Packageclass instanceAn explanation of the packaging information
PackageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PackageType.
PackageCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of package of an item.
PackageGroupCodeTextclass instanceA textual description of the package group code.
PackageItemCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code specifying the type of package of an item.
PackageItemCategoryCodeclass instanceA code specifying the type of package of an item.
PackageItemQuantityclass instanceA number of individual items packaged in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packaging.
PackagesCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of or type of package of an item.
PackageShippingMarksDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package.
PackageTypeclassA data type for an item packaged for containment, preservation, promotion, and/or protection of an article.
PackagingFormCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various PackagingFormCodes
PackagingFormCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the various forms of packaging.
PackagingFormCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various PackagingFormCodes
PackagingFormCodeTypeclassA data type for the various forms of packaging.
PaidTimeclass instanceThe date and time at which a transaction will or did occur.
PalmMissingAreaReasonCodeclass instanceA reason for a missing area of a palm print image
PalmPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a location on the palm that a print represents
PalmPositionCodeclass instanceA location on the palm that a print represents
PalmPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a palm position
PalmPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a palm position
palmPrintattributeA palm print associated with a criminal subject.
PalmPrintAcquisitionProfileAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the palm image was captured
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the palm image was captured
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeclass instanceA set of criteria under which the Palm print image was captured
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the Palm print image was captured or Subject acquisition profile(SAP)
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the Palm print image was captured
PalmPrintImageDetailclass instanceA set of details about an image of a palm print
PalmPrintImageDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PalmPrintImageDetail
PalmPrintImageDetailTypeclassA data type for the details about an image of a palm print
PalmPrintImageMissingAreaclass instanceA missing area of a palm print image
PalmPrintImageMissingAreaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PalmPrintImageMissingArea
PalmPrintImageMissingAreaTypeclassA data type for a missing area of a palm print image
PalmPrintImageQualityclass instanceA palm print image quality
PalmPrintImageQualityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PalmPrintImageQuality
PalmPrintImageQualityTypeclassA data type for a quality measure of a palm print
Panelclass instanceA small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide on a particular matter, especially in the context of business or government.
PanelAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PanelType
PanelMemberclass instanceA person who is a member of a panel.
PanelMemberAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PanelMemberType
PanelMemberRoleTextclass instanceA role played by a panel member.
PanelMemberTitleTextclass instanceA title of the panel member.
PanelMemberTypeclassA data type for a person who is a member of a panel.
PanelTypeclassA data type for a small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide on a particular matter, especially in the context of business or government.
parameterclass instancegml:parameter is an association to an operation parameter or parameter group.
ParameterValueclass instancegml:ParameterValue is a parameter value, an ordered sequence of values, or a reference to a file of parameter values. This concrete complex type may be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one instance. This complex type may be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with many instances.
parameterValueclass instancegml:parameterValue is a composition association to a parameter value or group of parameter values used by a coordinate operation.
ParameterValueGroupclass instancegml:ParameterValueGroup is a group of related parameter values. The same group can be repeated more than once in a Conversion, Transformation, or higher level ParameterValueGroup, if those instances contain different values of one or more parameterValues which suitably distinquish among those groups. This concrete complex type can be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents. This complex type may be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with only one instance.
The parameterValue elements are an unordered set of composition association roles to the parameter values and groups of values included in this group.
PARCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.3: Persons Armed (PAR) Field Codes
PARCodeTypeclassA data type for 1.3: Persons Armed (PAR) Field Codes
Parentclass instanceA father or mother of a person.
Parentclass instanceA father or mother of a person.
parentrelationInformation about the person(s) involved as a parent in a current or previous domestic legal relationship.
ParentChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ParentChildAssociationType.
ParentChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeclass instanceA code list that describes the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeclass instanceA code list that describes the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of relationship from a parent to a child.
ParentDeviceCategoryCodeTextclass instanceA code for the category of a device that is the parent of the device identified by rn:RadEncounterDeviceID.
ParentDeviceIDclass instanceA unqie identifier of the device that is the parent of the device identified by rn:RadEncounterDeviceID.
parentDocumentIDattributeOnly present for supporting documents; indicates the identifier of the corresponding lead document.
ParentFacilityclass instanceA facility that contains another facility.
ParentGangAffiliationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile's parent is affiliated with a gang; false otherwise.
parentGuardianrelationInformation about the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a juvenile.
ParentGuardianclassInformation about the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a juvenile.
ParentIncidentclass instanceA data element for information on parent Incidents of an incident
ParentOrganizationIDclass instanceAn identifier of the organization's parent organization
ParentOrgNameclass instanceA name of the organization that is the parent of the organization that operates a site.
parentRelationshiprelationInformation relating to one or more parents.
ParentRelationshipclassInformation relating to a parent.
parentRelationshiprelationInformation relating to a parent involved in this case.
parentRelationshipReasonattributeJustification for a claim of parentage. Details including but not limited to date of conception, place of conception, and DNA.
parentTypeCodeattributeType of parent. Allowed values set forth in Court Policy. Examples: natural, adoptive, surrogate, undetermined.
ParkCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the Parks types
ParkCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Parks types
ParkCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for Parks types
ParkingFacilityclass instanceThe name of a parking facility/lot.
parkingFacilityNameattributeThe name of a parking facility/lot.
ParkingMeterSpaceNumberclass instanceAn identifier for a parking space or meter.
parkingMeterSpaceNumberattributeAn identifier for a parking space or meter.
ParkingViolationclass instanceInformation about a parking violation.
parkingViolationInformationrelationInformation about a parking violation.
ParkingViolationInformationclassInformation about a parking violation.
ParkingViolationTypeclassInformation about a parking violation.
ParksComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the Parks Components
ParksComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the Parks Components
ParksComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for Parks Components
Paroleclass instanceAn added period of control following release from prison.
ParoleActionclass instanceAn event or activity regarding a subject's parole.
ParoleActionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleActionType
ParoleActionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of a parole action.
ParoleActionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a parole action.
ParoleActionCommentTextclass instanceA comment associated with the parole action.
ParoleActionConditionScoreValueclass instanceA number representing the subject's parole condition score.
ParoleActionCriminogenicNeedsScoreValueclass instanceA score indicating how well a parolee met the objective of participating in referred programming for the parolees top three criminogenic needs.
ParoleActionDeliveryMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of delivery method.
ParoleActionDeliveryMethodTextclass instanceA kind of delivery method.
ParoleActionDischargeDateclass instanceA date on which the parole discharge is effective.
ParoleActionEffectiveDateclass instanceA date on which the parole action is effective.
ParoleActionEmploymentObjectiveScoreValueclass instanceA score indicating how well a parolee met the objective of structuring the parolees time around pro-social activities geared towards self-reliance. activities is not evident.
ParoleActionFieldAdministratorCommentTextclass instanceA comment or recommendation from the field administrator.
ParoleActionOtherParticipantRelationshipTextclass instanceA specified relationship of the participant to the parolee.
ParoleActionParoleAgentRecommendationTextclass instanceA recommendation made by the parole agent in a parole activity report.
ParoleActionParoleeAssignmentDetailsTextclass instanceA comment on the subject's assignment details.
ParoleActionParoleeAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleActionParoleeAssociationType
ParoleActionParoleeAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a Parole Action and a Parolee.
ParoleActionParoleeParticipationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of participation.
ParoleActionParoleeParticipationTextclass instanceA kind of participation.
ParoleActionParoleeRecentLegalActivityTextclass instanceA comment about the subject's recent legal activity.
ParoleActionParticipantclass instanceA set of details about a participant of a parole action.
ParoleActionParticipantCommentclass instanceA comment provided by the parole action participant.
ParoleActionRecommendationParoleCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of parolee supervision that the parole agent recommends.
ParoleActionRecommendedSupervisionLevelTextclass instanceA recommended supervision category for the parolee.
ParoleActionReportclass instanceA document including the details of a parole action.
ParoleActionReportCopyToParoleeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a copy of the report was left at the residence of the parolee; false otherwise.
ParoleActionResidenceObjectiveScoreValueclass instanceA number representing the subject's parole review score for residence stability.
ParoleActionReviewCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of method for reviewing a Parole Action.
ParoleActionReviewCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of method for reviewing a Parole Action.
ParoleActionSpecialConditionTextclass instanceA special condition of parole.
ParoleActionSupportingDocumentclass instanceA document that supports the Parole action.
ParoleActionTypeclassA data type for an event or activity regarding a subject's parole.
ParoleAdministratorclass instanceA staff member responsible for the administration of a subject's parole.
ParoleAgentclass instanceA staff member responsible for the supervision and monitoring of a subject's parole.
ParoleAgentOverrideclass instanceA set of details about an override decision made by a parole agent.
ParoleAgentOverrideAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleAgentOverrideType
ParoleAgentOverrideCommentsTextclass instanceA comment by the Parole Agent regarding the analysis of stabilizing and destabilizing factors.
ParoleAgentOverrideRecommendationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of Parole Agent override recommendation.
ParoleAgentOverrideRecommendationTextclass instanceA kind of Parole Agent override recommendation.
ParoleAgentOverrideTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an override decision made by a parole agent.
ParoleArrestclass instanceA set of details about an arrest involving a parolee.
ParoleAssessmentclass instanceA process of determining a subject's suitability for parole.
ParoleAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleAssessmentType
ParoleAssessmentCommentclass instanceA comment on the parole assessment by the parole agent.
ParoleAssessmentCriminalHistorySummaryclass instanceA review of a subject's criminal history as a factor of suitability for parole.
ParoleAssessmentCriminogenicNeedsScoreValueclass instanceA score indicating how well a parolee met the objective of participating in referred programming for the parolees top three criminogenic needs.
ParoleAssessmentEmploymentObjectiveScoreValueclass instanceA score indicating how well a parolee met the objective of structuring the parolees time around pro-social activities geared towards self-reliance. activities is not evident.
ParoleAssessmentNeedclass instanceA kind of need identified for a subject with respect to their suitability for parole.
ParoleAssessmentProSocialAffiliationScoreValueclass instanceA number representing the subject's parole review score for pro-social affiliation.
ParoleAssessmentResidenceObjectiveScoreValueclass instanceA number representing the subject's parole review score for residence stability.
ParoleAssessmentTotalObjectiveScoreAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a comment or score from the parolee dynamic profile review.
ParoleAssessmentTotalObjectiveScoreTextclass instanceA comment or score from the parolee dynamic profile review.
ParoleAssessmentTypeclassA data type for a process of determining a subject's suitability for parole.
ParoleAssessmentUnitSupervisorclass instanceA staff person who serves as a unit supervisor.
ParoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleType
ParoleDischargeclass instanceA set of details about the release of a parolee.
ParoleDischargeAssignedProgramclass instanceA program to which a subject of parole is assigned.
ParoleDischargeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleDischargeType
ParoleDischargeCaseworkerclass instanceA staff person who serves a caseworker to a parolee.
ParoleDischargeCommunityResourcesRequiredTextclass instanceA summary of the community resources needed by the subject and referrals made for the subject.
ParoleDischargeEducationalNeedTextclass instanceA kind of educational need.
ParoleDischargeFinancialNeedTextclass instanceA kind of financial need.
ParoleDischargeModifiedDateclass instanceA modified release date for the subject or parole violator.
ParoleDischargeSubjectReportingInstructionTextclass instanceA comment on the instructions for reporting given to a parolee.
ParoleDischargeSubjectRequiredToReportIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is required to report as a part of parole conditions; false otherwise.
ParoleDischargeSubjectWillIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is to be released from custody; false otherwise.
ParoleDischargeSupervisionLevelTextclass instanceA parole supervision level assigned to the subject.
ParoleDischargeTypeclassA data type for a set of details about the release of a parolee.
Paroleeclass instanceA set of details about a subject released from incarceration and placed on parole supervision.
ParoleeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleeType
ParoleeParoleclass instanceA set of details about associated parole conditions to a parolee.
ParoleeParoleAssessmentclass instanceA parolee's parole assessment.
ParoleeParoleHearingclass instanceA set of details about associated parole hearing to a parolee.
ParoleeTransferclass instanceA set of details regarding a parole subject requesting or requiring transfer to another area of supervision.
ParoleeTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject released from incarceration and placed on parole supervision.
ParoleGoalReportclass instanceA document detailing a parolees performance in achieving objectives of parole.
ParoleHearingclass instanceA hearing to determine if a person may be released from incarceration before the full sentence(s) has been served and the conditions of such release, if approved.
ParoleHearingAppearanceNotificationclass instanceA set of details notifying all concerned parties of a parole hearing appearance.
ParoleHearingAppearanceWaiverParoleeDateclass instanceA date on which the parolee signed the appearance waiver for a parole hearing.
ParoleHearingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ParoleHearingType.
ParoleHearingBoardRecommendationTextclass instanceA recommendation of the Board during a parole hearing.
ParoleHearingDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleHearingDecisionType
ParoleHearingDecisionCommentclass instanceA comment regarding the parole hearing decision.
ParoleHearingDecisionContinuanceDurationclass instanceA number of months that the hearing has been continued.
ParoleHearingDecisionContinuanceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a hearing continuance; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingDecisionDurationclass instanceA period of time associated with a parole hearing decision for a subject's parole.
ParoleHearingDecisionImplementationDateclass instanceA date on which the parole decision is to be effective.
ParoleHearingDecisionImplementationDurationclass instanceA period of time associated with a parole hearing decision for a subject's parole.
ParoleHearingDecisionModifiedParoleDateclass instanceA new modified parole date, which may be earlier or later than the previous parole date.
ParoleHearingDecisionModifiedParoleReleaseDateclass instanceA date of physical release of the paroled subject.
ParoleHearingDecisionParoleDateclass instanceA parole date resulting from the action.
ParoleHearingDecisionPlacementJurisdictionclass instanceA set of details about a parole hearing decision specific to the jurisdiction of a parolees placement.
ParoleHearingDecisionPostponedDurationclass instanceA length of time, in months, for which the hearing has been postponed.
ParoleHearingDecisionPostponedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing was postponed; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewclass instanceA set of details associated with a review of a parole hearing decision.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleHearingDecisionReviewType
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewDecisionAffirmedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the board action was affirmed with non-adverse modifications; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewErrorDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an administrative error that prompted the decision review.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewPacketReceivedDateclass instanceA date the board packet was received for review.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewReviewerclass instanceA staff member responsible for conducting a review of a parole hearing decision.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewSummaryTextclass instanceA summary about the decision review.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewTypeclassA data type for a set of details associated with a review of a parole hearing decision.
ParoleHearingDecisionSplitDecisionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a split decision was reached by the board; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingDecisionTextclass instanceA description of the decision that was made.
ParoleHearingDecisionTypeclassA data type for The outcome or disposition of a court parole hearing.
ParoleHearingNoticeAppearanceclass instanceA notice of appearance of a subject for a parole hearing.
ParoleHearingNoticeAppearanceWaiverIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the parolee refuses to appear or wishes to waive appearance; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingNoticeAppearanceWaiverInformationTextclass instanceA summary of information provided to the parolee and the response to this information.
ParoleHearingNoticeAppearanceWaiverParoleeSignatureWitnessImageclass instanceAn image of a signature of a parolee associated with an appearance waiver.
ParoleHearingNoticeAppearanceWaiverWitnessDateclass instanceA date when a parole hearing waiver was witnessed.
ParoleHearingNoticeWaiverParoleeDateclass instanceA date when a parole hearing notice was waived.
ParoleHearingObjectionclass instanceAn objection specific to a subject's parole hearing.
ParoleHearingObjectionRaisedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there were objections raised at the hearing; false otherwise.
ParoleHearingTypeclassA data type for a hearing to determine if a person may be released from incarceration before the full sentence(s) has been served and the conditions of such release, if approved.
ParoleHearingWaiverNoticeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleHearingWaiverNoticeType
ParoleHearingWaiverNoticeTypeclassA data type for a notice of appearance of a subject for a parole hearing.
ParoleHoldCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of reason that parole hold was retained for the parolee.
ParoleHoldCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of reason that parole hold was retained for the parolee.
ParoleIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a the document is associated with a Parole; false otherwise.
ParoleOfficerclass instanceA staff member responsible for the supervision of a subject's parole.
ParoleRevocationExtensionclass instanceA set of details concerning an extension to a parole revocation action.
ParoleRevocationExtensionAcceptedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a parole extension is accepted; false otherwise.
ParoleRevocationExtensionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleRevocationExtensionType
ParoleRevocationExtensionDaysOfferedNumericclass instanceA number of days of a parole extension.
ParoleRevocationExtensionHalfTimeCreditIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the extension includes half time credit; false otherwise.
ParoleRevocationExtensionHearingRequestedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an extension hearing is requested; false otherwise.
ParoleRevocationExtensionHearingWaivedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an extension hearing is waived; false otherwise.
ParoleRevocationExtensionScheduledHearingDateclass instanceA date of a scheduled extension hearing.
ParoleRevocationExtensionTypeclassA data type for a set of details concerning an extension to a parole revocation action.
ParoleRevokedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the parole is revoked; false otherwise.
ParoleTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a subject's conditions and circumstance of parole.
ParoleUnitclass instanceA set of details describing a sub-section of the parole services division.
ParoleViolationclass instanceA set of details regarding the facts and events which constitute a violation of parole.
ParoleViolationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleViolationType
ParoleViolationBehaviorRestraintsCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of restraint placed on a subject as condition of parole.
ParoleViolationBehaviorRestraintsCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of restraint placed on a subject as condition of parole.
ParoleViolationCaseclass instanceA set of details about an instance of a parole violation.
ParoleViolationCaseAttorneyAppointmentDateclass instanceA date on which an attorney was assigned to the parolee.
ParoleViolationCaseAttorneyConsultDateclass instanceA date on which the attorney for the parolee met with the parolee.
ParoleViolationCaseAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleViolationCaseType
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceclass instanceA set of details describing the actions and events of a parole violation case conference.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleViolationCaseConferenceType
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationclass instanceA recommended response level for the parole violation based on the Parole Agent
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationType
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of Case Conference recommendation.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of Case Conference recommendation.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationExecutionDateclass instanceA date on which the recommendation is effective.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of recommendation level.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationLevelTextclass instanceA kind of recommendation level.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationTypeclassA data type for a recommended response level for the parole violation based on the Parole Agent
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceSupervisorConcursIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Parole Unit Supervisor concurs with the decision made by the Parole Agent; false otherwise.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceTypeclassA data type for a set of details describing the actions and events of a parole violation case conference.
ParoleViolationCaseTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an instance of a parole violation.
ParoleViolationDecisionclass instanceA set of details about an outcome rendered in parole violation case.
ParoleViolationDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParoleViolationDecisionType
ParoleViolationDecisionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of a parole decision.
ParoleViolationDecisionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a parole violation decision.
ParoleViolationDecisionChargeDismissalReasonTextclass instanceA comment on a reason for a dismissal of charges.
ParoleViolationDecisionDeliveredDateclass instanceA date when a parole violation decision is delivered.
ParoleViolationDecisionDeliveredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a parole violation decision is delivered; false otherwise.
ParoleViolationDecisionDeliveryByMailedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a parole violation decision is delivered by mail; false otherwise.
ParoleViolationDecisionDeliveryDateclass instanceA date when a parole violation decision scheduled for delivery.
ParoleViolationDecisionMakingInstrumentclass instanceA description of an assessment tool or other instrument used for making a parole violation decision.
ParoleViolationDecisionNarcoticsAuthorityRecommendationclass instanceA set of details comprising a recommendation from a narcotics authority specific to a subject's parole violation.
ParoleViolationDecisionNarcoticsAuthorityRecommendationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of recommendation from a narcotics authority.
ParoleViolationDecisionNarcoticsAuthorityRecommendationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of recommendation from a narcotics authority.
ParoleViolationDecisionNarcoticsAuthorityRecommendationConfirmsDecisionDateclass instanceA date when a narcotics authority recommendation confirmed a parole violation decision.
ParoleViolationDecisionNarcoticsAuthorityRecommendationConfirmsDecisionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a narcotics authority recommendation confirms a parole violation decision; false otherwise.
ParoleViolationDecisionParoleAgentSignatureDateclass instanceA date on which the parole agent signed the recommendation.
ParoleViolationDecisionReinstateParoleDateclass instanceA date for reinstatement of parole.
ParoleViolationDecisionSupervisorCommentsTextclass instanceA comment made by the parole unit supervisor regarding the parole violation decision.
ParoleViolationDecisionSupervisorSignatureDateclass instanceA date on which the parole unit supervisor signed the recommendation.
ParoleViolationDecisionTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an outcome rendered in parole violation case.
ParoleViolationDischargeReviewDateclass instanceA date for the discharge review of the subject of a parole violation.
ParoleViolationDiscoveryDateclass instanceA date the parole violation was discovered.
ParoleViolationReasonTextclass instanceA description of a reason for a parole violation.
ParoleViolationReportDateclass instanceA date the parole violation report was received by the parole administrator.
ParoleViolationResponseLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of response level for the parole violation.
ParoleViolationResponseLevelTextclass instanceA kind of response level for the parole violation.
ParoleViolationTypeclassA data type for a set of details regarding the facts and events which constitute a violation of parole.
ParticipantAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ParticipantType
ParticipantCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of participant.
ParticipantCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of participant.
ParticipantIDclass instanceA unique identifier for an entity participating in a case.
ParticipantRelationshipTextclass instanceA specified relationship of a participant to another entity.
ParticipantRoleCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of role of a participant.
ParticipantRoleCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of role of a participant.
ParticipantRoleCodeListCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a participant role.
ParticipantRoleCodeListCodeTypeclassA data type for a participant role.
ParticipantTypeclassA data type for a person who takes part in something.
Partyclass instanceA data type identifying the Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
Partyclass instanceA container for defining the unique characteristics of a party, which can be a person or organisation
partyAddedReasonTextattributeThe reason a party is being added to the appeal.
PartyAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PartyType.
PartyContactAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PartyContactAssociationType.
PartyContactAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a party and its contact information.
PartyContactDateRangeclass instanceA beginning and ending date range for an association of a Party with Contact information.
PartyContactInformationAssociationclass instanceAn association between contact information and a Person or Organization
PartyContactInformationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a Party and its Contact Information.
PartyContactInformationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PartyContactInformationAssociationType.
PartyContactInformationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a party and contact information.
partyIDattributeAn identifier assigned to a party being added to the appeal.
PartyIDclass instanceAn identity identifier associated with an Organization, Person or Thing
partyIDattributeThe identifier of a party being removed from the appeal.
PartyIDAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PartyIDType.
PartyIDCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PartyIDCategoryType.
PartyIDCategoryTypeclassA data type for a category of Party ID
PartyIDCodeDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the unique code assigned to a Org., person or Thing.
PartyIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification for a Organization, person or thing.
PartyIdentifierElementListclassList of information types used for describing party identifiers
PartyIdentifierTypeListclassList of identifier types
PartyIDTypeclassA data type for the unique identity associated with an Organization, Person or Thing
PartyIDTypeListclassList of types of party identifiers
PartyNameclass instanceA name of an Organization, Person or Thing associated with the manufacture, storage, or movement of a GoodsItem.
PartyNameclass instanceContainer for defining a name of a Person, an Organisation or combination of the above as a joint name.
PartyNameIDTypeListclassA list of all types of Party Name IDs
PartyNameTypeclassReusable complex type for a party. A party is a person or an organisation
PartyNameUsageListclassA list of usage types of party name
PartyRelationshipIndicatorclass instanceTrue if there is any relationship between two parties; false otherwise/if no relationship exists.
partyRemovedReasonTextattributeThe reason a party is being removed from the appeal.
PartyTypeclassA data type for a Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
partyTypeattributeA type of participant in a court case
partyTypeattributeA type of participant in a court case
PartyTypeclassA container for defining the unique characteristics of a party, which can be a person or organisation
PartyTypeListclassOrganisation or Person
PartyUsageListclassList of type of use of party data
PassagePointclass instanceA point of entry or exit to a location or structure.
PassagePointAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a point of entry to a location or structure.
PassagePointAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PassagePointType.
PassagePointCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of entry or exit point to a location or structure.
PassagePointCodeclass instanceA point of entry to a location or structure.
PassagePointCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense.
PassagePointCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense.
PassagePointDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of an entry or exit point.
PassagePointMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a method used to enter or exit through a passage point.
PassagePointMethodCodeclass instanceA method used to enter or exit through a passage point.
PassagePointMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a method of entry or exit.
PassagePointMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for a method of entry or exit.
PassagePointMethodNDExCodeclass instanceA method used to enter or exit through a passage point.
PassagePointMethodOfAccessCodeclass instanceA method used to enter or exit through a passage point.
PassagePointMethodOfAccessTextclass instanceA method used to enter or exit through a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of security present at a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of security present at a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of security present at a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status of the security system at a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityStatusCodeclass instanceA status of the security system at a passage point.
PassagePointSecurityStatusTextclass instanceA status of the security system at a passage point.
PassagePointTextclass instanceA point of entry or exit to a location or structure.
PassagePointTypeclassA data type for a point of entry or a point of exit to a location or structure.
PassFailCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for whether something has passed or failed some sort of test.
PassFailCodeTypeclassA data type for whether something has passed or failed some sort of test.
Passportclass instanceA government-issued document that authenticates the identity and citizenship of a person.
PassportAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PassportType.
PassportBookIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification assigned to a passport document.
PassportCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of passport.
PassportCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of passport.
PassportCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of passport.
PassportCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of passport.
PassportCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of passport.
PassportElectronicIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the passport document is RFID enabled; false otherwise.
PassportIssuingOrganizationclass instanceAn organization that issued a passport.
PassportNumberIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a passport.
PassportStolenLostIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a passport is stolen or lost; false otherwise.
PassportTransmissionTrackingIDclass instanceAn identifier assigned to the electronic record transmitted from Dept. of State.
PassportTypeclassA data type for a government-issued document that authenticates the identity and citizenship of a person.
PassThroughOperationclass instancegml:PassThroughOperation is a pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation.
The modifiedCoordinate property elements are an ordered sequence of positive integers defining the positions in a coordinate tuple of the coordinates affected by this pass-through operation. The AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the modifiedCoordinate elements are ordered.
PassThroughOperationPropertyTypeclassgml:PassThroughOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a pass through operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that pass through operation.
passThroughOperationRefclass instance
PastExploitationIndustryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking was being exploited in the past.
PastExploitationIndustryCodeclass instanceAn industry in which a victim of human trafficking was being exploited in the past.
PastExploitationIndustryTextclass instanceAn industry in which a victim of human trafficking was being exploited in the past.
PastTraffickedVenueAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking was trafficked in the past.
PastTraffickedVenueCodeclass instanceA venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking was trafficked in the past.
PastTraffickedVenueTextclass instanceA venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking was trafficked in the past.
patchesclass instanceThe patches property element contains the sequence of surface patches. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
Patientclass instanceA person receiving medical care.
PatientAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a patient and a person or organization who is treating them.
PatientAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PatientType.
PatientLocationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a location of a patient.
PatientLocationCodeclass instanceA location of a patient.
PatientLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a location of a patient.
PatientLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a location of a patient.
PatientLocationTextclass instanceA location of a patient.
PatientMedicalFacilityclass instanceA medical facility receiving patient.
PatientNameOfAnimalTextclass instanceA name of a non-human patient.
PatientStudentServiceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PatientStudentServiceAssociationType.
PatientStudentServiceAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a service provider entity (person or organization) and a service recipient entity.
PatientTypeclassA data type for a person receiving medical care.
PatternedInjuryDescriptiveTextclass instanceA kind of Patterned Injury additional descriptive text
PatternedInjuryDetailclass instanceAn optional field allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
PatternedInjuryDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PatternedInjuryDetail
PatternedInjuryDetailTypeclassA data type definition that allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeListclass instanceA list of patterned injury reference valid codes agreed upon by exchange partners, such as ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077
PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeList
PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeListTypeclassA data type for a list of patterned injury reference valid codes agreed upon by exchanging parties, such as ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077
PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeTextclass instanceA kind of Patterned Injury Reference Code such as ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077.
PawnAuctionOfForfeitedGoodsTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where forfeited goods (i.e. goods where the contract has expired) are sold by the Licensee at auction
PawnBrokerclass instanceA pawn broker.
PawnBrokerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PawnBrokerType.
PawnBrokerBranchNameclass instanceA branch name of a pawn broker.
PawnBrokerLicenseIdentificationclass instanceA license identification assigned to a pawn broker
PawnBrokerNameclass instanceA name of a Pawn Broker as registered.
PawnBrokerTypeclassA data type for a pawn broker.
PawnConsignedOutTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where goods are consigned by the Licensee (Consignor) to another business or organization (Consignee).
PawnIncomingConsignmentCancellationTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where consigned goods are taken back by the Consignee.
PawnIncomingConsignmentTransactionclass instanceAn inbound transaction where goods were consigned by an individual or an organization (Consignor)
PawnItemReturnTransactionclass instanceA transaction where items coming into the dealer's business have been previously processed by the dealer's business. An example would be for an item that is sold or consigned-out, and is later returned to the shop.
PawnOtherTransactionclass instanceA undefined outbound transaction
PawnPledgeTransactionclass instanceAn inbound transaction when goods are taken as security for money lent. This includes goods received under a contract of sale where the seller has the right to buy back the goods.
PawnPurchaseTransactionclass instanceAn inbound transaction where goods are purchased from an individual or an organization.
PawnReceiverclass instanceA person in the employ of the pawn shop that processed a transaction where an item to be pawned or consigned was received into the pawn shop
PawnRedemptionTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where pawned goods are redeemed by an owner or agent.
PawnReturnToLegitimateOwnerTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where goods are returned to their legitimate owner, which can be a person or organization.
PawnSaleOfForfeitedGoodsTransactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where forfeited goods (i.e. goods where the contract has expired) are sold by the Licensee.
PawnSaleOfSecondHandGoods2Transactionclass instanceAn outbound transaction where second hand goods are sold.
PawnSellerclass instanceA person in the employ of the pawn shop that processed a transaction where a pawned or consigned item was released or sold
PawnTicketIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number on a pawn ticket.
PawnTransactionclass instanceA pawn transaction.
PawnTransactionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a pawn transaction.
PawnTransactionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PawnTransactionType.
PawnTransactionTextclass instanceA pawn transaction.
PawnTransactionTypeclassA data type for a pawn transaction.
Payerclass instanceName of the payer of the FilingPayment.
PayerFinancialAccountclass instanceThe account in a financial institution used for this payment.
payerIDattributeA court-issued identifer for the filer that paid the FilingPayment
payerNameattributeName of the payer of the FilingPayment.
Paymentclass instanceA payment.
Paymentclass instanceA monetary payment.
paymentclass view
paymentrelationThe payment for which this means is specified.
paymentattributeA payment.
PaymentclassThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
payment:CorrectedPaymentIndicatorattributeIndicates whether the payment has been corrected in the Filing Review MDE
payment:PayerattributeName of the payer of the FilingPayment.
paymentAmountattributeAn amount of money that the filer is paying to the court.
paymentAmountattributehe amount owed each payment period.
PaymentAmountclass instanceAn amount of money paid.
PaymentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:PaymentType
PaymentIDclass instanceThe payment for which this means is specified.
PaymentMandateclass instanceThe maximum payment associated with a transaction
paymentMeansrelationThe payment method employed to complete the transaction.
PaymentMeansclass instanceThe payment method employed to complete the transaction.
PaymentMeansclassThe payment method employed to complete a transaction. Examples: credit card, debit card, automatic funds transfer, debit to an escrow account held at the court, promise to pay at a future date. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PaymentMeansCodeclass instanceA code representing the payment method employed. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
paymentMeansCodeattributeA code representing the payment method employed. Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.
PaymentMeansTypeclassThe payment method employed to complete a transaction. Examples: credit card, debit card, automatic funds transfer, debit to an escrow account held at the court, promise to pay at a future date. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PaymentMessageclass viewThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageclass instanceThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageclassThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageclass instanceThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageclass diagramThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageTypeclassThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific method of payment.
PaymentMethodCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of payment method.
PaymentMethodCodeclass instanceA specific method of payment.
PaymentMethodCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a specific method of payment.
PaymentMethodCodeTypeclassA data type for a specific method of payment.
PaymentMethodTextclass instanceA specific method of payment.
paymentPurposeCodeattributePurpose or reason for the filer making the payment; this would be a code valid according to and described by Court Policy.
PaymentTypeclassThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentTypeclassA data type for a monetary payment.
PayRateAmountclass instanceAn amount of remuneration resulting from PERSON EMPLOYMENT.
PCOCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeTypeclassA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeTypeclassA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PedestrianIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien was arrested as a pedestrian; false otherwise
PeerInfluenceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the influence of peers on a person.
PeerReviewclass instanceA data element for the peer review of a person
PeerReviewAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PeerReviewType
PeerReviewAuthorTextclass instanceA data element for the person who wrote the peer review
PeerReviewDateclass instanceA date the peer review was written
PeerReviewDescriptionTextclass instanceA data element that is the description text of a peer review
PeerReviewSubjectTextclass instanceA data element for the subject of a peer review
PeerReviewTypeclassA data type that is a credential class of a peer review
PendingChargeclass instanceA charge that is pending.
PerceivedAgeMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the perceived or apparent age of a person.
Percentclass instanceA ratio, proper fraction, or percentage, with 100% represented as the value 100.
PercentSimpleTypeclassA data type for a percent value with range 0.0 to 100.0.
PercentTypeclassA data type that defines the percent values
PerformanceMetricsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PerformanceMetricsType.
PerformanceMetricsInformationclass instanceA Performance metrics details
PerformanceMetricsTypeclassA data type that describes performance metrics details
PermanencyAchievementDateclass instanceA date that is the target date of when the Permanency Goal is to be achieved.
PermanencyPlanApprovedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the most current permanency plan was approved; false otherwise.
PermanentResidentAdjustmentApplicantclass instanceA Person that has filed Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status contained in this benefit request.
PermanentResidentAdjustmentCaseReceiptNumberIdentificationclass instanceA Receipt/ Case Number identification of another benefit (Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status) previously filed.
Permitclass instanceA permit or official document giving a person or entity authorization to do something.
PermitAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PermitType
PermitCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of permit.
PermitCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of permit.
PermitIdentificationclass instanceA permit identification.
PermitRenewalDateclass instanceA date on which a permit must be renewed.
PermitStartDateclass instanceA date on which a permit was issued or renewed.
PermitTypeclassA data type for a permit or official document giving a person or entity authorization to do something.
PermitUsageTextclass instanceA usage allowed by a permit.
PerpetratorEntityclass instanceA set of details about a person or organization that allegedly committed the referenced allegation.
PerpetratorJuvenileRelationshipTextclass instanceA relationship of the perpetrator of an allegation to the juvenile.
personrelationThe alternative name when it is a person.
personrelationThe person playing a role in this case.
personrelationAn organization associated with the contact information.
Personclass diagram
PersonclassThe person playing a role in a case.
personrelationA person employed by an organization.
personattributeA person entity
personrelationThe person to be served in this case.
Personclass instanceA human being.
Personclass instanceA human being.
personrelationThe relationship of a person to an organization in this case.
personrelationA person related to another person in this case
Person Organization Relationshipsclass diagram
PersonAccentTextclass instanceA manner of pronunciation; a way of pronouncing words that may indicate the place of origin or social background of the speaker.
PersonAddressclass instanceAn address for a person.
PersonAddressAssociationclass instanceAn association between a PERSON and an ADDRESS.
PersonAddressAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonAddressAssociationType.
PersonAddressAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a PERSON who conducts some sort of business or operations and his or hers postal ADDRESS.
PersonAdultIndicatorclass instanceTrue if person is considered an adult, based on age/emancipation/etc.; false otherwise.
PersonAffiliationAssociationclass instanceAn association for another organization a person is affiliated with.
PersonAFISIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number issued by an agency's automatic fingerprint system based on submitted fingerprints other than FBI ID and SSN.
PersonAFISIdentificationclass instanceAn identification number issued by an agency's automatic fingerprint system based on submitted fingerprints other than FBI ID and SSN.
PersonAgeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type used to indicate the age of an individual victim when the reported crime occurred. Age code of person less than or equal to 1 year old.
