Name | Kind | Description |
Name | class instance | The person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained. |
name | class instance | The gml:name property provides a label or identifier for the object, commonly a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities. gml:name uses the gml:CodeType content model. The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute. The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace. In common usage there will be one name per authority, so a processing application may select the name from its preferred codeSpace. |
name | attribute | The name of a location. |
name | attribute | The name of a person or organization. |
name | attribute | The name of a person or organization. |
name | class | A structure that describes a name of a person or organization. |
Name | class | |
nameExtension | attribute | An extension point for an organization name. |
NameLine | class instance | Define name as a free format text. Use this when the type of the entity (person or organisation) is unknown, or is not broken down into individual elements (e.g. unstructured, unparsed) or is beyond the provided types. The name represented may be formatted in the right order or may not be as it is not parsed/broken into atomic fields |
NameLineTypeList | class | A list of possible values for types of name lines |
NameList | class | A type for a list of values of the respective simple type. |
nameOfDeceased | attribute | The name of the deceased person. |
NameOnCardText | class instance | A data element that is the name of the person which is printed on an identification card |
NameOrNilReason | class | Extension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value. |
NameOrNilReasonList | class | A type for a list of values of the respective simple type. |
NameTranslationRepresentationCode | class instance | A kind of Name Translation Representation |
NameTranslationRepresentationCodeSimpleType | class | A data type describing the kinds of representations for names being translated |
NameTranslationRepresentationCodeType | class | A data type describing the kinds of representations for names being translated |
NameType | class | |
NameType | class | Complex type for internal reuse |
NANoYesNRCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown. |
NANoYesNRCodeType | class | A data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown. |
NANPTelephoneNumber | class instance | A North American Numbering Plan telephone number. |
NANPTelephoneNumber | class instance | A North American Numbering Plan telephone number. |
NANPTelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NANPTelephoneNumberType. |
NANPTelephoneNumberType | class | A data type for a North American Numbering Plan telephone number. |
NANPTelephoneNumberType | class | A data type for a North American Numbering Plan telephone number. |
Narrative | class instance | An account as reported by an observer. |
narrativeSummaryOfViolation | attribute | A narrative description of the facts and circumstances for which a citation was issued |
NATelephoneAreaCode | attribute | A North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone area code. |
NATelephoneExchangeNumber | attribute | A North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone exchange number. |
NATelephoneLineNumber | attribute | A North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone line number. |
NATelephoneNumber | attribute | A North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone number. |
NATelephoneSuffix | attribute | An extension to a North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone number. |
Nationalities | class instance | A container for a list of nationalities of a person |
NationalityTypeList | class | List of types of obtaining nationality |
NationalReasonDescriptionText | class instance | A description of the reason why a Person is considered a National. |
NationalRole | class instance | An individual who owes his sole allegiance to the United States, including all U.S. citizens, and including some individuals who are not U.S. citizens. These individuals would include citizens of certain U.S. possessions such as American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands |
NationalRoleAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NationalRoleType. |
NationalRoleType | class | A data type for the role of National that is played by a Person with respect to a Country |
NativeScanningResolutionValue | class instance | A scanning resolution used by a specific biometric image capture device. Valid values between 19.29 and 99.99 OR equal to 00.00 (corresponds to 500ppi postive and negative 2% up to maximum allowed value.). Should only allow two decimal places |
NATOMilSimpleType | class | A data type for a measure of an angle in NATO Mils (there are 6400 NATO Mils in a circle). |
NATOMilType | class | A data type for a measure of an angle in NATO Mils (there are 6400 NATO Mils in a circle). |
NaturalizationAddress | class instance | A location address where the alien was naturalized as a U.S. Citizen |
NaturalizationCertificateIdentification | class instance | An identification number of the naturalization certificate issued to a naturalized U.S. Citizen. |
NaturalizationCourtName | class instance | A name of a court where the alien was naturalized. |
NaturalizationDescriptionText | class instance | A description of the details of the alien's U.S. Naturalization. |
NaturalizedCitizenRole | class instance | A Person who has been naturalized in a country as a new citizen. |
NaturalizedCitizenRoleAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NaturalizedCitizenRoleType. |
NaturalizedCitizenRoleType | class | A data type for the role of Naturalized Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country |
natureOfDebtCode | attribute | Whether the debts involved in the case are "business" or "consumer". |
NavigationInstructionsText | class instance | A set of instructions that define how to get to the report to location |
nc | class view | NIEM Core. |
nc | class view | |
nc-4.0.1 | class view | NIEM Core Supplement 4.0.1 |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:Activity | attribute | A single or set of related actions, events, or process steps. |
nc:ActivityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityType. |
nc:ActivityCategoryText | attribute | A kind of activity. |
nc:ActivityContactEntity | attribute | A person or organization to contact for additional information about an activity. |
nc:ActivityConveyanceAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityConveyanceAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityDate | attribute | A date of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDate | attribute | A date of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDisposition | attribute | A result or outcome of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDisposition | attribute | A result or outcome of an activity. |
nc:ActivityDocumentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityDocumentAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityFacilityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityFacilityAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an activity. |
nc:ActivityIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an activity. |
nc:ActivityIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an activity. |
nc:ActivityIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an activity. |
nc:ActivityIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an activity. |
nc:ActivityInvolvementAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a description of the involvement of an entity in an activity. |
nc:ActivityInvolvementAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a description of the involvement of an entity in an activity. |
nc:ActivityInvolvementAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a description of the involvement of an entity in an activity. |
nc:ActivityItemAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityItemAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityName | attribute | A name of an activity. |
nc:ActivityName | attribute | A name of an activity. |
nc:ActivityName | attribute | A name of an activity. |
nc:ActivityOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityOrganizationAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityPersonAssociation | attribute | An association between a person and an activity in which a person was or may have been involved. |
nc:ActivityPersonAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityPersonAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityReasonText | attribute | A reason for an activity. |
nc:ActivityRelationText | attribute | A relationship between activities. |
nc:ActivityScheduleAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ActivityScheduleAssociationType. |
nc:ActivitySiteAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:ActivitySiteAssociationType. |
nc:ActivityStatus | attribute | A status of an activity. |
nc:ActivityStatus | attribute | A status of an activity. |
nc:ActivityStatus | attribute | A status of an activity. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:Address | attribute | A postal location to which paper mail can be directed. |
nc:AddressAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AddressType. |
nc:AddressCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of address. |
nc:AddressDeliveryPointAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a single place or unit at which mail is delivered. |
nc:AddressDeliveryPointAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a single place or unit at which mail is delivered. |
nc:AddressDeliveryPointText | attribute | A single place or unit at which mail is delivered. |
nc:AddressFullText | attribute | A complete address. |
nc:AddressFullText | attribute | A complete address. |
nc:AddressGridAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AddressGridType. |
nc:AddressGridID | attribute | An identifier that references a unique address grid system. |
nc:AddressGridText | attribute | A unit, quadrant, or other subdivision of an address grid. |
nc:AddressPrivateMailboxText | attribute | A private mailbox within a company. |
nc:AddressRecipientName | attribute | A name of a person, organization, or other recipient to whom physical mail may be sent. |
nc:AddressRecipientName | attribute | A name of a person, organization, or other recipient to whom physical mail may be sent. |
nc:AddressSecondaryUnitText | attribute | A particular unit within a larger unit or grouping at a location. |
nc:AddressUrbanizationName | attribute | An urbanization denotes an area, sector, or residential development within a geographic area. Commonly used in Puerto Rican urban areas, it is an important part of the addressing format, as it describes the location of a specific street whose name may occur multiple times within the same ZIP Code. |
nc:AdministrativeID | attribute | An identifier generated locally within a processing system used to identify sub-records within an entity of interest record. |
nc:Agency | attribute | A division of a governmental or international body. |
nc:Aircraft | attribute | A mode of transportation capable of flying in the air. |
nc:Aircraft | attribute | A mode of transportation capable of flying in the air. |
nc:Aircraft | attribute | A mode of transportation capable of flying in the air. |
nc:AircraftAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AircraftType. |
nc:AircraftBaseAirport | attribute | A facility at which an aircraft is usually kept. |
nc:AircraftFuselageColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a primary color of the main body of an aircraft. |
nc:AircraftMakeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manufacturer of an aircraft. |
nc:AircraftModelAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific design or kind of aircraft made by a manufacturer. |
nc:AircraftStyleAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a style of an aircraft. |
nc:AircraftTailIdentification | attribute | An identification of an aircraft. |
nc:AircraftWingColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a primary color of the wings on an aircraft. |
nc:AirportAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AirportType. |
nc:AirportCodeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a code assigned to an airport used for identification. |
nc:Amount | attribute | An amount of money. |
nc:Amount | attribute | An amount of money. |
nc:AmountAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AmountType. |
nc:AngleMeasure | attribute | A measure of an angular value. |
nc:AngleMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:AngleMeasureType |
nc:AngleUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure of an angle value. |
nc:AngularDegreeValue | attribute | A value that specifies a degree of an angular measure. |
nc:AngularMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AngularMeasureType. |
nc:AngularMinuteValue | attribute | A value that specifies a minute of a degree. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:AngularRateMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:AngularRateMeasureType |
nc:AngularRateUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure of an angular rate of change. |
nc:AngularSecondValue | attribute | A value that specifies a second of a minute. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:AnomalyAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AnomalyType. |
nc:AnomalyCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a type or kind of anomaly. |
nc:AnomalyContactInformation | attribute | A point of contact for further information regarding an anomaly. |
nc:AnomalyDateTime | attribute | A date and time an anomaly occurred. |
nc:AnomalyDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an anomaly. |
nc:AnomalyLocation | attribute | A location where an anomaly occurred. |
nc:AreaAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AreaType. |
nc:AreaDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an area. |
nc:AreaGeographicAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a local or map-specific geographically-based code used to describe an area. |
nc:AreaPolygonRegion | attribute | A polygon area identified by a set of coordinates. |
nc:AreaRegionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a location identified by geographic boundaries. |
nc:AreaRegionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a location identified by geographic boundaries. |
nc:ArrivalAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:ArrivalType |
nc:ArrivalDate | attribute | A date of arrival. |
nc:ArrivalEstimatedDate | attribute | An estimated date of arrival. |
nc:ArrivalLocation | attribute | A location of arrival. |
nc:AssessmentAssessor | attribute | A person who performs an assessment. |
nc:AssessmentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AssessmentType. |
nc:AssessmentFee | attribute | An amount of money charged to perform an assessment. |
nc:AssessmentPerson | attribute | A person who undergoes an assessment. |
nc:AssessmentProgram | attribute | A program a person attends or undergoes in which an assessment is made. |
nc:AssessmentReferral | attribute | An order or direction for an assessment to be performed. |
nc:AssessmentScoreText | attribute | An evaluation score of an assessment. |
nc:AssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for AssociationType. |
nc:AssociationDateRange | attribute | A date range in which an association occurs. |
nc:AssociationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an association. |
nc:AssociationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an association. |
nc:Attachment | attribute | A binary attachment to a report or document. |
nc:Attachment | attribute | A binary attachment to a report or document. |
nc:AzimuthAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an orientation of something with respect to True North. |
nc:AzimuthValue | attribute | An angle of rotation of a thing about its normal axis, measured in degrees between the longitudinal axis and true north. |
nc:Base64BinaryObject | attribute | A base64 binary encoding of data. |
nc:Bearing | attribute | A direction in a polar coordinate system. |
nc:BearingAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for BearingType. |
nc:BeginTime | attribute | A start or begin time. |
nc:BinaryAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for BinaryType. |
nc:BinaryAvailableIndicator | attribute | True if a binary is available; false if it is not. |
nc:BinaryCaptureDate | attribute | A date on which a binary object is captured or created. |
nc:BinaryCaptureDate | attribute | A date on which a binary object is captured or created. |
nc:BinaryCapturer | attribute | An entity which captured or created a binary object. |
nc:BinaryCapturer | attribute | An entity which captured or created a binary object. |
nc:BinaryCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of binary object. |
nc:BinaryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryFormatStandardName | attribute | A name of a standard or protocol used to classify binary content. |
nc:BinaryFormatText | attribute | A file format or content type of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryFormatText | attribute | A file format or content type of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryFormatText | attribute | A file format or content type of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryHash | attribute | A hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format. |
nc:BinaryHashAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:BinaryHashType |
nc:BinaryHashCode | attribute | A binary hash value. |
nc:BinaryHashFunctionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format. |
nc:BinaryID | attribute | An identifier that references a binary object. |
nc:BinaryID | attribute | An identifier that references a binary object. |
nc:BinaryLocationText | attribute | A physical location of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryObjectAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a binary encoding of data. |
nc:BinaryObjectAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a binary encoding of data. |
nc:BinaryObjectAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a binary encoding of data. |
nc:BinarySizeValue | attribute | A size of a binary object in kilobytes. |
nc:BinarySizeValue | attribute | A size of a binary object in kilobytes. |
nc:BinaryURI | attribute | A URL or file reference of a binary object. |
nc:BinaryURI | attribute | A URL or file reference of a binary object. |
nc:CapabilityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CapabilityType. |
nc:CapabilityCategoryText | attribute | A specific kind of capacity or ability. |
nc:CapabilityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a capacity or ability. |
nc:CapabilityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a capacity or ability. |
nc:CapabilityEndDate | attribute | A date that ends the capability |
nc:CapabilityGeneralCategoryText | attribute | A general classification of a kind of capacity or ability. |
nc:CapabilityIdentification | attribute | An identification for a capability. |
nc:CapabilityIsLimitationIndicator | attribute | True if a capability implies an inability to do something; false otherwise. |
nc:CapabilityName | attribute | A name for a capability. |
nc:CapabilityStartDate | attribute | A date for the start of a capability. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:Case | attribute | An aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events. |
nc:CaseAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CaseType. |
nc:CaseAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CaseType. |
nc:CaseCategoryText | attribute | A kind of case. |
nc:CaseDispositionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CaseDispositionType. |
nc:CaseDispositionDecision | attribute | A case disposition occurring as a result of some decision. |
nc:CaseDispositionDecisionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CaseDispositionDecisionType. |
nc:CaseDispositionDecisionCategoryText | attribute | A kind of decision made in a case disposition. |
nc:CaseDispositionDecisionText | attribute | A literal language of a decision. |
nc:CaseDispositionFinalDate | attribute | A date that all charges in a case were disposed. |
nc:CaseDispositionFinalDate | attribute | A date that all charges in a case were disposed. |
nc:CaseDocketID | attribute | An identifier used to reference a case docket. |
nc:CaseDocketID | attribute | An identifier used to reference a case docket. |
nc:CaseDocketID | attribute | An identifier used to reference a case docket. |
nc:CaseDocketID | attribute | An identifier used to reference a case docket. |
nc:CaseFiling | attribute | A document or other piece of information filed by someone or something involved in a case. |
nc:CaseGeneralCategoryText | attribute | A broadly defined kind of case. |
nc:CaseResolutionText | attribute | A result of a case. |
nc:CaseSubCategoryText | attribute | A more specific classification of a kind of case. |
nc:CaseTitleText | attribute | An official name of a case. |
nc:CaseTitleText | attribute | An official name of a case. |
nc:CaseTrackingID | attribute | An identifier used to track a case. |
nc:CaseYearDate | attribute | A year a case is opened. |
nc:CaveatText | attribute | A warning or caution about the information. |
nc:CaveatText | attribute | A warning or caution about the information. |
nc:CaveatText | attribute | A warning or caution about the information. |
nc:CircularRegionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CircularRegionType. |
nc:CircularRegionCenterCoordinate | attribute | A geographic coordinate located at the center of a circular region. |
nc:CircularRegionRadiusLengthMeasure | attribute | A distance from the center point to the circumference or boundary of a circular region. |
nc:Comment | attribute | A comment, note, or remark. |
nc:Comment | attribute | A comment, note, or remark. |
nc:CommentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CommentType. |
nc:CommentAuthorText | attribute | A name or role of the author of a comment. |
nc:CommentCreationDate | attribute | A date a comment was created. |
nc:CommentText | attribute | A comment, note, or remark providing additional information. |
nc:CommentText | attribute | A comment, note, or remark providing additional information. |
nc:CommentTitleText | attribute | A name of a comment. |
nc:Condition | attribute | A requirement or stipulation. |
nc:ConditionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ConditionType. |
nc:ConditionDisciplinaryAction | attribute | A corrective action that is specified as part of a condition. |
nc:ConditionGroupID | attribute | An identifier of a group of conditions to which this condition belongs. |
nc:ConditionMandatoryIndicator | attribute | True if a condition is strictly required; false otherwise. |
nc:ConditionSetDate | attribute | A date a condition was set. |
nc:ConditionViolatedIndicator | attribute | True if a condition has been violated; false otherwise. |
nc:ConditionViolationDate | attribute | A date a condition was violated. |
nc:ConditionViolationText | attribute | A violation of a condition. |
