER involving the processing of a service request.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationEncounterType.
BenefitApplicationEncounterTypeclassA data type for a Person Encounter involving the processing of a Benefit Application service request.
class instanceAn identifier for the proof of receipt of a benefit application given to the petitioner to account for his benefit application submission.
class instanceA status of a benefit application.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BenefitApplicationStatusType.
class instanceA data concept for a status of a benefit application.
class instanceA status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationStatusCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationStatusTypeclassA data type for a status of a benefit application.
class instanceA date that U.S. Government received an Alien's Benefit application
BenefitApplicationTypeclassA data type for additional document information supporting a BENEFIT APPLICATION ENCOUNTER.
class instanceA text string containing the additional information provided in a declaration on a benefit request.
class instanceA text string containing the response provided to a free-form question on a benefit request.
class instanceA text string containing the statement provided in a declaration on a benefit request.
class instanceA classification of the BENEFIT DOCUMENT
class instanceAn augmentation point for BenefitDocumentType.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of benefit document.
class instanceA kind of benefit document.
BenefitDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of benefit document.
BenefitDocumentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of benefit document.
class instanceA description of a kind of benefit document.
class instanceA state of a benefit document.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BenefitDocumentStatusType.
BenefitDocumentStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of status categories for Benefit Documents
BenefitDocumentStatusCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of status categories for Benefit Documents
class instanceA status of a benefit document.
class instanceA data concept for a status of a benefit document.
BenefitDocumentStatusTypeclassA data type for describing the state of a BENEFIT DOCUMENT
BenefitDocumentTypeclassA data type for the document detailing Benefit information
class instanceA data concept for evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
class instanceA kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
BenefitEvidenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
BenefitEvidenceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
class instanceA kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request,
class instanceA reason that evidence was not provided in support of a benefit request.
class instanceA date when the benefit application was inserted in the database
class instanceA Person that prepared the application
class instanceA date when the benefit request was signed.
class instanceTrue if the benefit request was signed; false otherwise
class instanceBezier curves are polynomial splines that use Bezier or Bernstein polynomials for interpolation purposes. It is a special case of the B-Spline curve with two knots.
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.
interpolation is fixed as "polynomialSpline".
isPolynomial is fixed as "true".
knotType is not relevant for Bezier curve segments.
BiasMotivationCauseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias.
BiasMotivationCauseCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias.
BiasMotivationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
BiasMotivationCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
class instanceA kind of bicycle.
BicycleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle.
BicycleCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle.
class instance
class instanceA digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
binaryclassA digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceAdditional information about a binary.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BinaryType.
BinaryAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a binary.
class instanceTrue if a binary is available; false if it is not.
class instanceA date on which a binary object is captured or created.
class instanceAn entity which captured or created a binary object.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of binary object.
class instanceA kind of binary object.
BinaryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation.
BinaryCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation.
class instanceA kind of object that has been encoded.
class instanceAn identifier representing the digital digest ('hash') computed from the resource file. Calculated using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) per [FIPS 180-2]
BinaryDescriptionCodeclassIANA MIME type specifiying the format of the attachment. Example: application/msword; application/pdf.
class instanceA description of a binary object.
class instanceA name of a standard or protocol used to classify binary content.
class instanceA file format or content type of a binary object.
class instanceA hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:BinaryHashType
class instanceA binary hash value.
class instanceA data concept for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceA hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashFunctionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashFunctionCodeTypeclassA data type for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceA hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashTypeclassA data type for a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceA hash value.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BinaryHashValueType.
BinaryHashValueTypeclassA data type for a binary hash value.
class instanceAn identifier that references a binary object.
class instanceA physical location of a binary object.
class instanceA data concept for a binary encoding of data.
class instanceA size of a binary object in kilobytes.
BinaryTypeclassA data type for a digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
class instanceA URL or file reference of a binary object.
class instanceA number indicating the amount of funding provided to the Exchange Visitor (EV) by the Binational Commission of the Exchange Visitors home country, in order to support his/her participation in a designated EV Program.
class instanceA Kind of device to capture biological data in the process of an encounter.
class instanceA description of a PERSON at a specific point in time
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiographicType.
class instanceA date when the PERSON BIOGRAPHIC is recorded
class instanceAn identification for a BIOGRAPHIC
BiographicTypeclassA data type for description of a PERSON at a specific point in time
class instanceAn association between a child and one of the child's biological parents.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiologicalParentChildAssociationType.
BiologicalParentChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child and one of the child's biological parents.
class instanceA date when a putative parent's biological relationship to a child was legally determined.
class instanceAn additional description of the details about the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child (for example, findings regarding the location and date of conception, or the results of DNA tests).
class instanceA data concept for describing the method by which a biological relationship between a parent and child was legally determined.
class instanceA list of methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally established.
BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally determined.
BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCodeTypeclassA data type describing the methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally determined.
class instanceA narrative alternative to cyfs:BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCode to describe the method by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally determined.
class instanceA data concept for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
class instanceA list that describes the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
class instanceA narrative alternative to BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusCode to describe the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
class instanceA test administered to identify, quantify or describe biologic material from a person's system/body.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiologicTestType.
BiologicTestTypeclassA data type for a test administered to identify, quantify or describe biologic material from a person's system/body.
class viewBiometric Schema Version 1.0
attributeA description of the analog to digital equipment used to store a representation of the source
attributeAn augmentation point for AcquisitionLightingSpectrumType
attributeA lighting spectrum used in capturing an image
attributeA lower value in nanometers for the lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
attributeAn upper value in nanometers for the lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
attributeAn acquisition radio transmission format description.
attributeA kind of biometric capture source (system name etc.).
attributeA kind of acquisition method for the source representation
attributeA kind of acquisition method for the source representation
attributeA description of a vendor-specified source of an image
attributeAn element to capture source or location information from which a biometric sample was collected.
attributeA description of any specific conditions. An example would be a near-infrared camera outputting images in visible wavelengths
attributeA kind of ADA reference code text
attributeA kind of ADA reference code text
attributeA kind of record, for example 1 for Type-1, 14 for Type-14
attributeA kind of record, for example 1 for Type-1, 14 for Type-14
attributeA name of an application profile specification
attributeA name of an agency or entity responsible for the specification of an application profile
attributeAn identification of a version of an application profile specification
attributeA kind of set of identifiers pointing to an associated context representation
attributeA kind of set of identifiers pointing to an associated context representation
attributeAn augmentation point for AssociatedContext
attributeAn identification of an audit revision number within the revision history
attributeA date and time that information assurance data were created
attributeAn identification of an information assurance format by its owner
attributeAn identification of an information assurance format owner
attributeA kind of the entity responsible for an event in an information assurance log entry
attributeA statement of a discrete change made to another record in a transaction
attributeAn augmentation point for AssuranceLogEntry
attributeA kind of change made to another record in a transaction
attributeA kind of information items pointing to a specific record, field, and subfield
attributeA kind of original value of a field before it was affected by an information assurance log event
attributeA rationale behind an information assurance log event
attributeAn organization creating information assurance data
attributeAn audio segment channel capture device code.
attributeA description of the acoustic environment of a recording.
attributeA comment used to note any additional information about the audio information in a record.
attributeA comment used to note any additional information about the audio information in a record.
attributeAn equalization that should be applied for faithful rendering of a recording on a physical media object.
attributeAn augmentation point for AudioInformation
attributeA description of an object or file used to store an Audio Recording
attributeA set of information regarding the captured voice
attributeAn augmentation point for AudioSourceRecorder
attributeA total number of recorded tracks on a physical media object.
attributeA description of the believed accuracy of a biometric identification.
attributeA binary representation of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeA collection of a biometric sample.
attributeAn augmentation point for BiometricCaptureType
attributeA description of how a biometric sample was collected.
attributeA duration of total calculated time to send and receive transactions to capture each Biometric Image
attributeA quality metrics for the captured biometric image
attributeAn augmentation point for BiometricCaptureMetricType
attributeAn entity that collected a biometric sample.
attributeA source of a biometric item
attributeA classification of the kind of person Biometric.
attributeAn augmentation point for BiometricClassificationType
attributeA kind of biometric.
attributeA description of a kind of biometric.
attributeAn augmentation point for BiometricCoordinateType
attributeAn identification for representing the BiometricCoordinate.
attributeAn augmentation point for biom:BiometricDataType.
attributeA description of a biometric.
attributeA data concept for capturing details.
attributeA method used to encode a biometric.
attributeAn identifier used to uniquely refer to a biometric.