PersonAgeCodeTypeclassA data type used to indicate the age of an individual victim when the reported crime occurred. Age code of person less than or equal to 1 year old.
PersonAgeDescriptionTextclass instanceA general description of the age of a person.
PersonAgeMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the age of a person.
PersonAlertAssociationclass instanceAn association with significant information about a PERSON to alert DHS that the subject could pose a risk
PersonAlertAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonAlertAssociationType.
PersonAlertAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a Person and an Alert Type that identifies the person of interest details.
PersonAlertStatusclass instanceA status of the classification of person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonAlertStatusType.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryCodeclass instanceA person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusTypeclassA data type for the information on a PERSON ALERT STATUS
PersonalFundsAmountclass instanceA number indicating the amount of personal funds available to the alien student for the term.
PersonAliasIdentityAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and an alias identity used by that person.
PersonAlternateNameclass instanceAn element contains alternate name of a person
PersonAnyPreviousEmploymentTerminationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has ever been fired or terminated from a job; false otherwise.
PersonArmedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person of interest was armed at the time of encounter; false otherwise.
PersonArrestLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a location where they were arrested.
PersonArrivalDateclass instanceA date that a Person arrived in the U.S.
PersonAssaultedOfficerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person of interest assaulted an enforcement officer during an encounter; false otherwise.
PersonAssetItemAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and an item considered part of their assets for financial purposes.
PersonAssignedUnitAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a unit to which that person is assigned.
PersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between people.
PersonAssociationclass instanceAn association between people.
PersonAssociationAugmentationclass instanceThe relationship of a person to another person in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonAssociationType.
PersonAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonAssociationType.
PersonAssociationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of association between persons.
PersonAssociationCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of association between persons.
PersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between people.
PersonAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between people.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceThe person playing a role in a case.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonType.
PersonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonType.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeclassA data type that supplements nc:PersonType.
PersonBiometricAssociationclass instanceAn association of a distinguishing physical characteristic captured at the time of person encounter. (Placeholder for future type)
PersonBiometricAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and distinguishing physical characteristic captured at the time of PERSON ENCOUNTER.
PersonBiometricAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonBiometricAssociationType
PersonBiometricAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonBiometricAssociationType.
PersonBiometricAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association that distinguishes physical characteristics captured at the time of person encounter.
PersonBiometricAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association that distinguishes physical characteristics captured at the time of person encounter.
PersonBiometricURIclass instanceA URI for a biometric identification for a person.
PersonBirthclass instanceAn event or details of a persons birth.
PersonBirthDateclass instanceA date a person was born.
PersonBirthDateclass instanceA date a person was born.
PersonBirthLocationclass instanceA location where a person was born.
PersonBirthLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a location where they were born.
PersonBirthplaceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a state or country of a person's birth.
PersonBirthplaceCodeclass instanceA state or country of a person's birth.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationclass instanceAn association that links a person to a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test reading, measured due to a related activity such as an arrest or a driving incident.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationType.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association that links a person to a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test reading, measured due to a related activity such as an arrest or a driving incident.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association that links a person to a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test reading, measured due to a related activity such as an arrest or a driving incident.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentNumberTextclass instanceA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test).
PersonBloodAlcoholContentNumberTextclass instanceA blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test).
PersonBloodTypeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeCodeclass instanceA blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeTextclass instanceA blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBodyPartsTextclass instanceA status of the body parts of a person.
PersonBodyXRaysAvailableAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the availability of an X-ray for a specific body part for a person.
PersonBodyXRaysAvailableCodeclass instanceAn X-ray of a body part available for a person.
PersonBodyXRaysAvailableTextclass instanceAn X-ray of a body part available for a person.
PersonBOPRegisterNumberIdentificationclass instanceAn identification used by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
PersonBuildAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's physique or body shape.
PersonBuildCodeclass instanceA person's physique or body shape.
PersonBuildCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the person's physique or body shape.
PersonBuildCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the person's physique or body shape.
PersonBuildTextclass instanceA person's physique or body shape.
PersonCabinNumberTextclass instanceA cabin number on a vessel.
PersonCapabilityclass instanceA capacity or ability of a person.
PersonCapabilityclass instanceA capacity or ability of a person.
PersonCaseAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCaseAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCaseAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCaseAssociationType.
PersonCaseAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCaseAssociationType.
PersonCaseAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCaseAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCategoryclass instanceA classification of PERSON.
PersonCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCategoryType.
PersonCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of person type.
PersonCategoryCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person type.
PersonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of person type.
PersonCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of person type.
PersonCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the values used for Person type.
PersonCategoryTypeclassA data type for the category of a PERSON.
PersonCategoryTypeListclassList of category the person belongs to
PersonCauseOfDeathclass instanceA set of details of the determination of the cause of death for a human being.
PersonCauseOfDeathTextclass instanceA cause which produces or effects a persons death.
PersonCautionInformationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a cautionary piece of information about a person.
PersonCautionInformationCodeclass instanceA cautionary piece of information about a person.
PersonCautionInformationTextclass instanceA cautionary piece of information about a person.
PersonChargeclass instanceA sequence of charges against a person.
PersonChargeAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a charge issued to that person.
PersonChargeAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a charge issued to that person.
PersonChargeAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonChargeAssociationType.
PersonChargeAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a charge.
PersonChargeAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a charge.
PersonCircumcisionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is circumcised; false otherwise.
PersonCitizenshipAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
PersonCitizenshipAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
PersonCitizenshipDetailsclass instanceA persons allegiance to a sovereign state by right of birthplace or naturalization.
PersonCitizenshipDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCitizenshipDetailsType.
PersonCitizenshipDetailsTypeclassA data type for information about a persons allegiance to a sovereign state by right of birthplace or naturalization.
PersonCitizenshipISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
PersonCitizenshipISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
PersonCitizenshipStatusCodeTextclass instanceA mutually exclusive category recognized by law that identifies the degree of protection given a person in return for that persons allegiance.
PersonCitizenshipTextclass instanceA country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
PersonClothingclass instanceAn article of clothing, dress, or attire for a person.
PersonCollegeDegreeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if person has completed a college degree; false otherwise.
PersonComplexionTextclass instanceAn appearance or condition of the skin of a person.
PersonComprehendsSpokenLanguageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is able to grasp and understand the meaning of a language being spoken; false otherwise.
PersonConcealedFirearmPermitHolderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has a permit for a concealed firearm or gun; false otherwise.
PersonConcealedFirearmPermitIdentificationclass instanceA permit identification that allows a person to carry a concealed weapon.
PersonConfidenceLevelPercentclass instanceA Quantitative based on the number of encounters. Measured as an overall percentage.
PersonContactAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a contact person.
PersonContactAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonContactAssociationType.
PersonContactAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and a contact person.
PersonContactDetailsclass instanceA structure that describes details about how to contact a person.
personContactUseattributeHow the contact information should be used (e.g. home, work, only for emergency, only during day/evening/night)
PersonConveyanceAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a conveyance.
PersonConveyanceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonConveyanceAssociationType.
PersonConveyanceAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a conveyance.
PersonCountryAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a country.
PersonCountryAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCountryAssociationType.
PersonCountryAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a country.
PersonCountryOfResidenceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country of residence.
PersonCountryOfResidenceISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA country of residence.
PersonCountryRoleclass instanceA role that a Person plays with respect to a country
PersonCountryRoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCountryRoleType.
PersonCountryRoleTypeclassA data type for the role played by the Person with respect to a Country
PersonCredentialInformationclass instanceA data element for information about a person's credential
PersonCredentialInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCredentialInformationType
PersonCredentialInformationTypeclassA data type for information about a person's credential
PersonCriminalHistorySummaryclass instanceA quantitative sketch or simplification of a person's criminal history encompassing arrest and conviction offenses.
PersonCriminalHistorySummaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCriminalHistorySummaryType.
PersonCriminalHistorySummaryTypeclassA data type for a quantitative sketch or simplification of a person's criminal history encompassing arrest and conviction offenses.
PersonCriminalOrganizationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a criminal organization.
PersonCrossingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCrossingType.
PersonCrossingCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingCategoryCodeclass instanceA direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingClassificationclass instanceA Classification of the direction of a PERSON CROSSING
PersonCrossingDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingEncounterclass instanceA PERSON ENCOUNTER involving the activity of a person while crossing the borders of United States.
PersonCrossingEncounterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonCrossingEncounterType.
PersonCrossingEncounterTypeclassA data type for a Person Encounter involving the activity of a person while crossing the borders of United States.
PersonCrossingLegalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the PERSON CROSSING ENCOUNTER is considered to be a legal entry/exit; false otherwise.
PersonCrossingTypeclassA data type for classification of the direction of a PERSON CROSSING United States Borders.
PersonCurrentEmploymentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and his or her current employment.
PersonCurrentLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and the current location of that person.
PersonDEAIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to a person by the DEA.
PersonDeathclass instanceA set of details about a person's death.
PersonDeathAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PersonDeathType
PersonDeathDateclass instanceA date a person died or was declared legally dead.
PersonDeathDateclass instanceA date a person died or was declared legally dead.
PersonDeathIncidentclass instanceA set of details about an incident causing the person's death.
PersonDeathIncidentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PersonDeathIncidentType
PersonDeathIncidentCertificationclass instanceAn official certification of an incident causing the person's death.
PersonDeathIncidentCoronerclass instanceA coroner or deputy coroner reporting on the death of a person.
PersonDeathIncidentDeathOccurredElsewhereIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the decedent died at another place; false otherwise.
PersonDeathIncidentEmbalmerclass instanceA person that embalmed the body of the decedent.
PersonDeathIncidentInjuryclass instanceA set of details about a person's injury from an incident causing his death.
PersonDeathIncidentInvestigationRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an investigator has not been requested; false otherwise.
PersonDeathIncidentLastSeenAliveDateclass instanceA date on which the decedent was last seen alive.
PersonDeathIncidentTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an incident causing a person's death.
PersonDeathInvestigatorRequestedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if an investigator has been requested; false otherwise.
PersonDeathLitigationProbabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of probability the litigation occurring because of the death of the person.
PersonDeathLitigationProbabilityTextclass instanceA kind of probability the litigation occurring because of the death of the person.
PersonDeathLocationclass instanceA location where a person died.
PersonDeathLocationTextclass instanceA kind of location where the death of the person occurred
PersonDeathPronouncedDateclass instanceA date on which the person was pronounced to be dead.
PersonDeathPronouncedDeadByTextclass instanceA name of the official who pronounced the subject person.
PersonDeathResuscitationAttemptedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if resuscitation was attempted; false otherwise.
PersonDeathTypeclassA data type for a set of details about a person's death.
PersonDebarkationDateclass instanceA date and time a person debarked from a vessel.
PersonDebarkationLocationclass instanceA location where a person debarked from a vessel.
PersonDeclinedFirstInvestigativeEmployeeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person declined the first Investigative employee; false otherwise.
PersonDecliningFirstStaffAssistantAssignmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person declines the first staff assistant assignment; false otherwise.
PersonDentalCharacteristicAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a dental characteristic of a person.
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeclass instanceA dental characteristic of a person.
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person.
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person.
PersonDentalCharacteristicGeneralAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's general dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicGeneralTextclass instanceA person's general dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicNCICCodeclass instanceA characteristic of a person's teeth.
PersonDentalCharacteristicOtherAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's other dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicOtherTextclass instanceA person's other dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicRemovableAppliancesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's removable dental appliance.
PersonDentalCharacteristicRemovableAppliancesTextclass instanceA person's removable dental appliance.
PersonDentalCharacteristicRestorationCariesAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a person's dental restoration or caries.
PersonDentalCharacteristicRestorationCariesTextclass instanceA person's dental restoration or caries.
PersonDentalCharacteristicStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status of a person's dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicStatusTextclass instanceA status of a person's dental characteristics.
PersonDentalCharacteristicTextclass instanceA visible problem or characteristic of a person's teeth.
PersonDentalPhotoModelAvailableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if dental x-rays are available with a record; false otherwise.
PersonDentalRecordsAvailableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if dental records, including x-rays, photos, models or other records, are available; false otherwise.
PersonDentalXRayAvailableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if dental photos or models are available with a record; false otherwise.
PersonDepartureDateclass instanceA date representing the departure or exit of a Person from the United States.
PersonDependentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonDependentAssociationType.
PersonDependentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association of two people; one of which is a dependent of the other
PersonDependentQuantityclass instanceA number of people dependent upon a person as their primary means of support.
PersonDeporteeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is a deportee; false otherwise.
PersonDerogatoryInformationclass instanceAn electronic exchange containing DEROGATORY INFORMATION about a PERSON from an ORGANIZATION.
PersonDerogatoryInformationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonDerogatoryInformationType.
PersonDerogatoryInformationTypeclassA data type for an electronic exchange containing derogatory information about a person from an organization.
PersonDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a person.
PersonDesignatorclass instanceAn alternate identifier assigned to a PERSON
PersonDesignatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonDesignatorType.
PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of person identification used in a document or credential
PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of person designator.
PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of person designator.
PersonDesignatorCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of person designator.
PersonDesignatorIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents the PERSON DESIGNATOR.
PersonDesignatorTypeclassA data type for an alternate identifier assigned to a PERSON
PersonDesignatorValueTextclass instanceA number indicating the value of the PERSON DESIGNATOR.
PersonDetailsclass instanceA container for defining the unique characteristics of a person only
PersonDetailsTypeclassA container for defining the unique characteristics of a person only
PersonDetailsUsageListclassList of type of use of person details data
PersonDetainmentLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a location at which that person is being detained.
PersonDevelopmentDisabilityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is classified having a developmental disability; false otherwise.
PersonDexterityTextclass instanceA description of a dexterity of a person.
PersonDigitalImageclass instanceA photograph or image of a person in a digital format.
PersonDigitizedSignatureImageclass instanceAn image of a handwritten signature of a person.
PersonDisabilityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PersonDisabilityType
PersonDisabilityCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of disability.
PersonDisabilityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of disability.
PersonDisabilityDailyLivingLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of ADA daily living level.
PersonDisabilityDailyLivingLevelTextclass instanceA kind of ADA daily living level.
PersonDisabilityIdentificationMethodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of method used to identify a disability.
PersonDisabilityIdentificationMethodTextclass instanceA kind of method used to identify a disability.
PersonDisabilityMedicalEquipmentclass instanceA description of medical equipment or devices required by a person due to a physical disability.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a comment clarifying a person's physical impairment with respect to their own mobility.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentExpirationDateclass instanceA date on which the mobility impairment expires.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has a mobility impairment but that impairment does not create housing restrictions; false otherwise.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentRecordedDateclass instanceA date the placement mobility impairment restrictions were recorded.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentTemporaryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the mobility impairment is temporary; false otherwise.
PersonDisabilityMobilityImpairmentTextclass instanceA comment clarifying a person's physical impairment with respect to their own mobility.
PersonDisabilitySelfIdentifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person identified a condition potentially resulting in disability placement; false otherwise.
PersonDisabilityTypeclassA data type for a type of disability recorded as part of a subject assessment.
PersonDisguiseDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of something a person wears to conceal or mislead others as to the true appearance or identity of that person.
PersonDisunionclass instanceA legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDisunionclass instanceA legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDisunionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonDisunionType.
PersonDisunionDecreeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a legal document finalizing the Person Disunion exists (for example, a divorce decree); false otherwise.
PersonDisunionDecreeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a legal document finalizing the Person Disunion exists (for example, a divorce decree); false otherwise.
PersonDisunionPendingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the legal proceeding to terminate the Person Union is pending; false otherwise.
PersonDisunionReasonTextclass instanceA reason for the disunion.
PersonDisunionTypeclassA data type for a legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDisunionTypeclassA data type for a legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDocumentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a document.
PersonDocumentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonDocumentAssociationType.
PersonDocumentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a document.
PersonDriverLicenseAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a driver license.
PersonDriverLicensePermitAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a driver license permit.
PersonDrivingIncidentclass instanceA driving accident in which a person is involved.
PersonDrivingInsuranceCoverageCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of insurance coverage a driver of a vehicle has.
PersonDrivingInsuranceStatusTextclass instanceA status of a person's driving insurance.
PersonDrugAlcoholAbuseTreatmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been evaluated or treated for a drug or alcohol abuse; false otherwise.
PersonDrugAlcoholHistoryTextclass instanceA description of the drug and alcohol history of a person.
PersonDrugAlcoholOfChoiceTextclass instanceA drug or alcohol type most often used.
PersonDrugAlcoholPaymentMethodTextclass instanceA method used to pay for drugs or alcohol.
PersonDrugAlcoholUseDateRangeclass instanceA period of time person used drugs or alcohol.
PersonDrugAlcoholUseFrequencyTextclass instanceA description of the frequency of drug or alcohol use.
PersonDrugAlcoholUseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person admits to having used or abused drugs or alcohol; false otherwise.
PersonEducationDegreeCodeTextclass instanceA document awarded by an educational institution conferring a degree on a person or certifying his satisfactory completion of a course of study.
PersonEducationDetailsclass instanceA relationship between a person and an organization in which the organization is providing a service as an educational institution.
PersonEducationDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEducationDetailsType.
PersonEducationDetailsTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and an organization in which the organization is providing a service as an educational institution.
PersonEducationLevelTextclass instanceA highest level of education a person has obtained.
PersonEducationTotalYearsTextclass instanceA total number of years a person has been involved in attaining their education.
PersonEmacipatedIndicatorclass instanceIndicator whether a minor has been adjudicated an emancipated person by a court.
personEmancipatedIndicatorattributeIndicator whether a minor has been adjudicated an emancipated person by a court.
PersonEmancipationDateclass instanceA date the subject will become an adult.
PersonEmbarkationDateclass instanceA date and time a person embarked on (boarded) a vessel.
PersonEmbarkationLocationclass instanceA location where a person embarked on (boarded) a vessel.
PersonEmergencyContactInformationclass instanceA means of contacting someone in the event of an emergency.
PersonEmployableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is employable; false otherwise.
PersonEmployableSkillTextclass instanceA description of the subject's employable skill(s).
PersonEmploymentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and employment information.
PersonEmploymentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and employment information.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about person employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person employment association.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEmploymentAssociationType.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about an employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person employment association.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person employment association.
PersonEmploymentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and an employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and an employment.
