Habitsclass instanceA container for a list of habits of a person
HabitTypeListclassList of type/category of habit
HagueAdoptionConventionCountryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a country is a party to the Hague Adoption Convention; false otherwise
HAIRCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeTypeclassA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeTypeclassA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HairColorCodeclass instanceA hair color shown in an image of a person's face
hairColorCodeattributeA code identifying the person hair color at the time the information was collected.
HairColorCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a hair color
HairColorCodeTypeclassA data type for a hair color
HandlingInstructionsTextclass instanceA set of directions for handling a shipment and or delivery instructions for a shipment
HandServiceCoverageStatusCodeclass instanceA status code that describes the availability of hand surgery services
HashValueBase64BinaryObjectclass instanceA hash value represented as a binary base64 value object.
HashValueMethodAlgorithmTextclass instanceA method used to calculate the hash value.
HashValueTextclass instanceA hash value represented as text.
haveclass view
have-codesclass viewSource: OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL);
Publication: Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Hospital AVailability Exchange (HAVE) Version 1.0;
Version: 1.0;
Date: 22 Dec 2009;
have:CommentTextattributeOne or more comments
have:CommentTextattributeOne or more comments
have:CommentTextattributeOne or more comments
have:CommentTextattributeOne or more comments
have:CommentTextattributeOne or more comments
have:HospitalStatusattributeThe top level container element for reporting status of any number of hospitals. The EDXL-HAVE has no independent routing mechanism, so it requires a routing mechanism that is consistent with the EDXL-DE distribution types. It must contain one or more Hospital elements.
HaveAdapterclass instanceA standard message distribution framework for data sharing among emergency information systems using the XML-based Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL).
HaveAdapterTypeclassA data type for EDXL-HAVE which specifies an XML document format that allows the communication of the status of a hospital, its services, and its resources.
HazardousMaterialclass instanceA substance which can cause harm.
HazardousMaterialCodeclass instanceA hazardous material.
HazardousMaterialContactInfoclass instanceA contact for obtaining more information on a hazardous material.
HazardousMaterialDataclass instanceA data type providing details of a hazardous material.
HazardousMaterialDataAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HazardousMaterialDataType.
HazardousMaterialDataTypeclassA data type providing details of a hazardous material; i.e., a Substance Type that may cause harm.
hazardousMaterialsIndicatorattributeIndicator of whether hazardous materials were involved in the incident.
hazmatclass viewSource: US Department of Transportation (DoT)
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safetey Administration (PHMSA);
Publication: Title 49 CFR 172.101 Table (List of Hazardous Materials);
Date: 18 Jan 2012;
Source Updats: 18 Jan 2012;
HazmatAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a hazardous material.
HazMatCargoReleaseAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a release of hazardous materials from the cargo compartment.
HazMatCargoReleaseCodeclass instanceA release of hazardous materials from the cargo compartment.
HazMatCargoReleaseCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatCargoReleaseCodeTypeclassA data type for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazMatCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazmatCodeTextclass instanceA hazardous material.
HazMatCodeTypeclassA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazMatCodeTypeclassA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazmatCommonNameclass instanceA common name used for a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationclass instanceA declaration of hazardous materials within transported goods.
HazmatDeclarationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HazmatDeclarationType.
HazmatDeclarationChemicalCommonNameclass instanceA name of a chemical that is commonly used.
HazmatDeclarationContactInformationclass instanceA point of contact (POC) for a hazmat declaration.
HazmatDeclarationDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a hazardous material listed on a hazmat declaration.
HazmatDeclarationDestinationLocationclass instanceAn intended destination for a hazardous material listed on a hazmat declaration.
HazmatDeclarationFlashPointMeasureclass instanceA measure of the lowest temperature at which a hazardous material can form an ignitable mixture in air.
HazmatDeclarationHazardLevelAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an assessment of the degree of hazard pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationHazardLevelMeasureclass instanceAn assessment of the degree of hazard pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationHazmatClassAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a US DOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) hazmat class pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationHazmatClassTextclass instanceA US DOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) hazmat class pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationMaterialAmountMeasureclass instanceA measure of the amount, weight, volume, or mass of a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationOriginLocationclass instanceAn origin of a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationTypeclassA data type for a declaration of hazardous materials within transported goods.
HazmatDeclarationUNHazmatCodeclass instanceA United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatDeclarationUNHazmatPageTextclass instanceA set of textual content of a hazmat declaration page.
HazMatPlacardDisplayedAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatPlacardDisplayedCodeclass instanceAn indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatPlacardIndicationAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatPlacardIndicationCodeclass instanceAn indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatPlacardNumberTextclass instanceA 4-digit placard number or name taken from the middle of the diamond or from the rectangular box.
HazMatPlacardSuffixTextclass instanceA 1-digit placard number from bottom of diamond.
HazMatPlacardSuffixTextSimpleTypeclassA data type for a placard number from bottom of diamond.
HazMatPlacardSuffixTextTypeclassA data type for a placard number from bottom of diamond.
HazmatShippingNameclass instanceA name used for a hazardous material on shipping documents.
HazmatUNCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatUNCodeTypeclassA data type for a United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
HealedFracturedFingerPositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a finger position code for a finger that is healed from a fracture/break.
HealedFracturedFingerPositionTextclass instanceA finger position code for a finger that is healed from a fracture/break.
HealthCommentTextclass instanceA comment noting any observable health issues impacting the data subject during the recording time segment.
HealthDetailsclass instanceA person's mental health, substance abuse, medical health and medications.
HealthDetailsAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HealthDetailsType.
HealthDetailsTypeclassA data type for the details about a person's mental health, substance abuse, medical health and medications.
HealthInsuranceclass instanceA health insurance policy.
HealthInsuranceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HealthInsuranceType.
HealthInsurancePolicyPrimaryInsuredFullNameclass instanceA full name of the primarily insured person under a health insurance policy.
HealthInsuranceTypeclassA data type for health insurance information.
Hearingclass instanceA proceeding before an administrative agency or authority to decide how to deal with failure to comply with rules, to determine an issue of fact, or to reach an administrative decision based on evidence.
HearingAssociatedSubjectclass instanceA person associated with a hearing.
HearingAssociatedWitnessclass instanceA person who serves as a witness associated to a hearing.
HearingAttendeeclass instanceA person attending a hearing.
HearingAttorneyRetainedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the offender retained an attorney for the hearing; false otherwise.
HearingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingType
HearingBoardActionHearingCommentclass instanceA comment provided about the hearing.
HearingCancellationclass instanceA cancellation of a scheduled hearing.
HearingCancellationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingCancellationType
HearingCancellationChargesDismissedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing was cancelled due to the charges being dismissed; false otherwise.
HearingCancellationIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a hearing is being cancelled; false otherwise.
HearingCancellationOffenderAcceptedOfferDateclass instanceA date the offender accepted the offer.
HearingCancellationOffenderAcceptedOfferTermTextclass instanceA term of the accepted offer.
HearingCancellationOtherReasonDetailsTextclass instanceA description of another reason for the hearing to be cancelled.
HearingCancellationReasonCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a reason a hearing was cancelled.
HearingCancellationReasonCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of reason a hearing was cancelled.
HearingCancellationTypeclassA data type for a cancellation of a scheduled hearing.
HearingCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for describing the category of court event.
HearingCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of hearing conducted.
HearingCategoryCodeclass instanceA code that describes the type of hearing that is going to take place.
HearingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for the type of hearing that is going to take place.
HearingCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for the type of hearing that is going to take place.
HearingCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of court event.
HearingCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of hearing conducted.
HearingCommentclass instanceA comment on the discussion that took place and an evaluation of the responses by the parolee.
HearingContinuanceDateclass instanceA date to which a hearing matter has been continued.
HearingContinuanceGoodCauseIndicatorclass instanceTrue if GOOD CAUSE appearing, the hearing in the aforementioned matter is continued until a specific date and time; false otherwise.
HearingContinuationReasonTextclass instanceA reason for the continuance of the existing orders.
HearingDateAttorneyAssignedDateclass instanceA date the attorney was assigned to this hearing.
HearingDateNoticeDateclass instanceA due date for the hearing notice.
HearingDecisionclass instanceAn outcome decision or disposition of a hearing.
HearingDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingDecisionType
HearingDecisionBasisclass instanceA set of foundational elements of a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionBasisAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingDecisionBasisType
HearingDecisionBasisDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a reason a hearing was cancelled.
HearingDecisionBasisDetailTextclass instanceA set of details of the other information or report on which the decision was based.
HearingDecisionBasisDocumentclass instanceA document which articulates the basis of a decision.
HearingDecisionBasisTypeclassA data type for a set of foundational elements of a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionConditionclass instanceA stated condition under which a hearing decision is made.
HearingDecisionConditionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingDecisionConditionType
HearingDecisionConditionCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of condition placed on a decision made during a hearing.
HearingDecisionConditionCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of condition placed on a decision made during a hearing.
HearingDecisionConditionCodeSponsorclass instanceA kind of person or entity who will support the subject to meet the conditions of a decision.
HearingDecisionConditionSponsorclass instanceAn entity who will support the subject to meet the conditions of a decision.
HearingDecisionConditionTypeclassA data type for a stated condition under which a hearing decision is made.
HearingDecisionDeferredDateclass instanceA date to defer s decision pending adjudication.
HearingDecisionDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of the decision resulting from the hearing.
HearingDecisionDetailTextclass instanceA set of details about a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionInvolvedSpecialConditionsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the determination involved special conditions; false otherwise.
HearingDecisionPanelMemberclass instanceA person assembled as part of a group to make a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionReaffirmedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the previous action was reaffirmed; false otherwise.
HearingDecisionRescindedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the previous action was rescinded; false otherwise.
HearingDecisionSpecialConditionTextclass instanceA description of the social condition applied to a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionSubjectSignatureDateclass instanceA date on which the parolee signed the document.
HearingDecisionTypeclassA data type for an outcome decision or disposition of a hearing.
HearingDeferredDecisionclass instanceA hearing decision which has been postponed to a later time.
HearingDeferredDecisionAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingDeferredDecisionType
HearingDeferredDecisionReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of reason a hearing was deferred.