attributeA data concept for a biometric image
attributeAn analysis of a biometric sample.
attributeA description of the storage of a biometric sample.
attributeA description of the storage of a biometric sample.
attributeA status of a biometric sample.
attributeA date a biometric sample was tested.
attributeA description of how a biometric sample was tested.
attributeAn entity that tested a biometric sample.
attributeA method used to test a biometric sample.
attributeA textual representation of the value of a biometric.
attributeA number of pixels in the bottom coordinate of the Image.
attributeA date that an image was captured
attributeA data type for a set of information regarding the captured device information
attributeA data concept for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
attributeA scanned pixel density in horizontal direction
attributeAn identification of the activity of capturing the image; can be used to link images that were obtained simultaneously
attributeA location where a biometric sample was collected
attributeAn augmentation point for Capture Location
attributeAn organization that originally captured an image
attributeA data concept for a minimum or native resolution
attributeA UTC date and time for the capture of a biometric sample
attributeA scanned pixel density in the vertical direction
attributeA kind of biometric technology
attributeAn identification of a format designated by the owner
attributeAn identification of a format designated by the owner
attributeAn identification of a registered owner of a biometric format
attributeAn identification of a registered owner of a biometric format
attributeAn augmentation point for CBEFFImage
attributeAn identification of an owner of minutiae encoding equipment; 9.126c PID
attributeAn identification of a version of the CBEFF specification that this record conforms to
attributeA distinguishing description of the cell phone tower that relayed the audio data at the start of a specific time segment or segments.
attributeA comment to identify or describe the transduction and transmission channels of a recording.
attributeA common name for the character set associated with the index number that references an associated character set throughout a transaction
attributeA character set index number that references an associated character set throughout a transaction
attributeAn identification of a version number of a character set
attributeA data field that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn augmentation point for CheiloscopicImageInformation
attributeA CODEC used to encode a digital data stream or signal.
attributeA comment to contain additional information about the codec or additional instructions for reconstruction of the original digital media data file.
attributeA container for descriptive information about the encoding of a digital media data file.
attributeAn augmentation point for CodecDetails
attributeA kind of code that contains the 'reference code' from the table
of codecs available at http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/ansi_standard.cfm
attributeAn augmentation point for ContentDiaryInformation
attributeA kind of first record; always 1
attributeAn augmentation point for ContentInformation
attributeA total number of records in the transaction, not counting the Type-1 record
attributeA summary of the contents of one record in the transaction other than the Type-1 transaction record
attributeAn augmentation point for Content Record Summary
attributeA kind of file holding an associated context representation, represented as a file suffix or other description of the file
attributeA description of decoding instructions for a file holding an associated context representation
attributeAn augmentation point for ContextFileFormat
attributeAn identification of an associated context representation
attributeA description of the service used to determine the coordinate.
attributeA kind of service used to determine the coordinate.
attributeAn augmentation point for CrossReferenceExtendedPackageDataRecord
attributeAn identification of a record in a transaction
attributeAn augmentation point for Dental Encoding System Information.
attributeAn ADA reference code to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
attributeA description of those codes that require text
attributeA container for information about the transducer and transmission channel used to capture a recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for Dental History Data Information.
attributeA container for information specific to dental radiographic imagery
attributeAn augmentation point for DentalRadiographImageInformation
attributeA description of additional detail of the dental casts and impressions
attributeA date of recording of the dental study and tooth imprint.
attributeA kind of date of recording estimated accuracy range of the dental casts and impressions
attributeA code for the dental casts and impressions reference code
attributeA container for information about the entry of information concerning the dental casts and impressions.
attributeAn augmentation point for DentalStudyToothImprintInformation
attributeA set of information regarding status of the individual at the time when the relevant data was recorded.
attributeAn augmentation point for Dental Subject Information.
attributeA visual image view code
attributeA kind of visual image comparison descriptive text
attributeAn optional field allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
attributeAn augmentation point for DentalVisualImageDataInformation
attributeA kind of visual image additional descriptive text
attributeAn augmentation point for Capture Device type
attributeA kind of device type
attributeA description of a biometric capture device
attributeA description of a biometric capture device
attributeA text that describes the firmware version for the image capture equipment.
attributeAn identification of a capture device or source of an image
attributeA make of an image capture device
attributeA make of an image capture device
attributeA kind of device manufacturer
attributeA model of an image capture device
attributeA model of an image capture device
attributeA name of a biometric capture system or device
attributeA serial number of the image capture device
attributeA serial number of the image capture device
attributeA version of the data generated by a biometric capture device
attributeA description of specific time segments, giving start and end times of each relative to the absolute beginning of the voice recording
attributeA diarization Indicator Code.
attributeA comment to contain additional information about the codec or additional instructions for reconstruction of the original digital media data file.
attributeAn augmentation point for DiaryDetail
attributeAn augmentation point for DiaryDetailList
attributeAn augmentation point for DiaryInformation
attributeA Tagged date for the voice
attributeA hash value computed from a binary object, like a digital audio record
attributeA kind of container which contains information about the container format that encapsulates the audio data of the electronic file used to carry the voice data in the digital recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for DigitalMediaContainer
attributeAn external container reference code / ECON contains the 'reference code' from the table of containers available at http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/ansi_standard.cfm.
attributeA digital container format code which encapsulates audio data in an electronic digital recording file.
attributeA data type indicates that discontinuity has occurred and lists the timings within the voice recording of discontinuity audio segments.
attributeA data type for an indication of whether and by whom a voice recording has been discontinued.
attributeA kind of a DNA allele call (first of three possible) for the referenced locus in an STR profile
attributeA kind of a DNA allele call (second of three possible) for the referenced locus in an STR profile
attributeA kind of a DNA allele call (third of three possible) for the referenced locus in an STR profile
attributeTrue if DNA allele is found; false otherwise
attributeA number of analyses in this record
attributeAn identification of a DNA batch to which a locus belongs
attributeA kind of origination cell from where a DNA sample was collected
attributeA claimed or purported relationship to be tested by DNA
attributeA kind of comment regarding a DNA sample
attributeA description of the subject of a DNA sample
attributeAn augmentation point for DNADonor
attributeA kind of DNA donor
attributeA description of the location where the DNA donor's sample was collected
attributeAn indication of whether the DNA donor's dental records are available
attributeA date of last contact of a DNA donor
attributeA status of a DNA donor
attributeA DNA electropherogram
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAElectropherogram
attributeA base-64 representation of a DNA electropherogram
attributeA description of DNA electropherogram data, or a filename if data is stored externally
attributeA kind of file type suffix for a DNA electropherogram
attributeAn identification of a DNA electropherogram image
attributeAn identification of a DNA electropherogram image
attributeA ladder/control sample DNA electropherogram
attributeAn identification of a DNA electropherogram ladder image
attributeAn image of screenshot of a DNA electropherogram
attributeA DNA genotype allele pair
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAGenotypeAllelePair
attributeA kind of characters denoting the allele pair data
attributeA kind of DNA genotype distribution
attributeA number indicating the genotype numerical weight
attributeA DNA kit
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAKit
attributeA description of a DNA kit
attributeAn identification of a DNA kit
attributeA name of a manufacturer of a DNA kit
attributeA name of a DNA kit
attributeAn organization responsible for processing DNA samples
attributeA DNA laboratory accreditation
attributeAn augmentation point for DNALaboratoryAccreditation
attributeA level of DNA laboratory accreditation
attributeA scope of a DNA laboratory accreditation
attributeAn augmentation point for DNALaboratory
attributeA kind of DNA laboratory
attributeA name of an international affiliation of the DNA submitting organization
attributeA data concept for a country where the DNA was processed for this laboratory
attributeA kind of DNA laboratory unit
attributeTrue if DNA locus is analyzed; false otherwise
attributeAn identification of a DNA locus
attributeAn identification of a DNA locus
attributeA count of the mitochondrial DNA base composition adenines in the region being amplified
attributeA count of the mitochondrial DNA base composition cytosines in the region being amplified
attributeA number indicating the mitochondrial DNA base composition ending point, where the primer pair stops interrogating the mitochondrial DNA
attributeA count of the mitochondrial DNA base composition guanines in the region being amplified
attributeA number indicating the mitochondrial DNA base composition starting point, where the primer pair starts interrogating the mitochondrial DNA
attributeA count of the mitochondrial DNA base composition thymines in the region being amplified
attributeA description of DNA mitochondrial data
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAMitochondrialData
attributeA kind of DNA codes for mitochondrial DNA region HV1
attributeA kind of DNA codes for mitochondrial DNA regions HV2 and HV3
attributeA description of a pedigree originating and held at a DNA laboratory
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAPedigree
attributeA descriptive comment about a DNA pedigree
attributeAn identification of the father of the subject of this DNA pedigree
attributeAn identification of a DNA pedigree
attributeAn identification of the subject of a DNA pedigree
attributeA status of a subject of a DNA pedigree
attributeAn identification of the mother of a subject of this DNA pedigree
attributeAn identification of a DNA sample to which this pedigree relates
attributeTrue if DNA precise call has been determined; false otherwise
attributeA description of a DNA profile
attributeAn augmentation point for DNAProfile
attributeA kind of DNA profile
attributeA descriptive comment about a DNA profile
attributeAn identification of a DNA profile
attributeA kind of DNA profile result
attributeA date of the storage of a DNA profile
attributeA supplemental message in a DNA profile
attributeAn augmentation point for DNASample
attributeA description of the method used to collect a DNA sample
attributeA description of the cellular type and origin of a DNA sample
attributeAn augmentation point for DNASampleOrigin
attributeAn origin of a DNA sample
attributeAn autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
attributeAn augmentation point for DNASTRProfile
attributeA kind of autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
attributeA kind of typing technology used on a DNA sample
attributeA data concept for a DNA profile that is user defined
attributeA validated relationship established by DNA
attributeAn identification of a version of a domain for a user-defined Type-2 descriptive record implementation
attributeA 3 character ISO 639-3 code for the dominant spoken language.
