A Learning Plan topic describes learning needs and goals, instructional design models, task analyses, learning taxonomies, and other information necessary to the lesson planning process.
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/topic learningBase/learningBase learningPlan/learningPlan
<learningPlan id="learningPlanExample"> <title>Learning Plan</title> <shortdesc>It's always good to provide a plan.</shortdesc> <learningPlanbody> <lcProject> <title>lcProject</title> <lcClient> <title>The client</title> <p>Describe the client here.</p> </lcClient> <lcPlanTitle> <title>The plan title</title> <p>Describe the plan title here.</p> </lcPlanTitle> <lcCIN> <title>The identifying information</title> <p>Provide information about the course identification here.</p> </lcCIN> <lcModDate> <title>The modification date</title> <p>Provide the modification date and related information here.</p> </lcModDate> <lcDelivDate> <title>The delivery date</title> <p>Provide the delivery date information.</p> </lcDelivDate> <lcPlanSubject> <title>the Plan subject</title> <p>Provide information about the plan subject.</p> </lcPlanSubject> <lcPlanDescrip> <title>The plan description</title> <p>Provide information about the plan description.</p> </lcPlanDescrip> <lcPlanPrereqs> <title>The prerequisites for the plan</title> <p>Provide information about the plan prerequisites.</p> </lcPlanPrereqs> </lcProject> <lcNeedsAnalysis> <title>The needs analysis</title> <lcOrganizational> <title>Organizational needs</title> <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription> <lcGoals>Provide information about organization goals related to this instruction.</lcGoals> <lcNeeds>Describe organizational needs related to this instruction.</lcNeeds> <lcValues>Describe organizational values related to this instruction.</lcValues> <lcOrgConstraints>Describe organizational constraints related to this instruction.</lcOrgConstraints> </lcOrganizational> <lcPlanAudience> <title>The audience</title> <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription> <lcEdLevel>Describe the education level for the learning audience.</lcEdLevel> <lcAge>Provide age information.</lcAge> <lcBackground>Provide background information.</lcBackground> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcKnowledge>Describe the knowledge requirements.</lcKnowledge> <lcMotivation>Describe the reasons why the learners want and/or need to take the instruction.</lcMotivation> <lcSpecChars>Provide information about any special characteristics of the instruction.</lcSpecChars> </lcPlanAudience> <lcWorkEnv> <title>The work environment</title> <lcWorkEnvDescription>Describe the work environment.</lcWorkEnvDescription> <lcPlanResources>Provide information about resource planning.</lcPlanResources> <lcProcesses>Provide information about important processes.</lcProcesses> </lcWorkEnv> <lcTask> <title>A task</title> <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem> <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude> </lcTask> <lcTask> <title>Another task (as many more as you would like...)</title> <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem> <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude> </lcTask> </lcNeedsAnalysis> <lcGapAnalysis> <title>The gap analysis</title> <lcGapItem> <title>A gap item</title> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta> </lcGapItem> <lcGapItem> <title>Another gap item</title> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta> </lcGapItem> </lcGapAnalysis> <lcIntervention> <title>An intervention</title> <lcInterventionItem> <title>An intervention item</title> <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment> <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery> </lcInterventionItem> <lcInterventionItem> <title>Another intervention item (and more if you want 'em)</title> <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment> <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery> </lcInterventionItem> </lcIntervention> <lcTechnical> <title>Technical considerations</title> <lcLMS> <title>The LMS</title> <p>Describe characteristics of the learning management system to be used. </p> </lcLMS> <lcHandouts> <title>The handouts</title> <p>Describe any handouts. </p> </lcHandouts> <lcClassroom> <title>The classroom</title> <p>Provide information about the classroom, if used. </p> </lcClassroom> <lcOJT> <title>On-the-job training targets</title> <p>Describe the on-the-job training.</p> </lcOJT> <lcConstraints> <title>Constraints</title> <p>Describe any constraints.</p> </lcConstraints> <lcW3C> <title>W3C web standards</title> <p>Provide information about any related web standards.</p> </lcW3C> <lcPlayers> <title>Supported players</title> <p>Detail the tools and plugins used for time-sequenced display at runtime.</p> </lcPlayers> <lcViewers> <title>Supported viewers</title> <p>Detail the viewers used for time-sequenced display at runtime. </p> </lcViewers> <lcResolution> <title>Supported resolutions</title> <p>Provide a list of related resources and information about them, such as related articles or samples on the web.</p> </lcResolution> <lcFileSizeLimitations> <title>File size limitations</title> <p>Describe any file size limitation in the download environment.</p> </lcFileSizeLimitations> <lcDownloadTime> <title>Download time</title> <p>Provide an estimate of the download time.</p> </lcDownloadTime> <lcSecurity> <title>Security concerns</title> <p>Describe security concerns or restrictions.</p> </lcSecurity> </lcTechnical> </learningPlanbody> </learningPlan>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (with a narrowed definition of @id
, given
below), Architectural attribute group, and outputclass.
syntax when cross
referencing or reusing content within the topic;
it also enables <topicref>
elements in DITA maps to optionally reference a
specific topic within a DITA document. This attribute is defined
with the XML Data Type ID.Return to main page.
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