nc:ConfidencePercent | attribute | A value that indicates belief that content is accurate or trustworthy. |
nc:ConsumptionRateMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:ConsumptionRateMeasureType |
nc:ConsumptionRateUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure of a rate of consumption value. |
nc:ContactEmailID | attribute | An electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted. |
nc:ContactEmailID | attribute | An electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted. |
nc:ContactEmailID | attribute | An electronic mailing address by which a person or organization may be contacted. |
nc:ContactEntity | attribute | An entity that may be contacted by using the given contact information. |
nc:ContactEntity | attribute | An entity that may be contacted by using the given contact information. |
nc:ContactEntityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the entity being contacted. |
nc:ContactEntityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the entity being contacted. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformation | attribute | A set of details about how to contact a person or an organization. |
nc:ContactInformationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ContactInformationType. |
nc:ContactInformationAvailabilityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information. |
nc:ContactInformationAvailabilityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information. |
nc:ContactInformationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the contact information. |
nc:ContactInformationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the contact information. |
nc:ContactInformationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the contact information. |
nc:ContactInformationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the contact information. |
nc:ContactMeansAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a means of contacting someone. |
nc:ContactMeansAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a means of contacting someone. |
nc:ContactMeansAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a means of contacting someone. |
nc:ContactRadioAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ContactRadioType. |
nc:ContactRadioCallSignID | attribute | An identifier of a person using a radio. |
nc:ContactRadioCategoryText | attribute | A kind of wavelength or band of a radio. |
nc:ContactRadioChannelText | attribute | A radio channel or frequency within the band. |
nc:ContactRadioChannelText | attribute | A radio channel or frequency within the band. |
nc:ContactResponder | attribute | A third party person who answers a call and connects or directs the caller to the intended person. |
nc:ContactResponder | attribute | A third party person who answers a call and connects or directs the caller to the intended person. |
nc:Container | attribute | An item that holds something. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:Conveyance | attribute | A means of transport. |
nc:ConveyanceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ConveyanceType. |
nc:ConveyanceCargoText | attribute | A cargo or set of goods transported by a conveyance. |
nc:ConveyanceEngineQuantity | attribute | A number of engines on a conveyance. |
nc:ConveyanceFuelCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance. |
nc:ConveyanceMotorizedIndicator | attribute | True if a conveyance is powered by a motor; false otherwise. |
nc:ConveyanceOperator | attribute | A person who operates or drives a conveyance. |
nc:ConveyancePassengerQuantity | attribute | A number of people in a conveyance excluding the driver. |
nc:ConveyanceSalesTaxPercent | attribute | A tax rate as a percentage used for computing the sales tax on the purchase of a conveyance. |
nc:ConveyanceTowedIndicator | attribute | True if a conveyance is towed; false otherwise. |
nc:ConveyanceUseAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manner or way in which a conveyance is used. |
nc:ConveyedItem | attribute | An item that is specifically being conveyed. |
nc:ConveyedPerson | attribute | A person being conveyed. |
nc:CountryAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:CountryType |
nc:CountryRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a representation of a country. |
nc:CountryRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a representation of a country. |
nc:CreatorName | attribute | A name of an entity primarily responsible for generating or producing the information. |
nc:CrisisAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:CrisisType |
nc:CrisisDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisIdentification | attribute | An identification of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisImage | attribute | An image of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisLocation | attribute | A location of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisName | attribute | A name of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisStatus | attribute | A status of a crisis. |
nc:CrisisURLID | attribute | An URL identifier for information about a crisis. |
nc:CrossStreetAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for CrossStreetType. |
nc:CrossStreetDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a street intersection. |
nc:CrossStreetRelativeLocation | attribute | A location of something relative to a street intersection. |
nc:CurrencyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of money or exchange. |
nc:CurrencyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of money or exchange. |
nc:CurrencyCode | attribute | A unit of money or exchange. |
nc:DateAccuracyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a subjective assessment that indicates belief that date content is exact or accurate. |
nc:DateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DateType. |
nc:DateMarginOfErrorDuration | attribute | A subjective assessment of the uncertainty of an estimated point by bounding an elements value with an estimated margin of error. |
nc:DateRange | attribute | A time period measured by a starting and ending point. |
nc:DateRange | attribute | A time period measured by a starting and ending point. |
nc:DateRange | attribute | A time period measured by a starting and ending point. |
nc:DateRange | attribute | A time period measured by a starting and ending point. |
nc:DateRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DateRangeType. |
nc:DateRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a representation of a date. |
nc:DateRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a representation of a date. |
nc:DEAClassScheduleAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a class to which the Drug Enforcement A data concept for agency (DEA data concept for a) has assigned the product under the Controlled Substances A data concept for act of 1970. |
nc:DecalAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DecalType. |
nc:DecalColorText | attribute | A color of a decal. |
nc:DecalID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a decal in a given year. |
nc:DecalMonthDate | attribute | A month displayed on a decal. |
nc:DecalPeriodAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a lifespan of a decal for which it is valid. |
nc:DecalYearDate | attribute | A year displayed on a decal. |
nc:DecimalRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DecimalRangeType. |
nc:DepartureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:DepartureType |
nc:DepartureDate | attribute | A date of departure. |
nc:DepartureEstimatedDate | attribute | An estimated date of departure. |
nc:DepartureLocation | attribute | A location of departure. |
nc:DescriptionText | attribute | A description of the information. |
nc:DescriptionText | attribute | A description of the information. |
nc:DeviceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:DeviceType. |
nc:DeviceCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of communication device. |
nc:DeviceElectronicAddress | attribute | An Internet Protocol (IP) address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of a device that uniquely identifies a specific site on the Internet or another network. |
nc:DeviceESNIdentification | attribute | An identification number of a device specified as an electronic serial number assigned to every GSM and UMTS cellular phone by the specific manufacturer. |
nc:DeviceIMEIIdentification | attribute | An identification number of a device specified as an International Mobile Equipment Identity assigned to every mobile phone by the manufacturer. |
nc:DeviceInformationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:DeviceInformationAssociationType. |
nc:DeviceReceivedInformationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a call, message, file, communication, or other kind of information received by a device. |
nc:DeviceSentInformationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a call, message, file, communication, or other kind of information sent from a device. |
nc:DeviceStoredContactInformation | attribute | A piece of contact information stored on a device. |
nc:DeviceStoredInformationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a call, message, file, communication, or other kind of information stored on a device. |
nc:DeviceUser | attribute | A person who uses a device. |
nc:DeviceVisitedInformationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a website or other kind of information visited or accessed by a device. |
nc:DirectDialTelephoneNetworkText | attribute | A network on which a shortened telephone number may be used. |
nc:DirectDialTelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DirectDialTelephoneNumberType. |
nc:DirectDialTelephoneNumberID | attribute | A shortened sequence of numbers that can be used in place of a full telephone number within a local calling system such as a particular network or corporate phone system. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionAssigner | attribute | An entity which assigns a disciplinary action to a person. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DisciplinaryActionType. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionCommunityService | attribute | A recommendation or requirement for a person to perform community service as a disciplinary action. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionCounseling | attribute | A recommendation or requirement for a person to attend counseling as a disciplinary action. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionEnforcer | attribute | An entity responsible for ensuring a person performs the assigned disciplinary action. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionFee | attribute | A monetary fine assigned to a person as a disciplinary action. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionPerson | attribute | A person to whom a disciplinary action is assigned. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionProgram | attribute | A recommendation or requirement for a person to attend a program as a disciplinary action. |
nc:DisciplinaryActionRestitution | attribute | A requirement for a person to financially or otherwise compensate another person as a disciplinary action. |
nc:Disposition | attribute | A result or outcome that is the product of handling, processing, or finalizing something. |
nc:Disposition | attribute | A result or outcome that is the product of handling, processing, or finalizing something. |
nc:DispositionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DispositionType. |
nc:DispositionCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of disposition. |
nc:DispositionCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of disposition. |
nc:DispositionDate | attribute | A date a disposition occurred. |
nc:DispositionDate | attribute | A date a disposition occurred. |
nc:DispositionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a disposition. |
nc:DispositionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a disposition. |
nc:DispositionEntity | attribute | An agency responsible for making a disposition decision. |
nc:DispositionInstrument | attribute | An official document filed to formally document the disposition of a specific charge. |
nc:DispositionReasonText | attribute | A reason for a disposition. |
nc:DispositionReportedAuthorityText | attribute | A name of an authority to which a disposition was reported. |
nc:DispositionText | attribute | A result or outcome of a disposition. |
nc:DistributionText | attribute | A set of allowable recipients of information; dissemination statement or instructions. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:Document | attribute | A paper or electronic document. |
nc:DocumentAlternativeTitleText | attribute | A title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of a document. |
nc:DocumentApprovedIndicator | attribute | True if a document has been approved; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentAssociation | attribute | An association between documents. |
nc:DocumentAssociation | attribute | An association between documents. |
nc:DocumentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DocumentAssociationType. |
nc:DocumentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DocumentAssociationType. |
nc:DocumentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DocumentType. |
nc:DocumentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DocumentType. |
nc:DocumentAuthor | attribute | An entity primarily responsible for creating the intellectual content of the resource. |
nc:DocumentBinary | attribute | A binary encoding of the content of a document. |
nc:DocumentCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of document. |
nc:DocumentCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of document. |
nc:DocumentCategoryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a kind of information in a document. |
nc:DocumentContentListText | attribute | A list of the chapters, sections, or other divisions of a document. |
nc:DocumentContributor | attribute | An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource. |
nc:DocumentCopyrightIndicator | attribute | True if a document is copyrighted; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentCountry | attribute | A country being discussed in a document. |
nc:DocumentCoverageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an extent or scope of the content of the resource. |
nc:DocumentCreationDate | attribute | A date a document was created. |
nc:DocumentDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the content of a document. |
nc:DocumentDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the content of a document. |
nc:DocumentDispositionAuthorityName | attribute | A name of an authority designated to handle or process information in a document. |
nc:DocumentDispositionInstructionText | attribute | An instruction on how to handle or process information in a document. |
nc:DocumentDisputedIndicator | attribute | True if the accuracy of a document is disputed; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentDisputedReasonText | attribute | A reason why the accuracy of a document is disputed. |
nc:DocumentEffectiveDate | attribute | A date in which the content or action becomes enforceable, active, or effective. |
nc:DocumentEffectiveDate | attribute | A date in which the content or action becomes enforceable, active, or effective. |
nc:DocumentEntrySubmitter | attribute | A person who contributed an entry in a document. |
nc:DocumentEUDataPrivacyIndicator | attribute | True if the data is protected under the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016-679 and should be treated differently; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which the document is no longer valid. It may indicate a document should be removed from a registry or index. |
nc:DocumentFileControlID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system. |
nc:DocumentFileControlID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system. |
nc:DocumentFileControlID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system. |
nc:DocumentFileControlID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system. |
nc:DocumentFiledDate | attribute | A date a document was officially filed with an organization or agency. |
nc:DocumentFiledDate | attribute | A date a document was officially filed with an organization or agency. |
nc:DocumentFileExtensionText | attribute | A file extension of an electronic document. |
nc:DocumentFileName | attribute | A file name of an electronic document. |
nc:DocumentFormatCategoryText | attribute | A kind of classification system used to define the specific format of a binary object or file. |
nc:DocumentFormatText | attribute | A file format, content type (e.g., a MIME type), or physical format of a document. |
nc:DocumentGroupID | attribute | An identifier of a group to which a document belongs. |
nc:DocumentIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a document. |
nc:DocumentIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a document. |
nc:DocumentIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a document. |
nc:DocumentIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a document. |
nc:DocumentIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a document. |
nc:DocumentInformationCutOffDate | attribute | A date after which contributions to the content of a document will no longer be accepted. |
nc:DocumentInformationCutOffDate | attribute | A date after which contributions to the content of a document will no longer be accepted. |
nc:DocumentIntelligenceCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a nature or genre of the resource. |
nc:DocumentIssuanceDate | attribute | A date a document was issued. |
nc:DocumentIssuanceLocation | attribute | A location from which a document was issued. |
nc:DocumentIssueDate | attribute | A date at which a document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated. |
nc:DocumentIssueDate | attribute | A date at which a document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated. |
nc:DocumentKeywordText | attribute | A significant word or phrase that describes the overall content of a document or its main topic. |
nc:DocumentLanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the language of the content of the resource. |
nc:DocumentLanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the language of the content of the resource. |
nc:DocumentLastModifiedDate | attribute | A date a document was last changed. |
nc:DocumentLocation | attribute | A location of a physical document. |
nc:DocumentLocationURI | attribute | A location of an electronic representation of a document. |
nc:DocumentManagementCyclePeriodText | attribute | A review or update cycle period for a document. |
nc:DocumentMediaCategoryText | attribute | A kind of class that describes the media format of a document. |
nc:DocumentMediumText | attribute | A material or physical carrier for storing a document. |
nc:DocumentOtherRecipient | attribute | A name of additional addressees. |
nc:DocumentPermanentRecordIndicator | attribute | True if a document is to be kept as a permanent record; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentPostDate | attribute | A date a document is entered or posted to an information system or network; used when the date of posting is different from the date on which a document was officially filed. |
nc:DocumentPostDate | attribute | A date a document is entered or posted to an information system or network; used when the date of posting is different from the date on which a document was officially filed. |
nc:DocumentPrivacyActIndicator | attribute | True if a document is categorized as containing personal information subject to protection by the Privacy Act; false otherwise. |
nc:DocumentPublicationDate | attribute | A date of the first public dissemination of the content in any media. |
nc:DocumentReceivedDate | attribute | A date a transmitted document was received. |
nc:DocumentReceivedDate | attribute | A date a transmitted document was received. |
nc:DocumentRecipient | attribute | An entity that is a target or intended recipient of a document. |
nc:DocumentRelatedResourceText | attribute | A reference to another document or resource related to the document. |
nc:DocumentRelationText | attribute | A relationship between documents. |
nc:DocumentRightsText | attribute | A right held in and over the resource. Rights are the constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions, limitations or warning on using a shared resource. |
nc:DocumentSensitivityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a characterization of the sensitivity, security, or privacy level of a document. |
nc:DocumentSequenceID | attribute | An identifier that determines the document order in a set of related documents. |
nc:DocumentSequenceID | attribute | An identifier that determines the document order in a set of related documents. |
nc:DocumentSoftwareName | attribute | A name of a computer application used to process a document. |
nc:DocumentSoftwareName | attribute | A name of a computer application used to process a document. |
nc:DocumentSource | attribute | An entity that was the source of a document. |
nc:DocumentSourceText | attribute | A source from which the content of a document is derived. |
nc:DocumentStatus | attribute | A status of a document. |
nc:DocumentStatusCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of status of a document. |
nc:DocumentStatusDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the document status. |
nc:DocumentStatusDetails | attribute | A classification of status of a document. |
nc:DocumentStatusDetailsAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DocumentStatusClassificationType. |
nc:DocumentSubjectAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a subject code systems used and the appropriate subject code assigned to the document. |
nc:DocumentSubjectText | attribute | A main topic of a document. |
nc:DocumentSubmissionAmount | attribute | A fee or price required to submit a document. |
nc:DocumentSubmitter | attribute | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
nc:DocumentSubmitter | attribute | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
nc:DocumentSubmitter | attribute | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
nc:DocumentSummaryText | attribute | A short description of the subject, content, and key points of a document. |
nc:DocumentSupplementalMarkingText | attribute | A marking made on a document that is not part of the original content and that was added after a document was finalized. |
nc:DocumentTitleText | attribute | A name given to a document. |
nc:DocumentTitleText | attribute | A name given to a document. |
nc:DocumentVitalIndicator | attribute | True if a document is categorized as a vital record by the originating agency; false otherwise. |
nc:DoubleRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DoubleRangeType. |
nc:Drug | attribute | A legal or illegal substance that can be used as a medicine or a narcotic. |
nc:DrugAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for DrugType. |
nc:DrugCoverageExceptionReasonText | attribute | A reason why a drug may be excluded from coverage by certain third-party programs. |