attributeA field enables a latent print examiner to annotate individual features with color for display and / or comment. It consists of multiple subfields, each containing four information items.
attributeAn augmentation point for EFSFeatureColor type
attributeAn augmentation point for EFSMinutia
attributeA quadrant matrix for associating minutiae
attributeA ridge count between two minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for EFSRidgeCountItem
attributeA latent examiner to annotate a friction ridge image with temporary lines, generally for use as reference points in making a comparison. These lines are solely for the individual examiner's use and reference _ there is no implied semantics through the use of this field. This field has subfields, each of which describes a line segment. Each subfield is comprised of six mandatory information items.
attributeAn augmentation point for EFSTemporaryLine
attributeAn identifier that estimates of the emotional state of the data subject across the audio time segment.
attributeAn augmentation point for ExtendedAudioPackageDataRecord
attributeAn augmentation point for ExtendedFeatureSetMinutiae
attributeAn identification of an EFS Profile, which defines the specific set of EFS fields incorporated in a specific transaction
attributeA face feature point that includes a Z-coordinate
attributeAn augmentation point for FaceImage3DFeaturePoint
attributeA set of angular offsets of a subject from a full face or a profile, for a determined 3D pose
attributeA data concept for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
attributeA source of an image
attributeA special attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionCode.
attributeAn augmentation point for FaceImageAttribute
attributeAn attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionCode.
attributeA description of a special attribute of a captured facial image. Deprecated in favor of biom:FaceImageDescriptionText.
attributeAn augmentation point for Face Image
attributeA polygon containing a face image in a larger picture
attributeAn augmentation point for Face Image Boundary
attributeA shape of the boundary of a face image in a larger picture
attributeA kind of face image in a bounding box
attributeA square bounding box containing a face image in a larger picture
attributeAn augmentation point for Face Image Bounding Square
attributeA contour feature in a face image
attributeAn augmentation point for FaceImageContour
attributeA kind of contour feature in this face image
attributeA data concept for a description of a facial expression of a subject and other attributes associated with a subject's captured facial image
attributeA set of attributes describing 2D, MPEG4 facial feature points and their locations
attributeAn augmentation point for Face Image Feature Point
attributeA data concept for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
attributeA lighting artifact in this face image
attributeA blockage in a face image
attributeAn augmentation point for FaceImageOcclusion
attributeA kind of a blockage in a face image
attributeA level of opacity of a blockage in this face image
attributeAn angular offset of a subject from full face or a profile, for an angled pose
attributeA data concept for a pose of a subject
attributeAn image of a human face missing
attributeAn indication for the degree of familiarity between the data subject and the interlocutor.
attributeA fourth information item, feature _ comment / COM, allows a free text comment or description to be provided by the examiner about the referenced field and subfield in this instance of a Type-9 record.
attributeA second information item, feature _ field occurrence / FTO, indicates which repeating subfield of the specified field the label is applied to. Note that this is a 1-based index, not a 0-based index. Occurrences are numbered starting with 1.
attributeA data for one or both of the third or fourth information items shall be present in each subfield. The first two information items are mandatory. The first information item, feature - field number / FTF, indicates the field which is annotated with color for display and / or comment. This information item is selected from the Field number column of Table 57 EFS codes for field numbers used for feature color.
attributeA third information item, feature _ color / FTC, is an RGB color value expressed as a hexadecimal number.Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.
attributeA fifth information item, line color / TLC, is an RGB color value expressed as a hexadecimal number. Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.
attributeA sixth information item, line thickness / TLT, is expressed as a positive integer. Thickness is expressed in units of 0.01 mm Any value from 1 through 99 is acceptable; suggested values are 3 (thin); 6 (medium); 9 (thick), and 15 (bold).
attributeA data concept for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
attributeAn X coordinate of a facial feature point
attributeAn identification of a particular feature point, defined by ISO/IEC 14496-2
attributeA Y coordinate of a facial feature point
attributeA Z coordinate of a 3D face feature point
attributeAn image of a fingerprint
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerImpressionImage
attributeA reason for a missing finger from a fingerprint image
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA finger position code
attributeA classification of the manner in which the FINGERPRINT is taken.
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintCaptureTechniqueType
attributeA kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
attributeA description of the kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
attributeA description of a fingerprint type.
attributeA coordinate of the bounding box for an individual finger.
attributeA coordinate of the bounding box for an individual finger.
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Coordinate
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Delta Location
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Feature Location
attributeA kind of supplemental proprietary value describing minutiae and related information encoded from a fingerprint image.
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintFeaturesFeedbackType
attributeA vendor and version of the fingerprint feature extraction software used to encode minutiae.
attributeAn identification that uniquely identifies a Person's fingerprints.
attributeA data concept for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image
attributeA missing finger in a fingerprint image
attributeA missing finger in a fingerprint image
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Finger Missing
attributeA deviation from upright of the finger tip within a fingerprint image
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageFingerprintOrientation type
attributeA data concept for a kind of an impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
attributeA data concept for a kind of an impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
attributeA data concept for a kind of an impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
attributeA data concept for a kind of an impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
attributeA set of information required when finger position code is "19" complete friction ridge exemplars
attributeA set of information required when finger position code is "19" complete friction ridge exemplars
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Major Case Print
attributeA quality measure of a fingerprint, as defined by NIST
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageNISTQuality
attributeA set of possible finger position codes, most probable position first.
attributeA fingerprint image quality
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageQuality
attributeA measure of accuracy of a slap print segmentation
attributeA fingerprint image segment position polygon
attributeAn augmentation point for FingerprintImageSegmentPositionPolygon
attributeA fingerprint image segment position square
attributeA fingerprint image segment position square
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Image Segment Position Square
attributeTrue if the image was formed by stitching together separately captured images; false otherwise.
attributeA description of a kind of fingerprint impression.
attributeAn off-center position of a finger or thumb image
attributeA classification and subclassification of a fingerprint pattern
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaePlantarLocation type
attributeA location of a fingerprint pattern's core in a fingerprint image
attributeA location of a fingerprint pattern's core in a fingerprint image
attributeA location of a fingerprint pattern's delta in a fingerprint image
attributeA location of a fingerprint pattern's delta in a fingerprint image
attributeA class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
attributeA subclass of fingerprint pattern that is an arch or whorl
attributeA relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
attributeAn augmentation point for Fingerprint Position List
attributeTrue if a fingerprint biometric was taken; false otherwise.
attributeA view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
attributeA code that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
attributeA comment regarding a forensic dental sample
attributeAn augmentation point for Forensic Dental Oral Detail
attributeA set of information regarding the forensic setting information that carried out the analysis of the dental and oral data to identify or confirm the identity of the subject.
attributeAn augmentation point for Forensic Dental Setting.
