Class Organization

A structure that describes a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation contactInformation (<directional aggregation>)

Information useable to contact this organization, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation electronicServiceInformation (<directional aggregation>)

Information needed by the filing assembly MDE to electronically serve this organization with a copy of a filing.

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute name

The name of a person or organization.

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute organizationID

The unique identifier assigned by the court at the time the organization is first associated with the case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this blank.

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation organizationLocation (<directional aggregation>)

The location of an organization

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute taxIdentification

A federal identifier for an organization.

Declaration :

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem
