Public Properties Index

acceptConfidentialFilingsDevelopmentPolicyParametersWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents for which the filer requests confidential or sealed treatment by the court.
acceptDocumentsRequiringFeesDevelopmentPolicyParametersWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents requiring filing fees.
acceptMultipleLeadDocumentsDevelopmentPolicyParametersDoes court accept placing multiple lead documents in a single message
accidentInvolvedIndicatorDrivingIncidentAn indicator that the incident involved an accident.
accountNumberCardAccountA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
accountNumberCreditAccountA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
accountOwnerAddressPaymentMessageThe address of the owner of a financial account.
accountOwnerNameCardAccountThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
accountOwnerNameFinancialAccountThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
actJuvenileCaseAn action or behavior of a juvenile that makes the juvenile potentially subject to adjudication by the juvenile court as a delinquent.
actAggravatorCodeDelinquentActCode indicating the existence of a factor that, under state law, heightens the seriousness of the charge and would subject an adult to increase punishment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: Use of deadly weapon, use of gun.
actDegreeCodeDelinquentActCode indicating the degree of an offense as defined in state law. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: First Degree Murder, Felony Type A/B/C.
actedOnBehalfOfCaseDocketEntryThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
actGeneralCategoryCodeDelinquentActCode indicating the general category of the offense as set forth in state law. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: Attempt, Conspiracy, Accessory before the fact, Accessory after the fact.
activityExtensionActedOnBehalfOfAn extension point for an activity.
actLevelCodeDelinquentActCode identifying the level of the offense as defined in state law. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Example: Felony, Misdemeanor, Infraction, Ordinance Violation.
actLocationActThe place where the alleged act occurred.
actorCaseDocketEntry The actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry.
actorIDReferenceActedOnBehalfOfA reference to an actor elsewhere in this message.
actorIDReferenceActorA reference to an actor elsewhere in this message.
actSequenceNumberActThe order in which this charge appears in a listing of multiple charges against the same juvenile. Example: Ordering charges in descending order of seriousness so that a case management application can identify the most serious charge.
actTextActLegal term used to describe the alleged offense, which would be a crime if committed by an adult.
actTimeActThe date and time on which an act is alleged or found to have occurred.
addedPartyAppellateCaseInformationParty added to the appeal that was not a party in the original case. For instance, the attorney in the original case may appeal sanctions against the attorney by the court.
additionalMetadataDocumentMetadataAdditional metadata for a filed ocument.
addressLocationAn address.
affectedPartyIDDocumentMetadataIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify a party other than the filer who is affected by the document.
aliasCaseA name other than an official name used by a person or organization in this case.
allegationCodeDependencyAllegationA code identifying a specific ground sufficient in law for declaring the minor child a ward of the state.
allegationTextDependencyAllegationLegal term used to describe the ground on which the minor child can be declared a ward of the state.
allocatedate:AllocateCourtDateMessageAugmentationPointAllocateCourtDateMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
allowanceChargePaymentMessageAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for the purpose of this filing, by a particular means.
allowedCodeValuesCoreCodelistA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information
alternateNameAliasAn alternative name by which this person or organization is known.
alternateNameTypeCodeAliasA description of the type of the alternate name. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: doing business as, formerly known as, also known as.
amendedChargeChargeAn indicator that the charge submitted amends an earlier submitted charge.
amountInControversyCivilCaseInformationThe amount set forth in an ad damnum clause in a complaint, counter claim, or cross complaint.
amountValueAmountA decimal amount.
appellantInCustodyIndicatorAppellateCaseInformationIndicator that the appellant is currently in custody.
appellate:AppellantInCustodyIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeIndicator that the appellant is currently in custody.
appellate:AppellateCaseAddedPartyCaseAugmentationTypeParty added to the appeal that was not a party in the original case. For instance, the attorney in the original case may appeal sanctions against the attorney by the court.
appellate:AppellateCaseJurisdictionBasisTextCaseAugmentationTypeThe basis for the jurisdiction of the appellate court in the case.
appellate:AppellateCasePartyAddedReasonTextAppellateCaseAddedPartyTypeThe reason a party is being added to the appeal.
appellate:AppellateCasePartyRemovedReasonTextAppellateCaseRemovedPartyTypeThe reason a party is being removed from the appeal.
appellate:AppellateCaseRemovedPartyCaseAugmentationTypeParty to the original case that is not party to the appeal.
appellate:AppellateCaseSettlementRequestTextCaseAugmentationTypeA request for diversion to a settlement program in the appellate court.
appellate:AppellateCourtRuleCaseCaseAugmentationTypeAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
appellate:FeesWaivedIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeIndicator that filing fees were waived or deferred in the case in the lower court.
appellate:RuleCollectionNumberAppellateCourtRuleCaseTypeAn organized set or book of rules of the court that include the rule(s) in question.
appellate:RuleCollectionTextAppellateCourtRuleCaseTypeA rule number (including rule subsection) in question. Each rule number must refer to a specific rule within the rule collection.
argumentSchemaExtensionReferenceAn XML Schema document that defines the allowable structure of the court-specific argument to this MDE operation.
arrestCriminalCaseInformationThe act of taking physical control over the person of another by a law enforcement officer or other person acting under color of law.
arrestJuvenileCaseArrest of a minor for commission of an act subjecting the minor to adjudication as a delinquent
arrestDispositionArrestThe disposition of an arrest.
arresteeBloodAlcholContentNumberArrestThe percentage of alcohol the blood of an blood (e.g. .08%). A blank value represents not tested.
arrestingAgencyArrestThe law enforcement agency that performed an arrest.
arrestingAgencyCaseTrackingNumberArrestAn identifier assigned to a case by the law enforcement agency.
arrestingAgencyIDArrestAn alphanumeric identifier issued by the FBI to identify a specific criminal justice agency, in this instance the law enforcement agency which made the arrest. (Ex. AZ0071300, etc.)
arrestingAgencyNameArrestThe name of the Law Enforcement agency which made the arrest.
arrestingAgencyORIArrestingOfficerOfficial FBI-issued identifier for a law enforcement agency.
arrestingOfficerArrestAn employee of a law enforcement agency who effects an arrest.
arrestingOfficerUnitArrestingOfficerText description of the subdivision of the arresting agency. Example: Fairlawn precinct, Special Operations Division, Drug Task Force.
arrestingUnitArrestThe unit of a law enforcement agency performing an arrest.
arrestLocationArrestA location where a subject was arrested.
arrestTimeArrestThe date and time the subject was arrested.
arrestWarrantArrestAn arrest warrant associated with an arrest.
assetNoticeBankruptcyCaseInformationWhether assets are available for distribution to creditors.
associationExtensionMatchingCaseAn extension point for an association
associationTypeCodeRelatedCaseNature of the relationship between the current case and the related case. Allowable values to be set forth in Court Policy. Examples: associated, consolidated, related.
attachmentIDAttachmentMetadataA unique identifier (such as a URI) for the attachment in the message stream. (For the Web Services profile, this will be the value of the MIME Content-Id header.) Can contain a URL if the attachment is remote, if allowed by court policy.
attachmentMetadataDocumentRenditionMetadataInformation describing an attachment included within a message.
attachmentSequenceNumberAttachmentMetadataA numeric sequence number used for splitting documents across multiple parts.
attorneyCaseAttorneyRoleThe person playing a role of a arty in a case represented by this attorney.
attorneyIDCaseAttorneyRoleA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
badgeNumberArrestingOfficerNumber of an official badge issued by a law enforcement agency to a law enforcement officer.
bankAccountNumberFinancialAccountA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
bankRoutingNumberFinancialAccountA nine number identifier for a financial institution.
bankruptcyFilingSupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
bankruptcyStatuteBankruptcyCaseInformation Section 11 of the United States Code pertaining to bankruptcy.
barMembershipAttorneyA membership in an attorney association.
barNumberAttorneyAn identifier assigned to an attorney by the bar association.
BaseTypeniemThe NIEM base type that implements the source class or property
biom:BiometricSubjectAugmentationTypeA Root Element for Biometric data
biom:BiometricCapturerBiometricDataTypeAn entity that collected a biometric sample.
biom:BiometricClassificationBiometricDataTypeA classification of the kind of person Biometric.
biom:BiometricClassificationCategoryCodeBiometricClassificationTypeA kind of biometric.
biom:BiometricDetailAbstractBiometricDataTypeA data concept for capturing details.
biom:BiometricImageAbstractBiometricDataTypeA data concept for a biometric image
biom:DNAAlleleCall1TextDNASTRProfileTypeA kind of a DNA allele call (first of three possible) for the referenced locus in an STR profile
biom:DNALocusReferenceIDDNASTRProfileTypeAn identifier for a reference number of a DNA locus
biom:DNASTRProfileDNASampleTypeAn autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
biometricDefendantA biometric associated with a defendant.
biometricCapturerBiometricA person who captured a set of biometric images of a subject.
biometricIDBiometricAn identifier for a biometric (e.g. fingerprint transaction control number)
biometricImageBiometricA biometric image of a subject.
bloodAlcoholContentNumberOffenderA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test). A blank value represents not tested.
bookingArrestThe process by which this arrest is formally recorded by a law enforcement agency at the time the subject is booked or released on bond or personal recognizance.
bookingAgencyBookingThe law enforcement agency that performed a booking.
bookingAgencyIDBookingAn alpha numeric identifier issued by the FBI to identify a specific criminal justice agency. In this instance the Law Enforcement Agency which booked the suspect into jail. (Ex. AZ0071300, etc.)
bookingAgencyNameBookingThe name of the law enforcement agency that booked the suspect into jail.
bookingNumberBookingNumber issued by booking agency at time of the entry of the subject into jail and maintained until release on all charges and sentences. New number issued for each subsequent jail stay.
bookingTimeBookingThe date and time at which a booking commences, recorded on the basis of "military time" in which the hours are numbered from 0 to 23. Example: 10:00 pm is recorded as 22:00.
branchFinancialAccountA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location, in which the account is maintained.
branchAddressBranchThe address of a subunit of a financial institution.
branchIDBranchA unique identifier assigned to a branch.
branchNameBranchThe name of the branch.
cac:AddressBranchTypeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AddressFinancialInstitutionTypeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AddressPaymentMessageTypeThe address of the owner of a financial account.
cac:AllowanceChargeGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageTypeAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for the purpose of this filing, by a particular means.
cac:AllowanceChargePaymentMessageTypeAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for the purpose of this filing, by a particular means.
cac:CardAccountPaymentMeansTypeThe number of the credit or debit account against which this payment will be charged.
cac:CreditAccountPaymentMeansTypeThe account against which this payment will be charged.
cac:FinancialInstitutionBranchTypeThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity of which the branch is a subunit.
cac:FinancialInstitutionBranchFinancialAccountTypeA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location, in which the account is maintained.
cac:PayerFinancialAccountPaymentMeansTypeThe account in a financial institution used for this payment.
cac:PaymentPaymentMessageTypeA payment.
cac:PaymentMandatePaymentMessageTypeThe maximum payment associated with a transaction
cac:PaymentMeansAllowanceChargeTypeThe payment method employed to complete the transaction.
calendarGetCourtScheduleResponseMessageA schedule of upcoming events in a court
calendarEventAllocateCourtDateMessageAn event to add to a calendar
calendarEventCaseDocketEntryAn event on the court calendar entered on the court docket or register of actions.
calendarEventCourtDateAn event to add to a calendar
calendarEventNotifyCourtDateMessageAn event to add to a calendar
calendarEventTimeRangeCaseQueryCriteriaA filter criterion for calendar events. If present, the response should only include calendar events that fall between the from and to dates and times.
calendarEventTypeCodeFilterCaseQueryCriteriaFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
cancel:CancelFilingMessageAugmentationPointCancelFilingMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
capabilityPersonA capability or lack thereof of a person
cardAccountPaymentMeansThe number of the credit or debit account against which this payment will be charged.
cardExpirationDateCardAccountThe month and year (expressed as mm/yy) after which the cardAccount will no longer be value unless renewed by the issuing financial institution.
cardSecurityNumberCardAccountThe secondary number (sometimes on the reverse) of the card for added security.
cardTypeCodeCardAccountThe type of credit card account. Examples: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover. Allowable types listed in court policy.
caseAllocateCourtDateMessageA court case
caseAppellateCaseInformationAn appellate case.
caseChildSupportPetitionInformationA court case related to a child support petition.
caseCoreFilingMessageInformation needed to initiate a court case.
caseDocumentStampInformationMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseElectronicFilingMessageThe court case associated with a filing.
caseGetCaseRequestMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseGetDocumentRequestMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseGetDocumentResponseMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseGetFilingListRequestMessageA court case.
caseGetFilingStatusRequestMessageThe case associated with a filing.
caseGetServiceInformationRequestMessageA court case.
caseMatchingFilingA case associated with a document.
caseNotifyCourtDateMessageA court case
caseNotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseRecordDocketingMessageThe court case in which the filing is being docketed.
caseAppealIssueTextAppellateCaseInformationThe issue(s) on which the case in the lower court is being appealled.
caseAttorneyRoleCaseThe role played by an attorney in this case.
caseDispositionDateAppellateCaseInformationIf the case has been terminated in the lower court, the date on which the case was disposed or dismissed. In a criminal decision, this is the date of Judgment and Sentence. In a civil decision, this is typically the date of the final Judgment determining all issues as to all parties.
caseDispositionDecisionAppellateCaseInformationA disposition decision of a case
caseDispositoinAppellateCaseInformationThe disposition of a case
caseDocketEntryCaseInformationAn entry in the docket or register of actions for this case.
caseInformationGetCaseResponseMessagenformation about a court case returned in this response.
caseInitiationDateCaseInformationThe date on which a case is initiated.
casejurisdictionBasisTextAppellateCaseInformationThe basis for the jurisdiction of the appellate court in the case.
caseListQueryCriteriaGetCaseListRequestMessageCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
caselistrequest:CaseListQueryCriteriaGetCaseListRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
caselistrequest:CaseParticipantCaseListQueryCriteriaTypeInformation describing a participant when a query seeks information about the cases in which the person or organization is a participant.
caselistrequest:GetCaseListRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetCaseListRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caselistresponse:GetCaseListResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetCaseListResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caseMannerOfDispositionAppellateCaseInformationIf the charge has been disposed in lower court, the manner in which the charge was disposed. e.g. dismissed by the court, dismissed by the state, withdrawn, decided, transferred, guilty plea, guilty verdict, acquittal, finding of violation of probation, etc. The court will define the available values in Court Policy.
caseMetadataCaseMetadata about a case.
caseNumberDocumentStampInformationMessageThe court case that is the subject of this query.
caseOrganizationRoleCaseA description of the specific role played by one or more of the organization "other actor(s)" involved in this case.
caseOriginCaseThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates.
caseParticipantCaseInformationStructure containing information about a participant in this case.
caseParticipantGetCaseListRequestMessageInformation describing a participant when a query seeks information about the cases in which the person or organization is a participant.
casePersonRoleCaseA description of the specific role played by one or more of the person "other actor(s)" or "other party(s)" involved in this case.
caseQueryCriteriaGetCaseRequestMessageCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
caserequest:CalendarEventTimeRangeCaseQueryCriteriaTypeA filter criterion for calendar events. If present, the response should only include calendar events that fall between the from and to dates and times.
caserequest:CaseQueryCriteriaGetCaseRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
caserequest:DocketEntryTimeRangeCaseQueryCriteriaTypeA filter criterion for docket entries. If present, the response should only include docket entries that fall between the from and to dates and times.
caserequest:DocketEntryTypeCodeFilterTextCaseQueryCriteriaTypeFilter criterion indicating that only docket entries of a specified type are being requested.
caserequest:GetCaseRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetCaseRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caserequest:IncludeCalendarEventIndicatorCaseQueryCriteriaTypeIndicates whether requester wishes calendar event information to be included in the response.
caserequest:IncludeDocketEntryIndicatorCaseQueryCriteriaTypeIndicates whether requester wishes docket entry information to be included in the response.
caserequest:IncludeParticipantsIndicatorCaseQueryCriteriaTypeIndicates whether requester wishes participant information to be included in the response.
caseresponse:GetCaseResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetCaseResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
caseSettlementRequestTextAppellateCaseInformationA request for diversion to a settlement program in the appellate court.
caseShortTitleMatchingFilingAn abbreviated official name of a Case, usually shortened to contain only the last name of the first listed party on each side of the case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
caseStatusCaseInformationCurrent disposition of this case.
caseStatusGetCaseListRequestMessageThe status of the case as of the date of inquiry.
caseStatusMatchingCaseThe status of the case as of the date of inquiry.
caseStyleCaseInformationFormal header for a pleading or opinion. E.g. Court, Party vs. Party, Case #.
caseTitleCaseOriginThe full title for this case where it originated.
caseTitleMatchingFilingAn official name of a Case. The name of the case includes all of the parties to the case. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
caseTrackingIDCaseCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDCaseOriginCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDDocketedCaseCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDDocumentStampInformationMessageAn identifier for a court case
caseTrackingIDGetCaseRequestMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetDocumentRequestMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetDocumentResponseMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetFilingListRequestMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetFilingStatusRequestMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetFilingStatusResponseMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDGetServiceInformationRequestMessageCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDMatchingCaseCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDMatchingFilingCourt case number.
