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@AggregationAttributeGroupA GML Object Collection is any GML Object with a property element in its content model whose content model is derived by extension from gml:AbstractMemberType.
In addition, the complex type describing the content model of the GML Object Collection may also include a reference to the attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup to provide additional information about the semantics of the object collection. This information may be used by applications to group GML objects, and optionally to order and index them.
The allowed values for the aggregationType attribute are defined by gml:AggregationType. See 8.4 of ISO/IEC 11404:1996 for the meaning of the values in the enumeration.
@AssociationAttributeGroupXLink components are the standard method to support hypertext referencing in XML. An XML Schema attribute group, gml:AssociationAttributeGroup, is provided to support the use of Xlinks as the method for indicating the value of a property by reference in a uniform manner in GML.
@AssociationAttributeGroupAttribute group used to enable property elements to refer to their value remotely. It contains the simple link components from xlinks.xsd, with all members optional, and the remoteSchema attribute, which is also optional. These attributes can be attached to any element, thus allowing it to act as a pointer. The 'remoteSchema' attribute allows an element that carries link attributes to indicate that the element is declared in a remote schema rather than by the schema that constrains the current document instance.
@grAbbreviationA group of commonly used attributes for internal reuse
@grDataQualityA group of commonly used attributes for internal reuse
@grLanguageCodeThe language used (name of human language, e.g. en, en-US)
@grNameKeyReference to another Person Name or Organisation Name with primary and foreign key reinforcement.
@grValidityDateDate Valid from to Date Valid to
@OwnershipAttributeGroupEncoding a GML property inline vs. by-reference shall not imply anything about the "ownership" of the contained or referenced GML Object, i.e. the encoding style shall not imply any "deep-copy" or "deep-delete" semantics. To express ownership over the contained or referenced GML Object, the gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attribute group may be added to object-valued property elements. If the attribute group is not part of the content model of such a property element, then the value may not be "owned".
When the value of the owns attribute is "true", the existence of inline or referenced object(s) depends upon the existence of the parent object.
@SRSInformationGroupThe attributes uomLabels and axisLabels, defined in the SRSInformationGroup attribute group, are optional additional and redundant information for a CRS to simplify the processing of the coordinate values when a more complete definition of the CRS is not needed. This information shall be the same as included in the complete definition of the CRS, referenced by the srsName attribute. When the srsName attribute is included, either both or neither of the axisLabels and uomLabels attributes shall be included. When the srsName attribute is omitted, both of these attributes shall be omitted.
The attribute axisLabels is an ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbidden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
The attribute uomLabels is an ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbidden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
@SRSInformationGroupOptional additional and redundant information for a CRS to simplify use when a more complete definition of the
CRS is not needed. This information shall be the same as included in the more complete definition of the CRS, referenced by the
srsName attribute. When the srsName attribute is included, either both or neither of the axisLabels and uomLabels attributes
shall be included. When the srsName attribute is omitted, both of these attributes shall be omitted.
@SRSReferenceGroupThe attribute group SRSReferenceGroup is an optional reference to the CRS used by this geometry, with optional additional information to simplify the processing of the coordinates when a more complete definition of the CRS is not needed.
In general the attribute srsName points to a CRS instance of gml:AbstractCoordinateReferenceSystem. For well-known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to.
If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS shall be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of.
@SRSReferenceGroupOptional reference to the CRS used by this geometry, with optional additional information to simplify use when
a more complete definition of the CRS is not needed.
@whereAttrGroupOptional additional parameters for a oasis location property
AbbreviatedNameSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a shortened name.
AbbreviatedNameTypeA data type for a shortened name.
ABRACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Article Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
ABRACodeTypeA data type for 2 - Article Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
AbstractCoverageTypeThe base type for coverages is gml:AbstractCoverageType. The basic elements of a coverage can be seen in this content model: the coverage contains gml:domainSet and gml:rangeSet properties. The gml:domainSet property describes the domain of the coverage and the gml:rangeSet property describes the range of the coverage.
Curve segment defines a homogeneous segment of a curve.
AbstractCurveTypegml:AbstractCurveType is an abstraction of a curve to support the different levels of complexity. The curve may always be viewed as a geometric primitive, i.e. is continuous.
AbstractCurveTypeAn abstraction of a curve to support the different levels of complexity. The curve can always be viewed as a geometric
primitive, i.e. is continuous.
AbstractDS_Aggregate_TypeIdentifiable collection of datasets
AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_TypeGeographic area of the dataset
AbstractFeatureMemberTypeTo create a collection of GML features, a property type shall be derived by extension from gml:AbstractFeatureMemberType.
By default, this abstract property type does not imply any ownership of the features in the collection. The owns attribute of gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup may be used on a property element instance to assert ownership of a feature in the collection. A collection shall not own a feature already owned by another object.
AbstractFeatureTypeThe basic feature model is given by the gml:AbstractFeatureType.
The content model for gml:AbstractFeatureType adds two specific properties suitable for geographic features to the content model defined in gml:AbstractGMLType.
The value of the gml:boundedBy property describes an envelope that encloses the entire feature instance, and is primarily useful for supporting rapid searching for features that occur in a particular location.
The value of the gml:location property describes the extent, position or relative location of the feature.
AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyTypegml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an operation parameter or group, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter or group.
AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyTypegml:AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType is a property type for inline association roles to a parameter value or group of parameter values, always containing the values.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypegml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType is the abstract root type of the geometric primitives. A geometric primitive is a geometric object that is not decomposed further into other primitives in the system. All primitives are oriented in the direction implied by the sequence of their coordinate tuples.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeThis is the abstract root type of the geometric primitives. A geometric primitive is a geometric object that is not
decomposed further into other primitives in the system. All primitives are oriented in the direction implied by the sequence of their
coordinate tuples.
AbstractGeometryTypeAll geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype. A geometry element may have an identifying attribute (gml:id), one or more names (elements identifier and name) and a description (elements description and descriptionReference) . It may be associated with a spatial reference system (attribute group gml:SRSReferenceGroup).
The following rules shall be adhered to:
- Every geometry type shall derive from this abstract type.
- Every geometry element (i.e. an element of a geometry type) shall be directly or indirectly in the substitution group of AbstractGeometry.
AbstractGeometryTypeAll geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype. A geometry element may
have an identifying attribute ("gml:id"), a name (attribute "name") and a description (attribute "description"). It may be associated
with a spatial reference system (attribute "srsName"). The following rules shall be adhered: - Every geometry type shall derive
from this abstract type. - Every geometry element (i.e. an element of a geometry type) shall be directly or indirectly in the
substitution group of _Geometry.
AbstractGMLTypeAll complexContent GML elements are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract supertype
to establish a hierarchy of GML types that may be distinguished from other XML types by their ancestry.
Elements in this hierarchy may have an ID and are thus referenceable.
AbstractMD_Identification_TypeBasic information about data
AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation_TypeDigital mechanism used to represent spatial information
AbstractMemberTypeTo create a collection of GML Objects that are not all features, a property type shall be derived by extension from gml:AbstractMemberType.
This abstract property type is intended to be used only in object types where software shall be able to identify that an instance of such an object type is to be interpreted as a collection of objects.
By default, this abstract property type does not imply any ownership of the objects in the collection. The owns attribute of gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup may be used on a property element instance to assert ownership of an object in the collection. A collection shall not own an object already owned by another object.
AbstractMetadataPropertyTypeTo associate metadata described by any XML Schema with a GML object, a property element shall be defined whose content model is derived by extension from gml:AbstractMetadataPropertyType.
The value of such a property shall be metadata. The content model of such a property type, i.e. the metadata application schema shall be specified by the GML Application Schema.
By default, this abstract property type does not imply any ownership of the metadata. The owns attribute of gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup may be used on a metadata property element instance to assert ownership of the metadata.
If metadata following the conceptual model of ISO 19115 is to be encoded in a GML document, the corresponding Implementation Specification specified in ISO/TS 19139 shall be used to encode the metadata information.
AbstractRingPropertyTypeA property with the content model of gml:AbstractRingPropertyType encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface.
Encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface.
An abstraction of a ring to support surface boundaries of different complexity.
AbstractRS_ReferenceSystem_TypeDescription of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset
AbstractSolidTypegml:AbstractSolidType is an abstraction of a solid to support the different levels of complexity. The solid may always be viewed as a geometric primitive, i.e. is contiguous.
AbstractSurfaceTypegml:AbstractSurfaceType is an abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity. A surface is always a continuous region of a plane.
An abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity. A surface is always a continuous region of a plane.
AbstractTopologyTypeThis abstract type supplies the root or base type for all topological elements including primitives and complexes. It inherits AbstractGMLType and hence can be identified using the gml:id attribute.
AbuseNeglectInjuryTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:InjuryType
AbuseNeglectSeverityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing different severity levels of abuse.
AbuseNeglectSeverityCodeTypeA data type for describing different severity levels of abuse.
AcademicAssessmentTypeA data type for an institution or agency assessment process for determining academic needs of a subject.
AcademicRecordTypeA data type for a record of academic achievement for a subject.
AcademicSubjectMatterTypeA data type for a specific course content related to core education and academic assessments and programs.
AccessTypeA data type for a credential class that describes the access rights
AccidentSeverityCodeSimpleTypeA data type for severity levels of an accident.
AccidentSeverityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for severity levels of an accident.
AccidentSeverityCodeTypeA data type for severity levels of an accident.
AccidentSeverityCodeTypeA data type for severity levels of an accident.
AccountElementListenum_patternList of information types used for account details
AccountOwnershipTypeListenum_patternList of types of account ownerships
AccountTypeListenum_patternList of types of accounts
AcknowledgementDataTypeA data type for information regarding an acknowledgement.
AcknowledgingAgencyTypeA data type for an Organization that is responsible for generating an acknowledgement message.
AcquisitionLightingSpectrumCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
AcquisitionLightingSpectrumCodeTypeA data type for a lighting spectrum used in capturing an iris image
AcquisitionLightingSpectrumTypeA data type for a lighting spectrum used in capturing an image
AcquisitionSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a source acquisition code
AcquisitionSourceCodeTypeA data type for a source acquisition code
AcreageSubmissionFileTypeA data type containing the entire set of the crops planted on a farm, itemized down to the acreage of individual fields and subfields and the individual producer stakeholders.
This file set is used to transmit an acreage report from an FSA County Office, an Approved Insurance Provider (AIP), or a producer.
Actniem-profile:niemAn action or behavior of a juvenile that makes the juvenile potentially subject to adjudication by the juvenile court as a delinquent.
ActedOnBehalfOfniem-profile:niemThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
ActionRequestedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the actions being requested of the court based on the types of services needed by the child.
ActionRequestedCodeTypeA data type for the actions being requested of the court based on the types of services needed by the child.
ActivityArrestAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an arrest.
ActivityAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an activity.
ActivityCaseAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a case.
ActivityChargeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a charge.
ActivityCommunityServiceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an assignment of community service.
ActivityContactInformationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and contact information for that activity.
ActivityConveyanceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a conveyance.
ActivityCounselingAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and counseling.
ActivityCourtAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a court.
ActivityCourtOrderAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a court order.
ActivityCriminalOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a criminal organization.
ActivityCustodyTransferAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and transfer of custody.
ActivityDocumentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a document.
ActivityDriverLicenseAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a driver license.
ActivityEmailAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an activity and an email address (e.g. harassing or threatening email).
ActivityEmployeeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an employee.
ActivityEvidenceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and evidence.
ActivityFacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a facility.
ActivityFeeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a fee.
ActivityForceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a use of force.
ActivityIncidentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an incident.
ActivityInstantMessengerAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an activity and an other contact address.
ActivityInvolvedPersonAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an activity and a person involved in that activity.
ActivityItemAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an item.
ActivityJudgeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a judge.
ActivityJurisdictionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a jurisdiction.
ActivityLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a location.
ActivityNetworkAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an activity and a network address.
ActivityObligationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an obligation.
ActivityOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and an organization.
ActivityPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a person.
ActivityProcessCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of activity process.
ActivityProcessCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of activity process.
ActivityProcessClassificationTypeA data type describing a kind of Screening activity process.
ActivityProgramAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a program.
ActivityReferralAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a referral.
ActivityReleaseAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a release.
ActivityRequestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of activity request.
ActivityRequestCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of activity request.
ActivityRequestClassificationTypeA data type describing a classification of Screening activity request.
ActivityResponseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of activity response.
ActivityResponseCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of activity response.
ActivityResponseClassificationTypeA data type describing a classification of Screening activity response.
ActivityResultsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of activity results.
ActivityResultsCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of activity results.
ActivityResultsClassificationTypeA data type describing a classification of Screening activity results.
ActivitySanctionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a sanction.
ActivityScheduleAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and its schedule.
ActivitySentenceComputationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an activity and a sentence computation.
ActivityServiceCallAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a service call.
ActivitySiteAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a site.
ActivitySubjectAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a subject.
ActivityTelephoneNumberAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an activity and a telephone number.
ActivityTypeA data type for a single or set of related actions, events, or process steps.
ActivityTypeA data type for a single or set of related actions, events, or process steps.
ActivityUnitAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a unit.
ActivityVictimAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a victim.
ActivityWarrantAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a warrant.
ActivityWitnessAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a witness.
Actorniem-profile:niemThe actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry. E.g. the person who filed the document. Does not include the name of the court clerk composing the docket entry.
ADDCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 21 - Address Type (ADD) Field Codes
ADDCodeTypeA data type for 21 - Address Type (ADD) Field Codes
AddedPartyniem-profile:niemParty added to the appeal that was not a party in the original case. For instance, the attorney in the original case may appeal sanctions against the attorney by the court.
AdditionalDocumentTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
AdditionalInformationTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
Addressniem-profile:niemAn address.
addresstypeA description of the type of address. Example: mailing address, physical address, GPS coordinates.
AddressAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an address.
AddressAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Address.
AddressAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an address.
AddressCategoryCodeListCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of address.
AddressCategoryCodeListCodeTypeA data type for a kind of address.
AddressCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of address.
AddressCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of Address types
AddressCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of address.
AddressCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of Address types
AddressClassificationTypeA data type for classification of an ADDRESS
AddressGridTypeA data type for a location identified by a unit of a grid system overlaid on an area.
AddressIDTypeListenum_patternA list of types of address identiifers
AddressLineTypeListenum_patternA list of ypes of address line., e.g. street details, locality details
AddressTypeA data type for a geophysical location described by postal information.
AddressTypeA data type for a geophysical location described by postal information.
AddressTypeComplex type that defines the structure of an address with geocode details for reuse
AddressTypeListenum_patternA list of types of addresses
AddressUsageListenum_patternA list of types of usage of the address
AdministrativeAreaNameCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for name of administrative area
AdministrativeAreaNameTypeListenum_patternA list of administrative area name element types
AdministrativeAreaTypeListenum_patternA list of administrative area types
AdministrativeCountyFSACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for counties, parishes, or vicinages.
AdministrativeCountyFSACodeTypeA data type for FSA specific counties, parishes, or vicinages.
AdministrativeStateFSACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type representing USDA FSA State Codes
AdministrativeStateFSACodeTypeA data type for states for FSA.
AdoptingParentRelationshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the relationship of an adopting parent.
AdoptingParentRelationshipCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing the relationship of an adopting parent.
AdoptiveFamilyAssociationTypeA data type for an association between family members in an adoptive family.
AdoptiveParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and a parent who adopted the child.
AFCARSPermanencyGoalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of case plan goals for permanency defined for the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis Reporting System in 45 CFR 1355, Appendix A, roman numeral VI.
AFCARSPermanencyGoalCodeTypeA data type for a list of case plan goals for permanency defined for the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis Reporting System in 45 CFR 1355, Appendix A, roman numeral VI.
AffectedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as affected
AffectedQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as affected
AffiliationTypeA data type for an affiliation.
AffineCSPropertyTypegml:AffineCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an affine coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
AftercareServicesScreeningTypeA data type for an evaluation of a parolee to determine the appropriate mental health services to be provided.
AftercareTypeA data type for a type of service(s) specific to subjects after incarceration.
AgencyAuthorizationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an agency's access category to data.
AgencyAuthorizationCodeTypeA data type for an agency's access category to data.
AgencyInterestCategoryTypeA data type for a groupings of persons by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
AgencyInterestOtherCategoryTypeA data type for a details that describe an additional person-categorization system that groups of people by the reason they are of interest to intelligence.
AgencyServiceHoursCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the availability of an agency.
AgencyServiceHoursCodeTypeA data type for the availability of an agency.
AgencySubjectHandlingTypeA data type for actions to take on contact with the person.
AgencySubjectInterestTypeA data type for a detailed description of why an agency placed the person in its repository or why the data on the person is being exchanged.
AgentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a Person and a Person Role
AgentTypeA data type for a party authorized to act on behalf of another person, organization or thing.
AggravatedAssaultCircumstanceNDExCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that describes the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
AggravatedAssaultCircumstanceNDExCodeTypeA data type for a code that describes the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
AggravatedAssaultHomicideFactorsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide.
AggravatedAssaultHomicideFactorsCodeTypeA data type for circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide.
AgricultureProductionPlanTypeA data type that contains agriculture production plan related information including location, product, acreage, planting, practice and data modifications details.
AimpointTypeA data type for a point associated with a target and assigned for a specific weapon impact.
AircraftAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an nc:Aircraft.
AircraftCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.3: Aircraft Make/Brand Name (VMA) Fields
AircraftCodeTypeA data type for 2.3: Aircraft Make/Brand Name (VMA) Fields
AircraftFlightPlanSummaryAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a flight plan summary, an aircraft, and a carrier.
AircraftTargetAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an aircraft and a target.
AircraftTypeA data type for a mode of transportation capable of flying in the air.
AirportTypeA data type for an airport facility.
AirspaceCoordinatingMeasureTypeAndUsageTypeA data type for a measure(s) employed to facilitate the efficient use of airspace to accomplish missions and simultaneously provide safeguards for friendly forces. Also called ACMs.
AirspaceCoordinatingMeasureTypeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a designator for a JP3-52 Airspace Coordinating Measure (ACM) Type Code.
AirspaceCoordinatingMeasureTypeCodeTypeA data type for a designator for a JP3-52 Airspace Coordinating Measure (ACM) Type Code.
AirspaceCoordinatingMeasureUsageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a designator for a JP3-52 Airspace Coordinating Measure (ACM) Usage Code.
AirspaceCoordinatingMeasureUsageCodeTypeA data type for a designator for a JP3-52 Airspace Coordinating Measure (ACM) Usage Code.
AlarmAudibleDescriptionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code indicating whether the alarm is audible or silent
AlarmAudibleDescriptionCodeTypeA data type code indicating whether the alarm is audible or silent
AlarmConfirmationTypeA data type for the container for information related to the confirmation of an alarm
AlarmEventCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of alarm events.
AlarmEventCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of alarm events.
AlarmEventLocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of location at which an alarm event occurs.
AlarmEventLocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of location at which an alarm event occurs.
AlarmEventResponseActionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for actions requested of an alarm event responder.
AlarmEventResponseActionCodeTypeA data type for actions requested of an alarm event responder.
AlarmEventTypeA data type for an alarm event
AlarmNotificationTypeA data type for an alarm
AlarmPermitTypeA data type for a permit for the alarm event site
AlcoholTestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kind of Alcohol Test Given.
AlcoholTestCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the kind of Alcohol Test Given.
AlcoholTestResultCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a status of BAC Test results.
AlcoholTestResultCodeTypeA data type for a status of BAC Test results.
AlcoholTestResultQuantitySimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for blood alcohol content (BAC) Test Result.
AlcoholTestResultQuantityTypeA data type for blood alcohol content (BAC) Test Result.
AlcoholTestStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication of the presence of alcohol by test.
AlcoholTestStatusCodeTypeA data type for an indication of the presence of alcohol by test.
AlcoholUseAssessmentTypeA data type for an assessment specific to a subject's alcohol use.
AlertAdapterTypeA data type for a simple but general format for exchanging effective warning messages based on best practices identified in academic research and real-world experience.
AlertAffectedLocationTypeA data type for a location affected by an alert
AlertAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an alert.
AlertCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set denoting the type of alert message
AlertCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for denoting the type of alert message.
AlertCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set denoting the type of alert message
AlertCategoryCodeTypeA data type for denoting the type of alert message.
AlertEventDetailsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the category code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the category code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsCertaintyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the certainty code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsCertaintyCodeTypeA data type for the certainty code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsResponseRecommendationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the response recommendation code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsResponseRecommendationCodeTypeA data type for the response recommendation code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsSeverityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the severity code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsSeverityCodeTypeA data type for the severity code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsTypeA data type for an alert event details
AlertEventDetailsUrgencyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the urgency code designated to an alert event
AlertEventDetailsUrgencyCodeTypeA data type for the urgency code designated to an alert event
AlertNotificationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Alert.
AlertNotificationTypeA data type for an alert message
AlertNotificationTypeA data type for a process or activity of communicating an alert.
AlertSubjectAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person or entity associated with an alert.
AlertSupplementaryDigitalResourceTypeA data type for a digital representation of an object
Aliasniem-profile:niemA name, a type, and a reference to an alternate identity used by a person or organization
AlienAlertTypeA data type for the significant information regarding an alien communicated to immigration or enforcement officials notifying them of potential risk or risks.
AlienDeportationEscortReasonTypeA data type for an explanation why a DHS designated person is required to accompany the person during DEPORTATION.
AlienDeportationTypeA data type for an involuntary DEPARTURE of a PERSON based on a judicial decision or inspectors discretion.
AlienDetentionTypeA data type that supplements information for nc:SupervisionType
AlienEncounterTypeA data type for the interface between an alien and a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official.
AlienEntryStatusTypeA data type for an entry status of an alien.
AlienExchangeVisitorAdmissionTypeA data type for a non-immigrant alien arriving in the United States on a temporary basis as a participant in a program approved by the Department of State.
AlienExchangeVisitorRoleTypeA data type for a non-immigrant alien who visits the United States to participate in either an educational or cultural exchange program that is approved by the United States Department of State.
AlienExchangeVisitorTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type im:AlienExchangeVisitorType
AlienIDDetailsTypeA data type for the information further describing the documented identification of an alien.
AlienMatchCandidateTypeA data type for the resulting list of aliens that match all or part of a search criteria for the purpose of identifying the alien.
AlienMiscellaneousNumberIDTypeA data type for an alternate number assigned to an alien for the purposes of identification.
AlienRoleTypeA data type for a foreign born person who is not a citizen of the United States.
AlienStatusWhenFoundTypeA data type for information on an aliens activity when apprehended during entry into the United States.
AlienStudentAdmissionTypeA data type for the entrance of a non-immigrant alien into full-time in an approved, accredited or certified United States educational or vocational program.
AlienStudentAuthorizationToDropBelowFullTimeTypeA data type for the official authorization of a non-immigrant alien to lower his or her course load below that for full-time student status.
AlienStudentAuthorizationTypeA data type for the official permission granted to a non-immigrant alien student to perform a task or function.
AlienStudentDisciplinaryActionTypeA data type for the action taken against the non-immigrant alien student as a result of the violation of the rules of the student visa or educational program.
AlienStudentEmploymentTypeA data type for the employment information of a non-immigrant alien participating in an authorized student or exchange visitor educational program.
AlienStudentProgramExtensionRequestTypeA data type for the official request by a non-immigrant alien student or exchange visitor to extend the time limit of the student or exchange visitor visa.
AlienStudentRoleTypeA data type for a non-immigrant alien enrolled full-time in an approved, accredited or certified United States educational or vocational program
AllocateCourtDateMessageniem-profile:niemA request to allocate a court date on the schedule.
AllocateCourtDateMessageTypeA request to allocate a court date on the schedule.
AllowanceChargeniem-profile:niemAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for a particular purpose, and by a particular means. Only for case-related activities. This may only be included with the ReviewFiling message sent to the court - it must not be included with the ReviewFiling message served to other parties in the case.
AllowanceChargeTypeAn authorization by the filer allowing the court to take money from the filer, for a particular purpose, and by a particular means. Only for case-related activities. This may only be included with the ReviewFiling message sent to the court - it must not be included with the ReviewFiling message served to other parties in the case.
AllowedCodeValueniem-profile:niemA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information.
Amountniem-profile:niemA monetary amount
amounttypeAn amount of money.
AmountTypeA data type for an amount of money.
AmountTypeA data type for an amount of money.
AnalysisAlgorithmSettingTypeA data type to describing the parameter names and values for setting an analysis algorithm.
AnalysisAlgorithmVersionTypeA data type for information regarding an analysis algorithm version.
AnalysisResultStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for status states of the analysis of a measurement or measurement group.
AnalysisResultStatusCodeTypeA data type for the status states of the analysis of a measurement or measurement group.
AnalysisResultsTypeA data type to provide information on the results of a radiation data analysis.
Angle180SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an angle measure where the units are decimal degrees and the values range from +180.0 to -180.0.
Angle180TypeA data type for an angle measure where the units are decimal degrees and the values range from +180.0 to -180.0.
Angle90SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an inclination measure where the units are decimal degrees and the values range from +90.0 to -90.0.
Angle90TypeA data type for an inclination measure where the units are decimal degrees and the values range from +90.0 to -90.0.
AngleMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of an angular value.
AngleUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a unit code for an azimuth value.
AngleUnitCodeTypeA data type for a unit code for an azimuth value.
AngularMeasureAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an angular measure.
AngularMeasureTypeA data type for the measurement of an angle.
AngularMinuteSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a minute of a degree, with a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive).
AngularMinuteTypeA data type for a minute of a degree, with a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive).
AngularRateMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of the angular rate of change.
AngularSecondSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a second of a minute, with a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive).
AngularSecondTypeA data type for a second of a minute, with a restricted range of 0 (inclusive) to 60 (exclusive).
AnomalyTypeA data type for an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence.
ANSIRecordCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of record based on ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2013 (Obsolete)
ANSIRecordCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of record (Obsolete)
anyURIA data type for a Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (URI). A value can be absolute or relative, and may have an optional fragment identifier (i.e., it may be a URI Reference).
anyURIA data type for a Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (URI). A value can be absolute or relative, and may have an optional fragment identifier (i.e., it may be a URI Reference).
AppealTypeA data type for a process of seeking review of actions or decisions already executed.
AppellateCaseAddedPartyTypeParty added to the appeal that was not a party in the original case. For instance, the attorney in the original case may appeal sanctions against the attorney by the court.
AppellateCaseDecisionActionTypeA data type for an action determined as a apart of the appeal decision.
AppellateCaseDecisionTypeA data type for a statement by a judge or court of a decision reached in regard to an appeal.
AppellateCaseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information specific to appellate cases.
AppellateCaseNoticeTypeA data type for a request filed with an appellate court to start an appellate case.
AppellateCaseNoticeTypeA data type for a request filed with an appellate court to start an appellate case.
AppellateCaseRemovedPartyTypeParty to the original case that is not party to the appeal.
AppellateCaseTypeA data type for a single case heard by a court to determine if the original case was tried properly and the defendant received a fair trial.
AppellateCaseTypeA data type for a single case heard by a court to determine if the original case was tried properly and the defendant received a fair trial.
AppellateCourtRuleCaseTypeAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
ApplicantCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to specify the Applicant Type(Gov entity or Private Non-Profit etc.)
ApplicantCategoryCodeTypeA data type code to specify the Applicant Type(Gov entity or Private Non-Profit etc.).
AppointmentTypeA data type for an appointment consists of scheduled dates and times, actual dates and times, and descriptive information.
ApportionmentQualifierCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the different categories of an apportioned conveyance.
ApportionmentQualifierCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the different categories of an apportioned conveyance.
ApprenticeshipTermTypeA data type for a period of scheduled skills training.
ApprenticeshipTypeA data type for a program for skills on-the-job skills training.
ApprovalAuthorityTypeA data type for a group of metadata that describes and identifies a person, group, board, or organization that has approving authority.
ApprovalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code list of approval status
ApprovalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the status of the request for addition to the approved visitor list.
ApprovalStatusCodeTypeA data type for the code list of approval status
ApprovalStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the status of the request for addition to the approved visitor list.
ArealDensityTypeA data type for areal density whose value is nonnegative and measured in g/cm^2 units.
AreaOfInterestTypeA data type for an area of concern to the commander, including the area of influence, areas adjacent thereto, and extending into enemy territory to the objectives of current or planned operations.
AreaTypeA data type for a location identified by geographic boundaries.
ArrayXYTypeA data type that defines a two-dimensional array of numbers and (optionally) their uncertainty values.
Arrestniem-profile:niemThe act of taking physical control over the person of another by a law enforcement officer or other person acting under color of law.
ArrestAgencyAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship linking the Arrest and Agency objects together. This association type also supports the designation of a Primary Arrest Agency, for clearance purposes, etc., in the event that multiple arrest agencies are identified.
ArrestAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an arrest.
ArrestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of arrests that can occur.
ArrestCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of arrests that can occur.
ArrestCategoryJABSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) code that identifies the type of apprehension.
ArrestCategoryJABSCodeTypeA data type for a Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) code that identifies the type of apprehension.
ArresteeTypeA data type for a person who is arrested for a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
ArresteeWeaponCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for weapons with which a subject may be armed with upon apprehension.
ArresteeWeaponCodeTypeA data type for weapons with which a subject may be armed with upon apprehension.
ArrestingOfficerniem-profile:niemAn employee of a law enforcement agency who effects an arrest.
ArrestMethodCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of Apprehension methods
ArrestMethodCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of Apprehension methods
ArrestMethodTypeA data type for a information on the manner of ARREST
ArrestTypeA data type for the apprehension of a subject by a peace official.
ArrestTypeA data type for the apprehension of a subject by a peace official.
ArrivalTypeA data type for the arrival activity of a vessel, person, conveyance etc..
ArrivalTypeA data type for a coming to one location from another.
ArtObjectCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of art object.
ArtObjectCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of art object.
AssessmentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an assessment.
AssessmentOutcomeTypeA data type for the outcome of an assessment.
AssessmentRecommendationTypeA data type for the recommendation of an assessment.
AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing a course of action.
AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing courses of action.
AssessmentRecommendedCourseOfActionTypeA data type for an action.
AssessmentTypeA data type for an evaluation, appraisal, or assessment of something or someone.
AssetCategoryTypeA data type for a kind of asset.
AssetStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a status of an asset.
AssetStatusCodeTypeA data type for a status of an asset.
AssetTypeA data type for an asset in an infrastructure.
AssignmentAssessmentAssignmentRequestTypeA data type for an initial request for assignment.
AssignmentAssessmentDecisionTypeA data type for a decision regarding assignment after completion of the assessment.
AssignmentAssessmentTypeA data type for a process of determining whether a subject is fit for a particular assignment (program or service).
AssignmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a subject's assignment category.
AssignmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a subject's assignment category.
AssignmentLocationDetailTypeA data type for a specific location into which a person is placed, such as an office, dormitory, barracks, etc.
AssignmentTypeA data type for a location and environment into which a person is placed, such as an office, dormitory, barracks, etc.
AssociatedContextTypeA data type for a reference to an associated context
AssociatedPersonChildAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and the child.
AssociationTypeA data type for an association, connection, relationship, or involvement somehow linking people, things, and/or activities together.
AssociationTypeA data type for an association, connection, relationship, or involvement somehow linking people, things, and/or activities together.
AssuranceLogEntryTypeA data type for an information assurance log entry
AssuranceLogEventCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an information assurance log event code
AssuranceLogEventCodeTypeA data type for an information assurance log event code
AtmosphericConditionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash.
AttachmentMetadataniem-profile:niemInformation describing an attachment included within a message. An attachment can be a binary file representing the document to be filed, an XML document, a digital signature, or other MIME file.
Attorneyniem-profile:niemA legal representative to a party in a case.
AttorneyStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the role of an attorney as it relates to their client.
AttorneyStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code list describing the role of an attorney as it relates to their client.
AudioCaptureDeviceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a description of an audio segment channel capture device.
AudioCaptureDeviceCodeTypeA data type for a description of an audio segment channel capture device.
AudioFileTypeA data type to capture the Audio data file type
AudioInformationTypeA data type for a description of specific time segments within a voice recording, and their processing.
AudioObjectDescriptorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an enumeration of codes describing Audio Objects
AudioObjectDescriptorCodeTypeA data type for a representation of codes describing an Audio Object
AudioSourceRecorderTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the captured voice information
AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of audio visual recording.
AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of audio visual recording.
AuthorizationTypeA data type for the official permission granted to a person to perform a task or function.
AutoCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
AutoCodeTypeA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
AvailabilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that describes the status of availability
AvailabilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of service availability.
AvailabilityStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that describes if a resource is available
AvailabilityStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of service availability.
AxisDirectionThe value of a gml:AxisDirection indicates the incrementation order to be used on an axis of the grid.
AxisDirectionListThe different values in a gml:AxisDirectionList indicate the incrementation order to be used on all axes of the grid. Each axis shall be mentioned once and only once.
B0ATCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1 - Introduction to State and Country Field Usage
B0ATCodeTypeA data type for 1 - Introduction to State and Country Field Usage
BadgeCredentialTypeA data type that specifies the credential data on a badge
BadgeTypeA data type for an ID card that identifies a person. A badge can be a low cost card, or a PIV card that follows specification NIST SP-800-73-2. Badge may work together with a pin number, visual identification and biometrics of the badge holder to make a positive identification of a person
BailBondAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) providing bail for someone, the person being bailed out, and a bail bondsman entity.
BailBondChargeAssociationTypeA data type for an association that links a bail bond to a charge.
BailBondTypeA data type for an agreement between a bondsman and a subject in which a bondsman pays the subject's bail or portion of the bail in exchange for certain conditions.
BailTypeA data type for details of a commitment made to secure the release of a subject being held in custody and suspected of a crime.
BankruptcyCaseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information specific to bankruptcy cases.
BankruptcyStatuteniem-profile:niemSection 11 of the United States Code pertaining to bankruptcy.
BarcodeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that describes the type of a bar-code
BarcodeCodeTypeA data type for a code that describes the type of a bar-code
BarcodeTypeA data type for Barcode
base64BinaryA data type for Base64-encoded binary data.
base64BinaryA data type for Base64-encoded binary data.
BaseMessageniem-profile:niemThe core information contained in an ECF 5.0 message.
BasisOfAppointmentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for findings that justify representation
BasisOfAppointmentCodeTypeA data type for findings that justify representation
BC0CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 7 - Boat Color (BCO) Field Codes
BC0CodeTypeA data type for 7 - Boat Color (BCO) Field Codes
BeachComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies the common types of facilities eligible under Public Asssistence category C.
BeachComponentCodeTypeA data type that specifies the common types of facilities eligible under Public Asssistence category C.
BearingTypeA data type for a direction in a polar coordinate system.
BedCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of available Bed Types.
BedCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set of available Bed Types.
BenefitApplicationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of benefit application.
BenefitApplicationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of benefit application.
BenefitApplicationEncounterTypeA data type for a Person Encounter involving the processing of a Benefit Application service request.
BenefitApplicationStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationStatusTypeA data type for a status of a benefit application.
BenefitApplicationTypeA data type for additional document information supporting a BENEFIT APPLICATION ENCOUNTER.
BenefitDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of benefit document.
BenefitDocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of benefit document.
BenefitDocumentStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of status categories for Benefit Documents
BenefitDocumentStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of status categories for Benefit Documents
BenefitDocumentStatusTypeA data type for describing the state of a BENEFIT DOCUMENT
BenefitDocumentTypeA data type for the document detailing Benefit information
BenefitEvidenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
BenefitEvidenceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of evidence provided in support of a benefit request.
BiasMotivationCauseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias.
BiasMotivationCauseCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias.
BiasMotivationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
BiasMotivationCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
BicycleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle.
BicycleCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle.
binarytypeA digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a binary.
BinaryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation.
BinaryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation.
BinaryDescriptionCodeenum_patternIANA MIME type specifiying the format of the attachment. Example: application/msword; application/pdf.
BinaryHashFunctionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashFunctionCodeTypeA data type for a hash function used to generate a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashTypeA data type for a hash value representing an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryHashValueTypeA data type for a binary hash value.
BinaryTypeA data type for a digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
BinaryTypeA data type for a digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format.
BiographicTypeA data type for description of a PERSON at a specific point in time
BiologicalParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and one of the child's biological parents.
BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally determined.
BiologicalParentDeterminationMethodCodeTypeA data type describing the methods by which a biological relationship between a parent and child is legally determined.
BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
BiologicalParentDeterminationStatusCodeTypeA data type for describing the status of the determination of a biological relationship between a putative parent and a child.
BiologicTestTypeA data type for a test administered to identify, quantify or describe biologic material from a person's system/body.
Biometricniem-profile:niemBiometric information associated with a defendant.
BiometricAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a biometric.
BiometricCaptureMetricTypeA data type for representing Biometric Quality Metrics for the captured biometric image
BiometricCaptureTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the captured biometric information
BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of biometrics used
BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleTypeA data type describing the kinds of biometrics used
BiometricCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of biometrics used for Screening
BiometricCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of biometric technology
BiometricCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of biometric technology
BiometricClassificationTypeA data type for the classification of the kind of the Biometric information in the message.
BiometricClassificationTypeA data type for the classification of the kind of the Biometric information in the message.
BiometricCoordinateTypeA data type for coordinates that are used to identify the person biometrics of the biometric captured with the encounter when the capture is a composite biometric.
BiometricDataTypeA data type for a representation of the identifying Biometric in.
BiometricDataTypeA data type for a representation of the identifying Biometric in.
BiometricImageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a BIOMETRIC IMAGE TYPE.
BirthInfoElementListenum_patternList of information types used for birth information
BirthTypeA data type for a live birth of a human being.
BloodGroupListenum_patternList of types of blood groups
BLTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 12 - Blood Type (BLT) Field Codes
BLTCodeTypeA data type for 12 - Blood Type (BLT) Field Codes
BMACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.2: Boat Make (BMA) Field Codes
BMACodeTypeA data type for 4.2: Boat Make (BMA) Field Codes
BoatEPDCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 10 - Boat Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
BoatEPDCodeTypeA data type for 10 - Boat Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
BodyMarkPartListenum_patternList of body parts for marks
BodyMarkPartLocationListenum_patternList of locations on the body parts where the marks are found
Bookingniem-profile:niemDetails about an administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject name and other relevant facts on the police blotter, and which may also include photographing, fingerprinting, and the like.
BookingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted.
BookingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted.
BookingTelephoneCallTypeA data type for a telephone call a subject makes while being booked or detained from an arrest.
BookingTypeA data type for an administrative step taken after an arrest subject is brought to a police station or detention facility.
BookingTypeA data type for an administrative step taken after an arrest subject is brought to a police station or detention facility.
booleanA data type for binary-valued logic (true/false).
booleanA data type for binary-valued logic (true/false).
booleanListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
BooleanListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of boolean.
BooleanListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of boolean.
booleanOrNilReasonExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
booleanOrNilReasonListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
BorderTransportMeansTypeA data type for a means of transport used in crossing a border.
BoundaryShapeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a shape of a boundary of a feature within an image
BoundaryShapeCodeTypeA data type for a shape of a boundary of a feature within an image
BPSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 16 - Body Parts Status (BPS) Field Codes
BPSCodeTypeA data type for 16 - Body Parts Status (BPS) Field Codes
BRACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.3: Boat Parts Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
BRACodeTypeA data type for 4.3: Boat Parts Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes
Branchniem-profile:niemA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location. Examples: the "downtown" or "Willow Grove" branch of the First National Bank.
BranchTypeA subunit of a financial organization, usually denoted by a physical location. Examples: the "downtown" or "Willow Grove" branch of the First National Bank.
BrandCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a brand applied to a vehicle title or odometer.
BrandCodeTypeA data type for a brand applied to a vehicle title or odometer.
BrandDamagePercentageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the percentage of damage in a brand on a vehicle.
BrandDamagePercentageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the percentage of damage in a brand on a vehicle.
BranderCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of branders.
BranderCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of branders.
BrandVehicleDispositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for vehicle dispositions.
BrandVehicleDispositionCodeTypeA data type for vehicle dispositions.
BridgeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the major types of bridges.
BridgeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the major types of bridges.
BridgeComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the major types of bridge components.
BridgeComponentCodeTypeA data type for different bridge components.
BrokerTypeA data type for a name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
BTYCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 5 - Boat Type (BTY) Field Codes
BTYCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Boat Type (BTY) Field Codes
BuildingComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common building components damaged.
BuildingComponentCodeTypeA data type for the common building components damaged
BuyerTypeA data type for a name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
BXRCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 14 - Body X-Rays Available (BXR) Field Codes
BXRCodeTypeA data type for 14 - Body X-Rays Available (BXR) Field Codes
byteA data type that is is derived from short by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 127 and minInclusive to be -128.
CADCallCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of service call.
CADCallCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of service call.
CADCallSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call.
CADCallSourceCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call.
CALCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - Gun Caliber (CAL) Field Codes
CALCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm.
CALCodeTypeA data type for 3 - Gun Caliber (CAL) Field Codes
CALCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm.
CalendarEventniem-profile:niemDetails about an event on the court calendar.
CallbackMessageTypeThe base message for an asynchronous response to a message.
CanadianCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.1: Canadian Provinces
CanadianCodeTypeA data type for 2.1: Canadian Provinces
CanadianProvinceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for provinces in Canada.
CanadianProvinceCodeTypeA data type for provinces in Canada.
CancelFilingMessageniem-profile:niemThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CancelFilingMessageTypeThis is a request from the filer to the reviewer to cancel a previously submitted filing.
CANUSLexiconAPR07CategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a category defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon category codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07CategoryCodeTypeA data type for a category as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon category codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.
CANUSLexiconAPR07ThreatCodeTypeA data type for a threat code as defined by the April 2007 Canada/USA Bi-National Vessel of Interest (VOI) Lexicon threat codes.
CapabilityAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a capability.
CapabilityTypeA data type for an ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified condition and level of performance.
CapabilityTypeA data type for an ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified condition and level of performance.
CapacityTop level complex schema type defining bed capacity counts given a specific type of bed.
CapacityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of bed kind or sub-category bed kind.
CapacityStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of bed kind or sub-category bed kind.
CaptainOfThePortZoneTypeA data type for a geographical area or zone where a Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) enforces port safety and security.
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCodeTypeA data type for a level of human monitoring for an image capture device
CaptureResolutionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a minimum or native scanning resolution
CaptureResolutionCodeTypeA data type for a minimum or native scanning resolution
CardAccountniem-profile:niemAn agreement between a person or organization and a financial institution by which the institution agrees to pay amounts incurred by the person or organization evidenced by the use of a card or card number issued by the institution to reflect a specific account at the institution. The term includes both credit and debit accounts.
CardAccountTypeAn agreement between a person or organization and a financial institution by which the institution agrees to pay amounts incurred by the person or organization evidenced by the use of a card or card number issued by the institution to reflect a specific account at the institution. The term includes both credit and debit accounts.
CargoFlightPlanSummaryAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a flight plan summary and cargo.
CargoItemTypeA data type for a good transported by a conveyance.
CargoTypeA data type for a good or goods transported by a conveyance.
CarrierTypeA data type for a name [and address] of party providing the transport of goods between named points.
CartesianCSPropertyTypegml:CartesianCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a Cartesian coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
Caseniem-profile:niemInformation about a court case.
CaseAttorneyRoleniem-profile:niemThe role played by an attorney in this case.
CaseAugmentationTypeAn augmentation type
CaseAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a case.
CaseAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a case.
CaseConvictionReportingRequirementsTypeA data type for information to alert a court when additional reporting requirements exist.
CaseDispositionDecisionTypeA data type for the disposition of a case occurring as a result of some decision.
CaseDispositionTypeA data type for an outcome or processing of a case.
CaseDispositionTypeA data type for an outcome or processing of a case.
CaseDocketEntryniem-profile:niemAn entry in the docket or register of actions for a case.
CaseFilingTypeThe core information contained in an ECF 5.0 message.
CaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about a court case.
CaseInitiationReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of overall procedural reasons for opening the case.
CaseInitiationReasonCodeTypeA data type for the overall reason for opening the case.
CaseItemRoleThe role played by an item in this case.
CaseKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of cases.
CaseKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the various kinds of cases that are being used.
CaseLinkageTypeA data type for an identifying number for a case submitted by an agency which is known or believed to be related to the case of this activity.
CaseListQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
CaseOfficialTypeA data type for an official's involvement in a case.
CaseOfficialTypeA data type for an official's involvement in a case.
CaseOrganizationRoleniem-profile:niemA description of the specific role played by one or more of the organization "other actor(s)" involved in the case.
CaseOriginniem-profile:niemThe prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates. Examples: case appealed to this court from a lower court; case transferred to or removed to this court; case remanded to this court; original proceeding in this court; in some courts, a designation that this case is a reopening of a proceeding in the same court. In the criminal and juvenile delinquency contexts a police incident report number, a prosecution case number, a grand jury case number, or a criminal case bound over to this court for trial from a limited jurisdiction court.
CaseParticipantniem-profile:niemPlaceholder for all case participants, i.e. persons or organizations playing a role in a case. This is where all actor details are expressed.
CaseParticipantTypeA data type for information about a participant.
CasePersonRoleniem-profile:niemA description of the specific role played by one or more of the person "other actor(s)" or "other party(s)" involved in the case.
CasePriorityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of case priorities.
CasePriorityCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of case priorities.
CasePropertyRoleniem-profile:niemA description of the specific role played by a item/property involved in the case.
CaseQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the case information to be returned.
CaseQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the list of cases to be returned.
CaseRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of relationships a Case may have with other entities.
CaseRelationshipKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of relationships between two cases.
CaseRelationshipTypeA data type for a relationship between two cases.
CaseRequestCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of case request code
CaseRequestCodeTypeA data type for a kind of case request code
CaseResponseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of case response code
CaseResponseCodeTypeA data type for a kind of case response code
CaseSetTypeA data type for a set of cases that are related in some manner.
CaseStatusniem-profile:niemCurrent disposition of the case.
CaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of status states for a Case.
CaseStatusCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of status states for a Case.
CaseStatusTypeA data type for status information regarding a case.
CaseThreatLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a case threat level code values
CaseThreatLevelCodeTypeA data type for a kind of case threat level
CaseTypeA data type for an aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
CaseTypeA data type for an aggregation of information about a set of related activities and events.
CaseTypeExtensionniem-profile:niemInformation defined within one of the specific case types defined in the ECF 5.0 specification -- bankruptcy, civil, criminal, domestic relations, juvenile, and traffic.
CaseTypesniem-profile:niemA list of ECF case types.
CaseWorkerCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of case worker.
CaseWorkerCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of case worker.
CaseworkerInvolvementCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the specific involvement of a caseworker as related to a particular case.
CaseworkerInvolvementCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the specific involvement of a caseworker as related to a particular case
CaseworkerTypeA data type for information about the caseworker.
CaseWorkerUnitCodeListCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of a case worker unit.
CaseWorkerUnitCodeListCodeTypeA data type for a kind of a case worker unit.
CaseWorkerUnitTypeA data type for a case worker unit.
CatCCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Roads and Bridges (Cat-C) types.
CatCCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the Roads and Bridges
CATCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 6 - Vehicle Category (CAT) Field Codes
CATCodeTypeA data type for 6 - Vehicle Category (CAT) Field Codes
CatDCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Water Control Facilities (Cat-D) types.
CatDCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities
CatDPurposeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities .
CatDPurposeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the common purposes for water control facilities
CatECategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common types of Buildings, Equipment and Content eligible under Category E.
CatECategoryCodeTypeA data type for the common types of Buildings, Equipment and Content eligible under Category E
CategoryOfGovernmentOwnershipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing governmental ownership
CategoryOfGovernmentOwnershipCodeTypeA data type describing governmental ownership
CatFCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Utilities (Cat-F) types.
CatFCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the Utilities.
CatGCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other (Cat-G) types.
CatGCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the Beaches, Parks, Transit, and Other (G).
CauseOfDeathAssessmentTypeA data type for an assessment process to determine factors of the cause of death.
CaveatTypeA data type for warning or caution information.
CBEFFCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code for describing a biometric modality defined by CBEFF
CBEFFCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing a biometric modality defined by CBEFF
CBEFFImageTypeA data type for a CBEFF record
CBRNECaseTypeA data type for an aggregation of information about activities and events associated with detection and interdiction of CBRNE threats.
CBTYCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 6 - Canadian Boat Type (TYP) Field Codes
CBTYCodeTypeA data type for 6 - Canadian Boat Type (TYP) Field Codes
CDACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 17 - Manner and Cause of Death (CDA) Field Codes
CDACodeTypeA data type for 17 - Manner and Cause of Death (CDA) Field Codes
CDCCargoListTypeA data type for a list of certain dangerous cargo (CDC).
CDLHolderCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set indicating at the time of the citation, whether the individual holds a Commercial Driver License (CDL) or, in the case of an unlicensed driver, whether the individual's last held license was a CDL.
CDLHolderCodeTypeA data type for a code set indicating at the time of the citation, whether the individual holds a Commercial Driver License (CDL) or, in the case of an unlicensed driver, whether the individual's last held license was a CDL.
CertificateTypeA data type for an official or government-issued certificate or license.
CertificationTypeA data type for an official process of distinguishing the credentials of person or entity.
ChainOfCustodyTypeA data type for the information about the possession of evidence which may include information on which United States Immigration official took possession of the evidence and when.
ChannelDataTypeA data type for spectrum channel data.
CharacteristicGroupTypeA data type for a named group of Characteristic.
CharacteristicsTypeA data type for Characteristics or groupings of Characteristics.
CharacteristicTypeA data type for describing additional characteristics of something, such as a radiation instrument, detector, or item being inspected. This can be used to supplement those characteristics specifically defined in this standard.
Chargeniem-profile:niemThe crime or violation a defendant is alleged or found to have committed.
ChargeAgencyAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship to support the designation of one of multiple arrest agencies as the charging agency.
ChargeAllegationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) allegation categories.
ChargeAllegationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a list of NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) allegation categories.
ChargeAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a charge.
ChargeAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of apprehension charges
ChargeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of charge.
ChargeCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of apprehension charges
ChargeConvictionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a charge and a conviction.
ChargeDispositionniem-profile:niemThe findings of the trial court regarding a crime or violation a defendant was accused of.
ChargeDispositionTypeA data type for the results or processing of a charge.
ChargeDispositionTypeA data type for the results or processing of a charge.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTypeA data type for a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeEnhancingFactorTypeA data type for a factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
ChargeTypeA data type for a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
ChargeTypeA data type for a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
CheckInOutCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that describes if it is check in or check out
CheckInOutCodeTypeA data type for a code that describes if it is check in or check out
CheckInOutLocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the type of check-in or check-out location
CheckInOutLocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of check-in or check-out location
CheckInOutRecordTypeA data type for the check-in and check-out record
CheiloscopicImageInformationTypeA data type that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances.
ChildCareIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a role of the person of record involved in child care - the child receiving assistance, the parent receiving assistance, or the child care provider.
ChildCareIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a role of the person of record involved in child care - the child receiving assistance, the parent receiving assistance, or the child care provider.
ChildLegalCustodyPartyAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a custodial person or organization and a child.
ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for child support assistance status codes.
ChildSupportAssistanceStatusIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for child support assistance status codes.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the disposition decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionCodeTypeA data type for the decisions that a tribunal can reach at the conclusion of a hearing, trial, or other proceeding in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseDispositionDecisionTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:CaseDispositionDecisionType
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseOriginatorAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child-support-enforcement agency and the child-support-enforcement case it initiated.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeTypeA data type for the reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTypeA data type for a child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTypeA data type for a child support enforcement case.
ChildSupportEnforcementOrganizationTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:OrganizationType
ChildSupportInsuranceBeneficiaryPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case and the person (usually a child) who is the beneficiary of that insurance.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageCodeTypeA data type for the kind(s) of insurance coverage ordered in a child-support-enforcement case.
ChildSupportInsuranceCoverageOrderTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:InsuranceType
ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeTypeA data type for the legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
ChildSupportObligationTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:ObligationType
ChildSupportPetitionInformationniem-profile:niemInformation concerning a petition for child support.
ChildTypeA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of legal majority (i.e., adulthood).
ChildTypeA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of legal majority (i.e., adulthood).
ChildVictimChargeAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship among an allegation of child abuse or neglect, the alleged perpetrator, and the alleged child victim.
ChildVictimTypeA data type for information about a person who has not yet reached the age of majority and in whose interest a child welfare case has been initiated.
ChildWelfareCaseTypeA data type for a child welfare case.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list that describes the current status of the associated charge.
ChildWelfareChargeStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a list that describes the current status of the associated charge.
CI_Address_TypeLocation of the responsible individual or organisation
CI_Citation_TypeStandardized resource reference
CI_Contact_TypeInformation required enabling contact with the responsible person and/or organisation
CI_OnlineResource_TypeInformation about online sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
CI_ResponsibleParty_TypeIdentification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organisations associated with the dataset
CI_Telephone_TypeTelephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organisation
CircularRegionTypeA data type for a circular area identified by a center coordinate and a radius.
Citationniem-profile:niemA charge issued by a law enforcement officer for a "violation" requiring the person charged to plead guilty to the charge or to appear in court to contest the charge. A citation is issued in lieu of an arrest and booking. "Violations" are a subset of "charges" for which a law enforcement officer is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest and booking. Examples: traffic ticket, parking ticket or ticket issued for some other ordinance violation such as barking dog or illegal dumping.
CitationAgencyniem-profile:niemThe law enforcement agency employing the law enforcement officer who issues a citation.
CitationCourtAppearanceniem-profile:niemRepresentation of when the offender is required to appear in court.
CitationIssuingOfficialniem-profile:niemThe law enforcement official issuing a citation.
CitationTypeA data type for an official summons to appear in court or pay a fine.
CitationTypeA data type for an official summons to appear in court or pay a fine.
CitizenRoleTypeA data type for the role of Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
CivilAppellateCaseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information specific to civil appellate cases.
CivilCaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation required to initiate a new civil case in a court. "Civil" includes conservatorships, guardianships, mental health and probate.
CivilPersonniem-profile:niemInformation about the person for whom another person or organization is assuming a fiduciary obligation.
ClAlternativeExpression_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
ClerkactorA clerk or judicial officer that reviews and accepts court filings.
ClientAttorneyAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a client and an attorney.
ClinicalObservationTypeA data type for a clinical observation of a person.
ClinicalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.
ClinicalStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of the clinical status of the facility.
ClockDiagram12PointsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 12 points clock diagram
ClockDiagram12PointsCodeTypeA data type for 12 points clock diagram
ClothingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing.
ClothingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing.
ClothingTypeA data type for an article of clothing, dress, or attire.
CLUIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.
A CLU is the smallest unit of land that has a permanent, contiguous boundary, common land cover and land management, a common owner, and a common producer association.
A CLU is closely related to FSA's definition of 'fields', according to Handbook 2-CP. A CLU is also closely related to land units such as parcels, farmsteads, and lots that are used by NRCS, RMA and RD.
The authoritative source of CLU Identifier is Farm Records. CLU Identifier can remain constant even if the precise geospatial shape of the CLU is slightly altered.
CLUIDTypeA data type for system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.
CMCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 11 - Caution and Medical Conditions (CMC) Field Codes
CMCCodeTypeA data type for 11 - Caution and Medical Conditions (CMC) Field Codes
CMSDMSentityA court case management system and document management system.
CMVCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for whether a person was operating a commercial motor vehicle in an incident.
CMVCodeTypeA data type for whether a person was operating a commercial motor vehicle in an incident.
codetypeA set of alpha or numeric characters to be used to represent a stated value.
CodeAlternativeExpression_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CodecCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an enumeration of codecs capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal.
CodecCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a representation of codecs capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal.
CodecDetailsTypeA data type for a container of descriptive information about the encoding of a digital media data file.
CodeListDictionary_TypeConstraints: - 1) metadataProperty.card = 0 - 2) dictionaryEntry.card = 0
CodeListExtensionTypeA value allowed for the parent identified element, and associated information
CodeListTypegml:CodeListType provides for lists of terms. The values in an instance element shall all be valid according to the rules of the dictionary, classification scheme, or authority identified by the value of its codeSpace attribute.
CodeOrNilReasonListTypegml:CodeOrNilReasonListType provides for lists of terms. The values in an instance element shall all be valid according to the rules of the dictionary, classification scheme, or authority identified by the value of its codeSpace attribute. An instance element may also include embedded values from NilReasonType. It is intended to be used in situations where a term or classification is expected, but the value may be absent for some reason.
CodespaceCodePairTypeA data type for a value from a specified controlled vocabulary.
CodeTypegml:CodeType is a generalized type to be used for a term, keyword or name.
It adds a XML attribute codeSpace to a term, where the value of the codeSpace attribute (if present) shall indicate a dictionary, thesaurus, classification scheme, authority, or pattern for the term.
CodeTypeA data type for a code with codes sourced from an external code list.
CodeWithAuthorityTypegml:CodeWithAuthorityType requires that the codeSpace attribute is provided in an instance.
CoefficientsTypeA data type that provides a list of the values of the coefficients of an Equation. The first value is term 0, the second term 1, and so forth.
CommentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a comment.
CommentTypeA data type for a comment, note, or remark providing additional information.
CommercialCarrierUSDOTNumberSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a US DOT Number.
CommercialCarrierUSDOTNumberTypeA data type for a US DOT Number.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a general configuration of a motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleConfigurationCodeTypeA data type for a general configuration of a motor vehicle.
CommercialVehicleTypeA data type for a class of vehicle that includes motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more.
CommodityTypeA data type for a description of the nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
CommunicationMediaTypeListenum_patternList of communication media types used for contact purposes
CommunicatorAddressTypeA data type for a type of communication address
CommunityLeaveTypeA data type for a Community Leave Program provides an opportunity for inmates to attend activities in the local community which will assist in their reintegration into society.
CompassPointEnumerationThese directions are necessarily approximate, giving direction with a precision of 22.5°. It is thus generally unnecessary to specify the reference frame, though this may be detailed in the definition of a GML application language.
ComplexionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of complexion.
ComplexionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of complexion.
CompoundCRSPropertyTypegml:CompoundCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a compound coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
CompressionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for codes that describe the algorithm (if any) by which data has been compressed.
ComunicationComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Comunication Components
ComunicationComponentCodeTypeA data type for Comunication Components types
ConcatenatedOperationPropertyTypegml:ConcatenatedOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a concatenated operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that concatenated operation.
ConcatenatedOperationTypegml:ConcatenatedOperation is an ordered sequence of two or more coordinate operations. This sequence of operations is constrained by the requirement that the source coordinate reference system of step (n+1) must be the same as the target coordinate reference system of step (n). The source coordinate reference system of the first step and the target coordinate reference system of the last step are the source and target coordinate reference system associated with the concatenated operation. Instead of a forward operation, an inverse operation may be used for one or more of the operation steps mentioned above, if the inverse operation is uniquely defined by the forward operation.
The gml:coordOperation property elements are an ordered sequence of associations to the two or more operations used by this concatenated operation. The AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the coordOperation associations are ordered.
ConditionalReleaseTypeA data type for a release of a person or item from confinement, holding, or obligation, that is dependent upon certain conditions being met.
ConditionGroupTypeA data type for a set of conditions assigned to a person.
ConditionTypeA data type for a set of variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit, system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance. A physical or behavioral state of a system that is required for the achievement of an objective.
ConditionTypeA data type for a requirement or stipulation.
ConfidenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines confidence level code values.
ConfidenceCodeTypeA data type that defines confidence level code values.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of confidence level.
ConfidenceLevelTypeA data type for detailing the reliability of the associated information.
ConfidentialInformationTypeA data type for a classification of Information that cannot be shared with the public or the subject of the information.
ConfidentialityMaterialTypeA data type for a collection of artifacts, documents or other items related to a subject's confidentiality.
ConnectedDocumentniem-profile:niemA document included in a Filing that supports the lead Document. This document is not separately entered on the docket or register of actions.
ConsigneeTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of party to which goods are consigned.
ConsignmentContainerAssociationTypeA data type for an association between the consignment and the container in which it is transported.
ConsignmentItemTypeA data type for a description of the nature of an item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
ConsignmentTypeA data type for the specific shipment sent by a consignor to a named consignee.
ConsignorTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of the party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
ConsolidatorTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of the freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment so called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components.
ConsortiumCarrierTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of the consortium carrier.
ConstructionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.4: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Construction Equipment and Construction Equipment Parts
ConstructionCodeTypeA data type for 2.4: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Construction Equipment and Construction Equipment Parts
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material.
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material.
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods.
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods.
ConsumptionRateMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a rate of consumption.
ContactActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the contact activity category.
ContactActivityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing the contact activity category.
ContactActivityTypeA data type for recording a contact with an individual.
ContactInformationniem-profile:niemThe preferred contact for a person or organization, such as address, telephone number, or email address.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about contact information.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a contact information.
ContactInformationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a nc:Contact.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeSimpleTypeA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeTypeA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationAvailabilityCodeTypeA data type for a period of time or a situation in which an entity is available to be contacted with the given contact information.
ContactInformationTypeA data type for how to contact a person or an organization.
ContactInformationTypeA data type for how to contact a person or an organization.
ContactMeansCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the means of contact
ContactMeansCodeTypeA data type describing the means of contact
ContactNumberElementListenum_patternList of information types used for phone number details
ContactNumberUsageListenum_patternList of types of uses of contact number
ContactRadioTypeA data type for a method of contacting a person or organization by messages over a radio.
ContactRoleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of roles of the emergency management contact
ContactRoleCodeTypeA data type for a code set of roles of the emergency management contact
ContactRoleTypeA data type for the role kind of a contact
ContainerISO6346CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for ISO 6346 shipping container codes.
ContainerISO6346CodeTypeA data type for ISO 6346 shipping container codes.
ContainerKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of shipping container.
ContainerKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of shipping container.
ContainerTerminalOperatorTypeA data type representing the Container Terminal Operator
ContentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code indicating the purpose or kind of resource content or payload being sent
ContentCategoryCodeTypeA data type code indicating the purpose or kind of resource content or payload being sent
ContentDiaryInformationTypeA data type lists highly-detailed timings within the voice recording of specific audio segments of interest.
ContentHeaderTypeA data type for information about the contents of a message.
ContentInformationTypeA data type for indicating a recording's diarization status and the diarizing agency
ContentRecordSummaryTypeA data type for a summary of the contents of one record in the transaction other than the Type-1 transaction record
ContextFileFormatTypeA data type for a description of a file holding an associated context representation, and decoding instructions
ContextMediaDetailTypeA data type for the details of a biometric context media file
ContrabandTypeA data type for a prohibited item.
ContractTypeA data type for a written or legal agreement entered into by two or more parties.
ConversionPropertyTypegml:ConversionPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a concrete general-purpose conversion, either referencing or containing the definition of that conversion.
ConversionToPreferredUnitTypeThe inherited attribute uom references the preferred unit that this conversion applies to. The conversion of a unit to the preferred unit for this physical quantity type is specified by an arithmetic conversion (scaling and/or offset). The content model extends gml:UnitOfMeasureType, which has a mandatory attribute uom which identifies the preferred unit for the physical quantity type that this conversion applies to. The conversion is specified by a choice of
- gml:factor, which defines the scale factor, or
- gml:formula, which defines a formula
by which a value using the conventional unit of measure can be converted to obtain the corresponding value using the preferred unit of measure.
The formula defines the parameters of a simple formula by which a value using the conventional unit of measure can be converted to the corresponding value using the preferred unit of measure. The formula element contains elements a, b, c and d, whose values use the XML Schema type double. These values are used in the formula y = (a + bx) / (c + dx), where x is a value using this unit, and y is the corresponding value using the base unit. The elements a and d are optional, and if values are not provided, those parameters are considered to be zero. If values are not provided for both a and d, the formula is equivalent to a fraction with numerator and denominator parameters.
ConveyanceAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a conveyance.
ConveyanceAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a conveyance.
ConveyanceBoundForCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the conveyance bound code enumerations.
ConveyanceBoundForCodeTypeA data type that defines the Conveyance bound code
ConveyanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of conveyance.
ConveyanceColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the conveyance color codes.
ConveyanceColorCodeTypeA data type for conveyance color codes.
ConveyanceConveyanceRelationshipTypeA data type for a relationship between two conveyances; for example, a trailer towed by a truck, or a container on a trailer or railcar. A set of relationships in the same time period define a set of conveyances that are connected together, such as a truck towing three trailers.
ConveyanceEngineAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a conveyance and an engine.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of conveyance identification.
ConveyanceIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of conveyance identification.
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of jurisdictions issuing Conveyance registrations
ConveyanceIDIssuingJurisdictionCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of jurisdictions issuing Conveyance registrations
ConveyanceKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of conveyances.
ConveyanceKindCodeTypeA data type for the kind of Conveyance
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of relationships that may exist between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of relationships that may exist between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyanceOrgRelationshipTypeA data type for a relationship between a conveyance and an organization.
ConveyancePartAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a conveyance and a part of a conveyance.
ConveyancePartTypeA data type for a part or component of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a conveyance registration.
ConveyanceRegistrationStatusTypeA data type for a state of registration of a conveyance.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type nc:ConveyanceRegistrationType.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeA data type for a registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRegistrationTypeA data type for a registration of a conveyance with an authority.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of relationships that a conveyance can have.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the relationship that describes the way in which the different conveyances are connected to each other
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of relationships that a conveyance can have.
ConveyanceRelationshipKindCodeTypeA data type for the relationship that describes the way in which the different conveyances are connected to each other
ConveyanceRelatorTypeA data type for an identifier that can be used to identify a conveyance.
ConveyanceTypeA data type for a means of transport from place to place.
ConveyanceTypeA data type for a means of transport from place to place.
ConvictionTypeA data type for a judgement that a defendant is guilty.
CoordinateOperationPropertyTypegml:CoordinateOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate operation.
CoordinateReferenceSystemCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing the geospatial projection standard used for calculating acreage.
CoordinateReferenceSystemCodeTypeA data type for coordinate reference system codes.
CoordinatesTypeThis type is deprecated for tuples with ordinate values that are numbers.
CoordinatesType is a text string, intended to be used to record an array of tuples or coordinates.
While it is not possible to enforce the internal structure of the string through schema validation, some optional attributes have been provided in previous versions of GML to support a description of the internal structure. These attributes are deprecated. The attributes were intended to be used as follows:
Decimal symbol used for a decimal point (default="." a stop or period)
cs symbol used to separate components within a tuple or coordinate string (default="," a comma)
ts symbol used to separate tuples or coordinate strings (default=" " a space)
Since it is based on the XML Schema string type, CoordinatesType may be used in the construction of tables of tuples or arrays of tuples, including ones that contain mixed text and numeric values.
CoordinateSystemAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CoordinateSystemAxisAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyTypegml:CoordinateSystemAxisPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate system axis, either referencing or containing the definition of that axis.
CoordinateSystemPropertyTypegml:CoordinateSystemPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
CoreCodelistniem-profile:niemThe list in Court Policy of data elements and corresponding lists of valid codes for those elements in a particular court.
CoreFilingMessageniem-profile:niemThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
CoreProductCategorySimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing subclassification of agricultural products in addition to the main classification provided by the Core Product Code. Each product classified by a Core Product Code is also assigned a Core Product Type Code providing greater clarification of the crop/commodity, tree, livestock ,etc. Codes are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
CoreProductCategoryTypeA data type for core product subclassification code.
CoreProductSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing classification codes of core agricultural products defined by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table). Products are classified into individual crop and commodity types, tree types, and types of livestock.
CoreProductTypeA data type containing classification codes.
CorrectionalFacilityTypeA data type for a correctional facility.
CorrectiveActionTypeA data type for a set of details about an event or activity which is part of a corrective action plan.
COTPRegionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone.
COTPRegionCodeTypeA data type for a Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone.
CountRateCPSTypeA data type for a radiation count rate measure whose value is positive and expressed in counts per second (cps) units.
CountryAlpha2CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeSimpleTypeA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeTypeA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha2CodeTypeA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha3CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryAlpha3CodeTypeA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for country codes specified by DHS as part of the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
CountryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeTypeA data type for country codes specified by DHS as part of the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
CountryCodeTypeA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryCodeTypeA data type for 2.2: Country Codes
CountryNameCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for name of country
CountryNameTypeListenum_patternA list of country name element types
CountryNumericCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountryNumericCodeTypeA data type for country, territory, or dependency codes. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 1, v7-8.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a COUNTRY SUBDIVISION TYPE.
CountrySubdivisionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 2, v3-6.
CountrySubdivisionCodeTypeA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country. Sourced from ISO 3166 Part 2, v3-6.
CountryTypeA data type for a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
CountryTypeA data type for a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
CountryTypeA data type for a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
CountryTypeComplex type that defines the name of the country and is reused in other CIQ specs
CourseAngleDegreesMeasureTypeA data type for an angle measured in degrees used to identify the intended direction of movement in the horizontal plane. The value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
Courtniem-profile:niemA person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.
CourtActivityTypeA data type for a court-related action associated with a court case event.
CourtAppearanceTypeA data type for an appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtAppearanceTypeA data type for an appearance required of a party in a court of law on a certain date.
CourtCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of courts.
CourtCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of courts.
CourtEventActorTypeThe actor who performed the action as set forth in the docket entry. E.g. the person who filed the document. Does not include the name of the court clerk composing the docket entry.
CourtEventAttendeeTypeA data type for details about court event attendees
CourtEventOnBehalfOfActorTypeThe actor on whose behalf the filing was submitted to the court as set forth in the docket entry.
CourtEventTypeA data type for a court occurrence.
CourtEventTypeA data type for a court occurrence.
CourtExtensionniem-profile:niemA structure representing the court-specific extensions for the court associated with this Court Policy.
CourtOrderAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a court order.
CourtOrderServiceAgencyAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a court order and the agency that serves it.
CourtOrderTypeA data type for a direction of a judge not including a judgement, which determines some point or directs some steps in proceedings.
CourtOrderTypeA data type for a direction of a judge not including a judgement, which determines some point or directs some steps in proceedings.
CourtRecordMDEinterfaceThe list of operations supported by the Court Record MDE.
CourtRuleAppellateCaseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information specific to court rule appellate cases.
CourtSchedulingMDEinterfaceThe Court Scheduling MDE is to provide the capability for the filer to submit a request a hearing or calendar date (CourtScheduletQueryMessage) along with the electronic document filing. This is because many court document filings are made specifically to schedule hearings or conference meetings. The MDE provides the ability for the court to respond to the request (allocateCourtDate). And it also allows for the participant to query the court calendar for a specific date and/or time (CourtScheduletQueryMessage).
CourtTypeA data type for a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.
CourtTypeA data type for a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.
CPR0CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - Canadian Vehicle Index Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
CPR0CodeTypeA data type for 3 - Canadian Vehicle Index Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
CrashClassificationCharacteristicCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to identify the characteristics of the crash with respect to its location on or off a trafficway.
CrashClassificationCharacteristicCodeTypeA data type to identify the characteristics of the crash with respect to its location on or off a trafficway.
CrashClassificationLandOwnershipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the ownership of the land where the crash occurred.
CrashClassificationLandOwnershipCodeTypeA data type for the ownership of the land where the crash occurred.
CrashDriverLicenseTypeA data type for information about a driver license of a person at the time of a crash.
CrashDriverTypeA data type for a motor vehicle driver involved in a traffic accident.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for apparent environmental conditions which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashEnvironmentContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeA data type for apparent environmental conditions which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a location of the first harmful event as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway.
CrashFirstHarmfulEventLocationCodeTypeA data type for a location of the first harmful event as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway.
CrashHarmfulEventCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type.
CrashHarmfulEventCodeTypeA data type for the injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type.
CrashInformationSourceTypeA data type for the affiliation of a person completing a crash report.
CrashJunctionRelationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a location of the first harmful event in relation to a junction.
CrashJunctionRelationCodeTypeA data type for a location of the first harmful event in relation to a junction.
CrashLightConditionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashLightConditionCodeTypeA data type for a kind/level of light that existed at the time of the motor vehicle crash.
CrashMannerCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a manner in which two motor vehicles in transport initially came together without regard to the direction of force.
CrashMannerCodeTypeA data type for a manner in which two motor vehicles in transport initially came together without regard to the direction of force.
CrashNonMotoristTypeA data type for a non-motorist involved in a Traffic Accident.
CrashPassengerTypeA data type for a motor vehicle passenger involved into a Traffic Accident.
CrashPersonEMSTransportationTypeA data type for an EMS transportation agency.
CrashPersonTypeA data type for any person involved in a traffic accident.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeA data type for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashRoadSurfaceConditionCodeTypeA data type for a roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash.
CrashSchoolBusRelatedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for if a school bus or motor vehicle functioning as a school bus for a school-related purpose is involved in the crash.
CrashSchoolBusRelatedCodeTypeA data type for if a school bus or motor vehicle functioning as a school bus for a school-related purpose is involved in the crash.
CrashTypeA data type for a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a motor vehicle unit type and number assigned to uniquely identify each motor vehicle involved in the crash.
CrashVehicleCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a motor vehicle unit type and number assigned to uniquely identify each motor vehicle involved in the crash.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response.
CrashVehicleEmergencyUseIndicationCodeTypeA data type for official motor vehicles that are involved in a crash while on an emergency response.
CrashVehicleOccupantTypeA data type for any vehicle occupant involved in a traffic accident.
CrashVehicleTypeA data type for a motor vehicle involved in a traffic accident.
CrashWeatherConditionCodeTypeA data type for the prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash.
CrashWorkZoneTypeA data type for a work zone where a crash occurred.
CRCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 13 - Circumcision (CRC) Field Codes
CRCCodeTypeA data type for 13 - Circumcision (CRC) Field Codes
CredentialClassCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code that represents the type of credential class
CredentialClassCategoryCodeTypeA data type that represents the type of a credential class
CredentialClassMetricTypeA data type for a first responder credential class metric. Example: Number of years a Person has held a Commercial Pilot License
CredentialClassMetricValueTypeA data type for the value of a credential class metric
CredentialClassTypeA data type for a credential class. Example structures: Experience, Training etc
CredentialExpirationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that represents the type of credential expiration
CredentialExpirationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of credential expiration
CredentialQualificationCriteriaTypeA data type about the criteria for person's credential qualification
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeSimpleTypeA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeTypeA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialsAuthenticatedCodeTypeA data type for the states of authentication of credentials.
CredentialStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that defines the codified representation of a person-credentials status
CredentialStatusCodeTypeA data type that defines the codified representation of a person-credentials status
CredentialTypeA data type for an acknowledged measure of achievement, education or professional training.
CreditAccountniem-profile:niemAn account created within a court financial system crediting a person or organization with a balance against which future fees may be charged.
CreditAccountTypeAn account created within a court financial system crediting a person or organization with a balance against which future fees may be charged.
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card.
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card.
CrewListTypeA data type for a list of crew onboard.
CrewNationalityCountTypeA data type for a nationality of one or more crew members on a vessel
CrewNationalityListTypeA data type for a list of the nationalities of all the crew on the vessel
CrewRoleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a crew role.
CrewRoleCodeTypeA data type for a crew role.
CrewTypeA data type for a crew member with associated embark/debark information.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of incidents.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense.
CriminalActivityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of incidents.
CriminalActivityCategoryNDExCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
CriminalActivityCategoryNDExCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
CriminalAppellateCaseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information specific to criminal appellate cases.
CriminalCaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation required to initiate a new criminal case in a court. "Criminal" includes felonies and misdemeanors.
CriminalOrganizationTypeA data type for an organization that is formed to or intentionally conducts illegal activities.
CriminalPersonniem-profile:niemAdditional information about a person.
CriminalTraitDetailsTypeA data type for criminal characteristics associated with a person or a criminal organization.
CrisisImpactCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the impact of a crisis on a group or other entity.
CrisisImpactCodeTypeA data type for the impact of a crisis on a group or other entity.
CrisisTypeA data type for a crisis.
CriteriaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the type of specified credential criteria
CriteriaCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of specified credential criteria
CroppingPracticeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for code identifying the cropping practice applicable for a reported crop/commodity on a field/subfield.
CroppingPracticeCodeTypeA data type for code to represent cropping practice applicable for a reported crop/commodity.
CropYearSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to indicate a period of time (in year) within which the crop is normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is normally harvested.
For crops:
- Harvested over 2 calendar years, the crop year is the calendar year in which the majority of the crop would have been harvested.
- Grown over more than 2 calendar years, each year in the growing period will be considered as a separate crop year designated by the calendar year in which the crop sustained a loss.
RMA's regulations define Crop Year as the period within which the insured crop is normally grown, regardless of whether or not it is actually grown, and designated by the calendar year in which the insured crop is normally harvested, unless otherwise specified in the Crop Provisions.
CropYearTypeA data type to indicate a period of time (in year) within which the crop is normally grown and designated by the calendar year in which the crop is normally harvested.
CrossStreetTypeA data type for a location identified by two or more streets which intersect.
CrsAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
CRSPropertyTypegml:CRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a CRS abstract coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that CRS.
CSPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for each of the available color spaces for images
CSPCodeTypeA data type for the available color spaces for images
CulvertMaterialCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the material of culvert.
CulvertMaterialCodeTypeA data type for the material of culvert.
CulvertShapeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common types of culverts (shapes).
CulvertShapeCodeTypeA data type for the common types of culverts (shapes).
CurrencyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeSimpleTypeA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeTypeA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyCodeTypeA data type for a currency that qualifies a monetary amount.
CurrencyExchangeTypeA data type for an exchange of currency for a specified country
CurriculumPhaseTypeA data type for a structural element within a curriculum to help keep activities placed in an order that facilitates making appropriate progress.
CurriculumTypeA data type for a collection of subjects comprising a course of study offered by an educational system or program.
CurveArrayPropertyTypeA container for an array of curves. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
CurveInterpolationTypegml:CurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
CurveInterpolationTypeCurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an
application schema.
CurvePropertyTypeA property that has a curve as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypegml:CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of curve segments.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypeA container for an array of curve segments.
CurveTypeA data type for a curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system. A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different
Curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system.
A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different interpolation method. The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment except the last being the start point of the next segment in the segment list.
The orientation of the curve is positive.
Custodyniem-profile:niemInformation concerning the custody of the defendant.
CustodyRequestTypeA data type for a request for custodial responsibility of another person, usually a child.
CustodyTransferTypeA data type for a transfer of custody or a transfer of a subject or property from one enforcement party to another.
CustomerInfoTypeA data type containing customer information including identification and name.
CustomsDocumentTypeA data type for a document category that facilitates implementation of a system of tolls, tariffs, taxes, and regulation of international trade.
CustomsGoodsItemTypeA data type for a value declared for purposes of those goods in a consignment.
CustomsProcedureTypeA data type for a specific activity required for Customs
CustomsValuationTypeA data type for a cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
CylindricalCSPropertyTypegml:CylindricalCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a cylindrical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
DamageAssessmentLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code for the level of damage sustained to the dwelling
DamageAssessmentLevelCodeTypeA data type code to level of damage assessed for dwelling
DamageCostEstimateCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code helps to understand how to estimate to repair was established. Determines level of scrutiny necessary.
DamageCostEstimateCodeTypeA data type code helps to understand how to estimate to repair was established. Determines level of scrutiny necessary.
DamageTypeA data type for a means of specifying the harm or injury to an object, person or entity, resulting in loss of value or the impairment of usefulness.
DamCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the types of Dam/Reservoir.
DamCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the types of Dam/Reservoir
DataFileCaptureTypeA data type defining the strcuture of how the data file is captured.
DataFileSequenceTypeA data type defining a structure to capture the sequence of a file within a data set
DataFileSetTypeA data type that defines a collection of data files that are part of a set
DataFileTypeA data type that defines a data file and its properties.
DataLinkTypeA data type for a structure that contains a data link
DataPrivacyTypeA data type for data privacy.
DataProcessingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of computer hardware and software.
DataProcessingEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of computer hardware and software.
DataQualityTypeA data type for data quality.
DataQualityTypeListenum_patternA list of values to indicate the level of reliability of the data
Dateniem-profile:niemA date.
dateA data type for a calendar date with the format CCYY-MM-DD.
dateA data type for a calendar date with the format CCYY-MM-DD.
datetypeA date.
DateRangeTypeA data type for a range of dates.
DateRangeTypeA data type for a range of dates.
dateTimeA data type for objects with integer-valued year, month, day, hour and minute properties, a decimal-valued second property, and a boolean timezoned property.
dateTimeA data type for objects with integer-valued year, month, day, hour and minute properties, a decimal-valued second property, and a boolean timezoned property.
dateTimetypeA date and time.
DateTypeA data type for a calendar date.
DateTypeA data type for a calendar date.
DatumAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
DatumCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for datum
DatumPropertyTypegml:DatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
DayOfWeekCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for days of the week.
DayOfWeekCodeTypeA data type for days of the week.
DBNCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - One Crime Inquiry Database Name (DBN) Field Codes
DBNCodeTypeA data type for 3 - One Crime Inquiry Database Name (DBN) Field Codes
DCHCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.14: Dental Characteristics (DCH) Field Usage
DCHCodeTypeA data type for 1.14: Dental Characteristics (DCH) Field Usage
DEAClassScheduleCodeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a class to which the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has assigned the product under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
DEAClassScheduleCodeCodeTypeA data type for a class to which the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has assigned the product under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
DebrisCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies the common types of debris that exist.
DebrisCategoryCodeTypeA data type that specifies the common types of debris that exist.
DebrisSiteCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies the common list of sites debris is collected from after an incident
DebrisSiteCodeTypeA data type that specifies the common list of sites debris is collected from after an incident.
DebtCreditorAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a debt and a person or organization to which the debt is owed.
Debtorniem-profile:niemThe person or organization on whose behalf, or against whom, a bankruptcy petition is filed. A "joint petition" is indicated by naming the spouses who are both debtors in the case.
DebtTypeA data type for a set of details describing the debt owed by a person.
DecalPeriodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the lifespan of a decal.
DecalPeriodCodeTypeA data type for the lifespan of a decal.
DecalTypeA data type for a sticker.
DecedentEstateCaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about a case administering and distributing the assets of a testate or intestate decedent.
DecedentEstateCaseTypeInformation about a case administering and distributing the assets of a testate or intestate decedent.
decimalA data type for arbitrary precision decimal numbers.
decimalA data type for arbitrary precision decimal numbers.
Decimal2DigitPrecisionSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for decimal values with 2 digit after decimal
Decimal2DigitPrecisionTypeA data type of decimal that has a 2 decimal places
DecimalListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of decimal.
DecimalListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of decimal.
DecimalListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of decimal.
DecimalRangeTypeA data type for a range of decimal values.
DeclarationPackagingTypeA data type that provides the details description of the packaging.
DeclarationPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person who declared another person to be missing, and the missing person.
DeclarationTypeA data type that describes a formal statement made for use in International Trade office mostly for customs purpose.
DeconCapacityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of the capacity for chemical/biological/radiological patient decontamination.
DeconCapacityCodeTypeA data type for a code set of the capacity for chemical/biological/radiological patient decontamination.
DeconsolidatorTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of the receiving party of a consolidated shipment, who divides the latter into its original single consignments and undertakes to make them available to be delivered.
Defendantniem-profile:niemA person or organization alleged or found to have committed a crime or violation.
Degree180PlusMinusSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an angle measured in degrees between -180 and 180.
Degree180PlusMinusTypeA data type for an angle measured in degrees between -180 and 180.
Degree360SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a value between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive).
Degree360TypeA data type for a value between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive).
Degree90PlusMinusSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an angle measured in degrees between -90 and 90.
Degree90PlusMinusTypeA data type for an angle measured in degrees between -90 and 90.
Degree90SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a value between 0 (inclusive) and 90 (exclusive).
Degree90TypeA data type for a value between 0 (inclusive) and 90 (exclusive).
DelinquentActniem-profile:niemThe statutory or ordinance section, the violation of which would constitute a crime if committed by an adult. May include a probation violation.
DeliveryModeListenum_patternA list of codes for mode of delivery of address
DeltaDirectionMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a direction of a delta
DeltaDirectionMeasureTypeA data type for a direction of a delta
DentalEncodingSystemInformationTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the data collection schema that was used for the recording of dental information.
DentalHistoryDataInformationTypeA data type for a description of the prior dental history of the subject, if known.
DentalRadiographImageInformationTypeA data type for the information specific to dental radiographic imagery.
DentalStudyReferenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for dental casts and impressions reference code
DentalStudyReferenceCodeTypeA data type for dental casts and impressions reference code
DentalStudyToothImprintInformationTypeA data type to transmit information about models fabricated from a dental arch impression or tooth imprints.
DentalSubjectInformationTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the status of the individual at the time when the relevant data was recorded.
DentalVisualImageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a visual image view code
DentalVisualImageCodeTypeA data type for a visual image view code
DentalVisualImageDataInformationTypeA data type that allows the entry of information concerning type-10 images of the mouth.
DepartureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of departure.
DepartureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of departure.
DepartureClassificationTypeA data type for a classification of how a Person departed the United States.
DepartureTypeA data type for a departure from a crossing or other location for a means of transport
DepartureTypeA data type for a leaving from one location to another.
DependencyAllegationniem-profile:niemThe grounds for declaring a minor child to be a ward of the state because of the neglect or abuse of the parents or guardians of the minor child.
DependencyPetitionTypeA data type for a document that is filed with the Court, typically by an attorney representing the Child Welfare Agency, that formally files allegations of abuse and/or neglect against one or more alleged perpetrators.