nc:DrugDaysSupplyQuantity | attribute | A number of days a quantity of the drug will cover if used as directed or intended. |
nc:DrugStrengthText | attribute | A level of potency of a drug. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:EffectiveDate | attribute | A date that information take effect. |
nc:ElectronicAddress | attribute | An address, ID, or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that uniquely identifies a specific site on the Internet or another network. |
nc:ElectronicAddressAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ElectronicAddressType. |
nc:ElectronicAddressDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a network address, such as what the site is used for or a name of an online forum or group that is reached at the address. |
nc:Employee | attribute | A person who works for a business or a person. |
nc:Employee | attribute | A person who works for a business or a person. |
nc:Employee | attribute | A person who works for a business or a person. |
nc:EmployeeDepartmentName | attribute | A name of a department or other business unit associated with a job position. |
nc:EmployeeEarningsRateText | attribute | A monetary compensation a person receives for employment. |
nc:EmployeeIdentification | attribute | An employment identification number assigned to a person. |
nc:EmployeeOccupationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a job of an employee. |
nc:EmployeeOccupationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a general kind of job of an employee. |
nc:EmployeeOccupationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a general kind of job of an employee. |
nc:EmployeeOccupationCategoryText | attribute | A general kind of job of an employee. |
nc:EmployeeOccupationText | attribute | A job of an employee. |
nc:EmployeePositionName | attribute | A job name or title of an employee. |
nc:EmployeePositionName | attribute | A job name or title of an employee. |
nc:EmployeeRankText | attribute | A rank, status, or promotion level of a person within an employment organization. |
nc:EmployeeShiftText | attribute | A set of hours or time frame during which a person usually works. |
nc:EmployeeShiftText | attribute | A set of hours or time frame during which a person usually works. |
nc:EmployeeSupervisor | attribute | A person who oversees and manages an employee. |
nc:Employer | attribute | A party/entity (organization or person) who employs a person. |
nc:Employer | attribute | A party/entity (organization or person) who employs a person. |
nc:EmploymentContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting a person at work. |
nc:EmploymentContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting a person at work. |
nc:EmploymentLocation | attribute | A location where a person works. |
nc:EmploymentStatus | attribute | A status of employment for a person. |
nc:EmploymentStatus | attribute | A status of employment for a person. |
nc:EncounterCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of encounter. |
nc:EncounterClassification | attribute | A classification of encounter. |
nc:EncounterClassificationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for EncounterClassificationType. |
nc:EncounterCommentText | attribute | A comment related to the encounter. |
nc:EndDate | attribute | An end date. |
nc:EndDate | attribute | An end date. |
nc:EndDate | attribute | An end date. |
nc:EndDate | attribute | An end date. |
nc:EndTime | attribute | An end time. |
nc:Entity | attribute | A person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities. |
nc:Entity | attribute | A person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities. |
nc:Entity | attribute | A person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities. |
nc:EntityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for EntityType. |
nc:EntityContactInformation | attribute | A set of contact information for an entity. |
nc:EntityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an entity. |
nc:EntityName | attribute | A name of an entity. |
nc:EntityRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities. |
nc:EntityRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities. |
nc:Equipment | attribute | A tangible property (other than land or buildings) of more or less durable nature which is useful in carrying on the operations of a business. |
nc:EquipmentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for EquipmentType. |
nc:EquipmentIdentification | attribute | An identification of a piece of equipment. |
nc:EquipmentIdentification | attribute | An identification of a piece of equipment. |
nc:EquipmentName | attribute | A name of a piece of equipment. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:ExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which information is no longer valid. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:Facility | attribute | A building, place, or structure that provides a particular service. |
nc:FacilityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilityAssociationType. |
nc:FacilityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilityType. |
nc:FacilityCapacityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the number of people a facility can manage at a time. |
nc:FacilityCapacityQuantity | attribute | A number of people a facility can manage at a time. |
nc:FacilityCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a category of facility. |
nc:FacilityContactInformation | attribute | A method of contact for a facility. |
nc:FacilityContainsItem | attribute | An item contained by a facility. |
nc:FacilityDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a facility. |
nc:FacilityDocumentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilityDocumentAssociationType. |
nc:FacilityIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to a facility. |
nc:FacilityIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to a facility. |
nc:FacilityImageAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilityImageAssociationType. |
nc:FacilityLocation | attribute | A location of a facility. |
nc:FacilityMaxOccupancyQuantity | attribute | A maximum number of people that are authorized by permit to be contained in a facility at the same time. |
nc:FacilityMemberCategoryText | attribute | A kind of occupant a facility manages. |
nc:FacilityName | attribute | A name of a facility. |
nc:FacilityName | attribute | A name of a facility. |
nc:FacilityName | attribute | A name of a facility. |
nc:FacilityOperatingSchedule | attribute | A schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period. |
nc:FacilityOperationalStatus | attribute | An operational status of a facility. |
nc:FacilityPersonAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilityPersonAssociationType. |
nc:FacilitySecurityLevelText | attribute | A level of security at which a facility operates. |
nc:FacilitySiteAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:FacilitySiteAssociationType. |
nc:FacilitySiteDiagram | attribute | A diagram of the layout of a facility. |
nc:FacilitySubFacilityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FacilitySubFacilityAssociationType. |
nc:FacilitySystemIdentification | attribute | An identification of a computing system that supports a facility's activities. |
nc:FacilitySystemIPAddressID | attribute | An IP address of a computing system that supports a facility's activities. |
nc:FacilityUsageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a data concept for the functional usage of a facility. |
nc:Fee | attribute | An amount of money charged. |
nc:FinancialAccount | attribute | A financial account maintained by a financial institution. |
nc:FinancialAccount | attribute | A financial account maintained by a financial institution. |
nc:FinancialAccountAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FinancialAccountType. |
nc:FinancialAccountCategoryText | attribute | A kind of account or financial service maintained by a financial institution. |
nc:FinancialAccountClosedIndicator | attribute | True if the account was closed or transferred in its entirety during the calendar year; false otherwise. |
nc:FinancialAccountHolder | attribute | An entity that holds a financial account. |
nc:FinancialAccountHolderAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:FinancialAccountHolderType |
nc:FinancialAccountHolderCode | attribute | A kind of financial account holder. |
nc:FinancialAccountListedName | attribute | A name of a person or organization appearing on a financial account. |
nc:FinancialAccountNumberID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a type of financial account. |
nc:FinancialAccountPresentBalanceAmount | attribute | An account balance at the time of financial compilation. |
nc:FinancialObligationExemptionAmount | attribute | An amount of an exemption from a payment obligation. |
nc:FinancialObligationExemptionAmount | attribute | An amount of an exemption from a payment obligation. |
nc:FingerprintTakenIndicator | attribute | True if a fingerprint biometric was taken; false otherwise. |
nc:FullTelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for FullTelephoneNumberType. |
nc:GenericEntityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:GenericEntityType |
nc:GeographicCoordinateLatitude | attribute | A measurement of the angular distance between a point on the Earth and the Equator. |
nc:GeographicCoordinateLongitude | attribute | A measurement of the angular distance between a point on the Earth and the Prime Meridian. |
nc:GeographicDatumAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a spatial reference system. |
nc:HighwayAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for HighwayType. |
nc:HighwayFullText | attribute | A complete reference to a highway. |
nc:HighwayID | attribute | An identifier of a highway. |
nc:HighwayName | attribute | A name of a highway. |
nc:HighwayPositionText | attribute | A designation of a specific place on a highway. |
nc:IdentificationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IdentificationType. |
nc:IdentificationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of identification. |
nc:IdentificationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of identification. |
nc:IdentificationCategoryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a kind of identification. |
nc:IdentificationCategoryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a kind of identification. |
nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate | attribute | A date an identification takes effect. |
nc:IdentificationExpirationDate | attribute | A date after which an identification is no longer valid. |
nc:IdentificationID | attribute | An identifier. |
nc:IdentificationID | attribute | An identifier. |
nc:IdentificationID | attribute | An identifier. |
nc:IdentificationJurisdiction | attribute | An area, region, or unit where a unique identification is issued. |
nc:IdentificationJurisdiction | attribute | An area, region, or unit where a unique identification is issued. |
nc:IdentificationSourceText | attribute | A person, organization, or locale which issues an identification. |
nc:IdentificationSourceText | attribute | A person, organization, or locale which issues an identification. |
nc:IdentificationStatus | attribute | A status of an identification. |
nc:Identity | attribute | A set of known aspects, identifiers, and/or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized. |
nc:Identity | attribute | A set of known aspects, identifiers, and/or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized. |
nc:Identity | attribute | A set of known aspects, identifiers, and/or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized. |
nc:IdentityAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IdentityType. |
nc:IdentityCharacteristics | attribute | A set of person characteristics used as an identification. |
nc:IdentityCreationDate | attribute | A date an identity is created. |
nc:IdentityCreationEventText | attribute | An occurrence that leads to the creation of an identity. |
nc:IdentityStolenIndicator | attribute | True if the identity of the associated person is known to have been used by someone else (not the rightful identity holder) for the purpose of committing fraud; false otherwise. |
nc:IdentityTerminationDate | attribute | A date an identity is cancelled or terminated. |
nc:IdentityTerminationEventText | attribute | An occurrence that leads to the termination of an identity. |
nc:Image | attribute | A picture or visual representation of something. |
nc:Image | attribute | A picture or visual representation of something. |
nc:Image | attribute | A picture or visual representation of something. |
nc:ImageAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ImageType. |
nc:ImageHeightValue | attribute | A height of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageHeightValue | attribute | A height of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageHeightValue | attribute | A height of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageHeightValue | attribute | A height of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageLocation | attribute | A physical location where an image is stored. |
nc:ImageWidthValue | attribute | A width of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageWidthValue | attribute | A width of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageWidthValue | attribute | A width of an image in pixels. |
nc:ImageWidthValue | attribute | A width of an image in pixels. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:Incident | attribute | An occurrence or an event that may require a response. |
nc:IncidentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IncidentType. |
nc:IncidentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IncidentType. |
nc:IncidentDayPeriodText | attribute | A general time of day during which an incident occurred. |
nc:IncidentEvent | attribute | An action or occurrence associated with an incident. |
nc:IncidentEvent | attribute | An action or occurrence associated with an incident. |
nc:IncidentEvent | attribute | An action or occurrence associated with an incident. |
nc:IncidentJurisdictionalOrganization | attribute | An organization or agency who has jurisdiction over an incident. |
nc:IncidentLocation | attribute | A location where an incident occurred. |
nc:IncidentLocation | attribute | A location where an incident occurred. |
nc:IncidentObservationText | attribute | A remark about something noticed with regards to an incident. |
nc:IncidentReportedNarrative | attribute | A document containing an account of the events that transpired in an incident. |
nc:InclinationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an orientation of an object with respect to the horizontal plane. |
nc:InclinationValue | attribute | An angle of rotation of a thing about its lateral axis, measured in degrees between the longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate a downward rotation. |
nc:InjuryAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for InjuryType. |
nc:InjuryCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of bodily harm or injury. |
nc:InjuryCauserAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a causer of an injury. |
nc:InjuryDate | attribute | A date on which an injury occurred. |
nc:InjuryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an injury. |
nc:InjuryLocationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a place on the body of a person where an injury occurred. |
nc:InjurySeverityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a severity of an injury received by a person involved into a Traffic Accident. |
nc:InjurySustainer | attribute | A person who receives or sustains an injury. |
nc:InstantMessengerAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for InstantMessengerType. |
nc:InstantMessengerScreenID | attribute | An account identifier used to reference a person or organization within an instant messaging system. |
nc:InstantMessengerServiceName | attribute | A name of an instant messaging service. |
nc:Insurance | attribute | A coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril. |
nc:Insurance | attribute | A coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril. |
nc:Insurance | attribute | A coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril. |
nc:Insurance | attribute | A coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril. |
nc:Insurance | attribute | A coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril. |
nc:InsuranceActiveIndicator | attribute | True if an insurance policy is active; false otherwise. |
nc:InsuranceActiveIndicator | attribute | True if an insurance policy is active; false otherwise. |
nc:InsuranceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for InsuranceType. |
nc:InsuranceCancellationDate | attribute | A date an insurance policy is voided or revoked. |
nc:InsuranceCarrierIdentification | attribute | An identification of a company which underwrites an insurance policy. |
nc:InsuranceCarrierName | attribute | A name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy. |
nc:InsuranceCarrierName | attribute | A name of a company which underwrites an insurance policy. |
nc:InsuranceCertifiedDate | attribute | A date a person is certified as having the necessary insurance coverage. |
nc:InsuranceCoverageCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of insurance coverage. |
nc:InsuranceCoverageCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of insurance coverage. |
nc:InsuranceCoveredItem | attribute | A property item that is covered by an insurance policy. |
nc:InsuranceEffectiveDateRange | attribute | A date range during which an insurance policy coverage is in effect. |
nc:InsurancePersonalIndicator | attribute | True if an insurance coverage is for a personal use; false if it is for commercial or corporate use. |
nc:InsurancePolicyHolder | attribute | An entity which holds an insurance policy for a property item. |
nc:InsurancePolicyIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to an insurance policy by an insurance carrier. |
nc:IntangibleItemAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IntangibleItemType. |
nc:IntangibleItemCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of intangible item. |
nc:IntegerRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IntegerRangeType. |
nc:IntellectualItemBusinessAreaText | attribute | A business or functional area in which an intellectual item is useful. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IntellectualPropertyType. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyCreationDate | attribute | A date that a piece of intellectual property came into existence. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyCreationEventText | attribute | An event that led to the creation of intellectual property. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyRegistrationDate | attribute | A date when intellectual property rights began for the registered owner. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyRegistrationIdentification | attribute | An identification of a piece of intellectual property. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyTerminationDate | attribute | A date when intellectual property is destroyed and/or property or registration rights cease to exist. |
nc:IntellectualPropertyTerminationEventText | attribute | An event that led to the destruction of a piece of intellectual property and/or the termination of registration rights. |
nc:InternationalTelephoneNumber | attribute | An international telephone number. |
nc:InternationalTelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for InternationalTelephoneNumberType. |
nc:IPv4AddressID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a computer or other device connected to a TCP/IP network, based on version 4 of the Internet Protocol. |
nc:IPv6AddressID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a computer or other device connected to a TCP/IP network, based on version 6 of the Internet Protocol. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:Item | attribute | An article or thing. |
nc:ItemActionText | attribute | An action that was taken against a property item. |
nc:ItemAgeMeasure | attribute | An age of an item. |
nc:ItemAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemType. |
nc:ItemAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemType. |
nc:ItemBarCodeIdentification | attribute | A bar code identification assigned to a property item. |
nc:ItemBarCodeIdentification | attribute | A bar code identification assigned to a property item. |
nc:ItemBinary | attribute | A binary representation of an item. |
nc:ItemBrandName | attribute | A distinctive name that identifies a manufacturer of a property item. |
nc:ItemBuyer | attribute | A party that bought a property item in a property transaction. |
nc:ItemCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of item. |
nc:ItemColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of an item. |
nc:ItemColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of an item. |
nc:ItemConditionText | attribute | A state or appearance of an item. |
nc:ItemContainerAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemContainerAssociationType. |
nc:ItemCurrentResaleValue | attribute | An amount of money for which an item could currently be sold. |
nc:ItemDealerIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to an item by a dealer. |
nc:ItemDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an item. |
nc:ItemDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an item. |
nc:ItemDisposition | attribute | A result or outcome that happens to an item after it has been handled or processed. |
nc:ItemDispositionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an indication of what happened to a property item. |
nc:ItemDispositionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemDispositionType. |
nc:ItemDispositionLocation | attribute | A location of a property item after it has been processed. |
nc:ItemEntityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemEntityAssociationType. |
nc:ItemFirstSoldYearDate | attribute | A calendar year in which an item was first sold. |
nc:ItemHeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the height of an item. |
nc:ItemHoldingOrganization | attribute | An organization that is in possession of a property item. |
nc:ItemImage | attribute | A binary representation of an image of an item. |
nc:ItemInsuranceAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemInsuranceAssociationType. |
nc:ItemLeaseIndicator | attribute | True if an item is leased; false otherwise. |
nc:ItemLengthMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the length of an item. |
nc:ItemLocationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemLocationAssociationType. |
nc:ItemMakeName | attribute | A name of the manufacturer that produced an item. |
nc:ItemMakeName | attribute | A name of the manufacturer that produced an item. |
nc:ItemModelName | attribute | A name of a specific design or kind of item made by a manufacturer. |
nc:ItemModelName | attribute | A name of a specific design or kind of item made by a manufacturer. |
nc:ItemModelYearDate | attribute | A year in which an item was manufactured or produced. |
nc:ItemModelYearDate | attribute | A year in which an item was manufactured or produced. |
