1J=Single-Engine Jet; 1P=Single-engine Propeller; 1W=1-wheeled; 2D=Sedan, 2-door, automobile(2); 2H=Hatchback, 2-door; 2J=Twin-Engine Jet; 2P=Twin-engine Propeller; 2T=Hardtop, 2-door(1); 2W=2-wheeled Trailer; 3D=3-Door Truck; 3J=Tri-Engine Jet; 3P=Tri-engine Propeller; 4D=Sedan, 4-door, automobile(2); 4D=4-Door; 4H=Hatchback, 4-door; 4T=Hardtop, 4-door(1); AC=Auto Carrier; AD=Asphalt Distributor; AE=Aerial Platform; AI=Air Compressor; AM=Ambulance; AR=Armored Truck; BA=Bulk Agriculture; BC=Brush Chipper; BD=Bulldozer; BG=Buggy, Concrete; BH=Backhoe; BK=Backhoe/Loader; BP=Blimp; BR=Beverage Rack; BT=Boat Trailer; BU=Bus; BZ=Biohazard; CB=Chassis and Cab (Utility Truck); CE=Unlisted Style of Construction Equipment; CG=Converter Gear Trailer; CH=Coach; CI=Corn Picker; CK=Cotton Picker; CL=Cable Reel; CM=Concrete or Transit Mixer; CO=Self-propelled Combine; CO=Combine; CP=Coupe; CR=Crane; CS=Construction Signal; CT=Travel Trailer; CT=Camping; CV=Convertible; CZ=Cotton Stripper; DE=Detasseling Equipment; DI=Potato Digger; DP=Dump Truck; DR=Drill, Rock; DS=Tractor Truck, Diesel; DT=Dump Trailer; DY=Auxiliary Dolly; EB=Enclosed Body, Removable Enclosure; EN=Enclosed Body, Nonremovable Enclosure; EX=Excavator; FB=Flatbed or Platform Trailer; FB=Flatbed or Platform; FC=Flotation Chassis; FD=Field Chopper; FL=Forklift; FL=Fork Lift; FR=Flatrack Truck; FS=Fertilizer Spreader; FT=Fire Truck; GA=Wagon-type Trailer; GD=Grader; GE=Generator; GG=Garbage or Refuse Truck; GN=Grain Truck; GN=Grain Trailer; GR=Glass Rack; HA=Hot Air Balloon; HB=Hatchback/Fastback; HD=Hydraulic Dump; HE=Horse Trailer; HL=Hay Bale Loader; HM=Hammer; HO=Hopper (Bottom Dump); HO=Hopper (Bottom Dump) Trailer; HO=Hopper; HP=Helicopter; HR=Hearse; HS=House Trailer; HT=Hardtop(1); HV=Harvester; HY=Hay Baler; LB=Lowboy or Lowbed Trailer; LD=Loader; LF=Lift Boom; LG=Log; LK=Log Skidder; LL=Carry-all; LM=Limousine; LP=Pole Trailer; LS=Livestock Rack or Trailer; LS=Livestock Rack; LT=Light Tower; LV=Law Enforcement; LW=Lunch Wagon; MB=Motorbike; MC=Motorcycle; MD=Moped; MF=Unlisted Style of Farm Equipment; MH=Motorized Home; MJ=Multi-Engine Jet (4 or more); MK=Minibike; MO=Mower, Riding or Garden Tractor; MP=Multi-engine Propeller (4 or more); MR=Mower-Conditioner; MS=Motorscooter; MT=Motorcycle Trailer; MV=Multi-wheel; MV=Multi-wheeled vehicle; MY=Minicycle; OP=Open Body; PK=Pickup; PL=Pallet; PM=Pickup with mounted camper; PR=Prime Mover; PT=Passenger Tram or Trailer; PV=Paver; RD=Roadster; RF=Refrigerated Van; RH=Retractable Hardtop; RO=Roller; SA=Sailplane; SB=Cooking Trailer; SC=Scraper; SD=Sedan(2); SE=Semi-trailer; SG=Stump Grinder; SH=Shovel; SI=Striper; SM=Snowmobile Trailer; SO=Snowblower; SP=Shipping Container; SQ=Search and Rescue; SR=Service Trailer; SS=Sweeper; SS=Street Sweeper; ST=Stake or Rack Trailer; ST=Stake or Rack; SW=Station Wagon; SY=Sprayer; SZ=Saw; TA=Tree Harvester; TC=Tractor, Track-type; TD=Tow Dolly, Auto; TD=Auto Tow Dolly; TE=Tent Trailer; TF=Tractor, Wheel-type; TH=Trencher; TM=Camper (Truck Mount); TN=Tanker; TN=Tank Trailer; TO=Touring Car; TR=Tractor Truck, Gasoline; TT=Tow Truck/Wrecker; TV=Travel Trailer; UL=Ultralight (including hang gliders); UT=Utility Trailer; UV=Utility vehicle; VA=Vacuum Cleaner; VC=Van Camper; VN=Van, Van Trailer; VN=Van; VT=Vanette; WD=Well Driller; WE=Welder; WN=Windrower; WS=Wood Splitter;