Class BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleType
A data type describing the kinds of biometrics used
Directly inherited by : BiometricCategoryCodeType
- codeList:
10-Print=10-print; 2-Print=2-print; 4-Print=4-print; Body Odor=Body Odor; Dental=Dental; DNA=DNA; Ear Shape=Ear shape; Facial Image=Facial Image; Finger Geometry=Finger geometry; Finger Prints=Finger Prints; Foot Print=Foot Print; Gait=Gait; Hand Geometry=Hand Geometry; Iris=Iris; Keystroke Dynamics=Keystroke dynamics; Lip Movement=Lip movement; Mugshot=Include mug shots vs. searchable facial images; Multiple Biometrics Used=Multiple biometrics used; No Information Given=No information given; Non-Photographic Imagery=Non-photographic images can include (but are not limited to) such diverse items as 3D point cloud representations of the face, radiographs, sonograms, PET scans and 3D orthodontic models; Other=not in the list and explained in augmentation point; Palm Print=Palm Print; Retina=Retina; Signature=Signature; SMT=Scar Mark Tattoo; TemplateSetID=Include the matcher template set id; Thermal Face Image=Thermal face image; Thermal Hand Image=Thermal hand image; Vein Pattern=Vein Pattern; Video=Video; Voice=Voice;
- URI:,BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleType