Element Group HTMLblock
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0/WD17
<comment>The group HTMLblock lists the elements that are blocks and were inherited from the HTML vocabulary</comment>
Diagram AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Element_ul.tmp#ul AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Element_ol.tmp#ol AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Element_table.tmp#table AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Element_p.tmp#p
Used by
Element Group blockElements
Model ul | ol | table | p
Children ol, p, table, ul
<xsd:group name="HTMLblock">
      <comment>The group HTMLblock lists the elements that are blocks and were inherited from the HTML vocabulary</comment>
    <xsd:element ref="ul"/>
    <xsd:element ref="ol"/>
    <xsd:element ref="table"/>
    <xsd:element ref="p"/>