Complex Type collectionBodyType
<comment>the type collectionBodyType specifies a content model of a container of a list of other documents (e.g, acts, bills, amendments, etc.) possibly interspersed with interstitial elements with content that does not form an individual document</comment>
Diagram AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Attribute_Group_coreopt.tmp#coreopt AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Element_component.tmp#component
Used by
Element collectionBody
Model component+
Children component
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
alternativeTo eIdRef optional
class xsd:string optional
eId noWhiteSpace optional
id optional
lang optional
period temporalGroupRef optional
refersTo list of referenceRef optional
space optional
status statusType optional
style xsd:string optional
title xsd:string optional
wId noWhiteSpace optional
<xsd:complexType name="collectionBodyType">
      <comment>the type collectionBodyType specifies a content model of a container of a list of other documents (e.g, acts, bills, amendments, etc.) possibly interspersed with interstitial elements with content that does not form an individual document</comment>
    <xsd:element ref="component" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="coreopt"/>