HearingDeferredDecisionReasonTextclass instanceA kind of reason a hearing was deferred.
HearingDeferredDecisionTextclass instanceA set of details on the other matter that resulted in the decision deferral.
HearingDeferredDecisionTypeclassA data type for a hearing decision which has been postponed to a later time.
HearingDeferredNotToExceedTextclass instanceA maximum time the decision is to be deferred.
HearingDisabilityIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the juvenile has a hearing disability; false otherwise.
HearingDiscussionTopicAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of topic discussed during a hearing.
HearingDiscussionTopicTextclass instanceA kind of topic discussed during a hearing.
HearingEvidenceclass instanceA collection of evidence introduced or considered during a hearing.
HearingEvidenceAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingEvidenceType
HearingEvidenceDispositionAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of the disposition of supporting evidence associated with evidence provided during a hearing..
HearingEvidenceDispositionTextclass instanceA description of a disposition of supporting evidence associated with evidence provided during a hearing..
HearingEvidenceIncludedTestimonyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if evidence included oral testimony; false otherwise.
HearingEvidencePresentedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if evidence was presented as specified; false otherwise.
HearingEvidenceReportsAndToxicologyResultsDetailsTextclass instanceA specific set of information from incident reports, supplemental reports, and/or toxicology lab results used as supporting evidence.
HearingEvidenceRuleViolationReportDetailsTextclass instanceA specific set of information from the rule violation report used as supporting evidence.
HearingEvidenceSpecialNotationDetailsTextclass instanceA specific set of information from the special notation used as supporting evidence.
HearingEvidenceSubjectStatementDetailsTextclass instanceA specific set of information from the subject's statement used as supporting evidence.
HearingEvidenceTypeclassA data type for a collection of evidence introduced or considered during a hearing.
HearingEvidenceWitnessStatementDetailsTextclass instanceA specific set of information from witness statements used as supporting evidence.
HearingFindingGuiltyIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject was found guilty of a rule violation; false otherwise.
HearingFindingViolatedTextclass instanceA rule or infraction a subject was identified as violating and for which a guilty or not guilty verdict was reached.
HearingInitialIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing is an initial hearing; false otherwise.
HearingInjunctionWaivedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the Keyhea injunction was waived; false otherwise.
HearingInvestigatorclass instanceA data type for a name of a staff member assigned as an investigator to a hearing.
HearingInvestigatorAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingInvestigatorType
HearingInvestigatorEmployeeAssignedDateclass instanceA date an employee was assigned responsibility of a hearing investigator.
HearingInvestigatorEmployeeRequestDeniedReasonTextclass instanceA reason given for why an employee request was denied.
HearingInvestigatorTypeclassA data type for a name of a staff member assigned as an investigator to a hearing.
HearingMedicalReportDetailsTextclass instanceA set of specific information from the medical report used as evidence.
HearingNoLaterThanDateclass instanceA no later date associated with this hearing.
HearingNoticeDateReceivedDateclass instanceA date the notice was received.
HearingNotificationclass instanceA notice of a hearing for all parties concerned.
HearingNotificationAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingNotificationType
HearingNotificationRelatedPartyclass instanceA noticed party such as the victim or the victim next of kin.
HearingNotificationTypeclassA data type for a notice of a hearing for all parties concerned.
HearingOfficialclass instanceA person responsible for rendering a hearing decision.
HearingOtherFactorsTextclass instanceA set of factors considered as part of the hearing.
HearingPanelclass instanceA group of officials assembled for determining a hearing decision.
HearingPaperworkSentDateclass instanceA date on which hearing paperwork was sent.
HearingPlanclass instanceA set of objectives for a hearing process.
HearingPostponementTextclass instanceA statement of why a hearing was postponed.
HearingPreparationActivityclass instanceAn event or activity associated with the process of a hearing.
HearingPsychologistReportDueDateclass instanceA due date for the psychologists report.
HearingPsychologistReportFinalizedDateclass instanceA date the psychologists report was finalized.
HearingReconvenedDateclass instanceA date the hearing was reconvened.
HearingRecordsElectronicSignatureRequiredIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing records must be electronically signed; false otherwise.
HearingReferralclass instanceA referral as the result or in the process of a hearing.
HearingReferralAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingReferralType
HearingReferralCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of method of referral for a hearing.
HearingReferralCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of method of referral for a hearing.
HearingReferralTransferIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing has referred the matter for consideration of a transfer; false otherwise.
HearingReferralTypeclassA data type for a referral as the result or in the process of a hearing.
HearingRequestclass instanceA formal request made for a hearing.
HearingRequestAssociatedHearingclass instanceAn associated hearing required in the hearing process.
HearingRequestAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingRequestType
HearingRequestDateclass instanceA date on which a request was made on a hearing.
HearingRequestedEvidenceTextclass instanceA set of Information or evidence requested by a subject or a participating party in preparation for the disciplinary hearing.
HearingRequestIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the person arrested has requested a court hearing; false otherwise.
HearingRequestPostponementMonthQuantityclass instanceA number of months to which the subject requests the hearing be postponed.
HearingRequestPostponementReasonTextclass instanceA reason given by the subject for postponing the hearing.
HearingRequestPostponementYearDateclass instanceA number of years in postponement of a hearing request.
HearingRequestReviewerclass instanceAn official responsible for reviewing a hearing request.
HearingRequestSubjectclass instanceA subject who is making a request about or for a hearing.
HearingRequestSubjectRequestAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of the subject's hearing request.
HearingRequestSubjectRequestTextclass instanceA description of the subject's hearing request.
HearingRequestTypeclassA data type for a formal request made for a hearing.
HearingRequestWaiverPeriodAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of time period a hearting can be waved by request.
HearingRequestWaiverPeriodTextclass instanceA kind of time period a hearting can be waved by request.
HearingRequestWaiverSubjectAcknowledgeRightsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject acknowledges the right to a hearing and attorney; false otherwise.
HearingRescheduledIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a hearing was rescheduled; false otherwise.
HearingReschedulingclass instanceA process of rescheduling a hearing, hearing events or of hearing process.
HearingReschedulingAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingReschedulingType
HearingReschedulingReasonCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of reason that a hearing was rescheduled.
HearingReschedulingReasonCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of reason that a hearing was rescheduled.
HearingReschedulingReasonOtherDetailsTextclass instanceA set of details related to an other reason for rescheduling a hearing.
HearingReschedulingTypeclassA data type for a process of rescheduling a hearing, hearing events or of hearing process.
HearingReviewDueDateclass instanceA date when a hearing review is due.
HearingRightsIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the alien requested a hearing before a judge; false otherwise
HearingRuleViolationCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of rules violation associated with a hearing.
HearingRuleViolationCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of rules violation associated with a hearing.
HearingSignatureDateclass instanceA signing date for a hearing.
HearingStaffMemberclass instanceA staff member associated with a hearing process.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentclass instanceA staff member assigned to a hearing process.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingStaffMemberAssignmentType
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of condition applied to a staff member during a hearing.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of condition applied to a staff member during a hearing.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentRequestDeniedReasonTextclass instanceA reason given for why a staff member's assignment request was denied.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentTypeclassA data type for a staff member assigned to a hearing process.
HearingSubjectMatterclass instanceA set of details and subject matter central to a hearing process.
HearingSubjectMatterAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingSubjectMatterType
HearingSubjectMatterCategoryAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a kind of regarded subject matter for a hearing.
HearingSubjectMatterCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of regarded subject matter for a hearing.
HearingSubjectMatterOffCalendarIndicatorclass instanceTrue if a matter is off calendar; false otherwise.
HearingSubjectMatterTypeclassA data type for a set of details and subject matter central to a hearing process.
HearingSubjectOffMatterNotToExceedTimeTextclass instanceA period of time in which another off matter subject can be continued.
HearingSubjectOffMatterOtherReasonTextclass instanceA set of details on the other issue that is keeping this matter off calendar.
HearingSubjectOffMatterReasonAbstractclass instanceA data concept for a description of the reason a subject matter is off the calendar.
HearingSubjectOffMatterReasonTextclass instanceA description of the reason a subject matter is off the calendar.
HearingSubjectPresentIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject appeared at the hearing; false otherwise.
HearingSubjectWaivedRightsToAppearIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the subject waived rights to appear at the hearing; false otherwise.
HearingSubsequentCategoryIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the hearing is a kind of subsequent hearing; false otherwise.
HearingTimeConstraintsMetIndicatorclass instanceTrue if all time constraints have been met and all reports and evidence were submitted 24 hours prior to the hearing; false otherwise.
HearingTypeclassA data type for a proceeding before an administrative agency or authority to decide how to deal with failure to comply with rules, to determine an issue of fact, or to reach an administrative decision based on evidence.
HearingVisitationclass instanceA status of a subject's visitation privileges during disciplinary proceedings.
HearingWitnessclass instanceA person who offers witness testimony as part of hearing.
HearingWitnessAnswerTextclass instanceAn answer a witness provided in response to a question.
HearingWitnessAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type j:HearingWitnessType
HearingWitnessCategoryTextclass instanceA kind of witness involved in a disciplinary hearing.
HearingWitnessContactedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the witness was contacted by telephone; false otherwise.
HearingWitnessGrantedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the request for the witness was granted; false otherwise.
HearingWitnessNotGrantedReasonTextclass instanceAn explanation as to why the request for a witness was not granted.
HearingWitnessOffenderTextclass instanceA description of a witness who is also an inmate.
HearingWitnessQuestionTextclass instanceA question given to the witness.
HearingWitnessRequestedInvestigativeIndicatorclass instanceTrue if that the witness requested at the hearing is the investigative employee; false otherwise.
HearingWitnessTypeclassA data type for a person who offers witness testimony as part of hearing.
HearingWitnessWaivedIndicatorclass instanceTrue if that the subject waived the request for witness(es) at the hearing; false otherwise.
heightattributeA measurement of the height of a person.
heightattributeA measurement of the height of a person.
heightUnitattributeA unit of measuring height.
HelpSoughtDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of help sought from other resources for current or previous incident.
HelpSoughtIndicatorclass instanceTrue if person has sought help from other resources for current or previous inciden; false otherwise.
hexBinaryclassA data type for hex-encoded binary data.
HexBinaryObjectclass instanceA hexadecimal binary encoding of data.
HexDoubleByteSimpleTypeclassA data type for a restriction of a hexadecimal byte
HexDoubleByteTypeclassA data type for a double hexadecimal byte
HexTripleByteSimpleTypeclassA data type for a triple hexadecimal byte
HexTripleByteTypeclassA data type for a triple hexadecimal byte
Highwayclass instanceA major public road.
HighwayAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HighwayType.
HighwayFullTextclass instanceA complete reference to a highway.
HighwayIDclass instanceAn identifier of a highway.
HighwayNameclass instanceA name of a highway.
HighwayPositionTextclass instanceA designation of a specific place on a highway.
HighwayTypeclassA data type for a major public road.
HistoricalNarrativeclass instanceA history of a participant of a case.
HistoricalNarrativeAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HistoricalNarrativeType.
HistoricalNarrativeTypeclassA data type for the history of a participant of a case.
historyclass instanceA generic sequence of events constitute a gml:history of an object.
The gml:history element contains a set of elements in the substitution group headed by the abstract element gml:AbstractTimeSlice, representing the time-varying properties of interest. The history property of a dynamic feature associates a feature instance with a sequence of time slices (i.e. change events) that encapsulate the evolution of the feature.
HistoryDetailsTextclass instanceA set of details regarding the history of the case.
HITCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1.4: Wanted or Missing Person Hit Results (HIT) Field Codes
HITCodeTypeclassA data type for 1.4: Wanted or Missing Person Hit Results (HIT) Field Codes
hl7class viewSource: Health (HL-7);
Publication: Religion-HL7 Table 0006_VD;
Date: 19 Jul 2004; http://ushik.ahrq.gov/dr.ui.drConceptualDomain_View?System=mdr&ConceptualDomainID=74288000&ViewDownFile=yes&DownFile=Co
Hobbiesclass instanceA container for a list of hobbies of a person
HobbiesInterestsDescriptionTextclass instanceA description of a person's hobbies and/or interests.
HobbyTypeListclassList of type/category of hobby
HolderNameclass instanceThe person or organization in whose name the account is established and maintained.
Holdingclass instanceA confinement or detainment of a subject prior to court disposition.
HomeDispatchclass instanceA organization (home dispatch) the resource is assigned to
HomeStudyCategoryCodeclass instanceA category of home study
HomeUnitclass instanceA organization (Home Unit) the resource is assigned to
HomosexualAssociationclass instanceA homosexual relationship between people.
HorizontalAngularMeasureclass instanceA measure of an angle in the horizontal plane.
HorizontalAngularMeasureAbstractclass instanceA data concept for an angular measure in the horizontal plane.
HorizontalAngularMeasureAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for type mo:HorizontalAngularMeasureType
HorizontalAngularMeasureTypeclassA data type for a measure of an angle in the horizontal plane.
HorizontalLineLengthPixelQuantityclass instanceA number of pixels on a single horizontal line of a variable-resolution image
HospitalBedCapacityStatusclassThe container of all of the elements related to the hospital bed capacity and status. For each of the bed types (AdultICU, MedicalSurgical, etc.), if needed, a collection of named sub-types can be provided. The totals of sub-categories SHOULD equal the capacity data specified in the parent.
HospitalFacilityStatusclassThe container of all of the elements related to the status of the facility.
HospitalResourcesStatusclassThe container for all the elements related to the operations of the facility.
HospitalStatusclass instanceThe top level container element for reporting status of any number of hospitals. The EDXL-HAVE has no independent routing mechanism, so it requires a routing mechanism that is consistent with the EDXL-DE distribution types. It must contain one or more Hospital elements.
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of household goods.
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings.
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings.
HouseholdMemberIndicatorclass instanceTrue if the associated person is a household member; false otherwise.
HousewaresCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of household goods.
HousewaresCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods.
HousewaresCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods.
HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeclass instanceA kind of housing at time of service.
HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for a kind of housing at time of service.
HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeTypeclassA data type for a kind of housing at time of service.
hsclass viewHuman Services
hsclass view
hs:AbuseNeglectAllegationCategoryTextattributeA kind of allegation of abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, provided by the referral or by the reporter at the time of investigation.
hs:AbuseNeglectAllegationCategoryTextattributeA kind of allegation of abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, provided by the referral or by the reporter at the time of investigation.
hs:AbuseNeglectAllegationOriginationTextattributeA specification of where the allegation originated, such as whether the allegation was alleged by a reporter or collected during the investigation.
hs:AbuseNeglectDetailCategoryTextattributeA kind of injury suffered by the alleged victim of abuse or neglect.
hs:AbuseNeglectHarmAgeTextattributeA narrative description of the age of the injury, such as may be indicated by the coloration of a bruise.
hs:AbuseNeglectInjuryattributeA form of physical harm or damage sustained by the survivor of abuse or neglect.
hs:AbuseNeglectInjuryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AbuseNeglectInjuryType.
hs:AbuseNeglectReportedIndicatorattributeTrue if the case manager made an abuse or neglect report; false otherwise.
hs:AbuseNeglectSeverityAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the severity of abuse or neglect.
hs:ActionRequestedAbstractattributeA data concept for describing an agency's request for court action, based upon the needs of the child, youth, or family.
hs:AdministeringFacilityattributeA facility administering an assessment.
hs:AdoptingParentRelationshipCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the relationship between a child and the adopting parent.
hs:AdoptionDecreeIndicatorattributeTrue if an adoption decree exists; false otherwise.
hs:AdoptionFosterCareHomeStudyTextattributeA set of other information the agency considers relevant that promotes safety, permanency and well-being of the child in determining appropriate foster care placement or adoption. Examples would include relative placement, guardianship, family foster care, social
hs:AdoptionLocationattributeA location where the adoptive parent's adoption petition was granted.
hs:AdoptionPlacedFromTextattributeA general location from where the child was adopted, for example, Within State, Interstate, or International.
hs:AdoptionPlacementByTextattributeAn entity by whom the child was placed for adoption, for example, Public Agency, Private Agency, Tribal Agency, Independent Person, Birth Parent.
hs:AdoptiveFamilyAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AdoptiveFamilyAssociationType.
hs:AdoptiveParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AdoptiveParentChildAssociationType.
hs:AFCARSPermanencyGoalCodeattributeAn AFCARS (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System) Permanency Goal that most closely describes a service plan goal.
hs:AgencyCaseNumberIDattributeAn identifier of a case.
hs:AlienIdentificationattributeAn identification for a foreign-born person.
hs:AssessmentAppealedIndicatorattributeTrue if the assessment is appealed; false otherwise.
hs:AssessmentCourseOfActionWillBeTakenIndicatorattributeTrue if defined course of action will be taken; false otherwise.
hs:AssessmentOtherTextattributeAn additional piece of information about the assessment.
hs:AssessmentOutcomeattributeAn outcome of an assessment.
hs:AssessmentOutcomeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssessmentOutcomeType.
hs:AssessmentOutcomeScoreAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing a score as the outcome of an assessment. This element is a placeholder for the concept of a score; it is intended to be replaced by a structure representing an assessment instrument's actual scoring mechanism.
hs:AssessmentRecommendationattributeA recommendation of an assessment.
hs:AssessmentRecommendationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssessmentRecommendationType.
hs:AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionattributeA recommended course of action arising from an assessment.
hs:AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionType.
hs:AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionCategoryCodeattributeA kind of course of action.
hs:AssociatedPersonChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for AssociatedPersonChildAssociationType.
hs:AtIntakePresentingProblemAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the problems a child, youth, or family presented at intake.
hs:AttorneyStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the role of an attorney, as it relates to the client.
hs:BasisOfAppointmentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the rationale or factual findings that justify the court's appointment of an attorney for a party.
hs:BiologicalParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for BiologicalParentChildAssociationType.
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationDateattributeA date when a putative parent's biological relationship to a child was legally determined.
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationDescriptionTextattributeAn additional description of the details about the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child (for example, findings regarding the location and date of conception, or the results of DNA tests).
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationDescriptionTextattributeAn additional description of the details about the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child (for example, findings regarding the location and date of conception, or the results of DNA tests).
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCodeattributeA list of methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally established.
hs:BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
hs:CaseInitiationReasonAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the procedural or factual reason for filing a case.
hs:CaseInvolvementDescriptionTextattributeA description of how a person is involved in the case.
hs:CaseParticipantAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CaseParticipantType.
hs:CaseParticipantInvolvementTextattributeA description of a person's involvement in the underlying child welfare case.
hs:CaseReferredAgencyattributeA reference to the agency to which a case is referred.
hs:CaseworkerattributeA caseworker for the child.
hs:CaseworkerattributeA caseworker for the child.
hs:CaseworkerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CaseworkerType.
hs:CaseworkerCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the category of caseworker assigned to a case.
hs:CaseWorkerUnitAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CaseWorkerUnitType.
hs:CaseWorkerUnitCodeattributeA kind of case worker unit.
hs:CaseWorkerUnitIDattributeA Unique Identifier for the case worker's office unit
hs:CaseWorkerUnitNameRangeTextattributeAn alpha range used to assign cases to workers based on NCP's last name. Example: range = A-F. Any NCP whose last name falls in the range
hs:ChangeOfSchoolIndicatorattributeTrue if the child's school will change as the result of this placement; false otherwise.
hs:ChangesMadeAffectingVisitationRightsTextattributeA set of changes made by the court that affect current visitation rights.
hs:ChargeAdjudicationattributeAn adjudication result of a juvenile.
hs:ChargeAllegationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the allegation of dependency, neglect, or abuse, using either the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) codes, a local enumeration, or text.
hs:ChargeAllegationLocalDescriptionTextattributeA description of a state or local definition of an allegation.
hs:ChargeAllegationReportedDateattributeA date the allegation was reported.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildattributeA person who was an unmarried minor at the time of his or her involvement in a judicial proceeding or non-judicial program.
hs:ChildAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildType.
hs:ChildBirthOrderNumericattributeA numeric description of the order in which a child was born to a parent, in relationship to the child's biological siblings.
hs:ChildDeceasedIndicatorattributeTrue if the child is deceased; false otherwise.
hs:ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationType.
hs:ChildRelationshipTextattributeA relationship between a missing child and another associated person.
hs:ChildRemovalDateattributeA date the child was removed from caregiver's custody.
hs:ChildRemovalDateattributeA date the child was removed from caregiver's custody.
hs:ChildSupportArrearsPaymentAmountattributeAn amount the child-support obligor is ordered to pay at a specified frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly) toward the total arrearages amount.
hs:ChildSupportAssignedArrearsAmountattributeA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to recovery from the obligor of assigned arrears.
hs:ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeattributeA former assistance.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseattributeA child support enforcement case.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseType.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionType.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeattributeA list of disposition decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionFindingsTextattributeA description of the tribunal's factual findings in support of its disposition decision in a child-support-enforcement case. Usage: the tribunal does or does not have jurisdiction over the case, respondent is or is not the child's father, etc.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationType.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorIdentificationattributeA unique alphanumeric identification assigned to the child-support-enforcement agency that initiated the child-support-enforcement case.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeattributeA list of reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationType.
hs:ChildSupportEnforcementServiceIDattributeA unique alphanumeric value assigned locally to each child-support-enforcement agency (e.g., State Disbursement Unit Identifier).
hs:ChildSupportFeesAmountattributeAn amount the child-support obligor is ordered to pay for the fees incurred in the case (e.g., attorney fees, filing fees, fees for paternity testing, etc.).
hs:ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationType.
hs:ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderType.
hs:ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the kinds of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
hs:ChildSupportNonTANFArrearsAmountattributeA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to child-support payments that were due from the obligor in the past but were not paid.
hs:ChildSupportObligationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildSupportObligationType.
hs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeattributeA list of legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
hs:ChildSupportTANFArrearsAmountattributeA portion of total arrears identified in the child-support order as being attributable to recovery from the obligor of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds previously provided for the child.
hs:ChildSupportTotalArrearsAmountattributeA total arrearages amount identified in the child-support order.
hs:ChildSupportUnreimbursedExpenseDescriptionTextattributeA description of the unreimbursed expenses for which the child-support obligor is financially responsible (e.g., uncovered medical costs, education costs, etc.).
hs:ChildSupportUnreimbursedExpensePercentattributeA percentage the child-support obligor is ordered to pay for unreimbursed expenses (e.g., uncovered medical costs, education costs, etc.).
hs:ChildVictimattributeA person who has not yet reached the age of majority and in whose interest a child welfare case has been initiated.
hs:ChildVictimAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildVictimType.
hs:ChildVictimChargeAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildVictimChargeAssociationType.
hs:ChildWelfareAgencyCaseIDattributeAn identifier assigned by a state or local child welfare agency to track a dependency or neglect case.
hs:ChildWelfareCaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ChildWelfareCaseType.
hs:ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the status of an investigation or adjudication of a particular child welfare allegation.
hs:ClientAttorneyAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ClientAttorneyAssociationType.
hs:ClientEntityattributeA person or organization that has hired or been appointed an attorney.
hs:ClientWalkInIndicatorattributeTrue if client walked in; false if referred for assessment and services.
hs:ClinicalObservationattributeA clinical observation of a person.
hs:ClinicalObservationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ClinicalObservationType.
hs:CompetencyStatusTextattributeA status describing whether a person is competent to understand the court process.
hs:ContactActivityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ContactActivityType.
hs:ContactActivityCaseReportNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification assigned to the report of a contact.
hs:ContactActivityCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the setting of a contact between an agency representative and a child, youth, or family member.
hs:CountyOfCustodyTextattributeA county in which a child resides.
hs:CourtEventAttendeeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for CourtEventAttendeeType.
hs:CourtEventInputIndicatorattributeTrue if the person provided input during the court event; false otherwise.
hs:CourtOrderRenderedDateattributeA date the judge verbally issued the order.
hs:CreationDateattributeA date a record was created.
hs:CriminalHistoryPendingChargesTextattributeA description of a person's criminal history, pending charges, and other relevant legal status information (for example, eligibility for protection under the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act).
hs:CurrentExploitationIndustryAbstractattributeA data concept for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking is currently being exploited.
hs:CurrentLivingSituationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of current living situtation.
hs:CurrentTraffickedVenueAbstractattributeA data concept for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking is currently being trafficked.
hs:CustodialEntityattributeA person or organization that has legal custody of a child.
hs:CustodialEntityattributeA person or organization that has legal custody of a child.
hs:DataPrivacyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DataPrivacyType.
hs:DataPrivacyCategoryTextattributeA kind of data privacy for an element..
hs:DataPrivacyDescriptionTextattributeA description of data privacy for an element
hs:DataPrivacyElementNameattributeA name of a data privacy element.
hs:DataPrivacyIndicatorattributeTrue if a data element should be kept private; false otherwise.
hs:DataPrivacyPolicyReferenceTextattributeA data privacy policy reference for a data element.
hs:DataPrivacyRuleTextattributeA rule regarding data privacy.
hs:DataProvenanceTextattributeAn origin of the data.
hs:DataQualityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DataQualityType.
hs:DataQualityDescriptionTextattributeA description of data quality.
hs:DataQualityDimensionTextattributeA dimension of data quality.
hs:DataQualityElementNameattributeA name of a data quality element.
hs:DataQualityValidationDateattributeA date for when data was validated.
hs:DelinquentActattributeA delinquent act.
hs:DentalHistoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of the details of a person's dental history, which may include diagnosis, treatment plans, and medications.
hs:DependencyPetitionattributeA document that is filed with the Court, typically by an attorney representing the Child Welfare Agency, that formally files allegations of abuse and/or neglect against one or more alleged perpetrators.
hs:DependencyPetitionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for DependencyPetitionType.
hs:DevelopmentalDisabilityCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing developmental disabilities.
hs:DispenserattributeA pharmacy or pharmacist who filled the prescription.
hs:DispenserattributeA pharmacy or pharmacist who filled the prescription.
hs:DrugDispensedQuantityattributeA total count of a drug dispensed to a patient
hs:DrugDosageUnitsAbstractattributeA data concept for a unit of measure for the quantity dispensed of a drug.
hs:DrugPartialFillIndicatorattributeTrue if a prescription is partially filled; false otherwise.
hs:DrugRefillNumberCountQuantityattributeA sequential number representing the sequential filling of a prescription. 0 indicates an original dispensing instead of a refill.
hs:DrugRefillsAuthorizedQuantityattributeA number of times a prescriber has authorized a prescription to be refilled.
hs:DrugRelatedFelonIndicatorattributeTrue if a person is a drug-related felon; false otherwise.
hs:DrugUseAgeMeasureattributeAn age at which the person first began using an illegal substance.
hs:DrugUseFrequencyAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing how often a person uses drugs.
hs:DrugUseIndicatorattributeTrue if the person is currently using an illegal substance or has used an illegal substance in the immediate past; false otherwise.
hs:DueDateattributeA date something is due, not necessarily the date that something actually starts or ends.
hs:EducationattributeA description of the educational issues related to the court report and service plan of any participant in the case.
hs:EducationattributeA description of the educational issues related to the court report and service plan of any participant in the case.
hs:EducationalAdjustmentAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the adjustment of a student in a school setting.
hs:EducationalGoalTextattributeA kind of educational level the child and or court wishes to achieve.
hs:EducationalNeedTextattributeA specific educational need that the child may have.
hs:EducationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EducationType.
hs:EducationOrganizationattributeAn education organization that currently has a juvenile enrolled as a student.
hs:EducationOrganizationattributeAn education organization that currently has a juvenile enrolled as a student.
hs:EligibilityattributeA set of programs for which a person may be considered for eligibility.
hs:EligibilityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EligibilityType.
hs:EmailContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by e-mail is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:EmailContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by e-mail is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:EmployerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EmployerType.
hs:EmployerCategoryTextattributeA kind of Employer
hs:EmployerContactInformationattributeAn association between an employer and contact information.
hs:EmployerFEINIDattributeAn identifier for the Federal Identification Number for the Employer.
hs:EmployerNameattributeA name of an employer.
hs:EmployerPayrollNumberIDattributeAn identifier for a payroll number for employer to pay FICA taxes.
hs:EmployerStateUnemploymentIDattributeAn identifier for State Unemployment
hs:EmployerTribalMemberOwnedIndicatorattributeTrue if the employer is a business owned by a Tribal member; false otherwise.
hs:EmployerTribeOwnedIndicatorattributeTrue if an employer is a business owned by a Tribe; false otherwise.
hs:EnglishInterpreterRequiredIndicatorattributeTrue if any of the case participants requires an interpreter during case proceedings; false otherwise.
hs:EnglishInterpreterRequiredIndicatorattributeTrue if any of the case participants requires an interpreter during case proceedings; false otherwise.
hs:EntityFindingAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for EntityFindingAssociationType.
hs:FamilyIdentificationattributeAn identification assigned to a family for the purposes of discovering and connecting related records.
hs:FamilyMemberBehaviorDescriptionTextattributeA description of the behaviors of other family members.
hs:FatherUnknownTextattributeA statement as to whether or not the father is unknown.
hs:FaxContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by fax machine is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:FaxContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by fax machine is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:FederalFindingsTextattributeA court's description of its factual findings supporting conclusions about legal standards defined in federal law. Usage: factual findings regarding an agency's reasonable efforts to reunify a family, a child's placement in the least restrictive placement necessary, etc.
hs:FEDMatchRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if perform federal data match; false if there is no fed match.
hs:FindingattributeA statement containing the authoritative decision of the court.
hs:FindingAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for FindingType.
hs:FosterCareAdoptionAssistanceFindingsTextattributeA set of conclusions of the court as they relate to Foster Care and Adoption Assistance (IV-E).
hs:FosterCareCurrentPlacementDescriptionTextattributeA description of the setting of an out-of-home placement.
hs:FosterCareDischargeReasonDescriptionTextattributeA description of the reason for discharge from out-of-home care.