caseTrackingIDRecordDocketingMessageThe court unique identifier for the case into which this filing is being made. If the filing initiates the case, then this is either assigned by the clerk during review, or is left unassigned, in which case the court record MDE must assign the case identifier.
caseTrackingIDRelatedCaseCourt case number.
caseTrackingIdentifierCaseInformationCourt case number.
caseTrialTypeAppellateCaseInformationThe type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).
caseTypeGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageA type of court case
caseTypeCodeCaseThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
caseTypeCodeCaseInformationThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
caseTypeCodeGetCaseListRequestMessageThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
caseTypeCodeGetPolicyRequestMessageA case type
caseTypeCodeMatchingCaseThe classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
causeOfActionCodeCivilCaseInformationThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
causeOfActionCodeDomesticCaseInformationThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
cbc:AccountIDCreditAccountTypeA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonAllowanceChargeTypePurpose or reason for the filer making the payment; this would be a code valid according to and described by Court Policy.
cbc:AmountAllowanceChargeTypeAn amount of money that the filer is paying to the court.
cbc:CardTypeCodeCardAccountTypeThe type of credit card account. Examples: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover. Allowable types listed in court policy.
cbc:CV2IDCardAccountTypeThe secondary number (sometimes on the reverse) of the card for added security.
cbc:ExpiryDateCardAccountTypeThe month and year (expressed as mm/yy) after which the cardAccount will no longer be value unless renewed by the issuing financial institution.
cbc:HolderNameCardAccountTypeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:IDBranchTypeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDFinancialAccountTypeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDFinancialInstitutionTypeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:IDPaymentTypeA numerical identifier for a FinancialAccount.
cbc:NameBranchTypeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:NameFinancialAccountTypeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:NameFinancialInstitutionTypeThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
cbc:PaidTimePaymentTypeThe date and time at which a transaction will or did occur.
cbc:PaymentIDPaymentMeansTypeThe payment for which this means is specified.
cbc:PaymentMeansCodePaymentMeansTypeA code representing the payment method employed. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberIDCardAccountTypeA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
cbrn:CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeMessageStatusTypeA verfication of the authenticating credentials.
cbrn:ErrorCodeDescriptionTextMessageErrorTypeA description of an error code in free form text.
cbrn:ErrorCodeTextMessageErrorTypeAn error code.
cbrn:ErrorDescriptionMessageContentErrorTypeA text description of an error that occurred at a specific XML tag while processing an XML message.
cbrn:ErrorNodeNameMessageContentErrorTypeA name of the XML tag at which an error occurred.
cbrn:MessageContentErrorMessageStatusTypeA set of information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
cbrn:MessageHandlingErrorMessageStatusTypeA description of a message error encountered by an infrastructure component in the process of message handling and transmission.
cbrn:MessageStatusResponseMessageTypeA status of the message.
cbrn:MessageStatusAugmentationPointMessageStatusTypeAn augmentation point for cbrn:MessageStatusType.
cbrn:MessageStatusCodeMessageStatusTypeA code for the receiving status of a message.
cbrn:MultimediaDataMIMEKindTextDocumentRenditionTypeA media type listed in If the media type is not listed, then describe the media type using free-form text.
cbrn:ResendRequestIndicatorMessageStatusTypeTrue if the message should be resent; false otherwise.
cbrn:SystemEventDateTimeSystemEventTypeA date and time of a system event.
chapterIDCodeBankruptcyStatuteThe chapter of the bankruptcy code under which the debtor has chosen to proceed.
chargeArrestThe crime or violation for which a defendant is arrested.
chargeCitationA charge association with a citation.
chargeCriminalAppellateCaseInformationThe crimes or violations a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
chargeCriminalCaseInformationThe crime or violation a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
chargeDefendantA charge associated with a defendant
chargeSentenceThe charges for which this sentence is associated.
chargeChargingAgencyJurisdictionCodeSectionChargeAn identifier of a section or category within a code book that promulgates jurisdiction for the charging agency.
chargeDegreeChargeA designation indicating the degree of the charge when appropriate. (e.g. 2nd degree murder)
chargeDescriptionCharge Title or description of a specific charge.
chargeDispositionChargeThe findings of the trial court regarding a crime or violation a defendant was accused of.
chargeDispositionCategoryTextChargeDispositionA kind of decision made in a case disposition.
chargeDispositionDateChargeDispositionIf the charge in a criminal case has been disposed in the lower court, the date on which the charge was disposed.
chargeDispositionDecisionTextChargeDispositionThe literal language of a decision.
chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeAn enhancement to a charge.
chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeDescriptionTextCharge Title or description of the specific enhancement.
chargeEnhancingAllegationCountNumberChargeA reference to the underlying Charge Count to which the Enhancing Allegation applies.
chargeEnhancingAllegationStatuteCodeSectionChargeLegal code Section Number referenced in the charge allegation.
chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCodeChargeCode describing the type of charge enhancement allegation. Example: amount of drugs, amount of money, possession of weapon. Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
chargeLevelChargeDefines the level of severity of a charged offense at the Time of . (Ex. Class 3 misdemeanor or Class 5 felony, etc.)
chargeMannerOfDispositionTextChargeDispositionIf the charge has been disposed in lower court, the mmaner in which the charge was disposed. e.g. dismissed by the court, dismissed by the state, withdrawn, decided, transferred, guilty plea, guilty verdict, acquittal, finding of violation of probation, etc. The court will define the available values in Court Policy.
chargeOffenseEndTimeChargeThe date and time at which the offense ended. Not used if only one offense time is recorded.
chargeOffenseLocationCountyChargeThe name of the county, parish, or vicinage where the offense was committed.
chargeOffenseLocationDescriptionCharge Brief description of the location where the offense occurred.
chargeOffenseStartTimeChargeThe date and time of day that a violation of law is alleged to have occurred. Also, this attribute is to be used if only one offense time is recorded.
chargeQualifierChargeA designation showing how the record offense has been enhanced. (Ex. Dangerousness, prior convictions, etc.)(Attempt, Conspiracy)
chargeSeverityChargeThe severity of a charge.
chargeStatuteCodeSectionChargeAn identifier of a section or category within a code book.
childParentRelationshipInformation about the person(s) involved as a child in a current or previous domestic legal relationship.
childDocketEntryIDRelatedDocketEntryID to uniquely identify the child docket entry within the case and court.
childReferenceParentRelationshipA reference to a child in a parent relationship.
childSupportDescriptionTextDomesticViolencePetitionInformationDescription of temporary child support award that the court is being asked to order.
childSupportPetitionInformationDomesticCaseInformationInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
citationCitationA citation.
citationCriminalCaseInformationA criminal charge issued by a law enforcement officer for a "violation" requiring the person charged to plead guilty to the charge or to appear in court to contest the charge. A citation is issued in lieu of an arrest and booking. "Violations" are a subset of "charges" for which a law enforcement officer is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest and booking. Examples: traffic ticket, parking ticket or ticket issued for some other ordinance violation such as barking dog or illegal dumping.
citation:ParkingFacilityParkingViolationTypeThe name of a parking facility/lot.
citation:ParkingMeterSpaceNumberParkingViolationTypeAn identifier for a parking space or meter.
citation:ParkingViolationCaseAugmentationTypeInformation about a parking violation.
citation:RedLightCameraIndicatorDrivingIncidentAugmentationTypeAn indicator that a automated camera was used to detect traffic signal violations.
citationAgencyCitationThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issued this citation.
citationAgencyCitationIssuingOfficialThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issues a citation
citationCourtAppearanceCitationRepresentation of when the offender is required to appear in court on this citation.
citationIssuringOfficialCitationThe law enforcement official issuing a citation.
citationNumberCitation A sequential number preprinted on the citation form which serves as the ticket number
cityPostalAddressA city.
civil:AmountInControversyCaseAugmentationTypeThe amount set forth in an ad damnum clause in a complaint, counter claim, or cross complaint.
civil:CivilClassActionIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeWhether the filer is requesting that this case proceed as a class action.
civil:DecedentDecedentEstateCaseTypeThe deceased person who estate is the subject of a court case.
civil:DecedentEstateCaseCaseAugmentationTypeInformation about a case administering and distributing the assets of a testate or intestate decedent.
civil:FiduciaryCaseAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeInfInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
civil:FiduciaryTypeCodeFiduciaryCaseAssociationTypeLegal description of the role of a fiduciary. Examples: guardian, trustee, conservator of the person, conservator of the estate.
civil:JurisdictionalGroundsCodeCaseAugmentationTypeThe grounds for invoking the jurisdiction of a limited jurisdiction court. Allowed values set forth in Court policy. Not used in general jurisdiction courts.
civil:JuryDemandIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeWhether filer invokes the right to trial by jury.
civil:ReliefTypeCodeCaseAugmentationTypeIndicator of the type of relief requested in the case, e.g., damages, equitable relief (injunction). Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
civil:WillFilingDateDecedentEstateCaseTypeDate on which the will of the decesaed person was filed in the court.
civilAppellateCaseInformationAppellateCaseInformationAdditional information specific to civil appellate cases.
civilFilingSupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
classActionIndicatorCivilCaseInformationWhether the filer is requesting that this case proceed as a class action.
CodeListniemThe values and definitions of a code list in the format "value1", "definition1", "value2", "definition2"
colorPropertyThe color of an item.
colorRelevanceIndicatorDocumentRenditionMetadataIndicates whether color is or is not relevant for the presentation of the document.
commentObligationComments regarding an obligation.
commercialClassCodeDriversLicenseInformationA kind of commerical vehicle a person is licensed to operate.
concurrentSentenceSentenceReference to another sentence which is to be served concurrent with this sentence. In the case of multiple sentences without references to concurrent sentences, they are assumed to be served consecutively.
confidentialityIndicatorCoreFilingMessageIndicator by the filer that something in the message requires sensitive or confidential treatment. (This replaces the former "request to seal" document metadata.)
connectedDocumentCoreFilingMessageA document included in a Filing that supports the Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
connectedDocumentLeadDocumentA document included in a Filing that supports the lead Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
connectedDocumentReviewRecordDocketingMessageThe review process for a connected document
connectedDocumentSequenceNumberDocumentMetadataIndicates the order (assigned by the filer) of the supporting document within the context of its parent lead document.
contactDescriptionContactInformationA description of a contact.
contactInformationOrganizationInformation useable to contact this organization, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.
contactInformationPersonInformation useable to contact this person, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.
contentErrorErrorA content error message.
contestedIndicatorDomesticCaseInformationWhether a divorce is contested.
CoreCodelistRuntimePolicyParametersThe list of data elements and corresponding lists of valid codes for those elements used in this court.
correctableOffenseIndicatorCitationTrue if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
correctableOffenseTextCitationA condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
correctedPaymentPaymentIndicates whether the payment has been corrected in the Filing Review MDE
countNumberChargeA numeric designator identifying the order of a specific charge. (Ex. Count 1 represented as 001, Count 2 as 002, Count 3 as 003, etc.).
countryPostalAddressA country.
countryCodePostalAddressA country code
countryNamePostalAddressA country.
countyPostalAddressA county.
courtBaseMessageThe specific entity within the judicial branch of government in which a case or document is to be filed.
courtExtensionCourtAn extension point for court
courtExtensionDevelopmentPolicyParametersA structure representing the court-specific extensions for this court
courtExtensionExtensionReferenceA court extension to ECF.
courtFindingsDomesticCaseOrderInformationA description of the findings of the court.
courtIDCourtA unique identifier for a court. Court identifiers are established for all of the courts within a state by the highest judicial administrative authority within the state and for the federal courts by the Administrative Office of United States Courts.
courtNameCaseOriginThe name of the court if the origin is a previous court case.
courtNameCourtOfficial name of the court.
courtNameRelatedCaseName of court in which the related case was filed. CourtID is not used here, because the court may not be a participant in electronic filing.
courtRuleAppellateCaseInformationAppellateCaseInformationAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
courtUnitIDGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageAn identifier for court unit managing a case
creditAccountPaymentMeansThe account against which this payment will be charged.
criminal:ChargeAmendedIndicatorChargeAugmentationTypeAn indicator that the charge submitted amends an earlier submitted charge.
criminal:PreliminaryHearingEstimatedDurationCaseAugmentationTypeThe prosecutor estimate of the time that will be required to conduct a preliminary hearing.
criminal:ProsecutionRecommendedBailTextCaseAugmentationTypeThe bail amount recommended by the prosecutor.
criminal:SentenceConcurrentAssociationSentenceAugmentationTypeReference to another sentence which is to be served concurrent with this sentence. In the case of multiple sentences without references to concurrent sentences, they are assumed to be served consecutively.
criminalAppellateCaseInformationAppellateCaseInformationAdditional information specific to criminal appellate cases.
criminalFilingSupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
currencyAmountA type of monetary currency.
custodyJuvenileInformation concerning the custody of the juvenile.
custodyDescriptionTextDomesticViolencePetitionInformationDescription of temporary custody award that court is being asked to include in the order.
custodyStatusCodeCustodyA code indicating whether or not a defendant or juvenile is held in a jail, prison, lock up or other facility.
custodyStatusCodeDefendantAn indicator of whether or not a defendant or juvenile is held in a jail, prison, lock up or other facility.
datecallback:NotifyCourtDateMessageAugmentationPointNotifyCourtDateMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
dateOfBirthCivilPersonThe date on which a person was born.
dateOfBirthCriminalPersonThe date on which a person was born.
dateOfCitationIssueCitationdate citation was issued
dateOfDeathDecedentEstateCaseInformationDate of death of the deceased person.
dateOfDivorceDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationDate of legally effective ending of a marriage or similar legal relationship.
dateOfDomesticLegalRelationshipDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationDate of marriage or similar legal relationship.
dateOfSeparationDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationDate that parties to a domestic legal relationship separated from each other voluntarily with intent to remain apart.
dateOfWillFilingDecedentEstateCaseInformationDate on which the will of the decesaed person was filed in the court.
dateRangeGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageThe start and end dates/times of the schedule being requested
debtorBankruptcyCaseInformationThe person or organization on whose behalf, or against whom, a bankruptcy petition is filed.
debtorTypeCodeBankruptcyCaseInformation"Form of Origin" of seven code values from the Bankruptcy Petition Form.
decedentDecedentEstateCaseInformationThe deceased person who estate is the subject of a court case.
decedentEstateCaseInformationCivilCaseInformationInformation about a case administering and distributing the assets of a testate or intestate decedent.
defendantArrest A person arrested.
defendantChargeA person alleged to have committed the charge.
defendantCriminalCaseInformationA person alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
defendantArrestWarrantIssuedIndicatorDefendantIndicates whether an arrest warrant has been issued against the defendant.
defendantExtraditionStatusArrestA code identifying the type of limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
defendantNumberDefendantNumber assigned to each Defendant.
delinquentActCodeDelinquentActCode designating the statutory or ordinance section, the violation of which would constitute a crime if committed by an adult. May include a probation violation.
deliveryPointPostalAddressA mail delivery point (e.g. mailbox number).
dependencyAllegationJuvenileCaseThe grounds for declaring a minor child to be a ward of the state because of the neglect or abuse of the parents or guardians of the minor child.
descriptionPropertyA description of a property item.
detentionCenterCustodyA juvenile detention center.
detentionCenterIDCustodyThe identifier for the facility in which the defendant or juvenile is detained. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
developmentPolicyParametersGetPolicyResponseMessageThe response to a request for a court Court Policy.
displayTextAllowedCodeValueA description to be used for display purposes.
divorcePendingDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationIndicates if there is an ongoing divorce case.
dnaBiometricA set of DNA associated with a subject.
dnaLocusBiometricAn image of DNA.
dnaLocusCategoryBiometricA location within DNA.
dnaLocusValueBiometricA value for a DNA locus.
docket:CorrectedCaseRecordDocketingMessageTypeThe court case in which the filing is being docketed.
docket:FilingReviewCommentsTextRecordDocketingMessageTypeComments provided by the clerk to the court record system during review.
docket:RecordDocketingMessageAugmentationPointRecordDocketingMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
docket:SealCaseIndicatorRecordDocketingMessageTypeInstruction from the clerk to the court record to represent this case as "sealed."
docketcallback:NotifyDocketingCompleteMessageAugmentationPointNotifyDocketingCompleteMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
docketDocumentIDConnectedDocumentIdentifier that uniquely identifies the document in the court record.
docketDocumentIDGetDocumentRequestMessageA number used to identify a document in electronic form in the court official record. Should be the Document ID assigned by the court at the time of Record Docketing.
docketDocumentIDLeadDocumentIdentifier that uniquely identifies the document in the court record (e.g. the court DMS). Assumed to be unique within a particular case and particular court.
docketedCaseElectronicFilingCallbackMessageThis association will always be present, except in the situation where the filing was a case initiation filing and was rejected (therefore, no case was initiated in the court record system.)
docketEntryIDCaseDocketEntryID to uniquely identify docket entry within the case and court.
docketEntryTextCaseDocketEntryDescription of the docket item. May be in addition to or in lieu of docket code.
docketEntryTimeRangeCaseQueryCriteriaA filter criterion for docket entries. If present, the response should only include docket entries that fall between the from and to dates and times.