DependencyPetitionTypeA data type for a document that is filed with the Court, typically by an attorney representing the Child Welfare Agency, that formally files allegations of abuse and/or neglect against one or more alleged perpetrators.
DependentTerminationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the reason why a dependent of an alien student or exchange visitor may be terminated.
DependentTerminationCodeTypeA data type for the reason why a dependent of an alien student or exchange visitor may be terminated.
DeploymentInformationTypeA data type for information about a deployment of a resource
DeploymentStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that represents the deployment status
DeploymentStatusCodeTypeA data type that represents the deployment status
DeploymentSummaryTypeA data type that represents the deployment brief summary of a resource.
DeporteeDeportationSupervisingAgencyAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a deportee and an agency that supervised their deportation.
DeporteeDestinationLocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a deportee and a destination location to which they were deported.
DeporteeOffenseAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a deportee and an offense for which they were deported.
DeporteeTypeA data type for a person who is expelled from country by a governmental authority.
DerivedCRSPropertyTypegml:DerivedCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a non-projected derived coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
DerivedDataTypeA data type for measurement data artificially created by an analysis algorithm.
DestabilizingFactorTypeA data type for a risk the may heighten testability in a subject.
DestroyedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code classifies the level of damage
DestroyedQualifierCodeTypeA data type code classifies the level of damage
DetectionEventDataTypeA data type for the set of all data collected during an Event that involves the inspection of an Item(s) for the purpose of detecting the presence of illicit goods and materials. This includes data collected by the device(s) used to perform the detection as well as information input by operator(s) involved in the detection activities that the event involves. A detection event can occur in many venues, such as a CBP Port of Entry, a USCG boarding, a state operated weigh station on a US highway, and a general aviation inspection at an airport in Mexico or Canada.
DetectionEventUserEntryDataTypeA data type that provides user/operator data entries relevant to the Detection Event, for identification of the measured item, its shielding, and operator comments.
DetentionDetainerLiftCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the classification of the reason for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DetentionDetainerLiftCodeTypeA data type for the classification of the reason for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DetentionDetainerLiftTypeA data type for the classification of the reason for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DetentionReleaseReasonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of release reasons for Detention release
DetentionReleaseReasonCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of release reasons for Detention release
DetentionReleaseReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the classification of the basis for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DetentionReleaseReasonCodeTypeA data type for the classification of the basis for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DetentionReleaseReasonTypeA data type for the classification of the basis for the release of an alien from detention by United States immigration officials.
DevelopmentalDisabilityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing a person's developmental disabilities
DevelopmentalDisabilityCodeTypeA data type for describing a person's developmental disabilities
DevelopmentalDisabilityTypeA data type for any of a diverse group of severe chronic conditions that are due to mental and/or physical impairments.
DevelopmentPolicyParametersniem-profile:niemWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed by a person or organization developing an applications or configuring an application to interact with a court for the purpose of structuring the interactions with that court. This information is needed once and is not accessed dynamically while interacting with the court.
DevelopmentPolicyTypeWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed by a person or organization developing an applications or configuring an application to interact with a court for the purpose of structuring the interactions with that court. This information is needed once and is not accessed dynamically while interacting with the court.
DeviceAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a device.
DeviceBasedEncounterAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person, DHS encounter device and the person encounter.
DeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of the communication device.
DeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of the communication device.
DeviceCategoryPhysicalSecurityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of physical security device.
DeviceCategoryPhysicalSecurityCodeTypeA data type for a kind of physical security device.
DeviceCertificationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of code that indicates the conformance testing a product has undergone
DeviceCertificationCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the conformance testing a product has undergone
DeviceConfigurationTypeA data type for a set of configuration information.
DeviceIdentificationTypeA data type to provide information regarding an encounter device.
DeviceInformationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a device and a message, website, binary, or other kind of information.
DeviceTypeA data type definition contains a set of information regarding the captured device information
DeviceTypeA data type for a device.
DHSDriverLicenseIssuingCountryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set that identifies a country from the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
DHSDriverLicenseIssuingCountryCodeTypeA data type for a code set that identifies a country from the DHS Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
DiarizationIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Diarization Indicator Code.
DiarizationIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a Diarization Indicator Code.
DiaryDetailListTypeA data type for a list of uniquely identified time segments, giving start and end times of each, relative to the absolute beginning of a voice recording.
DiaryDetailTypeA data type that uniquely identifies time segments, giving start and end times of each relative to the absolute beginning of the voice recording
DiaryInformationTypeA data type that lists basic information and timings within the voice recording of interest.
DigitalAudioRecordHashValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like a digital audio record
DigitalAudioRecordHashValueTypeA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like a digital audio record
DigitalMediaContainerFormatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a description of the digital container format which encapsulates audio data in an electronic digital recording file.
DigitalMediaContainerFormatCodeTypeA data type for a description of the digital container format which encapsulates audio data in an electronic digital recording file.
DigitalMediaContainerTypeA data type for container which contains information about the container format that encapsulates the audio data of the electronic file used to carry the voice data in the digital recording.
DirectDialTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a telephone number consisting of a shortened sequence of numbers that can be used within a local telephone system, such as a particular network or a corporate phone system.
DirectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for compass directions.
DirectionCodeTypeA data type for compass directions.
DirectionDatumCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a reference direction as determined by the means by which it is established (e.g., by the direction of a geographic or magnetic pole of the Earth).
DirectionDatumCodeTypeA data type for a reference direction as determined by the means by which it is established (e.g., by the direction of a geographic or magnetic pole of the Earth).
DirectionDescriptionTypedirection descriptions are specified by a compass point code, a keyword, a textual description or a reference to a description.
A gml:compassPoint is specified by a simple enumeration.
In addition, thre elements to contain text-based descriptions of direction are provided.
If the direction is specified using a term from a list, gml:keyword should be used, and the list indicated using the value of the codeSpace attribute.
if the direction is decribed in prose, gml:direction or gml:reference should be used, allowing the value to be included inline or by reference.
DirectionMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a measurement of a core angle
DirectionMeasureTypeA data type for an angle of direction between 0 and 360 (degrees)
DirectionTypeListenum_patternA list of directions for geo-coordinates
DirectionVectorTypeDirection vectors are specified by providing components of a vector.
DirectPositionListTypeposList instances (and other instances with the content model specified by DirectPositionListType) hold the coordinates for a sequence of direct positions within the same coordinate reference system (CRS).
if no srsName attribute is given, the CRS shall be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, typically a geometric object like a point, curve, etc.
The optional attribute count specifies the number of direct positions in the list. If the attribute count is present then the attribute srsDimension shall be present, too.
The number of entries in the list is equal to the product of the dimensionality of the coordinate reference system (i.e. it is a derived value of the coordinate reference system definition) and the number of direct positions.
DirectPositionListTypeDirectPositionList instances hold the coordinates for a sequence of direct positions within the same coordinate
reference system (CRS).
DirectPositionTypeDirect position instances hold the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system (CRS). Since direct positions, as data types, will often be included in larger objects (such as geometry elements) that have references to CRS, the srsName attribute will in general be missing, if this particular direct position is included in a larger element with such a reference to a CRS. In this case, the CRS is implicitly assumed to take on the value of the containing object's CRS.
if no srsName attribute is given, the CRS shall be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, typically a geometric object like a point, curve, etc.
DirectPositionTypeDirectPosition instances hold the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system (CRS). Since
DirectPositions, as data types, will often be included in larger objects (such as geometry elements) that have references to CRS, the
"srsName" attribute will in general be missing, if this particular DirectPosition is included in a larger element with such a reference to a
CRS. In this case, the CRS is implicitly assumed to take on the value of the containing object's CRS.
DisabilityCauseListenum_patternList of causes of disability
DisciplinaryActionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a disciplinary action.
DisciplinaryActionTypeA data type for an activity assigned to a person for the purpose of self-improvement, punishment, or restitution.
DisciplinaryHearingDispositionTypeA data type for a outcome of a disciplinary hearing.
DisciplinaryHearingTypeA data type for a fact finding hearing to determine whether a prohibited act was committed and, if so, the appropriate sanctions to be imposed.
DispositionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a disposition.
DispositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the disposition of an offense.
DispositionCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the disposition of an offense.
DispositionTypeA data type for a result or outcome that is the product of handling, processing, or finalizing something.
DispositionTypeA data type for a result or outcome that is the product of handling, processing, or finalizing something.
DistanceTypeA data type for a distance measure where the units are meters (m) and the values may not be negative.
DistanceValueTypeA data type for a distance measured in meters.
DistributionElementAdapterTypeA data type for a standard message distribution framework for data sharing among emergency information systems using the XML-based Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL).
DNAAnalysisQuantityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a number of DNA analyses
DNAAnalysisQuantityCodeTypeA data type for a number of DNA analyses
DNACellularCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of origination cell from where a DNA sample was collected
DNACellularCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of origination cell from where a DNA sample was collected
DNADonorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of DNA donor
DNADonorCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of DNA donor
DNADonorDentalRecordsAvailableCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA donor dental record availability code
DNADonorDentalRecordsAvailableCodeTypeA data type for a DNA donor dental record availability code
DNADonorStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA donor status code
DNADonorStatusCodeTypeA data type for a DNA donor status code
DNADonorTypeA data type for a subject of a DNA sample
DNAElectropherogramTypeA data type for a DNA electropherogram
DNAGenotypeAllelePairTypeA data type for a DNA genotype allele pair
DNAGenotypeDistributionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA genotype distribution code
DNAGenotypeDistributionCodeTypeA data type for a DNA genotype distribution code
DNAKitTypeA data type for a DNA kit
DNALaboratoryAccreditationLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a level of DNA laboratory accreditation
DNALaboratoryAccreditationLevelCodeTypeA data type for a level of DNA laboratory accreditation
DNALaboratoryAccreditationScopeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA laboratory accreditation scope code
DNALaboratoryAccreditationScopeCodeTypeA data type for a DNA laboratory accreditation scope code
DNALaboratoryAccreditationTypeA data type for a description of the accreditation level of the organization responsible for processing DNA samples
DNALaboratoryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of DNA laboratory
DNALaboratoryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of DNA laboratory
DNALaboratoryTypeA data type for an organization responsible for processing DNA samples
DNALaboratoryUnitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of DNA laboratory unit
DNALaboratoryUnitCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of DNA laboratory unit
DNAMitochondrialDataTypeA data type for a description of DNA mitochondrial data
DNAPedigreeMemberStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA pedigree member status code
DNAPedigreeMemberStatusCodeTypeA data type for a DNA pedigree member status code
DNAPedigreeTypeA data type for a description of a pedigree originating and held at a DNA laboratory
DNAProfileCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of DNA profile
DNAProfileCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of DNA profile
DNAProfileResultCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA profile result code
DNAProfileResultCodeTypeA data type for a DNA profile result code
DNAProfileTypeA data type for a description of a DNA profile
DNARelationshipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA donor relationship code
DNARelationshipCodeTypeA data type for a DNA donor relationship code
DNASampleOriginCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DNA source code
DNASampleOriginCodeTypeA data type for a DNA source code
DNASampleOriginTypeA data type for a description of the cellular type and origin of a DNA sample
DNASampleTypeA data type for a DNA sample
DNASampleTypeA data type for a DNA sample
DNASTRProfileCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
DNASTRProfileCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
DNASTRProfileTypeA data type for an autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
DNASTRProfileTypeA data type for an autosomal STR, X-STR, and Y-STR DNA profile
DNATestTypeA data type for a test of biologic material administered to identify or describe the contained genetic code, includes materials resulting in non-coding DNA or "Junk DNA" results.
DNATypingTechnologyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of DNA typing technology
DNATypingTechnologyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of DNA typing technology
DocketedCaseniem-profile:niemA case that has been initiated in the court record system.
Documentniem-profile:niemThe pleading, motion or order that is the main document in a Filing. A Document may have Connected Documents, which are "appendices" or "exhibits" that are intended for filing only in the context of the Lead Document.
DocumentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between documents.
DocumentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between documents.
DocumentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a document.
DocumentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a document.
DocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code that represents the kind of document that it represents.
DocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of document.
DocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set that represents the kind of document that it represents.
DocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of document.
DocumentCourtAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a document and a court.
DocumentElementListenum_patternList of information types used for document details
DocumentIntelligenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for natures or genres of a document or resource.
DocumentIntelligenceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for natures or genres of a document or resource.
DocumentJudicialOfficialAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a document and a judicial official.
DocumentJurisdictionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a document and a jurisdiction.
DocumentLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a document and a location.
DocumentMetadataniem-profile:niemDocument descriptors (title, type description, etc.) for the Document. This is meant to include all the information about the document that is needed to index it into the Case Management System and enter it into the Document Management System.
DocumentOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an ORGANIZATION and a DOCUMENT.
DocumentQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the document information to be returned.
DocumentQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the document information to be returned.
DocumentRenditionMetadataniem-profile:niemDescriptors for a rendition of a Document. This is meant to include all the information about the document that is needed to enter it into the Document Management System.
DocumentRenditionTypeDescriptors for a rendition of a Document. This is meant to include all the information about the document that is needed to enter it into the Document Management System.
DocumentReviewDispositionTypeThe disposition of a document after review.
DocumentSignatureniem-profile:niemInformation describing or constituting the signature on a document submitted to a court for filing.
DocumentSignatureTypeInformation describing or constituting the signature on a document submitted to a court for filing.
DocumentStampInformationMessageniem-profile:niemA request to get document stamping information.
DocumentStampInformationMessageTypeA request to get document stamping information.
DocumentStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of status of a document.
DocumentStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of status of a document.
DocumentStatusDetailsTypeA data type for the classification of status of a document.
DocumentStatusTypeThe docketing status of a document
DocumentStatusTypeA data type for detailing the status of a document.
DocumentTypeA data type for a paper or electronic document.
DocumentTypeA data type for a paper or electronic document.
DocumentTypeListenum_patternList of types of documents
DomesticCaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation required to initiate a new domestic case in a court. "Domestic" includes divorces, legal separations, annulment, child custody and visitation, paternity, child support, and domestic violence cases.
DomesticCaseOrderInformationniem-profile:niemInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
DomesticCaseOrderTypeInformation concerning a court order in a domestic case.
DomesticCasePersonInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about persons in a domestic case.
DomesticLegalRelationshipInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about a marriage, civil domestic union, or other domestic relationship defined by law.
DomesticViolenceAssessmentTypeA data type for a tool designed to help assess safety, risk, strengths and needs of a subject involved in offenses/groups of offenses that involve domestic violence.
DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the impact of domestic violence upon children.
DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the impact of domestic violence upon children.
DomesticViolenceLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the level of domestic violence involved in the incident.
DomesticViolenceLevelCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the level of domestic violence involved in the incident.
DomesticViolencePatternIndicationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the subject's pattern of domestic violence.
DomesticViolencePatternIndicationCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the subject's pattern of domestic violence.
DomesticViolencePetitionInformationniem-profile:niemInformation concerning a petition for domestic violence restraining or protective order.
DomesticViolencePetitionTypeInformation concerning a petition for domestic violence restraining or protective order.
DomesticViolenceSocialHistoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates contributing factors to subject's domestic violence history.
DomesticViolenceSocialHistoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates contributing factors to subject's domestic violence history.
DoseAnalysisResultsTypeA data type to provide information on the results of analysis of radiation dose data.
DoseRateTypeA data type for radiation dose rate data.
DoseRateuSvhTypeA data type for radiation dose rate whose value is positive and expressed in microsieverts per hour (uSv/h) units.
doubleA data type that is patterned after the IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point type [IEEE 754-1985]. The basic value space of double consists of the values m x 2^e, where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 2^53, and e is an integer between -1075 and 970, inclusive. In addition to the basic value space described above, the value space of double also contains the following three special values: positive and negative infinity and not-a-number (NaN).
doubleListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
doubleListXML List based on XML Schema double type. An element of this type contains a space-separated list of double values
DoubleListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of double.
DoubleListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of double.
doubleOrNilReasonExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
doubleOrNilReasonListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
DoubleRangeTypeA data type for a range of double values.
DoubleTypeA data type for a double precision real value.
DQ_ConformanceResult_Typequantitative_result from Quality Procedures - - renamed to remove implied use limitiation.
DQ_QuantitativeResult_TypeQuantitative_conformance_measure from Quality Procedures. - - Renamed to remove implied use limitation - - OCL - -- result is type specified by valueDomain - result.tupleType = valueDomain
DrainageNavigationMaterialCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common types of material used to construct drainage basins or navigable waterways
DrainageNavigationMaterialCodeTypeA data type for the common types of material used to construct drainage basins or navigable waterways
DrainageNavigationShapeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common shape of drainage basins or navigable waterways
DrainageNavigationShapeCodeTypeA data type for the common shape of drainage basins or navigable waterways
DrillingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of drilling tool.
DrillingEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of drilling tool.
DriverContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for actions by the driver that may have contributed to the crash.
DriverContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeA data type for actions by the driver that may have contributed to the crash.
DriverConvictionTypeA data type for a judge or jury finding a person guilty or a person pleading guilty in relation to a traffic offense.
DriverDistractionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for distractions which may have influenced the driver performance.
DriverDistractionCodeTypeA data type for distractions which may have influenced the driver performance.
DriverHistorySummaryTypeA data type for a summary of a driver's history.
DriverLicenseAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a driver license and a person.
DriverLicenseBaseEndorsementTypeA data type for an endorsement on a driver license or driver license permit which authorizes the operation of specified types of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DriverLicenseBaseTypeA data type for an authorization issued to a driver granting driving privileges.
DriverLicenseBaseTypeA data type for an authorization issued to a driver granting driving privileges.
DriverLicenseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a current kind of an individuals driver license at the time of the crash.
DriverLicenseCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a current kind of an individuals driver license at the time of the crash.
DriverLicenseClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of vehicles that a licensed driver may be approved to operate.
DriverLicenseClassCodeSimpleTypeA data type for kinds of vehicles that a licensed driver may be approved to operate.
DriverLicenseClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of License assigned by authorizing agent issuing a driver license to the individual.
DriverLicenseClassCodeTypeA data type for kinds of vehicles that a licensed driver may be approved to operate.
DriverLicenseClassCodeTypeA data type for kinds of vehicles that a licensed driver may be approved to operate.
DriverLicenseClassCodeTypeA data type for a kind of License assigned by authorizing agent issuing a driver license to the individual.
DriverLicenseDrivingIncidentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a driver license and a driving incident.
DriverLicenseEndorsementTypeA data type for an endorsement on a driver license which authorizes the operation of specified types of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DriverLicenseHMEThreatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set indicating if a driver should be issued a Hazardous Material Endorsement, as determined by the TSA background check and adjudication process.
DriverLicenseHMEThreatCodeTypeA data type for a code set indicating if a driver should be issued a Hazardous Material Endorsement, as determined by the TSA background check and adjudication process.
DriverLicenseJurisdictionOtherCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the geographic or political entity issuing a driver license other than US, Canadian Province, Mexican State.
DriverLicenseJurisdictionOtherCodeTypeA data type for the geographic or political entity issuing a driver license other than US, Canadian Province, Mexican State.
DriverLicenseMedicalCertificationRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a restriction imposed on a commercial driver by a medical examiner.
DriverLicenseMedicalCertificationRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for a restriction imposed on a commercial driver by a medical examiner.
DriverLicenseMedicalCertificationStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication of the status of a driver's medical certification.
DriverLicenseMedicalCertificationStatusCodeTypeA data type for an indication of the status of a driver's medical certification.
DriverLicenseMedicalCertificationTypeA data type for a medical certification associated with a driver license.
DriverLicenseMedicalSelfCertificationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a driver's self certification of the commercial driver's status regarding 49 CFR 390.3 and the type of driving.
DriverLicenseMedicalSelfCertificationCodeTypeA data type for a driver's self certification of the commercial driver's status regarding 49 CFR 390.3 and the type of driving.
DriverLicensePermitEndorsementCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for endorsements on a driver license permit which authorizes the operation of specified kinds of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DriverLicensePermitEndorsementCodeTypeA data type for endorsements on a driver license permit which authorizes the operation of specified kinds of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DriverLicensePermitEndorsementTypeA data type for an endorsement on a driver license permit which authorizes the operation of specified types of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DriverLicensePermitRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction applicable to a driver permit.
DriverLicensePermitStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a current status of an individuals driver license at the time of the crash.
DriverLicensePermitStatusCodeTypeA data type for a current status of an individuals driver license at the time of the crash.
DriverLicensePermitTypeA data type for a driver license permit issued to a driver granting conditional or limited driving privileges.
DriverLicenseREALIDComplianceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set that is an indication of the degree to which a driver license or ID Card is compliant with the REAL ID Act.
DriverLicenseREALIDComplianceCodeTypeA data type for a code set that is an indication of the degree to which a driver license or ID Card is compliant with the REAL ID Act.
DriverLicenseRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction applicable to a driver license.
DriverLicenseRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction applicable to a driver license.
DriverLicenseTypeA data type for a license issued to a person granting driving privileges.
DriverLicenseTypeA data type for a license issued to a person granting driving privileges.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalActionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of driver license withdrawal actions.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalActionCodeTypeA data type for kinds of driver license withdrawal actions.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalBasisCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for bases for withdrawal action for a driver.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalBasisCodeTypeA data type for bases for withdrawal action for a driver.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalDueProcessStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for due process statuses of a withdrawal action.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalDueProcessStatusCodeTypeA data type for due process statuses of a withdrawal action.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalEligibilityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for when a driver may be eligible to apply for reinstatement of driving privileges that have been withdrawn.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalEligibilityCodeTypeA data type for when a driver may be eligible to apply for reinstatement of driving privileges that have been withdrawn.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalExtentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for extents of withdrawals.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalExtentCodeTypeA data type for extents of withdrawals.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalTypeA data type for a driver license withdrawal.
DriverLicenseWithdrawalTypeA data type for a driver license withdrawal.
DriversLicenseInformationniem-profile:niemAdditional information about a drivers license.
DriverViolationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for all motor vehicle-related violations code category, if any, which apply to this driver.
DriverViolationCodeTypeA data type for all motor vehicle-related violations code category, if any, which apply to this driver.
DrivingEndorsementCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for endorsements on a driver license which authorizes the operation of specified kinds of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DrivingEndorsementCodeTypeA data type for endorsements on a driver license which authorizes the operation of specified kinds of vehicles carrying specified loads.
DrivingIncidentniem-profile:niemThe incident from which a traffic ticket arose.
DrivingIncidentTypeA data type for details of an incident involving a vehicle.
DrivingIncidentTypeA data type for details of an incident involving a vehicle.
DrivingInsuranceStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the ways in which a driver of a vehicle may or may not be insured.
DrivingInsuranceStatusCodeTypeA data type for the ways in which a driver of a vehicle may or may not be insured.
DrivingOffenseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for ACD codes for a driving offense.
DrivingOffenseCodeTypeA data type for ACD codes for a driving offense.
DrivingPermitRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for categories of driving restrictions for permits.
DrivingPermitRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for categories of driving restrictions for permits.
DrivingRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for categories of driving restrictions.
DrivingRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeA data type for restrictions assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
DrivingRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for restrictions assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
DrivingRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for categories of driving restrictions.
DrivingRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for restrictions assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
DrivingRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for restrictions assigned to an individuals driver license by the license examiner.
DrivingRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction applicable to a driver permit or license.
DrivingRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction applicable to a driver permit or license.
DrivingStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for statuses of a drivers privilege type.
DrivingStatusCodeTypeA data type for statuses of a drivers privilege type.
DrugAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a drug.
DrugCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of substance by which a person is intoxicated.
DrugCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of drugs.
DrugCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of substance by which a person is intoxicated.
DrugCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of drugs.
DrugCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for drug codes.
DrugCodeTypeA data type for drug codes.
DrugDosageUnitsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the unit of measure for the quantity dispensed of a drug.
DrugDosageUnitsCodeTypeA data type for the unit of measure for the quantity dispensed of a drug.
DrugMeasurementCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of measurements used to specify a quantity of drugs or narcotics.
DrugMeasurementCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of measurements used to specify a quantity of drugs or narcotics.
DrugTestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of Drug Test.
DrugTestCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of Drug Test.
DrugTestResultCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Result of Drug Test.
DrugTestResultCodeTypeA data type for a Result of Drug Test.
DrugTestResultTypeA data type for a set of details about the results of a drug test.
DrugTestStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Status of Drug Test.
DrugTestStatusCodeTypeA data type for a Status of Drug Test.
DrugTestTypeA data type for a test to determine a subject current or recent drug use.
DrugTypeA data type for a legal or illegal substance that can be used as a medicine or a narcotic.
DrugUseAssessmentTypeA data type for an assessment process to determine a subject's past drug use and/or dependency.
DrugUseFrequencyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the frequency with which a substance is used.
DrugUseFrequencyCodeTypeA data type for describing the frequency with which a substance is used.
DS_DataSet_TypeIdentifiable collection of data
durationA data type for a duration of time with the format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY is the number of years, nM is the number of months, nD is the number of days, nH is the number of hours, nM is the number of minutes, and nS is the number of seconds.
durationA data type for a duration of time with the format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY is the number of years, nM is the number of months, nD is the number of days, nH is the number of hours, nM is the number of minutes, and nS is the number of seconds.
durationtypeAn amount of time.
DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a DutyTaxFeeCategory
DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a DutyTaxFeeCategory
DutyTaxFeeTypeA data type for a fee associated with a customs duty tax or tariff.
DutyTaxPaymentMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set that denotes the methods of payment for Duty Tax
DutyTaxPaymentMethodCodeTypeA data type for a code set that denotes the methods of payment for Duty Tax
DwellingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code for the types of dwellings assessed for Indivisual Assistence
DwellingCategoryCodeTypeA data type code for the types of dwellings assessed for Indivisual Assistence
EAssuranceLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by OMB M-04-04 E-Authentication Guidance
EAssuranceLevelCodeTypeA data type that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by OMB M-04-04 E-Authentication Guidance
ECRCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 18 - Gang File Group Member Capability Criteria (GMC) For Entry (ECR) Field Codes
ECRCodeTypeA data type for 18 - Gang File Group Member Capability Criteria (GMC) For Entry (ECR) Field Codes
EducationalActivityTypeA data type for any event or activity in the process of an education course and programs.
EducationalAdjustmentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the amount of educational adjustment needed.
EducationalAdjustmentCodeTypeA data type for describing the amount of educational adjustment needed.
EducationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an education.
EducationCourseTypeA data type for a specific subject course offered thru and educational program or institution.
EducationTypeA data type for a credential class that represents the type of education credentials held by a person
EducationTypeA data type for describing the educational issues related to the court report and service plan of any participant in the case.
EfficiencyCalibrationTypeA data type for efficiency calibration.
EFSFeatureColorTypeA data type that enables a latent print examiner to annotate individual features with color for display and / or comment. It consists of multiple subfields, each containing four information items.
EFSFieldNumberCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code list for latent field number code
EFSFieldNumberCodeTypeA data type for a latent field number codes
EFSMinutiaTypeA data type for a minutia in a friction ridge image
EFSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae
EFSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeTypeA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae
EFSRidgeCountItemTypeA data type for a ridge count between two minutiae
EFSTemporaryLineTypeA data type that is used by a latent examiner to annotate a friction ridge image with temporary lines, generally for use as reference points in making a comparison. These lines are solely for the individual examiner's use and reference _ there
EFTSFeatureTypeA data type for a screening fingerprint binary transmission.
ElectronicAccessRightCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the level of access to an electronic asset
ElectronicAccessRightCodeTypeA data type representing the level of access to an electronic asset
ElectronicAddressCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of electronic address.
ElectronicAddressCategoryCodeTypeA data type for Electronic Address types
ElectronicAddressIdentifierTypeListenum_patternList of electronic address identifiers
ElectronicAddressIdentifierUsageListenum_patternList of types of use of electronic address identifiers
ElectronicAddressTypeA data type for an address, ID, or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that uniquely identifies a specific site on the Internet or another network.
ElectronicEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of electronic equipment.
ElectronicEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of electronic equipment.
ElectronicFilingCallbackMessageniem-profile:niemThe base message for an asynchronous response to a message.
ElectronicFilingMessageniem-profile:niemThe base message for a message with an asynchronous response.
ElectronicInstrumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of electronic instrument.
ElectronicInstrumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of electronic instrument.
ElectronicServiceInformationniem-profile:niemInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this filing. This information can constitute the certificate of service for service performed electronically. This information is also provided by the filing assembly MDE to service MDEs to identify persons to whom the service MDEs are required to deliver the filing.
ElectronicServiceInformationTypeInformation provided by the filing assembly MDE to the court identifying the persons being served electronically with a copy of this filing. This information can constitute the certificate of service for service performed electronically. This information is also provided by the filing assembly MDE to service MDEs to identify persons to whom the service MDEs are required to deliver the filing.
EligibilityTypeA data type for a set of programs for which a person may be considered for eligibility.
EllipseTypeA data type for an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation.
EllipseTypeA data type for an ellipse, expressed as an XY plane (projected onto earth's surface) ellipse. The major axis is oriented along reported azimuth, with zero being due North.
EllipsoidalCSPropertyTypegml:EllipsoidalCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an ellipsoidal coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
EllipsoidAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
EllipsoidPropertyTypegml:EllipsoidPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an ellipsoid, either referencing or containing the definition of that ellipsoid.
EmailMessageAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between originator, receiver, and an e-mail message. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization.
EmergencyDepartmentStatus The container of all of the elements related to the emergency department status. It describes the ability of this emergency department to treat patients.
EmergencyDepartmentStatusTypeA data type for elements related to the emergency department status
EmergencyIncidentTypeA data type for the description for an emergency Incident
EmergencySupportFunctionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code defined by FEMA that represents emergency support functions
EmergencySupportFunctionCodeTypeA data type for ESF codes
EMMessageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for em information category
EMMessageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set denoting the type of em message
EMMessageSubCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for em information sub category
EMMessageSubCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set denoting sub category of em message
EMMessageTypeA data type for the Root of EM message
EmotionalStateCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an emotional state.
EmotionalStateCodeTypeA data type for describing an emotional state.
EmployerTypeA data type for Employer Details.
Employmentniem-profile:niemEmployment of an individual by an organization.
EmploymentAssessmentTypeA data type for an assessment process of a subject's employment or employability.
EMSOffloadCapabilityTypeA data type for elements related to status and offload times
EMSOffloadStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of offload times of ambulance capabilities.
EMSOffloadStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of offload times of ambulance capabilities.
EMSTrafficStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of the status of EMS traffic operations.
EMSTrafficStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of the status of EMS traffic operations.
EMSTrafficTypeA data type for elements related to the status of operations of EMS traffic
EncounterCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of encounter.
EncounterCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of encounter.
EncounterClassificationTypeA data type for a kind of encounter between a person or item of interest and a governmental element, such as an organization, official or surveillance system.
EncounterDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of encounter device.
EncounterDeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of encounter device.
EncounterDeviceCategoryLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the kind of encounter device category level.
EncounterDeviceCategoryLevelCodeTypeA data type that defines the kind of encounter device category level.
EncounterDeviceClassificationTypeA data type for the classification of a kind of encounter device.
EncounterDeviceOperatorCommentsTypeA data type for encounter device operator comments for general purpose devices employed in an encounter.
EncounterDeviceTypeA data type for providing details for an encounter device.
EncounterMethodCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of encounter method.
EncounterMethodCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of encounter method.
EncounterMethodTypeA data type for providing details for an encounter method (Person or Device).
EncounterRelationshipTypeA data type that provides a means to define a relationship between two objects involved in an encounter.
EndianCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that enumerates the ordering possibilities of individually addressable sub-components (bytes) within the representation of a recording.
EndianCodeTypeA data type that enumerates the ordering possibilities of individually addressable sub-components (bytes) within the representation of a recording.
EnergiesKeVTypeA data type for an Energy measure whose values are positive and measured in keV.
EnergyCalibrationTypeA data type for an energy calibration.
EnergyDeviationsKeVTypeA data type for an Energy Deviation measure whose values can be positive or negative and measured in keV.
EnergyWindowsTypeA data type for identifying a set of energy window boundaries for gross counting radiation detector calibration.
EnforcementCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a classification of ENFORCEMENT
EnforcementCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a classification of ENFORCEMENT
EnforcementDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of enforcement document.
EnforcementDocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of enforcement document.
EnforcementDocumentTypeA data type for the document details of an ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER.
EnforcementEncounterChargeAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an ENFORCEMENT ENCOUNTER and the CHARGE (Apprehension or Arrest) details.
EnforcementEncounterTypeA data type for details concerning a PERSON ENCOUNTER resulting in a legal action.
EnforcementOfficialTypeA data type for a person involved in the enforcement of law.
EnforcementOfficialTypeA data type for a person involved in the enforcement of law.
EnforcementTypeA data type for classifying the type of Enforcement action.
EnforcementUnitTypeA data type for a unit of an agency responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining peace.
EnforcementUnitTypeA data type for a unit of an agency responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining peace.
EngineDisplacementUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the units of measurement for the displacement of a conveyance engine.
EngineDisplacementUnitCodeTypeA data type for the units of measurement for the displacement of a conveyance engine.
EngineeringCRSPropertyTypegml:EngineeringCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an engineering coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
EngineeringDatumPropertyTypegml:EngineeringDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an engineering datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
EngineTypeA data type for an engine of a vehicle.
EnrollmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of enrollment.
EnrollmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of enrollment.
EnrollmentClassificationTypeA data type for describing the classification of the ENROLLMENT STATUS.
EnrollmentStatusClassificationTypeA data type for describing the Classification of ENROLLMENT TYPE.
EnrollmentTypeA data type for the text describing the ENROLLMENT TYPE.
EntertainmentDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of radio, TV, camera, sound or entertainment device.
EntertainmentDeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of radio, TV, camera, sound or entertainment device.
Entityniem-profile:niemA person, organization, or property.
EntityEmailAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) and an E-mail address.
EntityFindingAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a finding and a person or organization.
EntityInstantMessengerAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) and an other contact address.
EntityNetworkAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) and a network address.
EntityTelephoneNumberAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) and a telephone number.
EntityTypeA data type for a person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities.
EntityTypeA data type for a person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities.
EntryStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of entry status at time of his most recent entry.
EntryStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of entry status at time of his most recent entry.
EntryStatusFoundCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of entry status that exists when encountering subjects
EntryStatusFoundCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of entry status that exists when encountering subjects
EnvelopePropertyTypeThis type contains a gml:Envelope
EnvelopeTypeA data type for an envelope, which defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions. The first direct position is the "lower corner" (a coordinate position consisting of all the minimal ordinates for each dimension for all points within
EnvelopeTypeEnvelope defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions. The first direct
position is the "lower corner" (a coordinate position consisting of all the minimal ordinates for each dimension for all points within the envelope),
the second one the "upper corner" (a coordinate position consisting of all the maximal ordinates for each dimension for all points within the
EOCPlanCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of whether the hospital has activated its Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
EOCPlanCodeTypeA data type for a code set of whether the hospital has activated its Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
EOCRosterTypeA data type defining a EOC Roster
EOCStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of whether the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is currently operating.
EOCStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of whether the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is currently operating.
EPMCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the various types of Emergency Protective Measures allowable under Public Assistance's Category B (Emergency Protective Measures) of work. Measures taken to reduce the loss of life or property.
EPMCodeTypeA data type for the various types of Emergency Protective Measures allowable under Public Assistance.
EPMConcernCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the catagories the public assistance work
EPMConcernCodeTypeA data type for the Environment or Histrical preservation concerns.
EquationKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the equation type code values
EquationKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the Equation type
EquationTypeA data type that describes a mathematical equation and its coefficients. The type of the equation is given by the equationKind attribute. The coefficients of the equation are supplied by the EquationCoefficients element; the values of the covariance matrix may be supplied by the EquationCovarianceMatrix. It is recommended that the data from which the equation coefficients were derived be made available as an ArrayXY type so that the coefficients for a different model could be derived.
EquipmentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about equipment.
EquipmentSetTypeA data type for a set of items needed to outfit or equip an individual or organization.
EquipmentTypeA data type for a tangible property (other than land or buildings) of more or less durable nature which is useful in carrying on the operations of a business.
Errorniem-profile:niemRepresentation of an error that occured when synchronously processing the message.
EscortReasonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of reasons for escorting subjects
EscortReasonCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of reasons for escorting subjects
EthnicityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of ethnicity.
EthnicityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of ethnicity.
EthnicityCodeSimpleTypeA data type for kinds of cultural lineages of a person.
EthnicityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of cultural lineages of a person.
EthnicityCodeTypeA data type for kinds of cultural lineages of a person.
EthnicityCodeTypeA data type for kinds of cultural lineages of a person.
ETNCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 23 - Ethnicity (ETN) and Person of Interest Ethnicity (PIE) Field Codes
ETNCodeTypeA data type for 23 - Ethnicity (ETN) and Person of Interest Ethnicity (PIE) Field Codes
EvaluationTypeA data type for an activity resulting in a mental and/or physical diagnosis
EventCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a designator for a name which denotes the category that some event falls under.
EventCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a designator for a name which denotes the category that some event falls under.
EventSequenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, including both non-collision as well as collision events.
EventSequenceCodeTypeA data type for events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, including both non-collision as well as collision events.
EventTypeA data type for the existence of a process or object at a location during a time interval.
EventTypeListenum_patternList of type of events
EvidenceTypeA data type for an item received by or submitted to an agency for use in ascertaining the truth of a matter.
EX_BoundingPolygon_TypeBoundary enclosing the dataset expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon (last point replicates first point)
EX_Extent_TypeInformation about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent
EX_GeographicBoundingBox_TypeGeographic area of the entire dataset referenced to WGS 84
EX_SpatialTemporalExtent_TypeExtent with respect to date and time
EX_TemporalExtent_TypeTime period covered by the content of the dataset
EX_VerticalExtent_TypeVertical domain of dataset
ExaminationPlaceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a category of Examination Place
ExaminationPlaceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a category of Examination Place
ExchangeVisitorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of exchange visitor.
ExchangeVisitorCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of exchange visitor.
ExchangeVisitorProgramClassificationTypeA data type for the classification of the educational or training program authorized for non-immigrant alien exchange visitors.
ExchangeVisitorProgramTypeA data type for the educational or training program authorized for non-immigrant alien exchange visitors.
ExchangeVisitorTerminationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of exchange visitor termination.
ExchangeVisitorTerminationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of exchange visitor termination.
ExchangeVisitorTerminationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant exchange visitor in an education program in the United States.
ExchangeVisitorTerminationCodeTypeA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant exchange visitor in an education program in the United States.
ExchangeVisitorTerminationTypeA data type for a classification for the reason associated with exchange visitor's program termination.
ExemplarFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type union of basic finger positions and slap captures, standardly used for tenprint exemplar capture
ExemplarFingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for basic finger positions and slap captures, standardly used for tenprint exemplar capture
ExerciseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the type of exercise performed by a person, defined by U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
ExerciseCategoryCodeTypeA data type code that represents a type of exercise, defined by U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
ExhibitTypeA data type for an item introduced as evidence in a trial.
ExistentialStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for mortal status of a person
ExistentialStatusCodeTypeA data type for mortal status of a person
EXLCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 20 - Warrants Extradition Limitation (EXL) Field Codes
EXLCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 20 - Warrants Extradition Limitation (EXL) Field Codes
EXLCodeTypeA data type for 20 - Warrants Extradition Limitation (EXL) Field Codes
EXLCodeTypeA data type for 20 - Warrants Extradition Limitation (EXL) Field Codes
ExperienceTypeA data type for a credential class that represents the type of experience possessed by a person
ExplicitRecepientAddressTypeA data type for an identifier of an explicit recipient
ExploitationIndustryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking can be exploited.
ExploitationIndustryCodeTypeA data type for an industry in which a victim of human trafficking can be exploited.
ExplosiveComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an item contained within an explosive device designed to cause harm or damage when propelled by an explosion.
ExplosiveComponentCodeTypeA data type for an item contained within an explosive device designed to cause harm or damage when propelled by an explosion.
ExplosiveContainerCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an object that contains an explosive substance or agent.
ExplosiveContainerCodeTypeA data type for an object that contains an explosive substance or agent.
ExplosiveFillerCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a substance that can cause an explosion when ignited or detonated.
ExplosiveFillerCodeTypeA data type for a substance that can cause an explosion when ignited or detonated.
ExplosiveIgnitionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a means by which an explosive is ignited or detonated.
ExplosiveIgnitionCodeTypeA data type for a means by which an explosive is ignited or detonated.
ExplosiveTypeA data type for a device containing a substance or agent that can cause an explosion.
ExporterTypeA data type for a name [and address] of party who makes - or on whose behalf - the export declaration - is made - and who is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
ExposureAnalysisResultsTypeA data type to provide information on the results of analysis of radiation exposure data.
ExposureRatemRhTypeA data type for a radiation exposure rate whose value is positive and expressed in milliroentgen per hour (mR/h) units.
ExposureRateTypeA data type for radiation exposure rate data.
ExtendedFeatureSetMinutiaeTypeA data type for a set of elements for the measure and definition of friction ridge detail within a particular region of interest in a fingerprint or palm print image
ExtendedFeatureSetProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to describe the level of minutiae mark-up
ExtendedFeatureSetProfileCodeTypeA data type of code to describe the level (or profile) of minutiae mark-up performed on the EFS record
extensiontypeAn extension point for adding custom content to the data model.
ExtensionReferenceniem-profile:niemA structure representing a court-specific data structure passed to a particular operation on a particular MDE.
ExtensionTypeA structure representing a court-specific data structure passed to a particular operation on a particular MDE.
EYECodeSimpleTypeA data type for 4 - Eye Color (EYE) and Person with Information Eye Color (PEY) Field Codes
EYECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4 - Eye Color (EYE) and Person with Information Eye Color (PEY) Field Codes
EYECodeTypeA data type for 4 - Eye Color (EYE) and Person with Information Eye Color (PEY) Field Codes
EYECodeTypeA data type for 4 - Eye Color (EYE) and Person with Information Eye Color (PEY) Field Codes
EyePositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an eye position (e.g. left, right)
EyePositionCodeTypeA data type for an eye position (e.g. left, right)
FaceImage3DFeaturePointTypeA data type for an anthropometric landmark feature point
FaceImageAcquisitionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code for the source of a facial photo
FaceImageAcquisitionCodeTypeA data type code for the source of a facial photo
FaceImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
FaceImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeA data type for a set of criteria under which the facial image was captured
FaceImageAcquisitionTypeA data type for a description of a face image source
FaceImageAttributeTypeA data type for an attribute of a face image
FaceImageBoundaryTypeA data type for a polygon containing a face image in a larger picture
FaceImageBoundingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of face image in a bounding box
FaceImageBoundingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of face image in a bounding box
FaceImageBoundingSquareTypeA data type for a square bounding box containing a face image in a larger picture
FaceImageContourCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of contour feature in a face image
FaceImageContourCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of contour feature in a face image
FaceImageContourTypeA data type for a contour feature in a face image
FaceImageDescriptionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a facial expression of the subject and other attributes associated with the subject's captured facial image, including physical characteristics
FaceImageDescriptionCodeTypeA data type for a facial expression of the subject and other attributes associated with the subject's captured facial image, including physical characteristics
FaceImageFeaturePointTierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierCodeTypeA data type for a number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierNumericSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a user-defined number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTierNumericTypeA data type for a user-defined number assigned to the tier level of a particular face image feature point
FaceImageFeaturePointTypeA data type for a set of attributes describing 2D, MPEG4 facial feature points and their locations
FaceImageLightingArtifactsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a lighting artifact in a face image
FaceImageLightingArtifactsCodeTypeA data type for a lighting artifact in a face image
FaceImageOcclusionTypeA data type for a blockage in a face image
FaceImageTypeA data type for an image of a human face
FacialImageMissingReasonCodeTypeA data type for a representation of the iris image missing reason codes.
FacialImagePoseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a FACIAL IMAGE POSE TYPE.
FacialImagePoseCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a FACIAL IMAGE POSE TYPE.
FacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between facilities.
FacilityAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Facility.
FacilityAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a nc:Facility.
FacilityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the FacilityCategoryCodes
FacilityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the categories of facilities.
FacilityDocumentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a facility and a document.
FacilityImageAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a facility and an image.
FacilityOperationalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the Facility Operational Status Codes
FacilityOperationalStatusCodeTypeA data type for the operational states of a facility or site.
FacilityPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a facility and a person.
FacilitySiteAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a facility and a site.
FacilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of facility status.
FacilityStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of facility status.
FacilitySubFacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a facility and its sub-facility.
FacilityTypeA data type for a building, place, or structure that provides a particular service.
FacilityTypeA data type for a building, place, or structure that provides a particular service.
FacilityUsageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to describe the uses of real property facilities.
FacilityUsageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the categories of facilities.
FacilityUsageCodeTypeA data type for a description of the functional usage of a facility.
FacilityUsageCodeTypeA data type for the categories of facilities.
FacilityUsageLevel1CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Level 1 facility usage codes.
FacilityUsageLevel1CodeTypeA data type for Level 1 facility usage codes.
FacilityUsageLevel2CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Level 2 facility usage codes.
FacilityUsageLevel2CodeTypeA data type for Level 2 facility usage codes.
FarmCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.5: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Farm and Garden Equipment and Farm Equipment Parts
FarmCodeTypeA data type for 2.5: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Farm and Garden Equipment and Farm Equipment Parts
FarmCropAcreageTypeA data type that contains farm related information including FSA state and county, farm number, and one to many tracts.
FarmNumberIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identification number assigned to all land under control of a particular operator within a particular county.
Each County assigns Farm Numbers independently. As a result, farms in different counties might be assigned the same Farm Number; i.e, a Farm Number might be unique only within a particular county. Thus, to uniquely identify a farm, the State FSA Code and County FSA Code must be specified in combination with the Farm Number.
FarmNumberIDTypeA data type for identification number assigned to all land under control of a particular operator within a particular county.
FaultSeverityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code values for the various categories of fault severity.
FaultSeverityCodeTypeA data type for the categories of fault severity.
FaultTypeA data type for describing an error that occurred in an instrument, a specific detector, or during the analysis of data.
FeaturePointCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
FeaturePointCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of feature point of a captured facial image
FeatureTypeA data type that encapsulates a GML feature instance.
FeatureTypeListenum_patternList of person's physical features
FederalAidRouteCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating Federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route type
FederalAidRouteCodeTypeA data type indicating Federal-aid/National Highway System (NHS) route type
FiduciaryCaseAssociationTypeInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
FiduciaryCaseInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about a guardianship, conservatorship, trust, or mental health case.
FieldCropAcreageTypeA data type that contains field related information including CLU related information, field number, and one to many agriculture production plans.
FieldNumberIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identification number assigned to a field of land that is part of a farm tract.
Field numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, and are unique within that office''s farms. A Field Number is used in conjunction with Tract Number, State FSA Code and County FSA Code for uniqueness.
Field number and Tract Number are not necessarily unique based upon State ANSI Code and County ANSI Code in instances where the ANSI codes are not the same as the FSA codes.
FieldNumberIDTypeA data type for identification number assigned to a field of land that is part of a farm tract.
FILECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.2: Global Inquiry File (FILE) Field Codes
FILECodeTypeA data type for 4.2: Global Inquiry File (FILE) Field Codes
FileCustomerIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for internal identifier uniquely identifying a customer within a specific file. Each unique customer within a given file will have a unique File Customer Identifier. File Customer Identifier values are not unique across files.
FileCustomerIDTypeA data type for internal identifier uniquely identifying a customer within a specific file.
FileractorA filer that submits filings to a court and serves filings to other parties in a case.
FileTypeA data type for an official record or set of records associated with a person, project, task, or activity.
FilingAssemblyMDEinterfaceThe list of operations supported by the Filing Assembly MDE.
FilingListQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the list of filings to be returned.
FilingListQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the list of filings to be returned.
FilingMessageTypeThe structure of a Filing including any Payment Information will be documented in this section. This describes the filing transaction between the Filing Assembly MDE and the Filing Review MDE. This information will become part of the Record Docketing between the Filing Review MDE and the Court Record MDE but does not necessarily describe the information that is actually stored in the Court Record.
FilingReviewMDEinterfaceThe list of operations supported by the Filing Review MDE.
FilingStatusQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the filing status information to be returned.
FilingStatusQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the filing status information to be returned.
FilingStatusTypeA textual description of the reason for the setting of the status in the filingStatusCode.
FinalReportedAcreageSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for final number of acres that were reported.
FinalReportedAcreageTypeA data type for final number of acres that were reported.
FinancialAccountniem-profile:niemAn account in a financial institution.
FinancialAccountHolderCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of financial account holder.
FinancialAccountHolderCodeTypeA data type for a kind of financial account holder.
FinancialAccountHolderTypeA data type for an entity that holds a financial account.
FinancialAccountInstitutionAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a financial account and the institution that manages it.
FinancialAccountNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of financial account number.
FinancialAccountNumberCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of financial account number.
FinancialAccountTypeAn account in a financial institution.
FinancialAccountTypeA data type for a financial account maintained by a financial institution.
FinancialCompilationTypeA data type for a set of financial details for a person.
FinancialInstitutionniem-profile:niemThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity in which a financial account exists.
FinancialInstitutionTypeThe bank, savings association, credit union or other entity in which a financial account exists.
FinancialObligationniem-profile:niemA financial responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
FinancialObligationTypeA financial responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
FindingTypeA data type for the details of the authoritative decision of the court.
FingerImpressionImageDetailTypeA data type for the details about a fingerprint image
FingerPatternCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a fingerprint pattern classification.
FingerPatternCodeTypeA data type for a fingerprint pattern classification.
FingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a finger position
FingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for a finger position
FingerprintActivityTypeA data type for a non-criminal fingerprint event segment.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCaptureTechniqueTypeA data type for kind of fingerprint capture technique type.
FingerprintCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of fingerprint type.
FingerprintCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of fingerprint type.
FingerprintCoordinateTypeA data type for coordinates of the bounding box for an individual finger.
FingerprintDeltaLocationTypeA data type for a location of a delta in a fingerprint image
FingerprintFeatureLocationTypeA data type for a location of a minutia or finger pattern characteristic in a fingerprint image
FingerprintFeaturesFeedbackTypeA data type for supplemental proprietary values describing minutiae and related information encoded from a fingerprint image.
FingerprintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured or Subject acquisition profile(SAP)
FingerprintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeA data type for a set of criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured
FingerprintImageFingerMissingTypeA data type for a missing finger in a fingerprint image
FingerprintImageFingerprintOrientationTypeA data type for a deviation from upright of the finger tip within a fingerprint image
FingerprintImageMajorCasePrintTypeA data type for a major case fingerprint image
FingerprintImageMissingAreaReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a reason a fingerprint, facial image is missing
FingerprintImageMissingAreaReasonCodeTypeA data type for a reason a fingerprint is missing
FingerprintImageNISTQualityTypeA data type for a NIST quality measure for a particular fingerprint
FingerprintImageQualityTypeA data type for a quality measure for a particular fingerprint
FingerprintImageSegmentPositionPolygonTypeA data type for a polygon segment position for a particular fingerprint
FingerprintImageSegmentPositionSquareTypeA data type for a square segment position for a particular fingerprint
FingerprintImageTypeA data type for a fingerprint image
FingerprintImageTypeA data type for a fingerprint image
FingerprintImpressionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of fingerprint impression.
FingerprintOffCenterCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an off-center position of a finger or thumb image
FingerprintOffCenterCodeTypeA data type for an off-center position of a finger or thumb image
FingerprintPatternCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a classification of fingerprint patterns into distinct groups based on general similarities.
FingerprintPatternClassificationTypeA data type for a classification and sub-classification of a fingerprint pattern
FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeTypeA data type for a class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
FingerprintPatternSubClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a detailed subclassification of fingerprint patterns arches and whorls
FingerprintPatternSubClassCodeTypeA data type for a detailed subclassification of fingerprint patterns arches and whorls
FingerprintPatternWhorlDeltaRelationshipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
FingerprintPatternWhorlDeltaRelationshipCodeTypeA data type for a relationship between a whorl and a delta in a fingerprint pattern
FingerprintPositionListTypeA data type for a list of finger positions
FingerViewCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of finger view
FingerViewCodeTypeA data type for a kind of finger view
FingerViewNumericSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
FingerViewNumericTypeA data type for a view number of a finger associated with minutiae data
FIPS201ConformanceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code that represents the FIPS 201 conformance level of an identification card
FIPS201ConformanceCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the FIPS 201 conformance level of an identification card
FirearmTypeA data type for a weapon that will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by air, carbon dioxide, or the action of an explosive.
FirstConditionCrashCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
FirstConditionCrashCodeTypeA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
FirstRecordCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of first record
FirstRecordCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of first record
FirstResponderAvailabilityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that describes the status of availability
FirstResponderAvailabilityStatusCodeTypeA data type that describes if a first responder is available
FirstResponderFilterTypeA data type for filtering result of a search for first responders
FirstResponderTypeA data type for a person who is a first responder
FiscalYearDateTypeA data type for a year of a twelve month period that does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.
FlightPlanSummaryTypeA data type for representing information related to a specific flight plan
floatA data type that is patterned after the IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point type [IEEE 754-1985]. The basic value space of float consists of the values m x 2^e, where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 2^24, and e is an integer between -149 and 104, inclusive. In addition to the basic value space described above, the value space of float also contains the following three special values: positive and negative infinity and not-a-number (NaN).
ForceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of weapons or forces used by a subject in committing an offense.
ForceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of weapons or forces used by a subject in committing an offense.
ForceManagementIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of identifiers and indexes used to identify data within the GFM XSD. FMIDs convey no information about the entity they identify, are a fixed size, and are exchanged as a single attribute.
ForceManagementIDTypeA data type for a set of identifiers and indexes used to identify data within the GFM XSD. FMIDs convey no information about the entity they identify, are a fixed size, and are exchanged as a single attribute.
ForceTypeA data type for details of a force used, whether physical or aided by a tool or weapon.
ForeignBornChildOfCitizenRoleTypeA data type for the role of Foreign Born Child of Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country.
ForensicAnalystCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
ForensicAnalystCategoryCodeTypeA data type that contains a single letter describing the head of the team that processed the forensic data
ForensicDentalOralDetailTypeA data type for a forensic dental and oral record detail
ForensicDentalSettingTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the forensic setting information that carried out the analysis of the dental and oral data to identify or confirm the identity of the subject.
ForensicInvestigatoryVoiceDetailTypeA data type for a Forensic and Investigatory Voice Detail
ForensicSpecimenCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected.
ForensicSpecimenCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected.
ForensicSpecimenTypeA data type for a specimen collected for the purpose of analysis which may be of use as evidence in criminal, civil, judicial, or administrative proceedings.
FosterCareCasePlanGoalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for foster care plan goals.
FosterCareCasePlanGoalCodeTypeA data type for foster care plan goals.
FosterCareFundingSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for decribing a source for foster care funding.
FosterCareFundingSourceCodeTypeA data type for decribing a source for foster care funding.
FosterCareRemovalReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
FosterCareRemovalReasonCodeTypeA data type for reasons a child was removed from a foster care placement.
FosterParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and a foster parent.
FPatternCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.8: Fingerprint Pattern Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPatternCodeTypeA data type for 1.8: Fingerprint Pattern Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPClassificationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.7: Fingerprint Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FPClassificationCodeTypeA data type for 1.7: Fingerprint Classification (FPC) Field Codes
FreeTextLineTypeListenum_patternList of types for free text lines for defining party characteristics as free format text
FrequencyMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.
FrequencyUnitTemporalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a unit of measure for a temporal frequency value in accordance with NIST SP-330.
FrequencyUnitTemporalCodeTypeA data type for a unit of measure for a temporal frequency value in accordance with NIST SP-330.
FrictionRidgeCaptureTechnologyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identifying the technology used to capture friction ridge data
FrictionRidgeCaptureTechnologyCodeTypeA data type for identifying the technology used to capture friction ridge data
FrictionRidgeDetailTypeA data type for the details about a friction ridge image
FrictionRidgeImageAreaOfCorrespondenceTypeA data type for a portion of a friction ridge image that corresponds to another image
FrictionRidgeImageCenterLocationMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method of locating the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageCenterLocationMethodCodeTypeA data type for a method of locating the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageCenterTypeA data type for a location of the center of a friction ridge impression
FrictionRidgeImageLateralReversalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
FrictionRidgeImageLateralReversalCodeTypeA data type for an indication that an image is or may be laterally reversed
FrictionRidgeImageQualityTypeA data type for a quality measure for a generic friction ridge image
FrictionRidgeImageRegionOfInterestTypeA data type for a square or polygon within a friction ridge image containing minutiae
FrictionRidgeImageRelativeRotationTypeA data type for a relative overall rotation necessary for two prints to be compared
FrictionRidgeImageSegmentPositionSquareTypeA data type for a square segment position for a particular friction ridge
FrictionRidgeImageTonalReversalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones
FrictionRidgeImageTonalReversalCodeTypeA data type for a full or partial reversal of ridge and valley tones
FrictionRidgePositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a friction ridge image position
FrictionRidgePositionCodeTypeA data type for a friction ridge position code
FullTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a full telephone number.
FullTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a full telephone number.
FunctionalClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating functional class of the segment
FunctionalClassCodeTypeA data type indicating functional class of the segment
FuneralLeaveTypeA data type for a temporary leave of custody for the purpose of attending the funeral of a close family member.
FuneralTypeA data type for a memorial or religious event for the recently deceased.
FWHMCalibrationTypeA data type for a FWHM calibration.
FWHMKeVTypeA data type for a FWHM measure whose values are positive and measured in keV.
FWHMUncertaintiesKeVTypeA data type for FWHM uncertaintymeasure whose values are nonnegative and measured in keV.
G0FFCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Offenses of General Applicability (OFF) Field Codes
G0FFCodeTypeA data type for 2 - Offenses of General Applicability (OFF) Field Codes
GamblingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of games and/or gambling apparatus.
GamblingEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of games and/or gambling apparatus.
GangInvolvementCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies gang involvement of offenders in an offense.
GangInvolvementCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies gang involvement of offenders in an offense.
GasComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common components of natural gas facilities
GasComponentCodeTypeA data type for common components of natural gas facilities
gDayA data type for a gregorian day that recurs, specifically a day of the month such as the 5th of the month. Arbitrary recurring days are not supported by this datatype. The value space of gDay is the space of a set of calendar dates as defined in Section 3 of [ISO 8601]. Specifically, it is a set of one-day long, monthly periodic instances.
GenderListenum_patternList of type of gender
GeneralConversionPropertyTypegml:GeneralConversionPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a general conversion, either referencing or containing the definition of that conversion.
GeneralNotificationTypeA data type to represent a generalized notification to broadcast
GeneralTransformationPropertyTypegml:GeneralTransformationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a general transformation, either referencing or containing the definition of that transformation.
GenericEntityTypeA data type for a basic set of information about a person or an organization.
GeodeticCRSPropertyTypegml:GeodeticCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a geodetic coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
GeodeticCRSTypegml:GeodeticCRS is a coordinate reference system based on a geodetic datum.
GeodeticDatumCoordinateSystemCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a geospatial coordinate system
GeodeticDatumCoordinateSystemCodeTypeA data type for a geospatial coordinate system
GeodeticDatumPropertyTypegml:GeodeticDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a geodetic datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
GeographicPointTypeA data type for geographical coordinates of a point on the surface of the earth. For latitudes, positive values correspond to Northern latitudes, and negative values to Southern; for longitudes, positive values are Eastern longitudes and negative are Western. The units of measure for elevation and positional accuracy elements is given by the units attribute.
GeographicSampleAcquisitionLocationTypeA data type to contain the location where the biometric sample/original source/context information was acquired.
GeometricComplexPropertyTypeA property that has a geometric complex as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
GeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeA property that has a geometric primitive as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
GeometryArrayPropertyTypeIf a feature has a property which takes an array of geometry elements as its value, this is called a geometry array property. A generic type for such a geometry property is GeometryArrayPropertyType.
The elements are always contained inline in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
GeometryPropertyTypeA geometric property may either be any geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same or another document). Note that either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but not both or none.
If a feature has a property that takes a geometry element as its value, this is called a geometry property. A generic type for such a geometry property is GeometryPropertyType.
GeometryTypeA data type that encapsulates a GML geometry element.
GeospatialDataSubmissionMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing codes identifying the method used to submit geospatial data used to create a geospatial shape/polygon.
GeospatialDataSubmissionMethodCodeTypeA data type for code to identify the method used to submit geospatial data used to create a geospatial shape/polygon.
GeospatialLocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a nc:Location.
GeospatialShapeModifiedOtherReasonTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for free form text providing the reason that a geospatial shape was modified from its original form when a reason other than the possible list of provided reasons is needed.
GeospatialShapeModifiedOtherReasonTextTypeA data type for free form text providing the reason that a geospatial shape was modified from its original form when a reason other than the possible list of provided reasons is needed.
GeospatialShapeModifiedReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing codes identifying the reason that a geospatial shape/polygon was modified from its original shape.
GeospatialShapeModifiedReasonCodeTypeA data type containing codes identifying the reason that a geospatial shape/polygon was modified from its original shape.
GeospatialShapeSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing codes identifying the source data used to create a geospatial shape/polygon.
GeospatialShapeSourceCodeTypeA data type for code to identify the source data used to create a geospatial shape/polygon.
GeospatialSourceInfoTypeA data type that contains the sourcing of geospatial information that include the method of sourcing, modifications made, and how they were processed.
GetCaseListRequestMessageniem-profile:niemThis is a query for a list of cases that match a set of criteria including case participants, case classification, case status, and date of the case was initiated.
GetCaseListRequestMessageTypeThis is a query for a list of cases that match a set of criteria including case participants, case classification, case status, and date of the case was initiated.
GetCaseListResponseMessageniem-profile:niemA synchronous response to a GetCaseListQueryMessage.
GetCaseListResponseMessageTypeA synchronous response to a GetCaseListQueryMessage.
GetCaseRequestMessageniem-profile:niemA message requesting a case from a court case management information system conforming to the parameter or parameters identified in the message.
GetCaseRequestMessageTypeA message requesting a case from a court case management information system conforming to the parameter or parameters identified in the message.
GetCaseResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe response to a GetCaseInformationQuery.
GetCaseResponseMessageTypeThe response to a GetCaseInformationQuery.
GetCourtScheduleRequestMessageniem-profile:niemA request for the schedule of upcoming events in a court
GetCourtScheduleRequestMessageTypeA request for the schedule of upcoming events in a court
GetCourtScheduleResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe schedule of upcoming events in a court
GetCourtScheduleResponseMessageTypeThe schedule of upcoming events in a court
GetDocumentRequestMessageniem-profile:niemThe base information contained in any query message.
GetDocumentRequestMessageTypeThe base information contained in any query message.
GetDocumentResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe court response to a request for an electronic document in the court official record.
GetDocumentResponseMessageTypeThe court response to a request for an electronic document in the court official record.
GetFeesCalculationRequestMessageniem-profile:niemThis query is a request for the total amount of court fees required for filing of one or more documents in a case.
GetFeesCalculationRequestMessageTypeThis query is a request for the total amount of court fees required for filing of one or more documents in a case.
GetFeesCalculationResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe response to a CalculatedFeesQueryMessage, which may either be 0 indicating no fee is due, a currency amount indicating the fee due upon filing, or unknown indicating that the court case management information system is unable to calculate the fee for the proposed filing.
GetFeesCalculationResponseMessageTypeThe response to a CalculatedFeesQueryMessage, which may either be 0 indicating no fee is due, a currency amount indicating the fee due upon filing, or unknown indicating that the court case management information system is unable to calculate the fee for the proposed filing.
GetFilingListRequestMessageniem-profile:niemThis is query to get a list of filings by Filer Identification, Case Identifier, or time period.
GetFilingListRequestMessageTypeThis is query to get a list of filings by Filer Identification, Case Identifier, or time period.
GetFilingListResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThis is a response to a query for a list of filings by Filer Identification, Case Identifier, or time period.
GetFilingListResponseMessageTypeThis is a response to a query for a list of filings by Filer Identification, Case Identifier, or time period.
GetFilingStatusRequestMessageniem-profile:niemThis is query to get a filing status by Filing Number.
GetFilingStatusRequestMessageTypeThis is query to get a filing status by Filing Number.
GetFilingStatusResponseMessageniem-profile:niemA court response to a FilingStatusQueryMessage.
GetFilingStatusResponseMessageTypeA court response to a FilingStatusQueryMessage.
GetPolicyRequestMessageniem-profile:niemA request for a court's Court Policy.
GetPolicyRequestMessageTypeA request for a court's Court Policy.
GetPolicyResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe response to a request for a court Court Policy.
GetPolicyResponseMessageTypeThe response to a request for a court Court Policy.
GetServiceInformationRequestMessageniem-profile:niemA message requesting information concerning the persons entitled to services of filings in a particular court case, together with the electronic addresses and message profiles of their Filing Assembly MDEs and their physical addresses if they are not currently using a Filing Assembly MDE.
GetServiceInformationRequestMessageTypeA message requesting information concerning the persons entitled to services of filings in a particular court case, together with the electronic addresses and message profiles of their Filing Assembly MDEs and their physical addresses if they are not currently using a Filing Assembly MDE.
GetServiceInformationResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe response to a serviceInformationQueryMessage, setting forth the requested information.
GetServiceInformationResponseMessageTypeThe response to a serviceInformationQueryMessage, setting forth the requested information.
gMonthA data type for a Gregorian month with the format --MM--.
gMonthDayA data type for a gregorian date that recurs, specifically a day of the year such as the third of May. Arbitrary recurring dates are not supported by this datatype. The value space of gMonthDay is the set of calendar dates, as defined in Section 3 of [ISO 8601]. Specifically, it is a set of one-day long, annually periodic instances.
GNDAOrgCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for list of organizations that participate in the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture.
GNDAOrgCodeTypeA data type for a list of organizations that participate in the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture.
GoalObjectiveTypeA data type for describing a subset of a service plan goal.
GoalTypeA data type for a high-level outcome expected following an activity to address a need.
GoodsItemTypeA data type for a specific Item sent for sale, storage, or shipment.
GoodsLocationTypeA data type for a name of the place where goods are located.
GoodsMeasureTypeA data type for a weight measurement characteristic.
GoodsOriginTypeA data type to identify the place of origin for the goods manufactured or produced.
GoodsShipmentTypeA data type for a shipment of goods
GrainCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of grain.
GrainCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of grain.
GrossCountAnalysisResultsTypeA data type to provide information on the results of analysis of radiation gross count data.
GrossCountsTypeA data type providing gross count radiation data.
GroupSettingDataTypeA data type for a set of information about multiple settings grouped together.
GTYP2CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.2: Gun Type Characteristic 2 Weapon Description (Optional) Field Codes
GTYP2CodeTypeA data type for 4.2: Gun Type Characteristic 2 Weapon Description (Optional) Field Codes
GTYP3CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.3: Gun Type Combination Field Codes
GTYP3CodeTypeA data type for 4.3: Gun Type Combination Field Codes
GTYPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.1: Gun Type Characteristic 1 Weapon Type (Required) Field Codes
GTYPCodeTypeA data type for 4.1: Gun Type Characteristic 1 Weapon Type (Required) Field Codes
GTYPECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.1: Global Inquiry Type of Request (TYP) Field Codes
GTYPECodeTypeA data type for 4.1: Global Inquiry Type of Request (TYP) Field Codes
gYearA data type for a Gregorian calendar year with the format CCYY.
gYearA data type for a Gregorian calendar year with the format CCYY.
gYearMonthA data type for a specific gregorian month in a specific gregorian year.
HabitTypeListenum_patternList of type/category of habit
HAIRCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HAIRCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Hair Color (HAI) and Person with Information Hair Color (PHA) Field Codes
HairColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a hair color
HairColorCodeTypeA data type for a hair color
HaveAdapterTypeA data type for EDXL-HAVE which specifies an XML document format that allows the communication of the status of a hospital, its services, and its resources.
HazardousMaterialDataTypeA data type providing details of a hazardous material; i.e., a Substance Type that may cause harm.
HazMatCargoReleaseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatCargoReleaseCodeTypeA data type for an indication that a motor vehicle had a hazardous materials placard as required by federal/state regulations.
HazMatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazMatCodeSimpleTypeA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazMatCodeTypeA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazMatCodeTypeA data type for whether a driver was operating a vehicle carrying hazardous materials.
HazmatDeclarationTypeA data type for a declaration of hazardous materials within transported goods.
HazMatPlacardSuffixTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a placard number from bottom of diamond.
HazMatPlacardSuffixTextTypeA data type for a placard number from bottom of diamond.
HazmatUNCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
HazmatUNCodeTypeA data type for a United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Materials Code pertaining to a hazardous material.
HealthDetailsTypeA data type for the details about a person's mental health, substance abuse, medical health and medications.
HealthInsuranceTypeA data type for health insurance information.
HearingCancellationTypeA data type for a cancellation of a scheduled hearing.
HearingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the type of hearing that is going to take place.
HearingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the type of hearing that is going to take place.
HearingDecisionBasisTypeA data type for a set of foundational elements of a hearing decision.
HearingDecisionConditionTypeA data type for a stated condition under which a hearing decision is made.
HearingDecisionTypeA data type for an outcome decision or disposition of a hearing.
HearingDeferredDecisionTypeA data type for a hearing decision which has been postponed to a later time.
HearingEvidenceTypeA data type for a collection of evidence introduced or considered during a hearing.
HearingInvestigatorTypeA data type for a name of a staff member assigned as an investigator to a hearing.
HearingNotificationTypeA data type for a notice of a hearing for all parties concerned.
HearingReferralTypeA data type for a referral as the result or in the process of a hearing.
HearingRequestTypeA data type for a formal request made for a hearing.
HearingReschedulingTypeA data type for a process of rescheduling a hearing, hearing events or of hearing process.
HearingStaffMemberAssignmentTypeA data type for a staff member assigned to a hearing process.
HearingSubjectMatterTypeA data type for a set of details and subject matter central to a hearing process.
HearingTypeA data type for a proceeding before an administrative agency or authority to decide how to deal with failure to comply with rules, to determine an issue of fact, or to reach an administrative decision based on evidence.
HearingWitnessTypeA data type for a person who offers witness testimony as part of hearing.
hexBinaryA data type for hex-encoded binary data.
HexDoubleByteSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a restriction of a hexadecimal byte
HexDoubleByteTypeA data type for a double hexadecimal byte
HexTripleByteSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a triple hexadecimal byte
HexTripleByteTypeA data type for a triple hexadecimal byte
HighwayTypeA data type for a major public road.
HistoricalNarrativeTypeA data type for the history of a participant of a case.
HITCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.4: Wanted or Missing Person Hit Results (HIT) Field Codes
HITCodeTypeA data type for 1.4: Wanted or Missing Person Hit Results (HIT) Field Codes
HobbyTypeListenum_patternList of type/category of hobby
HorizontalAngularMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of an angle in the horizontal plane.
HospitalBedCapacityStatusThe container of all of the elements related to the hospital bed capacity and status. For each of the bed types (AdultICU, MedicalSurgical, etc.), if needed, a collection of named sub-types can be provided. The totals of sub-categories SHOULD equal the capacity data specified in the parent.
HospitalFacilityStatusThe container of all of the elements related to the status of the facility.
HospitalResourcesStatusThe container for all the elements related to the operations of the facility.
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings.
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings.
HousewaresCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods.
HousewaresCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods.
HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of housing at time of service.
HousingPermanencyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of housing at time of service.
HSPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 8 - Boat Hull Shape (HSP) Field Codes
HSPCodeTypeA data type for 8 - Boat Hull Shape (HSP) Field Codes
HULCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1 - Outer Boat Hull Material (HUL) Field Codes
HULCodeTypeA data type for 1 - Outer Boat Hull Material (HUL) Field Codes
HumanTraffickingVictimTypeA data type for a person who is a victim, potentially or actually, of human trafficking.
HypothenarPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for extended palm position exemplar or search captures
ICEEmployeeTypeA data type for the classification of the person employed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
ICEOfficerTypeA data type for the classification of the authorized enforcement officer employed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
idtypeA structure that describes an identifier of an entity.
IDAcquisitionMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the codes for the methods by which the identifier of an object can be determined.
IDAcquisitionMethodCodeTypeA data type for the methods by which the identifier of an object can be determined.
Identificationniem-profile:niemAn identifier
IdentificationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an identification.
IdentificationAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements Identification and is used by Screening for augmenting the Identification Type
IdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of identification.
IdentificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of identification.
IdentificationRangeTypeA data type for a range of identifications.
IdentificationTypeA data type for a representation of an identity.
IdentificationTypeA data type for a representation of an identity.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of identification of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedAsVictimStatusTypeA data type for a status of a person identified as a victim of human trafficking.
IdentifiedObjectTypegml:IdentifiedObjectType provides identification properties of a CRS-related object. In gml:DefinitionType, the gml:identifier element shall be the primary name by which this object is identified, encoding the "name" attribute in the UML model.
Zero or more of the gml:name elements can be an unordered set of "identifiers", encoding the "identifier" attribute in the UML model. Each of these gml:name elements can reference elsewhere the object's defining information or be an identifier by which this object can be referenced.
Zero or more other gml:name elements can be an unordered set of "alias" alternative names by which this CRS related object is identified, encoding the "alias" attributes in the UML model. An object may have several aliases, typically used in different contexts. The context for an alias is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute.
Any needed version information shall be included in the codeSpace attribute of a gml:identifier and gml:name elements. In this use, the gml:remarks element in the gml:DefinitionType shall contain comments on or information about this object, including data source information.
IdentifierElementTypeListenum_patternA list of name types for commonly used Number type
IdentifierTypeComplex type for internal reuse
IdentityAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an association relating a set of identities belonging to the same actual person to each other.
IdentityTypeA data type for a set of known aspects or characteristics by which a person is defined or recognized.
IDTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 28 - Identity Theft Type (IDT) Field Codes
IDTCodeTypeA data type for 28 - Identity Theft Type (IDT) Field Codes
ImageAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements Image and specifies the additional Screening Image Information
ImageAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an image.
ImageAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an image.
ImageCaptureTypeA data type for a set of information regarding the captured (e.g., scanned) image
ImageCompressionAlgorithmCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an image compression algorithm
ImageCompressionAlgorithmCodeTypeA data type for an image compression algorithm
ImageCRSPropertyTypegml:ImageCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an image coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
ImageDatumPropertyTypegml:ImageDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an image datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
ImageDistortionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionMeasurementCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
ImageDistortionMeasurementCodeTypeA data type for a manner in which distortion in an image was measured, i.e. whether it was estimated or calculated
ImageDistortionSeverityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a severity of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionSeverityCodeTypeA data type for a severity of distortion in an image
ImageDistortionTypeA data type for a distortion in an image
ImageFeatureExtractionTypeA data type that specifies details of the image extraction
ImageFeatureVertexQuantitySimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
ImageFeatureVertexQuantityTypeA data type for a number of coordinate points in an image polyline or polygon
ImageFileTypeA Data type to capture the Image file Type
ImageHashValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like an image
ImageHashValueTypeA data type for a hash value computed from a binary object, like an image
ImageOcclusionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionOpacityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an opacity of a blockage in an image
ImageOcclusionOpacityCodeTypeA data type for an opacity of a blockage in an image
ImageOrientationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an image orientation
ImageOrientationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code values for the orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImageOrientationCodeTypeA data type for an image orientation
ImageOrientationCodeTypeA data type for the orientation of an image; i.e., portrait or landscape.
ImagePerspectiveCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code Values for the viewing perspectives for image multimedia data.
ImagePerspectiveCodeTypeA data type for the viewing perspectives for image multimedia data.
ImagePoseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for angles of an entitys pose in a photograph.
ImagePoseCodeTypeA data type for angles of an entitys pose in a photograph.
ImageQualityTypeA data type for a set of properties relating to image quality
ImageResolutionTypeA data type for an image resolution
ImageScanCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of image scan
ImageScanCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of image scan
ImageSegmentPathTypeA data type for a set of vertices within an image describing an open-ended path
ImageSegmentPolygonTypeA data type for a set of vertices within an image describing a polygon-shaped region; the first and last vertices are assumed to be connected
ImageSegmentTypeA data type for a portion of an image
ImageSegmentVertexTypeA data type for a single pair of horizontal and vertical measures describing a point in an image
ImageTransformationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of image transformation
ImageTransformationCodeTypeA data type for a kind of image transformation
ImageTypeA data type for a biometric image
ImageTypeA data type for a biometric image
ImageTypeA data type for a picture or visual representation of something.
ImmigrantRoleTypeA data type for the role of Immigrant that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
ImmigrationBenefitApplicationTypeA data type for the type of immigration benefit being requested
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfNonImmigrantStatusTypeA data type for the immigration application data requesting change of non-immigrant status.
ImmigrationBenefitChangeOfStatusEligibilityTypeA data type for a Change of Status Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitDeclarationTypeA data type for the declarations made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitDisabilityAccommodationTypeA data type for a beneficiary's disability accommodation request for upcoming interviews with immigration.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityPrincipalAlienTypeA data type for a Principal Alien Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitEligibilityTypeA data type for the information used to determine the eligibility for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitEvidenceTypeA data type for the evidence provided in support of an immigration benefit request.
ImmigrationBenefitExtendChangeStatusEligibilityTypeA data type for the eligibility of an applicant attempting to extend or change status or reinstate student status.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayEligibilityTypeA data type for an Extension of Stay Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitExtensionOfStayTypeA data type for an immigration application type containing the request to extend the stay in the country.
ImmigrationBenefitMisconductDeclarationTypeA data type for the declarations of misconduct made by an applicant when applying for an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusEligibilityTypeA data type for a Reinstatement of Student Eligibility.
ImmigrationBenefitReinstatementOfStudentStatusTypeA data type for the immigration application type requesting reinstatement of student status to extend attending to college or technical school.
ImmigrationBenefitRepresentativeTypeA data type for the representatives of an applicant for an immigration benefit.
ImmigrationBenefitRequestTypeA data type for the request of an immigration benefit
ImmigrationBenefitSignatureTypeA data type for the signatures associated with an immigration benefit request
ImmigrationClassOfAdmissionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Immigrant Class of Admission (COA) Codes
ImmigrationClassOfAdmissionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for Immigrant Class of Admission (COA) Codes
ImmigrationDeportationTypeA data type that indicates if the Alien has been deported from the Country.
ImmigrationDetentionTypeA data type for the official retainer of an alien by United States immigration officials.
ImmigrationDocumentSubmitterTypeA data type for additional information about the person submitting the immigration documents.
ImmigrationStatusTypeA data type that supplements screening information for nc:StatusType
ImporterTypeA data type providing the name [and address] of party who makes-or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes- an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consi
ImpressionCaptureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
ImpressionCaptureCodeTypeA data type for a kind of impression capture by which an image was obtained
IMTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 5 - Image Type (IMT) Field Codes
IMTCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Image Type (IMT) Field Codes
InaccessibleCauseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to specify if the damaged area/item is assessed as inaccessible, why?
InaccessibleCauseCodeTypeA data type code to specify if the damaged area/item is assessed as inaccessible, why?
IncarcerationTypeA data type for a confinement of a subject as sentenced by a court.
IncidentActionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the valid actions related to the incident information
IncidentActionCodeTypeA data type for the valid actions related to the incident information
IncidentArrestAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an incident and an arrest.
IncidentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an incident.
IncidentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an incident.
IncidentAuthorTypeA data type for information about the author of the incident
IncidentBiasMotivationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for bias motivations for an incident.
IncidentBiasMotivationCodeTypeA data type for bias motivations for an incident.
IncidentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for incident codes.
IncidentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for incident codes.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for ways in which an incident may be cleared exceptionally.
IncidentExceptionalClearanceCodeTypeA data type for ways in which an incident may be cleared exceptionally.
IncidentFactorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for factors that may have been involved in or contributed to a subject committing an offense.
IncidentFactorCodeTypeA data type for factors that may have been involved in or contributed to a subject committing an offense.
IncidentFactorTypeA data type for a factor involved that has an effect on an incident.
IncidentFormTypeA data type for an electronic or paper form to be completed for an incident.
IncidentLeadAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between INCIDENT and LEAD
IncidentLevelDisseminationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a sensitivity level of an incident.
IncidentLevelDisseminationCodeTypeA data type for a sensitivity level of an incident.
IncidentLocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an incident and where it occurred.
IncidentNotificationTypeA data type to represent a incident notification to broadcast
IncidentPersonEncounterAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between INCIDENT and PERSON ENCOUNTER REL
IncidentServiceCallAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an incident and a service call.
IncidentStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident.
IncidentStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident.
IncidentTypeA data type for an occurrence or an event that may require a response.
IncidentTypeA data type for an occurrence or an event that may require a response.
INCITSMinutiaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaeTypeA data type for a set of minutiae definitions conforming to Section 5 of ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSMinutiaTypeA data type for a single minutia, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
INCITSRidgeCountAlgorithmCodeTypeA data type for a quadrant matrix for associating minutiae, as defined by the ANSI INCITS 378-2004 Standard
IncomeSourceAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an entity (person or organization) that receives income and an entity from which income is derived.
IndianCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.4: Indian Nations
IndianCodeTypeA data type for 2.4: Indian Nations
IndianNationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation.
IndianNationCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation.
IndicatorDescriptionPairTypeA data type for when a complex question is asked with multiple parts, it allows to first of all specify if the question needed to be answered, if True/Yes, False/No was answered and it carries the whole text of the question.
IndicatorSettingDataTypeA data type for a setting that is a true or false value
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to specify the part of the home was impacted.
IndividualAssistenceFloodWaterLocationCodeTypeA data type code to specify the part of the home was impacted.
IndustryCodeListenum_patternList if industry code
IndustryTypeListenum_patternList of industry type
InformalDispositionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of informal disposition.
InformalDispositionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of informal disposition.
InformationPracticesActDisclosureTypeA data type for a document detailing the policy for the disclosure of information to the subject of the information, in accordance with the Information Practices Act
InformationSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an affiliation of the person completing the crash report such as Source of Information
InformationSourceCodeTypeA data type for an affiliation of the person completing the crash report such as Source of Information
InjuredTransportationSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
InjuredTransportationSourceCodeTypeA data type for a kind of transport to the medical facility receiving the patient.
InjuryAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Injury.
InjuryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes.
InjuryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a general category of harm or injury.
InjuryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes.
InjuryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a general category of harm or injury.
InjuryLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim's injury.
InjuryLocationCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim's injury.
InjuryTypeA data type for a form of harm or damage sustained by a person.
InquiryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind
InquiryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the code list of resource inquiry kind
InquiryContentTypeA data type for resource Inquiry input content data
InquiryReturnCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code list of resource inquiry return kind
InquiryReturnCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the code list of resource inquiry return kind
InspectionDataTypeA data type for information regarding an inspection of an item of interest.
InspectionResolutionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code values for Inspection Resolution Code
InspectionResolutionCodeTypeA data type that defines the Inspection Resolution Code
InspectionThreatFindingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code Values for the various Inspection threat findings
InspectionThreatFindingCodeTypeA data type that defines the inspection threat finding code
InspectionTypeA data type for a checking or testing of an individual or entity against established standards.
InstantMessengerAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between originator, receiver, and an other contact address. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization.
InstantMessengerTypeA data type for a user account for an instant messaging program by which a person or organization may be contacted.
Insuranceniem-profile:niemInsurance coverage for an individual.
InsuranceAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an insurance
InsuranceCoverageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for categories of coverage provided by an insurance policy.
InsuranceCoverageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for categories of coverage provided by an insurance policy.
InsuranceInsurerAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an insurance policy and the insurer that backs it.
InsuranceTypeInsurance coverage for an individual.
InsuranceTypeA data type for coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
InsuranceTypeA data type for coverage by a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingent event or peril.
intA data type that is is derived from long by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 2147483647 and minInclusive to be -2147483648.
IntakeTypeA data type for a process of receiving persons into an institution.
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.
IntangibleItemTypeA data type for an intellectual property item.
integerA data type for the standard mathematical concept of integer numbers.
Integer0to100SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 100
Integer0to100TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 100
Integer0to1024SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 1024
Integer0to1024TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 1024
Integer0to50000SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 50,000
Integer0to50000TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 50,000
Integer0To5SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for integer values from 0 to 5
Integer0To5TypeA data type for integer values from 0 to 5
Integer0to99999SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99999
Integer0to99999TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99999
Integer0to999SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 999
Integer0to999TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 999
Integer0to99SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99
Integer0to99TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 0 to 99
Integer0To9SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for integer values from 0 to 9
Integer0To9TypeA data type for integer values from 0 to 9
Integer1to255SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 255
Integer1to255TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 255
Integer1to50000SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 50000
Integer1to50000TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 50,000
Integer1To5SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for integer values from 1 to 5
Integer1to9999SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9999
Integer1to9999TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9999
Integer1to999SimpleTypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to999TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 999
Integer1to99SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 99
Integer1to99TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 99
Integer1to9SimpleTypeenum_patternA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9
Integer1to9TypeA data type of integer that has a value range of 1 to 9
integerListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
IntegerListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of integers.
IntegerListTypeA data type for a list of integers.
integerOrNilReasonExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
integerOrNilReasonListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
IntegerRangeTypeA data type for a range of integer values.
IntellectualPropertyAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about intellectual property.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
IntellectualPropertyTypeA data type for property that results from original thought or creativity.
InterchangeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type idicating the interchange category
InterchangeCategoryCodeTypeA data type idicating the interchange category
InterestNotificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code specifying whether an interest is an indicator or notification, warning or alert.
InterestNotificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code specifying whether an interest is an indicator or notification, warning or alert.
InterestTypeA data type for an item of interest, for example a potential risk or threat.
IntermediateCarrierTypeA data type representing a transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the carrier's which transport the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee. A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
IntermediateConsigneeTypeA data type representing the transit (in-bond) movement, the identity of the intermediate consignee who may take possession of the goods from consignor to exporting carrier and from importing carrier to consignee.
InternationalShipSecurityCertificateTypeA data type for an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
InternationalTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for an international telephone number.
InternationalTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for an international telephone number.
IntersectionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an intersection consists of two or more roadways that intersect at the same level.
IntersectionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for an intersection consists of two or more roadways that intersect at the same level.
IntersectionJunctionGeometryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionGeometryCodeTypeA data type indicating geometric configuration that best describes the intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating traffic control present at intersection/junction
IntersectionJunctionTrafficControlCodeTypeA data type indicating traffic control present at intersection/junction
InterStateOutputDataReportTypeA data type for a State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
InterStateOutputDataTypeA data type for a set of data for a State Output Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
InterviewEncounterTypeA data type for a meeting between one or more representatives of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a PERSON who is being interviewed.
InterviewStatementTypeA data type for a DOCUMENT resulting from a meeting between a representative of an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and an individual.
IntoxicationTypeA data type for a physiological state of a person due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or other toxic substance.
InventoryDirectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction
InventoryDirectionCodeTypeA data type describing direction of inventory if divided roads are inventoried in each direction
InvoiceLineTypeA data type for an invoice line item.
InvoiceTypeA data type for a non-negotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer
InvoluntaryMedicationActionTypeA data type for a set of details about actions or events involving involuntary medication of a subject.
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeA data type for a set of criteria under which the iris image was captured
IrisImageCaptureTypeA data type for an iris image capture
IrisImageDetailTypeA data type for details about a Type-17 iris image record
IrisImageIrisBoundaryTypeA data type for an iris feature boundary in an iris image
IrisImageMissingReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a reason for a missing iris image
IrisImageMissingReasonCodeTypeA data type for a reason for a missing iris image
IrisImageMissingTypeA data type for representing missing Iris image information
IrisImageOcclusionTypeA data type for a blockage in an iris image
IrisImageStorageFormatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an iris storage format
IrisImageStorageFormatCodeTypeA data type for an iris storage format
IrisMissingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an enumeration of the iris image missing information codes.
IrisMissingCodeTypeA data type for a representation of the iris image missing codes for one or both eyes.
IrrigationPracticeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing the irrigation practice code used for a unit of land with a crop.
Irrigated Practice is the method of producing a crop by which water, from an adequate water source, is artificially applied in sufficient amounts by appropriate and adequate irrigation equipment and facilities and at the proper times necessary to produce one of the following:
1. the yield expected for the area.
2. the yield used to establish the production guarantee or amount of insurance/coverage on the irrigated acreage planted to the commodity.
3. the producer established approved yield, as applicable.
Acreage adjacent to water, such as but not limited to a pond, lake, river, stream, creek or brook, shall not be considered irrigated based solely on the proximity to the water.
IrrigationPracticeCodeTypeA data type for code to identify irrigation practice used.
ItemAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an item.
ItemCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of property.
ItemCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of property.
ItemContainerAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an item and something in which it is held.
ItemDispositionTypeA data type for a result or outcome that happens to a property item after it has been handled or processed.
ItemEmailAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and an email address.
ItemEntityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an item and an entity.
ItemGenderUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemGenderUseCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl's bicycle or a man's jacket.
ItemInstantMessengerAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and an instant messenger account.
ItemInsuranceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an item and its insurance.
ItemLienAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a property item and a lien.
ItemLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a property and a location.
ItemNetworkAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a tangible item and a network address.
ItemRegistrationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an item and its registration information.
ItemRegistrationTypeA data type for a registration of a property item with an authority.
ItemRegistrationTypeA data type for a registration of a property item with an authority.
ItemSeizureTypeA data type for the removal of property from the possession of a person or organization.
ItemStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
ItemStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for what happens to a property item.
ItemStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
ItemStatusCodeTypeA data type for what happens to a property item.
ItemTelephoneNumberAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an item and a telephone number.
ItemTitleAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a property item, documents pertaining to its ownership, and an entity to whom the title is issued.
ItemTitleReplacementAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an original property title and a replacement title.
ItemTitleTypeA data type for a deed or other official document showing the legal ownership of a property item.
ItemTransactionTypeA data type for a transfer of ownership of an item.
ItemTypeA data type for an article or thing.
ItemTypeA data type for an article or thing.
ItemValueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s).
ItemValueCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s).
ItemValueTypeA data type for an evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItemValueTypeA data type for an evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
ItineraryTypeA data type to provide additional information describing a place of departure and arrival and associated dates during a trip by a conveyance.
JewelryBandTypeA data type for a part of a piece of jewelry used to affix it to a person, such as a ring band, watch strap, necklace chain, earring post, etc.
JewelryStoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of jewelry gem or imitation gem.
JewelryStoneCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of jewelry gem or imitation gem.
JewelryStoneTypeA data type for a stone or gem from or for a piece of jewelry.
JewelryTypeA data type for an adornment made out of metals, gems, etc. or imitation materials.
JobTitleOrRoleTypeA data type for a credential class that represents the job title or role of a person
JointNameConnectorListenum_patternA list of possible values for joint name connector
JudgePanelTypeA data type for a group of judges needed to decide a court case.
JudicialDistrictCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a judicial district.
JudicialDistrictCodeTypeA data type for a judicial district.
JudicialOfficerniem-profile:niemA judicial officer assigned to a calendar event.
JudicialOfficialAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a judicial official.
JudicialOfficialBarMembershipTypeA data type for a legal capacity in which a judicial official is able to practice law.
JudicialOfficialBarMembershipTypeA data type for a legal capacity in which a judicial official is able to practice law.
JudicialOfficialTypeA data type for a person involved in a judicial area of government.
JudicialOfficialTypeA data type for a person involved in a judicial area of government.
JurisdictionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a jurisdiction.
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeSimpleTypeA data type for an authority with jurisdiction over a particular area.
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an authority with jurisdiction over a particular area.
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeTypeA data type for an authority with jurisdiction over a particular area.
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeTypeA data type for an authority with jurisdiction over a particular area.
JurisdictionTypeA data type for a geopolitical area in which an organization, person, or object has a specific range of authority.
JurisdictionTypeA data type for a geopolitical area in which an organization, person, or object has a specific range of authority.
JurorTypeA data type for a person who serves on a jury and listens to a case to determine the guilt or innocence of a person accused of a crime.
JusticeMetadataTypeA data type for information that further qualifies the kind of data represented.
JustifiableHomicideFactorsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for circumstances of a justifiable homicide.
JustifiableHomicideFactorsCodeTypeA data type for circumstances of a justifiable homicide.
Juvenileniem-profile:niemA minor who is the subject of a delinquency or dependency case.
JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationTypeA data type for allegations of juvenile abuse or neglect.
JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationTypeA data type for allegations of juvenile abuse or neglect.
JuvenileActivityAgencyAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an agency and a juvenile activity (e.g., a referral)
JuvenileActivityChargeDispositionTypeA data type for a result or processing of a charge against a juvenile.
JuvenileActivityChargeTypeA data type for a formal allegation that a specific juvenile has committed a specific juvenile offense.
JuvenileActivityTypeA data type for an optional Juvenile Segment in the rapsheet. The treatment of juveniles in the criminal justice system varies from state to state; these activities may not considered to be an arrest, so the use of the arrest segment would not be
JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing whether an assessment is for aggravating or mitigating factors.
JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing whether an assessment is for aggravating or mitigating factors.
JuvenileAggravatingMitigatingAssessmentTypeA data type for an assessment of aggravating and mitigating factors.
JuvenileAssessmentTypeA data type for a juvenile assessment.
JuvenileCaseniem-profile:niemA delinquency or dependency case.
JuvenileCaseTypeA data type for a juvenile case.
JuvenileCaseTypeA data type for a juvenile case.
JuvenileChargeTypeA data type for an applied augmentation for type j:ChargeType
JuvenileDispositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the disposition of the arrest if the arrestee was a juvenile at the time of arrest.
JuvenileDispositionCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the disposition of the arrest if the arrestee was a juvenile at the time of arrest.
JuvenileEducationOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and an education organization.
JuvenileFamilyFinancialProblemCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing whether a family suffers from financial problems.
JuvenileFamilyFinancialProblemCodeTypeA data type for describing whether a family suffers from financial problems.
JuvenileFireSettingCaseTypeA data type for a juvenile firesetting case. This is specific to juveniles.
JuvenileGangAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a criminal gang organization.
JuvenileGangAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a criminal gang organization.
JuvenileIntakeAssessmentTypeA data type for a juvenile intake assessment.
JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a facility where the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., orphanage, detention center, etc.).
JuvenilePlacementFacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a facility where the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., orphanage, detention center, etc.).
JuvenilePlacementOtherLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a location -- other than a foster home, kin's residence, orphanage, or other facility -- where the juvenile is directed to reside.
JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a person with whom the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., foster parent, grandparent, etc.).
JuvenilePlacementPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and a person with whom the juvenile is directed to reside (e.g., foster parent, grandparent, etc.).
JuvenilePlacementSupervisorAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a juvenile and an entity that is responsible for supervising the juvenile's placement (e.g., social services department, probation department, etc.).
JuvenilePlacementTypeA data type for information about where a juvenile is directed to reside during the pendency of a delinquency proceeding.
JuvenilePlacementTypeA data type for information about where a juvenile is directed to reside during the pendency of a delinquency proceeding.
JuvenileSpecialNeedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an enumerated list from the Adoption and Foster Care Annual Reporting System, 45 CFR 1355, appendix B (Adoption Data Elements), section III (Special Needs Status).
JuvenileSpecialNeedCodeTypeA data type for an enumerated list from the Adoption and Foster Care Annual Reporting System, 45 CFR 1355, appendix B (Adoption Data Elements), section III (Special Needs Status).
JuvenileSupervisionConditionTypeA data type for recording juvenile supervision condition information for an individual.
JuvenileTypeA data type for a juvenile.
JuvenileTypeA data type for a juvenile.
JWTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 15 - Jewelry Type (JWT) Field Codes
JWTCodeTypeA data type for 15 - Jewelry Type (JWT) Field Codes
KeepsakeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies items collected as a hobby or given in friendship.
KeepsakeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies items collected as a hobby or given in friendship.
KnifeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a kind of knife.
KnifeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a kind of knife.
KnotPropertyTypegml:KnotPropertyType encapsulates a knot to use it in a geometric type.
KnotTypesTypeThis enumeration type specifies values for the knots' type (see ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.25).
languageA data type that represents natural language identifiers as defined by by [RFC 3066].
LanguageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for language codes.
LanguageCodeSimpleTypeA data type for language codes.
LanguageCodeTypeA data type for language codes.
LanguageCodeTypeA data type for language codes.
LanguagePreferenceListenum_patternLit of preference to use the language e.g. speak, read, write
LanguageSkillsListenum_patternList of types of skills on languages
LanguageTypeListenum_patternType of language e.g. by birth, by education
LargeLineLengthPixelQuantitySimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a variable-resolution image.
LargeLineLengthPixelQuantityTypeA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a variable-resolution image.
LatentFrictionRidgePositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for latent friction ridge positions
LatentFrictionRidgePositionCodeTypeA data type for latent friction ridge positions
LatentProcessingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of technique for processing latent friction ridge impressions
LatentProcessingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of technique for processing latent friction ridge impressions
LatitudeCoordinateTypeA data type for a measurement of the angular distance between a point on the Earth and the Equator.
LatitudeDegreeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a degree of latitude.
LatitudeDegreeTypeA data type for a degree of latitude.
LawEnforcementContactActivityTypeA data type for recording a law enforcement contact with an individual.
LawEnforcementContactAttentionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the unit requiring special attention for the contact.
LawEnforcementContactAttentionCodeTypeA data type for describing the unit requiring special attention for the contact.
LawEnforcementContactVehiclePositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the location of the contact subject in a vehicle.
LawEnforcementContactVehiclePositionCodeTypeA data type for describing the locaton of the contact subject in a vehicle.
LawfulPermanentResidentRoleTypeA data type for the role of Lawful Permanent Resident that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
LayerMaterialKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the layer material kind code values
LayerMaterialKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the layer material kind code
LayerTypeA data type for a shielding layer.
LCRCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies if it is a license, certificate or registration
LCRCategoryCodeTypeA data type that specifies if it is a license, certificate or registration
LeadDocumentniem-profile:niemThe pleading, motion or order that is the main document in a Filing. A Document may have Attachments.
LeadSourceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a LEAD SOURCE TYPE
LeadSourceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a LEAD SOURCE TYPE
LeadSourceTypeA data type for the classification of the origin of information regarding a LEAD
LeadStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of lead status.
LeadStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of lead status.
LeadStatusTypeA data type for classification of the state or status of a LEAD
LeadTypeA data type for describing the information that may require additional action on the part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
LegacyExemplarCaptureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code of impression capture by which an image was obtained
LegacyExemplarCaptureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code of impression capture by which an image was obtained
LegacyExemplarFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code representing legacy (i.e., Type-4) tenprint exemplars
LegacyExemplarFingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for a code representing legacy (i.e., Type-4) tenprint exemplars
LengthCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for units of measurements for a length value.
LengthCodeSimpleTypeA data type for units of measurements for a length value.
LengthCodeTypeA data type for units of measurements for a length value.
LengthCodeTypeA data type for units of measurements for a length value.
LengthMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a distance or extent.
LengthMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a distance or extent.
LengthTypeThis is a prototypical definition for a specific measure type defined as a vacuous extension (i.e. aliases) of gml:MeasureType. In this case, the content model supports the description of a length (or distance) quantity, with its units. The unit of measure referenced by uom shall be suitable for a length, such as metres or feet.
LengthTypeValue of a length (or distance) quantity, with its units. Uses the MeasureType with the restriction that the unit of measure referenced by uom must be suitable for a length, such as metres or feet.
LEOKAActivityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of activity or circumstance in which a law enforcement officer was engaged at the time of assault.
LEOKAActivityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of activity or circumstance in which a law enforcement officer was engaged at the time of assault.
LEOKAActivityCategoryNDExCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of law enforcement activity which the officer was involved in at the time of incident. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
LEOKAActivityCategoryNDExCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of law enforcement activity which the officer was involved in at the time of incident. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
LEOKACircumstanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a LEOKA (Law Enforcement Officer Killed or Assaulted) classification of an incident.
LEOKACircumstanceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a LEOKA (Law Enforcement Officer Killed or Assaulted) classification of an incident.
LEOKAOfficerAssignmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an assignment a law enforcement officer was on when assaulted.
LEOKAOfficerAssignmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for an assignment a law enforcement officer was on when assaulted.
LesseeTypeA data type for an entity which has a contract to use a vehicle.
LessorTypeA data type for an entity which conveys a vehicle by way of a lease.
LeveeMaterialCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common materials used for levee construction.
LeveeMaterialCodeTypeA data type for the common materials used for levee construction.
LevelOfCareCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a placement as defined by the Adoption and Safe Families Act or state law.
LevelOfCareCodeTypeA data type for a placement as defined by the Adoption and Safe Families Act or state law.
LiabilityTypeA data type for a credential class that represents the liabilities that are associated with a resource
LicenseCertificationRegistrationTypeA data type for a credential class that represents Licensing
LienHolderTypeA data type for an entity that has a security interest on a property item.
LienReleaseReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for reasons a legal encumbrance may be removed from a property.
LienReleaseReasonCodeTypeA data type for reasons a legal encumbrance may be removed from a property.
LienTypeA data type for a legal encumbrance placed on a property item.
LinearCSPropertyTypegml:LinearCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a linear coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
LinearRingPropertyTypeA property with the content model of gml:LinearRingPropertyType encapsulates a linear ring to represent a component of a surface boundary.
LinearRingTypeA LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates must be coincident.
LinePropertyTypeThis type contains a gml:LineString.
LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyTypegml:LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType provides a container for line strings.
LineStringTypeA data type for a geometric curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation. A gml:LineString is a special curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation. It is defined by two or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation betw
LineStringTypeA LineString is a special curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation. It is defined by two or more coordinate
tuples, with linear interpolation between them. It is backwards compatible with the LineString of GML 2, GM_LineString of ISO 19107 is
implemented by LineStringSegment.
LipCharacterizationCodeListTypeA data type for a list of lip print characterization code list
LipCharacterizationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for lip print characterization code
LipCharacterizationCodeTypeA data type for lip print characterization code
LipContactLineDescriptorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a lip contact line descriptor
LipContactLineDescriptorCodeTypeA data type for a lip contact line descriptor
LipPatternSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a specific pattern
LipPrintCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for lip print code
LipPrintMediumCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a lip print medium code list
LipPrintMediumCodeTypeA data type for a lip print medium code list
LipPrintPathologiesPeculiaritiesCodeListTypeA data type for a list of lip pathologies and peculiarities code
LipPrintPathologiesPeculiaritiesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a description of lip pathologies and peculiarities
LipPrintPathologiesPeculiaritiesCodeTypeA data type for a lip pathologies and peculiarities code
LipPrintSurfaceCodeListTypeA data type for a list of lip print surface code
LipPrintSurfaceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a lip print surface code
LipPrintSurfaceCodeTypeA data type for a lip print surface code
ListOptionSettingDataTypeA data type for a setting that is specific by a value within a given list of options.
LITCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.2: License Plate Type (LIT) Field Codes
LITCodeTypeA data type for 1.2: License Plate Type (LIT) Field Codes
LITPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.1: License Plate Type Field Usage
LITPCodeTypeA data type for 1.1: License Plate Type Field Usage
LivestockCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of livestock/pet.
LivestockCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of livestock/pet.
LivingSituationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of living situtation.
LivingSituationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of living situtation.
LoadingLocationTypeA data type for a name of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the transport means used for their carriage.
LocaleTypeA data type for a geopolitical area.
LocalityNameCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for name of locality
LocalityNameTypeListenum_patternA list of locality name element types such as name of locality, reference data in support of locality
LocalityTypeListenum_patternA list of locality name types such as Municipality, Village, Area, etc
Locationniem-profile:niemA location.
Location2DGeospatialCoordinateTypeA data type for a location identified by latitude and longitude.
Location3DGeospatialCoordinateTypeA data type for a location identified by latitude, longitude, and height.
LocationActivityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of facilities.
LocationActivityCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of facilities.
LocationAlternateGeographicSystemValueTypeA data type for a location based on system name and value
LocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between one LOCATION and another LOCATION.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location.
LocationAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements Location and specifies additional information about a Screening location.
LocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds or functional descriptions of a location.
LocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code indicating the location type.
LocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds or functional descriptions of a location.
LocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds or functional descriptions of a location.
LocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code indicating the location type.
LocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds or functional descriptions of a location.
LocationCategoryNDExCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that characterizes a location or area. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
LocationCategoryNDExCodeTypeA data type for a code that characterizes a location or area. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
LocationContactInformationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a location and contact information.
LocationCreationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code indicating the method used to generate a location.
LocationCreationCodeTypeA data type for a code indicating the method used to generate a location.
LocationDescriptionTypeA data type that provides the description of a Location.
LocationElementCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of location element.
LocationElementCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of location element.
LocationElementClassificationTypeA data type for classification of part or sub-division (ELEMENT) of a location.
LocationElementTypeA data type for a part or sub-division of a location.
LocationFunctionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a location categorized on the function that it performs
LocationFunctionCodeTypeA data type for a location categorized on the function that it performs
LocationFunctionTypeA data type for a location categorized on the function that it performs
LocationGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the general type of location.
LocationGeneralCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the general type of location.
LocationHeightMeasureAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a location height.
LocationHeightMeasureTypeA data type for a measurement of the height of a location relative to a reference point.
LocationKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of locations that may appear on an itinerary.
LocationKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of locations that may appear on an itinerary.
LocationOnVesselTypeA data type for a location on a vessel.
LocationRoadwayTypeA data type for the part of the roadway where a traffic accident occurred.
LocationSublocationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a location inside of another location.
LocationSublocationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a location inside of another location.
LocationTypeA data type for geospatial location.
LocationTypeA data type for geospatial location.
LocusGenotypeProbabilityValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an expression of the probability of an individual having these alleles at a single locus. This probability can be calculated by various formulas that consider if the locus is homozygous or heterozygous. The frequency of the individua
LocusGenotypeProbabilityValueTypeA data type for an expression of the probability of an individual having these alleles at a single locus. This probability can be calculated by various formulas that consider if the locus is homozygous or heterozygous. The frequency of the individua
LogicalAndTypeA data type represents a logical And operation
LogicalOrTypeA data type represents a logical Or operation
longA data type that is derived from integer by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 9223372036854775807 and minInclusive to be -9223372036854775808.
LongCommentSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a comment of maximum 4000 characters.
LongCommentTypeA data type for a comment of maximum 4000 characters.
LongitudeCoordinateTypeA data type for a measurement of the angular distance between a point on the Earth and the Prime Meridian.
LongitudeDegreeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a degree of longitude.
LongitudeDegreeTypeA data type for a degree of longitude.
LPRCanadianProvinceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code which indicates the Canadian Province on the Conveyance License Plate
LPRCanadianProvinceCodeTypeA data type for a code which indicates the Canadian Province on the Conveyance License Plate
LPRConveyanceCheckMessageTypeA data type for a Screening conveyance check message
LPRHitIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code indicating whether a hit is encountered in the records for the conveyance under question.
LPRHitIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a code indicating whether a hit is encountered in the records for the conveyance under question.
LPRImageSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code which indicates the type of image
LPRImageSourceCodeTypeA data type for a code which indicates the type of image
LPRMessageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the values of a license plate reader (LPR) message category.
LPRMessageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a license plate reader (LPR) message category.
LPRMexicanStateCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code which indicates the Mexican state on the Conveyance License Plate
LPRMexicanStateCodeTypeA data type for a code which indicates the Mexican state on the Conveyance License Plate
LPRModeOfOperationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code indicating the type of vehicle lane where LPR system is located
LPRModeOfOperationCodeTypeA data type for a code indicating the type of vehicle lane where LPR system is located
MachineryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of machinery.
MachineryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of machinery.
MajorCasePrintCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a segment location or finger view code
MajorCasePrintCodeTypeA data type for a segment location or finger view code
MajorCasePrintSegmentOffsetTypeA data type for a major case print segment offset
MajorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MajorDamageQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MajorDesignElementsniem-profile:niemAn ECF Major Design Element (MDE)
MajorDesignElementTypeAn ECF Major Design Element (MDE)
MAKCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Gun Make Field (MAK) Codes
MAKCodeTypeA data type for 2 - Gun Make Field (MAK) Codes
ManeuverCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
ManeuverCodeTypeA data type for a controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events.
ManifestAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a manifest.
ManifestCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of manifest.
ManifestCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of manifest.
ManifestPersonAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship for the Persons on a Manifest
ManifestTypeA data type for the information about the persons and/or cargo transported on a conveyance trip.
ManufacturerTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of party which manufactures goods.
MapGuideBrandCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the codes for the brands of map guides.
MapGuideBrandCodeTypeA data type for the brands of map guides.
MapGuideLocationTypeA data type for location information based on a Guide map published by a vendor.
MapLocationTypeA data type for a location identified by map or grid coordinates.
MapSamplingFrequencyValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm)
MapSamplingFrequencyValueTypeA data type for a sampling frequency resolution in 10 micrometer units (0.01mm)
MaritalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies marital status.
MaritalStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies marital status.
MaritalStatusListenum_patternList of types of marital status
MassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeSimpleTypeA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeTypeA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MassCodeTypeA data type for units of measurement for a weight value.
MasterTypeA data type representing the Name of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
MatchCandidateStatusTypeA data type for the classification of the persons who potentially match the identity of an alien.
MatchingCaseniem-profile:niemA case meeting the criteria set forth in a query.
MatchingFilingniem-profile:niemA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage.
MatchingFilingTypeA filing matching the parameters submitted with a FilingListQueryMessage.
MaterialHandlingEquipmentTypeA data type for an item of equipment used to move goods and materials between places of resting or use and conveyances that transport the goods and materials.
MD_AggregateInformation_TypeEncapsulates the dataset aggregation information
MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_TypeInformation about the application schema used to build the dataset
MD_BrowseGraphic_TypeGraphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (should include a legend for the graphic)
MD_Constraints_TypeRestrictions on the access and use of a dataset or metadata
MD_CoverageDescription_TypeInformation about the domain of the raster cell
MD_DigitalTransferOptions_TypeTechnical means and media by which a dataset is obtained from the distributor
MD_Distribution_TypeInformation about the distributor of and options for obtaining the dataset
MD_Distributor_TypeInformation about the distributor
MD_ExtendedElementInformation_TypeNew metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data
MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_TypeInformation identifing the feature catalogue
MD_Format_TypeDescription of the form of the data to be distributed
MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_TypeTypes and numbers of raster spatial objects in the dataset
MD_ImageDescription_TypeInformation about an image's suitability for use
MD_Keywords_TypeKeywords, their type and reference source
MD_LegalConstraints_TypeRestrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the dataset.
MD_MaintenanceInformation_TypeInformation about the scope and frequency of updating
MD_Medium_TypeInformation about the media on which the data can be distributed
MD_Metadata_TypeInformation about the metadata
MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_TypeInformation describing metadata extensions.
MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_TypeInformation identifing the portrayal catalogue used
MD_RangeDimension_TypeSet of adjacent wavelengths in the electro-magnetic spectrum with a common characteristic, such as the visible band
MD_ScopeDescription_TypeDescription of the class of information covered by the information
MD_SecurityConstraints_TypeHandling restrictions imposed on the dataset because of national security, privacy, or other concerns
MD_ServiceIdentification_TypeSee 19119 for further info
MD_StandardOrderProcess_TypeCommon ways in which the dataset may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information
MD_TopicCategoryCode_Typeenum_patternHigh-level geospatial data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geospatial datasets
MD_Usage_TypeBrief description of ways in which the dataset is currently used.
MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_TypeInformation about the vector spatial objects in the dataset
MeasuredItemIdentificationTypeA data type for identification data for a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code values for Kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemIDKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the kind of identifier used for identifying a measured item.
MeasuredItemKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of items being inspected for Radiation/Nuclear threats.
MeasuredItemKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the measured item kind code
MeasureListTypegml:MeasureListType provides for a list of quantities.
MeasurementClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code values for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.
MeasurementClassCodeTypeA data type for the classes of spectrum measurements that a radiation instrument can acquire for different kinds of radioactive sources or radiation fields.
MeasureOrNilReasonListTypegml:MeasureOrNilReasonListType provides for a list of quantities. An instance element may also include embedded values from NilReasonType. It is intended to be used in situations where a value is expected, but the value may be absent for some reason.
MeasureTypegml:MeasureType supports recording an amount encoded as a value of XML Schema double, together with a units of measure indicated by an attribute uom, short for "units Of measure". The value of the uom attribute identifies a reference system for the amount, usually a ratio or interval scale.
MeasureTypeNumber with a scale. The value of uom (Units Of Measure) attribute is a reference to a Reference System for the amount, either a ratio or position scale.
MeasureTypeA data type for a measurement.
MeasureTypeA data type for a measurement.
MeasureUnitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the measureUnitCategoryCodes
MeasureUnitCategoryCodeTypeA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCategoryCodes
MeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCodes
MeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type representing the type measure unit whether area, volume etc..
MeasureUnitCodeTypeA data type that defines the various MeasureUnitCodes
MeasureUnitCodeTypeA data type for a type measure unit whether area, volume etc..
MedianCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the median present on the segment
MedianCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the median present on the segment
MedicalAssessmentTypeA data type for an activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's medical condition.
MedicalConditionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a medical condition of a person.
MedicalConditionTypeA data type for a state of health, on-going or present.
MedicalEquipmentTypeA data type for medical equipment or devices required by a subject due to a physical disability.
MedicalHealthDetailsTypeA data type for details about a person's medical health.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerSpecialtyCodeTypeA data type for a code indicating the specialty of the medical practitioner.
MedicalPractitionerTypeA data type for a person who practices medicine.
MedicalSummaryTypeA data type for a summary of a person's medical information.
MedicalTreatmentTypeA data type for an activity involving medical care of a subject.
MedicalVisitTypeA data type for an event of a subject being brought to see a medical professional.
MedicationUseFrequencyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the medication use frequency.
MedicationUseFrequencyCodeTypeA data type for describing the medication use frequency.
MedicationUseTypeA data type for recording medication use for an individual.
MemberName_TypeA MemberName is a LocalName that references either an attribute slot in a record or recordType or an attribute, operation, or association role in an object instance or type description in some form of schema. The stored value "aName" is the returned value for the "aName()" operation.
MembershipElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing a membership
MembershipTypeListenum_patternList of types of memberships
MentalHealthAssessmentFactorTypeA data type for a symptom or measurement of mental health.
MentalHealthAssessmentTypeA data type for an activity of reviewing and assessing a subject's mental health condition.
MentalHealthCertificationTypeA data type for an official pronouncement of the status of the mental health of subject, thru the testimony of medical professionals and/or declared by a court of law.
MentalHealthDetailsTypeA data type for details about a person's mental health including social history and psychosocial information.
MentalHealthHearingTypeA data type for a court hearing regarding the mental health of a subject.
MentalHealthTreatmentProgramDetailsTypeA data type for a program for a subject's mental health needs can be met.
MerchantMarinerDocumentTypeA data type for a Merchant Mariner Document (MMD).
MeridianCodeListenum_patternA list of meridian codes
MessageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the type of message
MessageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of message
MessageCategoryFATCACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kind of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) message.
MessageCategoryFATCACodeTypeA data type for kind of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) message.
MessageContentErrorTypeA data type that provides information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageContentErrorTypeA data type that provides information about the point in the xml payload content of a message where an error occurred in processing the message.
MessageErrorTypeA data type that describes a message error.
MessageErrorTypeA data type that describes a message error.
MessageHeaderTypeA data type for specifying message type and message activity
MessageKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code values that defines the various message kinds
MessageKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the various message kinds
MessageOriginOrDestinationTypeA data type for identifying a message origin or destination.
MessagePriorityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type the defines the various code values that defines the priority associated with a message
MessagePriorityCodeTypeA data type that defines the priority associated with a message
MessageRecallTypeA data type defining a message recall information
MessageReceiptMessageniem-profile:niemA message returned synchronously to indicate receipt by an MDE of another message. The name "MessageReceipt" suggested by S. Durham June 30 2005, and adopted by consensus on a TC call that day. The intent is that this will serve as the synchronous reply to all MDE operations that have an additional, asynchronous callback.
MessageResponseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the response code of the message
MessageResponseCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the code of message response
MessageStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for data types that defines the status of a message
MessageStatusCodeSimpleTypeA data type that defines the various code values for data types that defines the status of a message
MessageStatusCodeTypeA data type that defines the status of a message.
MessageStatusCodeTypeA data type that defines the status of a message.
MessageStatusTypeA data type to provide success or error feedback on a message that has been received.
MessageStatusTypeA data type to provide success or error feedback on a message that has been received.
MessageTypeA data type for an electronic form of communication that can be exchanged asynchronously.
MetadataTypeA data type for metadata about a record.
MetadataTypeA data type for information that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
MetadataTypeA data type for information that further qualifies primary data; data about data.
MetalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a metal.
MetalCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a metal.
MethodOfAccessCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method of access.
MethodOfAccessCodeTypeA data type for a method of access.
MethodOfEntryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for methods of entry into a structure or premises.
MethodOfEntryCodeTypeA data type for methods of entry into a structure or premises.
MethodOfPaymentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method of payment.
MethodOfPaymentCodeTypeA data type for a method of payment.
MexicanCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.5: Mexican States
MexicanCodeTypeA data type for 2.5: Mexican States
MGRSCoordinateStringSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
MGRSCoordinateStringTypeA data type for a complete coordinate string from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Univeral Polar Steriographic (UPS) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
MGRSUPS1MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UPS coordinate.
MGRSUPS1MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UPS coordinate.
MGRSUTM100000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 100,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100000MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 100,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 10,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10000MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 10,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1000MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 1,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1000MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 1,000-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 100-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM100MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 100-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 10-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM10MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 10-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1MeterCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MGRSUTM1MeterCoordinateTypeA data type for a 1-meter precision level MGRS UTM coordinate.
MHAffectedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as affected and the options that best describes the affected damage:
MHAffectedQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as affected
MHDestroyedQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the causes for a manufactured home being assessed as destroyed
MHDestroyedQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the causes for a manufactured home being assessed as destroyed.
MHMajorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as major
MHMajorDamageQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as major
MHMinorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as minor and describes the minor damage:
MHMinorDamageQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the cause for a manufactured home being assessed as minor
MICSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing codes identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSCodeTypeA data type for misc. codes to identify the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSNameSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing a code name identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MICSNameTypeA data type containing a code name identifying the Mobile Implement Control System (MICS) used in the collection of geospatial data.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of discharges a person may receive from military service.
MilitaryDischargeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of discharges a person may receive from military service.
MilitaryOrganizationCategoryServiceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a designator for a kind of a military, paramilitary, irregular force, force or group, capable of functioning as an offensive or defensive combat or support organisation.
MilitaryOrganizationCategoryServiceCodeTypeA data type for a designator for a kind of a military, paramilitary, irregular force, force or group, capable of functioning as an offensive or defensive combat or support organisation.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person's military service.
MilitarySummaryAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a military summary.
MilitarySummaryTypeA data type for a service of a person in a military.
MilitaryUnitRolesTypeA data type the describes the functional roles performed by a military organization.
MILSTD2525BSIDCSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525BSIDCTypeA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CSIDCSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CSIDCTypeA data type for a symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MILSTD2525CStandardIdentityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code describing the standard identity of a track; codes defined by MIL-STD-2525C.
MILSTD2525CStandardIdentityCodeTypeA data type for a code describing the standard identity of a track; codes defined by MIL-STD-2525C.
MILSTD2525DSIDCPartSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an unsigned integer containing ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525DSIDCPartTypeA data type for an unsigned integer containing ten digits of a symbol identification code (SIDC).
MILSTD2525DSIDCTypeA data type for a symbol identification code, a numeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
MIMEContentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of MIME content and their file extension, as published by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (
MIMEContentCodeTypeA data type that defines the various MIME Content Code
MIMEEncodingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the kinds of MIME transfer encodings, as published by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (
MIMEEncodingCodeTypeA data type that defines the various MIME Encoding Code
MinorDamageQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as major
MinorDamageQualifierCodeTypeA data type code to classify the various causes for a dwelling being assessed as minor
MinutiaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of minutia.
MinutiaCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of minutia.
MinutiaeAlgorithmTypeA data type for an algorithm used to capture minutiae
MinutiaeAnalysisComplexityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
MinutiaeAnalysisComplexityCodeTypeA data type for a level of complexity of an examiner's analysis
MinutiaeCoreTypeA data type for a core in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDeltaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of delta
MinutiaeDeltaCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of delta
MinutiaeDeltaTypeA data type for a delta in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDistinctiveFeatureTypeA data type for a distinctive feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeDotTypeA data type for a dot feature in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationResultCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationResultCodeTypeA data type for a result of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerComparisonDeterminationTypeA data type for an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerProgressCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeExaminerProgressCodeTypeA data type for a status of progress of an examiner's comparison of friction ridge impressions
MinutiaeFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeFeatureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of point or feature in a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge image
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of correspondence between features in different friction ridge image
MinutiaeFeatureCorrespondenceTypeA data type for a correspondence between features in different friction ridge images
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionMethodCodeTypeA data type for a method by which minutiae features are detected and encoded
MinutiaeFeatureDetectionTypeA data type for a detection and encoding of minutiae
MinutiaeFingerLocationTypeA data type for a finger position, segment, off-center code, and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of flexion crease
MinutiaeFlexionCreaseTypeA data type for a permanent flexion crease
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of evidence of friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFraudEvidenceTypeA data type for a friction ridge impression fraud
MinutiaeFrictionRidgeLocationTypeA data type for a friction ridge position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a growth or shrinkage of an image, i.e. whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageCodeTypeA data type for a growth or shrinkage of an image, i.e. whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeGrowthOrShrinkageTypeA data type for a growth or shrinkage indicating whether this impression may be larger or smaller than other exemplars for this subject
MinutiaeImageRidgePathTypeA data type for a set of ridge paths in a particular friction ridge image
MinutiaeIncipientRidgeTypeA data type for an incipient ridge in a friction ridge image
MinutiaeLatentMatrixCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentMatrixTypeA data type for a substance deposited by a friction ridge impression
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLatentSubstrateTypeA data type for a surface on which a friction ridge impression was deposited
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaeLocalQualityIssuesTypeA data type for a localized friction ridge transfer quality issue
MinutiaePalmLocationTypeA data type for a palm position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaePlantarLocationTypeA data type for a plantar (foot) position and polygon location within an image
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceTypeA data type for a confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountConfidenceValueTypeA data type for a degree of confidence in a ridge count between two points
MinutiaeRidgeCountCoreToDeltaTypeA data type for a core to delta ridge count
MinutiaeRidgeCountItemTypeA data type for a distance between two minutiae in ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method of counting ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountMethodCodeTypeA data type for a method of counting ridges
MinutiaeRidgeCountResidualCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a half of the octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
MinutiaeRidgeCountResidualCodeTypeA data type for a half of the octant in which a neighboring minutia lies
MinutiaeRidgeCountTypeA data type for a proximity of one minutia to another
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeEdgeOrDiscontinuityTypeA data type for a ridge edge or discontinuity
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapFormatCodeTypeA data type for a format of ridge flow values in the ridge flow map
MinutiaeRidgeFlowMapTypeA data type for a map of ridge flow values assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a format of ridge quality values in the ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapFormatCodeTypeA data type for a format of ridge quality values in the ridge quality map
MinutiaeRidgeQualityMapTypeA data type for a map of ridge quality values assigned to cells in a grid overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapFormatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a format of ridge wavelength values in the ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapFormatCodeTypeA data type for a format of ridge wavelength values in the ridge wavelength map
MinutiaeRidgeWavelengthMapTypeA data type for a ridge wavelength value assigned to cells at a matrix of points overlaying an image containing minutiae
MinutiaeTypeA data type for a set of minutiae definitions
MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentResultCodeTypeA data type for a result of an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaeValueAssessmentTypeA data type for an examiner's assessment of the value of the friction ridge impression
MinutiaRidgeCountTypeA data type for a minutia ridge count
MinutiaTypeA data type definition for a single minutia.
MissingChildRecoveryTypeA data type for a recovery of a missing child.
MissingChildRelatedPersonTypeA data type for a person related to a missing child.
MissingPersonOccurrenceTypeA data type for a set of details surrounding the activity perpetuated by a person's whereabouts being unknown.
MissingPersonTypeA data type for details of a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
MissionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an nc:Mission.
MissionEssentialTaskListTypeA data type for a list Mission Essential Tasks.
MissionEssentialTaskTypeA data type for a specified or implied task that an organization must perform to accomplish the mission that is typically included in the mission statement.
MissionInformationTypeA data type for Information about the mission related to the resource request
MissionTypeA data type for a task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.
ML_CodeListDictionary_TypeConstraint: codeEntry.type = ML_CodeListDefinition
MNPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 9 - Missing Person (MNP) Field Codes
MNPCodeTypeA data type for 9 - Missing Person (MNP) Field Codes
MNUCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 8 - Miscellaneous Identifying Number (MNU) Field Codes
MNUCodeTypeA data type for 8 - Miscellaneous Identifying Number (MNU) Field Codes
MobileFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a multi-finger capture position
MobileFingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for a multi-finger capture position
MonthlyLivingExpenseTypeA data type for a set of details describing the allocation of money for one month of living expenses.
MorgueCapacityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of the status of the morgue capacity.
MorgueCapacityCodeTypeA data type for a code set of the status of the morgue capacity.
MorphologyPositionalNumberingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
MorphologyPositionalNumberingCodeTypeA data type to indicate whether the assignment of tooth numbers was done on a morphological basis or positional basis.
MotionTypeA data type for a 2D or 3D vector describing the motion of a process or object.
MotorCarrierCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set that categorizes a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code set that categorizes a USDOT Number holder.
MotorCarrierIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type motor carrier identification category
MotorCarrierIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type motor carrier identification category
MotorCarrierTypeA data type for an organization providing commercial motor vehicle transportation for compensation.
MotorcycleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.6: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Parts
MotorcycleCodeTypeA data type for 2.6: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Parts
MotoristPersonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a motorist person category code.
MotoristPersonCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a motorist person category code.
MouthDataADAReferenceCodeListTypeA data type for a list of mouth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 10
MouthDataInformationTypeA data type for a description of the medical (dental) observations of the mouth.
MPCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 10 - Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) Field Codes
MPCCodeTypeA data type for 10 - Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) Field Codes
MultiCurvePropertyTypeA property that has a collection of curves as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiCurveTypeA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more curves or line strings. A gml:MultiCurve is defined by one or more gml:AbstractCurves. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:curveMember) or the ar
MultiGeometryPropertyTypeA property that has a geometric aggregate as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiGeometryTypeA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more geometries, potentially of different types. Gml:MultiGeometry is a collection of one or more GML geometry objects of arbitrary type. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "
MultimediaDataTypeA data type to provide data about a multimedia file, and optionally inclusion of the file content within the instant xml document.
MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the code values for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.
MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.
MultipleArresteeSegmentsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the ways in which an arrested subject is counted or scored in a system so that a subject is counted only once despite potentially multiple arrests at a time.
MultipleArresteeSegmentsCodeTypeA data type for the ways in which an arrested subject is counted or scored in a system so that a subject is counted only once despite potentially multiple arrests at a time.
Multiplicity_TypeUse to represent the possible cardinality of a relation. Represented by a set of simple multiplicity ranges.
MultiplicityRange_TypeA component of a multiplicity, consisting of an non-negative lower bound, and a potentially infinite upper bound.
MultiPointPropertyTypeA property that has a collection of points as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiPointTypeA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more points. A gml:MultiPoint consists of one or more gml:Points. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:pointMember) or the array property (gml:pointMem
MultiSolidPropertyTypeA property that has a collection of solids as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiSurfacePropertyTypeA property that has a collection of surfaces as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
MultiSurfaceTypeA data type for a geometry collection that includes one or more Polygons or Surfaces.
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument.
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument.
nametypeA structure that describes a name of a person or organization.
