Name | Kind | Description |
UCR | class instance | A UCR (Unique Customs Reference) Identifier |
ucr | class view | Crime reporting codes from Uniform Crime Reporting. Source: FBI Crminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division; Publication: CJIS Div UCR Program - NIBRS Technical Specification; Version: 1.0; Date: 16 April 2012; |
ucr | class view | |
UCRAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UCRType. |
UCRType | class | A data type for an UCR (Unique Customs Reference) |
UDCCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for 2 - File Transfer User Decision Code (UDC) Field Codes |
UDCCodeType | class | A data type for 2 - File Transfer User Decision Code (UDC) Field Codes |
UML | package | |
unavailableScheduleDescription | attribute | Unavailable dates for officer issuing citation (e.g. due to vacation). |
UncertaintyDistanceText | class instance | A confidence measure derived from the number of cell sites, distance of the coordinates recorded from the cell site, accuracy of measurement of the coordinates and is typically expressed in meters. |
UncertaintyValueSimpleType | class | A data type for a value indicating the uncertainty of the delta direction measure |
UncertaintyValueType | class | A data type for a value indicating the uncertainty of the delta direction measure. |
UNDGCodeText | class instance | An UN Dangerous Goods identifier code. |
UNDGContact | class instance | A dangerous goods contact person or party who can provide detailed information concerning the dangerous goods shipment |
UNDGContactAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UNDGContactType. |
UNDGContactIDCategory | class instance | An identifier category to identify a dangerous goods person or party |
UNDGContactIdentification | class instance | A unique identification of UNDG Contact |
UNDGContactType | class | A data type representing the Name [and address] of dangerous goods contact person or party who can provide detailed information concerning the dangerous goods shipment |
UNDGNumberCodeTextType | class | A data type for a textual decription occuring with the UNDG code for a hazardous material type. |
unece | class view | Miscellaneous unit of measure codes. Source: UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE); Publication: UNECE Recommendation No. 20 Revision 8; Version: Revision 8; Date: 2012; |
unece | class view | |
UNECECategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for the UNECE Categorization of the container/Packaging. |
UNECECategoryCodeType | class | A data type for an UNECE categorization of the container/Packaging. |
unionType | attribute | A type of legal union between persons (e.g. marriage) |
Unit | class instance | A military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority. |
UnitAbbreviatedName | class instance | An abbreviated unit name. |
UnitAssignedDate | class instance | A structure that contains date information about when a unit was assigned to an incident |
UnitAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type mo:UnitType |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociation | class instance | A relationship describing the command or support relationship between two units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type mo:UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationType |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationForceManagementID | class instance | An identifier used to identify an association between organizational elements. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationType | class | A data type for a relationship that describes a command or support relationship between two units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of command or support relationship that exists between the subject and object units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryCode | class instance | A designator for a command or support relationship between the subject and object units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a designator for a command or support relationship between the subject and object units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a designator for a command or support relationship between the subject and object units. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCommandingUnit | class instance | A unit that has control or authority over a subordinate unit in a command or support relationship. |
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipSubordinateUnit | class instance | A unit that is under the authority or control of a commanding unit in a command or support relationship. |
UnitDefinition | class instance | A gml:UnitDefinition is a general definition of a unit of measure. This generic element is used only for units for which no relationship with other units or units systems is known. The content model of gml:UnitDefinition adds three additional properties to gml:Definition, gml:quantityType, gml:quantityTypeReference and gml:catalogSymbol. The gml:catalogSymbol property optionally gives the short symbol used for this unit. This element is usually used when the relationship of this unit to other units or units systems is unknown. |
UnitDefinition_PropertyType | class | |
UnitDefinitionType | class | |
unitDescription | attribute | A statement of the unit of measurement employed, for example miles per hour or kilometers per hour. |
UnitedStatesCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for 2.6: United States |
UnitedStatesCodeType | class | A data type for 2.6: United States |
UnitGeopoliticalAffiliationAbstract | class instance | A data concept representing the country affiliation for an object. |
UnitGeopoliticalAffiliationCode | class instance | A designator representing the country affiliation for an object. |
UnitIdentificationCodeID | class instance | An identifier with a six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each Active, Reserve, and National Guard unit of the Armed Forces. Also called UIC. |
UnitLineNumberID | class instance | An identifier for a seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN. (JP 3-35) |
UnitLineNumberIDSimpleType | class | A data type for a seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN. (JP 3-35) |
UnitLineNumberIDType | class | A data type for a seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN. (JP 3-35) |
UnitLogoffNotification | class instance | An element to represent that the specified units are being logged off |
UnitLogoffNotificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UnitLogoffNotificationType |
UnitLogoffNotificationType | class | A data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being logged off |
UnitLogonNotification | class instance | An element to represent that the specified units are being logged on |
UnitLogonNotificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UnitLogonNotificationType |
UnitLogonNotificationType | class | A data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being logged on |
UnitMetadata | class instance | Information that further qualifies primary data about a unit; data about unit data. |
UnitMoveNotificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UnitMoveNotificationType |
UnitMoveNotificationType | class | A data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being moved |
UnitName | class instance | A character string assigned to represent a unit name. |
UnitNameSimpleType | class | A data type for a character string assigned to represent a unit name. |
UnitNameType | class | A data type for a character string assigned to represent a unit name. |
unitOfMeasure | class instance | The element gml:unitOfMeasure is a property element to refer to a unit of measure. This is an empty element which carries a reference to a unit of measure definition. |
UnitOfMeasure_PropertyType | class | |
UnitOfMeasureType | class | |
UnitOperationalStatusAbstract | class instance | A data concept that describes the operational status of a military entity. |
UnitOperationalStatusCode | class instance | A designator that describes the operational status of a military entity. |
UnitOperationalStatusCodeSimpleType | class | A data type that describes the operational status of a military entity. |
UnitOperationalStatusCodeType | class | A data type that describes the operational status of a military entity. |
UnitPointOfContact | class instance | A person serving as coordinator, action officer, or focal point for an activity. |
UnitPresentLocation | class instance | A position or site occupied by the unit. |
UnitReinforcementAbstract | class instance | A data concept that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength. |
UnitReinforcementCode | class instance | A designator that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength. |
UnitReinforcementCodeSimpleType | class | A data type that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength. |
UnitReinforcementCodeType | class | A data type that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength. |
UnitShortName | class instance | A name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols. |
UnitShortNameSimpleType | class | A data type for a short name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols. |
UnitShortNameType | class | A data type for a short name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols. |
UnitStatusQualifierAbstract | class instance | A data concept that qualifies the status of a unit. |
UnitStatusQualifierCode | class instance | A designator that qualifies the status of a unit. |
UnitStatusQualifierCodeSimpleType | class | A data type that qualifies the status of a unit. |
UnitStatusQualifierCodeType | class | A data type that qualifies the status of a unit. |
UnitType | class | A data type for a military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority. |
UnitTypeCodeText | class instance | A Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit." |
UnitTypeCodeTextSimpleType | class | A data type for a Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit." Also called UTC. |
UnitTypeCodeTextType | class | A data type for a Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit." Also called UTC. |
UnitTypeList | class | List of type of units for measurement |
UnitUnassignedDate | class instance | A structure that contains date information about when a unit was unassigned from an incident |
UnknownPositionCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for an unknown position, used when it is not even known whether an image is a finger, palm or plantar. |
UnknownPositionCodeType | class | A data type for an unknown position, used when it is not even known whether an image is a finger, palm or plantar. |
UnknownSubjectIndicator | class instance | True if the person is considered unknown or there is a question pending; false otherwise. |