docketEntryTypeCodeCaseDocketEntryCode to categorize the docket entry. E.g. motion, hearing, complaint. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
docketEntryTypeCodeFilterCaseQueryCriteriaFilter criterion indicating that only docket entries of a specified type are being requested.
docketTypeCodeDocumentMetadataThe docket code used by the court for the type of document submitted. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
documentGetDocumentRequestMessageThe document that is the subject of this query.
documentGetDocumentResponseMessageThe pleading, motion or order that is returned in this response.
documentGetFilingStatusRequestMessageThe document that is the subject of this query.
documentGetFilingStatusResponseMessageThe document that is the subject of this query.
documentRecordDocketingMessageThis association will be present for each document that the clerk review process approves for sending to the court record system (where it may be rejected or recorded.)
documentAddedInReviewIndicatorReviewedDocumentIndicator that a document was added curing clerk review
documentBinaryCapturerDocumentRenditionMetadataThe person who capturer/scanned a document into binary format.
documentBinaryContentsDocumentRenditionMetadataThe binary contents of a document.
documentBinaryDataDocumentRenditionMetadataEmbedded document data, in an encoded form acceptable to be included within XML.
documentBinaryFormatDocumentRenditionMetadataThe binary format of a document.
documentBinaryURIDocumentRenditionMetadataThe location of a document, either a URL or attachment identifier.
documentCategoryDocumentMetadataA categorization of a document.
documentContentTypeCodeDocumentRenditionMetadataIANA MIME type specifiying the format of the attachment. Example: application/msword; application/pdf.
documentDescriptionDocumentMetadataName of document given by filer. Intended to supplement what is contained in the document type identifier property.
documentDocketIDReviewedDocumentThe identifier from the court record system used to identify the document. This attribute is populated by the MDE/process that is authorized to create docket identifiers; the attribute will not be present before that creation takes place. For example, if the clerk review process creates docket identifiers, then this attribute will be present in the RecordDocketingMessage that goes to the court record MDE. However, if the court record process creates docket identifiers, then this attribute will not be present in the RecordDocketingMessage, but will be present in subsequent callbacks. This attribute will be absent in callbacks when the ReviewedDocument was rejected, either by clerk review or the court record system.
documentDocketingStatusCodeReviewedDocumentThe docketing status of a document
documentFileControlNumberDocumentMetadataA file control number associated with a document.
documentHashReviewedDocumentA hash of the document as it appears in the court record. This attribute will be populated by either the clerk review process or the court record system. If the latter, then it will be absent in the RecordDocketingMessage. It will also be absent in callbacks for rejected documents.
documentIDDocumentMetadataA unique identifier for the document within this message. This is the identifier for a "whole" document (if that document is split into parts).
documentIdentificationCancelFilingMessageThe filing identifier of the filing being cancelled.
documentMetadataDocumentDocument descriptors (title, type description, etc.) for the Document.
documentProducerDescriptionTextDocumentMetadataApplication and version used to create the document. Optional attribute.
documentQueryCriteriaGetDocumentRequestMessageCriteria limiting the document information to be returned.
documentRedactionRequiredIndicatorDocumentMetadataIndicator by the filer that the document must be redacted by the court.
documentRenditionMetadataDocumentMetadataDescriptors for a rendition of a Document. This is meant to include all the information about the document that is needed to enter it into the Document Management System.
documentrequest:DocumentQueryCriteriaGetDocumentRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the document information to be returned.
documentrequest:GetDocumentRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetDocumentRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
documentresponse:GetDocumentResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetDocumentResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
documentReviewRecordDocketingMessageA document review process
documentReviewDispositionReviewedDocumentThe disposition of a document after review.
documentReviewerReviewedDocumentThe entity that reviews and accepts or rejects a filing.
documentReviewStatusReviewedDocumentThe status of a document in the filing review process.
documentSensitivityCodeDocumentMetadataA code indicating the level of security associated with a document. By default, a document will be considered to be "public" unless otherwise defined by court policy. Other sensitivity levels may include "private", in which the document is only viewable by parties in the case, and "protected" in which the document is viewable by a broader set of parties and actors associated with the case.
documentSignatureDocumentRenditionMetadataInformation describing or constituting the signature on a document submitted to a court for filing
documentStatusReviewedDocumentA status of a document.
documentStatusCodeReviewedDocumentCode to describe the disposition of the document: accepted or rejected. Allowable values defined in the specification (schema).
documentStatusReasonDescriptionReviewedDocumentA textual description of the reason for the setting of the status in the documentStatusCode.
documentTitleDocumentMetadataThe title of a document.
documentTypeCodeDocumentMetadataA type of document
domestic:CaseContestedIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeWhether a divorce is contested.
domestic:ChildSuportTextDomesticViolencePetitionTypeDescription of temporary child support award that the court is being asked to order.
domestic:CourtFindingsTextDomesticCaseOrderTypeA description of the findings of the court.
domestic:CustodyDescriptionTextDomesticViolencePetitionTypeDescription of temporary custody award that court is being asked to include in the order.
domestic:DomesticCaseOrderCaseAugmentationTypeInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
domestic:DomesticCaseOrderTypeTextDomesticCaseOrderTypeCategory of order, including Establish, Modify, Enforce, Modify and Enforce, and Vacate.
domestic:DomesticViolencePetitionCaseAugmentationTypeInformation concerning a petition for domestic violence restraining or protective order.
domestic:FinancialObligationDomesticCaseOrderTypeA responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
domestic:IncomeAttachedIndicatorFinancialObligationTypeIndicates whether the responsible party income should be attached.
domestic:ObligationPaymentAmountFinancialObligationTypehe amount owed each payment period.
domestic:RespondentDangerAlertindicatorDomesticViolencePetitionTypeWhether the person against whom a proposed order would be entered should be considered a danger to others, including law enforcement officers responding to a domestic disturbance call.
domesticCaseOrderInformationDomesticCaseInformationInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
domesticCasePersonInformationDomesticCaseInformation Information about persons in this domestic case.
domesticFilingSupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
domesticLegalRelationshipInformationDomesticCaseInformationInformation about the marriage, civil domestic union, or other domestic relationship defined by law involved in this case.
domesticViolencePetitionInformationDomesticCaseInformationInformation concerning a petition for domestic violence restraining or protective order.
drivingIncidentCitationThe incident from which this traffic ticket arose.
ds:KeyInfoRuntimePolicyTypeSymmetric or asymmetric keys used to encrypt and decrypt, or verify signed messages or documents exchanged with the court.
durationRequestCourtDateRequestMessageThe estimated duration of a court hearing
durationReserveCourtDateMessageThe estimated duration of a court hearing
ecf:AffectedParticipantDocumentAugmentationTypeIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify a party other than the filer who is affected by the document.
ecf:CaseCategoryCodeCaseAugmentationTypeThe type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).
ecf:CaseCategoryCodeCaseListQueryCriteriaTypeThe type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).
ecf:CaseCauseOfActionCodeCaseAugmentationTypeThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
ecf:CaseNewIndicatorCaseAugmentationTypeIndicates that the case is new.
ecf:CaseParticipantRoleCodeItemAugmentationTypeA type of participant in a court case
ecf:CaseParticipantRoleCodeOrganizationAugmentationTypeA type of participant in a court case
ecf:CaseParticipantRoleCodePersonAugmentationTypeA type of participant in a court case
ecf:CaseParticipantRoleCodeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeA type of participant in a court case
ecf:CaseParticipantRoleCodeReserveCourtDateMessageTypeA type of participant in a court case
ecf:CasePartyAppellateCaseAddedPartyTypeA person alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
ecf:CasePartyAppellateCaseRemovedPartyTypeA person alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
ecf:CasePartyCaseAugmentationTypeA person alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
ecf:CasePartySelfRepresentationIndicatorItemAugmentationTypePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
ecf:CasePartySelfRepresentationIndicatorOrganizationAugmentationTypePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
ecf:CasePartySelfRepresentationIndicatorPersonAugmentationTypePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
ecf:CaseRepresentedPartyCaseOfficialAugmentationTypeA party represented by an attorney
ecf:CaseShortTitleTextCaseAugmentationTypeAn abbreviated official name of a Case, usually shortened to contain only the last name of the first listed party on each side of the case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDCaseAugmentationTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDCaseQueryCriteriaTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDDocumentQueryCriteriaTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDFilingListQueryCriteriaTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDFilingStatusQueryCriteriaTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDGetDocumentResponseMessageTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTrackingIDGetServiceInformationRequestMessageTypeCourt case number.
ecf:CaseTypeCodeCaseAugmentationTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
ecf:CaseTypeCodePolicyQueryCriteriaTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
ecf:CaseTypeCodeScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
ecf:CaseTypeCodeSupportedCaseCategoriesTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
ecf:CauseOfActionCodeCaseAugmentationTypeThe legal ground on which the request for relief is based. Allowed values set forth in court policy. Example: the basis(es) for relief in a civil case; the grounds for divorce in a state that does not recognize no-fault divorce; grounds for entry of an order of protection in a domestic violence case.
ecf:ChildDocketCourtEventAugmentationTypeAn entry on the docket or register of actions that is a child of the current docket entry.
ecf:ColorRelevantIndicatorDocumentRenditionTypeIndicates whether color is or is not relevant for the presentation of the document.
ecf:ConnectedDocumentCourtEventAugmentationTypeThe pleading, motion or order that is the subject of this docket entry.
ecf:ConnectedDocumentReviewCallbackMessageTypeThe review process for a connected document
ecf:ConnectedDocumentReviewRecordDocketingMessageTypeThe review process for a connected document
ecf:CourtEventActorCourtEventAugmentationTypeThe actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry.
ecf:CourtEventEnteredOnDocketDateCourtEventAugmentationTypeDate and time of entry into the court record.
ecf:CourtEventLocationTextCourtEventAugmentationTypeA textual description of the location in a court of the calendar event.
ecf:CourtEventOnBehalfOfActorCourtEventAugmentationTypeThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
ecf:CourtEventTypeCodeCaseQueryCriteriaTypeFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
ecf:CourtEventTypeCodeCourtEventAugmentationTypeFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
ecf:CourtEventTypeCodeScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeFilter criterion indicating that only calendar entries of a specified type are being requested.
ecf:CourtLocationCodeCourtEventAugmentationTypeA court location
ecf:DocumentDocumentReviewTypeThis association will be present for each document that the clerk review process approves for sending to the court record system (where it may be rejected or recorded.)
ecf:DocumentAddedInReviewIndicatorDocumentReviewDispositionTypeIndicator that a document was added curing clerk review
ecf:DocumentDocketingStatusCodeDocumentStatusTypeCode to describe the disposition of the document: accepted or rejected. Allowable values defined in the specification (schema).
ecf:DocumentFilerDocumentAugmentationTypeAn attorney, judicial official or a pro se (self-represented) litigant who electronically provides filings (combinations of data and documents) for acceptance and filing by a court, or who has successfully filed filings with a court.
ecf:DocumentRelatedCodeDocumentAssociationAugmentationTypeA type of related document that was previously filed in this case. For instance, the document to which this document is a response.
ecf:DocumentRenditionDocumentAugmentationTypeDescriptors for a rendition of a Document. This is meant to include all the information about the document that is needed to enter it into the Document Management System.
ecf:DocumentRenditionHashDocumentRenditionTypeA hash of the document as it appears in the court record. This attribute will be populated by either the clerk review process or the court record system. If the latter, then it will be absent in the RecordDocketingMessage. It will also be absent in callbacks for rejected documents.
ecf:DocumentReviewDispositionDocumentReviewTypeThe disposition of a document after review.
ecf:DocumentReviewerDocumentReviewDispositionTypeThe entity that reviews and accepts or rejects a filing.
ecf:DocumentReviewStatusDocumentReviewDispositionTypeThe status of a document in the filing review process.
ecf:DocumentReviewStatusCodeDocumentStatusTypeCode to describe the disposition of the document: accepted or rejected. Allowable values defined in the specification (schema).
ecf:DocumentSignatureDocumentRenditionTypeInformation describing or constituting the signature on a document submitted to a court for filing
ecf:DocumentStatusDocumentAugmentationTypeA status of a document.
ecf:DocumentTypeCodeDocumentAugmentationTypeA type of document
ecf:ElectronicServiceInformationFilingMessageTypeInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this document.
ecf:ElectronicServiceInformationOrganizationAugmentationTypeInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this document.
ecf:ElectronicServiceInformationPersonAugmentationTypeInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this document.
ecf:EntityAssociationTypeCodeOrganizationAssociationAugmentationTypeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
ecf:EntityAssociationTypeCodePersonAssociationAugmentationTypeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
ecf:EntityAssociationTypeCodePersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationTypeA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
ecf:FeeExceptionReasonCodePaymentMessageTypeA code for the reason why a filer does not have to pay an otherwise applicable payment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples are in forma pauperis status granted or a fee waiver application submitted with the filing..
ecf:FeeExceptionSupportingTextPaymentMessageTypeAny text needed to support the exemption assertion (reference to a court order, etc.)
ecf:FilingCompletionDateCallbackMessageTypethe date and time at which the Court Record MDE filing process was completed following the acceptance by the Filing Review MDE
ecf:FilingDocketingStatusCodeFilingStatusTypeThe docketing status of the filing or document
ecf:FilingReviewStatusCodeFilingStatusTypeStatus of the filing as determined by the system sending the callback. Values: accepted, partially accepted (e.g., some documents but not others), rejected.
ecf:FilingStatusCallbackMessageTypeThe status of a filing
ecf:LeadDocumentReviewCallbackMessageTypeA review process for a lead document.
ecf:LeadDocumentReviewRecordDocketingMessageTypeA review process for a lead document.
ecf:MatchingFilingGetFilingListResponseMessageTypeThe document that is the subject of this query.
ecf:MatchingFilingGetFilingStatusResponseMessageTypeThe document that is the subject of this query.
ecf:ParticipantIDItemAugmentationTypeA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
ecf:ParticipantIDOrganizationAugmentationTypeA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
ecf:ParticipantIDPersonAugmentationTypeA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
ecf:ReceivingMDELocationIDElectronicServiceInformationTypeThe location of the service MDE associated with the person receiving service.
ecf:ReceivingMDEProfileCodeElectronicServiceInformationTypeCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the receiving MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
ecf:RedactedIndicatorDocumentRenditionTypeAn indicator that sensitive information has been removed from this rendition of the document.
ecf:RedactionRequiredIndicatorDocumentAugmentationTypeIndicator by the filer that the document must be redacted by the court.
ecf:RegisterActionDescriptionCodeDocumentAugmentationTypeThe docket code used by the court for the type of document submitted. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
ecf:RelatedCaseAssociationTypeCodeRelatedActivityAssociationAugmentationTypeNature of the relationship between the current case and the related case. Allowable values to be set forth in Court Policy. Examples: associated, consolidated, related.
ecf:ReviewedDocumentDocumentReviewTypeThis association will be present for each document that the clerk review process approves for sending to the court record system (where it may be rejected or recorded.)
ecf:ReviewedDocumentAugmentationPointReviewedDocumentTypeAdditional document information resulting from clerk review.
ecf:SealDocumentIndicatorReviewedDocumentAugmentationTypeClerk instruction to court record system to seal this document.
ecf:SendingMDELocationIDCaseFilingTypeLocation for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.
ecf:ServiceInteractionProfileCodeCaseFilingTypeAn identifier, from a list of allowed values defined in the Court Filing specification, of a message profile supported by this court.
ecf:ServiceInteractionProfileCodeSupportedServiceInteractionProfilesTypeAn identifier, from a list of allowed values defined in the Court Filing specification, of a message profile supported by this court.
ecf:ServiceRecipientIDElectronicServiceInformationTypeA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
ecf:ServiceRecipientIDMessageStatusAugmentationTypeA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
ecf:ServiceStatusCodeMessageStatusAugmentationTypeEnumerated values: unrecognized - filerID is not recognized, received - filing received by MDE, sent - filing sent by MDE to service recipient Future versions may add additional values, such as: delivered - filing delivered to service recipient. (i.e. under the control of the recipient) opened - filing opened by service recipient
ecf:SignatureAugmentationDocumentSignatureTypeThe data or information representing this signature. It must be valid according to the profile identified by the associated signatureProfileIdentifier.
ecf:SignatureProfileCodeDocumentSignatureTypeAn identifier from the Court Filing specification that indicates the Signature Profile governing the structure of this signature.
ecf:SignatureProfileCodeSupportedSignatureProfilesTypeAn identifier from the Court Filing specification that indicates the Signature Profile governing the structure of this signature.
ecf:SpecialHandlingInstructionsTextDocumentAugmentationTypeAny additional instructions for printing of a document (such as printing on front and back of the same page or printing on a particular color paper).
ecf:SubjectWarrantIssuedIndicatorSubjectAugmentationTypeIndicates whether an arrest warrant has been issued against the defendant.
ecf:VehicleOperatorInsuranceCoverageVehicleAugmentationTypeInformation concerning whether a driver of a motor vehicle possesses proof of insurance coverage required by law.
effectiveTimeAllowedCodeValueThe date and time on which this value became or will become allowed.
effectiveTimeExtensionReferenceThe date and time on which this value became or will become allowed.
electronicServiceInformationElectronicFilingMessageInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this document.
