<type>Attlist</type><name>xmllang</name><comment>These attribute specify the human language in which the content of the element is expressed as well as the rules for whitespace management in the element. Values for xml:lang are taken from the RFC 4646. Both xml:lang and xml:space are reserved attributes of the XML language, and cannot be used for any other purpose than these ones.</comment>
<xsd:attributeGroup name="xmllang"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation><type>Attlist</type><name>xmllang</name><comment>These attribute specify the human language in which the content of the element is expressed as well as the rules for whitespace management in the element. Values for xml:lang are taken from the RFC 4646. Both xml:lang and xml:space are reserved attributes of the XML language, and cannot be used for any other purpose than these ones.</comment></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:attribute ref="xml:lang"/><xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/></xsd:attributeGroup>