attributeAn augmentation point for ForensicInvestigatoryVoiceDetail
attributeA portion of a friction ridge image that corresponds to another image
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageAreaOfCorrespondence
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImage
attributeA location of the center of a friction ridge impression
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageCenter
attributeA method of determining the center of a friction ridge impression
attributeA data concept for a kind of impression capture by which a fingerprint image information was obtained
attributeAn indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
attributeA quality metric for a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageQuality
attributeA square or polygon within a friction ridge image containing minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for Friction Ridge Image Region Of Interest
attributeA relative overall rotation necessary for two prints to be compared
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageRelativeRotation
attributeA friction ridge image segment position square
attributeAn augmentation point for FrictionRidgeImageSegmentPositionSquare
attributeA full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones in an image
attributeA friction ridge position code
attributeA friction ridge position code
attributeA friction ridge position code
attributeA PNG-compressed, base64 encoded data block containing a ridge tracing of a friction ridge impression
attributeA name of a geographic coordinate system
attributeA geographic location
attributeA comment noting any observable health issues impacting the data subject during the recording time segment.
attributeAn augmentation point for an image type
attributeA number of bits used to represent a pixel
attributeAn augmentation point for Image Capture
attributeAn optional field. It is entered in the format as YyyyyMmmDdd. It is possible to enter only a year, month and/or day range, such as P5D, meaning that the actual date of collection is estimated to be 5 days plus or minus that specified in Field 10.005: Photo capture date / PHD.
attributeA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
attributeA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
attributeA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
attributeA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
attributeA set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
attributeA kind of image of a person
attributeA kind of image of a person
attributeA data concept for a color space used to exchange an image
attributeA comment regarding an image
attributeA data concept for an image compression algorithm
attributeA distortion in an image
attributeAn augmentation point for Image Distortion
attributeA kind of distortion in an image
attributeA manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
attributeA severity of distortion in an image
attributeA vertex in a position path
attributeA vertex in a position path
attributeA vertex in a position path
attributeA number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
attributeA number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
attributeA pattern for a hash value computed from a binary object like Image.
attributeA pattern for a hash value computed from a binary object like Image.
attributeA number of pixels on a single horizontal line of an image
attributeA transmitted pixel density in horizontal direction
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the left edge of a region of interest in an image
attributeAn angular position of a feature from another point in an image
attributeAn angular position of a feature from another point in an image
attributeAn angular position of a feature from another point in an image
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from a particular X,Ycoordinate
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from a particular X,Ycoordinate
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from a particular X,Ycoordinate
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from a particular X,Ycoordinate
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the top edge of a region of interest in an image
attributeA set of details about the quality of an image
attributeA set of details about the quality of an image
attributeAn augmentation point for Image Quality
attributeAn identification of a particular record in a transaction
attributeAn identification of a particular record in a transaction
attributeAn identification of a particular record in a transaction
attributeAn identification of a particular record in a transaction
attributeA measure of rotation of an image
attributeAn augmentation point for ImageResolution
attributeA sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
attributeA set of data describing a portion of an image
attributeA set of data describing a portion of an image
attributeAn augmentation point for Image Segment
attributeA height of a rectangular image segment in 10 micrometer (0.01mm) units
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the left edge of an original image to the left edge of a rectangular image segment
attributeAn identification of an image segment
attributeAn identification of an image segment
attributeAn identification of an image segment
attributeAn identification of frame, or page, or slide if the representation consists of multiple images
attributeAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentPath
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeA set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region
attributeAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentPolygon type
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeA single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
attributeAn augmentation point for ImageSegmentVertex
attributeA distance in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) from the top edge of an original image to the top edge of a rectangular image segment
attributeA width of a rectangular image segment in 10 micrometer (0.01mm) units
attributeA kind of transformation of an image
attributeA kind of transformation of an image
attributeA number of horizontal lines in an image
attributeA transmitted pixel density in the vertical direction
attributeAn indication of the observed / perceived level of neurological diminishment across a speech segment.
attributeA single minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
attributeAn augmentation point for INCITSMinutiaType
attributeA kind of minutia (e.g. ridge ending, bifurcation, or other), as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
attributeAn augmentation point for INCITSMinutiae
attributeA location of one minutia in a friction ridge image, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
attributeA quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
attributeAn element for Assurance Record Type
attributeAn augmentation point for InformationAssuranceRecord
attributeAn indication for the comprehensibility of speech.
attributeA shape of a boundary between an iris and other features in an iris image
attributeA number of pixels in the diameter of an iris
attributeA data concept for a designator of which eye is represented by the image
attributeA designator of which eye is represented by the image
attributeA rotation angle of an image
attributeAn image rotation uncertainty
attributeA lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
attributeA data concept for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
attributeAn augmentation point for Iris Image
attributeAn iris image capture
attributeAn augmentation point for IrisImageCaptureType
attributeAn angular extent (off front angle) in degrees imaged by the camera for this iris image
attributeA data concept for a horizontal orientation of an image
attributeAn augmentation point for Iris Image Iris Boundary type
attributeAn iris-lower eyelid boundary in an iris image
attributeAn iris-pupil boundary in an iris image
attributeAn iris-sclera boundary in an iris image
attributeAn iris-upper eyelid boundary in an iris image
attributeA data of which to represent Iris Eye Position image data is missing
attributeAn augmentation point for Iris Missing Image
attributeA blockage in an iris image
attributeAn augmentation point for Iris Image Iris Image Occlusion type
attributeA kind of blockage in an iris image
attributeAn opacity of a blockage in an iris image
attributeAn estimated distance in centimeters from the camera to the iris for this iris image
attributeA data concept for a kind of iris image scan
attributeA data type for a storage format used for this iris image
attributeA data concept for a vertical orientation of an image
attributeA data of which to represent Iris Eye Position image data is missing
attributeAn indication of the fluency with which a language is spoken.
attributeA kind of technique used for processing the latent friction ridge impression
attributeA number of pixels in the left coordinate of the Image.
attributeA lip print characterization code
attributeAn augmentation point for LipCharacterizationCodeList
attributeA lip contact line descriptor
attributeA kind of lip position tension descriptive text
attributeA kind of lip print characterization descriptive text
attributeA kind of lip print comparison descriptive text
attributeA kind of lip print additional descriptive text
attributeA lip print height
attributeA lip print medium code list
attributeA kind of lip print medium descriptive text
attributeA lip pathologies and peculiarities code
attributeA lip pathologies and peculiarities code list
attributeAn augmentation point for LipPrintPathologiesPeculiaritiesCodeList
attributeA kind of lip print pathologies peculiarities descriptive text
attributeA lip print surface code
attributeA lip print surface code list
attributeAn augmentation point for LipPrintSurfaceCodeList
attributeA kind of lip print surface descriptive text
attributeA lip print width.
attributeA location identified by a system name and value
attributeA location identified by a system name and value
attributeAn augmentation point for Location Alternate Geographic System Value
attributeA lower lip print characterization code list
attributeA number of pixels in the left coordinate of the Image.
attributeA set of data describing the type and location of segments within a complete friction ridge exemplars image or slap print image
attributeAn augmentation point for Major Case Print Segment Offset
attributeA kind of media upon which a recording is stored.
attributeA comment used to describe a physical media object.
attributeA code text specifying the capture quality metric data type
attributeA data value for a type of metric
attributeA data concept for a single minutia
attributeA data concept for a single minutia
attributeA data concept for a single minutia
attributeAn augmentation point for Minutia
attributeA kind of minutia.
attributeA kind of minutia.
attributeA number representing the distribution of the parameter over thousands of fingerprints approximating a Gaussian distribution.
attributeA number that indicates the quality or confidence of the automatic classification.
