DITA maps have many of the same common attributes as DITA content,
but also have some additional ones for controlling the way relationships are
interpreted for different output purposes.
Because DITA maps may encode structures that are wholly or partially specific
to a particular medium or kind of output (for example, hyperlinked web pages
or printed books), DITA maps contain attributes to help processors interpret
the map for each kind of output. These attributes are not available in DITA
content: individual topics, once separated from the high-level structures
and dependencies associated with a particular kind of output, should be entirely
reusable across multiple media.
collection-type, linking
The containment structure
in a map can be used to generate related links or references on output. The
author can annotate the containment structure to identify a particular set
of siblings as being part of a specific type of collection, such as a family
or sequence. The collection-type value for a group of siblings can indicate
whether to generate links among the siblings, and what kind of links to generate
(for example, next and previous links for a sequence). The collection-type
attribute can also indicate how the parent topic should link to its children
(for example, showing the child links as a numbered list when the collection-type
is sequence).
By default, relationships between topics in a map are reciprocal:
children link to parents and vice versa; next and previous topics in a sequence
link to each other; topics in neighboring table cells link to each other,
and so on. This default behavior can be modified using the linking attribute,
which lets a topic modify how it participates in a relationship:
- A topic reference with linking="none" does not exist in the map for the
purposes of calculating links
- linking="sourceonly" means that the topic will link to its related topics
but not vice versa
- linking="targetonly" means that the related topics will link to it, but
not vice versa
- linking="normal" is the default, and means that linking will be reciprocal
(the topic will link to related topics, and they will link back to it)
Figure 1. Simple linking example<topicref href="A.dita" collection-type="sequence">
<topicref href="A1.dita"/>
<topicref href="A2.dita"/>
- A
- links to A1, A2, A3 as children
- links to B as related
- A1
- links to A as a parent
- links to A2 as next in the sequence
- A2
- links to A as a parent
- links to A1 as previous in the sequence
- B
- links to A as related
Figure 2. Linking example with the linking attribute<topicref href="A.dita" collection-type="sequence">
<topicref href="B.dita" linking="none"/>
<topicref href="A1.dita"/>
<topicref href="A2.dita"/>
<relcell linking="sourceonly">B.dita</relcell>
- A
- links to A1, A2 as children
- (no links to B as a child, no links to B as related)
- A1
- links to A as a parent
- links to A2 as next in the sequence
- (no links to B as previous)
- A2
- links to A as a parent
- links to A1 as previous in the sequence
- B
- links to A as related
toc, navtitle, locktitle
Authors can exclude entries
from navigation output (such as an online table of contents, or a Web site
map) using the toc attribute. By default, hierarchies are included in navigation
output, and tables are excluded.
Authors can provide a shorter version
of the title for use in the navigation using the navtitle attribute. By default
the navtitle attribute is ignored, and used only to help the author keep track
of the target topic's title. The locktitle attribute can be set to ensure
that the navtitle takes effect and overrides any title values in the target
topic, or defined elsewhere in the topic reference metadata.
print, search
You can set attributes on a topic to
indicate whether it should be included in printed output and search indexes.
chunk, copy-to
When a set of topics is transformed
using a map, multi-topic files can be broken into smaller files, and multiple
individual topics can be combined into a single larger file, using the chunk
New topic versions can be created using the copy-to attribute.
The copied topic will have a new file name, and the map can override the default
title and shortdesc by providing values for them in the map.
Shared attributes
DITA maps use the same metadata and
reuse attributes that DITA topics use:
- product, platform, audience, otherprops, rev, status, importance, xml:lang,
- id, conref
DITA maps also use many of the same attributes that are used with link
or xref elements in DITA content:
- format, scope, href, keyref, type, query
Shared metadata elements, and the lockmeta attribute
can associate topic metadata with a topic or branch of topics in a map. By
default metadata in the map supplements or overrides metadata in the topic.
If the lockmeta attribute is set to "no", then the metadata in the map will
not take precedence over the metadata in the topic, and conflicts will be
resolved in favor of the topic.
The metadata elements in a map are the same
as those in a topic, although they may be in a separate order. The map also
includes a short description and alternate titles, which can override their
equivalents in the content. In sum, the map can override or supplement everything
about a topic except its content (in the topic's body element).