electronicServiceInformationOrganizationInformation needed by the filing assembly MDE to electronically serve this organization with a copy of a filing.
electronicServiceInformationPersonInformation needed by the filing assembly MDE to electronically serve this person with a copy of a filing.
elementNameCoreCodelistThe data element for which an allowable set of values is enumerated.
emailAddressContactInformationAn email address.
employeeLocationEmploymentThe address of an employer.
employmentPersonEmployment of an individual by an organization.
endDateObligationThe end date of an obligation.
endTimeAllocateCourtDateMessageThe end date and time of a court event
endTimeCourtDateThe end date and time of a court event
endTimeNotifyCourtDateMessageThe end date and time of a court event
enteredOnDocketTimeCaseDocketEntryDate and time of entry into the court record.
entityCaseA person who is a party whose role is neither initiating nor responding party. Examples: intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).
entityDebtorA refernce to a party (person or organization) in the Review Filing message on whose behalf, or against whom, a bankruptcy petition is filed.
errorMessageReceiptMessageRepresentation of an error that occured when synchronously processing the message.
errorCodeErrorA code that uniquely identifies an error. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
errorDescriptionErrorA more "user friendly" description of the error.
errorTextErrorA code that uniquely identifies an error. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
estimatedAssetsValueLevelCodeBankruptcyCaseInformationA coded set of ranges of dollar values for assets. Generally used for statistical reporting, not case management.
estimatedDebtsValueLevelCodeBankruptcyCaseInformationA coded set of ranges of dollar values for debts. Generally used for statistical reporting, not case management.
ethnicityCodeCivilPersonA NIBRS code representing the nation or cultural group to which a referenced subject belongs.
ethnicityCodeCriminalPersonA NIBRS code representing the nation or cultural group to which a referenced subject belongs.
ethnicityTextCriminalPersonA textual description of the nation or cultural group to which a referenced subject belongs.
eventDateCaseDocketEntryOfficially recognized date of filing or other event. E.g. a "timestamp" associated with a filing, unless altered by court rule or order in the case.
eventFromTimeCalendarEventThe scheduled start time of an event on the court calendar.
eventLocationAllocateCourtDateMessageA court location
eventLocationCourtDateA court location
eventLocationNotifyCourtDateMessageA court location
eventLocationCodeCalendarEventA code referring to the location in a court of the calendar event.
eventLocationTextCalendarEventA textual description of the location in a court of the calendar event.
eventScheduleCalendarEventThe schedule associated with a court event.
eventTextCalendarEventGeneral description of the event.
eventToTimeCalendarEventThe scheduled ending time of an event on the court calendar.
eventTypeAllocateCourtDateMessageA type of court event
eventTypeCourtDateA type of court event
eventTypeGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageA type of court event
eventTypeNotifyCourtDateMessageA type of court event
eventTypeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageA type of court event
eventTypeReserveCourtDateMessageA type of court event
executedOrderDomesticCaseOrderInformationIndicates that an order is executed (signed) by the court.
exemptionObligationAn exemption to an obligation.
expirationTimeAllowedCodeValueThe date and time on which the value was or will be terminated.
expirationTimeExtensionReferenceThe date and time on which the value was or will be terminated.
extendedDriversLicenseInformationOffenderAdditional information about the drivers license of a person named in a citation alleged to have violated a statute or ordinance.
extendedPersonInformationDefendantA person alleged to have committed the charge.
extendedPersonInformationDomesticCasePersonInformationAdditional information about a person in a domestic case. Note that only dateOfBirth, socialSecurityNumber, and sexCode are expected to be present for this association, with the exception of a DV Order respondent, when all ExtendedPersonInformation attributes and associations may be present.
extendedPersonInformationJuvenileAdditional information about a person.
extendedPersonInformationOffenderAdditional information about a person alleged to have violated a statute or ordinance.
extensionElementExtensionReferenceThe element(s) in the extension schema that are are the root of the extension and substitute for an extension (augmentation) point.
extensionReferenceCourtExtensionA structure representing the specific court extension.
eyeColorCodeCriminalPersonA code identifying the person eye color at the time the information was collected.
fatalInjuryIndicatorDrivingIncidentIndicator of whether any person was fatally injured in the incident.
federalBureauOfInvestigationNumberDefendantA number issued by the FBI Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
feeExemptionReasonCodePaymentMessageA code for the reason why a filer does not have to pay an otherwise applicable payment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. Examples are in forma pauperis status granted or a fee waiver application submitted with the filing..
feeExemptionSupportingTextPaymentMessageAny text needed to support the exemption assertion (reference to a court order, etc.)
feesrequest:GetFeesCalculationRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetFeesCalculationRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
feesresponse:FeesCalculationAmountGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageTypeA total of all fees required to submit a document.
feesresponse:GetFeesCalculationResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
feesWaivedIndicatorCivilAppellateCaseInformationIndicator that filing fees were waived or deferred in the case in the lower court.
fiduciaryCaseInformationCivilCaseInformationInfInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
fiduciaryTypeCodeFiduciaryCaseInformationLegal description of the role of a fiduciary. Examples: guardian, trustee, conservator of the person, conservator of the estate.
filerIDElectronicFilingMessageAn attorney, judicial official or a pro se (self-represented) litigant who electronically provides filings (combinations of data and documents) for acceptance and filing by a court, or who has successfully filed filings with a court.
filerIDGetFilingListRequestMessageA unique identifier for a person or organization that requests information.
filerIDGetFilingStatusRequestMessageA unique identifier for a person or organization that requests information.
filerPerformsServiceIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyParametersIndicator whether the filer is required to serve
fileSizeDocumentRenditionMetadataSize of file expressed in kilobytes
filing:FilingConnectedDocumentFilingMessageTypeA document included in a Filing that supports the Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
filing:FilingLeadDocumentFilingMessageTypeThe pleading, motion or order that is the main document in a Filing. A Document may have Attachments.
filing:FilingMessageGetFeesCalculationRequestMessageTypeThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
filing:FilingMessageRecordDocketingMessageTypeThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
filing:FilingMessageAugmentationPointFilingMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
filingAttorneyIDDocumentMetadataIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify the entity who is filing this document.
filingAuthorizedTimeElectronicFilingMessageThe time that the filer submitted the filing to the control of the filing assembly provider and authorized it for filing into the court. At that point and time, the filer could no longer make any changes to the filing.
filingCompletionTimeElectronicFilingCallbackMessagethe date and time at which the Court Record MDE filing process was completed following the acceptance by the Filing Review MDE
filingDocketingStatusCodeElectronicFilingCallbackMessageThe docketing status of the filing or document
filingEnteredOnDocketTimeElectronicFilingCallbackMessagethe date and time of day on which an entry in the docket or register of action in the court CMS was completed for a filing
filingFeeGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageA fee or price required to submit a document.
filingFeesMayBeApplicableIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyParametersIndicates whether fees may be required for some filings.
filingIDElectronicFilingCallbackMessageAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDElectronicFilingMessageAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDFilingListQueryCriteriaA filing identifier
filingIDGetFilingStatusRequestMessageAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDGetFilingStatusResponseMessageAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingIDMatchingFilingA number assigned by the court for a filing.
filingIDMessageReceiptMessageAn identifier for a single electronic filing transaction assigned by the Filing Review MDE. The identifier is unique within a court and case. "Transaction" means the sequence of messages from initial filing review through receipt of the asynchronous review callback.
filingListQueryCriteriaGetFilingListRequestMessageCriteria limiting the list of filings to be returned.
filinglistrequest:FilingListQueryCriteriaGetFilingListRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the list of filings to be returned.
filinglistrequest:GetFilingListRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetFilingListRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
filinglistresponse:GetFilingListResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetFilingListResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
filingOfficialDateElectronicFilingCallbackMessagethe date of filing of a document recognized by the court in its docket entry upon acceptance of the document for entry into the court official records. Note: This date may be, but need to be, affixed to the document with an electronic filestamp. There is no corresponding official hour of the filing. The court may subsequently change the officialFilingDate by judicial order.
filingPartyIDDocumentMetadataIdentifier recognized by the court as being unique within this case,and used to identify the entity on whose behalf this document is being filed.
filingStatusElectronicFilingCallbackMessageThe status of a filing
filingStatusMatchingFilingDetails about the status of a court processing of a ReviewFilingMessage submitted to it, and of its processing of the documents contained within that message.
filingStatusCodeElectronicFilingCallbackMessageStatus of the filing as determined by the system sending the callback. Values: accepted, partially accepted (e.g., some documents but not others), rejected.
filingStatusCodeGetFilingStatusResponseMessageDetails about the status of a court processing of a ReviewFilingMessage submitted to it, and of its processing of the documents contained within that message.
filingStatusQueryCriteriaGetFilingStatusRequestMessageCriteria limiting the filing status information to be returned.
filingStatusReasonDescriptionElectronicFilingCallbackMessageA textual description of the reason for the setting of the status in the filingStatusCode.
filingstatusrequest:FilingStatusQueryCriteriaGetFilingStatusRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the filing status information to be returned.
filingstatusrequest:GetFilingStatusRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetFilingStatusRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
filingstatusresponse:GetFilingStatusResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetFilingStatusResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
financialAccountPaymentMeansThe account in a financial institution used for this payment.
financialInstitutionBranchThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity of which the branch is a subunit.
financialInstitutionAddressFinancialInstitutionThe address of a financial institution.
financialInstitutionIDFinancialInstitutionThe identifier for a financial institution.
financialInstitutionNameFinancialInstitutionThe name of a financial institution.
financialObligationTypeFinancialObligationA type of financial obligation (e.g. child support, maintanence, medical, medical reimbursement).
fingerprintBiometricA print from a single finger.
fingerprintSetBiometricA set of fingerprints.
frequencyObligationThe frequency of an obligation (e.g. Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually).
fromTimeTimeRangeThe beginning time, in the time zone of the court on the beginning date.
fullAddressStreetAddressA complete street address.
fullTelephoneNumberTelephoneNumberA complete telephone number
gangAffiliationJuvenileA gang a person is affiliated with
getCalculatedFeesSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getCaseListSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getCaseSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getDocumentSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getFilingListSuportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getFilingStatusSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
getServiceInformationSupportedIndicatorSupportedOperationsIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
hairColorCodeCriminalPersonA code identifying the person hair color at the time the information was collected.
hazardousMaterialsIndicatorDrivingIncidentIndicator of whether hazardous materials were involved in the incident.
heightCivilPersonA measurement of the height of a person.
heightCriminalPersonA measurement of the height of a person.
heightUnitCriminalPersonA unit of measuring height.
hs:AbuseNeglectAllegationCategoryTextJuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationTypeA kind of allegation of abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, provided by the referral or by the reporter at the time of investigation.
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationDescriptionTextParentChildAssociationTypeAn additional description of the details about the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child (for example, findings regarding the location and date of conception, or the results of DNA tests).
hs:ChildParentChildAssociationTypeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseCaseAugmentationTypeA child support enforcement case.
hs:DelinquentActCaseAugmentationTypeA delinquent act.
hs:DependencyPetitionCaseAugmentationTypeA document that is filed with the Court, typically by an attorney representing the Child Welfare Agency, that formally files allegations of abuse and/or neglect against one or more alleged perpetrators.
hs:GangOrganizationJuvenileGangAssociationTypeA criminal gang organization that is alleged to have a juvenile as a member.
hs:JuvenileJuvenileCaseTypeA role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationCaseAugmentationTypeA set of specifics of the referred incident of abuse or neglect as it relates to the victim. Information recorded includes the Abuse/Neglect Category and Type as well as narrative descriptions of the abuse and/or injuries
hs:JuvenileAugmentationPointJuvenileTypeAn augmentation point for JuvenileType.
hs:JuvenileCaseCaseAugmentationTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events pertaining to a juvenile. This can be, but is not necessarily, a court case.
hs:JuvenilePlacementJuvenileAugmentationTypeA description of the placement where a juvenile is directed to reside during the pendency of the delinquency proceeding.
hs:JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationPlacementAugmentationTypeAn association between a juvenile and a facility where the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., orphanage, teen shelter, detention center, etc.).
hs:JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationPlacementAugmentationTypeAn association between a juvenile and a person with whom the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., foster parent, grandparent, etc.).
hs:ParentParentChildAssociationTypeA father or mother of a person.
hs:ParentChildAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildKinshipCategoryAbstractParentChildAssociationTypeA data concept for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
hs:PersonCaseAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeA relationship between a person and a case.
hs:PersonCaseAssociationAugmentationPointPersonCaseAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for PersonCaseAssociationType.
hs:PlacementAugmentationPointPlacementTypeAn augmentation point for PlacementType.
hs:PlacementCategoryAbstractPlacementTypeA data concept for describing a child or youth's placement.
hs:PlacementFacilityJuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationTypeA facility where a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementPersonJuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationTypeA person with whom a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:StateDisbursementIndicatorFinancialObligationTypeTrue if the child-support order directs the obligor to make payments to a state agency for disbursement to the custodial parent; false otherwise.
hs:SupportingGroundsDescriptionTextChildSupportEnforcementCaseTypeA description of the legal basis for the child-support remedies sought in the petition (e.g., respondent is non-custodial parent and is failing to provide support, a change in the parties' circumstances justifies a modification, etc.).
HTTPMethodswebserviceHTTP methods supported by the web service
iceNumberJuvenileIdentifier assigned by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
identficationSourceIdentificationThe source of an identifier.
identificationCategoryIdentificationThe category of an identifier.
incidentNumberArrestUnique identifier for a police agency departmental report.
includeCalendarEventCaseQueryCriteriaIndicates whether requester wishes calendar event information to be included in the response.
includeDocketEntryCaseQueryCriteriaIndicates whether requester wishes docket entry information to be included in the response.
includePartcipantsCaseQueryCriteriaIndicates whether requester wishes participant information to be included in the response.
incomeAttachedFinancialObligationIndicates whether the responsible party income should be attached.
initiatingPartyCaseThe person who filed a complaint or petition for a court order or judgment. In an appeal, the appellant party seeking to overturn the trial court decision in whole or in part in the appellate court.
initiatingPartyAttorneyCaseThe person serving as attorney for the initiatingParty.
initiatingPartyCitizenshipTypeCodeCivilCaseInformationUsed for Federal court purposes: a code designating the state or country of citizenship for purposes of applying Federal diversity of citizenship jurisdictional rules. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
injuryIndicatorDrivingIncidentIndicator of whether any person was injured during the incident.
insuranceDomesticCasePersonInformationnsurance coverage for an individual.
insuranceCarrierInsuranceA name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
insuranceStatusInsuranceThe status of the insurance of a person.
insuranceTypeInsuranceThe type of insurance the respondent possesses.
internationalTelephoneIDTelephoneNumberAn international telephone number without country prefix.
internationalTelephoneNumberTelephoneNumberAn international telephone number.
internationalTelephoneSuffixTelephoneNumberAn extension to an interational telephone number.
interpreterLanguageCodePersonA code identifying a language that a person is most comfortable using.
interpreterRequiredIndicatorPersonAn indicator that a person requires an interpreter.
j:AppellateCaseCaseAugmentationTypeA single case heard by the Court of Appeals (Intermediate Court of Appeal) or Supreme Court (The Court of Last Resort). This case does not retry the original case but determines whether the original case was tried properly and the defendant
j:AppellateCaseNoticeAppellateCaseTypeA request filed with an appellate court to start an appellate case.
j:AppellateCaseNoticeReasonTextAppellateCaseNoticeTypeA statement explaining the reason for an appeal.
j:AppellateCaseOriginalCaseAppellateCaseTypeAn original case that is being retried in an appellate court.
j:ArrestCaseAugmentationTypeAn apprehension of a subject by a peace official based on an observed or a reported violation of a law or ordinance, an outstanding arrest warrant, or probable cause information.
j:ArrestCaseAugmentationTypeAn apprehension of a subject by a peace official based on an observed or a reported violation of a law or ordinance, an outstanding arrest warrant, or probable cause information.
j:ArrestAgencyArrestTypeAn agency which employs the arresting official.
j:ArrestAgencyRecordIdentificationArrestTypeA records management system identification of the originating case agency for an arrest.
j:ArrestChargeArrestTypeA formal allegation of a violation of a statute and/or ordinance in association with an arrest.
j:ArrestLocationArrestTypeA location where a subject was arrested.
j:ArrestOfficialArrestTypeA peace official who makes an arrest.
j:ArrestSubjectArrestTypeA person who is arrested.
j:ArrestWarrantArrestTypeA court authorized order which commands a peace official to arrest a subject and bring that subject before the court.
j:BookingArrestTypeAn administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject's name and other relevant facts on the police blotter, and which may also include photographing,
j:BookingAgencyBookingTypeAn organization which processes a booking.
j:BookingAgencyRecordIdentificationBookingTypeA booking identification of the originating case agency.
j:CaseChargeCaseAugmentationTypeA charge or accusation a person is being tried for in a court of law.
j:CaseCourtCaseAugmentationTypeA court of law in which the case is being tried.
j:CaseCourtCaseFilingTypeA court of law in which the case is being tried.
j:CaseCourtEventCaseAugmentationTypeA court occurrence related to a case.
j:CaseJudgeCaseAugmentationTypeA judicial official assigned to a case.