PersonEmploymentAuthorizedEndDateclass instanceA date that the subject last worked at the referenced employer location.
PersonEmploymentBondPostedToGainEmploymentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject posted bond to gain or return to employment; false otherwise.
PersonEmploymentDurationclass instanceA duration in years and months that the instance of employment lasted.
PersonEmploymentEmployeeOccupationTitleTextclass instanceA title of a subject's occupation.
PersonEmploymentEmployerJobReferenceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a document or person or entity that serves as reference to a subject's employment.
PersonEmploymentEmployerTestimonialTextclass instanceA comment from an employer regarding a subject.
PersonEmploymentEndReasonTextclass instanceA comment indicating the reason for the end of an instance of employment.
PersonEmploymentFacilityclass instanceA physical building or plant where employment occurred.
PersonEmploymentFullTimeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has part-time employment; false otherwise.
PersonEmploymentIncludesCommunityServiceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject's employment contains community service; false otherwise.
PersonEmploymentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if person is employed at time of report; false otherwise.
PersonEmploymentLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a location at which that person is employed.
PersonEmploymentNumberOfDaysEmployedNumericclass instanceA number value for the total days of a subject's employment.
PersonEmploymentPlanclass instanceAn employment or vocational plan for a person.
PersonEmploymentSupervisorclass instanceA title of employment supervisor.
PersonEmploymentUnemploymentStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of unemployment.
PersonEmploymentUnemploymentStatusTextclass instanceA kind of unemployment.
PersonEncounterclass instanceAn interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government.
PersonEncounterAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a PERSON of interest and a specific ENCOUNTER.
PersonEncounterAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterAssociationType.
PersonEncounterAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship of a PERSON of interest to a specific ENCOUNTER with a representative of the federal government.
PersonEncounterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterType.
PersonEncounterCategoryclass instanceA kind of person encounter.
PersonEncounterCategoryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterCategoryType.
PersonEncounterCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of person encounter.
PersonEncounterCategoryCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person encounter.
PersonEncounterCategoryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a kind of person encounter.
PersonEncounterCategoryTypeclassA data type for information on a person encounter.
PersonEncounterDeviceCategoryCodeclass instanceA category of device to capture person data in the process of an encounter.
PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a DOCUMENT and a PERSON associated to a specific ENCOUNTER.
PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationType.
PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship for a DOCUMENT associated with a PERSON related to a specific ENCOUNTER.
PersonEncounterLeadAssociationclass instanceAn association between a PERSON of interest and a specific ENCOUNTER.
PersonEncounterLeadAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonEncounterLeadAssociationType.
PersonEncounterLeadAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a Person of interest associated to a specific ENCOUNTER through a LEAD.
PersonEncounterLocationclass instanceA location of a person encounter.
PersonEncounterTypeclassA data type for an encounter between a person of interest and a governmental element, such as an organization, official or surveillance system.
PersonEnumeratorIdentificationclass instanceAn identification enumerator assigned to a Person Status Summary
PersonEthnicityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityCodeclass instanceA cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityCodeclass instanceA cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityListclassList of ethnicity of person
PersonEthnicityRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityTextclass instanceA cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityTextclass instanceA cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEyeColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of the eyes of a person.
PersonEyeColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of the eyes of a person.
PersonEyeColorCodeclass instanceA color of the eyes of a person.
PersonEyeColorCodeclass instanceA color of the eyes of a person.
PersonEyeColorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying an eye color of a person.
PersonEyeColorCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying an eye color of a person.
PersonEyeColorRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying an eye color of a person.
PersonEyeColorTextclass instanceA color of the eyes of a person.
PersonEyeDescriptionTextclass instanceA text description of the characteristics of a persons eyes.
PersonEyewearAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of glasses or other eyewear.
PersonEyewearCodeclass instanceA kind of glasses or other eyewear.
PersonEyewearCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person.
PersonEyewearCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person.
PersonEyewearTextclass instanceA description of glasses or other eyewear a person wears.
PersonFacialHairAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of facial hair.
PersonFacialHairCodeclass instanceA kind of facial hair.
PersonFacialHairCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person.
PersonFacialHairCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person.
PersonFacialHairTextclass instanceA kind of facial hair of a person.
PersonFavouriteTypeListclassList of favourites of the person
PersonFBIIdentificationclass instanceA number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
PersonFBIIdentificationclass instanceA number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
PersonFinancialCompilationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonFinancialCompilationAssociationType.
PersonFinancialCompilationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and a financial compilation.
PersonFirearmPermitHolderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has a gun or firearm permit; false otherwise.
PersonFirearmSalesDisqualifiedAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status of person's eligibility to purchase firearms.
PersonFootPrintAvailableIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a footprint is available with a person record; false otherwise.
PersonForeignBornIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person was born outside the US; false otherwise.
PersonForeignNationalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is a citizen of a country other than the U.S.; false otherwise.
PersonFormerEmploymentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and employment held in the past but not currently held.
PersonFoundLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a location where they were found.
PersonFraudulentIdentificationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if any identification document carried by a person of interest is fraudulent; false otherwise.
PersonFullNameclass instanceA complete name of a person.
PersonFullNameclass instanceA complete name of a person.
PersonFunctionTextclass instanceA capacity in which the representative person acts on behalf of the party responsible for the declaration.
PersonGamblingFrequencyTextclass instanceA description of the frequency of gambling activity.
PersonGamblingTreatmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been evaluated or treated for a gambling addiction; false otherwise.
PersonGangAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a gang.
PersonGenderIdentityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a gender of a person's identity. The cultural meanings of patterns of behavior, experience, and personality that are labeled masculine or feminine.
PersonGenderIdentityCodeclass instanceA gender of a person's identity. The cultural meanings of patterns of behavior, experience, and personality that are labeled masculine or feminine.
PersonGenderIdentityCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a gender of a person's identity.
PersonGenderIdentityCodeTypeclassA data type for a gender of a person's identity.
PersonGenderIdentityTextclass instanceA gender of a person's identity. The cultural meanings of patterns of behavior, experience, and personality that are labeled masculine or feminine.
PersonGeneralAppearanceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the way a person looks and is presented overall.
PersonGeneralLedgerIdentificationclass instanceA general-ledger account identification number associated with a person.
PersonGivenNameclass instanceA first name of a person.
PersonGivenNameclass instanceA first name of a person.
PersonHairAppearanceTextclass instanceAn overall appearance of the hair of a person.
PersonHairAppearanceTextclass instanceAn overall appearance of the hair of a person.
PersonHairCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of hair of a person.
PersonHairCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of hair of a person, such as wavy or straight.
PersonHairColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorCodeclass instanceA color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorCodeclass instanceA color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a hair color of a person.
PersonHairColorCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a hair color of a person.
PersonHairColorRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying a hair color of a person.
PersonHairColorTextclass instanceA color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairColorTextclass instanceA color of the hair of a person.
PersonHairLengthAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a length of hair of a person.
PersonHairLengthCodeclass instanceA length of hair of a person.
PersonHairLengthCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the length of the person's hair.
PersonHairLengthCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the length of the person's hair.
PersonHairLengthTextclass instanceA length of hair of a person.
PersonHairStyleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a style or cut of hair worn by a person.
PersonHairStyleCodeclass instanceA style or cut of hair worn by a person.
PersonHairStyleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the style of a person's hair.
PersonHairStyleCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the style of a person's hair.
PersonHairStyleTextclass instanceA style or cut of hair worn by a person.
PersonHandedCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using.
PersonHandedCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using.
PersonHandednessAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a hand with which a person is more adept using.
PersonHandednessCodeclass instanceA hand with which a person is more adept using.
PersonHandednessTextclass instanceA hand with which a person is more adept using.
PersonHasChildrenIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has children with information viewable in this section; false otherwise.
PersonHasDisabilityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has a disability; false otherwise.
PersonHearingProblemIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has difficulty hearing; false otherwise.
PersonHeightDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the height of a person.
PersonHeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the height of a person.
PersonHeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the height of a person.
PersonHitResultsAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a result of a NCIC Hit and the general disposition of the record.
PersonHitResultsTextclass instanceA result of a NCIC Hit and the general disposition of the record.
PersonHomeContactInformationclass instanceA means of contacting a person at home.
PersonHospitalBirthIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person was born in a hospital; false otherwise.
PersonHumanResourceclass instanceA data element for the human resource detail information
PersonHumanResourceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonHumanResourceType
PersonHumanResourceIdentificationclass instanceA human resources or employment identification assigned to a person.
PersonHumanResourceTypeclassA data type contains information about a person
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
personIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time a person is first associated with a case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this element blank. This identifier is used to link other information in the case to a particular person.
PersonIDCardclass instanceAn element contains information about a person identiification information
PersonIDCardAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for person's Identification information
PersonIDCardTypeclassA data type for a credential class that represents the identification of a human resource
PersonIDCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of identifier assigned to a person.
PersonIDCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of identification type of a person
PersonIdentificationclass instanceAn identification enumerator that represents a PERSON.
PersonIdentificationCategoryCodeclass instanceA type of person identifier.
PersonIdentityAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and an identity.
PersonIdentityAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for IdentityAssociationType.
PersonIdentityAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and an identity.
personIDTypeattributeA type of person identifier.
PersonIDTypeListclassA list of all types of person name IDs
PersonIllegalAlienIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is an illegal alien; false otherwise.
PersonImageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of image of a person
PersonImageCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of image of a person
PersonInfoclass instanceContainer for person specific details that are not covered in this schema that is common to a party
personInformationrelationInformation about the person for whom another person or organization is assuming a fiduciary obligation.
PersonInIDAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonInIDType.
PersonInIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of the human being referenced in the context of an identification.
PersonInIDTypeclassA data type for the human being referenced in the context of an identification.
PersonInjuryclass instanceA form of physical harm or damage sustained by a person.
PersonInjuryLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the primary or most obvious area of the persons body injured during the crash.
PersonInjuryLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for the primary or most obvious area of the persons body injured during the crash.
PersonInjuryStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the injury severity level for a person involved in crash.
PersonInjuryStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for the injury severity level for a person involved in crash.
PersonInterpolIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to a person by Interpol.
PersonIntoxicationclass instanceA physiological state of a person due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or another toxic substance.
PersonInvolvedInDrivingIncidentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a driving incident in which that person was involved.
PersonIsStudentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the individual is enrolled as a student at an institution of formal learning; false otherwise.
PersonIssuedCourtOrderAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a court order issued to that person.
PersonIssuedDocumentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a document issued to that person.
PersonIssuedItemRegistrationTitleclass instanceA registration title which has been issued to a person.
PersonIssuedItemTitleclass instanceA title which has been issued to a person.
PersonIssuedItemTitleAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a title which has been issued to a person.
PersonJewelryDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of adornments a person wears.
PersonJuvenileClaimedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person of interest claims to be a juvenile; false otherwise.
PersonJuvenileVerifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person of interest claim to be a juvenile is confirmed; false otherwise.
PersonKnownPreviousLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a location at which that person is known to have been previously.
PersonLanguageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonLanguageType.
PersonLanguageEnglishIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person understands and speaks English; false otherwise.
PersonLanguageEnglishIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person understands and speaks English; false otherwise.
PersonLanguageTypeclassA data type for a language capability of a person.
PersonLanguageTypeclassA data type for a language capability of a person.
PersonLastOccupationTextclass instanceA description of the subject's last occupation.
PersonLastSeenLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and the last known location at which that person was seen.
PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person who last saw a missing person, and the missing person.
PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociationType.
PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person who last saw a missing person, and the missing person.
PersonLeadAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person, their role, and a lead incident.
PersonLeadAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonLeadAssociationType.
PersonLeadAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person, their role, and a lead incident.
PersonLearningDisabilityTextclass instanceA disorder of a person which can cause difficulties in learning something.
PersonLicenseIdentificationclass instanceAn identification that references a license certification or registration of a person for some purpose.
PersonLivingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is alive; false if a person is dead.
PersonLivingSituationclass instanceA set of details specific to a subject's living situation.
PersonLivingSituationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PersonLivingSituationType
PersonLivingSituationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of living situation.
PersonLivingSituationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of living situation.
PersonLivingSituationLivingWithSpouseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the spouse is living with the subject; false otherwise.
PersonLivingSituationTypeclassA data type for a set of details specific to a subject's living situation.
PersonLivingSituationVerifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the stated living situation has been verified; false otherwise.
PersonLocationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a location.
PersonLocationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonLocationAssociationType.
PersonLocationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a location.
PersonLocationUsageCodeTextclass instanceA context within which a location is used.
PersonMaidenNameclass instanceAn original last name or surname of a person before changed by marriage.
PersonMaidenNameclass instanceAn original last name or surname of a person before changed by marriage.
PersonMedicalConditionclass instanceA state of health for a person, on-going or present.
PersonMedicalConditionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of medical condition of a person.
PersonMedicalConditionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of medical condition of a person.
PersonMedicalConditionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of medical conditions for a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of medical conditions for a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusclass instanceA status or name of the PERSONs health problem and physical limitation that an officer should be cautious of.
PersonMedicalConditionStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonMedicalConditionStatusType.
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of status changes for medical conditions of a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of status changes for medical conditions of a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCodeclass instanceA status of the medical condition of a person.
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a status of the medical condition of a person.
PersonMedicalConditionStatusTypeclassA data type for a PERSONs health problem and physical limitation that an officer should be cautious of.
PersonMedicalDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the overall health of a person.
PersonMedicalFileIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a medical history file is known to exist for a person; false otherwise.
PersonMedicalInsuranceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has medical insurance; false otherwise.
PersonMedicalOperationTextclass instanceA medical operation had by a person.
PersonMedicationRequiredTextclass instanceA medication and dosage required for a person.
PersonMentalStateTextclass instanceA mental condition of a person.
PersonMetadataclass instanceInformation that further qualifies Screening purposes.
PersonMetadataTypeclassA data type for metadata about the data associated with a person being screened.
PersonMiddleNameclass instanceA middle name of a person.
PersonMiddleNameclass instanceA middle name of a person.
PersonMilitarySummaryclass instanceA service of a person in a military.
PersonMilitaryVeteranIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is a U.S. Military veteran; false otherwise.
PersonMoodDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a state of feeling of a person.
PersonMultimediaIDBinaryclass instanceA non-textual indicator of a persons identity.
personNameattributeName of a person.
PersonNameclass instanceA combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameclass instanceA combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameclass instancePerson Name
PersonNameAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person name.
PersonNameAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a person name.
PersonNameAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonNameType.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a person name.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeclassA data type that supplements PersonName and specifies the additional name information used for Screening.
PersonNameCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of name for a person.
PersonNameCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of name for a person.
PersonNameCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of person name.
PersonNameDateRangeclass instanceA beginning and ending date range for the use of a name
PersonNameDesignationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of words or phrase that represents a professional title of an individual.
PersonNameDesignationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of words or phrase that represents a professional title of an individual.
PersonNameElementListclassA list of person name element types, e.g. First Name, Last Name, Title, etc.
PersonNameInitialsTextclass instanceA first letter of a persons given, possibly middle, and last names.
PersonNameOriginTextclass instanceA text that specifies the presumed linguistic origin of the name.
PersonNamePrefixTextclass instanceA title or honorific used by a person.
PersonNamePrefixTextclass instanceA title or honorific used by a person.
PersonNameSalutationTextclass instanceA formal sign or expression of greeting that is appropriate for this person.
PersonNameSoundexTextclass instanceA name encoding such that similar sounding names with different spellings appear the same.
PersonNameSuffixTextclass instanceA term appended after the family name that qualifies the name.
PersonNameSuffixTextclass instanceA term appended after the family name that qualifies the name.
PersonNameTextAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameTextAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameTextTypeclassA data type for a name by which a person is known, referred, or addressed.
PersonNameTextTypeclassA data type for a name by which a person is known, referred, or addressed.
PersonNameTypeclassA data type for a combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameTypeclassA data type for a combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameTypeclassReusable complex type
PersonNameTypeListclassA list of common types for person names
PersonNameUsageListclassA list of usage types of person name
PersonNationalIdentificationclass instanceAn identification that references a person within a country but is not based on fingerprint.
PersonNationalityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national.
PersonNationalityANSID20Codeclass instanceA country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national.
PersonNationalityISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national.
PersonNationalityTextclass instanceA country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national.
PersonNCICIdentificationclass instanceA file control number (FCN) identification that is often used to link a NCIC record to a person.
PersonNickNameclass instanceA nickname or street name of a person.
PersonNumberOfChildrenQuantityclass instanceA number of children a person is responsible for as legal guardian, such as biologic children, adopted children.
PersonObligationComputationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonObligationComputationAssociationType.
PersonObligationComputationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and an obligation computation.
PersonOfficialGivenNameclass instanceA name, out of possibly multiple given names, that a person selects to use as his or her official given name.
PersonOfInterestAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an activity and a person of interest.
PersonOnVesselAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonOnVesselType.
PersonOnVesselTypeclassA data type for a person on a vessel with embark/debark information.
PersonOrganDonatorIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has given consent to be used as an organ donor upon death; false otherwise.
PersonOrganDonorAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an organ a person is willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganDonorCodeclass instanceAn organ a person is willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganDonorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for organs a person could be willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganDonorCodeTypeclassA data type for organs a person could be willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganDonorTextclass instanceAn organ a person is willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganizationAffiliationAssociationclass instanceAn association based on membership, ties, or another kind of affiliation between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonOrganizationAssociationType.
PersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonOrganizationAssociationType.
PersonOrganizationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAugmentationclass instanceThe relationship of a person to an organization in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. An example is the relationship between an attorney and the law firm.
personOrganizationRelationshiprelationThe relationship of a person to an organization in this case.
PersonOrganizationRelationshipclassThe relationship of a person to an organization in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. An example is the relationship between an attorney and the law firm.
personOtherActorIDReferenceattributeA reference to a record for a person to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
PersonOtherIDAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonOtherIDType.
PersonOtherIdentificationclass instanceAn identification with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain.
PersonOtherIdentificationclass instanceAn identification with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain.
PersonOtherIDTypeclassA data type for the kind of identifier assigned to a person, if the identifier is not explicitly defined in a standard enumeration.