attributeA value indicating the uncertainty of the minutia direction
attributeAn algorithm used to capture minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeAlgorithm
attributeAn identification of a minutiae extraction and encoding algorithm
attributeA name of an algorithm used to capture minutiae
attributeA name of an editing station or owner or developer of a minutiae processing algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor, or name of vendor of the minutiae extraction and encoding algorithm, from a registry table
attributeA kind of version of an algorithm used to capture minutiae
attributeA level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
attributeAn augmentation point for Minutiae
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA free text comment about friction ridge features, methods, description, location, or background
attributeA level of complexity of an examiner's comparison
attributeA core in a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeCore type
attributeAn average tangent direction of the two closest ridges to the core
attributeA value indicating the uncertainty of the core direction measure
attributeAn identification of a particular core
attributeA delta in a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDeltaType
attributeA kind of delta
attributeA left direction of a delta
attributeA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta left direction measure
attributeA right direction of a delta
attributeA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta right direction measure
attributeAn up direction of a delta
attributeA value indicating the uncertainty of the delta up direction measure
attributeAn identification of a particular delta
attributeA distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDistinctiveFeature
attributeA kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
attributeA dot feature in a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeDot
attributeA length in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of a dot feature in a friction ridge image
attributeA minutiae examiner
attributeA minutiae examiner
attributeA minutiae examiner
attributeAn organizational affiliation of the minutiae examiner
attributeAn organizational affiliation of the minutiae examiner
attributeAn organizational affiliation of the minutiae examiner
attributeAn examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDetermination
attributeA date/time of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
attributeA result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
attributeA status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
attributeA kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
attributeA correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondence
attributeA kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
attributeA detection and encoding of minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFeatureDetection
attributeA date/time of the minutiae feature detection
attributeA list of fields that correspond to the feature detection method coded
attributeA method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
attributeAn identification of a particular point or feature in a friction ridge image
attributeAn identification of a particular occurrence of a minutiae feature entity
attributeA finger position, segment, offcenter code, and polygon location within an image
attributeA finger position, segment, offcenter code, and polygon location within an image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFingerLocation
attributeA permanent flexion crease
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFlexionCrease
attributeA kind of flexion crease
attributeAn organization to contact for more information about a vendor-specific minutiae format
attributeTrue if the NIST standard format for minutiae is used; false otherwise
attributeA friction ridge impression fraud
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFraudEvidence
attributeA kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
attributeA friction ridge position, segment, offcenter code, and polygon location within an image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocation type
attributeA growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkage type
attributeA growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
attributeA set of ridge paths in a particular friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeImageRidgePath
attributeA data concept for a kind of impression capture by which a fingerprint or palm print image information was obtained
attributeAn incipient ridge in a friction ridge image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeIncipientRidge
attributeA substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLatentMatrix
attributeA kind of substance deposited by this friction ridge impression
attributeA surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLatentSubstrate
attributeA kind of surface on which this friction ridge impression was deposited
attributeA description of the object or surface on which a print was deposited, or provides clarifying information regarding the substrate
attributeA localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeLocalQualityIssues
attributeA kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
attributeTrue if no cores could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no creases could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no deltas could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no distinctive characteristics could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no dots could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no incipient ridges could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no minutiae could be discerned in the friction ridge image ; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no pores could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeTrue if no ridge edge features could be discerned in the friction ridge image; false otherwise
attributeA palm position and polygon location within an image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaePalmLocation type
attributeA plantar (foot) position and polygon location within an image
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaePlantarLocation type
attributeA location of pores in a friction ridge image
attributeA quality of minutiae data in a record
attributeA quality of minutiae data in a record
attributeA quality of minutiae data in a record
attributeA number of minutiae recorded in a record
attributeA number of minutiae recorded in a record
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCount
attributeA confidence in a ridge count between two points
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidence
attributeA degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
attributeA core to delta ridge count
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDelta
attributeA set of measurements of the distance between pairs of minutiae
attributeA distance between two minutiae in ridges
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeCountItem
attributeA method of counting ridges
attributeA number assigned to a specific octant for ridge count purposes
attributeA number assigned to a specific octant for ridge count purposes
attributeA number assigned to the half of an octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
attributeA number assigned to the half of an octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
attributeA ridge edge or discontinuity
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuity
attributeA kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
attributeA map of ridge flow values assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeFlowMap type
attributeA format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
attributeA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge flow map
attributeA sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of points in a ridge flow map
attributeA set of points overlaying a friction ridge image that describes all or part of a ridge
attributeA map of ridge quality values assigned to cells in a grid overlaying an image containing minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeQualityMap type
attributeA length (or width) in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of a square cell in a ridge quality map
attributeA format of ridge quality values in a ridge quality map
attributeA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge quality map
attributeA ridge wavelength value assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMap type
attributeA format of ridge wavelength values in a ridge wavelength map
attributeA string of values for cells in one row of a ridge wavelength map
attributeA sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm) of points in a ridge wavelength map
attributeAn examiner's assessment of the value of a friction ridge impression
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaeValueAssessment type
attributeA date/time of a minutiae value assessment
attributeA result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
attributeAn identification of a single minutia
attributeAn identification of a single minutia
attributeAn identification of a single minutia
attributeAn identification of a single minutia
attributeA point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA second (reference) point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA second (reference) point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA second (reference) point of a minutia used in a comparison between two points
attributeA quality value assigned to a minutia
attributeAn identification of a second minutia, when two minutia are to be examined
attributeA set of measurements from this minutia point to distant minutia points.
attributeAn augmentation point for MinutiaRidgeCount
attributeA code to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
attributeA list of mouth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 10
attributeAn augmentation point for MouthDataADAReferenceCodeList
attributeA description of additional detail of mouth data
attributeA container for information about the entry of information concerning the mouth.
attributeAn augmentation point for MouthDataInformation
attributeA date of recording of the mouth data.
attributeA kind of date of recording estimated accuracy range for mouth data
attributeA scanning resolution used by a specific biometric image capture device.
attributeA scanning resolution used by a specific biometric image capture device.
attributeA value of a NIST Fingerprint Image Quality score, predicted matcher accuracy
attributeA nominal number of pixels per unit distance (ppmm or ppi) of a transmitted biometric image.
attributeA transaction's transmitting resolution, in pixels per mm
attributeA transaction's transmitting resolution, in pixels per mm
attributeAn Image Type Code for the Non-photographic
attributeA Non-photographic Image Format code
attributeA comment regarding a Non-photographic Imagery sample
attributeAn augmentation point for NonPhotographicImageryDetail
attributeA kind of numeric format that contains Integer and floating point representations
attributeAn augmentation point for ContextFileFormat
attributeA half of the total uncertainty of the orientation angle, in degrees
attributeAn angle of the position of the finger tip within an image, from -179 to +180, with 0 as upright
attributeA data collection schema that was used for the original recording of dental information.
attributeA date for the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice data in the segment identified
attributeA date for the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice data in the segment identified
attributeA kind of original system data encoding text
attributeA kind of field contains subfields that locate the segments within the recording of this Type-11 record that may be of interest for investigatory purposes but are not focused upon speech.
attributeA kind of field that indicates whether the voice recording content has been diarized.
attributeAn augmentation point for OtherMinutiae
attributeA reason for a missing area of a palm print image
attributeA data concept for a location on the palm that a print represents
attributeA data concept for a location on the palm that a print represents
attributeA location on the palm that a print represents
attributeA location on the palm that a print represents
attributeA location on the palm that a print represents
attributeA data concept for a set of criteria under which the Facial image was captured
attributeAn augmentation point for PalmprintImage
attributeA missing area of a palm print image
attributeAn augmentation point for PalmprintImageMissingArea
attributeA palm print image quality
attributeAn augmentation point for PalmprintImageQuality
attributeA list of patterned injury ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077
attributeAn augmentation point for PatternedInjuryADAReferenceCodeList
attributeA kind of Patterned Injury ADA Reference Code from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077.
attributeA kind of Patterned Injury additional descriptive text
attributeAn optional field allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
attributeAn optional field allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
attributeAn augmentation point for PatternedInjuryDetail
attributeAn augmentation point for PersonBiometricAssociationType
attributeAn overall appearance of the hair of a person.
attributeA kind of hair of a person.
attributeA data concept for a color of the hair of a person.
attributeAn identifier that represents the PERSON PHYSICAL MARKING.
attributeA philtrum height
attributeA philtrum width.
attributeA phonetic transcript convention of an identified list of time segments.
attributeA data concept for a specific kind of physical feature.
attributeA human tattoo class of an SMT, OTHER if not tattoo
attributeA set of colors of a physical feature
attributeAn augmentation point for Physical Feature Color Detail
attributeAn augmentation point for PhysicalFeatureType
attributeA description of scars, marks, or tattoos visible in a transmitted image
attributeA description of scars, marks, or tattoos visible in a transmitted image
attributeA description of a physical feature
attributeA general kind of physical feature.
attributeA feature's height in whole centimeters
attributeAn image of a physical feature
attributeAn augmentation point for Physical Feature Image
attributeA location of a physical feature.
attributeA primary color of a tattoo in an image
attributeAn identification of a single SMT that may be represented by multiple images
attributeAn identification of a single SMT that may be represented by multiple images
attributeA secondary color of a tattoo in an image
attributeA size of a scar, mark, or tattoo
attributeAn augmentation point for biom:PhysicalFeatureSizeType.