nc:ItemMovingOrganization | attribute | An organization that moves or relocates a property item. |
nc:ItemName | attribute | A name of an item. |
nc:ItemOtherIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to an item. |
nc:ItemOtherIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned to an item. |
nc:ItemOwner | attribute | An entity which owns a property item. |
nc:ItemOwnerAppliedID | attribute | An identifier applied to an item by the owner. |
nc:ItemOwnerPurchasedValue | attribute | An amount of money a current owner paid to purchase a property item. |
nc:ItemOwnershipCategoryText | attribute | A kind of ownership of an item. |
nc:ItemPossessionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of how or why a party other than the owner came to possess a property item. |
nc:ItemPossessor | attribute | An entity other than the owner which has possession of an item. |
nc:ItemPurchasePriceValue | attribute | An amount of money a buyer paid a seller for a property item. |
nc:ItemQuantity | attribute | A count of the individual units which make up an item. |
nc:ItemReceiptIdentification | attribute | An identification issued to an item when taken into possession for official purposes. |
nc:ItemRecoveredValue | attribute | An amount of money a previously missing item is worth after having been found. |
nc:ItemRentalIndicator | attribute | True if an item is rented; false otherwise. |
nc:ItemRFIdentification | attribute | An identification of an item based on radio waves. |
nc:ItemSeller | attribute | An entity that sells a property item. |
nc:ItemSerialIdentification | attribute | An identification inscribed on or attached to a part, collection of parts, or complete unit by the manufacturer. |
nc:ItemSerialIdentification | attribute | An identification inscribed on or attached to a part, collection of parts, or complete unit by the manufacturer. |
nc:ItemSizeDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the size or physical dimensions of an item. |
nc:ItemStateIdentification | attribute | A state-assigned identification for an item. |
nc:ItemStatus | attribute | A status of an item. |
nc:ItemStyleAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a style of an item. |
nc:ItemStyleAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a style of an item. |
nc:ItemTransactionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemTransactionType. |
nc:ItemUsageText | attribute | A manner or way in which an item is used. |
nc:ItemValue | attribute | An evaluation of the monetary worth of an item. |
nc:ItemValue | attribute | An evaluation of the monetary worth of an item. |
nc:ItemValueAmount | attribute | A monetary value of an item. |
nc:ItemValueAmount | attribute | A monetary value of an item. |
nc:ItemValueAssigner | attribute | An entity which assigns a value to an item. |
nc:ItemValueAssigningMethodAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a method used to assign the value of an item. |
nc:ItemValueAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ItemValueType. |
nc:ItemValueDate | attribute | A date an item value takes effect. |
nc:ItemValueDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the monetary worth of an item. |
nc:ItemValueTaxIncludedIndicator | attribute | True if taxes were included in the item value; false otherwise. |
nc:ItemVisibleID | attribute | An identifier of an item that is visible on the item itself. |
nc:ItemWeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the weight of an item. |
nc:ItemWidthMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the width of an item. |
nc:ItemWidthMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the width of an item. |
nc:Jurisdiction | attribute | A geopolitical area in which an organization, person, or object has a specific range of authority. |
nc:Jurisdiction | attribute | A geopolitical area in which an organization, person, or object has a specific range of authority. |
nc:JurisdictionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists. |
nc:JurisdictionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists. |
nc:JurisdictionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists. |
nc:JurisdictionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for JurisdictionType. |
nc:JurisdictionIdentification | attribute | An identification of a jurisdiction. |
nc:LanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication. |
nc:LanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication. |
nc:LanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication. |
nc:LanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a system of words or symbols used for communication. |
nc:LastUpdatedDate | attribute | A date information was last modified. |
nc:LastUpdatedDate | attribute | A date information was last modified. |
nc:LastUpdatedDate | attribute | A date information was last modified. |
nc:LastUpdatedDate | attribute | A date information was last modified. |
nc:LastVerifiedDate | attribute | A date information was last checked for accuracy. |
nc:LatitudeCoordinateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LatitudeCoordinateType. |
nc:LatitudeDegreeValue | attribute | A value that specifies the degree of a latitude. The value comes from a restricted range between -90 (inclusive) and +90 (inclusive). |
nc:LatitudeMinuteValue | attribute | A latitude value that specifies a minute of a degree. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:LatitudeSecondValue | attribute | A latitude value that specifies a second of a minute. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:LengthMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:LengthMeasureType |
nc:LengthUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for length. |
nc:LengthUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for length. |
nc:LocaleAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LocaleType. |
nc:LocaleCensusBlockID | attribute | An identifier of the smallest subdivision of an area. |
nc:LocaleCensusTractID | attribute | An identifier of a designated census tract area. |
nc:LocaleCommunityName | attribute | A name of a specific community. |
nc:LocaleDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a geopolitical area. |
nc:LocaleDistrictName | attribute | A name given to an area defined for administrative or official purposes. |
nc:LocaleEmergencyServicesJurisdictionID | attribute | An identifier of an emergency services jurisdiction that encompasses a location. |
nc:LocaleEmergencyServicesName | attribute | A name of an organization providing emergency services. |
nc:LocaleFireJurisdictionID | attribute | An identifier of a fire department jurisdiction. |
nc:LocaleJudicialDistrictAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a judicial district. |
nc:LocaleJudicialDistrictName | attribute | A name of the judicial district. |
nc:LocaleNeighborhoodName | attribute | A name of a neighborhood. |
nc:LocalePoliceBeatText | attribute | A police beat that encompasses a location. |
nc:LocalePoliceGridText | attribute | A police grid coordinate. |
nc:LocalePoliceJurisdictionID | attribute | An identifier of a police jurisdiction that encompasses a location. |
nc:LocaleRegionName | attribute | A name of a region. |
nc:LocaleSubdivisionName | attribute | A name of a subdivision. |
nc:LocaleZoneName | attribute | A name of a zone. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location | attribute | A geospatial location. |
nc:Location2DGeospatialCoordinate | attribute | A location identified by a latitude and longitude. |
nc:Location2DGeospatialCoordinateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for Location2DGeospatialCoordinateType. |
nc:Location3DGeospatialCoordinate | attribute | A location identified by latitude, longitude, and height. |
nc:Location3DGeospatialCoordinateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for Location3DGeospatialCoordinateType. |
nc:LocationAddressAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a set of information, such as postal information, used to describe a location. |
nc:LocationAddressAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a set of information, such as postal information, used to describe a location. |
nc:LocationArea | attribute | A location identified by geographic boundaries. |
nc:LocationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LocationType. |
nc:LocationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind or functional description of a location. |
nc:LocationCityName | attribute | A name of a city or town. |
nc:LocationCityName | attribute | A name of a city or town. |
nc:LocationCityName | attribute | A name of a city or town. |
nc:LocationCityName | attribute | A name of a city or town. |
nc:LocationCityName | attribute | A name of a city or town. |
nc:LocationContactInformation | attribute | A set of contact information for a location. |
nc:LocationContactInformationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LocationContactInformationAssociationType. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountry | attribute | A country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location. |
nc:LocationCountyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationCountyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationCountyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationCountyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationCountyAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationCountyCode | attribute | A county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. |
nc:LocationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a location. |
nc:LocationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a location. |
nc:LocationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a location. |
nc:LocationDirectionsText | attribute | A set of directions to a location. |
nc:LocationFloorNumberText | attribute | A floor number of a location. |
nc:LocationGeospatialCoordinateAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a geospatial location. |
nc:LocationHeightAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a measure of the height of a location. |
nc:LocationHeightAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a measure of the height of a location. |
nc:LocationHeightMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LocationHeightMeasureType. |
nc:LocationHeightVerticalDatumAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a vertical datum system used to designate the reference point for a height measurement. |
nc:LocationHeightVerticalDatumAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a vertical datum system used to designate the reference point for a height measurement. |
nc:LocationIdentification | attribute | An identification of a Location. |
nc:LocationLandmarkText | attribute | A distinguishing physical feature at a location. |
nc:LocationLocale | attribute | A geopolitical area. |
nc:LocationMapLocation | attribute | A location identified by map or grid coordinates. |
nc:LocationName | attribute | A name of a location. |
nc:LocationName | attribute | A name of a location. |
nc:LocationName | attribute | A name of a location. |
nc:LocationPostalCode | attribute | An identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address. |
nc:LocationPostalCode | attribute | An identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address. |
nc:LocationPostalCode | attribute | An identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address. |
nc:LocationPostalExtensionCode | attribute | An identifier of a smaller area within a post office-assigned zone for an address. |
nc:LocationPostalExtensionCode | attribute | An identifier of a smaller area within a post office-assigned zone for an address. |
nc:LocationRangeDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the boundary or range of a location. |
nc:LocationRelativeLocation | attribute | A location identified by its proximity to another location. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationState | attribute | A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationStateName | attribute | A name of a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:LocationStreet | attribute | A road, thoroughfare or highway. |
nc:LocationSurroundingAreaDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the immediate area around a location. |
nc:LocationUTMCoordinateValue | attribute | A coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value. |
nc:LongitudeCoordinateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for LongitudeCoordinateType. |
nc:LongitudeDegreeValue | attribute | A value that specifies the degree of a longitude. The value comes from a restricted range between -180 (inclusive) and +180 (inclusive). |
nc:LongitudeMinuteValue | attribute | A longitude value that specifies a minute of a degree. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:LongitudeSecondValue | attribute | A longitude value that specifies a second of a minute. The value comes from a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive). |
nc:MACAddressID | attribute | An identifier assigned to a hardware device that connects to the Internet; Media Access Control. |
nc:Manifest | attribute | A document containing information about persons, materials, cargo, and equipment on a conveyance. |
nc:ManifestAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ManifestType. |
nc:ManifestCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of manifest document. |
nc:ManifestTransmittedDate | attribute | A date the manifest was transmitted. |
nc:MapCoordinateFullText | attribute | A coordinate of a point on a map. |
nc:MapDate | attribute | A date a map was published, copyrighted or became effective for use. |
nc:MapElevationCoordinateText | attribute | A height or elevation of a point on a map. |
nc:MapHorizontalCoordinateText | attribute | A horizontal location of a point on a map. |
nc:MapLocationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for MapLocationType. |
nc:MapLocationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a map location. |
nc:MapName | attribute | A name of a map. |
nc:MapPageID | attribute | An identifier of a page number in a map. |
nc:MapQuadrantText | attribute | A quadrant or square in a map. |
nc:MapVersionID | attribute | An identifier of a version of a map. |
nc:MapVerticalCoordinateText | attribute | A vertical location of a point on a map. |
nc:MeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for MeasureType. |
nc:MeasureCommentText | attribute | A comment regarding the measurement value and/or its error estimate. |
nc:MeasureDate | attribute | A date a measurement was made. |
nc:MeasureErrorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an estimate of the error or quality of a measurement value. |
nc:MeasureEstimatedIndicator | attribute | True if a measurement has been guessed, or estimated without use of a measuring device or analytical method; false otherwise. |
nc:MeasureMethodText | attribute | A method used to make a measurement. |
nc:Measurer | attribute | A person or organization who makes a measurement. |
nc:MeasureUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure of a measurement value. |
nc:MeasureUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure of a measurement value. |
nc:MeasureValueAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a measurement value. |
nc:MeasureValueAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a measurement value. |
nc:MedicalCondition | attribute | A state of health, on-going or present. |
nc:MedicalConditionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for MedicalConditionType. |
nc:MedicalConditionCauseText | attribute | A trigger that can initiate the onset of a medical condition. |
nc:MedicalConditionDateRange | attribute | A date range for the start and end of a medical condition. |
nc:MedicalConditionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a medical condition. |
nc:MedicalConditionDoctor | attribute | A doctor who treats a person for a medical condition. |
nc:MedicalConditionPresentIndicator | attribute | True if a medical condition currently exists; false otherwise. |
nc:MedicalConditionSeverityText | attribute | A degree to which a medical condition is affecting a person. |
nc:MedicalConditionText | attribute | A state of health, on-going or present. |
nc:MessageAttachmentAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a file which is sent along with a message. |
nc:MessageAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for MessageType. |
nc:MessageCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of message category. |
nc:MessageFATCAUsageRestrictionText | attribute | A set of information about restrictions for use of the information this message contains and the legal framework under which it is given. |
nc:MessageID | attribute | A message identifier associated with an email or message content. |
nc:MessageReceivedDate | attribute | A date on which a message is received. |
nc:MessageRecipientAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a recipient of a message. |
nc:MessageRecipientAddressID | attribute | An address of a recipient of a message. |
nc:MessageReferenceID | attribute | An identifier that references a sender's or otherwise related message. |
nc:MessageSenderAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a sender of a message. |
nc:MessageSenderAddressID | attribute | An address of a sender of a message. |
nc:MessageSentDate | attribute | A date on which a message is sent. |
nc:MessageSubjectText | attribute | A subject line or field of a message. |
nc:MessageText | attribute | A body or main content of a message. |
nc:Metadata | attribute | Information that further qualifies primary data; data about data. |
nc:Metadata | attribute | Information that further qualifies primary data; data about data. |
nc:Metadata | attribute | Information that further qualifies primary data; data about data. |
nc:MilitaryBranchName | attribute | A name of a military branch in which a person served. |
nc:MilitaryCountry | attribute | A country in whose military a person served. |
nc:MilitaryCountry | attribute | A country in whose military a person served. |
nc:MilitaryDischargeCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of discharge a person received from military service. |
nc:MilitaryDischargeDate | attribute | A date a person was released from further military obligations. |
nc:MilitaryExemptionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of why a person was excused from military service. |
nc:MilitaryExperienceIndicator | attribute | True if a person has some form of military experience; false otherwise. |
nc:MilitaryReleaseCategoryText | attribute | A kind of release a person received from military service. |
nc:MilitaryReleaseDate | attribute | A date a person was released from active service in a military. |
nc:MilitaryServiceActiveIndicator | attribute | True if a person is currently serving in the military; false otherwise. |
nc:MilitaryServiceTimeMeasure | attribute | A quantity of time a person spent in military service. |
nc:MilitaryStatus | attribute | A status of military service of a person. |
nc:MilitarySummaryAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for MilitarySummaryType. |
nc:MissionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type mo:MissionType |
nc:MissionCommencementNoEarlierThanDate | attribute | An earliest date and time a mission may start. |
nc:MissionCommencementNoLaterThanDate | attribute | A latest date and time a mission may start. |
nc:MissionID | attribute | A mission identifier. |
nc:MissionName | attribute | A name of a mission. |
nc:MissionStagingLocation | attribute | An element for the resource staging location |
nc:NANPTelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for NANPTelephoneNumberType. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:Obligation | attribute | A thing that is owed to an entity. |
nc:ObligationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ObligationType. |
nc:ObligationCategoryText | attribute | A kind of obligation. |
nc:ObligationCategoryText | attribute | A kind of obligation. |
nc:ObligationCompleteIndicator | attribute | True if an obligation has been fulfilled; false otherwise. |
nc:ObligationComplianceIndicator | attribute | True if a person with an obligation is in compliance with the requirements; false otherwise. |
nc:ObligationDateRange | attribute | A date range of an obligation. |
nc:ObligationDateRange | attribute | A date range of an obligation. |
nc:ObligationDueAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an amount of money or quantity of time still required to be spent in order to fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationDueAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an amount of money or quantity of time still required to be spent in order to fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationDueDate | attribute | A date by which an obligation must be fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationEntity | attribute | An entity that must fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationEntity | attribute | An entity that must fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationExemption | attribute | A waiving or dismissal of an obligation. |
nc:ObligationExemption | attribute | A waiving or dismissal of an obligation. |
nc:ObligationExemptionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ObligationExemptionType. |
nc:ObligationExemptionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an exemption from an obligation. |
nc:ObligationExemptionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an exemption from an obligation. |
nc:ObligationExemptionIndicator | attribute | True if an obligation has been waived or dismissed; false otherwise. |
nc:ObligationPaidAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an amount of money or quantity of time that has been spent towards fulfilling an obligation. |
nc:ObligationPaidDate | attribute | A date an obligation was fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationPeriodText | attribute | An interval or period at which an obligation is required to be fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationPeriodText | attribute | An interval or period at which an obligation is required to be fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationProgressDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the progress that has been made in fulfilling an obligation. |
nc:ObligationRecipient | attribute | An entity to whom an obligation must be fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationRecipient | attribute | An entity to whom an obligation must be fulfilled. |
nc:ObligationRecurrence | attribute | A periodic basis on which an obligation must be met. |
nc:ObligationRecurrence | attribute | A periodic basis on which an obligation must be met. |
nc:ObligationRecurrenceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ObligationRecurrenceType. |
nc:ObligationRequirementDescriptionText | attribute | A description of what is necessary in order to fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationRequirementDescriptionText | attribute | A description of what is necessary in order to fulfill an obligation. |