hs:FosterCareFirstRemovalDateattributeA date of first removal from a foster home.
hs:FosterCareFundingSourceAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the source of funding for foster care.
hs:FosterCareLastRemovalDateattributeA date of most recent removal from a foster home.
hs:FosterCareLiablePlacementCountyCodeattributeA FIPs code of the legal liable county with the current placement setting.
hs:FosterCareMonthlyPaymentAmountattributeAn amount of the most recent full month expenditures for the juvenile including any negative or positive payments.
hs:FosterCarePreviousPlacementSettingsQuantityattributeA number of previous placement settings during this removal episode.
hs:FosterCarePriorDischargeDateattributeA date a juvenile was discharged from the most recent foster care episode.
hs:FosterCareRemovalReasonAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the reasons a child or youth was removed from a foster care placement.
hs:FosterCareTotalRemovalQuantityattributeA total number of removals from foster home to date.
hs:FosterParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for FosterParentChildAssociationType.
hs:FraudIndicatorattributeTrue if there has been fraudulent receipt of TANF benefits within the last ten years due to a misrepresentation of residence; false otherwise.
hs:FugitiveFelonIndicatorattributeTrue if a person is a current fugitive felon; false otherwise.
hs:GangOrganizationattributeA criminal gang organization that is alleged to have a juvenile as a member.
hs:GangOrganizationattributeA criminal gang organization that is alleged to have a juvenile as a member.
hs:GoalObjectiveattributeA subset of a service plan goal.
hs:GoalObjectiveattributeA subset of a service plan goal.
hs:GoalObjectiveAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for GoalObjectiveType.
hs:HealthDetailsattributeA person's mental health, substance abuse, medical health and medications.
hs:HealthDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HealthDetailsType.
hs:HealthInsuranceattributeA health insurance policy.
hs:HealthInsuranceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HealthInsuranceType.
hs:HealthInsurancePolicyPrimaryInsuredFullNameattributeA full name of the primarily insured person under a health insurance policy.
hs:HearingDisabilityIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has a hearing disability; false otherwise.
hs:HelpSoughtDescriptionTextattributeA description of help sought from other resources for current or previous incident.
hs:HelpSoughtIndicatorattributeTrue if person has sought help from other resources for current or previous inciden; false otherwise.
hs:HistoricalNarrativeattributeA history of a participant of a case.
hs:HistoricalNarrativeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HistoricalNarrativeType.
hs:HistoryDetailsTextattributeA set of details regarding the history of the case.
hs:HobbiesInterestsDescriptionTextattributeA description of a person's hobbies and/or interests.
hs:HouseholdMemberIndicatorattributeTrue if the associated person is a household member; false otherwise.
hs:HouseholdMemberIndicatorattributeTrue if the associated person is a household member; false otherwise.
hs:HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeattributeA kind of housing at time of service.
hs:HumanTraffickingVictimattributeA person who is a victim, potentially or actually, of human trafficking.
hs:HumanTraffickingVictimAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for HumanTraffickingVictimType.
hs:ICPCPlacementApprovalIndicatorattributeTrue if the receiving state approved the placement under the terms of Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC); false otherwise.
hs:ICWAEligibilityIndicatorattributeTrue if a case participant's ethnicity implicates the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA); false otherwise.
hs:IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
hs:IdentifiedAsVictimIndicatorattributeTrue if a person has been identified as a vitim of human trafficking; false otherwise.
hs:IdentifiedAsVictimStatusattributeA status of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
hs:IdentifiedAsVictimStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for IdentifiedAsVictimStatusType.
hs:IncomeAttachmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the child-support order authorizes attachment of the obligor's income; false otherwise.
hs:IndigencyStatusattributeAn indigency status of the child.
hs:InformalAdjustmentattributeA process used primarily for first time offenders, which does not involve a court hearing.
hs:InformalDispositionattributeA type of disposition used primarily for first time offenders, which does not involve a court hearing. If the child admits the facts of the allegation (with parental consent), the child may be supervised for a period without being adjudicated.
hs:InformalDispositionCategoryCodeattributeA kind of informal disposition.
hs:InterStateOutputDataattributeA State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
hs:InterStateOutputDataAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InterStateOutputDataType.
hs:InterStateOutputDataReportAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for InterStateOutputDataReportType.
hs:JuvenileattributeA role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:JuvenileattributeA role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:JuvenileattributeA role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:JuvenileattributeA role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationattributeA set of specifics of the referred incident of abuse or neglect as it relates to the victim. Information recorded includes the Abuse/Neglect Category and Type as well as narrative descriptions of the abuse and/or injuries
hs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationType.
hs:JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentType.
hs:JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing whether an assessment is for aggravating or mitigating actions, behaviors, or conditions.
hs:JuvenileArrestedFriendsIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile's friends who have been arrested; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileAssessmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileAssessmentType.
hs:JuvenileAttentionDisorderDiagnosisIndicatorattributeTrue if diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or as Hyperactive; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileType.
hs:JuvenileAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileType.
hs:JuvenileBehaviorDescriptionTextattributeA description of behaviors exhibited by a juvenile.
hs:JuvenileCaseattributeAn aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events pertaining to a juvenile. This can be, but is not necessarily, a court case.
hs:JuvenileCaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileCaseType.
hs:JuvenileChargeAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileChargeType.
hs:JuvenileChargeStatusOffenseIndicatorattributeTrue if the alleged act is an offense when committed by a juvenile but not when committed by an adult; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileChildEverAdoptedIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile was ever adopted; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileCulturalFactorsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the specific cultural needs of a juvenile and family.
hs:JuvenileDeceasedParentIndicatorattributeTrue if either of the child's parents are deceased; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileEducationOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileEducationOrganizationAssociationType.
hs:JuvenileEmotionalDisturbanceIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has an emotional disturbance; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileFamilyFinancialProblemAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the financial problems that a child or youth's family is experiencing.
hs:JuvenileFireSettingCaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileFiresettingCaseType.
hs:JuvenileFosterCarePlacementIndicatorattributeTrue if juvenile was ever placed in foster care home or group home; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileFutureGoalDescriptionTextattributeA description of a future aspiration or goal.
hs:JuvenileGangActiveBeginDateattributeA date an individual became active within a gang.
hs:JuvenileGangActiveEndDateattributeA date an individual ended activity within a gang.
hs:JuvenileGangAffiliationIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile claims to be affiliated with a gang; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileGangAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileGangAssociationType.
hs:JuvenileGangAssociationDescriptionTextattributeA description of the alleged association between a juvenile and a criminal gang organization.
hs:JuvenileGangMemberattributeA juvenile who is alleged to be associated with a criminal gang organization.
hs:JuvenileGangStatusattributeA status of a person with respect to a gang.
hs:JuvenileHomelessnessIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is or has ever been homeless; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileHomePrivacyIndicatorattributeTrue if juvenile has their own space or private area at home; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileHomeSafeIndicatorattributeTrue if juvenile's home is a safe place; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileInformalAdjustmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile (with parental consent) admits the facts of the alleged delinquent act, and the tribunal approves the conditions of the juvenile's supervision for a period of time without being adjudicated; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileIntakeAssessmentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileIntakeAssessmentType.
hs:JuvenileKinshipCarePlacementIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile was ever placed in kinship care; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileLackOfNecessityIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has ever lived without lights, power, water and/or food; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileLegalConcernsDescriptionTextattributeA description of any legal concerns (for example, custodial information, restraining orders).
hs:JuvenileLivingSituationDescriptionTextattributeA description of other people living in the home with the juvenile and family.
hs:JuvenileOverallGrowthAssessmentDescriptionTextattributeA description of the evaluation of whether a juvenile's maturation is within normal limits.
hs:JuvenileParentConversationIndicatorattributeTrue if juvenile is able to talk to parent or guardian about important issues; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileParentSubstanceUseIndicatorattributeTrue if parent or legal guardian uses drugs or alcohol; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenilePlacementattributeA description of the placement where a juvenile is directed to reside during the pendency of the delinquency proceeding.
hs:JuvenilePlacementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenilePlacementType.
hs:JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationattributeAn association between a juvenile and a facility where the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., orphanage, teen shelter, detention center, etc.).
hs:JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationType.
hs:JuvenilePlacementGoalTextattributeA description of the intended outcome of the placement (e.g., reunification, termination of parental rights, etc.).
hs:JuvenilePlacementOtherLocationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenilePlacementOtherLocationAssociationType.
hs:JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationattributeAn association between a juvenile and a person with whom the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., foster parent, grandparent, etc.).
hs:JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationType.
hs:JuvenilePlacementSupervisorAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenilePlacementSupervisorAssociationType.
hs:JuvenilePlacementSupervisorPersonattributeAn agency's expert on out-of-home placement options, managing the process of matching a child with the most appropriate, available placement option in the locale.
hs:JuvenilePositiveActivitiesDescriptionTextattributeA description of positive activities in which a juvenile engages.
hs:JuvenilePositiveActivitiesIndicatorattributeTrue if a person engages in positive activities; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenilePositivePeerRelationshipIndicatorattributeTrue if a person has positive relationships with peers; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileProblemImpactDescriptionTextattributeA description of the impact of problems on family and social system.
hs:JuvenileReceivesSubsidyIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile receives a subsidy; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileRepeatOffenderIndicatorattributeTrue if the person is a repeat offender; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileSpecialNeedAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the characteristics that states might define as special needs, which qualify a child or youth's adoption for a subsidy under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
hs:JuvenileSpecialNeedsIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has any special need that qualifies his or her adoption for a subsidy under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act; false otherwise.
hs:JuvenileStrengthsInterestsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the strengths and Interests of juvenile.
hs:JuvenileStudentattributeA juvenile who is currently enrolled in an educational program.
hs:JuvenileSupervisionConditionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for JuvenileSupervisionConditionType.
hs:JuvenileSupervisionConditionFrequencyDescriptionTextattributeA description of the frequency of the supervision condition.
hs:JuvenileTroubledFriendsIndicatorattributeTrue if friends get into trouble; false otherwise.