NameLineTypeListenum_patternA list of possible values for types of name lines
NameListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
NameOrNilReasonExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
NameOrNilReasonListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
NameTranslationRepresentationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of representations for names being translated
NameTranslationRepresentationCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of representations for names being translated
NameTypeComplex type for internal reuse
NANoYesNRCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
NANoYesNRCodeTypeA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
NANPTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a North American Numbering Plan telephone number.
NANPTelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a North American Numbering Plan telephone number.
NationalityTypeListenum_patternList of types of obtaining nationality
NationalRoleTypeA data type for the role of National that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
NATOMilSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a measure of an angle in NATO Mils (there are 6400 NATO Mils in a circle).
NATOMilTypeA data type for a measure of an angle in NATO Mils (there are 6400 NATO Mils in a circle).
NaturalizedCitizenRoleTypeA data type for the role of Naturalized Citizen that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
NCNameListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
NCNameListA set of values, representing a list of token with the lexical value space of NCName. The tokens are seperated by whitespace.
NeedTypeA data type for a need that is characteristically defined within a need category from assessments that drive the purpose for rehabilitation programs that address subject needs.
negativeIntegerA data type that is derived from nonPositiveInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be -1.
NetworkAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between originator, receiver, and a network address. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization.
NextPortOfCallListTypeA data type for a list of ports that will be visited subsequently.
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item.
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of report contained in the NIBRS submission.
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item.
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of report contained in the NIBRS submission.
niemstereotypeMapping of UML classes and attributes to NIEM types, elements and attributes
NilReasonTypegml:NilReasonType defines a content model that allows recording of an explanation for a void value or other exception.
gml:NilReasonType is a union of the following enumerated values:
- inapplicable there is no value
- missing the correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. Furthermore, a correct value may not exist
- template the value will be available later
- unknown the correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the sender of this data. However, a correct value probably exists
- withheld the value is not divulged
- other:text other brief explanation, where text is a string of two or more characters with no included spaces
- anyURI which should refer to a resource which describes the reason for the exception
A particular community may choose to assign more detailed semantics to the standard values provided. Alternatively, the URI method enables a specific or more complete explanation for the absence of a value to be provided elsewhere and indicated by-reference in an instance document.
gml:NilReasonType is used as a member of a union in a number of simple content types where it is necessary to permit a value from the NilReasonType union as an alternative to the primary type.
NISTQualityMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to measure the quality of a friction ridge capture, using the NIST scale
NISTQualityMeasureTypeA data type for the measure of the quality of a friction ridge capture, using the NIST scale
NISTSP800733PIVCardDataTypeA data type for fields contained on a PIV card
NonBlankStringSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a string that is not empty and does not consist of only white space characters.
NonBlankStringTypeA data type that defines a string value that can not be blank
NonCrewListTypeA data type for a list of non-crew onboard.
NonCrewNationalityCountTypeA data type for a nationality of one or more passengers on a vessel
NonCrewNationalityListTypeA data type for a list of the nationalities of all the passengers on the vessel
NonCrewTypeA data type for a non-crew member with associated embark/debark information.
NonImmigrantRoleTypeA data type for the role of NonImmigrant that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an action of the non-motorist prior to the crash.
NonMotoristActionBeforeCrashCodeTypeA data type for an action of the non-motorist prior to the crash.
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash.
NonMotoristContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeA data type for actions that the non-motorist was undertaking at the time of the crash.
NonMotoristLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a non-motorists location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash.
NonMotoristLocationCodeTypeA data type for a non-motorists location with respect to the roadway at the time of the crash.
NonMotoristPersonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of Non-Motorist involved in a Traffic Accident.
NonMotoristPersonCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of Non-Motorist involved in a Traffic Accident.
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist.
NonMotoristSafetyEquipmentCodeTypeA data type for safety equipment(s) used by the non-motorist.
NonNegativeDecimalSimpleTypeA data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0.
NonNegativeDecimalSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0.
NonNegativeDecimalTypeA data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0.
NonNegativeDecimalTypeA data type for a decimal value with a minimum value of 0.
NonNegativeDoubleListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of doubles with value of zero or greater.
NonNegativeDoubleListTypeA data type for a list of doubles with value of zero or greater.
NonNegativeDoubleSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a double with value of zero or greater.
NonNegativeDoubleTypeA data type for a double with value of zero or greater.
nonNegativeIntegerA data type for an integer with a minimum value of 0.
NonNegativeIntegerListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of nonnegative integers.
NonNegativeIntegerListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of nonnegative integers.
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Non-photographic Image Type Code
NonPhotographicImageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a Non-photographic Image Type Code
NonPhotographicImageryDetailTypeA data type for a non-photographic imagery details. This contains imagery information that is not standard 2D photography captured with a camera using visible light.
nonPositiveIntegerA data type for a lexical representation consisting of an optional preceding sign followed by a finite-length sequence of decimal digits.
NonVesselOperatingCarrierTypeA data type representing a common carrier that does not operate the vessels.
normalizedStringA data type that represents white space normalized strings. The value space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return, line feed nor tab characters.
normalizedStringA data type that represents white space normalized strings. The value space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return, line feed nor tab characters.
NotificationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Notification.
NotificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a notification status codes
NotificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a notification type codes
NotificationDistributionScopeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the category code denoting the intended level of distribution of the notification message
NotificationDistributionScopeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the category code denoting the intended level of distribution of the notification message
NotificationDistributionScopeTypeA data type for the intended level of distribution of the notification message
NotificationFunctionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a notification function type codes
NotificationFunctionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a notification function type codes
NotificationMessageStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an enumeration of possible message status types indicating outcome of notification transmission
NotificationMessageStatusCodeTypeA data type for an element for possible message status types indicating outcome of notification transmission
NotificationRequestTypeA data type for a request from a person or organization to be notified about a subject's release or transfer.
NotificationTargetLocationTypeA data type for a notification target location
NotificationTypeA data type for the function of the message
NotifierTypeA data type for notifier information
NotifyCourtDateMessageniem-profile:niemThe message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest.
NotifyCourtDateMessageTypeThe message returned when the a court date is scheduled, generally in response to a ReserveCourtDateRequest.
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessageniem-profile:niemThe message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions.
NotifyDocketingCompleteMessageTypeThe message returned from the Court Record MDE to the Filing Review MDE when the functions of entering information onto the docket or register of actions and commiting a filed document(s) to the official court record have been completed, conveying the results of those functions.
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageniem-profile:niemA response to a request for document stamping information.
NotifyDocumentStampInformationMessageTypeA response to a request for document stamping information.
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageniem-profile:niemThe asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage.
NotifyFilingReviewCompleteMessageTypeThe asynchronous message from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE conveying information concerning the court actions on the documents submitted for filing in a ReviewFilingMessage.
NotifyPartyTypeA data type for a name [and address] of party to be notified.
NPFCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.5: Number of Missing Person Found (NPF) Field Codes
NPFCodeTypeA data type for 1.5: Number of Missing Person Found (NPF) Field Codes
NuclideActivityTypeA data type for Nuclide Activity, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units.
NuclideActivityUncertaintyTypeA data type for the uncertainty in the value of NuclideActivityValue, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units.
NuclideAnalysisResultsTypeA data type for information regarding the nuclides identified (if any) by the analysis algorithm.
NuclideIDConfidenceValueTypeA data type that indicates the confidence ranging from 0.0 to 100.0 percent, in the identification status of a nuclide, where increasing values indicate more certainty that the nuclide is present. The interpretation of this value is dependent on the characteristics of the nuclide identification algorithm.
NuclideMDATypeA data type for minimum detectable activity (MDA) of a nuclide, expressed in kiloBequerel (kBq) units.
NuclideTypeA data type for the analysis results for an identified nuclide.
NumberTypeListenum_patternList of name types for commonly used Number type
NumericTypeA data type for a number value.
NumericTypeA data type for a number value.
Obligationniem-profile:niemA responsibility of a party in a case ordered by a court.
ObligationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a payment.
ObligationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Obligation.
ObligationComputationTypeA data type for a set of details describing the obligations assumed by subject as a part of supervised release conditions and requirements.
ObligationDueToOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an obligation and organization to which it is due.
ObligationDueToPersonAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a service or financial obligation.
ObligationExemptionTypeA data type for a waival or dismissal of an obligation.
ObligationExemptionTypeA data type for a waival or dismissal of an obligation.
ObligationGuaranteeTypeA data type for a set of details of how the obligation will be fulfilled
ObligationOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an obligation and an organization.
ObligationPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an obligation and a person.
ObligationRecurrenceTypeA data type for a periodic basis on which an obligation must be met.
ObligationRecurrenceTypeA data type for a periodic basis on which an obligation must be met.
ObligationTypeA data type for something that is owed to an entity.
ObligationTypeA data type for something that is owed to an entity.
ObservationTypeA data type for a time, location and information of an observation.
ObservedObjectLocationTypeA data type for a location of an observed object.
OccupantAirBagDeployedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for deployment status of an air bag relative to the position in the vehicle for this occupant.
OccupantAirBagDeployedCodeTypeA data type for deployment status of an air bag relative to the position in the vehicle for this occupant.
OccupantEjectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for occupant completely or partially thrown from the interior of the motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles, as a result of a crash.
OccupantEjectionCodeTypeA data type for occupant completely or partially thrown from the interior of the motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles, as a result of a crash.
OccupantProtectionSystemMotorcycleHelmetUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the helmet use by a motorcyclist, at the time of the crash.
OccupantProtectionSystemMotorcycleHelmetUseCodeTypeA data type for the helmet use by a motorcyclist, at the time of the crash.
OccupantProtectionSystemUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the restraint equipment in use by the occupant, or the helmet use by a motorcyclist, at the time of the crash.
OccupantProtectionSystemUseCodeTypeA data type for the restraint equipment in use by the occupant, or the helmet use by a motorcyclist, at the time of the crash.
OccupantSeatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the occupants seat in the motor vehicle prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupantSeatCodeTypeA data type for the occupants seat in the motor vehicle prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupantSeatOtherLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the location of the vehicle occupant prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupantSeatOtherLocationCodeTypeA data type for the location of the vehicle occupant prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupantSeatRowCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the occupants seat row in the motor vehicle prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupantSeatRowCodeTypeA data type for the occupants seat row in the motor vehicle prior to the first event in the sequence of events.
OccupationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of occupation.
OccupationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of occupation.
OccupationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for occupation codes.
OccupationCodeTypeA data type for occupation codes.
OccupationElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing an occupation
OctantNumericSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a number identifying an octant
OctantNumericTypeA data type for a number identifying an octant
OFFCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - Uniform Offense Classification (OFF, OOC, and CRR) Field Codes
OFFCodeTypeA data type for 3 - Uniform Offense Classification (OFF, OOC, and CRR) Field Codes
Offenderniem-profile:niemA person named in a citation alleged to have violated a statute or ordinance.
OffenseArrestAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense and the arrest of a subject alleged to have committed the offense.
OffenseCategoryNDExCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the category of offense.
OffenseCategoryNDExCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the category of offense.
OffenseChargeAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense that occurred and the formal charge that was assigned to it as a result of classifying the offense.
OffenseChargeAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense that occurred and the formal charge that was assigned to it as a result of classifying the offense.
OffenseCitationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship describing an offense that occurred and a subsequent citation that was issued as a result.
OffenseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the offense. Includes all NIBRS and NCIC codes, plus additional codes.
OffenseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) offense codes.
OffenseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) offense codes.
OffenseCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the offense. Includes all NIBRS and NCIC codes, plus additional codes.
OffenseCodeTypeA data type for Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) offense codes.
OffenseCodeTypeA data type for Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) offense codes.
OffenseDispositionAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense and the outcome of an activity that was triggered by the offense being committed in the first place.
OffenseFactorTypeA data type for a set of details about a circumstance or factor that has an effect on an offense.
OffenseIncidentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense and the incident during which the offense is to have been committed.
OffenseItemAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship of a general nature between an offense that was committed and an article or thing.
OffenseLevelCodeSimpleTypeA data type for levels of an incident.
OffenseLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for levels of an incident.
OffenseLevelCodeTypeA data type for levels of an incident.
OffenseLevelCodeTypeA data type for levels of an incident.
OffenseLocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense and a location at which the offense occurred.
OffenseLocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense and a location at which the offense occurred.
OffenseMOCrimeAndMotiveCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies probable crime types and/or motives based on investigator experience.
OffenseMOCrimeAndMotiveCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies probable crime types and/or motives based on investigator experience.
OffenseSubjectAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense that was committed and the subject alleged to have committed that offense.
OffenseSummaryCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies an offense type being summarized.
OffenseSummaryCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies an offense type being summarized.
OffenseSummaryTypeA data type for a summary of a type of offense.
OffenseTypeA data type for an alleged violation of a statute, ordinance, or rule.
OffenseTypeA data type for an alleged violation of a statute, ordinance, or rule.
OffenseVictimAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense that was committed and an entity that was adversely affected by that offense.
OffenseWitnessAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an offense that was committed and a person that observed the offense being committed.
OfficeEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of office equipment.
OfficeEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of office equipment.
OffloadIndicator of offload times of ambulance capabilities. The time it takes to transfer care of a patient to hospital staff, thereby freeing the transport for assignment.
OFSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 22 - Offender Status (OFS) Field Codes
OFSCodeTypeA data type for 22 - Offender Status (OFS) Field Codes
OneTwoWayOperationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indication of whether the segment operates as a one- or two-way roadway
OneTwoWayOperationCodeTypeA data type indication of whether the segment operates as a one- or two-way roadway
OpenPathSegmentTypeA data type for a series of connected points in which there is not an implicit connection between the last and first vertices.
OperatingScheduleTypeA data type for a schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
OperationalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type operational status codes
OperationalStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code for an emergency operation
OperationalStatusNotificationTypeA data type to represent an operational status change for the submitting jurisdiction
OperationAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
OperationMethodAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
OperationMethodPropertyTypegml:OperationMethodPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a concrete general-purpose operation method, either referencing or containing the definition of that method.
OperationParameterAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
OperationParameterGroupPropertyTypegml:OperationParameterPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an operation parameter group, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter group.
OperationParameterPropertyTypegml:OperationParameterPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an operation parameter, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter.
OperationPlanTaskOrganizationTypeA data type for an organization that assigns to responsible commanders the means with which to accomplish their assigned tasks in any planned action.
OperationPlanTypeA data type for a specification for any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies.
Operationsniem-profile:niemA list of ECF operations.
OPEXCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the operational status of an event.
OPEXCodeTypeA data type for the operational status of an event.
OpticalEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of optical equipment.
OpticalEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of optical equipment.
OrdnanceTypeA data type describing explosives, chemicals, pyrotechnics, and similar stores, e.g., bombs, guns and ammunition, flares, smoke, or napalm.
OrganicPracticeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing certification codes used for farm acreage in regards to a system/plan of production and handling practice to produce an organic commodity.
Organic practice that is Certified means a system/plan of production and handling practices to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity, is certified by an accredited certifying agent, and used to produce an organic commodity or product according to the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990.
Organic practic that is Transitional means a system/plan of production and handling practices to produce an organic commodity or product in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, but has not yet qualified to be designated as certified organic.
OrganicPracticeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for code to represent the type of certification for farm acreage production practice to produce organic commodity.
OrganisationCategoryTypeListenum_patternList of category the oranisation belongs to
OrganisationDetailsTypeA container for defining the unique characteristics of an organisation only
OrganisationDetailsUsageListenum_patternType of use of organisation details data
OrganisationIDTypeListenum_patternA list of all types of organisation name IDs
OrganisationInfoNatureListenum_patternList of organisation nature of business
OrganisationInfoTypeListenum_patternList of type of organisation
OrganisationNameElementListenum_patternA list of organisation name element types, e.g. Name, propriety type, liability type, etc.
OrganisationNameTypeReusable complex type
OrganisationNameTypeListenum_patternA list of common types for organisation names
OrganisationNameUsageListenum_patternA list of usage types for organisation name
OrganisationRelationshipTypeListenum_patternList of relationship types with an organisation
Organizationniem-profile:niemA structure that describes a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.
OrganizationAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between ORGANIZATION that conducts business at the ADDRESS for an associated duration of time.
OrganizationAffiliationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a textual description of the type of organization associated with a Person's Job Title or Role (e.g. Red Cross)
OrganizationAffiliationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a codified representation of a type of association between a person and an organization
OrganizationAlternateNameTypeA data type for another name used by an organization.
OrganizationAlternateNameTypeA data type for another name used by an organization.
OrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between organizations.
OrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between organizations.
OrganizationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an organization.
OrganizationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an organization.
OrganizationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an organization.
OrganizationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an organization.
OrganizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of organization.
OrganizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the functional kinds of an organization.
OrganizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of organizations involved in screening activities
OrganizationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of organization.
OrganizationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the functional kinds of an organization.
OrganizationCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of organizations involved in screening activities
OrganizationEncounterAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an interface between a person of interest in an ENCOUNTER and a representative of the ORGANIZATION of the federal government.
OrganizationFacilityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an organization and a facility.
OrganizationGeoLocationThe container element for specifying the geo-coded address.
OrganizationIdentificationListTypeA data type for a list of organization identifiers
OrganizationInformationThe container element for organization information elements.
OrganizationLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an organization and a location.
OrganizationPersonnelTypeA data type for an organization's personnel information
OrganizationPhoneAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a unit ORGANIZATION which conducts some sort of business or operations and it's PHONE.
OrganizationRelationshipniem-profile:niemThe relationship between two organizations. Example: subsidiary corporation.
OrganizationStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of status values associated with an organization
OrganizationStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of status values associated with an organization
OrganizationTypeA data type for a body of people organized for a particular purpose.
OrganizationTypeA data type for a body of people organized for a particular purpose.
OrganizationUnitAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an organization and another organization or unit.
OrientationTypeA data type for describing the spatial orientation of an object.
OrientationTypeA data type for the angles of rotation about the principle axes (normal, lateral, longitudinal) of a thing, relative to true north and the horizontal plane, measured in degrees.
OriginalChargeAmendedChargeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an original charge and an amended charge.
OriginalReportedAcreageSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for original, unmodified, number of acres that were reported.
OriginalReportedAcreageTypeA data type for original, unmodified, number of acres that were reported.
OriginatorIdentificationIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identifying the entity responsible for originating/publishing data.
For Acreage Reporting it identifies the FSA Service Center, Approved Insurance Provider (AIP), or Third Party Site which collected and published the acreage data and any accompanying geospatial data.
The identification consists of a prefix indicating the type of Originator, followed by an identification that uniquely identifies the Originator for that type.
OriginatorIdentificationIDTypeA data type for identifying the entity responsible for originating/publishing data.
OriginTypeA data type for the origin of a relative location coordinate system.
OrphanTypeA data type about a child who has no parents because of death or disappearance of, abandonment or desertion of, or separation or loss from both parents. An orphan is also a child who has only one parent, who is not capable of taking care of the child, and who has irrevocably released the child for adoption in writing.
OtherAlienRoleTypeA data type for the Other Alien role that is played by a Person who cannot be categorized as either an Immigrant or NonImmigrant with respect to a Country
OtherInvolvedPersonTypeA data type for a person who is involved in an activity, but does not meet the criteria for other roles.
OtherMinutiaeTypeA data type for a set of minutiae definitions to be used for a feature set owner or developer other than the ones specifically defined in this standard
OtherTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to limit length of other text
OtherTextTypeA data type to limit length of other text
OutOfAreaTravelPermitRequestTypeA data type for an activity engaged in to request permission to travel outside area of supervised release as defined in supervised release conditions.
OwnerInformationTypeA data type for a structure that defines ownership of a resource
PackageTypeA data type for an item packaged for containment, preservation, promotion, and/or protection of an article.
PackagingFormCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various PackagingFormCodes
PackagingFormCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the various forms of packaging.
PackagingFormCodeTypeA data type that defines the various PackagingFormCodes
PackagingFormCodeTypeA data type for the various forms of packaging.
PalmPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a palm position
PalmPositionCodeTypeA data type for a palm position
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of criteria under which the Palm print image was captured or Subject acquisition profile(SAP)
PalmPrintImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeA data type for a set of criteria under which the Palm print image was captured
PalmPrintImageDetailTypeA data type for the details about an image of a palm print
PalmPrintImageMissingAreaTypeA data type for a missing area of a palm print image
PalmPrintImageQualityTypeA data type for a quality measure of a palm print
PanelMemberTypeA data type for a person who is a member of a panel.
PanelTypeA data type for a small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide on a particular matter, especially in the context of business or government.
PARCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.3: Persons Armed (PAR) Field Codes
PARCodeTypeA data type for 1.3: Persons Armed (PAR) Field Codes
ParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and a person who is in a parent role toward that child.
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentChildKinshipCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing the nature of the relationship from a parent to a child
ParentGuardianniem-profile:niemInformation about the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a juvenile.
ParentRelationshipniem-profile:niemInformation relating to a parent.
ParkCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Parks types
ParkCategoryCodeTypeA data type for Parks types
ParkingViolationInformationniem-profile:niemInformation about a parking violation.
ParkingViolationTypeInformation about a parking violation.
ParksComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Parks Components
ParksComponentCodeTypeA data type for Parks Components
ParoleActionParoleeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a Parole Action and a Parolee.
ParoleActionTypeA data type for an event or activity regarding a subject's parole.
ParoleAgentOverrideTypeA data type for a set of details about an override decision made by a parole agent.
ParoleAssessmentTypeA data type for a process of determining a subject's suitability for parole.
ParoleDischargeTypeA data type for a set of details about the release of a parolee.
ParoleeTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject released from incarceration and placed on parole supervision.
ParoleHearingDecisionReviewTypeA data type for a set of details associated with a review of a parole hearing decision.
ParoleHearingDecisionTypeA data type for The outcome or disposition of a court parole hearing.
ParoleHearingTypeA data type for a hearing to determine if a person may be released from incarceration before the full sentence(s) has been served and the conditions of such release, if approved.
ParoleHearingWaiverNoticeTypeA data type for a notice of appearance of a subject for a parole hearing.
ParoleRevocationExtensionTypeA data type for a set of details concerning an extension to a parole revocation action.
ParoleTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's conditions and circumstance of parole.
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceRecommendationTypeA data type for a recommended response level for the parole violation based on the Parole Agent
ParoleViolationCaseConferenceTypeA data type for a set of details describing the actions and events of a parole violation case conference.
ParoleViolationCaseTypeA data type for a set of details about an instance of a parole violation.
ParoleViolationDecisionTypeA data type for a set of details about an outcome rendered in parole violation case.
ParoleViolationTypeA data type for a set of details regarding the facts and events which constitute a violation of parole.
ParticipantCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of participant.
ParticipantCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of participant.
ParticipantRoleCodeListCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a participant role.
ParticipantRoleCodeListCodeTypeA data type for a participant role.
ParticipantTypeA data type for a person who takes part in something.
PartyContactAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a party and its contact information.
PartyContactInformationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a party and contact information.
PartyIDCategoryTypeA data type for a category of Party ID
PartyIdentifierElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing party identifiers
PartyIdentifierTypeListenum_patternList of identifier types
PartyIDTypeA data type for the unique identity associated with an Organization, Person or Thing
PartyIDTypeListenum_patternList of types of party identifiers
PartyNameIDTypeListenum_patternA list of all types of Party Name IDs
PartyNameTypeReusable complex type for a party. A party is a person or an organisation
PartyNameUsageListenum_patternA list of usage types of party name
PartyTypeA data type for a Organization, Person or Thing associated with processing a Cargo entry.
PartyTypeA container for defining the unique characteristics of a party, which can be a person or organisation
PartyTypeListenum_patternOrganisation or Person
PartyUsageListenum_patternList of type of use of party data
PassagePointCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense.
PassagePointCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense.
PassagePointMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a method of entry or exit.
PassagePointMethodCodeTypeA data type for a method of entry or exit.
PassagePointTypeA data type for a point of entry or a point of exit to a location or structure.
PassFailCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for whether something has passed or failed some sort of test.
PassFailCodeTypeA data type for whether something has passed or failed some sort of test.
PassportCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of passport.
PassportCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of passport.
PassportTypeA data type for a government-issued document that authenticates the identity and citizenship of a person.
PassThroughOperationPropertyTypegml:PassThroughOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a pass through operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that pass through operation.
PatientLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a location of a patient.
PatientLocationCodeTypeA data type for a location of a patient.
PatientStudentServiceAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a service provider entity (person or organization) and a service recipient entity.
PatientTypeA data type for a person receiving medical care.
PatternedInjuryDetailTypeA data type definition that allows the entry of information concerning suspected patterned injuries.
PatternedInjuryReferenceCodeListTypeA data type for a list of patterned injury reference valid codes agreed upon by exchanging parties, such as ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1077
PawnBrokerTypeA data type for a pawn broker.
PawnTransactionTypeA data type for a pawn transaction.
Paymentniem-profile:niemThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMeansniem-profile:niemThe payment method employed to complete a transaction. Examples: credit card, debit card, automatic funds transfer, debit to an escrow account held at the court, promise to pay at a future date. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PaymentMeansTypeThe payment method employed to complete a transaction. Examples: credit card, debit card, automatic funds transfer, debit to an escrow account held at the court, promise to pay at a future date. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PaymentMessageniem-profile:niemThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMessageTypeThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentMethodCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a specific method of payment.
PaymentMethodCodeTypeA data type for a specific method of payment.
PaymentTypeThe payment submitted with a filing. The payment may consist of a fee for filing of the document(s) submitted, or for a fine or other payment due to the court.
PaymentTypeA data type for a monetary payment.
PCOCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeTypeA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PCOCodeTypeA data type for 19 - Protection Order Conditions (PCO) Field Codes
PeerReviewTypeA data type that is a credential class of a peer review
PercentSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a percent value with range 0.0 to 100.0.
PercentTypeA data type that defines the percent values
PerformanceMetricsTypeA data type that describes performance metrics details
PermitTypeA data type for a permit or official document giving a person or entity authorization to do something.
Personniem-profile:niemThe person playing a role in a case.
PersonAddressAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a PERSON who conducts some sort of business or operations and his or hers postal ADDRESS.
PersonAgeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type used to indicate the age of an individual victim when the reported crime occurred. Age code of person less than or equal to 1 year old.
PersonAgeCodeTypeA data type used to indicate the age of an individual victim when the reported crime occurred. Age code of person less than or equal to 1 year old.
PersonAlertAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a Person and an Alert Type that identifies the person of interest details.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a person alert status.
PersonAlertStatusTypeA data type for the information on a PERSON ALERT STATUS
PersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between people.
PersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between people.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person.
PersonAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements nc:PersonType.
PersonBiometricAssociationTypeA data type for an association that distinguishes physical characteristics captured at the time of person encounter.
PersonBiometricAssociationTypeA data type for an association that distinguishes physical characteristics captured at the time of person encounter.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationTypeA data type for an association that links a person to a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test reading, measured due to a related activity such as an arrest or a driving incident.
PersonBloodAlcoholContentAssociationTypeA data type for an association that links a person to a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test reading, measured due to a related activity such as an arrest or a driving incident.
PersonBloodTypeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBloodTypeCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying a blood group and RH factor of a person.
PersonBuildCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the person's physique or body shape.
PersonBuildCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the person's physique or body shape.
PersonCaseAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCaseAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a case.
PersonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of person type.
PersonCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of person type.
PersonCategoryTypeA data type for the category of a PERSON.
PersonCategoryTypeListenum_patternList of category the person belongs to
PersonChargeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a charge.
PersonChargeAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a charge.
PersonCitizenshipDetailsTypeA data type for information about a persons allegiance to a sovereign state by right of birthplace or naturalization.
PersonContactAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a contact person.
PersonConveyanceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a conveyance.
PersonCountryAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a country.
PersonCountryRoleTypeA data type for the role played by the Person with respect to a Country
PersonCredentialInformationTypeA data type for information about a person's credential
PersonCriminalHistorySummaryTypeA data type for a quantitative sketch or simplification of a person's criminal history encompassing arrest and conviction offenses.
PersonCrossingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a direction of a person crossing the U.S. border.
PersonCrossingEncounterTypeA data type for a Person Encounter involving the activity of a person while crossing the borders of United States.
PersonCrossingTypeA data type for classification of the direction of a PERSON CROSSING United States Borders.
PersonDeathIncidentTypeA data type for a set of details about an incident causing a person's death.
PersonDeathTypeA data type for a set of details about a person's death.
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person.
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person.
PersonDependentAssociationTypeA data type for an association of two people; one of which is a dependent of the other
PersonDerogatoryInformationTypeA data type for an electronic exchange containing derogatory information about a person from an organization.
PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of person designator.
PersonDesignatorCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of person designator.
PersonDesignatorTypeA data type for an alternate identifier assigned to a PERSON
PersonDetailsTypeA container for defining the unique characteristics of a person only
PersonDetailsUsageListenum_patternList of type of use of person details data
PersonDisabilityTypeA data type for a type of disability recorded as part of a subject assessment.
PersonDisunionTypeA data type for a legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDisunionTypeA data type for a legal termination of a Person Union.
PersonDocumentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a document.
PersonEducationDetailsTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and an organization in which the organization is providing a service as an educational institution.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person employment association.
PersonEmploymentAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person employment association.
PersonEmploymentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and an employment.
PersonEmploymentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and an employment.
PersonEncounterAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship of a PERSON of interest to a specific ENCOUNTER with a representative of the federal government.
PersonEncounterCategoryTypeA data type for information on a person encounter.
PersonEncounterDocumentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship for a DOCUMENT associated with a PERSON related to a specific ENCOUNTER.
PersonEncounterLeadAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a Person of interest associated to a specific ENCOUNTER through a LEAD.
PersonEncounterTypeA data type for an encounter between a person of interest and a governmental element, such as an organization, official or surveillance system.
PersonEthnicityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying a cultural lineage of a person.
PersonEthnicityListenum_patternList of ethnicity of person
PersonEyeColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying an eye color of a person.
PersonEyeColorCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying an eye color of a person.
PersonEyewearCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person.
PersonEyewearCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person.
PersonFacialHairCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person.
PersonFacialHairCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person.
PersonFavouriteTypeListenum_patternList of favourites of the person
PersonFinancialCompilationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a financial compilation.
PersonGenderIdentityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a gender of a person's identity.
PersonGenderIdentityCodeTypeA data type for a gender of a person's identity.
PersonHairColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying a hair color of a person.
PersonHairColorCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying a hair color of a person.
PersonHairLengthCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the length of the person's hair.
PersonHairLengthCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the length of the person's hair.
PersonHairStyleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the style of a person's hair.
PersonHairStyleCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the style of a person's hair.
PersonHandedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using.
PersonHandedCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using.
PersonHumanResourceTypeA data type contains information about a person
PersonIDCardTypeA data type for a credential class that represents the identification of a human resource
PersonIdentityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and an identity.
PersonIDTypeListenum_patternA list of all types of person name IDs
PersonImageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of image of a person
PersonImageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of image of a person
PersonInIDTypeA data type for the human being referenced in the context of an identification.
PersonInjuryLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the primary or most obvious area of the persons body injured during the crash.
PersonInjuryLocationCodeTypeA data type for the primary or most obvious area of the persons body injured during the crash.
PersonInjuryStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the injury severity level for a person involved in crash.
PersonInjuryStatusCodeTypeA data type for the injury severity level for a person involved in crash.
PersonLanguageTypeA data type for a language capability of a person.
PersonLanguageTypeA data type for a language capability of a person.
PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person who last saw a missing person, and the missing person.
PersonLeadAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person, their role, and a lead incident.
PersonLivingSituationTypeA data type for a set of details specific to a subject's living situation.
PersonLocationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a location.
PersonMedicalConditionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of medical conditions for a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of medical conditions for a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of status changes for medical conditions of a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of status changes for medical conditions of a person involved in a screening activity
PersonMedicalConditionStatusTypeA data type for a PERSONs health problem and physical limitation that an officer should be cautious of.
PersonMetadataTypeA data type for metadata about the data associated with a person being screened.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a person name.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements PersonName and specifies the additional name information used for Screening.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeSimpleTypeA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeA data type for possible kinds of names.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of person name.
PersonNameDesignationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of words or phrase that represents a professional title of an individual.
PersonNameDesignationCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of words or phrase that represents a professional title of an individual.
PersonNameElementListenum_patternA list of person name element types, e.g. First Name, Last Name, Title, etc.
PersonNameTextAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a name of a person.
PersonNameTextTypeA data type for a name by which a person is known, referred, or addressed.
PersonNameTextTypeA data type for a name by which a person is known, referred, or addressed.
PersonNameTypeA data type for a combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameTypeA data type for a combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
PersonNameTypeReusable complex type
PersonNameTypeListenum_patternA list of common types for person names
PersonNameUsageListenum_patternA list of usage types of person name
PersonObligationComputationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and an obligation computation.
PersonOnVesselTypeA data type for a person on a vessel with embark/debark information.
PersonOrganDonorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for organs a person could be willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganDonorCodeTypeA data type for organs a person could be willing to donate upon death.
PersonOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and an organization.
PersonOrganizationRelationshipniem-profile:niemThe relationship of a person to an organization in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. An example is the relationship between an attorney and the law firm.
PersonOtherIDTypeA data type for the kind of identifier assigned to a person, if the identifier is not explicitly defined in a standard enumeration.
PersonOtherKinAssociationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the nature of the kinship or other close personal relationship from a source person to a target person
PersonOtherKinAssociationCodeTypeA data type for describing the nature of the kinship or other close personal relationship from a source person to a target person
PersonOtherKinAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship that is a kinship or other close personal association between the source object and the target object. The relationship between a parent and a child should be captured using the ParentChildAssociation
PersonPhoneAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a PERSON and a PHONE.
PersonPublicationTypeA data type that represents a publication done by a person
PersonRaceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying a race of a person.
PersonRaceCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying a race of a person.
PersonRelationshipniem-profile:niemThe relationship of a person to another person in a case. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
PersonRelationshipTypeListenum_patternType of relationship with a person
PersonResidenceAssociationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a residence association.
PersonResidenceAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a location where that person lives.
PersonRoleCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of person role.
PersonRoleCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of person role.
PersonRoleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a person role.
PersonRoleCodeTypeA data type for a person role.
PersonRoleTypeA data type for a part played by a Person in an Encounter.
PersonSearchResultTypeA data type used for returning person status information to the requesting organization
PersonSexCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying a gender or sex of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeTypeA data type for a target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
PersonSexualOrientationCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person.
PersonSkinToneCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set identifying the skin color or tone of a person.
PersonSkinToneCodeTypeA data type for a code set identifying the skin color or tone of a person.
PersonSpeechCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person's speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person.
PersonSpeechCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person's speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person.
PersonStatusSummaryTypeA data type that specifies requesting person status information from Screening encounters
PersonStolenIdentityAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and a stolen identity used by that person.
PersonTelephoneNumberListAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a person and approved telephone number list for calls.
PersonTypeA data type for a human being.
PersonTypeA data type for a human being.
PersonUnionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionAssociationTypeA data type for an association between two persons who are in a state of union with each other.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the legally recognized union between two persons.
PersonUnionSeparationTypeA data type for a separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionSeparationTypeA data type for a separation of the parties in a Person Union.
PersonUnionStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the legal status of a person's union with another person.
PersonUnionStatusCodeTypeA data type describing the legal status of a person's union with another person.
PersonWorkerAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a person and a person assigned to do work for or on behalf of that person.
PetitionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the type of petition filed.
PetitionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the type of petition filed.
PetitionerChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a petitioner and a child.
PetitionerTypeA data type for information about the person filing the petition.
PharmacistTypeA data type for a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
PhoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of phone devices
PhoneCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of phone devices
PhotoDescriptorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an attribute of a captured facial image
PhotoDescriptorCodeTypeA data type for an attribute of a captured facial image
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device.
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device.
PhotonDataTypeA data type for the photon properties of a radiographic device.
PhotonSourceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the Photon source code
PhotonSourceCodeTypeA data type that defines the various photon source code
PhysicalAccessLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the levels of physical access a person has to an asset
PhysicalAccessLevelCodeTypeA data type for a code describing the levels of physical access a person has to an asset
PhysicalEncounterAgentAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship for a physical encounter between a DHS Agent and a Person.
PhysicalFeatureAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a set of physical markings of a person.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of physical feature. This code is used for defining a SMT category.
PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of physical feature
PhysicalFeatureClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a class of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureClassCodeTypeA data type for a class of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a color of a physical feature. This code is used to indicate the color of a SMT
PhysicalFeatureColorCodeTypeA data type for a color of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureColorDetailTypeA data type for a description of the colors of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureDescriptionTypeA data type for a description of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureImageTypeA data type for an image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureImageTypeA data type for an image of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureSizeTypeA data type for a size of a physical feature
PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a sub-class of a physical feature. This is a sub-class of a tattoo.
PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeTypeA data type for a human tattoo subclass of an SMT, MISC if not tattoo
PhysicalFeatureTypeA data type for a prominent or easily identifiable aspect of something or someone.
PhysicalFeatureTypeA data type for a prominent or easily identifiable aspect of something or someone.
PhysicalFitnessLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the coded representation of the fitness level a person is in
PhysicalFitnessLevelCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the person's physical fitness
PhysicalFitnessTypeA data type for a credential class that represents a person's physical fitness
PhysicalInfoFreeTextTypeListenum_patternList of type of physical info for free text
PhysicalMailAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a sender and recipent.
PhysicalMarkingCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a classification of the kind of PERSON PHYSICAL MARKING.
PhysicalMediaObjectTypeA data type for a description of the characteristics of physical media containing a recording.
PhysicalStatusListenum_patternList of physical status of a person
PIVAssuranceLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by FIPS 201, aligned with assurance levels defined by OMB M-04-04 E-Authentication Guidance from level 2 to 4
PIVAssuranceLevelCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the assurance level of an identification, defined by FIPS 201
Placementniem-profile:niemInformation about the person or organization orther than parent or guardian with whom the juvenile lives. Examples: Foster home, foster parents, state institution, hospital, shelter.
PlacementLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeSimpleTypeA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeTypeA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementLocationCodeTypeA data type for a list that describes the location of a child or youth's placement.
PlacementOrganizationniem-profile:niemAn entity to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
PlacementPersonniem-profile:niemThe person to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
PlacementSettingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a placement setting code.
PlacementSettingCodeTypeA data type for a placement setting code.
PlacementSettingRenumerationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a placement setting renumeration.
PlacementSettingRenumerationCodeTypeA data type for a placement setting renumeration.
PlacementTypeA data type for the placement history of a child or youth.
PlacementTypeA data type for the placement history of a child or youth.
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageAcquisitionProfileCodeTypeA data type for a set of criteria under which the Plantar image was captured
PlantarImageDetailTypeA data type for a set of details about an image of a plantar (footprint)
PlantarImageMissingAreaTypeA data type for a missing area of a plantar image
PlantarImageQualityTypeA data type for a quality measure of a plantar image
PlantarImageSegmentToePositionPolygonTypeA data type for a polygon segment outlining areas containing toes within a particular plantar image
PlantarPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a foot position
PlantarPositionCodeTypeA data type for a foot position
PlantedDateModifiedOtherReasonTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for free form text providing the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value when a reason other than the possible list of provided reasons is needed.
PlantedDateModifiedOtherReasonTextTypeA data type for free form text providing the reason that a planted date was modified from its original value.
PlantedDateModifiedReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type containing the reason codes that a planted date was modified from its original value.
PlantedDateModifiedReasonCodeTypeA data type for reason code that a planted date was modified.
PlanTypeA data type for a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
PleaCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of pleas.
PleaCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of pleas.
PleaTypeA data type for an answer which a defendant in an action at law makes to charges.
PointArrayPropertyTypegml:PointArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of points. The elements are always contained inline in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
PointPropertyTypeA property that has a point as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
PointPropertyTypeA property that has a point as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an
element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located
elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element must be given, but neither both nor none.
PointPropertyTypeThis type contains a gml:Point. Unlike a gml:PointPropertyType, it does not enable reference to an external gml:Point via an xlink.
PointToPointLocationTrackingTypeA data type which contains all elements related to resource tracking
PointTypeA data type for a 2D or 3D geometric point. A gml:Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the gml:pos element which is of type gml:DirectPositionType.
PointTypeA Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple.
PointXYTypeA data type that provides a pair of values for a data point, and optionally their uncertainties.
PolarCSPropertyTypegml:PolarCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a polar coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
PolicyQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
PolicyQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the policy information to be returned.
PolygonPropertyTypeThis type contains a gml:Polygon
PolygonRegionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a polygon.
PolygonRegionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a polygon.
PolygonRegionTypeA data type for a polygon area identified by a set of coordinates.
PolygonTypeA data type for a polygon; a geometric surface defined by a single surface patch whose boundary is coplanar. A gml:Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar inte
PolygonTypeA Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch. The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior. It is backwards compatible with the Polygon of GML 2, GM_Polygon of ISO 19107 is implemented by PolygonPatch.
PolyvictimizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of additional victimization
PolyvictimizationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of additional victimization.
PortTypeA data type for a facility capable of receiving vessels and transferring cargo.
PortVisitTypeA data type for an actual or expected visit of a vessel to a port.
PoseAngleTypeA data type for a set of angular offsets of a subject from a full face or a profile, for a determined 3D pose
PositionTypeA data type for a geospatial position, course, heading, speed, and status of a vessel at a given time.
PositiveDoubleListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of doubles restricted to positive values.
PositiveDoubleListTypeA data type for a list of doubles restricted to positive values.
PositiveDoubleSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a double with values greater than zero.
PositiveDoubleTypeA data type for a double with values greater than zero.
positiveIntegerA data type that is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of minInclusive to be 1.
PositiveIntegerListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of positive integers.
PositiveIntegerListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of positive integers.
PositiveIntegerTypeA data type for a positive integer.
PositiveLengthCMTypeA data type for a length measure whose value is positive and expressed in centimeter (cm) units.
PositiveVolumeCCTypeA data type for a volume measure whose value is positive and expressed in cubic centimeter (cc) units.
PostalAddressniem-profile:niemA postal address.
PostalDeliveryPointTypeListenum_patternA list of postal delivery point types
PostOfficeTypeListenum_patternA list of types of postal delivery offices
PostSentenceActionTypeA data type for an optional Post-Sentence Segment in the Criminal History record in order to transmit actions following adjudication and sentencing, such as a pardon, certificate of relief, restoration of rights, retirement, clemency, or commutatio
PotentialIdentityMatchAssociationTypeA data type for an association relating a set of identities that may potentially belong to the same person.
PowerCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the type of power facility
PowerCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the type of power facility
PowerComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common components of power generating and distribution facilities
PowerComponentCodeTypeA data type for the common components of power generating and distribution facilities
PR0CodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
PR0CodeTypeA data type for 2 - Propulsion (PRO) Field Codes
PreciousMetalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
PreciousMetalCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
PreferenceTypeListenum_patternType of preferences of a person
PreliminaryDamageAssessmentTypeA data type for a preliminary damage assessement report
PremiseSecurityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident.
PremiseSecurityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident.
PremisesElementTypeListenum_patternA list of name types for premises
PremisesTypeComplex type for internal reuse
PremisesTypeListenum_patternA list of premises type
PrenatalAgeUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child.
PrenatalAgeUnitCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child.
PreparingAgencyFinancialCompilationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an organization and a financial compilation.
PreparingAgencyObligationComputationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an obligation computation and an organization that prepared it.
PreScreeningTypeA data type for an activity to identify that a person is a victim of human trafficking using a pre-screening tool or procedure (e.g., an intake form, federal screening tool).
PrescriptionTypeA data type for the details of written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
PresentenceInvestigationTypeA data type for an investigation occurring post conviction, but prior to sentence, that assesses a subject's probability of risk to the community in the form of future criminal behavior, the harm the offense caused and the need for restitution or cos
PresentingProblemCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing problems presented at intake.
PresentingProblemCodeTypeA data type for describing problems presented at intake.
PretrialInvestigationTypeA data type for an investigation occurring prior to trial that assesses the likelihood that a subject will fail to appear in court and the danger to the community posed by a subject.
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation.
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation.
PreviousActivityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between an activity and a previous activity.
PreviousCustomsDocumentTypeA data type for a customs document that has been superseded by a more recent document.
PreviousForeignPortOfCallListTypeA data type for a list of foreign ports previously visited.
PrimeMeridianAlt_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
PrimeMeridianPropertyTypegml:PrimeMeridianPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a prime meridian, either referencing or containing the definition of that meridian.
PriorDetentionTypeA data type for describing a prior detention.
PriorInterventionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing a prior intervention.
PriorInterventionCodeTypeA data type for describing a prior intervention.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type listing the kinds of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProblemTreatmentHistoryCodeTypeA data type for describing the kinds of recommended treatment for the presented problem in a prior intervention.
ProcessAnnotationTypeA data type for a set of elements describing, or logging, a biometric processing algorithm or workstation
ProcessingEstablishmentIDCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a the identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentIDCodeTypeA data type for a the identification code specifying the slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingEstablishmentTypeA data type for a name [and address] of slaughtering, freezing, or other processing establishment.
ProcessingIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
ProcessingIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a Redaction/Discontinuity Indicator Code.
ProducerSharePercentSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for producer's share of a crop and the benefits coming from that crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProducerSharePercentTypeA data type for producer's share of a crop and the benefits coming from that crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProducerShareTypeA data type that contains producer's share in the benefits coming from a crop, expressed as a percentage.
ProductIntendedUseSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type identifying the intended use code for an agricultural product such as a crop/commodity, tree, livestock, etc. Codes for intended uses are specific to a particular combination of Core Product Code and Core Product Type Code and are maintained by the Pilot CVT (Crop Validation Table).
ProductIntendedUseTypeA data type for agricultural product code.
ProductPlantingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for code to identify the planting of a product/crop as either conventional (plannted as normal or no planting required) or unconventional/irregular in a predefined way.
ProductPlantingCodeTypeA data type for code to identify the planting of a product/crop.
ProgramActivityTypeA data type for a set of details about the actions and events within a specific program.
ProgramAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a program.
ProgramAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Program.
ProgramEnrollmentTypeA data type for a set of details required for a subject's participation in a specific program.
ProgramKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Program which assessment will support
ProgramKindCodeTypeA data type for a kind of assessement program
ProgramTypeA data type for a set of projects, activities, or services intended to meet a need.
ProgramViolationTypeA data type for a set of details describing activities and infractions of a subject in a program.
ProgressTypeA data type for a set of changes or advancements which bring someone closer to completing something.
ProhibitedActDispositionAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a prohibited act and a disposition of the prohibited act.
ProhibitedActTypeA data type for a violation of published rule/code of conduct for which a person can be held accountable for through sanction.
ProhibitiveDeploymentConditionTypeA data type for the condition a person is prohibited from being deployed to
ProjectedCRSPropertyTypegml:ProjectedCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a projected coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
ProjectionCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for projection
ProofOfInsuranceniem-profile:niemInformation concerning whether an individual possesses proof of insurance coverage.
ProperNameTextTypeA data type for a word or phrase by which a person or thing is known, referred, or addressed.
ProperNameTextTypeA data type for a word or phrase by which a person or thing is known, referred, or addressed.
Propertyniem-profile:niemAn inanimate object that is named as a party in a case. Examples include an automobile, airplane, gun, or cash sought to be forfeited to the state as an instrumentality of a crime or a vessel against which a warrant issues in an admiralty case.
PropertyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for categories or classifications of a property item.
PropertyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for categories or classifications of a property item.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of identification of a prospective or potential victim of human trafficking.
ProspectiveVictimStatusTypeA data type for the status of a prospective or potential victim.
ProtectionOrderTypeA data type for a civil order protecting one individual from another.
ProtectionOrderTypeA data type for a civil order protecting one individual from another.
PublicAssistanceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the catagories the public assistance work
PublicAssistanceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the catagories the public assistance work.
PublicationTypeA data type for a collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side.
PublicKeyInformationniem-profile:niemSymmetric or asymmetric keys used to encrypt and decrypt, or verify signed messages or documents exchanged with the court.
PublicServiceTypeA data type for a set of deeds and acts performed by or on behalf of a public agency for the benefit of a citizen, a business or another public agency.
PutativeParentChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a child and a person who is alleged to be the child's biological parent.
QNameListA type for a list of values of the respective simple type.
QualificationElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing a qualification
QualityScoreFailureCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Quality Score Failure
QualityScoreSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to define values for allowed quality scores
QualityScoreTypeA data type to define values for allowed quality scores
QuantityTypeA data type for a count or tally.
QuarterIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an identifier of a three-month period in a calendar or fiscal year.
QuarterIDTypeA data type for an identifier of a three-month period in a calendar or fiscal year.
RACCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the race of the person.
RACCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the race of the person.
RACECodeSimpleTypeA data type for 3 - Race (RAC), Protected Person Race (PPR), and Person with Information Race (PIR) Field Codes
RACECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - Race (RAC), Protected Person Race (PPR), and Person with Information Race (PIR) Field Codes
RACECodeTypeA data type for 3 - Race (RAC), Protected Person Race (PPR), and Person with Information Race (PIR) Field Codes
RACECodeTypeA data type for 3 - Race (RAC), Protected Person Race (PPR), and Person with Information Race (PIR) Field Codes
RadAlarmCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the categories of alarms.
RadAlarmCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the categories of alarms.
RadAlarmTypeA data type for radiation alarm information.
RadDetectorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the categories of radiation detectors based on the type of particles and/or photon emission that can be detect from a radiological or nuclear substance.
RadDetectorCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the categories of radiation detectors based on the type of particles and/or photon emission that can be detect from a radiological or nuclear substance.
RadDetectorInformationTypeA data type for information regarding a rad detector.
RadDetectorKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the kinds of radiation detectors that may compose a radiation instrument.
RadDetectorKindCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of radiation detectors that may compose a radiation instrument.
RadDetectorStateTypeA data type for the state(s) of a radiation detector used in collecting the measurement data.
RadInstrumentClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the classes of radiation detection instruments based on type and use.
RadInstrumentClassCodeTypeA data type for the classes of radiation detection instruments based on type and use.
RadInstrumentDataTypeA data type for the output of a radiation detection instrument from a detection event.
RadInstrumentInformationTypeA data type that provides information regarding a radiation detection instrument.
RadInstrumentModeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the operating modes of a radiation detection instrument.
RadInstrumentModeCodeTypeA data type for the operating modes of a radiation detection instrument.
RadInstrumentQualityControlTypeA data type for rad instrument quality control information.
RadInstrumentStateTypeA data type for the state of a radiation instrument used in collecting the measurement data.
RadInstrumentVersionTypeA data type for version information for the relevant components of a radiation instrument.
RadionuclideCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of radionuclides. Reference CFR 172.101, Appendix A, Table 2.
RadionuclideCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of radionuclides. Reference CFR 172.101, Appendix A, Table 2.
RadItemInformationTypeA data type that provides information regarding an item from which radiation is being measured by the radiation instrument, and measurement data is reported in this xml document.
RadItemQuantityTypeA data type for expressing a quantity measure of a item that is the source of the radiation measurement contained in this xml document.
RadItemStateTypeA data type for the state of an item that is the subject of a radiation measurement.
RadMeasurementGroupTypeA data type for identifying associated groups of RadMeasurements.
RadMeasurementTypeA data type for a set of radiation measurements that were taken in the same time period.
RangeValueSettingDataTypeA data type for a setting that is specified by a value or measure within a given range.
RapSheetCycleTypeA data type for a criminal history cycle, based upon a fingerprint submission that either establishes the subject record or positively identifies the current submission to the existing subject record.
RapSheetNonCriminalInformationTypeA data type for a criminal history cycle to report non-criminal fingerprinting events, related to employment background checks, applications for certain licenses, such as concealed firearms
RapSheetPersonBiometricsAssociationTypeA data type for an association between biometric information and a person.
RapSheetPersonDNATypeA data type for an element in the rapsheet used solely to report that a DNA sample has been taken from the subject and is available from a specific agency.
RapSheetPurposeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set indicating the purpose for which the Rap Sheet will be used.
RapSheetPurposeCodeTypeA data type for a code set indicating the purpose for which the Rap Sheet will be used.
RapSheetTypeA data type for a "Record of Arrests and Prosecutions".
ReachbackDataTypeA data type for information regarding Reachback.
ReachbackRecommendationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the variuos code values for the various Reachback Recommnedation.
ReachbackRecommendationCodeTypeA data type that defines the various Reachback Recommnedation Code
ReachbackRequestCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for Reachback Request
ReachbackRequestCodeTypeA data type that defines the various reachback Request Code
RealEstateTypeA data type for a piece of land and any permanent structures and natural resources on it.
ReasonForPlacementChangeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing the reason for change in placement.
ReasonForPlacementChangeCodeTypeA data type for describing the reason for the change in placement.
RecallCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for defining a recall message type
RecallCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that represents the type of specified recalled message
RecommendationTypeA data type for a suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action.
RecordDocketingMessageniem-profile:niemMessage resulting from clerk review and edit of a ReviewFilingMessage.
RecordDocketingMessageTypeMessage resulting from clerk review and edit of a ReviewFilingMessage.
RecordingAssignedVoiceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that indicates if the voice recording sample was obtained from a known subject.
RecordingAssignedVoiceCategoryCodeTypeA data type that indicates if the voice recording sample was obtained from a known subject.
RecordingAwarenessCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for recording awareness indicator.
RecordingAwarenessCodeTypeA data type for recording awareness indicator.
RecordingContentDescriptorTypeA data type for a recording content descriptor
RecordingDurationDetailTypeA data type for a description of the duration of a recording, as expressed in time, size, and samplings.
RecordingSettingDetailTypeA data type for a description of the details surrounding the creation of a recording
RecordingSourceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the enumeration of codes describing the kind of site or agency that created a recording.
RecordingSourceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the representation of codes describing the kind of site or agency that created a recording
RecoveryProgramCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code to specify the primary emergency programs for Recovery.
RecoveryProgramCategoryCodeTypeA data type code to specify the recovery program.
ReferenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.3: For Reference Only Country Codes
ReferenceCodeTypeA data type for 2.3: For Reference Only Country Codes
ReferenceTypegml:ReferenceType is intended to be used in application schemas directly, if a property element shall use a "by-reference only" encoding.
ReferralAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a referral.
ReferralTypeA data type for a recommendation of a person to an activity, program, or product.
RegisterActionTypeA data type for a history of an action for a case.
RegisteredOffenderCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the category of a person's offender registration.
RegisteredOffenderCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the category of a person's offender registration.
RegisteredOffenderOffenseOfRegistrationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a registered offender and an offense for which the offender must register.
RegisteredOffenderTypeA data type for information about a person who is required to register information with a law enforcement agency due to having been convicted of a certain type of crime.
RegisteredOffenderTypeA data type for information about a person who is required to register information with a law enforcement agency due to having been convicted of a certain type of crime.
RegisterOfActionsTypeA data type for a history of actions for a case.
RegistrationPlateColorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for colors of a vehicle registration plate or license plate.
RegistrationPlateColorCodeTypeA data type for colors of a vehicle registration plate or license plate.
RegistrationStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for activities recorded for a registration.
RegistrationStatusCodeTypeA data type for activities recorded for a registration.
RegistrationStatusDetailCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for additional information regarding a registration status.
RegistrationStatusDetailCodeTypeA data type for additional information regarding a registration status.
RelatedActivityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between related activities.
RelatedActivityAssociationTypeA data type for an association between related activities.
RelatedCaseniem-profile:niemCase or cases sharing characteristics, such as common parties or events, with this case.
RelatedCaseTypeA data type for a case which is related in some way to another.
RelatedDocketEntryniem-profile:niemAn entry on the docket or register of actions that is a child of the current docket entry.
RelatedTimeTypegml:RelatedTimeType provides a content model for indicating the relative position of an arbitrary member of the substitution group whose head is gml:AbstractTimePrimitive. It extends the generic gml:TimePrimitivePropertyType with an XML attribute relativePosition, whose value is selected from the set of 13 temporal relationships identified by Allen (1983)
RelativeLocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a relative location.
RelativeLocationHeadingSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a compass heading of a direction from a reference location.
RelativeLocationHeadingTypeA data type for a compass heading of a direction from a reference location.
RelativeLocationTypeA data type for describing the relative location of an object.
RelativeLocationTypeA data type for a location identified by its proximity to another location.
RelativeOrientationTypeA data type for the angles of rotation about the principle axes (normal, lateral, longitudinal) of some thing, relative to the Earth and direction of motion, measured in degrees.
RelativeRotationMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an angle of direction between -179 and 180, with 0 being upright
RelativeRotationMeasureTypeA data type for an angle of direction between -179 and 180, with 0 being upright
ReleaseAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a Release.
ReleaseReviewDecisionTypeA data type for a decision or outcome of a discharge review.
ReleaseTypeA data type for a freeing or discharging of someone or something from an activity, supervision, or obligation.
ReligionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a religion to which a person can subscribe or believe; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
ReligionCodeTypeA data type for a religion to which a person can subscribe or believe; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
ReligionListenum_patternList of religions of person
RemarksComplexObjectTypeA data type providing a Remark via inheritance to applicable Types.
RemarksComplexObjectTypeA data type providing a Remark via inheritance to applicable Types.
RemovedPartyniem-profile:niemParty to the original case that is not party to the appeal.
ReportActionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of action to be taken on the report.
ReportActionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of action to be taken on the report.
ReportedAcreageModifiedOtherReasonTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for reason code identifying the reason that the reported acreage was modified from its original value.
ReportedAcreageModifiedOtherReasonTextTypeA data type for reason code identifying the reason that the reported acreage was modified from its original value.
ReportedAcreageModifiedReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type identifying the reason codes that the reported acreage was modified from its original value.
ReportedAcreageModifiedReasonCodeTypeA data type for reason code for modified reported acreage.
ReportingOrganizationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of an organization reporting information.
ReportingOrganizationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of an organization reporting information.
ReportingOrganizationClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a class of an organization reporting information.
ReportingOrganizationClassCodeTypeA data type for a class of an organization reporting information.
ReportingOrganizationTypeA data type for an organization reporting information.
ReportTypeA data type for a report provided on an unsolicited basis; ie, not in response to a request message (Pull), but by Push from the entity providing the report.
RepresentationAppointmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the type of appointment that is made
RepresentationAppointmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the type of appointment that is made
RepresentativePersonTypeA data type for a name [and address] of a person representing an organization
RequestAgencyTypeA data type to identify the source of a request message.
RequestCourtDateRequestMessageniem-profile:niemA request for available court dates
RequestCourtDateRequestMessageTypeA request for available court dates
RequestCourtDateResponseMessageniem-profile:niemA response listing available court dates
RequestCourtDateResponseMessageTypeA response listing available court dates
RequestDataTypeA data type to provide metadata about a request.
RequestMessageniem-profile:niemThe base message for a synchronous request/query.
RequestMessageTypeThe base message for a synchronous request/query.
RequestResourceInformationTypeA data type for the description for RequestResourceInformationType
RequestScopeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for Request Scope.
RequestScopeCodeTypeA data type that defines the various Request Scope Code values
RequestTypeA data type for a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority.
RequiredPartyTypeA data type for the party required to the next court event.
ReserveCourtDateMessageniem-profile:niemA request to allocate a court date on the schedule.
ReserveCourtDateMessageTypeA request to allocate a court date on the schedule.
ResidencyTypeListenum_patternList of residency statusof person
ResidentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for whether or not a person was a resident of a town, city, or community in relation to some activity.
ResidentCodeTypeA data type for whether or not a person was a resident of a town, city, or community in relation to some activity.
ResidentRoleTypeA data type for the role of Resident that is played by a Person with respect to a Country
ResolutionMeansCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an information item for means of determining resolution.
ResolutionMeansCodeTypeA data type for an information item for means of determining resolution.
ResolutionMethodInformationTypeA data type for the optional field that states the method used for determining the pixel density of the image.
ResolutionScaleUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a known scale units that indicates whether the known scales units are in inches or millimeters.
ResolutionScaleUnitCodeTypeA data type for a known scale units that indicates whether the known scales units are in inches or millimeters.
ResourceInformationTypeA data type for information about a resource
ResourceLocationDetailsTypeA data type that indicates resource location, destination, arrival and departure
ResourceScheduleTypeA data type that has elements related to the Resource schedule as a date or date/time
ResponseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type code indicating an accept or decline of a Request
ResponseCodeTypeA data type code indicating an accept or decline of a Request
ResponseMessageniem-profile:niemThe base message for a synchronous response to a request.
ResponseMessageTypeThe base message for a synchronous response to a request.
ResponseReportTypeA data type for a report provided in response to a request message.
RestorationDataGranularityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the level of restoration and surface information coded in Field 12.010: Tooth data detail / TDD.
RestorationDataGranularityCodeTypeA data type for the level of restoration and surface information coded in Field 12.010: Tooth data detail / TDD.
RetentionDetentionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common purposes for drainage basin construction
RetentionDetentionCodeTypeA data type for the common purposes for drainage basin construction
RevenueCurrencyCodeListenum_patternType of currency codes for revienue
RevenueSourceListenum_patternType of sources of revenue
RevenueTypeListenum_patternType of revenue
ReviewedDocumentniem-profile:niemA document that has been reviewed through the clerk review process, and that potentially has been or will be reocrded in the court record system.
ReviewedDocumentTypeA document that has been reviewed through the clerk review process, and that potentially has been or will be reocrded in the court record system.
RidgeCountTypeA data type for a ridge count between two minutiae (Obsolete)
RingPropertyTypeA property with the content model of gml:RingPropertyType encapsulates a ring to represent a component of a surface boundary.
RiskCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of risk categories for screening purposes
RiskCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of risk categories for screening purposes
RiskLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision.
RiskLevelCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision.
RiskTypeA data type for a field from COMPAS that identifies the risk that needs to be addressed during programming for community rehabilitation.
RMICodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Ransom Money Indicator (RMI) Field Codes
RMICodeTypeA data type for 2 - Ransom Money Indicator (RMI) Field Codes
RoadCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies the various types of road surface. Helps determine reliability of cost estimates.
RoadCategoryCodeTypeA data type that specifies the various types of road surface. Helps determine reliability of cost estimates.
RoadwayAccessControlCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the degree that access to abutting land is fully, partially or not controlled by a public authority.
RoadwayAccessControlCodeTypeA data type for the degree that access to abutting land is fully, partially or not controlled by a public authority.
RoadwayAnnualAverageDailyTrafficTypeA data type for the average number of motor vehicles passing a point on a trafficway in a day, for all days of the year, during a specified calendar year.
RoadwayCategoryBeginningRampTerminalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the type of roadway intersecting with the ramp at the beginning terminal. A ramp is described by a beginning and ending ramp terminal in the direction of ramp traffic flow or the direction of inventory.
RoadwayCategoryBeginningRampTerminalCodeTypeA data type describing the type of roadway intersecting with the ramp at the beginning terminal. A ramp is described by a beginning and ending ramp terminal in the direction of ramp traffic flow or the direction of inventory.
RoadwayCategoryEndingRampTerminalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the type of roadway intersecting with the ramp at the ending terminal. A ramp is described by a beginning and ending ramp terminal in the direction of inventory.
RoadwayCategoryEndingRampTerminalCodeTypeA data type describing the type of roadway intersecting with the ramp at the ending terminal. A ramp is described by a beginning and ending ramp terminal in the direction of inventory.
RoadwayFunctionalClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the character of service or function of streets or highways.
RoadwayFunctionalClassCodeTypeA data type for the character of service or function of streets or highways.
RoadwayGradeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the grade characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
RoadwayGradeCodeTypeA data type for the grade characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
RoadwayHorizontalAlignmentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the horizontal geometric or layout and inclination characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
RoadwayHorizontalAlignmentCodeTypeA data type for the horizontal geometric or layout and inclination characteristics of the roadway in the direction of travel for this vehicle.
RoadwayIntersectionTrafficControlCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of traffic control device at intersection where crash occurred.
RoadwayIntersectionTrafficControlCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of traffic control device at intersection where crash occurred.
RoadwayLightingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of roadway illumination.
RoadwayLightingCodeTypeA data type for a kind of roadway illumination.
RoadwayNumberLanesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for number of through lanes on the side-road approaches at intersection including all lanes with through movement (through and left-turn, or through and rightturn) but not exclusive turn lanes.
RoadwayNumberLanesCodeTypeA data type for number of through lanes on the side-road approaches at intersection including all lanes with through movement (through and left-turn, or through and rightturn) but not exclusive turn lanes.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingCenterlinePresenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Centerline Presence/Type on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingCenterlinePresenceCodeTypeA data type for Centerline Presence/Type on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingEdgeLinePresenceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for Edgeline Presence/Type on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingEdgeLinePresenceCodeTypeA data type for Edgeline Presence/Type on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingLaneLineMarkingsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data Type for Lane Line Markings used on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadwayPavementLongitudinalMarkingLaneLineMarkingsCodeTypeA data Type for Lane Line Markings used on the roadway surface to guide or control the path followed by drivers.
RoadWayPresenceBicycleFacilityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for indication whether a facility is designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.
RoadWayPresenceBicycleFacilityCodeTypeA data type for indication whether a facility is designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.
RoadWayPresenceBicycleSignedBicycleRouteCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for any road, path, or way which is specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel.
RoadWayPresenceBicycleSignedBicycleRouteCodeTypeA data type for any road, path, or way which is specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel.
RoleOfOrganizationCategoryTypeA data type for the role played by the Party/Organization in the given context of a transaction
RoleOfPartyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the category of role played by the Party/Organization in the given context of a transaction
RoleOfPartyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the role played by the Party/Organization in the given context of a transaction.
RosterTypeA data type for a structure defining a Roster list
ROVCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 24 - Relationship of Victim (ROV) Field Codes
ROVCodeTypeA data type for 24 - Relationship of Victim (ROV) Field Codes
RPPCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.1: Reason for Property Record Removal (RPP) Field Codes
RPPCodeTypeA data type for 1.1: Reason for Property Record Removal (RPP) Field Codes
RPSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.2: Reason for Person Record Removal (RPS) Field Codes
RPSCodeTypeA data type for 1.2: Reason for Person Record Removal (RPS) Field Codes
RulerScalePresenceInformationTypeA data type for the optional field allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale is present in the image.
RulerScaleUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a unit of measurement visible on the ruler or measurement scale.
RulerScaleUnitCodeTypeA data type for a unit of measurement visible on the ruler or measurement scale.
RuntimePolicyParametersniem-profile:niemWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed dynamically by applications interacting with a court.
RuntimePolicyTypeWithin Court Policy, the policies that are accessed dynamically by applications interacting with a court.
RuralDeliveryTypeListenum_patternA list of rural delivery types such as road, air, water
RuralUrbanDesignationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating rural or urban designation based on Census urban boundary and population.
RuralUrbanDesignationCodeTypeA data type indicating rural or urban designation based on Census urban boundary and population.
SanctionTypeA data type for a sanction or penalty ordered for a subject as a result of a disposition of a charge.
ScaleUnitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of measurement unit scales being used
ScaleUnitCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of measurement unit scales being used
ScaleUnitsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
ScaleUnitsCodeTypeA data type for a sampling frequency unit designator, pixels per inch, or pixels per centimeter
ScanIdentificationTypeA data type that provides identification data about a scan.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanningResolutionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for an indication of whether minimal (nominal) or native scanning resolution applies to a biometric image.
ScanQualityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.
ScanQualityCodeTypeA data type for the quality of the data collected by an encounter device in performing a scan of an item of interest, as perceived by the operator.
ScanSectorTypeA data type for a sector scanned by a device; defined by a radial sweep from the device location.
ScheduleByWeekDayTypeA data type for a schedule where the hours are not the same for all weekdays.
ScheduleByWeekTypeA data type for a schedule where the hours are the same for all weekdays.
ScheduleDayTypeA data type for a plan or agenda for the activities of a day.
ScheduleDayTypeA data type for a plan or agenda for the activities of a day.
ScheduleQueryCriterianiem-profile:niemCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
ScheduleQueryCriteriaTypeCriteria limiting the schedule information to be returned.
ScheduleTypeA data type for a schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
ScheduleTypeA data type for a schedule providing the beginning and ending hours of operation by weekday, for a designated time period.
SchemaExtensionTypeA structure representing the court-specific extensions for the court associated with this Court Policy.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing types of school attendance issues.
SchoolAttendanceIssueCategoryCodeTypeA data type for describing types of school attendance issues.
SchoolAttendanceIssueTypeA data type for information about issues relating to school attendance.
SchoolClassLetterGradeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing different letter grades assigned for a school class.
SchoolClassLetterGradeCodeTypeA data type for describing different letter grades assigned for a school class.
SchoolClassTypeA data type for information about specific school classes.
SchoolExpulsionTypeA data type for information about an expulsion from school.
SchoolResourceOfficerEducationOrganizationAssociationTypeA data type for an association relating an education organization to a school resource officer.
SchoolScheduleTypeA data type for information about school classes, rather than details about a single class.
SchoolStudentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a student and a school attended.
ScreenedAlienTypeA data type for additional information about an Alien being screened.
ScreeningArrivalTypeA data type for an encounter representing the entry of a Person or Conveyance into the United States
ScreeningDepartureTypeA data type for information concerning a PERSON or Conveyance exiting from the United States
ScreeningPersonTypeA data type for additional information about Persons being Screened
ScreeningProcessTypeA data type that specifies the service requester transaction performance metrics information.
ScreeningTECSRecordInfoTypeA data type for the Screening record information received from the CBP Traveler Encounter Compliance System (TECS).
ScreeningTravelDocumentTypeA data type for information about a screening Travel Document
SealIntactStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various SealIntactStatusCodes
SealIntactStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the status conditions of seal.
SealIntactStatusCodeTypeA data type for the states of a seal that has been applied to a cargo container.
SealIntactStatusCodeTypeA data type for the status conditions of seal.
SealTypeA data type for information regarding a seal.
SealVerificationStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various sealVerificationStatusCodes
SealVerificationStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the status of seal verification.
SealVerificationStatusCodeTypeA data type for the verification states of a seal.
SealVerificationStatusCodeTypeA data type for the status of seal verification.
SeamanLicenseTypeA data type for an able-bodied seaman license.
SecondaryInspectionKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for Secondary Inspection Kind.
SecondaryInspectionKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the various Secondary Inspection Kind Code
SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the variuos code values for Secondary Inspection Referral Reason
SecondaryInspectionReferralReasonCodeTypeA data type that defines the secondary Inspection Referral Reason Code
SecondaryInspectionReferralTypeA data type for information regarding a secondary inspection referral.
SecondaryInspectionResolutionTypeA data type for information regarding the resolution of a secondary inspection of an item of interest.
SecondConditionCrashCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
SecondConditionCrashCodeTypeA data type for any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.
SectorTypeA data type for a sector (i.e., major grouping of critical infrastructure) to which the asset belongs. There are 18 such Sectors as outlined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
SecuritiesAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a securities item.
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities.
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities.
SecuritiesTypeA data type for a financial instrument showing ownership or credit.
SecurityStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set of the status of security procedures in the hospital.
SecurityStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code set of the status of security procedures in the hospital.
SecuritySystemStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident.
SecuritySystemStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident.
SegmentChannelInformationTypeA data type for a description of the transducer and transmission channel used to capture a recording.
SegmentContentInformationTypeA data type for an assessment of the content of the voice data within a list of identified time segments, including provision for semantic transcripts, phonetic transcriptions and translations of the segments.
SegmentedImageTypeA data type for an image representation that contains image segments
SegmentGeographicalLocationTypeA data type for a specific geographical location of the primary subject of a recording at the beginning of a recording segment.
SegmentIDListTypeA data type for a list of specific time segment identifiers.
SegmentLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a finger segment location
SegmentLocationCodeTypeA data type for a finger segment location
SegmentProcessingPriorityTypeA data type for a list of identified segments, indicating the priority with which the segments should be processed.
SegmentSpeakerCharacteristicsInformationTypeA data type used to give an assessment of the characteristics of a voice within the segment, including intelligibility, emotional state and impairment.
SegmentTypeA data type for a major grouping within the subsector to which the asset belongs.
SellerTypeA data type for a Name [and address] of a party selling merchandise or services to a buyer
SensorTypeA data type for a device which detects or measures a physical property.
Sentenceniem-profile:niemA sentence associated with a specific charge in a case. A sentence may have multiple components (prison, probation, post-incarceration supervision/probation fine, etc.).
SentenceComponentniem-profile:niemA required saction ordered by the court as part of a sentence.
SentenceComputationAdjustmentTypeA data type for an adjustment to a sentence computation, such as for good conduct time earned.
SentenceComputationTypeA data type for a set of details consisting of the punishment imposed through judgment by a court on a subject.
SentenceModificationTypeA data type for a change made to a sentence.
SentenceTypeA data type for a punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
SentenceTypeA data type for a punishment resulting from conviction of charges in a court case.
SentencingGuidelineTypeA data type for a sentencing guideline used for determining a sanction.
SeparateeAssociateAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between people who must be kept separated.
SeparationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of separation between the parties in a Person Union.
SeparationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of separation between the parties in a Person Union.
SequenceRuleTypeThe gml:SequenceRuleType is derived from the gml:SequenceRuleEnumeration through the addition of an axisOrder attribute. The gml:SequenceRuleEnumeration is an enumerated type. The rule names are defined in ISO 19123. If no rule name is specified the default is "Linear".
SeriousHabitualOffenderTypeA data type for information about a person who is considered a Serious Habitual Offender Drug Involved individual by a law enforcement agency.
ServeProcessMessageniem-profile:niemA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServeProcessMessageTypeA message to deliver a filing to a process server.
ServiceAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a service provider entity (person or organization) and a service recipient entity.
ServiceCallAssignedUnitTypeA data type for a service call assigned unit detail.
ServiceCallAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a call for service
ServiceCallLocationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a service call and a location it involves.
ServiceCallOriginatorTypeA data type for a structure that contains additional information about a Service Call Originator
ServiceCallResponseLocationTypeA data type for a structure that extends nc:LocationType
ServiceCallTypeA data type for a call for service received from a person alerting an authority of a situation.
ServiceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of a service that will be provided as part of a case plan. Categories include: assessment, treatment, program, benefit, education, transportation, respite care.
ServiceCoverageStatusContainer element of all the elements of service coverage. This includes both the necessary staff and facilities. Indicator of the availability of specialty service coverage.
ServiceMDEinterfaceThe list of operations supported by the Service MDE.
ServicePlanGoalTypeA data type for elements that describe a service plan goal.
ServiceReceiptMessageniem-profile:niemA synchronous response by a Filing Assembly MDE acknowledging receipt of a service message for one of its clients.
ServiceRecipientactorA party in a case that receives filings.
ServiceRecipientStatusniem-profile:niemA value describing the status of electronic service on a particular recipient.
ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a service for which a person is eligible.
ServicesEligibilityIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a service for which a person is eligible.
ServiceTypeA data type for describing the service that will be made available by the agency.
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service.
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service.
ServiceVictimAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a victim and a service.
SettingDataTypeA data type for a value or set of data for a setting.
SettingTypeA data type for a set of information about a configuration setting.
SeverityLevelTypeA data type for a sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SeverityLevelTypeA data type for a sentencing guideline severity level assigned to a charge by a judge or supervising agency.
SEVISPersonDependentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between two people; one of which is a dependent of the other in SEVIS.
SEXCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
SEXCodeTypeA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeTypeA data type for 2 - Sex, Sex of Victim (SOV), and Protected Person Sex (PSX) Field Codes
SEXCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
ShapeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type the defines the various shape codes
ShapeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the kinds of geometric shapes.
ShapeCodeTypeA data type that defines the various shape codes
ShapeCodeTypeA data type for the kinds of geometric shapes.
ShellPropertyTypeA property with the content model of gml:ShellPropertyType encapsulates a shell to represent a component of a solid boundary.
ShieldingTypeA data type for describing the shielding that has been applied to an item.
ShipmentTypeA data type for a shipment of goods from one place to another.
ShippingContainerIdentificationTypeA data type for a shipping container identification number.
ShippingContainerLastLocationTypeA data type for the last known location of a shipping container.
ShippingContainerReferenceIDTypeA data type for an identifier referenced to a shipping container.
ShippingContainerTypeA data type for a reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
shortA data type that is derived from int by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 32767 and minInclusive to be -32768.
SignalDirectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a direction of a signal link.
SignalDirectionCodeTypeA data type for a direction of a signal link.
SignalTypeA data type for a detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, current, or magnetic field strength) by which messages or information can be transmitted.
SignatureAugmentationTypeAn augmentation type
SignatureTypeA data type for a handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name, nickname, or even a simple X or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent.
SignTypegml:SignType is a convenience type with values "+" (plus) and "-" (minus).
SingleCRSPropertyTypegml:SingleCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a single coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate reference system.
SingleOperationPropertyTypegml:SingleOperationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a single operation, either referencing or containing the definition of that single operation.
SiteLocationAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a site location.
SiteTypeA data type for a specific place or position.
SixAlphaNumericIDTypeA data type for a six-character alphanumeric number.
SixAlphaNumericSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a six-character alphanumeric number.
SkillAcquiredCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for how a skill is acquired
SkillAcquiredCategoryCodeTypeA data type that represents the code for how a skill is acquired
SkillTypeA data type for a credential class that represents a person's skill
SKINCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 6 - Skin Tone (SKN) and Person with Information Skin Tone (PSK) Field Codes
SKINCodeTypeA data type for 6 - Skin Tone (SKN) and Person with Information Skin Tone (PSK) Field Codes
SlapFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a standard flat capture position
SlapFingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for a standard flat capture position
SmallAngleMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a measurement of an angle between 0 and 179 degrees
SmallAngleMeasureTypeA data type for a measurement of an angle between 0 and 179 degrees
SmallLineLengthPixelQuantitySimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a fixed resolution 500ppi image.
SmallLineLengthPixelQuantityTypeA data type to define the number of pixels contained on a single line of a fixed resolution 500ppi image.
SmogCertificateCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for whether or not a vehicle has a current smog certificate.
SmogCertificateCodeTypeA data type for whether or not a vehicle has a current smog certificate.
SMTCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeTypeA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SMTCodeTypeA data type for 7 - Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) and Person with Information SMT (PSM) Field Codes
SnowActivitiesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that specifies CAT-B measures eligible for reimbursement during snow events.
SnowActivitiesCodeTypeA data type that specifies CAT-B measures eligible for reimbursement during snow events.
SnowmobileCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.7: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Snowmobiles and Snowmobile Parts
SnowmobileCodeTypeA data type for 2.7: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Snowmobiles and Snowmobile Parts
SoftwareDetailTypeA data type that specifies the details of capture software
SoftwareNameTypeA data type for a name of a computer application used to process data.
SoftwareNameTypeA data type for a name of a computer application used to process data.
SolidArrayPropertyTypegml:SolidArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of solids. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements is not supported.
SolidPropertyTypeA property that has a solid as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
SortieTypeA data type for an operational flight by one aircraft (in air operations).
SourceAcquisitionTypeA data type for an acquisition method for the source representation
SourceFileFormatTypeA data type for a description of a file holding a source representation, and decoding instructions
SourceGeometryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the configurations that describe the geometry of a radiation source.
SourceGeometryCodeTypeA data type for the configurations that describe the geometry of a radiation source.
SourceInformationTypeA data type for a reference to a source representation
SourceMediaDetailTypeA data type for the details of a biometric source media file
SourcePositionTypeA data type for identifying the location of a nuclide source by actual georef coordinates or by relation to another object.
SourceRecordCardinalityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a cardinality of a source representation record relative to other records within the transaction
SourceRecordCardinalityCodeTypeA data type for a cardinality of a source representation record relative to other records within the transaction
SovereigntyStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
SovereigntyStatusCodeTypeA data type for the status of the authority over a geographic area by a nation with its own government.
SpeakerListTypeA data type for a list of speaker identifiers.
SpeakerPluralityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording.
SpeakerPluralityCodeTypeA data type that indicates plurality of speakers represented on voice recording.
SpecialEducationDetailsTypeA data type for information about special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing different disabilities needing special education.
SpecialEducationDisabilityCodeTypeA data type for describing different disabilities needing special education.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing different levels of need for special education.
SpecialEducationNeedLevelCodeTypeA data type for describing different levels of need for special education.
SpeciesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpeciesCodeTypeA data type for a kind of species, to differentiate humans from other potential patients.
SpectrumPeakAnalysisResultsTypeA data type for the results of a radiation data spectrum peak analysis.
SpectrumPeakEnergyKeVTypeA data type for a spectrum peak energy measure whose value is positive and measured in keV.
SpectrumPeakTypeA data type that provides spectrum peak analysis results information for a single peak.
SpectrumTypeA data type that provides spectrum measurement data.
SpeechStyleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a description of style of speech.
SpeechStyleCodeTypeA data type for a description of style of speech.
SpeedingRelatedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to indicate whether the investigating officer suspects that the driver involved in the crash was speeding based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone.
SpeedingRelatedCodeTypeA data type to indicate whether the investigating officer suspects that the driver involved in the crash was speeding based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone.
SpeedMeasureAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about an nc:SpeedMeasure.
SpeedMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a speed or rate of motion.
SpeedMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a speed or rate of motion.
SpeedRateniem-profile:niemA speed a vehicle was moving at when an incident occurred.
SpeedTypeA data type for the speed measure where the units are meters per second (m/s).
SphericalCSPropertyTypegml:SphericalCSPropertyType is property type for association roles to a spherical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
SpillwayCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the common dam spillway types
SpillwayCategoryCodeTypeA data type for the common dam spillway types
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment.
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment.
SSNCategoryCodeListCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of SSN.
SSNCategoryCodeListCodeTypeA data type for a kind of SSN.
SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
SSNVerificationIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a verification of a SSN by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
StaffMemberQualificationTypeA data type for a description of specific training, education or experience of a staff member.
StaffMemberTypeA data type for a person who is employed by the agency or institution.
StagingTypeA data type for a structure that contains staging information
StandardSelectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
StandardSelectionCodeTypeA data type for standard selection codes as yes, no, unknown.
StateInputDataReportTypeA data type for a State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateInputTypeA data type for a set of data for the State Input Data report of the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
StateTypeA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateTypeA data type for a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
StateVectorTypeA data type that provides location, orientation,and speed state data for an object, such as a radiation detection instrument/detector or an item being measured by an instrument/detector.
StatusAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a status.
StatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a status in the process
StatusCodeTypeA data type for a status in the process
StatusListenum_patternA list of values to indicate the status of the entity
StatusOffenseActniem-profile:niemAn act or behavior that would not constitute a crime if committed by an adult, which will subject a juvenile to adjudication as a delinquent by a court. Examples include truancy and refusal to abide by a parent orders or direction.
StatusOffenseActCodeTypeniem-profile:niemA list of status offenses.
StatusTypeA data type for a state of something or someone.
StatusTypeA data type for a state of something or someone.
StatuteCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of statutes.
StatuteCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of statutes.
StatuteTypeA data type for a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
StatuteTypeA data type for a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction.
StevedoreTypeA data type representing a party loading or unloading the cargo of (a ship) or vessel
StreetAddressniem-profile:niemA street address.
StreetDirectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name.
StreetDirectionCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name.
StreetTypeA data type for a road, thoroughfare, or highway.
StreetTypeA data type for a road, thoroughfare, or highway.
stringA data type for character strings in XML.
stringA data type for character strings in XML.
Stringenum_patternNormalized and Collapsed String
StringListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of strings.
StringListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of string.
StringListTypeA data type that faciltiates the storage of a list of string values
StringListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of string.
stringOrNilReasonExtension to the respective XML Schema built-in simple type to allow a choice of either a value of the built-in simple type or a reason for a nil value.
StructureCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of structure.
StructureCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of structure.
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
StructureOccupiedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy.
StructureOccupiedCodeTypeA data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy.
StructureOtherCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions.
StructureOtherCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions.
StructurePublicCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
StructurePublicCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy.
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy.
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates).
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates).
StructureStorageCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use.
StructureStorageCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use.
StructureTypeA data type for a building or construction (e.g. built environment, non-building structure).
StudentEducationGradeLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for describing a grade level in juvenile education.
StudentEducationGradeLevelCodeTypeA data type for describing a grade level in juvenile education.
StudentEducationLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the classification of the current education level of a non-immigrant alien student.
StudentEducationLevelCodeTypeA data type for the classification of the current education level of a non-immigrant alien student.
StudentEducationLevelTypeA data type for the highest level of education an alien student intends to achieve.
StudentTerminationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant student in an education program in the United States.
StudentTerminationCodeTypeA data type for the classification of the reason for the premature ending of the participation of a non-immigrant student in an education program in the United States.
StudentTerminationTypeA data type for a reason why an alien student is no longer enrolled.
StudentTypeA data type for a student.
StuffingEstablishmentTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of the location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
SubAdministrativeAreaNameCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for name of sub adiministrative area
SubAdministrativeAreaNameTypeListenum_patternA list of sub administrative area name element types
SubAdministrativeAreaTypeListenum_patternA list of sub administrative area name types
SubDivisionTypeListenum_patternA list of common types for subdivisions
SubfieldNumberSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for alpha number that is used to uniquely identify a subfield within a field, within a tract within a farm within a state and county.
Subfields are areas of a field that share a set of common planting characteristic in terms of crop, crop type, intended use, etc.
By convention the first defined subfield is given a value of 'A', with subsequent subfields following in alphabetic order.