j:CaseLineageCaseCaseAugmentationTypeA description of a case at a previous stage.
j:CaseNumberTextCaseAugmentationTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextCaseQueryCriteriaTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextDocumentQueryCriteriaTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextFilingListQueryCriteriaTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextFilingStatusQueryCriteriaTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextGetDocumentResponseMessageTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseNumberTextGetServiceInformationRequestMessageTypeAn identifying number for a case that this activity is a part of, where the case number belongs to the agency that owns the activity information.
j:CaseOfficialCaseAugmentationTypeA justice official's involvement in a court case.
j:CaseOfficialAugmentationPointCaseOfficialTypeAn augmentation point for CaseOfficialType.
j:CaseOfficialCaseIdentificationCaseOfficialTypeA unique identification a justice official uses to identify a case.
j:CaseOtherEntityCaseAugmentationTypeA miscellaneous entity involved in a court case.
j:ChargeAugmentationPointChargeTypeAn augmentation point for ChargeType.
j:ChargeDegreeTextChargeTypeA degree of a charge.
j:ChargeDescriptionTextChargeTypeA plain language description of a charge.
j:ChargeDispositionChargeTypeA result or processing of a charge.
j:ChargeEnhancingAllegationChargeChargeTypeA formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
j:ChargeEnhancingFactorChargeTypeA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
j:ChargeEnhancingFactorTextChargeEnhancingFactorTypeA factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
j:ChargeQualifierTextChargeTypeAn additional piece of information that clarifies a charge.
j:ChargeSequenceIDChargeTypeA sequentially assigned identifier for charge tracking purposes.
j:ChargeSeverityLevelChargeTypeA severity level of a charge.
j:ChargeSpecialAllegationTextChargeTypeA factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
j:ChargeStatuteChargeTypeA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
j:CitationCaseAugmentationTypeAn official summons to appear in court or pay a fine given to a subject from a peace official due to a subjects violation or infraction of a law.
j:CitationCaseAugmentationTypeAn official summons to appear in court or pay a fine given to a subject from a peace official due to a subjects violation or infraction of a law.
j:CitationAgencyCitationTypeAn organization for whom the citation issuing official is employed.
j:CitationDismissalConditionIndicatorCitationTypeTrue if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
j:CitationDismissalConditionTextCitationTypeA condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
j:CitationIssuingOfficialCitationTypeA peace official who gives a citation to a subject.
j:CitationSubjectCitationTypeA person who violates a law and receives a citation.
j:ConveyanceRegistrationVehicleAugmentationTypeA registration of a conveyance with an authority.
j:ConveyanceRegistrationPlateCategoryAbstractConveyanceRegistrationTypeA data concept for a kind of registration plate or license plate of a conveyance.
j:ConveyanceRegistrationPlateIdentificationConveyanceRegistrationTypeAn identification on a metal plate fixed to a conveyance.
j:CourtAdministrativeUnitTextScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeA unit within a court system responsible for record maintenance.
j:CourtAppearanceCaseAugmentationTypeAn appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
j:CourtAppearanceDateCourtAppearanceTypeA date on which a party must appear in court.
j:CourtAugmentationPointCourtTypeAn augmentation point for CourtType.
j:CourtEventAugmentationPointCourtEventTypeAn augmentation point for CourtEventType.
j:CourtEventJudgeCourtEventTypeA judge associated with a court event.
j:CourtEventScheduleCourtEventTypeA day for which a court event is scheduled.
j:CourtEventSequenceIDCourtEventTypeA unique identifier for a court case event record.
j:CourtNameCourtTypeA name of a unit of a court.
j:CourtOrderAugmentationPointCourtOrderTypeAn augmentation point for CourtOrderType.
j:DriverLicenseSubjectAugmentationTypeA license issued to a person granting driving privileges.
j:DriverLicenseCommercialClassAbstractDriverLicenseTypeA data concept for a kind of commercial vehicle that a licensed driver has been examined on and approved to operate.
j:DriverLicenseExpirationDateDriverLicenseBaseTypeA date after which a driver license or driver license permit is no longer valid.
j:DriverLicenseIdentificationDriverLicenseBaseTypeA driver license identification or driver license permit identification, including the number and state.
j:DriverLicenseIssueDateDriverLicenseBaseTypeA date when a driver license or driver license permit is issued or renewed.
j:DriverLicenseRestrictionDriverLicenseTypeA restriction on a driver license.
j:DriverLicenseWithdrawalDriverLicenseTypeA driver license withdrawal.
j:DriverLicenseWithdrawalEffectiveDateDriverLicenseWithdrawalTypeA date on which a driver license withdrawal becomes effective.
j:DrivingAccidentSeverityAbstractDrivingIncidentTypeA data concept for a severity level of an accident, based on the most intense injury to any person or, if none were injured, so designating.
j:DrivingIncidentCaseAugmentationTypeAn incident involving a vehicle.
j:DrivingIncidentAugmentationPointDrivingIncidentTypeAn augmentation point for DrivingIncidentType.
j:DrivingIncidentHazMatAbstractDrivingIncidentTypeA data concept for a determination of whether the incident occurred while the driver was operating a commercial vehicle that was carrying hazardous materials (that required a placard).
j:DrivingIncidentLaserDetectionIndicatorDrivingIncidentTypeTrue if a laser was involved in the detection of an incident; false otherwise.
j:DrivingIncidentLegalSpeedRateMeasureDrivingIncidentTypeA legally designated speed limit in the area where an incident occurred.
j:DrivingIncidentPassengerQuantityTextDrivingIncidentTypeA number of people in a vehicle excluding the driver when an incident occurred.
j:DrivingIncidentRadarDetectionIndicatorDrivingIncidentTypeTrue if radar was involved in the detection of an incident; false otherwise.
j:DrivingIncidentRecordedSpeedRateMeasureDrivingIncidentTypeA speed a vehicle was moving at when an incident occurred.
j:DrivingRestrictionAbstractDrivingRestrictionTypeA data concept for a driving restriction.
j:DrivingRestrictionEndDateDrivingRestrictionTypeA date on which a special restriction ends.
j:EnforcementOfficialBadgeIdentificationEnforcementOfficialTypeAn identification used to refer to an enforcement official.
j:EnforcementOfficialUnavailableScheduleEnforcementOfficialTypeA set of dates and times an enforcement official is unavailable for scheduling.
j:EnforcementOfficialUnitEnforcementOfficialTypeAn enforcement unit to which an enforcement officer is assigned.
j:EnforcementUnitNameEnforcementUnitTypeA name of an enforcement unit.
j:IncidentDamagedItemIncidentAugmentationTypeA property item that was damaged in an incident.
j:IncidentGeneralCategoryAbstractIncidentAugmentationTypeA data concept for a general category of an incident that occurred.
j:IncidentLevelAbstractIncidentAugmentationTypeA data concept for a level of an incident.
j:IncidentOfficialPresentIndicatorIncidentAugmentationTypeTrue if an official was present when an incident occurred; false otherwise.
j:IncidentTrafficAccidentInvolvedIndicatorIncidentAugmentationTypeTrue if an incident involved a traffic accident; false otherwise.
j:IncidentViolatedStatuteAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association providing details about a statute, rule, or ordinance that was violated in an incident.
j:IncidentViolatedStatuteAssociationIncidentAugmentationTypeAn association providing details about a statute, rule, or ordinance that was violated in an incident.
j:ItemTotalDamageValueDrivingIncidentAugmentationTypeA monetary value or worth of damage that occurred to a property item.
j:JudgeScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeAn official who hears and decides a case or who rules over a case proceeding.
j:JudicialOfficialBarIdentificationJudicialOfficialBarMembershipTypeAn identification assigned to a judicial official after meeting the requirement to practice law in a region.
j:JudicialOfficialBarMembershipJudicialOfficialTypeA legal capacity in which a judicial official is able to practice law.
j:JudicialOfficialRegistrationIdentificationJudicialOfficialTypeAn identification assigned to a judicial official after registering within a state or region.
j:OffenseOffenseChargeAssociationTypeAn act or a course of action which may constitute a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule that occurred during an incident.
j:OffenseOffenseLocationAssociationTypeAn act or a course of action which may constitute a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule that occurred during an incident.
j:OffenseChargeAssociationChargeAugmentationTypeA relationship between an offense that occurred and the formal charge that was assigned to it as a result of classifying the offense.
j:OffenseLocationAssociationChargeAugmentationTypeA relationship between an offense and a location at which the offense occurred.
j:OrganizationAlternateNameOrganizationAugmentationTypeA name other than the primary one used by an organization.
j:OrganizationAlternateNameCategoryAbstractOrganizationAlternateNameTypeA data concept for a kind of alternate name used by an organization.
j:PersonAFISIdentificationPersonAugmentationTypeAn identification number issued by an agency's automatic fingerprint system based on submitted fingerprints other than FBI ID and SSN.
j:PersonBloodAlcoholContentNumberTextPersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationTypeA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test).
j:PersonBloodAlcoholContentNumberTextSubjectAugmentationTypeA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test).
j:PersonChargeAssociationChargeAugmentationTypeAn association between a person and a charge issued to that person.
j:PersonFBIIdentificationPersonAugmentationTypeA number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
j:PersonStateFingerprintIdentificationPersonAugmentationTypeAn identifier assigned to a person by a state identification bureau, generally based on submission of the person's fingerprints to the state's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
j:ProtectionOrderDomesticViolencePetitionTypeA civil order, issued by a court, protecting one individual from another.
j:ProtectionOrderConditionAbstractProtectionOrderTypeA data concept for a specific kind of protection order.
j:ProtectionOrderConditionTextProtectionOrderTypeA Translation of the Protection Order Condition Indicates Response Message.
j:ProtectionOrderRestrictedPersonProtectionOrderTypeA person that a subject is restricted from having any contact with as defined in a protection order.
j:RapSheetTransactionControlIdentificationSubjectAugmentationTypeA Transaction Control Number (TCN) is the identification for a fingerprint event, submitted from the Livescan device to AFIS when transmitting fingerprints. The TCN links the offender to the fingerprint event.
j:RegisteredOffenderIdentificationRegisteredOffenderTypeAn identification identifying a person as a certain kind of registered offender.
j:RegisteredSexOffenderJuvenileAugmentationTypeA person who is required to register as a sexual offender.
j:SentenceCaseAugmentationTypeA punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
j:SentenceAugmentationPointSentenceTypeAn augmentation point for SentenceType.
j:SentenceChargeSentenceTypeA specific charge in a court case resulting in a sentence.
j:SentenceDescriptionTextSentenceTypeA description of the sentence being imposed.
j:SentenceTermSentenceTypeA duration of a sentence. Specified as either a specific term in days-months-years or as a minimum - maximum range.
j:SeverityLevelDescriptionTextSeverityLevelTypeA narrative description of a severity level assigned to a charge.
j:StatuteViolatedStatuteAssociationTypeA unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
j:StatuteCodeIdentificationStatuteTypeAn identification number of a set of laws for a particular jurisdiction.
j:StatuteCodeSectionIdentificationStatuteTypeAn identification of a section or category within a code book.
j:StatuteDescriptionTextStatuteTypeA description of a statute.
j:StatuteJurisdictionStatuteTypeAn area in which a statute applies.
j:StatuteLevelTextStatuteTypeA level of crime a statute applies to.
j:StatuteOffenseIdentificationStatuteTypeAn identification of a criminal offense within a code book.
j:SubjectAugmentationPointSubjectTypeAn augmentation point for SubjectType.
j:SubjectIdentificationSubjectTypeAn assigned identification that identifies a subject.
j:SubjectSupervisionSubjectTypeAn incarceration, detention, or other form of supervision a subject is currently undergoing.
j:SupervisionFineAmountSentenceTypeA pecuniary criminal punishment or penalty payable to the public treasury
j:WarrantExtraditionLimitationAbstractWarrantTypeA data concept for a limitation placed on the extradition of a subject from an area outside the immediate jurisdiction of the issuing court.
jointPetitionIndicatorBankruptcyCaseInformationWhether or not spouses are filing as joint debtors
judgeIDGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageAn identifier for a judge associated with a case
judgeNameGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageThe name of a judge associated with a case
judicialOfficerCaseDocketEntry The judicial officer who signed the order or other document described in the docket entry.
judicialOfficerCaseInformation A judicial officer assigned to this case.
judicialOfficerIDReferenceJudicialOfficerA reference to a judicial officer assigned to a calendar event.
jurisdictionIdentificationThe jurisdiction that issued an identifier.
jurisdictionalGroundsCodeCivilCaseInformationThe grounds for invoking the jurisdiction of a limited jurisdiction court. Allowed values set forth in Court policy. Not used in general jurisdiction courts.
jurisdictionCodeIdentificationA code for the jurisdiction that issued an identifier.
jurisdictionReasonChildSupportPetitionInformationText that extablishes jurisdiction to award custody in a case (e.g. addresses of petitioner and child for the last five years, identification of related and ongoing cases, the home state of the child, and who has current custody).
juryDemandIndicatorCivilCaseInformationWhether filer invokes the right to trial by jury.
juvenileArrest A juvenile arrested.
juvenileJuvenileCaseAdditional information about a person.
juvenile:PersonEmacipatedIndicatorJuvenileAugmentationTypeIndicator whether a minor has been adjudicated an emancipated person by a court.
juvenileFilingsupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
juvenileIDJuvenileThis is the reference to the person element in the Review Filing.
languageDocumentRenditionMetadataThe language in which the document is written.
languagePersonA language primarily spoken by a person.
languageCodeCaseThe language of the case (used, e.g., in Canada to determine in which language the case will be conducted.) Allowable values to be set forth in court policy.
laserIndicatorDrivingIncidentan indicator that a laser gun was used to detect speed
lastUpdateTimeGetPolicyResponseMessageThe date and time on which a court Court Policy was last revised.
lawEnforcementAgencyNameCitationAgencyName of agency of charging law enforcement officer. May include local agency with responsibility for enforcement of local ordinance which is not a traditional law enforcement agency, such as park or recreation department or animal control department.
lawEnforcementAgencyORIIDCitationAgency ORIID of agency of charging law enforcement officer
lawEnforcementAgencyReportingDistrictCitationAgencyAn indicator of an area designated by local authorities for citation reporting purposes. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
lawEnforcementAgencyStationCitationAgency Name of an agency local office
leadDocumentCaseDocketEntryThe pleading, motion or order that is the subject of this docket entry.
leadDocumentCoreFilingMessageThe pleading, motion or order that is the main document in a Filing. A Document may have Attachments.
leadDocumentReviewRecordDocketingMessageA review process for a lead document.
licenseExpirationDateDriversLicenseInformationThe date a driver license expires.
licenseIdentificationDriversLicenseInformationThe identifier ona driver lisence.
licenseIssueDateDriversLicenseInformationDate on which the drivers license was issued.
licenseRestrictionDriversLicenseInformationA retriction to a driver license.
licenseRestrictionCodeDriversLicenseInformationA code indicating driving restrictions placed on a driver. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
licenseRestrictionEndDateDriversLicenseInformationThe expiration date for driving restrictions that have been placed on a driver.
licenseRestrictionTextDriversLicenseInformationText description of driving restrictions placed on a driver.
licenseWithdrawlDriversLicenseInformationThe withdrawl of a driver license.
licenseWithdrawlDateDriversLicenseInformationThe date a driver license was withdrawn.
localAgencyIDNumberDefendantAn identifier that does not belong to one of the standard explicitly defined types such as FBI Number or Social Security Number.
localAgencyIDTypeDefendantA name or brief descriptor of an identifier not belonging to one of the standard explicitly defined types such as FBI Number or State Identification Number.
localFingerprintBasedIDNumberDefendantUnique number assigned to persons by a local (county or municipal) Automated Fingerprint Identification System based on fingerprint identification.
mailingAddressContactInformationA mailing address.
majorDesignElementDevelopmentPolicyParametersAn ECF major design element (MDE)
marriageLocationDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationText description of the location of the marriage (civil union, domestic partnership, common law relationship, etc.).
matchingCaseGetCaseListResponseMessageA case meeting the criteria set forth in a query.
matchingFilingGetFilingListResponseMessageA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage
maximumAllowedAttachmentPagesDevelopmentPolicyParametersThe maximum allowed number of pages in an attachment.
maximumAllowedAttachmentSizeDevelopmentPolicyParametersThe maximum allowed attachment size, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
maximumAllowedMessageSizeDevelopmentPolicyParametersMaximum allowed size of the Court Filing Message Stream, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
maximumPaymentPaymentMessageThe maximum payment associated with a transaction
mdeLocationIDMajorDesignElementsThe unique URL location of a major design element.
mdeNameExtensionReferenceName of a major design element.
mdeTypeMajorDesignElementsCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
messageExtensionAllocateCourtDateMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionCancelFilingMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionCoreFilingMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionDocumentStampInformationMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCaseListRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCaseListResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCaseRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCaseResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetCourtScheduleResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetDocumentRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetDocumentResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFeesCalculationRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFilingListRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFilingListResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFilingStatusRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetFilingStatusResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetPolicyRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetPolicyResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetServiceInformationRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionGetServiceInformationResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionNotifyCourtDateMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionNotifyDocketingCompleteMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionNotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionNotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionRecordDocketingMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionRequestCourtDateRequestMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message
messageExtensionRequestCourtDateResponseMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message
messageExtensionReserveCourtDateMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageExtensionServeProcessMessageAn extension point for the enclosing message.
messageProfileIDSupportedMessageProfileAn identifier, from a list of allowed values defined in the Court Filing specification, of a message profile supported by this court.
modelYearPropertyA model year associated with an item.