UnlimitedInteger | class instance | |
UnlimitedInteger_PropertyType | class | |
UnlimitedInteger_Type | class | |
UnloadingLocation | class instance | An identification of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage. |
UnloadingLocationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UnloadingLocationType. |
UnloadingLocationCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a code to identify a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the transport means used for their carriage. |
UnloadingLocationCategoryCode | class instance | A code to identify a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the transport means used for their carriage. |
UnloadingLocationDate | class instance | A date of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload. |
UnloadingLocationType | class | A data type for a location where freight cargo (containers, equipment) is unloaded from a conveyance. |
UnmetDirectServiceVictimAssociation | class instance | An association between a victim and a service which not provided to them by the reporting organization. |
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers. |
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers. |
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers. |
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers. |
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryText | class instance | A kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers. |
unreimbursedPercent | attribute | A percentage of an expense not to be reimbursed. |
unreimbursedType | attribute | The type of unreimbursed percentage (e.g. medical, tuition). |
unsignedByte | class | A data type that is derived from unsignedShort by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 255. |
unsignedByte | class | |
unsignedInt | class | A data type that is derived from unsignedLong by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 4294967295. |
unsignedInt | class | |
UnsignedIntegerRangeAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UnsignedIntegerRangeType. |
UnsignedIntegerRangeType | class | A data type for a range of unsigned integer values. |
unsignedLong | class | A data type that is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 18446744073709551615. |
unsignedLong | class | |
unsignedShort | class | A data type that is derived from unsignedInt by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 65535. |
unsignedShort | class | |
UnverifiedParticipantName | class instance | A name of person present during the INTERVIEW ENCOUNTER when they are not in the system. |
UomAlternativeExpression | class instance | |
UomAlternativeExpression_PropertyType | class | |
UomAlternativeExpression_Type | class | XML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory |
UomAngle_PropertyType | class | |
UomArea_PropertyType | class | |
UomIdentifier | class | The simple type gml:UomIdentifer defines the syntax and value space of the unit of measure identifier. |
UomLength_PropertyType | class | |
UomScale_PropertyType | class | |
UomSymbol | class | This type specifies a character string of length at least one, and restricted such that it must not contain any of the following characters: ":" (colon), " " (space), (newline), (carriage return), (tab). This allows values corresponding to familiar abbreviations, such as "kg", "m/s", etc. It is recommended that the symbol be an identifier for a unit of measure as specified in the "Unified Code of Units of Measure" (UCUM) ( This provides a set of symbols and a grammar for constructing identifiers for units of measure that are unique, and may be easily entered with a keyboard supporting the limited character set known as 7-bit ASCII. ISO 2955 formerly provided a specification with this scope, but was withdrawn in 2001. UCUM largely follows ISO 2955 with modifications to remove ambiguities and other problems. |
UomTime_PropertyType | class | |
UomURI | class | This type specifies a URI, restricted such that it must start with one of the following sequences: "#", "./", "../", or a string of characters followed by a ":". These patterns ensure that the most common URI forms are supported, including absolute and relative URIs and URIs that are simple fragment identifiers, but prohibits certain forms of relative URI that could be mistaken for unit of measure symbol . NOTE It is possible to re-write such a relative URI to conform to the restriction (e.g. "./m/s"). In an instance document, on elements of type gml:MeasureType the mandatory uom attribute shall carry a value corresponding to either - a conventional unit of measure symbol, - a link to a definition of a unit of measure that does not have a conventional symbol, or when it is desired to indicate a precise or variant definition. |
UomVelocity_PropertyType | class | |
UomVolume_PropertyType | class | |
UpdateBy | class instance | An element identifies the person/system updated the data |
UpdateRecord | class instance | An element contains information about the data update information |
UpdateRecordAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for UpdateRecordType |
UpdateRecordType | class | A data type for data update information |
UpperLimitValue | class instance | A highest value of X for which an equation is valid. |
UpperLipCharacterizationCodeList | class instance | An upper lip print characterization code list |
URL | class instance | |