nc:ObligationTotalAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an amount of money or quantity of time that must be spent in order to fulfill an obligation. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:Organization | attribute | A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. |
nc:OrganizationAbbreviationText | attribute | An abbreviation, acronym, or code for an organization name. |
nc:OrganizationActivityText | attribute | An activity that an organization is known or thought to be involved with. |
nc:OrganizationAssociation | attribute | An association between an organization and another organization. |
nc:OrganizationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationAssociationType. |
nc:OrganizationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationAssociationType. |
nc:OrganizationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationType. |
nc:OrganizationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationType. |
nc:OrganizationBranchName | attribute | A name of the chapter or branch by which an organization is known within a larger group of organizations. |
nc:OrganizationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind or functional type of organization. |
nc:OrganizationDayContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting an organization during daytime hours. |
nc:OrganizationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationDoingBusinessAsName | attribute | A name an organization uses for conducting business. |
nc:OrganizationEmergencyContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting an organization in the event of an emergency. |
nc:OrganizationEstablishedDate | attribute | A date an organization was started. |
nc:OrganizationEveningContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting an organization during evening or early night hours. |
nc:OrganizationFacilityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:OrganizationFacilityAssociationType. |
nc:OrganizationForeignAffiliate | attribute | A foreign organization that has some relationship or association with an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIdentification | attribute | An identification that references an organization. |
nc:OrganizationIncorporatedIndicator | attribute | True if an organization is incorporated; false otherwise. |
nc:OrganizationIncorporationDate | attribute | A date an organization incorporated (e.g., corporation). |
nc:OrganizationIncorporationLocation | attribute | A location where an organization incorporated. |
nc:OrganizationLEIIdentification | attribute | An identification for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), to uniquely identify legally distinct entities that engage in financial transactions. |
nc:OrganizationLocalIdentification | attribute | An identification assigned at a local level to an organization. |
nc:OrganizationLocation | attribute | A location of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationLocation | attribute | A location of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationLocationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationLocationAssociationType. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationName | attribute | A name of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationNightContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting an organization during late-night hours. |
nc:OrganizationOtherIdentification | attribute | An alternate identification assigned to an organization. |
nc:OrganizationParentAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an entity that owns, controls, or operates the organization. |
nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformation | attribute | A preferred means of contacting an organization. |
nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformation | attribute | A preferred means of contacting an organization. |
nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformation | attribute | A preferred means of contacting an organization. |
nc:OrganizationPrimaryContactInformation | attribute | A preferred means of contacting an organization. |
nc:OrganizationPrincipalOfficial | attribute | A chief or high ranking executive of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationStatus | attribute | A status of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationSubUnit | attribute | A division of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationSubUnitName | attribute | A name of a subdivision of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationSubUnitName | attribute | A name of a subdivision of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationTaxIdentification | attribute | A tax identification assigned to an organization. |
nc:OrganizationTaxIdentification | attribute | A tax identification assigned to an organization. |
nc:OrganizationTerminationDate | attribute | A date an organization went out of business. |
nc:OrganizationUnit | attribute | A unit of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationUnitAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for OrganizationUnitAssociationType. |
nc:OrganizationUnitName | attribute | A name of a high-level division of an organization. |
nc:OrganizationUnitName | attribute | A name of a high-level division of an organization. |
nc:OrientationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type mo:OrientationType |
nc:ParentFacility | attribute | A facility that contains another facility. |
nc:PassportAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PassportType. |
nc:PassportBookIdentification | attribute | A unique identification assigned to a passport document. |
nc:PassportCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of passport. |
nc:PassportElectronicIndicator | attribute | True if the passport document is RFID enabled; false otherwise. |
nc:PassportIssuingOrganization | attribute | An organization that issued a passport. |
nc:PassportNumberIdentification | attribute | An identification of a passport. |
nc:PassportStolenLostIndicator | attribute | True if a passport is stolen or lost; false otherwise. |
nc:PassportTransmissionTrackingID | attribute | An identifier assigned to the electronic record transmitted from Dept. of State. |
nc:PatientMedicalFacility | attribute | A medical facility receiving patient. |
nc:PaymentAmount | attribute | An amount of money paid. |
nc:PaymentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:PaymentType |
nc:PaymentMethodAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific method of payment. |
nc:PermitAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PermitType |
nc:PermitCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of permit. |
nc:PermitCategoryText | attribute | A kind of permit. |
nc:PermitIdentification | attribute | A permit identification. |
nc:PermitIdentification | attribute | A permit identification. |
nc:PermitRenewalDate | attribute | A date on which a permit must be renewed. |
nc:PermitStartDate | attribute | A date on which a permit was issued or renewed. |
nc:PermitUsageText | attribute | A usage allowed by a permit. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:Person | attribute | A human being. |
nc:PersonAccentText | attribute | A manner of pronunciation; a way of pronouncing words that may indicate the place of origin or social background of the speaker. |
nc:PersonAgeDescriptionText | attribute | A general description of the age of a person. |
nc:PersonAgeMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the age of a person. |
nc:PersonArmedIndicator | attribute | True if a person of interest was armed at the time of encounter; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonAssaultedOfficerIndicator | attribute | True if a person of interest assaulted an enforcement officer during an encounter; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonAssociation | attribute | An association between people. |
nc:PersonAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonAssociationType. |
nc:PersonAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonAssociationType. |
nc:PersonAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonType. |
nc:PersonAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonType. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthDate | attribute | A date a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthLocation | attribute | A location where a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthLocation | attribute | A location where a person was born. |
nc:PersonBirthLocation | attribute | A location where a person was born. |
nc:PersonBloodTypeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a blood group and RH factor of a person. |
nc:PersonBodyXRaysAvailableAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the availability of an X-ray for a specific body part for a person. |
nc:PersonBuildAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a person's physique or body shape. |
nc:PersonCapability | attribute | A capacity or ability of a person. |
nc:PersonCapability | attribute | A capacity or ability of a person. |
nc:PersonCircumcisionIndicator | attribute | True if a person is circumcised; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonCitizenshipText | attribute | A country that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country. |
nc:PersonComplexionText | attribute | An appearance or condition of the skin of a person. |
nc:PersonComprehendsSpokenLanguageIndicator | attribute | True if a person is able to grasp and understand the meaning of a language being spoken; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonConveyanceAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonConveyanceAssociationType. |
nc:PersonDeathDate | attribute | A date a person died or was declared legally dead. |
nc:PersonDeathDate | attribute | A date a person died or was declared legally dead. |
nc:PersonDeathDate | attribute | A date a person died or was declared legally dead. |
nc:PersonDentalCharacteristicAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a dental characteristic of a person. |
nc:PersonDependentQuantity | attribute | A number of people dependent upon a person as their primary means of support. |
nc:PersonDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a person. |
nc:PersonDigitalImage | attribute | A photograph or image of a person in a digital format. |
nc:PersonDigitalImage | attribute | A photograph or image of a person in a digital format. |
nc:PersonDigitizedSignatureImage | attribute | An image of a handwritten signature of a person. |
nc:PersonDisguiseDescriptionText | attribute | A description of something a person wears to conceal or mislead others as to the true appearance or identity of that person. |
nc:PersonDisunion | attribute | A legal termination of a Person Union. |
nc:PersonDisunion | attribute | A legal termination of a Person Union. |
nc:PersonDisunionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonDisunionType. |
nc:PersonDisunionDecreeIndicator | attribute | True if a legal document finalizing the Person Disunion exists (for example, a divorce decree); false otherwise. |
nc:PersonDisunionDecreeIndicator | attribute | True if a legal document finalizing the Person Disunion exists (for example, a divorce decree); false otherwise. |
nc:PersonDisunionPendingIndicator | attribute | True if the legal proceeding to terminate the Person Union is pending; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonDisunionReasonText | attribute | A reason for the disunion. |
nc:PersonDocumentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonDocumentAssociationType. |
nc:PersonEducationLevelText | attribute | A highest level of education a person has obtained. |
nc:PersonEducationLevelText | attribute | A highest level of education a person has obtained. |
nc:PersonEmergencyContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting someone in the event of an emergency. |
nc:PersonEmploymentAssociation | attribute | An association between a person and employment information. |
nc:PersonEmploymentAssociation | attribute | An association between a person and employment information. |
nc:PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonEmploymentAssociationType. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounter | attribute | An interface between a person of interest and a representative of the government. |
nc:PersonEncounterAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonEncounterType. |
nc:PersonEncounterLocation | attribute | A location of a person encounter. |
nc:PersonEthnicityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a cultural lineage of a person. |
nc:PersonEthnicityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a cultural lineage of a person. |
nc:PersonEthnicityText | attribute | A cultural lineage of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyeColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the eyes of a person. |
nc:PersonEyewearAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of glasses or other eyewear. |
nc:PersonFacialHairAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of facial hair. |
nc:PersonFacialHairText | attribute | A kind of facial hair of a person. |
nc:PersonFraudulentIdentificationIndicator | attribute | True if any identification document carried by a person of interest is fraudulent; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonFullName | attribute | A complete name of a person. |
nc:PersonFullName | attribute | A complete name of a person. |
nc:PersonGeneralAppearanceDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the way a person looks and is presented overall. |
nc:PersonGivenName | attribute | A first name of a person. |
nc:PersonGivenName | attribute | A first name of a person. |
nc:PersonGivenName | attribute | A first name of a person. |
nc:PersonHairAppearanceText | attribute | An overall appearance of the hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairCategoryText | attribute | A kind of hair of a person, such as wavy or straight. |
nc:PersonHairColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairColorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color of the hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairLengthAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a length of hair of a person. |
nc:PersonHairStyleAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a style or cut of hair worn by a person. |
nc:PersonHandednessAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a hand with which a person is more adept using. |
nc:PersonHandednessText | attribute | A hand with which a person is more adept using. |
nc:PersonHeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the height of a person. |
nc:PersonHomeContactInformation | attribute | A means of contacting a person at home. |
nc:PersonHumanResourceIdentification | attribute | A human resources or employment identification assigned to a person. |
nc:PersonIdentityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for IdentityAssociationType. |
nc:PersonInjury | attribute | A form of physical harm or damage sustained by a person. |
nc:PersonJewelryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of adornments a person wears. |
nc:PersonJuvenileClaimedIndicator | attribute | True if the person of interest claims to be a juvenile; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonJuvenileVerifiedIndicator | attribute | True if the person of interest claim to be a juvenile is confirmed; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonLanguageAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonLanguageType. |
nc:PersonLanguageEnglishIndicator | attribute | True if a person understands and speaks English; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonLanguageEnglishIndicator | attribute | True if a person understands and speaks English; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonLearningDisabilityText | attribute | A disorder of a person which can cause difficulties in learning something. |
nc:PersonLicenseIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a license certification or registration of a person for some purpose. |
nc:PersonLicenseIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a license certification or registration of a person for some purpose. |
nc:PersonLivingIndicator | attribute | True if a person is alive; false if a person is dead. |
nc:PersonLocationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonLocationAssociationType. |
nc:PersonMaidenName | attribute | An original last name or surname of a person before changed by marriage. |
nc:PersonMaidenName | attribute | An original last name or surname of a person before changed by marriage. |
nc:PersonMedicalCondition | attribute | A state of health for a person, on-going or present. |
nc:PersonMedicalDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the overall health of a person. |
nc:PersonMedicalFileIndicator | attribute | True if a medical history file is known to exist for a person; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonMedicationRequiredText | attribute | A medication and dosage required for a person. |
nc:PersonMentalStateText | attribute | A mental condition of a person. |
nc:PersonMiddleName | attribute | A middle name of a person. |
nc:PersonMiddleName | attribute | A middle name of a person. |
nc:PersonMiddleName | attribute | A middle name of a person. |
nc:PersonMilitarySummary | attribute | A service of a person in a military. |
nc:PersonMoodDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a state of feeling of a person. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonName | attribute | A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known. |
nc:PersonNameAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonNameType. |
nc:PersonNameCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of person name. |
nc:PersonNameCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of person name. |
nc:PersonNamePrefixText | attribute | A title or honorific used by a person. |
nc:PersonNamePrefixText | attribute | A title or honorific used by a person. |
nc:PersonNameSalutationText | attribute | A formal sign or expression of greeting that is appropriate for this person. |
nc:PersonNameSuffixText | attribute | A term appended after the family name that qualifies the name. |
nc:PersonNameSuffixText | attribute | A term appended after the family name that qualifies the name. |
nc:PersonNameSuffixText | attribute | A term appended after the family name that qualifies the name. |
nc:PersonNationalIdentification | attribute | An identification that references a person within a country but is not based on fingerprint. |
nc:PersonNationalityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national. |
nc:PersonNationalityAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national. |
nc:PersonNationalityText | attribute | A country of a person's citizenship or a country in which a person is deemed a national. |
nc:PersonOfficialGivenName | attribute | A name, out of possibly multiple given names, that a person selects to use as his or her official given name. |
nc:PersonOrganDonatorIndicator | attribute | True if a person has given consent to be used as an organ donor upon death; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonOrganDonorAbstract | attribute | A data concept for an organ a person is willing to donate upon death. |
nc:PersonOrganizationAssociation | attribute | An association between a person and an organization. |
nc:PersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonOrganizationAssociationType. |
nc:PersonOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonOrganizationAssociationType. |
nc:PersonOtherIdentification | attribute | An identification with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain. |
nc:PersonOtherIdentification | attribute | An identification with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain. |
nc:PersonPassportIdentification | attribute | An identification of a passport issued to a person. |
nc:PersonPassportIdentification | attribute | An identification of a passport issued to a person. |
nc:PersonPhysicalDisabilityText | attribute | A physical disability of a person. |
nc:PersonPhysicalFeature | attribute | A prominent or easily identifiable aspect of a person. |
nc:PersonPhysicalFeature | attribute | A prominent or easily identifiable aspect of a person. |
nc:PersonPossessCreditCardIndicator | attribute | True if a person of interest indicates possession of any credit cards; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonPreferredName | attribute | A name by which this person prefers to be known. |
nc:PersonPrimaryLanguage | attribute | A capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity. |
nc:PersonPrimaryLanguage | attribute | A capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity. |
nc:PersonRaceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. |
nc:PersonRaceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. |
nc:PersonRaceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. |
nc:PersonReadsLanguageIndicator | attribute | True if a person is able to read a language; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonReligionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs. |
nc:PersonReligionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs. |
nc:PersonReligionText | attribute | A religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs. |
nc:PersonResidenceAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonResidenceAssociationType. |
nc:PersonResidentAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manner of residence a person has in a city, town, community, or other area.. |
nc:PersonSecondaryLanguage | attribute | A capacity of a person for a language with which that person is not completely fluent. |
nc:PersonSecurityClearanceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a formal authorization granting a person access to classified or restricted information. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexText | attribute | A gender or sex of a person. |
nc:PersonSexualOrientationText | attribute | A target gender of the sexual interest of a person. |
nc:PersonSkinToneAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a color or tone of the skin of a person. |
nc:PersonSpeaksLanguageIndicator | attribute | True if a person is able to speak a language; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonSpeechDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a pattern of speech with which a person speaks. |
nc:PersonSSNIdentification | attribute | A unique identification reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration. |
nc:PersonSSNIdentification | attribute | A unique identification reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration. |
nc:PersonSSNIdentification | attribute | A unique identification reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration. |
nc:PersonStateIdentification | attribute | An identification of a person based on a state-issued ID card. |
nc:PersonStateIdentification | attribute | An identification of a person based on a state-issued ID card. |
nc:PersonSurName | attribute | A last name or family name of a person. |
nc:PersonSurName | attribute | A last name or family name of a person. |
nc:PersonSurName | attribute | A last name or family name of a person. |
