Element keyword
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0
<comment>The element keyword is a metadata element specifying a keyword associated to the FRBR expression of the document. Attribute dictionary (required) specifies the thesaurus out of which the keyword has been taken. Attribute href points to the fragment of text this keyword is associated to. Keywords without href attribute refer to the content as a whole.</comment>
Diagram akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_core.tmp#core akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_idopt.tmp#idopt akomantoso30_xsd_Complex_Type_metaopt.tmp#metaopt akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_linkopt.tmp#linkopt akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_value.tmp#value akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_show.tmp#show akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_refers.tmp#refers akomantoso30_xsd_Attribute_Group_dictionary.tmp#dictionary
Type extension of metaopt
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Used by
Element classification
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
dictionary referenceRef required
eId noWhiteSpace optional
href xsd:anyURI optional
refersTo list of referenceRef optional
shortForm xsd:string optional
showAs xsd:string required
value xsd:string required
wId noWhiteSpace optional
<xsd:element name="keyword">
      <comment>The element keyword is a metadata element specifying a keyword associated to the FRBR expression of the document. Attribute dictionary (required) specifies the thesaurus out of which the keyword has been taken. Attribute href points to the fragment of text this keyword is associated to. Keywords without href attribute refer to the content as a whole.</comment>
      <xsd:extension base="metaopt">
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="linkopt"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="value"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="show"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="refers"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="dictionary"/>