url | class | A Uniform Resource Locator (URL). |
URL_PropertyType | class | |
urlAttachmentSupported | attribute | Whether court allows attachments via remote URLs. |
URLAttachmentSupportedIndicator | class instance | Whether court allows attachments via remote URLs. |
URLID | class instance | An identifier representing a universal resource locator (URL). |
urnoasisnamestcciqct3 | class view | Specification Name: OASIS CIQ TC - CIQ V3.0 Description: Defines the W3C schema with commonly used types in the name, address and party schemas (Using XML Schema based standard code list/enumeration mechanism - OPTION 1 AND DEFAULT) Produced by: OASIS Customer Information Quality Technical Committee URL: Version: 3.0 Status: Committee Specification Copyright: 2006-07, OASIS, Last Modified: 18 September 2007 Last Modified by: Ram Kumar, Chair, OASIS CIQ TC |
USACEBeachIndicator | class instance | True if the beach a federally constructed shoreline under the authority of the USACE; false if not |
USCountyCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for US county codes. |
USCountyCodeType | class | A data type for US county codes. |
usda_fsa | class view | Source: United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA); Publication: FSA Handbook Common Management and Operating Provision 1-CM (Revision 3) Exhibit 100; State Two-digit code numbers have been assigned for use with all FSA and CCC |
Use Cases | use case view | |
Use Cases | use case diagram | |
userDefinedCS | class instance | gml:userDefinedCS is an association role to the user defined coordinate system used by this CRS. |
UserDefinedCS | class instance | gml:UserDefinedCS is a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes not covered by any other coordinate system type. A UserDefinedCS shall have two or three gml:axis property elements; the number of property elements shall equal the dimension of the CS. |
UserDefinedCSPropertyType | class | gml:UserDefinedCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a user-defined coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system. |
userDefinedCSRef | class instance | |
UserDefinedCSType | class | |
UserDefinedFieldsAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a set of user-defined fields; intended to be substituted by a domain-defined extension element |
UserLogonID | class instance | An identifier for a system user in the form of a person's system access (logon) id. |
UserPersonName | class instance | A person's actual name, used as an identifier for a system user. |
UserProperName | class instance | A name of a person in the form of an employee id. |
usesAffineCS | class instance | |
usesAxis | class instance | |
usesCartesianCS | class instance | |
usesCS | class instance | |
usesEllipsoid | class instance | |
usesEllipsoidalCS | class instance | |
usesEngineeringDatum | class instance | |
usesGeodeticDatum | class instance | |
usesImageDatum | class instance | |
usesMethod | class instance | |
usesObliqueCartesianCS | class instance | |
usesOperation | class instance | |
usesParameter | class instance | |
usesPrimeMeridian | class instance | |
usesSingleOperation | class instance | |
usesSphericalCS | class instance | |
usesTemporalCS | class instance | |
usesTemporalDatum | class instance | |
usesTimeCS | class instance | |
usesValue | class instance | |
usesVerticalCS | class instance | |
usesVerticalDatum | class instance | |
using | class instance | |
USMTFEnvironmentCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of USMTF-defined environment code. |
USMTFEnvironmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a USMTF-defined force-threat designator code used in combination with threat codes. |
USMTFEnvironmentCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a USMTF-defined force-threat designator code used in combination with threat codes. |
USMTFThreatCode | class instance | A USMTF-defined threat code. |
USMTFThreatCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a USMTF-defined threat code. |
USMTFThreatCodeType | class | A data type for a USMTF-defined threat code. |
usps | class view | Source: U.S. Postal Service (USPS); Publication: Official USPS Abbreviations, Appendix B; Date: 2012; |
usps | class view | |
USStateCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for states. |
USStateCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for states. |
USStateCodeType | class | A data type for states. |
USStateCodeType | class | A data type for states. |
USStateNumericCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for numeric state codes. |
USStateNumericCodeType | class | A data type for numeric state codes. |
USTerritoriesCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for 2.7: United States Territories |
USTerritoriesCodeType | class | A data type for 2.7: United States Territories |
UTF8BinaryObjectText | class instance | A UTF8 binary encoding of data. |
UTMCoordinateSimpleType | class | A data type for a coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value. |
UTMCoordinateType | class | A data type for a coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value. |
UTMCoordinateValue | class instance | A coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value. |
UUIDSimpleType | class | A data type for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID) |
UUIDType | class | A data type for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID) |