SubfieldNumberTypeA data type for alpha number that is used to uniquely identify a subfield within a field, within a tract within a farm within a state and county.
SubjectAppealDecisionReviewTypeA data type for an activity of considering and rendering a decision on a subject's appeal.
SubjectAppealTypeA data type for a set of details or events related to a subject's appeal.
SubjectAssessmentRiskTypeA data type for a risk identified by a subject assessment.
SubjectAssessmentSupervisionHistoryTypeA data type for a description of a subject's supervision history as part of their assessment.
SubjectAssessmentTypeA data type for an event or activity involving the assessment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAssignedAssignmentDisabilityPlacementTypeA data type for a kind of placement or assignment specific to a disability.
SubjectAssignedDisabilityPlacementRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction on placement for a subject due to a disability.
SubjectAssignmentTypeA data type for an event or activity involving the assignment of a corrections subject.
SubjectAttitudeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the subject's attitude toward his or her actions.
SubjectAttitudeCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the subject's attitude toward his or her actions.
SubjectBodyClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for classification of body tissue
SubjectBodyClassCodeTypeA data type for classification of body tissue
SubjectBodyStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for status of a human body
SubjectBodyStatusCodeTypeA data type for status of a human body
SubjectChildAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a subject and a child.
SubjectClassificationAssessmentTypeA data type for an activity that assesses a subject's need for treatment to correct characteristics, conditions, or behavioral patterns that limit motivation or ability to obey the law.
SubjectDNARecordsAvailableCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a single letter for DNA records are available for the subject or not
SubjectDNARecordsAvailableCodeTypeA data type for a single letter for DNA records are available for the subject or not
SubjectExistentialDetailsTypeA data type for an optional field that is particularly useful if the image contained in this record is of an injury or latent image on a person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. Note that Field 10.041: SMT size or size of injur
SubjectHandlingTypeA data type for an action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
SubjectIntakeTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's intake process.
SubjectMOActionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOActionCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience.
SubjectMOObservationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject.
SubjectMOObservationCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception.
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception.
SubjectMOTypeA data type for details pertaining to facts attained from an actual crime scene, giving investigators insights into the subjects method of working or operating, actions used to execute the crime, prevent detection, and/or avoid apprehension.
SubjectPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a subject and a person.
SubjectPoseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a pose of a subject in an image
SubjectPoseCodeTypeA data type for a pose of a subject in an image
SubjectProgramAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a Program and a subject who had some involvement.
SubjectReleaseNotificationTypeA data type for a set of details for providing notification of a subject's release.
SubjectSecurityClassificationTypeA data type for a process and method of assessing inmate risks that balance security requirements with program needs.
SubjectStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
SubjectStatusCodeTypeA data type for a single letter describing the status of the dental subject
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a subject and supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisedEmploymentRecommendationTypeA data type for a set of details in recommendation of a subject's supervised employment.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationActionTypeA data type for a set of details about action taken to segregate a subject from the general population.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision segregation.
SubjectSupervisionSegregationYardRestrictionTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's segregation with respect to, or to include, yard restriction.
SubjectTypeA data type for a person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
SubjectTypeA data type for a person or organization that is involved or suspected of being involved in a violation of a criminal statute, ordinance or rule.
SubjectVictimAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a subject and a victim.
SubjectWitnessAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a subject and a witness.
SubLocalityNameCodeListenum_patternA list of codes for names of sub locality
SubLocalityNameTypeListenum_patternA list of sub locality name element types
SubLocalityTypeListenum_patternA ist of sublocality types
SubPremisesTypeListenum_patternA list of sub premises types
SubsectorTypeA data type for a major grouping within the sector to which the asset belongs.
SubsegmentTypeA data type for a major grouping within the segment to which the asset belongs.
SubstanceAbuseDetailsTypeA data type for the details about a person's substance abuse.
SubstanceMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of the amount of something.
SubstanceTypeA data type for the matter or substance of which something consists.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseResourceTypeA data type for a set of details about the resources of a subject at the time of release.
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release.
SupervisedReleaseTypeA data type for an activity relating to the supervision of a subject based on specific conditions placed upon a subject as imposed by a court or supervising agency.
SupervisionAssessmentIncarcerationStatusTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's incarceration status.
SupervisionAssessmentTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision assessment.
SupervisionAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a supervision.
SupervisionHistoryTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision history.
SupervisionIncidentPersonAssociationTypeA data type for an association between Supervision Incident and Person.
SupervisionLevelCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for levels of supervision required for a person.
SupervisionLevelCodeTypeA data type for levels of supervision required for a person.
SupervisionRestrictionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for restrictions placed upon a person under supervision.
SupervisionRestrictionCodeTypeA data type for restrictions placed upon a person under supervision.
SupervisionRestrictionTypeA data type for a restriction on a supervised person.
SupervisionTypeA data type for an act of officially overseeing, supervising, or keeping track in some capacity of a person.
SupervisionTypeA data type for an act of officially overseeing, supervising, or keeping track in some capacity of a person.
SupervisionViolationTypeA data type for a set of details about a subject's supervision violation.
SupplementalFingerPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a supplemental capture position, such as EJIs or fingertips
SupplementalFingerPositionCodeTypeA data type for a supplemental capture position, such as EJIs or fingertips
SupplementalFrictionRidgePositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for extended friction ridge position exemplar or search captures
SupplementalFrictionRidgePositionCodeTypeA data type for extended friction ridge position exemplar or search captures
SupportedCaseCategoriesTypeA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
SupportedCaseTypesniem-profile:niemA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for each ECF case type.
SupportedMessageProfileniem-profile:niemA message profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportedOperationsniem-profile:niemA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries.
SupportedOperationsTypeA structure containing indicators that signal support by the e-filing system for optional ECF operations. E.g. particular queries.
SupportedServiceInteractionProfilesTypeA message profile approved for use with ECF by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportedSignatureProfileniem-profile:niemA signature profile approved for use with ECF 3.0 by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportedSignatureProfilesTypeA signature profile approved for use with ECF 3.0 by the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee that are supported in a particualr court. Identifiers for supported profiles are set forth in Court Policy.
SupportLevelTypeA data type for a classification of the extent of dependence based on FAMILY ASSOCIATION.
SurfaceArrayPropertyTypegml:SurfaceArrayPropertyType is a container for an array of surfaces. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements via XLinks is not supported.
SurfaceCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type indicating the surface segment code
SurfaceCodeTypeA data type indicating the surface segment code
SurfaceInterpolationTypegml:SurfaceInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyTypegml:SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType is a container for a sequence of surface patches.
SurfacePropertyTypeA property that has a surface as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none.
SurfaceTypeA data type for a surface, which is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches. The surface patches are connected to one another.
SuspiciousActivityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the broad categorization of Suspicious Activity.
SuspiciousActivityCodeTypeA data type for the broad categorization of Suspicious Activity.
SVCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 26 - Service Information (SVC) Field Codes
SVCCodeTypeA data type for 26 - Service Information (SVC) Field Codes
SystemAuditEventTypeA data type for a system event for audit reporting purposes.
SystemEventTypeA data type for a system event.
SystemEventTypeA data type for a system event.
SystemIdentificationTypeA data type for a number or code assigned to a system to uniquely identify the system.
SystemNameCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a dental system codes
SystemNameCodeTypeA data type for a dental system codes
SystemOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeTypeA data type for the operating modes of a system.
SystemOperatingModeCodeTypeA data type for the operating modes of a system.
TargetSectorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the broad categorization of infrastructure type.
TargetSectorCodeTypeA data type for the broad categorization of infrastructure type.
TargetTypeA data type for a target or object against which an action is taken.
TargetTypeA data type for a role of an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action.
TaskAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a task.
TaskTypeA data type for a clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority.
TaxIdentificationCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identifying the tax identification type assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other governement business.
TaxIdentificationCategoryCodeTypeA data type for identifying the tax identification type assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity.
TaxIdentificationIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for tax identification assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity and is used to authenticate the individual/entity for matters of taxation and other federal governement business.
TaxIdentificationIDTypeA data type for tax identification assigned to a specific individual, business or other entity.
TeamTypeA data type who are credentialed and deployed as a team
TelecommunicationDeviceSIMCardAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a telecommunication device and a SIM card.
TelephoneCallAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between an originating number, person, and/or organization and a receiving number, person, and/or organization.
TelephoneCallRequestListAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a subject and people that have requested/been requested to be on subject telephone number list.
TelephoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a type of telephone.
TelephoneCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a type of telephone.
TelephoneNumberniem-profile:niemA telephone number.
TelephoneNumberAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryAdditionalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number.
TelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a telephone number for a telecommunication device.
TelephoneNumberTypeA data type for a telephone number for a telecommunication device.
TemperatureMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a temperature.
TemperatureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various temperature unit codes
TemperatureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for temperature unit of measurement codes.
TemperatureUnitCodeTypeA data type that defines the various temperature unit codes
TemperatureUnitCodeTypeA data type for temperature unit of measurement codes.
TemporalCRSPropertyTypegml:TemporalCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a temporal coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
TemporalDatumBaseTypeThe TemporalDatumBaseType partially defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. This type restricts the AbstractDatumType to remove the "anchorDefinition" and "realizationEpoch" elements.
TemporalDatumPropertyTypegml:TemporalDatumPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a temporal datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
TermTypeA data type for a duration length either in specific terms or as a range.
TermTypeA data type for a duration length either in specific terms or as a range.
TernaryIndicatorCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Ternary Indicator
TernaryIndicatorCodeTypeA data type for a Ternary Indicator code (Yes, No, Unknown)
TestResultTypeA data type for a calculation or score of a test.
TestTypeA data type for a test administered by a person or organization.
TextTypeA data type for a character string.
TextTypeA data type for a character string.
ThetaAngleMeasureSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an angular position of a feature from another point in an image
ThetaAngleMeasureTypeA data type for an angular position of a feature from another point in an image
ThoroughfareNameTypeListenum_patternA list of name element types for thoroughfare
ThoroughfareTypeComplex type for internal reuse
ThoroughfareTypeListenum_patternA list of types for thoroughfare (e.g. STREET, ROAD, CRT)
ThreatLevelDeterminationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for threat Level Determination
ThreatLevelDeterminationCodeTypeA data type that defines the various code values for threat Level Determination
timeA data type for an instant of time with the format hh:mm:ss.sss.
timeA data type for an instant of time with the format hh:mm:ss.sss.
timetypea time of day.
TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypegml:TimeCalendarEraPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeCalendarEra with an object.
TimeCalendarPropertyTypegml:TimeCalendarPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeCalendar with an object.
TimeClockPropertyTypegml:TimeClockPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeClock with an object.
TimeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for units of time.
TimeCodeTypeA data type for units of time.
TimeCSPropertyTypegml:TimeCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a time coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
TimeEdgePropertyTypegml:TimeEdgePropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeEdge with an object.
TimeIndeterminateValueTypeThese values are interpreted as follows:
- "unknown" indicates that no specific value for temporal position is provided.
- "now" indicates that the specified value shall be replaced with the current temporal position whenever the value is accessed.
- "before" indicates that the actual temporal position is unknown, but it is known to be before the specified value.
- "after" indicates that the actual temporal position is unknown, but it is known to be after the specified value.
A value for indeterminatePosition may
- be used either alone, or
- qualify a specific value for temporal position.
TimeInstantPropertyTypegml:TimeInstantPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeInstant with an object.
TimeInUSCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a quantity of time a subject has been in the United States illegally.
TimeInUSTypeA data type for the length of time an alien has been in the United States illegally.
TimeMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of an amount of time.
TimeNodePropertyTypegml:TimeNodePropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeNode with an object
TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypegml:TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeOrdinalEra with an object.
TimePeriodPropertyTypegml:TimePeriodPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimePeriod with an object.
TimePositionTypeThe method for identifying a temporal position is specific to each temporal reference system. gml:TimePositionType supports the description of temporal position according to the subtypes described in ISO 19108.
Values based on calendars and clocks use lexical formats that are based on ISO 8601, as described in XML Schema Part 2:2001. A decimal value may be used with coordinate systems such as GPS time or UNIX time. A URI may be used to provide a reference to some era in an ordinal reference system .
In common with many of the components modelled as data types in the ISO 19100 series of International Standards, the corresponding GML component has simple content. However, the content model gml:TimePositionType is defined in several steps.
Three XML attributes appear on gml:TimePositionType:
A time value shall be associated with a temporal reference system through the frame attribute that provides a URI reference that identifies a description of the reference system. Following ISO 19108, the Gregorian calendar with UTC is the default reference system, but others may also be used. Components for describing temporal reference systems are described in 14.4, but it is not required that the reference system be described in this, as the reference may refer to anything that may be indentified with a URI.
For time values using a calendar containing more than one era, the (optional) calendarEraName attribute provides the name of the calendar era.
Inexact temporal positions may be expressed using the optional indeterminatePosition attribute. This takes a value from an enumeration.
TimePositionUnionThe simple type gml:TimePositionUnion is a union of XML Schema simple types which instantiate the subtypes for temporal position described in ISO 19108.
An ordinal era may be referenced via URI. A decimal value may be used to indicate the distance from the scale origin . time is used for a position that recurs daily (see ISO 19108:2002
Finally, calendar and clock forms that support the representation of time in systems based on years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, in a notation following ISO 8601, are assembled by gml:CalDate
TimePrimitivePropertyTypegml:TimePrimitivePropertyType provides a standard content model for associations between an arbitrary member of the substitution group whose head is gml:AbstractTimePrimitive and another object.
TimeRangeniem-profile:niemA period of time bounded by upper and lower (to and from) dates/times.
TimeRangeTypeA data type for a start and end time.
TimeSegmentTypeA data type for a time segment in a video or audio representation
TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypegml:TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType provides for associating a gml:TimeTopologyComplex with an object.
TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypegml:TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType provides for associating a gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive with an object.
TimeZoneOffsetCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for regions or divisions of the globe approximately coinciding with meridians at successive hours from the observatory at Greenwich, England.
TimeZoneOffsetCodeTypeA data type for regions or divisions of the globe approximately coinciding with meridians at successive hours from the observatory at Greenwich, England.
TipClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code set for a kind of tip.
TipClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipClassCodeTypeA data type for a code set for a kind of tip.
TipClassCodeTypeA data type for a kind of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipDomainCodeTypeA data type for a broad category of threat to which the tip or lead pertains.
TipTaxonomyTypeA data type for a category of information received as tip that may be used for analysis.
TitleStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for statuses for a title.
TitleStatusCodeTypeA data type for statuses for a title.
TitleStatusTypeA data type for a state of a title.
TNTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 25 - Telephone Type (TNT) Field Codes
TNTCodeTypeA data type for 25 - Telephone Type (TNT) Field Codes
tokenA data type for tokenized strings.
TokenListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a list of tokens.
TokenListSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a white space-delimited list of tokens.
TokenListTypeA data type for a white space-delimited list of tokens.
ToolAdministratorCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of administrator of a tool.
ToolAdministratorTypeA data type for an entity that administers a pre-screening tool.
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies a type of tool.
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies a type of tool.
ToolTypeA data type for a role of an item used to facilitate commission of a crime.
ToothAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a tooth.
ToothDataADAReferenceCodeListTypeA data type for a list of tooth data ADA reference valid codes from ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058, Section 9
ToothDataInformationTypeA data type for a description of the teeth of a subject.
ToothIDCertaintyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code value corresponding to the data set descriptors in Section 8 of the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 may be entered.
ToothIDCertaintyCodeTypeA data type for a code value corresponding to the data set descriptors in Section 8 of the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 may be entered.
ToothIDCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code value for the tooth id
ToothIDCodeTypeA data type for a code value for the tooth id
ToothPermanenceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
ToothPermanenceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for code that is used to designate the way that permanent and deciduous teeth are coded according to the system used to enter the data.
ToothTypeA data type for a tooth.
TotalDoseMetadataTypeA data type for metadata about TotalDose data.
TotalDoseTypeA data type for TotalDose data.
TotalDoseuSvTypeA data type for a radiation total dose measure whose value is nonnegative and expressed in microsieverts (uSv) units.
TotalExposureMetadataTypeA data type for metadata about TotalExposure data.
TotalExposuremRTypeA data type for a radiation total exposure measure whose value is nonnegative and expressed in milliroentgen (mR) units.
TotalExposureTypeA data type for TotalExposure data.
TrackListTypeA data type for a list of recorded tracks on a physical media object.
TrackPointTypeA data type for a point in a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device.
TrackTypeA data type for a series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display device. A series of successive positions of a moving object for display or recording purposes.
TractCropAcreageTypeA data type that contains tract related information including tract number, and one to many fields.
TractNumberIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for identification number assigned to a unit of contiguous land that is under one ownership and that is operated as a farm or part of a farm. An owner is a person or business having deed to the land.
Tract numbers are assigned by an FSA county office, and are unique within that office''s farms. A Tract Number is used in conjunction with a State FSA Code and County FSA Code for uniqueness.
Tract numbers are not necessarily unique based upon State ANSI Code and County ANSI in instance where the ANSI codes are not the same as the FSA codes.
TractNumberIDTypeA data type for identification number assigned to a unit of contiguous land that is under one ownership and that is operated as a farm or part of a farm.
TradePartyTypeA data type for information about a trading party.
TradeTermTypeA data type for a trade terms name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
TrafficAccessControlCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the degree of traffic access control
TrafficAccessControlCodeTypeA data type describing the degree of traffic access control
TraffickedVenueCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking can be trafficked.
TraffickedVenueCodeTypeA data type for a venue or kind of facility where a victim of human trafficking can be trafficked.
TraffickingEventTypeA data type for details of a human trafficking event.
TrafficwayDescriptionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an indication of whether or not the trafficway for this vehicle is divided and whether it serves one-way or two-way traffic.
TrafficwayDescriptionCodeTypeA data type for an indication of whether or not the trafficway for this vehicle is divided and whether it serves one-way or two-way traffic.
TrailersCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.8: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trailer Make Index Field Codes
TrailersCodeTypeA data type for 2.8: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trailer Make Index Field Codes
TrainingTypeA data type for a credential class that represents a person's training credentials
TransducerPrincipleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type to describe the transducer principle of a microphone.
TransducerPrincipleCodeTypeA data type to describe the transducer principle of a microphone.
TransferRequestStatusTypeA data type for the classification of the request made by a non-immigrant alien student to leave an authorized educational program and enter another one.
TransferTypeA data type for the transfer of a non-immigrant alien student or exchange visitor from an authorized educational program to a different authorized educational program.
TransformationPropertyTypegml:TransformationPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a transformation, either referencing or containing the definition of that transformation.
TranshipmentLocationTypeA data type for a general description of the cargo commodities.
TransitCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the TransitType.
TransitCategoryCodeTypeA data type for TransitType.
TransitComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the TransitType.
TransitComponentCodeTypeA data type for TransitType.
TransitPrincipalTypeA data type for a party accepting liability for goods held or moving under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransmissionFormOfRxOriginCodeTypeA data type for a transmission method by which a pharmacy receives a prescription.
TransportActivityLocationTypeA data type to provide information regarding locations at which activities associated with a container are known to have occurred.
TransportAssessmentTypeA data type for a set of details of the assessment of a subject's suitability for transport.
TransportationAssociationTypeA data type for an association between a conveyance and the people and/or goods it transported.
TransportContractDocumentTypeA data type for a contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
TransportEquipmentTypeA data type representing the equipment used in Means of Transport
TransportMeansCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the code that represents the kind of Transport means.
TransportMeansCodeTypeA data type for a Transport means.
TransportMeansOperatorTypeA data type representing the registered operator of means of transport.
TransportMeansOwnerTypeA data type representing the registered owner of means of transport.
TransportMeansTypeA data type to identify the means of transport used.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDirectionBeforeCrashCodeTypeA data type for the direction of a motor vehicles travel on the roadway before the crash.
TravelDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describing the kinds of travel documents
TravelDocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type describing the kinds of travel documents
TravelDocumentTypeA data type for a classification of a Screening Travel Document
TravelModeCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a means of transport used by the alien.
TravelModeTypeA data type for the manner of transport used by a person during a person crossing the US Borders.
TraversalOperatingModeCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the operating modes of a traversal.
TraversalOperatingModeCodeTypeA data type that defines the various traversal Opearing ModeCode
TraversalTypeA data type for the end-to-end workflow of a conveyance through an encounter process. One or more detection events occur during a traversal.
TreatmentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a treatment.
TreatmentAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a treatment.
TreatmentComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the water treatment plant components
TreatmentComponentCodeTypeA data type for the water treatment plant components
TreatmentTypeA data type for a treatment of a person for a mental or physical condition.
TRFUCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.16: Translation Field Usage
TRFUCodeTypeA data type for 1.16: Translation Field Usage
TriageCountThe number of each triage patient type the overall hospital currently has.
TriagePatientCountTypeA data type for counts of each kind of triage patient
TribalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the names of the tribes.
TribalCodeTypeA data type for the names of the tribes.
TribeKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Tribal Entity
TribeKindCodeTypeA data type for a kind of tribal land
TripwireDirectionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a direction of travel for a tripwire.
TripwireDirectionCodeTypeA data type for a direction of travel for a tripwire.
TripwireTypeA data type for a unique line of detection, comprised of two or more location points, that intruders cannot cross.
TrucksCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.9: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trucks and Truck Parts
TrucksCodeTypeA data type for 2.9: Vehicle Make/Brand Name (VMA) Field Codes for Trucks and Truck Parts
TYPACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.1: Article Category Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPACodeTypeA data type for 1.1: Article Category Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPAECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1.4: Article Type (TYP) Field Codes
TYPAECodeTypeA data type for 1.4: Article Type (TYP) Field Codes
Type2CrossReferenceListTypeA data type for a list of Type-2 records referenced in another record in the transaction.
TYPECodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4.3: Type of Output (TYPE) Field Codes
TYPECodeTypeA data type for 4.3: Type of Output (TYPE) Field Codes
TypeName_TypeA TypeName is a LocalName that references either a recordType or object type in some form of schema. The stored value "aName" is the returned value for the "aName()" operation. This is the types name. - For parsing from types (or objects) the parsible name normally uses a "." navigation separator, so that it is of the form [class].[member].[memberOfMember]. ...)
TYPSCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 1 - Securities Type (TYP) Field Codes for Currency
TYPSCodeTypeA data type for 1 - Securities Type (TYP) Field Codes for Currency
UCRTypeA data type for an UCR (Unique Customs Reference)
UDCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2 - File Transfer User Decision Code (UDC) Field Codes
UDCCodeTypeA data type for 2 - File Transfer User Decision Code (UDC) Field Codes
UncertaintyValueSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a value indicating the uncertainty of the delta direction measure
UncertaintyValueTypeA data type for a value indicating the uncertainty of the delta direction measure.
UNDGContactTypeA data type representing the Name [and address] of dangerous goods contact person or party who can provide detailed information concerning the dangerous goods shipment
UNDGNumberCodeTextTypeA data type for a textual decription occuring with the UNDG code for a hazardous material type.
UNECECategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the UNECE Categorization of the container/Packaging.
UNECECategoryCodeTypeA data type for an UNECE categorization of the container/Packaging.
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship that describes a command or support relationship between two units.
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a designator for a command or support relationship between the subject and object units.
UnitCommandOrSupportRelationshipCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a designator for a command or support relationship between the subject and object units.
UnitedStatesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.6: United States
UnitedStatesCodeTypeA data type for 2.6: United States
UnitLineNumberIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN. (JP 3-35)
UnitLineNumberIDTypeA data type for a seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN. (JP 3-35)
UnitLogoffNotificationTypeA data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being logged off
UnitLogonNotificationTypeA data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being logged on
UnitMoveNotificationTypeA data type for a structure to represent that the specified units are being moved
UnitNameSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a character string assigned to represent a unit name.
UnitNameTypeA data type for a character string assigned to represent a unit name.
UnitOperationalStatusCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that describes the operational status of a military entity.
UnitOperationalStatusCodeTypeA data type that describes the operational status of a military entity.
UnitReinforcementCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength.
UnitReinforcementCodeTypeA data type that gives the reinforcement for a unit that has additional or detached strength.
UnitShortNameSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a short name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols.
UnitShortNameTypeA data type for a short name used to create derived names and for display with military symbols.
UnitStatusQualifierCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that qualifies the status of a unit.
UnitStatusQualifierCodeTypeA data type that qualifies the status of a unit.
UnitTypeA data type for a military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority.
UnitTypeCodeTextSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit." Also called UTC.
UnitTypeCodeTextTypeA data type for a Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five characters that uniquely identify a "type unit." Also called UTC.
UnitTypeListenum_patternList of type of units for measurement
UnknownPositionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an unknown position, used when it is not even known whether an image is a finger, palm or plantar.
UnknownPositionCodeTypeA data type for an unknown position, used when it is not even known whether an image is a finger, palm or plantar.
UnloadingLocationTypeA data type for a location where freight cargo (containers, equipment) is unloaded from a conveyance.
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers.
UnprovidedServiceReasonCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of reason a service was not provided, e.g organizational barriers.
unsignedByteA data type that is derived from unsignedShort by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 255.
unsignedIntA data type that is derived from unsignedLong by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 4294967295.
UnsignedIntegerRangeTypeA data type for a range of unsigned integer values.
unsignedLongA data type that is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 18446744073709551615.
unsignedShortA data type that is derived from unsignedInt by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 65535.
UomAlternativeExpression_TypeXML attributes contraints: - 1) Id is mandatory - 2) codeSpace (type xsd:anyURI) is mandatory
UomIdentifierThe simple type gml:UomIdentifer defines the syntax and value space of the unit of measure identifier.
UomSymbolThis type specifies a character string of length at least one, and restricted such that it must not contain any of the following characters: ":" (colon), " " (space), (newline), (carriage return), (tab). This allows values corresponding to familiar abbreviations, such as "kg", "m/s", etc.
It is recommended that the symbol be an identifier for a unit of measure as specified in the "Unified Code of Units of Measure" (UCUM) ( This provides a set of symbols and a grammar for constructing identifiers for units of measure that are unique, and may be easily entered with a keyboard supporting the limited character set known as 7-bit ASCII. ISO 2955 formerly provided a specification with this scope, but was withdrawn in 2001. UCUM largely follows ISO 2955 with modifications to remove ambiguities and other problems.
UomURIThis type specifies a URI, restricted such that it must start with one of the following sequences: "#", "./", "../", or a string of characters followed by a ":". These patterns ensure that the most common URI forms are supported, including absolute and relative URIs and URIs that are simple fragment identifiers, but prohibits certain forms of relative URI that could be mistaken for unit of measure symbol .
NOTE It is possible to re-write such a relative URI to conform to the restriction (e.g. "./m/s").
In an instance document, on elements of type gml:MeasureType the mandatory uom attribute shall carry a value corresponding to either
- a conventional unit of measure symbol,
- a link to a definition of a unit of measure that does not have a conventional symbol, or when it is desired to indicate a precise or variant definition.
UpdateRecordTypeA data type for data update information
urltypeA Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
USCountyCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for US county codes.
USCountyCodeTypeA data type for US county codes.
UserDefinedCSPropertyTypegml:UserDefinedCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a user-defined coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
USMTFEnvironmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a USMTF-defined force-threat designator code used in combination with threat codes.
USMTFEnvironmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a USMTF-defined force-threat designator code used in combination with threat codes.
USMTFThreatCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a USMTF-defined threat code.
USMTFThreatCodeTypeA data type for a USMTF-defined threat code.
USStateCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for states.
USStateCodeSimpleTypeA data type for states.
USStateCodeTypeA data type for states.
USStateCodeTypeA data type for states.
USStateNumericCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for numeric state codes.
USStateNumericCodeTypeA data type for numeric state codes.
USTerritoriesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.7: United States Territories
USTerritoriesCodeTypeA data type for 2.7: United States Territories
UTMCoordinateSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value.
UTMCoordinateTypeA data type for a coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value.
UUIDSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID)
UUIDTypeA data type for a 128 bit Universally Unique ID (UUID)
ValuationAdjustmentTypeA data type for an adjustment to the valuation amounts.
ValueDataClassCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for the atomic data classes available for defining the underlying data class for data elements that may be represented by string values. The data classes are a subset of the W3c data types and the derived atomic data types.
ValueDataClassCodeTypeA data type for the atomic data classes available for defining the underlying data class for data elements that may be represented by string values. The data classes are a subset of the W3c data types and the derived atomic data types.
ValueSettingDataTypeA data type for a setting that is specified by a value or measure.
ValueTypeA data type of values or names from certified lists referenced by the Community of Interest (COI)
VCOCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 5 - Vehicle Color (VCO) Field Codes
VCOCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 5 - Vehicle Color (VCO) Field Codes
VCOCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Vehicle Color (VCO) Field Codes
VCOCodeTypeA data type for 5 - Vehicle Color (VCO) Field Codes
VectorTypeFor some applications the components of the position may be adjusted to yield a unit vector.
Vehicleniem-profile:niemInformation describing a motor vehicle.
VehicleAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a vehicle.
VehicleAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a conveyance.
VehicleBodyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a category indicating the general configuration or shape of a motor vehicle distinguished by characteristics such as number of doors, rows of seats, windows, or roof line.
VehicleBodyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a category indicating the general configuration or shape of a motor vehicle distinguished by characteristics such as number of doors, rows of seats, windows, or roof line.
VehicleBranderTypeA data type for an organization which brands vehicles.
VehicleBrandTypeA data type for a brand issued to a vehicle.
VehicleBusUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type describes the common type of bus service this vehicle was being used as at the time of the crash. Buses are any motor vehicle with seats to transport nine (9) or more people, including the driver's seat. This element does not include vans which are owned and operated for personal use.
VehicleBusUseCodeTypeA data type describes the common type of bus service this vehicle was being used as at the time of the crash. Buses are any motor vehicle with seats to transport nine (9) or more people, including the driver's seat. This element does not include vans which are owned and operated for personal use.
VehicleCargoBodyCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of body for buses and trucks more than 10,000 lbs (4,536 kg) GVWR.
VehicleCargoBodyCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of body for buses and trucks more than 10,000 lbs (4,536 kg) GVWR.
VehicleContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for pre-existing motor vehicle defects or maintenance conditions that may have contributed to the crash.
VehicleContributingCircumstancesCodeTypeA data type for pre-existing motor vehicle defects or maintenance conditions that may have contributed to the crash.
VehicleDamageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, including both non-collision as well as collision events.
VehicleDamageCodeTypeA data type for events in sequence related to this motor vehicle, including both non-collision as well as collision events.
VehicleDamageExtentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an estimation of total damage to motor vehicle from crash.
VehicleDamageExtentCodeTypeA data type for an estimation of total damage to motor vehicle from crash.
VehicleEmissionInspectionTypeA data type for an official examination to test the emissions level of a vehicle.
VehicleEPDCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 7 - Vehicle Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
VehicleEPDCodeTypeA data type for 7 - Vehicle Engine Power or Displacement (EPD) Field Codes
VehicleFuelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of fuel or motive power used to propel a vehicle.
VehicleFuelCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of fuel or motive power used to propel a vehicle.
VehicleGrossAndCombinationWeightRatingCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the amount recommended by the manufacturer as the upper limit to the operational weight for a motor vehicle and any cargo (human or other) to be carried and the sum of all GVWRs for each unit in a combination unit motor vehicle.
VehicleGrossAndCombinationWeightRatingCodeTypeA data type for the amount recommended by the manufacturer as the upper limit to the operational weight for a motor vehicle and any cargo (human or other) to be carried and the sum of all GVWRs for each unit in a combination unit motor vehicle.
VehicleInfoElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing a vehicle
VehicleInspectionTypeA data type for an official examination of a vehicle.
VehicleOdometerReadingUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the units of measurement associated with an odometer reading.
VehicleOdometerReadingUnitCodeTypeA data type for the units of measurement associated with an odometer reading.
VehicleSafetyInspectionTypeA data type for an official examination of the safety of a vehicle.
VehicleTitleDocumentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of an individual title document.
VehicleTitleDocumentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of an individual title document.
VehicleTrafficControlDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of traffic control device (TCD) applicable to this motor vehicle at the crash location.
VehicleTrafficControlDeviceCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of traffic control device (TCD) applicable to this motor vehicle at the crash location.
VehicleTransmissionCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of transmission units in a vehicle.
VehicleTransmissionCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of transmission units in a vehicle.
VehicleTypeA data type for a conveyance designed to carry an operator, passengers and/or cargo, over land.
VehicleTypeA data type for a conveyance designed to carry an operator, passengers and/or cargo, over land.
VehicleTypeListenum_patternList of types of vehicles
VehicleUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for ways in which a vehicle is used.
VehicleUseCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of special function being served by this vehicle regardless of whether the function is marked on the vehicle.
VehicleUseCodeTypeA data type for ways in which a vehicle is used.
VehicleUseCodeTypeA data type for a kind of special function being served by this vehicle regardless of whether the function is marked on the vehicle.
VelocityCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for units of measurement for a speed or velocity.
VelocityCodeSimpleTypeA data type for units of measurement for a speed or velocity.
VelocityCodeTypeA data type for units of measurement for a speed or velocity.
VelocityCodeTypeA data type for units of measurement for a speed or velocity.
VelocityMeasureTypeA data type for a velocity measurement.
VerdictTypeA data type for a finding related to a charge.
VersionKindCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various code values for Kind of version
VersionKindCodeTypeA data type that defines the kind of version Code
VertexTypeA data type for a vertex
VerticalAngularMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of an angle in the vertical plane.
VerticalCRSPropertyTypegml:VerticalCRSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a vertical coordinate reference system, either referencing or containing the definition of that reference system.
VerticalCSPropertyTypegml:VerticalCSPropertyType is a property type for association roles to a vertical coordinate system, either referencing or containing the definition of that coordinate system.
VerticalDatumCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for vertical datum codes.
VerticalDatumCodeTypeA data type for vertical datum codes.
VerticalDatumPropertyTypegml:VerticalDatumPropertyType is property type for association roles to a vertical datum, either referencing or containing the definition of that datum.
VesselAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a vessel.
VesselAugmentationTypeA data type that supplements nc:VesselType.
VesselMovementDetailsTypeA data type for a set of details of the geospatial movement of a vessel.
VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipmentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for an Operational Condition of Equipment (OCE) of a vessel.
VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipmentCodeTypeA data type for an Operational Condition of Equipment (OCE) of a vessel.
VesselTypeA data type for a mode of transportation capable of transport by water.
VictimCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for kinds of victims in an incident.
VictimCategoryCodeTypeA data type for kinds of victims in an incident.
VictimMOApproachedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies how subject initially approached victim based on investigator experience.
VictimMOApproachedCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies how subject initially approached victim based on investigator experience.
VictimMOBindingsCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the type of article used by the subject at the crime scene to bind a victim.
VictimMOBindingsCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the type of article used by the subject at the crime scene to bind a victim.
VictimMODisposalCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the manner of victim body disposal based on investigator perception.
VictimMODisposalCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the manner of victim body disposal based on investigator perception.
VictimMOFoundClothedCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that characterizes clothed condition of the victim.
VictimMOFoundClothedCodeTypeA data type for a code that characterizes clothed condition of the victim.
VictimMOGeneralLifestyleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the victim person based on investigator experience.
VictimMOGeneralLifestyleCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the victim person based on investigator experience.
VictimMORecoveryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that characterizes the recovery of the victim based on investigator perception.
VictimMORecoveryCodeTypeA data type for a code that characterizes the recovery of the victim based on investigator perception.
VictimMOSubjectContactConclusionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies how victim subject contact ended based on investigator perception.
VictimMOSubjectContactConclusionCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies how victim subject contact ended based on investigator perception.
VictimMOTypeA data type for details pertaining to facts attained from an actual crime scene, giving investigators insights into behaviors of a victim or concerning the treatment of a victim as related to subject MO.
VictimMOWasCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the victim at time of incident.
VictimMOWasCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the actions of the victim at time of incident.
VictimPerceptionCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that indicates the victims perception of the subject or actions of the subject.
VictimPerceptionCodeTypeA data type for a code that indicates the victims perception of the subject or actions of the subject.
VictimPerpetratorAllegationAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship among the victim, a perpetrator (subject), and an allegation (charge).
VictimToSubjectRelationshipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the victim's relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender.
VictimToSubjectRelationshipCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the victim's relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender.
VictimToSubjectRelationshipCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the victim's relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender.
VictimToSubjectRelationshipCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the victim's relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender.
VictimTypeA data type for a person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an incident.
VictimWitnessAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a victim and a witness.
VideoImageFileTypeA data type to capture the video image file type
VideoTypeA data type for a video representation
ViolatedStatuteniem-profile:niemThe statutory or ordinance section a defendant or violator is alleged to have committed. May include a probation violation.
ViolatedStatuteAssociationTypeA data type for an association of a statute that has been violated and other information.
ViolatedStatuteAssociationTypeA data type for an association of a statute that has been violated and other information.
VisaCancelCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
VisaCancelCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
VisaCancelTypeA data type for a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
VisaElementListenum_patternList of information types used for describing a visa
VisaTypeA data type for a travel document allowing international travelers to enter a country for a designated purpose within a designated period of time.
VisitationPlanTypeA data type for the details about a current visitation agreement
VisitationTypeA data type for a record of a person visiting another person under restricted access.
VisitorAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a visitor and a person they visited.
VisitorRequestListAssociationTypeA data type for a relationship between a subject and a person who has visited, has tried to visit, or has been designated by a subject as a potential visitor whether approved, denied, or pending approval by the facility.
VM0UsageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 3 - Vehicle Model (VMO) Field Codes Usage
VM0UsageCodeTypeA data type for 3 - Vehicle Model (VMO) Field Codes Usage
VMACodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.1: Vehicle Make (VMA) and Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes by Manufacturer
VMACodeSimpleTypeA data type for 2.1: Vehicle Make (VMA) and Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes by Manufacturer
VMACodeTypeA data type for 2.1: Vehicle Make (VMA) and Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes by Manufacturer
VMACodeTypeA data type for 2.1: Vehicle Make (VMA) and Brand Name (BRA) Field Codes by Manufacturer
VMOCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
VMOCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
VMOCodeTypeA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
VMOCodeTypeA data type for 2.2: Vehicle Make/Brand (VMA) and Model (VMO) for Automobiles, Light-Duty Vans, Light-Duty Trucks, and Parts
VocalSegmentQualityValueTypeA data type for vocal segment quality values.
VocalStyleCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a description of Vocal Style of a subject.
VocalStyleCodeTypeA data type for a description of Vocal Style of a subject.
VolumeMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of an amount of space.
VolumeMeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type that defines the various volumeMeasureUnitCodes
VolumeMeasureUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the units of measure in which volume may be expressed.
VolumeMeasureUnitCodeTypeA data type for volume units of measure.
VolumeMeasureUnitCodeTypeA data type for the units of measure in which volume may be expressed.
VolumeUnitCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for volume unit of measurement codes.
VolumeUnitCodeTypeA data type for volume unit of measurement codes.
VoluntaryDepartureDecisionTypeA data type for a classification of the VOLUNTARY DECISION to depart from United States.
VoluntaryDepartureTypeA data type for a willing DEPARTURE of a PERSON in response to a judicial decision for an expedited removal.
VOWCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 8 - Vehicle Ownership (VOW) Field Codes
VOWCodeTypeA data type for 8 - Vehicle Ownership (VOW) Field Codes
VoyageTypeA data type for a journey from one place to another.
VPCCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 27 - Violent Person Criteria (VPC) Field Codes
VPCCodeTypeA data type for 27 - Violent Person Criteria (VPC) Field Codes
VSTCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a code that identifies the general style of vehicle.
VSTCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a code that identifies the general style of vehicle.
VSTCodeSimpleTypeA data type for 4 - Vehicle Style (VST) Field Codes
VSTCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for 4 - Vehicle Style (VST) Field Codes
VSTCodeTypeA data type for 4 - Vehicle Style (VST) Field Codes
VSTCodeTypeA data type for 4 - Vehicle Style (VST) Field Codes
WagesTypeA data type for Wages Class
WaiverTypeA data type for the credential class of a waiver
WarehouseTypeA data type for a warehouse
WarrantAugmentationTypeA data type for additional information about a warrant.
WarrantCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of warrant.
WarrantCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of warrant.
WarrantClassificationTypeA data type for a classification of a warrant.
WarrantTypeA data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action.
WarrantTypeA data type for an authorization for an enforcement official to perform a specified action.
WatchlistCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a kind of watchlist.
WatchlistClassificationTypeA data type for a classification of the WATCHLIST.
WatchlistTypeA data type for a DOCUMENT which contains a nomination list prepared and approved by the National Center of Counter Terrorism.
WatchTypeA data type for a small, portable time piece.
WaterStorageCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the water storage types
WaterStorageCodeTypeA data type for the water storage types
WaterStorageComponentCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the water storage components
WaterStorageComponentCodeTypeA data type for the water storage components
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for water based collection and distribution types
WaterTreatmentCategoryCodeTypeA data type for water based collection and distribution types
WaypointTypeA data type for a point or a series of points to which a moving object may be vectored.
WCODocumentCategoryTypeA data type for a category of a document(ex. Whether it is a invoice, bill of lading..)
WCODocumentFunctionCategoryTypeA data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document.
WCODocumentNameCategoryTypeA data type for the codes that categorized the documents based on the functionality addressed by the document.
WeaponTypeA data type for a property item used as an instrument of attack or defense.
WeightMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a weight.
WeightMeasureTypeA data type for a measure of a weight.
WGS84EllipseTypeA data type for an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84 coordinates, meters, and decimal degrees.
WGS84ExternalPolygonTypeA data type for a polygon having no interior regions, using WGS84 coordinates.
WGS84LineStringTypeA data type for a series of connected line segments, using WGS84 coordinates
WGS84LocationCylinderTypeA data type for a cylinder described with WGS84 coordinates and meters.
WGS84LocationPointTypeA data type for a 3D geometric point, defined by a single coordinate tuple with values from the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
WhereTypeRoot property type for an OASIS GML instance
WitnessTypeA data type for a person who has observed an incident.
WorkLaborCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination.
WorkLaborCodeTypeA data type for specifying the type of labor account (own staff) or contract, or combination.
WorkZoneCategoryCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone
WorkZoneCategoryCodeTypeA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility workzone and indicates kind of the workzone
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone.
WorkZoneCrashLocationCodeTypeA data type for a crash that occurs in or related to a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone.
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence
WorkZoneWorkersPresenceIndicationCodeTypeA data type for the Work Zone Workers Presence
ZeroToOneDoubleSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a double with positive value between 0.0 and 1.0.
ZeroToOneDoubleTypeA data type to flag a zero to one association
ZoneSettingDataTypeA data type for a setting that specifies zone information.
ZuluDateTimeSimpleTypeenum_patternA data type for a datetime constrained to always be ZULU.
ZuluDateTimeTypeA data type for a datetime constrained to always be ZULU.