nc:PersonSurNamePrefixText | attribute | A prefix that precedes this person's family name such as Van, Von. |
nc:PersonTaxIdentification | attribute | An identification used to refer to a specific person within the tax system of a country. |
nc:PersonTaxIdentification | attribute | An identification used to refer to a specific person within the tax system of a country. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociation | attribute | An association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociation | attribute | An association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociation | attribute | An association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociation | attribute | An association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociation | attribute | An association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other. |
nc:PersonUnionAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonUnionAssociationType. |
nc:PersonUnionCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of union between two people. |
nc:PersonUnionCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of union between two people. |
nc:PersonUnionCertificateIndicator | attribute | True if a document certifying the Person Union exists; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonUnionLocation | attribute | A location where the Person Union occurred. |
nc:PersonUnionLocation | attribute | A location where the Person Union occurred. |
nc:PersonUnionSeparation | attribute | A separation of the parties in a Person Union. |
nc:PersonUnionSeparation | attribute | A separation of the parties in a Person Union. |
nc:PersonUnionSeparationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonUnionSeparationType. |
nc:PersonUnionStatusAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a legal status of a union between two people. |
nc:PersonUnionStatusAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a legal status of a union between two people. |
nc:PersonUSCitizenIndicator | attribute | True if a person is a citizen of the United States; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonVisionPrescriptionText | attribute | A prescription a person needs for corrective lenses or contacts. |
nc:PersonWeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWeightMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the weight of a person. |
nc:PersonWorker | attribute | A person assigned to do work for or on behalf of a person. |
nc:PersonWorkerAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PersonWorkerAssociationType. |
nc:PersonWorkPlaceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a work address or structure of a person. |
nc:PersonWritesLanguageIndicator | attribute | True if a person is able to write a language; false otherwise. |
nc:PersonXRayImage | attribute | An X-Ray image of a person or part of a person. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PhysicalFeatureType. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific kind of physical feature. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific kind of physical feature. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a physical feature. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureGeneralCategoryText | attribute | A general kind of physical feature. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureImage | attribute | A digital image of a physical feature. |
nc:PhysicalFeatureLocationText | attribute | A location on a person's body of a physical feature. |
nc:PolygonCoordinate | attribute | A geographic coordinate identifying a location at the end of a side of a multi-sided region. |
nc:PolygonCoordinate | attribute | A geographic coordinate identifying a location at the end of a side of a multi-sided region. |
nc:PolygonCoordinate | attribute | A geographic coordinate identifying a location at the end of a side of a multi-sided region. |
nc:PolygonRegionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for PolygonRegionType. |
nc:PreviousActivity | attribute | An activity that occurred previously. |
nc:PreviousActivityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:PreviousActivityAssociationType. |
nc:PrimaryDocument | attribute | A main or primary document. |
nc:PrimaryDocument | attribute | A main or primary document. |
nc:ProbabilityPercent | attribute | A decimal value that indicates computed likelihood that what the content is true or accurate. This value is based on a calculation of probability of occurrence or truth. |
nc:Program | attribute | A set of projects, activities, or services intended to meet a need. |
nc:Program | attribute | A set of projects, activities, or services intended to meet a need. |
nc:ProgramAction | attribute | A project or service of a program. |
nc:ProgramAdministrator | attribute | An entity that runs a program. |
nc:ProgramAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ProgramType. |
nc:ProgramCapacityQuantity | attribute | A maximum number of people that can be enrolled in a program at a time. |
nc:ProgramCondition | attribute | A condition that must be met in order for a person to remain in a program. |
nc:ProgramFacility | attribute | A place where a program is located. |
nc:ProgramPerson | attribute | A person who attends a program. |
nc:ProgramPubliclyRunIndicator | attribute | True if a program is run in the public sector; false if the program is run privately. |
nc:ProgramPurposeText | attribute | A purpose or reason for a program. |
nc:ProgramPurposeText | attribute | A purpose or reason for a program. |
nc:ProgramReferral | attribute | A recommendation or mandate for a person to attend a program. |
nc:ProgramRelease | attribute | A manner by which a person left a program. |
nc:ProgramResidentialIndicator | attribute | True if a person resides at a program facility; false otherwise. |
nc:ProgramSupervisedIndicator | attribute | True if a person will be officially supervised through the duration of a program; false otherwise. |
nc:ProgramSupervisor | attribute | An entity that oversees and manages a program. |
nc:ProgressAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ProgressType. |
nc:ProgressComplianceIndicator | attribute | True if a reported progress is acceptable according to the terms set; false otherwise. |
nc:ProgressComplianceText | attribute | A description of the compliance or non-compliance of a person with an activity. |
nc:ProgressPaymentAmount | attribute | An amount of money paid towards completion of a requirement. |
nc:ProgressTimeQuantityText | attribute | A quantity of time spent towards completion of a requirement. |
nc:PublicServiceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:PublicServiceType |
nc:PublicServiceAvailabilitySchedule | attribute | A time frame in which a public service is available. |
nc:PublicServiceCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a different public services category. |
nc:PublicServiceChannelText | attribute | A particular end or object through which the service may be available. |
nc:PublicServiceDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the public service. |
nc:PublicServiceInputResourceDocument | attribute | A resource required by the service in order to operate. |
nc:PublicServiceLanguageAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the language in which the service is available. |
nc:PublicServiceLocation | attribute | A physical location at which a user may interact with a public service. |
nc:PublicServiceName | attribute | A name of a public service. |
nc:PublicServiceOutputResourceDocument | attribute | A resource produced by a public service. |
nc:PublicServiceRelatedLocation | attribute | A location or place related to an available public service. |
nc:PublicServiceRelatedService | attribute | A public service related to this service, but not required. |
nc:PublicServiceRequiredService | attribute | A public service that is required by this service. |
nc:PublicServiceWebsiteURI | attribute | A web page through which a public service may be available. |
nc:PublisherName | attribute | A name of an entity responsible for the publication of the information. |
nc:QualityComment | attribute | A remark, explanation, or observation regarding the accuracy or trustworthiness of the information. |
nc:RangeMaximumDecimalValue | attribute | A maximum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMaximumDoubleValue | attribute | A maximum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMaximumIntegerValue | attribute | A maximum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMaximumUnsignedIntegerValue | attribute | A maximum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMinimumDecimalValue | attribute | A minimum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMinimumDoubleValue | attribute | A minimum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMinimumIntegerValue | attribute | A minimum value of a range. |
nc:RangeMinimumUnsignedIntegerValue | attribute | A minimum value of a range. |
nc:RealEstateAcreageText | attribute | An area of land measured in acres. |
nc:RealEstateAttachedFacility | attribute | A permanent structure attached or affixed to real estate. |
nc:RealEstateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RealEstateType. |
nc:RealEstateBoundaryDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the boundary or real property limits of a piece of real estate. |
nc:Recommendation | attribute | A suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action. |
nc:RecommendationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RecommendationType |
nc:RecommendationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of recommendation. |
nc:RecommendationComment | attribute | A comment about the recommendation. |
nc:RecommendationDate | attribute | A date on which a recommendation is made. |
nc:RecommendationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a recommendation. |
nc:RecommendationEntity | attribute | A person or organization who makes a recommendation. |
nc:RecommendationSubjectText | attribute | A subject of a recommendation. |
nc:RecommendationText | attribute | A recommendation. |
nc:Referral | attribute | A recommendation of a person to an activity, program, or product. |
nc:ReferralActivity | attribute | An activity or program to which a person is directed to attend or perform. |
nc:ReferralAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ReferralType. |
nc:ReferralEntity | attribute | An entity to which a person has been referred. |
nc:ReferralIssuer | attribute | An entity which recommends a person to an activity, program, or product. |
nc:ReferralItem | attribute | A property item to which a person has been directed. |
nc:ReferralMandatoryIndicator | attribute | True if a referral is required; false if a referral is optional. |
nc:ReferralPerson | attribute | A person who is being directed to a relevant service or product. |
nc:ReferralSupervisor | attribute | An entity which is responsible for ensuring that a person follows a referral. |
nc:RelatedActivity | attribute | An activity having some relationship or association to another activity. |
nc:RelatedActivityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RelatedActivityAssociationType. |
nc:RelatedActivityAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RelatedActivityAssociationType. |
nc:RelativeLocationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RelativeLocationType. |
nc:RelativeLocationDescriptionText | attribute | A description of how to reach a location from a certain starting point. |
nc:RelativeLocationDirectionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a relative location or movement from a starting point. |
nc:RelativeLocationDistanceMeasure | attribute | A measurement of the distance of a location from a starting point. |
nc:RelativeLocationHeadingValue | attribute | A heading of a direction from a starting point. |
nc:RelativeLocationReferencePoint | attribute | A starting point used as a basis to determine the location of another point. |
nc:Release | attribute | A freeing or discharge of someone or something from an activity, supervision, or obligation. |
nc:ReleaseAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ReleaseType. |
nc:ReleaseDate | attribute | A date the information was first released for dissemination. |
nc:ReleaseFromLocation | attribute | A location from which someone or something is released. |
nc:ReleaseIssuer | attribute | An entity that authorizes a release. |
nc:ReleaseItem | attribute | An item that is released from holding. |
nc:ReleasePerson | attribute | A person who is released from confinement or an obligation. |
nc:ReleaseRecipient | attribute | An entity which receives custody or supervisory authority over someone or something. |
nc:ReleaseSupervisor | attribute | An entity responsible for overseeing the release of someone or something from custody. |
nc:ReleaseToLocation | attribute | A location to which someone or something is released. |
nc:ReportedDate | attribute | A date information was observed, measured, identified, or became known. |
nc:ReportingOrganizationText | attribute | A name, identifier, or reference of an organization that provided the information. |
nc:ReportingPersonRoleText | attribute | A type, responsibility, or role of a person who provided the information. |
nc:ReportingPersonText | attribute | A name, identifier, or reference of a person who provided the information. |
nc:RepositoryID | attribute | An identifier assigned to the repository from which the information originated. |
nc:Request | attribute | A formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority. |
nc:RequestAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for RequestType. |
nc:RequestCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of request. |
nc:RequestContactInformation | attribute | A set of contact information for a point of contact for the request. |
nc:RequestDate | attribute | A date on which a request was made. |
nc:RequestDecisionDate | attribute | A date on which a decision was recorded for a request. |
nc:RequestDecisionText | attribute | A decision that was made over a request. |
nc:RequestDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a request. |
nc:RequestIdentification | attribute | An identification of a request. |
nc:RequestStatus | attribute | A status of a request. |
nc:RequestText | attribute | A request message. |
nc:ResidenceDescriptionText | attribute | A general description of a place in which a person lives. |
nc:ResidenceOccupancyCategoryText | attribute | A kind of occupancy of a residence. |
nc:ResidencePaymentAmount | attribute | An amount of money a person pays each payment period to live at a residence. |
nc:ResidencePaymentPeriodText | attribute | An interval or period for which a person is required to make regular residence payments. |
nc:RoleOfAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a property of a role object. This specifies the base object, of which the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a property of a role object. This specifies the base object, of which the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfItem | attribute | An entity of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfOrganization | attribute | An organization of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RoleOfPerson | attribute | A person of whom the role object is a function. |
nc:RollValue | attribute | An angle of rotation of a thing about its longitudinal axis, measured in degrees between the lateral axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate the left side is rotated downward. |
nc:RollValue | attribute | An angle of rotation of a thing about its longitudinal axis, measured in degrees between the lateral axis and the horizontal plane; negative values indicate the left side is rotated downward. |
nc:ScheduleActivityText | attribute | An activity planned to occur on a certain date and time. |
nc:ScheduleActivityText | attribute | An activity planned to occur on a certain date and time. |
nc:ScheduleAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ScheduleType. |
nc:ScheduleDay | attribute | A plan or agenda for the activities of a day or dates. |
nc:ScheduleDay | attribute | A plan or agenda for the activities of a day or dates. |
nc:ScheduleDayAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a day or days with the given schedule information. |
nc:ScheduleDayAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a day or days with the given schedule information. |
nc:ScheduleDayAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for ScheduleDayType. |
nc:ScheduleDayEndTime | attribute | A time at which an activity is scheduled to end. |
nc:ScheduleDayEndTime | attribute | A time at which an activity is scheduled to end. |
nc:ScheduleDayStartTime | attribute | A time at which an activity is scheduled to begin. |
nc:ScheduleDayStartTime | attribute | A time at which an activity is scheduled to begin. |
nc:ScheduleDayStatus | attribute | A schedule status for a particular day. |
nc:ScheduleDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the schedule. |
nc:ScheduleExceptionsDescriptionText | attribute | A description of special exceptions to the given schedule, such as holiday hours or closings. |
nc:ScheduleNonStopIndicator | attribute | True if the schedule applies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; false otherwise. |
nc:SchedulePerson | attribute | A person for whom an activity is scheduled. |
nc:ScheduleStatus | attribute | An overall status for the schedule. |
nc:ScheduleTimeRange | attribute | A time range for the schedule. |
nc:SecondaryDocument | attribute | A secondary or related document. |
nc:SecuritiesAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for SecuritiesType. |
nc:SecuritiesCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of security. |
nc:SecuritiesCollectionDateRange | attribute | A date range during which an owner may collect returns from a security. |
nc:SecuritiesDateSeriesAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a security date or series year. |
nc:SecuritiesDenominationAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a value within a series of values reflecting the worth of a security note. |
nc:SecuritiesIssuer | attribute | An entity which issued a security to a person. |
nc:SensitivityText | attribute | A sensitivity level of the information. |
nc:SensitivityText | attribute | A sensitivity level of the information. |
nc:SeparationCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a description of the separation of the parties in a Person Union began. |
nc:SeparationDateRange | attribute | A date range during which the parties in a Person Union were separated. |
nc:SIMCard | attribute | A smart card that identifies a mobile telephone service subscriber. |
nc:Site | attribute | A specific place or position. |
nc:Site | attribute | A specific place or position. |
nc:SiteAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:SiteType. |
nc:SiteLocation | attribute | A location of a site. |
nc:SiteMobileDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a site that is mobile and does not have a fixed location. |
nc:SiteMobileIndicator | attribute | True if a site is mobile; false otherwise. |
nc:SiteOwnerEntity | attribute | An owner of a site. |
nc:SiteSpecialInformationText | attribute | A comment or other information about a site that may be of importance to a responder. |
nc:SoftwareName | attribute | A name of a computer application used to process data. |
nc:SourceContactPersonText | attribute | A person who can answer questions about the information. |
nc:SourceIDText | attribute | A number or string set by a data provider so that information that is sent can be retraced back to its source. |
nc:SourceIDText | attribute | A number or string set by a data provider so that information that is sent can be retraced back to its source. |
nc:SourceIDText | attribute | A number or string set by a data provider so that information that is sent can be retraced back to its source. |
nc:SourceText | attribute | A name, identifier, or reference of a resource from which the information was taken. |
nc:SourceText | attribute | A name, identifier, or reference of a resource from which the information was taken. |
nc:SpeedMeasure | attribute | A measure of a speed or rate of motion. |
nc:SpeedMeasure | attribute | A measure of a speed or rate of motion. |
nc:SpeedMeasure | attribute | A measure of a speed or rate of motion. |
nc:SpeedMeasure | attribute | A measure of a speed or rate of motion. |
nc:SpeedMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:SpeedMeasureType |
nc:SpeedUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for speed. |
nc:SpeedUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for speed. |
nc:StartDate | attribute | A date on which something begins. |
nc:StartDate | attribute | A date on which something begins. |
nc:StateAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:StateType |
nc:StateRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:StateRepresentation | attribute | A data concept for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. |
nc:StatusAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a status or condition of something or someone. |
nc:StatusAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a status or condition of something or someone. |
nc:StatusAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for StatusType. |
nc:StatusCommentText | attribute | A comment regarding a status. |
nc:StatusDate | attribute | A date a status was set, effected, or reported. |
nc:StatusDate | attribute | A date a status was set, effected, or reported. |
nc:StatusDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a status or condition of something or someone. |
nc:StatusDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a status or condition of something or someone. |
nc:StatusDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a status or condition of something or someone. |
nc:StatusIssuerIdentification | attribute | An identification of a person or organization which assigns a status. |
nc:StatusIssuerText | attribute | A name, identifier, or other reference of a person or organization which assigns a status. |
nc:StreetAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for StreetType. |
nc:StreetCategoryText | attribute | A kind of street. |
nc:StreetCategoryText | attribute | A kind of street. |
nc:StreetExtensionText | attribute | An additional part of a street reference that follows the street category and post directional. |
nc:StreetExtensionText | attribute | An additional part of a street reference that follows the street category and post directional. |
nc:StreetFullText | attribute | A complete reference for a street. |
nc:StreetFullText | attribute | A complete reference for a street. |
nc:StreetName | attribute | A name of a street. |
nc:StreetName | attribute | A name of a street. |
nc:StreetNumberText | attribute | A number that identifies a particular unit or location within a street. |
nc:StreetNumberText | attribute | A number that identifies a particular unit or location within a street. |
nc:StreetPostdirectionalText | attribute | A direction that appears after a street name. |
nc:StreetPostdirectionalText | attribute | A direction that appears after a street name. |