attributeA human tattoo subclass of an SMT, MISC if not tattoo
attributeA feature's width in whole centimeters
attributeA physical media containing a recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for PhysicalMediaObject
attributeAn augmentation point for PlantarImage
attributeA missing area of a plantar image
attributeAn augmentation point for PlantarImageMissingArea
attributeA plantar image quality
attributeAn augmentation point for PlantarImageQuality
attributeA plantar image segment polygon
attributeAn augmentation point for PlantarImageSegmentPositionPolygon
attributeA reason for a missing area of a plantar image
attributeA data concept for a location on the foot that a print represents
attributeA data concept for a location on the foot that a print represents
attributeA location on the foot that a print represents
attributeA location on the foot that a print represents
attributeA location on the foot that a print represents
attributeA location on the foot that a print represents
attributeAn augmentation point for Pose Angle
attributeA rotation about the horizontal 'x' axis
attributeA pitch uncertainty
attributeA rotation about the 'z' axis
attributeA roll uncertainty
attributeA rotation about the vertical 'y' axis
attributeA yaw uncertainty
attributeA feature's X coordinate
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA vertex in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA number of vertices in a position polygon
attributeA minutia's theta angle
attributeA radius of position uncertainty (PUM) in the manual or automatic placement of the core in integer units of 10 micrometers
attributeA feature's Y coordinate
attributeA set of elements describing, or logging, a single step in a biometric processing algorithm or workstation
attributeA set of elements describing, or logging, a single step in a biometric processing algorithm or workstation
attributeAn augmentation point for ProcessAnnotation
attributeA description of a biometric process or procedure applied to an image
attributeA text value containing information about the agency that performed post-capture processing.
attributeA text value containing information about the agency that performed post-capture processing.
attributeA text value containing information about the processing activities undertaken on the post-capture data.
attributeA text value containing information about the processing activities undertaken on the post-capture data.
attributeA Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
attributeA priority value.
attributeA name of a biometric processing algorithm or workstation, along with a version number
attributeA set of contact information for the organization that owns the biometric processing algorithm or latent workstation
attributeA date and time for a biometric processing algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a product assigned by a vendor to the quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeAn identification of a vendor of a quality algorithm
attributeA quality score of the accuracy and readability of the recorded PERSON BIOMETRIC
attributeAn acceptance level of the accuracy and readability of the recorded PERSON BIOMETRIC
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA value of the quality of a particular sample
attributeA kind of radiograph image information text
attributeA kind of Radiograph Image Series. Only integer and periods are in the code text. An example is for the National Provider Identifier Number of Dentist that treated the patient.
attributeA kind of radiograph image in series text
attributeA kind of Radiograph Size
attributeA kind of date that a specific biometric data record was created.
attributeA kind of first information item is the assigned voice indicator / AVI. It is
mandatory if this field is used. It indicates if the voice recording sample was
obtained from a known subject.
attributeAn indication of whether a data subject is aware that a recording is being made.
attributeA total number of bits that are used to represent a single sample of digital media.
attributeA count of the channels of data represented in a digital media data file.
attributeA quantity representing the total number of compressed bytes in a digital recording stored as a data file.
attributeA kind of comment that allows statements of up to 4000 Unicode characters in length describing methods
by which the plurality and nationality of the speakers was determined, along
with any supporting text.
attributeA kind of content of the voice recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for RecordingContentDescriptor
attributeA description of the duration of a recording, as expressed in time, size, and samplings.
attributeAn augmentation point for RecordingDuration
attributeA number that gives the total time of a recording in microseconds.
attributeAn ordering of individually addressable sub-components (bytes) within the representation of a recording.
attributeA number that gives the total number of samples in a recorded data file after any decompression of the compressed signal.
attributeA description of the details surrounding the creation of a recording
attributeAn augmentation point for RecordingSettingDetail
attributeA kind of site or agency that created a recording.
attributeA country code, describing where a recording was created.
attributeA rate of speed at which the physical media object must be played to reproduce the signal content.
attributeA unit of measure of the rate of speed at which the physical media object must be played to reproduce the signal content.
attributeA data concept for a minutiae record
attributeA data type indicates that redaction has occurred and lists the timings within the voice recording of redacted (overwritten) audio segments.
attributeA data type for an indication of whether and by whom a voice recording has been redacted.
attributeA number that gives the relative end time
attributeA number that gives the relative start time
attributeA comment provided by the examiner about the resolution method.
attributeAn information item for means of determining resolution.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
attributeAn augmentation point for ResolutionMethodInformation
attributeA known scale units, specifies the length of the known scale from point A to point B.
attributeA known scale units indicates whether the known scales units are in inches or millimeters.
attributeA known scale x coordinate for point A is expressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.
attributeA known scale x coordinate for point B is expressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.
attributeA known scale y coordinate for point A is expressed in number of pixels from the top of the image.
attributeA known scale y coordinate for point B is expressed in number of pixels from the top of the image.
attributeA code indicates the type and level of restoration and surface information coded in Field 12.010: Tooth data detail / TDD.
attributeAn augmentation point for RidgeCount
attributeA maximum number of friction ridges between two features on an image
attributeA minimum number of friction ridges between two features on an image
attributeAn identification of a distant minutia point
attributeAn identification of a distant minutia point
attributeA number of friction ridges between two features on an image
attributeA number of friction ridges between two features on an image
attributeA number of friction ridges between two features on an image
attributeA number of pixels in the right coordinate of the Image.
attributeA make of a ruler or scale
attributeA model of a ruler or scale
attributeAn optional field allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image.
attributeAn optional field allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image.
attributeAn augmentation point for RulerScalePresenceInformation
attributeA data concept that allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image including standard fingerprint form number(but not both).
attributeA data concept that allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image including standard fingerprint form number(but not both).
attributeA data concept that allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image including standard fingerprint form number(but not both).
attributeA data concept that allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image including standard fingerprint form number(but not both).
attributeA unit of measurement visible on the ruler or measurement scale.
attributeA ratio of digital samples per second of analog data upon conversion to an acoustic signal
attributeAn indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
attributeA script used for read, prompted or repeated speech.
attributeA bottom vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA bottom vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA bottom vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA list of details about transducers used across a recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentChannelInformation
attributeA comment on the content of the segment.
attributeA field for an assessment of the content of the voice data within a list of identified time segments, including provision for semantic transcripts, phonetic transcriptions and translations of the segments.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentContentInformation
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentedImage
attributeA kind of full finger view
attributeA geographical location of the primary subject of a recording at the beginning of a recording segment.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentGeographicalLocation
attributeAn identifier for a specific time segment.
attributeAn identifier for a specific time segment.
attributeAn identifier for a specific time segment.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeA list of segment identifiers.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentIdentifierList
attributeA left horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA left horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA left horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA location of a segment of a finger, e.g. distal, medial, or proximal
attributeA location of a segment of a finger, e.g. distal, medial, or proximal
attributeA phonetic transcription of the contents of an identified list of time segments.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentProcessingPriority
attributeA list of identified segments, indicating the priority with which the segments should be processed.
attributeA local end time of the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
attributeA local start time of the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
attributeA right horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA right horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA right horizontal offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA list of speaker speech characteristics assessments.
attributeAn augmentation point for SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformation
attributeA top vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA top vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA top vertical offset of a segment box within an image in pixels
attributeA 3 character ISO 639-3 code for the transcript language.
attributeA semantic transcription of the contents of an identified list of time segments.
attributeA 3 character ISO 639-3 code for the translation language.
attributeA translation into a language other than the one in which the original segment was spoken.
attributeA kind of signature, indicating whether an image is the signature of the subject, or the signature of the official processing the transaction
attributeAn augmentation point for SignatureImageType
attributeA vector that describes the pen position in a signature
attributeAn augmentation point for SignatureImageVectorType
attributeA list of vectors that describe the pen position in a signature
attributeAn augmentation point for SignatureImageVectorRepresentationType
attributeAn indicator whether an image is scanned and not compressed, scanned and compressed, or vector data
attributeAn acquisition method for the source representation
attributeAn augmentation point for SourceAcquisition
attributeA data concept for a country code, describing where a recording was created.
attributeA data concept for defining an external source representation
attributeA data concept for defining an external source representation
attributeA data concept for defining an external source representation
attributeA data concept for defining an external source representation
attributeA data concept for defining an external source representation
attributeA kind of file holding a source representation, represented as a file suffix or other description of the file
attributeA description of decoding instructions for a file holding a source representation
attributeAn augmentation point for SourceFileFormat
attributeAn identification of a source representation
attributeA set of identifiers pointing to a source data
attributeA set of identifiers pointing to a source data
attributeAn augmentation point for SourceInformation
attributeA name of an Organization which was the creator and/or source of a specific biometric file.
