Content models for elements beginning with "a".
In this document type | <abbreviated-form> contains |
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting | EMPTY |
In this document type | <abbrevlist> contains |
Bookmap | EMPTY |
In this document type | <abbrevlist> is contained by |
Bookmap |
In this document type | <abstract> is contained by |
Base topic, Topic (technical content) |
Concept, Glossary entry, Glossary group |
<concept> , <topic>
Ditabase |
<concept> , <reference> , <task> , <topic> , <troubleshooting>
General task, Machinery task, Task |
<task> , <topic>
Reference |
<reference> , <topic>
Troubleshooting | Everything in Task, plus: <troubleshooting> |
In this document type | <addressdetails> contains |
Bookmap | (text data | <data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <unknown> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <apiname> | <option> | <parmname> | <cmdname> | <msgnum> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <numcharref> | <parameterentity> | <textentity> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <term> | <abbreviated-form> | <text> | <administrativearea> | <country> | <locality> | <thoroughfare> )* |
In this document type | <addressdetails> is contained by |
Bookmap |
<organizationinfo> , <personinfo>
In this document type | <administrativearea> contains |
Bookmap | (text data | <data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <unknown> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <apiname> | <option> | <parmname> | <cmdname> | <msgnum> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <numcharref> | <parameterentity> | <textentity> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <term> | <abbreviated-form> | <text> )* |
In this document type | <administrativearea> is contained by |
Bookmap |
In this document type | <alt> is contained by |
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, General task, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting |
<hazardsymbol> , <image>
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group | Everything in Base topic, plus: <glossSymbol> |
In this document type | <amendments> contains |
Bookmap | EMPTY |
In this document type | <amendments> is contained by |
Bookmap |
In this document type | <anchor> contains |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme | EMPTY |
In this document type | <anchor> is contained by |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) |
<foreign> , <keydef> , <map> , <required-cleanup> , <topicgroup> , <topichead> , <topicref> , <topicset> , <unknown>
Subject scheme | Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <subjectScheme> |
In this document type | <anchorid> contains |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) | EMPTY |
In this document type | <anchorid> is contained by |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) |
In this document type | <anchorkey> contains |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) | EMPTY |
In this document type | <anchorkey> is contained by |
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) |
In this document type | <anchorref> contains |
Base map, Bookmap |
<topicmeta> ?, (<data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <topicref> | <anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> | <ditavalref> )* |
Classify map |
<topicmeta> ?, (<data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <topicref> | <anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> | <topicsubject> | <topicapply> | <ditavalref> | <glossref> )* |
Map (technical content) |
<topicmeta> ?, (<data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <topicref> | <anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> | <ditavalref> | <glossref> )* |
Subject scheme |
<topicmeta> ?, (<data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> | <topicref> | <anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> )* |
In this document type | <anchorref> is contained by |
Base map, Map (technical content) |
<anchorref> , <keydef> , <map> , <relcell> , <relcolspec> , <topicgroup> , <topichead> , <topicref> , <topicset> , <topicsetref>
Bookmap | Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <appendix> , <backmatter> , <chapter> , <draftintro> , <frontmatter> , <glossarylist> , <notices> , <part> , <preface> |
Classify map | Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <subjectCell> , <topicCell> , <topicapply> , <topicsubject> |
Subject scheme | Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <hasInstance> , <hasKind> , <hasNarrower> , <hasPart> , <hasRelated> , <relatedSubjects> , <subjectHead> , <subjectRole> , <subjectScheme> , <subjectdef> |
In this document type | <apiname> contains |
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting | (text data | <text> )* |
In this document type | <appendices> contains |
Bookmap |
<topicmeta> ?, <appendix> * |
In this document type | <appendices> is contained by |
Bookmap |
In this document type | <appendix> contains |
Bookmap |
<topicmeta> ?, <topicref> , (<anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> ), (<ditavalref> )(<anchorref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> ), (<ditavalref> )(<ditavalref> )* |
In this document type | <appendix> is contained by |
Bookmap |
<appendices> , <bookmap>
In this document type | <approved> contains |
Bookmap | (<organization> | <person> )*, <revisionid> ?, <started> ?, <completed> ?, <summary> ?, <data> , <sort-as>
<sort-as> * |
In this document type | <approved> is contained by |
Bookmap |
In this document type | <area> contains |
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting |
<shape> , <coords> , <xref>
In this document type | <area> is contained by |
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting |
In this document type | <attributedef> contains |
Subject scheme | (<data> | <sort-as> | <data-about> )* |
In this document type | <attributedef> is contained by |
Subject scheme |
In this document type | <audience> contains |
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting | EMPTY |
In this document type | <audience> is contained by |
Base map, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme |
<metadata> , <topicmeta>
Base topic, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting |
Bookmap | Everything in Base map, plus: <bookmeta> |
In this document type | <author> is contained by |
Base map, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme |
Base topic, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting |
Bookmap |
<bookmeta> , <topicmeta>
In this document type | <authorinformation> contains |
Bookmap | (<organizationinfo> | <personinfo> )* |
In this document type | <authorinformation> is contained by |
Bookmap |
<bookmeta> , <topicmeta>
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dita-v1.3-os-part2-tech-content Standards Track Work Product | Copyright © OASIS Open 2015. All Rights Reserved. | 17 December 2015 |