In, Rex Brooks, Editor, reports: [public URIs in brackets] This email message serves as a Comment Resolution Log for the submission of EDXL-TEP-v1.1-WD06 to be published as a Committee Specification Draft and Committee Specification Public Review Draft. This documents that we noted the errors in the Section 5 Conformance of EDXL-TEP-v1.1-CS01 in the Meeting Notes for 4/17/2018 [] I volunteered to make these changes, review the schema, and make other changes necessary, as reflected in edxl-tep-v1.1-cs01-TrackedChanges available at [] I made changes to the Conformance Section, replacing "v1.0" with "v1.1" where needed. I also included the recently approved and published version of edxl-ct-csd04 in the schema in Appendix B of the specification document as well as in the main schema for the specification: edxl-tep-v1.1-wd06.xsd. In addition to this replacement, I also reorganized and consolidated the imported schema and correctly named the directory/folder structure to conform to TC policy. I believe that this covers all the Non-Substantive changes in the package available at [] [...] We should be clear that we are not responding to the previous public review, but to internal comments. Respectfully Submitted, Rex Brooks