attributeAn identifier of a speaker.
attributeA list of speaker identifiers.
attributeAn augmentation point for SpeakerList
attributeA kind of second information item is the speaker plurality code / SPC. It is optional and indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording: M = multiple speakers S = single speaker.
attributeA list of track IDs which carry speaker voices.
attributeA comment used to give additional information about the speech quality assessment process.
attributeA description of style of speech.
attributeA subject range of birth date estimate.
attributeA Subject Body Class Code/ SBCC.
attributeA Subject Body Status Code / SBSC.
attributeA description of subject collection location
attributeA kind of subject death age estimate text
attributeA kind of subject range of death date.
attributeA kind of subject death time estimate rationale text
attributeA code to indicate if DNA records are available for the subject
attributeA date of the subject death
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn optional field. This field is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injury or identifying characteristic / SMS should be used in conjunction with this field.
attributeAn augmentation point for SubjectExistentialDetails
attributeA mortal status of a subject
attributeA date the subject made last contact. This is typically the last examination date if the records are from a dentist's office.
attributeA subject range of last contact date estimate.
attributeA code that contains a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
attributeA code that contains the dental system codes
attributeA kind of system version text
attributeAn end date/time tagged on the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice data at the end of the segment identified.
attributeA start date/time tagged on the original, contemporaneous capture of the voice recording in the segment identified.
attributeA comment on the timings of the segment recording, including the perceived accuracy of the contemporaneous capture time values.
attributeA comment on the timings of the segment recording, including the perceived accuracy of the contemporaneous capture time values.
attributeA set of time values defining beginning and end times for a time segment in a video or audio representation
attributeA set of time values defining beginning and end times for a time segment in a video or audio representation
attributeAn augmentation point for TimeSegment
attributeA comment which allows for comments of any type to be made on a segment, including, but not limited to, word- or phone-level transcriptions, language translations or security classification markings.
attributeAn end time for a time segment in a video or audio representation
attributeA start time for a time segment in a video or audio representation
attributeA listing of recorded tracks contained in a time segment.
attributeA description of the source of the date and time values used for the contemporaneous capture of the recording.
attributeA description of the source of the date and time values used for the contemporaneous capture of the recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for ToothType
attributeA list of tooth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 9
attributeAn augmentation point for ToothDataADAReferenceCodeList
attributeA description of additional detail of tooth data
attributeA container for information about the transducer and transmission channel used to capture a recording.
attributeAn augmentation point for Tooth Data Information.
attributeA date of recording of the tooth data.
attributeA kind of date of recording estimated accuracy range for tooth data
attributeAn identifier of a tooth. Teeth shall be numbered utilizing the permanent and deciduous teeth codes in ANSI/ADA Specification No. 3950.
attributeA code to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
attributeA code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
attributeA data concept for an identifier of a tooth based on its location within a mouth.
attributeA number of pixels in the top coordinate of the Image.
attributeA list of track IDs for track and channel number list
attributeAn identifier for a specific recorded track on a physical media object.
attributeAn augmentation point for TrackList
attributeAn element for biometric record transaction detail.
attributeAn application profile specificationfrom ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 update 2013
attributeAn augmentation point for Transaction Application Profile
attributeAn augmentation point for Transaction
attributeA data concept for a kind of transaction, as defined by the receiving agency
attributeAn augmentation point for Transaction Character Set
attributeA character set other than 7-bit ASCII used in this transaction
attributeA summary of the record contents being transmitted
attributeAn augmentation point for Transaction Content Summary
attributeAn identification of a transaction determined by the originating agency
attributeAn identification of an original transaction control number (TCN) of a request, used in a transaction response
attributeA date the transaction was sent by the user
attributeAn organization to which the transaction is being sent
attributeA domain for the user-defined Type-02 logical record implementation
attributeAn augmentation point for Transaction Domain
attributeA name of the agency, entity, or implementation used for formatting the content of the transaction
attributeA Geographic name set
attributeA set of resolution values in pixels per mm for a transaction
attributeA current major version number of the ANSI/NIST-ITL standard implemented by the software or system creating the file. Always "05" for this version of the standard
attributeA current minor version number of the ANSI/NIST-ITL standard implemented by the software or system creating the file. Always "00" for this version of the standard
attributeAn organization originating the transaction
attributeAn urgency with which transaction response is expected (1 is low, 9
is high)
attributeA reason for requesting the transaction
attributeA date and time of the transaction in universal Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT) units
attributeA transcript authority comment text on the content of the segment.
attributeAn approximate distance between the speaker in a recording and the transducer.
attributeA transducer principle of a microphone.
attributeA description of any digital masking between transducer and recording, disguisers, or other attempts to alter the properties of a recording.
attributeA code to describe the data collection schema that was used for the transmittal recording of dental information.
attributeA kind of transmitted system encoding text
attributeAn identification of a Type-2 record in a transaction
attributeA list of identification of a Type-2 record in a transaction.
attributeAn augmentation point for Type2CrossReferenceIdentificationList
attributeAn upper lip print characterization code list
attributeA constant value of pen pressure for the length of a vector in a signature
attributeA vector's X coordinate in units of .0254 mm
attributeA vector's Y coordinate in units of .0254 mm
attributeA vendor name
attributeAn augmentation point for Vertex
attributeAn augmentation point for Video
attributeA list of time segments, each identified as containing a vocal collision (two or more persons talking at once) within the segment.
attributeA kind of field contains subfields that locate the segments within the voice recording of this Type-11 record that are associated with a single speaker _ the subject of the record (not necessarily the subject of the transaction).
attributeA kind of field that indicates whether the voice recording content has been diarized.
attributeAn estimation of perceived vocal effort across the audio time segment.
attributeA comment describing additional information about the Audio Signal Quality.
attributeA kind of field if Vocal content / VOC is present, then this field shall only be present if DII = 1. This field shall only be present if Vocal content diary / VCD is present. If segments have multiple quality values based on different types of quality assessments, a separate subfield is entered for each assessment.
attributeAn augmentation point for VocalSegmentQualityValue
attributeA code assessing the predominant vocal style across the audio time segment.
attributeA voice data block
class instanceA Root Element for Biometric data
BiometricclassBiometric information associated with a defendant.
biometricrelationA biometric associated with a defendant.
class instanceA description of the believed accuracy of a biometric identification.
class instanceAdditional information about a biometric.
BiometricAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a biometric.
class instanceA binary representation of a biometric sample.
class instanceA collection of a biometric sample.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiometricCaptureType
class instanceA description of how a biometric sample was collected.
class instanceA duration of total calculated time to send and receive transactions to capture each Biometric Image
class instanceA quality metrics for the captured biometric image
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiometricCaptureMetricType
BiometricCaptureMetricTypeclassA data type for representing Biometric Quality Metrics for the captured biometric image
class instanceAn entity that collected a biometric sample.
biometricCapturerattributeA person who captured a set of biometric images of a subject.
class instanceA source of a biometric item
BiometricCaptureTypeclassA data type for a set of information regarding the captured biometric information
class instanceA kind of biometric technology
BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of biometrics used
BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of biometrics used for Screening
BiometricCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of biometric technology
class instanceA classification of the kind of person Biometric.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiometricClassificationType
class instanceA kind of biometric.
class instanceA description of a kind of biometric.
BiometricClassificationTypeclassA data type for the classification of the kind of the Biometric information in the message.
class instanceAn image of a biometric representing associated context elsewhere in a transaction package
class instanceA service used to determine the BiometricCoordinate.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BiometricCoordinateType
class instanceAn identification for representing the BiometricCoordinate.
BiometricCoordinateTypeclassA data type for coordinates that are used to identify the person biometrics of the biometric captured with the encounter when the capture is a composite biometric.
class instanceAn augmentation point for biom:BiometricDataType.
BiometricDataTypeclassA data type for a representation of the identifying Biometric in.
class instanceA description of a biometric.
class instanceA data concept for capturing details.
class instanceA method used to encode a biometric.
class instanceAn identifier used to uniquely refer to a biometric.
biometricIDattributeAn identifier for a biometric (e.g. fingerprint transaction control number)
biometricImageattributeA biometric image of a subject.
class instanceA data concept for a biometric image
BiometricImageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a BIOMETRIC IMAGE TYPE.
class instanceAn analysis of a biometric sample.
class instanceA description of the storage of a biometric sample.
class instanceA description of the storage of a biometric sample.
class instanceA status of a biometric sample.
class instanceA date a biometric sample was tested.
class instanceA description of how a biometric sample was tested.
class instanceAn entity that tested a biometric sample.
class instanceA method used to test a biometric sample.
class instanceA textual representation of the value of a biometric.
class instanceA live birth of a human being.
class instanceA person or entity who attended the birth.
class instanceAn augmentation point for type j:BirthType
class instanceA number indicating the order of birth specified on the birth certificate (e.g., first, second).
class instanceA unique system generated identifier for the person birth.
class instanceA container to define the Date of Birth details of a person
BirthInfoElementListclassList of information types used for birth information
class instanceA number of miles between the location where an individual was born, and the nearest urban area.
class instanceA name of an urban area nearest to where an individual was born.
class instanceA registration for a government certificate of live birth.