nc:StreetPredirectionalText | attribute | A direction that appears before a street name. |
nc:StreetPredirectionalText | attribute | A direction that appears before a street name. |
nc:SubFacility | attribute | A facility within another facility. |
nc:Substance | attribute | A matter or substance of which something consists. |
nc:SubstanceAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a name of a substance. |
nc:SubstanceAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for SubstanceType. |
nc:SubstanceCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of substance. |
nc:SubstanceCategoryText | attribute | A kind of substance. |
nc:SubstanceCompositionDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the ingredients or makeup of a substance. |
nc:SubstanceContainerDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a container used to hold a substance. |
nc:SubstanceFormText | attribute | A physical state or form in which a substance appears. |
nc:SubstanceFoundDescriptionText | attribute | A description of where a substance was found. |
nc:SubstanceMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:SubstanceMeasureType |
nc:SubstanceQuantityMeasure | attribute | A quantity of a substance being described. |
nc:SubstanceUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for an amount of substance. |
nc:SupervisionAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for SupervisionType. |
nc:SupervisionCurrentIndicator | attribute | True if a subject is currently under supervision; false otherwise. |
nc:SupervisionCustodyStatus | attribute | A status of the custody of a person under supervision. |
nc:SupervisionCustodyStatus | attribute | A status of the custody of a person under supervision. |
nc:SupervisionFacility | attribute | A facility at which a subject is being supervised. |
nc:SupervisionFacility | attribute | A facility at which a subject is being supervised. |
nc:SupervisionMandatoryIndicator | attribute | True if a supervision of a person is required; false if a supervision is optional. |
nc:SupervisionPerson | attribute | A person who is being supervised. |
nc:SupervisionPersonStatus | attribute | A status of a person under supervision. |
nc:SupervisionRelease | attribute | A complete and unrestricted release of a subject from a supervision. |
nc:SupervisionSupervisor | attribute | An entity that supervises a person. |
nc:SystemAuditEventAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for SystemAuditEventType. |
nc:SystemIdentificationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for SystemIdentificationType. |
nc:SystemName | attribute | A name of the kind or the source of a system identifier. |
nc:SystemOperatingModeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the operating mode of a system. |
nc:SystemOperatingModeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the operating mode of a system. |
nc:SystemOperatingModeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for the operating mode of a system. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:SystemUserNameAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a user name associated with a system audit event. |
nc:Task | attribute | A clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority. |
nc:TaskAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:TaskType |
nc:TaskCriteriaForSuccessText | attribute | A description of what needs to be done to successfully complete a task. |
nc:TaskCriteriaForSuccessText | attribute | A description of what needs to be done to successfully complete a task. |
nc:TaskCurrentStatus | attribute | A status of the progress toward accomplishment of this task. |
nc:TaskCurrentStatus | attribute | A status of the progress toward accomplishment of this task. |
nc:TaskDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the task in detail. |
nc:TaskDescriptionText | attribute | A description of the task in detail. |
nc:TaskEndDate | attribute | A date for the end of a task. |
nc:TaskEndDate | attribute | A date for the end of a task. |
nc:TaskID | attribute | An identifier for a task. |
nc:TaskID | attribute | An identifier for a task. |
nc:TaskName | attribute | A name of a task. |
nc:TaskName | attribute | A name of a task. |
nc:TaskStartDate | attribute | A date for the start of a task. |
nc:TaskStartDate | attribute | A date for the start of a task. |
nc:TelecommunicationDevice | attribute | A device used for communication over a distance. |
nc:TelecommunicationDevice | attribute | A device used for communication over a distance. |
nc:TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationType. |
nc:TelephoneAreaCodeID | attribute | A dialing code for a state or province for phone numbers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. |
nc:TelephoneAreaCodeID | attribute | A dialing code for a state or province for phone numbers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. |
nc:TelephoneCountryCodeID | attribute | An international dialing code for a country. |
nc:TelephoneCountryCodeID | attribute | An international dialing code for a country. |
nc:TelephoneExchangeID | attribute | A portion of a telephone number that usually represents a central telephone switch. |
nc:TelephoneExchangeID | attribute | A portion of a telephone number that usually represents a central telephone switch. |
nc:TelephoneLineID | attribute | A portion of a telephone number that identifies the individual circuit within an exchange. |
nc:TelephoneLineID | attribute | A portion of a telephone number that identifies the individual circuit within an exchange. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumber | attribute | A telephone number for a telecommunication device. |
nc:TelephoneNumberAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for TelephoneNumberType. |
nc:TelephoneNumberCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberDescriptionText | attribute | A description of a telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberFullID | attribute | A complete telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberFullID | attribute | A complete telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberID | attribute | A telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneNumberID | attribute | A telephone number. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TelephoneSuffixID | attribute | An additional sequence of numbers to be entered after a call connects to be directed to the appropriate place. |
nc:TemperatureMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:TemperatureMeasureType |
nc:TemperatureUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for temperature. |
nc:TimeMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:TimeMeasureType |
nc:TimeRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for TimeRangeType. |
nc:TimeUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for amount of time. |
nc:TransportationAssociationAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for TransportationAssociationType. |
nc:Treatment | attribute | A treatment of a person for a mental or physical condition. |
nc:TreatmentAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for nc:TreatmentType. |
nc:TreatmentProvider | attribute | An entity that provides a treatment. |
nc:TreatmentText | attribute | A treatment that was provided or could be provisioned. |
nc:UnsignedIntegerRangeAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for UnsignedIntegerRangeType. |
nc:URLID | attribute | An identifier representing a universal resource locator (URL). |
nc:URLID | attribute | An identifier representing a universal resource locator (URL). |
nc:Vehicle | attribute | A conveyance designed to carry an operator, passengers and/or cargo, over land. |
nc:VehicleAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for VehicleType. |
nc:VehicleAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for VehicleType. |
nc:VehicleAxleQuantity | attribute | A count of common axles of rotation of one or more wheels of a vehicle, whether power driven or freely rotating. |
nc:VehicleCMVIndicator | attribute | True if a vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle; false otherwise. |
nc:VehicleColorInteriorText | attribute | A color of the interior of a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleCurrentWeightMeasure | attribute | An observed, estimated, or measured weight of the conveyance. |
nc:VehicleDoorQuantity | attribute | A number of doors on a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleGrossLadenSumWeightMeasure | attribute | A sum of values specified by the manufacturer(s) for a truck tractor or trailer for the units that make up a combination. |
nc:VehicleGrossLadenUnitWeightMeasure | attribute | A value specified by the manufacturer for a single unit truck, truck tractor, or trailer. |
nc:VehicleIdentification | attribute | A unique identification for a specific vehicle. |
nc:VehicleIdentification | attribute | A unique identification for a specific vehicle. |
nc:VehicleMakeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manufacturer of a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleMakeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manufacturer of a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleMaximumLoadWeightMeasure | attribute | A maximum load weight intended for the vehicle to transport, assigned at the point of manufacture. |
nc:VehicleModelAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific design or class of vehicle made by a manufacturer. |
nc:VehicleModelAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a specific design or class of vehicle made by a manufacturer. |
nc:VehicleMSRPAmount | attribute | A manufacturer's suggested retail price of a vehicle; a price at which a manufacturer recommends a vehicle be sold. |
nc:VehicleOdometerReadingMeasure | attribute | A reading of a vehicle odometer to the nearest mile or kilometer. |
nc:VehiclePassengerSafeQuantity | attribute | A total number of people a vehicle is designed to safely transport. |
nc:VehicleSeatingQuantity | attribute | A total number of seats available in a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleTransmissionCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of transmission unit in a vehicle. |
nc:VehicleUnladenWeightMeasure | attribute | A weight of a vehicle fully equipped for service, not including the weight of the payload. |
nc:VelocityMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for VelocityMeasureType. |
nc:Vessel | attribute | A mode of transportation capable of transport by water. |
nc:VesselAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for VesselType. |
nc:VesselCategoryAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a kind of vessel. |
nc:VesselHullIdentification | attribute | An identification found on the main body or frame of a vessel. |
nc:VesselHullMaterialAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a substance used as the primary construction material of the main body or frame of a vessel. |
nc:VesselHullShapeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a shape of the main body or frame of a vessel. |
nc:VesselMakeAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a manufacturer of a vessel. |
nc:VesselPropulsionAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a mode by which a vessel is designed to move through the water. |
nc:VesselTrailer | attribute | A device pulled by a vehicle for the purpose of transporting a vessel over land. |
nc:VolumeMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:VolumeMeasureType |
nc:VolumeUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for volume. |
nc:WeaponAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for WeaponType. |
nc:WeaponIndicator | attribute | True if an item is traditionally considered to be a weapon; false otherwise. |
nc:WeaponInvolvedInActivity | attribute | An activity in which a weapon was involved. |
nc:WeaponUsageIndicator | attribute | True if an item not traditionally considered to be a weapon is used as such; false otherwise. |
nc:WeaponUsageText | attribute | A way or manner in which a weapon was used. |
nc:WeaponUser | attribute | A person who uses a weapon. |
nc:WeightMeasureAugmentationPoint | attribute | An augmentation point for type nc:WeightMeasureType |
nc:WeightUnitAbstract | attribute | A data concept for a unit of measure for weight. |
ncic | class view | FBI code lists for the National Crime and Information Center (NCIC-2000). Source: FBI Crminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division; Publication: database; |
ncic | class view | |
NCICDataIndicator | class instance | True if the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) data administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is either primary, fraudulent, or supplemental; false otherwise. |
NCICRecordID | class instance | An identifier for an entity within NCIC domain. |
NCICRegisteredIndicator | class instance | True if the juvenile is registered in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC); false otherwise. |
NCName | class | |
NCName | class | |
NCNameList | class | A type for a list of values of the respective simple type. |
NCNameList | class | A set of values, representing a list of token with the lexical value space of NCName. The tokens are seperated by whitespace. |
ndex | class view | Source: FBI Crminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division; Publication: National Data Exchange (N-Dex) Specification (a NIEM IEPD); Version: 2.2; Date: 2013; |
Need | class instance | A need that is characteristically defined within a need category from assessments that drive the purpose for rehabilitation programs that address subject needs. |
NeedAddressedIndicator | class instance | True if is set when parties believe that the Goals have been achieved and each Need or Risk has been adequately addressed; false otherwise. |
NeedAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for type j:NeedType |
NeedCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of need. |
NeedCategoryText | class instance | A kind of categories that Subject Assessments are based upon to help organize the assessments the subject has taken. |
NeedID | class instance | An identifier of a need that a subject has been assessed with. |
NeedIntensityLevelAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a descriptor used to describe how serious a subject has needs of a specific type. |
NeedIntensityLevelText | class instance | A descriptor used to describe how serious a subject has needs of a specific type. |
NeedleMarkFingerPositionAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a finger position code for a finger with a needle mark(s) on it. |
NeedleMarkFingerPositionText | class instance | A finger position code for a finger with a needle mark(s) on it. |
NeedScoreNumeric | class instance | A numeric score for the need based on assessment. |
NeedSourceAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of values to identify the source of the Need or Risk. |
NeedSourceText | class instance | A kind of values to identify the source of the Need or Risk. |
NeedType | class | A data type for a need that is characteristically defined within a need category from assessments that drive the purpose for rehabilitation programs that address subject needs. |
negativeInteger | class | A data type that is derived from nonPositiveInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be -1. |
negativeInteger | class | |
NetExplosiveContentText | class instance | A textual description of the net explosive content of a hazardous material. |
NetworkAddress | class instance | An Internet Protocol (IP) address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that uniquely identifies a specific site on the Internet or another network. |
NetworkAddressAssociation | class instance | A relationship between originator, receiver, and a network address. |
NetworkAddressAssociationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NetworkAddressAssociationType. |
NetworkAddressAssociationType | class | A data type for a relationship between originator, receiver, and a network address. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization. |
NetworkAddressID | class instance | A network address involved in association. |
newCaseIndicator | attribute | Indicates that the case is new. |
NextCourtEvent | class instance | An upcoming court occurrence. |
NextOfKinAssociation | class instance | A relationship between a person and a person described as being his/her closest living blood relative or relative. |
NextPortOfCall | class instance | A next port of call for a vessel. |
NextPortOfCallList | class instance | A list of the next ports of call for a vessel. |
NextPortOfCallListAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NextPortOfCallListType. |
NextPortOfCallListType | class | A data type for a list of ports that will be visited subsequently. |
NextSessionStartDate | class instance | A date on which the next school session begins for the alien student. |
nga | class view | Source: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; Publication: Temporal Spatial Positioning Information (TSPI) ; Version: 2.0; Date: 1 Mar 2012; |
nibrs | class view | FBI National Incident-Based Reporting System |
NIBRSReportCategoryCode | class instance | A kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item. |
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item. |
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a kind of report contained in the NIBRS submission. |
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item. |
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a kind of report contained in the NIBRS submission. |
NIEM | package | |
niem | stereotype | Mapping of UML classes and attributes to NIEM types, elements and attributes |
niem-profile | profile | |
niem-xs | class view | Proxy types that carry dictionary metadata and have XML data type simple contents. |
niem-xs | class view | |
NIEMExtension | package | |
NIEMReference | package | |
NIEMSubset | package | |
NilReasonEnumeration | class | |
NilReasonType | class | gml:NilReasonType defines a content model that allows recording of an explanation for a void value or other exception. gml:NilReasonType is a union of the following enumerated values: - inapplicable there is no value - missing the correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. Furthermore, a correct value may not exist - template the value will be available later - unknown the correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the sender of this data. However, a correct value probably exists - withheld the value is not divulged - other:text other brief explanation, where text is a string of two or more characters with no included spaces and - anyURI which should refer to a resource which describes the reason for the exception A particular community may choose to assign more detailed semantics to the standard values provided. Alternatively, the URI method enables a specific or more complete explanation for the absence of a value to be provided elsewhere and indicated by-reference in an instance document. gml:NilReasonType is used as a member of a union in a number of simple content types where it is necessary to permit a value from the NilReasonType union as an alternative to the primary type. |
NISTQualityMeasure | class instance | A value of a NIST Fingerprint Image Quality score, predicted matcher accuracy |
NISTQualityMeasureSimpleType | class | A data type to measure the quality of a friction ridge capture, using the NIST scale |
NISTQualityMeasureType | class | A data type for the measure of the quality of a friction ridge capture, using the NIST scale |
NISTSP800733PIVCardData | class instance | A data element for the fields contained on a PIV card |
NISTSP800733PIVCardDataAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NISTSP800733PIVCardDataType |
NISTSP800733PIVCardDataType | class | A data type for fields contained on a PIV card |
nlets | class view | Source: The International Justice & Public Safety Information Sharing Network; Publication: NLETS User and Technical Guide; Date: 2006; |
NMTOKEN | class | |
NMTOKENS | class | |
noContactCode | attribute | Means of communication with initiating party that the court is being asked to prohibit. Allowed values to be set forth in Court Policy. |
Node | class instance | gml:Node represents the 0-dimensional primitive. The optional coboundary of a node (gml:directedEdge) is a sequence of directed edges which are incident on this node. Edges emanating from this node appear in the node coboundary with a negative orientation. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence". A node may optionally be realised by a 0-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:pointProperty). |
NodeOrEdgePropertyType | class | |
NodePropertyType | class | |
NodeType | class | |
NominalScanningResolutionValue | class instance | A nominal number of pixels per unit distance (ppmm or ppi) of a transmitted biometric image. |
NominalTransmittingResolutionValue | class instance | A transaction's transmitting resolution, in pixels per mm. Valid value between 19.29 and 20.08 OR equal to 00.00 (corresponds to 500ppi postive and negative 2% ) OR between 38.58 and 40.16 (corresponds to 1000ppi postive and negative 2%.) Shoul |
NonBlankStringSimpleType | class | A data type for a string that is not empty and does not consist of only white space characters. |
NonBlankStringType | class | A data type that defines a string value that can not be blank |
NonCrew | class instance | A non-crew person. |
NonCrewAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonCrewType. |
NonCrewList | class instance | A list of non-crew members. |
NonCrewListAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonCrewListType. |
NonCrewListType | class | A data type for a list of non-crew onboard. |
NonCrewNationalityAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a nationality of one or more passengers on a vessel |
NonCrewNationalityCount | class instance | A count of the number if passengers on a vessel with a particular nationality |
NonCrewNationalityCountAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonCrewNationalityCountType. |
NonCrewNationalityCountType | class | A data type for a nationality of one or more passengers on a vessel |
NonCrewNationalityISO3166Alpha2Code | class instance | A nationality of a passenger or passengers |
NonCrewNationalityList | class instance | A list of nationalities of the passengers on board a vessel. |
NonCrewNationalityListAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonCrewNationalityListType. |
NonCrewNationalityListType | class | A data type for a list of the nationalities of all the passengers on the vessel |
NonCrewNationalityQuantity | class instance | A count of passengers of a particular nationality |
NonCrewType | class | A data type for a non-crew member with associated embark/debark information. |
NonCriminalLegalIssuesText | class instance | A description of other cases and situations that may impact a court report. Tribal membership status and other ICWA issues. Includes prior juvenile (non-criminal) history, child support enforcement issues, mental health adjudications. Also identifies interstate placement issues (where there is an ICPC issue or UCCJEA issue). Also indicates the citizenship and legal residency status (if applicable). |