MultiplicityniemThe multiplicity of the NIEM property that implements the source class or property
nameLocationThe name of a location.
nameOrganizationThe name of a person or organization.
namePersonThe name of a person or organization.
nameExtensionAliasAn extension point for an organization name.
nameOfDeceasedDecedentEstateCaseInformationThe name of the deceased person.
narrativeSummaryOfViolationCitationA narrative description of the facts and circumstances for which a citation was issued
NATelephoneAreaCodeTelephoneNumberA North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone area code.
NATelephoneExchangeNumberTelephoneNumberA North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone exchange number.
NATelephoneLineNumberTelephoneNumberA North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone line number.
NATelephoneNumberTelephoneNumberA North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone number.
NATelephoneSuffixTelephoneNumberAn extension to a North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone number.
natureOfDebtCodeBankruptcyCaseInformationWhether the debts involved in the case are "business" or "consumer".
nc:ActivityRelatedActivityAssociationTypeA single or set of related actions, events, or process steps.
nc:ActivityDateActivityTypeA date of an activity.
nc:ActivityDescriptionTextActivityTypeA description of an activity.
nc:ActivityDispositionActivityTypeA result or outcome of an activity.
nc:ActivityIdentificationActivityTypeAn identification that references an activity.
nc:ActivityStatusActivityTypeA status of an activity.
nc:ActivityStatusCaseListQueryCriteriaTypeA status of an activity.
nc:AddressDeliveryPointAbstractAddressTypeA data concept for a single place or unit at which mail is delivered.
nc:AddressFullTextAddressTypeA complete address.
nc:AddressRecipientNameAddressTypeA name of a person, organization, or other recipient to whom physical mail may be sent.
nc:AmountAmountTypeAn amount of money.
nc:AssociationDescriptionTextAssociationTypeA description of an association.
nc:AttachmentDocumentRenditionTypeA binary attachment to a report or document.
nc:BinaryCapturerBinaryTypeAn entity which captured or created a binary object.
nc:BinaryDescriptionTextBinaryTypeA description of a binary object.
nc:BinaryFormatTextBinaryTypeA file format or content type of a binary object.
nc:BinaryIDBinaryTypeAn identifier that references a binary object.
nc:BinaryObjectAbstractBinaryTypeA data concept for a binary encoding of data.
nc:BinarySizeValueBinaryTypeA size of a binary object in kilobytes.
nc:BinaryURIBinaryTypeA URL or file reference of a binary object.
nc:CapabilityDescriptionTextCapabilityTypeA description of a capacity or ability.
nc:CaseAllocateCourtDateMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseCallbackMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseCourtDateTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseFilingMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseGetCaseListResponseMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseGetCaseResponseMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseNotifyCourtDateMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CasePersonCaseAssociationTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseRequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseReserveCourtDateMessageTypeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
nc:CaseAugmentationPointCaseTypeAn augmentation point for CaseType.
nc:CaseDispositionFinalDateCaseDispositionTypeA date that all charges in a case were disposed.
nc:CaseDocketIDCourtEventAugmentationTypeAn identifier used to reference a case docket.
nc:CaseDocketIDReviewedDocumentAugmentationTypeAn identifier used to reference a case docket.
nc:CaseTitleTextCaseTypeAn official name of a case.
nc:ContactEntityContactInformationTypeAn entity that may be contacted by using the given contact information.
nc:ContactEntityDescriptionTextContactInformationTypeA description of the entity being contacted.
nc:ContactInformationOrganizationAugmentationTypeA set of details about how to contact a person or an organization.
nc:ContactInformationPersonAugmentationTypeA set of details about how to contact a person or an organization.
nc:ContactInformationAvailabilityAbstractContactInformationTypeA data concept for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
nc:ContactInformationDescriptionTextContactInformationTypeA description of the contact information.
nc:ContactMeansAbstractContactInformationTypeA data concept for a means of contacting someone.
nc:ContactResponderContactInformationTypeA third party person who answers a call and connects or directs the caller to the intended person.
nc:CountryRepresentationCountryTypeA data concept for a representation of a country.
nc:CurrencyAbstractAmountTypeA data concept for a unit of money or exchange.
nc:DateRangeCaseListQueryCriteriaTypeA time period measured by a starting and ending point.
nc:DateRangeFilingListQueryCriteriaTypeA time period measured by a starting and ending point.
nc:DateRangeScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeA time period measured by a starting and ending point.
nc:DateRepresentationDateTypeA data concept for a representation of a date.
nc:DispositionCategoryAbstractDispositionTypeA data concept for a kind of disposition.
nc:DispositionDateDispositionTypeA date a disposition occurred.
nc:DispositionDescriptionTextDispositionTypeA description of a disposition.
nc:DocumentGetDocumentResponseMessageTypeA paper or electronic document.
nc:DocumentAssociationDocumentAugmentationTypeAn association between documents.
nc:DocumentAssociationReviewedDocumentAugmentationTypeAn association between documents.
nc:DocumentAssociationAugmentationPointDocumentAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for DocumentAssociationType.
nc:DocumentAugmentationPointDocumentTypeAn augmentation point for DocumentType.
nc:DocumentCategoryAbstractDocumentTypeA data concept for a kind of document.
nc:DocumentDescriptionTextDocumentTypeA description of the content of a document.
nc:DocumentEffectiveDateDocumentTypeA date in which the content or action becomes enforceable, active, or effective.
nc:DocumentFileControlIDDocumentQueryCriteriaTypeAn identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system.
nc:DocumentFileControlIDDocumentTypeAn identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system.
nc:DocumentFiledDateDocumentTypeA date a document was officially filed with an organization or agency.
nc:DocumentIdentificationDocumentTypeAn identification that references a document.
nc:DocumentIdentificationFilingListQueryCriteriaTypeAn identification that references a document.
nc:DocumentIdentificationFilingStatusQueryCriteriaTypeAn identification that references a document.
nc:DocumentIdentificationMessageStatusAugmentationTypeAn identification that references a document.
nc:DocumentInformationCutOffDateCaseFilingTypeA date after which contributions to the content of a document will no longer be accepted.
nc:DocumentLanguageAbstractDocumentTypeA data concept for the language of the content of the resource.
nc:DocumentPostDateCaseFilingTypeA date a document is entered or posted to an information system or network; used when the date of posting is different from the date on which a document was officially filed.
nc:DocumentReceivedDateDocumentTypeA date a transmitted document was received.
nc:DocumentSequenceIDDocumentTypeAn identifier that determines the document order in a set of related documents.
nc:DocumentSoftwareNameDocumentTypeA name of a computer application used to process a document.
nc:DocumentSubmitterDocumentTypeAn entity responsible for making the resource available.
nc:DocumentSubmitterFilingListQueryCriteriaTypeAn entity responsible for making the resource available.
nc:DocumentTitleTextDocumentTypeA name given to a document.
nc:EffectiveDateMetadataTypeA date that information take effect.
nc:EmployeePersonEmploymentAssociationTypeA person who works for a business or a person.
nc:EmployerPersonEmploymentAssociationTypeA party/entity (organization or person) who employs a person.
nc:EndDateDateRangeTypeAn end date.
nc:EntityRepresentationEntityTypeA data concept for a person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities.
nc:ExpirationDateMetadataTypeA date after which information is no longer valid.
nc:FacilityIdentificationFacilityTypeAn identification assigned to a facility.
nc:FacilityNameFacilityTypeA name of a facility.
nc:FinancialObligationExemptionAmountObligationExemptionTypeAn amount of an exemption from a payment obligation.
nc:IdentificationCategoryAbstractIdentificationTypeA data concept for a kind of identification.
nc:IdentificationCategoryDescriptionTextIdentificationTypeA description of a kind of identification.
nc:IdentificationIDIdentificationTypeAn identifier.
nc:IdentificationJurisdictionIdentificationTypeAn area, region, or unit where a unique identification is issued.
nc:IdentificationSourceTextIdentificationTypeA person, organization, or locale which issues an identification.
nc:IncidentAugmentationPointIncidentTypeAn augmentation point for IncidentType.
nc:IncidentLocationIncidentTypeA location where an incident occurred.
nc:InsurancePersonAugmentationTypeA coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
nc:InsuranceActiveIndicatorInsuranceTypeTrue if an insurance policy is active; false otherwise.
nc:InsuranceCarrierNameInsuranceTypeA name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy.
nc:InsuranceCoverageCategoryAbstractInsuranceTypeA data concept for a kind of insurance coverage.
nc:ItemAugmentationPointItemTypeAn augmentation point for ItemType.
nc:ItemColorAbstractItemTypeA data concept for a color of an item.
nc:ItemDescriptionTextItemTypeA description of an item.
nc:ItemModelYearDateItemTypeA year in which an item was manufactured or produced.
nc:ItemOtherIdentificationItemTypeAn identification assigned to an item.
nc:ItemStyleAbstractItemTypeA data concept for a style of an item.
nc:ItemValueItemTypeAn evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
nc:ItemValueAmountItemValueTypeA monetary value of an item.
nc:JurisdictionAbstractJurisdictionTypeA data concept for an area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
nc:LanguageAbstractMetadataTypeA data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication.
nc:LanguageAbstractPersonLanguageTypeA data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication.
nc:LastUpdatedDateMetadataTypeA date information was last modified.
nc:LocationOffenseLocationAssociationTypeA geospatial location.
nc:LocationAddressAbstractLocationTypeA data concept for a set of information, such as postal information, used to describe a location.
nc:LocationCityNameAddressTypeA name of a city or town.
nc:LocationCountryAddressTypeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
nc:LocationCountyAbstractAddressTypeA data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state.
nc:LocationDescriptionTextLocationTypeA description of a location.
nc:LocationNameLocationTypeA name of a location.
nc:LocationPostalCodeAddressTypeAn identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address.
nc:LocationPostalExtensionCodeAddressTypeAn identifier of a smaller area within a post office-assigned zone for an address.
nc:LocationStateAddressTypeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
nc:MeasureUnitAbstractMeasureTypeA data concept for a unit of measure of a measurement value.
nc:MeasureValueAbstractMeasureTypeA data concept for a measurement value.
nc:MetadataCaseAugmentationTypeInformation that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
nc:MetadataDocumentAugmentationTypeInformation that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
nc:MetadataGetPolicyResponseMessageTypeInformation that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
nc:ObligationCategoryTextObligationTypeA kind of obligation.
nc:ObligationDateRangeObligationRecurrenceTypeA date range of an obligation.
nc:ObligationDueAbstractObligationTypeA data concept for an amount of money or quantity of time still required to be spent in order to fulfill an obligation.
nc:ObligationEntityObligationTypeAn entity that must fulfill an obligation.
nc:ObligationExemptionObligationTypeA waiving or dismissal of an obligation.
nc:ObligationExemptionDescriptionTextObligationExemptionTypeA description of an exemption from an obligation.
nc:ObligationPeriodTextObligationRecurrenceTypeAn interval or period at which an obligation is required to be fulfilled.
nc:ObligationRecipientObligationTypeAn entity to whom an obligation must be fulfilled.
nc:ObligationRecurrenceObligationTypeA periodic basis on which an obligation must be met.
nc:ObligationRequirementDescriptionTextObligationTypeA description of what is necessary in order to fulfill an obligation.
nc:OrganizationOrganizationAssociationTypeA unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.
nc:OrganizationPersonOrganizationAssociationTypeA unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.
nc:OrganizationAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between an organization and another organization.
nc:OrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointOrganizationAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for OrganizationAssociationType.
nc:OrganizationAugmentationPointOrganizationTypeAn augmentation point for OrganizationType.
nc:OrganizationIdentificationOrganizationTypeAn identification that references an organization.
nc:OrganizationLocationOrganizationTypeA location of an organization.
nc:OrganizationNameOrganizationTypeA name of an organization.
nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformationOrganizationTypeA preferred means of contacting an organization.
nc:OrganizationSubUnitNameOrganizationTypeA name of a subdivision of an organization.
nc:OrganizationTaxIdentificationOrganizationTypeA tax identification assigned to an organization.
nc:OrganizationUnitNameOrganizationTypeA name of a high-level division of an organization.
nc:PersonPersonAssociationTypeA human being.
nc:PersonPersonCaseAssociationTypeA human being.
nc:PersonPersonChargeAssociationTypeA human being.
nc:PersonPersonOrganizationAssociationTypeA human being.
nc:PersonAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between people.
nc:PersonAssociationAugmentationPointPersonAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for PersonAssociationType.
nc:PersonAugmentationPointPersonTypeAn augmentation point for PersonType.
nc:PersonBirthDatePersonTypeA date a person was born.
nc:PersonCapabilityPersonTypeA capacity or ability of a person.
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
nc:PersonDeathDateDecedentEstateCaseTypeA date a person died or was declared legally dead.
nc:PersonDisunionPersonUnionAssociationTypeA legal termination of a Person Union.
nc:PersonDisunionDecreeIndicatorPersonDisunionTypeTrue if a legal document finalizing the Person Disunion exists (for example, a divorce decree); false otherwise.
nc:PersonEmploymentAssociationPersonAugmentationTypeAn association between a person and employment information.
nc:PersonEthnicityAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a cultural lineage of a person.
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a color of the eyes of a person.
nc:PersonFullNamePersonNameTypeA complete name of a person.
nc:PersonGivenNamePersonNameTypeA first name of a person.
nc:PersonHairColorAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a color of the hair of a person.
nc:PersonHeightMeasurePersonTypeA measurement of the height of a person.
nc:PersonLanguageEnglishIndicatorPersonTypeTrue if a person understands and speaks English; false otherwise.
nc:PersonMaidenNamePersonNameTypeAn original last name or surname of a person before changed by marriage.
nc:PersonMiddleNamePersonNameTypeA middle name of a person.
nc:PersonNamePersonTypeA combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
nc:PersonNameCategoryAbstractPersonNameTypeA data concept for a kind of person name.
nc:PersonNamePrefixTextPersonNameTypeA title or honorific used by a person.
nc:PersonNameSuffixTextPersonNameTypeA term appended after the family name that qualifies the name.
nc:PersonOrganizationAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between a person and an organization.
nc:PersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointPersonOrganizationAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for PersonOrganizationAssociationType.
nc:PersonOtherIdentificationPersonTypeAn identification with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain.
nc:PersonPhysicalFeaturePersonTypeA prominent or easily identifiable aspect of a person.
nc:PersonPrimaryLanguagePersonTypeA capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity.
nc:PersonRaceAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
nc:PersonSexAbstractPersonTypeA data concept for a gender or sex of a person.
nc:PersonStateIdentificationPersonTypeAn identification of a person based on a state-issued ID card.
nc:PersonSurNamePersonNameTypeA last name or family name of a person.
nc:PersonTaxIdentificationPersonTypeAn identification used to refer to a specific person within the tax system of a country.
nc:PersonUnionAssociationCaseAugmentationTypeAn association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
nc:PersonUnionCategoryAbstractPersonUnionAssociationTypeA data concept for a kind of union between two people.
nc:PersonUnionLocationPersonUnionAssociationTypeA location where the Person Union occurred.
nc:PersonUnionSeparationPersonUnionAssociationTypeA separation of the parties in a Person Union.
nc:PersonWeightMeasurePersonTypeA measurement of the weight of a person.
nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstractPhysicalFeatureTypeA data concept for a specific kind of physical feature.
nc:PrimaryDocumentDocumentAssociationTypeA main or primary document.
nc:RelatedActivityAssociationAugmentationPointRelatedActivityAssociationTypeAn augmentation point for RelatedActivityAssociationType.
nc:RoleOfAbstractCourtEventActorTypeA data concept for a property of a role object. This specifies the base object, of which the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfAbstractCourtEventOnBehalfOfActorTypeA data concept for a property of a role object. This specifies the base object, of which the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfPersonChildTypeA person of whom the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfPersonEnforcementOfficialTypeA person of whom the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfPersonJudicialOfficialTypeA person of whom the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfPersonJuvenileTypeA person of whom the role object is a function.
nc:RoleOfPersonSubjectTypeA person of whom the role object is a function.
nc:ScheduleActivityTextScheduleDayTypeAn activity planned to occur on a certain date and time.
nc:ScheduleDayAbstractScheduleDayTypeA data concept for a day or days with the given schedule information.
nc:ScheduleDayEndTimeScheduleDayTypeA time at which an activity is scheduled to end.
nc:ScheduleDayStartTimeScheduleDayTypeA time at which an activity is scheduled to begin.
nc:SensitivityTextMetadataTypeA sensitivity level of the information.
nc:SpeedUnitAbstractSpeedMeasureTypeA data concept for a unit of measure for speed.
nc:StartDateDateRangeTypeA date on which something begins.
nc:StateRepresentationStateTypeA data concept for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
nc:StatusAbstractStatusTypeA data concept for a status or condition of something or someone.
nc:StatusDateStatusTypeA date a status was set, effected, or reported.
nc:StatusDescriptionTextStatusTypeA description of a status or condition of something or someone.
nc:StreetCategoryTextStreetTypeA kind of street.
nc:StreetExtensionTextStreetTypeAn additional part of a street reference that follows the street category and post directional.
nc:StreetFullTextStreetTypeA complete reference for a street.
nc:StreetNameStreetTypeA name of a street.
nc:StreetNumberTextStreetTypeA number that identifies a particular unit or location within a street.
nc:StreetPostdirectionalTextStreetTypeA direction that appears after a street name.
nc:StreetPredirectionalTextStreetTypeA direction that appears before a street name.
nc:SupervisionCustodyStatusSupervisionTypeA status of the custody of a person under supervision.
nc:SupervisionFacilitySupervisionTypeA facility at which a subject is being supervised.
nc:SystemOperatingModeAbstractSystemEventTypeA data concept for the operating mode of a system.
nc:TelephoneAreaCodeIDNANPTelephoneNumberTypeA dialing code for a state or province for phone numbers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
nc:TelephoneCountryCodeIDInternationalTelephoneNumberTypeAn international dialing code for a country.
nc:TelephoneExchangeIDNANPTelephoneNumberTypeA portion of a telephone number that usually represents a central telephone switch.
nc:TelephoneLineIDNANPTelephoneNumberTypeA portion of a telephone number that identifies the individual circuit within an exchange.
nc:TelephoneNumberAbstractTelephoneNumberTypeA data concept for a telephone number.
nc:TelephoneNumberFullIDFullTelephoneNumberTypeA complete telephone number.
nc:TelephoneNumberIDInternationalTelephoneNumberTypeA telephone number.
nc:TelephoneSuffixIDFullTelephoneNumberTypeAn additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place.
nc:TelephoneSuffixIDInternationalTelephoneNumberTypeAn additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place.
nc:TelephoneSuffixIDNANPTelephoneNumberTypeAn additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place.
nc:VehicleCaseAugmentationTypeA conveyance designed to carry an operator, passengers and/or cargo, over land.
nc:VehicleAugmentationPointVehicleTypeAn augmentation point for VehicleType.
nc:VehicleIdentificationVehicleTypeA unique identification for a specific vehicle.
nc:VehicleMakeAbstractVehicleTypeA data concept for a manufacturer of a vehicle.
nc:VehicleModelAbstractVehicleTypeA data concept for a specific design or class of vehicle made by a manufacturer.
newCaseIndicatorCaseIndicates that the case is new.
noContactCodeDomesticViolencePetitionInformationMeans of communication with initiating party that the court is being asked to prohibit. Allowed values to be set forth in Court Policy.
