C.4 D elements

Content models for elements beginning with "d".

Content models for <data>

In this document type <data> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <object> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <title> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <data> is contained by
Base map <alt>, <anchorref>, <author>, <b>, <brand>, <category>, <cite>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <data-about>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dl>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <featnum>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keydef>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <map>, <mapref>, <messagepanel>, <metadata>, <navtitle>, <note>, <ol>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <publisher>, <q>, <relcell>, <resourceid>, <searchtitle>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sl>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <topicgroup>, <topichead>, <topicmeta>, <topicref>, <topicset>, <topicsetref>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <ul>, <xref>
Base topic <abstract>, <alt>, <author>, <b>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <brand>, <category>, <cite>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <data-about>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dl>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <featnum>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <messagepanel>, <metadata>, <navtitle>, <note>, <ol>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <prolog>, <publisher>, <q>, <resourceid>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sl>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <ul>, <xref>

Content models for <data-about>

In this document type <data-about> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(<data> | <data-about> | <sort-as>)*◄
In this document type <data-about> is contained by
Base map <alt>, <anchorref>, <author>, <b>, <brand>, <category>, <cite>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <data-about>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dl>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <featnum>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keydef>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <map>, <mapref>, <messagepanel>, <metadata>, <navtitle>, <note>, <ol>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <publisher>, <q>, <relcell>, <resourceid>, <searchtitle>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sl>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <topicgroup>, <topichead>, <topicmeta>, <topicref>, <topicset>, <topicsetref>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <ul>, <xref>
Base topic <abstract>, <alt>, <author>, <b>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <brand>, <category>, <cite>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <data-about>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dl>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <featnum>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <messagepanel>, <metadata>, <navtitle>, <note>, <ol>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <prolog>, <publisher>, <q>, <resourceid>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sl>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <ul>, <xref>

Content models for <dd>

In this document type <dd> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <fig> | <fn> | <foreign> | <hazardstatement> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <indexterm> | <indextermref> | <itemgroup> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <note> | <object> | <ol> | <overline> | <p> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <ul> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <dd> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dlentry>

Content models for <ddhd>

In this document type <ddhd> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <unknown>)*◄
In this document type <ddhd> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dlhead>

Content models for <desc>

In this document type <desc> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <hazardstatement> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <note> | <ol> | <overline> | <p> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <ul> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <desc> is contained by
Base map <fig>, <object>, <table>, <xref>
Base topic <fig>, <link>, <linklist>, <object>, <table>, <xref>

Content models for <ditavalmeta>

In this document type <ditavalmeta> contains
Base map ►(<navtitle>?, (<dvrResourcePrefix>?, <dvrResourceSuffix>?, <dvrKeyscopePrefix>?, <dvrKeyscopeSuffix>?))◄
In this document type <ditavalmeta> is contained by
Base map <ditavalref>

Content models for <ditavalref>

In this document type <ditavalref> contains
Base map <ditavalmeta>*◄
In this document type <ditavalref> is contained by
Base map <anchorref>, <keydef>, <map>, <relcell>, <relcolspec>, <topicgroup>, <topichead>, <topicref>, <topicset>, <topicsetref>

Content models for <div>

In this document type <div> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <fig> | <fn> | <foreign> | <hazardstatement> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <indexterm> | <indextermref> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <note> | <object> | <ol> | <overline> | <p> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <ul> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <div> is contained by
Base map <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <stentry>
Base topic <abstract>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <example>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <stentry>

Content models for <dl>

In this document type <dl> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(<data> | <data-about> | <sort-as>)*, <dlhead>?, <dlentry>+◄
In this document type <dl> is contained by
Base map <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <stentry>
Base topic <abstract>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <example>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <stentry>

Content models for <dlentry>

In this document type <dlentry> contains
Base map, Base topic <dt>+, <dd>+◄
In this document type <dlentry> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dl>

Content models for <dlhead>

In this document type <dlhead> contains
Base map, Base topic <dthd>?, <ddhd>?◄
In this document type <dlhead> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dl>

Content models for <draft-comment>

In this document type <draft-comment> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <fig> | <foreign> | <hazardstatement> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <note> | <object> | <ol> | <overline> | <p> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <ul> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <draft-comment> is contained by
Base map <alt>, <b>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <keyword>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <lq>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <term>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>
Base topic <abstract>, <alt>, <b>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <keyword>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <term>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>

Content models for <dt>

In this document type <dt> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <unknown> | <xref>)*◄
In this document type <dt> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dlentry>

Content models for <dthd>

In this document type <dthd> contains
Base map, Base topic ►(text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <unknown>)*◄
In this document type <dthd> is contained by
Base map, Base topic <dlhead>

Content models for <dvrKeyscopePrefix>

In this document type <dvrKeyscopePrefix> contains
Base map ►(text data | <text>)*◄
In this document type <dvrKeyscopePrefix> is contained by
Base map <ditavalmeta>

Content models for <dvrKeyscopeSuffix>

In this document type <dvrKeyscopeSuffix> contains
Base map ►(text data | <text>)*◄
In this document type <dvrKeyscopeSuffix> is contained by
Base map <ditavalmeta>

Content models for <dvrResourcePrefix>

In this document type <dvrResourcePrefix> contains
Base map ►(text data | <text>)*◄
In this document type <dvrResourcePrefix> is contained by
Base map <ditavalmeta>

Content models for <dvrResourceSuffix>

In this document type <dvrResourceSuffix> contains
Base map ►(text data | <text>)*◄
In this document type <dvrResourceSuffix> is contained by
Base map <ditavalmeta>

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