NonemptyStringSimpleType | class | |
NonImmigrantInspectionAdmissionStatus | class instance | A current status of non-immigrant inspection and admission into the country. |
NonImmigrantRole | class instance | A person immigrating a country with no immigration path to staying legally in a country. |
NonImmigrantRoleAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonImmigrantRoleType. |
NonImmigrantRoleType | class | A data type for the role of NonImmigrant that is played by a Person with respect to a Country |
NonImmigrantWorkerPetitionConcurrentlyFiledIndicator | class instance | True if a Petition for Non-immigrant Worker is being concurrently filed with this application; false otherwise |
NonImmigrantWorkerPetitionPreviouslyFiledReceiptNumberIdentification | class instance | A Receipt/Case Number identification of a benefit previously requested. |
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashAbstract | class instance | A data concept for an action of the non-motorist prior to the crash. |
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashCode | class instance | An action of the non-motorist prior to the crash. |
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for an action of the non-motorist prior to the crash. |
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashCodeType | class | A data type for an action of the non-motorist prior to the crash. |
NonMotoristCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a Type of Non-Motorist involved in a Traffic Accident. |
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesAbstract | class instance | A data concept for an actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesCode | class instance | An actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesCodeType | class | A data type for actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristLocationAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a non-motorist's location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristLocationCode | class instance | A non-motorist's location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristLocationCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a non-motorists location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristLocationCodeType | class | A data type for a non-motorists location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash. |
NonMotoristPersonCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a kind of Non-Motorist involved in a Traffic Accident. |
NonMotoristPersonCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a kind of Non-Motorist involved in a Traffic Accident. |
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist. |
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentCode | class instance | A safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist. |
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist. |
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentCodeType | class | A data type for safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist. |
NonmotoristStrikingVehicle | class instance | A motor vehicle that was the first motor vehicle to strike the non-motorist. |
NonNegativeDecimalSimpleType | class | A data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0. |
NonNegativeDecimalSimpleType | class | A data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0. |
NonNegativeDecimalType | class | A data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0. |
NonNegativeDecimalType | class | A data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0. |
NonNegativeDoubleListSimpleType | class | A data type for a list of doubles with value of zero or greater. |
NonNegativeDoubleListType | class | A data type for a list of doubles with value of zero or greater. |
NonNegativeDoubleSimpleType | class | A data type for a double with value of zero or greater. |
NonNegativeDoubleType | class | A data type for a double with value of zero or greater. |
nonNegativeInteger | class | A data type for an integer with a minimum value of 0. |
nonNegativeInteger | class | |
NonNegativeIntegerListSimpleType | class | A data type for a white space-delimited list of nonnegative integers. |
NonNegativeIntegerListType | class | A data type for a white space-delimited list of nonnegative integers. |
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCode | class instance | An Image Type Code for a kind of Non-photographic image |
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCodeAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a Type Code for or a kind of Non-photographic image |
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a Non-photographic Image Type Code |
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a Non-photographic Image Type Code |
NonPhotographicImageCategoryText | class instance | A kind of Image Type for the Non-photographic image category |
NonPhotographicImageFormatCode | class instance | A Non-photographic Image Format code |
NonPhotographicImageryCommentText | class instance | A comment regarding a Non-photographic Imagery sample |
NonPhotographicImageryDetail | class instance | A kind of non-photographic imagery details |
NonPhotographicImageryDetailAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonPhotographicImageryDetail |
NonPhotographicImageryDetailType | class | A data type for a non-photographic imagery details. This contains imagery information that is not standard 2D photography captured with a camera using visible light. |
nonPositiveInteger | class | A data type for a lexical representation consisting of an optional preceding sign followed by a finite-length sequence of decimal digits. |
nonPositiveInteger | class | |
NonVesselOperatingCarrier | class instance | A common carrier that does not operate the vessels. |
NonVesselOperatingCarrierAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NonVesselOperatingCarrierType. |
NonVesselOperatingCarrierIDCategory | class instance | A coded identification of a common carrier that does not operate the vessels. |
NonVesselOperatingCarrierIdentification | class instance | A unique identification of Non Vessel Operating Carrier |
NonVesselOperatingCarrierType | class | A data type representing a common carrier that does not operate the vessels. |
nonXMLContentType | class | |
normalizedString | class | A data type that represents white space normalized strings. The value space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return, line feed nor tab characters. |
normalizedString | class | A data type that represents white space normalized strings. The value space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return, line feed nor tab characters. |
normalizedString | class | |
normalizedString | class | |
NOTATION | class | |
Notes | attribute | Notes regarding the mapping of the source class and property to the NIEM |
noticeOfAppealDate | attribute | The date on which the Notice of Appeal was filed. This filing usually, but not always, happens in the lower court. This date is sometimes used to calculate the date that the case records and transcripts are due to the appellate court. |
Notification | class instance | A written or printed notice or announcement intended to inform a specific audience of a message. A notification may only contain one message. |
NotificationAugmentation | class instance | Additional information about a Notification. |
NotificationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NotificationType |
NotificationAugmentationType | class | A data type for additional information about a Notification. |
NotificationCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of Notification. |
NotificationCategoryCode | class instance | An element for possible notification message types |
NotificationCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a notification status codes |
NotificationCategoryCodeText | class instance | A kind of notification activity. |
NotificationCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a notification type codes |
NotificationCategoryText | class instance | A kind of Notification. |
NotificationConfidentialityText | class instance | A textual details about the confidentiality of a notification |
NotificationDateTime | class instance | An element for the date of a notification sent or received |
NotificationDeliveryByMailIndicator | class instance | True if the notice was mailed to the notice; false otherwise. |
NotificationDeliveryInPersonIndicator | class instance | True if the notice was given to the notice; false otherwise. |
NotificationDistributionScope | class instance | A set of details about the intended level of distribution of the notification message |
NotificationDistributionScopeAudienceDescriptionText | class instance | A description of the distribution scope of the audience of the notification message. |
NotificationDistributionScopeAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NotificationDistributionScopeType |
NotificationDistributionScopeCategoryCode | class instance | A category code denoting the intended level of distribution of the notification message |
NotificationDistributionScopeCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for the category code denoting the intended level of distribution of the notification message |
NotificationDistributionScopeCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for the category code denoting the intended level of distribution of the notification message |
NotificationDistributionScopeType | class | A data type for the intended level of distribution of the notification message |
NotificationEventCategoryAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of notification event. |
NotificationEventCategoryText | class instance | A kind of notification event. |
NotificationFunctionCategoryCode | class instance | A code value denoting the nature of the notification message |
NotificationFunctionCategoryCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for a notification function type codes |
NotificationFunctionCategoryCodeType | class | A data type for a notification function type codes |
NotificationID | class instance | An identifier of the alert message. A number or string uniquely identifying this message, assigned by the sender |
NotificationKeywordText | class instance | A significant word or phrase related to the notification message. It may determine message routing decisions |
NotificationLanguageCode | class instance | A code denoting the primary language used in the payload or body of the notification message |
NotificationMessageStatusCode | class instance | An element for possible message status types indicating outcome of notification transmission |
NotificationMessageStatusCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for an enumeration of possible message status types indicating outcome of notification transmission |
NotificationMessageStatusCodeType | class | A data type for an element for possible message status types indicating outcome of notification transmission |
NotificationMessageText | class instance | An element for notification message text |
NotificationOriginationDateTime | class instance | A date and time for the origination of a notification |
NotificationOriginator | class instance | An element for originator of the notification |
NotificationPreparationDate | class instance | A date on which the notice was prepared. |
NotificationPurposeAbstract | class instance | A data concept for a kind of purpose for the notification. |
NotificationPurposeText | class instance | A kind of purpose for the notification. |
NotificationRecipient | class instance | An element for recipient of the notification |
NotificationRepresentation | class instance | A data concept for notification types and details |
NotificationRequest | class instance | A request from a person or organization to be notified about a subject's release or transfer. |
NotificationRequestAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NotificationRequestType. |
NotificationRequestAuthorityText | class instance | An authority requesting remand of a subject once conditions of custody have been completed. |
NotificationRequestSequenceNumeric | class instance | A sequential number assigned to the detainer notification request based on order of receipt. |
NotificationRequestType | class | A data type for a request from a person or organization to be notified about a subject's release or transfer. |
NotificationResponseReceivedNotificationDate | class instance | A date when a response notification was received. |
NotificationResponseSummaryText | class instance | An open text from the individual addressed in the notification that is used in the response. |
NotificationSentDate | class instance | A date that was notification was sent. |
NotificationSourceAbstract | class instance | A data concept for the specific source of this alert; e.g., an operator or a specific device |
NotificationSourceID | class instance | An identifier for the particular source of this alert; e.g., an operator or a specific device |
NotificationSourceNameText | class instance | A name, in text, of particular source of this alert; e.g., an operator or a specific device |
NotificationSubjectText | class instance | A subject line for each notification crafted by the system based on user, provider, and event. |
NotificationSummaryText | class instance | An open text in a notification typed in by the user sending the notification. |
NotificationTargetLocation | class instance | A notification target location |
NotificationTargetLocationAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NotificationTargetLocationType |
NotificationTargetLocationType | class | A data type for a notification target location |
NotificationType | class | A data type for the function of the message |
NotifierAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for Notifer |
NotifierRoleDescriptionText | class instance | A description of the message Originator's/Recipient's role, as it may determine message distribution and presentation decisions. The list and associated value(s) is derived from the Uniform Resource Name of a published list of values and definitions, and the content is a string (which may represent a number) denoting the value itself |
NotifierRoleIdentification | class instance | An identification of the message Originator's/Recipient's role, as it may determine message distribution and presentation decisions. The list and associated value(s) is derived from the Uniform Resource Name of a published list of values and definitions, and the content |
NotifierType | class | A data type for notifier information |
NotifyCourtDate | operation | An operaiton to notify a court date has been confirmed. |
NotifyCourtDate | operation | An operaiton that is the asynchronous callback to an AllocateCourtDate or ReserveCourtDate operation to notify a court date has been confirmed. |
NotifyCourtDateMessage | class instance | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyCourtDateMessage | class view | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyCourtDateMessage | class | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyCourtDateMessage | class instance | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyCourtDateMessage | class diagram | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyCourtDateMessageAugmentationPoint | class instance | An extension point for the enclosing message. |
NotifyCourtDateMessageType | class | The message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest. |
NotifyDocketingComplete | operation | An operation that is an asynchronous callback in response to a RecordDocketing operation to notify that a filing has been recorded in the court record system. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessage | class instance | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessage | class view | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and committing a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessage | class diagram | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessage | class instance | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessage | class | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessageAugmentationPoint | class instance | An extension point for the enclosing message. |
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessageType | class | The message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformation | operation | An operation that is an asynchronous callback in response to the GetDocumentStampInformation operation. This operation is implemented by the system responsible for performing the stamping and is invoked by the system responsible for providing the information for the stamps. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessage | class view | |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessage | class diagram | A response to a request for document stamping information. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessage | class instance | A response to a request for document stamping information. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessage | class | A response to a request for document stamping information. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessage | class instance | A response to a request for document stamping information. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageAugmentationPoint | class instance | An extension point for the enclosing message. |
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageType | class | A response to a request for document stamping information. |
NotifyFilingReviewComplete | operation | An operation that is the asynchrnous callback in response to a ReviewFiling operation to notify a filing has completed clerk review. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessage | class view | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessage | class diagram | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessage | class | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessage | class instance | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessage | class instance | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageAugmentationPoint | class instance | An extension point for the enclosing message. |
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageType | class | The asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage. |
NotifyParty | class instance | A party to be notified. |
NotifyPartyAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for NotifyPartyType. |
NotifyPartyIDCategory | class instance | A coded identification of the identification of a party to be notified. |
NotifyPartyIdentification | class instance | A unique identification of Notify Party |
NotifyPartyType | class | A data type for a name [and address] of party to be notified. |
NPFCodeSimpleType | class | A data type for 1.5: Number of Missing Person Found (NPF) Field Codes |
NPFCodeType | class | A data type for 1.5: Number of Missing Person Found (NPF) Field Codes |
NPIIdentification | class instance | An identification called the National Provider Identifier, which includes a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). |
NTNPassportNumberID | class instance | An identifier for a NTN Passport Number. |
Nuclide | class instance | A set of data for the analysis results for a single radionuclide. |
NuclideActivityType | class | A data type for Nuclide Activity, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideActivityUncertaintyType | class | A data type for the uncertainty in the value of NuclideActivityValue, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideActivityUncertaintyValue | class instance | A 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in the value of a NuclideActivityValue, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideActivityValue | class instance | A calculated activity of a nuclide at the measurement time, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideAnalysisReducedChiSquareValue | class instance | A value for the difference between the observed data and predicted values, normalized to an expected value of unity. |
NuclideAnalysisResults | class instance | A result/A set of data providing the results of a radionuclide analysis. |
NuclideAnalysisResultsAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for cbrn:NuclideAnalysisResultsType. |
NuclideAnalysisResultsType | class | A data type for information regarding the nuclides identified (if any) by the analysis algorithm. |
NuclideAugmentationPoint | class instance | An augmentation point for cbrn:NuclideType. |
NuclideCategoryDescriptionText | class instance | A description of the category of the nuclide. |
NuclideIDConfidenceDescriptionText | class instance | A free-form text description of the confidence in the identification status of this nuclide; for example, Low, Medium, High. |
NuclideIDConfidenceUncertaintyValue | class instance | A value for the 1-sigma absolute uncertainty in the value of NuclideIDConfidenceValue. |
NuclideIDConfidenceValue | class instance | An Indication of confidence ranging from 0.0 to 100.0 percent, in the identification status of a nuclide, where increasing values indicate more certainty that the nuclide is present. The interpretation of this value is dependent on the characteristics of the nuclide identification algorithm. |
NuclideIDConfidenceValueType | class | A data type that indicates the confidence ranging from 0.0 to 100.0 percent, in the identification status of a nuclide, where increasing values indicate more certainty that the nuclide is present. The interpretation of this value is dependent on the characteristics of the nuclide identification algorithm. |
NuclideIdentificationConfidenceAbstract | class instance | A data concept for the confidence of identification of a nuclide. |
NuclideIdentifiedIndicator | class instance | True if identified; false otherwise. Indicates whether the nuclide was identified by the analysis. |
NuclideMDAType | class | A data type for minimum detectable activity (MDA) of a nuclide, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideMinimumDetectableActivityValue | class instance | A value for the minimum detectable activity (MDA) of a nuclide, expressed in kilobequerel (kBq) units. |
NuclideName | class instance | A Name of the nuclide. |
NuclideShieldingArealDensityValue | class instance | An estimated effective areal density of the material shielding a nuclide, in g/cm^2. |
NuclideShieldingAtomicNumberID | class instance | An identifier of the estimated effective atomic number of the material shielding a nuclide. |
NuclideSourceGeometryCode | class instance | An assessed geometry of a radiation source. |
NuclideType | class | A data type for the analysis results for an identified nuclide. |
Null | class instance | |
Number_PropertyType | class | |
numberOfCreditorsValueLevelCode | attribute | A coded set of ranges of numbers of creditors involved in the case. |
numberOfPassengersInVehicle | attribute | The number of people in the car not including the driver. |
NumberTypeList | class | List of name types for commonly used Number type |
NumericFormatText | class instance | A kind of numeric format that contains Integer and floating point representations |
NumericType | class | A data type for a number value. |
NumericType | class | A data type for a number value. |