NotesniemNotes regarding the mapping of the source class and property to the NIEM
noticeOfAppealDateAppellateCaseInformationThe date on which the Notice of Appeal was filed. This filing usually, but not always, happens in the lower court. This date is sometimes used to calculate the date that the case records and transcripts are due to the appellate court.
numberOfCreditorsValueLevelCodeBankruptcyCaseInformationA coded set of ranges of numbers of creditors involved in the case.
numberOfPassengersInVehicleDrivingIncidentThe number of people in the car not including the driver.
obligatedPartyFinancialObligationA party in a case that is assigned a responsibility by a court.
obligationDomesticCaseOrderInformationA responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
obligationTypeObligationA type of responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.. e.x. financial obligation.
offenderCitationA person named in a citation alleged to have violated a statute or ordinance.
offenderSpeedDrivingIncidentActual speed of the person alleged to have violated the speed limit.
offenseChargeAn offense associated with a charge.
offenseCodeBookNameViolatedStatuteA set of charging codes.
offenseDescriptionViolatedStatuteA description of the statute violated.
offenseLevelViolatedStatutefelony, misdemeanor, infraction
offenseSectionIDViolatedStatuteAlphanumerical reference indicating the statute violated within a charge code book.
officerBadgeNumberCitationIssuingOfficialThe badge number of the officer issuing citation
officerNameCitationIssuingOfficialThe name of the law enforcement officer.
officialPresentForIncidentIndicatorCitationA yes/no indicator that the issuing officer did or did not personally witness the act for which the citation is issued.
OldMultiplicityniemThe old mutiplicity of the NIEM property that implements the source class or property
OldXPathniemOld XML mapping to the NIEM
operationNameExtensionReferenceName of an MDE operation.
operatorInsuranceVehicleInformation concerning whether a driver of a motor vehicle possesses proof of insurance coverage required by law.
orderCategoryDomesticCaseOrderInformationCategory of order, including Establish, Modify, Enforce, Modify and Enforce, and Vacate.
orderExtensionDomesticCaseOrderInformationAn extension to a court order.
organizationAliasThe alternative name when it is an entity created by law to conduct some sort of business or activity. Examples include agencies, law firms, corporations, partnerships, and voluntary associations.
organizationCaseOrganizationRoleThe entity created by law to conduct some sort of business or activity playing a role in this case.
organizationContactInformationAn organization associated with the contact information.
organizationEmploymentAn organization that employs a person.
organizationEntityAn organzation entity.
organizationGetServiceInformationResponseMessageThe entity to be served in this case.
organizationOrganizationRelationshipAn entity created by law to conduct some sort of business or activity related to another such entity.
organizationPersonOrganizationRelationshipAn entity related to a person in this case.
organizationContactUseContactInformationHow the contact information should be used (e.g. primary, only for emergency, only during day/evening/night)
organizationIDOrganizationThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time the organization is first associated with the case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this blank.
organizationLocationOrganizationThe location of an organization
organizationNamePlacementOrganizationThe name of a placement facility.
organizationOtherActorIDReferencePlacementOrganizationThe value of the Organization.ID property in the ReviewFiling message linking this organization to the appropriate other actor element.
organizationRelationshipCaseThe relationship between two organizations in this case.
originalCaseAppellateCaseInformationThe originating case being appealed, usually a trial court case.
originalDocumentIDReviewedDocumentThe identifier for this document in the original ReviewFilingMessage structure. This is provided to link each filed document to a docketed document identifier in the court record.
originalFilingRecordDocketingMessageThe complete FilingMessage sumbitted for review without any corrections applied by the clerk prior to accepting into the court record.
originatingOrganizationNameCaseOriginName of organization that assigned a previous case identifier. Organization ID is not used here, because the organization may not be a participant in electronic filing.
otherActorCaseA miscellaneous person involved in a court case. Also, used to contain information about the parent(s) of a juvenile party in a juvenile case. Examples: caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, arresting officer, intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).
otherActorAttorneyCaseAttorney representing an "other participant" in this case.
otherCircumstancesPersonAny other circumstances such as visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically impaired, or incarcerated.
otherPartyCaseA miscellaneous person involved in a court case. Also, used to contain information about the parent(s) of a juvenile party in a juvenile case. Examples: caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, arresting officer, intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).
owedAmountFinancialObligationThe amount past due.
ownerInsuranceVehicleInformation concerning whether the owner of a motor vehicle possesses proof of insurance coverage required by law.
palmPrintBiometricA palm print associated with a criminal subject.
parentParentRelationshipInformation about the person(s) involved as a parent in a current or previous domestic legal relationship.
parentDocumentIDDocumentMetadataOnly present for supporting documents; indicates the identifier of the corresponding lead document.
parentGuardianJuvenileInformation about the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a juvenile.
parentRelationshipChildSupportPetitionInformationInformation relating to one or more parents.
parentRelationshipDomesticCaseInformationInformation relating to a parent involved in this case.
parentRelationshipReasonParentRelationshipJustification for a claim of parentage. Details including but not limited to date of conception, place of conception, and DNA.
parentTypeCodeParentRelationshipType of parent. Allowed values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: natural, adoptive, surrogate, undetermined.
parkingFacilityNameParkingViolationInformationThe name of a parking facility/lot.
parkingMeterSpaceNumberParkingViolationInformationAn identifier for a parking space or meter.
parkingViolationInformationCitationInformation about a parking violation.
partyAddedReasonTextAddedPartyThe reason a party is being added to the appeal.
partyIDAddedPartyAn identifier assigned to a party being added to the appeal.
partyIDRemovedPartyThe identifier of a party being removed from the appeal.
partyRemovedReasonTextRemovedPartyThe reason a party is being removed from the appeal.
partyTypeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageA type of participant in a court case
partyTypeReserveCourtDateMessageA type of participant in a court case
payerIDPaymentMessageA court-issued identifer for the filer that paid the FilingPayment
payerNamePaymentMessageName of the payer of the FilingPayment.
paymentPaymentMeansThe payment for which this means is specified.
paymentPaymentMessageA payment.
payment:CorrectedPaymentIndicatorPaymentMessageTypeIndicates whether the payment has been corrected in the Filing Review MDE
payment:PayerPaymentMessageTypeName of the payer of the FilingPayment.
paymentAmountAllowanceChargeAn amount of money that the filer is paying to the court.
paymentAmountFinancialObligationhe amount owed each payment period.
paymentMeansAllowanceChargeThe payment method employed to complete the transaction.
paymentMeansCodePaymentMeansA code representing the payment method employed. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
paymentPurposeCodeAllowanceChargePurpose or reason for the filer making the payment; this would be a code valid according to and described by Court Policy.
personAliasThe alternative name when it is a person.
personCasePersonRoleThe person playing a role in this case.
personContactInformationAn organization associated with the contact information.
personEmploymentA person employed by an organization.
personEntityA person entity
personGetServiceInformationResponseMessageThe person to be served in this case.
personPersonOrganizationRelationshipThe relationship of a person to an organization in this case.
personPersonRelationshipA person related to another person in this case
personContactUseContactInformationHow the contact information should be used (e.g. home, work, only for emergency, only during day/evening/night)
personEmancipatedIndicatorJuvenileIndicator whether a minor has been adjudicated an emancipated person by a court.
personIDArrestingOfficerThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDCivilPersonThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDDefendantThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDDomesticCasePersonInformationThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDOffenderThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDParentGuardianThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDPersonThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDTypeDefendantA type of person identifier.
personInformationFiduciaryCaseInformationInformation about the person for whom another person or organization is assuming a fiduciary obligation.
personNameMatchingCaseName of a person.
personOrganizationRelationshipCaseThe relationship of a person to an organization in this case.
personOtherActorIDReferencePlacementPersonA reference to a record for a person to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
personRelationshipCase The relationship of a person to another person in this case.
personRelationshipToCaseTypeCodeMatchingCaseA code for the relationship of a person to a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
physicalFeatureDefendantA physical feature of a subject.
physicalFeatureTypeDefendantA type of physical feature (e.g., scars, marks, tattoos) of a subject
placementJuvenileInformation about the person or organization orther than parent or guardian with whom the juvenile lives.
placementStartDatePlacementDate on which the placement commenced.
placementTypeCodePlacementCode indicating the type of placement. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
policyQueryCriteriaGetPolicyRequestMessageCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
policyrequest:GetPolicyRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetPolicyRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
policyrequest:PolicyQueryCriteriaGetPolicyRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
policyresponse:AcceptConfidentialFilingsIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents for which the filer requests confidential or sealed treatment by the court.
policyresponse:AcceptDocumentsRequiringFeesIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents requiring filing fees.
policyresponse:AcceptMultipleLeadDocumentsIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeDoes court accept placing multiple lead documents in a single message
policyresponse:CodeListExtensionRuntimePolicyTypeA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information.
policyresponse:DevelopmentPolicyGetPolicyResponseMessageTypeThe response to a request for a court Court Policy.
policyresponse:ECFElementNameTextCodeListExtensionTypeThe data element for which an allowable set of values is enumerated.
policyresponse:ExtensionCanonicalURIExtensionTypeA court extension to ECF.
policyresponse:ExtensionCanonicalVersionURIExtensionTypeA structure representing the specific court extension.
policyresponse:ExtensionElementNameSchemaExtensionTypeThe element(s) in the extension schema that are are the root of the extension and substitute for an extension (augmentation) point.
policyresponse:ExtensionLocationURIExtensionTypeAn XML Schema document that defines the allowable structure of the court-specific argument to this MDE operation.
policyresponse:FilerRequiredToServeIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeIndicator whether the filer is required to serve
policyresponse:FilingFeesMayBeApplicableIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeIndicates whether fees may be required for some filings.
policyresponse:GetPolicyResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetPolicyResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementDevelopmentPolicyTypeAn ECF major design element (MDE)
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementLocationIDMajorDesignElementTypeThe unique URL location of a major design element.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementTypeCodeMajorDesignElementTypeName of a major design element.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementTypeCodeSchemaExtensionTypeName of a major design element.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedAttachmentPageQuantityDevelopmentPolicyTypeThe maximum allowed number of pages in an attachment.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedAttachmentSizeDevelopmentPolicyTypeThe maximum allowed attachment size, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedMessageSizeDevelopmentPolicyTypeMaximum allowed size of the Court Filing Message Stream, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
policyresponse:OperationNameCodeSchemaExtensionTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
policyresponse:OperationNameCodeSupportedOperationsTypeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
policyresponse:PolicyVersionIDGetPolicyResponseMessageTypeThe version of court policy reported by this message. Up to the court to define the format of this, and describe in human-readable court policy.
policyresponse:RuntimePolicyGetPolicyResponseMessageTypeWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed dynamically by applications interacting with a court.
policyresponse:SchemaExtensionDevelopmentPolicyTypeA structure representing the court-specific extensions for this court
policyresponse:SupportedCaseCategoriesDevelopmentPolicyTypeA list of ECF case types.
policyresponse:SupportedOperationsMajorDesignElementTypeA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries
policyresponse:SupportedServiceInteractionProfilesMajorDesignElementTypeA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
policyresponse:SupportedSignaturesProfilesDevelopmentPolicyTypeA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
policyresponse:URLAttachmentSupportedIndicatorDevelopmentPolicyTypeWhether court allows attachments via remote URLs.
policyVersionIDGetPolicyResponseMessageThe version of court policy reported by this message. Up to the court to define the format of this, and describe in human-readable court policy.
postalCodePostalAddressA postal code for mail delivery within a country.
postalCodeExtensionPostalAddressA extension to a postal code.
preliminaryHearingEstimatedDurationCriminalCaseInformationThe prosecutor estimate of the time that will be required to conduct a preliminary hearing.
priorCaseCaseOriginThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates.
priorRelatedDocumentIDDocumentMetadataAn identifier of a related document that was previously filed in this case. For instance, the document to which this document is a response.
prisonerIDDefendantAn identifier for the defendant assigned by a jail, prison, lock up or other detention facility.
proofOfInsuranceInsuranceInformation concerning whether an individual possesses proof of insurance coverage.
proofOfInsuranceIndicatorProofOfInsuranceciting officer indicating there is proof of insurance
proofOfInsuranceTextProofOfInsuranceCiting officer indicating there is proof of insurance by entering carrier name.
propertyEntityA property entity
PropertyniemThe NIEM property that implements the source class or property
propertyAugmentationPropertyAn augmentation to a property entity
propertyDamageAmountDrivingIncidentA monetary amount of property damage done during the incident.
propertyDamageIndicatorDrivingIncidentIndicator of whether property was damaged during the incident.
propertyIDPropertyThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time the property is first associated with the case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this blank.
prosecutingAgencyCaseTrackingNumberJuvenileCaseAn identifier assigned to a case by the prosecutor office.
prosecutionCaseNumberCriminalCaseInformationCase Number assigned by the Prosecuting Attorney.
prosecutionRecommendedBailCriminalCaseInformationThe bail amount recommended by the prosecutor.
protectionOrderDomesticViolencePetitionInformationA request for a protection order.
publicKeyInformationRuntimePolicyParametersSymmetric or asymmetric codes used by this court to encrypt and decrypt a message or document.
queryErrorResponseMessageA query error should be generated when: * The query arguments are considered to be invalid by the receiver, and the query cannot be processed. * The query represents a request for a specific data item, which cannot be retrieved. (another flavor of invalid argument) * The receiving system explicitly fails while processing the query.
raceCodeCivilPersonA designation by the FBI categorizing individuals by physical characteristics. (e.g., American Indian or Alaskan native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, White, Unknown).
raceCodeCriminalPersonA code identifying the race of a person.
raceTextCriminalPersonA textual description categorizing individuals by physical characteristics. (e.g., American Indian or Alaskan native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, White, Unknown).
radarIndicatorDrivingIncidentAn indicator that radar was used to detect speed.
receivedTimeBaseMessageThe time an MDE received a Message, on the clock of the MDE, expressed in terms of a 24 hour clock. This time should be no earlier than the ReviewFilingMessage.submissionTime.
receivedTimeGetFilingStatusResponseMessageThe date and time an MDE received a Message, on the clock of the MDE.
receivedTimeMatchingFilingThe data and time an MDE received a Message, on the clock of the MDE.
receivingMDELocationIDElectronicServiceInformationThe location of the service MDE associated with the person receiving service.
receivingMDEProfileCodeElectronicServiceInformationCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the receiving MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
recipientNamePostalAddressThe name of a recipient at an address.
recipientPartyFinancialObligationA party in a case that is the benificary of a responsibility by a court.
recurrenceObligationThe recurrence of an obligation.
redactedIndicatorDocumentRenditionMetadataAn indicator that sensitive information has been removed from this rendition of the document.
