Element arguments
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0
<comment>this element is a structural container for the section of a judgment containing the arguments</comment>
Type maincontent
content: complex
Used by
Element Group judgmentBlock
Model componentRef | clause | section | part | paragraph | chapter | title | article | book | tome | division | list | point | indent | alinea | rule | subrule | proviso | subsection | subpart | subparagraph | subchapter | subtitle | subdivision | subclause | sublist | level | transitional | hcontainer | blockList | blockContainer | tblock | toc | ul | ol | table | p | foreign | block | administrationOfOath | rollCall | prayers | oralStatements | writtenStatements | personalStatements | ministerialStatements | resolutions | nationalInterest | declarationOfVote | communication | petitions | papers | noticesOfMotion | questions | address | proceduralMotions | pointOfOrder | adjournment | debateSection | (div) | container
Children address, adjournment, administrationOfOath, alinea, article, block, blockContainer, blockList, book, chapter, clause, communication, componentRef, container, debateSection, declarationOfVote, div, division, foreign, hcontainer, indent, level, list, ministerialStatements, nationalInterest, noticesOfMotion, ol, oralStatements, p, papers, paragraph, part, personalStatements, petitions, point, pointOfOrder, prayers, proceduralMotions, proviso, questions, resolutions, rollCall, rule, section, subchapter, subclause, subdivision, sublist, subparagraph, subpart, subrule, subsection, subtitle, table, tblock, title, toc, tome, transitional, ul, writtenStatements
<arguments alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0/WD17">
  <componentRef alt="" eId="" GUID="" shortForm="" showAs="" src="" wId="">{1,1}</componentRef>
  <clause alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</clause>
  <section alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</section>
  <part alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</part>
  <paragraph alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</paragraph>
  <chapter alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</chapter>
  <title alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</title>
  <article alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</article>
  <book alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</book>
  <tome alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</tome>
  <division alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</division>
  <list alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</list>
  <point alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</point>
  <indent alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</indent>
  <alinea alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</alinea>
  <rule alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</rule>
  <subrule alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subrule>
  <proviso alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</proviso>
  <subsection alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subsection>
  <subpart alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subpart>
  <subparagraph alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subparagraph>
  <subchapter alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subchapter>
  <subtitle alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subtitle>
  <subdivision alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subdivision>
  <subclause alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subclause>
  <sublist alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</sublist>
  <level alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</level>
  <transitional alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</transitional>
  <hcontainer alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</hcontainer>
  <blockList alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</blockList>
  <blockContainer alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</blockContainer>
  <tblock alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</tblock>
  <toc alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</toc>
  <ul alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</ul>
  <ol alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</ol>
  <table alternativeTo="" border="" cellpadding="" cellspacing="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="" width="">{1,1}</table>
  <p alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</p>
  <foreign eId="" GUID="" href="" wId="">{1,1}</foreign>
  <block alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</block>
  <administrationOfOath alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</administrationOfOath>
  <rollCall alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</rollCall>
  <prayers alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</prayers>
  <oralStatements alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</oralStatements>
  <writtenStatements alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</writtenStatements>
  <personalStatements alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</personalStatements>
  <ministerialStatements alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</ministerialStatements>
  <resolutions alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</resolutions>
  <nationalInterest alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</nationalInterest>
  <declarationOfVote alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</declarationOfVote>
  <communication alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</communication>
  <petitions alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</petitions>
  <papers alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</papers>
  <noticesOfMotion alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</noticesOfMotion>
  <questions alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</questions>
  <address alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</address>
  <proceduralMotions alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</proceduralMotions>
  <pointOfOrder alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</pointOfOrder>
  <adjournment alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</adjournment>
  <debateSection alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</debateSection>
  <div alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</div>
  <container alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" xml:id="" xml:lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" xml:space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</container>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
alternativeTo eIdRef optional
class xsd:string optional
eId noWhiteSpace optional
period temporalGroupRef optional
refersTo list of referenceRef optional
status statusType optional
style xsd:string optional
title xsd:string optional
wId noWhiteSpace optional
xml:id xs:ID optional
  <h3>id (as an attribute name)</h3>
  <p>denotes an attribute whose value should be interpreted as if declared to be of type ID. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the xml:id specification.</p>
    <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/</a>for information about this attribute.</p>
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
  <h3>lang (as an attribute name)</h3>
  <p>denotes an attribute whose value is a language code for the natural language of the content of any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.</p>
  <p>Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never going to be a realistic possibility.</p>
  <p>See BCP 47 at
    <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt">http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt</a>and the IANA language subtag registry at
    <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry">http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry</a>for further information.</p>
  <p>The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with the empty string.</p>
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
  <h3>space (as an attribute name)</h3>
  <p>denotes an attribute whose value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing discipline is intended for the content of the element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.</p>
<xsd:element name="arguments" type="maincontent">
      <comment>this element is a structural container for the section of a judgment containing the arguments</comment>