PersonOtherKinAssociationclass instanceA directed association that describes the kinship or other close personal relationship between the source object and the target object. The relationship between a parent and a child should be captured using the ParentChildAssociation
PersonOtherKinAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonOtherKinAssociationType.
PersonOtherKinAssociationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the kinship or other close personal relationship that exists from the source person to the target person.
PersonOtherKinAssociationCategoryCodeclass instanceA code list that describes the nature of the kinship or other close personal relationship from a source person to a target person.
PersonOtherKinAssociationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of kinship or other close personal relationship that exists from the source person to the target person.
PersonOtherKinAssociationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the kinship or other close personal relationship from a source person to a target person
PersonOtherKinAssociationCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the nature of the kinship or other close personal relationship from a source person to a target person
PersonOtherKinAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship that is a kinship or other close personal association between the source object and the target object. The relationship between a parent and a child should be captured using the ParentChildAssociation
PersonParoleeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person is known to be a parolee; false otherwise.
PersonPassportIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a passport issued to a person.
PersonPasswordTextclass instanceA password provided/used by a victim of Identity Theft to verify their ID.
PersonPhoneAssociationclass instanceAn association between a PERSON and a PHONE.
PersonPhoneAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonPhoneAssociationType.
PersonPhoneAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a PERSON and a PHONE.
PersonPhysicalConditionTextclass instanceA description of a person's general physical condition.
PersonPhysicalDisabilityAwardedDateclass instanceA date a person was qualified as being disabled.
PersonPhysicalDisabilityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been qualified (state or federal disability) as being disabled; false otherwise.
PersonPhysicalDisabilityTextclass instanceA physical disability of a person.
PersonPhysicalFeatureclass instanceA prominent or easily identifiable aspect of a person.
PersonPhysicalFeatureclass instanceA prominent or easily identifiable aspect of a person.
PersonPhysicalMarkingIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents the PERSON PHYSICAL MARKING.
PersonPossessCreditCardIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person of interest indicates possession of any credit cards; false otherwise.
PersonPotentialChargeAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and potential charges.
PersonPreferredNameclass instanceA name by which this person prefers to be known.
PersonPregnantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the woman is pregnant; false otherwise.
PersonPrenatalAgeUnitCodeclass instanceA unit of measure of the age of an unborn child.
PersonPrimaryLanguageclass instanceA capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity.
PersonPrimaryLanguageclass instanceA capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity.
PersonPrimaryWorkerclass instanceA primary social worker or other overseer assigned to a person that is not a caregiver.
PersonPrimaryWorkerAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a primary worker assigned to that person.
PersonProbationerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person is known to be on probation; false otherwise.
PersonProfessionalCertificateTextclass instanceA designation earned by a person to assure that he/she is qualified to perform a job or task, includes trade certification and professional designations.
PersonProtectionOrderConditionsTextclass instanceA description of the stipulations set forth in a protection order as they apply to the respondent.
PersonProtectionOrderPetitionerIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person is the plaintiff/petitioner/protected party of a protection order; false otherwise.
PersonProtectionOrderRespondentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person is the subject/respondent of a protection order; false otherwise.
PersonProtectionOrderRespondentInvolvedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is the respondent/plaintiff/petitioner/protected party of a protection order; false otherwise.
PersonPsychologicalPsychiatricTreatmentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been evaluated or treated for psychological/psychiatric concerns, e.g., anger management; behavioral concerns; cognitive concerns, including concerns related to suicide; false otherwise.
PersonPublicationclass instanceA data element for the publication done by a person
PersonPublicationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PublicationType
PersonPublicationTypeclassA data type that represents a publication done by a person
PersonRaceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceCodeclass instanceA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceCodeclass instanceA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a race of a person.
PersonRaceCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a race of a person.
PersonRaceNDExCodeclass instanceA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying a race of a person.
PersonRaceTextclass instanceA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonRaceTextclass instanceA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
PersonReadingLogAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a reading log.
PersonReadsLanguageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is able to read a language; false otherwise.
PersonReferralWorkerclass instanceAn Employee of State assigned to the particular juvenile.
PersonReferralWorkerAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a referral worker assigned to that person.
PersonRegisteredForSelectiveServiceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is registered for Selective Service; false otherwise.
PersonRegisteredOffenderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is required to register as an offender; false otherwise.
PersonRegistryOffenderClassificationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of classification for registered sex offenders.
PersonRegistryOffenderClassificationTextclass instanceA kind of classification for registered sex offenders.
personRelationshiprelation The relationship of a person to another person in this case.
PersonRelationshipclassThe relationship of a person to another person in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
personRelationshipToCaseTypeCodeattributeA code for the relationship of a person to a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PersonRelationshipTypeListclassType of relationship with a person
PersonReligionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
PersonReligionCodeclass instanceA religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
PersonReligionTextclass instanceA religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
PersonRequiredJobSkillsTextclass instanceA description of the job skills that a subject requires.
PersonResidenceAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a location where that person lives.
PersonResidenceAssociationAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a Residence Association.
PersonResidenceAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonResidenceAssociationType.
PersonResidenceAssociationAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a residence association.
PersonResidenceAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a location where that person lives.
PersonResidentAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a manner of residence a person has in a city, town, community, or other area..
PersonResidentCodeclass instanceA manner of residence a person has in an area such as a city, town, or community.
PersonResidentTextclass instanceA manner of residence a person has in an area such as a city, town, or community.
PersonResidesAtFacilityAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a facility at which that person lives.
PersonRoleclass instanceA part played by a Person in an Encounter.
PersonRoleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonRoleType.
PersonRoleCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person role.
PersonRoleCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of person role.
PersonRoleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of person role.
PersonRoleCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of person role.
PersonRoleCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of person role.
PersonRoleCodeclass instanceA kind of person lead role.
PersonRoleCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of person lead role.
PersonRoleCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a person role.
PersonRoleCodeTypeclassA data type for a person role.
PersonRoleEffectiveDateclass instanceA date when the PERSON ROLE came into existence.
PersonRoleEndDateclass instanceA date when the PERSON ROLE ended.
PersonRoleIDclass instanceAn identifier that represents a PERSON ROLE.
PersonRoleTypeclassA data type for a part played by a Person in an Encounter.
PersonSearchResultclass instanceA value used for returning person status information to the requesting organization
PersonSearchResultAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonSearchResultType.
PersonSearchResultTypeclassA data type used for returning person status information to the requesting organization
PersonSecondaryLanguageclass instanceA capacity of a person for a language with which that person is not completely fluent.
PersonSecurityClearanceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a formal authorization granting a person access to classified or restricted information.
PersonSecurityClearanceTextclass instanceA formal authorization granting a person access to classified or restricted information.
PersonSelfInflictedViolenceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has physically abused his or her self; false otherwise.
PersonSexAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexCodeclass instanceA gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexCodeclass instanceA gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexNDExCodeclass instanceA code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
PersonSexRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexTextclass instanceA gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeclass instanceA target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeclass instanceA target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeTypeclassA data type for a target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationTextclass instanceA target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSightedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has been sighted; false otherwise.
PersonSignatureclass instanceA date on which the Staff Member signed the subject screening form.
PersonSixMonthsMinimumCurrentEmploymentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject has been employed a full six months or longer; false otherwise.
PersonSkinToneAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a color or tone of the skin of a person.
PersonSkinToneCodeclass instanceA color or tone of the skin of a person.
PersonSkinToneCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying the skin color or tone of a person.
PersonSkinToneCodeTypeclassA data type for a code set identifying the skin color or tone of a person.
PersonSkinToneRapSheetCodeclass instanceA code set identifying the skin color or tone of a person.
PersonSkinToneTextclass instanceA color or tone of the skin of a person.
PersonSMTIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has distinguishing scars, marks, or tattoos; false otherwise.
PersonSpeaksLanguageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is able to speak a language; false otherwise.
PersonSpeechCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person's speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person.
PersonSpeechCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person's speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person.
PersonSpeechDescriptionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of any impediments that can affect the speech of a person.
PersonSpeechDescriptionCodeclass instanceA description of any impediments that can affect the speech of a person.
PersonSpeechDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a pattern of speech with which a person speaks.
PersonSSNIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration.
PersonStateFingerprintIdentificationclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a person by a state identification bureau, generally based on submission of the person's fingerprints to the state's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
PersonStateFingerprintIdentificationclass instanceAn identifier assigned to a person by a state identification bureau, generally based on submission of the person's fingerprints to the state's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
PersonStateIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a person based on a state-issued ID card.
PersonStateIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of a person based on a state-issued ID card.
PersonStatusSummaryclass instanceA status of Person involved in a Screening Encounter.
PersonStatusSummaryAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonStatusSummaryType.
PersonStatusSummaryTypeclassA data type that specifies requesting person status information from Screening encounters
PersonStolenIdentityAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a stolen identity used by that person.
PersonStolenIdentityAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonStolenIdentityAssociationType.
PersonStolenIdentityAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and a stolen identity used by that person.
PersonSubjectEncounterclass instanceAn association between a PERSON and ENCOUNTER
PersonSuicideAttemptIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person has attempted suicide; false otherwise.
PersonSupervisingAuthorityAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and an organization that supervises and regulates their activities, contacts, etc.
PersonSurNameclass instanceA last name or family name of a person.
PersonSurNameclass instanceA last name or family name of a person.
PersonSurNamePrefixTextclass instanceA prefix that precedes this person's family name such as Van, Von.
PersonSystemIdentificationclass instanceA system identification that references a person.
PersonTaxIdentificationclass instanceAn identification used to refer to a specific person within the tax system of a country.
PersonTaxIdentificationclass instanceAn identification used to refer to a specific person within the tax system of a country.
PersonTelephoneNumberclass instanceAn association between a PERSON and TELEPHONE
PersonTelephoneNumberListAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonTelephoneNumberListAssociationType.
PersonTelephoneNumberListAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a person and approved telephone number list for calls.
PersonTemporaryAssignedUnitAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a temporarily assigned unit.
PersonTemporaryAssignmentUnitclass instanceAn organizational unit to which a person is assigned, specifically a temporary assignment.
PersonThreatGroupAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a Person and any organization, i.e., club, association or group of individuals, either formal or informal (including traditional gangs and terrorist organizations), that may have a common name or identifying symbol, and whose members engage in activities that include, but are not limited to planning, organizing, threatening, financing, soliciting, committing or attempting to commit acts that would violate the law, which detract from the safe and orderly operations of society.
PersonTreatmentFeeclass instanceA monetary fee associated with a treatment
PersonTypeclassA data type for a human being.
PersonTypeclassA data type for a human being.
PersonUnionAssociationclass instanceAn association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionAssociationclass instanceAn association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonUnionAssociationType.
PersonUnionAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionAtBirthIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a child's biological parents were in a Person Union with each other at the time of the child''s birth; false otherwise.
PersonUnionAtConceptionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a child's biological parents were in a Person Union with each other at the time of the child''s conception; false otherwise.
PersonUnionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of union between two people.
PersonUnionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of union between two people.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of union between two people.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of union between two people.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of union between two people.
PersonUnionCertificateIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a document certifying the Person Union exists; false otherwise.
PersonUnionLocationclass instanceA location where the Person Union occurred.
PersonUnionLocationclass instanceA location where the Person Union occurred.
PersonUnionSeparationclass instanceA separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionSeparationclass instanceA separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionSeparationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonUnionSeparationType.
PersonUnionSeparationTypeclassA data type for a separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionSeparationTypeclassA data type for a separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a legal status of a union between two people.
PersonUnionStatusCodeclass instanceA legal status of a union between two people.
PersonUnionStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the legal status of a person's union with another person.
PersonUnionStatusCodeTypeclassA data type describing the legal status of a person's union with another person.
PersonUnionStatusTextclass instanceA legal status of a union between two people.
PersonUSCitizenIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is a citizen of the United States; false otherwise.
PersonUSMSFugitiveIdentificationclass instanceAn identification assigned to a fugitive by the U.S. Marshal Service (USMS).
PersonVendorIdentificationclass instanceAn assigned identification to identify a vendor.
PersonVisaclass instanceA travel document allowing international travelers to enter a country for a designated purpose within a designated period of time.
PersonVisionPrescriptionTextclass instanceA prescription a person needs for corrective lenses or contacts.
PersonVisitContactInformationclass instanceA primary contact telephone number.
PersonWeightDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the weight of a person.
PersonWeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the weight of a person.
PersonWeightMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the weight of a person.
PersonWorkerclass instanceA person assigned to do work for or on behalf of a person.
PersonWorkerAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a person assigned to do work for or on behalf of that person.
PersonWorkerAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PersonWorkerAssociationType.
PersonWorkerAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a person and a person assigned to do work for or on behalf of that person.
PersonWorkLocationclass instanceA work address or structure of a person. This association is used when the persons employer is not known. If the employer is known, use an Organization which in turn has a Location.
PersonWorkLocationStructureclass instanceA work address or structure of a person.
PersonWorkPlaceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a work address or structure of a person.
PersonWorksAtFacilityAssociationclass instanceAn association between a person and a facility at which that person works.
PersonWritesLanguageIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is able to write a language; false otherwise.
PersonXRayImageclass instanceAn X-Ray image of a person or part of a person.
PetitionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the legal status of the petition being filed.
PetitionCategoryCodeclass instanceA code indicating the type of petition being submitted.
PetitionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the type of petition filed.
PetitionCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the type of petition filed.
PetitionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of petition.
Petitionerclass instanceA person filing the petition.
PetitionerAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PetitionerType.
PetitionerChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a petitioner and a child.
PetitionerChildAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PetitionerChildAssociationType.
PetitionerChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a petitioner and a child.
PetitionerTypeclassA data type for information about the person filing the petition.
PetitionReasonTextclass instanceA reason for the petition.
Pharmacistclass instanceA person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
PharmacistAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PharmacistType.
PharmacistTypeclassA data type for a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
PhiltrumHeightValueclass instanceA philtrum height
PhiltrumWidthValueclass instanceA philtrum width.
PhoneAssistIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the officer assisted the alien in using a phone; false otherwise
PhoneAttemptsQuantityclass instanceA number indicating the number of attempts made by telephone to contact the party responsible for the juvenile alien.
PhoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of phone devices
PhoneCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type describing the kinds of phone devices
PhoneContactSupportIndicatorclass instanceTrue if contact by voice phone is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
PhoneticTranscriptConventionTextclass instanceA phonetic transcript convention of an identified list of time segments.
PhoneUseRightsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien was made aware of his/her right to use a telephone; false otherwise
PhotoDescriptorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an attribute of a captured facial image
PhotoDescriptorCodeTypeclassA data type for an attribute of a captured facial image
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of camera or imaging device.
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device.
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device.
PhotonDataclass instanceA set of data providing the photon properties of a radiographic device.
PhotonDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:PhotonDataType.
PhotonDataTypeclassA data type for the photon properties of a radiographic device.
PhotonEnergyValueclass instanceA value for the mean energy of photons in MeV.
PhotonSourceAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a photon source for a radiographic device.
PhotonSourceCodeclass instanceA code for the photon source for a radiographic device.
PhotonSourceCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type that defines the various code values for the Photon source code
PhotonSourceCodeTypeclassA data type that defines the various photon source code
PhotonSourceTextclass instanceA description of the photon source for a radiographic device.
PhotoRequestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the originating query requested that a photo image be returned with the results of the query; false otherwise.
PhysicalAccessLevelCodeclass instanceA data element for the code that identifies the level of access to an asset
PhysicalAccessLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type describing the levels of physical access a person has to an asset
PhysicalAccessLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for a code describing the levels of physical access a person has to an asset
PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationclass instanceAn association between a AGENT and a PERSON ENCOUNTER
PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationType.
PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship for a physical encounter between a DHS Agent and a Person.
physicalFeatureattributeA physical feature of a subject.
PhysicalFeatureclass instanceA prominent or easily identifiable aspect of something or someone.
PhysicalFeatureAlphaNumericTextclass instanceA word(s), letter(s), and/or number(s) contained in a SMT.
PhysicalFeatureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalFeatureType.
PhysicalFeatureAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a set of physical markings of a person.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeclass instanceA specific kind of physical feature
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeclass instanceA specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeclass instanceA specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of physical feature. This code is used for defining a SMT category.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeTextclass instanceA visible, atypical distinguishing trait, property or quality of a person.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of physical feature
PhysicalFeatureCategoryTextclass instanceA specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryTextclass instanceA specific kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureClassCodeclass instanceA human tattoo class of an SMT, OTHER if not tattoo
PhysicalFeatureClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a class of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a class of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureClassTextclass instanceA feature class (general image content) of a SMT.
PhysicalFeatureColorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a color of a physical feature. This code is used to indicate the color of a SMT
PhysicalFeatureColorCodeTypeclassA data type for a color of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureColorDetailclass instanceA set of colors of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureColorDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Physical Feature Color Detail
PhysicalFeatureColorDetailTypeclassA data type for a description of the colors of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalFeatureType
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionDetailclass instanceA description of scars, marks, or tattoos visible in a transmitted image
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionTypeclassA data type for a description of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureGeneralCategoryTextclass instanceA general kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureGeneralCategoryTextclass instanceA general kind of physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureHeightMeasureclass instanceA feature's height in whole centimeters
PhysicalFeatureImageclass instanceAn image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureImageclass instanceAn image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureImageclass instanceA digital image of a physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureImageAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Physical Feature Image
PhysicalFeatureImageTypeclassA data type for an image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureImageTypeclassA data type for an image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureLocationTextclass instanceA location of a physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureLocationTextclass instanceA location on a person's body of a physical feature.
PhysicalFeatureNCICCodeclass instanceA description of a physical feature from the NCIC codes.
PhysicalFeaturePrimaryColorCodeclass instanceA primary color of a tattoo in an image
PhysicalFeatureSecondaryColorCodeclass instanceA secondary color of a tattoo in an image
PhysicalFeatureSizeclass instanceA size of a scar, mark, or tattoo
PhysicalFeatureSizeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for biom:PhysicalFeatureSizeType.
PhysicalFeatureSizeDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the size of a physical feature if not measured in height and width, such as a numeric size for a prosthetic or a tattoo covering a specific area.
PhysicalFeatureSizeTypeclassA data type for a size of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeclass instanceA human tattoo subclass of an SMT, MISC if not tattoo
PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a sub-class of a physical feature. This is a sub-class of a tattoo.
PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeTypeclassA data type for a human tattoo subclass of an SMT, MISC if not tattoo
PhysicalFeatureSubClassTextclass instanceAn indication of the general image content of an SMT.
physicalFeatureTypeattributeA type of physical feature (e.g., scars, marks, tattoos) of a subject
PhysicalFeatureTypeclassA data type for a prominent or easily identifiable aspect of something or someone.
PhysicalFeatureTypeclassA data type for a prominent or easily identifiable aspect of something or someone.
PhysicalFeatureWidthMeasureclass instanceA feature's width in whole centimeters
PhysicalFitnessclass instanceA credential class that represents the person's physical fitness
PhysicalFitnessAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalFitnessType
PhysicalFitnessLevelCodeclass instanceA code that represents the level of fitness a person is in
PhysicalFitnessLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the coded representation of the fitness level a person is in
PhysicalFitnessLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the person's physical fitness
PhysicalFitnessTypeclassA data type for a credential class that represents a person's physical fitness
PhysicalInfoclass instanceA container for physical characteristics of a person
PhysicalInfoFreeTextTypeListclassList of type of physical info for free text
PhysicalMailAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a sender and recipient.
PhysicalMailAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalMailAssociationType.
PhysicalMailAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a sender and recipent.
PhysicalMarkingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a classification of the kind of PERSON PHYSICAL MARKING.
PhysicalMediaObjectclass instanceA physical media containing a recording.
PhysicalMediaObjectAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PhysicalMediaObject
PhysicalMediaObjectTypeclassA data type for a description of the characteristics of physical media containing a recording.
PhysicalStatusListclassList of physical status of a person
PhysiologicalDisorderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Person has been diagnosed with a Physiological Disorder; false otherwise.
PitchChangeValueclass instanceA rate of change of angle of rotation of a thing about its lateral axis, measured in degrees per second.
PitchValueclass instanceAn angle of rotation of a thing about its longitudinal axis, measured in degrees between the lateral axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate the left side is rotated downward.
PIVAssuranceLevelCodeclass instanceA data element for an assurance level code, defined by FIPS 201
PIVAssuranceLevelCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by FIPS 201, aligned with assurance levels defined by OMB M-04-04 E-Authentication Guidance from level 2 to 4
PIVAssuranceLevelCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by FIPS 201
pixelInCellclass instancegml:pixelInCell is a specification of the way an image grid is associated with the image data attributes. The required codeSpace attribute shall reference a source of information specifying the values and meanings of all the allowed string values for this property.
PL94-484AmendedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Exchange Visitor (EV) is participating as an alien Physician (Category code of 6), which would result in the EV being flagged as subject to the two-year residence requirement; false otherwise.
PlacedJuvenileclass instanceA juvenile who is directed to reside somewhere other than a parent's residence.
Placementclass instanceA placement history of the child.
placementrelationInformation about the person or organization orther than parent or guardian with whom the juvenile lives.
PlacementclassInformation about the person or organization orther than parent or guardian with whom the juvenile lives. Examples: Foster home, foster parents, state institution, hospital, shelter.
PlacementActivityPlacementOrganizationAssociationclass instanceAn association between a placement and the organization performing the placement task
PlacementAugmentationclass instanceInformation about the person or organization orther than parent or guardian with whom the juvenile lives. Examples: Foster home, foster parents, state institution, hospital, shelter.
PlacementAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlacementType.
PlacementAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlacementType.
PlacementCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a child or youth's placement.
PlacementCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a child or youth's placement.
PlacementCategoryCodeclass instanceA list that describes the type of placement (e.g., adoption, relative, etc.)
PlacementCategoryCodeclass instanceA list that describes the type of placement (e.g., adoption, relative, etc.)
PlacementCategoryRestrictivenessTextclass instanceA text field to indicate how the placement type is the least restrictive placement necessary.
PlacementCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of placement,
PlacementChangeReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the reason a child or youth's placement was changed.
PlacementChangeReasonCodeclass instanceA code list describing the reason for the change of placement (e.g., reunification, level of care lowered, etc.).
PlacementChangeReasonTextclass instanceA reason a child or youth's placement was changed.
PlacementFacilityclass instanceA facility where a juvenile is directed to reside.
PlacementFacilityclass instanceA facility where a juvenile is directed to reside.
PlacementLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeTypeclassA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementOrganizationclassAn entity to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
PlacementOtherLocationclass instanceA location -- other than a foster home, kin's residence, orphanage, or other facility -- where the juvenile is directed to reside.
PlacementPersonclass instanceA person with whom a juvenile is directed to reside.
PlacementPersonclass instanceA person with whom a juvenile is directed to reside.
PlacementPersonclassThe person to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
PlacementSettingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a placement setting code.
PlacementSettingCodeTypeclassA data type for a placement setting code.
PlacementSettingRenumerationCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a placement setting renumeration.
PlacementSettingRenumerationCodeTypeclassA data type for a placement setting renumeration.
placementStartDateattributeDate on which the placement commenced.
PlacementSupervisorclass instanceAn entity who is responsible for supervising the juvenile's placement (e.g., social services department, probation department, etc.).
PlacementTextclass instanceA description of the child's placement (for example, with parents, with kin, in foster case).
PlacementTypeclassA data type for the placement history of a child or youth.
PlacementTypeclassA data type for the placement history of a child or youth.
placementTypeCodeattributeCode indicating the type of placement. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
Planclass instanceA detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
PlanAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:PlanType
PlanDefinedDateclass instanceA date when a plan was defined.
PlanIDclass instanceA unique identifier of a specific plan.
PlanNotationclass instanceA notation that is a part of a plan.
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileCodeclass instanceA set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeclassA data type for a set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageDetailclass instanceA set of details about an image of a plantar (footprint)
PlantarImageDetailAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlantarImageDetail
PlantarImageDetailTypeclassA data type for a set of details about an image of a plantar (footprint)
PlantarImageMissingAreaclass instanceA missing area of a plantar image
PlantarImageMissingAreaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlantarImageMissingArea
PlantarImageMissingAreaTypeclassA data type for a missing area of a plantar image
PlantarImageQualityclass instanceA plantar image quality
PlantarImageQualityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlantarImageQuality
PlantarImageQualityTypeclassA data type for a quality measure of a plantar image
PlantarImageSegmentToePositionPolygonclass instanceA plantar image segment polygon demarcating the toes of the foot image
PlantarImageSegmentToePositionPolygonAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PlantarImageSegmentToePositionPolygon
PlantarImageSegmentToePositionPolygonTypeclassA data type for a polygon segment outlining areas containing toes within a particular plantar image
PlantarMissingAreaReasonCodeclass instanceA reason for a missing area of a plantar image
PlantarPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a location on the foot that a print represents
PlantarPositionCodeclass instanceA location on the foot that a print represents
PlantarPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a foot position
PlantarPositionCodeTypeclassA data type for a foot position
PlantedDateModifiedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the planted date was modified from its original value; false otherwise.
PlantedDateModifiedOtherReasonTextclass instanceA free form text providing the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value when a reason other than the possible list of provided reasons is needed.
PlantedDateModifiedOtherReasonTextSimpleTypeclassA data type for free form text providing the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value when a reason other than the possible list of provided reasons is needed.
PlantedDateModifiedOtherReasonTextTypeclassA data type for free form text providing the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value.
PlantedDateModifiedReasonCodeclass instanceA code identifying the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value.
PlantedDateModifiedReasonCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type containing the reason codes that a planted date was modified from its original value.
PlantedDateModifiedReasonCodeTypeclassA data type for reason code that a planted date was modified.
PlanTypeclassA data type for a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Pleaclass instanceAn answer which a defendant in an action at law makes to the State's charges.
PleaAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PleaType.
PleaCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of plea.
PleaCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of plea.
PleaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for kinds of pleas.
PleaCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for kinds of pleas.
PleaDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a plea.
PleaGuiltyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person admits guilt in relation to a charge; false otherwise.
PleaNegotiatedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a plea is negotiated with the prosecution; false otherwise.
PleaNoContestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person is willing to accept the consequences of a charge without admitting guilt or innocence; false otherwise.
PleaRecommendationTextclass instanceA recommended plea agreement for violent, most serious, or armed offenses.
PleaTypeclassA data type for an answer which a defendant in an action at law makes to charges.
Pointclass instanceA Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the pos element which is of type DirectPositionType.
Pointclass instance
pointclass instancePoint property element containing a pair of coordinates representing latitude then longitude in the WGS84 coordinate reference system
pointArrayPropertyclass instance
PointArrayPropertyTypeclassgml:PointArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of points. The elements are always contained inline in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
pointMemberclass instanceThis property element either references a Point via the XLink-attributes or contains the Point element.
pointMembersclass instanceThis property element contains a list of points. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
PointOfOriginLocationclass instanceA geographic location of a beginning point of a deployment where unit or non-unit-related cargo or personnel are located.
pointPropertyclass instanceThis property element either references a point via the XLink-attributes or contains the point element. pointProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for Point.
pointPropertyclass instanceThis property element either references a point via the XLink-attributes or contains the point element. pointProperty
is the predefined property which can be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML Feature has a property with a value that
is substitutable for Point.
PointPropertyTypeclassA property that has a point as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
PointPropertyTypeclassA property that has a point as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an
element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located
elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element must be given, but neither both nor none.
PointPropertyTypeclassThis type contains a gml:Point. Unlike a gml:PointPropertyType, it does not enable reference to an external gml:Point via an xlink.
pointRepclass instance
PointToPointLocationTrackingclass instanceA name for the container that provides Information that can indicate arrival , departure and locations of a resource pertaining to a route
PointToPointLocationTrackingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PointToPointLocationTrackingType
PointToPointLocationTrackingTypeclassA data type which contains all elements related to resource tracking
PointTypeclassA data type for a 2D or 3D geometric point. A gml:Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the gml:pos element which is of type gml:DirectPositionType.
PointTypeclassA Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple.
PointXYclass instanceA single two dimensional - i.e., (X,Y) - data point.
PointXYAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for cbrn:PointXYType.
PointXYTypeclassA data type that provides a pair of values for a data point, and optionally their uncertainties.
polarCSclass instancegml:polarCS is an association role to the polar coordinate system used by this CRS.
PolarCSclass instancegml:PolarCS ia s two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction. A PolarCS shall have two gml:axis property elements.
PolarCSPropertyTypeclassgml:PolarCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a polar coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
polarCSRefclass instance
PolicyQueryCriteriaclassCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
policyQueryCriteriarelationCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
PolicyQueryCriteriaclass instanceCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
PolicyQueryCriteriaTypeclassCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
policyrequestclass view
policyrequest:GetPolicyRequestMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
policyrequest:PolicyQueryCriteriaattributeCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
policyresponseclass view
policyresponse:AcceptConfidentialFilingsIndicatorattributeWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents for which the filer requests confidential or sealed treatment by the court.
policyresponse:AcceptDocumentsRequiringFeesIndicatorattributeWhether the court will accept electronic filing of documents requiring filing fees.
policyresponse:AcceptMultipleLeadDocumentsIndicatorattributeDoes court accept placing multiple lead documents in a single message
policyresponse:CodeListExtensionattributeA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information.
policyresponse:DevelopmentPolicyattributeThe response to a request for a court Court Policy.
policyresponse:ECFElementNameTextattributeThe data element for which an allowable set of values is enumerated.
policyresponse:ExtensionCanonicalURIattributeA court extension to ECF.
policyresponse:ExtensionCanonicalVersionURIattributeA structure representing the specific court extension.
policyresponse:ExtensionElementNameattributeThe element(s) in the extension schema that are are the root of the extension and substitute for an extension (augmentation) point.
policyresponse:ExtensionLocationURIattributeAn XML Schema document that defines the allowable structure of the court-specific argument to this MDE operation.
policyresponse:FilerRequiredToServeIndicatorattributeIndicator whether the filer is required to serve
policyresponse:FilingFeesMayBeApplicableIndicatorattributeIndicates whether fees may be required for some filings.
policyresponse:GetPolicyResponseMessageAugmentationPointattributeAn extension point for the enclosing message.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementattributeAn ECF major design element (MDE)
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementLocationIDattributeThe unique URL location of a major design element.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementTypeCodeattributeName of a major design element.
policyresponse:MajorDesignElementTypeCodeattributeName of a major design element.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedAttachmentPageQuantityattributeThe maximum allowed number of pages in an attachment.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedAttachmentSizeattributeThe maximum allowed attachment size, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
policyresponse:MaximumAllowedMessageSizeattributeMaximum allowed size of the Court Filing Message Stream, in bytes. Does not appear if there is no maximum.
policyresponse:OperationNameCodeattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
policyresponse:OperationNameCodeattributeIndicates whether the e-filing system supports a certain operation.
policyresponse:PolicyVersionIDattributeThe version of court policy reported by this message. Up to the court to define the format of this, and describe in human-readable court policy.
policyresponse:RuntimePolicyattributeWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed dynamically by applications interacting with a court.
policyresponse:SchemaExtensionattributeA structure representing the court-specific extensions for this court
policyresponse:SupportedCaseCategoriesattributeA list of ECF case types.
policyresponse:SupportedOperationsattributeA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries
policyresponse:SupportedServiceInteractionProfilesattributeA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
policyresponse:SupportedSignaturesProfilesattributeA signature profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that is supported by this court.
policyresponse:URLAttachmentSupportedIndicatorattributeWhether court allows attachments via remote URLs.
policyVersionIDattributeThe version of court policy reported by this message. Up to the court to define the format of this, and describe in human-readable court policy.
PolicyVersionIDclass instanceThe version of court policy reported by this message. Up to the court to define the format of this, and describe in human-readable court policy.
Polygonclass instanceA Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior.
The elements exterior and interior describe the surface boundary of the polygon.
Polygonclass instance
polygonclass instanceClosed ring property element containing a list of pairs of coordinates (first pair and last pair identical) representing latitude then longitude in the WGS84 coordinate reference system
PolygonCoordinateclass instanceA geographic coordinate identifying a location at the end of a side of a multi-sided region.
PolygonCoordinateLocationclass instanceA location of a coordinate that serves as a node of a polygon.
PolygonNodeLocationclass instanceA location of a vertex of a polygon region.
PolygonPatchclass instanceA gml:PolygonPatch is a surface patch that is defined by a set of boundary curves and an underlying surface to which these curves adhere. The curves shall be coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior.
interpolation is fixed to "planar", i.e. an interpolation shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.
polygonPatchesclass instance
PolygonPropertyTypeclassThis type contains a gml:Polygon
PolygonRegionAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a polygon.
PolygonRegionAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a polygon region.
PolygonRegionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PolygonRegionType.
PolygonRegionAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a polygon.
PolygonRegionAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a polygon.
PolygonRegionTypeclassA data type for a polygon area identified by a set of coordinates.
PolygonTypeclassA data type for a polygon; a geometric surface defined by a single surface patch whose boundary is coplanar. A gml:Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar inte
PolygonTypeclassA Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch. The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior. It is backwards compatible with the Polygon of GML 2, GM_Polygon of ISO 19107 is implemented by PolygonPatch.
PolyhedralSurfaceclass instanceA polyhedral surface is a surface composed of polygon patches connected along their common boundary curves. This differs from the surface type only in the restriction on the types of surface patches acceptable.
polygonPatches encapsulates the polygon patches of the polyhedral surface.
PolyvictimizationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of additional victimization.
PolyvictimizationCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of additional victimization.
PolyvictimizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of additional victimization
PolyvictimizationCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of additional victimization.
PolyvictimizationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of additional victimization.
Portclass instanceA facility capable of receiving vessels and transferring cargo.
PortAnchorageCapabilityTextclass instanceA description of the anchorage capabilities of a port.
PortAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PortType.
PortBENumberTextclass instanceA BE (Basic Encyclopedia) number for a port.
PortCargoCapabilityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of cargo capabilities of a port.
PortCargoCapabilityTextclass instanceA description of the cargo capabilities of a port.
PortCodeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a code to identify a port.
PortCodeTextclass instanceA code to identify a port.
PortCOTPZoneclass instanceA Captain of the Port (COTP) zone to which a port belongs.
PortDepthAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a water depth of a port that limits which vessels can make use of the port.
PortDepthMeasureclass instanceA measure of the water depth of a port that limits which vessels can make use of the port.
PortDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a port.
PortDockQuantityclass instanceA number of docks possessed by a port.
PortGovernmentAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a government which owns or operates a port, especially in the situation where a port is physically in one country but is owned or operated by another.
PortGovernmentISO3166Alpha2Codeclass instanceA government which owns or operates a port, especially in the situation where a port is physically in one country but is owned or operated by another.
PortGovernmentTextclass instanceA government which owns or operates a port, especially in the situation where a port is physically in one country but is owned or operated by another.
PortImageclass instanceAn image of a port.
PortISPSCompliantIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a port is compliant with International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) requirements; false otherwise.
PortMaximumVesselQuantityclass instanceA maximum number of vessels the port is capable of handling.
PortNameclass instanceA name of a port.
PortOfDebarkationLocationclass instanceA geographic point at which cargo or personnel are discharged. This may be a seaport or aerial port of debarkation; for unit requirements; it may or may not coincide with the destination. Also called POD.
PortOfEmbarkationLocationclass instanceA geographic point in a routing scheme from which cargo or personnel depart. Also called POE.
PortOfEntryCodeTextclass instanceA text representing a code for a DHS organization location where a traveler or alien entered or departed the US.
PortOperationalStatusclass instanceAn operational status of a port.
PortPilotBoatQuantityclass instanceA number of pilot boats available at a port.
PortStrategicPortOfEmbarkationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if troops, munitions, etc. can be loaded/unloaded at this port; false otherwise.
PortThreatLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a threat level at a port.
PortThreatLevelTextclass instanceA threat level at a port.
PortTypeclassA data type for a facility capable of receiving vessels and transferring cargo.
PortUNLOCODEAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a United Nations Location Code of a maritime port, also known as a UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
PortUNLOCODETextclass instanceA United Nations Location Code of a maritime port, also known as a UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
PortVisitAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PortVisitType.
