3.2.6 Domain elements
Domains in this section include those generally associated
with technical content, such as the programming and software domains.
- Task requirements domain
The task requirements domain contains elements for use in describing tasks that involve machines or other pieces of hardware.
- Programming elements
The programming domain elements are used to define the syntax and to give examples of programming languages.
- Software elements
The software domain elements are used to describe the operation of a software program.
- User interface elements
The user interface domain elements are used to describe the user interface of a software program.
- xNAL domain elements
The xNAL domain elements represent a subset of the Extensible Name and Address Standard. It is used to encode information about the author or authors of DITA information. The domain can be included in any DITA document type shell that requires additional metadata for names and addresses, although the implementations provided by OASIS only include it in the bookmap document type.
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