hs:LastUpdatedTrackingIDattributeAn identifier of the person or program which made the most recent update.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for LawEnforcementContactActivityType.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityCriminalRecordClearanceIndicatorattributeTrue if the subject was cleared through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) or a state, local, or tribal Crime Information Center at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangAreaIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is in a gang area at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangAssociateIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is a gang associate at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangCrimeIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is involved in a gang crime at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangKnownAssociationIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is associating with known gang members at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangMemberIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is a gang member at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangOtherLawEnforcementIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has been identified as a gang member at the time of contact by another law enforcement agency; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangSelfAdmitIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has indicated gang involvement at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangSignalIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile displayed gang symbols or hand signs at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangTattooIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has a gang tattoo at the time of contact; false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactActivityGangThirdPartyIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has been identified as a gang member by a third party at the time of contact (for example, by a relative or informant); false otherwise.
hs:LawEnforcementContactAttentionAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the law enforcement unit that might be required to pay special attention to a contact.
hs:LawEnforcementContactVehiclePositionAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the physical position of a contact person in a vehicle.
hs:LawEnforcementReportedIndicatorattributeTrue if Law Enforcement has been contacted concerning the alleged abuse/neglect; false otherwise.
hs:LeastRestrictivePlacementIndicatorattributeTrue if the child has been placed in an environment that the court has determined to be the least restrictive; false otherwise.
hs:LevelOfCareCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the restrictiveness of a child or youth's placement, using the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) codes, a local enumeration, or text.
hs:MedicalAssistanceContactPersonInformationDescriptionTextattributeA description of a person's contact information, used if Medical Assistance is processed by a different State Agency than the one that processes Food Stamps (FS) & Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
hs:MedicalEncounterattributeAn encounter between a patient and applicable providers.
hs:MedicalHealthDetailsattributeA person's medical health details.
hs:MedicalHealthDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MedicalHealthDetailsType.
hs:MedicalHistoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of known medical history.
hs:MedicalSummaryattributeA summary of a person's medical information.
hs:MedicalSummaryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MedicalSummaryType.
hs:MedicationattributeA medication in use.
hs:MedicationDispensingDateattributeA date when the medication was last dispensed from a dispensing entity.
hs:MedicationDoseMeasureattributeA specified dosage of medication.
hs:MedicationLastTakenDateattributeA date when the medication was last taken.
hs:MedicationTreatmentReasonTextattributeA description of the treatment reason or condition being treated with the medication. This should include any 'off label' use.
hs:MedicationUseattributeA set of details about medication use for an individual.
hs:MedicationUseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MedicationUseType.
hs:MedicationUseFrequencyAbstractattributeA data concept for describing how often a person uses a medication.
hs:MentalHealthDetailsattributeAn element that contains information about a person's mental health including social history and psychosocial information.
hs:MentalHealthDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MentalHealthDetailsType.
hs:MentalHealthHistoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of known mental health history, including behavioral health and psychological or psychiatric assessments, diagnoses, or treatments.
hs:MentalHealthHospitalizationHistoryDescriptionTextattributeA description of past in-patient hospitalizations due to mental health issues.
hs:MethodOfPaymentAbstractattributeA data concept for a method of payment.
hs:MilitaryInductionDateattributeA date a person was inducted (or will be inducted) into active service in a military.
hs:MissingChildRecoveryAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MissingChildRecoveryType.
hs:MissingChildRecoveryLocationattributeA location at which a missing child was recovered.
hs:MissingChildRecoveryMethodTextattributeA method by which a missing child was recovered.
hs:MissingChildRelatedPersonAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for MissingChildRelatedPersonType.
hs:MissingChildReporterattributeA person who reports that a child is missing.
hs:MostRecentFosterCareReviewDateattributeA date of the most recent foster care review.
hs:NCICRegisteredIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is registered in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC); false otherwise.
hs:NonCriminalLegalIssuesTextattributeA description of other cases and situations that may impact a court report. Tribal membership status and other ICWA issues. Includes prior juvenile (non-criminal) history, child support enforcement issues, mental health adjudications. Also identifies interstate placement issues (where there is an ICPC issue or UCCJEA issue). Also indicates the citizenship and legal residency status (if applicable).
hs:NPIIdentificationattributeAn identification called the National Provider Identifier, which includes a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
hs:ObservationCategoryTextattributeA kind of an observation (e.g. a diagnosis, lab results, allergy indications, etc.).
hs:ObservationPrimaryIndicatorattributeTrue if an observation corresponds to the primary diagnosis; false otherwise.
hs:OffenderCulpabilityTextattributeA description of the offender's culpability.
hs:OffenseCharacteristicsTextattributeA description of the characteristics of the offense.
hs:OrganizationCaseIDattributeAn identifier assigned by an organization to a case.
hs:OrganizationCaseIDattributeAn identifier assigned by an organization to a case.
hs:OrganizationCaseIDattributeAn identifier assigned by an organization to a case.
hs:OtherConcerningBehaviorDescriptionTextattributeA description of other behaviors which are concerning. Examples include: Truant; runaway; loss of appetite; excessively overweight; bed wetting; destructive behavior (toys, property), lying, excessive anger, physically violent, cruel to animals, other children; Gang member, curiosity about fire, plays with matches lighters, plays with fire, fear of fire, daydreams or talks about fires, set occupied structure on fire, expresses anger by hurting self or others, was/is in cult, severe depression or withdrawal; poor or no eye contact; fighting with siblings.
hs:OtherIdentifiedSymptomsDescriptionTextattributeA description of other symptoms identified during a juvenile intake assessment.
hs:OtherPhysicalDisabilityIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has a physical disability other than a visual or hearing impairment; false otherwise.
hs:OutOfStatePlacementIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is placed out of state; false otherwise.
hs:ParentattributeA father or mother of a person.
hs:ParentattributeA father or mother of a person.
hs:ParentChildAssociationattributeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationattributeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationattributeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationattributeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationattributeAn association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
hs:ParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ParentChildAssociationType.
hs:ParentChildKinshipCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
hs:ParentChildKinshipCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child.
hs:ParentGangAffiliationIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile's parent is affiliated with a gang; false otherwise.
hs:PastExploitationIndustryAbstractattributeA data concept for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking was being exploited in the past.
hs:PastTraffickedVenueAbstractattributeA data concept for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking was trafficked in the past.
hs:PatientAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PatientType.
hs:PatientLocationAbstractattributeA data concept for a location of a patient.
hs:PatientNameOfAnimalTextattributeA name of a non-human patient.
hs:PeerInfluenceDescriptionTextattributeA description of the influence of peers on a person.
hs:PendingChargeattributeA charge that is pending.
hs:PerceivedAgeMeasureattributeA measurement of the perceived or apparent age of a person.
hs:PermanencyPlanApprovedIndicatorattributeTrue if the most current permanency plan was approved; false otherwise.
hs:PerpetratorEntityattributeA set of details about a person or organization that allegedly committed the referenced allegation.
hs:PerpetratorJuvenileRelationshipTextattributeA relationship of the perpetrator of an allegation to the juvenile.
hs:PersonAssociationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of association between persons.
hs:PersonAssociationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of association between persons.
hs:PersonAssociationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of association between persons.
hs:PersonCaseAssociationattributeA relationship between a person and a case.
hs:PersonCaseAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCaseAssociationType.
hs:PersonCaseAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonCaseAssociationType.
hs:PersonGenderIdentityAbstractattributeA data concept for a gender of a person's identity. The cultural meanings of patterns of behavior, experience, and personality that are labeled masculine or feminine.
hs:PersonOtherKinAssociationattributeA directed association that describes the kinship or other close personal relationship between the source object and the target object. The relationship between a parent and a child should be captured using the ParentChildAssociation
hs:PersonOtherKinAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PersonOtherKinAssociationType.
hs:PersonOtherKinAssociationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the kinship or other close personal relationship that exists from the source person to the target person.
hs:PersonPhysicalConditionTextattributeA description of a person's general physical condition.
hs:PersonUnionAtBirthIndicatorattributeTrue if a child's biological parents were in a Person Union with each other at the time of the child''s birth; false otherwise.
hs:PersonUnionAtConceptionIndicatorattributeTrue if a child's biological parents were in a Person Union with each other at the time of the child''s conception; false otherwise.
hs:PetitionCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the legal status of the petition being filed.
hs:PetitionerattributeA person filing the petition.
hs:PetitionerAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PetitionerType.
hs:PetitionerChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PetitionerChildAssociationType.
hs:PetitionReasonTextattributeA reason for the petition.
hs:PharmacistattributeA person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
hs:PharmacistAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PharmacistType.
hs:PhoneContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by voice phone is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:PhoneContactSupportIndicatorattributeTrue if contact by voice phone is supported for follow up purposes; false otherwise.
hs:PlacedJuvenileattributeA juvenile who is directed to reside somewhere other than a parent's residence.
hs:PlacedJuvenileattributeA juvenile who is directed to reside somewhere other than a parent's residence.
hs:PlacedJuvenileattributeA juvenile who is directed to reside somewhere other than a parent's residence.
hs:PlacedJuvenileattributeA juvenile who is directed to reside somewhere other than a parent's residence.
hs:PlacementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PlacementType.
hs:PlacementAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PlacementType.
hs:PlacementCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a child or youth's placement.
hs:PlacementCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a child or youth's placement.
hs:PlacementCategoryRestrictivenessTextattributeA text field to indicate how the placement type is the least restrictive placement necessary.
hs:PlacementChangeReasonAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the reason a child or youth's placement was changed.
hs:PlacementChangeReasonAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the reason a child or youth's placement was changed.
hs:PlacementFacilityattributeA facility where a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementFacilityattributeA facility where a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementOtherLocationattributeA location -- other than a foster home, kin's residence, orphanage, or other facility -- where the juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementPersonattributeA person with whom a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementPersonattributeA person with whom a juvenile is directed to reside.
hs:PlacementSupervisorattributeAn entity who is responsible for supervising the juvenile's placement (e.g., social services department, probation department, etc.).
hs:PlacementTextattributeA description of the child's placement (for example, with parents, with kin, in foster case).
hs:PolyvictimizationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of additional victimization.