PortVisitTypeclassA data type for an actual or expected visit of a vessel to a port.
posclass instance
posclass instance
PoseAngleAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for Pose Angle
PoseAngleTypeclassA data type for a set of angular offsets of a subject from a full face or a profile, for a determined 3D pose
PosePitchAngleMeasureclass instanceA rotation about the horizontal 'x' axis
PosePitchUncertaintyValueclass instanceA pitch uncertainty
PoseRollAngleMeasureclass instanceA rotation about the 'z' axis
PoseRollUncertaintyValueclass instanceA roll uncertainty
PoseYawAngleMeasureclass instanceA rotation about the vertical 'y' axis
PoseYawUncertaintyValueclass instanceA yaw uncertainty
positionclass instance
Positionclass instanceA geospatial position, course, heading, speed, and status of a vessel or other conveyance at a given time.
PositionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PositionType.
PositionCourseMeasureclass instanceA measure of the angular course of a vessel or other conveyance.
PositionDateTimeclass instanceA date and time that a position of a vessel or other conveyance was recorded or measured.
PositionHeadingMeasureclass instanceA measure of the angular heading of a vessel or other conveyance.
PositionHorizontalCoordinateValueclass instanceA feature's X coordinate
PositionNavigationStatusclass instanceA navigational status of a vessel or other conveyance at a particular position.
PositionPolygonVertexclass instanceA vertex in a position polygon
PositionPolygonVertexQuantityclass instanceA number of vertices in a position polygon
PositionRateOfTurnMeasureclass instanceA measurement of the rate of turn of a vessel or other conveyance.
PositionSpeedMeasureclass instanceA measure of the speed of a vessel or other conveyance.
PositionThetaAngleMeasureclass instanceA minutia's theta angle
PositionTypeclassA data type for a geospatial position, course, heading, speed, and status of a vessel at a given time.
PositionUncertaintyValueclass instanceA radius of position uncertainty (PUM) in the manual or automatic placement of the core in integer units of 10 micrometers
PositionVerticalCoordinateValueclass instanceA feature's Y coordinate
PositiveDoubleListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a list of doubles restricted to positive values.
PositiveDoubleListTypeclassA data type for a list of doubles restricted to positive values.
PositiveDoubleSimpleTypeclassA data type for a double with values greater than zero.
PositiveDoubleTypeclassA data type for a double with values greater than zero.
positiveIntegerclassA data type that is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of minInclusive to be 1.
PositiveIntegerListSimpleTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of positive integers.
PositiveIntegerListTypeclassA data type for a white space-delimited list of positive integers.
PositiveIntegerTypeclassA data type for a positive integer.
PositiveLengthCMTypeclassA data type for a length measure whose value is positive and expressed in centimeter (cm) units.
PositiveVolumeCCTypeclassA data type for a volume measure whose value is positive and expressed in cubic centimeter (cc) units.
posListclass instance
posListclass instance
PostalAddressclassA postal address.
postalCodeattributeA postal code for mail delivery within a country.
postalCodeExtensionattributeA extension to a postal code.
PostalDeliveryPointTypeListclassA list of postal delivery point types
PostOfficeTypeListclassA list of types of postal delivery offices
PostSentenceActionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PostSentenceActionType.
PostSentenceActionTypeclassA data type for an optional Post-Sentence Segment in the Criminal History record in order to transmit actions following adjudication and sentencing, such as a pardon, certificate of relief, restoration of rights, retirement, clemency, or commutatio
PostSentenceEventTextclass instanceAn action following adjudication and sentencing, such as a pardon, certificate of relief, restoration of rights, retirement, clemency, or commutation of sentence.
PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationclass instanceAn association relating a set of identities that may potentially belong to the same person.
PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationType.
PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association relating a set of identities that may potentially belong to the same person.
PotentialIdentityMatchDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of why the different identities may belong to the same person.
PotentialStartTimeRangeclass instanceA time before which a court date must begin
PowerCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element for the type of power facility
PowerCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the type of power facility
PowerCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the type of power facility
PowerComponentCodeclass instanceAn element for the common components of power generating and distribution facilities
PowerComponentCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the common components of power generating and distribution facilities
PowerComponentCodeTypeclassA data type for the common components of power generating and distribution facilities
PR0CodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 2 - Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
PR0CodeTypeclassA data type for 2 - Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
PreAdjudicationSupervisionclass instanceA set of details about pre-adjudication information for an individual.
PreArrestResidenceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this location was a person's residence at time of arrest; false otherwise.
PrecedingMessageIDclass instanceAn identifier of the preceding message for this message
PreciousMetalclass instanceA rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
PreciousMetalCodeclass instanceA code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity. .
PreciousMetalCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
PreciousMetalCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
PrecisionAgriculturalSubMeterAccuracyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if geospatial data collected from Precision Agriculture technology has horizontal coordinate measurements that are accurate within a sub meter; false otherwise.
Preferencesclass instanceA container for a list of preferences of a person (e.g. seat position in flight, restuarants)
PreferenceTypeListclassType of preferences of a person
PreferredDrugNameclass instanceA name of the substance identified as the primary drug of choice used by a person.
PreliminaryDamageAssessementclass instanceA Preliminary Damage Assessement report
PreliminaryDamageAssessmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreliminaryDamageAssessmentType
PreliminaryDamageAssessmentTypeclassA data type for a preliminary damage assessement report
PreliminaryHearingEstimatedDurationclass instanceThe prosecutor estimate of the time that will be required to conduct a preliminary hearing.
preliminaryHearingEstimatedDurationattributeThe prosecutor estimate of the time that will be required to conduct a preliminary hearing.
PremiseSecurityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident.
PremiseSecurityCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident.
PremisesElementTypeListclassA list of name types for premises
PremisesTypeclassComplex type for internal reuse
PremisesTypeListclassA list of premises type
PremiumProcessingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if benefit request has premium processing status; false otherwise
PrenatalAgeUnitCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child.
PrenatalAgeUnitCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child.
PreparingAgencyFinancialCompilationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an organization and a financial compilation.
PreparingAgencyFinancialCompilationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreparingAgencyFinancialCompilationAssociationType.
PreparingAgencyFinancialCompilationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an organization and a financial compilation.
PreparingAgencyObligationComputationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an obligation computation and an organization that prepared it.
PreparingAgencyObligationComputationAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreparingAgencyObligationComputationAssociationType.
PreparingAgencyObligationComputationAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between an obligation computation and an organization that prepared it.
PreparingOfficialFinancialCompilationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a financial compilation and the person who prepared it.
PreparingOfficialNoteclass instanceA note written by the preparing official as a part of preparing the report.
PreparingOfficialObligationComputationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an obligation computation and the person who prepared it.
PreparingOfficialRecommendationclass instanceA recommendation of the preparing official.
PreScreeningclass instanceAn activity to identify that a person is a victim of human trafficking using a pre-screening tool or procedure (e.g., an intake form, federal screening tool).
PreScreeningAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreScreeningType.
PreScreeningToolAdministratorclass instanceAn entity that administers a pre-screening tool.
PreScreeningToolTextclass instanceA description of a pre-screening tool (e.g., an intake form, federal screening tool).
PreScreeningTypeclassA data type for an activity to identify that a person is a victim of human trafficking using a pre-screening tool or procedure (e.g., an intake form, federal screening tool).
PrescribedMedicationNameclass instanceA name of a Person's prescribed medication
PrescribedMedicationReasonTextclass instanceA reason provided for an person's prescribed medication
Prescriberclass instanceA medical professional or organization that authorizes a prescription drug.
Prescriptionclass instanceA set of written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
PrescriptionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PrescriptionType.
PrescriptionFilledDateclass instanceA date on which a prescription was filled.
PrescriptionLastTakenDateclass instanceA date or date range when the medication was last taken.
PrescriptionNormCodeTextclass instanceA standardized and normalized cross-platform RxCode for electronic prescriptions to capture the prescribed drug product identification information. Part of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
PrescriptionOrderFollowedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Person has been taking medication as prescribed; false otherwise.
PrescriptionSoldDateclass instanceA date on which a prescription received by a patient or a patient's agent.
PrescriptionTreatmentReasonTextclass instanceA description of the treatment reason or condition being treated with the medication. This should include any 'off label' use.
PrescriptionTypeclassA data type for the details of written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
PrescriptionUseInstructionsTextclass instanceA set of instructions for use of medication e.g. daily with food for 7 days, as needed for discomfort, not more than every 8 hours, etc.
PrescriptionWrittenDateclass instanceA date on which a prescription was written by a prescriber.
PresenceUnlawfulIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the District Officer finds that the alien student is in status violation, or has been denied a reinstatement; false otherwise.
PresentenceInvestigationclass instanceAn investigation occurring post conviction, but prior to sentence, that assesses a subject's probability of risk to the community in the form of future criminal behavior, the harm the offense caused and the need for restitution or cost. Also assesse
PresentenceInvestigationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PresentenceInvestigationType.
PresentenceInvestigationTypeclassA data type for an investigation occurring post conviction, but prior to sentence, that assesses a subject's probability of risk to the community in the form of future criminal behavior, the harm the offense caused and the need for restitution or cos
PresentingProblemCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing problems presented at intake.
PresentingProblemCodeTypeclassA data type for describing problems presented at intake.
PresentingProblemTextclass instanceA presenting history of the circumstances surrounding removal of the child. Includes some analysis of how those circumstances put the child in danger or actually harmed the child.
PretrialInvestigationclass instanceAn investigation occurring prior to trial that assesses the likelihood that a subject will fail to appear in court and the danger to the community posed by a subject.
PretrialInvestigationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PretrialInvestigationType.
PretrialInvestigationTypeclassA data type for an investigation occurring prior to trial that assesses the likelihood that a subject will fail to appear in court and the danger to the community posed by a subject.
PretrialReleaseStatusAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a release status of a subject of pre-trial investigation.
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeclass instanceA release status of a subject of pre-trial investigation.
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation.
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation.
PreTrialSupervisionclass instanceA set of pre-trial information for an individual.
PreviousActivityclass instanceAn activity that occurred previously.
PreviousActivityAssociationclass instanceAn association between an activity and a preceding activity.
PreviousActivityAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for nc:PreviousActivityAssociationType.
PreviousActivityAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between an activity and a previous activity.
PreviousCustomDocumentclass instanceA customs document that has been superseded by a more recent document.
PreviousCustomsDocumentclass instanceA document used for declaration previously presented on Customs territory.
PreviousCustomsDocumentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreviousCustomsDocumentType.
PreviousCustomsDocumentCategoryclass instanceA type description of document used for declaration previously presented on Customs territory, coded.
PreviousCustomsDocumentDateclass instanceA date of the previous Customs document (007) in accordance with national legislation, coded.
PreviousCustomsDocumentNumberIDclass instanceAn identifier of a previous Customs document.
PreviousCustomsDocumentTypeclassA data type for a customs document that has been superseded by a more recent document.
PreviousForeignPortOfCallclass instanceA previous foreign port of call for a vessel.
PreviousForeignPortOfCallListclass instanceA list of foreign ports previously visited.
PreviousForeignPortOfCallListAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PreviousForeignPortOfCallListType.
PreviousForeignPortOfCallListTypeclassA data type for a list of foreign ports previously visited.
PreviousSentenceclass instanceAn old sentence term and conditions that have since been replaced by an amended sentence.
PrimaryAccountNumberIDclass instanceA number that idenitifies an account with a court or a financial institution.
PrimaryDispositionTextclass instanceA text that specifies a crossing disposition for a traveler at Primary.
PrimaryDocumentclass instanceA main or primary document.
PrimaryDocumentclass instanceA main or primary document.
PrimaryGoalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is the primary goal of this service plan; false otherwise.
PrimaryIdentityclass instanceAn identity that a person is first known as (e.g., for law enforcement), primarily known as, or primarily goes by. This may or may not be the -real- or authenticated identity.
PrimaryLocationclass instanceAn identifier that represents a LOCATION.
PrimaryOfficialContactclass instanceA primary official contact.
PrimaryPlacardCodeTextclass instanceA primary placard identifier code.
PrimaryResidenceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this home is occupied at least 6 months per year and is this a primary residence; false if dwelling occupied as a vacation residence? Or simply vacant.
PrimeMeridianclass instanceA gml:PrimeMeridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined. The default value for the prime meridian gml:identifier value is "Greenwich".
primeMeridianclass instancegml:primeMeridian is an association role to the prime meridian used by this geodetic datum.
PrimeMeridianAltclass instance
PrimeMeridianAlt_TypeclassXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
PrimeMeridianPropertyTypeclassgml:PrimeMeridianPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a prime meridian, either referencing or containing the definition of that meridian.
primeMeridianRefclass instance
Primitive Typesclass view
PrincipalIndicatorclass instanceTrue if another alien may derive lawful status under immigration law from this ALIEN; false otherwise.
PrincipalRolePersonclass instanceA reference to the Person playing the principal alien role.
PrintedI20sQuantityclass instanceA number indicating the number of I-20s printed for an alien student to date.
PrintedTextclass instanceA data element for information that is printed on an identification card
PriorArrestDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a prior arrest.
priorCaserelationThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates.
PriorDetentionclass instanceA prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionActualReleaseDateclass instanceAn actual release date for a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PriorDetentionType.
PriorDetentionCompletionStatusclass instanceA status of the completion of a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionHoldingForCountyAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a county for whom a person was held in a prior detention.
PriorDetentionHoldingForCountyCodeclass instanceA county for whom a person was held in a prior detention.
PriorDetentionHoldingForCountyTextclass instanceA county for whom a person was held in a prior detention.
PriorDetentionIntakeDateclass instanceA date of intake for a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionPersonFingerprintedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person under a prior detention had been fingerprinted; false otherwise.
PriorDetentionPersonInvolvedVictimNotificationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the involved witness in conjunction with a detention was notified; false otherwise.
PriorDetentionPersonPhotographedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person under a prior detention had been photographed; false otherwise.
PriorDetentionPersonReleasedToEntityclass instanceA description of person, organization, facility, service, or other destination to which the person under detention was released.
PriorDetentionPoliceCaseclass instanceA case relating to a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionReleaseCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of release of a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionScheduledReleaseDateclass instanceA scheduled release date for a prior detention of a person.
PriorDetentionTypeclassA data type for describing a prior detention.
PriorInterventionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a prior intervention.
PriorInterventionCodeclass instanceAn enumeration of the kinds of prior interventions.
PriorInterventionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for describing a prior intervention.
PriorInterventionCodeTypeclassA data type for describing a prior intervention.
PriorInterventionTextclass instanceA narrative description of the kind of prior intervention.
priorityLocationclass instance
priorRelatedDocumentIDattributeAn identifier of a related document that was previously filed in this case. For instance, the document to which this document is a response.
prisonerIDattributeAn identifier for the defendant assigned by a jail, prison, lock up or other detention facility.
PrivateIneligibleInfrastructureIndicatorclass instanceTrue if this is a private road/bridge.Privately owned roads and bridges are generally not eligible for PA funding; false if not
ProbabilityPercentclass instanceA decimal value that indicates computed likelihood that what the content is true or accurate. This value is based on a calculation of probability of occurrence or truth.
Probationclass instanceA judicial requirement that a person fulfill certain conditions of behavior in lieu of jail time.
ProbationAndParoleViolationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if Current Probation or Parole Violation; false otherwise.
ProbationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a the document is associated with a Probation; false otherwise.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing a recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryCodeclass instanceAn enumeration of the kinds of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention
ProblemTreatmentHistoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type listing the kinds of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryCodeTypeclassA data type for describing the kinds of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryTextclass instanceA narrative description of the kind of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProcessAnnotationclass instanceA set of elements describing, or logging, a single step in a biometric processing algorithm or workstation
ProcessAnnotationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProcessAnnotation
ProcessAnnotationTypeclassA data type for a set of elements describing, or logging, a biometric processing algorithm or workstation
ProcessDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a biometric process or procedure applied to an image
ProcessingAuthorityTextclass instanceA text value containing information about the agency that performed post-capture processing.
ProcessingCommentTextclass instanceA text value containing information about the processing activities undertaken on the post-capture data.
ProcessingEstablishmentclass instanceA description of a slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProcessingEstablishmentType.
ProcessingEstablishmentIDCategoryclass instanceA identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentIDCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a the identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentIDCodeTypeclassA data type for a the identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of Processing Establishment
ProcessingEstablishmentTypeclassA data type for a name [and address] of slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingIndicatorCodeclass instanceA Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
ProcessingIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
ProcessingIndicatorCodeTypeclassA data type for a Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
ProcessingPriorityValueclass instanceA priority value.
ProcessNameclass instanceA name of a biometric processing algorithm or workstation, along with a version number
ProcessOwnerTextclass instanceA set of contact information for the organization that owns the biometric processing algorithm or latent workstation
ProcessUTCDateclass instanceA date and time for a biometric processing algorithm
ProducerShareclass instanceA share in the benefits that a producer has from a specific agricultural production plan.
ProducerShareAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProducerShareType.
ProducerSharePercentclass instanceA Producer's share of a crop and the benefits coming from that crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProducerSharePercentSimpleTypeclassA data type for producer's share of a crop and the benefits coming from that crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProducerSharePercentTypeclassA data type for producer's share of a crop and the benefits coming from that crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProducerShareTypeclassA data type that contains producer's share in the benefits coming from a crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProductIntendedUseCodeclass instanceA product code identifying the intended use for an agricultural product such as a crop/commodity, tree, livestock, etc. Codes for intended uses are specific to a particular combination of Core Product Code and Core Product Type Code and are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
ProductIntendedUseSimpleTypeclassA data type identifying the intended use code for an agricultural product such as a crop/commodity, tree, livestock, etc. Codes for intended uses are specific to a particular combination of Core Product Code and Core Product Type Code and are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
ProductIntendedUseTypeclassA data type for agricultural product code.
ProductPlantingCodeclass instanceA code identifying the planting of a product/crop as either conventional (planted as normal or no planting required) or unconventional/irregular in a predefined way.
ProductPlantingCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for code to identify the planting of a product/crop as either conventional (plannted as normal or no planting required) or unconventional/irregular in a predefined way.
ProductPlantingCodeTypeclassA data type for code to identify the planting of a product/crop.
Programclass instanceA set of projects, activities, or services intended to meet a need.
ProgramAbbreviationTextclass instanceAn exchange visitor program.