BirthTypeclassA data type for a live birth of a human being.
class instanceA requested Sight accommodation for a disabled person.
class instanceTrue if the Applicant has a sight impairment; false otherwise
bloodAlcoholContentNumberattributeA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test). A blank value represents not tested.
BloodGroupListclassList of types of blood groups
BLTCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 12 - Blood Type (BLT) Field Codes
BLTCodeTypeclassA data type for 12 - Blood Type (BLT) Field Codes
BMACodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 4.2: Boat Make (BMA) Field Codes
BMACodeTypeclassA data type for 4.2: Boat Make (BMA) Field Codes
class instanceA name indicating the city where the alien boarded a conveyance for ARRIVAL to the United States
BoatEPDCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 10 - Boat Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
BoatEPDCodeTypeclassA data type for 10 - Boat Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
BodyMarkPartListclassList of body parts for marks
BodyMarkPartLocationListclassList of locations on the body parts where the marks are found
bookingrelationThe process by which this arrest is formally recorded by a law enforcement agency at the time the subject is booked or released on bond or personal recognizance.
BookingclassDetails about an administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject name and other relevant facts on the police blotter, and which may also include photographing, fingerprinting, and the like.
class instanceAn administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject's name and other relevant facts on the police blotter, and which may also include photographing,
class instanceTrue if a subject has more charges for which to be booked; false otherwise.
bookingAgencyattributeThe law enforcement agency that performed a booking.
class instanceAn organization which processes a booking.
bookingAgencyIDattributeAn alpha numeric identifier issued by the FBI to identify a specific criminal justice agency. In this instance the Law Enforcement Agency which booked the suspect into jail. (Ex. AZ0071300, etc.)
bookingAgencyNameattributeThe name of the law enforcement agency that booked the suspect into jail.
class instanceA booking identification of the originating case agency.
class instanceA date a subject is due to appear in court to answer the charges filed.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BookingType.
class instanceA data concept for a kind of booking conducted.
class instanceA kind of booking conducted.
BookingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted.
BookingCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted.
class instanceAn identification for the cause of a booking.
class instanceA piece of property a subject gives to an official for safe keeping during a booking.
class instanceA state, county or city detention facility where a subject is detained as a result of booking.
class instanceAn identification assigned by a booking system to identify a unique booking event within a specific jail.
class instanceAn official who processes a subject for booking.
class instanceA police station or a detention facility where a booking occurs.
class instanceA records management system identification number for the Incident that precipitated the booking of the subject.
class instanceAn observation from or about a person interview.
bookingNumberattributeNumber issued by booking agency at time of the entry of the subject into jail and maintained until release on all charges and sentences. New number issued for each subsequent jail stay.
class instanceA release of a subject from booking or from booking detention.
class instanceA corrections pre-trial screening official.
class instanceA district of a booking agency.
class instanceA piece of property a subject keeps during booking.
class instanceTrue if the information regarding a booking is to remain sealed and confidential; false otherwise.
class instanceAn official who searches a subject during a booking.
class instanceA piece of property taken from a subject by an official during a booking.
class instanceA person who is booked.
class instanceA transfer of custody or transportation of a subject from one booking detention facility to another.
class instanceA telephone call (number) a subject makes while being booked or detained from an arrest.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BookingTelephoneCallType.
class instanceA date a subject makes a telephone call while being booked or detained from a booking.
class instanceA peace official who supervises a subject making a telephone call.
BookingTelephoneCallTypeclassA data type for a telephone call a subject makes while being booked or detained from an arrest.
bookingTimeattributeThe date and time at which a booking commences, recorded on the basis of "military time" in which the hours are numbered from 0 to 23. Example: 10:00 pm is recorded as 22:00.
class instanceAn official who moves a subject to a detention facility.
BookingTypeclassA data type for an administrative step taken after an arrest subject is brought to a police station or detention facility.
class instanceA date on which the alien was booked in by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee.
class instanceA date on which the alien was booked out by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Employee.
class instance
class instance
booleanclassA data type for binary-valued logic (true/false).
class instance
booleanListclassA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
BooleanListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of boolean.
BooleanListTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of boolean.
booleanOrNilReasonclassExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
booleanOrNilReasonListclassA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
class instancegml:booleanValue is a boolean value of an operation parameter. A Boolean value does not have an associated unit of measure.
class instanceA text representing a code for a DHS Border location on the Northern and Southern borders of the US.
class instanceA means of transport used in crossing a border.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BorderTransportMeansType.
class instanceA nationality of the active means of transport used in crossing the border.
BorderTransportMeansTypeclassA data type for a means of transport used in crossing a border.
class instanceA number of pixels in the bottom coordinate of the Image.
BoundaryShapeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a shape of a boundary of a feature within an image
BoundaryShapeCodeTypeclassA data type for a shape of a boundary of a feature within an image
class instanceThis property describes the minimum bounding box or rectangle that encloses the entire feature.
class instanceRectangular envelope property element containing two pairs of coordinates (lower left envelope corner, upper right envelope corner) representing latitude then longitude in the WGS84 coordinate reference system
class instanceA relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
BPSCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 16 - Body Parts Status (BPS) Field Codes
BPSCodeTypeclassA data type for 16 - Body Parts Status (BPS) Field Codes
BRACodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 4.3: Boat Parts Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
BRACodeTypeclassA data type for 4.3: Boat Parts Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
branchrelationA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location, in which the account is maintained.
BranchclassA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location. Examples: the "downtown" or "Willow Grove" branch of the First National Bank.
branchAddressattributeThe address of a subunit of a financial institution.
branchIDattributeA unique identifier assigned to a branch.
branchNameattributeThe name of the branch.
BrandCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a brand applied to a vehicle title or odometer.
BrandCodeTypeclassA data type for a brand applied to a vehicle title or odometer.
BrandDamagePercentageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the percentage of damage in a brand on a vehicle.
BrandDamagePercentageCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the percentage of damage in a brand on a vehicle.
BranderCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of branders.
BranderCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of branders.
BrandVehicleDispositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for vehicle dispositions.
BrandVehicleDispositionCodeTypeclassA data type for vehicle dispositions.
class instanceAn element for the major types of bridges.
BridgeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the major types of bridges.
BridgeCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the major types of bridges.
class instanceAn element for the major types of bridge components.
BridgeComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the major types of bridge components.
BridgeComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for different bridge components.
class instanceA bridge, underpass, overpass, or tunnel bridge/structure that is also linkable to the national bridge inventory.
class instanceA data type describing the name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BrokerType.
class instanceA code which identified a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
class instanceA unique identification of Broker
BrokerTypeclassA data type for a name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
class instanceA B-Spline is a piecewise parametric polynomial or rational curve described in terms of control points and basis functions as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.30. Therefore, interpolation may be either "polynomialSpline" or "rationalSpline" depending on the interpolation type; default is "polynomialSpline".
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions (see ISO 19107:2003,
The attribute isPolynomial shall be set to "true" if this is a polynomial spline (see ISO 19107:2003,
The attribute knotType shall provide the type of knot distribution used in defining this spline (see ISO 19107:2003,
The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
BTYCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 5 - Boat Type (BTY) Field Codes
BTYCodeTypeclassA data type for 5 - Boat Type (BTY) Field Codes
class instanceAn element for the common building components damaged
BuildingComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common building components damaged.
BuildingComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for the common building components damaged
class instanceA status describing of the availability of burn center services
class instanceA party to which merchandise or services are sold.
class instanceAn augmentation point for BuyerType.
class instanceA code which identified a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
class instanceA unique identification of Buyer
BuyerTypeclassA data type for a name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
BXRCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 14 - Body X-Rays Available (BXR) Field Codes
BXRCodeTypeclassA data type for 14 - Body X-Rays Available (BXR) Field Codes
byteclassA data type that is is derived from short by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 127 and minInclusive to be -128.