
An ordered list (<ol>) is a list of items sorted by sequence or order of importance.


Here are the colors of the rainbow in order of appearance from top to bottom:


Doctype Content model
ditabase, topic, task, reference, concept, glossary, map, bookmap ( li) (one or more)

Contained by

Doctype Parents
ditabase desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, section, example, linkinfo, conbody, prereq, context, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, propdesc, glossdef, pd
topic desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, section, example, linkinfo, pd
task desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, section, example, linkinfo, prereq, context, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, pd
concept desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, section, example, linkinfo, conbody, pd
reference desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, section, example, linkinfo, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, propdesc, pd
map, bookmap desc, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, fig, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry


- topic/ol


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
compact Indicates close vertical spacing between the list items. Expanded spacing is the default value. The output result of compact spacing depends on the processor or browser. Allowed values are:
Indicates compact spacing.
Indicates expanded spacing.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
(yes | no | -dita-use-conref-target) #IMPLIED No
spectitle The specialized title attribute allows architects of specialized types to define a fixed or default title for a specialized element. Not intended for direct use by authors. CDATA #IMPLIED No
%univ-atts; (%select-atts;, %id-atts;, %localization-atts;) A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes.      

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OASIS DITA Language Specification v1.1 -- Committee Draft 13 February 2007
Copyright © OASIS Open 2005, 2007. All Rights Reserved.