ProgramActionclass instanceA project or service of a program.
ProgramActivityclass instanceA set of details about the actions and events within a specific program.
ProgramActivityAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ProgramActivityType
ProgramActivityCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of Activities such as classes, workshops, seminars, training sessions, or other values that are part of a program.
ProgramActivityCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of Activities such as classes, workshops, seminars, training sessions, or other values that are part of a program.
ProgramActivityCommentTextclass instanceA field detailing the activities associated with a PROGRAM.
ProgramActivityLevelOfIntensityAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of level of intensity related to a program activity.
ProgramActivityLevelOfIntensityTextclass instanceA kind of level of intensity related to a program activity.
ProgramActivityOutcomeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of outcome of the program activity.
ProgramActivityOutcomeTextclass instanceA kind of outcome of the program activity.
ProgramActivityQuantityclass instanceA total number of activities of the same type that are defined with other activity data to describe the lifecycle of the activity described for subjects in a Service Delivery or Rehabilitation Program.
ProgramActivityStaffingRatioTextclass instanceA count or comment of the staff to subject ratio for a specific program activity.
ProgramActivityTypeclassA data type for a set of details about the actions and events within a specific program.
ProgramAdministratorclass instanceAn entity that runs a program.
ProgramAttendanceTextclass instanceA description of the attendance record of a student or patient for a class or program.
ProgramAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationclass instanceAdditional information about a Program.
ProgramAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProgramType.
ProgramAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationTypeclassA data type for additional information about a Program.
ProgramBeginDateclass instanceA date on which the alien student's program begins.
ProgramBehaviorTextclass instanceA description of the behavior of a student or patient for a class or program.
ProgramCalendarScheduleclass instanceA monthly calendar of events that the program wants to publish to help others maintain awareness of key events.
ProgramCapacityQuantityclass instanceA maximum number of people that can be enrolled in a program at a time.
ProgramCaseworkerclass instanceA staff member assigned as a caseworker to a specific program.
ProgramCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of EXCHANGE VISITORs program offered by a sponsor.
ProgramClassificationclass instanceA classification of EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM offered by a sponsor.
ProgramCompletionCommentTextclass instanceA comment on the completion of the program.
ProgramConditionclass instanceA condition that must be met in order for a person to remain in a program.
ProgramContractclass instanceA document detailing the objectives and agreements of the subject in the scope of the program.
ProgramDefectFindingTextclass instanceA finding of a defect or condition that did not meet the standard during the inspection.
ProgramDescriptionOfServicesTextclass instanceA text field to briefly describe the services that the Ancillary Program provides.
ProgramDescriptionTextclass instanceA field indicating the description of the associated PROGRAM CODE.
ProgramDesignatedDurationNumericclass instanceA number indicating the duration of a PROGRAM.
ProgramEffectiveCompletionDateclass instanceA date on which the Exchange Visitor is expected to complete the requirements of his/her program.
ProgramEligibleEndDateclass instanceA date a person lost eligibility for a program (e.g., exceeded income limits, violated a program rule, or otherwise failed to satisfy a requirement).
ProgramEligibleStartDateclass instanceA date a person became eligible to enroll in a program (e.g., receive financial assistance, treatment, or some other social service).
ProgramEndDateclass instanceA date on which the Exchange Visitor is expected to complete his/her program.
ProgramEnrolledclass instanceAn organized set of sponsored activities or events enrolled by EXCHANGE VISITORs.
ProgramEnrollmentclass instanceA set of details required for a subject's participation in a specific program.
ProgramEnrollmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ProgramEnrollmentType
ProgramEnrollmentGoalclass instanceA defined end-state for the subject that describes the state of well-being following rehabilitation activity.
ProgramEnrollmentTypeclassA data type for a set of details required for a subject's participation in a specific program.
ProgramExpireDateclass instanceA date on which the EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM would terminate.
ProgramExtensionRequestclass instanceA record of the alien student request for an extension to participating in the program.
ProgramFacilityclass instanceA place where a program is located.
ProgramGenderRestrictionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of gender restriction specific to a program enrollment.
ProgramGenderRestrictionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of gender restriction specific to a program enrollment.
ProgramIdentificationclass instanceAn identification of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
ProgramIncludesChildrenIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a provider can set if programs include children of subjects; false otherwise.
ProgramIncludesOffenderPopulationActivityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if of whether the experience included offender population activities; false otherwise.
ProgramIncludesSeniorsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a provider can set if programs include senior as subjects; false otherwise.
ProgramIncludesTestingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if testing is a part of the Rehabilitation Program or Treatment Program for any reason (drug, alcohol, etc.); false otherwise.
ProgramInServiceScheduleclass instanceA timeline of events for an in-service program.
ProgramKeyAreasOfPracticeCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of values for rehabilitation related experience program topics.
ProgramKeyAreasOfPracticeCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of values for rehabilitation related experience program topics.
ProgramKeyPositionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description to clarify the key position required in delivery of rehabilitation services.
ProgramKeyPositionNameclass instanceA name given to identify a key position used in delivery of rehabilitation services for the State of California.
ProgramKindCodeclass instanceA kind of assessement program
ProgramKindCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a Program which assessment will support
ProgramKindCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of assessement program
ProgramMonetaryValueclass instanceAn evaluation of the monetary worth of the program provided.
ProgramNameclass instanceA field denoting the name of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
ProgramOriginalStartDateclass instanceA date on which the PROGRAM originally started.
ProgramOverviewStatementTextclass instanceA statement describing a program of treatments at a high level.
ProgramOwnerclass instanceA designated owner to maintain the definition of a Treatment Program for its lifecycle.
ProgramParticipationBegunIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person has begun participation in his/her program; false otherwise.
ProgramPersonclass instanceA person who attends a program.
ProgramPlanclass instanceA plan of activity that may include a number of Treatment Programs as well as activities defined for achievement of Rehabilitation Program Need Satisfaction, Goals, and Objectives.
ProgramPubliclyRunIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a program is run in the public sector; false if the program is run privately.
ProgramPurposeTextclass instanceA purpose or reason for a program.
ProgramReferralclass instanceA recommendation or mandate for a person to attend a program.
ProgramReleaseclass instanceA manner by which a person left a program.
ProgramRequirementMinimumAge18Indicatorclass instanceTrue if a program attendee must be 18 or older due to compliance with some program requirements; false otherwise.
ProgramRequirementMinimumAge21Indicatorclass instanceTrue if a program attendee must be 21 or older due to compliance with some program requirements; false otherwise.
ProgramResidentialIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person resides at a program facility; false otherwise.
ProgramResultantCertificationExpirationDateclass instanceA date when a certification received as a result of a student or patient completing a class or treatment program expires.
ProgramResultantCertificationTextclass instanceA certification received as a result of a student or patient completing a class or treatment program.
ProgramSatisfactoryCompletionIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a student or patient satisfactorily completed the class or program; false if they did not complete the program or did not complete it satisfactorily.
ProgramStaffMemberclass instanceA corrections employee assigned or associated with a specific program.
ProgramStartDateclass instanceA date in which the program begins.
ProgramStatusChangeDateclass instanceA date that is the most recent on which the PROGRAM status changed.
ProgramSupervisedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a person will be officially supervised through the duration of a program; false otherwise.
ProgramSupervisionArrangementTextclass instanceA field detailing supervision arrangements conducted by the PROGRAM.
ProgramSupervisorclass instanceAn entity that oversees and manages a program.
ProgramSupportedAlternativeLanguageAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of alternative language that is supported within a program, other than English.
ProgramSupportedAlternativeLanguageTextclass instanceA kind of alternative language that is supported within a program, other than English.
ProgramTerminationDateclass instanceA date on which program participation will terminate.
ProgramTerminationTextclass instanceA field indicating free text about the program termination.
ProgramTitleTextclass instanceA title or name of a class or treatment program a student or patient is participating in.
ProgramTypeclassA data type for a set of projects, activities, or services intended to meet a need.
ProgramVerifiedDateclass instanceA date that the Ancillary Program information was verified.
ProgramViolationclass instanceA set of details describing activities and infractions of a subject in a program.
ProgramViolationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:ProgramViolationType
ProgramViolationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of values used to categorize program violations.
ProgramViolationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of values used to categorize program violations.
ProgramViolationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a program violation.
ProgramViolationIDclass instanceA unique identifier generated for each program violation for a subject.
ProgramViolationOutcomeAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of outcome for a program violation.
ProgramViolationOutcomeTextclass instanceA kind of outcome for a program violation.
ProgramViolationRelatedOfficialclass instanceAn individual who observed or documented the program violation as a concatenated first and last name.
ProgramViolationTypeclassA data type for a set of details describing activities and infractions of a subject in a program.
Progressclass instanceA set of changes or advancements which bring someone closer to completing something.
ProgressAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProgressType.
ProgressComplianceIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a reported progress is acceptable according to the terms set; false otherwise.
ProgressComplianceTextclass instanceA description of the compliance or non-compliance of a person with an activity.
ProgressPaymentAmountclass instanceAn amount of money paid towards completion of a requirement.
ProgressTimeQuantityTextclass instanceA quantity of time spent towards completion of a requirement.
ProgressTypeclassA data type for a set of changes or advancements which bring someone closer to completing something.
ProhibitedActclass instanceA violation of published rule/code of conduct for which a person can be held accountable for through sanction.
ProhibitedActAidingAbettingIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a subject was aiding or abetting, but not instigating; false otherwise.
ProhibitedActAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProhibitedActType.
ProhibitedActDispositionAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a prohibited act and a disposition of the prohibited act.
ProhibitedActDispositionAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProhibitedActDispositionAssociationType.
ProhibitedActDispositionAssociationTypeclassA data type for a relationship between a prohibited act and a disposition of the prohibited act.
ProhibitedActRepetitionQuantityclass instanceA number of times a subject has committed the same misconduct.
ProhibitedActTypeclassA data type for a violation of published rule/code of conduct for which a person can be held accountable for through sanction.
ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionclass instanceA data element for the condition a person is prohibited from being deployed to
ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionType
ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionDescriptionTextclass instanceA textual description of the prohibitive deployment condition
ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionTypeclassA data type for the condition a person is prohibited from being deployed to
Projectclass instanceA data type for an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.
ProjectedCRSclass instancegml:ProjectedCRS is a 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface, but in such a way that the distortion that is inherent to the approximation is carefully controlled and known. Distortion correction is commonly applied to calculated bearings and distances to produce values that are a close match to actual field values.
ProjectedCRSPropertyTypeclassgml:ProjectedCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a projected coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
projectedCRSRefclass instance
ProjectedReleaseDateclass instanceA date on which the alien is predicted to be released.
ProjectionCodeListclassA list of codes for projection
ProofOfInsuranceclassInformation concerning whether an individual possesses proof of insurance coverage.
proofOfInsurancerelationInformation concerning whether an individual possesses proof of insurance coverage.
proofOfInsuranceIndicatorattributeciting officer indicating there is proof of insurance
proofOfInsuranceTextattributeCiting officer indicating there is proof of insurance by entering carrier name.
ProperNameTextTypeclassA data type for a word or phrase by which a person or thing is known, referred, or addressed.
ProperNameTextTypeclassA data type for a word or phrase by which a person or thing is known, referred, or addressed.
ProperShippingNameclass instanceA name used for a hazardous material on shipping documents.
PropertyclassAn inanimate object that is named as a party in a case. Examples include an automobile, airplane, gun, or cash sought to be forfeited to the state as an instrumentality of a crime or a vessel against which a warrant issues in an admiralty case.
propertyattributeA property entity
PropertyattributeThe NIEM property that implements the source class or property
propertyAugmentationattributeAn augmentation to a property entity
PropertyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for categories or classifications of a property item.
PropertyCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for categories or classifications of a property item.
propertyDamageAmountattributeA monetary amount of property damage done during the incident.
propertyDamageIndicatorattributeIndicator of whether property was damaged during the incident.
propertyIDattributeThe unique identifier assigned by the court at the time the property is first associated with the case. If the court has not yet assigned an identifier in this case, then the filing assembly MDE will leave this blank.
PropertyRecoveryLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an item and a location where it was recovered.
PropertySeizedLocationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an item and a location where it was seized.
prosecutingAgencyCaseTrackingNumberattributeAn identifier assigned to a case by the prosecutor office.
prosecutionCaseNumberattributeCase Number assigned by the Prosecuting Attorney.
ProsecutionChargeclass instanceA charge filed by a prosecuting attorney.
prosecutionRecommendedBailattributeThe bail amount recommended by the prosecutor.
ProsecutionRecommendedBailTextclass instanceThe bail amount recommended by the prosecutor.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person is a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking; false otherwise.
ProspectiveVictimStatusclass instanceA status of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimStatusAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProspectiveVictimStatusType.
ProspectiveVictimStatusTypeclassA data type for the status of a prospective or potential victim.
ProtectedHealthInformationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a piece of information is Protected Health Information (PHI); false otherwise.
protectionOrderattributeA request for a protection order.
ProtectionOrderclass instanceA civil order, issued by a court, protecting one individual from another.
ProtectionOrderclass instanceA civil order, issued by a court, protecting one individual from another.
ProtectionOrderAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for ProtectionOrderType.
ProtectionOrderBradyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject is considered Brady disqualified; false otherwise.
ProtectionOrderConditionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of protection order.
ProtectionOrderConditionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a specific kind of protection order.
ProtectionOrderConditionCodeclass instanceA specific kind of protection order.
ProtectionOrderConditionCodeclass instanceA specific kind of protection order.
ProtectionOrderConditionTextclass instanceA Translation of the Protection Order Condition Indicates Response Message.
ProtectionOrderConditionTextclass instanceA Translation of the Protection Order Condition Indicates Response Message.
ProtectionOrderPetitionerOrganizationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an organization who is the plaintiff/petitioner of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderPetitionerPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person who is the plaintiff/petitioner of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderProtectedOrganizationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an organization who is the protected party of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderProtectedPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person who is the protected party of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderRespondentOrganizationAssociationclass instanceA relationship between an organization who is a subject/respondent of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderRespondentPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person who is a subject/respondent of a protection order and a protection order activity.
ProtectionOrderRestrictedPersonclass instanceA person that a subject is restricted from having any contact with as defined in a protection order.
ProtectionOrderRestrictedPersonclass instanceA person that a subject is restricted from having any contact with as defined in a protection order.
ProtectionOrderTypeclassA data type for a civil order protecting one individual from another.
ProtectionOrderTypeclassA data type for a civil order protecting one individual from another.
ProvidedDirectServiceVictimAssociationclass instanceAn association between a victim and a service which was provided to them by the reporting organization.
Providerclass instanceA person who has another person as a dependent.
ProviderEntityclass instanceA person or organization providing medical services to a person.
ProvidingOrganizationNameclass instanceA data element for the name of the organization that provided the training
PsychiatricDisorderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Person has been diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder; false otherwise.
PsychologicalDisorderIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a Person has been diagnosed with a Psychological Disorder; false otherwise.
PT_FreeTextclass instance
PT_Localeclass instance
PT_LocaleContainerclass instance
PublicAssistanceCategoryCodeclass instanceAn element to catagories the public assistance work
PublicAssistanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the catagories the public assistance work
PublicAssistanceCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the catagories the public assistance work.
Publicationclass instanceA collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side.
PublicationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PublicationType.
PublicationAuthorTextclass instanceA person who originates or gives existence to a publication.
PublicationDateclass instanceA date of a publication
PublicationISBNIDclass instanceA unique, numerical, commercial book identifier.
PublicationISSNIDclass instanceA unique, numerical, commercial periodical publication identifier.
PublicationLibraryClassificationIdentificationclass instanceA unique identification of a publication assigned by a library to classify, organize, and track publications, e.g. Dewey Decimal System Number.
PublicationPageTextclass instanceA data element for page or page numbers on which a publication is appeared in a periodical
PublicationPublisherTextclass instanceAn owner of the copyright for the publication.
PublicationSubjectTextclass instanceAn area of knowledge.
PublicationSubscriberPersonAssociationclass instanceA relationship between a person and a publication they subscribe to, or have read or are reading.
PublicationTitleTextclass instanceA name given to a publication.
PublicationTypeclassA data type for a collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side.
PublicKeyInformationclassSymmetric or asymmetric keys used to encrypt and decrypt, or verify signed messages or documents exchanged with the court.
publicKeyInformationrelationSymmetric or asymmetric codes used by this court to encrypt and decrypt a message or document.
PublicServiceclass instanceA set of deeds and acts performed by or on behalf of a public agency for the benefit of a citizen, a business or another public agency.
PublicServiceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type nc:PublicServiceType
PublicServiceAvailabilityScheduleclass instanceA time frame in which a public service is available.
PublicServiceCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a different public services category.
PublicServiceCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of public service.
PublicServiceChannelTextclass instanceA particular end or object through which the service may be available.
PublicServiceDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the public service.
PublicServiceInputResourceDocumentclass instanceA resource required by the service in order to operate.
PublicServiceLanguageAbstractclass instanceA data concept for the language in which the service is available.
PublicServiceLanguageCodeclass instanceA language in which the service is available.
PublicServiceLanguageNameclass instanceA name of a language in which the service is available.
PublicServiceLocationclass instanceA physical location at which a user may interact with a public service.
PublicServiceNameclass instanceA name of a public service.
PublicServiceOutputResourceDocumentclass instanceA resource produced by a public service.
PublicServiceRelatedLocationclass instanceA location or place related to an available public service.
PublicServiceRelatedServiceclass instanceA public service related to this service, but not required.
PublicServiceRequiredServiceclass instanceA public service that is required by this service.
PublicServiceTypeclassA data type for a set of deeds and acts performed by or on behalf of a public agency for the benefit of a citizen, a business or another public agency.
PublicServiceWebsiteURIclass instanceA web page through which a public service may be available.
PublisherNameclass instanceA name of an entity responsible for the publication of the information.
PutativeParentChildAssociationclass instanceAn association between a child and a person who is alleged to be the child's biological parent.
PutativeParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for PutativeParentChildAssociationType.
PutativeParentChildAssociationTypeclassA data type for an association between a child and a person who is alleged to be the child's biological parent.
PutrescentDebrisQuantityclass instanceA count of putrescent debris like rotting vegetative debris. (cubic yards)