redLightCameraIndicatorDrivingIncidentAn indicator that a automated camera was used to detect traffic signal violations.
relatedCaseCaseCase or cases sharing characteristics, such as common parties or events, with this case.
relatedDocketEntryCaseDocketEntryAn entry on the docket or register of actions that is a child of the current docket entry.
relatedDocumentDocumentMetadataA related document that was previously filed in this case. For instance, the document to which this document is a response.
relatedDocumentTypeDocumentMetadataA type of related document that was previously filed in this case. For instance, the document to which this document is a response.
relatedVehicleParkingViolationInformationA vehicle related to an incident.
relationshipToFiduciaryCivilPersonDescription of the relationship of this person to the fiduciary (i.e., the initiating party).
relationshipToJuvenileCodeParentGuardianA code describing the parent or guardian relationship to the juvenile. Allowable values are set forth in court filing policy. Examples: Father, Mother, Guardian
reliefTypeCodeCivilCaseInformationIndicator of the type of relief requested in the case, e.g., damages, equitable relief (injunction). Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
removePartyAppellateCaseInformationParty to the original case that is not party to the appeal.
renditionDescriptionDocumentRenditionMetadataA description of a rendition of a document.
representedPartyCaseAttorneyRoleA party represented by an attorney
requestdaterequest:RequestCourtDateRequestMessageAugmentationPointRequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message
requestdateresponse:RequestCourtResponseMessageAugmentationPointRequestCourtDateResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message
requestToVacateCodeDomesticViolencePetitionInformationDesignation of place that abuser will be ordered to vacate. Allowable values to be set forth in Court Policy.
requestToVacateTextDomesticViolencePetitionInformationOpen text designation of place that abuser will be ordered to vacate. This should contain a description of the place, and its location.
reservedate:EstimatedDurationRequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeThe estimated duration of a court hearing
reservedate:EstimatedDurationReserveCourtDateMessageTypeThe estimated duration of a court hearing
reservedate:PotentialStartTimeRangeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeA time before which a court date must begin
reservedate:PotentialStartTimeRangeReserveCourtDateMessageTypeA time before which a court date must begin
reservedate:ReserveCourtDateMessageAugmentationPointReserveCourtDateMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
respondentDangerAlertIndicatorDomesticViolencePetitionInformationWhether the person against whom a proposed order would be entered should be considered a danger to others, including law enforcement officers responding to a domestic disturbance call.
respondentPartyCaseThe person in a court case that is required to answer a complaint or petition for a court order or judgment or a writ requiring him/her to take some action, halt an activity or obey a court direction. In an appeal, the party who must respond to an appeal initiated by a party seeking to overturn the trial court decision in whole or in part (called appellant) in the appellate court. The accused in a domestic violence case or criminal action. The property in an in rem court case against which a claim is made.
respondentPartyAttorneyCaseThe person serving as attorney for the respondingParty.
responderContactInformationA person who responds to calls on behalf of the contact.
respondingPartyCitizenshipTypeCodeCivilCaseInformationUsed for Federal court purposes: a code designating the state or country of citizenship for purposes of applying Federal diversity of citizenship jurisdictional rules. Allowable values set forth in court policy.
reviewCommentsRecordDocketingMessageComments provided by the clerk to the court record system during review.
reviewDispositionReviewedDocumentThe disposition of a document after review.
reviewedConnectedDocumentElectronicFilingCallbackMessageThis element will be present for every connected document that is reviewed by clerk review. The filing connected document must be referenced using nc:DocumentAssociation. The clerk review results must be recorded using ecf:DocumentReviewStatus, and ecf:DocumentReviewer (optional).
reviewedDocumentRecordDocketingMessageThis association will be present for each document that the clerk review process approves for sending to the court record system (where it may be rejected or recorded.)
reviewedDocumentInformationReviewedDocumentAdditional document information resulting from clerk review.
reviewedLeadDocumentElectronicFilingCallbackMessageThis element will be present for every lead document that is reviewed by clerk review. The filing lead document must be referenced using nc:DocumentAssociation. The clerk review results must be recorded using ecf:DocumentReviewStatus, and ecf:DocumentReviewer (optional).
reviewfilingcallback:NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageAugmentationPointNotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
reviewFilingMessageGetFeesCalculationRequestMessageThe filing transaction for which fees are to be calculated.
roleCodeCaseAttorneyRoleA code that describes the role played by a person or organization in a case. Allowed values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples: Lead attorney, guardian ad litem, friend of court, court appointed special advocate (CASA), caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, interested party, intervenor, heir, trustee or beneficiary (e.g., of a trust).
roleCodeCaseItemRoleA code that describes the role played by an item in a case. Allowed values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples: Lead attorney, guardian ad litem, friend of court, court appointed special advocate (CASA), caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, interested party, intervenor, heir, trustee or beneficiary (e.g., of a trust).
roleCodeCaseOrganizationRoleA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
roleCodeCasePersonRoleA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
roleCodeCasePropertyRoleA code that describes the role played by an item/property in a case.
ruleCollectionCourtRuleAppellateCaseInformationAn organized set or book of rules of the court that include the rule(s) in question.
ruleNumberCourtRuleAppellateCaseInformationA rule number (including rule subsection) in question. Each rule number must refer to a specific rule within the rule collection.
runtimePolicyParametersGetPolicyResponseMessageWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed dynamically by applications interacting with a court.
scheduleQueryCriteriaGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
schedulerequest:GetCourtScheduleRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
schedulerequest:ScheduleQueryCriteriaGetCourtScheduleRequestMessageTypeCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
scheduleresponse:GetCourtScheduleResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetCourtScheduleResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
sealCaseIndicatorRecordDocketingMessageInstruction from the clerk to the court record to represent this case as "sealed."
sealDocumentIndicatorReviewedDocumentClerk instruction to court record system to seal this document.
section1121eBankruptcyCaseInformationThe debtor has elected to proceed under Section 1121 (e) of the bankruptcy code.
selfRepresentedIndicatorCaseOrganizationRolePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
selfRepresentedIndicatorCasePersonRolePerson or organization representing themselves, with (e.g. advisory counsel) or without an attorney
sendingMDELocationIDBaseMessageLocation for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.
sendingMDEProfileCodeBaseMessageCode identifying the service interaction profile being used by the sending filing assembly MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future service interaction profiles. Each code value is specified within the service interaction profile approved for use with ECF.
sentenceCriminalAppellateCaseInformationA sentence associated with a specific charge in a case. A sentence may have multiple components (prison, probation, post-incarceration supervision/probation fine, etc.).
sentenceComponentSentenceThe required sactions ordered by the court as part of a sentence.
sentenceDateSentenceThe date the court sentenced the defendant.
sentenceFineAmountSentenceComponentThe currency amount of a fine assigned to the defendant by the court.
sentenceOtherSentenceTextSentenceComponentA description of a sentence other than a prison, probation or a fine sentence.
sentenceTermSentenceComponentThe term of a sentence assigned to the defendant by a court. e.g. Years/Months, Life, Death
sentenceTypeSentenceComponentThe type of sentence assigned to a defendant by a court. e.g. Prison, Probation, Fine, Other
serveprocess:ServeProcessMessageAugmentationPointServeProcessMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
serviceinformationrequest:GetServiceInformationRequestMessageAugmentationPointGetServiceInformationRequestMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
serviceinformationresponse:GetServiceInformationResponseMessageAugmentationPointGetServiceInformationResponseMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
serviceinformationresponse:ServiceRecipientGetServiceInformationResponseMessageTypeThe entity to be served in this case.
serviceRecipientIDElectronicServiceInformationA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
serviceRecipientIDServiceRecipientStatusA value assigned to a person, organization or item entity for the purpose of uniquely specifying the entity within a legal service context with respect to e-filing. The service recipient identifier value must be known and understood by both the service provider and the service requester.
serviceRecipientStatusServiceReceiptMessageA value describing the status of electronic service on a particular recipient
sexCodeCivilPersonA code identifying the gender or sex of a person.
sexCodeCriminalPersonA code identifying the gender or sex of a person.
sexOffenderRegistrationJuvenileA juvenile sex offender registration.
sexOffenderRegistrationIDJuvenileIdentifier assigned by state police or other statewide entity to identify a person convicted of an offense defined as a sex crime, such as rape, sexual assault, or stalking.
shortCaseTitleCaseThe abbreviated name of a case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander.
shortCaseTitleMatchingCaseAn official name of a Case. No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
signatureDocumentSignatureThe data or information representing this signature. It must be valid according to the profile identified by the associated signatureProfileIdentifier.
signatureContentDocumentSignatureThe content of a signature
signatureKeyDocumentSignatureA digital signature key
signatureProfileIDDocumentSignatureAn identifier from the Court Filing specification that indicates the Signature Profile governing the structure of this signature.
signatureProfileIDSupportedSignatureProfileA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
smallBusinessBankruptcyCaseInformationWhether the initiating party is a small business, as defined in bankruptcy code.
socialSecurityNumberCriminalPersonNumber issued by the federal government to all citizens, residents of the U.S. First three digits cannot be all zeroes. Numbers beginning with 9 indicate a non-resident alien. Ex. 123456789 or 356886777
specialAllegationChargeFree form text describing the details of the charge allegation.
specialHandlingInstructionsDocumentMetadataAny additional instructions for printing of a document (such as printing on front and back of the same page or printing on a particular color paper).
speedSpeedRateA number representing the speed observed.
speedLimitDrivingIncidentMaximum speed allowed by law.
spouseDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationInformation about persons in a domestic case.
stampinformation:DocumentStampInformationMessageAugmentationPointDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
stampinformationcallback:NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageAugmentationPointNotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
startAfterTimeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageA time before which a court date must begin
startAfterTimeReserveCourtDateMessageA time after which a court event may begin
startBeforeTimeRequestCourtDateRequestMessageA time before which a court date must begin
startBeforeTimeReserveCourtDateMessageA time before which a court date must begin
startDateObligationThe start date of an obligation.
startTimeAllocateCourtDateMessageThe start date and time of a court event
startTimeCourtDateThe start date and time of a court event
startTimeNotifyCourtDateMessageThe start date and time of a court event
statePostalAddressA state.
stateCriminalIDJuvenileIdentifier assigned by state police or other statewide entity to link multiple cases to the same subject. Example: OBTS Number.
stateDisbursementFinancialObligationIndicates whether the obligation will be collected and disbursed by a state agency.
stateFingerprintBasedIDNumberDefendantUnique number assigned to persons by a state Automated Fingerprint Identification System based on fingerprint identification.
stateIDNumberDefendantUnique number assigned to persons by the Department of Public Safety (or similar state agency) based on fingerprint identification.
stateNamePostalAddressA state.
statusCodeServiceRecipientStatusEnumerated values: unrecognized - filerID is not recognized, received - filing received by MDE, sent - filing sent by MDE to service recipient Future versions may add additional values, such as: delivered - filing delivered to service recipient. (i.e. under the control of the recipient) opened - filing opened by service recipient
statusOffenseActCodeStatusOffenseActCode designating the statutory or ordinance section, the violation of which would not constitute a crime if committed by an adult (only if a juvenile).
statusTextCaseStatusA description of the status.
statusTimeCaseStatusThe date on which the current status was determined.
statusTimeServiceRecipientStatusThe date and time of a status.
statuteChargeThe statute associated with a charge.
statuteViolatedStatuteA statute violated.
statuteJurisdictionViolatedStatuteThe federal, state, county, municipal, or other public entity under whose authority the statute or ordinance was enacted.
stayawayDistanceTextDomesticViolencePetitionInformationDescription of the distance abuser must maintain from abused person(s).
streetNameStreetAddressThe name of a street.
streetNumberStreetAddressA number of a location on a street.
stylePropertyThe style/type of an item.
subjectJuvenileA juvenile subject.
submissionTimeBaseMessageThe time that the message left the control of the sending MDE. In a filing this is the Filing Assembly MDE.
submitterMatchingFilingThe submitter of a document
submitterIDBaseMessageA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDCaseItemRoleA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
submitterIDCaseParticipantA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDGetDocumentResponseMessageA unique identifier assigned by the filing assembly MDE for the person who is managing the interface between the filer and the filing assembly MDE. This person will receive secondary service on behalf of the filer. This is also the serviceRecipientID for subsequent filings in this case, and asynchronous responses to this filing.
submitterIDGetFilingStatusResponseMessageA unique identifier for a person or organization which submits a Review Filing Message. This may refer to any combination of the assembler, authorizer, or the represented party in the filing.
submitterIDMatchingFilingA unique identifier for a person or organization which submits a Review Filing Message. This may refer to any combination of the assembler, authorizer, or the represented party in the filing.
supervisionDefendantThe supervision of a defendant.
supportedCaseTypesDevelopmentPolicyParametersA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
supportedMessageProfileMajorDesignElementsA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
supportedSignatureProfileDevelopmentPolicyParametersA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
supportOperationMajorDesignElementsA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries
systemEnvironmentErrorThe system environment (e.g. production, test, development) in which the error occured.
taxIDDebtorThe social security number or federal employer identifier number used by the person or organization for tax filings.
taxIdentificationOrganizationA federal identifier for an organization.
telephoneCountryCodeTelephoneNumberA telephone prefix for a country.
telephoneNumberContactInformationA telephone number.
telephoneSuffixTelephoneNumberA telephone extension.
timeOfCourtAppearanceCitationCourtAppearanceDate and time at which defendant needs to appear at the court
timeOfViolationCitationDate and time of day that a violation occurred.
timeRangeGetCaseListRequestMessage The beginning and ending filing dates/times of cases about which information is sought in this query.
timeRangeGetFilingListRequestMessageA period of time bounded by upper and lower (to and from) dates/times.
titlePersonPerson organizational position or title.
totalFeesGetFeesCalculationResponseMessageA total of all fees required to submit a document.
toTimeTimeRangeThe ending time, in the time zone of the court on the ending date.
trafficCitationFilingSupportedIndicatorSupportedCaseTypesIndicates whether the e-filing system supports electronic filing of a certain case type.
transactionIDPaymentAn identifier that uniquely identifies the vendor, mechanism, etc., that handled this payment.
transactionTimePaymentThe date and time at which a transaction will or did occur.
TypeniemThe NIEM type that implements the source class or property
typeCodeOrganizationRelationshipA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
typeCodePersonOrganizationRelationshipA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
typeCodePersonRelationshipA code for the type of relationship between two persons, between two organizations, or between a person and an organization in a case. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy. Examples include parent/child, subsidiary corporation, and chief executive officer.
unavailableScheduleDescriptionCitationIssuingOfficialUnavailable dates for officer issuing citation (e.g. due to vacation).
unionTypeDomesticLegalRelationshipInformationA type of legal union between persons (e.g. marriage)
unitDescriptionSpeedRateA statement of the unit of measurement employed, for example miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
unreimbursedPercentObligationA percentage of an expense not to be reimbursed.
unreimbursedTypeObligationThe type of unreimbursed percentage (e.g. medical, tuition).
urlAttachmentSupportedDevelopmentPolicyParametersWhether court allows attachments via remote URLs.
valueAllowedCodeValueThe value that is transmitted in the message.
valuePropertyThe value of an item.
valueAmountPropertyThe amount an item is worth.
vehicleDrivingIncidentInformation describing the motor vehicle involved in an incident.
vehicleParkingViolationInformationInformation describing the motor vehicle involved in parking violation.
vehicleBodyTypeOrVehicleStyleVehiclemodel described in terms of 2 door, 4 door, van, pickup, etc.
vehicleColorCodeVehicleA code identifying a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
vehicleColorTextVehicleA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
vehicleIdentificationNumberVehicleManufacturer identification number mounted on driver side at the corner of the windshield and post
vehicleLicensePlateNumberVehicle The license plate displayed on vehicle offender was driving
vehicleLicensePlateStateVehicleState that issued the license plate displayed on the vehicle
vehicleLicensePlateStateCodeVehicleA code for the state that issued the license plate displayed on the vehicle
vehicleLicensePlateTypeVehicleType of license plate displayed on vehicle offender was driving, i.e., commercial, truck
vehicleMakeVehicleA code identifying the manufacturer of a vehicle.
vehicleModelVehicleA code identifying the specific design or type of vehicle made by a manufacturer. Sometimes referred to as the series model.
vehicleRegistrationVehicleA registration for a vehicle.
vehicleYearVehicleA year which is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer.
violatedStatuteCitationDetails about a statute that has been violated and associated information.
violationLocationCitationThe place where an alleged violation occurred.
voluntaryIndicatorBankruptcyCaseInformationWhether the debtor has initiated bankruptcy (true, corresponding to Federal code "V") or a creditor has initiated bankruptcy (false, corresponding to Federal code "I")
weightCivilPersonA measurement of the weight of a person.
weightCriminalPersonA measurement of the weight of a person.
weightUnitCriminalPersonA unit of measuring weight.
xcal:icalendarAllocateCourtDateMessageTypeA schedule of upcoming events in a court
xcal:icalendarCourtDateTypeA schedule of upcoming events in a court
xcal:icalendarGetCourtScheduleResponseMessageTypeA schedule of upcoming events in a court
xcal:icalendarNotifyCourtDateMessageTypeA schedule of upcoming events in a court
XPathniemXML mapping to the NIEM