hs:PreferredDrugNameattributeA name of the substance identified as the primary drug of choice used by a person.
hs:PreScreeningAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PreScreeningType.
hs:PreScreeningToolAdministratorattributeAn entity that administers a pre-screening tool.
hs:PreScreeningToolTextattributeA description of a pre-screening tool (e.g., an intake form, federal screening tool).
hs:PrescriberattributeA medical professional or organization that authorizes a prescription drug.
hs:PrescriberattributeA medical professional or organization that authorizes a prescription drug.
hs:PrescriptionattributeA set of written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
hs:PrescriptionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PrescriptionType.
hs:PrescriptionFilledDateattributeA date on which a prescription was filled.
hs:PrescriptionLastTakenDateattributeA date or date range when the medication was last taken.
hs:PrescriptionNormCodeTextattributeA standardized and normalized cross-platform RxCode for electronic prescriptions to capture the prescribed drug product identification information. Part of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
hs:PrescriptionSoldDateattributeA date on which a prescription received by a patient or a patient's agent.
hs:PrescriptionTreatmentReasonTextattributeA description of the treatment reason or condition being treated with the medication. This should include any 'off label' use.
hs:PrescriptionUseInstructionsTextattributeA set of instructions for use of medication e.g. daily with food for 7 days, as needed for discomfort, not more than every 8 hours, etc.
hs:PrescriptionUseInstructionsTextattributeA set of instructions for use of medication e.g. daily with food for 7 days, as needed for discomfort, not more than every 8 hours, etc.
hs:PrescriptionWrittenDateattributeA date on which a prescription was written by a prescriber.
hs:PresentingProblemTextattributeA presenting history of the circumstances surrounding removal of the child. Includes some analysis of how those circumstances put the child in danger or actually harmed the child.
hs:PrimaryGoalIndicatorattributeTrue if this is the primary goal of this service plan; false otherwise.
hs:PrimaryOfficialContactattributeA primary official contact.
hs:PrimaryOfficialContactattributeA primary official contact.
hs:PriorArrestDescriptionTextattributeA description of a prior arrest.
hs:PriorDetentionattributeA prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionActualReleaseDateattributeAn actual release date for a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PriorDetentionType.
hs:PriorDetentionCompletionStatusattributeA status of the completion of a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionDescriptionTextattributeA description of a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionHoldingForCountyAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a county for whom a person was held in a prior detention.
hs:PriorDetentionIntakeDateattributeA date of intake for a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionPersonFingerprintedIndicatorattributeTrue if the person under a prior detention had been fingerprinted; false otherwise.
hs:PriorDetentionPersonInvolvedVictimNotificationIndicatorattributeTrue if the involved witness in conjunction with a detention was notified; false otherwise.
hs:PriorDetentionPersonPhotographedIndicatorattributeTrue if the person under a prior detention had been photographed; false otherwise.
hs:PriorDetentionPersonReleasedToEntityattributeA description of person, organization, facility, service, or other destination to which the person under detention was released.
hs:PriorDetentionPoliceCaseattributeA case relating to a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionReleaseCategoryTextattributeA kind of release of a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorDetentionScheduledReleaseDateattributeA scheduled release date for a prior detention of a person.
hs:PriorInterventionAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a prior intervention.
hs:ProbationAndParoleViolationIndicatorattributeTrue if Current Probation or Parole Violation; false otherwise.
hs:ProblemTreatmentHistoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
hs:ProgramEligibleEndDateattributeA date a person lost eligibility for a program (e.g., exceeded income limits, violated a program rule, or otherwise failed to satisfy a requirement).
hs:ProgramEligibleStartDateattributeA date a person became eligible to enroll in a program (e.g., receive financial assistance, treatment, or some other social service).
hs:ProgramMonetaryValueattributeAn evaluation of the monetary worth of the program provided.
hs:ProspectiveVictimCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
hs:ProspectiveVictimIndicatorattributeTrue if the person is a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking; false otherwise.
hs:ProspectiveVictimStatusattributeA status of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
hs:ProspectiveVictimStatusAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ProspectiveVictimStatusType.
hs:ProtectedHealthInformationIndicatorattributeTrue if a piece of information is Protected Health Information (PHI); false otherwise.
hs:ProviderEntityattributeA person or organization providing medical services to a person.
hs:PutativeParentChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for PutativeParentChildAssociationType.
hs:ReasonableEffortsIndicatorattributeTrue if the court has found that reasonable efforts were made to reunify the child with their family; false otherwise.
hs:ReceivedByTrackingIDattributeAn identifier of a person receiving a record.
hs:RecentLifeChangesDescriptionTextattributeA description of recent major life changes, generally in the prior year.
hs:RecentLivingSituationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of living situation experienced in the last year.
hs:RecentPolyvictimizationIndicatorattributeTrue if the person has been victimized multiple times within the past year; false otherwise.
hs:ReferralReasonTextattributeA reason a client was referred to a program.
hs:ReferredOutServiceReasonTextattributeA reason a service was referred out.
hs:RelatedCaseAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for RelatedCaseType.
hs:RelativePlacementResourcesDescriptionTextattributeA description of the relatives of a child or youth who might be available and able to provide some care.
hs:RemovalIndicatorattributeTrue if the child was removed; false otherwise.
hs:RemovalIndicatorattributeTrue if the child was removed; false otherwise.
hs:RemovalMannerDescriptionTextattributeA description of the manner of removal from home for current placement episode. Examples include: voluntary, court ordered, not yet determined.
hs:RemovalTransactionDateattributeA date of the latest removal.
hs:ReportingEntityattributeA person or organization reporting medical information about a person.
hs:ReportingOrganizationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ReportingOrganizationType.
hs:ReportingOrganizationCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of an organization reporting information.
hs:ReportingOrganizationClassAbstractattributeA data concept for a class of an organization reporting information.
hs:RepresentationAppointmentCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for describing an appointed legal representative's relationship to a client's other counsel.
hs:RequiredPartyAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for RequiredPartyType.
hs:ResponsibilityForServiceCostTextattributeAn agency responsible for paying the cost of a service.
hs:ResponsibleEntityDescriptionTextattributeA description of the person or organization who will provide the service.
hs:SchoolAttendanceDescriptionTextattributeA description of a student's attendance at a school.
hs:SchoolAttendanceIssueattributeA student's attendance issue at a school.
hs:SchoolAttendanceIssueAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolAttendanceIssueType.
hs:SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing the kind of school attendance issue a child or youth has.
hs:SchoolClassattributeA particular class at a school. This is class dedicated to a subject rather than the concept of a group of students graduating together.
hs:SchoolClassAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolClassType.
hs:SchoolClassLetterGradeAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing a student's letter grade for an academic course.
hs:SchoolClassNameattributeA name of a school class.
hs:SchoolClassTeacherFullNameattributeA full name of a teacher for a school class.
hs:SchoolClassTimeattributeA time at which a school class begins.
hs:SchoolEnrollmentDateattributeA date on which a student enrolled in a school.
hs:SchoolEnrollmentWithdrawReasonTextattributeA reason for a student's withdrawal from school.
hs:SchoolExpulsionattributeA student's expulsion from school.
hs:SchoolExpulsionAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolExpulsionType.
hs:SchoolExpulsionIndicatorattributeTrue if the student has been expelled; false otherwise.
hs:SchoolExpulsionWaiverTextattributeA reason for the waiver of a students expulsion from school.
hs:SchoolGPATextattributeA student's Grade Point Average (GPA) at a school.
hs:SchoolPerformanceTextattributeA short description of a student's performance, such as Above Average, Average, Below Average.
hs:SchoolResourceOfficerattributeA police officer assigned to a school.
hs:SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationType.
hs:SchoolScheduleattributeA student's schedule at the school being attended.
hs:SchoolScheduleAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolScheduleType.
hs:SchoolSpecialEducationIndicatorattributeTrue if the student is receiving special education; false otherwise.
hs:SchoolStudentAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SchoolStudentAssociationType.
hs:SchoolStudentIDattributeAn identifier assigned to a student by the school being attended.
hs:SchoolTermTextattributeA short description of the term being attended, e.g Fall YY, Spring YY, Summer YY.
hs:SecondaryOfficialContactattributeA contact secondary to the primary state contact. It is to be used by states that have two departments who manage programs covered by PARIS.
hs:SecondaryOfficialContactattributeA contact secondary to the primary state contact. It is to be used by states that have two departments who manage programs covered by PARIS.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SeriousHabitualOffenderType.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderCriminalHistoryIdentificationattributeAn identification that is used to link a criminal history record to a person. The identification is sometimes called a file control number (FCN).
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderCriminalHistoryRegisteredIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is registered in the state, local, or tribal criminal history (SLCH); false otherwise.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderDeterminingJurisdictionattributeA jurisdiction that determined that the juvenile should be given Serious Habitual Offender status.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderFileLocationAgencyattributeAn agency maintaining the juvenile's Serious Habitual Offender file.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has Serious Habitual Offender status; false otherwise.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderParentNotifiedIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile's parent or legal guardian has been notified of the juvenile's Serious Habitual Offender status; false otherwise.
hs:SeriousHabitualOffenderScoreTextattributeA score used to determine if a juvenile should be given SeriousHabitualOffender status.
hs:ServiceattributeA service that will be made available by the agency.
hs:ServiceattributeA service that will be made available by the agency.
hs:ServiceAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ServiceType.
hs:ServiceCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
hs:ServiceCostValueattributeA cost or estimated cost of the service.
hs:ServiceEventattributeAn event that includes a medical service.
hs:ServicePlanGoalattributeA service plan goal.
hs:ServicePlanGoalAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ServicePlanGoalType.
hs:ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeattributeA service for which a person is eligible.
hs:ServiceVictimAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for ServiceVictimAssociationType.
hs:SignatureRequiredIndicatorattributeTrue if a signature is required from this person; false otherwise.
hs:SocialServiceProgramattributeA social service provided.
hs:SourcePersonattributeA person that is the start point of a directed association
hs:SpecialEducationDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SpecialEducationDetailsType.
hs:SpecialEducationDisabilityAbstractattributeA data concept for describing a student's disability that requires special education.
hs:SpecialEducationEligibleDateattributeA date on which someone became eligible for special education.
hs:SpecialEducationNeedDeterminationDateattributeA date on which determination of need of special education is made.
hs:SpecialEducationNeedLevelAbstractattributeA data concept for describing the level of a student's need for special education, either in hours of services per week or in text.
hs:SpeciesAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
hs:SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeattributeA verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
hs:StateDisbursementIndicatorattributeTrue if the child-support order directs the obligor to make payments to a state agency for disbursement to the custodial parent; false otherwise.
hs:StateDisbursementIndicatorattributeTrue if the child-support order directs the obligor to make payments to a state agency for disbursement to the custodial parent; false otherwise.
hs:StateFindingsTextattributeA court's description of its factual findings supporting conclusions about legal standards defined in state law. Usage: factual findings regarding dependency, neglect, abuse, danger to self or others, or a child's need for emergency, etc.
hs:StateInputAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StateInputType.
hs:StateInputDataattributeA set of data for the State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
hs:StateInputDataReportAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StateInputDataReportType.
hs:StateInvolvementIndicatorattributeTrue if the state is involved; false otherwise.
hs:StateIssuedRxSerialNumberIdentificationattributeAn identification assigned to a state issued serialized prescription blank as well as the state which issued it.
hs:StateLicenseIdentificationattributeAn identification of a license giving an organization the right to prescribe drugs for patients.
hs:StateMatchRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if to perform an interstate match; false if there is no state match.
hs:StatusOffenseattributeAn activity illegal when engaged in by a minor, but not when done by an adult. Examples include truancy, curfew, running away, or habitually disobeying parents.
hs:StudentAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for StudentType.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationDescriptionTextattributeA description of the juvenile's current educational program (e.g., grade level, curriculum, etc.).
hs:StudentCurrentEducationDescriptionTextattributeA description of the juvenile's current educational program (e.g., grade level, curriculum, etc.).
hs:StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentEndDateattributeA date a juvenile's current educational program is scheduled to conclude.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentEndDateattributeA date a juvenile's current educational program is scheduled to conclude.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is currently enrolled in an educational program; false otherwise.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationEnrollmentIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is currently enrolled in an educational program; false otherwise.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationGradeLevelAbstractattributeA data concept for expressing a student's current grade level in school, either between kindergarten and twelfth grade or in text.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationTruancyIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is currently considered truant; false otherwise.
hs:StudentCurrentEducationTruancyIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is currently considered truant; false otherwise.
hs:StudentIdentificationattributeA unique alphanumeric identification assigned to a student by an education organization.
hs:StudentIdentificationattributeA unique alphanumeric identification assigned to a student by an education organization.
hs:StudentPhotoImageattributeA photograph of a student enrolled in a school.
hs:StudentSchoolConductChangeTextattributeA description of any change in grades and/or conduct in school.
hs:StudentSpecialEducationDetailsattributeA set of details about special education provided or needed.
hs:StudentSpecialEducationEligibleIndicatorattributeTrue if the student is eligible for enrollment in a special-education program (based on diagnosed developmental disabilities, learning disorders, etc.); false otherwise.
hs:StudentSpecialEducationEligibleIndicatorattributeTrue if the student is eligible for enrollment in a special-education program (based on diagnosed developmental disabilities, learning disorders, etc.); false otherwise.
hs:SubjectChildAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SubjectChildAssociationType.
hs:SubmissionDateTimeattributeA date/time of an activity that occurs at a singular point in time or a start date/time of an activity that occurs over a period of time.
hs:SubmittedDateTimeattributeA date and time the document was submitted.
hs:SubsidyMonthlyAmountattributeAn amount of monthly subsidy the juvenile receives.
hs:SubstanceAbuseCurrentDescriptionTextattributeA description of current substance abuse.
hs:SubstanceAbuseDetailsattributeA set of details about a person's substance abuse.
hs:SubstanceAbuseDetailsAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for SubstanceAbuseDetailsType.
hs:SubstanceAbusePastDescriptionTextattributeA description of past substance abuse issues which may include details about substances used or abused in the past, past treatment episodes or other details related to a person's substance use in the past.
hs:SuicideRiskOrRiskOfSelfHarmDescriptionTextattributeA description of the risk of suicide or self-harm.
hs:SuicideRiskOrRiskOfSelfHarmIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile is at risk of suicide or self-harm; false otherwise.
hs:SupportingGroundsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the legal basis for the child-support remedies sought in the petition (e.g., respondent is non-custodial parent and is failing to provide support, a change in the parties' circumstances justifies a modification, etc.).
hs:SupportingGroundsDescriptionTextattributeA description of the legal basis for the child-support remedies sought in the petition (e.g., respondent is non-custodial parent and is failing to provide support, a change in the parties' circumstances justifies a modification, etc.).
hs:TANFIndicatorattributeTrue if a client receives TANF Assistance or if their assets count; false otherwise.
hs:TANFMonthsEligibilityQuantityattributeA number of countable months that a client has received TANF Benefits as an adult.
hs:TargetPersonattributeA person that represents the end point of a directed association
hs:TaskTimeframeDescriptionTextattributeA description of the date range for the completion of a task.
hs:TerminationParentalRightsDateattributeA date that legal rights between a parent and a child were terminated.
hs:TerminationParentalRightsIndicatorattributeTrue if legal rights between the parent and child have been terminated; false otherwise.
hs:TherapistattributeA person who provides therapy services.
hs:TimeOfAdoptionAgeMeasureattributeAn age of a juvenile at the time of adoption.
hs:TitleIVEAdoptionIndicatorattributeTrue if the type of Adoption Assistance is Title IV E; false otherwise.
hs:ToolAdministratorAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for type hs:ToolAdministratorType
hs:ToolAdministratorCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of administrator of a tool.
hs:TraffickingEventattributeA data concept for details of a human trafficking event.
hs:TraffickingEventAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for TraffickingEventType.
hs:TransmissionFormOfRxOriginAbstractattributeA data concept for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
hs:TreatmentApproximateLengthTextattributeAn estimated length of a treatment program.
hs:TreatmentAssessmentattributeAn assessment of a treatment program.
hs:TreatmentFocusTextattributeA description of the focus of the treatment program.
hs:TreatmentGoalDescriptionTextattributeA description of a goal of a treatment program.
hs:TreatmentProgramattributeA treatment program.
hs:TreatmentProgressattributeA set of details about the progress made within a treatment program.
hs:TreatmentRecommendationDescriptionTextattributeA description of recommended treatment or services for a juvenile.
hs:TreatmentReferralattributeA referral to a treatment program.
hs:TreatmentSupervisorEntityattributeAn entity supervising a treatment program.
hs:TribalAffiliationTextattributeA tribe in which the child may be affiliated with.
hs:UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryAbstractattributeA data concept for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers.
hs:VAMatchRequestIndicatorattributeTrue if to perform a VA Match; false if there is no VA match.
hs:VictimCircumstanceDescriptionTextattributeA description of the circumstances of a victim.
hs:VictimPerpetratorAllegationAssociationAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VictimPerpetratorAllegationAssociationType.
hs:VictimTraffickerRelationshipDescriptionTextattributeA description of the relationship between a victim of human trafficking and the person trafficking the victim.
hs:VisitationDurationattributeA period of time allowed for a visitation with the format of PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY is the number of years, nM is the number of months, nD is the number of days, nH is the number of hours, nM is the number of minutes, and nS is the number of
hs:VisitationPlanAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for VisitationPlanType.
hs:VisitationTimeattributeA time of day that the visitation is to take place.
hs:VisualDisabilityIndicatorattributeTrue if the juvenile has a visual disability; false otherwise.
hs:WagesAugmentationPointattributeAn augmentation point for WagesType.
hs:WagesBasePayAmountattributeAn amount of an employee's initial rate of compensation, excluding extra lump sum compensation or increases in the rate of pay. An employee's base pay can be expressed as a base hourly rate of pay or as an annual salary.
hs:WagesBasicSalaryAmountattributeAn amount of employee compensation quoted on an annual basis.
hs:WagesDisbursingDateattributeA date wages were disbursed to receipient.
hs:WagesFederalTaxableAmountattributeAn amount of wages subject to federal tax.
hs:WagesFederalTaxWithheldAmountattributeAn amount of federal tax witheld.
hs:WagesGrossPayAmountattributeAn amount of an employee's pay of any kind before any deductions are made by the employer.
hs:WagesPayBasicCodeattributeA code indicating the type of wages.
hs:WagesPayGradeCodeattributeA classification of the pay grade.
hs:WagesPayPeriodEndDateattributeA last date wages are included in a payment.
hs:WagesPayPlanCodeattributeA code indicating the pay plan.
hs:WagesPayrollOfficeNumberTextattributeA description of the office where payroll is administered.
hs:WagesPayStatusCodeattributeA code indicating the status of payment of wages.
hs:WagesPayStepTextattributeA description of the wage ranges for pay grades.
hs:WagesRetiredPayEntitlementEffectiveDateattributeA date retirement entitlement pay was effective.
hs:WagesStateTaxableAmountattributeAn amount of wages subject to state tax.
hs:WagesStateTaxWithheldAmountattributeAn amount of state tax witheld.
hs:WagesTotalBasePayAllDrillsAmountattributeA total amount of all military wages from all sources.
HSPCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 8 - Boat Hull Shape (HSP) Field Codes
HSPCodeTypeclassA data type for 8 - Boat Hull Shape (HSP) Field Codes
HTTPMethodsattributeHTTP methods supported by the web service
HULCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for 1 - Outer Boat Hull Material (HUL) Field Codes
HULCodeTypeclassA data type for 1 - Outer Boat Hull Material (HUL) Field Codes
HumanTraffickingVictimclass instanceA person who is a victim, potentially or actually, of human trafficking.
HumanTraffickingVictimAugmentationPointclass instanceAn augmentation point for HumanTraffickingVictimType.
HumanTraffickingVictimTypeclassA data type for a person who is a victim, potentially or actually, of human trafficking.
HypothenarPositionCodeSimpleTypeclassA data type for extended palm position exemplar or search captures